#remote control and battery free
galesdevoteewife · 1 month
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Just a thought occurred to me today:
Apparently wizards can make programmed vibrators.
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Rebecca Roque’s “Till Human Voices Wake Us”
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TOMORROW (Apr 17) in CHICAGO, then Torino (Apr 21) Marin County (Apr 27), Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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"Till Human Voices Wake Us" is Rebecca Roque's debut novel: it's a superb teen thriller, intricately plotted and brilliantly executed, packed with imaginative technological turns that amp up the tension and suspense:
Modern technology presents a serious problem for a thriller writer. Once characters can call or text one another, a whole portfolio of suspense-building gimmicks – like the high-speed race across town – just stop working. For years, thriller writers contrived implausible – but narratively convenient – ways to go on using these tropes. Think of the shopworn "damn, my phone is out of battery/range just when I need it the most":
When that fails, often writers just lean into the "idiot plot" – a plot that only works because the characters are acting like idiots:
But even as technology was sawing a hole in the suspense writer's bag of tricks, shrewd suspense writers were cooking up a whole new menu of clever ways to build suspense in ways that turn on the limitations and capabilities of technology. One pioneer of this was Iain M Banks (RIP), whose 2003 novel Dead Air was jammed with wildly ingenious ways to use cellphones to raise the stakes and heighten the tension:
This is "techno-realism" at its best. It's my favorite mode of storytelling, the thing I lean into with my Little Brother and Martin Hench books – stories that treat the things that technology can and can't do as features, not bugs. Rather than having the hacker "crack the mainframe's cryptography in 20 minutes when everyone swears it can't be done in less than 25," the techno-realist introduces something gnarlier, like a supply-chain attack that inserts a back-door, or a hardware keylogger, or a Remote Access Trojan.
Back to Roque's debut novel: it's a teen murder mystery told in the most technorealist way. Cia's best friend Alice has been trying to find her missing boyfriend for months, and in her investigation, she's discovered their small town's dark secret – a string of disappearances, deaths and fires that are the hidden backdrop to the town's out-of-control addiction problem.
Alice has something to tell Cia, something about the fire that orphaned her and cost her one leg when she was only five years old, but Cia refuses to hear it. Instead, they have a blazing fight, and part ways. It's the last time Cia and Alice ever see each other: that night, Alice kills herself.
Or does she? Cia is convinced that Alice has been murdered, and that her murder is connected to the drug- and death-epidemic that's ravaging their town. As Cia and her friends seek to discover the town's secret – and the identity of Alice's killer – we're dragged into an intense, gripping murder mystery/conspiracy story that is full of surprises and reversals, each more fiendishly clever than the last.
But as good as the storytelling, the characterization and the mystery are, Roque's clever technological gambits are even better. This book is a master-class in how a murder mystery can work in the age of social media and ubiquitous mobile devices. It's the first volume in a trilogy and it ends on a hell of a cliff-hanger, too.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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ddejavvu · 2 years
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pairing: steve harrington x reader x eddie munson
requested (except i fucking deleTED IT-): Hiii, I was wondering if I could request something with steddie x reader where Steve, Eddie, and reader are all roommates and one day steddie accidentally finds a box full of reader’s “special” toys, which leads to smut?
*sighs dreamily* steddie x reader <333
this post is 18+, minors dni.
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You can pinpoint the exact second that your heart drops to your stomach, then plunges all of your intestines to your feet. It's right about when you realize what the baby blue plastic is in Steve's hand, Eddie's voice drawling from behind the door.
"-nd I bet it fuckin' stretches 'er."
"It vibrates, too." Steve peers down at the controls, looking quite like a technologically inept old man, "Didn't know she was- oh," He catches sight of you, his grip tightening around your dildo, "She's back."
Before you can react, Eddie's frizzy mop of hair pops out from behind your door. He's clutching a bullet vibe, looking more smug than you've ever seen him, "Well, well, well, have we interrupted playtime, sweetheart?"
"You guys!" You blubber, rushing forward to snatch your sex toys out of their hands. Your fingers curl around them both, but your roommates seem hellbent on playing keepaway, and your grip slides off when they tug your toys away.
"No," Eddie hums, "We're not makin' it that easy, sweetheart. C'mon, you have three pink dildos?"
"These are private!" Your cheeks flush, tears burning humiliatingly at your eyes, though your stomach bottoms out at the sight of the toy in Eddie's lithe fingers, "C'mon, please don't tease me!"
"I just think if they were private you'd've hid them," Steve's lips protrude in a meaningful pout, "We were staring to think that maybe you left 'em here for us to find. 'Cause there's no way we weren't gonna notice that one on the floor in the doorway," Steve points to the glittery green plug that had gotten scooped up in your sheets and must have tumbled out in your rush to get ready in the morning, "It's, like, begging for attention."
"I swear I didn't mean to leave it there," You plead with Steve, playing to the emotions you know he gives into more easily than Eddie does, "Please you guys? Give 'em back."
"Not until we make sure they work." Eddie bargains, pulling your attention away from Steve, "I mean, what kind of roommates would we be if we didn't make sure your electronics have good batteries in 'em?"
