#redoing this even if there might be a million of them because I can't find mine anymore
a-sneaky-bagginses · 2 months
Bilbo: You're the most jealous dwarf I know
Thorin: You know other dwarves?!
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eishtmo · 10 months
The Scholomance in Minecraft: Final Tour
The build is, for all intense and purposes, done. Now for the final tour.
Okay, let me be blunt, I can't post this here. That tour is 147 images long, not counting the one I'm reusing from the book. So I really insist if you want to see the whole thing, go visit the Imgur post. That said, I did figure out how to do something quite interesting, and I will be sharing it only here, along with some random thoughts and notes. So, who wants to see a map of the Scholomance in Minecraft?
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The program is called Mineways, and it lets you extract the data from any Minecraft world, and do all sorts of things, like build import it to 3d modeling software, 3d print it, or just generate some maps. We'll start at the top and work our way down.
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This view was almost standard for much of the build and still how I think of the school as a whole. I never removed much of the access stuff I used for building, so you'll see things like that inside the core throughout.
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So the school is roughly 120 blocks tall, which puts it at about 40 stories tall. Minus the library and graduation hall, that means climbing from the Senior dorms to the library is climbing about the equivalent of 27 stories. The seniors had to have one hell of a work out just to get lunch, let alone the gym runs. The only thing holding them back from being full on Olympic athletes is the fact that they were malnourished!
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I did some math at one point trying to figure out how many books the library could contain, and surprisingly they have figures for how many books fit in a cubic meter. My math (possibly wrong) came up with 116 million. Google claims there's only 156 million books total. Now this is possibly wrong (I may have messed up my math), but it's still crazy how big the library actually is. I still can't get over it honestly.
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Maleficaria Studies got me wondering something: Who made the mural? The only ones who would ever see the Graduation Hall and it's inhabitants would be graduating seniors, and I doubt many took the time to sketch the scene. And even then, how did it get back into the school? And then up on the walls in a way that could be torn down and turned into wire? More than that, what was the original purpose? When they planned for it to be for 800 male enclavers, did they need it to be what it became? Or was it just an auditorium/theater and at one point they had bands or were performing Shakespeare or something?
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Speaking of those early days, I think it's pretty clear there had to be some communication from outside the school to inside, if only to the artifice itself. After all, they had to have some way to tell the school to halve the room sizes so it could support more students.
BTW, while writing this, do you notice how there's a couple blanks spaces for the bathrooms along the bottom? Yeah, I missed two sets of bathrooms. I did go back and fill those in, I just didn't redo these maps.
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Speaking of bathrooms, I decided to make the interior restrooms unisex while the dorm ones were gendered. Why? My theory is that because the dorms were designed to be re done on a regular basis it wasn't hard to fix but the interior ones couldn't be so easily changed, so instead of separating by gender, they just left them unisex as they couldn't do anything else. So why no urinals? After all it was originally an all boys school. Mostly it was easier to build, but also because I really couldn't find a ratio between urinals and toilets, and only got annoyed me when the one reference I found said that for all male locations there should be more toilets/urinals total than one for all female or even mixed populations. That might explain a lot if that's considered the standard in the building industry.
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This image actually shows the grid and vent work in the alchemy labs as it's difficult to see when you're in the school. I really just wanted to point it out. I used this floor to figure out the numbering system for the rooms in the school. As shown here:
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I did make an effort to stick to this map, but I'm sure I messed it up somewhere.
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I have a theory on the construction of the school. We're told that the doors were meant to be the thing to get people to invest, in the larger project, but was it all in one go? I think maybe not. Sure the grad hall and gates came first, then they suggested maybe we could build another floor, and then another, and then why not just build the whole thing and before the enclaves knew what was happening they were building a world wonder. Feature creep at it's finest.
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The vent work in the Workshop is almost impossible to see from inside the school. I managed to find one spot, right over the power hammer for the final tour post and it's only barely visible. Here though, you can see the whole thing. It's the grey line that runs through it.
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The labyrinth isn't quite as wild as the images in the books displayed, in fact it's quite regular from this angle, but when you're inside, getting lost is probably the stupidly easiest thing that can happen. It was mostly intentional, of course, but I'm surprised how well it worked and how easily I got turned around.
