#real restate trends
The Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Embassy Projects in Bangalore
Investing in Embassy Projects in Bangalore can be a lucrative opportunity for several reasons. Embassy Limited is a renowned real estate developer known for its quality constructions, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction. 
Here are the top five reasons to consider investing in Embassy Projects in Bangalore: Superior Quality and Craftsmanship:
 Embassy Limited is recognized for its commitment to superior quality and craftsmanship. The company employs modern construction techniques, high-quality materials, and stringent quality control measures to ensure that its projects meet the highest standards. Investing in Embassy Projects guarantees that you are getting a property built with attention to detail and excellent workmanship.
Prime Locations:
 Embassy Projects are strategically located in prime areas of Bangalore. The company carefully selects locations that offer excellent connectivity, proximity to essential amenities, and potential for future growth. Investing in a residential property ensures that you are investing in a location with strong growth potential and convenience.
Strong Track Record: 
 Embassy Limited has a strong track record of delivering successful projects in Bangalore and other major cities in India. The company has been in the real estate business for several decades and has a reputation for timely delivery and customer satisfaction. This track record instills confidence in investors, knowing that they are investing in a reliable and reputable developer.
Modern Amenities and Facilities: 
Embassy Projects are known for their modern amenities and facilities. The company incorporates a range of amenities, including swimming pools, gyms, landscaped gardens, clubhouses, sports facilities, and more. These amenities enhance the living experience for residents and make the projects more attractive to potential buyers or tenants, increasing the potential for a high return on investment.
Potential for Appreciation: 
Bangalore's real estate market has experienced significant appreciation over the years, and investing in Embassy Projects can offer considerable potential for future appreciation. Its focus on prime locations, quality construction, and superior design contributes to the value appreciation of its projects. Moreover, the company's brand reputation and demand for its properties further contribute to the potential for higher returns on investment.
Investing in Embassy Projects in Bangalore offers a combination of quality construction, prime locations, modern amenities, and potential for future appreciation. However, it is essential to conduct thorough research, consider market conditions, and consult with real estate professionals before making any investment decisions.
Content Source:- embassyprojectsindia
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Also i am slightly afraid people will take Dream not saying much as some sort of guilt and not as his lawyer or pr person (if he has ether, sounds like he does) telling him he should not say stuff that hasn't been reviewed beforehand/to shut up while they handle it.
Now, admittedly, I literally refuse to enter the twitter landscape outside of investigating reported information, but honestly from what I've seen at least on reddit and elsewhere, they've actually taken it to mean the opposite. Amanda kinda did a lot of harm to her case/the public perception of her credibility (even if it could be an understandable response to stress, it is unhelpful and new claims/stating she had evidence and then admitting she didn't brought a lot of public doubt. Some people have begun no longer trusting her claims at all. I personally don't think that's fair, and that she still absolutely deserves to be heard, treated with respect, and be allowed the same chance to provide evidence as anyone else. However, I do understand why people may have begun to mistrust her or given her claims less weight).
Dream, by remaining quiet outside of his one statement, effectively didn't give people any bait or anything to work with outside of his one response. This gave people a chance to calm down, look at what's been presented, and come to terms with the fact we don't currently have answers and we might not for awhile yet. If he is really taking legal action, then the wait is understandable, and from what I've seen, most people have seen remaining quiet at the smart choice.
Kersplusion on r/dreamwastaken 2 has actually been running polls every so often, which, while absolutely not perfect (they changed question wording, utterly belothed) and certainly going to have biases, do reveal an interesting trend, given that roughly the same number of users have been polled and we can assume that it's going to at least roughly the same population of users over time.
The first poll they posted was right after Dream posted his response (late friday), it got 860 responses and the numbers worked out like this;
Yes, some of it is fake and he’s taking legal action 30.70%
No, it’s real. And they will silence victims 8.72%
I don’t think he’s committed a crime anyways 16.40%
I’m still processing 44.19%
The second poll they ran was on Saturday, in the midst of a lot of the twitter storm, and had 958 responses that broke down like this;
The sexting is fake 15.34%
The sexting is real 5.64%
No crime was committed 22.03%
I’m still processing/waiting 56.99%
In that roughly one day period, nearly 3% of people who thought the incident was real dropped off. 15% of people switched (likely because "some of it is fake" was changed into "the sexting is fake") into either "No crime was committed" or "Still waiting". Which leads to our final (still ongoing atm but at 854 responses at the time of posting) poll, done today (monday).
The alleged sexting was real, Dream is guilty 3.75%
The alleged sexting was fake, Dream is innocent 21.66%
No crime was committed 21.90%
I’m still waiting 52.69%
Since Saturday, the number of people who believe the sexting was real has sharply dipped to just 3.75%. The number of people waiting has dipped by about 4%, and the number of people who think the sexting is fake is up by a little over 6%.
Now, again, these numbers aren't perfect by any means. The wording of questions changed, and plenty of biases in the way the questions were written. But I do think that it reveals a very interesting trend. Despite Dream having only made one statement on the matter, the number of people who think he's guilty has been steadily dropping. Whether this is because of external factors or not, it is still revealing that apparently, "shut up and go talk to a lawyer" has (within the limitations of these polls), been an effective public opinion management strategy compared to the alternative.
Now, again, I will restate my own personal belief that I am firmly in the waiting category. I don't think we have enough evidence to make a call one way or another. I want all parties treated with respect, and to be given a chance to make their case in a more rational setting. I just wanted to offer this data up because I did find the trends interesting. I also think that it will help offer assurance, that no, at least within this polled population, people do not appear to be assuming that silence is guilt.
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fouralignments · 2 years
Do you hate Shaw and Apocalypse equally or one more than another?
The X-Men Films have always created villains that could exist in real life your Senator Kellys, Trasks, William Strykers, Warren Worthington II theses motherfuckers exist. The Foxverse always tended toward realism, which isn't grimdark, it was more of mutants and a bit of advanced tech was all that was extraordinary. When compared to DC and MCU; without the distraction of aliens, other superheroes (though I got to admit Sam Ramini's spiderman could exist as it is similarly grounded; though that might just be an effect of being produced in the same decades and subject to the same trends); so mutants could be highlighted and doesn't need to justify itself as a phemameoun, so the story could focus on characters and thus be driven by them.
In a way Shaw was a twist villain, up and until that general getting exploded, again up to that point we hadn't had a true mutant villains. yes I know Magneto was the villain in X-Men, but I would the true villain US gov and the mutant registration act that forced Erik's hand.
This motherfucker could very well exist; maybe I'm just weird I took a deep dive into how and the why authoritarianism happens, read me some Robert A. Paxton; hell I even took a class on Democratic Backsliding; I'm a big fan of Hannah Arendt; so, I get the implications of his character. That's what makes him so fucking scary. I fucking hate him. Erik cannot kill this guy enough.
In my book, he's always a villain and deserves no sympathy and will be written as such.
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Now, moving on to Apocalypse, what I hate about him is how he is written. I'm going to restate one of my points, I've been making about his character. En Sabah Nur should have been an outside-context type villain, it was hinted in the movie, but given enough time. It would so easy to justify, not so much the Foxverse seeming to copy off of the MCU; however, XM:A was indeed a character piece despite how deluded; this movie desperately focus and a better driving core story. I liked the outcome of Charles's character specially less the journey and the repeated plot beats for both Erik, Raven; they as characters weren't moving forward and changing.
Unlike like DP which had to break its own back in the mental gymnastics to justify itself which crap storytelling in and of itself and should not be done; like if you have break your own fucking magic system in order to make your story work, go back to the drawing broad!
Anyhow, for one ancient Egyptian did erase records by defacing monuments and images of people they perceived as traitors, and being a false god would be so, so the information to uncover is not there and lost to history. Then the children of the atom mutant hypothesis has been established from First Class not that science is wrong, however the scientific community hasn't been presented with new information that contradicts or challenges their assumptions; they have to explain something that fits within the facts of the paradigm. So given that fact, they would even consider the possibility of ancient mutant existing and let alone living until the 20th century. En Sabah Nur would be as huge paradigm shift that would leave the world scrambling for answers and how to defeat him.
One of the reasons I hate DP is that nobody fucking comments on the bloodily miracle of aliens landing on Earth!
But I can't bring myself to hate on Apocalypse. How Oscar Isaac plays Apocalypse is just so fun! Soft spoken, but yet can be so over the top and hammy. Maybe its because of Oscar Isaac and how much he was wasted in this role and the god awful make up he was in that did no favors for him.
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En Sabah Nur could have easily won the movie and recruited so many more mutants.
Like I know I can write En Sabah Nur better than Hollywood. It could have been so cool if Sabah Nur actually challenged Charles and Erik on leadership and being good parents, where the stakes would matter like getting Mystique and Peter on his side. Isaac can pull of of soft dad roles. The writer's had the perfect set-up for Mystique and Peter, for Raven/Mystique she never asked to be the 'hero' of mutantkind nor does she believe the lie of a world that doesn't exist, ok cool turn her into a rouge or villain; with Peter, break into the Pentagon could have gotten him the attention of William Stryker where he was tortured and found out to be Erik's kid and learned about that and just felt betrayed by Charles and Erik who completely forgot about him and Sabah Nur is the one who saved him, Peter feels indebted to him. Also, Even Peters playing a villain and En Sabah Nur slotting himself in a fatherly figure to Quicksilver.
it would have been a great contrast to other X-Men villains and to Erik and Charles themselves, where it was a matter of survival and protecting other mutants and just the world. Now it so much more personal to the heroes, it challenging their philosophy, leadership and who they are, not really seen until First Class, which was more about finding who they are. Apocalypse is the mantle in which they must test themselves against, but also fight those that they love. Holy shit that would have made an amazing movie.
What I like about En Sabah Nur as a character is that I have so much creative freedom with him and I can take him in so many directions.
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financestrats · 10 months
pepperstone minimum deposit : A Straightforward Breakdown
pepperstone minimum deposit Introduction
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- pepperstone minimum deposit Initially, present the concept of Peppertone Minimum Deposition - Following this, underscore the significance of grasping this economic idea - Lastly, prepare the reader for the contents of the blog post minimum initial funding requirement for Pepperstone
Grasping the Fundamentals of Peppertone Minimum Deposition
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- To start, provide a clear definition of Peppertone Minimum Deposition - Next, delineate its function within the economy - Lastly, give relatable examples of its use minimum initial funding requirement for Pepperstone
Elements That Shape the Peppertone Minimum Deposition
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- To begin, delve into the primary aspects that impact this economic concept - Subsequently, clarify the connections between these factors and the Peppertone Minimum Deposition - Finally, draw attention to possible ramifications for businesses and individuals
Practical Applications of Peppertone Minimum Deposition
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- Firstly, demonstrate real-world instances where this concept is applied - In addition, mention the advantages of being familiar with and employing Peppertone Minimum Deposition in decision-making processes minimum initial funding requirement for Pepperstone - Ultimately, impart guidance on utilizing this knowledge effectively
Peppertone Minimum Deposition and Its Ripples in the Global Economy
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- In the beginning, assess the sway of this economic notion on a macro scale - Furthermore, examine the repercussions of Peppertone Minimum Deposition on international commerce and global markets pepperstone minimum deposit - To conclude, explore how these effects shape the world's economic framework Learn more about Pepperstone's minimum deposit requirements
Conclusion pepperstone minimum deposit
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"Gain deeper insights and data on market analysis." - In summary, recap the primary ideas discussed in the blog post - Given this information, restate the importance of comprehending and using Peppertone Minimum Deposition for informed decision-making - Lastly, encourage readers to either conduct additional research or stay updated on relevant economic trends minimum initial funding requirement for Pepperstone
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I hope this was helpful I hope you have a great day "Scalper Trading : A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners"
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Read the full article
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ruhisaxena · 11 months
The Allure of Branded Real Estate: Exclusivity and High-End Living
The allure of branded real estate exclusivity and high-end living have long been able to attract customers by creating a complete exclusivity lifestyle around their brand: images, messages and great experiences that suggest a common point of view, a shared set of beliefs, membership in a tribe with their brands. 
The same holds true with Fashion TV’s Real Estate brand. Just think of the letter F and not only does it have a fascinating spring to mind, but you can also guess what kind of music will be playing in the lobby area, what products will be in the mini bar, even how the other guests will be dressed. 
That’s the power of brand image. Brands are about more than just a product or service; the logo is really just a shorthand symbol for a whole series of attributes and experiences—physical, verbal, and emotional.
The idea of creating a brand to effectively a lifestyle is a natural part of the sales marketing strategy for high-end residential properties, but the tactic is also useful in real estate properties. The need to live an exceptional lifestyle combining the satisfaction of both business space and personal life is a win in all aspects. 
