thefearandnow · 11 months
*deep exhale*
Okay so a podcast that I’ve been working on all year is finally coming out and I’m so excited to share!
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Welcome to Hang Up, a reality dating show with no rings attached ✨☎️💅
It’s a queer remix of dating shows like The Bachelor and Love is Blind but without the toxic bullshit pressures of marriage or monogamy. It all takes place on the phone, the contestants make up aliases so they can’t find each other in real life and every week a contestant gets hung up on until the last caller. Then, they get to choose whether they want a vacation with the person they’ve been dating or take a cash prize instead
I had so much fun editing and sound designing Hang Up and it’s one of my favorite projects ever to have worked on! Please give the trailer a listen and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts of course
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kommunic8 · 10 months
Trovare l'anima gemella basandosi unicamente su una serie di conversazioni telefoniche. Un gioco delle coppie diverso da tutti gli altri, per niente banale e sicuramente intrigante da ascoltare. Vabbé aggiungo che si tratta di un podcast di Radiotopia e che ci collaborano podcaster e autori/trici super-ascoltabili qualsiasi cosa facciano. Il link a 'Hang Up' lo trovate in fondo alla pagina. TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation] La prima difficoltà quando questa mattina ho decis, l'argomento di cui avrei parlato è stato trovare la traduzione italiana di 'reality dating show'. Cos'è un dating show? Gioco delle coppie? È quel programma, solitamente televisivo, dove vanno dei maschi e delle femmine e il fine del gioco è di trovare, di accoppiare queste persone. Di solito c'è una donna e diversi uomini, oppure un uomo e diverse donne. Non sono particolarmente attratta da questo tipo di programmi televisivi, perché in generale la televisione generalista un po' non mi attrae, non mi interessa, e poi questi spettacoli televisivi sono in giro da decenni, per cui qualsiasi cosa l'abbiamo già vista è tutto trito e ritrito. E poi stamattina sono incappata in uno di questi programmi che non solo mi è sembrato diverso dagli altri, ma mi ha così interessato che non vedo l'ora di ascoltare la prossima uscita, e mi ha trovato questo programma, in un modo insolito, perché anzitutto non è alla televisione, ma è un podcast, quindi è solo audio, e poi anche le modalità con cui si svolge sono interessanti. Come funziona? C'è una una donna che sentirà telefonicamente sei persone che sono possibili partner, di sessi diversi, e solo in base alle conversazioni telefoniche dovrà decidere poi quale di queste sei persone potrebbe diventare il potenziale partner. Poi c'è il twist che una volta che la ragazza, Maxine, (non è il suo vero nome), una volta che Maxine ha scelto uno di questi sei personaggi, al personaggio prescelto viene data la possibilità di scegliere: vuoi una vacanza pagata, tutto pagato con Maxine, oppure voi mille dollari? Ecco, questi sono dei dettagli interessanti, perché anzitutto è un programma dove non c'è una donna che cerca uomini, ma diciamo che si basa tutto sulle affinità elettive, indipendentemente dal sesso, e questo già me l'ha reso molto simpatico, le persone non usano i loro veri nomi, quindi non possono andare a cercarsi online e non possono nemmeno descriversi fisicamente, quindi è effettivamente una cosa esclusivamente basata sull'affinità... audio, quasi potrei dire. E poi anche il premio finale, mille dollari che sicuramente non cambiano la vita a nessuno, quindi diciamo che è veramente basato sulla simpatia e sulle conversazioni che vengono fatte al telefono tra queste persone. Mi ha subito preso, ho ascoltato le due prime puntate che sono on line, vi metto il link, è in inglese, se capite l'inglese vi consiglio di dare un ascolto perché vale veramente la pena. TRANSLATION The first difficulty, when this morning I decided the topic I would talk about, was finding the Italian translation of 'reality dating show.' What is a dating show? Couples game? It's that program, usually television, where males and females go and the purpose of the game is to find, to pair up these people. Usually there is one woman and several men, or one man and several women. I'm not particularly attracted to these kinds of TV shows, because in general, generalist television doesn't attract me, doesn't interest me, and then these TV shows have been around for decades, so whatever they show, we've seen it all before. And then this morning I stumbled upon one of these programs that not only seemed different from the others, but I was so interested that I can't wait to listen to the next release, and this program found in an unusual way, because first of all it's not on television, but it's a podcast, so it's audio only, and then also the way it's conducted is interesting. How does it work? There is a woman who will hear by telephone from six people who are possible partners, they are of different sexes, and only on the basis of the telephone conversations will she then decide which of these six people might become the potential partner. Then there is the twist that once the woman, Maxine, (not her real name), once Maxine has chosen one of these six characters, the chosen character is given a choice: do you want a paid vacation, all paid up with Maxine, or do you want thousand dollars? Here, these are some interesting details, because first of all, it's a program where there's not a woman looking for men, but let's say it's all based on elective affinities, regardless of gender, and that already made me like it, people don't use their real names, so they can't go and look each other up online and they can't even describe themselves physically, so it's actually a purely affinity-based thing... audio, almost I could say. And then also the final prize, a thousand dollars that certainly doesn't change anybody's life, so let's say it's really based on the sympathy and the conversations that are had on the phone between these people. It immediately grabbed me, I listened to the first two episodes which are online, I will put the link, it is in English, if you understand English I recommend you give it a listen because it is really worth it. LINK Il gioco delle coppie telefonico Hang Up https://www.radiotopia.fm/podcasts/hang-up
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clockworkspider · 2 years
Since tumblr loves meta about non-existent movies, here's a show where two actors rewatch a show they starred on about two guys in witness protection program at a nudist colony... A show which does not actually exist.