"I'm the designated Battery Checker," Steve nods, referring to his job of changing the remote's batteries, "'Kinda feels like we should do a little quality control."
"Quality control," You scoff, gathering up the toys on the floor and shoving them back into the bin you keep them in, "What, you're gonna flick 'em on and off 'till you decide they're good enough?"
You turn back from where you've shoved the box into the closet, finding your roommates suddenly a lot closer than they had been before.
"No," Eddie corrects you, voice deep and husky, "If they can't make you cum, then there's no reason to have 'em. Call it spring cleaning."
You glance at Steve, lust peeking out from behind the wariness displayed in your gaze, "You're gonna.. use 'em on me?"
"Why not?" Steve shrugs, but you know the question is genuine, "Got other plans?"
"No!" You shake your head, though you're sure that even if you were otherwise engaged, the thought of your roommates double teaming you with various sex toys would have canceled just about any plan you could have had, "No, um, I'm free."
Steve's fingers tighten around the dildo in his grip, and Eddie grins like a madman. They each start with the toys in their hands, Eddie's nimble fingers flicking the switch on your bullet, "'Knew it. C'mon, baby, lay down, we've got a lotta work ahead of us."
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laugh-and-love2 · 10 days
New fantasy I’m really feeling today
A sub locked into a nice, tight chastity belt. A remote controlled vibrator underneath. No other bondage - they’re free to pull on it, bang against it, try their hardest to break in.
Completely helpless against any amount of teasing or edging, able to thrash about but do absolutely nothing to stop it.
When they’ve finally earned the right to finish, turning the vibe onto its highest setting and letting it run until the battery runs out.
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infiniteeight8 · 29 days
I think you should continue a sequel but this time Tony has upgraded much more better things that a vibrator could handle since Stephen is a lil kinky in bed lmao
This is a follow up to this ficlet. It is not a sequel to the other follow up, although I guess there’s not really anything that prevents them from being in the same ‘verse.
Also, you were probably expecting porn for this response, but Tony got carried away with all the features he built into this toy. LOL.
“It’s a dildo,” Stephen said, turning the metallic black toy over in his hands. It was completely smooth; there wasn’t even a battery cover or a charging point breaking the surface.
Tony scoffed and held up a remote control with a frankly astonishing number of buttons and dials. “It’s a lot more than a dildo. First—but also least—of all, it has ten different levels of vibration.” He clicked a button; the toy shivered to life in Stephen’s hands and cycled through ten increasingly intense levels. 
Stephen had to admit that the strongest vibration was impressive, as sex toys went, but he still gave Tony a tiny smirk and said, “So it’s a vibrator.”
Tony’s return smirk said that he knew very well that Stephen was baiting him. “Does a vibrator do this?” A couple of button clicks and the toy cycled through a series of shapes, from simple increased thickness through several options to a stack of spheres of increasing size before returning to the standard cock shape. Stephen could swear it’s total volume changed, but  remained completely rigid. How…
“Tony,” Stephen said slowly. “Is this thing made of nanotech?”
“It also has motion on two axes,” Tony said. One end of the dildo started twisting in a circle. After a moment it stopped and the whole thing contracted and expanded, thrusting like a miniature fucking machine.
“And there are both hot and cold temperature options, of course!” Tony announced, not catching Stephen’s eye.
“Tony,” Stephen repeated. “Did this dildo cost a billion dollars to make?”
“Of course not,” Tony said cagily. Stephen raised his eyebrows. Tony squirmed. “Maybe three hundred million? Give or take? But I already had the nanobots, so really, it was free!”
Stephen started laughing helplessly. 
Only Tony Stark.
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Experience unparalleled fun with this incredible remote-controlled and USB rechargeable wonder, offering strong and intense vibes. Say goodbye to constant battery changes and hello to convenience. Use coupon code ORDER50 at Adam & Eve for 50% off, free shipping, and gifts. Don't miss out!
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“The threats of data colonialism are real,” says Tahu Kukutai, a professor at New Zealand’s University of Waikato and a founding member of Te Mana Raraunga, the Māori Data Sovereignty Network. “They’re a continuation of old processes of extraction and exploitation of our land—the same is being done to our information.” To shore up their defenses, some Indigenous groups are developing new privacy-first storage systems that give users control and agency over all aspects of this information: what is collected and by whom, where it’s stored, how it’s used and, crucially, who has access to it. Storing data in a user’s device—rather than in the cloud or in centralized servers controlled by a tech company—is an essential privacy feature of these technologies. Rudo Kemper is founder of Terrastories, a free and open-source app co-created with Indigenous communities to map their land and share stories about it. He recalls a community in Guyana that was emphatic about having an offline, on-premise installation of the Terrastories app. To members of this group, the issue was more than just the lack of Internet access in the remote region where they live. “To them, the idea of data existing in the cloud is almost like the knowledge is leaving the territory because it’s not physically present,” Kemper says. Likewise, creators of Our Data Indigenous, a digital survey app designed by academic researchers in collaboration with First Nations communities across Canada, chose to store their database in local servers in the country rather than in the cloud. (Canada has strict regulations on disclosing personal information without prior consent.) In order to access this information on the go, the app’s developers also created a portable backpack kit that acts as a local area network without connections to the broader Internet. The kit includes a laptop, battery pack and router, with data stored on the laptop. This allows users to fill out surveys in remote locations and back up the data immediately without relying on cloud storage.
