#reincarnated trolls
astrumocs · 1 year
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A little birthday sketch of @reincarnated-trolls Chowow, Her design is very cute <3
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knavestrolls · 1 year
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Today's permissions start with a chibi!! Froggie from @reincarnated-trolls!
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windy-trickster · 1 year
🍓🍓🍓 - Anymore? Keeping this on a roll!
🍓 - @ase-trollplays Buddy! Pal! Friend of mine!!!! I love getting to see your art and interact w/your funny chars <333 Hyleem and Yarrow have a special place in my heart and know that I do think about them a lot. 🍓 - @afallatmak Hey ik we don't talk much but know I am thinking about you and wishing you only the best. Your art style is fantastic, your chars and plots are really interesting. I love getting to see your art on my dash. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me. 🍓 - @reincarnated-trolls Ik life's been kicking you already lately but know things will pick up for you man. I like talking to you and getting to see your art on my dash. I've seen soooo many of your fantrolls and I'm in love w/a lot of their designs. Don't let the world knock you around too much. Stay strong, I know you can do it.
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cryptiiids · 1 year
3, 4, 8, 24, 33 for valtii, >:)
KURT MY BELOVED IN THE INBOX LETS GOOO. This one's gonna be long so ill put it under a readmore!
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
Valtii really likes the way the skin around his eyes crinkle when they smile :)
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical) (im including all quads here! love is not limited to just red!)
Astris: Absolutely ADORES her hair!! His cheerleader-esque attitude always brightens their mood and motivates them to keep their chin up even when he doesn't feel like it!
Odoleu: THEY LOVE HER BIG SMILE SO MUCH. Odd's cooler personality balances theirs out very well, and their very presence is super super comforting...like a good tether to reality! (wails)
Elrick: HIS VOICE. IT'S SO NICE 2 THEM AUGH! Elrick is also very grounded in his beliefs, something Valtii appreciates soso much...bc they can be a little extra sometimes! He's reeled in when he needs to be!
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it?
They are VERY VERY critical of themselves and the media he creates! They know it makes him look a little vain and are very aware of it...but habits are really hard to break especially when they've been drilled into his head so many times!
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
Astris: "Down-to-earth and passionate in both who she loves and what he does. He's proof that when things start to get hard, you've got to swing back harder."
Odoleu: "Perfectly imperfect, and incredibly fierce whether she knows it or not. We're both working through our own troubles, but it's a lot easier with them..and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."
Elrick: "Strong and steadfast, both psychically and mentally. He only looks scary at first glance, but he's ever the sweetheart! (laughs)"
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
Buried behind a trillion books in a bookstore or library!! Their usual stomping grounds are too obvious....and sometimes inspiration pulls from unlikely stories they tend to pick up :)
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faerielandtrolls · 1 year
Socair hey hi hello do you know how you got ur arm? teehee
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"He//o, hi there, hoVVdy even! VVhy yes i do remember hoVV i got it."
"VVhen i VVoke up from the accident i VVen on a search for a good prosthetic. VVhich isn't hard of course. There are many ta/ented biomechanics and doctors VVho specia/ize in prosthetics that i cou/d have gone to"
"In the end though, i ended up making this one myself VVith the he/p of a /ocal prosthetic maker and their 3D printer. It does everything i need it to. The hand can extend so i don't have to c/imb up a /adder to fix /ighting rigs or supports in the carniva/ i VVork at. It can a/so rotate 360° at the VVrist, VVhich he/ps a /ot VVhen i need to screVV things in."
"Oh! And my favorite thing~ my pinkie can turn into a small drone camera VVhich he/ps me see VVhat is VVrong VVith some things that are hard to reach norma//y. I VVanted it to be my thumb origina//y, so i cou/d ca// it my thumbs up but it turns out having a thumb is kind of important VVhen VVorking VVith too/s.... so i put my pinkie out instead"
"Thank you for asking about it! It took me 5 tries to get it VVorking hoVV I VVanted it, and it's sti// a /ittle stiff but I'm very proud of it!"
