#quick update cause i had nothing better to do today
hiddenobject-fanblog · 8 months
His Soul (Chapter 5)
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Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?
Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective
That next morning, you completed your early routine and ate a nutritious breakfast to make up for last night’s dinner. You were feeling pretty good about today…what happened was behind you. You were determined to see this case through. 
You headed downstairs and prepped everything to be locked up. You didn’t know how long you’d be gone, so you made a small sign informing any potential-clients of your whereabouts and how to contact you. Couldn’t risk losing business over a small case like this…you weren’t getting paid much for a second day’s worth of investigation. 
You searched through some drawers before finding a decently-sized bag. You held it in front of Curioso’s box to see if it would accommodate him. You nodded to yourself before carefully lifting it and slipping it inside - it was a sturdy thing, made out of some sort of mystical wood, you were sure, but you didn’t want to rattle him around. You wondered if that would even be possible. 
You held it in your grasp and tested its weight. It wasn’t bad, but you needed something better so you could use both your hands. You wondered how this thing wasn’t any * heavier *, with the world and creature it held inside. You started rummaging around for something more convenient - a backpack, maybe. Something you could tie it to, or carry it around on your hip….
“I hope I’m not inconveniencing you,” You heard Curioso’s teasing tone.
“Not really. I use bags all the time for inventory space.” You stood to your feet and presented an older backpack you were sure would fit him. “..You’re not going to be picky, are you?” 
“Perish the thought..!” 
You chuckled, knowing he wouldn’t be. If he started complaining, you had no problem leaving him at home. You stepped forward and placed his box inside the backpack. It took up all the space inside. It just barely had enough room for the zipper to clear it. You tested this theory and closed the bag, then moved back and blinked. 
“Can you see anything like that..?” 
“Not terribly much,” His muffled voice replied. “Imagine you’re squinting, Detective. That’s what this looks like to me.” 
“Interesting…” Your mind whirled with possibilities, but now wasn’t the time to pester him with questions. “What if I open the bag a little?”
You unzipped the backpack halfway through and removed your hand. Then you saw the box glow, completely illuminating the dark space. It was only somewhat visible from outside the bag. You weren’t sure how concerned you were about anyone nearby seeing it. You could just make up a lie about what you were carrying. No one would really believe you if you told them it was a magical box containing a supernatural jester, anyway. 
“Hmm. A bit better. But I would prefer being *outside*…” 
You gave him a stern glare and he laughed. You were caught by surprise at the noise - you haven’t heard him laugh since his ‘game’ at Andrew Collins’ house… 
“I’m just kidding! I’m allowed to joke around, aren’t I?” 
“I guess I’ll allow it, since you are a jester.” You leaned down to move the straps around your arms and properly carry the backpack. “-What’s the story with that, anyway? You’re a magical jester?” 
“The costume wasn’t exactly my choice of permanent clothing,” His voice sounded clear behind you. You’d have no problem at all communicating with him like this. 
You moved to twist the door handle and lock your office. While you put the key in, you hummed curiously. “Huh. Then what do you usually wear?” 
“I don’t have a choice with that matter.” 
You were walking to your car now, searching for your keys in your pocket. “What? You can’t take your clothes off?” 
“It’s complicated. And really, we have more important things to do right now…”
You looked up and noticed a man walking his dog on your street, who was looking at you peculiarly. It must’ve looked like you were speaking to nobody. You probably looked like a madman right now. You grinned sheepishly as you politely waved to the stranger and hastily entered your car. You moved the backpack to the passenger seat, thought about it for a few seconds, then buckled him in. 
Curioso sounded amused. “I appreciate the thought, but-”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s not for your safety - I just don’t want that thing breaking in a crash and *you* getting out.” 
“How cruel…” 
You started the engine and adjusted your mirrors. You’d been a little messy following that car around last night. You noticed the mug of dried coffee stains still sitting in the cup holder and the crumbled up newspapers on the floor. You had no time to clean up right now, so you drove out of your spot and onto the street, following the GPS route you logged last night. 
While driving, you looked over at the backpack sitting beside you. Things were quiet right now, so you had no clue what was going through Curioso’s mind. You wondered if he was looking outside the window, admiring the views that you two passed. It’s what you used to do all the time as a child, watching the buildings and lands to pass the time during car rides. A pang of sympathy hit you as you realized it was the first time he’d been outside since you captured him. 
You decided to break the ice. It would take a bit of time until you arrived, anyway. “So, why exactly are you interested in my detective work?”
“I’ve read a lot about you and your cases. Why wouldn’t I want to see the famous detective in action? To know how you do it all?” 
“Okay, you keep calling me that, but I’m not famous. I…barely make ends meet, sometimes.” You confessed sadly. It almost hurt to say that out loud. 
“Not to me. You played my game and proved you’re the better collector out of the two of us. You will always be renowned in my eyes, Detective.”
You weren’t sure how to feel about that. His words uplifted you, to know that someone actually looked up to you. But he was a magical creature who challenged your wits to a game of morals and decisions. How much did his respect mean to you, exactly? Judging by the heat on your face and a sudden struggle to find the right words, it was probably more than you thought. 
You cleared your throat and focused on where you were going. The silence prolonged, but it didn’t feel awkward or tense. You had the feeling Curioso was simply enjoying the ride. The atmosphere felt light. It was a beautiful day out right now - the sky was clear and the sun was warm, with some pleasant gusts of winds ruffling your hair through your open window. It strengthened your hopes for today. 
But then you were on the street you’d encountered last night, and that feeling subsided. It was replaced with an eerie sense of being watched. As you drove on the dirt, your chest grew tight and a chill climbed on your back. It made no sense…it was the middle of daylight, so nothing was hidden from your eyes this time. But the sensation almost felt tenfold now that you were actually on the road. 
“Curioso? Do you feel that?” You asked desperately. 
“Feel what?” 
“This…cold, unsettling feeling. Like…I don’t know.” You groaned as you thought about how to word it. “It’s like something is trying to stop us from moving forward. Like I’m pushing against something.” 
Curioso was quiet, which only added to your anxiety. You were quickly becoming a mess. You slowed your car down and took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself before you freaked out. You locked your jaw and looked around. The neighborhood was desolate. You couldn’t spot another soul outside right now, nor any cars beyond some broken and abandoned ones sitting on a few properties. 
Your heart began to race as you proceeded forward, trying to keep your eye out for any sign or clue of Sophie’s whereabouts last night. 
“Detective, calm down. I think I know what this is, and you’re not in any danger.” 
“How could you possibly know what’s going on!?” You exclaimed. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but you felt stressed right now, though you couldn’t fathom why. 
“It might be a concealing spell. Some use it to hide something or some place that they don’t want others to see.” 
“Spell? What are you on about?” 
“You believe in magic, don’t you? ” 
“Curioso, this is making no sense. Who would have cast a spell in the middle of nowhere like this? There’s no one who could possibly-” 
“I could show you, but I need you to do something that you might not exactly like.” 
You eyed him wearily, somehow feeling like he was going to ask you to release him from the box. No matter how you felt right now, it was not dire enough to let him free. You would drop this case right now if it meant making sure Curioso was still in your possession. Nothing could be worth that risk. 
“Press this part of my box. Sadly, it won't free me, but it will help you.” 
You slowed your car to a stop on the side of the road. There was a pink mist pointing to one of the blue gems decorated on the box. You hesitated before leaning over and pressing on it. You were surprised that it acted like a button, and even more so when your surroundings began to change. It was a lot like the magic Curioso had first presented at Andrew Collins’ house - when the world around you seemed to slow in time, and your surroundings became dark and light simultaneously. 
When you looked out of your window, you spotted a house that had not been there before. Something about it felt ethereal…like it wasn’t meant to be there, yet it was. 
“What just happened?” 
“I revealed what was hidden. If someone’s been playing with magic, then so can I!” Curioso giggled. “We’re in the same place, Detective, but now you can see what you couldn’t see.” 
You wondered what pressing that button on his box actually did, but you had no time to dwell on it. He was still in there, and that’s what mattered. You reached over and shrugged on the backpack, locking the car before walking over to the house. 
You stood on the front porch and realized there was no doorbell. The whole place looked quite old-fashioned. You knocked on the door instead and waited. As you stood there, Curioso spoke quietly behind your ears: 
“I’m surprised someone is hiding this by means of an incantation. It’s suspicious.”
“I get that,” You whispered urgently back to him. “Franky, I don’t understand how this is even possible.” 
“You’re lucky you brought me! You would have never found this place. How clueless you would’ve looked, driving around and around…you could’ve gone mad..!’
You were about to argue until you realized there had been no movement nor noise for awhile. You reached forward and knocked again, with more force to make sure whoever was inside heard it. After a few minutes, you surmised that no one was home. You’d been intending on asking the residents about Sophie or any strange sights, but this felt like a strange situation in itself. 
