#repo man x oc
daddy-issues-99 · 1 year
Repo Man x GN reader
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Uses feminine nicknames so idk still gender neutral ig... Also implied age gap. 
TW: Mention of injury, blood, gore 
PLOT: You work with Nathan in collecting organs and develop a crush on him
You stood next to one of the many operating tables putting some of the organs you just cut out into a cooler while Nathan was discarding the left over body. 
You glanced over at him, he lifted the body up onto his shoulders and carried it effortlessly out of the room. You couldn't deny how good looking he was. Even with the mask on just his height and way he carried himself was a major turn on. 
You were still lost in thought when he walked back in. He saw you starring at him and smirked under his mask. 
“You okay Sweetheart?” He asked bringing you back into reality.
“I uh..I just-” He let out a laugh at how you stuttered. He walked over and leaned against the operating table next to you. He was so much taller up close. 
“Rough day?” “Just...tired” You said not making eye contact. “Makes sense, that guy did give a pretty good fight.” “Ya, even with his heart pulled out he was still bitchin.” You leaned back against the table looking down at your blood covered jacket. 
“We should probably clean ourselves off.” You nodded and walked over to the clean up area trying not to slip on puddles of blood but you could catch yourself. 
You fell back, hitting your head on the bloody red floor hard. Your vison went dizzy as you tried to stand up and tears started to stream down your face despite your protest. Nathan rushed over, getting down on his knees to pull you close and make sure you were okay. He could see the tears through the eyes of the mask. “Y/N are you okay?” 
You didn't respond to afraid your voice would be shaky from the tears. You turned your head away trying to hide your already masked face. You tried to push him away and stand up but he stopped you. He gently picked you up bridal style causing you to wrap your hands around his neck, scarred he might drop you. “Don't worry, I wont hurt you Sweetheart.” Despite your protests he carried you over to one of the clean operating tables without even breaking a sweat.
He gently sat you down on the table and took of your mask, placing it next to you and the did the same. You turned your head away trying to hide the tears in your eyes. 
He took off his latex gloves and replaced them with a pair of clean surgical gloves. “Let me see your head.” You didn't dare look up at him but turned your head so he could see where you hit it. He gently touched the back of your head trying to make it as painless as possible. “No blood. Just a bruise starting to form. No need to worry.”
He turned around and threw the gloves away and put on his latex ones again ready to continue his tasks. “I’m sorry” You said just above a whisper causing him to turn around. 
“For what, you did nothing wrong?” He said empathetically. “I know but, you do everything for me and all I can do is make things harder.” You said as your voice cracked. 
“Your perfect, everyone slips up once in a while its okay.” He said placing a hand on your cheek. “You did nothing wrong Sweet heart, its okay” He said as you looked up at him, sadness still in your eyes.
“Will this prove that you've don nothing wrong?” He said as he brought your face and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You instantly tensed up but soon returned the kiss. 
He soon pulled away and you rested you head on his forehead “Did that help?” “It fixed everything” You said as you wrapped your hands around his neck, enjoying the close contact.
“I wish you would have done that sooner.” You said looking him in the eye. He gave you a quick kiss “Me too Sweet heart.” You smiled. 
He helped you off the operating table and handed you your mask, placing a quick kiss on your head before you put it on. “You should fall more often” He said with a smile. “Who said I need to fall for that to happen. You said giving his hand a squeeze. 
“Same thing tomorrow?” “Same thing tomorrow.” 
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This is Lyric/Symbols
He's one of the newest repo men, technically still a repo assistant, but a repo man none the less.
He grew up on the island taking the piss out of everyone, and almost getting themself killed. His parents didn't want to keep having Genecops and repo men and graverobbers and stuff coming to their door to complain about their son or chasing their child to kill them or some other shit, so they kicked him out. And on his eighteenth birthday!
So he roamed the streets, and a month later, the opera happened. They saw this as a good job opportunity, and took up a super secret offer to get this job
And of course it worked!
So he's now almost a fully fledged repo man!.. with an addiction to zydrate
Yeah, he's addicted to zydrate. It deals with the stress and constant pain, either physical or mental strain of the job. When you can't feel nothing at all and in euphoria? It's wonderful to him!
So Symbols would go to Graverobber after some point, even though he loathed Graverobber to the point of wanting to kill him! But he had to because Symbols had already either killed all the other graverobbers by getting them himself, caught be genecops, or made them mad that they wouldn't accept any business from him. Plus Geneco zydrate was too expensive for him and he was already in enough debt for being a repo man and under the Largo's thumb.
So after a bit of getting a hit of zydrate from Graverobber n shit, they developed a sort of love hate relationship, but Graverobber kind of accepted it and let it go on because it was "Better than Amber and he actually pays me."
That's all I have for now tbh...
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I’m bored so here’s some of my jackets IG, pretty much all of these were jackets that I got on sale super cheap or that I was given.
The purple jacket is my newest and still very much a work in progress, (all of them are escrow the Donnie Darko one actually, purple is jsut the newest) and I need to redo the back patch (Polkas Not Dead by The Dreadnoughts, fave album by my fave band) next to it is my other main jacket which has a Danger Days back design. “Do Good Recklessly” is a saying that has resonated with me a lot so I figured it would be cool to have it there. I got a Reel Big Fish patch coming in the mail soon and I wanna get a Ska Dream patch for it, trying to decide if I wanna add some colored/patterned panels to it bc that night look cool. Gotta figure out what other bands I wanna put on it but it’s kinda hard to find colorful patches lmao
The gray jacket actually started off as a cosplay item for a Killjoys OC that I never got around to doing. I consider this my first jacket even tho there was a really shitty vest that I wore one singular time before I got this one. My boyfriend actually made a few of the patches that are on the gray jacket (Days N Daze and Polkas Not Dead above the spider) as birthday gifts when we first met, I don’t put a ton of patches on that jacket and it’s all bands that are v important to me for various reasons, the Frank Turner one was from the first show I went to with my boyfriend and he has one on one of his jackets too. Mischief Brew is one of my fave bands and their music means a lot to me, LS Dunes (the pyramid) has a really cool community surrounding it so I thought it would be cool to put that there. It also has zippered sleeves which makes it really nice for year round use!! Also has a Billy Idol pin because I grew up listening to Generation X and I still adore that debut album. Im immunocompromised and have a kidney transplant so I decided to add the pins to represent that because they are a big part of who I am.
