#raphael 2016 x reader
oozedninjas · 4 months
Raph: Guys, y/n kissed me. Mikey: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Raph: Unbelievable, I know. Leo: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Donnie, get the teapot. Raph, does this end well or do we need tissues? Raph: Oh, it ended damn well ;) Donnie running back with the tea: Do not start without me! Leo: Okay, let’s hear about the kiss. Mikey: Yeah! Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? Raph: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then… then we just sort of sunk into it. Leo: Oh. So, okay, was she holding you? Or were her hands on your shell? Raph: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up, and then they were in my bandana. Mikey and Donnie: Ohhh. meanwhile Y/n, at April's apartment: And then I kissed him. April: Tongue? Y/n: Yeah. April: Cool.
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fluffytriceratops · 9 months
𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: raph reacting to y/n pulling him in for a kiss by his belt. last one~! asjfdgidhkgbnsalkgnadkbnla'dnvb;oadbnladkbf- that's how i feel. :D 
click here to read leo's ver.
click here to read donnie's ver.
click here to read mikey's ver.
warnings: mature language, nsfw mentions/sexual themes.
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1
(if you wish to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to lemme know and i'll happily tag you!)
i love you all sm! have a lovely day/night! i'm sending you the very many virtual hugs!! <33
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- he would be stunned at first. not expecting the move.
- his hands would immediately grab for your waist, pulling you even closer against him as if it was second nature. which to him, it was.
- you could feel his lips quirk up in a smirk during the kiss.
- his grip would tighten, fingers digging into you a bit.
- when you'd pull away, you would copy his smirk with one of your own. then you'd wink as you slipped from his grasp and moved to walk away.
- he would blink himself out of his trance and grab your waist, growling in your ear.
- "careful there, y/n..." he'd start, lowering himself so his face was inches away from yours. "that's how babies are made." he would finish, nipping at your ear.
- "don't be daft, raphael.." you'd whisper, looking up at him from under your lashes.
- your hands find themselves around his neck and you twist his mask tails between your fingers. "take me to the bedroom and i'll show you how babies are really made."
- you don't have to tell him twice.
- you barely get the chance to finish your sentence before raph throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
- he's just glad his family is out, because after all the pleasurable noises he's able to slip out of you, his family would be scarred for sure.
- then again, you were so loud, calling his name like that, he was sure they'd be able to hear you all the way from april's.
- he wouldn't complain though, not for a damn second. he loved every single moment of it.
- every time you lolled your head back.
- every time you gripped the sheets or clawed at his skin.
- every single fucking sound that escaped your perfect lips.
- the way your back would arch.
- the vulgar cursing that fell out of that pretty mouth of yours.
- the way your legs would squeeze around him.
- he wanted it all.
- and he sure as hell got it.
- not that you would complain either. you loved it just as much.
- sometimes, you loved it even more.
- the two of you would end up showering together, which would result in steamy shower sex.
- by the end of the whole ordeal, you highly doubted you'd be able to walk at all the next day.
- but you weren't worried, cuz raph assured you he'd take good care of you.
- and he always did.
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Raphael's First Love—A Talk With Splinter
part of the First Love Talk miniseries!
sfw 💫 word count: 1.2k
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The old metronome in the corner of the dojo ticked on incessantly as Raphael sat in indignant silence with Master Splinter. After four outbursts, a fight with Leonardo, and days of distance, Splinter had put his foot down and called his son in for a talk about his behavior. Beneath his stern exterior, Splinter was concerned.
"Raphael, explain yourself," Splinter demanded with a calm voice, treading a thin line with his angriest son's temper. Not out of fear—Splinter could and would easily put the giant back in his place even as an old rat. That was no issue. "What has gotten into you?"
Weeks of this crap, that's what, thought Raph bitterly. Weeks of feeling sick to his stomach every time she was around, trying to put up a good front and getting embarrassed by himself or his brothers; he felt stupid. Weak. Utterly at her mercy, and she didn't even know. Good. I don't want her to. Splinter gave him a skeptical eye. He shifted his position multiple times, uncomfortable and trying to look casual. Grunted dismissively. But he knew his father was not going to take that for an answer. He let out a scoff, dodging eye contact, "Things gettin' under my shell like usual."
"But not like usual, because you are worse-off than usual," observed Splinter.
His mental health was actively declining the more he deliberated on the pang in his heart he felt when he thought about her. It made his guts twist to think about why he was so angry, why he was even afraid of her, deep down. The last thing he ever wanted to admit to himself, let alone Splinter, was that he cared what she thought. A lot.
Too much.
All of his brothers seemed so confident, and yet he was self-conscious. Why? Why do I gotta be like this?!
Raph shrugged. "You know me, master. Comes with the whole package, whether all of you like it or not." He was already moody, prone to rapidly-changing emotions. That was never a guess, it was a given. "Look, I'll do us a favor and just end this convo now—I ain't in a bad way. And Leo needs to stay in his lane comin' to you over a little fight." He started to get up, leave the terrible silence of the training room and that god awful ticking metronome. Splinter jabbed his cane into his plastron, knocking him back, and then brought it down hard on his foot. Raph yelped and stumbled down, quickly reassuring his seated position.
"Enough!" Splinter barked. "Sit, Raphael."
Splinter had his full attention, now. The top of his foot ached dully.
Raph was seething on the inside. On the outside, he slumped over his knee, hiding his face behind his thick forearm.
This was all her fault. If she hadn't fallen—literally crashed—into their lives, he would be fine. There would be no question about what to do or what he was feeling. It was always them and the shadows—no people, no complications. He always knew that would never be accepted despite craving it with every ounce of his being. Why change that? Why suddenly bring more emotions into the mix? Before her, it was all straightforward. Now, he worried if he was too brutish, too much of a freak, if his normal habits weren't so "normal". He didn't want to feel like he was under one of Donnie's microscopes, with her eye looking through the lens.
Splinter furrowed his gray brow at him, resting his hands on his cane. "This is about your self esteem, is it not?" he questioned carefully. Prying.
"You couldn't know anything about it!" Raph shouted back. He swung his hand as he spoke. "I'm a six-foot turtle, there's no changing it! No changing me!"
Sighing a light breath, Splinter closed his eyes. This was going to be the challenge for the day. No day was without its challenges. He recentered his thoughts, looking for a different angle. He wanted to speak his son's language.
"Correct, there is no changing you."
Raph stuttered on his response as his face fell almost imperceptibly, but Splinter knew every minute expression of his kids.
If she knows, I'm done for. Raphael's mind was swirling and his thoughts were reaching dead-ends left and right. There was no changing. No hope? He couldn't tell. He'd given up before he'd even tried. Because like his weapon, he was defensive, and did everything possible to protect what? Himself. His big, soft heart in there that needed some serious attention. The thought of telling her made him want to hurl. But like a moth to a flame, he kept coming right back to her, torturing himself with "what-if's" and doubts he had all the while.
"What do you want me to say, Splinter?" Raph spat with a low voice.
"I want you to be honest with yourself," Splinter replied.
Raph poked the tip of his sai into the mat before him, digging it into the material. "Okay, I'll bite," he said, "what do you think I'm lyin' about? Huh?"
