#removing the pull
tom4jc · 4 months
Hosea 2:17 Removing The Bad Past Namesake
For I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals, and they shall be remembered by their name no more. Hosea 2:17 Family namesakes are often remembered by what was done in the family’s past. What had been done could have been something very good or something very bad, but either way it is something that both the family and everyone else remembers. People want to remember what was good but…
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hamable · 4 months
I’m starting to suspect that Porter could intentionally be fucking Gorgug over in an attempt to bring out some rage in him and if that is the case, I can see the conclusion of that endeavor being Gorgug teaching HIM that uncontrolled, unpredictable rage offers little strategically to a party, but someone as emotionally conscientious and leveled out as Gorgug can tap into rage as a tool and that’s what makes him a good barbarian.
I’m thinking we’re approaching an arc about that, with the frost fest coming up at the thistlespring tree next episode and it being revealed that both his adoptive and biological parents will be there- the gnomes that raised him to be kind and emotionally intelligent, and the orcs that passed the barbarian nature down to him. I think Gorgug is going to accept his strengths as a barbarian in control of his anger, who can apply himself outside of his rage and dial into it when it matters. He’ll be better than Porter ever was.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 263
Once More, we return to Tiamat prompts. 
It was a wonderful idea, really! If one of them couldn’t break the barrier, then surely their combined might would do it! And it had! It had worked, even if their remaining humanity was sacrificed. They’d done it, they’d made it where everyone could escape, could leave!
… Except for them. Someone had to close the portal. And it all would have been fine, if not for the remnants of the GIW. One last hail mary from the imbeciles, they all supposed. Trapping them here within the Zone. 
Separated from their families, from the pair of children they had agreed to raise. At least their siblings would watch over Ellie and Jordan. Kyle could hide them, make sure they were safe. Jazz… Jazz was gone, the final straw in this plan. 
They screamed, they raged, they destroyed in grief for those that didn’t make it, and for those who had but had nowhere to go. No portals opened, even as they tore at the green around them. They fought, any that thought they were weak, that they were merely a beast, an abomination trapped in chains of science and gold. 
There was nothing that could be done, Frostbite had said, sympathy in his voice. No way to turn back the clock with how entwined they had become, Clockwork had explained. The only thing they could do was wait, Pandora had tried to sooth, despite it doing nothing. 
They wrenched open the coffin in a hazy fury, tearing apart armies like it was blades of grass. Their maws devoured dead who had lost themselves and become mere husks and thralls, lashing tails ripping through armour like it was nothing. 
And then as titans, they clashed with the one who had once stolen the city here. There was no desperation from them this time, no armor besides scales unbreakable as flames and storms and ice and thorns ripped islands apart. There was no desperation besides that of their opponent’s. 
There was a pleasure in their victory, before it was wrenched away. What use was a crown when their family wasn’t there? When their daughter, their son, their children were not there by their side? 
Paulina laughed, hysterical as ectoplasm dripped from her maw as Kwan howled. Their body was covered in it, their rampage that had no use, no reason leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Is this what they wanted? 
Danny raised his head from the dissolving corpses to look towards the obliterated roof of the Keep, once so terrifying now turning to dust like the crown. The crown reforming above their heads, heavy and almost choking. 
They would carry this weight together. Would restructure things, would do what they had wanted to do for Amity before the Barriers. They’d work together to rebuild the Realms, make it safer, make it safe for those newly dead. 
No matter how long it took, no matter how hard it would be to fix the destruction they had wrought in this meaningless battle. (“Danny, you’re the spokesperson,” Sam spoke up, thorn-like scales ruffling. “You’re most familiar with the realms thanks to the Infinimap.” Fair. “We’ll need allies, we’re only nine people.”)
(“Let me talk to the egyptian afterlife,” Tucker sounded exhausted, hood folding back. “I’m most familiar with them… Star, Paulina, you’re both Princess Dora’s favorites-”)
(“We can do it. Just give us time.” “Maybe a to-do list.” “Clockwork. We need to talk to Clockwork, he’d be most familiar with this.” “Rest first, nerds. We’re all… exhausted.”)
(Valerie laughed tiredly, blades melting to heal a broken horn. “Time isn’t linear here Dash. You know that. I know that. For once we’re the ones with time to spare.” It would take years to get things up to snuff. Make things Safe for when they could bring their families here.)
Their eyes opened as the now flimsy chains shattered, a smile stretching across the shared face of their humanoid form. Soon. They could return to the mortal realm soon. Just a little more, and they could see their little ones.  They'd waited a thousand years, they could wait a few days more.
(also have sketch)
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@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both seem to enjoy my Tiamat prompts/Aus lol
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wasyago · 8 months
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oh boy, what are we doing to do with you now...
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littlegreekhero · 2 months
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Uhm, actually, ☝️🤓, it was both of you.