On the bottom two pics, the left jacket is my queer horror inspired jacket. I am at some point gonna get a backpatch of The Old Dark House of a scene at the end of the movie with Morgan (Boris Karloff) holding Saul’s body (Brember Wills.) It also has a few Rocky Horror related items on it such as the “creature of the night” patch coming from the song Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me as well as the iconic lips and Frank-N-Furtor. Also have a The Lost Boys pin and the Babadook as well as a Beetlejuice pin. The Elm St. pin is specifically for Nightmare 2 and Gene Co is from Repo the Genetic Opera, a movie with a bisexual face stealer. It’s a fun time. Frankenstein and the Bride are classic queer coded cinema and James Whales was an openly gay man who directed both (as well as The Old Dark House) in the 1930s.
The last jacket is my Donnie Darko jacket. Donnie Darko is one of my fave movies, everting except the pins were done by hand. The pins are all artists who are actually featured in the soundtrack of the movie.
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stropharian-world · 2 years
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An Homage to the most recurrent Rick OCs in my feed (it’s that spider man meme lol)
Stoner Rick / Z-420 belongs to @ricksanchez-z420
Chef Rick / X-1633 belongs to @cthutocats
Very Evil Rick / E-22912 belongs to @e-22912
Repo Rick belongs to @hebby-arts
Cy / Rick S-432 belongs to @rickxation
Open Flesh Rick / OF Rick belongs to @stropharian-world (me)
Bartender Rick / B-331 belongs to @kreidxpriz
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toclic · 4 years
Ethalia - Chapitre 3
Ethalia - Jongin
Paire : Jongin x OC (Yo Jeong)
Genre : Fantasy AU, Surnaturelle AU, Academy AU
Nombre de mots : 3498 mots.
Chapitre : 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13 
A/N : Salut, je vais pas vous mentir j’ai pas énormément de choses à dire dans cette note d’auteur, à part que j’ai publié deux chapitres dans la même journée, pour être honnête je peux en mettre plus mais je dis qu’il faut vous faire un peu patienter, sinon c’est pas drôle ; ). 
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Crédit au propriétaire du gif.
Chapitre 3
Il était 22h, la fête d'orientation avait commencé il y a maintenant plusieurs heures, j'étais en train de profiter au maximum de Geom Jeong et de Hi Jin, c'était les derniers instants passés ensemble avant un bon bout de temps, on était en train de boire un verre de jus de pomme, à parler joyeusement un peu à l'écart des plus vieilles adultes.
'' Bon alors, les filles qu'est-ce-que vous allez choisir comme orientation alors? '' demandai-je en prenant une gorgée de jus de pomme.
'' Uhmm, je pense me spécialiser dans les plantes botaniques! '' s'exclama Hi Jin.
'' Et moi dans l'études des plantes. '' a répondu ensuite Geom Jeong.
'' Waouh! Je ne savais pas! ''
'' Hehe! Tu ignores bien des choses sur nous Yo Jeong! '' déclara Hi Jin se grattant l'arrière de la tête.
'' Haha, vous me cachez des choses ! Petites malignes ! '' dis-je mon poing contre le haut de leur tête tout en rigolant et souriant à pleines dents.
'' Ah Yo Jeong, arrête ! Tu me décoiffes ! '' grommela Hi Jin semblant mécontente.
'' Hahaha d'accord ! '' finis-je en enlevant mes mains du haut de leur crâne.
'' Yo Jeong. '' appela Geom Yeong, pendant que Hi Jin était en train de recoiffer. '' A quelle heure devras-tu partir? ''
'' Je ne sais pas trop, je n'y ai pas trop pensé '' Geom Yeong acquiesça doucement en prenant une gorgée de son jus.
'' Je te connais je sais que tu n'as pas envie d'assister à la cérémonie, alors tu devras partir avant minuit. ''
'' Je vois, merci Hi Jin, je n'y avais pas trop pensé en fait '' révélai-je en me grattant ma lèvre inférieure de gêne, dans les moments comme celui-ci, j'ai toujours eu ce réflexe de me gratter ma lèvre, je ne peux pas m'en empêcher.
'' Ahlala, tu n'as pas changé Yo Jeong ! '' déclara-t-elle en me frottant un peu la tête.
'' Les filles ! Ne tardez pas trop la cérémonie va bientôt commencer ! '' s'exclama soudainement une des plus vieilles femmes de notre village.
A sa déclaration, je sentis un énorme poids se mettre soudainement dans mon cœur, dans quelques deux heures, j'allais partir seule dans un monde dont je connais juste les histoires de voyage de ma mère et les quelques croquis qu'elle a dessiné dans son carnet, je serai seule sans aucune personne de ma race pour m'aider, je commençai petit à petit à paniquer et mes deux amies l'avaient bien remarqué.
'' Yo Jeong '' appela doucement Hi jin '' Certes Geom Yeong et moi ne serons pas là physiquement mais... '' elle s'arrêta pour poser son verre de jus de pomme, elle prit une des mains de Geom Yeong et une des miennes puis elle les colla entre elles, les pressa contre mon cœur et dit de sa douce voix '' Mais on sera toujours là avec toi. Ici. ''
'' Oui Hi Jin a raison, sache qu'on sera toujours avec toi, qu'on t'encouragera toujours même si nous ne sommes pas là avec toi physiquement.''
'' Merci les filles, ça fait vraiment du bien... '' révélai-je en serrant plus leur main dans la mienne tout en les regardant, sentant les larmes montaient. '' Mais... Sachez que vous allez énormément me manquer... '' confiai-je les larmes coulant sur mes joues et en enveloppant nos mains dans ma deuxième libre et en les collant contre mon front.
'' Nous aussi Yo Jeong, nous aussi... '' confia à son tour Hi Jin la voix tremblante en se baissant pour poser son front contre le haut de mon crâne, Geom Jeong s'est ensuite rajoutée à nous en nous enlaçant de son bras libre, j'ai ensuite senti de l'humidité contre mon crâne indiquant alors qu'Hi Jin était, elle aussi, en train de pleurer.
Et nous restions ici, entre nous, à pleurer ensemble, derrière le bruit des tambours, des bavardages et des rires des femmes de notre village, à pleurer ma prochaine liberté dans quelques heures.
Il était maintenant 23h20, et j'étais en route vers la cabane de Man Yeo, accompagnée de mes deux meilleures amies, elles avaient toutes les deux insisté pour m'y accompagner, nous traversons nos bois avec des lampes, j'avais le sac en tissu de ma mère sur le dos et avançais dans les bois, le même que tout à l'heure, mais aussi de l'excitation de pouvoir enfin sortir d'ici, de cette prison.
