#rafael imagine
Imagine Rafa falling in love with you once he realizes Sofia is a cheating whore who picked Amado over him.
He's angry and heart broken when he sees Sofia and Amado kiss at the club. But instead of confronting her he just drinks more, snorts and smokes, and parties harder.
He's stumbling to his car and runs into you on your way out from bartending at the club. You take pity on the drunk, high, and crying Rafa mostly so he doesn't try to drive drunk.
You sit the lunk in your passenger seat and listen to him wax poetic about some girl named Sofia. From what you can tell he was cheated on in some fashion. You offer to drop him off somewhere when his friends appear near his car looking for him. You leave him with them and go home thinking about the sad and handsome man.
The next day Rafa goes back to the club to meet the woman he had almost cried like a baby to. But when he sees you he's immediately obsessed. You were his new muse.
He would come to the club every night to talk to you as you served drinks. He would stay for hours just to see you for a moment even if the club was busy. With his money and flashy style and the posse he had everyone knew he was there just to flex.
Rafa stopped noticing when Sofia was at the club because he only had eyes for you. When he refused her more than three times in one night she got angry and threatened to hurt you. Rafa made sure Sofia knew that if she even tried he'd kill her.
When a young guy started being handsy with you Rafa pulls a gun so fast that it's scary, and hot. Now everyone calls him your narco boyfriend. You don't mind. It keeps you safe and the threat gets you more tips. You still don't fall for Rafa's charms.
Then one day you're not behind the bar. You quit and were apparently out celebrating graduating university. Rafa sends his men to go find you. And when they do Rafa comes running.
Seeing you in sexy club clothes instead of the plain black bartender uniform sets him off. He finds you on the dance floor and pulls you from the girls you're dancing with. When you realize who it is you just smile and pull him close.
It's your turn to be drunk. And soon with Rafa's help you're sky high. Intoxicating. He wants you to go home with him and for once you let him. He's giddy and so needy for you.
But you make him wait. You make him tour you around his big house and you make jokes about him being a narco. You make him show you his weed and coke. You make him wait until you can tell he's barely keeping it together.
Then when he thinks you might just fall asleep on his couch from drunkenness you pull him on top of you and kiss him.
Rafa is gone to the world. Completely melting into you. Who cares about anyone else. You were here with him.
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I love him. I might start writing for Rafa.
Maybe. Idk. It would end up being even more stuff.
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cathrrrine · 5 months
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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cardboardmoon · 2 months
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Bee thinks it makes him look sharp
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Transformers Prime Incorrect Quote
Optimus:And this is our medic, Ratchet.
MC, with their whole chest:UPGRADES PEOPLE, UPGRADES!
Rafael, the only other person who's watched the movie:*Trying and failing to keep upright, he's laughing so hard*
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kyuala · 19 days
♡ cyber sex com o cast de lsdln ♡
inspirado por esse post aqui ☝🏼 espero que gostem! <3
enzo, para a surpresa de ninguém, gosta de te provocar através das fotos: o cabelo bagunçado, a carinha de sono e os ombros largos ofuscando todo o resto para te desejar um bom dia quando acorda; a boca entreaberta e a expressão ambígua de cansaço e/ou desejo no elevador do prédio quando retorna das infames voltas de bicicleta; os braços fortes refletidos no espelho da academia quando termina mais um treino - ele gosta de escalar o teor de sensualidade de cada uma delas durante o dia até culminar numa troca de mensagens sujas ou uma ligação regada a suspiros enquanto ele geme teu nome e diz o quanto mal consegue esperar para te ver de novo
pardella não é muito do sexo cibernético e prefere o cara-a-cara. quando precisa muito, o máximo que faz é te mandar uma foto da marca certinha do cacete duro na cueca apertada e te pedir para mandar uns áudios da tua voz gemendo bem manhosa de presente para ele se "inspirar" da próxima vez
já o matías é fã de chamada de vídeo, tá? até quando ele sabe que vocês vão se ver mais tarde ele gosta de te pedir para dar um pulinho no discord e ligar a câmera. faz questão de te pedir para enquadrar bem tua bucetinha e os dedos brincando com ela e é cheio de dar ordens do tipo "isso, agora coloca mais um dedinho pra mim, linda". em troca ele mira a webcam pro pau e bate uma para você assistir até ele gozar e manchar o próprio shorts e a cueca
kuku é outro que não é muito das tecnologias no meio da sacanagem. gosta - ama, adora - receber nudes teus, mas quando você pede de volta ele tem vergonha, manda no máximo um e a foto meio tremida e mal iluminada é tão esteban que de alguma forma te atiça mais ainda. agora o que ele gosta de fazer, quando estão em ligação e distantes, sem a possibilidade de se ver no momento, é lembrar dos momentos favoritos das transas de vocês para entrar no clima para se masturbar depois. se você pedir com jeitinho, quem sabe ele não manda uma foto do resultado?
fernando gosta de mandar fotos que não sejam tão explícitas, justamente por serem provocativas demais e ao mesmo tempo nem perto do suficiente para te satisfazer. manda fotos das mãos grandes segurando a garrafa de vinho que está bebendo, ou do detalhe do cinto novo de couro que ele está estreando. mas o favorito dele é te ligar te instruindo exatamente sobre como ele quer que você se toque pensando nele
o fran é do tipo de mandar seminudes bem conceituais e de muito bom gosto, tipo do corpo dele coberto só pelo lençol e apenas do quadril para baixo ou o reflexo dele no espelho pequeno e redondo do quarto de vocês, deixando algumas coisas para a imaginação. também é fã de te mandar fotos não tão explícitas mas ainda sugestivas durante o dia, tipo uma bem de perto da boca dele mordendo um morango depois do almoço
pipe, por incrível que pareça (ou não), é um rapaz muito tímido para se exibir perante uma webcam ou te mandar fotos do próprio corpo nu. já fotos da evolução do corpo meio coberto quando volta da academia é o que não falta, claro - e ele se aproveita do efeito que essas têm sobre você para já engatar num leve sexting, se divertindo com cada uma das tuas reações às palavras dele. tua vingança vem quando ele fica tanto tempo longe de você que começa a ficar desesperadinho: manda fotos da ereção pesada e incômoda por baixo do tecido fino da calça e, quando você finalmente cede aos pedidos sofridos e liga para ele, o tem na palma da mão, obedecendo cada um dos teus comandos e só gozando na própria mão quando você permite
simón não tem vergonha alguma - repito, vergonha alguma - de te mandar todos os nudes e fotos sensuais que ele tira, afinal são todos para o prazer da mulher dele, não é mesmo? é para isso que serve o corpo dele. é foto da mão segurando o caralho duro, vídeo gravado bem no momento que ele está gozando e gemendo teu nome enquanto faz uma bagunça com a porra dele, mensagens e mais mensagens de madrugada descrevendo "aquela vez que a gente fodeu na praia, lembra?", áudio pedindo para você mandar suas fotos para ele te "fazer uma homenagem", masturbação mútua enquanto estão em ligação, seja por vídeo ou não... é adepto total do sexo virtual
o jerónimo grava vídeos de meio minuto na frente do espelho do banheiro, completamente pelado, exibindo o corpo escultural que ele espera fielmente que renda muitos elogios vindos de você. com uma mão segura o celular e com a outra bate uma punheta bem lentinha, provocando a você e a si mesmo, deixando o cômodo e o áudio do vídeo serem completamente tomados pelos gemidos sem vergonha alguma
santi, apesar de não ter sempre a iniciativa de mandar quando o assunto é nude, ama receber os teus e sempre aos mil e um elogios. não recusa um áudio repleto dos teus gemidos - o som favorito dele - e muito menos uma ligação de voz para matar a saudade que o pau dele sente de você. mas o que ele mais gosta mesmo é quando fazem uma chamada de vídeo das mais sujas possíveis, onde ele te assiste se contorcer e tremer de prazer enquanto ele controla, conectada ao celular dele, a intensidade do brinquedinho que vibra dentro de você
della corte é outro que não é muito fã do cyber sex, mas também não consegue viver sem você e adora receber e te dar prazer. te pede nudes descaradamente algumas vezes, mas na maioria prefere o bom e velho sexo por telefone: te chama por mensagem para ter certeza de que pode te ligar e sempre começa perguntando sobre o teu dia; você já até sabe que ele já começou a se tocar pelas respostas ficando cada vez mais esporádicas e aéreas do outro lado da linha e não demora muito para os dois engatarem numa mistura de gemidos sobre o quanto sentem falta do corpo e do toque do outro
o rafa, por ser mais tímido, já prefere um sexting: gosta de virar a madrugada falando besteiras por mensagem com você, iniciando bem tímido, lento e casto, e escalando até os dois estarem recitando os pensamentos mais sórdidos que têm quando estão longe um do outro. fica coradinho quando acorda no outro dia e lembra de tudo que disse e é capaz de morrer de vergonha quando vocês se encontram e você refresca a memória dele, resgatando tudo que ele prometeu que iriam fazer
masterlist principal | masterlist de lsdln
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 6 months
I'll be Gentle Sweetheart
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone will accept this as my gift. The next chapter in Dating App.
Trigger Warnings: Smut, oral-female receiving, teasing. I think that is it.
Master List
Prompt List
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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“Good. Girl.” Rafael cooed just before his lips took yours. Your body heated at his words.
You moaned the second his lips touched yours, the hand holding your face moved to grasp the back of your neck. Your hands clutched at his suspenders, as you arched up towards him wanting more contact with him. A fire building in your body. You felt Rafael’s lips curl up as he started to pull away but his hands moved to hold your waist tugging you with him until you were standing flush against him. Your hands stroked up his chest and wrapped around his shoulders, one of your hands moving to run through the hair on the back of his head. One of Rafael’s hands caressed up and down your back the other moved down to run up your thigh tugging your dress with it before he cupped your arse. You rocked into him, moaning again at Rafael’s touch, you felt your pussy throb and felt it getting wet. Your arousal growing from the small simmer that it had been since you laid eyes on the man. 
“Rafi,” you groaned pulling away from him.
“This okay, baby?” he asked you going to remove his hand but you quickly reached down to put his hand back on your arse.
“It’s more than okay,” you whispered, leaning into bit along his neck, grinning when his hands twitched before they grabbed you harder. You felt his hard cock against your hip as he tugged you even closer, a moan rumbled through his chest at the friction. Your pussy throbbed again, the heat of the moment covered your nerves at the prospect of what would happen tonight. There was one thing you hadn’t told Rafael, and at first you didn’t think it mattered, that you wouldn’t need to tell him. But now that it was happening you felt the nerves ramping up, you knew that you still wanted this, wanted him. You had never felt more ready but you couldn’t deny the nerves were there. And you wanted him to know, wanted him to understand.
“Carino,” Rafael moved his other hand down to cup your arse squeezing and kneading the flesh as you mouthed along his neck. He felt your teeth gently nipping at his skin, moving up and down his neck as your hands trailed across his shoulders and down to his shirt fingers fiddling with his buttons. You removed your lips from his neck and looked up at him from under your lashes.