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cadavertrolls · 1 year
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ase-trollplays · 2 years
aaaaaaaaaa It always makes me so happy when people say they love my Hannah nannah. ;U; They're probably my most underrated troll
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Got an ask from @starzwithapen to write for how Viva would work around showing affection to a Reader with short hair BUT I FUMBLED AND ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE ASK ASKLAJDLKJSD
BUT NO WORRIES BABE!! I got your message and I love the way you think, literally NOT ENOUGH Viva out in the world I swear 😤😤
Viva x Reader: love is in the hair
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Includes: GN! Reader, Reader w/ short hair, LOTS of fluff, one singular use of the word "fantastamazing"
🌟 Hair is kind of a big thing for trolls— Viva especially. Like c'mon. Literally 5 seconds after meeting Poppy and this girl's first instinct was to style her hair?? Chances are she does this with just about anyone, let's be real. It's basically her #1 love language <33
🌟 That being said, she was probably like?? Super shocked when she first met you???
🌟 Pop trolls in particular traditionally have big hair, and I mean BIG as in it can basically be 3/4ths of their entire height lol. Of course there are some expections but Viva, personally? She's never met someone with hair like yours before... she's honestly in awe
🌟 But being the quirky girlie she is, this troll thinks your uniqueness is fantastamazing!! In fact your hair is probably what drew her towards you in the first place
🌟 But like I said before: this girl love love LOVES playing around with other people's hair! Elaborate hairdos are an art form and she's perfected it to a "T" uwu
🌟 But... your hair doesn't give her much room to work, now does it?
🌟 She's a little devasted at first ngl. I mean part of the reason she's so fond of styling hair is cuz she loves seeing her work on others (girl's a bit of a showoff ashdlajddds). Whenever she spots her friends and loved ones going about with their hair still done, she's never felt prouder. With your short hair that might be a bit of a problem...
🌟 But obviously she's not gonna let something like hair length stop her from showing how much she likes you! >:3
🌟 She'll still put braids in your hair, of course, but can't stop from feeling a little sad that they won't be as visible...
🌟 BUT THEN SHE GOES TO PUT THEM IN AND LIKE... wow she has to be awfully close just to get to your hair, huh? The two of you are sitting on the floor of her room, crisscrossed and facing each other... and the strands of your hair are so short that her fingers can't help but sometimes brush against your face... which is pretty close to her face, actually...
🌟 Expect to have this woman beg offer to braid your hair on the daily from then on
🌟 Much like Poppy, I like to think Viva is a Live, Love, Craft kinda gal. Better believe she's gonna be slaving away to make some DIY hairpins and bobs, maybe some ribbons or beads she can tie into your hair!! She's also taking into consideration your sense of style and what you like, so all these trinkets are gonna be personalized as hell lol
🌟 If someone else happens to point out/compliment your hair and Viva's within hearing distance? Girl is literally about to split her face with how wide she's smiling
🌟 This girlie is DEFINITELY making you two matching trinkets, don't even deny it. She adores the idea of having something to showcase your guys' bond. Just a little somethin special for the two of you <33
🌟 Also she just wants to show you off who are we kidding
🌟 Loves getting her hair done too, so definitely don't feel afraid to ask! I mean, good luck getting her hyperactive ass to sit still long enough but like!! She's just so excited to have you reciprocate her love language, can you blame her?
🌟 The feelings of fingers or a hairbrush running through hair is a HUGE stress reliever for her. Whether she's giving or recieving the action doesn't matter. It's just relaxing for her
🌟 Quickly learns to love your short hair for this exact reason because like?? The length just makes the whole process just SOOOO much simpler??? She doesn't have to worry as much about her fingers snagging in too many tangles which is a plus for her lol
🌟 Also loves being able to tuck strands of your hair behind your ears! She thinks she's so suave whenever she does ;))
🌟 Daily hairdo sessions quickly become a regular occurence between you two
🌟 Just hangin out in her room, doing each other's hair while you guys talk about your days. Running a place like Putt Putt Village is hardwork so definitely let Viva lay her head on your lap as you brush her hair, or the other way around if you'd prefer!! If you reassure her and tell her all her work is appreciated tho...