That is where Fashion TV’s Real Estate expertise walks in, covering walks of life ranging from Residential, Commercial and Business with a dedication to transfigure the luxury lifestyle industry in the nation. 
Fashion TV’s presence around the world with the finest developments are a landmark for the top developers to showcase and elevate the lifestyle of the residents and visitors. With awe-inspiring and modernistic yet breathtaking interiors with facilities that attract, we are the new change in this field.
Crafting an exclusivity and high-end living  point of view that distinguishes the property, and presenting it in a memorable visual style, will create differentiation. 
Luxury real estate sites in India are experiencing huge growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences and advanced technology. The trend is similar in India, and the latest CBRE South Asia Pvt Ltd’s data report, ‘India Market Monitor Q1 2023’, highlights this. The report, released recently, reveals that the luxury residential segment witnessed a remarkable 151% YoY boost in sales during the first quarter of 2023, building on its strong performance last year in 2023.  
Here are the top five trends that define the allure of branded real estate: exclusivity and high-end living in light of changing according to customer preferences and rising demand for these upscale restate properties.
Eco-friendly luxuries: 
Luxury residential properties who are becoming more aware of environmental problems and seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint, place an increasing emphasis on sustainability luxurious property. 
As a result, developers are incorporating new technology with the eco-friendly features like solar panels, energy-efficient appliances, and green roofs into their properties to meet the rising demand for eco-friendly luxury homes.
 As luxury properties developments provide the necessary charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, this trend is likely to be further bolstered by the rising popularity of these vehicles. 
Home automation made possible by IoT: 
The use of smart home technology is increasing; This trend is catching up to luxury properties as well. Innovative technology makes it easier and safer for homeowners to control and monitor their homes from a distance. Voice-activated controls, automated lighting, and temperature control are just a few of the cutting-edge technology features that luxury developers are incorporating into their properties at the moment.
 The incorporation of intelligent home technology enhances the luxury experience as a whole and has emerged as a significant selling point for prospective buyers seeking the most recent technological advancements.
When it comes to buying a luxury home, savvy buyers know how important space planning is. Extensive rooms become the dominant focal point in richness, embodying unmatched greatness and solace.
 The generously sized bedrooms serve as private retreats from the outside world, while these expansive living areas effortlessly accommodate gatherings. The open and airy layouts of luxury homes are thoughtfully designed to prioritize freedom and tranquility. 
Walk-in wardrobes add a touch of extravagance to the lavishness by providing ample space for organizing and displaying an extensive wardrobe collection. In addition, balconies add to the appeal of luxury living by providing residential properties with their own exclusive outdoor retreats with breathtaking views.
 The idea of having more living space is not just a luxury in luxury real estate; it also reflects the opulent lifestyle that homeowners will want. It is the pinnacle of opulence because it allows residents to immerse themselves in their own personal space and embrace the elevated sense of refinement that is the hallmark of genuine luxury.
Facilities for health: 
Many buyers of luxury homes now place a high value on health and wellness, which has led developers to incorporate various wellness features and health amenities into their properties. These highlights might incorporate devoted spaces for yoga or reflection and wellbeing gardens that advance a sound way of life and make a feeling of harmony and unwinding. 
Developers are also incorporating wellness technology into their properties to improve sleep and overall health, such as air purification systems and circadian lighting, to further enhance the luxury experience. By offering these wellbeing elements and conveniences, extravagance designers are satisfying the developing need for a better and more all encompassing living experience among their very good quality customer base.
The location: 
Affluent home buyers seeking exceptional lifestyles and amenities are increasingly choosing to live in prestigious communities. These communities, in contrast to typical residential areas, provide exclusive access to golf courses, spas, waterfronts, and other highly sought-after facilities and services.
Their exclusivity and privacy are designed into their design to guarantee residents an unparalleled quality of life. Properties in prestigious communities, on the other hand, command higher prices than those in typical neighborhoods.
 In order to meet the requirements of luxury homebuyers, developers are taking note of this trend and investing in the construction of opulent properties in exclusive locations.
The exceptional living conditions offered by Fashion TV’s Real Estate properties nowadays significantly enhance one's quality of life which are exclusivity and high-end living. They are a fantastic opportunity for people who want to improve their lifestyle.
The sophisticated buyers of luxury global properties want to improve their lifestyle. Because they have traveled the world, these homebuyers are familiar with their preferences and have a clear preference for unparalleled privacy in addition to the highest levels of quality, comfort, and design.
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dilanblogs · 1 year
Tips for creating compelling content across various platforms.
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Ideally, you can assume that making content is simple, but consistently producing fresh posts might
be challenging for you but not for digital marketing services providers. 
Several people's daily lives are now heavily influenced by the internet. People can not live without the internet. Even small kids these days use the internet. As per a recent research report, it is proven that half of the population is on the internet at least 70% of the day. 
There are many digital marketing agencies in Mumbai. Social media networks enable us to communicate with one another, communicate with one another, and associate with companies in several ways. As a result, it has become critical for firms to prioritize their approach to social media. 
The majority of social network marketers and company owners understand how difficult it is to regularly develop compelling material, especially if you need to publish every day to stay current and reach those who are your audience. It is hence essential to consult one of the best SEO agencies. 
Furthermore, there are approximately 3.8 billion subscribers on various social networks. And the amount of handheld gadget users is rapidly increasing.
Using the correct technique, companies may reach hundreds of thousands of prospective clients who have an active presence on these platforms. For that,  opting for search engine optimization services is suggested. 
These are certain pointers that will assist you develop appealing material for those who are your intended audience:
When promoting the brand via social media platforms, try to make a point to include a picture or clip with each update.
Create something unique for your company. In this manner, you may hit the essential components for creating an article trend. Post pictures or clips that appeal to your target demographic, and watch the number of remarks and likes grow.
Stock photographs, on the other hand, fail to perform in addition to real images. As a consequence, they are detrimental to SEO. To demonstrate this, Marketing Tests compared a genuine picture of a consumer to their best-performing generic picture.
The result? Those who viewed the original photograph were thirty-five per cent more inclined to join up. According to a current survey, 62% of shoppers responded that photographs of high-quality goods were critical in their buying choice.
Following are a few ideas for creative posting on social media pictures:
Engage a local photojournalist to shoot photographs that correspond to the editorial's schedule.
If you're just beginning out, you can get by with a high-spec cellphone and a few simple accessories.
Check that your photos fit the text that surrounds them. Photos should be used to summarize ideas and bring across arguments, not only for dividing up writing.
Did you understand that visual data is remembered sixty-five per cent better than language?
Reuse your greatest timeless material in data visualizations, diagrams, graphs, and other online visuals to capitalize on this.
Keep the following principles in mind when developing graphics:
Highlight the important aspects of your article.
To make your material more shareable, use quotations or restate your essential arguments.
To generate high-quality graphics, use resources and templates available on sites such as Canva and Piktochart.
Distribute Customer Feedback and Ratings
Consider the following scenario: You are going to purchase new goods but want to find out more about them beforehand.
Well, 78% of people trust online reviews, and 67.7% believe it influences their shopping decisions - honest and detailed evaluations are important to businesses. Consult a content writing agency for the best content for your company. 
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brillmindztech · 1 year
Unleashing the Future: Emerging Trends in Mobile App Development
Are you ready to explore the instigative world of mobile app development? As technology continues to evolve at an unknown pace, the geography of mobile app development is constantly changing. From cut-edge advancements in AI and machine knowledge to innovative approaches in UI/ UX design, mobile app development has come a long way.
In this blog, we will dive into some of the arising trends in mobile app development, including the pioneering work of Brill Mindz Technology, the elegant mobile app development company in Dubai. So, let's buckle up and embark on a trip to discover the future of mobile apps!
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Artificial Intelligence( AI) and Machine Learning( ML)
Artificial Intelligence( AI) and Machine Learning( ML) are revolutionizing mobile app development assiduity. With the capability to break down and interpret data, AI and ML are being integrated into mobile apps to offer substantiated experiences, predictive analytics, and advanced robotization. From virtual helpmeets that can understand natural language to apps that can fete images and perform real-time restatements, the possibilities of AI and ML in mobile app development are endless. Companies like Brill Mindz Technology are using these technologies to develop innovative and intelligent mobile apps that deliver exceptional user experiences.
Internet of Things( IoT)
The Internet of Effects ( IoT) is another arising trend that's reshaping mobile app development. IoT enables the connection of colorful devices and objects, allowing them to communicate and participate in data. Mobile apps are being developed to control and cover smart bias, similar to smart homes, wearables, and connected motor vehicles. For case, an app that allows you to control your home appliances ever or an app that tracks your health and fitness data from a wearable device. The experts at Brill Mindz Technology are at the leading edge of IoT integration in mobile app development, creating flawless and connected gests for users.
Progressive Web Apps( PWAs)
Progressive Web Apps( PWAs) are the coming generation of mobile apps that combine the stylish of web and mobile app technologies. PWAs are basically web operations that can be installed on a user's home screen, just like a native app, and can work offline. They offer fast loading times, smooth navigation, and an engaging user experience, making them a popular choice for businesses. PWAs are also bring-effective as they can be developed using web technologies similar to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, reducing the need for separate development for different platforms. Brill Mindz Technology is colonial in developing PWAs that are SEO-friendly, responsive, and user-friendly.
Augmented Reality( AR) and Virtual Reality( VR)
Augmented Reality( AR) and Virtual Reality( VR) are transubstantiating how mobile apps are developed and witnessed. AR allows the overlay of digital content in the real world, while VR creates an immersive virtual terrain. These technologies are being used in colorful diligence, including gaming, education, healthcare, and retail. For example, an app that lets users try on virtual clothes or an app that offers virtual tenures of real estate parcels. Brill Mindz Technology is using AR and VR to produce interactive and engaging mobile apps that offer unique and memorable guests.
Enhanced Security and Privacy
Security and privacy are critical enterprises in the mobile app development assiduity. With the added quantity of sensitive data being changed through mobile apps, insuring robust security measures is essential. Arising trends in mobile app development include advanced encryption ways, multi-factor authentication, biometric authentication, and data anonymization. These measures are aimed at guarding user data against implicit hazards and breaches. Brill Mindz Technology prioritizes security and privacy in their mobile app development process, clinging to assiduity stylish practices and regulations.
Read also: Udemy education app development cost
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The future of mobile app development is incredibly charged, with arising trends similar to AI and ML, IoT, PWAs, AR/ VR, and enhanced security and privacy shaping the geography. Companies like Brill Mindz Technology, the stylish mobile app development company in Dubai, are at the cutting edge of these trends, delivering innovative and cut-edge mobile apps that feed the ever-evolving requirements of users.
As the world becomes more connected and technology continues to advance, mobile apps are getting an integral part of our day-to-day lives. From smart homes to wearable devices, from e-commerce to healthcare, mobile apps are converting diligence and creating new openings. Staying streamlined with the rearmost trends in mobile app development is pivotal for businesses to stay competitive and deliver exceptional user gests.
Though, partnering with the Best mobile app development company in UAE like Brill Mindz Technology can be a game-changer If you are looking to develop a mobile app that incorporates these coming-up trends. With their experience in AI and ML, IoT, PWAs, AR/ VR, and security, they can help you conceptualize, design, develop, and launch a slice-edge mobile app that sets you apart from the competition.
In conclusion, the future of mobile app development is promising and full of possibilities. As technology continues to evolve, we can await to see more innovative and immersive mobile apps that enhance our lives in ways we could not have imagined. So, buckle up and embrace the arising trends in mobile app development, with Brill Mindz Technology leading the way in Dubai and beyond. Get ready to unleash the full possibility of mobile apps and stay ahead of the turn in the ever-evolving world of technology.
Get in touch with us at, [email protected]
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The way to handle Objections in Store-bought Real Estate Today
real estate objection handling
In the case of negotiating in store-bought real estate agency at present, you will hear all kinds of objections coming from sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants. Top notch negotiators and top notch agents take selected steps to ensure that almost any objection is over heard and processed proficiently. They are prepared with the task of talking.
real estate objection handling
There are so many likely objections for any specified property, you can simply prepare for the obvious types. This then pronounces that you should have a methodology that you can use for odd objections and problems that you have been cannot predict. You need to undertake the problem presented for you and control that stages of sociallizing with the parties objecting.
Here are some tips to make it easier to handle those questions that come to you within the commercial property promoting, inspecting, and fighting.
Always let the many other person fully describe their position. Perceive them out and become all the facts. Permit them give you the entire details of what they will understand and precisely what they require. Through inquiring questions, you can get nearer to the ultimate solution or even resolve.
When the some other person has spelled out their position, restate it back to these individuals in a way which displays your understanding. Designed to allow you to position you for the next position of the process. Cause them to become agree that you absolutely understand their spot before you proceed. Allow them see that guess what happens they are saying.