“Can I take this off?” you asked him, trying to delay the conversation.
“Perhaps we move to your room?” he raised an eyebrow. You bit your lip, taking a deep breath as you removed yourself from his grip and put some space between the two of you. Rafael reached out to you but dropped his hand back to his side, as he noticed you were nervous as your fingers twisted around each other, just like they had on your first date. “Carino, what’s wrong? We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want to.”
“I want to Rafael, believe me I really want to,” you shook your head. “There’s just something I need to tell you.”
Rafael felt his stomach drop as he become very worried. A small part of his brain had been waiting for the other shoe to drop, worried that maybe this had been all too good to be true. But he ignored that feeling pushing it to the back of his mind, as the weeks had gone on and you showed no signs of getting sick of him.
“Chica, please?” Rafael prodded you when you still hadn’t said anything else.
“I’m a virgin,” you rushed out in one breathe, closing your eyes. You weren’t ashamed of not having had sex before, but you also were fully aware that some people could react oddly to that. The last time you thought you were comfortable enough with the person you had been dating to have sex with him and tell them that you had no experience he had become a little…overwhelmingly eager and took a little too much pride in being your first. It was a little off putting, to the point that you hadn’t felt comfortable after that to have sex with him that night. He would bring it up a lot, asking when you were going to have sex, constantly asking you if you were finally ready, even after you had asked him to stop and you would let him know when you wanted to have sex. That had been the moment you decided to end things. You didn’t think Rafael would react like that but you also could never really be sure.
“Carino,” Rafael’s voice softly called for you. You opened your eyes to find he had taken a step closer but made no move to touch you. His eyes had lost the fire that was in them before, he stared at you with one of the softest looks you had seen on him yet.
“And before you ask, yes I am still sure I want this,” you continued on, causing him to huff a little and smile at you. He held out his hand, giving you the option to initiate touch with him. You quickly took his hand, holding it tight.
“Okay, I was definitely going to ask that,” Rafael chuckled lightly. “Thank you for telling me, Chica. We’ll go at your pace and anytime you want to slow down or take a break or speed up tell me. I want you to be comfortable, and not just tonight but every time we ever do anything.”
“I will, I’m so very much into communication,” you nodded your head. Rafael took another step towards you raising your hand to his mouth to place a kiss on your knuckles. “Thankyou…for not making this a big deal.”
“Chica, even if this wasn’t your first time it wouldn’t change how I would approach having sex with you for the first time, it wouldn’t change my desire to know that you will always communicate with me,” Rafael said, voice still soft and oh so gentle. But slowly his eyes grew heated again, his voice still gentle became a little rougher as his desire return. “My first time with you, to me is a big deal, but only because I want nothing more than for this night to be the start of many more nights to come. Now, shall we take this to your bedroom? There is so much I want to do with you, do to you. One of which is getting to taste you. Is that something you would like, Chica? For my tongue to lick between your thighs? To circle your clit?”
Your thighs clenched at his questions, your arousal returning so fast it was almost like whiplash. You whimpered in response but Rafael raised your chin with a finger demanding you look him in the eye.
“I need words, Carino,” he whispered.
“Yes, let’s go to my bedroom so you can do that, please?” you asked already walking backwards, able to navigate your own apartment without looking. Rafael chuckled at your eagerness as you tugged him to follow you.
Rafael used the one hand he had free to slowly remove his suspenders, noting how your eyes followed his hands and how your tongue peeked out to lick at your lips. Rafael’s cock had been semi-hard from the first kiss the two of you had shared when he arrived but it was fully hard by the time the two of you entered your bedroom, pushing a little uncomfortably against his boxers and pants. Rafael took a moment to take in your bedroom, a desk in the corner with more books and a desktop computer and a laptop, a dresser with makeup and jewellery, the canopy bed with fairy lights decorating it that were on and a few more candles scattered around giving the room a very romantic atmosphere. He felt your fingers twitch a little in his and forced his eyes back to yours.
“Very you,” he grinned tugging you towards him a soft smile on his face as he kissed you lightly on the nose before he let go of your hand and to hold your hips.
“Thanks,” you smiled up at him your hands starting to pull his shirt out from his pants, fingers playing with the first button as you bit your lip.
“Yes, Chica, that can come off,” he smirked as his own hands reached down and grabbed your arse again. “Fuck, baby, your arse is perfection.”
Your whole body flushed at his words. You never thought you would like words like that being said to you but coming from Rafael changed your whole perspective regarding them. You forced your fingers to stay steady as you slowly unbuttoned his shirt, more and more of his skin being revealed to your eyes. Once all the buttons were undone you pushed the shirt off his shoulders and down his arms before throwing into the corner of your room. You dragged your nails down his chest before trailing them back up and over his shoulders feeling him shiver at your actions. You couldn’t resist leaning forward and kissing across his chest and up his neck again. Pushing yourself as close to him as you could, feeling his hard cock against you.
“Chica,” he moaned, his hands pushing under your dress again. “Can this come off?”
You nodded as Rafael pulled the dress up slowly allowing his fingers to trail over your skin before he threw it in the same corner that you threw his shirt. His hands smoothed your hair away from your face before he kissed you, moaning into his mouth as tongues met, his hands grabbing your hips, the feel of his skin on yours set a fire in your veins. Rafael broke the kiss and took a step away smirking at your whine as you chased his lips.
“Rafi,” you pouted a little.
“Sorry Chica I just wanted to see you in all your glory,” he smiled eyes roving over you. He took in his fill of your body covered in the beautiful green lacy lingerie set. Your body flushed under his gaze the look on his face made your heart beat faster. You don’t think you had ever seen a man look at you that way.
“Do you like what you see?” you asked raising your hands to run through your hair biting your lip as you turned slowly in a circle. Rafael’s response was a growl and his hands grabbed hold of your hips and pulling you close to him before walking you backwards towards your bed.
“You are stunning. Ravishing. And beautiful,” he whispered placing a new kiss on your lips between each compliment. The back of your legs hit the edge of your bed and you slowly sat down moving backwards to lay fully on the bed with Rafael following you down after kicking his shoes off. He hovered above you, his hips bracketed by yours.  
“Hm, well, you are handsome, charming and captivating,” you murmured arms raising up to wrap around his shoulder trying to tug him down. “Now, can I please have another kiss?”
“Anything you ask for, is yours,” Rafael promised. And by god did he mean it. In a way he had never thought he would ever mean.
He leaned down balancing on his forearms as he carefully rested his weight on you however, he didn’t kiss your lips like you wanted. He placed kisses across your cheeks and down your neck nipping at the skin enough to leave a little mark but nothing that would be visible tomorrow. You sighed at his actions your hips jolted when he reached the crook of your neck kissing and biting at it.
“Rafael,” you moaned. Your hands scratching across his shoulders and down his back as he continued. Rafael’s moan followed yours when he felt your hips rock up into his hard cock, he rocked down into you. The friction on your clit from his hard cock and his pants had a shot of pleasure running through your body.
“Chica, christ,” Rafael groaned into your neck before he lifted away from your neck and finally claimed your mouth again. His hips continuing to rock into you, as his tongue swiped into your mouth, tasting the wine and dinner from before. You whimpered into his mouth, your legs wrapping around his hips to get better leverage to rock up into him, the heels you were wearing still encasing your feet.
Rafael pulled away again leaning his forehead on yours before he leaned up reaching behind him to unlock your legs from around his hips. You pouted up at him at that reaching your hands up to him but he merely grinned down at you as he reached to undo his belt and pants. You licked your lips as he slowly unzipped his pants and started pushing them down his hips showing the top of his boxers. Rafael had to stand up to remove his pants and he did so slowly, dragging it out to tease you. Like you had teased him, even if you had never meant to. He found everything you did to be mesmerizing. He grinned as he watched your eyes following his pants before they zeroed in on the tent at the front of his boxers. Your mouth watered. You wanted to taste him, a desire you had never had before.
“Rafi,” you whined sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed, you reached down to start taking your heels off.
“Let me,” Rafael interrupted kneeling down in-front you.
Your breath hitched at the sight of him on his knees, his hands gentling running up your left lower leg before his fingers gently started to unhooking the strap tying your heel to your ankle. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your ankle as he removed the shoe before repeating the motion with your right leg. After he had placed your shoes out of the way you expected him to stand up but instead he stayed on his knees and ran his hands up your thighs, his lips laying kissing up your right leg, over your knee and across the top of your thigh. His hands gently spread your thighs, squeezing at the flesh as he settled in between them. His bright green eyes staring up at you, your chest heaved with the breaths you were taking as his hands continued to massage your thighs and his lips placed kisses and bites along the inside of your thighs moving close to the edge of your panties before moving back away. He could see the evidence of your arousal on the front of your panties and his mouth watered at the thought of being able to taste you. To bring you to orgasm with his mouth. But he wouldn’t do that until he knew that is what you wanted.
“Rafi, please,” you begged.
“Please what?” he asked. You bit your lip moaning softly, your hands reaching up to run through his hair.
“Please, I want…I need,” you tried to explain to express your desires but you struggled a small flush of embarrassment running through you.
“Do you want my mouth on you?” Rafael took pity on you and asked, his eyes never leaving yours as you nodded, he felt your hands tighten in his hair and he hummed at the feeling. He wanted to feel that grip as you guided his head, as you took your pleasure from his mouth.
“Yes, please,” you whined. “I need it.”
“Then I shall give that to you, my beautiful chica,” he promised as he reached up to tug your panties, you removed your hands from his hair and used them to help lift your hips off the bed enough for him to remove your panties.
Rafael gripped your thighs and tugged you closer to the edge of the bed not moving from his position kneeling in-front of you. He pulled your thighs over his shoulders, kissing up your thighs again only this time he didn’t stop when he met the top of your thigh he moved across to your wet throbbing pussy. You gasped at the first hint of his breath, at the first teasing swipe of his tongue as he run it between your lips and to your clit tasting you. Your hands went back to his hair holding onto him, as he reached under you to push your hips up as he started to devour you. He moaned as his tongue swirled around your opening delving into your pussy, sucking and licking at the wetness that leaked out before he removed his tongue. You rocked your hips, lightly at first not wanting to grind too hard into his face. He made sure to pay attention to your clit circling it with his tongue before sucking on it, making it swell as your pleasure built.
“Darling, don’t be afraid,” Rafael kissed your thighs again. “Grind and rock against my face. Smother me between your thighs.”
“Shit Rafael,” you moaned hands tightening on his hair tugging him back down to your pussy hips lifting up. “Please?”