J'étais en train de m'imaginer le monde extérieur, comme il devrait être magnifique ! Je suis sûre qu'il est, j'ai hâte de pouvoir enfin découvrir d'autres races, si différentes des elfes, mais aussi toutes les herbes médicinales, j'ai envie de découvrir ce monde.
Encore plongée dans mes pensées, nous atteignions enfin la petite cabane en bois de Man Yeo, on pouvait apercevoir la silhouette de celle-ci encore à l'intérieur de sa cabane.
On s'approcha donc de la vieille et frêle porte en bois, et on y toqua, puis la porte s'ouvrit soudainement, laissant apparaître Man Yeo, tenant une lanterne dans sa main et la leva pour éclairer nos visages, puis elle sourit et nous invita à entrer :
'' Bien les filles, entrez ! ''
A l'intérieur, elle accrocha sa lanterne sur un crochet, cette cabane était plus grande à l'intérieur qu'elle ne paraissait de dehors, elle était entièrement faite de bois, sauf le sol qui était la terre elle-même ce qui faisait pousser de grosse plantes grimpant sur les murs frêles du bâtiment, zigzaguant entre les bocaux posés sur les hautes étagères contenant différents liquides de toutes sortes. Elle nous escorta devant un gros chaudron noir, rempli de liquide vert fumant, ayant pas l'air du breuvage le plus appétissant que j'ai pour l'instant connu.
'' Euh... Qu'est-ce-que c'est ? '' demanda Hi Jin une expression de dégoût inscrite sur son visage en voyant le liquide dans le chaudron, et l'odeur pestilentielle s'en échappant.
'' La potion qui nous fera sortir de ces ronces. '' répondit Man Yeo, en fermant un sac de voyage.
'' Nous ? '' répétai-je, intriguée.
'' Oui, je vais t'accompagner. ''
'' M-mais je pensais que tu voulais vivre une vie tranquille ici. ''
'' Oui et ne vous faites pas de fausses idées, je le veux toujours, mais je t'accompagne pour que tu puisses t'inscrire à Ethalia. ''
'' Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par là ? '' Demanda Geom Jeong.
'' Ethalia a beau être gratuite, le seul moyen de s'y inscrire et d'avoir une lettre de recommandation par un ancien élève d'Ethalia, écrite dans le bureau d'admission de la capitale, et puis je pense être la seule ici capable de t'y amener avant le dernier délais d'inscription, et en sécurité. ''
'' Oh, je comprends mieux, et bien merci Man Yeo ! '' remerciai-je en lui souriant.
'' Bien alors je vais t'expliquer, la barrière de ronces et beaucoup moins épaisse que l'on peut supposer, il y a environ 10 mètres de ronces, cette potion... '' Elle montra le liquide vert dans le chaudron. '' est temporaire, je l'ai préparée pour qu'elle dure le temps minimum pour qu'on puisse traverser la barrière, on devra donc la boire seulement quand on sera devant les ronces. '' J'acquiesçai. '' Ensuite, tu ne boiras pas directement la potion de changement d'apparence, tu la boiras seulement quand on sera à la capitale car elle a besoin de deux jours de repos après la préparation. ''
'' Alors elle devra se cacher ses oreilles, non ? '' demanda Geom Jeong.
'' C'est exact, c'est pour ça... '' Elle arrêta de parler pour aller fouiller dans un gros coffre et sortit un long manteau à capuche noire et nous les montra. '' Qu'elle devra porter ça. Tiens mets-le. '' Je fais donc ce qu'elle me dit, il était plutôt grand pour moi, l'ourlet du manteau noir atterrissait vers le bas de mes genoux, et les manches se finissait à la fin des premières phalanges et la capuche cachait presque mes yeux. '' Désolé, je n'ai pas plus petit. ''
'' Ce n'est pas grave, tant qu'elle cache mes oreilles ! '' rassurai-je en lui souriant.
Puis elle prit trois fioles, dans deux de celle-ci elle mit l'étrange liquide nauséabonde, puis dans le dernier elle mit un liquide bleu sortit de nulle part. On pouvait donc supposer que c'était la potion qui allait changer mon apparence, puis elle me l'a tendu.
'' Tiens range-la dans ton sac, fais bien attention qu'elle soit dans la chaleur, il faut absolument qu'elle reste dans une température élevée. '' Je fis directement ce qu'elle dit, je rangeai la fiole, bouchée par un bouchon en liège, entre les vêtements les plus chauds que j'avais. '' Bien allons-y, pour que Geom-Jeong et Hin-Ji soit à l'heure à la cérémonie d'orientation. '' déclara-t-elle en rangeant les deux dernières fioles dans son sac et le mit sur ses épaules, puis Man Yeo se dirigea vers la porte, en reprenant la lanterne accrochée au crochet et ouvrit la porte en bois, nous la suivîmes alors dans la forêt sombre en direction de la barrière de ronces.
Pendant le trajet, tout est calme et silencieux, personne ne parlait, si quelqu'un arrivait ici, il entendrait seulement, le son de quelques brindilles se brisant sous nos pas, le son des animaux nocturnes comme les hiboux, les criquets, ou tout simplement le bruit du ruissellement de l'eau de la rivière se trouvant à quelques mètres de nous.
Malgré le silence, l'atmosphère n'était pas très pesante, bien sûr on pouvait sentir un peu de stress, mais avec la déclaration de Man Yeo disant qu'elle allait m'accompagner pour l'allé enlevait déjà une énorme pression de mon cœur, et du stress de se perdre dans notre énorme monde.
Le stress de la solitude dans ce vaste monde a été remplacé par un autre, celui en rapport aux potions qu'avait préparé la sorcière, j'ai certes confiance en les capacités de Man Yeo, mais ça n'enlevait seulement pas la peur d'un dysfonctionnement dans la potion, comme quoi, elles pouvaient s'annuler d'une minute à l'autre sans prévenir pendant qu'on traversait la barrière de ronces.
Nous voici maintenant devant ces fameuses ronces que personne n'osait traverser.