🌟 Your ass is gettin smooched. No way to avoid it <33
AKSJDHAHS SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! The people workin on Trolls 3 did not NEED to give us Viva... but they DID and I'm forever grateful 😔
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nekropsii · 7 months
I'd like to know your opinion on Meenah, because of how mixed the general opinion of her is and because of your interpretation of the dancestors, I wanna hear your thoughts on her
I like her. I need some people to stop acting like she's butch and also for everyone to realize she was raised with literally zero people or Lusii to ever parent her or teach her what's right from wrong.
Yes, she's done a whole lot of bad things. Yes, she's a generally fucked up person. But Meenah explicitly grew up having never been taught the meaning of consequences, or most other social lessons, because she did not have a Lusus and it was illegal to cull her. It was illegal to tell her no, and that what she was doing was wrong. The best she had was a tyrannical adult version of herself to idolize. She's a very childish young girl who never got taught where to draw the line, what's okay and what isn't, when and where to say no or take no for an answer. It's genuinely tragic, the way she got fucked up by her upbringing.
What's interesting is that it's not even like she can't feel the consequences. Genuinely hurting people emotionally does seem to get under her skin- we can see that pretty clearly in the (Vriska) breakup situation. She's complicated. I don't think she completely lacks morals- especially not in the way I've seen some talk about her- just that she was never truly taught them.
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Trolls - Veneer dies and is reincarnated as Floyd's kid AU
Okay considering how well received, my RPBAM AU, might as well share this crazy idea.
Okay, so Veneer still in prison. He doesn't mind. He's one of the guards' favorite prisoners as he doesn't make trouble and is very pleasant. He and Velvet had to be separated, due to her kind of falling off the deep end after their arrest and it wasn't safe for her to be in the normal prison blocks. its all sun-shine and rainbows until Veneer dies from and accident on prison grounds. I'll think he'd get crushed by machinery.
The thing is, he doesn't realize this, until he's hatching out of an egg in a completely new place, in a tiny body that doesn't listen to him, coming face to face with the person he fucking tortured for two months. He is freaked out.
On the other side of this. It's been a few years since his capture, and Floyd has settled down in Pop Village. On his good days he's on crutches and on his bad ones he can't get out of bed. However, He's made a decent life for himself. He's started a small career of giving private music lessons to the trollings of pop village and has rebuilding his bonds with all his brothers. Poppy and Branch (or maybe I'll link my two AUs and it will be Char not sure yet), have married and are waiting for their first egg to hatch. Clay and Viva are engaged and have move the Putt Putts to the village. Bruce lives with his wife and kids, at Vacay Island but he visits as often as he can. JD kind of wanders, but usually sticks to areas close to the village or Vacay Island, with his camping trips as an exception.
Floyd would find an egg abandoned near the river, and his pissed about it and gets attached quickly. Even after bringing the lost egg to Poppy and Branch, to report the lost child, he offers to foster until its family is found. Weeks pass and of course no one claims the baby. Leaving it's fate up in the air. Floyd by this point extremely attached, and files to adopt the egg, with no one interest he's given the full custody. Floyd is over joyed by this, as kids had been on his mind before but that possibility had been ripped away from him along with his talent. It wasn't that he was infertile his body just was too weak to be able carry safely.
When Veneer, now named Vinyl hatches, he's horrified. HE died, was reborn as a troll, and was now underneath the care of the troll he nearly killed. Veneer feels scared, stressed and super guilty, as now he has to witness the major after effects that Floyd has to deal with. However, as a newly hatched infant, he can not express these emotions beyond crying fits. As a result he's a very fussy baby. Especially when his new "aunts and uncles" come to meet him. First off, Apparently one set of them are the freaking King and Queen, and no knowing troll goverment, he assumes that he and Velvet freaking kidnapped not just a boy band member but that Floyd was part of the royal family, which how in the world wasn't he given the death sentence for (not that that mattered at this point).