“Good girl, take your pleasure,” Rafael smiled before he dived back down. He altered between sucking on your pussy and licking at your clit. With his encouragement you rocked into his face grinding against him as he continued to eat you out, nibbling on your clit and licking his tongue inside of you. The curl of pleasure building inside of you grew hot behind your core, the whimpers and moans that left your mouth brought a different pleasure to Rafael. He had always enjoyed hearing his partners in the throes of pleasure, as their orgasms build and build getting closer to the edge. But hearing your whimpers and moans, the broken way you would say his name in gasps as your rocked into his face grinding against him took it to another level. The heat in his veins made his cock ache but he ignored it, only wanting to focus on you. This entire night was always going to focus on you.
“Rafi, Rafi, fuck,” you moaned feeling the tell-tale signs of your orgasm getting closer. The tightening just behind your core, the way your walls started to flutter and your hips starting to rock faster and faster. “I’m close, I’m so close. Please, Rafael. Please.”
Rafael started focusing solely on your clit, ensuring to suck on it and lightly nibbling it. When he first did it he was testing the waters and when you rocked into him he knew that you enjoyed it, so he would nip at it every few sucks and licks. He moved one of his hands down, swiping it through the wetness around your pussy replacing his lips with his fingers as he licked into your pussy sucking and stroking your walls.
“Rafael!” you moaned loudly as your orgasm built and released. Your walls fluttering, hips twitching and your legs shaking. You locked your legs around his head, as your body hummed with the pleasure you felt flowing through you. None of your orgasms had felt like this before, Rafael continued to lick you through it, gently stroking your clit with his finger as your hips rocked into his face until the touch got to be too much. You whined hips moving away from Rafael, leading him to pull away from your pussy. He licked around his mouth not wanting to waste any of your arousal, the taste of you was even better than anything he could imagine.
“Baby you taste so good, I could get addicted,” Rafael purred as he slowly stood up eyes tracing up your body to your heaving breasts and flushed face.
He stepped up into the space between your spread legs, placing his hands on either side of your body he leaned over you, kissing and nipping up your torso, sucking on your harden nipples through the gauzy material of your bra. You gasped, your nipples sensitive, the feeling of his wet mouth almost too much but you didn’t want him to stop. The feelings running through your body and your heart was like nothing you had ever felt. Rafael was paying an incredible amount of attention to you. He wasn’t just going through the motions to get to the point where he could stick his dick inside of you, he was worshiping you. Rafael was just proving again and again that you were incredibly lucky to have found him. You might have been planning on getting Liv chocolate and a bottle of wine to thank her for getting him on the dating app and all the interference she had run for the two of you.
“I could get addicted to you doing that,” you smiled airily up at him, still coming down from your high. Your hands teasingly pushing at his boxers. “Why are these still on?”
“Why is this teasing piece of material still on?” he countered gently snapping the strap of your bra.
“My clothes were wrapping for you to remove,” you grinned.
“Oh is that so?” Rafael raised an eyebrow lifting his head from your chest. He lifted himself away from you again standing next to the bed hands on his hips. “Well, then I should finish unwrapping my present.”
“Hmm, yes you should Mr Lawyer,” you teased wiggling backwards on the bed propping yourself up on your elbows and pointing your foot at him. “But only if those come off first.”
Rafael grinned tilting his head at you as his eyes slowly moved up your body to connect with yours. The green in them almost completely hidden, the look in them made your stomach flip and your heart pound. He slowly pushed his boxers down never taking his eyes off of yours. Inch by inch of his skin was revealed to you. His dick sprung up when his boxers past it, you never imagined that a dick would make your mouth water or your stomach feel warm but Rafael’s, well his, his did.
“Rafael, I…I want to taste you,” you whispered finding it hard to look anywhere else.
“Maybe in the morning sweetheart,” Rafael promised as he crawled back onto the bed to hover above you, his lips just touching yours as you were still propped up on your elbows. “Cause right now I do not think I will last long enough if you put those pretty lips on me. You are far to sexy, and if you still want to I need to be inside of you.”
“Fuck yes, Rafael, please I need you inside of me,” you kissed him. “I have had one too many dreams of it that if you do not fuck me right now-”
“So demanding Chica,” Rafael whispered into your mouth as he pressed you fully down into the bed with persistent kisses. He straddled your hips putting his weight on his knees as his hands covered your breasts and gently massaged them. You pushed your chest up into his hands, whimpering at the attention he paid to your hardened nipples. “But first I do need to finish unwrapping my delicious, beautiful present.”
Rafael slipped his fingers under the edge of the bra following it around the back as he kissed along your collar bone. He carefully undid the clasp before he ran his hands up to your shoulders and dragged the straps down, pulling away from your neck as he slowly pulled the bra away from your skin throwing it to the side. He paused to allow his eyes to drink their fill of their first sight of you bare before him. His mouth watered at the sight before him, from the moment you had sent him that photo of you walking through the park he found you to be one of the most stunning women he had ever seen and that belief had only grown. But there was something about seeing you beneath him, vulnerable and naked, body flushed from the pleasure he had given you that ignited a fire inside of him.
“Amor,” he whispered reverently, his hands stroking up and down your body.
You felt almost like a different person with how he was staring down at you, how he was touching you. Like a man possessed, his touch was passionate and gentle, an almost possessive gleam in his eyes at being able to see you bare and under him. You had been nervous at first but with each part of you that was revealed to him you could see the heat in his eyes growing and your confidence grew with it. You reached your hands up stroking up his corded forearms to wrap your arms around his neck, tugging him down to your face again.
“Rafael, take me now,” you whispered, somehow managing to wiggle your legs out from under him, nudging him to put his legs closer together so you could wrap your legs around his hips, gasping a little when his cock nudged against your pussy.
“Shit, Chica,” Rafael dropped his head into the crock of your shoulder. “Tell me if you need me to stop.”
“I will I promise,” you grabbed a hold of the hair at the nape of his neck.
Rafael balanced himself on one hand as he reached across to grab a condom that was sitting on the bedside table. He ripped it open with teeth before he rolled it down over his cock, using the same hand to guide his cock head inside of you before placing it at your waist and squeezing you. You gasped at the feel and the slight pressure. Rafael kissed at your neck, running his hand up and down your side before sliding further in. You felt his hand start to slowly move from your waist and down to your clit, the combined burst of pleasure and the feeling of being filled took away the slight edge of pain and uncomfortableness that you were feeling.
“How do you feel?” Rafael whispered after he had bottomed out inside of you.
“Fuck, I feel so full,” you moaned as he continued to tease your clit as the last ebb of pain seeped away. “Move, please move.”
Rafael grinned down at you as he slowly started to thrust, keeping the pace slow and gentle at first letting you get use to the feeling. He waited until he started to feel your insides start to twitch against him, until your hips started to roll meeting his thrusts before he started to alter the speed of his thrusts. He angled his hips smirking when you moaned loudly your inner walls tightening around him as the pleasure in your stomach tightened.
“That’s it baby,” he encouraged you. “You’re taking me so well beautiful, look at you.”
Your body buzzed as he praised you, a tingling feeling starting to centre around your clit as your breathes started to come out with whimpers and moans. Rafael lowered his head to suck at your breasts not able to ignore them any longer. He had thought about what it would feel like to have your breasts in his mouth as he fucked you and he was not letting the opportunity to do so go by.
“Rafael, fuck, oh god,” you whimpered legs tightening around him, your nails scratching down his back, he felt a slight sting left in their wake but it only caused him to fuck harder and faster into you. Sweat was gathering along both your bodies as your tempers climbed higher and higher as the two of you were driven closer to your highs. The pleasure coiling tighter and tighter in your bodies.
Your pussy was so tight, warm and wet around Rafael’s cock that it had him forcing back his climax as he wanted the two of you to finish together. He needed it. Needed to feel your walls spasming around his cock, gripping it tightly as he brought you to another orgasm. He switched his mouth to your other breast, sucking on your nipple and lightly grazing his teeth against it. When he heard the airy whines that escaped your gorgeous, wet, red lips he released your nipple, lifting his head to stare down at your face, taking in the flush red cheeks, the pleasure that was etched onto your face. And your eyes that were squeezed shut.
“Look at me carino, I want to see your eyes as we come together,” he whispered before he kissed the tip of your nose.
You forced your eyes to open, knowing that you didn’t want to miss a single emotion that passed through his eyes, that flitted across his face as he pounded into you. As his fingers continued to tease your clit in slow circles as he increased the pressure before backing off to nearly no pressure at all, repeating the pattern. You stared up into his eyes as your hands found their way back up to his shoulders, one arm wrapping around his shoulder, clutching him tightly and the other scratched up into his hair.
“I’m close, I’m so close,” you whimpered, your hips struggling to maintain the rhythm you had built up as your pleasure got too much.
“Me too baby, me too,” Rafael moaned as his hips starting to stutter and lose their tempo as his balls grew heavier and drew up.
You reached your climax first, the heat in your stomach bursting as your second orgasm took you higher than your first did. Your vision became white as your legs shook and your whole body trembled as your pussy pulsed and throbbed around Rafael’s cock. Squeezing him so tightly that, although his orgasm had been building it still hit him suddenly. His body bucked as his semen filled the condom and his cock throbbed in time with his heart beat that pounded in his ear.
“Rafael,” you whimpered, he had managed to continue teasing your clit through his own pleasure, overstimulating your body. Rafael felt a similar feeling as your pussy continued to clench around his cock, milking it for every last drop before it got to be too much and he slowly pulled out. You both whined, you at the empty feeling and him as he left the warmth of your pussy. Rafael rolled off of you, pulling the condom off and tying it before throwing into the bin that was under the bedside table before he pulled you to lay across his chest holding you tightly.
“I think I scratched you,”
“I think you did,” Rafael huffed at your comment, finding it a little random. “But I like it, means I’m marked by you.”
“Rafael,” you giggled a little. “And yet you didn’t mark me.” You looked up at him and pouted. “That’s a little unfair.”
“Oh, don’t worry chica, I’ll mark you up so everyone knows,” Rafael promised a light growl entering his voice as his arms tightened around you playfully.
“Good,” you nodded a little giddy at the thought of being marked by him. “You haven’t got anything on tomorrow do you?”
“Only staying in this bed with you for the majority of the morning, then taking you out for brunch and anything else you want to do,” Rafael stroked his fingers up and down your spine. “If that is also something you would like.”
“Hell yes Mr Lawyer, no take backies either,” you nuzzled into his neck, before teasingly nipping at the skin.
“No take backies?” Rafael laughed. “So juvenile, Chica.”
“It works and everyone knows what it means, not like your fancy lawyer talk,” you shrugged. “I mean seriously, why do lawyers need all those long arse words to say the same thing as no take backies?”
“Well, when you say it like that it does sound ridiculous,” you could almost hear the eye roll that accompanied his words. “As a counter argument, why do librarians feel the need to use something like the dewy decimal system to sort books?”
“Cause it makes it a shit tone easier to shelve books via subject and it actually makes it easier for readers to find what they want,” you answered leaning up to look at him, an eyebrow raised. “You give the person the number of the book, they find the shelf with that number and then they just look for the number of the book rather than the name. And they’ll be in numerical order as well.”