I have been halfway through episode 1 and I gotta say. I haven't felt this much second hand embarrassment since Disco Elysium.
Highly recommend to people who enjoys:
Awkward pauses
People talking over each other
Conversations that goes nowhere
General feeling of mortification
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mitchipedia · 2 years
In 1910 “the whole world seemed to be obsessed with the dazzling possibilities of aviation.”
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emporiumbotanicum · 1 month
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deadlinecom · 3 months
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ear-worthy · 4 months
This Day in Esoteric Political History: Forgotten But Not Lost Moments Of History
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Often, the most ear worthy podcasts are those that search across multiple genres for their show's topic. There are so many politics podcasts covering the same scraps of political infighting. There are so many history podcasts covering the same events. 
How about a podcast that combines politics with history and then adds a layer of decadent esotericism to the mix? 
Then you get This Day In Esoteric Political History. 
What's special about this show? Consider some of the episodes.
The great Idaho Beaver Parachute Drop of 1948. Or The First Crossword Puzzle in 1913 in the New York World newspaper. Or an episode about a failed assassination attempt on newly elected President John F. Kennedy you've probably never heard of.
Or an early episode of the show in 2020 about the 17th Amendment and how Senators were elected and how that changed the mechanics of Democracy.
The show is produced by Radiotopia from PRX, which is a network created specifically for independent podcasts.
Radiotopia says: "We empower creators with the support to deliver well-crafted, innovative audio, and the freedom to thrive on their own terms."
Led by Audrey Mardavich and Yooree Losordo, Radiotopia was created in 2014 through a partnership between PRX and Roman Mars of 99% Invisible. Radiotopia is supported by a mix of grants, sponsors and, above all, contributions from tens of thousands of listeners.
In this show, Jody Avirgan, Nicole Hemmer and Kellie Carter Jackson (and guests) take one moment, big or small, from that day in U.S. political history and explore how it might inform our present –– all in about fifteen minutes. 
 New episodes release Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
The co-hosts mesh well, and guests who are experts on the event being covered can showcase an episode. Witness the August 30, 2020, show about how President Jimmy Carter was allegedly attacked by a rabbit in a canoe (or rowboat.) Sam Sanders, then of NPR, superbly recounts the media hysteria of an encounter between the most powerful man in the world and a "wascally wabbit."
This Day In Esoteric Political History isa show with a sense of humor, a sense of discovery about these events, and a sense of irony since these events covered often contradict a long-standing belief of the American historical record. 
All three co-hosts have overachiever and annoyingly prolific written all their respective bios.
Nicole Hemmer is an associate research scholar with the Obama Presidency Oral History project and author of Messengers of the Right: Conservative Media and the Transformation of American Politics. She co-hosts the Past Present podcast and is the producer and host of A12: The Story of Charlottesville, a six-part podcast series on the white-power terrorism in Charlottesville in 2017.  Kellie Carter Jackson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Africana Studies at Wellesley College. She is the author of Force & Freedom: Black Abolitionists and the Politics of Violence, which won the James H. Broussard Best First Book Prize. She was a finalist for the Stone Book Prize and the Frederick Douglass Prize. She is also co-editor of Reconsidering Roots: Race, Politics, & Memory, essays exploring the impact of Alex Haley’s Roots. 