You began to inspect around, peeking through the windows to spot anyone inside. Most were hidden by a curtain, but you reached one that wasn’t blocked. The kitchen was empty and the window was right in your reach…as you lifted your arm and attempted it, it opened freely under your grasp. 
You gaped at the sight. You thought for sure the window would’ve been locked. Curioso must’ve noticed your confusion and made a comment. 
“Why would they bother locking the windows if most people can’t see this place? You should go and search inside.” 
“That would be trespassing. It clearly isn’t abandoned.” 
“I won’t tell if you won’t…! Besides, nobody's here.” 
“We don’t know that for certain.” Your grip on the window faltered. “They could be sleeping, taking a shower, or they left and they’re coming back-”
You could hear yourself talking and snapped your mouth shut. Since when have you become this cowardly? It was something about this place, you swore. You shook your head and climbed inside, making sure Curioso’s box didn’t fall out as you did so. Your entry was quiet. You slowly shut the window behind you. You didn’t move for the first minute - intently listening for any noise. After that, you began to freely roam around the kitchen.
“Look around while I do this; find anything related to Sophie or the men she was with.” You’d shown him your notes and photograph yesterday, so he was up-to-date with everything you knew. 
“Aye-aye, captain!” 
The kitchen was standard and yielded nothing worthy of your attention. If anything, it looked a little unused and under-stocked. You moved onto the next room - which appeared to be the living room, with couches, tables, and a T.V. You searched around to look at the photographs, keeping an eye out for Sophie or the others you’d seen at the restaurant. You didn’t recognize any of the people, so you moved onto looking in the drawers. For notes, important papers, anything….
While you looked, your mind wandered. There was something still bothering you. “Curioso?” 
“-I’m afraid I don’t see anything, Detective. Could you use a screwdriver or an axe?”
“Not right now.” You shook your head and your gaze shifted. “I can believe this house is under a hiding spell, but it doesn’t really explain why I’ve been feeling so…weird.” 
“It could be another conjuration, made to deter people from getting close. Causing fear, anxiety, a sense of intrusion…that could be why no one really lives on this street.” 
Your eyes widened. “That’s a good theory.” 
You stopped when you spotted a small notebook in one of the drawers. You opened it and scanned what had been written. The first few pages were random measurements and a grocery list, but in the back of the book, something interesting caught your attention. It was a drawing of some sort of symbols. On the next page was a list of colors. Knowing your history with these things, you didn’t hesitate to pocket it. 
“Found your first clue?”
“Yeah. It could be for a nearby puzzle. People like to put those in their homes sometimes.” 
You carried on to a nearby hallway. There were several doors to go through, but a few of them were locked. You swore under your breath - you’d have to find some keys or a way to open them. Your attention moved to a staircase leading down into the basement. Those usually held a bunch of storage items that might be telling about the owners of the house. You climbed down the steps and faced an elaborate-looking puzzle. You smiled until you realized a piece was missing. You gritted your teeth - now you’d have to go and find THAT as well. 
As you opened your mouth to complain about this trivial detail, you were interrupted by a blinding flash of light. 
The blindness surprised you and made you stumble backwards. You fell to your feet and hit your head on one of the steps. You clutched it in pain as your eyes struggled to open. You lost your sense of balance and had to use the steps to right yourself. Once you were standing, you quickly checked your backpack to assess the damage. 
The box was still intact. You sighed in relief. You’d nearly landed on your face, but at least you didn’t break anything. 
You rubbed the sore spot on your head that was quickly forming into a bump. Ugh. You’ll have to tend to it later. “Curioso? Are you alright?” 
You quirked an eyebrow. Why wasn’t he saying anything? You turned your head in search of someone in the room - maybe he saw something you didn’t. But there was nobody there. You decided to try again.
“What was that? Curioso?” 
Still no response. Panic flooded into your system as you threw the backpack off your shoulders and looked at the box. It was dim again - no sign of life nor colors. Something compelled you to start shaking it and pressing the gems frantically, only for nothing to happen. This left only one explanation: 
He’d gotten out. 
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sunsetsimon · 8 months
a couple of dad!simon headcanons ♡
- hello! i'm sun, and this is my new writing account! i haven't written properly in years, so please go easy on me!
simon “ghost” riley x fem!reader
☼ simon never imagined having a family of his own. even after the first few years of being together, the thought never crossed his mind. until your best friend had a baby...
your best friend was visiting with her newborn and seeing you holding the baby flipped a switch in his head. you smiled and cooed at him, causing the baby to flash a toothless smile. there was a twinkle in your eye that he hadn’t noticed before and he pictured you glowing so beautifully as you held your own daughter, a mini version of you and him all in one. he didn’t bring it up for weeks as he thought it through himself. was having a family even possible for him? was he just being selfish?
☼ it comes up one day after you notice he’d been unusually quiet while spending time together. he wasn’t the most talkative, but he enjoyed conversations with you, even joking here and there.
“is everything okay, si? you’ve been extra quiet today.”
“hmm, yeah. just been zoning off.” he shrugs, unsure how to approach the subject. he knows you would listen but he doesn’t know how he’d react if your answer was no.
deciding rejection is better than never knowing, he sharply inhales, “have you ever thought about having children?”
the question throws you off, certainly random for a guy who doesn’t speak much of the future. you sit for a second debating your answer, and simon’s chest clenches in anxious anticipation.
“i have a few times, nothing too serious though. it never seems like there’s a good time for us.”
he nods in agreement, “been thinking about it these days. maybe it’s something we can consider.”
☼ needless to say, you both decide after many conversations and more time, that expanding your family is something you’re open to. you stop your contraception soon after and begin trying. he becomes even more attentive, constantly checking in with you and doing plenty of research on how to make your pregnancy easy. he gets you anything you want - whenever you want. and back and foot massages become part of your everyday routine.
☼ recognizes that he won't always be around because of his extremely demanding work. he checks in whenever he can, even writing letters if he has to. it breaks his heart having to miss doctor appointments and weekly milestones with you, but you always know he tries his absolute best for you two.
☼ simon loves skin to skin contact for the first few months. he loves to lay with her against his chest and drift off to the tv while you take a quick shower. he finds himself just watching her a lot, trying to memorize every movement her tiny body makes.
☼ soooo protective. no kisses, no pets, no sick people, doesn’t allow anything that could be of risk near her. he always has the two of you in his sight, preferring to push the stroller as you walk on the side of him.
☼ he's not one to care for style, so you do the main planning for the nursery. he builds all of the furniture for you while you watch. he looks so hot in his grey sweats and a black t-shirt that you can't help but distract him a few times.
☼ it's a hard adjustment for him having to return for a mission after she's born. he spends his entire last day holding and watching her, a sad slouch in his shoulders.
"gonna miss you so much, darlin. i'll be back as soon as i can," he whispers, gently kissing her forehead before handing her back to you. simon's hands grip your waist, pulling you in close to kiss you deeply before resting his forehead against yours. "i need my girls to stay safe. ill update you when i can, dove."
whenever he can, he scrolls though his videos on his phone just to see her face. her eyes twinkle brighter than any star to him and a slight smile creeps under his mask.
☼ relieves you from baby care when he can tell you’re exhausted. sighing and pulling yourself out of bed when crying erupts through the baby monitor. he doesn’t get up at first, but when the crying continues for a minute, he comes to check on you. he pushes the door cracked door open, revealing you desperately hushing and bouncing her in your arms. your eyes are tired and heavy, wishing for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.
“i got ‘er. go back to bed love,” simon says, taking his baby girl into his arms.
you give him a weak smile and a thankful squeeze at his arm, walking straight to bed without another peep. he holds her close to his chest as he sits down in the chair, propping her neck up as he stares down at her. her eye color matches his, but she resembles you more and more everyday. he’s enamored by her, his beautiful little girl that he created with the love of his life.
she quiets down shortly, falling back asleep in his arms as he rocks her slowly. his own eyes grow heavy, and he sets her down in her crib before returning back to bed. he climbs in behind you, pulling your back to his chest and planting a soft kiss on the side of your neck.
“if she wakes up again i’ll take care of it. you just sleep darling,” simon whispers, receiving a hum in response from you as you snuggle into him.
he takes care of his girls so well.
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winniemaywebber · 2 months
The Apple Tree • part 2 🌳
read chapter one here
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It's rainy in Thorpe Abbotts. Six planes go up, only five come back. Y/N worries about Rosie.
A familiar rumble distracts the class from their work, the scratching sound of pencils on paper ceasing almost immediately. Today, they had been sheltered from the graying drizzle of the village, much to their discernment. One look at their sad little faces pulled at your heartstrings, and the words “go on, then” had barely left your smiling mouth when they had all rushed to their cubbies to pull on their raincoats to protect themselves from the horrific weather. 
Six had gone up, according to the second teacher down the hall who had happened to be on a tea break when she saw the planes ascend. You hadn't told your class the number, not wanting to potentially make their miserable day worse. You wondered if the weather had affected anything - whether the thick, black clouds full of raucous thunder  had blocked their vision, the harsh wind causing them to break out of formation and bringing danger to themselves. And, in the back of your mind, you wondered about Rosie, hoping that he was safe.