“Well…” Rafael didn’t quite have a response to that. “Clearly if you can think that clearly to make a valid argument I didn’t exhaust you enough.”
“Resorting to commentary about your sexual prowess? Isn’t that normally your partners job? Though since you are resorting to that I guess that means I managed to muddle your brain.”
“You and Liv are never meeting,” Rafael muttered.
“Aw, am I teasing you too much, baby?”
Rafael tugged you closer to him, his fingers digging into your side as he tickled you in response. You tried to stop the giggling that was raising up but as you tried to wiggle away from his teasing fingers the laughter escaped you. Rafael managed to trap you against him as he continued to tickle you, his own laughter joining yours as you continued to playfully fight against him. Rafael started to blow raspberries against your neck before sucking on the skin to mark you as you wanted. Your body started to heat in a different way but you didn’t think you could handle another round so soon.
“Rafael, stop!” you giggled squirming away from his mouth and fingers. You expected Rafael to ignore you but he once again surprised you by backing away immediately, his arms holding you loosely around your waist. “You stopped?”
“You asked me to,” Rafael shrugged, his green eyes soft as he ran his nose along your cheek. You looped your arms around his neck kissing along his jaw.  
“Rafael, I am so glad I met you,” you whispered. Rafael felt his heart skip a beat at your confession, a warmth of happiness flooding his veins.
“I am as well, Carino,” Rafael pressed a soft kiss to your lips, his hands holding you oh so gently.
Olivia would be getting two really nice bottles of wine and so much chocolate.
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evan4ever · 9 months
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Why am I fantasizing over a 52 year old man?????
Why do all the LOMLs have to be significantly older than me 🥲 WHY AM I ATTRACTED TO OLDER MEN???
But yeah, sorry, my current obsession is Rafael Barba (Raul Esparza) so I’ve been sidetracked in writing for Evan WHOM I STILL LOVE AND ADORE WITH MY WHOLE HEART I just need time to obsess over this beautiful old man for awhile 😭
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mx-pastelwriting · 8 months
Kinktober Day 12: Phone Sex
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Rafael Barba x GN! Reader
Summary: Rafael being stuck late at the office till he gets a call from you.
Warnings: Smut, Phone sex, Masterbation
Kinktober Masterlist
Minors do not interact!
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Sighing with slummed shoulders before picking up the buzzing phone, Rafael perked up in his seat, hearing your velvet voice come through. “How’s my Rafie?” You ask with a teasing tone. Not seeing as you lay in bed with no clothes on wishing for him, “Missing you,” he says a bit breathy as thoughts race with you speaking in that tone.
“Alone?” Your question makes his soft cock twitch in his pants; having done this many times on restless nights, he knew “Yes,” he whispers while his hands travel down, palming himself. "Good." Hearing you moan a gasp escapes as he fights against fabric.
“Please” He moans finally undoing his pants feeling what you did, More moans spill into the phone as your hands quicken in pace making his cock leak with pre-cum. “Fuck” he groans, imagining as if you were, there taking care of his hardened cock, “Rafael” Pushing him further to cumming as you moan out his name.
"Fuck, I’m close." He breathes out quickening his hand, “Cum for me” You moan in response giving all of what he needed. Moans mix through the phone as he cums onto the desk as you ride out yours. Breaths catch as both ride out your high, still wishing one was there to clean each other up.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Taglist: @mysunfishpeedinmyroom @the1redrose
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commander----shepard · 7 months
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When he does THAT face........
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cathrrrine · 5 months
based on this incorrect quote i posted
how the svu characters would react to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” text
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Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Fin Tutuola
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Elliot Stabler
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Part 2!
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Kinktober Day 8
Day Seven | 🌹Kinktober Masterlist🌹 | Day Nine
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Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting with ANY of these Kinktober prompts will be blocked.
Warnings: Cockwarming; restraints; spanking; impact play; Dom/Brat dynamics; choking; rough sex; oral sex; vaginal sex; cum shot; cum play
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Your thighs ached where they were stretched across Rafael’s lap in a straddle. Your hands hooked together behind his back, your arms curled around his shoulders. You had only just managed to lull yourself into focusing on your breathing, not in the feeling of him tucked between your thighs.
Oh—no. The reminder made your pussy throb around him, your body going warm with muted embarrassment. He gave a questioning hum at the feeling, and you shook your head just a little, your chin making a soft shushing noise as it brushed against his shirt and suspenders.
"Sorry," You mumbled. "Won't happen again."
"Yes it will." He didn't say it meanly, and you didn't take it meanly, either. It was just a fact. It happened every time you did this. It was an inevitability.
"You alright?" He added.
"Your legs asleep?"
"Mmm..." You curled your toes, giving your legs a gentle swing. Your legs felt strained; your thigh was beginning to cramp just a little. "Getting there."
"Green," You insisted, crushing your body closer against his. Rafael chuckled softly. You heard him turn a page, felt his arms shift against your sides as he took up a pen and returned to his work.
"Alright," He soothed before he fell silent again, refocusing on his work. You took in a deep breath, letting your eyes slide closed. Just focus on your breathing. Focus on your breathing, and not on the warm body pressed up against you. Focus on your breathing, and not on the feeling of his breath against your bare shoulder. Focus on your breathing, and not on the—
You bit your lip, fighting back a whimper as you felt Rafael's cock hardening.
"Rafa," You mumbled weakly.
"I can't help it," He purred, nuzzling into your neck as he lowered a hand to rest on your lower back. "You're being so good for me."
Your cunt clutched around him again, and you gave an experimental roll of your hips, but Rafael tutted softly, stilling you.
"Did I tell you to move?"
You pouted as you sagged into him.
"No," You grumbled.
"So what exactly do you think you're doing?"
"...Alleviating a leg cramp?"
"You're an awful liar."
"Am not."
"Are you sure you want to start down that road?"
If you wanted to cum, the right answer was no. If you wanted to annoy Rafael, the right answer was yes. And sure, you'd been on his lap for nearly two hours, but Rafael had come home early just to burrow into his office to work. What else were you supposed to do, just wait for him to be finished? 
"I'm waiting," He added. Ugh, he was so impatient. Damnit, you wanted to cum so badly, and if you just kept your mouth shut—
You leaned back, your body almost syrupy as you shifted fully for the first time in two hours. You fixed Rafael with a stern gaze as you propped your elbows up on the desk behind you, arching a brow. Rafael's expression remained neutral, but you could see the twinkling of mirth in his warm, dark eyes. As good as his poker face was, he couldn't seem to resist trailing his eyes covetously over your naked body, drifting over your breasts, his tongue darting out over his lips as his gaze settled on where the two of you were joined.
"I am not an awful liar," You insisted.
"Sweetheart, if I got you in front of a grand jury, they would vote to indict."  
"On being a shitty liar?"
"This, right now, right here."
"Not enough to build a case."
"You want me to establish a pattern?"
"I would love for you to, but you have jack shit, Barba."
"When I asked you who ate the last yogurt last week?"
"We only thought it was the last one. You found another behind the eggs."
"You still pretended that you hadn't eaten what we thought was the last one."
"Because I knew, deep down, that it was not."
"Deep down isn't going to be enough for a jury."
"Neither is this weak sauce."
"Fine. Your cousin's engagement."
"Expand on that."
"You told your cousin that you had no idea when she was being proposed to—"
"That you hadn't seen a ring—"
"And knew of no plans that her boyfriend had."
"All lies."
"Yes, but all lies for a greater good. And, may I add, all convincing lies. She had no idea that it would happen and thanked me for keeping the secret once she knew the truth. Your case isn't holding water here, Barba."
"Swiss cheese. Full'a holes."
"Tell me this, then."
"Is your leg still cramping?"
You bit down on the inside of your cheek, keeping your gaze steadily on Rafael's.
"It's a yes or no question."
“Yes. Or. No.” 
Your smile widened as you feel Rafael’s cock twitch inside of you. 
“Is this turning you on, Mr. Barba?” You shifted against the desk, giving a subtle roll of your hips as you did. He groaned lowly, hands raising to grasp your hips and still at you. You grinned as his nails dug into your skin. 
“You are wading into dangerous territory, little girl.”
“Little girl,” You repeated with a chuckle. “You are pissed off.” 
“I’m supposed to be working.”
“You’ve been working all day, and now you’re dreaming up my imaginary indictment. That is a lot of work.” 
Rafael didn’t answer for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. 
“You told your niece that she couldn’t have any of your ‘grape juice’ when it was not in fact grape juice,” He offered.
“Doing the opposite would’ve classed as endangerment.”
“You cheated on your high school spanish final.” 
“I told you that in confidence. And besides, I got away with it. I am an amazing liar….Which is not to say that I was lying to you earlier.” 
“I don’t believe you.” Rafael’s hands snaked around your back, thumbs sweeping tenderly over the base of your spine. 
“Well, I can’t help that. So?” You wriggled in his lap. Rafael’s smile widened before he slid his hand back around, slapping your hip. 
“Get back in position.” 
Your smile fell swiftly, brow furrowing. 
“But I thought—”
“You thought wrong.” 
“You’re not playing fair.” 
“Yes, I am.” 
“You know the rules—” 
“Oh, come on—”
“And you know the consequences.” 
You did know, and the reminder made your skin tingle. You were already set for a walloping for moving without his permission. You weren’t sure what you’d get for mouthing off—you didn’t think you’d even have to atone for that one tonight. Knowing Rafael, he’d have you writing lines on nightly for a week. It was one of his favorite punishments, and you were certain that it was because he knew how much you disliked it. 
If you leaned back into Rafael now, your punishment would probably be fairly minimal—but not an absolute zero. You’d already committed two indiscretions. You swallowed thickly before you shrugged, giving your hips a blatant shove against his. 
“Care to refresh my memory, counselor?” 
“Hands behind your back.” 
The order was chased by the clanking of his belt buckle, and a hand nudging you toward his bed. You knelt up on the bed, tucking your hands behind your back, a thrill running through you as you felt the leather being looped, then tightened around them. He gave you another push, bending you forward onto the sheets. You rested your head against them, biting your lip as Rafael smoothed his hand up over your bare backside, then rested a steadying hand on your lower back. You could feel him watching you, waiting for you to call it off. He always gave you a little grace period when things were headed toward the rougher side. 
“Color?” He asked.
You’d hardly gotten the word out before Rafael’s hand came down on your backside with a deafening crack! Your eyes slipped shut, mouth falling open as you leaned into the sting. 
“Count,” Rafael ordered, sliding his hand over the heated flesh. You swallowed thickly, managing to croak out, “One,” just before the second blow fell. You shivered, feeling his fingers brush against your flushed cunt as he drew away. 
Rafael leveled blow after blow after blow, giving you just moments to catch your breath and count aloud before his hand doled out its punishment again. By the time you reached twenty-four, you could hear Rafael panting behind you. He drew in a deep breath, murmuring, “One more.” 