Anybody can ask deeper doubts relating to their position given that you understand everything that they are thinking. Marketplace trends and facts will give you the self-assurance to ask queries of their intentions around rentals or costs as the case can be.
Any objection will present one or more solutions. Sanctioned matter of figuring out the best solution to deliver the parties alongside one another; tell them about the choice as you see it. Have an understanding of the alternatives that will apply in price tag adjustment, contract provisions, rent adjustment, rent terms, and let out incentives. With a lot of negotiations there are commonly a few things that you'll be able to work with to give vary outcomes to the objecting party.
In this house market, the level of enquiry has lessened in an ordinary level. This approach then says that individuals must 'do a lot more with less' in the case of the average property pay out. Most clients in addition to prospects know the position of the marketplace and will work with you to ultimately achieve a satisfactory effect. The reality of the promote cannot be ignored. Bargain from a position associated with reality.
As you lure near to resolving the circumstance or negotiation, verify the facts between the celebrations and get any make available or counter present situation in writing. Your commercial property sector is based on commitment. Obtain the parties to plan to the negotiation because of putting it written.
Move the binding agreement ahead through detailed action. 24 hours is a really long time when it comes to home negotiation. 'Strike whilst the iron is hot', as they say. Don't required parties the opportunity to convert their minds along with 'shift the mission posts'.
Objections could always happen, which means prepare for them and. For those new together with unusual situations which will arise, have a system similar to the above which you could talk through the difficulties and reach a reasonable resolve that makes feeling to all parties with the sale or this lease.
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When I was in group treatment for anorexia, not everyone was thin. Those were just the high status patients, of whom I happened to be one. Naturally we patronised the shit out of the others. They’d say they didn’t feel they had the right to be there and we, the thin ones, would graciously reassure them that no, they were wrong, they were just as sick as us. There was never any need to acknowledge the hierarchy that granted us, patients not therapists, the right to say who had done enough to earn their treatment. By “allowing” women heavier than us to share our space, we got to feel virtuous and they got to feel, well, tolerated. In truth we were afraid of how similar we were. One year prior to entering treatment, during a bulimic phase, I hadn’t been thin either, but I never mentioned that. I liked to portray my past as a pure, uninterrupted decade of snow-white starvation. No need to let anyone know that I, too, had the potential to tumble down the ranks. The prospect horrified me, but it happened again all the same. A year after leaving treatment I was officially overweight, feeling, as Nancy Tucker describes in The Time In-Between, like “an anorexic in a fat suit”. Binge-eating in the aftermath of anorexia is not an uncommon thing to occur. People have a terrible tendency to call this “recovery”. It was a grim time, not least because those who’d known me at my thinnest were enthusing about how “well” I looked while those who hadn’t made it perfectly clear they saw me as just some fat bird. I was living in Germany at the time and mentioned to a colleague that I hadn’t always been fat, but had just been through a lot of stress (actually, I probably mentioned this to a lot of people. Being in a new country, surrounded by people who hadn’t known thin me – the real me, as I saw it – made me always want to introduce myself with a declaration that the person they saw before them wasn’t my actual self. I left my proper body at home). The colleague, in true “Germans have a compound noun for everything” style, responded with the term “Kummerspeck”.  Literally translated as “worry bacon”, it refers to “the excess fat gained by emotional eating”. I didn’t find this helpful. It didn’t seem enough. It is hard to capture what it’s like to have an eating disorder when it doesn’t look like you have one. Also hard to know where the boundaries lie between “disordered thinking” and “shit most women think about food and weight all the time because that’s just how things are”. Obviously I fantasised about being thin again, misremembering a great deal of the unpleasantness, but nonetheless feeling – in a way I think is not altogether irrational – that if I was going to feel this crap every minute of every day, I ought at least to have an emaciated body to show for it (eventually I did lose weight again, through chain smoking. “You look great!” said the people who’d seen me as some fat bird. “Are you okay?” asked the people who’d thought I looked well). I think there are many women who occupy this zone, cast out of the ranks of the “properly ill” without feeling any better. Remembering the judgements, the hierarchies, the isolation of not having the physique to match the constant torment of thoughts about food and weight, I do see a value in reframing our understanding of eating disorders and what a person who is suffering might look like. And yet, the more I think about the tyranny of a label itself, the less I am sure how adjusting diagnostic criteria might achieve this. Current responses to plus-size model Tess Holliday’s post about suffering from anorexia – and the way in which atypical anorexia seems to have become, not a neutral diagnosis, but an opportunity to show how intersectional your understanding of anorexia is – remind me of our responses to the non-thin women in group therapy. Thin people get to show how tolerant, how inclusive they are. Only there is a difference between showily re-framing an illness for which the diagnostic criteria are in any case pretty arbitrary, and really getting to grips with why people feel the way they do in the bodies they have. I am not sure being told I “still counted” as eating disordered would have helped. It might have been a ticket to getting my pain recognised as valid, but it’s also a way of getting valid, rational responses to social phenomena recategorized as individual maladjustments. Far from having more people acquire the anorexia label – or one of the other new labels for eating disorders which, alas, do not conform neatly enough to the classics – I often wish we could move away from it altogether, treating each case of a person obsessing over food, fearing it, starving themselves, as strange, unique, something to be investigated on their terms. What happened to you?, not I declare you THIS. There’s something about the question “is a non-thin woman still anorexic?” which reminds me of other social justice-y questions whereby answering “no” – that is, restating that your criteria for what counts as “X” don’t include a particular quality – is considered cruel and implicitly right-wing. You’re meant to say yes, recite the catechism, “eating disorders don’t discriminate” (I’ll be honest, I think they do; while there are no fast boundaries, the age- and gender-based trends are pretty fucking obvious). I don’t think answering yes or no is revealing of inner virtue or its absence, just differences of opinion on what a useful diagnostic category might be. After all, “anorexic” should not be seen as a superior, gold-star diagnosis in the eating disorder world; that it has been, and that early eating disorder specialists were even quite scathing of “lesser” sufferers, is a problem in its own right (Hilde Bruch, for instance, was a right cow with regard to bulimics: “They make an exhibitionistic display of their lack of control or discipline, in contrast to the adherence to discipline of the true anorexics […] The modern bulimic is impressive by what looks like a deficit in the sense of responsibility […] Though relatively uninvolved, they wish to share in the prestige of anorexia nervosa.”). We have to move away from that. But today’s eating disorder activism, a political cheerleading which often seems to be leading therapeutic recommendations, doesn’t necessarily seem to me the answer. Eating disorder activism should be political, of course, but there’s something very shouty about it which often seems to me to elude confrontation with serious questions about why sufferers have developed particular thought patterns and coping strategies. Instead we get a set of statements to which everyone must agree lest they be viewed as both unenlightened and unkind. Anyone can be anorexic! It’s never the parents’ fault! Blaming the fashion industry is trivialising! Early diagnosis, and more diagnoses, now! A label for everyone! etc. etc. Engagement with thornier issues – is physically restraining women to force-feed them still okay? What do our current understandings of puberty (and its avoidance) tell girls about their growing bodies? Are we allowed to criticise the role of pornography head-on, or do we have to vaguely hand-wave about “the internet” and “social media” forever more? – is absent. I sometimes feel we are more invested in validating suffering than alleviating it, because alleviating it might piss off more powerful people. Or even just our best mates. Anyhow, I just went back and edited an earlier paragraph of this. I originally wrote “two years after leaving treatment I was officially overweight” rather than “a year”, on the basis that just a year sounded a bit crap and might have made you think I was never properly ill at all. Then I thought “why am I still doing that?” It was just a year, but here I am, still pushing for the status, still worrying about whether I “count” while also musing on the pointlessness of counting as opposed to caring. That is the problem. It shouldn’t matter at all.
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redantsunderneath · 3 years
On Analysis Part 1 - Hermeneutics and Configurative reading (the “what” part)
“Without turning, the pharmacist answered that he liked books like The Metamorphosis, Bartleby, A Simple Heart, A Christmas Carol. And then he said that he was reading Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's. Leaving aside the fact that A Simple Heart and A Christmas Carol were stories, not books, there was something revelatory about the taste of this bookish young pharmacist, who ... clearly and inarguably preferred minor works to major ones. He chose The Metamorphosis over The Trial, he chose Bartleby over Moby Dick, he chose A Simple Heart over Bouvard and Pecouchet, and A Christmas Carol over A Tale of Two Cities or The Pickwick Papers. What a sad paradox, thought Amalfitano. Now even bookish pharmacists are afraid to take on the great, imperfect, torrential works, books that blaze a path into the unknown. They choose the perfect exercises of the great masters. Or what amounts to the same thing: they want to watch the great masters spar, but they have no interest in real combat, when the great masters struggle against that something, that something that terrifies us all, that something that cows us and spurs us on, amid blood and mortal wounds and stench.” ― Roberto Bolano, 2666
Much of the background for this post in particular comes from Paul Fry’s Yale lecture course about the theory of literature.  This is a great starting course for interpretation and textual analysis and, yes, film and TV shows are text.
In futzing around with this stuff, what am I doing?  Less charitably, what do I think I’m even trying to do, here? Many feel that applying theory to art and entertainment is as pretentious as the kind of art or entertainment that encourages it. It’s understandable.  Many examples of analysis are garbage and even people capable of good work get going in the wrong direction due to fixations or prejudices they aren’t even aware of and get swept away by the mudslide of enthusiasm into the pit of overreach. That’s part of the process. But this stuff has an actual philosophical grounding, so let’s start by looking at the stories history of trying to figure out “texts.”
Ideas about the purpose of art, what it means to be an author, and how it is best to create go back to the beginning of philosophy but (outside of some notable examples) there is precious little consideration of the reception of art and certainly not a feeling that it was a legitimate field of study until more recently. The Greeks figured the mind would just know how to grok it because what it was getting at was automatically universal and understanding was effortless to the tune mind. But the idea that textual analysis should be taken seriously began with the literal texts of the Torah (Rabbinical scholarship) and then the Bible, but mostly in closed circles.
Hermeneutics as we know it began as a discipline with the Protestant Reformation since the Bible was now available to be read.  Sooooo, have you read it? It’s not the most obvious or coherent text.  Reading it makes several things clear about it: 1. It is messy and self contradictory; 2. A literal reading is not possible for an honest mind and isn’t advisable in any event; 3. It is extremely powerful and mysterious in a way that makes you want to understand, your reach exceeding your grasp. This is like what I wrote about Inland Empire - it captures something in a messy, unresolvable package that probably can’t be contained in something clear and smooth. This interpretive science spread to law and philosophy for reasons similar to it’s roots in text based religion - there was an imperative to understand what was meant by words.
Hans-Georg Gadamer is the first to explicitly bring to bear a theory of how we approach works.  He was a student of Martin Heidegger, who saw the engagement with “the thing itself” as a cyclic process that was constructive of meaning, where we strive to learn from encounters and use that to inform our next encounter.  Gadamer applied this specifically to how we read a text (for him, this means philosophical text) and process it.  Specifically he strove to, by virtue of repeated reading and rumination which is informed by prior readings (on large and small scales, even going back and forth in a sentence), “align the horizons” of the author and the reader.  The goal of this process is to arrive at (external to the text) truth, which was for him the goal of the enterprise of writing and reading to begin with.  This is necessary because the author and reader both carry different preconceptions to the enterprise (really all material and cultural influences on thinking) that must be resolved.
ED Hirsch had a lifelong feud with Gadamer over this, whipping out Emanuel Kant to deny that his method was ethically sound.  He believed that to engage in this activity otherizes and instrumentalizes the author and robs them of them being a person saying something that has their meaning, whether it is true or false.  We need to get what they are laying down so we can judge the ideas as to whether they are correct or not.  It may be this is because he wasn’t that sympathetic a reader - he’s kind of a piece of work - and maybe his thheory was an excuse to act like John McLaughlin.  He goes on to have a hell of a career fucking up the US school system
But it’s Wolfgang Iser that comes in with the one neat trick which removes (or at least makes irrelevant) the knowability problem, circumvents the otherizing problem, and makes everything applicable to any text (e.g. art, literature) by bringing in phenomenology, specifically Edmund Husserl’s “constitution” of the world by consciousness. It makes perfect sense to bring phenomenology into interpretive theory as phenomenology had a head start as a field and is concerned with something homologous - we only have access to our experience of <the world/the text> and need to grapple with how we derive <reality/meaning> from it.  Husserl said we constitute reality from the world using our sensory/cognitive apparatus, influenced by many contingencies (experiential, cultural, sensorial, etc) but that’s what reality is and It doesn’t exist to us unbracketed. Iser said we configure meaning from the text using our sensory/cognitive apparatus, influenced by many contingencies (experiential, cultural, sensorial, etc) but that’s what meaning is and It doesn’t exist to us unbracketed.  Reality and meaning are constructed on these contingencies, and intersubjective agreement is not assured.