He already knew the answer to that. It was everything; he rejected the shyness he felt inexplicably when she was around. He felt dirty next to her, or if he accidentally touched her, it was an ordeal. Because he was a mutant and she was a human. Out of all of her pick of people, he never could have been at the top of her list. He doubted he even made the list as an option.
Knowing Raphael was lying then, too, Splinter simply lifted his chin at him, and waited for the real answer.
The silence was getting to be too much for him. He jammed his sai into the mat, stabbing through it. But in his face was sadness, not anger. He finally admitted, "I just want to be accepted. Even just by her." Fiddling with his sai, he averted his eyes to stare at something random next to him, adding quietly, a little bashfully: "Aaaaaand sometimes I think Leo has a…better shot than me. That's why we were fightin'. I went nuts because he was gettin' along with her and it made me feel some stuff I don't want to feel."
There it was, thought Splinter, bingo. "Well, you are certainly not the first young man to make a fool of yourself over a girl."
"Master, I don't even know what to do with myself. How am I ever gonna know what to do with her?"
"The first step would be to stop ruining my mat," Splinter said as he bonked his son's head with the end of his cane, irked that he was creating a hole in it with his sai. Raph quickly tucked his weapon away. He muttered an apology. Splinter cleared his throat before continuing. "The second step would be for you to face your fears, Raphael. Accept them, conquer them. You are as you are—what humanity thinks of you is not your concern. You know who you are. I would like to think that [y/n] does as well."
Raph shifted, uncomfortable. "Yeah, I don't think she does. I don't really…"
She was all too kind, beautiful, and smart; a deadly, terrifying combination, in his predicament. He'd been plagued with dreams of being with her night after night. Not worrying about a single thing until the moment he woke up—he was stressing every morning. His anxieties always seemed to curse him cropping up in his dreams; not even in sleep could he escape her sphere of influence.
Placing a gentle hand on Raphael's shoulder, Splinter looked down at him, "Then, you show her who you really are. Raphael."
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cyanhydrangea · 5 months
Unexpected [Bayverse TMNT x Reader]
Summary: Imagine the four turtle brothers falling for the same sweet, shy, innocent girl only to find out she's a ruthless fighter
Type: headcanons
Warnings: violence, mentions of blood
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Sweet, shy, innocent, cute, adorable, lovable. The list goes on but that's how the turtle boys would describe you.
That soft smile of yours melt the boys heart every single time they see it.
You always support them like making meals or giving gifts for them.
Raph and mikey often tease you for your shyness, and leo often told them to stop teasing you
You and leo share the same love for books and often read books together in silence
You often praise donnie whenever he finishes his new invention, resulting on blushing donnie
The four turtles bros sworn to themselves to always protect you from dangers, well because they didn't suspect anything
(Although mikey once see you able to move lots of heavy boxes in one go when you help the boys clean the lair, and mikey only commented "wow you're strong, [name]!")
You guys were hanging out on top of some rooftop on one night.
"Umm, guys?" Donnie pointed at some thugs in an alley attacking some women and leo told you to go back to the lair, for your safety.
The turtles fight the thugs and their fight was intense, but the worst thing happened was they were electrocuted, weak on the ground
Little did they knew, you never go to the lair and were watching their fight the whole time.
One of the thugs were about to attack raph with a knife
Before he managed to do so, you jumped from the rooftop, and kicked the thug in the head, knocking him out.
"[Name], get away from here!" Leo ordered you, but you only steps forward to the thugs.
Another thug tried to punch you but you grabbed his arm and twisted it before you grabbed his elbow and smash them to the ground
One thug tried to attack you from behind with a knife but before he did so you kicked him on the stomach that sents him flying
So you took the knife and proceed to attack the rest of them with it.
The brothers just sit still shocked watching the scene unfolds infront of them, mostly because blood starts to splash here and there by your doing
When they gained their strength back, the turtles continue their fight with you alongside them.
When you guys finished fighting all the thugs, you asked the boys "Are you guys alright?" with the blood stained face with that sweet voice full of concern of yours, like you didn't just finish anyone in front of them
Don't worry, they still love you, but they make mental note not to mess up with you (they might ask you to sparring with them in the future)
Date Written: 06/01/2024
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theturtlelovers · 1 month
Raph is the kind of turtle who tenderly brushes your hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear and kissing your temple, all while he's pistoning into you with such intensity that your cries of pleasure are unavoidable.
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raphaelsrightarm · 5 months
Watch pt 2
Part 1
Uh ohhhhhh
Words: 1653
Warnings: NSFW 18+ only
Tags: @lovelyladylavie @auggiemty @serpentinefairy @miranexx @drowninghell @monsterroonio
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He is a tidal wave. 
Moving and moving, sweeping along anything that may get too close. 
His hands found your waist without faltering for another second. His fingers twitched as he struggled to keep his grip loose. He wanted to touch you, he’s dreamed of touching you. Now that you’re standing before him with nearly as much need as him he’s worried he’ll do it wrong. That he’ll hurt you.
That he’ll scare you away. 
You pressed yourself against him, tracing the pathways of his scales as his breath quickened. You felt the skin of his arms, his shoulders, tracing the border of his plastron. He pressed his lips to your neck as you explored him, the evidence of his want hardening against your stomach. 
You moved to meet his gaze. Your face was only inches from his, and you felt any sense leave your brain as you closed the distance. He was stunned for a moment before you felt his arms wrap further around you. Strong hands splaying out on your back, desperate to have you as close to him as he could manage.
He broke away from you only to kiss your neck again, madly inhaling the scent of your skin before releasing a low groan. A grumble coming from his chest followed soon after, your heart raced at the intensity. 
You thought back to how he had touched himself just moments ago. The image of him stroking himself slowly, twisting his fist as the head that will now forever be imprinted on your mind. You mimicked him as you wrapped your hand around his cock. He let out a strangled gasp, and you realized how sensitive he must be. 
His eyes shut for a moment before returning to meet yours. Deep pools of malachite lit with the fervid flames of his lust. There was something else there that you couldn’t place. He watched you 
You figured it would be best to move slowly at first, since he had just cum moments ago. It wasn’t long before you felt his hips buck against you, urging for more friction. 
“You have no idea,” He whispered against your cheek before he kissed you again. 
Your hand moved faster, twisting at the tip just as he had done, as his lips traced your shoulder until he was met with the neckline of your shirt. 
There was the sound of stretching fabric until you felt your shirt tear completely. You gasped his name as the fabric slipped from your body and you felt him smile against your skin. His hands now roamed along the skin of your back, tracing the shape of your spine, the curve of your hips. 
You felt his legs twitch as you began stroking him faster. His restlessness grew with each passing moment of your hands working on him. He wanted more. He has wanted more for so long that it has turned itself into an unforgiving blade wedged into his side. 
Touching you, the feeling of you touching him, were the only things that eased it. Even in his frenzied state he was still in awe of you. 
So he allowed his hands to roam over your body. He wouldn’t last much longer with your hand working him the way it was, and he didn’t want to cum yet. It would feel too much like a waste. 