Man Yeo, qui était depuis tout ce temps devant nous toutes, se retourna et me regarda profondément dans les yeux :
'' Tu es sûre de ça, Yo Jeong ? Tu sais que tu peux encore annuler et revenir au village ? Je ne vaux pas influencer tes choix, mais dis-toi que le monde extérieur est injuste, impitoyable et dangereux, il n'hésitera pas à te rabaisser, te rappeler les erreurs, et aussi te mettre dans le danger. Alors je te le répète Yo Jeong, es-tu sûre de vouloir sortir ? ''
Pour moi, la réponse était évidente, bien sûr que je voulais sortir, mais je ne pouvais m'empêcher de réfléchir une énième fois à cette décision, je pensais à mes amies, à grand-mère même si ces temps-ci ça n'allait pas trop bien avec elle mais je l'aimais toujours, elle restait ma grand-mère, elle restait qui avait rempli le rôle de mère quand la mienne est partie, ou même aux villageoises entre nous, elfe, nous sommes extrêmement proches et elles nous protégeaient toutes énormément, à vrai dire Geom Jeong, Hi Jin, quelques autres elfes de notre âge et moi étions les elfes les plus jeunes de notre village, nos parents se sont rencontrés avant que le dômes de ronces ne soit créé, nous étions donc les dernières elfes, les cadettes.
Je levai alors ma tête vers Man Yeo, et lui répondis d'une voix sérieuse :
'' Oui, j'en suis sûre. '' A ma réponse la sorcière esquissa un sourire narquois, et rigola un peu.
'' Tu es bien la fille de Ja Yu '' Elle se retourna alors vers les ronces, s'accroupit, et commença à fouiller dans son sac, pour sortir les deux fioles de liquide vert. '' Je te laisse quelque temps pour dire au revoir à tes amies. '' J'acquiesçai et me retournai vers mes deux meilleures amies mais je fus surprise par la vue devant moi, Hi Jin avait sa tête posée sur l'épaule de Geom Jeong, qui caressait les cheveux blancs à l'arrière de sa tête, je pouvais entendre les sanglots de la blanche, et malgré l'obscurité je pouvais apercevoir de petites larmes, coulant des yeux argentés de Geom Jeong, celle-ci leva la tête vers moi et me fit petit sourire triste, alors n'attendant plus longtemps, je sautai directement dans leurs bras et les serrai de toutes mes forces, et pleurant moi aussi, leur disant à quel point elles allaient me manquer et que j'étais désolée de devoir les quitter comme ça.
'' Ne t'excuses pas voyons, ce n'est pas un péché de vouloir s'échapper pour trouver la liberté. '' Geom Jeong essaya de me calmer en posant sa main libre à l'arrière de ma tête et les caressa à leur tour.  Hi Jin leva soudainement sa tête.
'' Promets que tu seras heureuse dehors, que tu ne regretteras pas ton choix de partir, promets-nous que tu réaliseras ton rêve, d'accord ? '' A travers mes larmes je lui fis un sourire, elles allaient vraiment manqué, ce sera peut-être la dernière fois que je le verrai, mais si c'est le cas alors... Je ne les oublierai, elles m'ont toujours accompagné dans ce que je faisais, dans ce que j'entretenais, pour moi elles sont les deux sœurs que je n'ai jamais eu, je suis heureuse de les avoir connu, je suis heureuse d'être leur amie, je suis fière d'elles.
'' Promis. ''    
'' Les filles, je suis désolée de devoir interrompu ce beau moment mais il faut y aller. ''
Je m'extirpai de l'étreinte des filles, remis mon sac correctement sur mes épaules, et commençai à m'éloigner de mes meilleures amies.
'' Attends, Yo Jeong! '' m'arrêta Hi Jin '' On a quelque chose pour toi! '' Elle fouilla alors dans les poches de sa veste, et sortit un collier, un pendentif argenté et pendait, il y a trouvé à l'intérieur une pierre verte pâle.
La blanche s'avança doucement vers moi, elle décrocha la chaîne du collier se mit derrière moi, et me le mit, alors je pris le pendentif vert dans ma main, je découvris, qu'on pouvait apercevoir de l'argent entouré la pierre, elles étaient tellement fines, qu'on pouvait les voir comme des branches d'un arbre.
'' Wouah les filles! Il est magnifique! Merci beaucoup ! '' les remerciai-je en relevant pour remarquer qu'Hi Jin était revenue aux côtés de Geom Jeong, celle-ci en train de me sourire tendrement.
'' Au moins tu seras qu'on sera toujours là pour toi ! '' déclara Geom Jeong, je lui souris doucement, toujours triste de devoir les quitter en échange, de ma liberté, elles ont toujours été là pour moi, elles m'ont toujours aidé dans les nombreux moments difficiles de ma vie, quand même ma propre grand-mère ne pouvait me réconforter ! Toutes ces années à leurs côtés, il y en aura peut-être plus. Ce moment sera peut-être le dernier à leurs côtés, ce sera peut-être la dernière fois que je les verrai. Non ! Cela ne peut pas arriver, je veux en avoir plus avec elles ! Je veux qu'elles aussi, elles puissent goûter à la liberté, elles aussi j'ai envie qu'elles puissent voir notre énorme monde ! Je veux qu'elles trouvent l'amour, qu'elles se marient, qu'elles aient des enfants ! C'est décidé je vais renverser cette stupide loi, peut importe le moyen, j'y arriverai.
'' Yo Jeong. '' Une voix m'appela et me sortit de mes pensées. '' On doit y aller. '' Je me retournai, en adressant un dernier sourire à mes deux meilleures amies et bus la potion que me tendait la sorcière, et me dirigeai déterminée vers la barrière de ronces, arrivée devant j'hésitai un peu, j'étais la première à passer, Man Yeo était derrière moi, je tendis ma main vers une épine, et vis que ma main la traversait sans aucun problème, alors je m'avançai prudemment dans cet enfer épineux, il faisait tellement sombre et le fait que c'était la nuit n'arrangeait aucunement notre situation mais heureusement il y avait toujours la lumière de la flamme de la lampe de Man Yeo qui nous éclairait le chemin.
Je ne voyais plus de ronces et d'épines, non devant moi se trouvait un grand arbre, tellement semblable à ceux que l'on pouvait trouver dans notre forêt, à cause de cette pensée, j'hésitai un peu, est-ce-que nous n'étions pas de l'autre côté de la barrière mais bien toujours dans la forêt ?
'' Ne t'inquiètes pas, Yo Jeong, nous sommes bien de l'autre côté de la barrière, lève la tête '' Je fis alors ce qu'elle me dit en me demandant ce qu'il y avait, mais il se trouve qu'il n'y avait rien.
'' Il n'y a rien. ''
'' C'est ça, il n'y a rien. ''
Il n'y avait aucunes ronces qui cachaient le ciel nocturne, je pouvais enfin bien l'apercevoir, sans aucun problème, ses petits points lumineux, appelés étoiles, et cette grosse boule dans le ciel, nous offrons une magnifique lumière argentée, c'était beau, mais il y avait une troisième chose, dans ce ciel, c'était gros, ça avançait rapidement dans l'air sans aucun problème cela ressemblait à un énorme lézard avec des ailes, beaucoup plus gros que ce que l'on trouvait dans notre forêt.
