#renly jab
owlcoholik · 5 months
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renly jean arthur barrington, the tortured artist
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mrs-kelly · 1 year
Ahdjfkgl sometimes Charlie shows up in my for you tab and I just cover my face and squeal aaaaaa
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melrosing · 1 year
I think the arguments for bi Jaime are interesting but I have seen arguements that Jaime is homophobic based on what he says to Loras. What do you think?
I think:
I understand queer readings of Jaime and I also like them, gender and sexuality are major themes in his story so of course people are playing with that and exploring the subtext
I don’t think GRRM necessarily intended Jaime to be mlm. That doesn’t invalidate queer readings, because queering the text is often about looking beyond the author’s intention
Jaime has two lines that skew homophobic, but within the context of his broader story, this seems to be a reflection of his society rather than strongly held reservations of his own. His relationship with a gay character, Loras, paints a more complex portrait
GRRM doesn’t seem to have thought deeply about what Westeros’ attitude to homosexuality is, so there’s some carry over of negative attitudes towards it from our world, but it seems muted even compared to 20th century attitudes
So the line that usually opens this conversation is:
Jaime grabbed [Loras] with his good hand and yanked him around. "I am the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, you arrogant pup. Your commander, so long as you wear that white cloak. Now sheathe your bloody sword, or I'll take it from you and shove it up some place even Renly never found." (Jaime VII, ASOS)
The one that I think people often forget is this one, when Tywin says he’s considering marrying Cersei to Oberyn Martell:
“Oberyn Martell? The man's infamous, and not just for poisoning his sword. He has more bastards than Robert, and beds with boys as well.” (Jaime VII, ASOS)
So here Jaime’s threat deliberately references Loras’ sexuality, and he puts to his father that Oberyn’s sexuality is a point against him in terms of marrying the man to Cersei. However, I don’t really think GRRM intends either to… say much about Jaime’s attitudes?
With Loras, I think honestly GRRM writing in like…. what, the year 2000, might not have thought too hard about the remark. I think he probably meant it more as Jaime being crass more than he meant it to be a pointed jab at Loras’ sexuality.
The reason I think so is that Jaime doesn’t seem remotely fazed by Loras’ sexuality anywhere else in the text. He strongly identifies with Loras, and is never troubled by the fact that he’s identifying with a gay teenager. He is moved by Loras’ love for Renly, and actually trusts him more once he hears of it. He defends Loras from Cersei who actively worries about Loras’ potential influence over Tommen’s own ‘appetites’.
And overall, I think Jaime likes Loras: he’s prepared to dislike him on the basis that he’s an arrogant teenager, but as soon as he realises that’s really just the same as he was, he decides to be Loras’ mentor instead, esteems him and only ever speaks well of him. Loras doesn’t seem to challenge any preconceived notions Jaime has of homosexual men, because Jaime never thinks about Loras’ sexuality beyond that initial remark: this just isn’t something that bothers him.
For the comment about Oberyn: I think partly this is Jaime trying to put Tywin off the notion of marrying Cersei to Oberyn (I imagine Tywin does very much hold some opinions on homosexuality). Beyond that… I think Jaime probably has to some extent internalised the notion that a man who sleeps around with other men can’t make a good husband for a woman. Westerosi society is an extremely patriarchal one that seems to only understand sexuality and marriage in the most black and white heterosexual terms, and whilst they seem happy enough to ignore what people do behind closed doors - someone like Oberyn who openly consorts with both men and women garners a level of suspicion. So there is still a level of homophobia in Westerosi society, and so in Jaime, too, but again - I don’t think GRRM ever intends it as a strongly held belief of his, or any kind of hatred.
Ultimately I think Westeros’ whole relationship with sexuality is kind of… hazy in ASOIAF? There are a fair few canonically gay and bi characters, and no one seems be subject to hate or hate themselves for it - it’s just unspoken that you shouldn’t make a show of it, and that it… raises eyebrows?? Idk. I think GRRM unthinkingly incorporated some of the homophobia he knew in his own world, but had no desire to make it a point of suffering/hatred for his characters. It just kind of exists. I guess as a cishet guy he just wasn’t thinking too hard about it?? lol
As for bi/gay Jaime readings: I don’t think GRRM intended Jaime as mlm, but i think most people who read him that way know that. Queering the text isn’t about being able to point at a passage and know for sure that that’s what the author intended, but to recognise queer literary traditions they may have subconsciously picked up from other writers, or queer experiences they have unwittingly written about, or just being able to say - ‘that reads how this feels to me’. I think a lot of fandom analysis can be very literal, trying to work out precisely what an author meant by a particular line and what exactly it foreshadows. That kind of analysis is fine, but that’s not what all literary analysis is. A lot of it does mean looking way beyond author intent, not necessarily ‘death of the author’ in every instance, but yes, sometimes??
I think the only times I’ve seen people pushing back against the notion of bi/gay Jaime and pointing at these lines re. Loras is when they think Jaime fans want to wield bi/gay Jaime as a badge that protects him from further criticism. Only I’ve literally never seen anyone who enjoys the reading use it that way, and I think it also entirely misunderstands what queer reading is and why people employ it. Again, it’s the kind of push back that overly relies on fandom dynamics rather than just readerly approaches to a text lol
Anyway with Jaime I think there is SO much that lends itself to a queer reading and I will continue to enjoy these analyses, I think they enrich the character 👍🏻
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The Dagger Squad as the Great Houses of Westeros 🐉| TGM headcanon
Link to my TGM Masterlist & GOT masterlist
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Matching the Dagger Squad to the great houses of Westeros based on personality & characteristics (This has been nagging me all week and just remember this is MY own personal opinion. Feel free to leave your own in the comments but let’s be respectful even if you disagree) Words in color represent the House Motto.
Cpt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell — House Tully of the Riverrun (The Riverlands) 🐟 | Family, Duty, Honor / House Targaryen of Dragonstone (the Crownlands) | Fire and Blood 🐉
Okay so the reason I gave Maverick both House Tully & Targaryen is because I could not really decide. My reason for House Tully is because I think of Ser Brynden the Blackfish. Brynden had no interest in becoming a lord (like Mav had no interest in being higher rank than a Captain) and took no wife (Mav didn’t marry). Brynden was also outspoken and prideful which I see in Pete, especially with his superiors *cough* Cyclone *cough*.