He felt you gasp again as his hand slid down the front of your leggings, toying with you through the thin fabric of your underwear. Your pace faltered slightly, burying your face into his shoulder as he formed circles over your clit. 
“Don’t get shy now,” His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke. “Tell me how it feels.”
Your body felt like it was on fire. Every inch of your skin was set ablaze the moment you arrived. But words slipped away everytime you tried to form them, too focused on his hand between your legs and yours between his. How the two of you moved together like you’d done this hundreds of times already. 
His free hand moved to grab your ass, kneading the soft flesh against his palm. “Now.” 
Your heart pounded as desire rolled through you like waves. “It’s so good, Raph, please,” You weren’t sure exactly what you were begging for, but just after he pushed your panties out of his way, his finger slipping between your folds to continue his work on you, savoring each whimper and moan that he pulled from you. 
Your hand left from between his legs and flew to his shoulder in an attempt to steady yourself. Though he ached from the sudden lack of pressure, he was too caught up in your breathy moans and pleas for him to make you cum for him to care. 
You were feeling yourself nearing the edge. Your heart pounded like you were running as you ran your hands down his arms, feeling the thick bands of muscle underneath his skin. 
He groaned into your hair. “I wanna fuck you so bad,” His voice almost sounded pained, desperate. 
You fell. 
Effortlessly, he held you against him as your knees buckled. His endless strength was something that had left you stunned a hundred times over by now. 
Your hips ground against his hand as you rode out your orgasm, eyes clenched shut, your fingernails no doubt digging into the back of his neck. 
He was breathing as hard as you were as you came down. His lips traced the curve of your neck. His hand slipped from between your legs, fingers covered in you. 
He inhaled deeply, tasting it off the tip of his finger. The fire inside you sparked back up. 
“Raph,” His name had never sounded more beautiful. “I need you, please.”
He was already helping you slide your pants down, your underwear following soon after. With the fabric in his hand he had the sudden impulse to keep them, just so he could breathe you in whenever he missed this. Though there was a bit of guilt, he dropped them behind him, separate from the rest of your clothes.
You were weightless as he lifted you, bringing you to rest your head on his pillow. He kissed you hungrily, settling on his elbows over top of you. You pressed your knees to his sides, spreading for him as far as you were able in an attempt to make your desperation clear. 
He entered you slowly, his other hand holding a firm grip on your thigh. He watched closely as your head fell back and eyes shut as you took all of him in. 
He knew now that he would never be able to replicate this. His fist would never be able to make him feel the way your cunt is, his body shuddering as he bottomed out.  
He couldn’t think straight, his mind melting from the heat of your velvety core. The churring from his chest had gotten deeper, and already he felt his end drawing near.  
You sucked in a breath through your teeth. His hand slid between the two of you to run circles over your clit. Slowly, he felt you begin to relax around him. 
He forced himself to go slow. Every inch of him was begging for another release, to cum inside you and claim you as his. His mind was so clouded with the scent of you and the strength of his own urges
He waited until you began lifting your hips to match his thrusts to start moving a bit more freely. 
“You’re fuckin’ tight, I’ll make you feel so good.” He felt like he was floating, lost your scent and your whines. “You’re mine.” His body twitched as you tightened around him. “Say it.”
“I’m all yours, Raph.” You tried saying more, and you would have if it didn’t feel so good. Your brain was empty of all thoughts other than his movements. His hands gripped your thighs with enough force you knew it would bruise and didn’t even care. 
Part of you wanted it to.
He watched every movement you made, like he was memorizing you as intensely as you were trying to do to him.
His thrusts picked up, falling out of the rhythm he had created. 
“So good,” He breathes out almost to himself. “So fuckin’ good”
He moved faster. The change of pace nearly made you see stars as his hand continued toying with your clit.  
He watched as your back arched as you met your second release. You held onto him so tightly as your legs shook against his sides. He could feel you pulsing, clouding his vision. 
He breathed you in one last time before his head fell back as he spilled inside of you. He lifted your legs up to his shoulders before he could convince himself not to. He held you there for a minute, kissing your ankles and rubbing your legs, whispering praises of how good you felt before he laid beside you. 
You pressed yourself against him, clinging to his body. The feeling of your bare skin pressing against him was something he never wanted to part with. 
He didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, and he couldn’t force himself to care either. He had your breath against his neck, your arm draped over his stomach.
The moon could fall from the sky at this moment, and the only sorrow he would feel would come from him never again being able to see how the light would fall against your skin. 
It hit him harder than it ever had before, the realization of how important you had become to him. He thought back to the days before you had entered their lives, and they all felt incomplete. 
You nuzzled your face closer into his neck and immediately, almost instinctively, his arm tightened around you. With a light sigh, he accepted that he was absolutely fucked. 
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First Time (18+)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A/N: Damn, I think this is my longest one ever. Big time Donnie love!💜
Donatello is more than a little nervous about the thought of having sex with you, not trusting his own abilities, but with some reassurance and guidance from you, he rises to the occasion.
Warnings: A more angsty build up that I had planned, unprotected sex, Donnie having his first time with you💜
To say that Donatello was an amazing boyfriend, wasn’t enough to do him justice. He was fantastic! The sweetest and most genuine guy you had ever met. He was attentive and treated you well. Sure, he might be a mutant turtle that lived in the sewer, yet he was the best boyfriend you had ever had. Whether that spoke of your former poor taste in guys, or just the general low bar for human men you did not know. But you knew for a fact that Donatello was one of the best things that had ever happened in your life.
Donatello would say the exact same thing about you. You were not just the best thing that had ever happened to him, but a dream come true. Before meeting you, he had never actually believed that he would get to experience something so good. Just as he had accepted his fate as a lonely mutant turtle that would spend his days alone in hiding with his brothers, you came along and changed his life for good.
The friendship the two of you shared was just what you needed. You may not fully understand everything Donnie had going on inside his lab, but you listened nonetheless, finally giving a much needed ear to his thoughts and inventions. He in turn provided you with a safe space to go to, whenever your life became a little too much.
During those years of friendship you and Donnie grew close in ways none of you had experienced before. Not even his brothers could read him as well as you did, and you in turn had never thought that anyone would understand you as well as Donnie did. So therefore it was only expected that stronger feelings would blossom.
When you and Donnie started dating, it felt natural. Just like your first kiss. It just came naturally to the two of you. No grad gestures and no confusion. Both you and Donnie knew what it meant, and you were just happy to be with someone that understood you so well.
But if there was one thing that didn’t come as naturally to you and Donnie, it was sex. Actually, it didn’t come naturally to Donnie. You didn’t blame him. The poor guy had lived most of his life, convincing himself that sex would never be something he would get to experience. So when you and Donnie started dating and kissing, and the first thought of sex came up, Donnie started overthinking. You were a human that had had sexual experiences with other humans before, and he was a mutant turtle who had his hand as the closest thing to a former sexual partner.
It didn’t mean that Donatello didn’t want sex, because oh boy, did he want to! He was just nervous. Really nervous. It was almost nerve racking to believe that he could actually have sex, let alone with someone as beautiful as you. And you understood. You really did. You took the time to sit with him and talk it through, making sure he felt heard and comfortable, especially talking about a subject like that. What did he feel? What did he fear? What was he excited about?