The hand came down, bypassing your hot, tender ass, and landing across your plumped, slick pussy. You yowled, turning your head to quiet some of the sound as your cunt throbbed, sending a ripple of pleasurable pain through you. Fuck, the bastard knew what he was doing. 
“Twenty-five,” You finally mumbled, tongue thick and heavy in your mouth. You heard a thud and glanced back just enough to see Rafael on his knees. He grasped your hips, tugging you back until your legs dangled off of the bed. He dove in, tongue laving your slick opening. You whimpered at the hot slide, at the feeling of him moaning against you. He leaned back and spat, trailing his fingers through your juices before replacing his tongue. You could hear the filthy sound of him grasping his cock, jerking it as he feasted on your pussy. 
“Rafa,” You mumbled, pushing your hips back against him. “I need you inside me—Fuck, fuck that feels so—mm…”
You glanced back as Rafael drew away, standing. His hair had sprung from his neat coif, a few strands bowing over his forehead as he grasped his cock. He caught your eye, holding your gaze as he thrust into you . The two of you both cursed as he sank into your wet heat, feeling you clench around him. He reached down, using the belt around your wrists to tug you into kneeling on the bed. You wobbled, widening your stance to steady yourself as he began to pound into you. He curled his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest, groaning and growling against your skin. His hand came up, tweaking and slapping your nipples. Each little sting brought you closer and closer to the edge. 
You rested your head back against his shoulder, grinning as his hand snaked up to your throat. You nodded, breathing, “Yes,” As he tightened his grip. Rafael nipped your shoulder as he hammered his hips against yours, using the grasp on your neck to guide your body down against his thick length. 
“Can you cum just like this?” He murmured. 
“Yes, Rafael.” 
“Go on, then,” He urged, “Tighten up on that cock—Fuck, that’s it, just like that.” 
You whimpered, hands grasping together as you came harshly, hips bounding against his. Rafael’s hold on your neck kept you from hinging forward and landing in the sheets. He kept thrusting as you came down from your high, pace as rapid and strong as before. You were startled when he pulled out and took hold of your arms, ordering, “Get down.” 
You let him guide you to sit on the floor beside the bed, gazing up at him with cock-drunk eyes. He stood over you, panting, his hand jacking his cock with a filthy squelch and slide. You opened your mouth sticking your tongue out and waggling it back and forth. He groaned, his head tipping back as spurts of hot cum covered your face and mouth. You sighed softly, leaning up and lapping at the head, then giving it a light sucking kiss that made his hips jolt.
Rafael braced his hands on the bed behind your head, carefully lowering himself to sit on the floor beside you. The two of you sat quietly for a few moments, watching one another. He reached up, gathering a few stray drops of cum and holding his finger up. You opened your mouth, sucking the finger between your lips, and smiling as he grinned and chuckled. 
“You dirty little thing,” He murmured fondly. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he reached behind you, undoing the belt holding your wrists together. Your aching arms sagged once they were released. You rolled your wrists, raising your hands and eyeing the indentation left by the leather. You needed to move, and soon. Your ass was throbbing viciously—though the cool wood floor felt nicer than you'd thought it would. Rafael gathered you into his chest, pressing another kiss to your temple. 
"We should get cleaned up," He urged.
"Mm...In a minute."
"Alright. Are you feeling okay?"
"Hungry, thirsty?"
"Both. But don't move yet, please."
“My leg wasn’t cramping.” 
“Prosecution rests.”
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @recklessworry ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ; @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @wild-rose-35 ; @daisyslibrary ; @informally-liz ; @andrastesflamingtitties ; @muchacha-encabronada ; @nerdygirl0414; @elen-aranel ; @ohbee-whatcanyoube ; @kmc1989 ; @quietpainter ; @thedreadandthefugitivemind ; @kaletastrophes ; @nyx2021
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wosowrites · 1 year
They Know (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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Warnings: ⚠️sexual topics⚠️
A/N: More of a ficlet tbh. also let’s pretend viv isn’t an @cl victim rn
Prompt: In which your teammates say something to you and viv that takes you both by surprise
You had just finished playing a game in which Arsenal had won 3-0 against Manchester City. You had officially scored your first hat trick for the club. You had been at Arsenal for seven months now, having made friendships that you knew would last forever. You had gotten especially close with Leah Williamson, Rafaelle Souza, Katie McCabe, and the one and only, Vivianne Miedema.
You walked into the changing room last, most of the team already sitting in the room. Jonas had held you back, telling you that the media wanted a quick interview. You had obliged, but by the time you were back in the changing room, Jonas still wasn’t back. "Hey! There’s the magician!" Leah said, walking up to you and grabbing your face, pressing her forehead to yours and smiling at you wildly. "Thanks, Lee Lee,"you laughed, using the nickname you knew she hated. "I’ll let it slide this time, y/l/n," Leah said, regaining her cubby. The next person to congratulate you, was your secret situationship. You guys weren’t anything specific, just having a little fun. But you knew you wanted more. You wanted her.
Viv high fived you, giving you eyes you both thought no one else would notice. "Oh please, i can’t take it anymore! you guys are high fiving each other as though you haven’t been fucking for like, three months." Katie said.
It was needless to say that Katie’s words sent a shockwave through your body, making you choke and start coughing ridiculously. "Katie, what the hell?" Viv said, a hand on your back as you we’re still doubled over. "Oh come on! I’m saying what everyone’s thinking." Katie said, looking around the room and receiving amused nods from every player. Most of them were obviously trying not to loose it, Gio and Lotte were so red from keeping their laugh in, you thought they were going to pass out.
"Okay, you shits all have two minutes to laugh." You said, glaring at the room.
And thus how the arsenal women’s locker room got louder than it ever was. Most players were crying by the time the two minutes were up. "Are you gonna let us explain now?" Viv asked. "So you’re not denying you’ve been fucking?" Katie asked. "No" Viv said. "Yes." You answered. "Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?" Kim said. "Come on y/n… they know." Viv said, ignoring Kim and looking at you. "Fine. They know. Everyone knows. But how? We were hiding it really well!" You said. "You’re joking? Right?" Manu asked. "Welp. There were three main tellers." She then added.
Three months ago.
It was the night after your first hookup, you had both woken up in a slight panic. You barely spoke to each other, trying your best not too look at each others bodies will putting your training gear back on. You slipped on a pair of shorts and your training jersey, and then mumbled something to Viv before rushing out the door and driving to training.
"Do we say anything?" Leah whispered to Rafa, eyeing the number 11 written on the short you we’re wearing. "Uhm… I don’t know about you but I don’t want to have that conversation with them." Rafa said, Leah and Rafa’s eyes drifting in sync towards Vivianne who was passing the ball with Beth, a clearly visible number 29 on her shorts. "They’re officially hooking up." Leah said, snickering.
The captain and the brazilian had both made the mistake of telling Katie about the shorts incident, and soon enough, Katie had told everyone. But the rest of the team managed to keep in on the down low, telling Katie that if she uttered a word about it to the dutch forward and the swedish midfielder, that they would get Ruesha involved. That was enough to shut up the irish woman.
Two months ago.
The next incident was small, but said so much. Viv’s apartment had the most beautiful floor to ceiling windows in the bedroom, letting the light pour into the room every morning. On one particular sunday, when the London sky was the crispest of blues, Vivianne posted a picture of the sky through her windows, and on the bedside table, we’re three rings. It was known to anyone who had ever been around you while you weren’t in your soccer kit, that you loved rings. Your favorite three were silver, a plain thick silver band, a smaller silver band with a heart, and a zig zaggy ring. The exact three rings from the bedside table.
"They’re actually stupid." Rafa said, the entire team but you both huddled around Leah’s phone and watching the story. "They think they’re slick." Leah added.
"What’s up guys?" you said, walking into the changing room with Viv trailing behind.
Leah basically threw her phone across the room, and the whole team disspersed quickly.
"Just-uhm-" Leah stuttered, scurrying over to the far corner to grab her phone from the floor. Luckily for her, Jonas walked in and started talking about what they would be focusing on in training today.
"Saved by the Jonas." Jen whispered to Leah who had taken her seat back at her spot, glaring at the cracked screen on her phone.
A week ago
It had been a particularly rainy day at training, and you were all completely soaked. You had all showered, enjoying the warm water immensely. You were the last to walk out of the shower, a sports bra on and your shorts riding low. When you walked into the changing room, everyone subtly looked at Viv, waiting to see her reaction. "Hey Viv, can you throw me my hoodie?" You asked at the entrance. "I took the wrong one." You asked, standing in the doorway.
Viv didn’t answer, just seemingly zoned out on your stomach. "Viv!" Manu said, snapping her fingers in the forwards face. "Mhm! Shirt! Yeah!" She said, grabbing your hoodie and tossing it to you. "Thank you." You said, turning away quickly and hoping no one saw your massive blush.
They all saw the blush, and the way Viv’s eyes traced your stomach when you entered the room, and they all definitely saw her eyes on your ass as you walked out the room.
Present day:
The girls had just finished explaining all the reasons why they knew about you and Viv, all of them smiling at you both cheekily.
"I did not give you 'fuck me' eyes" Viv said, turning to you. "Oh you definitely did. You looked like you were trying not to groan every time we changed." Katie teased. "I hate all of you." Viv answered, making you smile at her. "Oh my god! Now y/n’s giving Viv 'fuck me' eyes!" Katie yelled. "I was just smiling at her you leprechaun!" You yelled, throwing your shin pad at her.
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 7 months
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Okie dokie my lovely readers! Here is chapter Five of Dating App now it does end a little on a non suspenseful cliffhanger and I promise that the next chapter will be worth the wait!
So there is also about a three week timeskip at the start and about three days around the half way point of this chapter.
Warnings: Masturbation. Dirty minds. Semi public (in office behind a closed door).
Master List
Prompt List
One , Two , Three , Four , Six
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It had been almost three weeks since you had been able to see Rafael, the two of you had messaged back and forth every day. You had learned a lot about the man, such as the fact that he needed at least three coffees a day more often than not that was the minimum requirement, one of them had to be as soon as he wakes up otherwise he is a little grumpy, and he can be a little petulant when you mention how adorable you thought he was as he complained to you about the coffee at the court house.  He even sent you a photo of himself pouting, you saved that straight away.
Rafael always messages in full sentences, with near perfect grammar and punctuation. However, you learnt that when he was beyond tired after a day of court and then spending hours preparing for cross the next day he could become adorably nonsensical with some of his messages, the perfect grammar and punctuation slowly leaving as each hour passed. The petulance would come back in full force if you gently told him that he had to go to sleep, you worked out two ways to get him to sleep, one that if you promised to give him lots of kisses when you next saw him he would go to sleep. Or you hoped he did, he stopped responding to your messages at least. The other was video calling him, and you preferred this option as it allowed you to see that he did actually go to bed and sleep, as you wouldn’t hung up until he was asleep. You were also shown the petulance in its full glory as he tried to negotiate with you, thankfully you weren’t bound by law or court etiquette so you used all the weapons at your disposal to get him to relent. Including promises of more than kisses and perhaps a continuation of what happened in his office. That would sometimes backfire, as Rafael’s eyes would darken and his voice would become a husky grumble, still tinged with sleep as he asked for evidence of these promises. In the end it still resulted in him falling asleep but it was harder to get him to agree.  