The reason I also put him as House Targaryen was due to his name being notorious in the Navy long before he was even in. His father was often the reason people had preconceptions of him (kinda like Daenerys with her entire family—but especially her father). Pete has a lot of fire in him which is what drives him to do what he does and sometimes that could be acting irrational. And well, there’s fire within the blood of the dragon 😉
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw — House Baratheon of Storm’s End (the Stormlands) | Ours Is The Fury 🦌
So House Baratheon is the youngest of the Great Houses of Westeros, and given Rooster was set back for years in his career he is probably the ‘youngest’ in terms of working up the ranks compared to his fellow daggers. Not only that, but members of house Baratheon are known for their bravery and Rooster displayed this immensely when he went back to save Mav which resulted in him getting shot down. (Just to say, Miles Teller could easily portray a Baratheon with his dark hair and eyes. HOTD S2 👀??) His jab to Hangman in the bar scene reminded me of when Renly Baratheon insulted his brother Stannis during the War of the Five Kings—and pretty much every settle insult Robert Baratheon said in S1.
Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace — House Stark of Winterfell (The North) | Winter is Coming 🐺
Like the Starks don’t need to boast about their positive attributes in their motto, Phoenix doesn’t need to remind anyone of how damn good of a pilot she is. To her, the importance is on the bigger picture like how to succeed in a team mission and there’s always the risk of threat to everyone. I see Phoenix as the most loyal of the Dagger squad and would easily have the others back her up when she gives her word to help someone. Once she gives her word, it’s set in stone—which the Starks are known for because Lord Corlys once said, ‘There has never lived a Stark who forgot an oath, and with House Stark the North will follow.’
Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin — House Lannister of Casterly Rock (The Westerlands/Crownlands)| Here Me Roar! 🦁
This one is very straight forward. Not only is Hangman literally what Lannisters have always been described as with their golden hair and green eyes, but he holds the arrogance and cunning traits a Lannister has. This man (and even Glen himself) could literally play a Lannister in an adaptation and would embody it. Similar to Tywin, he’s gonna say and do whatever plotting is necessary to get what he wants. Like Cersie Lannister, Hangman knows how to push buttons and make people despise him, but like Tyrion and even Jaime, there is a soft, kindness to him that is rare to see. If Hangman had watched GOT, he would totally be the type to tell himself in the mirror, ‘The lion does not concern himself with the opinion of a sheep.’ Words of wisdom from Tywin Lannister.
Lt. Ruben “Payback” Fitch — House Arryn of Eyrie (The Vale) | As High As Honor 🦅
I feel that honor is an important thing to Payback which is why I match him with the House who holds the largest army in Westeros, House Arryn. Payback would never lose his honor, like a Knight of the Vale, no matter what may come his way. The Knights of the Vale have a standing reputation as the greatest warriors and as a Top Gun graduate, Payback is one of the greatest pilots the world has ever seen. The Knights of the Vale know how to get payback (#battleofthebasterds) and considering Ruben’s callsign is ‘payback,’….well we can assume why he was bestowed such. He’s a master of the skies in his F-18, just like the falcon of House Arryn’s sigil.
Lt. Robert “Bob” Floyd — House Tyrell of Highgarden (The Reach) | Growing Strong 🌼
One thing about a golden rose is that one is so focused on the beauty of the flower that they forget about the thorns. If Bob was in Westeros I swear he would be a Tyrell with his soft appearance that hides away his sassiness. Especially after those settle jabs to Hangman? Sheeesh. He is quiet, reserved, welcoming, and friendly….but he knows how to sharpen his tongue when the time calls for it (just like our Queen of Thorns Lady Olenna). I feel that deep behind that sweet face, is a cunning, ambitious, mastermind (but Bobby boy is still the sweetest bean that I would look on so proud as he demolishes his enemies with his words and plotting). Like yaaas bae, cut them with your thorns.
Lt. Mickey “Fanboy” Gracia — House Martell of Sunspear (Kingdom of Dorne) | Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken ☀️
Mickey just gives me that swagger of Prince Oberyn (I also could totally see Danny Ramirez playing a Martell). All Mickey has to do is smile his pearly white teeth and boom, he’s got you under his spell. He doesn’t take people’s shit, like the motto of House Martel he will not bend to please others and do something he doesn’t want to. His carisma reminds me of Oberyn and I definitely feel House Martell would be his favorite House if Mickey watched GOT. Also it is my personal headcanon that Mickey is an exceptional dancer (like he’s got the moves alright) and if you’ve seen GOT then you know how effortless Oberyn moved with a spear in battle…..that’s Fanboy when the music starts bopping.
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado — House Greyjoy of Pyke (The Iron Islands) | We Do Not Sow 🦑
Like House Arryn with the largest Army, House Greyjoy controls the largest fleet in all of Westeros which is the stronghold of their power. Now I could also see Javy as part of House Arryn or even Martell. The reason I chose Greyjoy is because of the G-Loc scene where he managed to come out of it in time and survive what could have been a horrible fate. The Greyjoys in GOT definitely had their fair share of near-death (looking at you Theon) quite a handful of times, but always managed to come out on top. The other house words associated with the Greyjoys is, ‘What Is Dead May Never Die,’ and tbh I can see Coyote thinking that after his near-death encounter in the desert.
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ofperzys · 1 year
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@gcldencrownofsorrow | ❝ were you always this handsome ? i think you’ve been holding out on me. ❞
starter prompts | accepting
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the queen was MOCKING him - stannis didn't need to see the cup of wine in her hand nor notice the smirk she wore to realize that.
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it was a carefully-hidden jab; the kind stannis has never had much patience for, yet ran RAMPANT amongst the lords and ladies of king's landing. if he were renly, he might've return the affront with a smile. or if, gods forbid, he were robert, the party would've grinded to a HALT from angry shouting & threats.
" the wine must be clouding your judgement, " stannis replies with a dry tone, " as it OFTEN does. "
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goldenngore · 8 months
“ i’ve… made some mistakes. “
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The song and dance of steel was the sweetest thing of all, better than a lover's ballad or a striking bitter lament of loss. When blades clashed and clanged together, Loras' worldview narrowed to the moment before him. Everyone and everything else simply ceased to exist, as if a fog surrounded him and his opponent. Often, he wondered if it was the same for other men, yet he never thought to question them over it. Mayhaps it was something unspoken.