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threadsun · 10 months
Ok, Sydney was robbed of a proper corruption ending so I'm here to write him one
We're actually going to keep the part where his original story "ends" You two make it to the prayer room get high and...fuck? weirdly hump each other while you're crazy stupid high? Who's to say, but that happens, ok? But after a while something just doesn't sit right with Sydney. Sure it felt like you two had sex but he's still a virgin, aside from any bruises you two might have left on each other there's no real way to tell if that all really happened or not. Not to mention how fucking sick of the church he's getting
He's been told all his life that people like you are evil sinners who will never reach haven, but those nights spent with you are haven! You are his haven, why should the church's opinion matter to him anymore? He's found salvation between your thighs and he'd rather die before letting go
He tells you his new plan while you two are in the library, just like last time. He tells you he's done with the church, he's going to revoke his vows tonight with you by his side, and after he does you're going to deflower him, properly this time. No tricks, no incense, no prayer room. Just the two of you fucking till dawn
Now, he could just leave the church quietly but he wants it to be a spectacle. He wants to see the shock and horror on those priests faces when he spits out the name of his god. and he does, oh fuck does he ever. With you by his side Sydney calls for a surprise sermon, making sure everyone in the temple is watching as he grabs you by the collar and makes out with you. No more having to keep his lips to your cheek, no more hiding, no more fear!
He tells them all that he won't be coming back to the temple after today, so he might as well leave them with a bang. He pulls a list from his pocket and reads off every sinful act he's seen within the temple with places, dates, and names. He leaves you two's sins for last, letting you tell them all about your nights spent in the prayer room. The last words Sydney speaks to them are used to clear your name, sure you were to one who temped him but if he hadn't wanted sin in the first place neither of you would be here right now
Everyone is too shocked to even stop you two from leaving, the both of you strutting down to Elk street. You both make your way to the porn shop, inside waits a rose petal trail to a blow up mattress. Sydney says it's the best he could do on such short notice, or he tries to any way, it's hard to make out what he's saying with his tongue down your throat. You to have sex that night, real sober sex, and you finally get to deflower him
After that night Sydney's schedule changes quite a bit. Seeing as he doesn't go to church any more he spends his after school hours at the porn shop everyday. Just because he's no longer a man of faith doesn't mean he's any less of a hard worker. He pours his heart and soul into making new and exciting toys for the lovely little sinners of this town, making sure to give them all a little test drive on you, of course
If you're in any sex work he also asks you for new ideas or needs in the market that haven't been met yet. He takes every cretic and suggestion from you seriously, even the ones you meant as a joke (Something something balloon dildo, that anon still haunts my nightmares) but he makes all of them work great!
His favorite toys to test are vibes because to get a good idea of how long their battery life lasts and how good the vibrations are he makes sure to wear them all day, he even measures their orgasms per minute, he's very through. He loves the ones with remote controls the most because then he can give them to you to fiddle with during class
I haven't played too much of the game so if there's any questions I left unanswered feel free to let me know and I'll make an addendum. Also yes, I've been trapped in your walls for sometime now. Let me out, please? I'll give you forehead kisses, and uh...cookies?
👀 OH I LOVE THAT!!! Sydney deserves to make out with you in front of the entire church and then leave for good >:3c And him putting all that work ethic into the store and testing toys and !!!!! it's all so good!!!!
Enticing me with forehead kisses and cookies.... you drive a hard bargain, but okay. You're allowed out of the walls :3c
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 11 months
The troublemakers just having “fun” with your trio, please!
(Fun = pulling pranks)
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I was searching for the most popular pranks in Google and I used three:
1. The sponge cake.
2. The Oreos with toothpaste cream.
3. The removing the batteries from the TV remote control.
I hope you like it mate!
Note: Request are still open! Feel free to go to my inbox and send me requests.
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smartphonegears · 1 year
“Experience Innovation at Your Fingertips: Galaxy Note 9”
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Revolutionary S Pen: At the core of the Galaxy Note 9’s innovation lies the S Pen, a hallmark feature of the Note series. The S Pen has been redesigned with a host of new functionalities, turning it into a powerful tool that enhances productivity and creativity. With Bluetooth connectivity, the S Pen can now perform remote tasks, such as capturing photos, controlling presentations, and navigating through apps. It’s precise pressure sensitivity and customizable Air Commands allow users to sketch, take notes, and unleash their creativity seamlessly and intuitively.
Unmatched Display and Design: The Galaxy Note 9 boasts a stunning 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display, offering a visually immersive experience. With a resolution of 2960 x 1440 pixels and vibrant colors, every image and video come to life with exceptional clarity and depth. The nearly bezel-less Infinity Display maximizes the screen of real estate, providing an edge-to-edge view that captivates the senses. The Note 9’s elegant and ergonomic design, with its glass back and metal frame, exudes sophistication and comfort, elevating the user experience to new heights.