To Iser, we create a virtual space (his phrase) where we operate processes on the text to generate a model what the text is saying, and this process has many inputs based on our dataset external to the text (not all of which is good data) as well as built in filters and mapping legends based on our deeper preconceptions (which may be misconceptions or “good enough” approximations).  Most if this goes on without any effort whatsoever, like the identification of a dog on the street.  But some of it is a learned process - watch an adult who has never read comics try to read one.  These inputs, filters, and routers can animate an idea of the author in the construct, informing our understanding based on all sorts of data we happen to know and assumptions about how certain things work.
This is reader response theory, that meaning is generated in the mind by interaction with the text and not by the text, though Stanley Fish didn’t accent the “in the mind part” and name the phenomenon until years later. Note that Gadamer is largely prescriptive and Hirsch is entirely prescriptive while Iser is predominantly descriptive.  He’s saying “this is how you were doing it all along,” but by being aware of the process, we can gain function.
For those keeping score:   1. Gadamer, after Heidegger’s cyclic process at constructing an understanding of the thing itself, centers on a point between the author and reader and prioritizes universal truth. 2. Hirsch, after Kant’s ethical stand on non instrumentalization, centers on hearing what the author is saying and prioritizes the judging the ideas. 3. Iser, after Husserl’s constituted reality, centers on configuring a multi-input sense of the text within a virtual (mental) space and prioritizes meaning.
Everything after basically comes out of Iser and is mostly restatement with focusing/excluding of elements.  The 20th century mindset, from the logical positivists to Bohr’s view that looking for reality underlying the wave form was pointless, had a serious case of God (real meaning, ground reality) is dead.  W.K. Wimsatt and M. C. Beardsley’s intentional fallacy, an attempt to caution interpreters to steer clear of considering what the god-author meant, begat death of the author which attempted to take the author entirely out of the equation - it was less likely you’d ever understand the if you focused on that!  To me, this is corrective to trends at the time and not good praxis -  it excludes natural patterns of reading in which the author is configured, rejects potentially pertinent data, and limits some things one can get out of the text.
Meanwhile formalism/new criticism (these will be discussed later in a how section) focused on just what was going on in the text with as few inputs as possible, psychoanalytics and historicism looked to interrogate the inputs/filters to the sense making process, postmodernism/deconstruction attacked those inputs/filters making process questioning whether meaning was not just contingent but a complete illusion, and critical studies became obsessed with specific strands of oppression and hegemony as foundational filters that screw up the inputs.   But the general Iser model seems to be the grandfather of everything after.  
Reader intersubjectivity is an area of concern.  In the best world, the creation of art is in part an attempt to find the universal within the specific, something that resonates and speaks to people.  A very formative series of David Milch lectures (to me at least) proffer that if you find a scene, idea, whatever, that is very compelling to you, your job is to figure out what in it is “fanciful” (an association specific to you) and how to find and bring out the universal elements. But people’s experiences are different and there be many ideas of what a piece of art means without there being a dominant one. So the building of models within each mind leaves a lot to consider as the final filtered input is never quite the same. There is a lot of hair on this dog (genres engender text expectations that an author can subvert by confusing the filter, conflicting input can serve a purpose, the form of a guided experience can be a kind of meaning, on and on ad nauseum)
The ultimate question, you might ask, is why we need to do this at all.  I mean, I understood Snow White perfectly fine as a kid.  There’s no “gap” that needs to be leaped.  The meaning of the movie is evident enough on some level without vivisecting it.  The Long answer to what we gain from looking under Snow’s skirt is the next episode.  The short is: 1. You are doing it anyway.  That Snow White thing, you were doing thhat to Snow White you just weren’t conscious of the process.
2. It’s fun. The process only puts a tool of enjoyment in your arsenal.  You don’t have to use it all the time.
3. You’ll see stuff you like in new ways.  The way Star Wars works is really interesting!
4. It may give dimensions to movies that are flawed or bad, and you might wind up liking them.  Again, more to love.
5. It is sometimes necessary to get to a full (or any) appreciation of some complicated works as the most frustrating and resistant stuff to engage with is sometimes the most incredible. 
6. It reinforces your involvement in something you like.  It makes you more connected and more hungry, like any good exercise.
7. You can become more aware of what those preconceptions and biases are, which might give you insights in other areas of your life.
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liskantope · 4 years
Hopefully this will be my last-ever post complaining about what someone said on social media, because current events are simmering down and once they’ve reached a moderate enough hum I’m going to redouble my previous efforts to stay away from it. But the particular interaction I’m going to describe seems to have furthered my progress slightly in understanding why so many people shout their views in the way that they do and how I should learn to better accept it.
One of my “closest” Facebook friends for over a decade, whose life’s passion nowadays revolves around anti-racist work (mainly in childhood education; she is white) posted a few hours after Biden’s victory was officially called last Saturday to preach that white Biden-voters shouldn’t claim any of the credit for his victory because it was BIPOC and particularly black women who carried this election (her justification for why they “carried us” was that as a demographic group most of them voted for Biden while as a demographic group a majority of white people voted for Trump), and that nothing will be better now except for who is in the White House because “whiteness and white supremacy have not disappeared” and that “your” responsibility is not diminished and “you” are not absolved as a good white person. She ended with an exhortation to bow down and “bend your knees” to BIPOC for “saving our asses”.
(Just realized looking back at her post to write this one that the phrasing was not “bend the knee” as I repeatedly misread at the time, assuming that it was a direct reference to Game of Thrones of which I know she’s a fan, and having recently listened to this insightful 8-minute Sam Harris podcast episode which used the phrase. This is slightly unfortunate since it was the obnoxiousness of that particular phrasing which tipped me over to acting against my better judgment in not just ignoring this like I have with so many dozens of other statements. I still find it obnoxious, though, and sanctimonious, and terrible messaging, and using poor arguments about causation, and reflecting an insistence on viewing as much as possible in terms of race at all times, and the epitome of identity politics.)
So yeah, after waiting a couple of days, I broke my usual silence and wrote a very polite but argumentative response that turned out to be enough paragraphs to make me feel a little embarrassed that I would take that much of my time on it. I knew there was virtually no chance of convincing her of anything substantial, but I figured just maybe some insight into how foreign and alienating this “you are responsible for what everyone of your color does and are never good enough and have to kneel in deference to those of a color which is” messaging is bound to be to anyone who’s less in an academic bubble than we are (which is, like, most people). I made the point that individual BIPOC didn’t contribute any more than individual white people did to Biden’s victory and that if we’re going to judge blocs of voters according to race we should be blaming Cuban-Americans for Biden’s loss in Florida, and that in fact Trump gained votes from among BIPOC and lost white male votes since four years ago. I wrote that implying that the only salient feature of us individuals is race is exactly what people complain about when they use the term “identity politics” and that the results of this election suggest that maybe we’re doing something wrong with our messaging.
It wasn’t a disaster. I got a very cordial response which completely avoided ad hominem and at least engaged the points I had made while clarifying her views. I didn’t find the supposed rebuttals of my points at all convincing, of course. For instance, my complaint about treating individual voters as merely people of a certain color was met with “It’s important in anti-racist scholarship to be able to analyze demographic trends in terms of race” (I would... never disagree with this?) and that focusing on individuals allows people to only look at their own actions and those of their friends and feel too good about themselves. She also expressed skepticism about my statistics about where Trump gained/lost support, which I was able to back up with a quick Google search which pulled up a Vox article among others (I thought it was only the insufficiently committed white liberals like me who sucked at Googling?). But her own views, while still resting on axioms I fundamentally differ on, just sounded a lot more reasonable when restated? E.g. “Moments like this shouldn’t be centered on whiteness” and “the ‘good white liberals’ should be aware that they aren’t as a big of a demographic in our race as they should be” (I don’t know any white liberal who would disagree or who doesn’t realize that white people vote majority Republican or is okay with that?) and that the bowing and bending the knee was not “a literal statement” but simply meant to convey that we should greatly respect how BIPOC voters contribute. She ended with providing a long list of anti-racist activists (the only one of whom I’m familiar with is Ally Henny, who I mainly remember for statements about how I’m encased in so many layers of racism that I would never be able to peel them off if I spent my whole lifetime doing nothing but trying) as a “starting point” of study.
I replied thanking her for pointing me to sources and agreeing with her implication that I should read more with a mind towards understanding what they’re saying before spouting off any more opinions. (Guess I have to make good on that promise now.) I made clear that I see a difference between her restatements and the way she worded things in her original post and suggested that some of this might even be on me for interpreting these kinds of posts more as logical arguments when they should be understood in a slightly more poetic manner. I gently gestured towards my suspicion that the current scholarship in this area might reflect a university culture (which I am very much a part of) more than the concrete priorities and concerns of the majority of people of color, although I’m in no position to positively claim anything about this. I got no response.
Anyway, in writing my last response, a little more clicked into place for me about a different lens through which I should process all the behavior that drives me nuts in a written context online (I mainly mean social media but am being even broader than that). This is going to sound condescending but ironically it might help me to have a less condescending attitude?
The fact is -- and I just have to accept this -- that making efforts to be nuanced and to “meet people who disagree where they are at” and to aim for the truth but no farther than the truth are simply not highly-valued principles for most people (social media -users and otherwise). They may kinda-sorta agree in the abstract with these principles, but in practice they hold a much lower status than the principles of conveying anger and strong words as a sign of commitment towards Fighting Evil. Some people I know do have an “argumentation value system” closer to mine, and I know who those people are -- it really shows in what they write online. But those people are a fairly small minority.
And this alien “argumentation value system” isn’t something that really shows in casual real-life interactions very plainly at all (which of course is what almost all human interactions were up until 10-15 years ago), while in contrast social media is an environment that augments its effect.
The sooner I accept this, the more moderation I’ll be able to manage in my negative reactions. I can remind myself that there’s less fundamental disagreement on most actual issues between me and the people I know: we instead disagree on a sort of meta-level issue of how one’s views should be presented. And that issue, taken by itself, seems somehow like something more minor. I wrote a few months ago about how knowing what so many people in my life write publicly oftentimes interferes with my capacity to view them as potential intimate friends/partners. Maybe I can be a little more accepting when I recognize that the things they write which turn me off perhaps don’t come from a place of such irrationality as I thought, that the differences in our ways of thinking might not be quite so fundamental (although this differing system of values for argumentation still strikes me as something that could badly affect a marriage, say). And in the practical short term, I can ignore things that bother me more easily in the future -- instead of feeling like I’m on a tilted playing field where everyone else gets to vent without inhibition while I have to carefully monitor and qualify everything I say, I can try to just round a lot of this off in terms of different preferred writing styles and somehow that bothers me less?
A similar underlying principle holds for the things that annoy me on dating profiles, what with the collective obsession with dogs and boasts of being “fluent in sarcasm” and so on. This probably doesn’t reflect much about the way the creators of these profiles actually are as humans in real life. Not that many single women really view their dogs as the most interesting thing that ever was or will be about their lives. They just choose to have a certain style of exposition about themselves because of peculiarities of the environment of online dating sites/apps, where showing enthusiasm and individuality in some way seems to pay and the topic of dogs would seem like a pretty safe place to direct this performed enthusiasm. Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t demonstrate some aspect of incompatibility with me or that I’m not going to be more instantly attracted to those with profiles that have more refreshing things to say than stuff about how amazing dogs are or of those who *gasp* actually prefer cats or *deeper gasp* prefer not to have pets at all. But it means that I can read the dogs-and-sarcasm-enthusiast profiles a little more charitably maybe?
This slightly altered mindset is a far from perfect solution, but I think it helps. A lasting three-quarters-of-the-way disconnect from social media entirely still needs to be a goal at this point.
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illegalastrology111 · 4 years
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MONEY: As Mercury retrograde begins on the 16th - March 9th, pay attention to detail and avoid important decision making initiated because of clouded judgement.    This is a transit to lay low and re-evaluate everything for the next three weeks.  Success depends on it.
SEX: Try to be as honest as you can with your partner, even though you think/feel this could have adverse affects.  In the end you’ll be glad you did.
POWER: During the next three weeks slow down and don’t be in such a rush to get things done, because with Mercury retrograde mistakes will be made.  This is a time to reassess your accomplishments so far.
MONEY: This Mercury retrograde could be an excellent time to create new ideas for making money, if you can put time aside to “tune into” upcoming trends that are on the horizon and lay-out a plan of action once Mercury  as novel forward.   Doin’t second-guess yourself, if you feel  your ideas are too bizarre.  Chances are you’ll be way ahead of your peers.
SEX: Have more optimism when it comes to love.  If you’re willing and able to meet your partner/lover half-way they’ll respond accordingly and the relationship will become stronger.