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cy-lindric · 2 years
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House of Finwë family tree, based on the later version from HoME. I chose to stop at Elrond & Elros' generation, but later added Arwen as a side note, which is why her brothers are not included.
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My best friend and I had a call recently---she’s back with her family for a bit helping out with some hometown stuff. As part of the stuff, she’s been going through a (deceased) relative’s scrapbook, compiled in the American Midwest circa 1870-1900 and featuring mostly cut-out figures from the ads of the day.
She talked about how painstaking this relative’s work was. (Apparently the relative was careful to cut out every finger, every cowlick; this was by no means carelessly or hastily assembled.) But she also she talked about how---the baby on the baking soda ad is ugly, it is so ugly, why anyone would clip this heinously ugly illustrated baby and paste it into a scrapbook? Why would you save the (terribly told, boring) ghost story that came with your box of soap?
(Why include these things in the first place? we asked each other. ”There’s a kind of anti-capitalism to it,” she mused.)
And we discussed that for a bit---how most of the images, stories, artists, and ads were local, not national; they’re pulled from [Midwestern state] companies’ advertisements in [Midwestern state] papers, magazines, and products. As a consequence, you’re not looking at Leyendecker or Norman Rockwell illustrations, but Johann Spatz-Smith from down the road, who took a drawing class at college.
(College is the state college, and he came home on weekends and in the summer to help with the farm or earn some money at the plant.)
But it also inspired a really interesting conversation about how---we have access to so much more art, better and more professional art, than any time in history. As my bff said, all you have to do to find a great, technically proficient and lovely representational image of a baby, is to google the right keywords. But for a girl living in rural [Midwestern state] of the late 1800s, it was the baking soda ad, or literal actual babies. There was no in-between, no heading out to the nearby art museum to study oil paintings of mother and child, no studying photographs and film---such new technologies hadn’t diffused to local newspapers and circulars yet, and were far beyond the average person’s means. But cheap, semi-amateur artists? Those were definitely around, scattered between towns and nearby smallish cities.
It was a good conversation, and made me think about a couple things---the weird entitlement that “professional” and expensive art instills in viewers, how it artificially depresses the appetite for messy unprofessional art, including your own; the way that this makes your tastes narrower, less interesting, less open.
By that I mean---maybe the baby isn’t ugly! Maybe you’ve just seen too many photorealistic babies. Maybe you haven’t really stopped to contemplate that your drawing of a baby (however crude, ugly, or limited) is the best drawing of a baby you can make, and the act of drawing that lumpen, ugly baby is more sacred and profoundly human than even looking at a Mary Cassatt painting.
And even if that isn’t the case....there was this girl in [American Midwestern state] for whom it was very, very important that she capture every finger, curl, and bit of shading for that ugly soap ad baby. And some one hundred years later, her great-something-or-other took pains to preserve her work---because how terribly human it is, to seek out all the art we can find that resonates with us, preserve it, adore it.
It might be the most human impulse we have.
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meowmk · 2 months
there’s nothing that could’ve prepared me for this
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ryuusea · 10 months
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sherliam husband privileges
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daenerysies · 4 months
“i, criston cole, a grown man in my early twenties (when the show starts), met the princess when she was 14 (in hotd) and 8 (in f&b), groomed her, and then had sex with her while she was intoxicated (and still a teenager) but my stans seem to believe that i, A GROWN MAN, was the one taken advantage of and raped.”
even though she was a child in f&b and these were unsubstantiated rumors. even though he’s been an adult since the show started and she was still a kid. even though he’s been her closest confidant for years and watched her grow up. even though the writers and producers and show runners and actors ALL AGREE that it was meant to be consensual in the show. CRISTON is the one who was taken advantage of? CRISTON is the one who was raped? either get real or get slapped because i have no time for that type of bullshit.
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cayennecrush · 6 months
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dreamyouppygirlish · 5 days
yes, cis expressions of masculinity are what’s valued highest socially and systematically and trans expressions of masculinity will be treated as lesser than it, but just because you’re trans doesn’t mean you can’t appease the sensibilities of cis structures of social power. trans men idolizing the same fucked up false sense of prelapsarian masculinity that incels do doesn’t suddenly make it super cool or forcemasc, you are appealing to cis masculine sensibilities and in doing so you are more likely to be given social respect and power as a man, cis or no, therefore giving you the social capital you need to tell everyone the “truth” about those hysterical trans women who are obviously beneath you, and everyone will believe you. we don’t operate outside of cisgender expectations just because we’re trans, it’s a conscious effort to do so and i don’t see a lot of those “i swear i’m not a transmisogynist” tme people making an effort, i see them drawing social power from the same patriarchy cis men do
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompts in Memes 7
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mystery-star · 8 months
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Russell Crowe as Jack Aubrey and James D'Arcy as Tom Pullings in Master and Commander (2003)
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soupy-sez · 2 months
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puppyeared · 2 months
Why have sex when u can watch blackhead removal videos
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