#real therian tips
paxthepuppycat · 5 months
Happy Theriantropy Day <3
Thank you all my alterhumans for the support on this account, it means a lot to meet other like me ^^
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Today one of my friends came out to me as a Wolf Therian! Perfect day too :)
Also looks my paws:
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Anyway reposts and likes are appreciated :)
Again Thank you all :>
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⚠️🫶Not my dividers!⚠️🫶
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dirty-c0yot3 · 5 months
therian tips! (food)
so, I CRAVE raw meat a lot even though I can't eat it :( BUT I have compiled a list of foods that beings with human bodies can't eat (or just prefer not to), but that most animals eat that I could translate to human foods :D
worms = gummy worms :3 if you want them to be slimy like real worms, you could put water or a thin layer of oil on them
little insects = raisins or chia seed pudding (thank you to @puddin-dear 😌)
bigger insects = you could prob eat plain chips, I think it would have the same crunch affect. or chippers! (chocolate covered potato chips)
carrion (dead animal flesh) = jerky
raw meat = meat sticks (I believe you can get them in beef or turkey) or raw pepperoni (you can get it small bags). suggested by @avocados019, salami :3, and commented by @horse-wisteria 😅 prosciutto (which I honestly forgot was a thing 😭) and multiple beings have said salmon and I keep forgetting about salmon 😭
mice = marshmallow mice (credits to @ink-man-sam )
kibble = cereal (I think most of you know that though) or for something softer- gnocchi! (Suggested by
treats = Scooby snacks!
Go-gurt (if you freeze them, they're really good!)
nut bars, such as Nutri grain or Kind (good protein/energy + tasty)
Chex mix
assorted nuts/trail mix
(i may be updating this a lot so keep in mind)
Have fun!
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theriancultureis · 3 months
I'm pretty new to the Therian community, and I know I'm some sort of avian kin..
I was just wondering if you have any tips for substitutes for preening or wanting wings or just tips in general I suppose haha
Hi!! Welcome to the community!!
I think I saw someone here refer to taking care of their hair as preening or general grooming?
As for wings, you could simply use a blanket, and maybe some rubber bands or something to hold it to wrists without actually needing to hold on.
or if you don't mind spending money on materials or commissions, you could make wings/have them made for you!
and if you can afford really expensive, there's The Tail Company! The Tail Company is a fursuit company that makes mechanical tails, ears, and wings! It has an app that you use to control them.
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aeternum-lupus · 1 year
super easy realistic tail tutorial!
A Therian that doesn’t want a taxidermy tail but still wants realistic look and feel? Or just need a quick tail for a costume and don’t want to spend money/get one of those ugly Walmart tails? This is a super easy tail tutorial, using scrap material and very basic sewing skills that I also direct how to do if needed. It can be completed within an hour if you already have basic sewing skills, and will only take 3 hours max even if you’ve never sewn before! The end result moves like a real tail and looks like a real tail if you use realistic fur.
I make a wolf tail, but this method can be used for almost any animal with fur. 
Possible TW- Real taxidermy tails shown, and an up close picture of the leather in a tail for reference
The middle tail is the fake one I made in this tutorial, next to my tanned coyote tails. 
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sewing needle and thread
a strip of fur (i’m using scrap fur from a coat hood and will show how to use that), twice as wide as you want the tail and as long as you want the tail, plus at least 5 inches for doubling it over if you’re making a coyote/wolf tail- for cat tails you won’t need this, for fox tails you will need it twice as long as you want the tail. Ex.- mine was a 5 inch wide, 26 inch fur strip. my tail ended up being 3 inches thick not including the length of the hair and 19 inches long.
optional- seam ripper, they can make it easier but you can just use scissors if you don’t have one
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STEP ONE (if using a hood)
cut the fur off of the hood- make sure not to cut any of the actual fur! Leave some of the fabric from the hood on when making the first cut to make sure you don’t cut the fur fabric, or you won’t have enough fur for the tail. Cut close to the fur, but not the fur fabric. Then, cut about half an inch off each end of the fur, where the thick seams are- this is to separate the fur fabric from the hood fabric. now you will be able to remove the fabric of the hood- you can probably just pull them apart but you may have to cut the seams. 
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make sure not to cut the fur strands or you’ll have weird square cut fur on the tail! 