It had been a couple of days since your last meeting, wherein you'd seen him taking a walk alone around Thorpe Abbotts, you spotting him as you rode home on your bike. You had waved nervously, precariously taking a hand off one of your handlebars to do so. Even from the opposite side of the road, you saw his face make a huge, beautiful smile, his baby blue eyes twinkling at the sight of you.
“Hi, Y/N. Wonderful to see you again.”
“Rosie,” you'd replied, your mouth also instantly bearing a grin at seeing him. “You, too. How was your weekend?”
“Ah, nothing special. I flew a practice mission, came back and wrote my mom. I try to keep her updated, she worries about me so, especially with me being so far away.”
“Oh, I understand. That's very sweet,” your heart melting at a man caring so much for his family. There is a pause as you keep smiling sweetly at one another, stuck for words due to being so excited at seeing each other again.
“So,” he breaks the silence. “Are you headed home?”
“Yes,” you sigh. “It's been a long day. It wasn't sunny enough to let the children play outside, and being cooped up drives them mad!” You laugh, hoping to diffuse the butterflies rising up in your stomach as he begins to offer to wheel your bike home so you can walk alongside him. 
“I can imagine!” He responds, once again smiling in your direction as his eyes dart around, trying to get his bearings. A crack of thunder from above distracts him, his shoulders sagging with a sigh. 
“We'd better hurry you home, ma'am.” 
Running through the rain, you arrive at the cottage quick as a flash. “Come in and warm up by the fire,” you shout over the loud pattering of raindrops on your slate doorstep, both of you sheltering under the front door canopy. 
“I'd love to, but I gotta get back to base. We have a briefing in the morning and I should get some rest.”
“Oh, of course. Well, thank you for walking me home again. You're great company.”
“You too, ma'am,” he smiles, exhaling through his nose with a slight giggle. “Are you doing anything Thursday afternoon?”
“No, I'm not,” you reply, the fastest answer that's ever left your lips. “I leave the school at around 2pm. You could meet me there? I could show you around a little. Bring your bike!”
“Oh, er–” he stutters, face turning red with embarrassment. “I haven't quite got to grips with that thing yet.” You try your best to stifle a giggle, shaking your head.
“I've heard you're the best pilot in the Army Air Force and you can't ride a bike?” You wink at him jokingly, his face now a cute shade of pink. 
“Leave me alone, Y/N,” he pokes at you, his face however, still holding that beautiful smile. 
“I'll teach you…if you'd like,” you say with a shrug. He nods, the color of his cheeks returning to normal. He reaches over and softly kisses your cheek, your hand coming up to touch it as soon as his lips break contact. 
“Miss, I saw five come back,” Penelope says in a small voice. “How many were there?” Feeling your heart jump to your throat and your breathing become ragged, you try your best to maintain composure. 
“I believe it was five, little one,” you respond, gritting your teeth into a reassuring smile. “Mrs Meldrum said five, but she was nose deep in the biscuit tin at the time. I'll ask her later, okay?” The wide eyed little girl nods and rushes back to her seat, pushing her round glasses up her nose as she sits down, once again ready to learn. 
Getting through the rest of the day without making your unease obvious is an arduous task. Every time you think of Rosie, you feel your heart almost stop, feeling like a phantom hand has its grip around it, crushing it bit by bit. You find yourself taking a moment while the children are distracted to place a hand on your chest, willing your breathing to return to its usual pace, arguing with yourself for feeling so anxious over somebody you've met only twice. 
To your surprise, you see your friend Sally outside as you corral the children out the door for home time, zipping coats and tying shoe laces as they rush out of the door into the cold drizzle. She's stood in a yellow rain coat, a black umbrella swaying slightly in the breeze.
“Sally?” You call. “Come in, doll.” A look of concern etched on your face, she runs in, dismantling her umbrella, a sob catching in her throat as she runs past you into the schoolroom. 
“Oh, Y/N,” she wails, her pretty face crumpled. Her eyes are squeezed shut, black inky trails from her mascara shooting down her face. “Only five–” she stutters, before taking a deep breath to try and compose herself. “Only five came back…and–and I don't know if James…”
“Hey, Sal,” you murmur, pulling her into a tight hug, her wet raincoat against your skin causing you to shiver suddenly. “It's all going to be okay, just–” you pause, a hand on her cheek now. “Just be patient. He'll be knocking on your door tomorrow.” She nods, a small sob escaping her lips as she wipes her eyes. You hand her a small white handkerchief, embroidered with your initials. This seems to make her cry all the more. 
“I still have the one your Granny made me,” she says as she dabs away the mascara lines. “Maybe I should start carrying it again.” You titter, exhaling as you do so. 
“She gave them to us when we were, what, six?” You look at Sally inquisitively, and she nods. “And she made us promise to always stay friends. I'm not sure why she thought matching handkerchiefs would cement that, but…”
“I'm glad we did, though,” she laughs, sniffing. 
“Me, too. Now, come on. You're about to freeze if we don't get you some place warm. I'll light the fire at home and you'll stay for dinner to take your mind off this.” You grip her softly by the shoulders. “He will be here tomorrow, okay?” But you're not quite sure who you're trying to reassure more: yourself or your best friend. 
A restless night awaits you, tossing and turning in your bed as the moonlight peeks through your thin curtains. All you can think about is if Rosie and James are safe, the weight of your thoughts crushing your chest with every attempted deep breath. You fall asleep just as the sun is rising, and you wake feeling horrific. You pad to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, hoping going through your daily routine will bring some color back to your pale face and somehow, take your mind off things. 
It's only when you pull your bike from against the wall of the cottage that you realize it's finally stopped raining for the first time in three days. You breathe in the fresh air, hearing the soft breeze blow through the leaves on the tree outside your gate as your eyes close softly. “Y/N!” you hear a voice call from down the lane. There, in his uniform, looking a little battered, is James. As he approaches you, you see he has a small scratch above his eyebrow and another gash upon his cheek. 
“James!” You reply, extremely happy to see him. “You're here! Oh, Sally came to see me in such an awful state yesterday. We only saw five planes come back, and–”
“I'm headed there now,” he responds, interrupting your train of thought. He smiles brightly at you, and gives you a friendly wink. “Thank you for looking after her,” he says, softly. “I sure do hate worrying her but…it's just the way of the job.” 
“I understand, James. I know. She just has such a big heart.” You begin to wheel your bike down the lane towards the school, waving a goodbye to James and trying your best to avoid asking the one question that kept you up all night. The temptation, however, is too much and you stop in your tracks. 
“James?” You call after him. He turns but keeps walking, looking precariously behind him every few steps to avoid potholes and small ditches. “Is Rosie okay?”
“Finally!” He yells into the distance between you. “I was waiting for you to ask. He's fine, Y/N. Teach him how to ride that darn bike before he puts himself in the infirmary again!” 
The day passes in a blink, which you think is mostly in part of you wishing the day away. The children leave in a gaggle of excitement, looking forward to feeling the warm sun on their sweet faces as they begin their short walk home, playing together all the while. As they disperse, you look out of the bay window and spot someone under the apple tree, reading, their brow furrowed in concentration. “Rosie!” you squeal, swing open the door and run towards him as fast as you can. He spots you immediately and stands up, just in time for you to fling your arms around him without second guessing yourself.
“Well, hi,” He murmurs, his face buried in your neck. You breathe a huge sigh of relief into him, your eyes squeezed shut. 
“I didn't know if you were--oh, I was so worried about you,” you hold him a little tighter, wanting to make the embrace last a few moments more. “Oh, I'm so happy to see you, Rosie.”
“Likewise, Y/N,” he replies, reciprocating the tighter hug. You finally break apart, your hand finding its way to cup his cheek. 
“Now,” you sigh, finally content. “Tell me why you can't ride this bike.”
He demonstrates, looking a little embarrassed when you see him begin to try pedal backwards. 
“Hey, stop!” You call after him. “What are you doing?” 
“I'm trying to stop the thing,” he laughs, but obviously frustrated.
“Darling,” you reply, the word just spilling out of you. “These–” you gesture to the long buttons just off the handlebars, “--are for stopping.” He rolls his eyes jokingly, comically slapping a hand to his head. 
“Wow,” he says, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “I guess I can ride a bike. You really are a great teacher, Y/N. Those kids are lucky.” You shove at him playfully, laughing at his tone, until he grabs your hand. “Seriously…” he pauses, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. “You're wonderful.” 
Both balancing your bikes against the schoolhouse, you find yourselves under the apple tree, the sun just beginning to set. You had grabbed a spare blanket from the classroom, just in case the weather began to turn at a moment's notice which you knew was a terrible habit England possessed. Rosie places it around both of you and pulls you in close, your head resting on his shoulder. You close your eyes and exhale, contentedly, the rollercoaster of emotions from the past day finally leaving you in that breath, grateful and happy to have him here with you and safe for the time being. You reluctantly check your watch as he runs his fingers through your loose hair.