Chatter was also not unheard of during the heat of the dance. More often than not, the words were barbed, meant to throw a man off his concentration to gain an upper hand. A tad unsporting during friendly sparring, but sometimes a trump card if one's life lay on the line. Then, at other times, much rarer, men proved to be revealing when they spoke. It took Loras by mild surprise when Harras, an interesting man of his people where knighthood was about as common as dry land, made such a confession to him during their sparring session. Why? It did not occur to him to ask. Mayhaps it was again an unspoken thing between men like them.
Loras swang his blade upwards in a perfect arc while Harras brought his down from over his shoulder. The song rang throughout the otherwise deserted courtyard. "Then you ought to rectify them, Ser." Was there a knight alive or dead, who could say they never made a mistake? Not that many dared voice them lest they expose the truth. The endless vows and oaths contradicted each other until knighthood almost felt like a burden rather than an earned gift. Unfortunately, by the time one realised that. It was much too late to turn back. The path was well trodden and demanded to be seen through til the bloody end.
Harras almost parried excellently against his attacks, though Loras gained himself a point by feigning his last jab and aiming for the neck instead of Harras' shoulder. He smirked briefly, and then the expression quickly fell away. "But I understand some mistakes are not so simple to rectify." Loras still remembered the ruthless way he had cut down Ser Emmon Cuy and Ser Robar Royce. Neither had deserved his wrath, yet they ended with the same fate as his beloved Renly. Buried in the dirt. There was no way to deliver justice for the loss of two sons except with his own life. Maybe one day, justice would be served for it. Until then, Loras tutted as Harras landed a blow upon his left shoulder; the topic proved to be a good distraction, and the two of them might've ended up dead if this were a real battle, their trump card failing them.
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kiefbowl · 2 years
What're your thoughts on Stannis? What did the show get wrong?
Stannis is emotionally wounded by perceived (and probably some real) attacks on his rights and honor by his brother Robert. He is right in a sense that he is next in line for the king, and he is unwilling to compromise with others because of this fact, most notably his brother Renly. The tragedy of the Baratheon brothers really is that if Renly had taken Stannis’ offer to be his hand and his named heir, Stannis would have won blackwater with Tyrell bannermen (as is proved by the fact that Tywin comes and wins blackwater), sat the throne, and probably would have died without a son and Renly would have been king next. Catelyn’s little jab about putting them in a room until they get along is well deserved, they’re acting like children Lol
in the book, it’s not really clear if Stannis and Melisandre are having sex. you can see how they might, but Stannis is so dutiful and honorable to a fault (similar to Ned Stark), he seems to be the one man who could not be enticed by sex to make his choices. It makes the relationship between them more compelling. She truly believes he is Azor Ahai. He truly believes he is the rightful king, and it doesn’t even matter to him if he wants it or not, or what would be good for the realm. Stannis is furious he wasn’t given Storm’s End (as is his right) nor given due for holding the siege of it during the rebellion (as he believes he should). he’s like the kid who doesnt like when other kids dont play the rules right and gets his feelings hurt when no one likes him because of it, but pretends he doesn’t care that no one likes him because rules are most important than friends
Show Stannis is like…eh? I think it comes across that the actor is confused by the characters motivations bc I don’t think D&D found Stannis’ storyline compelling enough bc it’s not very sexy. He’s constantly pissed, losing, rigid, dogmatic, and we see it all through Davos’ pov and he’s not even with Stannis in every chapter. But I love Davos chapters, I think most book fans do. but the show makes him like just this selfish guy Who wants to be king and fucks a sexy sorceress and that he’s is all in on the magic when the book is more ambivalent if he believes in rhollr and the prophecy, it’s just a not oft bend in his rigid code he’s making because the throne is his RIGHT and he’s been pushed to (his) extremes (unjustly!!! in his mind) by using magic. his wife brought him Melisandre, it’s not even his idea!!
idk he’s not my fav character but I do appreciate him and in the show I’m like omg move these scenes along he just seems like a maniac who is quietly seething all the time and is totally into Melisandre instead of a wounded man who can’t grasp the idea that life can and should be pleasurable
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Sansa I.
Well, well, well, if that isn't the most hated eleven-year-old girl in the series, I wonder what she can bring to the table.
To start off... she's just a girl. That's it, she's a kid, just like Robb and Jon. She acts more emotional because of her upbringing and pre-pubescent status but that's it. Arya on the other hand, is her complete opposite, my guess is that were this a normal situation, they could have reached an understanding as they matured. Alas they would have to resume their relationship where they left it.
"Huge flowers bloomed in the mud and floated in the pools of stagnant water." This is a description of the landscape, but I see some symbolism. Why are the curtains blue?
Anyway. We meet Renly Baratheon, Ser Barristan Selmy, Ilyn Payne, and we get more of Clegane, who says:
"The Starks use [the direwolves] as wetnurses." Rad line.
Renly and Barristan make jabs at each other's age, and they're all pretty nice to Sansa tbh, she's just young and unaccustomed to speaking with older men. Also this is her first look into the harshness of the south, Ilyn Payne is just a taste of what's to come both because what's done to him and what he's done to others. Also he's oddly out of place, what is the point of having him there? Cersei planned something imo.
"Oh I love riding!" Liar :) Sansa does a lot of lying from here on, for different reasons.
Tying- or thinking of tying- Lady up is symbolic. Also, Sansa doesn't understand that it was all practiced- Joffrey isn't that gallant, or polite, we see all of that later.
Things happen as they happen, and this really serves two purposes.
One, it sets up the rising tensions between Starks and Lannisters.
Two, it shows the power imbalance during monarchy- no one would care about some lowly butcher's boy disappeared. Arya herself is seen as weird for fraternizing with the plebe when it's the skill of "making friends with anyone" that saved her life.
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rcsegilded · 3 years
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“You don’t have to lose yourself to find happiness, you know.”
She’s of a mind to ignore him, to seethe in silence and let the chasm between them grow ever wider. After all, he had no qualms about doing the same when he tired of brushing off her comments like so many irksome flies. Yet, the hint of genuine concern in his voice sparks a response from her--though perhaps not quite the one he’d likely anticipated. 
“Lose myself?” she queries, only just managing to hold back a biting tone. “Do you believe I am afforded such a luxury, Your Grace?” A pause follows, longer than she would have normally allowed but she wants him to languish in the quiet discomfort. Margaery closes the book she’d been perusing to focus fully on the king, a clear sign that he had no hope of escaping the very conversation he incited. 