Jody Avirgan has apparently done everything in podcasting. He is a podcast host, producer, and editor. His production company is Roulette Productions.
He is, of course, the co-host of the Radiotopia show “This Day In Esoteric Political History,” and “Good Sport” from the TED Audio Collective, and serves as story editor and executive producer for a number of projects. Most recently he has helped make “The Run,” from MLB and Audacy; “The Line,” from Dan Taberski and Apple Podcasts; Adam McKay’s “Death at the Wing” from Hyperobject Industries; and “Oprahdemics” from Radiotopia. Avirgan is also one of the regular hosts for “Hark Daily” on the Hark podcast discovery app.
From 2017-2020, he ran and hosted 30 for 30 Podcasts, part of ESPN Films. He was also involved in larger efforts at ESPN to grow the podcast strategy and slate of shows.
Avirgan also developed FiveThirtyEight Podcasts, where he hosted, reported and edited a variety of shows and projects. He was the host of the FiveThirtyEight politics podcast, where he covered the 2016 campaign and the rise of Trump; and was host of What's The Point - a show about how data affects our lives.
Prior to arriving at ESPN/538, Avirgan was a producer at WNYC radio, and has worked with shows such as On The Media, Marketplace, Freakonomics, 99% Invisible, and many more. 
I'm exhausted just writing about his accomplishments. 
Check out This Day In Esoteric Political History. The show is particularly relevant today, as conservative efforts to restrict the teaching of U.S. History to a specific whitewashed version spread and marginalize those who make significant contributions to the growth of this nation. 
The show highlights events forgotten by most, but should be remembered by many. 
Consider the November 9, 2023 episode about Confederate Commander Henry Wirz who was executed on that day in 1865 for war crimes in Andersonville. The only Confederate officer to be executed, Wirz ran a camp at which more than 13,000 U.S. soldiers died -- a 25 percent death rate.
 Or the episode about a skirmish that broke out between the U.S. Army and the Dakota Indians, in which 38 Dakota men were hanged in Mankato, Minnesota, making it the largest mass execution in U.S. History.
Check out This Day In Esoteric Political History. It's a podcast that is a fusion of history, politics, the improbable, and the implausible.
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msamba · 5 months
‎Articles of Interest: Chromophobia on Apple Podcasts
‎Show Articles of Interest, Ep Chromophobia – 8 Nov 2023 Color. Why we need it. Why we fear it. And where its future might lie. Images and links at articlesofinterest.substack.com Radiotopia’s fall fundraiser is here! Donate today to support Articles of Interest. Thank you! https://on.prx.org/3sbvvOR Episode Website Source: ‎Articles of Interest: Chromophobia on Apple Podcasts
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pleiadeez · 6 months
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thefearandnow · 11 months
Today’s the day ☎️💅✨
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I’m so excited that today the first episode is officially out 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💜🖤💛
Meet Maxine and her 6 callers as they meet each other for the first time for the Speed Dial date ⏱️ they’ll have 7 mins to make a good first impression and then at the end one of them will get the Hang Up™️ and get eliminated 🫣
If you listen, let me know! Even though it’s distributed through Radiotopia we are a small lean production team and we wanna hear what you love or don’t love about the show 💚
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richardvarey · 8 months
The Contingency of Listening
Drummer Damon Krukowski has taught writing about sound in Harvard’s Writing Program, and hosted the Ways of Hearing mini-series on Radiotopia’s Showcase about critical listening in the digital age. His related book was published by MIT Press in 2019. In this post, he points out that there is no single right/best way to hear a…
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iancoss · 8 months
I composed the score for this podcast by author Jason Reynolds; the show premiered at Tribeca Film Fest in 2022
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beckysbook5 · 11 months
Beach Rivals by Georgie Tilney - Blog Tour Review!
Georgie Tilney grew up in Auckland and Christchurch, before moving to London in 2011. She’s worked as an actress, a life model, a production manager, and a freelance writer. Under the name Janina Matthewson she’s published Of Things Gone Astray, and You Feel It Just Below the Ribs, as well as writing audio dramas for the BBC, Radiotopia, and Night Vale Presents. Beach Rivals is her first…
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chrisdumler · 11 months
With incredible LLMs that continue to emerge using sophisticated Natural Language, the ability to be convinced of a chatbot’s “humanness” is increasingly on my mind. Philosophical and ethical questions continue to emerge and I find myself pondering questions around emotional intelligence, compassion, and what it means to be human.
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citylifeorg · 1 year
Tribeca Festival Announces 2023 Audio Storytelling Lineup
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