POWER: Use the energy of your opposite sign Scorpio to transform ideas into something big, that the public will grasp with open arms.    Your sign is that of money, material possessions and personal resources, so have the the self-worth (also Taurus), to expand your mind to see the “bigger picture”.
MONEY: With Mercury retrograde in Pisces February 16th - March 9th, you’ll probably have to deal with certain individuals in authority/power and.or connected to goals and ambitions..  These will be individuals from the past who have let you down, not followed through with promises or commitments.   Be careful how you interact with them, it would be wise not to pursue any type of business/financial transactions or negotiations with them at all.  This will spare you further disappointment or delay  in plans.
SEX: As long as you and your partner can agree to some kind of commitment that makes you both happy, everything in love will run smoothly.
POWER: During Mercury retrograde it would be best to trust your own counsel rather than that of others.  The possibility of miscommunication is very high, but need not occur.
MONEY: Instead of initiating new creative ventures, expanding horizons, learning something new, first give deep thought as to whether the timing is right.  The answer is no, because Mercury is retrograde for three weeks and with it comes a lot of problems, delays and mistakes.  For now, it would be wiser to contemplate your next move, plan for the future with great discernment and attention to detail.  
SEX: Keep your feet on the ground and avoid getting too carried away with love, to the point you lose touch with the reality of what is going on between you and your partner.
POWER: Mercury retrograde in Pisces will also lead you to question what you believe to be true, either because of experiences that occur or something said during the cycle. Either way, your beliefs about life will be challenged and at the end of this retrograde cycle , you may find that the things you thought were real and true were not.
MONEY: Past karma will resurface during Mercury retrograde that will probably be uncomfortable to deal with.   Best course of action is to deal with situations slowly, being mindful in he area of joint financial partnerships, how you’re being perceived.  Don’t think for one moment you’ll get away with things  that need to be confronted,  because always, sooner or later the Universe will remind you.
SEX: Don’t allow wearing rose-colored glasses blind you to deep rooted issues that need resolution between you and your partner.
POWER: This Mercury retrograde could be an emotional cycle for you, especially when dealing with women.  Therefore,  take a deep breath and don’t let fear take control.
MONEY: Anything of a visual nature for public consumption should be looked at very carefully during Mercury retrograde.  This is the time to create, redo and reassess what you have done so far, or make a concerted effort to complete projects by the time the retrograde is over.     This is important if you want to make money from new ventures.    Time is of the essence and you don’t have much left to put things in place, before retrograde season begins April through November.
SEX: A week to restate commitment and solidify the foundation of love with your significant other.   You’ve come a long way in this area of life and  know that it’s worth it to keep up the good work.
POWER: You have the capacity with careful wise planning to achieve a lot by using creative talents.  However, belief is the key.  Knowing that you have something special to offer that is of worth and value.
MONEY: This week’s Mercury retrograde will take affect in the area of work.  Situations that you’ve been through before, dealing with people who aren’t necessarily upfront with information or mislead will be the scenario you have to deal with, yet again.  Read between the lines of everything presented to you and if something is not understood, go to the source directly.  Pay attention to detail and avoid signing papers until the retrograde is over.
SEX: In the area of love be true to what it is you know will make you happy in love and don’t settle for less without compromise that is mutually agreeable.
POWER: If you keep things practical and straightforward and if necessary write things down for clarity, a lot of confusion can be avoided over the next three weeks.
MONEY: It’ll be hard to keep up with commitments in career and goals because of Mercury retrograde in Pisces for three weeks.  While this is occurring, plan for the future and put ideas and work to be done in some type of organized structure.  At the same time avoid getting too caught up with extracurricular activities that waste time.   Even though this is a retrograde cycle, it means something needs to be redone or looked at again for mistakes.
SEX: Love will go well if you keep your feet f firmly on the ground and avoid being too engrossed with the fantasy of love and what is going on between you and your partner, especially the physical aspects. Don’t take them for granted and remain sensitive to their needs.
POWER: You may feel as if you can accomplish anything, the sky is the limit.  This is true, but any achievement will happen with a clear focused plan of action, otherwise you’re likely to come “crashing down” to earth when reality hits.
MONEY: Your foundation of life is definitely in need of an overhaul, but you must take one step at a time in order to get things done correctly.   Once you’re able to decide what exactly it is you want to change then everything will start to move forward in the right direction.  This i s what you must do during Mercury retrograde.  Anything of a visual nature, once transformed and simplified will bring you tremendous success.
SEX: You r partner may not be all that they appear to be on the surface and whether you know that or not it’s time to deal with the reality of this fact and see them for who and what they are.  If you continue to give them qualities they don’t have, you only have Self to blame for your unhappiness.
POWER It’s quite possible that during the Mercury retrograde cycle certain relationships that have a future dissolve or aspects of the relationship that need to go are revised/brought to the surface.  Either way, there’s next few weeks will be a time of “cleansing” in many ways.
MONEY: It’s possible during this retrograde cycle that individuals involved in projects, plans and ideas may omit certain pieces of information that you need to know about and should therefore read any  documents, rules etc. very carefully before  you agree to move forward into new horizons.   In addition, this isn’t the best cycle to actually begin something new, it will be fraught with problems, difficulties and delays of all kinds.   It would be wise to wait until the retrograde is over before starting new beginnings   If you don’t understand something, ask.
SEX: Make sure all communication with your partner is clearly understood,  There is a danger of miscommunication during the retrograde transit.
POWER: Pay attention to dreams and meditations (a by-product of Mercury retrograde in Pisces), because there will be many insights provided that will help you deal with present situations in your life.
MONEY: Money, material possessions and self-worth will all be highlighted during the Mercury retrograde cycle, February 16th - March 9th.   You will be dealing with situations form the past, some connected to visual projects and work that somehow went awry/brought sorrow and elf-undoing.   Tread with care and don’t allow certain individuals to mislead you into believing other than what you know to be true.  Trust your instincts.   This way you’ll steer clear of any further negativity directed towards you.
SEX: Friends and lovers are a good combination if you can actually create a relationship on this basis.   It can be done and if you avoid becoming detached from your partner,  (an Aquarius  habit), consciously or unconsciously, love will bloom.
POWER”: Doors from the past you thought were closed could reopen during this retrograde.  However, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want certain individuals back in your life.   The question is how negative are they and what were the reasons that caused you to walk away from them?  You know the answer to these questions.
MONEY: When it comes to getting things off the ground you may find, during Mercury retrograde, that individuals don’t follow through with right action, not living up to your expectations.   Also, the fact that this happened before and those responsible come back into your life.   Don’t be so quick to let this happen, or agree to anything they’re offering, because  you’ll end up with a minus instead of a plus.    Carefully assess the situation and then decide what you want to do or not do.
SEX: This isn’t a good time for making commitments or promises in love.   Least of all starting a new love-relationship.    Promises made will be later broken and more than likely bring a great deal of upset and sorrow.  Keep things practical and easy-going for now, at least until this cycle is over.
POWER: Beware of being too idealistic and having expectations of people and situations that just can’t be met, unfortunately.  This is because Mercury is retrograde in your sign and you must be clearly focused and exercise great discernment more so than usual in  order to avoid disappointments.    If people let you down, chalk it up to experience and “lessons” from the Universe.
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charminglatina · 5 years
Riverdale Couples & Ships as Romantic Tropes (Part I) ❤️
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In this list, I’ll be listing the Riverdale ships and couples (both teen and adult) with the romantic tropes that best represent their relationship on the show. In case you’re wondering where I got the tropes from, I got them from TVTropes.org. This list of couples and their romantic tropes is not a rankings list like my previous other lists which were rankings based on percentages. Because there are so many couples, I have decided to split the lists in two parts. Have fun reading!
#25. Archundy (Archie Andrews & Geraldine Grundy; ROMANTIC TROPE: TEACHER/STUDENT ROMANCE)
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Teacher/Student Romance
"I've got it bad, got it bad, got it bad, I'm Hot For Teacher."—Van Halen
It is a pretty good bet that just about any show that features adults and teens interacting in an academic environment will eventually explore a romantic relationship between a teacher and a student. The basis for this type of relationship — if it's actually a romance and not just a Sextra Credit arrangement — can either be the adoration and respect toward the teacher and mentor figure or the teacher's protective and caring instincts, or both. The illicit, forbidden, and most often scandalous nature of these relationships can be mined for angst, and generally doesn't cause real life issues because the actors themselves are generally all above the age of consent thanks to Dawson Casting. But even if the student is eighteen or in college, this sort of extracurricular activity would still be a massive breach of professional ethics in most of the world and in some jurisdictions is considered illegal, regardless of age, in some circumstances (some teachers have been charged for relationships with high school students, even if the relationship didn't begin until after the student turned 18 and the teacher her/himself was only a few years older). Even if it was not illegal, the scandal that would erupt from this socially unacceptable affair would be so devastating it would basically cost a teacher or professor his or her job forever. There are usually different levels of moral endorsement of the relationship, depending on the genders of the participants. Relationships between male teachers and male students are condemned the most harshly. When a male teacher and a female student are together it results in the teacher being viewed as a pervert and sometimes the student being slut shamed. When it's the other way around, a female teacher with a male or even a female student is taken far less seriously. An even more outrageous double standard is that emphasis is often placed on how attractive said female teacher is — the more attractive said teacher, the more acceptable the relationship is. That said, the trope in fiction probably will involve a Hot Teacher, if only for fanservice purposes. An author might attempt to make this relationship less squicky by having the student fulfill the Wise Beyond Their Years trope, by keeping things to Courtly Love only, or by making both participants older — a graduate or doctoral student falling in love with their professor is less likely to cause moral outrage than a high school student doing the same thing due to both participants being adults, though the professional ethics of the situation remain pretty much the same. The relationship may be initiated by a Fille Fatale. A subtrope of Unequal Pairing. Compare Mrs. Robinson. See Likes Older Men, Likes Older Women, and Stacy's Mom for young people lusting after older people in general, Precocious Crush for a more innocent variant, Age-Gap Romance for when there's a significant age difference between them, and Mentor Ship. There's a version specific to magic users called Merlin and Nimue, which takes its cue from the Arthurian Mythos where Merlin formed such a pair with several women. Teacher/Parent Romance occurs when a teacher falls for their student's parent. This group of tropes is among The Oldest Ones in the Book. Although generally frowned upon in Real Life today, it's had varying levels of acceptance throughout history. It was most famously acceptable in Ancient Greece, where it took the form of Lover and Beloved.
#24. Jasolly (Jason Blossom & Polly Cooper; ROMANTIC TROPE: KISSING COUSINS)
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Kissing Cousins
"If you're tired of beating around the bush, why not shake the family tree? A hot cousin might fall out."—Stephen Colbert
Romantic/sexual relationships between cousins (meaning, generally, first cousins) are a phenomenon that has been more accepted in some cultures and eras than others. A great many cultures today accept it, including a majority of the industrialized world. Marrying one's extended relatives (which is technically known as clan endogamy) seems to have been common in human evolutionary history, since hominids usually lived in small nomadic bands with few available sexual partners. At the other end of the spectrum, much of the modern U.S.A. considers cousin marriage completely taboo, so Hilarity Ensues at the very mention of it. People from backwoods areas (especially the Appalachian Mountains) are often the preferred butt of many bad jokes as well as occasional bits of Self-Deprecation for the alleged prevalence of Kissing Cousins in their culture. Despite the taboo, cousin marriages are legal in about half the states in the U.S.A., though not as much in the backwoods areas and more in the modern industrialized states, the opposite of what one might expect from hearing all those jokes. Legal or not, these marriages are still not very common due to the lingering cultural taboo. All states permit marriages between second and third cousins, but even these are looked at funny. In the UK, first cousin marriage is unusual and would be regarded as rather odd, but not with the same severity as the US. Second cousin marriages and beyond would be seen as unremarkable. Expect some strong Values Dissonance between the media from the US and other countries, and between certain modern works and works from the nineteenth century and earlier, when the taboo was sometimes non-existent or even inverted. Full scholarly debate on why some cultures would forbid cousins, or even specific types of cousins, to marry, while others ignore or even encourage it, rages on, and lies beyond the scope of this wiki. According to both Oxford's and Merriam-Webster's Dictionaries, the original definition of kissing cousins was simply a relative known well enough to be given a kiss in greeting, although this meaning has long since fallen by the wayside. Check out Incest Is Relative for more closely related tropes. NOTE: This trope is for cases of actual relationships between cousins. Cousincestuous subtext goes in Incest Subtext.