I will also say I'm so happy with how the gym ultimately turned out. Oh it could be better, but the stark difference between it and the rest of the school is something I really wanted to make clear. Also if you look close to the edges of the gym and workshop, you can see the current and old shafts, I never did remove the old ones.
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The Grad Hall has the most leftover bits in the school. The multiple extra shafts, the remains of the lines for the levels of the landing, and square base of the whole thing. I would love to say I left it as an easter egg or something, but really it was one part laziness and one part really freaking dark down there. If I couldn't see it and know it's there, no one else can see it at all.
Of all the parts of the school, we know both a lot about the Graduation Hall, and almost nothing. It's shape is only hinted at, the general arrangement (entry doors on one side, exit on the other) is vague, and we really don't know where the shafts come in at all. My original build actually had the shafts going up toward the middle of the school, making the whole thing quite narrow indeed, but this felt much more likely to be true. This version feels more right, even if it still remains a bit too small. But only a bit.
And now a gif from the top to bottom. No it doesn't have every layer, but it has a lot of them.
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Well that's the end. Link to final file below. Please feel free to download and explore it, modify or just play inside. And if someone gets a server of this running let me know. Hell let me know whatever you do with it, I'm straight up curious.
And since there's a chance she's reading this, thank you for the wonderful series and hope my build came at least pretty close to what you imagined, even if was made in Minecraft.
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typically-untypical · 9 months
If you were given $1mil on the basis that you had to put towards something arbitrary and self-indulgent, what would you spend it on?
This was the most interesting question to me from an ask game thing I just reblogged, and I wanted to share the opportunity to answer an interesting question ^w^
I'm assuming arbitrary and self-indulgent means I can't spend it on a house. I'm also going to say multiple things since there isn't a singular item, that would come even close to that amount, that I want. which means I would probably spend a good amount of it on a custom gaming tabletop, however, I don't imagine that would be more than 50k even with custom chairs to go with it. I'm talking about a table with a TV inlay so you can have the combat maps visible to everyone and a retractable GM screen kind of thing.
Then probably another 20k on some outdoor furniture for my backyard so I can host tea parties and such. I'm also trying to be practical about space (which might partially defeat the purpose of arbitrary but meh oh well).
Next on the list is a couple of trips to my friends but even if I visit all of my overseas friends I don't think I'll spend more than 100k total and here's the problem with a million dollars, after getting these big ticket items I want, I still haven't broken half of that number. Even if I had bought a house and then filled it with things I think I wouldn't hit 1mil, I might get close because houses are so expensive but I probably wouldn't hit it.
After visiting my friends I'm going to start finding small businesses to shop for and there are a lot of things I would buy. I want to redo my entire wardrobe anyway!
Hope that's enough XD I feel like, since I didn't price all of this out, it's not enough but it was still a fun question.
Why do I want to price this out?
If anyone else wants to send me question with interesting rules to them, please do! This was fun!
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
We have a few things to talk about today and no he's not in trouble. What is we need him to be more comfortable it's waking up and he's very hot and sweats instantaneously. Several other things happening today one of them is he needs to have things at his place all the time and that would be for health.
I know it's not much of a concern but we mean what we're saying certain supplies he needs to have.
So he has to check the weather but we have a couple things to announce there's a lot of people who are leaving Florida and for good. They're more lock and they are evacuating.
It'll be leaving in big numbers soon they're already getting there bJ says. It's going to be a trial and tribulation but they're going to go through it Trump says. It's a lot of people moving at a lot of time that's what it is and they get somewhere this place is to live and eat and sleep and work and it's our government but for real. And they're saying these things now and they're getting people to move out and they know there's a war and I can't change it unless they stop billy z. Huge numbers of people are getting up now huge and leaving even in Florida. The evacuation was gigantic in the upper Midwest and it was huge still did not produce a freeze out and it's hot here.