Floyd takes his new son's fussiness in stride, but he can't help but still worry. He has no idea what's causing his son such distress, he even took the baby to a doctor to see if there was an underlying issue causing it. He confides in Bruce and Branch (his and poppy's egg hatched, into a little girl named Rose), and they comfort him, calming his worries saying that sometimes babies just need time to adjust to being out of the shell, and that it's okay to feel a little unqualified at first.
Eventually, Veneer accepts his situation, and decides to make Floyd's life as great as it can be, after he helped almost end it. Floyd continues to be a doting dad, happy to see that his son is settling in.
Years pass, and things change. Clay and Viva get married, and eventually announce their pregnant with twins. Poppy and Branch adopt a trolling who lost is family in a fire. Veneer, now completely going by Vinyl, attends school with Rose.
Life appears perfect, until Floyd gets sick. Bad days begin to out number good ones. He'd dizzy and nauseous, to the point of passing out. Stubbornly, he tries to ignore it, not wanting his wonderful to be messed up. besides it was probably just a bad run of his conditions. However, eventually he can't any more...
Veneer, now three fully walking and talking, finds Floyd on the fainted on the floor one day, and runs to one of his uncle's home to get help. The brozone brothers force Floyd into a doctor's visit, which has everyone on edge. Bruce was visiting and took Veneer so the toddler wouldn't have to deal with the sterile doctor's office. Leaving Floyd to talk with the rest. The doctor's confirm his symptoms aren't from his pre-existing conditions, and that scares him. He's scared for his future, and the future of his son. His brother's comfort him. Poppy and Branch vowing that they would never let anything happen to their nephew. Eventually he has a confirmed diagnoses.
He's pregnant. Which his reaction to the news could be considered utter shock. Floyd had been told this wouldn't have happened hundred of times, and if it did it would end in disaster. As such the doctors advise Floyd to give up on the new baby, so he could be their for his living son. This sends him spiraling, because he wants his baby, but if he/they died...Eventually he decides to give them a fighting chance. Branch and Poppy, move Floyd and Veneer into their royal pop, to give them support. Which was a good choice, as Floyd's condition continues to rapidly deuterate.
This whole situation, only raps up Veneer's guilt, after all if he'd never helped Velvet kidnap him, Floyd wouldn't be sick and that baby would have an actual chance. Floyd thankfully makes it through the carrying, but the egg detached early and messily. Its purple and blue shell thin and soft, needing to stay at the doctor's office until it hardened properly. Eventually though, it hatched into a sweet baby girl, named Billie. Underweight and tiny but alive. Floyd is overjoyed, and Veneer vows that he'd never let Billie turn into Velvet.
Billie is taken home, however, Floyd notices some things that worried him. She was very quiet. Like didn't make a noise even when she was having a crying melt down. Eventually the doctors say her vocal chords are severely under developed, and it was likely that she'd never talk, speak or sing. She was basically born mute.
Once more years pass. Billie grows, she can't talk but she signs, Veneer fits into the role of her guardian and translator, and had become well versed in many different instruments, Violin being her favorite. Veneer is close to Billie is ways that he never was to Velvet, and how cruel his twin had been to him is clearer then ever. Far too soon, they both reach adult hood, with big music dreams, however unlike in his past life, Veneer is excited about it, he knows Billie will work hard and cheer him on just as he will. It won't be like with Velvet, especially with the fully support of their large family. And they found great success, Veneer was Billie's manager, and some times did her correo. Everything was perfect.
Sadly though, Floyd would pass away when Billie was 15, and Veneer 18. His weaken body finally running out of road. Veneer pulls everything together for Billie, who's a complete mess. The rest of their family is there, especially John Dory. He's around all the time now, taking care of them when their too broken too.
The fic would end with Veneer, playing with his Nieces at a birthday part years later. Billie was all grown up, successful, loving, sweet, married with three children. Two little girls and a little boy. This was his heaven, not his pence's.