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“Though the war is won and the Iron Throne in your capable hands, I cannot give in to any sort of oblivion. This is no soldier’s camp, my darling. The eyes and ears may be fewer but they are sharper by far. Every interaction, every faltering smile, every extraneous glass of wine is noticed and noted. How then could I lose myself in anything, be it drink or food or company? A king may partake in those things as he pleases but a queen cannot--must not.” 
She feels a jab of guilt from her own words--for the petty reference to his extramarital activities--but no true regret. Though she would never chastise or shame her brother for his love, she has no desire to spare Renly’s feelings. “Do not assume to to assuage your guilt by means of false concern--and for vices I do not possess.” Margaery rose from her seated position before he could muster an answer, her expression intimating that their discussion was at its end. “By your leave, Your Grace.” She did not wait for his dismissal or any further acknowledgement but rather dipped into an elegant curtsy and strode from his chambers. 
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observedchaos · 4 years
Differences between Harrenhal bath scene in ASOS and “Kissed by Fire” (3x05)
I am still struggling to find the will to complete my meta on eye contact during the Harrenhal bath scene in Kissed by Fire given my gif and tag troubles (Pointers on how to get gif posts to show up in tumblr tags welcome!). 
Since I am rereading ASOIAF, I thought I would do a compare list and see if I can find some motivation. 
Not even near death will keep Jaime from quips, as he laments the lack of invitation for his “fleas”
GRRM highlights Jaime’s helplessness by making him incapable of unlacing his breeches
I, for one, am grateful that we get to see NCW undo them himself for ...reasons
Jaime explicitly sends the Bolton attendants away, citing Brienne’s nakedness
Our King of Projection calls them “scum” for gaping at her teats after gaping at her teats in the previous paragraph
Of course, he makes sure to insult her size. Wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea
And he obviously only climbs into the tub with Brienne due to the tub’s spaciousness.
Sets up the irony of his later arousal at her pubic hair (a sentence I did not expect to write) by proclaiming he isn’t “interested in what she has got between them”
Actually does some scrubbing, which always bothered me in a “character looking away from the road while driving” way
The transition into his jab about Renly is rather more disconnected.
It is clearer that he is trying to get a rise out of her (pun not intended but enjoyed) by mentioning the reasons she scorns him and a sexual comment that he knows will embarrass her
this after savoring her blush
He frames the loss of his hand as karmic comeuppance. As always, his insults reveal what he thinks of himself.
Sets up his agitation that Brienne may think him such a villain that he deserves his maiming
Brienne actually climbs out of the tub and covers herself. In the book, her reaction is more one of hurt than the defiance of Brienne’s stance in the show
Indicates the books emphasis on Brienne’s vulnerability which is harder to see in the show
Bitter jealousy of Robert, which I find more interesting
Robert gets everything that Jaime ever wanted. Cersei, sympathy, belief that he is the paragon of romantic love. “Saved the realm.” How this must chafe Jaime who defines himself by love.
This works much better as a catalyst into Jaime’s story than “the look,” imo. But I can see why the level of detail would not work in the show.
Interesting nod to Tyrion perhaps being a Targaryen by mentioning his use of wildfire in the Battle of Blackwater
A lot more detail about Jaime’s actions that day, which I won’t get into other than to note:
Varys is an antagonist rather than just Pycelle. aiding Aerys burn those in his way
I prefer the brevity of the show as I think it gets the point across. This does have interesting character notes about Jaime. though. 
Jaime passes out due to striking his stump against the tub
We get to see Jaime’s internal monologue, which makes his identity crisis explicit
Feeling vulnerable, he labels Brienne as “looking ridiculous.”
Which levels the playing field for his pride. Could also be an attempt to align himself with her, mentally
More noticing of the detail of Brienne’s body.  Gee, I wonder why he includes “kiss me” as an option.
Not technically a difference because the show cuts away and it could have happened but the care taking is shipping gold
I also LOVE that he keeps himself from insulting her (a fundamental Lannister habit) because he doesn’t want to risk making her so mad she kicks his ass.
the IDEA that this “gentle” woman who just cradled and washed him would beat him up is so damn ludicrous that it is pathetic
 Jaime is over here deflecting for his LIFE
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ddagent · 4 years
Jaime is the replacement for Renly as Brienne’s co-anchor in a morning show. A self-defense expert is the guest. Brienne accidentally blacks Jaime’s eye. “accidentally”
I hope this makes your day a little brighter, my dear! Inspired by Nikolaj turning up on CNN with a shiner.
“And we’ll be right back with Syrio after these messages.”
A production assistant signalled they were off-air, and Brienne sagged against the blue sofa. Beside her, her temporary co-anchor smirked. “You should smile more, Tarth. Wouldn’t want to put people off their breakfast with that frown of yours.”
And with that, Jaime Lannister stood up to grab a bottle of water and refresh his make-up. 
Things didn’t use to be like this. Brienne used to like going to work each morning; liked sharing the sofa of Good Morning, Storm’s End with her co-anchor (and secret crush) Renly Baratheon. But then Renly’s brother Stannis had accidentally hit him with a car, and Renly was off for three months. The producers had brought in Jaime Lannister, the evening news anchor of a major station in King’s Landing, to cover for him. Brienne had thought, for a moment, that he might be respectful; professional. 
She had been wrong. 
Right now he swanned back on the soundstage like he owned it. Which, according to rumours she’d heard in the break room, he technically did. Apparently, Jaime’s father had bought their network. When she’d heard that, Brienne had given up ever working with Renly again. Maybe she could get fired; start fresh up North. Catelyn had always said there was a job for her at Wake Up in Winterfell. 
“Silver stag for them?” Jaime asked, breaking Brienne out of her reverie. “I’d offer a gold dragon but I’m not sure they’re worth that much.”
“Piss off.”
“Now now, let's not get too aggressive before Mister Forel arrives. You know, Tarth, you should really pay attention. It’s a dangerous world out there. I mean, you’re tall as fuck and you look like a man from behind, but some men like a challenge.” 
She raised her middle finger just as the production assistant queued them back in after the commercial break. The teleprompter called for Brienne to re-introduce the segment, but Jaime jumped in. 