-Charlotte county is a disaster zone there's not a place here you can work and keep your job I never hire anybody so our son is sitting here with nobody and no money no possibilities of making money people insist on not paying him a dime and stuck on the government check so I think about it now we need to send troops and people foreigners anything we got
-we enclosed several housing areas. About 100 in florida. And we begin building several new ones it's not really a housing boom but we will have a million units more it just takes time and we don't have time so we're doing the neighborhood routine and we're taking over neighborhoods in order to redo the neighborhoods and I understand the method looks like these are the people that can get here and they're busy you have to replace it with us it would it would not last a week the houses are rotting. So he says adds the effect. It can also build new elsewhere and we're trying that
That son and daughter say of ours that we're trying to get here and we're competing and that would not really set on the tracks and that needs to be the objective for what we're doing now is helping. So I can help put us on track and their idea is outstanding
There's a couple things we need to be doing and getting here is one of them getting to Florida is the other and discover it's just real hard to get here so I think that the proper thing to do is for us to compete and get here by doing that because we haven't done much otherwise and small teams can use methods with big teams? It's happening for many many centuries and it will be used because they're having trouble doing it and we are going to start doing that now and by the way he says and we don't like to bring it up the groups are closer look at as for prestigious during time to get here so we're moving out
Thor Freya
That's a lot of cloth they're pretty big got all these dusters moving. And if Christ sakewe have to too. I'm going to get it done and we'll see what you're saying I have to get in here and it was kind of fussing around with it but now I'm looking at where people are and it makes sense
Find Castle Hardcastle
Really hard to say but his kids are way out there and they're getting closer to him
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
We're talking to his children and it's correct but we do need to go there and straighten out what's happening here and I suppose this might do it cuz they're out front and having a tough time but really they're the ones on front which means they're doing something right
Thor Freya
The huge difference what's going on here now now it hasn't changed at all it's all garbage it's unbelievably horrible as his children are worried so they force somebody out front. Using technique and method so we're going to do it
Zig Zag
So you finally figured it out no but he figured out that we're here a lot he was told that he won't listen to interpreted but usually they don't tell him we needed this help and we're going to get some
Abomination and She Abomination
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euphoriacrossing · 4 years
So while I sit here trying to get normal balloon spawns...
I may as well write a blog. I am using a guide post on how to catch normal balloon spawns to try and get more cherry blossom recipes. Well I am only half using it.. I am camping on the beach waiting for normal balloon spawns instead of going there every 0/5 ending minute. I'll share the guide on here after this if I remember, but I already got one new cherry blossom recipe just by camping on the side of the beach that balloon spawns are coming from and ignoring the bunny day balloons, so I think this could work, too.
Anyway, now story mode is over, but I still have so, so much to do that it's not even funny. I am making it my main priority to save miles up to buy all the different paths and stuff. I think I have three left to buy so roughly 6,000 miles to earn. But saving miles means making less bells as Nook mile trips are where I made the most, I think. And now I can't take them because I have no miles/am saving miles and so I don't have the bells to pay off my house or to build a new bridge or any of the things I am saving for. But in part the fact it is harder to save bells just makes it feel like I have more to do and that is comforting in a way. I want the appeal of this game to last forever but I know my brain doesn't work like that. Still for now it's the best distraction I have and I'm grateful for it.
Having the ability to make paths is tough because it's just another million decisions to make and hope I get it right or can redo it better or whatever, so that Euphoria becomes the island I dreamed it could be. Right now I have a lot of dirt paths and I think they look okay. But I plan on redoing them someday with either custom paths or maybe just the arched tile ones... I like that path style. Still I started when I just had dirt so I just kind of kept going that way.
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It looks alright, I think, especially at the entrance. I haven't finished a lot of the paths on either the right (residential) side or the left (wooded area/orchard) but I have mostly finished the center which is shops and such.
(So far I've gotten a normal balloon spawn every 5 minutes! So it works to just hang around the beach and then look for the spawns at every 0 and 5 ending minute. Edit: Aw, nope just didn't get that last one... I am probably doing something wrong then. Oops Edit2: Definitely doing something wrong. Didn't get a spawn again. Oh well I'll check the guide again once I finish this post. I am also watching for wishing stars so it won't be a total waste.. though I haven't seen any of those either. Last edit: Guide said spawns don't happen every time AND I just got another regular balloon, so maybe I'm fine? I hope I am not just wasting time.)
I am moving most of the houses before I do the paths on that side which is ANOTHER expense for sure, but after seeing a couple of my friend's islands, I knew I could make the houses probably a bit straighter and I decided I want them not quite as closer together as I want everyone to be able to have a yard. One of my friends has houses that are PIN straight and have little yards to them. I don't think I can accomplish that. But I do think I can space them out far enough to fence them in and have little yards.