“You probably should get going,” you sigh, eyes a little sad. “It's late. I don't want you in trouble.” 
“I can handle it,” he says quietly, his whole body relaxing underneath you. “Just a few more minutes, please. I just want to be a guy, watching the sunset with a pretty girl on my arm.” 
chapter 3
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never-not-ever · 4 months
I didn’t even realize I had like 9 messages in my inbox all the way back to Jan 12th… a couple were asking for updates which ironically I just posted 2 days ago. But why not post another quick update… I think I mentioned at the end of that one that short frequent updates are better than long ones months later…
So the “tentative” discharge date is next Friday. Pretty sure the meeting with my Nana, doctor and social worker is Tuesday. Then the next day is my therapist and myself. I was hoping my social worker could be a part of it too but she’s out next Wed-Fri.
So todays meeting with my doctor:
She told me that the IOP program that normally has a 2 month waitlist is now just 2 weeks. So I could start a lot sooner after discharge. It’s a really good program but it’s a lot of fucking work and a six month commitment.
She said how if I need to go off unit for the interview she’d give me a pass and I was like woah woah woah you said no more passes??? And she was all “it’s therapeutic”. So I said so can you retract the state application and give me a pass home and she said no. So I dropped it. Cause months ago she said no and she was DEAD set on not changing her mind (or so I thought…).
So then I said since it’s my last weekend here can I have an order to use a mini crochet kit and she said no. Then she said it’s your last weekend or maybe it’s not. And I was like what are you talking about? And she said that on Friday I’m not ready and tell her I think I need another week… and I interrupted her and was like that’s not happening.. I can’t keep doing that.. and then another week and another week. Then she was all “and maybe you want to give V (social worker) a proper goodbye” with a smirk.
So then I told her how yesterday was a roller coaster as it normally is and last night I self harmed. We talked a little about that. I don’t really remember how we went from that to this next part. I was shocked so I think I instantly forgot the minutes prior.
This woman has been ADAMANT that I do not need any home passes before discharge and not even for safety reasons (I snuck stuff back in all passes before). Nope. She just thinks it’s not going to be productive and I just need to discharge and see how it goes… So when I asked her nonchalantly a second time during this meeting and after admitting to self harming last night, for a pass home next week, she said she’d think about it. I was shocked and still am shocked.
Also how is this supposed to be a short reply just two days later and it’s turning into this…
Anyways she said we’ll see how the weekend goes and see how what my Nana thinks during the meeting. Instantly I said that nothing is going to happen this weekend, I want that pass…. But now that mindset is shifting.
God this is so long.. dare I even go into the thoughts surrounding my self harm? Ugh.. trigger warning ahead (maybe? Just to be safe).
So lately the self harm is just not bad enough. It’s never deep enough, never bad enough. Even though I’ve been told by both my doctor and social worker in the past that my stuff is severe and deep. A big reason why they kept me here for so long because it just never stopped and kept getting worse. I briefly looked at my messages and I think someone asked how I’m able to self harm while inpatient and another person why I’ve been kept here so long.. I can give more information in those replies. But yea so it’s definitely gotten highly addicting even though my doctor argued against me that it’s not an addiction so we settled on common ground, it being addictive. So much so that I don’t even care about that pass now. You don’t even know how much it pissed me off that she wouldn’t give me one back then and how at the time I hadn’t self harmed in a while and had a whole plan up of how it would be a good incentive and help me prepare for discharge. All that and just a “yea I changed my mind” from her. And now she’s actually considering it and I’m like whatever. If I was leaving in a month then fine, I’d want that pass but if I’m leaving next Friday (or so I think) then who cares about the pass?
I think the first message from way back was asking if I sabotaged my discharge… yeeaupp. That seems to be the trend. I don’t know if I mentioned it in my previous update but my doctor said she’s not keeping me here for self harm. So I don’t see how me self harming this weekend is going to sabotage my discharge. Only rule out the pass. It’s like a tug of war in my head. It would make discharge a tiny bit easier having a pass. BUT there’s no guarantee she’s going to say yes.
In the end I told her how I do not understand her and she was like “I think you do, we’re similar” and I said yea and that’s scary. My old roommate asked how we’re similar and I said how I can’t explain it but she’s right. Like the past few months all the back and forth from her, she’s infuriated me. But even after all that she’s still an amazing doctor and I stand by us being a good fit.
End for now? Time to answer some messages…
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Mr Evershed x Student!reader - make it home
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Part 14:
Mr Evershed had made you guys help him fix what you had broken, and he scolded the three of you for breaking the rules but he quickly forgave you all.
He also gave you the rest of the week off so when Monday rolled around you guys reluctantly got ready for school and he drove you all three.
Getting out of the teachers car, you yawned a little and stood next to your brothers.
“Come straight to my office after class, no messing around to anything okay?” He asked.
“Yes sir.” The three of you nodded.
“Great!” He beamed.
He handed you all some cash and ruffled the twins hair before shooting you a smile.
“Have a good day. See you soon.”
He walked away and you guys all shared a look before making a break for it straight to the gate.
It was still early and if you were quick enough you could get to the shop to get better food then whatever was being sold today.
Getting in the shops, you grabbed some snacks and an energy drink and made your way to the check out.
“Sorry kid you don’t have enough.”
“Oh come on, I come here everyday.” Sam grumbled.
The cashier shrugged and you walked over, putting your stuff down you gestured to her stuff as well and the man glared a you a little.
“I’ll pay for it.”
He put it all through and handed you your changed, you grabbed the bag and stood aside as you handed her the things she got.
“You didn’t have to do that you know.” She said, “but thanks.”
You shrugged a little and walked over, getting your drink out as you sat on the wall to wait for your brothers.
Sam followed you and sat next to you.
“Your the one that tied that dude up around the side of the school ain’t ya?” She asked.
You nodded and she grinned holding out her hand.
“Sam Murgatroyd.”
You shook her hand lightly before pulling your hand back.
“(Y/N) (L/N), those are Ryan and Jordan. Brothers.”
“Oh I’ve heard about you three. Proper talk of the town you lot.” She said.
You rose a brow at her.
“Whole schools talking about what happened a few weeks ago, and about you three being away.”
“Just some stuff.” Jordan mumbled over his food.
Sam nodded her head and swung over the wall so she could look at the three of you at the same time.
“You guys don’t see that bad, you’re pretty cool.” She mused.
“People get the the wrong idea you sitting here with us.” Ryan said.
She shrugged a little and gave a small sad smile.
“Already got the wrong idea of me cause my lot.”
“Let them talk, people don’t really know anything.” You shrugged.
“So… does that mean I can walk to school with you guys?” She grinned hopefully.
You looked at the twins who shrugged and you shrugged as well.
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Awesome! Oh and here, you might wanna read these before history. Got a new teacher and it’s the least I can do since you paid for me stuff.” She smiled.
She handed you a notebook and you took it, stuffing it in your bag as you took a sip from your drink and stood up.
The four of you started to walk towards the school again.
Sam happily talked away and updated you three on everything that happened over the past week.
Some students gave you weird looks as you approached the school and you were stopped at the gates by some other students.
“Your lot robbed my house!” Someone yelled at Sam.
“What’s that to do with her?” Jordan asked.
“It’s her family!” The boy snapped.
“So what? Her family or not as long as she wasn’t involved it’s got nothing to do with her so I suggest you turn around and walk away.” Jordan shrugged.
The boy growled a little.
“You like to think you’re all big huh?”
The boy stormed closer and Jordan walked over, looking over him with a grin on his face as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
The boy cowered a little.
“I know I am. Wanna test out how well you’ll stand once I punch you to the floor?” Jordan taunted.
“Jordan enough.”
Your brother turned around and walked back over, standing in front of you all and the boy scurried away while a few watching students laughed at him.
“Woah.” Sam grinned.
“Did you help them?” Ryan asked.
“Nah, I’m trynna set myself right innit. Not getting involved in that again.” Sam said.
He nodded at you and you nodded, walking towards the school while they followed.
“We believe you.” You said.
You turned to her and nodded your head.
“Yeah, we get it you know? Being the outcasts and all, it’s not fun.”
“No one’s messing with you while you’re with us don’t sweat it.” Jordan grinned.
“He just likes fighting.” Ryan said.
Sam laughed and you guys walked into the reception only to be stopped by Mr Evershed who pointed to your drink.
“Absolutely not, hand it over.”
You took a sip and went to walk by him.
He reached out and tried to grab the drink from you.
He tried again but you easily avoided him, he tried over and over again and he didn’t even get close to grabbing the can.
You finally finished it and handed it to him and started to walk away.
“Last person to hold it bins it sir!” You called.
He rolled his eyes and dropped it into the bin and shook his head as he watched other students come in.
Sam was in all your classes, so she decided to stick by you and you didn’t seem too bothered.
At lunch she was with you all and you looked across the courtyard, looking over eyeing only to trail your eyes back to one man.