-skip to under picture if making a cat tail or one you don’t have to fold widthwise-
now that you have your fur, mark where you want the bottom of your tail to be- so if you want your tail to be 20 inches long completed and you have to fold the fur halfway up to be thicker at the end than the top (wolf and coyote tails are shaped like that) Then mark at 20 inches. this should leave 10 inches to be folded. Now, to make your tail pointed you will need to cut it into shape. To do this, draw two triangles like so-  
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And cut them off. when folded, the tip of the tail should look something like this-
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If you’re making a cat tail, fold the fabric lengthwise and cut the corners off! you do not have to fold it horizontally, only vertically. 
STEP THREE- skip if making cat tail
Now you can start sewing! you will want the fur sides in, the fabric side out to sew. it doesn’t have to be sewn well, you won’t see it from the outside at all. Starting from the tip of the tail, use a basic straight stitch, which looks like this-
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and is done just by sticking the needle through both layers from one side to the other in a pleated pattern and then pulling the thread through. the fabric should be flat after you pull it through, or you pulled the thread too tight. You can just pull the fabric flat usually, if you have enough thread to go through all the fabric. Make sure you leave about 1/8 inch of the edge of the fabric, or if it frays your sewing can come undone.
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continue sewing until you get about 2 inches from the edge of the folded piece, here- 
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And cut the corners off, so it’s triangular. sew only the one side of the triangle to the side you’re sewing. Now end the stitch, by going through only the top layer of fabric with the needle, pulling the thread only halfway through, and then putting the needle through the thread loop. Then pull it tight. Do this two or three times, then cut the thread. Leave about half an inch of thread on the knot, so if it comes loose it doesn’t completely undo. 
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repeat on the other side, getting all the way to the end of the folded fabric. If you made a fox tail, then you’re done until Step five because the whole tail is folded like that, there is no skinny part.. 
For the skinny part of the tail, or for the whole tail if making a cat tail, fold the rest of the tail horizontally- 
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and sew up to the top. Make sure to leave an opening of about 2 inches to flip it right side out! 
My cat decided to join me here, so he’s become part of the background XD
Flip right side out/ fur side out!
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For realistic movement, you DO NOT want to stuff it with anything. Real tails just have a little piece of leather in the center, nothing else-
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If you want it to be poseable, you can put wire in the middle. You’ll want to add a dab of hot glue to the ends of the wire so it stays put. The top of the tail will still be open, you will want to sew it closed by folding the very edge of the fabric in and sewing it like that, so you don’t see the edge of the fabric-
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sew it shut using that method every stitch. Now you can sew any type of fastener or clip to it to attach it to you. And it’s done! 
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sp4c3-b0y-123 · 20 days
hey !! could i get some tips for an angora ferret therian? hope it’s no trouble <:3
Ofc! Sorry for the wait
Wear some clothes to match your colour,, from what I saw on Google they look pretty fluffy lol, so if your not in a warm area wear some puffy clothes or fake fur jackets(or real if you'd like, but please make sure it's not from a cruel fur farm or anything like that)
Maybe make a mask
Make a yarn tail, there super cute
Ferrets are quite playful, play some silly game alone or with friends. Maybe play some tug of war with a friend or dog if you have one
Eat some meat(if your not vegan/vegetarian)
Ferrets also eat eggs, so again if your able/want to have eggs they can be a good treat :>
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zane-helps-otherkin · 4 months
Tips for a red fox, lynx, black wolf and harpy eagle therian
Requested by: Anon
General tips
Try doing quadrobics. Many of your theriotypes walk in four legs, so trying quads may help you feel more connected to them.
Mimic your fur/feathers with clothes. Using elements like color and texture.
Try doing vocals. Most of this theriotypes are known for their vocals.
Buy (or make) and use gear if comfortable. Either ears, tails and even wings or a beak.
For a red fox
Make foods that include berries and chicken. Chicken are a favorite for foxes, and they are known for being omnivores.
Buy cat toys for yourself. Cat toys may mimic some of the pray foxes usually hunt, like mice.
If comfortable (for both parties) try scaring some of your friends or family hiding in different places, placing little traps and sneaking from behind. Foxes are known for their cunning and intelligence. So this could be a fun game to reflect that.
For a lynx
Get a little bit of fake fur and stick it to the tips of your ears. To mimic those lynxes have.
Use big and strong boots to mimic their paws.
Grow your sideburns to mimic the "beard" of lynxes.
For a black wolf
Pretend you are in a pack. You can use just daydreaming or imaginative play with toys. If you have friends, you could also make a pack with them, either online via roleplay, or in real life through play.