“If you’re just joining us here at Good Morning, Storm’s End, we’re about to be joined by master self-defence expert Syrio Forel, who is bringing out a new web series dedicated to teaching moves you can learn at home. Do you know any self-defence, Brienne?” 
I’m a master of several arts, can box, and swing a broadsword. “I know where to put my thumb when I make a fist, Jaime.” Up your arse, you pompous prat. “But I’m hoping Syrio will teach me a few moves.”
They welcomed Syrio Forel onto the soundstage where a mat had been set up for a demonstration. Jaime removed his tie and rolled up his sleeves. Whilst Lannister was primping, Brienne took over asking Forel a few questions about his new series, his history in the field, and his famed gym back in Braavos. When Jaime was ready, Syrio got them in position. 
“Now, Jaime, you stand behind Brienne and try to grab her. Brienne, I want you to aim your elbow just off to Jaime’s side. If he was really aiming to attack you, you’d go for his solar plexus. But we don’t want you hurting your co-anchor.” 
“Not at all,” Jaime said; a glint in his green eyes. “You don’t want to hurt me, do you, Tarth?” 
She pinned a sickly sweet smile to her features as Jaime’s arm slotted across her sternum. His arm was firm; his skin warm against her navy button-down. Brienne blinked and aimed her elbow backwards. She didn’t quite get the air she was hoping for, and instead hit Jaime in the side. A couple of the cameramen chortled. 
“My co-anchor’s elbows are armed and dangerous,” Jaime laughed off, but his smile was gone. “Let’s try it again.”
They gave it a couple more goes; once, Brienne was even the assailant. Jaime, thankfully, restrained himself from seeking revenge with his own elbows. Then Forel moved on to showing them how to throw a punch. He demonstrated the correct form before Jaime threw a few mock jabs stopping short of her thrice broken nose. 
Forel was addressing the cameras, discussing what more could be learned from his web series, when Jaime turned to her. His microphone was covered by his hand. “You’re not very good at this, are you? I can see why Baratheon seemed happy to be a knocked down by a car. Got a break from working with you.”
When it was played back for Brienne later – when Catelyn’s daughter Arya sent her the video posted online with millions of hits – she would be unable to pinpoint exactly when she decided to punch Jaime Lannister in the face. It was just an instinct. She would not be talked to like that. She would not be treated like that. Jaime Lannister didn’t seem to register words. Words are wind, after all. So she thrust back her arm and struck him with her fist. 
“Seven Hells!” exclaimed one of the cameramen; Forel turning back to see what had happened and trying hard to restrain his grin. 
The first aider was called for. A commercial break was aired. Brienne stood over Jaime with her fist curled, adrenalin rushing through her, not sure what to do now. Below her, Jaime pressed his fingers against his reddening eye socket. She expected him to call for the gold cloaks. She expected him to call his father and have her fired. Instead, he looked up at her as if she were one of the Seven. 
“Nice punch. Brienne.”
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Drabble written for the prompt, "They're so cute when they're asleep."
Renly/Loras, Margaery/Robb, G
'They're so cute when they're asleep,' Renly says in awe, leaning over the double buggy. Margaery straightens out her artfully messy top knot, brushing flyaways back off her face, and grimaces.
'They're cute all the time,' she says archly, but then nods. Tired. The twins are two months old, identical ruddy-cheeked bundles of hand-knitted cardigans and sparse auburn curls. Loras had, somewhat uncharitably in Renly's opinion, told Margaery they reminded him of Horas and Hobber, and despite being only two hours post-partum at the time, Margaery had made to climb off her bed and punch him right then and there in the maternity ward. Renly had had to quickly step in, telling her Loras was still tired from staying awake all night by the phone waiting for news of their birth, and then drag Loras off to the hospital canteen to find him the biggest coffee known to man. (He secretly agreed, however, at least until the post-birth bruising and swelling went down and left two cherubic and distinctly freckle-less faces behind.)
'They had their eight week jabs yesterday afternoon, so they've been up all night with temperatures, and Robb was on the late shift at the pub, so I was on my own with them until Sansa came over as emergency back up.' Her order is called, a venti black Americano with three extra shots, and she takes it off the counter and practically inhales half of it in one go. Renly smoothes the pad of his thumb over Ned (named after his grandfather)'s forehead, trying to straighten out the cowlick there, and Margaery snorts.
'Don't bother,' she takes another huge gulp of coffee. 'If Sansa and her wet comb can't get it to go away, nothing can.'
Next to Ned, his brother Max (Mace, on his birth certificate, but Max to everyone bar Her Majesty’s Government) was stirring, blinking open sleepy brown eyes. Ned was the spit of his father, pink-cheeked, blue-eyed and with the Tully red hair. Max showed more of the Tyrells about him, with Margaery's dimples and dark eyes, though he shared his brother's auburn curls.
'Hi, Max,' Renly coos at the baby, who fixes him with a very serious stare before his lower lip wobbles and he bursts into noisy tears. The commotion wakes Ned, who quickly joins in, and Renly is left apologising profusely to Margaery, who looks like she's already plotted the thousand ways she's going to kill him and is just wondering where to hide his body.
Thankfully Robb appears a few minutes later, once Margaery has produced a bottle for each of the twins. She's cradling Ned, the baby sucking furiously at the proffered bottle and blinking wet eyelashes at Renly, who is trying with far less success to feed his brother. Robb takes Max, puts him in the crook of his arm, and takes the bottle, and the baby settles as if by magic.
'Maybe it's a good thing Loras and I never had kids,' Renly says with only mild disappointment, watching the new parents. Robb shrugs.
'I think you'd be a great dad. Loras… Loras maybe not so much.'
'Loras is an excellent Cool Uncle,' Margaery says with a sage nod, 'but I worry about him being a father when I come home to see that he's holding Max upside down by one ankle to try to get him to stop screaming.'
'He said that worked,' Renly protests, feeling he should defend his boyfriend's honour. 'For a minute or so.'
Margaery raises her eyebrow. 'Until Max was then copiously sick all over your favourite jumper. The one Loras probably told you the washing machine shrank.'
Renly opens and then closes his mouth, narrowing his eyes, and excuses himself from the café on the basis that he has a world of pain to inflict on his lying, favourite-jumper-ruining other half.
But not before he kisses each twin goodbye on their tiny foreheads.
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jonsafan-blog · 5 years
Dany Knows She’s Being Manipulated
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She joked about it to Sansa, but after Jon’s reveal, I think she fears an actual coup against her rule.