You stared at him and leant towards Sam.
“Who’s that?”
“New history teacher. Mr Reeves. Says we can call him James though. Started at the end of last week.” She whispered back.
You kept your eyes glued on James, and when he spotted you looking at him he quickly walked away.
“Do you know him?” She asked.
The twins perked up and looked at you.
The twins heard your heart rate increase and Ryan turned around.
“You’re lying…” he whispered.
You flicked your eyes to Sam before covering your mouth with your hand.
“Hunter…” you breathed out.
“Want us to deal with him?”
“No… but Ryan.. you need to tell Mr Evershed..”
He nodded his head and jogged away through the hallways until he reached the headteachers office and walked in, looking around before closing the door.
“Ryan, what’s wrong?”
“Mr Reeves.” He said.
Mr Evershed frowned.
“What about him? He’s the new history teacher.”
Ryan walked over and dragged a chair next to Mr Evershed so they could talk quietly.
“He’s a hunter sir. (Y/N) recognises him from last week.”
“We need to get him out as soon as possible, I’ll let him go immediately.”
Ryan shook his head.
“Not yet. We want to talk to him but we won’t be able to get close enough. Can you arrange a meeting with him after school? We need to find out why he’s here first. If he’s at the school we can do this on our terms and he can’t do anything.”
Mr Evershed frowned and looked at the teen.
“You’re sure?”
Ryan nodded.
“Alright, my office after school. Leave class early, use these passes.”
He handed over three passes and Ryan left, meeting you and Jordan just before lunch ended and explain what was going to happen.
Ten minutes before the end of your last class you showed your pass and Mrs Carp shrugged and let you go.
You three got into the office just before the final bell went.
“Hide around the corner.” Mr Evershed said.
You guys did, and waited for him to signal you guys to come out.
A few minutes later the new teacher came in and sat down. Mr evershed closed the blinds and sat down at his desk as he nodded his head.
You all stood up, Jordan covered the door while Ryan and you walked over to the desk.
You both stood on either side of Mr Evershed, arms cross over your chests.
“Big mistake coming here.” Ryan snapped
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Hell’s Canyon
『 Hell’s Canyon: Run 1, Day 1: It’s You 』 Undertale - Convergent Mob AU | Sans (Various) / You; Papyrus (Various) / You; Reader Insert; Second-Person Point of View
Rating: M | Warnings for this fic: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Dark Fic, Dark Themes, Kidnapping, Drug Use, Non-consensual Drug Use, Obsessive Behavior, Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, Power Imbalance
Summary: Hell’s Canyon is a city plagued by crime and poverty. You moved here a few years ago, intent on following your dreams and bettering your career—you had no plans to linger any longer than necessary, after all, but... This city doesn’t just let people go. Especially not when you manage to catch the eye of those that run Hell’s underbelly.
You better make the right decisions if you want to make it out of this city in one piece.
At the end of each update Readers are presented with a choice. It’s up to you to make the right one.
It has almost been five years (that’s half a decade) since you moved here and you find yourself regretting the decision more and more with each passing day. You had told yourself it would be temporary—just a quick stint while you worked towards a better position and a comfortable cushion in your bank account; surely a better opportunity in a better location would open up soon! But oh, had you been so blindingly naïve back then—not yet jaded by corrupt management, nepotism, and the extent people will go to to ensure they come out on top. Five years and so many opportunities for advancement you have been passed over. Empty words and sorry attempts at sympathy replay in your mind—
“Oh, I’m sorry dear, you just don’t have the right experience.”
“You’re just not what we’re lookin’ for right now. Maybe give it a go next time.”
“He’s just more knowledgeable in this subject matter than you; you understand, don’t you?”
You crumple the paper in your hand and toss it in the garbage. If you slammed the lid down a little too forcefully… well, it’s not like there’s anyone around to judge you for it.
You might have only read the first line but you didn’t need to read anything else. It would just be more empty words anyway.
Rejection was still rejection, no matter how nicely it was fluffed up.
* * *
There is only a half hour left before your shift is over and as you watch the hands tick ever so studiously across the face of the clock, you find your mind drifting to the mini chocolate cake packed away in the back of your fridge. You had gotten it as a little treat to yourself on your grocery run, a cheap little $5 thing from the grocery store bakery, but after today… well, you were most definitely looking forward to treating yourself.
A day full of dealing with self centered customers and coworkers that seemingly have nothing better to do than pass their work on to you really wears on a person.
You most definitely would be taking the opportunity to treat yourself! Now if only time would hurry up.
“Hey there, Trouble!” comes the voice of your coworker, causing your mood to immediately plummet. Not this asshole again. You try (and ultimately fail) to hide your disgruntled expression at the man you had been passed over for a full time position, who was then quickly promoted to a supervisory role. How the lazy, corner cutting piece of—no. No. Stop. Take a breath and calm down. Don’t let him know how much he gets under your skin.
“What is it, Robert?”
“Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that! How many times’ve I gotta tell you to just call be Rob?”
You purse your lips as the man immediately invades your bubble to slap a hand around your shoulder, his palm grasping at your shoulder, pulling you against him. You immediately slip out from under him. He’s always been annoyingly “friendly”—invasively so. You’re sure that’s how he managed to weasel his way into his position, despite all the errors and half assed jobs he would inevitably push onto you.
“I don’t know, Robert, but you can add one more to the count. What do you want?” You pointedly look towards the clock and thankfully, as dense as the man pretends to be, he catches on.
“I know, I know,” he shrinks in on himself and you just know he’s about to ask for a favor. You’re about to give him a firm and solid “No,” but he starts back up before you have the chance. “I forgot we had a really important order for a customer that was due for delivery today but Naomi already left and this has to be dropped off today—no exceptions.”
“Okay?” You quirk a brow, entirely unsympathetic. Surely he’s not asking you to take it on.
The silence that stretches along with the pathetic pleading expression he gives you is answer enough.
“No way,” you sigh out, running a hand over your face and pulling it through your hair. “I’m done in a half hour, that’s nowhere near enough time to make a delivery and make it back in time.” Even with as good a brownnoser Robert is, even he has never been able to hold any sway over Deb and her ironclad control of ensuring people clock in and out on time. “Aw, c’mon,” he pleads, “you can take your own car and just head straight home after the delivery—I’ll clock you out!” When you frown and narrow your eyes at him, he goes so far as to clasp his hands together. “Pleeeease??? I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”
Yeah, like you haven’t heard that one a hundred times before. Another glance at the clock and you notice it somehow hasn’t even been five minutes. You heave a heavy sigh. It has been a pretty slow day, Robert could handle whatever came up in what little time remained (and if you gave a silent plea for the world’s most self-entitled, unreasonable customer with the most asinine of orders to come in… well, no one would know). You draw in a slow, heavy breath, hold it for a beat, and then breathe it out with a, “fine.”
It takes all your inner strength to keep from rolling your eyes at the little “whoop!” and jump Robert does. It’s not like you agreed to this with altruistic intentions—it’s the only way to ensure he will leave you alone.
“Great!” he explains at the same time he pulls a rather crumpled and crinkled looking envelope from his back pocket. He stuffs it in your hands and all but shoves you towards the back office, where your bag and the back door are. “The address is written on the envelope, just tell them you’re there for Bobbie!”
And the next thing you know, you’re standing in front of your car, a crinkled envelope in one hand and your bag in the other. You shake your head and blink a few times to clear the daze that overcame you, and proceed to fish out your keys.
“What in the hell was that about?” Sure the man always seemed to run on high but even for him that was a bit overly pushy. You ultimately decide to shrug it off, not nearly invested enough in the man to know the answer, as you get seated and remind yourself that Robert has always been weird. The sooner you get this delivery sorted, the sooner you can get to that cake waiting for you at home.
You cast a glance at the curiously beaten up envelope, squint at it, but when it doesn’t whisper the secrets of the universe to you, decide it’s not worth your job to pry.
* * *
You pull up to an unsettlingly empty looking strip mall. The parking lot is empty save for a stray car or two and most of the shop fronts have missing or damaged signage.
“Uh… did I get the address wrong?” With anxiety rising, you grab the beaten up envelope and read the address: 2435 Market Plaza, Suite 18. Staring back to the desolate shop fronts you acknowledge that it looks right… straight down to the numbers adjacent to each door. You’re sat in front of 12... there’s 13, 14, 15...
Something prickles along the back of your neck. Is Robert playing some kind of sick joke on you?
You need to make a decision. Do you…
[Check the suite?]
[Go home?]
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
This is part one of a series I like to call ‘If Chucky had Reddit’. Each post will cover a different movie or season of his show, this fic is about Child’s Play One.
AITA For Kidnapping a Woman and Tying Her Up in a Secret Apartment My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know About?:
I (33M) have always wanted a big family. I’ve wanted kids since I was a little boy, and I’ve wanted a wife ever since I learnt about the concept of love and marriage.