Try some makeup that makes you feel wolf-like. You can paint a nose or use some eyeliner.
Watch videos of wolves and/or their pray. This could lead to unwanted shifts though.
For a harpy eagle
Listen to ambient sounds of rainforests. This is the habitat of these eagles.
Make paper claws. Harpy eagles have big claws that you could mimic with paper.
Use long, flowy clothes to mimic their feathers. Especially gray clothes. You can also use gray handkerchiefs in your hair to mimic the feathers these eagles have on their heads.
Requests are currently closed
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pithon-asks · 14 days
Kintype tips for a California condor? (Same anon as the other ask I just sent, sending in a different ask for ease of posting :3)
Hihi! I live in California, and I LOVE condors, and that's really cool that you are one! Here are some California Condor tips!
Tips for California Condor therians --
Go on swings to simulate flying, and even close your eyes while on it for better!
Practice vocals! Condors make a variety of squawks, caws, and other noises!
Eat foods similar to it's diet! To substitute for carrion, eat meat jerky, and other types of cooked meat
Put a blanket on your back and hold the corners with your hands and move your arms to be similar to wings!
Get gear! A good beak mask or some feathers to glue on things can do well for species euphoria!
Go to places similar to it's habitat! California condors live in grassy savannahs and shrub lands.
Head to your local zoo! Im not sure if other zoos have them, but my local one does, and seeing your theriotype in real life is a really cool experience!
Make a nest for yourself on your bed with blankets and pillows! Maybe even get some stuffed animals and treat them as chicks and fetch food for them!
Kintype tips for anon
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shout out to opossumkin therians! just in general, we don't have much positivity posts for us yk?
Actually, love all you obscure kintype having folk! Opossums, bats, BUGS and arachnids, snails, any animal deemed "gross" or "pests" by society. Herbivores and prey, you guys are awesome too! Scavengers are also vital to the ecosystem and super cool.
Also, here's some things I've thought of for kintype connection tips for scavenger animals and insectivores:
- Go to thrift stores and pick out some clothes you like! They are usually cheap, and, it's pretty much just like scavenging!
- You can turn old clothes into fun DIY projects as well, if something dosnt fit you can cut it up and use it for patches on other clothes that are worn and torn up or you can use them as cleaning rags.
- If you feel up to it (and especially if your kintype is an insectivore), some stores sell bugs you can eat. I like the dried meal worms! I've seen them come in cheddar cheese and BBQ flavors :3
- if you don't wanna eat real bugs, there's gummy worms and gushers if you want something chewy and if you want a good crunch there's chips or pretzels!
- Since it can be hard to find gear for your kintype specifically, I suggest thinking about normal clothes you wear on the day to day and what you find is kintype affirming (maybe even post about it! let us know!). For example, I'm opossumkin and I've found fingerless gloves give me species euphoria since it makes my hands look like opossum ones! Get creative with what you wear and you may find that simple additions to your outfits can make a difference in how you feel.
That's all I can think of, if you want put in the tags/reblogs/comments what things affirm YOUR obscure kintype and maybe you'll help out someone else too :3
- Chara and Kodiak
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rayraywildkinhelp · 3 months
Do you have any lifestyle tips for a corvid therian? Thanks!!!
tips for a corvid!
wear feathers, black, leather, and anything that reminds you of your feathers!
collect cool things you find give small gifts to friends and family (corvids are famous for doing this, plus it shows appreciation for the people you love!)
you can do bird quads by squatting and hopping, and if you want to fly you can go to a trampoline park, indoor skydiving place, zipline course, or even real skydiving if youre brave enough
learn how to do corvid vocals
eat lots of fruits and seeds
put on a jacket, stick your hands in the pockets, and flip it over your elbows and shoulders to make makeshift wings (bonus if you can find a feathery or furry jacket)
attach a beak to any kind of mask to wear (plague doctor masks are also an option!) and wear longer nails to feel like your talons
hope this helps! this one was fun to make :3
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star-is-a-cat · 4 months
hai uhm im rlly new to being a therian so uh do you have any tips for new therians on how to be comfy with sharing it on their blog or anything like that-? im scared my followers will find me weird
Personally, I don’t talk about being therian on my main blog, although I don’t use my main blog a lot. Instead, I made a side blog specifically for talking about therianthropy, so anyone who followed this blog knew what they were getting into. If you do want to talk about it on your main, just remember that most people following you aren’t people who know you in real life, and unless they are your friends, their opinion really doesn’t matter. If they’re not a fan of you being therian, they can just unfollow you. And if they say mean things to you, you can block them. And very likely you’ll get a lot of new, awesome, cool, therian followers who accept you for who you are!