Daenerys only arrived in the North to fight Jon’s War and she uses that terminology specifically to outline her intentions to Sansa. Without Jon, the North loses her support.
In that scene, she isn’t just trying to figure out why Sansa doesn’t like her, but to remind her why it ultimately doesn’t matter that Sansa’s doesn’t like her.
It’s actually an interesting gambit because Jon is effectively useless to the Northern lords because of his actions, making Sansa the true political leader. Daenerys isn’t just trying to peck at Sansa’s jealousy, she's trying to secure her hold over the North when it became clear Jon had no true political leadership left.
Daenerys is basically telling Sansa she doesn’t recognize Sansa’s leadership. That’s also why she was sitting between Sansa and Jon at the beginning of the episode because she has to come between Sansa and Jon in order to effectively control the situation. The Sansa regency must end.
She tries to use the idea that Jon is all that is tying her to the battle against the dead, but she realizes by the end of the episode that she has put herself in an awful position:
Daenerys does not have political strength in the North. Although I never believed she was going to execute Jaime, she did want to publically humiliate him and receive acknowledgment of the wrongs against her family and what she suffered as a child in exile. Instead, she was completely denied that.
But it’s the way that she was denied that mattered here.
Jon deferred to Sansa’s judgment and Sansa ultimately tried Jaime in the court of public opinion and deemed Daenerys’s suffering unworthy of consideration. That stings. If GRRM ever finishes writing the books, we will likely see something identical or similar to this and it is going to hurt the readers too because we know that Daenerys truly did suffer as a child.
Even worse is that Daenerys was later reminded she shouldn’t have trusted Cersei.
Now one thing to remember is that Daenerys had every reason to give Cersei the temporary benefit of the doubt. While Jaime is the only living person who is directly tied to her family’s suffering present, Cersei was just an uninvolved girl during the war. Tyrion believed that Cersei would not act against Cersei, and Daenerys chose to believe her hand because Tyrion previously despised Cersei.
But that turned out not to be the case, and every Northerner knew the truth about Cersei even if Tyrion chose to ignore it out of love for family. Sansa even jabbed Daenerys about it.
This means Daenerys feels that not only is she undermined by Northerners, but also by her own court.
And Theon? He publically snubbed Daenerys in favor of Sansa. Daenerys gave his sister a kingdom in Yara’s name, but Theon is willing to die for the Lady of Winterfell and the Starks. Daenerys’s own allies are willing to die for a different ruler.
At this point, Daenerys likely feels like a figurehead and merely a tool for the Northerners and Westeros to survive against the undead.
She really emotes privately a lot this episode. She is in a lot of pain, and Jon does nothing to make her feel better.
Daenerys told Sansa that she only went North because of Jon, but now it’s obvious that wasn’t just rhetoric to keep the North in line, but something she sincerely feels. Daenerys had slowly fallen in love with Jon, and when he encountered trouble north of the wall, she went to save him.
She was devastated when she believed he had died.
But when he returned, Jon realized that Daenerys really did love him and would sacrifice a lot for his cause if he just gave himself to her.
We are meant to also realize as Sansa did that Daenerys is only in Winterfell for Jon. Knowing that, future actions she takes in the Dance of Dragons will make a lot of sense in context. It will also appear justified.
That’s the thing about the Dark Daenerys theory - yes, Daenerys will seem like the Mad Queen from the perspective of Westeros, but she’s not actually insane.
Cersei isn’t insane. What she did makes sense in the past - you don’t really think the Tyrells would have accepted Cersei as dowager queen? They helped orchestrate Renly’s bid for the throne and were doing even before the big bastardry reveal.
She also grew up under the watchful eye of a powerful father who cared a lot about the family’s pride. But Cersei misunderstood that power is power instead of people are power and made all the wrong decisions that ultimately led to her downfall.
Ramsay and Joffrey were insane, but Daenerys and Cersei are not actually insane. They have reasonable motives and were pushed over the edge by circumstances. That doesn’t excuse them, but it does mean they aren’t actually crazy even if they appear that way. Ramsay and Joffrey were too far gone. Daenerys and Cersei are not, but they will ultimately not redeem themselves in the way we would like them to because they will not make important decisions.
We don’t know for certain if Jon loves Daenerys or not, but it is clear that he is using her - much in the same way as he did with Ygritte.
The problem is that Daenerys may no longer believe Jon loves her.
Daenerys suffered by herself this episode and the man she loved did nothing to help console her. In the last episode, Daenerys wanted Jon to keep her warm, but it’s clear Jon isn’t really doing much to make her feel better since he succeeded in getting her North.
This actually suggests he doesn’t love her like he did Ygritte, but that doesn’t mean he finds her unlikable or that he isn’t trying to have a romantic relationship. He’s just bad at it because his motives weren’t a romance so it’s not as natural for him.
Jon made a political match. If Cersei had been able to fight the undead, he would have made a match with her instead.
But the moment Daenerys realizes she has been played by Jon is in the crypts - not before. He tells her that he is the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne.
I don’t think she believes its true. But even if it was, the point is that to Daenerys it appears as if her jab to Sansa is actually reality: Jon tricked her into coming North to fight his war.
Daenerys can’t just pack up and leave.
Jonsa fans often joke that she would do that, but if Daenerys attempted to do that, she would never win the Iron Throne. She also truly likes her friends. As self-interested as Daenerys can be, she still has genuine relationships with other people, such as Jorah, Missandei, and Greyworm.
All of Daenerys’s forces but Yara are in the North and are going to be at the mercy of the Night King. They now must live, fight, and die alongside the Northerners whether they want to or not. It’s too late to leave by this point... even before the horns were blown.
Jon stole her armies for his war, and now with his supposed claims to the Iron Throne, Daenerys doesn’t have him personally either.
Daenerys believes Sansa is jealous about her relationship with Jon. She is physically separating the two of them when she can at the start of the episode. But as it turns out, Jon has a way to not only co-opt her armies but her claim on the Iron Throne.
Think about it: the only reason Jon is mistrusted by the North is that he gave away his crown. Now he has a new crown... Daenerys’s crown. Daenerys doesn’t have the Iron Throne and styles herself Queen. What’s stopping Jon from calling himself King?
Let’s not even get started on the fact she let him ride a dragon - an equal weapon against her.