'' Man Yeo '' l'appelai-je. '' Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ? '' lui demandai-je en pointant le lézard dans le ciel. Elle releva la tête vers la chose, et quand elle l'a vit, elle me prit soudainement la main, et me tira vers un grand arbre, et plaça la capuche sur ma tête, beaucoup trop grande pour moi je ne voyais presque plus et elle mit sa main libre contre ma bouche. '' Qu'est-ce-qui se passe ? ''
'' C'est un veilleur de nuit, il ne faut absolument pas qu'il ne te voit. '' chuchota-t-elle.
'' Mais pourquoi tu chuchotes ? ''
'' Il est doté, d'une ouïe et d'une vue surréaliste, donc à partir de maintenant tu te tais, compris ? '' J'acquiesçai. '' Bien, maintenant suis-moi, sans faire de bruit, et reste en dessous des arbres. ''
Nous commençâmes alors à avancer dans la grande forêt, elle ne changeait pas énormément de la nôtre, elle était juste beaucoup plus éclairée, grâce à la grosse boule dans le ciel, j'avais maintenant une confiance aveugle, envers la sorcière me tenant toujours la main.
En avançant plus profondément dans la forêt, je pensais à mon village, qu'est-ce qu'ils étaient en train de faire, le choix d'orientation n'avait sûrement toujours pas commencé, grand-mère me cherchant, la colère se lisant parfaitement sur son visage, elle savait que j'allais détester cette fête, elle devait chercher désespérément dans le village, à cette pensée je me sentais énormément coupable pour son vieil âge, elle cherchait dans tout le village, alors je priai intérieurement pour qu'elle trouve rapidement la note laissée dans ma chambre.
Man Yeo s'arrêta alors, j'ai failli rentrer dans son dos, j'étais trop plongée dans mes pensées.
'' Il est parti, on va pouvoir se reposer. '' dit-elle, lâchant ma main, et sortant une tente faite par les épaisses et énormes feuilles que l'on pouvait trouver facilement dans notre forêt et me les donna. '' On va dormir à la belle étoile, ce soir, Yo Jeong. ''
Quelques instants sont passés, et nous voilà maintenant couchées sur d'énormes, et épaisses feuilles de notre forêt, à regarder, le nouveau ciel étoilé de ce monde, je ne pouvais arrêter de le regarder. C'était tellement nouveau pour moi, mais j'aimais ça : la nouveauté, ça faisait bien de pouvoir découvrir de nouvelles choses. Je levai la main vers ce beau ciel étoilé, comme si j'essayais de le toucher, je fermai ensuite le poing comme si j'essayai d'attraper les petits points lumineux dans le ciel, je la rouvris pour voir ma paume vide, il n'y avait rien, puis j'entendis Man Yeol rigolait.
'' Pourquoi est-ce-que tu rigoles ? '' demandai-je tournant ma tête vers elle, ses longs et lisses cheveux châtains clairs s'étalant sur la feuille servant de lit et ses yeux fermés empêchaient de pouvoir contempler ses magnifiques pupilles étrangement jaunes, puis elle les rouvrit et me regarda en souriant.
'' Tu es juste trop mignonne. '' répondit-elle, son sourire ne quittant pas ses lèvres, à sa réponse une mine ennuyée s'étala sur mon visage, mais plus je continuai à la regarder, plus je souriais, c'était rare de la voir sourire comme ça, et ça me faisait chaud au cœur qu'on sachant que grâce à moi elle puisse sourire comme en ce moment, et je ne tardai pas à rigoler à mon tour.
Puis, plus le temps passait, plus mes paupières commençait à baisser, jusqu'à je tombe dans les confortables bras de Morphée, rêvant à ce qui allaitait se passer le lendemain, mon sourire ne quittant jamais mes lèvres.                
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thegmdfangirl14 · 5 years
Inspiration list for the Tale of the Horned girl and the Ghost Lord
(This is probably the randomest thing you're going to see today, or at least one of them, so bear with me.) This is everything that influenced me so far with the writing of my Betrayus x Oc story!
-  Disney's Enchanted: Okay, this gave me a huge love of the whole "unconventional fairytale" genre(and kickstarted my love for trope defying stuff), and Giselle partially inspired Valerie's character( the things they have in common:they both have red hair, and are far too good for all the crap they have to go through), and that scene where she fall through the well and ends up in the real world definitely inspired Valerie's entrance to the Netherworld.....
-Starkid's Twisted(the untold story of a royal Vizier): This influenced me heavily in terms of writing the story(one of the songs is on three of the playlists I created), and who could blame me? It gives a lot of character to one of Disney's best villains that also justifies his actions (I'm a sucker for villain backstories, especially ones that add on more character), perfectly balances hilarious moments with heartbreaking ones, and has one of the best musical love songs I've ever heard(*cough cough* Thousand and one nights *cough*
-Labyrinth: What can I say? Even if Sarah's a bit of a dislikeable protagonist(but she gets a bit better near the end), the seriously fantastical and slightly creepy nature of the Labyrinth itself is part of my reference for the Netherworld. And Sara sort of works as reference for a flawed protagonist.... And who can forget the legend himself: David Bowie(aka Jereth), who was put a little into mind when I was writing about Betrayus(I mean damn... the man oozes charm and dangerous elegance....)….
-Wicked(the musical): Yet another great villain musical, and it was one of the fist I discovered! Also, Glinda's serving as my inspiration for how I'm going to further Eli's character(yeah she'll be in the fic too, but I'm hoping to fix her a bit)……
-@anti-cosmofangirl All of her pmatga stuff served as references for how I see each character in my head(and damn. It's good stuff.), and immediately got me thinking about the world and how to build it up.....
-The Disney twisted tales series(multiple authors): Hmm... taking something that's well known and loved, adding a little twist to it(what if Aladdin never found the lamp), and then building from there? Sounds good to me! This series adds character to those who didn't have much before, expands on the known world, and is pretty dark while staying true to the original material! I mean, it's almost like it's a perfect idea to write a story in they style of this....*wink wink* And it's amazing reference for when I'm trying to develop Bet's character, and future reference for President Spheros…..
-Valerie and her week of Wonders: This is an obscure little 1970's Chzek fantasy horror film, which is pretty awesome in itself, and served as where I came up with Valerie's name!(She was almost called Emily, but I changed my mind at the last minute, due to remembering this film) The film features a teenage girl named Valerie who encounters all sorts of strange and otherworldly creatures, all after putting on a pair of magic earrings, and the fairy-tale like tone inspired Valerie's love of stories(the film is based off of little red riding hood, and Alice in wonderland.), because this film was inspired by them after all.....
