#raven trash
inverted-typo · 8 months
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She knew she left marks and straight up didn’t tell him
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ourwrittenstories · 3 months
Closed starter for @eyes-blazing
"Woah, Roscoe, " Stiles huffed, his dry lips chapped and burned from the blazing sun. There was a creek up ahead running under the path and he intended to get his fill of water before continuing on. With a soft whistle, he lead the horse off of the beaten path and down a small hill where he tied her loosely to a post and began drinking from his hands. Looking over his shoulder, he tugged her reign and moved her so that she, too, could get some water. "Drink up, girl. We still have a few days ahead of us yet."
It was high noon and the sun was unbearable. Well, it was always unbearable, but today Stiles would bet money that it was the worst it's ever been. He only had a little bit of water left in his canteen, hardly enough for him and his horse Roscoe. The chestnut hucul pony had been a wedding gift to his mother from his father back before he was born and after her death he had inherited the beautiful mare as his own. She was getting up there in age, but he wouldn't have trusted any other horse to get him through this trip. He, or rather, they were all moving out to Beacon, an old miner's town out west in need of a new Sheriff. His father had gone out two weeks prior to get the lay of the land and settle in while leaving Stiles behind to tie up all their affairs back home. It hurt, selling his mother's old house, but he had enough of her old trinkets to remember her by already waiting for him at the new place and they really needed the money to pay for their new house. Plus, he trusted Scott like a brother and knew that him and his new wife would take care of the place and fill it with tons screaming babies. It worked out for everyone. Right?
After taking another ten minutes to wade in the creek and clean the sweat off his body, Stiles made his way back over to Roscoe and hopped up on the saddle. He scratched a few flies away from her ears before patting the side of her head with a heavy sigh. "Let's head out, c'mon....Why aren't you moving? C'mon girl," He whistled, pulling sharply at the reigns to get his horse to start moving forward. Instead, she cried out while buckling back and away from the path. She seemed scared of something, like a snake biting at her feet and, instead of listening to Stiles' attempts at calming her down, she took off into the desert landscape with him on top. Screeching out, he tried to take control of the reigns as she ran and buckled and it wasn't until they were miles away from the trail that he managed to settle her down. "Well fuck."
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iamnotaware · 6 months
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I feel that the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon has a weird chokehold over a lot of the DC fandom, particularly the parts that don't actually READ or even like COMICS, to the point where this show, whose creators openly admit had to be simple enough for a toddler to follow, largely informs a lot of fans' interpretations of some pretty complex characters, themes and continuity. The show, specifically, can tend to become nostalgia bait, and I think it's due time for a lot of this fandom to take off their rose-tinted glasses and let the show go.
Like I enjoyed the show growing up and I still have a soft spot for episodes like Lightspeed and Hide & Seek, but...frankly it's a simple show tailored to young kids that just does not, and was never meant to, do justice to the Titans' comic canon. This show could never have done Who is Donna Troy? and conveyed the unlabelableness of Donna and Dick's relationship, but it was never supposed to. Characterisations are intentionally dumbed down, themes are broken down into bite-sized morals, half of the show is dedicated to comedy, and character development is purposely few and far between because this show was designed for kids aged 2-11. And all that is fine but it's just not at all a reflection of what the Titans really are in print. It should not really inform any serious reading of the DC comic universe.
On the one hand, I really didn't need to see a Red X comic arc or Starfire talking in broken english in a comic, it's all just cheap nostalgia bait that people need to stop falling for. It's sacrificing theme in favour of cheap references. On the other hand, I do think the fans I'm talking about probably owe it to themselves to a) be a little more honest and critical about their engagement with DC media, and b) challenge themselves more when engaging in media to avoid wallowing in flanderized fluff.
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my-guttedgirl · 2 months
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go on shadow don’t you support gay rights
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kazbiter · 1 year
kavinsky may have died in the dream thieves but you cannot convince me that his presence and memory didn't shape ronan's "ecoterrorism driven by my own subconscious" plotline in the dreamer trilogy. he would have loved that shit. u never forget ur worst and whatnot
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nexo-nex · 19 days
If we ever get an eah reboot i want more diversity ill die on this hill, cause the blatant racism and colorism eah has in it really throws me off a lot. And also they will get torn to shreds if they dont fix their diversity problem in the dolls in this current era
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weirdlookindog · 10 months
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The Lost Empire (1984)
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roughridingrednecks · 3 months
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Raven in Florida
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Im saying to myself, “it’s ok, it’s not like there’s THAT many fans” when I know dang well there IS that many fans and it WILL crash…😭
yeah... Yeah....
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confession time
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... I guess I just like my Disney anime men with dubious morals and ugly haircuts 🤡
I’m pretty sure part of it is their evil smirks
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thatninjacat27 · 9 months
Some Details On The X-Men Swap Au That I’m Currently Writing A Oneshot On:
Erik is in a wheelchair and had telepathy and still Jewish. Charles can walk and has metal manipulation and the magnetism thing going on and is still old money rich.(can’t decide if I want Charles to have also been shot but makes metal leg braces and uses his powers to make himself walk and no one but Hank and maybe Emma is aware of it.) Raven is not Charles’s sister (or Erik’s) but is Erik’s right hand. Hank is slightly crazy but is the one person Charles trusts completely from the X-men. Charles was basically sold to Shaw as a kid by his mom(mommy issues). Emma loves to mess around with Charles and they somewhat grew up together but it’s still hostile.
Charles basically adopts Wanda,Pietro/Peter, and Lorna because Erik kinda refuses to acknowledge that those are legitimately his kids. It isn’t on purpose but like it happens(comedically). The kids (they are in their teens) are still with The Brotherhood but call Charles their other dad. He actually tries to bond with them and teaches Lorna how to control her powers better, and Wanda and Peter too. Always gives gifts that are specific to them and genuinely cares about them.
Charles took Shaw’s helmet and is dramatic but not exactly to the scale like Magento(OG Erik.) As a kid, Charles had two metal balls floating above his head (about the size of a baseball) that represented his emotions(they would spasm if he was angry) and were very flexible to manipulate to other objects if needed. He stopped using them because they gave what he was really feeling away and he used the metal to replace Shaw’s helmet after it got lost or something.
Charles nearly got his degree while Erik has it so he is called The Professor. I didn’t come up with a name for Charles and I didn’t feel like Magneto will fit that well.
So Magda is switched with Moira. David doesn’t exist here but I felt like I should mention him.
The Brotherhood swap with the X-men but some of the X-men are with the Brotherhood and vice versa if that makes sense.
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utterhomestucktrash · 9 months
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An Animal Crossing OC for LunaRunah on artfight ! :)
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landfilloftrash · 3 months
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look out, she’ll steal the breath right outta your chest
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irrelevantspecimen · 2 years
I would say I'm sorry for posting about extremely niche things with no warning but if you're one of the non-porn-bots that follow me, that's on you baby
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luxidae · 5 months
dropped the tip of my vape into the toilet while trying to clean it a little bit ago so id say im girlbossing rn
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