It doesn’t matter if he’s not actually a Targaryen. She’s likely thinking he can just say he is and take the throne by force and people will accept it... because has everything he needs to do so.
He never abandoned the North. He never abandoned the Starks.
Jon never abandoned the Lady of Winterfell for the Dragon Queen.
Daenerys believes she has been betrayed by Jon. That changes how she is going to act the rest of the season.
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nightreaderenigma · 5 years
Bed of Roses
“The Patient Weaver variety is denoted by multiple layers of silky textured petals….” The warm afternoon sun filtered through the glass panels of the greenhouse making it deliciously warm.  Jaime stifled an over-exaggerated yawn which was answered by a painful jab to the ribs.  “Ow!” “You are being impolite.”  Brienne growled her warning in hushed tones. “Fifty-seven fucking varieties of roses!  I can’t be expected to stay awake, this gardener is the cure for insomnia.” “Highgarden have been gracious hosts.  I would not do to insult them.” The lion scoffed.  “This endless tolerance wouldn’t be because precious lover-boy Renly declared himself King here would it?” Her glower cautioned that he was teetering on the edge.  “You say 'lover' but strangely when I surrendered my Maidenhood, I do not recall him being in the room.” “Correct.  If he had been it would have been my chastity and not yours that was in danger.” This time he sidestepped the blow with a second to spare.  Somehow their guide was so enrapt in his blooms their bickering went unnoticed.
  Changing his tact, he tried to get his woman on side.  “What do you say I distract him – you take Oathkeeper, decapitate all these roses and we make a break for it.” Amusement flitted across her face, miniscule and almost indiscernible but still there.  “You’re despicable.”  She listened on regardless of his efforts, conveying an air of polite attentiveness.  Jaime could no longer feign even mild interest.  He shifted his weight from foot to foot, envying the freedom of a bee which buzzed passed on rapidly flitting wings. The small space suddenly seemed suffocating and the pungent perfumes which pervaded the air began to make his head swim.  
  “When identifying a Pale Daybright from a Moon Kissed Dew – it is important to remember that the leaves have fundamental differences….” “This isn’t how I pictured our vacation.”  He grumbled. “Believe it or not, this isn’t exactly thrilling me either.”  
Triumph seized him.  He had noted the distinctive scowl cross her face whenever she looked directly at a full-blown rose. “Steal away with me.”  Jaime suggested, allowing excitement to enter his tone.  “He won’t even realise we’re gone.” “And where would we go?” “The bedroom.”  He nudged her suggestively.  “The one place they can’t find us and then we can have a real holiday.” He watched duty and desire wage a conflict across her easily readable features.
“And as we enter the next room we begin with the miniature varieties…” “Seven Hells there’s more.”  She muttered her displeasure before fixing him with her sapphire eyes, more beautiful and diverting than any of the prized buds.  “Deal.”
He wasted not a second grabbing her hand as they dashed for the exit.
Written by @nightreaderenigma
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awolfhashishonor · 4 years
@kinginthcsouth continued from X
The alliance with King Renly had been rocky but it had been working, it was times like this though that Robb almost missed being the only King around. 
“I wasn’t watching your back.” Robb tried not to roll his eyes, “Perhaps your Rainbow guard should have been.” The whole notion of a kingsguard, in Robb’s mind, was a southern fancy, and some how Renly managed to make the whole notion worse. 
“You’re of no use to me dead.” Robb said wiping the blood from his sword. Annoyed at the whole event. From the fact that someone had gotten this close to them who was supposed to be watching? To Renly’s jab, when a man saved another’s life he ought to be regretful.
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mihakeeper1 · 5 years
My pathetic attempt...
at trying to make it better...
It’s bad, awful, not worth it., probably full of typos.. But I have to write it ^^
PS: not a fan of the “pregnancy” theory, but I’m so convinced they will go there I have to tackle it at the same time 
To say that he did not expect to survive was a huge understatement. When he went back to Cersei, it was because he knew she would die... and he needed to be there with her. With the injuries inflicted by Euron, and the walls and the roof collapsing around them, the world turned to black. But he was not afraid to die, he was prepared for a while.
Though his life did not end, and between fever and nightmares, he slowly joined the world of the living again. He felt a hand checking his wounds and he drank milk of the poppy often. He felt his body moving slowly and he realized he was on a boat. Until he was finally able to open his eyes and saw what was happening around him. The young Podrick Payne was sitting on a side of the cabin. He tried to speak, but no words came out and he ended up coughing a few times instead.
“Don’t move, sir... I’ll fetch M’lady”
The young man was out before he could utter another word. His whole body ached, and he was not sure he would be able to speak anyway. He closed his eyes again and, without realizing it, fell back to sleep.
The second time he woke, she was there. He hurt from his wounds, but it was not much compared to the guilt of facing her. When he left Winterfell, he was convinced it would be the last time he would see her. He did not expect to be wrong.
She looked at him as soon as he shifted in the bed and she gave him some water to drink. He tried to do it on his own, but he failed miserably. So she helped. He noticed she was different, much different from when he had shared her nights. Gone were her smile and her sparkling eyes. She also made sure not to look at him.
“You should be dead”
It was not a jab, or a complaint, but a statement. And truth be told, he should be dead. He should have died with her. His sister. His lover. He wanted to ask about her but he did not dare. It didn’t matter, as she guessed his question anyway.
“She was already gone when Davos arrived. You were barely breathing... But he took a chance”.
She paused a little, her voice suddenly harsher.
“We are on our way to Tarth. Rest today, tomorrow we will talk. You have choices to make”.
She stood up and left, leaving him alone in the room. Pod came a few times during the rest of the day, to give him some food and change the bedding. Jaime could not help but notice the young squire being as quick as he could. There was a time when Podrick Payne loved to spend as much time as he could around him, one of the former best knights in Westeros. This time had passed.
The day after, she came back in his room. He was awake for some time, thinking about all the ways he could find to end his own life. Surely he was not meant to survive his sister. The thing was, as much as he had made peace with dying with Cersey, he was not ready to kill himself. He was a warrior, through and through. Though he doubt he would be much of a fight at this moment.
His fellow knight sat next to him and he glanced at her. Her eyes were cold as ice, and for the first time since he woke, they met his.
“I told you you had a choice to make”
He nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.
“I am with child...”
He swallowed hard and his eyes went immediately to her belly... which she protected with her own hand. He raised his good hand to join hers but she moved away, her face full of anger.