Intelligent Performance: Underneath its sleek exterior, the Galaxy Note 9 houses a powerful processor and ample RAM, ensuring smooth and responsive performance. The device is equipped with either the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 or Samsung’s Exynos 9810 chipset (depending on the region), both of which deliver lightning-fast speeds and efficient multitasking capabilities. Whether you’re gaming, streaming content, or running resource-intensive applications, the Note 9’s intelligent performance ensures a lag-free and seamless experience.
Advanced Camera Capabilities: The Galaxy Note 9 redefines mobile photography with its advanced camera system. Featuring a dual 12-megapixel rear camera setup, the Note 9 captures stunning photos with remarkable clarity and detail. The camera’s dual aperture adjusts to lighting conditions, allowing for exceptional low-light photography. Optical image stabilization (OIS) ensures steady shots, while Super Speed Dual Pixel technology enhances autofocus accuracy. With AI-powered scene recognition and a variety of shooting modes, Note 9 enables users to effortlessly capture professional-quality photos and videos.
Enhanced Security and Intelligent Features: Samsung prioritizes user security, and the Galaxy Note 9 incorporates advanced biometric technologies for enhanced protection. With options such as facial recognition, iris scanning, and a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor, users can choose the method that suits them best. Additionally, the Note 9 features Samsung Knox, a comprehensive security platform that safeguards personal information and defends against external threats. Intelligent features such as Bixby AI assistant, voice commands, and personalized user experience further enhance the Note 9’s innovation and usability.
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Conclusion: The Galaxy Note 9 stands as a testament to Samsung’s commitment to innovation and user-centric design. With its revolutionary S Pen, unmatched display and design, intelligent performance, advanced camera capabilities, enhanced security features, and long-lasting battery, Note 9 offers an unrivaled smartphone experience. It empowers users to explore new frontiers, unleash their creativity, and navigate their digital world with ease. The Galaxy Note 9 truly exemplifies the concept of experiencing innovation at your fingertips, setting a new benchmark for smartphones in terms of functionality, performance, and user satisfaction.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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The murder of O’Shae Sibley
          O’Shae Sibley was a well-known dancer and choreographer in New York. Last week, he was vogueing in a parking lot in Brooklyn. O’Shae was approached by a group of young men. They hurled racial and anti-gay slurs at O’Shae before a high-school teenage member of the gang fatally stabbed O’Shae. The teenager has been charged with a hate crime. See NYTimes, Mourners Pay Tribute to O’Shae Sibley at the Scene of His Murder.
          While we should not jump to conclusions, it appears that O’Shae was murdered because he was a gay man dancing in public. If true, such a crime is the inevitable result of the drumbeat of anti-LGBTQ propaganda coming from MAGA extremists and politicians, most notably Ron DeSantis. Yet another reason that we must speak out against every anti-LGBTQ piece of legislation and propaganda issued by MAGA extremists.
          As the Times article above notes, mourners have begun to gather near the gas station where O’Shae was murdered. Reader (and friend) Jonathan Atkin is one of the nation’s leading aerial drone photographers. He took the photo below last Friday and granted me permission to publish it. (It is copyrighted, so please respect Jonathan’s intellectual property.)
          The photo is evocative for reasons I cannot fully explain. It is oblique but converges to a point. It communicates the power of the crowd from a distance. (As noted in the Postscript below, the distance is a sign of respect for the mourners.) But most importantly, it illustrates the outpouring of grief, support, and anger provoked by the killing of O’Shae Sibley—whose name deserves to be said and remembered.
          Thanks, Jonathan, for sharing your photo.
Jonathan Atkin took the photo of the O’Shae Sibley mourners using an aerial drone. Drone photography is highly regulated and should not be attempted by amateurs, especially near crowds. Jonathan describes his precautions as follows:
Drone flight completed with the following safety protocols:
a.) FAA "B4UFLY" checked and indicated airspace was "free to fly.” (A convenient sliver of airspace in busy NYC.)
b.) Google maps showing Coney Island Ave & P Street were consulted the night before, showing no aerial obstructions.
c.) Wind aloft: minimal. Flew Under 150 feet altitude.
d.) Notified NYPD Aviation as per my recognized practice with a "Situational Awareness Notice," similar to each notice I send for over 26 years producing aerial photographs of large ships, with crewed helicopters in the Port of NY/NJ).
e.) Flew at the site with a "V.O" (visual observer for safety)
f.) Utilized a powerful but small drone with a telephoto lens, providing an oblique angle to ensure I would be distant and not overhead of the gathered crowd.
g.) Chose my launch site behind a barricade in a protected spot. Drone prepped in advance with fully charged batteries on both drone and Remote Controller, to fly as minimally as possible to get the iconic image.
h.) Flew about 8 minutes; understanding drone usage might invoke negativity or provoke concern as drones often do particularly where emotions are high.
i.) Wore a highly visible red windbreaker to be transparent.
j.) The NYPD 66th Precinct was considerate and helpful.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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thehearingcentresg · 2 years
Comparing the different types of Hearing Aids
If you’re new to hearing aids, the different types of hearing aids available in the market might confuse you. Some are worn behind the ears, some are inside the ear, some are worn like an earphone — what’s the difference between all these different types of hearing aids? Do they differ in function and effectiveness?