-Valiant by Holly Black: Protagonist is named Valerie in this one too(and actually shares a lot of Valerie's qualities, such as stubbornness and the such), and I came up with Valerie's nickname: "Lady Valiant" from the same book!(Although it was a variation on a different nickname in the book) And it's a great dark modern fairytale too!
-Anna and the Apocalypse: The best Christmas Horror Musical Teen Comedy I've ever seen!(or probably will see, due to the weird word combinations) A lot of the songs influenced scenes I've written(Turning my life around, Break away), and still more have influenced scenes I haven't written as of yet....(Nothing's going to stop me now, I will believe, Give them a show)
-Ectoplasm Hearts(a pmatga fanfic)- Very good stuff for writing about Betrayus, and Pinky!(I ship Pinkster, so this is good!)
- The School for good and Evil series by Soman Chainani: Introduced me to the concept that people are more than they appear, and that what's good and evil isn't always as simple as seeing what someone's like on the outside…. Also, the two protagonists: Sophie and Agatha, each inspired Valerie in their turn....(but mostly Agatha)
-Princess Jellyfish(manga/anime): This is my favorite unconventional romance, and the scenes between Tsukimi and Kuranosuke are amazing romance inspiration for Betrayus and Valerie!     (Here's a link to the anime, sorry if the audio's bad, but the manga's better reference) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0MthVxMZU0t72XjA8AGSflEp4-xn1y1Z
- A winter's promise by Christelle Dabos: Amazing fantasy novel, and the world-building's top notch!
-Disney's Maleficent: Hey, did you know that Maleficent inspired Valerie a bit?
-Rat Queens(graphic novel series): Gave me my love of bad-ass woman characters, and Hannah was my primary inspiration for Valerie, as you can see from the prologue.....
-Repo! The genetic opera: Shiloh's a great reference for Eli's character.....
-The court of thorns and Roses series(Sarah J. Maas): Starts off as a dark beauty and the beast story, than completely gets turned on its head in book two following a major plot twist.... Also, Feyre and Rhyshand are great romantic inspiration for Betrayus and Valerie(Rhys has some of Bet's qualities, and Feyre shares a lot with Valerie....)!
And that's all I can think of! (There's probably more, but it'd take me forever to list them all)
Hope you liked! : )
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Got bored and made a list of pretty much every major OC I've ever put on paper. Under the cut so as not to take up too much room lol
(Edited because I found characters I forgot existed)
Acaia--original character for a short lived RP. Don't remember much about it other than it was fantasy themed.
Ace--Alice in Wonderland inspired. Ace of Spades specifically and ended up beheaded by the Red Queen.
Aiden--Ouran High School Host Club OC
Alice--original character for a story I wrote freshman year. She was a living puppet of sorts and a prisoner to her stage.
Ariel--Legion OC turned sort of original character. An angel that lost one of her wings in a fight with another angel
Ava--X-Men OC. Code Name is Echo. She can remember and mimic any sound she hears but has no voice of her own.
Azazel-- original character. Fallen angel and one of the boys that lives with Jacqueline.
Belladonna--The Devil's Carnival OC. Named after the poisonous plant that's nicknamed "devil's cherry".
Burton--Undertale OC. Pumpkin headed monster that tries to be scary but is a total scaredy cat.
Catherine Chambers--Bioshock OC. Has one of the most effed up tragic endings of all my OCs
Camryn--Repo! The Genetic Opera OC.
Chiyo--original character. Protagonist for a comic I never got to called I Wanna Be A Magical Girl!
Daemon--original character. Crystal hearted, soul eating Dad Friend.
Daisuke--I Wanna Be A Magical Girl! character. Secretly a magical boy and has a crush on Chiyo.
Deanna--original OC. Can manipulate and travel through shadows.
Drakir--Atlantis: The Lost Empire OC apparently?? I don't remember much about him
Elijah--original OC. Half angel based on a dream I had and love interest to Gwendolin.
Eva--Doctor Horrible OC. Wannabe villain in training.
Evyn--Homunculus turned original character. He can mimic a physical trait of someone else by touching them.
Fehl--A character for a book my friend is writing. I remember her being afraid of heights.
Gwendolin--original character. Came from the same dream as Elijah and has beautiful lavender hair.
Hattie--Alice in Wonderland inspired. Decapitated by order of the Queen but later resurected by the March Hare.
Haru--I Wanna Be A Magical Girl! character. Chiyo's best friend that keeps her from getting hurt on her quest to be a magical girl.
Haruko--original character. Demon girl from the days of Neopets RPs.
Ira--original character. Man made demon full of rage and chronic pain
Izz--Invader Zim OC. In charge of scouting out unconquered planets and gathering data.
Jacqueline--original character. Started as my persona but gained a life and story of her own.
Jaelah--Labyrinth inspired oc. Born from my friends calling me Jareth's Sister and Queen of the Labyrinth
Jakob--original character. Inspired by a Kesha song and likes eating men both sexually and literately.
Jezebeth--Supernatural OC. Fallen angel turned demon and likes flirting with everyone
Jill the Killer.exe--"original" character. Parody and clusterfuck of Creepypasta OC cliches
Katherine Sparrow--original character. Vampire pirate, goes only by her surname and has severe self hatred issues
Kiinamare--Arc the Lad OC. I literately just found a doodle with her name on it mystery effin' solved.
Kiki--Bleach OC??
Kitty--Digimon OC. Basically just a self insert lol
Kyli--original character. Only one with a tragic backstory that isn't angsty about it
Kylixant--Kingdom Hearts OC. More specifically an Org. XIII character using my full first name. her weapon is a giant incense ball.
Liam--OFF OC. Never sure if he was an Elsen or not but his scarf became snakes when he freaked out
Luna--Fullmetal Alchemist OC. One of my oldest and most revamped characters to date.
Lunah--possible D&D character. White Dragonborn sorcerer that came to me in a dream.
Luune--.hack character. Used for a middle school RP and really nothing else after.
Lylith--D&D character. Half-Elf ranger with chaotic red hair and a hatred for Gnolls.
Lynn--Soul Eater OC. I was obsessed with scythes at the time so she could become a scythe like Soul :P
Medera Flamel--Homestuck OC. Pumkin's Dancestor and known as "The Alkemist" Post Scratch
Michael--original character. Abusive, angry and entitled older brother to Willow and vengeful spirit.