“That’s not what I...”
She breathes heavily and sighed.
“What I mean is... A woman in my condition does not have a lot of choices...”
The realization came hard and he felt like a dagger pierced his skin again. He went to her that night... And the following. And he used her... He did not realize it at the time, but he used her. She allowed him to, but he always knew she would. She loved him.
“Now, I have three men who would help me in my situation. So you don’t have to agree because of a sense of duty. This is not the... This is not for that I am giving you this choice”
“Who?” he heard himself asking.
She looked at him with this hard stare he found so strange and he thought she would not answer. To be honest, she’d have every right not to.
He snorted at the name, and he thought he saw the flicker of a smile.
“And Gendry”
This one hurt him and he did not know why. Maybe because Gendry looked a but like Renly. The Renly she had been in love with. Yet he had no right to be jealous.
“Or... “
She sighed and spoke the rest very quickly.
“Or we could wed and you would have the opportunity to be a father to that child”
His answer was more a whisper now.
“I do not deserve this”
Her answer was harsh, but true, as she exited the room.
“No, you don’t. But she, or he, does.”
He added in his own head “And so do you”.
They arrived in Tarth two days later. He was still weak, but he could walk some with some assistance. Podrick began to feel at ease with him again and he felt relieved. Brienne was avoiding him as much as she could.
A person who was not trying to azvoid him, though, was Selwyn Tarth. A bit taller than Brienne, and quite old now, he was still very impressive. He had a loud and strong voice, and his eyes were as piercing as his daughter.
He had been the one to demand Jaime’s answer to Brienne’s proposal. He had agreed and he had seen the Evenstar sigh heavily and shake his head. Gendry, as lord of the Stormlands would have been a better husband. And, on a whole, a better man. Jaime knew that better than anyone. Still, he wanted the opportunity to be a father to one of his children.
With Cersei deep in his thought, he cloaked Brienne on a Sunday morning. There were few guests and no one clapped. It was not a real wedding, but a masquerade to let her keep some dignity and not bring a bastard into the world. And as he adjusted the cloak on her, he realized two things. The first was that he had wronged her in ways that he even did not think about at the time. And the second, that she was actually the one who should cloak him. As he tried to grab her hand, to thank her, to make her understand he would be there for her from now on, she removed his hand from hers and shook her head. When he noticed tears forming in her eyes, he understood the road to forgiveness would be painfully long.
When Brienne had learned about the child growing in her womb, her first instinct was to try and get it out. She was not a mother. She did not want to be a mother.
But as it grew inside her, she had felt the need to protect it.
And when Tyrion had arrived at Winterfell and had told her about Jaime’s fate, she had resolved to keep it and to raise it as the heir of Tarth. Not as a Lannister though, and Tyrion had agreed on that. Were Jaime to accept her proposal, the baby would bear her name... and not his. 
She did not know why she was still so willing to save Jaime’s life and to offer him a new life. She loved him, of course, and she probably always would, but she also despised him and resented him for the way he has treated her. She could have refused him her bed, and she considered herself as guilty as he was, but the consequence of their actions were quite different for a man and for a woman.
When he only looked for some solace, she ended up tainted. For a beautiful and young woman, it was already difficult to find a man who would accept a bastard. But for someone like her, she had thought it would be even worse. Though it seems her role during the battle of Winterfell and her reputation would have helped her. Podrick had been the first to step in, red in the face and stuttering like an idiot. But his heart was in a good place and she had thanked him heartily.
Bronn’s offer had been a little bit more colourful and in the form of a letter. She had read it once, but could not bear to look at it again as she was the one blushing with what he proposed to do to her, where she to become his wife.
And Gendry’s offer had touched her. He had also sent a letter, explaining how he did not wish to marry for love, but that he admired her and how she fought. He reminded her of Renly, but a stronger, younger Renly.
Then, of course, Jaime had agreed. And now, they were wed. She had led him to their bed chambers and she had seen his questioning gaze when she had shown him his own bed.
“If you thought we’d share, you were wrong... “
He hadn’t answered and she had helped him settle. He still had trouble walking and it would take him some time to heal completely. She had a feeling it would take her some time to heal too, even if her wounds were not that visible.
Selwyn Tarth had found his new son an occupation. As new master of arms, Jaime would be training the young men how to fight. As he grew stronger, his days would get longer and longer. And he was able to avoid her the same way she avoided him.
And it did hurt. The way she would turn her head away when he looked at her and tried to speak to her, how she would pretend to be asleep when he woke up and prepared himself for the days, how she would excuse herself during the supper so that she would lie in her bed before he even came into their bed chambers. And the more her belly grew, the more she was pushing him away.
When the baby arrived though, she asked for him. She had taken his good hand and she had cried and scream. She was strong, but this was probably the worst fight she had ever fought. Or maybe it had been against the dead. He remember that night, when she had trusted him completely... and he had done the same. He remembered the rush of the fight and the fear he experienced when he had though she had died. He realized with surprise that that fear had never left him. Cersei was still in his heart, and in his dream, but Brienne had a place there too. And when the baby was put in his arm, he cried. Because of this baby he would finally get to know, but also because of this woman he now again shared his life with.
Catelyn was a fussy baby and Brienne was, at her own surprise, a very caring mother. She had refused every wet nurse that her father had sent her. She would feed her own child, thank you!
And what a sight that was! The tall, strong and proud knight nursing her daughter. This time, he was the one pretending to be asleep, just to be able to catch her offguard, when she thought no one was paying attention to her and she was slowly rocking Catelyn, whispering words of confort and love. A year ago, he would have said with certainty that Brienne was made to be a warrior. Today, he would say that she also was made to be a mother.
He would do his share too, even if it was not always easy with only one hand. But he kept on trying and he was soon able to carry her around and to soothe her. It gave Brienne some time to rest, and she did not mind him taking care of Catelyn, as much as she minded the wet nurse.
They went on with this simple life for a few months. And then, the fever got to their daughter, and the maester asked to keep her for the night. He saw that Brienne was keeping a strong and composed face in company of the maester, but when he left, Jaime immediately took her in his arms. She fought him back for a while but, eventually, she broke into tears and collapsed on the bed with him. He kept her close to him during the night and, while she slept, he made her two promises. The first one was not to hurt her or leave her ever again. The second was to make everything he could so that, one day, he would again be worthy of her.
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