Other than the general confusion and trauma that came from accepting your fate of loneliness, you learned that Donatello feared not the action of sex itself, but how he would act. More specifically, he was nervous and overthinking, because he did not know what to do. Where should he put his hands? What was he supposed to say? And the thought that haunted him the most; if he didn’t do good, would you leave him? All very valid fears for a mutant turtle, who did not even dare to dream of being with a human.
You took Donnie’s hands in yours and told him it was okay. He was allowed to be nervous and overthink, and he was allowed to not know what to do. You told him that you loved him, and you wouldn’t leave him if he didn’t make you feel good the first time, nor the time after that. Humans too would be nervous before their first time, and it was very normal not to be satisfied the first time.
And after that conversation, you and Donnie slowly started preparing for your first time together. With Donnie being a totally different species than you, he started preparing you for what you could expect. He told you where his cloaca was located and how it worked, along with other parts of the turtle anatomy you may or may not have known already. You in turn did the same. You told him where humans liked to be touched and answered his questions about human anatomy. And it calmed Donnie down. It calmed him down enough, to the point he dared to ask if he could touch your breast.
The make out session that came from that, was one unlike any you ever had had with Donatello. With his hands groping your breast, you were at a shock of naturally good your sweet tech boyfriend was at this. You had expected him to be more unsure, but you soon learned that when he had the confidence he could do anything. Making you moan against his lips while he played with your nipples, this guy did not know what talent he possessed.
This unlocked a new area of your relationship, that you and Donatello carefully explored. Make out sessions became more common, with hands exploring and building up the courage, going a little further each time, until one night Donnie told you he wanted to try.
“Are you sure?”, you asked. You were sitting in his room, you in his lap with your arms around his neck, still breathing heavily after the heated kiss the two of you had just shared. One of his hands was in the back of your neck, playing with your hair, while the other rested on your ass, squishing you through your pants.
“I’m sure”, Donnie answered, watching you through hooded eyes. The hand on the back of your neck crept to the side of your face, letting Donnie’s thumb glide across the corner of your mouth. “I really want to try”.
You nodded your head, biting your lip with a smile, before letting Donnie close the space between you once more. Your lips dancing together as your tongues slowly found each other, letting a small moan escape you, as you felt the vibrating churr being in Donnie’s chest. You had heard that sound quite a few times now, and each time you loved it more and more.
Your hands moved from Donnie’s neck, and down to the top of his plastron, enjoying the feeling of his vibrating chest through your fingers. You moved your lips to his chin, making your to his neck, feeling the hand on your ass pull you closer. Donnie’s breathing was heavy, his chest moving as he felt you work your lips around his neck.
Donnie’s hands found your waist, dipping under your shirt to feel the warmth of your smooth skin against his rough palms. You took this as a sign, removing your lips from Donnie’s neck to take off your shirt. This made Donnie move his hands to your breast, palming them through your bra as you reached back to unhook it. The breathy curse that left Donnie’s mouth once your bra was off, went straight to your core, making you clench around empty air. And Donnie could smell it. The scent of your arousal was strong, making him slightly dizzy.
Donnie nuzzled his head against your neck, pressing kisses against your skin like you had done to him, enjoying every sound that left your mouth and the feeling of your hands on his shoulders. His hands moved from your breast to your pants, where he tried to undo them, only to grow frustrated at the small buttons in his big fingers.
“Want me to take them off?”, you asked, gliding a hand up his neck.
“Please”, Donnie answered, bringing your hips close to him once more.
Donatello watched, with his head resting on your shoulder, through the valley between your breasts, as you undid your pants. Once you got them past your waits he helped you, sliding them off of your legs before throwing them somewhere in his room, leaving you in nothing but underwear on his lap.
“Shit”, he moaned, his heart raising once more as yet another wave of your arousal hit his nose, stronger than before. He hooked his thumbs into the straps of your underwear, his eyes finding yours to ask for permission. Breathless you nodded, lifting your hips to make it easy for him to pull your damp underwear down your legs.
The sight of you naked on Donnie’s lap was enough to make him moan. Your cheeks were already getting pink, and your pupils were just as blown out as his. The best way Donatello could describe the sight in front of him was; hot. So fucking hot.
He kneeled your hips, biting his lips before he asked; “Can I… Will you show me… Will you let me finger you?”
Once again, Donnie’s words went straight between your legs. The way he looked at you and the way he spoke. Needy and so ready to try. You loved every second of it.
“Of course you can”, you answered him, before bringing him in for another needy kiss. You took one of his hands in yours, guiding it down between your legs, helping one of his fingers glide through your folds, letting him feel the wetness that had built up. Donnie shivered, letting a whimper against your lips. You couldn’t help but chuckle, pulling from his lips, finding his reaction adorable.
“You feel that?”, you asked him, letting his finger glide through once more. Donnie nodded, letting out a small shuttering yes. “That’s all because of you, Donnie”. Your boyfriend cursed once more, his face showing frustration and absolute bliss.
You moved his thumb to your clit, guiding him on how to circle his finger around your small bundle of nerves.
“Like this?”, Donnie asked, watching your facial expression as he worked his fingers on you.
“Yes”, you breathed out, arching your back enjoying the feeling of his thick thumb on you. “Just like that, Donnie”.
Donatello bite his lip, watching your face closely, while remembering the things you had told him about the human body. How humans liked to be touched. How you liked to be touched. And with that thought in mind he wrapped his other arm around your waist, holding you close and still, while his index finger glided through your folds once more, before finding your entrance. He slowly pushed his finger in, sighing in delight at how tight you felt around his finger. You moaned, leaning your head back, happy that Donnie had wrapped his hand around to stabilize you.
“Fuck, Donnie”, you moaned, feeling how his finger went further in.
“Is it good?”, he asked, brows knotting together, biting his lips as he felt the familiar feeling from his cloaca, threatening to let dick drop.
“Yes, Donnie”, you moaned, your legs shaking against his. “Please, move them Donnie. Like this”. You held up your hand, showing your boyfriend how to move his fingers inside you. Donnie nodded, doing just as you showed him, moving his fingers in and out of you while his thumb rolled against your clit. You moaned, dropping your head against Donnie’s shoulder. He moved his fingers faster, feeling you move and shake against him, every moan from your mouth sounding like sweet music in his ears. He continued like this, feeling you tighten around his finger, your climax inching closer and closer until you came around his fingers with a loud moan.
When Donnie removed his fingers from your used cunt, he could not resist the urge to bring them to his mouth, sucking them off in front of you. The look in your eyes and the way you smelled told him everything he needed to know. You enjoyed it. All of it. He brought your lips back to his, your tongues finding each other. You moaned at the slight taste of you in his mouth.
Donnie pulled from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, listening to your heavy breathing, feeling it against his face. “Can I do it?”
“Do what, Donnie?”, you asked, your hands smoothing over his shoulders and biceps.
“Can I fuck you?”
You nodded, too stunned to speak. Once again, you had not expected Donatello to be so straight forward, having thought he would be way more shy.