So, that's my insane rambling. hope ya'll enjoyed.
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astrumocs · 1 year
Julius you are very pretty and I would like to Hold Your Hand would that be okay? Also I offer you a plushie as a sign of friendship?
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"I... don't think I've had someone call me pretty like that in a while, I'll admit. It's quite strange."
"I am not really the touchy type, so I'll have to pass on any potential hand-holding. And as for your offered plush toy, I'll be passing on that too, at least on taking it for myself."
"If you don't mind me giving it to one of the kids, I'm sure it would be more appreciated by them than I."
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brights-place · 3 months
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Viva with an Hyper Sexual! S/O
Pairings: Viva X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Slight mentions of smut,
A/N: As a Hypersexual person myself I was glad to write this to spread more awarness but I accidentally deleted the request by accident so I’m very sorry to whoeveer requeste it ( ´Д`)y━・~~
-WHOA okay Viva didn't know anything about it like at all
- You sat beside Viva who stared at you with curious eyes while you two were making candy necklaces that you could never finish but you stopped and let out a sigh
- "Hey Viva... uhm you know your my girlfriend and you say you love me always right?" You said nervously placing down your candy bracelet as you glanced over to Viva who held your hand "Sweetie! You know I will always be here for you!" "thanks- did you seriously just re-braided my hair?" You said giggling as Viva nodded excitedly - "Viva I'm hypersexual..." viva paused brain loading as she stared trying to listen but she kept on getting distracted "Uhm what is that?" Viva said confused leaning in holding your hand as you smiled
- "So uhm... Hyper sexuality looks different in every individual who has the condition its uhm how do I explain it well..." You muttered as Viva was playing with your fingers to comfort you "A person with hypersexuality may notice that sexual activities take over everything else in their life" Viva leaned in as you explained the inability to control or reduce sexual behaviors engaging in sexual behaviors despite adverse consequences, such as failed relationships and issues at work or school engaging in sexual behaviors despite experiencing little to no satisfaction from doing so experiencing increased tension or extreme arousal leading up to the sexual activity, followed by relief or a loss of tension afterward
- Viva sighed softly before kissing your cheek "(Name) honey you know I really care for you... and I will care for you always! OOH CANDY" Viva said to relax you before she got distracted by some more candy
- Viva would help you out whenever you have these urges you didn't want so she would try her best to relax you and keep you distracted
- Viva was told by you that well dating a hypersexual person can be quite challenging since you have a very high sex drive, and may be driven by most of our sexual urges, leading them to seek out and partake in a range of sexual activities and fantasies.
- It can be difficult to keep up with you and meet your needs as you may want to have a lot of sex or engage in activities that go beyond traditional boundaries but for Viva it wasn't bad at all
- Viva was energetic and always bursting with energy so no matter what she cares for you
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2024 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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smbhax · 10 months
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Demon Lord Reincarnation (PC)
Trying to beat the final bit, game is resisting ; )
Gameplay session: https://youtu.be/Vo4KP8CDwtU
Finished mapping the dungeon at least! ^ _^ - Floor 4 map: https://paleface.net/cgi-bin/gdb/n.pl?i=1650_map_floor4.png - Floor 5 map: https://paleface.net/cgi-bin/gdb/n.pl?i=1650_map_floor5.png
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cryptiiids · 1 year
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faerielandtrolls · 1 year
Dayuss ⋚ Chieko >:3 Dayuss I decided is 7'9 >:3
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Oh my god
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cadavertrolls · 1 year
❄️beanie :3c
>It seems Beanie didn't become a husk! He was a little annoyed though once he got the opportunity to check his phone. It seemed Yumach had gone, whatever! He'll live. He's not bitter about it at all, nope.
>He texts Yumach to pick him up for a date when he comes home, and tells him to bring some extra food from the ball. It's the least he could do. Again, totally not bitter about not being able to go. Not at all.
>He's bitter.
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