In this blog article, we’ll introduce you to the different types of hearing devices, as well as how some might be more suitable for different people.
Let’s first understand: What are Hearing Aids?
A hearing aid is a small electronic device that is worn by someone with hearing loss issues. This also includes people with tinnitus, described as a ringing-in-the-ear experience. Compared to hearing aids 20 years ago, today’s hearing aids are equipped with a wide range of functionalities to further improve the user’s quality of life, such as through enhanced background noise cancellation, offering connection to smartphones or TV, offering hands-free phone calls etc.
Hearing Aid components
But all hearing aids have the same 3 main components. A microphone which picks up the surrounding sounds, then sends it to the amplifier, which amplifies the sound volume and sends it to the speaker, where the enhanced sound is played and heard by the user.
Hearing Loss — Types and Varying Degrees
Because there are different types and varying degrees of hearing losses, there needs to be different types of hearing aids too to cater to the unique condition of the user and make sure that they can hear at their best.
The different types of hearing loss include:
Conductive hearing loss — Sound has difficulty reaching the inner ear through the ear canal
Sensorineural hearing loss — Inner ear does not send electrical signals to the ear properly
Mixed hearing loss — A combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
Note that a person’s type of hearing loss does not influence the type of hearing aid they should be wearing, since hearing aids are meant to increase the sound volume, and not treat their cause of hearing loss medically.
The different degrees of hearing loss include:
Mild — Difficulty hearing rustling of leaves and whispers
Moderate — Difficulty hearing light rainfall
Severe — Difficulty hearing heavy traffic or hair dryer
Profound — Difficulty hearing extremely loud sounds like sirens and construction sounds
Now that you’re aware of how hearing aids work and the different hearing loss conditions, let’s introduce the different types of hearing aids.
Types of Hearing Aids
Even with the different types of hearing aids, there are hearing aid types that are very similar to each other, so we’ve categorized them accordingly for your convenience. Hearing aids are either worn behind the user’s ear, or inside the ear canal.
There are 2 types of hearing aids worn behind the ear:
Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
Receiver-In-Canal (RIC)
On the other hand, there are 4 types of hearing aids worn inside the ear canal:
In-The-Ear (ITE)
In-The-Canal (ITC)
Completely-In-Canal (CIC)
Invisible-In-Canal (IIC)
Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
BTE is the most common of the different types, and are great for users with mild to profound hearing loss. Because it’s a larger device, it can accommodate manual volume and other remote controls.
For all degrees of hearing loss users (Mild to profound)
Larger battery for longer battery life
Can have more features like noise cancellation and connecting to smartphones and TV
Least discreet of all hearing aid types due to its size
Wind noise might be a concern if the hearing aid does not have noise cancellation functionality
Receiver-In-Canal (RIC)
RIC is slightly smaller than BTE, and are also great for users with mild to profound hearing loss. Because it’s a larger device, it can also accommodate manual volume and other remote controls.
For all degrees of hearing loss users (Mild to profound)
Larger battery for longer battery life
Smaller and more discreet than BTE
Still less discreet than hearing aids wore in the canal
Speaker may be susceptible to earwax and moisture clogging
In-The-Ear (ITE)
ITE may be the largest of the hearing aids that are worn in the ear, but they are significantly more discreet than BTE and RIC for users who are concerned about how it looks with their ear. They are great for users with mild to severe hearing loss.
Custom fit to user’s ear
Large enough for remote controls
Usually not optimal for people with profound hearing loss
Smaller battery thus a shorter battery life
Speaker may be susceptible to earwax and moisture clogging
In-The-Canal (ITC)
ITC is slightly smaller than ITE, making them even more discreet, but is still great for users who are concerned about how it looks with their ear. They are best for users with mild to moderate hearing loss.
More discreet than ITE
Custom fit to user’s ear
Still large enough for remote controls
Usually not optimal for people with profound and sometimes severe hearing loss
Smaller battery thus a shorter battery life
Speaker may be susceptible to earwax and moisture clogging
Completely-In-Canal (CIC)
As the name suggests, CIC is barely visible and is slightly smaller than ITC, making them even more discreet. CIC is great for users who want a discreet hearing aid. They are best for users with mild to moderate hearing loss.
Second-most discreet hearing aid style
Custom fit to user’s ear
Not for people with severe or profound hearing loss
Smaller battery thus a shorter battery life
Invisible-In-Canal (IIC)
IIC is the smallest available hearing aid style in the market, making them the most discreet. It is unnoticeable because it rests in the second bend of the ear canal. They are best for users with mild to moderate hearing loss.
Most discreet hearing aid style
Custom fit to user’s ear
Not for people with severe or profound hearing loss
Smaller battery thus a shorter battery life
Generally, hearing aids that are worn on the outer ear can accommodate a wider degree of hearing loss, but at the expense of being less discreet. Conversely, hearing aids worn inside the ear canal are much more discreet, but are not as suitable for people with severe or profound hearing loss. The Hearing Centre in Singapore provides the best hearing aids in Singapore and have experienced audiologist’s team. Consulting the audiologist is the best way to help you decide which is the best for you depending on your specific needs and requirements.
