#reader insesrt
petitelepus · 2 months
I actually rethinked your offer..
Maybe i could get a tiny Sanemi fluff..? 🥺
Like, Sanemi sees reader crying and (out of mercy LOL) asks what's wrong, and after getting to know that yn is crying because she has nobody to spend her birthday with, he takes her out somewhere and buys her a gift, cake, they hangout yk 🥹
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Sanemi was pissed. You were late from a training session with him and when he had gone to fetch you from your room, you weren't even there! Not only were you not showing up, but you were making him waste his time looking for you?! As his Tsuguko, you were supposed to train under his guidance!
You damn woman…! He wouldn't go easy on you just because of your gender! Gender meant nothing to Sanemi because it meant nothing to Demons who would be ready to eat you at any given moment if you didn't kill them first!
Sanemi was shouting your name as he ran from room to room, searching for you or any signs of you, but even the servants couldn't tell where you had gone off to.
The Hashira was about to lose his cool for good until he finally found you in the backyard, huddled at the corner of the estate's yard. Your back was to him so you probably hadn't seen him, but you must have heard him!
"Hey, shithead! Didn't you hear me calling your name!?" Saneni snapped as he made his way to you, but you were still ignoring him. Getting madder with every passing second, he grabbed your shoulder and made you look at him, "Oi! Look at me when I'm talking-!"
You looked and Sanemi was taken aback by big fat tears collected in your eyes and ones that were dripping down your face.
What the fuck? Why were you crying? You never cried, no matter how much Sanemi shouted, cursed, or trained you. Had someone said something to you? Who and what?
"Master Shinazugawa…" You murmured quietly and the man snapped out of his thoughts. "What the fuck? Why are you crying!?"
"It's… It's stupid…!" You sobbed as you started to violently rub your eyes clear of tears, "It's stupid and I'm stupid…!"
"I can't deny that…" Sanemi grumbled, but he was still a human so he asked, "What made you cry?"
"Nothing my ass! If there is nothing wrong then you wouldn't have even started to cry!" His patience was wearing thin, "So tell me what the fuck is wrong, or else I'll beat your ass!"
"It's…" You swallowed, "It's my birthday…"
"And?" Sanemi asked and you frowned, "And that's it…"
"That's it?" He couldn't believe his own ears. You were crying over your birthday!?
"Who cries over their birthday?! What are you, eight!?" He snapped and you frowned, "At least I had someone to celebrate it with last year! Now I got nobody…!"
Ah, the reason you had become a Demon Slayer and his Tsuguko… Now that Sanemi thought about it, it was almost a year since you had begged him to train you and maybe half a year since you passed the Final Selection.
He still remembered how he had told you to go away, marry some man, and pop out a kid or two, but you had been stubborn as a mule and determined to train under him, despite his poor patience and short fuse.
Sanemi rarely felt like shit, but now he certainly felt like one and a major one.
"Get up." He snapped and you sobbed one last time as you collected yourself and got up on your feet, but before you could do anything else, the Hashira grabbed you by your upper arm and started to pull you with him.
"Master, I can walk-!" You tried to protest, but the man just frowned, "Shut up and follow me!"
You shut your mouth, but you were nervous. Ignoring and disobeying a Hashira and your Master? You were sure you were going to get your ass beaten and handed back to you through vigorous training… But to your surprise, he dragged you to his quarters.
You were stunned and confused as to why he had taken you there, but then he let go and pointed at the small table in the middle of the room, "Sit. That's an order."
You nodded and as you took a seat, Sanemi searched for something from his cabinets.
Despite being mean and tough, he kind of understood why you were so upset.
The Wind Hashira had never really celebrated his own birthday, but whenever his younger siblings' birthdays were coming, he always made sure to remember them and go out of his way to get them something they would like. Even when they didn't have money for it, he always remembered the days his siblings were born.
He pulled out a parcel from the cabinet and as he took a seat opposite of you, he placed the carefully wrapped parcel between you two and opened it. You followed closely his hands' movement and your eyes widened as you saw perfect-looking Ohagi. Master's favorite.
"Master- W- What is this?" You looked at him in shock and the man frowned as he pushed a dark and sweet rice ball at you, "Ohagi. For your birthday."
"B- But-!" You were stunned. Sanemi wasn't exactly famous for sharing his favorite treats and here he was, offering some for you.
"Are you sure?" You asked and he frowned, "You want it or shall I eat them myself!?"
"Thank you for the food!" You thanked him as you quickly grabbed an Ohagi and took a bite. Your eyes widened. They were absolutely rich and sweet, filled with flavor and so delicious.
"Oh, wow…!" You smiled around your mouthful, "These are incredible!"
"They better be since I made them," Sanemi grunted as he picked one for himself and bit into it. Your eyes widened and you swallowed before asking, "You made these?"
"Who else?"
"Uuh, cook or a baker?" You weren't certain and the Hashira frowned, "I make them the way I like them. If they aren't good enough then you can hit the road!"
"No no, I love them! I love this! Thank you, Master!" You took another bite of the Ohagi and Sanemi grunted as the two of you ate his favorite food. Soon, the food was gone and you were licking your fingers clean. The man grunted as he looked at you, "Feeling better?"
"Hm!" You nodded with a happy smile, "Much better! Thank you for this, Master Shinazugawa!"
"Tch! When it's just you and I you can call me Master Sanemi."
"Eeh?" You looked at the man, eyes wide before you grimaced, "Really? Is that really okay? Do you do this a lot with cute girls like me? Talk about creepy!"
"It's just you, you little shithead!" Sanemi exclaimed, a vein on his temple popping in fury, but you just laughed.
"Just kidding, kidding!" You laughed but Sanemi didn't find it as funny as you did. "Shitty brat…!"
"Alright, if I remember right we should be training right now!" You nodded as you moved to get up, but Sanemi grunted as he laid down on his side, facing away from you, "Just for today… We are taking it easy and regaining our energy."
"Are you sure?" You asked and the man shot you a glare over his shoulder, "Talking back to me, huh!?"
"Nope, not at all!" You shook your head as you set down on the tatami and relaxed, listening to a wind chime tinkling somewhere in a calm breeze.
It was all so relaxing, the meal, the sounds, and for once even the company. Despite the sad memories of your past birthdays carved in your mind, this one was awfully sweet.
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