Donnie took your lips in for another kiss while he slowly laid you down on your back. Once your back was flat against the mattress, he started moving his clothed crotch against you, moaning against your lips as he felt himself getting closer to his drop. You whimpered against his lip, almost begging him to take his pants off. Finally he sat up and undid his pants in full view of you. He pulled his pants off along with his boxers, before climbing back on top of you, feeling your legs close around him the best they could, bringing his cloaca to meet your wet center.
“Can I drop into you?”, Donnie asked, his lips ligering against yours, his hands moving from your hips, up your sides to your shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
“Yes, Donnie”, you moaned, buckling your hips against his, causing him to moan, feeling himself tipping on the edge before finally dropping down in front of your entrance. To his surprise, you were the one to move your hand down between the two of you, taking his cock in your hand moving it to your opening before pushing it in closely.
Donatello moaned, his head falling down beside yours, your cunt hugging him tightly as he sunk further in. You kissed the side of his face, whispering sweet nothing as he sunk in as far as he could. He stayed there for a moment, letting you and himself adjust to the feeling of him inside of you. You were a tight fit for him, but he couldn’t deny it felt good.
“Donnie, please move”, you moaned, moving your hips under him. Donnie wrapped an arm under your shoulder so he could bring you even closer to you, resting his forehead against yours once more as he slowly began to move, moaning and cursing in delight over the feeling.
His thrusts started out slow and soft, until you told him it was okay to go harder and faster, to which Donnie obliged. He cursed, one of his hands grabbing on to the bedding beside your head, enjoying this knew feeling around his cock.
“Fuck”, he breathed into your ear, causing tingles to erupt in your stomach. “It feels good, (Y/N). Fucking good”.
Your hand found his face, stroking his cheek making him look you in the eye. The sigh was enough to make both of you shiver.
“Wanna go faster?”, you asked him. Donnie nodded, his lips slightly agasp. “Go as fast as you want to. Fuck me as fast as you want, Donnie”.
And that was all your boyfriend needed. Every trace of nervousness Donnie had showed you during your first conversation about sex disappeared, leaving behind what you could only describe as a feast for the eyes. Donnie was concentrated, his brows frowning, his pupils wide as his muscles flexed before he let loose against you. You gasped and moaned loud, grabbing onto Donnie’s shoulders as he thrusted faster and harder into you. He was rougher than you had thought he would be, but you found it to be a pleasant surprise.
But then Donnie did something you never saw coming for his first time. He took one of your legs, hooking it over his arm before thrust into you even deeper than before. This new angle caused you to arch your back in ecstasy, as he continuously hit the sweet spot inside of you. It didn’t take long like this, before you felt that familiar feeling in your stomach as you clung closer around Donnie.
“Donnie!”, you moaned out, your pitch higher than he ever had heard it before, making him growl in delight. “Donnie, I’m close!”
Donnie did not answer you. Instead he dipped his head down to your neck, where he started nipping at your skin, his hips working against you like a piston. He wanted you to cum around him, washing away every fear he ever had about not making you feel good. And you knew. You knew your boyfriend, and you knew what he was thinking. And as he started groaning and biting your earlobe, you couldn’t hold back anymore, almost screaming his name as you came for him once more.
Donnie moved both hands down to your hips, holding you still as he started chasing his own high, helping you ride out your own in the meantime. As he moaned louder and louder as he got close, his thrust became more and more erratic. Finally he came, pushing himself all the way into you as he shot out his white ropes, letting out a moan better than porn star you ever heard.
Once down from his high, Donnie pulled out of you, before slumping down next to you, sweaty and out of breath, his dick still out in the open.
He looked at you, his eyes tired yet full of love, making you feel warm in so many ways. “Was it good?”
“Are you crazy?”, you asked, smiling brighter than any stare Donnie had seen. “It was amazing, Donnie!”
Donnie chuckled, wrapping an arm around you to pull you close against his plastron, giving you a kiss before resting his forehead against yours once more, a smirk spreading on his pretty lips. “Does that mean you’re up for another around after a quick nap?”
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
Bay Turtle Kisses 💋
Thank you for requesting this @akesdraws-blog it was so cute and fun.
Warnings: giving the turtles the smootches they deserve!
Hear me out
Neck kisses
And not just the sexual kind no no.
Leo's a tall dude, even if he's not the tallest, he's still large. And you probably still have to reach up on your tippy toes to hug him. And because of that, the easiest place for you to place kisses was his collarbone and neck.
Knees: gone
It's just such a strange and sensitive place and he loves how intimate it is
He's gotten forehead and cheek kisses from his brothers and April, but your kisses are more personal and he can't get enough of them
He was terrified to kiss your neck for the first time, but he couldn't stop staring and it was eating away at his brain. He needed to know how smooth the skin was, how potent your scent would be.
It was date night at your place, you were watching a movie, wrapped up in a thick blanket, sitting in between his legs.
He had a perfect view of the back of your head and the side of your neck. Even more so when you moved your hair to the side because you thought it was bothering it.
It was but in a different way
He couldn't help himself, he leaned in, taking a moment to appreciate how your perfume, body wash and natural scent mixed before kissing the juncture where your shoulder and neck met.
He pulled away, not wanting to overstep, but stopped when your arm came up, pushing his head back to your neck.
At your small, "more, please," He was sure his heart had stopped
Game on.
Nose kisses
His favorite is when you both make eye contact, doesn't matter where or how far apart you are, and he licks his lips and keeps -purposefully- glancing down at your lips.
So you start to lean in, and he takes your face in your hands, tilting tour head, moving extra slow to build momentum....and then places a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose.
Then he pulls back, going back to whatever he was doing, trying not to laugh at your mad face
You make the cutest face when he does this, you try and make a mad face but your cheeks are red, eyes crinkled from laughed and fighting a smile.
He laughs, and plants kisses all over your face, leaving your lips for last.
One of his favorite pranks is when you're sitting at the dining table for a meal, he makes eye contact, licks his lips, then stands from his chair, leaning across the table with puckered lips.
You lean forward, giggling and mumbling something about how 'he can't even wait five minutes for another kiss'
And then.....he leans down and takes the straw of your drink into his mouth and happily sipps whatever is in the cup.
Then he sits back and resumes his meal, ignoring how you kick his shin under the table.
Any kissing that can involve him rubbing his nose on you <3
He just can't get enough of you and sometimes just a simple kiss isn't enough, so he'll rub your noses together and then kiss you
He likes coming up behind you and bending down (literally almost in half) and wrapping his noddle arms around you and nuzzling your neck until you turn around and he can get a little smooch
He also nuzzles your cheek, he'll start at your jaw, work his way up your cheek and cheekbone, and then stop at your nose.
And YES, he is chirping the whole time
Secret hint: is you want Donnie to fall head over heels for you, come up behind him while he's working and hug his shoulders, rub his chest and arms while nuzzling his neck
Raph doesn't necessarily have a favorite, but he loves kissing you in places where you have something he doesn't
For example, ears -its a bit weird but just listen- he doesn't have them and thinks they're so cute
So when yall are snuggling and kissing, he'll start at your jaw and kiss his way to your ears, kissing just under it, behind it, then a flurry of little kisses on the lobes
If he's feeling a bit playful he might even give a small nip and tug (nothing that would hurt of course, just something to make you gasp or giggle)
Also, eyelids, and yes I know he had eyelids, but not like yours! He doesn't have eyelashes, so he uses the kisses as an excuse to get a closer look at you
He'll get right up in your face and just stare before kissing your eyelids.