#23. Joaqevin (Joaquin DeSantos & Kevin Keller; ROMANTIC TROPE: BURY YOUR GAYS)
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Bury Your Gays
"[Television] has yet to recover from the [2015/16 and 16/17] seasons, which included the deaths of an overwhelming number of lesbian and bisexual women characters. These deaths were often in service of another straight, cisgender character's plotline, and sent a toxic message to audiences. This decades-long trend — referred to in popular culture as "Bury Your Gays" — has made countless headlines in the past year, educating both viewers and creators alike on just how ubiquitous this trope has been."— Opening statement to the 2017/18 GLAAD (Where We Are on TV Report)
The Bury Your Gays trope in media, including all its variants, is a homophobic cliché. It is the presentation of deaths of LGBT characters where these characters are nominally able to be viewed as more expendable than their heteronormative counterparts. In this way, the death is treated as exceptional in its circumstances. Thus, it can be fairly said that, in aggregate, queer characters are more likely to die than straight characters. Indeed, it may be because they seem to have less purpose compared to straight characters, or that the supposed natural conclusion of their story is an early death. Also known as Dead Lesbian Syndrome, though that name has largely fallen out of use post-2015 and the media riots about overuse of the trope. And, as this public outcry restated, the problem isn't merely that gay characters are killed off: the problem is the tendency that gay characters are killed off in a story full of mostly straight characters, or when the characters are killed off because they are gay. However, sometimes gay characters die in fiction because, well, sometimes people die. There are many Anyone Can Die stories: barring explicit differences in the treatments of the gay and straight deaths in these, it's not odd that the gay characters are dying. The occasional death of one in a Cast Full of Gay is unlikely to be notable, either. Can be seen as Truth in Television in some cases, as gay and lesbian people are at a substantially higher risk for suicide and assault — see the tropes Gayngst-Induced Suicide and Homophobic Hate Crime. The fact that AIDS hit the gay male community most prominently provided potent fresh fuel for this long running trope (which, like many things about the eighties, still has an effect on more recent works). There may also be a higher prevalence of this trope in Period Fiction because of its supposed realism since historically there was lots of homophobic persecution — though undoubtedly plenty of acceptance, too. The exact opposite is found in Preserve Your Gays, often a reaction to this.
#22. Kevoose (Moose Mason & Kevin Keller; ROMANTIC TROPE: GAY GUY SEEKS POPULAR JOCK)
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Gay Guy Seeks Popular Jock
LGBT media and LGBT characters featured in media have grown in prominence the past few decades. As the visibility grew, a common romance trope was employed over and over again enough that it became cliché: A gay teenager (who is the Audience Surrogate) ranging from Camp Gay to Adorkable to Shrinking Violet falls in love with/actively pursues/crushes on/is paired up with a popular, muscular and (usually) closeted jock. So many gay stories use this trope for several reasons, best written by Brent Hartinger, author of Geography Club.
The Star-Crossed Lovers trope is Older Than Dirt and used for so many love stories already, so it stands that it can be used for a same-sex tale of romance and woe.
Rule of Drama: The geeky gay and jock not only come from different "classes" (so to speak) but also face different hurdles in a Coming-Out Story: The geeky gay always is less conventionally masculine, so he doesn't have much to lose by being honest and open. The jock character, by contrast is a Straight Gay, and by coming out may lose a lot more, especially dropping down the social ladder which can lead to tons of conflict and obstacles for the pair getting together.
Most of these writers are gay and this trope could be construed as a form of Wish Fulfillment: The shy, awkward boy landing a popular handsome athlete is a pretty common fantasy amongst gay men, so it stands that this convention would be pretty prominent.
While a common fantasy, this trope is also Truth in Television as this kind of pairing does indeed happen in Real Life. See also Sensitive Guy and Manly Man, Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple, and Star-Crossed Lovers. Frequently employs Gayngst and the Armored Closet Gay trope. See also Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy and All Guys Want Cheerleaders for the heterosexual versions of this trope.
#21. McKeller (Tom Keller & Sierra McCoy; ROMANTIC TROPE: MALIGNED MIXED MARRIAGE)
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Maligned Mixed Marriage
"Who can feel sympathy for Desdemona? A woman who, born and educated to a splendid and lofty station in the community, betrays her race, her sex, her duty and her country, and makes a runaway match with a blackamoor."—John Quincy Adams
A common source of conflict for a set of married protagonists (or a couple of Star-Crossed Lovers) is for the couple to be of different races among very unaccepting folks. They will be pressured to break up/divorce by family and friends and community, ostracized, exiled or forced to flee, maimed, or murdered, etc. Their children will be likewise persecuted, perhaps more so than the parents, for complicating racial relations and being inherently 'untrustworthy' due to not being fully one race or the other. Even if the adults are fine, other Kids Are Cruel after all. Expect the child to eventually pop the question about whether there's something inherently and incurably wrong with them because of their genetic heritage. And of course, sometimes it's a mixed species marriage, or one between a muggle and a mage, complete with attendant prejudice. On the plus side the scifi/fantasy elements mean the kid is likely to be The Chosen One, a Half-Human Hybrid, a Dhampyr, or perhaps even a Hybrid Monster with really cool powers. That makes up for it, right? Some examples of interracial marriages that earn disapproval can be found in Mighty Whitey and Mellow Yellow, Black Gal on White Guy Drama, and Where Da White Women At?. For mixed species marriages, see also Vampire-Werewolf Love Triangle. In Real Life, mixed-race marriages can be everything from completely accepted to something you only do if you've got a death wish. Thankfully, in many places it's skewed towards the "completely accepted" end of the spectrum, and a great way for someone to reveal themselves as a severe jackass is to show bigotry towards mixed couples. Mixed-race marriages seem to be one of the last bastions of racism. Many opponents of interracial marriage claim to oppose all other forms of racism including genocide, different legal rights, and the physical segregation of races to prevent cultural contamination (and some claim to have friends of other races). However, they generally argue that that it's cruel to have mixed-race kids because they see race as the sole/most important element of collective identity. This makes the existence of people who blur the boundaries between races distressing for people of those races, who will see their identity as being under threat and in their illogical rage target the unfortunate mixed-race children in their midst. Of course, race is just one element of collective identity and while it can be very important to some people this is by no means a given. In general, mixed-race children tend to have about the same level of trouble that their parents have — less if they look like one race or the other instead of an obvious mixture, or live in a society that doesn't care about race. In stories that take place in communities where "race" isn't a defining factor in classifying humanity (like ''some'' of the 19th century USA, East Asia, or Russia), a "mixed marriage" could mean many other different things: mixed ethnicity ("ethnicity" here being vaguely synonymous with "nationality"), mixed religion, or mixed class. Due to Values Dissonance, many of these other "mixed" marriages tend to be Dead Horse Tropes in fiction (at least in the Anglosphere), though they do surface occasionally: consider My Big Fat Greek Wedding, which mines humor from the "scandal" of a ('white') Greek-American woman choosing a ('white') Anglo-American man as her husband... a thing no longer scandalous in the late 20th century, but most certainly was just a few decades previously. Truth in Television, of course, as there are still people who feel this way. Although anti-miscegenation attitudes are not only found in the classic cases of dominant, traditional, "purity"-seeking communities. Notably, some minorities also vocalize disdain for "disloyalty", stemming from the considerable culture-driven asymmetry in cross-race relationships — a subtle but persistent visual reminder of imposed inferiority — and frustrations in changing the narrative over discomforting perceptions of hyper-attractiveness or lack thereof. Then there are some who are simply pricks. But any of these justifications can end up invoking the trope. To be clear, this trope can cover any romantic relationship, not only matrimony. We just like alliteration here.
#20. Fredary (Fred Andrews & Mary Andrews; ROMANTIC TROPE: AMICABLE EXES)
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Amicable Exes
"It's things like using force together, Shouting till you're hoarse together, Getting a divorce together, That make perfect relationships."—Company ( "The Little Things You Do Together")
So, people who break up must indefinitely hate each other, right? Wrong. Increasingly common in media are situations where a divorced couple still get along for the most part, and in many cases still care about each other even though they're no longer together. In many cases the divorce happened because of distance, circumstance or the simple fact that people change rather than infidelity, betrayal or other serious problems, and the fact that they got divorced is treated as a fact of life rather than due to a flaw in the people. Both parties also generally agree that it was for the best for both of them. It's also pretty common for couples who broke up because of Incompatible Orientation or who were each other's Last Het Romance to end up this way. If there are children from the marriage they are shared without much complaint, and the amicability of the parents can often be interpreted as being partly for their sake. As such, this tends to show up in children's cartoons, perhaps as an attempt to counter the stereotype of the children of divorced parents being largely unhappy. May involve a Visit by Divorced Dad that will usually go well, and for the most part any Divorce Assets Conflicts are avoided or settled reasonably. The increase in this trope can be attributed in the dramatic shift in divorce rates and public perception of those who have gone through with divorces in the last 50 years (i.e. between the 1950s and the start of the 21st century). While divorce used to be scandalous, it's now a fairly common occurrence, and this trope reflects the view that it's just a fact of life that doesn't have to permanently poison a relationship. Sometimes it even results in Divorce Is Temporary, though this is less common in more realistic works and those aimed at children due to being a Family-Unfriendly Aesop ("wish hard enough and your parents will get back together!"). Can apply to non divorced former couples as well, thus the name. If someone's current and former squeeze get along well with each other, it's The Missus and the Ex. Compare Working with the Ex and Sex with the Ex. No, this is not about friendly .exe files.
#19. Clinelope (Clifford Blossom & Penelope Blossom; ROMANTIC TROPE: ARRANGED MARRIAGE)
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Arranged Marriage
"We who are of noble blood may not follow the wishes of our hearts."—Jane Olsen (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari)
An Arranged Marriage is, quite simply, the idea that someone is going to choose your spouse for you. The way an Arranged Marriage is treated by the plot will be dependent on place and time. For most of human history, arranged marriages were the norm because "marriage" was less about the union of two souls and more about the union of two families. The rise of the "Marry for Love" ideal didn't really start in Western culture until the 16th century, and there are places on Earth where it still hasn't. Additionally, the "Marriage Before Romance" trope often went hand-in-hand with arranged marriages. While the priority is, again, the union of two families, that union is dependent on the stability and comfort of the two people getting married, so the two families would try their best to come up with a Perfectly Arranged Marriage. The couple's happiness just wasn't the main goal the way it is in Western marriages today. However, the one thing that is almost always present in an arranged marriage is tension. Most people don't really want to marry a total stranger (much less have sex with them), and if that total stranger turns out to be a complete rogue and a cad, it may be necessary for the heroes to spring into action and rescue the hapless member of their group who is being forced to walk down the aisle. (Of course, being Big Damn Heroes, they'll have to do so in the most overblown and dramatic way possible.) Sometimes, the person in the arranged marriage takes matters into their own hands and becomes a Runaway Fiancé. The "aggrieved" party may claim Breach of Promise of Marriage in response, as arranged marriages tend to be viewed as legally binding commitments by those who initiate it. Alternately, there's a Love Triangle. The character of the suitor is less likely to be important in those cases, but they generally won't look kindly on the outsider's interference. Conversely, an Arranged Marriage can be used to lock the hero and heroine together so that their disputes can not end with one of them washing their hands of the other. A common tactic is for the daughter of a wealthy but common family to be matched with the Impoverished Patrician, for his title: Nobility Marries Money. Occasionally, it's the other way around, with a titled daughter and a moneyed son. Families may even pledge infant children in marriage pacts that cannot be concluded until many years later. Both in fiction and in Real Life, royal children (sons as well as daughters) were used as pawns in the political game cementing alliances and peace treaties with their marriages. You might say it was their job to take part in such Altar Diplomacy. The Arranged Marriage is not to be confused with: a Childhood Marriage Promise (whereby a prepubescent couple voluntarily pledges their own non-legally-binding, future troth); a marriage which may arise out of convenience; or a marriage that arises from some kind of cultural mistake. For clarity's sake, the Arranged Marriage trope will deal only with more binding, traditional types of unions. See also Parental Marriage Veto, You Have Waited Long Enough, Old Man Marrying a Child, Homosocial Heterosexuality, Royal Inbreeding, and Marriage Before Romance. A Shotgun Wedding is a short-notice forced marriage. If someone agrees to an Arranged Marriage but loves someone else, Courtly Love may be involved. If the people doing the "arranging" in the marriage aren't the parents, that's a Bureaucratically Arranged Marriage. Often involves Prince Charmless and Rebellious Princess. At least recently, one of the potential spouses was as likely as not to try to defy this. When the audience really doesn't want this marriage, expect the Big Damn Heroes to show up right at the Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace line. To see the types of follies and foibles associated with modern dating services, see Dating Service Disaster. Supertrope to Perfectly Arranged Marriage. Subtrope of Marriage of Convenience. Contrast Marry for Love. Compare And Now You Must Marry Me. Compare and contrast Fourth Date Marriage, where the couple likewise barely knows each other but it was Love at First Sight.