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hgd5tr · 1 year
ANEROS is a well-known brand that specializes
ANEROS is a well-known brand that specializes in adult toys designed for prostate and sexual wellness. The brand was founded in 2003 and has since become a leader in the industry, providing innovative and effective products for men’s health and pleasure.
ANEROS started as a small startup and has evolved over time with the introduction of new and advanced products that cater to a range of preferences and needs.
Today, the brand is recognized worldwide for its commitment to quality, safety, and sexual well-being.
ANEROS offers a range of benefits
ANEROS offers a range of benefits that make their products stand out in the world of adult toys. Firstly, ANEROS toys are designed with quality and safety in mind. They use medical-grade materials that are body-safe and free from harmful chemicals, ensuring a comfortable and safe experience.
Secondly, ANEROS has a strong focus on innovative designs that cater to a range of preferences and sexualities. Their products are designed to provide targeted stimulation to the prostate, promoting better sexual health and wellness. This focus on sexual wellness sets ANEROS apart from other adult toy brands that may only focus on pleasure.
Moreover, ANEROS toys are also versatile and can be used by people of all genders and sexual orientations. They offer a range of products for beginners to experienced users, catering to different levels of comfort and experience. With a wide range of options available, ANEROS toys allow people to explore and discover new levels of pleasure and intimacy.
Overall, the benefits of ANEROS toys include quality, safety, innovation, versatility, and a strong focus on sexual wellness. These factors make ANEROS a top choice for people looking to explore their sexuality and improve their sexual health.
ANEROS offers a variety of products, each with unique features and benefits. Below are some of the most popular products from the brand:
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1. Helix Syn Trident: The Helix Syn Trident is a prostate massager that is designed to provide targeted stimulation to the prostate. Its shape and size allow for easy insertion and a comfortable fit. The Helix Syn Trident is made with high-quality silicone and has a unique coating that provides a velvety smooth texture for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
2. Vice 2: The Vice 2 is a powerful prostate massager that features two motors, one for internal stimulation and one for external perineum stimulation. It is made with medical-grade silicone and features a remote control for hands-free use. The Vice 2 also has a rechargeable battery, making it easy and convenient to use.
3. Eupho Syn Trident: The Eupho Syn Trident is a slim and curved prostate massager that provides precise stimulation to the prostate. Its ergonomic design allows for easy insertion and comfortable use. The Eupho Syn Trident is made with high-quality silicone and has a unique texture that provides added stimulation.
4. Progasm: The Progasm is a prostate massager that is designed for experienced users. It features a larger size and a unique shape that provides intense stimulation to the prostate. The Progasm is made with medical-grade plastic and has a built-in handle for easy use.
5. Maximus Trident: The Maximus Trident is a prostate massager that is designed to provide intense stimulation to the prostate and perineum. Its curved shape and size allow for easy insertion and a comfortable fit. The Maximus Trident is made with high-quality silicone and has a unique texture that provides added stimulation.
These popular products from ANEROS provide targeted stimulation to the prostate and perineum, promoting better sexual health and wellness. With a variety of options available, users can choose a product that caters to their preferences and experience level.
ANEROS has received many positive customer reviews
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Many customers have reported experiencing intense and enjoyable prostate orgasms with ANEROS toys. They have also noted the products’ easy-to-use designs, comfortable fit, and ability to provide targeted stimulation.
One customer wrote, “I’ve tried a few different prostate massagers over the years, but none of them have come close to the ANEROS. The Helix Syn Trident is my go-to toy for solo play and it never fails to deliver intense pleasure.”
Another customer shared, “The Vice 2 is an amazing product. The dual motors provide intense stimulation and the remote control makes it easy to use. I’ve recommended it to all of my friends!”
Overall, ANEROS has a strong reputation for producing high-quality and effective prostate massagers. Customers rave about the brand’s products, making it a popular choice for those looking to explore prostate stimulation.
When it comes to buying ANEROS toys, there are a few factors to consider in order to ensure you choose the right product for you. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
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1. Consider the material: ANEROS toys are made from a variety of materials, including silicone, plastic, and metal. Make sure to choose a material that is comfortable and safe for your body.
2. Pay attention to size: ANEROS offers toys in various sizes to accommodate different body types and levels of experience. Consider the size of the toy in relation to your body and level of experience with prostate stimulation.
3. Look for ergonomic designs: ANEROS toys are designed with the anatomy of the prostate in mind.
4. Read product reviews: Take the time to read customer reviews of ANEROS products to get an idea of their effectiveness and quality. This can also help you choose between specific products within the ANEROS lineup.
No matter what product you choose, make sure to use plenty of lubricant and take your time exploring your body’s responses to the stimulation. With the right product and mindset, ANEROS toys can provide a whole new level of pleasure and prostate health.
Specializing in high quality adult toys
Customer reviews attest to the effectiveness of ANEROS toys, and buying tips can help users choose the right product for their needs. Whether you’re looking for a starter product or a more advanced toy, ANEROS has something to offer. So, don’t hesitate to explore your body’s responses to prostate stimulation and experience the unique pleasure and prostate health benefits that ANEROS toys can provide.