You also learned how to tell when he had been having a good day in court and when he’d had a bad day. You made sure to do whatever you could to do make his day better when court had been tough, by sending him updates of everything going on in the library, sending him photos of your different outfits and makeup for the day, as inspired by different gods and goddesses. Even though you hadn’t been unable to meet up with him it hadn’t changed how you felt at all, in fact you think it only helped your feelings grow. Although the two of you couldn’t do exactly what you guys promised on your second date, Rafael insisted that you still read the amber quartet series to him over the phone. He claimed being able to listen to your voice helped to relax him after a tough day, hearing that you were all too happy to read him a couple chapters a night.
Rafael showed that he could be romantic even without seeing you, he had sent flowers and even chocolates to the library twice since your lunch, both thanking you and apologising for not being to be meet up with you. Not wanting him to be the only one being romantic, you sent him some flowers back, with a hidden meaning. You sent him a bouquet with peonies, matthiola incana, red chrysanthemum, and carnations, trying to portray that you could see yourself falling deeply for him. Something that was already happening. The response you had gotten from that had been endearing as hell, Rafael called you right away after he got them, he stumbled over his words and he sounded flustered, you really wanted to see if his cheeks were red, because that would have been the most adorable sight.
That had been three days ago, the messages had been fewer but Rafael had told you that the court case had just gotten difficult and so he might not be able to message you. You stared at your phone and the message sitting in-front of you.
‘So, I know that your case is difficult at the moment, but when it is over I was wondering if you would like to come over to mine for dinner? And maybe, if you wanted to of course, you could stay the night.’
You hadn’t sent it yet the nerves in your stomach stopping you. Of course you knew that he wouldn’t have an issue with it, in the past few weeks there had been plenty of indications that the both of you wanted to be more intimate with each other. But there was still that small part of you that was worried he would say no, that was nervous about taking that step with him.
“Come on, pull on your big girl pants and send it,” you groused to yourself. You took a mouthful of your wine, swallowing it while closing your eyes and hitting send. “Okay, so I did that. It’s fine, it’s so totally fine.”
You drained the rest of your wine as you grabbed the bottle to pour yourself another glass, to wait for Rafael’s response. It was late but you weren’t working tomorrow so you figured you could get away with a rare late night wine session. You bit your lip as you looked through some of the photos Rafael had sent throughout the weeks. A lot of them were similar to the first one he ever sent, dishevelled appearance with more and more of his shirt buttons undone. You paused on a few of the ones he sent when the two of you had been messaging late at night when he was grumpy. He had angled the phone to capture his strong thighs clad in his suit pants, with the zipper undone and his cock tenting his boxers. You felt a curl of pleasure in your lower stomach as you stretched out on the couch, your bare legs bent and spread. You flicked through some more photos of the same vein, one with his hand cupping his cock through his pants, another showing his entire body as Rafael bit his lip and grabbed himself.
Images of what could happen the night he stayed over played through your mind as you remembered how his cock felt as you sat on his lap kissing him, his hands grabbing your ass. Your mind played out what could have happened if you hadn’t been interrupted, you imagined Rafael manhandling you until you were laid out on the couch, as he buried his head between your thighs, drawing moans and whimpers from you. You imagined him hovering over you as he slowly pushed himself inside of you. As these images played through your mind, you trailed your hand down your stomach, slipping under your panties and swirled your fingers around your clit.
Rafael could feel another headache starting just behind his eyes. This case was almost over, maybe another two days and it would be closing arguments, the defence was just throwing character witness’ at the jury, one of which had opened up a can of worms but the detectives had dug a little and hopefully found something he could use tomorrow when he cross-examined this witness. He had always had an issue when defence would have an insane number of character witnesses, but he especially felt it with this case. It had been almost three weeks, three long weeks since he had been able to see you, see his Chica. The messages and video calls had been amazing, you showed a clear concern for his health, bartering with him to get him to sleep, it was adorable to see you negotiate with him. You of course had an advantage, he was finding it very difficult to say no to you. He didn’t want to disappoint you, and it was slowly becoming clear that all you had to do was flutter your lashes, pout a little at him and use a tone that was a mixture of coy, shy and seductive.  
He was pleasantly surprised when you had sent him flowers, along with a cute little note stating that you thought men should get flowers and that you were giving him a little test to work out the little message the flowers had. He had brought up a flower language website so fast, the flowers were all about adoration, romance, bashfulness, happiness, passion, fascination and new love. Rafael didn’t think he had ever felt so flustered when he read the meanings of the flowers, nor had he ever stumbled so much over his words when he rang you. Nor had he ever felt so adored by someone before. He had worried that you would lose interest in him, finally see that a relationship with him meant going potentially weeks without being able to see him, that it would involve making plans for dates but having to cancel them and not even being able to have you come to his office. But you hadn’t shown any sign of that, you always sent him a good morning and good night message along with ones spattered throughout the day, trying what you could to help him relax.
Rafael sighed, a groan of frustration leaving his lips as he slumped into the couch at his office. He knew he should probably go home but he needed to be focused for the cross tomorrow, plus he had to go over the evidence of other cases and start on warrants for the detectives. Liv and the others had done what they could but even they couldn’t prevent how much work could pile up on his desk. His phone vibrated on the desk drawing his eyes from the papers in-front of him. God he hoped this wasn’t a message telling him one of his cases was about to blow up. Again. But all the exhaustion and frustration of the day disappeared when he saw your contact name.
‘So, I know that your case is difficult at the moment, but when it is over I was wondering if you would like to come over to mine for dinner? And maybe, if you wanted to of course, you could stay the night.’
Rafael stared at the words on the screen. He swallowed as heat coursed through his body, you wanted him to stay the night. He thought that you might be interested in moving things forward from the conversations you had had, including some of the incentives you had given him to get some sleep. And you weren’t necessarily shy, although you could ask for what you wanted he found that you would get a little bashful about asking. He wondered how long it took for you to send this message.
‘That sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate the end of this case. And there is nothing more I would like to do then spend the night. Hopefully, this case should be over in about three days but I will keep you updated, of course.’
He sent through his response, adding a heart emoji onto the end of the message. And with that Rafael couldn’t focus on his trial prep, all his mind could think of was spending the night with you. He tried not to let his mind get away, but after some of the video calls the two of you had shared he found it incredibly difficult. He knew what you would look like above him, but now he was imagining what you would look like underneath him, stretched out head thrown back in ecstasy and what noises he could drag from your lips. He felt himself harden, his cock straining against his pants as the images played through his mind. He felt his body heat as he palmed himself to relieve some of the tension, a soft groan slipping from his lips, he glanced briefly at the door trying to remember if he had locked it after closing it.  
“Fuck it,” he muttered deciding that it was too late for anyone else to still be around. He quickly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants to pull his aching hard cock out.
He didn’t have any lube available so he closed his eyes and licked his hand, imagining that it was you licking his hand, sucking on his fingers. He wrapped a hand around his cock slowly stroking himself as he allowed his mind to go where it wished to. He saw you on your knees in-between his legs as you teasingly sucked on the head of his cock. Your gorgeous eyes staring up at him, a beautiful red flush on your cheeks. He bit down on his other hand in an attempt to quiet the noises coming out of his mouth. His phone was beside him on the couch ignored as he focused on his pleasure until it started to buzz consistently. He wanted to ignore it but he vaguely recalled having messaged you and he didn’t want to ignore you, even for his own pleasure.
You had just considered getting up to get one of your toys when your phone buzzed.
‘That sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate the end of this case. And there is nothing more I would like to do then spend the night. Hopefully, this case should be over in about three days but I will keep you updated, of course.’
You grinned at Rafael’s response glad that he was excited at the prospect of spending the night. Your pleasure hadn’t ebbed away when you read his response, it instead grew as the possibilities you had played in your mind as you fingered yourself suddenly became a lot more possible. You dragged yourself up from your couch and travelled to your bedroom, glass of wine in one hand and your phone in the other. You quickly set up your room, lighting some candles and turning on the fairy lights you had strung up over the canopy of your four poster bed before you dug around in your drawer for your external vibrator. The wine had gone a little bit to your head, as you took a photo of your bed and your room all set up to send to Rafael. You sent another one with a towel and your toy sitting on top of it. And then other one after you had changed into a green set of lingerie that you thought would be perfect to wear for your first night with Rafael. You had purchased it as soon as you saw it, as you believed it would almost match his eyes.
‘I thought a little preview was in order. A little gift for you. My poor man is working so hard.’
‘I thought a little preview was in order. A little gift for you. My poor man is working so hard.’
“Fuck Chica,” Rafael groaned his hand speeding up as he stared at the photo of you in the most gorgeous set of lingerie he had ever seen.
A gorgeous green, with lace trimmings and a sheer, gauzy material that almost showed everything but it was designed to hide the parts of your body that he longed to see. His stomach tensed as his pleasure reached its peak as he imagined you laying under him in that lingerie set as he mouthed at your breasts and teased your clit through your panties. His cum covered his hand, some drops on his pants that had it been a different situation he probably would be frustrated but he didn’t care. He cleaned up the mess his cock had made before he took a photo of his face showing his flushed skin, lips red from his teeth having bitten them.
‘Chica, you are going to drive me insane.’ He attached the photo and sent his message off before he saved all the photos you sent. Your bedroom looked exactly how he thought it would, cozy and romantic. And he desperately wanted to see it in person. He would actually consider murdering the defence if they did anything to make this trial go any longer than three days. But he would kiss them if they stopped calling witnesses and allowed the trial to end earlier. He decided to call it a night, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate at all now.
You stared at the photo that Rafael had sent you and a part of you just knew that he had taken this photo after he had cum. His cheeks were flushed just so and his lips looked bitten and his eyes, god his eyes were burning and had a satisfied look in them that you desperately wanted to see as he hovered above you.
“Oh fuck,” you groaned as the heat inside you built, you held the vibrator against your clit, hips rolling in pleasure. You sat your phone done so you could tease your breasts altering between them as you pulled at your nipples.  You imagined Rafael above you, thrusting inside you and biting at your neck, the imagine was all you needed as your pleasure reach its peak, your walls fluttered as your clit throbbed as your orgasm flooded through you.
You breathed deeply allowing the last thrums of pleasure to roll through you before you removed the vibrator. Humming you opened your phone again to the photo Rafael sent, bit your lip. You weren’t a religious person but you prayed that the case would be over in three days or less. The need you felt for Rafael was like nothing you had ever felt before, it grew and grew every single day.
“Girl you need to get laid,” Lily muttered after you had snapped at some teenagers making a mess.