My girlfriend (29F) and I haven’t been able to conceive a child, and honestly, I can’t see myself with her in the long-term. We share some common interests, but she’s starting to grate on my nerves a tad, and she’s not really that pretty if you really look at her.
A few months ago I met a woman who I’ll call Sophia. Sophia (30F) was beautiful, and she had the most adorable little girl who we’ll call Bella. I fell in love with this woman almost immediately, and Bella looked like she could be my daughter, and I knew that this was the family I’d been waiting for. Unfortunately, she was married, and heavily pregnant. But I’m a decent guy, I’m willing to step up and raise both of these babies with Sophia, all I had to do was get her husband out of the way.
After the funeral, I approached Sophia and asked her out on a date. I wanted to take it slow, she was still grieving after all, even if he wasn’t good for her. But apparently, I’d misinterpreted friendly conversation as flirtation, but I was in too deep by now.
I kidnapped her there and then and brought her to an abandoned apartment near a toy store. She struggled a lot and tried to escape, so I had to tie her down for her own safety. I went to pick up Bella from daycare and when I came back Sophia was crying and said that I was an asshole.
I think she just needs time to accept her situation, but what do you think, Reddit? AITA?
BrideofPsychostein: WTF? I know exactly who you are you cheating bastard, stay right the fuck where you are, you’re gonna get a little visit from a close friend of ours. You just wait until I give Mikey a call, you’re in so much trouble, mister!
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: I swear to God Tiff, you always take this shit too far. This is why I’m leaving you, honestly, you can be such a bitch over something so unimportant, it’s ridiculous.
Skeptic372: Is this a joke post? This sub is for serious posts only…
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: Shut up, it’s serious. Doubt me again and I’ll slit your throat. I know where you live, asshole, your location’s in your bio, idiot.
EveryDayBatman: Just got an anonymous tip old Charlie boy, get ready.
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: oh shit.
Hypothetically, could I transfer my soul into a doll?:
That’s just a hypothetical, but say… I was bleeding out in a toy store. No humans nearby, could I go into a doll? I mean, they’re human looking, right? Specifically I’m talking about one of those new Good Guy dolls. Please respond quick cause I don’t know how long I have left. Until curiosity gets the better of me, nothing else I swear.
Never mind, I solved the problem myself, thanks for nothing, guys. Really means a lot, y’know?
I’m so sorry if this comes off as rude or impossible, but does anyone know where I can get a Good Guy doll, preferably in the next eight hours?:
Please let me explain. I’m a single mother on a relatively low income, I have a little boy who’s six today, and it would make his day to have his new favourite thing as his very own on his special day. I’m really beating myself up over not having one now, but by the time he wanted one I’d already spent all the money I’d saved for presents and it was too close to his birthday. I’ve managed to find $50 in case anybody is willing to sell, please help me make my little boy’s birthday wishes come true. 
Magpie: Karen, is that you? You should have just asked, I know a guy in a nearby neighbourhood who’s selling one! I’ll take you there after work, we wouldn’t want to mess up the little tyke’s birthday now would we?
Reply - TheGoodKaren: Oh Maggie, you’re a lifesaver! Thank you, you’re the best friend ever!
Should I pretend that I was sent down from heaven by a dead kid’s father so that he’ll play along with my plans?:
This is a really important question, don’t let me down this time.
TheGoodKaren: Uh, I have a six year old son, and speaking as a mother, that is a horrible thing to do, op.
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: Shut up you stupid bitch, I already hate you, don’t make it worse.
MellowYellowVibes: I’m a child psychologist, and it can be really damaging to a child’s mental development if they’re lied to in such a way. I suggest you don’t do this, op.
Reply - Throwawaydollcrisis: Why is this sub filled with idiots?
Can you kill a person with their voodoo doll?
Can a six year old boy go to prison on suspected murder charges?:
My best friend died recently, she was babysitting my little boy and he was the only one home. She fell out of my apartment’s window onto a truck below. 
My son swears he didn’t do it and that his new Good Guy doll killed her. The cops are getting concerned and I don’t want to lose my son. Could I perhaps plead insanity and get him off with a lighter sentence?
Truthisoutthere666: Trust the boy, it’s the doll. Check it later for yourself.
Reply - TheGoodKaren: Okay, I’ll do that later then…
ElectricDoc: I’m a child psychologist, Karen, the head child psychologist for your area. I think that perhaps your son should come and stay in my facility for a while, where we can heal his troubled mind. He wouldn’t be considered a criminal and could one day go on to live an ordinary life.
Reply - TheGoodKaren: I hate the thought of not seeing my son for so long, but if it’s what I have to do to keep him safe I’ll do it.
Do trench coats and leather jackets look good on six year old boys?
What’s the legal age to drink and smoke in the US?
Good Guy question:
Hi, sorry, me again. Are the new Good Guy dolls supposed to work without their batteries? I got one for my son a few days ago and it seemed to work fine, but I was just about to throw out it’s box today and realised that the batteries were still inside the packaging. Is that meant to happen?
Guest224: Speaking as a doll collector who’s recently finished stocking up on at least three of all of the different name varieties for this doll, no. Your doll must be a defect. Did you buy it from a reputable source?
Reply - TheGoodKaren: Uh, no. Should I be concerned then?
Is it counted as murder or manslaughter if you kill a sentient children’s toy?
“Chucky did it.” Andy Barclay aged six from New Jersey claims that his prized Good Guy doll is behind recent murders in his local area:
His mother supports his delusions, and claims that her son is telling the truth. Local eye witnesses report sightings of a short figure with long red hair in striped overalls reminiscent of the popular toy being seen near the crime scenes, and ‘Chuckymania’ has swept the neighbourhood into a frenzy.
IronaYitz: Hey, am I the only one who thinks that this would make a great horror movie?
DonMancini: I’d totally make it. I’m gonna see if I can get my friend Brad Dourif to star in it.
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aohendo · 2 years
☠️ & 📄 for the ask game :)
Thanks for the asks!
☠️How many characters does the story start off with VS. how many does it end with? 
Prince for Hire: unusually chill, actually. Starts with the same number it ends with. Kiris is non-violent, and although Musyr has nothing against dealing with people by whatever means necessary, there's no reason for anyone to die.
Attenuate/Reverberate: I keep a kill count in my OneNote for it. It includes everyone the main characters have a hand in killing. Disregarding that one decision Madison made which wiped about a good chunk of a continent, and another she made which caused chain-reaction deaths of most of a city, and another one where she blew up a really big spaceship, she's at 115 people within the course of the novel. I never did say she was the good guy in all of this.
In terms of the main cast for Attenuate/Reverberate (7 people), 1 or 2 die. The 'or' is because each draft I change whether or not that particular person is killed. Still deciding, tbh.
📄Do you outline the plot ahead of time? How detailed are your outlines? How much do you stick to or stray from them?
Ehhhh sort of. For Attenuate/Reverberate, I had a few things I knew I wanted to happen, and the rough order in which they happened, but it wasn't outlined to any particular structure (part of the reason they're going to work better as two separate novels, with a little bit of rewriting).
For Prince for Hire, again, I have a few things I know I want to happen, so I pretty much made a list and then mapped them onto a Save the Cat! template I made in Aeon. I've got up to the inciting incident written as of last night, and I only half-stuck to what I'd originally planned (I just updated the timeline to include what happens in the chapters up to the inciting incident, for quick reference later on). I'll probably spend some time today sketching in the major beats up until the midpoint, just so I can have something to ignore once I get there.
Here's what I mean in terms of Aeon plotting, and this is about as detailed as any of my plots ever are:
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[image id: a timeline divided into sections based off Save the Cat! shown up to the midpoint, with various plot points scattered across the page. Everything beyond the line for Act Two is extremely skimpy because it hasn't happened yet.]