Normally he does it as you guys are going to bed, he uses it to make you close your eyes for sleep.
And finally, hands! You have so many fingers and he just feels deep down that he needs to kiss all of them. Along with your palm, knuckles, the back of your hand and your wrists.
Your hands are just so dainty and small to him, and he can't get enough of them.
He can't get enough of you <3
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog
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cowabungacafe · 3 months
Hugging you from behind, and then taking that opportunity to tickle you 
Leonardo: Leonardo's hugs from behind are a comforting embrace, a silent reminder of his presence and affection for you. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close against his chest, his touch warm and reassuring. But just when you least expect it, he takes advantage of the moment to launch a surprise attack, his fingers finding the most ticklish spots on your sides and ribs. You can't help but squeal and squirm as he tickles you mercilessly, his laughter mingling with yours as you both revel in the playful moment. To Leonardo, these moments are a chance to let loose and have fun, to share in the joy and laughter that comes with being with the one he loves.
Raphael: Raphael's hugs from behind are a protective gesture, a silent promise to always be there for you no matter what. He holds you close, his arms wrapped securely around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder as he nuzzles against your neck. But beneath his tough exterior lies a mischievous streak, and he can't resist the urge to sneak in a little playful tickle when you least expect it. His fingers dance across your sides and stomach, eliciting giggles and protests as you try to wriggle free from his grasp. To Raphael, these moments are a chance to share in the joy and laughter that comes with being with the one he loves, a reminder that even the toughest of turtles have a soft spot for a good tickle fight.
Donatello: Donatello's hugs from behind are a tender embrace, a silent declaration of his love and affection for you. He holds you close, his arms encircling your waist, his chin resting against the crook of your neck as he presses a soft kiss to your shoulder. But hidden beneath his calm and composed exterior is a playful side waiting to be unleashed, and he takes advantage of the moment to launch a surprise tickle attack. His fingers skitter across your sides and back, eliciting laughter and protests as you try to squirm away from his touch. To Donatello, these moments are a chance to let loose and have fun, to share in the joy and laughter that comes with being with the one he loves.
Michelangelo: Michelangelo's hugs from behind are a joyful embrace, a reflection of his playful and carefree nature. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close against his chest, his chin resting on your shoulder as he peppers your neck with playful kisses. But just when you least expect it, he takes advantage of the moment to launch a surprise tickle attack, his fingers dancing across your sides and stomach in a flurry of motion. You can't help but laugh and squeal as he tickles you mercilessly, his laughter mingling with yours as you both revel in the playful moment. To Michelangelo, these moments are a chance to share in the joy and laughter that comes with being with the one he loves, a reminder that life is meant to be enjoyed and savored to the fullest.
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oozedninjas · 8 months
Yeah but how do they sound in bed?
+18 mdni / general verses / the guys are mid to late twenties, Leo being the oldest with 27 / NSFW
Breathy and sensual.
King is enjoying himself and shamelessly showing it
He talks, whether praise or denigrate, it's fucking hot.
Groaning and a lot of raspy sounds.
It makes you shiver when he pours them right into your ear or to the bare skin over your pulse line.
Whimpers and soft, desperate moans when he's close to coming.
Not so loud, but enough to make him embarrassed.
Speaks in a drunken-like tone, slurring his words, barely shaping his thoughts.
Moans and sighs. He's feeling so good in your arms.
Mikey can get a bit loud as he gets closer to his peak.
He makes whining noises whenever you tease him for far too long. It's cute.
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ashtheketchum · 2 months
How they met you Bayverse TMNT
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A/N: I kind of felt like writing something with the turtles again. :3 In my private time I have written a lot about them (especially about Donnie) and I could publish my stuff here :D (Picture from Pinterest!)
Warnings: Mention of weapons and violence
Part 2
Leonardo (Strangers to Lovers):
On the night patrol, Leo had decided to split up a bit
On the roofs, he looked closely at the streets and alleys to ensure the safety of the city
At a traffic light, Leo saw you
You were standing next to an older lady and you were chatting with her as you helped her across the street
Your smile was gentle and loving as the older woman laughed with joy
Leo looked at the scenario for a while before you and the older woman walked across the street
When you were on the other side, you waved to the older lady and then continued on your way
Leo briefly looked after the older woman before following you over the rooftops
He followed you until you were at your apartment and put some food out for the street cats
With such a simple action you had Leo's full attention and he was happy that there were still people like you
He made it his own mission to take care of you
Raphael (Cinnamon roll and Guard dog):
Raphael spotted you while he was on patrol
You were backed into a corner and threatened with a gun. The thief wanted your valuables and all your money
Raphael immediately intervened by throwing his sai so that the weapon was knocked away by the thief
Then he grabbed a few bricks and threw them down to knock out the thief
The thief ran away while you still stared up to see your savior
Raph saw a dark corner where you couldn't see him and he jumped into it
"Give me back my weapons."
You had thrown them into the shadows as you silently looked in his direction
You thanked him several times before you stood up and tried to walk towards him, but Raph immediately growled loudly, making you jump back
"Can I meet you again?" you asked him
Raph just huffed before climbing up and leaving you alone
Donatello (Sexy sassy and timid nerd):
Donnie sometimes sneaked into famous universities (without Leo knowing) to see what it was like at a public university
He also saw you quite often during class
Donnie found you very interesting, even though you never really listened, didn't take notes, and never participated in class, you got good grades and got through every class
You were quite popular, with the boys and girls, but you had rejected everyone
One day Donnie had put his number in your bag, hoping he could get to know you better
He knew it was risky, but he wanted to try it. His brothers simply weren't allowed to know
Of course you found his number and called him immediately, but it was a video call
Donnie had always taped up his cameras, but it still scared him. Then he answered
You talked for a while and he had to spend a really long time proving that he didn't go to your university but was homeschooled
You had a good time and even became friends
Donnie found himself admiring you as you still had your camera on and sometimes smiled into it
Michelangelo (Aggressive chihuahua and calm giant):
Mikey had spotted you when it was Halloween and everyone was out celebrating
He snuck out and tried his luck at talking to you. He always got along well with his looks, including you
You had put on the Hogwarts uniform and even had a wand
Mikey complimented you and you had a very long conversation, which you both enjoyed
You told him that his costume looked incredibly realistic, to which he could only giggle nervously
"I've been working on it all year, little one."
His little nicknames for you always made you giggle and his heart fluttered every time he heard it
But when Mikey was whistled back by Leo, he staggered towards you in disappointment before disappearing into the crowd so that no one noticed him anymore
You were disappointed that he had to leave, just like Mikey was disappointed to leave
Since then, you came to the place where you met every day and Mikey saw you there all the time
But Leo had forbidden him to talk to you
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radicaldadood · 2 years
Y/N: it was me.