Mikazuki--Inuyasha OC. THE oldest and most revamped OC I have memory/proof of.
Mizuki--Vampire Knight OC. All I remember is she was a half blooded vampire.
Muse--Rise of the Guardians OC. Responsible for giving children their imaginary friends and  encouraging an active imagination.
Nerys--original character. She's an elf with slicked back hair and purple tipped ears and thay's all I remember about her
Nova--original character. A fallen star in human shape and absolute cinnamon roll
Olivia Wimberly--Welcome to Nightvale OC. Severly underdeveloped but I think she was blind?
Phoenix--original character. He truely believed he was a 300 year old vampire but this was not the case
Pink Tourmaline--Steven Universe OC. still working out her backstory
Pumkin Flamel--Homestuck OC. Pretty much a trollsona obsessed with alchemy and dead things
Quill Wimberly--Welcome to Nightvale OC. Olivia's brother and possibly mute.
Reese--Supernatural OC. Actually well adjusted for a hunter and both parents still alive.
Rei--original OC. Part of a story i never got around to writing
Rika--The World Ends With You OC. Never played the game  but watched my friend play and loved
Rune--+Anima OC. She's a +Anima that had wolf like features because I liked wolves lol
Saia--Tsubasa OC. I never even watched the anime but my friend showed me bits of it so I made an OC
Samhain--original character. Hypothetical child for my character and a friend's character inspired by Samhain in Trick R Treat.
Sammie--Being Human OC. Werewolf girl that loves making wolf/dog puns and inside jokes with herself
Spite--Fullmetal Alchemist OC. Specifically a Homunculus OC who I had a RP blog for for a bit
Tinker--Steam Powered Giraffe OC. So named because I couldn't stop messing with and tinkering with her design every few months
T.V.--Don't Hug Me I'm Scared inspired. Literately had a TV for a head and a liking for turning people's brains to mush
Ulyssa--Fullmetal Alchemist OC. Spite's creator and eventual cause of death
Vance--Soul Eater OC. Lynn's meister and best friend
Vigdis--original character. Asgardian warrior inspired by a friend calling me "Warrior Princess of Asgard" whenever I killed a bug lol
Wendy--original character. One armed pirate and that's all i really remember about her
Willow--original character. Murdered by her older brother and her spirit was trapped in the house she died in.
Wren--Cirque du Freak OC. From a RP between friends that didn't get very far lol
Xylia--Adventure Time OC. Vampire with a pet penguin that loves bright colors
Yin--Avatar the Last Airbender OC. Firebender living in the shadow of her much more talented sibling.
Yukito--I Wanna Be a Magical Girl! character. Mistaken for a magical boy and Chiyo's initial love interest
Zirces Dimter--Homestuck OC. Blue blooded and first fantroll I made when i first got into the comic
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forricher-andpoorer · 6 years
Robert Joseph “Hoodsey” Bishop Bio + Tags + Headcanons
Name: Robert Joseph Bishop Nicknames: Hoodsey, Hoods Age: 19; Can Change Birthday: March 15th Sign: Pisces Gender: Cis Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Homosexual Demiromantic Monogamous; Moderately Sexual Hair: Naturally Blond, slowly fading to brown Eyes: Pale Blue Skin: Pale Tan Height: 5′4″ Weight: 158 lbs Faceclaim: Jeremy Allen White Piercings: Mostly does play piercings with needles/strings/ribbons Tattoos: None Scars: A hole from a missing molar on the top right, a deep slice on the inside of his left thumb, a thin but long scar on his left forearm, a large almost knotted scar on his right wrist where the bone broke through once, and two holes (entry/exit wounds) on his left calf. Most of these injuries were sustained with Carl.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Religion: Raised Christian, Agnostic Allegiance: Carl Foutley
Family: David Charles Bishop (Father, Alive); Joann Bishop (Mother, Alive); Deirdre Hortense “Dodie” Bishop (Sister, Alive); Nana Bishop (Grandmother, Deceased)
Pets: Rock The Rock Rockson (Pet Rock)
Personality: Gullible, submissive, helpful, sweet, misguided, loyal, mama’s boy, devoted, selfless, compassionate, empathetic, artistic, intuitive, gentle, gross, squeamish, fearful, paranoid, too trusting, romantic, unconditionally generous (especially to Carl), easily embarrassed, socially awkward, follower, scapegoat, eats feelings, expressive, worrywart
Likes: Carl Foutley, bugs, frogs, any kind of fried food, his van, dogs, sugary sodas, gore, dismembered body parts, the petrified eyeball, pranking his sister and/or Blake Gripling, journalism
Dislikes: Blake Gripling, Pandering, Megalomaniacs, Brandon Higsby (his monkey’s cool though), Losing, When Carl doesn’t listen to him, being the butt of the joke, being naked around most people (Carl’s cool but he’d trust him with anything)
Can Do: Drive, play exactly three cords on a bass guitar, film things, watch horror movies, eat ungodly amounts of food, ignore everything for a project
Can’t Do: Handle secondhand embarrassment, allow Carl to get them hurt, kill something, take cough syrup, think for himself
Mental Health Diagnosis:
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Hoodsey often has a hard time being followed when he speaks, or doesn’t make sense. He believes he has an extra sense of when he and Carl are going too far, or when they might get hurt. He also claimed to be able to completely understand Carl without speaking. He seeks isolation from most people, if only because Carl is the only person that understands him and nurtures his confidence.
Avoidant Personality Disorder: When not with Carl, he is incredibly shy and fears ridicule. All he wants is to be comfortable in his own skin but he’s so afraid without someone to give him orders.
Dependant Personality Disorder: Most people consider him to be constantly clinging to Carl, and they are rarely apart from one another. Most of his decisions are made exclusively after consulting Carl, or by Carl himself.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Often times, especially alone, he is so anxious to the point of chewing his nails or biting the skin off of his lips.
Physical Health Diagnosis:
Asthma: Sports had always been hard for him in school, and he was diagnosed with asthma shortly before middle school. He always carries his inhaler on him, and when he doesn’t have it, usually Carl has a spare for him.
Overweight: His pretty constant intake of everything has left him a bit overweight for his height. It doesn’t help his asthma all that much, and makes exercising a little more difficult.
Fears: Being abandoned, competitive situations, large crowds, being stalked/killed
Positive Traits: Gentle, loyal, optimistic, eager to please
Negative Traits: Gullible, easily embarrassed, shy, bottles up his feelings for Carl
Quirks: Always up for pranking others; uses his van as a trash can most of the time; always writes things down to remember them but misplaces the notes or doesn’t remember what it was supposed to remind him of; has a playlist on his iPod that is only What’s New Pussycat, It’s Not Unusual, and Never Gonna Give You Up for when he and Carl are in the mood to bother everyone.