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delcakoo · 1 year
EMSSSS MY LOVE💙💙 AAAAAA IDK IM EXTRA HAPPY AND EXCITED TODAY TBH. but stress levels are escalating cause of periodic exams I'm gonna die. im breaking out as well hahaha. IM TOO LAZY TO STUDY I DON'T WANT TO😭😭 I DONT HAVE THE MOTIVATION. PLLDSNSKDLK HELP ME. man i really wish you can send pics even as anonymous like so unfair... but other than my stress levels sky rocketing, im img reat ;D.. i think i bought another jungwon polaroid pics cause its worth my money tbh. ppl will say that im wasting money on paper😭 ITS BETTER THAN WASTING LIKE A FORTUNE FOR THERAPY >:(( LEAVE ME ALONE. how are you? i missed u cause like i go on and off here tbh. bahahah you have no idea. that IM SUPPORTING YOU ANONYMOUS AND NOT ANON. LIKE U HAVE A THOUSAND FOLLOWERS AND U HAVE NO IDEA who i am HAHAHAHHA. im like secretly reposting ur posts and reacting to it too and putting my totz kebrjerkerjb. also whats with americans obsession with adding eggs scene in a romance movie, like not even half way yall are already... disgusting. U CAN LIVE WITHOUT IT. I watching eternals and uh spoiler alert bubs there is spice. for like a quick sec but I STILL HATE IT. why do they keep adding????? can't u just... have a romance movie with JUST kissing scenes. anyway sorry I put u in an awk position. whEN U DO SEE THIS IM SORRY. ITS AN UNCOMFY TOPIC BUT I JUST HAD TO SAY IT CAUSE THEY KEEP- ADDING BS EGGS SCENES ITS LITERALLY UNNECESSARY. ILL UPDATE U AGAIN WHEN I HAVE THE TIME I LOVE U MWA HAHAHAHAHA
MOONIEIEIEIEE MY BELOBED HIHI!! IM HAPPY THAT UR EXCITED TODAY DESPITE UR EXAMS LAO THATS A GOOD ATTOTUDE TO HAVE!! 😭 thats so me tho, i dont have exams rn but like just homework n projects I HAVE NO MOTIVATION TO DO ANYTHING 😍😍 SIGHS. AND OMG JUNGWON POLAS AS U SHOULDDD ugh i wish u could show me on anon :((( i’ve been great too besides school obvs!! nothing too exciting rn but i have a presentation coming up,, wish me luck 🙏🙏 STOPP RLLY?! IM HONESTLY HAPPY U SUPPORT ME AND U ARENT A SILENT READER AW 😭 THATS SO CUTE 💗💗 AND SJHSJSM ILYT BAE MUWAH MWUAH
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iankarlo · 2 years
Chill and Relaxing Dinner | 95th
Chill and Relaxing Dinner | 95th
Haaay. The time flew so quick and it is almost end of the week. I was expecting to do overtime earlier as I need to send my drawings today but suddenly, we changed our priority and I ended up doing other tasks. I was busy fixing the drawings to be cleaned and dealt with other staff concerns. 
I was busy and at the same time I feel like I am chilling and feeling sleepy. I am tried not to fall asleep but I did. I feel like I need to get more rest this weekend. 
I don't know what else we did the entire day and I was laughing around with my friends. It appears like my project managers were too busy too.
After work, I asked my friends to walk with me to clear our minds and have some conversation. We ate at the new built bar in SBMA. We ordered steak and bbq. We ordered fancy drinks although it tastes like a regular drink only but it was fun to be with them again. It's been a while since we had a bonding like that. 
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We walked to the near the shore and laugh around. We enjoyed the view and took some videos for our Instagram. 
I hope I can do better soon. I hope I will be better. 
I hope I will be okay. And I hope I can prove to them I am good enough to stay.
I am scared at the same time, I don't know what will I feel towards it. 
I miss æ, he's been out for almost a week already. I haven't get a chance to talk to him. I feel shy to ask updates.
Buloy, were so busy lately. I tried not to talk to him nuch lately cause I feel like I am bothering him already. I just distance myself for a while hoping we'll be alright.
Anyway, nothing much today. I just wanted to share stories today cause it helped me a lot to keep moving forward in life.
Good night.
Love always, 
0 notes
sith-qween · 2 years
Come, Let Us Teach You
Fandom: DBZ
Pairings: Reader x Vegeta, Reader x Nappa, Reader x Raditz
Words: 3.6k
Rating: M
Warnings: Sayian Reader, Mating Cycles/Heats, Ginyu Force, Dark Frieza, No protection, probably more, I will update as we go lol
One | Two | Three | Four |  Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen |
Stretching out in your armour, you left the room and waited by the other doors. Normally you were the last one to awaken, however today was your first mission, and you were excited! The ship you would all be departing in had been packed up the night before, and all that was left was to go and eat. You stretched out and leaned against the wall, glancing over when one of the doors opened to show Nappa. The man looked over and he looked puzzled at seeing you, but he shrugged it off as the other two emerged from their rooms as well.
The last few days had been really uncomfortable, as the others were always staring at you, almost expectantly; however after blowing off your steam on a group of lower class minions the night before and getting to leave for your missions - nothing could break your spirit!
Taking no time to eat, you were the first one done and ready to go. The three glance between one another with a rather impressed look. It wasn't very often that people got excited about their missions, unless it was to go and wipe out races and cause destruction. This was only a rescue mission, but it was better than clean ups.
The three let you lead them around the base as you practically bounced off of the walls. You were like an overactive child who had gotten locked in a candy store overnight. Though, none of them complained. It was probably the first time any of them saw you being genuinely happy. There was no arguing or sharp comments bantered back and forth, just happy chatter and excited rants.
Finally they said that preparations were set and you beamed, boarding the ship. Hell, you were in such a good mood that you didn't care that everyone was sitting so close to you, since it was a much smaller ship. Letting your tail free for the time being, it swayed softly back and forth behind you as you stood there impatiently. Looking over at the spiky haired prince you finally asked the important question,
"What should I be prepared for? What exactly are we doing?" you asked, turning your body to face him while you spoke. He rolled his eyes before giving you a quick glance over,
"A patrol had been sent there a month ago. They should have been gone for only a week. A week ago we received a distress call from the team, and they decided our squad would handle it. We will arrive and set up a camp; there are wild creatures there, so you will have to be alert. The next day we will go and start to patrol the area for them, using the sunlight to our advantage." he explained in short.
It was just a simple mission, and both Raditz and Nappa looked bored about it; but you just weren't able to share their emotions. Even if you wanted to, you just don't think that it would have been possible. You just couldn't wait to get out there and start to do real work. This may be a boring job, but it was already a vast improvement from your last ones.
The ride was a long one, and you meant loong. If it wasn't Nappa or Raditz making some kind of inappropriate comment, then it was Vegeta who was starting to lose his temper on the other two. You couldn't help but think that you were surrounded by idiots. You avoided any kind of conversation with them if it was necessary, not wanting to give them the chance to pull your good mood down. Thanking your God for that ride to be over, you stepped out with the others, stretching out your body.
You wasted no time in helping the others remove what you all needed for the camp that night. Vegeta decided he was too good for the grunt work and decided to take a seat on a tree stump and watch. Rolling your eyes you continued to help them unload, pulling out a tent and passing it off to them before you pulled out the second. Handing it off you went to grab the other two, only to realise that there were no more. Your brows knit together in confusion as you shut the compartment to the ship and went over to help the two set up the tent,
"Did someone forget to pack the tents? We only have two of them?" you asked innocently enough. As you worked around the tent with the two, you managed to catch a glance at Vegeta who held nothing but a smug grin on his face,
"Normally, [y/n], we only bring one tent.. however we thought four might be a bit of a crowd so we added an extra one. So, I thought maybe you would share my tent with me; I don't think either of us want to be kept up all night by their snoring.." he stated, that look never leaving his face. The idea of sharing a tent with him made your cheeks heat up a little bit and you turned back to your work,
"Y-yeah.. I guess that sounds alright.." you responded. You didn't exactly think saying anything to piss off the prince was exactly wise, but you also wanted to be able to sleep; so maybe it would work out in your favour in the end. Having been focused on fixing the tent, you didn't notice the other two men cast glares over their shoulder at the young prince who sat there with an even wider grin.
Finished with the first tent, the other two went on to start the second one. You sat there on your knees for a few moments, painfully watching as they tried to set up the tent. Finally letting out a loud, frustrated sigh you stood and shoved the two men aside and finished setting up the tent. This causes the prince to laugh, and the two men to mutter about how they knew all that.
Rolling your eyes at the masculine pride you stretched and went over to start looking through the blankets, making sure that there was enough.
Then it hit you. It was almost like a sharp pain in your side at first and you instantly felt a wave of horror wash over you. That was the telltale sign of your cycle. You felt a small surge of panic rise in your chest when you remembered what the prince had said about it. Having them in front of you, you tried to think of a reason to leave.
Looking over, you noticed that no one had yet to get some firewood or stones. Brushing the dirt and dried leaves from your pants you turned away from the group, "I'm going to get some firewood.." you said, letting them know. You didn't need to look to know that the prince was smirking by now, he knew and you wanted to scream.
"Maybe I should go and hel-"
"No! I want to go alone." you turned to face the bald warrior. Noticing that you had snapped you cleared your throat, "I mean that I need some time away from you muscle heads... I was ready to strangle myself on the way here... maybe you should go and find something for us to eat?" you suggested, noticing the corners of his lips also turning up in a bit of a smirk. That was all the cue you needed to get the hell out of there.
Wasting no more time you took off flying in the trees, wanting to get as much distance between you and the others as soon as you flew through the trees, your body starting to grow warmer and you decided you were far enough to land. Landing, you stopped and leaned against a tree. Naturally it had to happen now, when you were in the middle of god knows where, surrounded by three Saiyan men, who all wanted a reason to pounce. To make matters worse it had to happen that Vegeta was right, they could all sense it as well. You had to keep a resolve, you just had to make it through supper, and then maybe you could slip off alone when they all went to bed to take care of the problem.