Raph: give them some more. You haven't eat much have you?
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Your back! Hi! :D Ok, the guys adore and are protective of their female human best friend (fem reader). She shares a strong bond with them, and they with her. So, if she ever gets injured or sick, the guys are protective for a while. She is ready to help them again (as much as she can with being a human and all) but what she doesn't realize is that this time it's close to their spring season, making them very protective, territorial, and aggressive to outsiders. How would this play out as they are close to their primal time of the year, and she wants to go with them as they're about to leave on patrol, but they won't let her? Fluffy ending. 🥺(maybe some turtle noises and behaviors too)
Protective TMNT headcanons—reader wants to come on patrol
Bayverse, 2003, or 2012 if it suits ya. 🤷‍♀️. SFW! Mentions of "spring season" for the boys but nothing s*xual. hope u like it @pokemew119 !
• Like Leonardo, we'll be straight to the point with this one—he's not going to want you going out with them. Normally, he doesn't want you to. Now he really doesn't want you to
• Due to their biology, springtime can be pretty dreadful for the bunch (for Splinter, too, he's the one having to manage them). Aggression, sensitivity, protectiveness, fussing over their rooms, etc. So you asking Leo to go out on their nightly patrol with them was a "this really isn't a good time" moment for him
• "The Lair is warm and safe, why would you want to come out here, anyways? Leave the fighting to me. That's what I'm here for, that's my job."
• Can be a little bit of an ass about it ngl, because he just wants to know you're home with someone he actually trusts to protect you, their father
• You heard Leo bark your name as you started up the ladder out of the sewers. Blue eyes giving you a suspicious look. You were trying to sneak topside so you'd be out there before he was able to protest. "No, no, go ask Master Splinter to show you some stuff if you want something to do so badly."
• Pats you along back to the Lair, watching to make sure you actually go back inside
• If you DO end up out there with them, he's going to be stressing a little more than usual about the setup because it throws him off having someone he feels he needs to constantly look out for, unlike his brothers who are more or less self-sufficient. But you bet you're always going to be his first priority, no hesitation
• For once, the heightened senses of springtime had Mikey thinking slightly more rationally than usual
• "Babycakes, you sure you want to come? It's ugly out there, smells bad, full of dudes always asking for a beat-down, maybe you should stay." Ruffles your hair for reassurance. "We can play games when I get back!"
• Secretly tries to dissuade you from even wanting to go out with them in the first place with promises of fun back at home
• If you do go anyways, he's taking every chance to show off his nunchaku skills
• Gets annoyed at his siblings for taking your attention away from him (oop there's the possessiveness)
• Very touchy, constantly hanging off of you or trying to play-fight, sit close to you on the sofa, scoot his chair towards you at dinner, etc.
• You ask if you can go with them on their way out and you catch Mikey
• He smiles big and sheepishly shakes his head, "Sorry, y/n, not tonight! You're kickin' back in my beanbag tonight and hanging out, not running around New York." End of conversation. You try to say something, he interrupts you, thumping your shoulder. "I'll text you! See ya, angel!"
• More passive about his protectiveness and isn't so outright about it like Leo, but on the inside, still doesn't fully understand why he feels that way (even though Donnie has explained over and over again)
• "You want to come out with us? Not gonna work, y/n, this is real stuff," he said amicably, raising his brow ridges. "There's been a three-point-four percent increase in crime rate just around the next four blocks, and that's with us kicking tail every other night. Statistically, you're liable to become a target and..."
• Donnie gets real irritable in spring and tends to avoid his brothers, argues with Leo about about their rooming situation bc he wants to be alone (except for with you)
• Sets up an entire cozy corner in his lab for you to chill in while he's gone and hopes you'll use it, even though he'd definitely rather be home and not topside at this time
• When you ask him to tag along on their patrol, he starts spouting off all the reasons you shouldn't and ultimately wins that debate
• Compromises by letting you man his tracking/observation station and communicating with them on their missions from the sewers
• He actually loves knowing you're on tap while he's out in the city and he can just radio in whenever he feels like it
• "See, isn't being our control center way better?"
• Raph already has a huge attitude problem, make that tenfold in spring.
• Gets waaaaay too overprotective at times, verges on bothersome levels of spazzing over what you do and where you go
• "You wanna go on patrol? With us? Just, out in New York City? With the Foot? Ahah, ain't happening, y/n. 'You said 'maybe' last time?' Well, I'm sayin' no, this time. You'll be bored?" He shrugs. "Watch TV or something. But you're not comin'."
• If you do somehow manage to go (highly unlikely), he's going to be grumpy and complain the whole time because he's secretly just worried and his hormones are out of whack
• Gets overly aggressive defending you from anything and probably stirs up more conflict over it tbh
• "It ended up fine that time, but don't do that again, ya hear?" He doesn't want to seem like he cares too much, so he flicks your head. (That man is head over heels for you)
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cyanhydrangea · 5 months
Loneliness [Bayverse TMNT x Reader]
[Friendship Fic]
Summary: You feel lonely for the lack of friends you have in school, but the presence of the turtle boys makes you forget about it
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You sigh for what it seems like a hundred time.
It seems like scrolling through social medias was the worst decision you made for the past hour this night. All you ever found was the posts that shows your classmates and friends happily hanging out without you.
You wondered why they never asked you to hang out with them anymore, maybe because they think you were boring. They never actually get to be your close friend, but still, having lots of best friends and gets to brag about it to the world seems fun.
The realization that you never actually have a close friend at school makes you feel lonely.
Turning off your phone, you decided to play on sad songs and cry yourself to sleep.
That is, until you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder.
You jolted awake from the sudden touch, but relaxed when you see who the culprit was.
"Mikey, you scared me!"
"Sorry, sorry"
Behind mikey, you can see there are also the rest of his brothers, Leo, Raph, and Donnie.
"Sorry [name], we knocked on your window but you didn't respond", the leader in blue explained their sudden presence in your room.
"Right, it's okay", you responded.
"[Name], were you...crying?", The turtles noticed but Donnie is the one who asked.
You didn't realized there were some tears left on your cheeks and you wiped them and said "uh...no?"
"You were, anyone we need to beat up?", Raph ready to throw fist on anyone that hurted you.
"No!" You cried.
"Then, why were you crying, angelcakes?", Mikey asked
A brief silence fell in the room as you didn't answer mikey's question immediately.
"I...don't want to talk about it, guys, sorry"
The four brothers looking at each other, concerned of your well-being.
"Don't worry guys, it's nothing serious, I promise"
The boys weren't convinced, but at least you promised them, and you never break your promises.
"Alright, but we're all ears if you need someone to listen to your problems, okay?" Leo assured you.
"Thank you"
"Well, we bring something that hopefully can cheer you up", Donnie handed you something.
"No way!" You can't believe they just brought you the Blu-ray of the movie you've been dying to watch.
"What are we waiting for!? Let's watch this right now!" You excitedly leave your room and go straight to your kitchen to fetch snacks.
Raph sets the movie on your TV and you guys watch it together
It was in the middle of the movie when you realized you should be grateful the turtle boys being your best friends despite not having one in school.