Tends To: Follow Carl’s word above all else; fears his mother’s wrath and tries to do right by her and Carl at the same time; hide his feelings for Carl and thinks he’s slick but everyone else knows; Always have his phone, iPod, keys, wallet and inhaler in the same pocket
History: Hoodsey was two weeks late to his own birthday, he came out fairly healthy, if not a bit larger than he should have. Dodie was not stoked to have a little brother, but Hoodsey was always a sweet, clingy child. A natural-born follower, he did exactly what his mom said until he started Kindergarten.
The fateful day he met Carl Foutley changed everything. His attention, his clinginess, was divided between his mother and Carl. While he often tried to stop Carl in his mad bids for fame, fortune, and the truly gross, he let himself be steamrolled into everything after a mild fuss was put up. Over the years, he and Carl only grew closer.
Hoodsey strongly dislikes Blake Gripling, and while he will not quite admit it to himself, it’s only half because he’s annoying. The other half is definitely jealousy. Occasionally when his mother lets him go to concerts and things, he and Carl live in the back of his 1997 Chevrolet Astro.
Tags List - Personal
Broke As A Junkie But I Have A Good Time (Hoodsey) I’m Pretty Sure My Mom Doesn’t Like This (Hoodsey’s IC Posts) The Purple Hoodie The Purple Hoodie Or The Purple Hoodie? (Hoodsey’s Closet) Oh Dude! (Hoodsey’s Stuff) Yes Yes Yes! (Hoodsey’s Desires) Gross Dude (Hoodsey’s Aesthetic) Never Have To Feed It (Rock The Rock Rockson Tag) It Was Just Never Gonna Give You Up On Repeat (Hoodsey’s Music) Thinking Is A Dangerous Past Time (Hoodsey Musings) Snips Snails And Puppy Dog Tails (Hoodsey Headcanons)
Tags List - With X - Canon
Tastefully Tasteless (Hoodsey And Blake Gripling) At Least Let The Monkey Have Fun (Hoodsey And Brandon Higsby) My Best Friend’s Hot (Hoodsey And Carl Foutley) She’s Like A Princess In A Tower (Hoodsey And Courtney Gripling) Can I Have The Headgear When You’re Done? (Hoodsey And Darren Patterson) You’re Not A Lady You’re Nothing But A Sister (Hoodsey And Dodie Bishop) Kind Of Like A Sister To Me (Hoodsey And Ginger Foutley) Mother/Jailer (Hoodsey And Joann Bishop) The Mother I Never Had (Hoodsey And Lois Foutley) Weird In A Different Way (Hoodsey And Macie Lightfoot) May She Rest Knowing The Worms Have Eaten Her Corpse (Hoodsey And Maude) Mean Girls (Hoodsey And Mipsy Mipson) Mean Girls 2: Fucking Furious (Hoodsey And Miranda Killgallen) Bandaid Queen (Hoodsey And Noelle Sussman) A Dweeb’s Workhorse (Hoodsey And Winston)
Tags List - With X - OC
None At This Time
Tags List - With X - Crossover
A Little Crazy Is OK As Long As Nobody Says Any Dirty Words (With Jerome Valeska)
Verses - In-World
Someone Once Told Me The Grass Is Much Greener (Hoodsey’s Elementary Verse)
Already thick as thieves with Carl, Hoodsey is very much his go-to yes-man and best friend. He was so happy just to have a friend that he’d almost do anything for Carl. By first grade, he knew the feeling of being truly wanted by someone.
Everything Is Alright (Hoodsey’s Middle School Verse)
His schoolwork suffered greatly in Middle School and he skipped more often. When his mother found out he was grounded for three months, and when he was finally out of solitary confinement, he stayed at the Foutley’s for over a week.
Partner In Crime (Hoodsey’s High School Verse)
Hoodsey handled a lot of AP classes because of his mom, as well as band and his photojournalism club/classes. Between school, extra curriculars, and his time with Carl, he was pretty busy and stressed. For two weeks during his Senior year, he ended up in the hospital because he had a nervous breakdown. Being away from Carl and not allowed visitors was almost harder on him.
Brain Stew (Hoodsey’s College Verse)
Finally being out of his parents’ house for college, Hoodsey goes a little wild when he finally realizes that he is free. Anything goes, and he wants to try as many things as he can. He’s going to film school.
AU Verses
Running Up That Hill (Hoodsey’s ABO AU)
Hoodsey is an Omega that probably takes way too many scent blockers and heat suppressants. His mother is so controlling that she is still hoping that there is some way to get her son and daughter to switch secondary sexes.
Admitting Guilt (Hoodsey’s Deadman Wonderland AU)
After being neutralized and turned into an Undertaker, Hoodsey stayed mostly to himself. He can’t remember much beyond his turning. All he knows is that he lost something, and he wants to get it back.
Green Around The Gills (Demon!Hoodsey AU)
A lesser demon of Envy, Hoodsey has a tendency to cling onto one person and leech off of their emotions. He loves to provoke people with misunderstandings the most.
A Caged Bird Sings (Mer!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey is a Royal Gramma Fish, kept in a tank at an aquarium. He sings a sad song all night long in hopes that someone will come and let him out, though most people tend to ignore him. On land he loses his sense of taste.
Not A Fun Job (Hoodsey’s Repo! The Genetic Opera AU)
A backdoor Gentern, Hoodsey administers illegal Zydrate to patients of Carl’s. He isn’t entirely sure why he has to wear the dress.
And Everything You Touch Shall Be Destroyed (Vampire!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey was turned late one night while walking back home from work. His van was out of commission, and the second that he was grabbed, he was sure he was being mugged. Being so sweet, he was allowed to go after feeding the vampire, who came back night after night to see him and feed from him. They are very good friends, and Hoodsey was eventually turned to keep him from dying due to stomach cancer.
He’s A Good Dog Blake (Werewolf!Hoodsey AU)
Hoodsey didn’t quite understand that when he was bitten by a weird dog while walking home from Carl’s one night that his life would change forever. Ever since, he has found a way to use his powers for the betterment of the two of them, even if it has made him more aggressive and territorial.
None At This Time
Open Starters
None At This Time
Headcanon Posts
* ( positive personality   traits!
Physical Traits Of Your Muse
Detailed Profile Tag
Bold Your Muse’s Aesthetic (Spooky Edition)
Faceclaim - Jeremy Allen White
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