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
So, Monty what are some of the craziest hijinks you and moon gotten into? On a totally unrelated note, how close would you say you are to moon?
Monty: I thought I already answered that last part. Moon and I are really close, we're best friends! And for some of the crazier stuff we've done? Hmm...
Oh! I know! There was a huge storm like a year or two ago, it cut off the power to the WHOLE building! The recharge stations have emergency power, so they're not important, what IS important though is that the lights were off! Throughout the WHOLE building! For like 2 whole days! It was amazing! AND there were no security guards because none of them could reach the Pizzaplex in the storm!
Anyway, what ended up happening was that we had the bright idea to take apart one of the go-karts, and it wasn't easy let me tell you! We ended up breaking one... er, well, I ended up breaking one, so we went to another where Moon was in charge of taking it apart.
Well, we got a shopping cart and I put the little engine thingy inside and then Moon set up like a little rod to the wheels and connected the engine to it along with a remote control... uh remote. Heh, and then we tested it out and it WORKED! Like holy shit Moon is fucking smart to do that! I thought only Roxy knew about fixing cars and shit, but NO! Moon came in with that awesome brain of its! And a charged battery pack thing.
Okay, so, we know it works, but driving around a well-made and preserved race track is so fucking boring, so instead, we sneak it pass all the others and I carry it up to one of the upper floors. That thing was heavy let me tell you! Moon tried to use they wire but the power being out made it not work.
So, well now we are on the top floor just scooting around! I'm sitting in the basket with the engine to my back and Moon on my lap, he's steering and all that... And then we have a BRILLIANT idea!
Hehehe. I take the cart to the very top floor and we go into Mazercise! And, as you know, Mazersice has a lot of boards and junk like that. Well, me and Moon grab a TON of them and go to our one super long escalator! We uh... we no longer have that escalator because of this, BUT IT WAS COOL! So, we take those boards and start placing them on the stopped escalator, using random shit to keep them secure and not fall down, then we head back up once our ramp is ready!
By this point, the other's realize we are doing something AMAZING and gather to watch us. Freddy, being the party pooper he is, runs up a free escalator and tries to stop us once Moon and I are positioned at the top in our electric shopping cart! Freddy and Chica are yelling, Roxy is encouraging us, and Moon is telling Sun to calm down.
Well Moon hits the go button or whatever and we GO! I have NEVER gone that fast in all my years of operating! Even when me and Roxy go over the speed limit racing! I'm pretty sure Moon added some extra juice or took off ANY kind of limiter! That or the ramp helped! It was awesome!
Until we tipped over. Hehe, oh it was so fucking scary! Halfway down the boards moved or broke or SOMETHING and Moon and I just went FLYING! I wrapped myself around Moon and turned so that I took most of the damage, but thankfully we flew onto the second floor and not all the ways down to the first! I was dented some but otherwise fine. Moon didn't get hurt at all but was in a clear panic worried about me! It was nice to see hehehe. Heck, even some of Sun's rays were popping out a bit, but they were blue so it's not like he was trying to take control of the body or whatever, Moon was just popping the rays out from anxiety and fear.
The cart was wrecked, so was like half the boards and some of the glass walls on the escalator. Pretty sure one of the kiosks got fucking domed by the thing and was completely destroyed. Freddy and the others came to make sure we were okay and then Freddy made us clean all the shit up. Pretty sure Moon would have cleaned it anyway, but being TOLD to clean fucking sucked! I didn't want to because of that, but I wasn't gonna make Moon clean alone, because I knew he would. As bad as the Fazfuck's lecture can be, I can't BEGIN to imagine how bad it was for Moon being stuck listening to Sun for hours as we cleaned.
Well, heh, that was probably our craziest story with the two of us! It was so much fucking fun though! Roxy was PISSED once she realized that we fucked up her carts though. Also staff was not happy with us either. We WOULD have gotten away with saying someone broke in if it wasn't for Freddy and Sun telling the truth to staff. Buncha losers.
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packlong · 2 years
Smart tv remote mouse
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#Smart tv remote mouse apk#
#Smart tv remote mouse install#
#Smart tv remote mouse software#
#Smart tv remote mouse code#
#Smart tv remote mouse plus#
#Smart tv remote mouse apk#
This system can be later improved using other technologies that can provide a larger range of communication.Mouse toggle for android tv apk cracked. Return Accepted for exchange/Refund if your device didn’t work with it. Please note, this is aftermarket mode, it didn’t support Voice function.
#Smart tv remote mouse plus#
0 8GB RAM 64GB ROM, T95 Plus Smart TV Box 2021, RK3566 4-Core 64bit Cortex-A55 CPU, Support 4K 8K. No any program needed, only put into brand new battery will work well. Mouse left/right click can also be performed through the remote. 4GHz Mini Wireless Keyboard 54 YouTube for Android TV 2. They don’t work as a desktop mouse, but they do control your mouse cursor and, as you move the remote around, the cursor moves as you direct it. The tv remote keypad numbers are used to perform the cursor Right-Left-Up and Down movement. With the rise of Smart TVs and app-enabled media boxes, there have been a number of TV remote-style controllers released that are essentially air mice too. It is used to recognize the input command and perform desired action. The Harmony Smart Hub and Smart Keyboard, released March 2014.