You might not be able to hang out with the turtle boys out in the sun, not be able to post pictures of you with them on social medias, not be able to brag about them to the world, but with them you don't feel lonely anymore.
Date Written: 09/01/2024
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theturtlelovers · 2 months
Ꮤ𐋅𐌄𐌍 𐌕𐌀𐌁𐌋𐌄𐌔 𐌀𐌐𐌄 𐌕𐌵𐌐𐌍𐌄𐌃
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Pairing: Raph/gn!reader Rating: Explicit Contents: dom!reader, Raph is a subby turtle Warnings: 18+, mdni, nsfw Wordcount: 220
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Notes: Raph needs some love on my blog as well! It was something small, though, because it was just a random thought I had!
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Raph exudes confidence and certainty when he's in the lead. He knows exactly what he desires when he seeks you out for pleasure, savoring your soft gasps and the way your body reacts to his touch. It’s amazing in every way.
However, when the tables are turned, and the focus is on him, Raph becomes flustered to the point where it embarrasses him. He blushes when you trace his arm, and his eyes widen, watching you like a deer caught in headlights. He releases high-pitched whimpers as you kiss him deeply, almost as if you don't want him to breathe. Or it could just be that he's so overwhelmed with desire that he can't even fathom taking a breather. Not when he feels your tongue gliding up the length of his cock, his thighs twitching with need and moaning with abandon like some common whore.
Seeing that formidable turtle, with his impressive muscles that make his arms and legs a feast for the eyes, squirming and biting his lip in an effort to contain his noises—though they escape no matter what he does—is intoxicating. You feel a surge of power that leaves you heady, and you wield it skillfully, teasing him until he's begging for release.
 You might let him if he looks pretty enough to deserve it.
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Tagging: @confused629, @whygz Interested in getting tagged? Come check it out!
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Like what you read? Check out my masterlist to see if you find anything else!
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xtreklx · 10 months
Bumpin' ~ Raphael x reader
One-shot: bayverse Raphael x reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: SFW, fluff, slightly mature themes (rated 17+, see my masterlist for disclaimer)
A/N: a self-indulging one-shot I thought up for Raphie boy. thanks for reading!
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"Y/N, I'm boooooooored."
Michelangelo let out a long, drawn-out sigh and turned to look at you. You were both strewn about the living room of the lair, him on the floor and you on the couch. This time was normally used for your weekly Mortal Kombat sesh, but Donatello had shut off the lair's power to make a repair, so the two of you were forced to find an alternative activity. Which sounded like a simple task, but had since proven the opposite.
You mimicked your friend's long-drawn out sigh with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, I bet Don decided on purpose to do this right now," you replied. "Not that I blame him, we do get pretty loud when we game." You were laying on the couch as you spoke, scrolling absentmindedly through your phone's home screen and hoping that an app or notification would give you some sort of inspiration.
You thought for a moment as Mikey continued his mock sighs, which were rising in both volume and drama, before turning to him with an idea. "Hey Mikey, do you use Spotify to listen to music?" He looked to you again before pulling out his phone. "Yeah, team Spotify all the way! Why?"
You sat up with a new invigoration. "We should create a blended playlist!" You exclaimed, opening the app on your phone. "We can compare our music tastes and see what we have in common, it'll be fun!" Mikey sat up from his spot on the floor and handed you his phone with the Spotify app open. "Hell yeah, girl! I'm always in the mood to bump some tunes! Lemme go get my speaker." And with that, he took off to his room.
You got to work with both of your phones in your hand. When he returned, you hit shuffle on your blended playlist and the music started flowing from the speaker. You moved to sit next to him on the floor.
"When I look at the playlist story, it says we have a 56% music match." "Okaaaaaaay, that's not too bad," Mikey replied. "Where do we match up, dudette?" You tapped the screen again, showing him. "Our number one match is Tyler the Creator. That makes sense, I listen to him a lot!" "No way, me too!" Mikey exclaimed. "He's definitely one of my fave artists."
The two of you began chatting away and singing along to songs as they came up, while unknowingly summoning a third party.
"Poor Don'll never get the quiet time he wants," Raphael spoke, shaking his head as he walked into the living room from the dojo. His gruff voice startled you from behind and your heart rate increased, as it often did around the short-tempered brother. You had had a crush on him for a few months now, but were far too intimidated and nervous to make a move, so it went unaddressed. The turtle in question strolled over and plopped down on the couch, looking down at you both on the floor. "What're you two idiots doing, anyway?"
"We're just bumpin' some tunes, bro!" Mikey called, shaking his head to the beat of the song playing. "We're comparing our music tastes!" You excitedly said. "And actually, we're using a very technical algorithm, so this is in the name of science! Donnie couldn't argue with that," you grinned up to the turtle in red. Raph rolled his eyes but let a small smirk grace his features in return. Dork.
"Alright dollface. Since it's so impressive, show me how it works."
You explained the process to him as Mikey continued to jam to the music playing from his speaker. Raph listened and examined the blended playlist you had created. "Hmm... Y/N, see what ours would look like," he pondered, reaching for his phone. Again, your heart sped up, but you breathed out an "O-okay" and took his phone from him. As you tapped the screen, you ignored Mikey wiggling his brows at you in your peripheral vision, knowing about your feelings toward his brother.
When you finished, you gasped slightly, and turned the screen to Raph. "We're at 84%!!!" you squealed, showing him where your favorite artists intertwined. You scrolled through the playlist to see a mix of heavy metal, grunge, classic rock, R&B and rap. Tyler the Creator was also listed as one of your top matching artists.
"No way," the brute scoffed, leaning towards you so that he could look over your shoulder at your blended playlist. You both pointed out which songs were your favorite and why, and also chatted about the favorite artists you had in common. Your nerves eased as you connected with him, your heart thrumming at the realization that he was being... kind of vulnerable with you. You were getting to see a part of Raph that he had never shown you before.
All of the sudden, the song changed to 'Dogtooth' by Tyler the Creator, and Mikey jumped up, hollering. You gasped with joy, and you both looked to each other with excitement. "I love this song!!!" You both yelled, and then: "JINX!" You laughed hard as Mikey ran from the living room, yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs, 100% looking to annoy his other older brothers.
As your laughing ceased and you turned back to Raph, you took in a quick breath as you realized how close you two were leaning in before the outburst. You were still on the floor, but had scooted towards his spot on the couch until you were practically leaning on his lap. You could feel his warm breath brush your face, and he got an amused look on his face as he gazed at you.
Your eyes widened naturally with the proximity, and after a moment of silence and staring at each other, you opened your mouth you speak. But before you could, Raph began rapping along to the song playing from Mikey's speaker, a growing smirk on his face and a unique glint in his hazel eyes as he watched you.
"She could ride my face, I don't want nothin' in return. Except for some her time and all her love, that's my concern. I'm tryna buy my neighbor's house..."
The eye contact he was giving you in this moment could only be described one way: heavy. And your face turned beet red. The closeness, his gaze, his smirk, the words- it was all too much for your poor heart to take.
"R-raph, w-what are you doing?"
"I'm just bumpin' some tunes, dollface."
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