#18. Halice (Hal Cooper & Alice Cooper; ROMANTIC TROPE: AWFUL WEDDED LIFE)
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Awful Wedded Life
Take it from me Spaghetti Man, better dead than wed."— Richie Tozier, IT
The depiction of monogamous marriage as rather like a long, slow, exquisite torture by a sadistic god from whose malicious clutches escape is impossible. Husbands are child-like buffoons who watch too much football, leave the toilet seat up, ogle hot women, and forget anniversaries. Wives are frigid, nagging, hateful shrews with zero interest in sex. Children destroy your home and what little peace of mind you have left, while waiting their turn to perpetuate the cycle. Obnoxious In-Laws serve to add to the misery. The audience may be left wondering, "Why don't they just get a divorce, if they're so miserable?" Married... with Children was probably the first time this trope was the main focus of an American sitcom, but it's been a mainstay of British shows since The '50s. It is also a staple of Borscht Belthumour, but that may be less to do with venom than with Jews Love to Argue or Jewish Complaining. The name, for those who don't get it, is a reference to the line of the traditional wedding vows, "Lawful wedded wife". Similar to No Accounting for Taste, but you'll rarely (if ever) see the Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other moments occasionally found in that trope. Compare The Masochism Tango, Belligerent Sexual Tension, Like an Old Married Couple, Dead Sparks, and Married Too Young. Contrast Happily Married for the opposite and Happy Marriage Charade for when this trope pretends to be Happily Married. Unfortunately, Truth in Television for many people until quite recently, in eras with some combination of marriages being arranged for family advantage (or some other type of Marriage of Convenience) rather than created by mutual attraction, divorce being impossible or hugely disapproved of, or unintentional pregnancy leading to a choice of marriage or social ostracism.
#17. Fralice (Fred Andrews & Alice Cooper; ROMANTIC TROPE: AW, LOOK! THEY REALLY DO LOVE EACH OTHER)
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Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other
When a couple/potential couple — who spend the entirety of the show yelling at each other, insulting one another, stabbing each other in the back, etc. — have a moment when they reveal that, deep down, they really care for one another. Awwww. Often takes place in a humorous rushing-to-your-spouse's-defense manner, where one of them angrily defends the other against the same kind of insults that they themselves like to dish out. The common line is: "Nobody insults/beats up/threatens my wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend but me!" If this relation is between friends then they are Vitriolic Best Buds. If it is between siblings, then it either combines Big Brother Bully and Big Brother Instinct or is Thicker Than Water. If the romance part comes without warning or justification, the trope may fall flat, since it comes out of nowhere when the previous context of the story makes it seem like they have nothing to love about each other. When couples don't even have these moments you get No Accounting for Taste. See also Defrosting Ice Queen, Slap-Slap-Kiss and Belligerent Sexual Tension. A couple version of a Pet the Dog moment.
#16. Halelope (Hal Cooper & Penelope Blossom; ROMANTIC TROPE: YOUR CHEATING HEART)
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Your Cheating Heart
"Your cheatin' heart will make you weep, You'll cry and cry and try to sleep. But sleep won't come the whole night through, Your cheatin' heart will tell on you."—Hank Williams ( "Your Cheatin' Heart”)
Two-timing, playing away from home, having a bit on the side, going behind your partner's back, adultery, infidelity... There are a lot of names for cheating on your partner, but most of them have the same outcome: a world of hurt. Most of us recognize this type of plot: Bob is married to Alice. One day, Bob sees Carol at a club and is attracted to her. Perhaps things haven't been going so well with Alice for some time. Maybe they just had a major fight and Bob stormed off. Or maybe his marriage is perfectly healthy, and Bob has no excuse. Whatever the reason, Bob flirts with Carol, which eventually leads to a sexual or romantic relationship and the various things that entails. But here's the thing: Bob doesn't tell Alice about it. He doesn't dump her, he doesn't tell her that he thinks the marriage is on the rocks, he doesn't talk to her about Polyamory or swinging, he doesn't even ask for "more space". He continues to play the part of her husband, and expects her to continue being his wife, hoping that Alice won't notice when he starts coming in late for dinner, or ask him about the mysterious expenditures on their joint account. Sometimes, just to really play Alice for a sucker, their marriage will seemingly improve— he buys Alice gifts, pays attention to her and seems much happier, but all the while he's running off to see Carol. For extra scumbag points, he may be keeping Carol similarly in the dark about Alice. Chances are he'll eventually get caught; if he didn't, the story wouldn't have the same dramatic impact. A lot of angst and tension will ensue. Way back in the day, when marriage was considered permanent and divorce was a word whispered fearfully by gossiping old ladies, The Affair was a shocker of a storyline, and very often an automatic Moral Event Horizon for the cheating partner. However, it's worth noting that even further back in the day, the gods, goddesses and minor side characters of mythology listed "infidelity" under "Hobbies", didn't particularly care if their new "partner" was willing, and got away with it. Only their mortal lovers got the nasty side of the wronged wife's/husband's temper when the affair was discovered. Nowadays, affairs are common in any Soap Opera and turn up an awful lot in other types of story as well. We don't really expect a fictional husband and wife to stay faithful to each other for forty or so years. Supposedly, a solid marriage makes a boring story (though some would disagree). Often, a sequence of "get together → one cheats → they break up → they make up → the other one cheats", and so on) will be followed so often and so tiresomely that it becomes a Yoyo Plot Point. What defines cheating usually depends on the context of the story and the characters involved. Stories aimed at younger audiences, or with a clear emphasis on romantic, monogamous relationships, will probably count kissing and flirting as cheating. Most examples of cheating in shows aimed at adults, however, will involve sex. Occasionally, characters may clash specifically because they have different definitions of cheating: for example, the husband who protests that he was drunk and it was "just a kiss" to his furious wife, or a girlfriend who can't understand why her boyfriend doesn't like her flirting with her male friends. A few rules usually hold true in fiction: If a woman cheats, her paramour just scored a massive victory over her cuckolded husband, who is now permanently dishonored. The (male) big boss of any given workplace is likely to be two-timing his wife. The Protagonist remains sympathetic if they cheat, and becomes an innocent, wronged victim if they are the one being cheated on. Bisexuals are portrayed as incapable of faithfulness or have merely informed sexuality, and men are more prone to having affairs than women (and often portrayed as The Unfair Sex too when it comes to cheating). Unfortunately, adultery is Truth in Television, as many broken hearts and broken families will testify. It is also one of the most common reasons that people murder each other.
#15. Fladys (FP Jones & Gladys Jones; ROMANTIC TROPE: OUTLAW COUPLE)
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Outlaw Couple 
Two lovers who team up to commit crime, usually violent crime and especially robbery, and are usually on the run from the law. Such couples are almost always inspired by Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, "Bonnie & Clyde." Which one is the brains of the outfit tends to vary from couple to couple. Sometimes one is a calm and collected criminal who charms the other into a life of crime. Other times, one is a loose cannon while the other is a cool-headed professional. Many Bonnie and Clyde stories end in tragedy, as did the original couple. This one is Truth in Television, though it should be noted that most fiction tends to romanticize the life of crime that such characters tend to lead. Compare/contrast Minion Shipping. See Unholy Matrimony for a more over-the-top, super powered version of this team-up. Expect some Back-to-Back Badasses moments, as well as a selfish suicide if one partner dies. May result in sympathetic villains or even Sympathetic Murderers, especially if their affection for each other is given the spotlight.
#14. Hiramione (Hiram Lodge & Hermione Lodge; ROMANTIC TROPE: UNHOLY MATRIMONY)
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Unholy Matrimony
Poison Ivy: Once you have frozen mankind, these babies will overrun the globe, and we shall rule them, for we will be the only two people left in the world. Mr. Freeze: Adam and Evil.—Batman & Robin
You know how the story goes, right? Big Bad meets Baroness, Baroness meets Big Bad, their eyes meet, and horribly discordant music that sounds not unlike the screaming of tortured souls arise. It's black magic... a match made in hell! Lord Worldbreaker and Lady Firestorm are, individually, serious threats to the heroes, but what happens if they're suddenly working intimately together? That's when it gets really dangerous. A pair of villains capable of channeling The Power of Love is enough to give even the most hardened group of heroes a serious challenge, and worse yet, seeing the villains in love may make them doubt their own motivations. Should one of the villains fall, the other one grieving over their fallen lover is quite likely to initialize an Alas, Poor Villainscenario, and maybe even a My God, What Have I Done? Should another villain start messing with the happy couple, it's usually played as a Kick the Dog moment. ...of course, these people are villains, so you can never really be sure that one or both of them isn't just playing at being in love, in order to manipulate and use the other. If the love is genuine but unrequited, expect the one who genuinely loves to sacrifice their life to protect the other, only for the other to disdainfully ignore them as they lie dying, proclaiming that they're no longer useful. Usually, this signals a crossing of the Moral Event Horizon. If both were faking it, expect them to show their true colors at the same time. Hilarity Ensues—and it's never mentioned ever again. The most classic version of this trope occurs when two previously established antagonists suddenly take a new-found interest in each other, but it can also involve a newcomer falling for an established villain, or even a pair of villains who were, from the beginning, a "villainous couple". In the first-mentioned scenario, Enemy Mine may occur in order to match the united power of the couple — which can get particularly interesting if the "bedfellow" is another villain, who is driven by jealousy...May form a Big Bad Duumvirate. Compare Villainous Friendship, when the two are truly friends with each other, but not in a romantic way. Contrast Minion Shipping (which involves minions instead of actual villains) and Mad Love (which is one-sided). Outlaw Couple is the petty crime version of this. In the case of fiction with multiple villains where taking two out of the equation would still leave a bunch of bad guys, if it's genuine on both sides this can be used as a prelude to a Heel–Face Turn or at the very least a "Get out of Jail Free" Card. If the couple in question is heterosexual, expect the man to be the more important half of the couple, possibly making her more of a Dark Mistress. Subtrope of Even Evil Has Loved Ones. Not to be confused with Awful Wedded Life, which describes the marriage itself to be terrible, not the people involved.
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Well, Excuse Me, Princess! 
"Why must everything you say to me sound like a criticism?"— Robin Hood to Marian (BBC's Robin Hood)
Snarky loser hero meets snarky haughty heroine. They either fall in love, or they snark. Usually both. This is essentially a satire of the standard Magical Girlfriend, which describes a beautiful, classy, good-mannered, loyal girl—the logical result being she should be somewhat critical of her loser boyfriend. She makes no attempt to ignore the fact that he is the Loser Protagonist, and frequently calls him on it, criticizes him, and rarely if ever fawns over him like some Fangirl. She expects better from him and pushes him to improve, while still expecting to be taken care of. However, the guy usually takes it in stride, mocks her in return, or just says the trope title. Expect a generous helping of Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other moments, to let the audience know why they should be supporting this couple. The idea is that the snarky loser will help the princess loosen up and be friendlier, while the princess constantly holding the loser to a higher standard will eventually make him improve himself. Often appears in Love Comedies, depending on how satirical the story is. See also Tsundere. Related to Belligerent Sexual Tension. Compare/Contrast Screw You, Elves! and Surrounded by Idiots. If it involves an actual Princess Princess, see Royal Brat. The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask can make similar demands.
Foe Romance Subtext
"Thou hast beat me out Twelve several times, and I have nightly since Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thyself and me; We have been down together in my sleep, Unbuckling helms, fisting each other's throat, And waked half dead with nothing."— Aufidius to his blood enemy, Act 4, Scene 5, Coriolanus
The implications of sexual tension between arch-enemies. Just as Ho Yay is about the situation of implying romance where even the characters' canonical sexual orientations make it implausible, this trope intentionally creates an even deeper paradox by subtextually implying love in a relationship that is, textually, the opposite of love. This trope is much more likely to come into play if one is The Rival and The Only One Allowed to Defeat You, or a Rival Turned Evil, and is especially likely if one is an Evil Former Friend. If enemies have to work together, it can give the impression that adversity makes strange bedfellows. Other times, this trope can be invoked by a villain who seems to be too eager and persistent about trying to convince or force the hero to rule the world together, and eventually appear as a one-sided Villainous Crush. Terms of Endangerment often feature, and watch out for the "Take That!" Kiss. Dark Magical Girls are often depicted as understanding their Magical Girl counterpart far more than anyone else, and after inevitable redemption at the very least become Heterosexual Life-Partners, if not more. Since most heroes and their villains tend to be the same gender, this results in most examples of Foe Yay overlapping with Ho Yay, but different gender foes qualify too. When it ultimately goes from subtext to text, and the two admit that they love each other, it is called Dating Catwoman. Contrast with Defecting for Love. For the villain who really is sexually obsessed with The Hero, see Stalker with a Crush, Mind Game Ship, In Love with Your Carnage, and Villainous Crush. See also Destructo-Nookie, when they actually do go the whole nine yards. See also Foe Yay Shipping, for the subjective audience reaction of insisting that after a certain number of such scenes, the two should become a couple (this appeal often lies in the forbidden nature of the relationship, a staple of the shipper diet). Please move non-objective examples to that page. Not to be confused with Faux Yay.