Hope this helps!
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haylo-the-horse · 8 months
This’ll Probably Get Updated As Time Goes On
I am Haylo (He/It/They)! A Horse Therian! Please Recommend Me Horse-Related Neopronouns.
Feel Free To Ask Me Anything (Therian-Related Or Not!)
I Have A Kin Flags Blog As Well!! @therian-and-otherkin-flags
Main Is TheHomestucker-Surgeburbofficial!
DNI: No bigoted/discriminatory people please! No NSFW either! Or Anti-Kin! Thanks!
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- Horse (Galineers Cob)
- Troll (@impromptucarnivore is used for troll kin)
- Object/Computerkin (@mechanizedmodem)
- Goat (Angora) (@angora-goat)
- Wolf; Kin/Otherheart, Not Sure Yet @howlwoofbark
- Minecraft Witch (@redstone-witch)
- Questioning Dryad Otherkin?
- Many Fictionkins…
About My Theriotype(s) + Tags + My Fictionkin Blogs + Ask Blogs, Which Are All Fictionkins… So Many…
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- I am a Galineers Cob Horse Therian! Alt text provides colors for the drawing. :=8) (<- Horse Face)
I’ve known I was a (horse) therian since around November-ish 2022 when a friend in real life told me about their theriotypes! I started questioning goat since December-ish 2022 and just recently (October 2023) confirmed it and figured out the species (Angora)!
Tags (These May Change):
#Horse - horse related reblogs
#Haylo’s - Horse Therian stuff
#The Gang’s All Here - Other Horse Therians
#Woah Haylo Speaks - My Own Commentary
#Horse Plinko - Therian Advice/Tips/Etc
#Honse - Horse/Therian Memes
#Horse. Technically - MLP (Usually Memes)
#Cronus - (Non-Horse) Therian Stuff (this name will probably change) + Non-Horse Therians/Otherkin
#Neighs! - Kin Calls (Probably Will Be Reblogs)
#Neigh. No Horse - Non-Therian/Horse Stuff
@ask-katsuki-bakugo (Fictive Actually, Just Found That Out)
@ask-afton (also fictive; more so than bakugou as of late)
@ask-glitchtrap-the-anomaly (goes along with afton fictive)
@ask-the-hs2-kids (Kins Are Harry And Tavvy)
(Ordered In Frequency)
Complete Fictionkin List: (Yes Doubles Are Fine!; Not Ordered In Frequency)
Heinousstuck Dave
Rose Lalonde
Karkat (Summerteen Romance Writer)
Doomed Karkat
Crow Strider
Alt! Murrit
Ellsee Raines
Harasa Laylan
Ghinkt Sveere
Ollapa Sulise
Rodard Teslaa
A Seadweller
Harry Anderson Egbert
Tavros Crocker
CD (K_K)
Underswap Papyrus
Underswap Sans (Not “HappyHappy” One)
Underfell Sans
Fresh Sans
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Kyoko Kirigiri
Byakuya Togami
Gundham Tanaka
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Shuichi Saihara
Kakeru Sengoku
Shu Iura
Principal (Basically-Baldi Comic)
Casino Cups Cuphead
King Dice
Glamrock Freddy
Glitchtrap/William Afton
Funtime Freddy
Withered Freddy
Phone Guy (Dayshift At Freddy’s)
All Might
Villain Deku
Mei Hatsume
C! Grian (Hermitcraft)
C! Joel (Life Series)
Minecraft Witch
Wally Darling
Jesse Pinkman
Wisdom Dog
Captain Man/Ray Manchester
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antlereyes · 2 years
➣ What is exotrauma?
➤ My own experiences
➢ How to deal with it
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➣ Exotrauma is a term used to describe trauma that did not occur in this universe or life, but still affects you negatively. When talking about it in the therian and fictionkin community etc it usually has to do with past life memories. But people with psychological identities can still have this impact their life heavily for multiple reasons.
Humans are generally speaking very empathetic creatures, and we are often touched by what we see and experience. So in the case for fictionkin it's not uncommon to feel deeply about what characters have been through or go through. It feels even more personal when we see ourselves in them or identify as them.