So I started with the last to move in which was Marina. I put her in a space both by the beach, and by my house because even though she just moved in we're absolute besties. No but honestly, I love her. She sings like everywhere she goes and it's adorable.
I would move Beau next but I think he might stay close to where he is. Unfortunately if I have to move him a little bit I first have to move his house out of the way and then move it back because you can't move buildings just a tad, you have to find a whole new spot. This is why I had to move the whole museum to a new spot as it was slightly out of line and i couldn't just move it to where it lined up. I wish i had known this when i put things there. I didn't take care placing anything because I knew it could be moved. I only ASSUMED it could be moved a small amount as well especially since I assumed correctly that you were paying for it. But no, so oh well, now I have to come up with new spots for things, that's fine. Luckily both Nook's Cranny and the Able Sisters I got in perfect alignment with resident services like I wanted to so they're all on one straight path.
Anyway, I hope I can get it looking like i want it to. I thought that decorating it how I wanted would be the hardest because I still need to find all the furniture. But the paths might give that a run for it's money when we talk about difficulty level if you include trying to get all the houses in the right position and such.
But as hard as I've been "working" (it's definitely still fun or I wouldn't do it) I have found plenty of time for play as well. Yesterday morning I visited a friend for her KK Slider concert. I luckily have a good group of friends from a discord I'm part of and a lot of them are from other countries so they experience stuff before I do and things like that. So a bunch of us visited her for her KK concert and we did some of that...
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And then things got a little wild...
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Lol, it was fun. I thought for a second about the state of the world but I didn't panic thankfully. I just saw a bunch of us coming together from across the globe, some of us in quaratine, almost all of us at least ADVISED not to go out unless necessary. The world is a scary place right now, but the fact we could still come together from across the globe to be silly and enjoy a game together makes me feel like everything might be alright. I mean, it would still be cool even if these things weren't going on, but the fact they are abd socialization is becoming more difficult than ever, it's cool to see an alternate means of that in action.
I can't believe I took no pictures of her super straight houses, ugh, if I go again, I will have to, they are literally perfect.
And the weirdest thing about all of this to me is how included i feel in all of this. We're all on a small AC discord together and it seems like a lot of them have maybe known each other a while. But unlike a lot of other places it doesn't feel cliquey to me. I've always been welcome to come to their islands, and they have always been very courteous when any of them have come to mine. They act as happy to see me as they do anyone else. And I've only known them a short time so it would usually feel strange to call them "friends" but it doesn't. Now obviously they could feel differently but if they do they don't show it. I am incredibly grateful to have found them. I really couldn't ask for a better group of people to play with.
I actually was invited from this tumblr. Likely after I made some kind of post about not feeling like I belonged in the AC community or something similarly emo and whiny, I'm sure. So I am surprised I was invited at all, but I am so thankful I was. It was just what i was looking for in the AC community.
(Yes! I learned cherry blossom umbrella! Balloon hunting is going fairly well considering I only had like two of the cherry blossom DIYs total before I started and now in about an hour I've doubled that.)
I do have some facebook friends and such I have play AC with, and I am also grateful for them as well of course. It has brought us closer together and I am thankful for that. I have one friend who we constantly send each other gifts like if we accidentally got two of something or a DIY we already have or just if we think something is cool, it's really fun. I enjoy mail as much in game as I do in real life.
But yeah, I was nervous when this game first came out that I would be stuck playing just with my sister. And don't get me wrong I love playing the game with her, we always have a good time. But sometimes you need socialization beyond your own family and I really saw this as my one chance to connect since I'm not very social, I am very anxious, and I just struggle with these things. I may have been right about it being my best chance at connection because I can hide a lot of the awkwardness in game. Very thankfully though, I found people who accept what I can't hide in game. And who accept me. For some reason that's just been really hard to do. Every community I am a part of I feel like an outsider until now. But yeah, I am looking forward to a continued friendship with these people and continuing to enjoy the game moving forward.
I guess I've rambled enough. I still need to get more balloons, but I can't write here forever. Though... I frequently do write far too much here and I wonder if it get read. If it doesn't I don't blame ya. But yeah. I will leave you with this adorable pic I took while Marina was singing... you can't really tell she was singing, but still, she's adorable either way.
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(And don't you love this dress? I have it in I think 4 different colors, I just love it.)
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