“I’m trying to,” you snarked.
“Wait…you guys haven’t?” Lily walked beside you on the way to the break room.
“I haven’t seen Rafael in three weeks, this current case apparently become a shit show,” you shrugged. “He’s going to stay the night after the case is over.”
“And that is?”
“Hopefully tomorrow night,” you groaned. “Lily, that man is making me feel things I haven’t felt for someone before.”
Lily grinned wrapping an arm around your waist as she pulled you close.
“And what about Rafael? Any indication that he feels the same?”
“Yes, I think so at least,” you nodded, a soft smile pulling at your frown as a soft blush swept up your neck to your cheeks. “We’ve messaged a lot, including video chats and he is definitely interested. I had a bit too much wine the other night and may have sent a spicer photo then normal and he definitely enjoyed that.”
“Ooh girl, who are you?” she teased.
You shrugged grinning at Lily as you briefly wondered that yourself. You have never sent a photo like you did to Rafael, you had never felt comfortable enough for that. But Rafael made you feel comfortable and safe, you couldn’t explain why after only a short time you felt that way. But honestly you didn’t care. You liked how Rafael made you feel, and you didn’t want it to go away.
“I don’t know but I kinda like it,” you giggled.
“Well, let’s  hope you get laid tomorrow cause you seeing you death glare teenagers dressed as Athena is a little terrifying,” Lily patted your head. “And we can’t go scaring people from our library.”
“Hm, let’s hope,” you hummed in agreement.
Rafael barely waited long enough for the Judge to leave, barely waited enough for the victim and their family to thank him before he rushed out to the courtroom and to his office. Ignoring the detectives, he briefly waved over his shoulder when Liv called his name.
“Can’t stop, dinner,” he rushed out. His pulse was thundering as he quickly packed his office, telling Carmen to not interrupt him under any circumstances for tonight and tomorrow. Maybe even the next day, he hadn’t quite decided that. He paused only long enough to send you a text message letting you know that he would be over to yours by 6 at the latest.
‘I can’t wait to see you Rafael, I’ve missed you.’
Rafael grinned at your reply as his uber arrived, he continuously tapped his leg in a little anxious pattern until he arrived at his apartment. He didn’t think he had ever rushed quite so much packing a bag as he did tonight. He debated having a shower and changing but after a quick look in the mirror he decided against it. He knew you thoroughly liked how he looked dishevelled in a suit and figured he could have a quick shower at your place, maybe with you. That would be incredibly enjoyable.  He ordered another Uber to get to yours, stopping to pick up some flowers on the way.
In what felt like hours he arrived at your apartment. Taking a deep breathe he keyed your apartment number into the buzzer and waited for you to answer.
The sound of your intercom going off set your heart racing. You hesitated briefly before answering.
“Hello? Rafael?” you asked, there was no-one else it could be.
“Hey Chica,” Rafael’s voice soothed something inside of you. The nerves calming a little.
“I’ll buzz you up, I’m the fourth floor, left after you get out of the elevators and near the end,” you breathed hitting the unlock button.
“Thanks,” Rafael said before you heard the sound of the door opening.
You rushed to your room, checking yourself one last time in your mirror making sure there wasn’t anything out of place. Your hair fell loosely down your back, you decided to forego make up tonight, and chose a formfitting dress with just the peek of green lace showing at the top. In a short time a knock on the door had you wondering back to the entrance. Your eyes cast over the candles that you had lit throughout your apartment, the kitchen table set for two, a bottle of wine and a glass of scotch waiting. You also had your aroma diffuser going with the scent of cherry blossoms. You smoothed down the front of your dress, taking one last breathe before you opened the door. And that breathe rushed out of you the second your eyes saw him.
It looked like he had run here straight from court. A bag held in one hand and white rose held in his other. His green eyes simmered with a heat as he took you in, the simmer growing when he saw the green lace peeking out the top from your dress. He was man enough to admit that he struggled to pull his eyes away from your cleavage but he managed to if only because your eyes caught his.
“My eyes are up here, Sir,” you teased opening the door wider to allow him in. “Come on in.”
“Thank you Chica,” he grinned, as he passed you he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You look ravishing tonight.”  You smiled ducking your head a little as pink dusted your cheeks.
“So do you,” you tried for a similar tone in your voice that Rafael had but you didn’t quite succeed. Your voice was breathless, because Rafael did look…delicious. With his suit not quite perfect, the tie loose and buttons undone. His hair ruffled and messy.
You watched as Rafael took in your apartment, you kept it clean and tidy. You had bookshelves along the back wall of your open floor plan, the shelves had fairy lights and fake plants decorating them. More fake plants decorated your coffee table and other little nerdy items were scattered throughout your apartment. You felt comfortable and happy in your apartment and never second guessed any of your choices for decorations. Rafael did a small circle noting a glass of scotch waiting beside a plate on the table, you grinned as you noticed the slight hitch in his eyebrow and the soft look on his face as he took everything in.
“You have a lovely home,” Rafael walked towards you. “I picked these up for you.”
“They’re gorgeous Rafael, thank you,” you said reaching out to take them from him but you didn’t step away from him right away. You stepped closer, looking up at him through your lashes, before looking down at his lips and then back up to his eyes.
“Is there something you want carino?” He asked hands taking hold of your hips and tugging you softly.
“Hm, I thought it was you who wanted something,” you countered. “Last I checked it was you who petulantly begged for kisses.”
“Petulantly begged?” Rafael whispered lowering his head until his lips hovered over yours.
“Mhmm,” you nodded. “You going to deny it?”
“Do I get a kiss if I agree?” he asked.
“Well, I mean you did bring me gorgeous flowers,”  you started, purposefully biting your bottom lip. “And I heard you won your case as well.”
“Oh, does winning get me a kiss then? Even if I deny that I begged?” Rafael grinned.
“We both know that you did beg but I will still give you a kiss for winning,” you nodded. “Plus I haven’t seen you in three weeks.”
“Which is just far too long, I’m sorry-”
“Ah no, there is no need for that Rafael,” you smiled cupping his cheek with your free hand. “I was fully aware that this could happen. You’re here now.”
He opened his mouth, probably to try and apologise again but you were not having it. You decided the best way to get him to stop and to distract him from even thinking about it was to kiss him. You pressed your lips against his, causing him to startle a little at the sudden contact, a huff of air escaping him as his lips curled up into a smile, before he started kissing you back. You pulled away before it could get too heated, as you had cooked a rather nice meal and as much as you wanted to finally get him naked you wanted to have a nice meal and talk with him first.
“You hungry?” you asked pulling away, Rafael followed your lips for a second before he opened his eyes a soft whine leaving him.
“Starving,” his green eyes no longer just simmered with heat, they burned.
“Later,” you promised, a similar heat burning through you, and your eyes telling Rafael that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. “I made Casareccica Alibrandi, and I got you some scotch. I hope it’s one you like. Also please make yourself at home, you can put your jacket on the coat rack just over there.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Rafael watched as you pulled out a vase to put his flowers in before sitting them on your coffee table, his eyes were glued to you as you walked back past him into the kitchen. It was only when the rest of your sentence entered his brain that he looked over to the a little nook in the wall just after the entrance into the apartment. He quickly took off his suit jacket and tie hanging them up and leaving him in his shirt and suspenders. He undid a few more buttons and rolled up his sleeves.
 “I know, I wanted to though,” you smiled over your shoulder at him as you pulled the pasta dish out of the oven where you had placed it to keep to warm without overcooking anything, feeling your throat constrict a little when you saw him rolling his sleeves, exposing those forearms of his that you had dreamed about. You forced your eyes away and tried to remember the rest what you had wanted to say. “You’ve had a tough three weeks and I wanted tonight to be as relaxing as possible for you.”
“Carino, you are something else,” Rafael whispered as you served up the dish gesturing for him to take a seat. The first thing he did was try the scotch, he wanted to assure you that the scotch was good. And it was, it was really good. “This scotch is really good.”
“I’m glad, I hope the food is good,” you smiled shyly placing a bowl down in-front of him.
“It smells delicious and looks it too,” Rafael caught your hand before you could move to your chair. He brought it up to his mouth to place a kiss on your knuckles. “Thank you Carino, this night is exactly what I need. You are what I need.”
“Rafi,” you whispered squeezing his hand, leaning to place a kiss on his cheek before slowly dragging your hand from his and taking you seat. You stretched your legs out entangling them with his, not wanting to stop touching him.
Rafael smiled at you, taking a bite of the food and could barely stop the groan of appreciation that left his mouth the minute the tastes hit his tongue. It was amazing. Your eyes were stuck on his mouth, as he took another bite, tongue darting out to catch a drop of the sauce. Another hum leaving him. Your body heated as you noticed that his tongue would poke out a little as he took a bite of food.
“Chica, this is amazing,” Rafael focused back on you to see that you hadn’t taken a mouthful yet. “Chica?”
“Hm, what?” you shook your head trying to clear away the images that had taken up residence there. “Oh, um, good, that’s good, I’m glad.” You quickly took a mouthful trying to pretend you hadn’t been staring at him this entire time.
“A bit distracted?” Rafael teased he slipped off one of his shoes and lightly ran his foot up your leg that was entangled with his. You gulped down some wine at his action, surprised at it. “Because I have been distracted by you since you opened your door. Seeing that lacy bra peeking above that gorgeous dress that hugs your curves. Those curves that I have been wanting to kiss and run my tongue all over, tasting you.”
“Rafael,” you gasped, a shiver running through you, your heart picking up at his words.
“My desire for you has grown Carino,” Rafael stood up from his chair, placing one hand on the back of your chair and the other on the table beside your bowl. “Carino, look at me.”
Your eyes trailed up his arm, his throat until you finally looked him in his eyes. The green in them was darker then normal, you were taken back to the day in his office when the two of you made out on his couch like teenagers. You wetted your lips, subconsciously pushing your chest out a little, you felt a little surge of pride and victory when you noticed Rafael’s eyes darting down to stare at your chest before he looked back to your eyes. That small little victory you felt however, withered under the look on Rafael’s face. The hand that had been on the table moved to trail up your stomach and over your chest and up your neck before he gently cupped your face. His touch was the complete opposite of the hungry look on his face, a look that was almost feral. A look that finally made all those descriptions in your fantasy books seen possible. The plan for a nice slow evening had gone out the window and you found that you didn’t quite care as much as you thought you would. You could always talk with him in the morning.
“Ask me,” Rafael demanded as he slowly lowered his face to yours. “And tell me to stop, tell me if you don’t like anything I do.”
“Rafael, please kiss me,” you voice was quiet.
“And?” Rafael insisted, you smiled up at him you hands reaching to grab hold of his suspenders.
“And I promise I will tell you to stop if I need to and I will be clear if I don’t like something,” you responded.
“Good. Girl.” Rafael cooed just before his lips took yours.
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kyuala · 26 days
cast de lsdln como professores
quais vc acha que seriam as matérias deles?