One can also connect said characters or creatures trauma to your current real traumas, and thus you will feel even stronger about it. Or it could also be rational fears mixed into it all, such as the fear of being shot. Here the real life danger of gun violence could connect to perhaps a past life where you got hit by a bullet.
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➤ My experiences come from being fictionkin, and the trauma my fictotypes carry. I don't like to call myself spiritual especially regarding my identities. I'm very much a scientific person even though I grew up with stories from my countrys folklore etc. It's simply a bit difficult for me to believe in, even if some experiences are shared with spiritual fictionkin. Such as "memories".
All my fictotypes carry something, be that childhood trauma, war trauma, loosing others, being harmed and so on. And alot of it I can comnect to myself, which is probably one of the reasons said identities formed. They've gone through and felt emotions i've felt. Which makes it all the more stronger and real for me.
I've always been very empathetic and often feel like shit when others do. And i'm similar with fictional characters, even more so when I end up identifying as a character. Because that is me, just not right now. And essentially seeing myself go through traumatic experiences can be painful. It's definitely not on the same level as actual trauma, because that affects my real body and mind. Exotrauma is different from that but still hurtful and real in some sense. And it can definitely be hard to deal with.
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➢ So how can you deal with it? I will go through what has helped me, and some of these tips I also got from friends which I thank.
Talking about it, just like you might talk with someone regarding actual trauma. And when it's exotrauma it could also be easier to open up about it with close friends, more so than if it was the real deal. Perhaps people in the community can understand you and help you out. I've found it especially helpful to talk with people that share the sources I do, or have very similar experiences.
Realising you don't have to share it but still open up to yourself. We don't always wish to share everything that goes on in our mind. Be it having a fear of opening up to others, be analysed, judged or you just aren't ready for that type of thing. You can still think about or even better, write down your thoughts and feelings. All that without the pressure of others seeing it.
Besides writing it down you can also get creative! Create vent art and scribble or paint down your feelings. Express yourself and get it out of your system. Or also, find music you relate your scenarios to, create playlists or simply listen to said specific songs. I've found that helps to calm my thoughts. Making edits is one that have helped me immensely! Be that related to the trauma or simply making happy edits to think about the painful things less.
If anyone else have any other tips feel free to share them!
Artwork by shahs1221
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yellow-the-alien · 3 months
whale therian tips and what not
i’ve noticed a lack of whale therian posts, so i decided to just go ahead and try my hand at making my own post about that in hopes that it’ll help someone out, or at the very least be interesting. the rest of this post is under the cut! remember that none of these things are required to be a whale therian, and they are not necessarily exclusive to whales either!
physical tips: general things to get those whale feelings
ocean colored lights to mimic the look of being underwater
weighted blankets to mimic the feeling water pressure
thick coats or hoodies to mimic blubber
for baleen whales: eat foods like shrimp, as they are similar to zooplankton, fish, and crustaceans
toothed whales: eat foods like fish or squid
experiences: personal things that i’ve experienced that you may want to try
go swimming with a few close people, or just go swimming on your own! i recommend trying to learn to swim like a whale as well
try going on longer distance trips with close people (can involve water or not) to mimic the travel part of migration
try listening to whale songs or ocean ambiance
whale documentaries!!!
other: support, connecting with animals, etc.
get a whale tracking bracelet! websites such as club ocean have bracelets that come with a qr code in order to track a real whale! the money from the purchase goes directly towards helping endangered whales as well! they also have other animals such as sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, and polar bears!
donate to organizations that help whales! i know this is not possible for everyone, but i just want to remind people that it is an option!
if possible, go whale watching! this one also would fall under experiences, but i wanted to put it here since it involves connecting with animals
spread the word about endangered whales! if you aren’t able to donate, you can still help out by telling other about endangered whales, bringing more awareness to species such as north atlantic right whales, which only have about 360 remaining individuals due to certain fisheries and past whaling. (sadly, this is my species, so i’d like to ask that if you can do anything to help them, please do so. knowing that my species is so close to disappearing from our planet is really disheartening, and i’m hoping we can stop this tragedy from happening. sorry about this emotion side note, i’m just trying to spread awareness)
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clownwhoresystem · 5 months
Does anyone have any of thos food/snack tips for carnivore therians that are vegetarian and can't risk eating real meat?