#Smart tv remote mouse software#
A pc remote reader software is used to read the remote input command in the pc. Imports of logitech wireless keyboard mouse in USA Manufacturers of logitech wireless.
#Smart tv remote mouse code#
Usually this IR code is nothing but an RC5 code. My Account My Orders My Wishlist My Coupons Refer & Get US10 0. Related Searches: Shipping to: Language: Currency: Hello Sign in Join. The microcontroller then transfers this data signal through Pc com port passing through a level shifter IC. Buy the best and latest samsung smart tv remote mouse on offer the quality samsung smart tv remote mouse on sale with worldwide free shipping. This data is then received by an IR sensor which is in turn connected to a microcontroller of 8051 family. Use the touchpad to perform a left click with a one finger tap or click or use the left mouse click button on the left hand side of K600 TV.
#Smart tv remote mouse install#
tons of smart TV owners com Install Mouse Toggle For Android TV Devices. Scroll webpages by pressing the fn button while moving one finger up/down on the touchpad. Using remote as a mouse is very convenient in presentations using projectors, since a tv remote does not require a surface to work on and can be easily operated while moving through the room.Ī basic tv remote transmits data in coded format. Chromecast With Google Tv Using Amazon Firestick Remote Get Mouse Toggle On. Well if we use a tv remote as a pc mouse, the user may operate his pc from anywhere in the remote range. This needs the operator to sit near the pc. All PC/computers require PC mouse to control the pc cursor. That’s thank to a new feature Samsung calls Remote Access, which will let you use PC input devices to control your TV. The system uses a tv remote to control the desktop cursor. It is a highquality remote control for lg smart tv. ZYF Z10 Air Mouse Remote, 2.4G Backlit Voice Remote Control with Wireless Keyboard Touchpad, for Nvidia Shield, Android TV Box, PC, Projector, HTPC (Not Compatible with Smart TV) - White Infrared 4. Connect your mobile device and computer to the same Wi-Fi. Install Remote Mouse for desktop on computer MAC MAC (DMG) WINDOWS.
Electronics and Communication Project Ideas Plugandplay micro receiver for computers, projectors, tv settop boxes, htpc, etc. The ZaZa Universal TV Remote app uses the internal IR blaster of Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, HTC, Lenovo, Huawai and TCL phones to provide a universal remote app that supports a wide variety of. IPHONE IPAD ANDROID ANDROID (APK) Step 2.
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mitsubishic · 2 years
Interesting fact about remote codes
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People have all types of reasons to dislike far flung controls: They find all of these little buttons too complicated. They can’t parent out which a long way off cluttering their coffee desk controls the television, stereo, cable field, Blu-ray participant or some different electronics.But the great frequent a ways off controls don’t come cheap. Any far flung additionally appears to expire of battery strength at what seems like the maximum inopportune instances, like actually earlier than you’re approximately to change the channel to the huge sport or the cliffhanger display of a fave collection Check out. Sometimes remotes circulate lacking under a couch cushion or reappear in any other room. One tool you in all likelihood hold for your pocket or handbag can alternative on your physical far flung control, even though apps to your iPhone or Android handset might not cope with all of your frustrations. You could probably even repurpose a retired telephone for the interest. But a phone became far flung manage is probably a lot extra than a channel clicker. Beyond news and entertainment, the smartphone a ways off is a bridge to the net-related smart domestic, both thru its integrated competencies or whilst you download 1/3-celebration apps.
By tapping the telephone or summoning such voice assistants as Amazon Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant or perhaps Samsung’s Bixby, you can remotely set off lights, decrease the blinds, open garage doorways, exchange the thermostat's temperature and control a bunch of well matched products and domestic device.Most older adults' revel in with a remote manipulate began with a tv. In the beyond severa years, TVs have gone “clever,” which virtually way they’re connected to the internet and a ramification of streaming channels and apps from HBO Max to Netflix. If your TV doesn’t already have such apps, you may easily add them thru Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Google Chromecast, Roku and distinctive set-pinnacle containers and streaming add-ons that plug into your tv.Such merchandise commonly include remote controls. But additionally they have committed apps that might paintings with those gadgets. And for higher or worse, your smartphone is usually close by. 
Phillip Swann, editor and publisher of the TV Answer Man! Internet website online, says he has obtained questions from older adults “who have out of place their Roku remotes and are clueless what to do. I commonly refer them to the Roku app. [It] allows you to search for channels, connect headphones, flip up the quantity, pause and do the whole lot else that the bodily a long way flung does. And excellent of all, it’s unfastened.”Numerous one of a kind TV apps are available in every the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, some free and ad-supported, plus others that bring a rate. Some cater to a selected logo or set of gadgets, whilst others promise to paintings during manufacturers. Google recently launched a brand new far flung-manipulate app for Android telephones that helps you to manage nicely ideal Google TVs and Android TV jogging machine gadgets. You can upload the remote to the Quick Settings tiles in your Android cellphone.
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