OMG i love this question!! não revisei mas espero que gostem <3
o enzo me passa vibes de professor de teatro... desculpa gente não consigo desvencilhar ele da skin de ator </3 mas ai imagina, ele seria tão firme, didático e paciente, ajudaria td mundo com um sorriso no rosto, sempre genuinamente orgulhoso do progresso de cada um e apesar da proximidade sempre que ele quer te falar sobre respiração (e toca sua caixa torácica) ou sobre movimentos mais fluidos (e te acompanha bem de perto em cada um deles) ele ainda é super profissional e teria uma certa relutância em se envolver com alunos dele 💔 isso até vc se tornar parte da equipe e vcs dois começarem a trabalhar mais juntos no espetáculo de fim de ano da escola 🤭 aí vcs passam tanto tempo juntos que o homem se apaixona n tem jeito
pardella como professor de matéria bem humaninhas que estimula o pensamento crítico dos adolescentes ME OUÇAM ☝🏼 tive um professor de história no ensino médio que era barbudo, rockeiro, motoqueiro, cheio de tatuagens, fumante, engraçado pra caralho, super consciente socialmente, falava palavrão a rodo e ainda era amado por TODO mundo. para mim = agustín pardella 🏆
o matías sinceramente não tenho a MÍNIMA ideia pq ele é mt novo mas pensando aqui... como ex-teacher que ensinava aos 18 anos de idade ☝🏼 matí professor particular de inglês (ou espanhol né) ou MELHOR AINDA imagina ele numa escola tipo wizard, wiseup, cna, ccaa... caralho acho q ele ia ser mt caótico e o favorito dos alunos mais novos pprt crushzinho de todas as aluninhas 💔
o kuku puta q me pariu cara eu não sei nem por onde começar.... mas que ele tem uma ENERGIA de professor de graduação ou até pós ele tem meu deus.... pensando aqui em alguma matéria mto específica tipo literatura do leste europeu de uns 5 séculos atrás ou a subjetividade do ser humano pensada de acordo com os filósofos gregos AAAAAAAAAAAAAA só sei que seria alguma coisa MUITO vibe de dark academia, bem culto e intelectual num sentido bem tradicional e ele seria super aqueles professores que usam cardigan, óculos e cabelo bagunçado, um copo de café na mão e as olheiras seriam os acessórios de sempre </3 que SACO
queria que vcs vissem a minha cara qdo vi que era a vez de pensar no fer como professor juro foi vergonhosa de tesão.... mas sei lá pensando aqui que ele tem uma cara de inteligente pra caralho que se daria bem em qualquer área mas quero pensar em alguém sendo professor de cursinho que come as alunas então parabens ferrrr vc foi o escolhido 🏆 pensando aki num fernando professor de física (projetando absolutamente nada do tesão vergonhoso que eu tinha no meu professor de física do cursinho ok segue a vida de vcs aí) que propositalmente passa conteúdos difíceis pra 1) preparar os alunos dele da melhor forma e 2) oferecer horas extras de tutoria e aulas particulares pras alunas mais bonitinhas e gostosas (vc) 🎀
o fran me passa vibes de professor de primário gente imagina 😭 ele com as criancinhas, sendo o titio favorito, todo fofinho e amoroso com elas, daqueles que sempre passa atividades bem artísticas e brinca até elas cansarem e irem dormir na hora da soneca </3 tchau
pra dar uma diferenciada vou colocar aqui o pipe como professor de fotografia! imagino ele fazendo parte de algum estúdio escola e sendo um dos melhores professores pq 1) ele realmente sabe do que tá falando, tipo ele manja pra caralho tecnicamente e 2) eh um querido, todos os alunos falam bem dele na recepção e sei lá, sabe? imagina aí umas aulinhas particulares com o pipe onde vcs dois literalmente passam horas desenvolvendo suas habilidades no maior interesse em comum e paixão de vocês dois. aff
já falei do simón nessa skin agora é a vez dele: jerónimo instrutor de academia 🥵 e pode ser personal trainer mesmo ou melhor, professor de alguma coisa (tipo luta), o importante é estar no ambiente da academia que é onde ele brilha e é mais gostoso. penso que seria bem na linha do simón personal trainer: super atencioso com mulher bonita e gostoso (até deixaria os outros alunos um pouco de lado pq ele simplesmente não se aguenta com um rabo de saia) mas acho que ele seria mil vezes mais cara de pau na hora de dar em cima de vc 🤭
o santi por ser novinho e lindinho e fofinho e um amorzinho não colocarei como prof mas sim como um ajudante de sala! tipo imagina ele sendo monitor de uma das matérias que ele foi super bem na faculdade tipo bases biológicas da neurociência sei lá ai sério ele tem mt cara de quem seria super atencioso e paciente se desdobraria em mil pra te ajudar a entender o conteúdo e ainda ficaria todo felizinho qdo vc passasse com uma nota alta na matéria e te chamaria pra tomar alguma coisa pra comemorar 😭 queria mt tirar dúvidas com ele e quem sabe minhas roupas tb
vou abrir um tópico meio óbvio mas ainda super sensível aqui meninas: della corte professor de educação física. TCHAU só de pensar nele naquele tamanho todo de uniforme, dando ordens e apitando ADEUSSSSSSSSSS MEU DEUS QUE TESÃO não vou conseguir nem elaborar mais, fica aí pra criatividade da mente de vocês (mentira, aqui vai e super inspirado pelo hc da diva laurinha @geniousbh: della professor de educação dx filhx da leitora milf. boa noite)
ainda inspirado pelo hc de professor x milf da laurinha, deixo aqui meu pensamento de simón professor de karate x leitora mãe de aluninha 🥇 por nenhuma outra razão além de gostaria muito de vê-lo sendo bem gostoso num kimono, acho que ele seria um fofo com as crianças e daria em cima das milfs descaradamente. aqui em casa já eh egot winner! o bônus seria ele te comendo no tatame tchau
o rafa tem SUPER cara de professor de português que é absolutamente o QUERIDO de todas as turmas imagina 🤕 ele sempre tão charmoso e sorrindinho, explica tudo com a voz mansa, ajuda todos os alunos que tem dificuldade e o melhor de tudo é que ele é o queridinho das aluninhas pra contarem todas as fofocas e dos aluninhos pra pedirem conselho meu deus </3 o bônus (totalmente inspirado por esse hc da diva @lunitt) aqui seria vc também sendo professora na mesma escola e os alunos shippando vc e o professor lindinho e tímido de português ❤️
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nophunleague · 8 months
Rafael Barba Appears at the 16th Precinct Again
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Rafael Barba x gn!reader
warnings: angst, grudge holding.
You all but crash into the conference room at the 16th, anxious to tell the squad that Mickey Davis had gotten some hot shot attorney, that you had heard courthouse gossip about it. The door swings open and you're met by Kat, Fin, Rollins, and Rafael.
His green eyes almost darken at the sight of you. He's not shocked that you're here, it's just the shock of not having seen you in years that strikes him. Taking in the crowd in the room you barely blink before spitting out at Rafael, "oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, you just look like someone I used to know," before spinning on your heel and storming back out into the squad room. You don't even look up at Liv and the deputy chief as they pass you. Amanda follows after you after Rafael is pulled into Liv's office by the Captain and Deputy Chief Garland. You're sat at your desk, head up in a thousand yard stare.
"Well I think you definitely hurt his feelings, if that's what you were going for," you're broken from your gaze by her speech and you look up to her from your seated position.
"After what he put me through I think what I said was fairly tame."
"You might be right about that, but maybe think about what he's been through too. He nearly threw his entire career away and had to leave you in the process," she tries to reason with you but your eyes narrow as she keeps talking.
"He didn't have to leave me and he should have talked to me first. I showed up to work one day and he was gone. The man I loved left me without a single word. It felt like my life fell apart," you seethe. Amanda looks over your shoulder to see Rafael standing behind you.
"That's very mature of you," she says before walking away, he walks up behind you and gently lays a hand on your shoulder. But you hadn't notice him yet so as he makes contact with your body you jump to face him, hand on your holstered weapon.
"Woah," he throws his hands up, "its just me," you scoff but remove your hand from your hip.
"Just you? Just you?" You start to pace back and forth in front of him, searching for the words to tell him off. But deep down you're glad to see him, he looks healthy, the beard he's grown compliments him.
"We should talk."
"Oh you want to talk now? But you didn't want to talk four years ago when you left," you all but shriek, your voice sparking the attention of those in the precinct. "You pulled the plug on someone's baby, were charged with murder, acquitted, and then you left me. And you didn't talk to me about any of it. We were supposed to be together and you left me out of it," your voice continues to raise as you takes steps closer to him, ending up in his face. His eyes search yours trying to find the person who he had once loved, but all he find is someone who has undoubtedly been incredibly hurt by his actions. The tears are threatening to spill from you eyes but you stay strong. Your raised voice causes Liv to step outside of her office.
"Both of you, take it outside. Now," you glance between Rafael and Liv before turning on your heel and storming out with Rafael following close behind. You meet again in the elevator where this time you stay silent.
"I didn't know how to tell you I was leaving, so I just left," he says quietly. "It wasn't the right thing to do, you didn't deserve that, but I needed to leave here. I was suffocating," the both of you stare at the elevator doors, not daring to look at one another. You reach up and hit the elevator switch, stopping the elevator in its descent.
"No, I didn't deserve that," a tear escapes your left eye at last, but you don't wipe it away. "You threw me away like I meant nothing to you. I would have went with you if you had just talked to me."
"You meant everything to me. I just couldn't let you throw your NYPD career away to come with me on the campaign trail. You were just getting to the point of being on the precipice of making sergeant," his eyes are now glued to the side of you head while you keep looking at the doors. You take a second to think about what you're going to say before raising your voice and making direct eye contact.
"Yeah well I failed the sergeant's exam twice since you left so I'll only ever be a detective now," Rafael can feel the holes your eyes are burning in him, his breath kicks up and he's uncharacteristically speechless for a moment. You huff and flip the elevator switch again allowing it to continue its descent. The doors open on the ground level of the 16th and you start to take a step out when he speaks.
"The day I did what I did to Baby Drew I was meant to pick up a ring. An engagement ring," he hangs his head, not looking at you.
"Oh so one day you were thinking about getting married and then next you were throwing everything we had together away? I don't know why you came back, but I don't think there's any fixing this. Not right now anyway," you shake your head as a few more tears fall.
"Liv and Fin called me," he admits.
"Oh even better, you didn't even come back for me. Tell Liv that I'll be back in a little bit," you storm out of the precinct. Rafael runs a hand through his hair as a tear now escapes one of his eyes. He composes himself quickly then presses the floor number of the squad room to go back up.
"I really fucked that up," he says to himself.
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thatesqcrush · 5 months
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Coming Soon: Beautiful Sinner - a taboo romance fic feat Priest! Rafael Barba x f reader
Lmk if you wanna be tagged.
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