This is like important my cravings are staring to bother me
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short-horse · 22 days
hello!! ^-^ can I ask u a horse therian question? how exactly did u go about figuring out what kind of horse u are? there are so many.. do u have any tips?
The simple, cliche answer is research and intuition. Being cliche isn't a bad thing. I did a lot of looking at breeds, coat colors, coat genetics and just used some intuition. Spotted coats have always been a consistent trait I've been drawn to in horses as well as smaller sizes so I started there.
What types of traits are you drawn to? Large size? Dished faces? Feathering on the legs? Pinto coats? Dorsal stripes? And sometimes even things like even certain time periods you are interested can be a factor as well. Ngl I attribute mid-industrial/early 1900's when it comes to how I feel about my horse past life so currently I see my theriotype as a little work pony that pulls carts because I feel as though my horse past life comes from a time before automobiles completely overtook the horse's everyday usefulness. (I'm not a history buff or anything so I could have time frames a bit wrong but I can learn more if someone wants to teach me :D )
Another thing to keep in mind is that a modern breed standard isn't an end-all-be-all to defining a horse, either. A halter-bred Arabian isn't the same as another Arabian that is used for riding but still has all it's papers proving it's lineage. An Arabian bred by Bob two counties away who sold a horse to a local stable won't be the same either. It really just depends on what traits are favorable for certain breeders if they even care about that. Plenty of people breed spotted ponies to make "appaloosa Shetland Ponies" because they are popular. That's why I settled on not being a specific breed even though I still the find British Spotted Pony or a Falabella as relatable purebreds. Those were typically the first results that show up when I used Google to look for stuff. Another thing is that you don't have to stick to rigid real-world standards, too. If you feel like you are a fictional breed of horse or even a specific fictional individual horse that could be a thing, too. Fictherians are a thing as well and that doesn't make you any less of a horse if you are say Epona from the Legend of Zelda franchise or Joey from War Horse.
And you don't even have to devote hours and hours of time to research just to PROVE that you are X type of horse. If you're just flipping through a "horse and pony breeds" book you found at the local library or Google Images and you get that "this is me!" feeling that's good enough as well.
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mountain-lion-gremlin · 7 months
Hi hello! I am a shifter of the canine type and would like to ask a question.
I've run an alterhuman blog for awhile and I don't know how to "come out" as a shifter and was wondering if you have any tips? -☘️
Well, ive never came out to anyone before, but ill try my best to give you some tips to make it easier.
You dont have to tell them everything. So if you are like a physical shifter, or experience phantoms, or whatever you decide to withhold, you dont have to tell people that to be accepted. Sometimes just dumbing it down like "I feel like I am a canine on the inside" (or however you feel your identity relates to you) can be perfectly fine, and probably best to go with if they are just first hearing about this sort of thing. Explain the smaller details later if you choose to do so!
Ask them firstly about things that are in a more broad range ABOUT alterhumanity. For example, "what do you think about therians?" Or "if someone thought that they were an animal in some way, would you support them?" Try to at least have a better understanding about how this person/these people think about alterhumanity in any sort of way, so that you can know that your identity will be respected, and kept amongst friends. If the person reacts negatively in any sort of way, its probably best not to tell them about it, even if you think you can change their mind.
Be kind and know that most of the time, people wont get it. Your identity is personal to you, and not everyone will get it right away. Most importantly if they ask questions, dont get upset at them. Humans are very curious (lol) and will ask questions about things, even if it seems offensive to ask. Just, make sure they aren't doing it with malicious intent, that would be horrible *sob*
You dont have to tell anyone if you dont want to! Sometimes just dropping subtle hints about it, and seeing the person accept you anyways (like being canine-like around them, etc.) can sometimes be more than enough. You are never forced nor obligated to share who you are to people, your personal identity can be as private as you desire!
This is going to sound repetitive, but just asking "what would you think if I was a therian" (If they have that sort of knowledge, teaching people the basics about that sort of stuff before telling them can be really helpful) can be a good indicator of how they would support you. Although most people will catch on real easy that you ARE that thing if you ask how they would react to it, so, take what you will with this tip lol
Dont feel rushed. If you arent ready, dont force yourself to be ready. If you have doubts about telling them, listen to these doubts. Doubts are a form of safety, and can help you out if you know how to listen.
I hope that this is helpful for any of you looking to come out of the den about your identity! Thank you for reading, and thank you for the ask anon. I hope this helps you in any sort of way ^^
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