#12. Fredmione (Fred Andrews & Hermione Lodge; ROMANTIC TROPE: RICH SUITOR, POOR SUITOR)
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Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor
"One of them is dark and poor One fair with lots of money I don't know which one to choose The flower or the honey"—Celtic Woman ("At the Ceili")
One of the most common complications in the classic Love Triangle scenario. Two men are vying for a women's affection. Who's the right one? It's hard to tell, but there's a good chance that one of them is considerably wealthier than the other, and he can provide security, glamour and the good life, while the other (who has a good chance of being an impoverished artist) can give none of the same. What are you gonna do? Most of the time, it's going to be "go with the poor one," and the story will carry an Aesop that true love is worth more than material wealth. This makes sense if the rich one is a total bore or outright jackass, or the woman is just not in love with him as she is with the broke one. When done poorly, the rich one often ends up as the Designated Villain. This trope overlaps considerably with Wrong Guy First and Disposable Fiancé, but keep in mind that the rich suitor is not necessarily wrong, first or particularly disposable. This trope is most often "two men and one women" because of a sense that woman needs someone to 'provide for her'. This sort of logic ties into Unable to Support a Wife and generates part of this trope's conflict. If the suitors are also a Betty and Veronica pair, the dynamic will typically be either "poor but nice suitor vs. rich but haughty suitor" or "poor but exciting suitor vs. rich but boring suitor", being obviously slanted toward the poor suitor in both cases. In fact, having the rich suitor win or even be a decent, likeable person is a rare variation of this trope.note Perhaps the trope name should have been "Poor Suitor Wins" instead? The odd exception can happen though, with the rich suitor being a nice, decent person and the poor suitor being a male Gold Digger. Compare Gold Digger, Meal Ticket, and Uptown Girl. It can involve Compete for the Maiden's Hand.
End of Part I. Please check out Part II! 
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leaffystudies · 5 years
My Ten Steps to IA Success
Hey guys! I hope my post on writing the EE was reasonably helpful (you can check it out here), so following an ask I thought I would give you some help with your science IAs :) I used this for my Bio and Chem HL IAs, but I’m sure they’d work for physics and ESS... here we go:
1. Choosing a topic
Something you’re interested in
Food science is a really good one, lots to discuss
Use internet for inspiration, but DO NOT JUST COPY
Find an interesting angle on the cliché
2. Research
Wikipedia is okay as a starting point
Find key words and then review literature from there
You only need to skim an abstract to give you all the details
Google scholar, JSTOR etc
Try to find journal articles
Look for support for the basis of your experiment mostly
See if you can find papers which will help analysis of your results, but not ones which have your exact method
3. Write your first parts (RQ, Aim, Background, Hypothesis, Variables, Safety, Equipment, Method) (see below for guidance for each part)
It’s so important to get this all clarified and certain before you start for real
4. Analyse method and do a test run
Look through your method and make sure there is no obvious control variables missing
Make sure you know your method well and can see any points where things will need to be done quickly or in a certain way
Make sure you are certain all parts of your experiment are going to work before you jump into the full process
Get an idea of possible places to stop, and manage your time!
5. The Experiment
Get on good terms with the lab technician, they can help you sooo much
Take photos of anything which will demonstrate the qualitative results and make notes
Be as accurate as possible
Have a printed copy of your method in front of you all the time to mark any changes in method that you have to make
Prep your excel table before-hand, so that you can plug your results straight in and see what they look like, anomalies will be obvious so you can repeat any that you need to
I found it really helpful to do it all in two days straight, rather than doing little bits by little bits
6. Write it up! Here are the sections I used:
i) RQ
Use full names of any species involved eg Escherichia coli and conform to naming conventions eg italics and abbreviation
Make all the parameters of your experiment clear
Demonstrate the dependant and independent variables
ii) Aim: basically just restate the question in a sentence
iii) Background
Show basis and research
Any relevant equations
Show personal engagement
iv)    Hypothesis
Show a prediction for the results
v)      Variables
I did tables for them all
First do dependant and independent variables
Then do control variables with variables, method of control and reason for control
Monitored variable with same categories
Finally do control experiments and what they show
vi)    Safety
CLEAPSS sheets are great
Show the implications on the experiments
Make sure you honour your safety suggestions in your method
vii)   Equipment
I made my table on excel
Include details eg volume, uncertainty, specifics
Make sure you include number and make them reasonable for the method
viii) Method
Give a little background to show why the method is relevant
Quote a source for the method
Be as exact as possible
Make sure the reasons for each step are clear
ix)    Raw Data (Qualitative and Quantative eg photos and titles, as well as normal data)
x)      Processed Data
xi)    Details of any processing eg explain Standard Deviation, T Test or Chi Square calculations
Make sure you show examples of the calculations, with annotations, and use the word ‘equation’ function (at the left of the insert tab)
Explain what the results of the processing means
xii)   Conclusion
Explain trends
Point out the significance of the results
Point out any unexpected results
Explain the science behind the results
Relate this back to your hypothesis and to the papers from your research, do they support or contradict your results
xiii)  Evaluation
Point out strengths of method, probably 3 or 4 strengths
Give 3 weaknesses and how they affect the application of the results (there shouldn’t be any huge flaws, just things that mean your experiment isn’t earth shattering)
Suggest a few ways to further the study
Extra write up tips:
WAY TO SIDESTEP WORD BEING STUPID: Group the shit out of your graphs and titles. Paste all the tables into a textbox so you can move them more easily and word won’t fuck them up
REFERENCING! You need to reference, I use footnotes and the word referencing tool to make sure it all works
7. Read the examiner’s report (like I know it sounds dumb and boring but like its actually really useful)
8. Ask literally anyone else to read it over. Seriously, like do a swap with a classmate or ask one of your parents or grandparents. You will never spot all your own mistakes.
9. Try your best to get your teachers to comment on it. I know some of them are jerks who don’t want to do anything, but like just try!
10. Don’t stress too much. You’re going to be okay 😊
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tsgaustintexas · 5 years
Winter Member Mingle: Small Business Panel
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The Southern Influence team was so excited when TSG Austin owner + editor, Leigh Ann Kalman, asked us to co-host a panel with her on the topic of small business marketing. As a small business ourselves, we’ve learned a lot about navigating the small biz world, and we were thrilled to invite some of our favorite mentors and individuals to speak on the topic of standing out above the fray in a very ‘saturated’ city.
Photos by Chris Olfers + Leigh Dougal
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The Southern Influence worked in collaboration with the TSG Austin team to invite a few powerhouse pros to advise TSG Austin members on ways to empower and invigorate strategies in 2019. Panelists (from left to right) included The Southern Influence founder, Arielle Olfers, media maven and TV/radio personality Amanda Tatom, Loot Vintage + Loot Finer Goods co-founder Rhoda Brimberry, lifestyle social and web professional Anastasia Casey of The Identité Collective, seasoned event producer Jarrod Salaiz, and SXSW programming extraordinaire and content curator, Kelly Krause.
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Atmosphere + Partners
The panel took place on a mild February morning at Loot Rentals with coffee graciously provided by Merit, refreshments from Waterloo, scratch-made Southern biscuits from The Wayback Cafe, and breakfast tacos provided by Tacodeli. 
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Beautiful florals from Loose Leaf | Florist decorated the lofty, airy space and Loot Rentals decked out the space in gorgeous furnishings, pillows and more. Panel guests received motivating goodies from Erin Condren, class cards from Urban Lagree, and delightful TSG hair accessories. Elizabeth Volk Design, Slow North and Loose Leaf | Florist provided some amazing giveaways too!
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In case you missed it, below are some of the key takeaways + tips that came out of the event:
Tackle creation before consumption
Batch Scheduling - narrowing your window to check / send emails (plan when emails arrive in inboxes)  
Single-tasking vs. Multitasking: no one knows how to multitask effectively, so we must train ourselves back to single-tasking. Off load the rest to a team member who can accomplish the task just as well, or better than you can.
Find Balance
Set a specific morning routine and carve out time for yourself before giving it to other people every day.
Move every single day. Find time in the day to move for at least 30-minutes before starting work!
Make space. Through journaling, gratitude lists or meditation. Pursue your own needs before tackling the needs of your business, indicating where you need to allocate your time OR allocate tasks to someone else.
Hire for your weaknesses
Hire slow, fire fast
Be honest with yourself as to when too much is too much. Drowning serves no purpose to YOU or to your clients! Be present enough to know when you need to take a step back.
Don't be afraid to spend the money on hiring someone to help you, time IS money.
When it comes to your promotional/social channels: Make your customer champions famous. If you have a loyal customer base, spotlight them over your product in a more organic way and you’ll see growth and engagement happen overnight!
2019 Trends
Video content
Authentic experiences
Less selling, less product - more stories, more personable, more raw.
Social responsibility, philanthropy and community
Influencers - the real deal
Data, data, data. Before you get the advice to send things out to any influencer, or before an influencer urges you he or she’s the right person to work with, look at your brand’s demographics. Create buckets or segments and align those to your goals and marketing campaigns. THEN, look at influencers that fit what you’re looking for, for each campaign. A healthy partnership is symbiotic. It benefits them as much as it benefits you, but let me restate that it MUST benefit your ROI and your brand as a whole. If you don’t see any return on the efforts, then you don’t need to be giving so much away. Simultaneously, I think it’s important that influencers are eagerly and authentically wanting to help grow your brand too. If they come in with demands and expectations, without clearly defined goals and ideas to help grow your brand, then don’t work with them.
Stay true to your brand and work with influencers who reflect your brand’s values
Engagement over followers - always! Micro-influencers can be just as effective as Macro, and sometimes even more engaging.
Word-of-mouth marketing is influence too. Pay attention to your brand loyalists.
Create experiences rather than giving away product. You can ensure a win-win situation for both parties when it’s not a single transaction.
Reach out to your own friends and network. You’ll be surprised with their secret skillsets or networks that could benefit you! But, pro-tip - networking is about giving. How can you actively help others and how you can genuinely want to help too?  
Recommended Books/Podcasts/Apps
Profit First: A Simple System To Transform Any Business From A Cash-Eating Monster To A Money-Making Machine (by Mike Michalowicz)
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't (by James C. Collins)
How I Built This
Wabi Sabi - The Perfectly Imperfect Podcast with Candice Kumai
Do Cool Shit by Miki Agrawal
Minimalist App
Newton Email
Insight Timer
The Messy Middle
A big shoutout and thank you to the partners that made this event possible:
Waterloo, Merit Coffee, Tacodeli, Loose Leaf | Florist, Loot Rentals + Loot Finer Goods, Erin Condren, Urban Lagree, Elizabeth Volk Design and Slow North
About TSI
The TSI team has over 25 years combined experience working in advertising, PR and marketing. Founder, Arielle Olfers spent more than half of her career working on large scale events like the CMT and ACM awards, and producing commercials with fortune 50 brands like Walmart. At the root of it all, she learned one thing - relationships and storytelling is everything. Learn more about TSI and their team or to set up a free consultation visit www.thesoutherninfluence.com.
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johansen37kilic · 2 years
The advantages and Cons involving Real Estate Trading
You may have arrive across a range of people who have earned a fortune in property assets. Their profits may well have lured an individual into the trends as well. Specific estate investments possess undoubtedly generated big amounts of funds for most but there is another area of the photo as well that will may not have to get quite promising. Therefore , one must first intrinsically evaluate the complete procedure to examine its suitability to oneself. This contact form of business may not be everybody's bag. God restrict, if you are not cut out for this sort of investment, may find yourself losing even whatever you have. Remember that will the profits are certainly huge in real estate however the losses can make you as some sort of pauper! In light regarding these aspects, it could be wise to think about the pros and negatives from the procedure. Permit uber have a look in the positives. One particular of the biggest attractions of real estate investment lays in its volume level of potential revenue. If one will be lucky, investment discounts could earn an individual a handsome quantity. The deals entail various loopholes, typically the knowledge of which in turn can help to make better profits. Property purchased with a lower charge than the current market price provides some sort of large scope involving profits. Slight refurbishments could make the home look more pleasing and even more lucrative too. Some people gain money through hire out also. On the other hand, real restate purchases could be really dicey as now there is no assurance of gains. If one is a new novice, then this situation becomes even more complicated. Profits come easy in such dealings only if one is thorough using the market tendencies and procures house accordingly. Therefore, newcomers must gain info through resource instructions or real property books before going into real property investments. Thorough knowledge on the subject matter may be the only important to flourish in this particular process and evade downfalls.
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