Pushing away from the tree you lifted your hand and blasted it down with a single ki blast. Watching as the grey tree fell over you cast a few more, leaving the once sturdy trunk, in pieces. Collecting as much as your arms could possibly hold you and you took off back to camp. You didn't want to go back, you wanted so badly to avoid them, but that would start to raise more flags than it already had.
Taking a deep breath as you arrived back you landed and dropped your pile down to the side, seeing they had found some stones, and kindle to get the fire started. Moving around to one of the tree stumps you took a seat across from Vegeta. You looked up at him, he still held that smug grin on his face. You wanted to go over there and slap it off, but the sound of Nappa coming back with a large wild-beast kept you at bay.
"You didn't bring back as much firewood as I was hoping since you were gone for so long.. you didn't happen to run into any trouble, did you?" he asked. Your cheeks tinted lightly once again at his words. He knew very well what he was saying, and so did the others. You sneered at him and turned you head away,
"No, I had no problem. I was just searching for an older tree.. I was being considerate of nature here.." you lied effortlessly. Raditz gave a small raise of his eyebrow at the response, but he focused on Nappa cleaning up the beast so that it could be cooked.
You watched as the three men seemed to fall into routine, cleaning up the beast and ripping sections of the meat off to place onto a rack above the fire. You had to admit, they knew what they were doing. They clearly had years of experience in all of this. Giving them a small smile when they handed you your share, you quickly devoured it, not worrying about manners like you would have back home.
You were able to keep yourself just distracted enough that you didn't think about your rapidly increasing problem, despite the jabs that they others threw your way. Eventually the banter and jokes turned into the three talking about past missions, and giving you an idea of all the possibilities that could go wrong, and how there were some that were so easy a child could do it blindfolded. For once you found it easy to sit back and talk with them all.
As the chatter started to die down and the sun was nowhere left to be seen, you all seemed ready to go to sleep. You knew you couldn't be the one to suggest going to sleep, so you waited patiently. The fire softly illuminated everyone's features before Nappa glanced over at the prince before he stretched out, yawning loudly.
"Well I think that it is time to go and get some sleep. We need to be up at the crack of dawn if you want to use as much of the sunlight as possible." he stated. He had a valid point and young couldn't help but stifle a small yawn. Raditz nodded in agreement before he stood and muttered something akin to 'good night' before vanishing into the tent he was sharing with Nappa.
Not wanting to waste anymore time there, you stood as well and went into the other tent, the one you would unfortunately be sharing with the prince. You sighed softly before you pulled your shoes and gloves off, followed by your chest and waist gear. Setting them neatly to the side you grabbed one of the pillows you laid down and threw a blanket over yourself, making sure that your back would be to the prince when he would get settled in.
You could hear Nappa and Vegeta's voice conversing outside but you had no idea what they were saying; not that it mattered as they were done and the prince had now slipped into the tent. You weren't able to stop your body from tensing up a little bit as he moved in beside you and started to pull off his gear as well, getting himself ready to go to sleep.
You could hear his shuffling as he laid down next to you and you silently thanked god he wasn't saying anything. A small smile made its way to your lips as you realised now you just had to wait. All you had to do was wait until Vegeta had fallen asleep, and you could slip out and take care of your problem, and pray that this was the only time it would strike during the mission. However you heard him turning over next to you,
"I'm not a fool, [y/n]. I'm not going to fall asleep and I won't let you leave this tent.." he whispered quietly , his breath just tickling against the nape of your neck. You couldn't help a shiver that ran down your spine and you cursed how sensitive your body had become during this time. Shutting your eyes you tried to ignore him, he had to give in eventually, maybe if he thought you were asleep
Then his breath was right next to your ear, making you bite your lip as you fought against letting your body shiver again, "Let me help you.." he whispered, his breath ghosting over your ear.
"I.. I don't need any help... go to sleep!" you said, your voice just above a whisper.
"Don't lie to me.. I don't like liars.." he warned, his voice dropping lower than it normally was. That was enough to make a small whimper past your lips. You were doing so well, and now he was practically pressed against your back, whispering in your ear. The burning in the pit of your stomach started to get stronger then it was before,
"I .. Vegeta.. please stop.." you whispered, you could already feel your resolve starting to break. No matter how hard you tried to fight it, it just got worse. You didn't want to give in to what he wanted, you wanted to fight him but you were already begging.
"Let me help.. I promise I won't do anything more than relieve your suffering.." he whispered, his hand having slipped under your blanket and was lightly tracing over the curve in your side. Biting your lip harder you couldn't help but let out a shaky breath, you didn't want this, but you needed it. It was one of the few things that made you weak, and you cursed it with every fibre of your being.
"F-fine.. but don't expect anything in return.." he responded at last, turning you head to cast a heated glare at the man behind you. You felt him smirk as he nodded in agreement to the terms you had just set in place. Shifting around he was able to pull your bottoms down, letting light fleeting touches tease your skin while he presented the main event.
His hands were rough, and that was probably from years of fighting, but it wasn't an unwelcome touch. While you had your head turned over the prince made haste in stealing your lips with his own. The sudden action of affection causes your body to tense up a little bit as you begin to blush slightly. Sensing your moment of hesitation he pushed your hip down, slowly twisting your body to turn until you lay flat on your back. Pulling the blanket off of you, he moved his own body so that it was now above yours, your lips parting for a moment while he looked down at you.
He was now inches from your face, his beautiful face now inches from your own. You could feel your heart pounding away in your chest and you would have been surprised if he couldn't hear it. Staring at him for a few moments, you couldn't help as your eyes glanced back to his lips, silently wanting to kiss them again. Though none of this was anything you would dare to admit out loud, there was no way you would feed anything else to his ego.
Noticing your hesitation, he let his hand slowly trail along your side, moving over your bare hip. You noticed how your breath hitched ever so slightly and he noticed as well, the grin on his face didn't even try to hide his amusement. You halfheartedly glared at him, but he had other things in mind. Leaning forward he let his breath softly tickle your ear before he started to softly kiss under your ear, causing you to take in a shaky breath. Your control was relaxing as you felt like jelly under his kisses.
You could feel his attention start to diminish some of the flames that were burning under your flesh. Your mind was turning to mush until you felt his hand tease along the side of your thigh, causing you to gasp softly. By now your body was reacting in pure reactions, your arms came to wrap around the man's shoulders, not knowing what else to do as he brushed against you , making you whimper softly. You could feel him grinning against your skin and you let your nails dig into the other shoulder in response.
If it wasn't for the bloody cycle, he wouldn't have been allowed to lay a finger on you! Now here he was getting his way, being cocky about it. It vexed you, but when his finger started to roughly rub you, you bit your tongue in a soft moan. Your body was so sensitive during this time, you knew that you wouldn't be able to hold out for long.
As his fingers started to move along your wet folds, and his hand brushing against your bead in the process. Your body shivered as he teased you, moving slowly against you but never going any further. He continued to kiss and nip at the flesh on the side of your neck, seeming to be enjoying himself just as he was.
"Vegeta.. please.." you whimpered against his neck, you needed so badly to finish. His teasing was only relighting the fire, and it was starting to get unbearable.
"Please?" he repeated, a venomous smirk lacing his voice. He knew very well what you wanted, and he was going to be a dick. Then again, what more had you expected from the prince?
"Please, stop teasing me.. I need you.." you said, trying not to let your voice rise any louder than a whisper, in fear of the other two hearing. You had no idea how well these tents blocked out sound, and you really were in the mood to find out. However the desperation in your voice was there, you needed this so badly. His teasing touches made it feel like the fire was beginning to reignite against your skin. Your need was starting to drive you insane and his cocky attitude wasn't helping; however what more had you really expected from the prince?
Without any hesitation he slipped a finger into your wet cavern, rubbing against your overly sensitive walls. The sudden action caused you to moan and dig your nails deeper into his shoulders. It was so little, and yet it felt so amazing. Your tail was starting to curl in pleasure as he started to move it in and out of you. Biting your lip to stifle the moans that were managing to slip past your lips.
The sounds you were making were clearly pleasing to the prince, because he started to speed up his actions, getting rougher as you dragged your nails over his skin, leaving red lines in their wake. Finally he hit that one bundle of nerves inside of you which caused you to gasp out. Noticing your reaction he grinned and started to assault that spot, sending pain flooding over your entire body.
You didn't even think about it when you grabbed his face and pulled his lips to your own, you just needed something to help keep you quiet. You could tell he was pleased as he pressed in one more time, causing your body to reach its limit. You moaned into your kiss as you came, your back arching up into his as you reached your climax.
When your body started to relax, he moved away, staring down at you. You could see the conflicted lust that was in his eyes and you watched him for a moment before he finally moved. Pulling your bottoms up he pulled himself away from your body and turned away to his side of the tent and curled up to go to sleep. For a moment you were surprised that he had kept his promise that he had silently made.
Not complaining however, your primal hunger had been satisfied and he wasn't bugging you about how he had been right. Thankful he was leaving the situation as it was you turned over and pulled the blankets up over your body. You would be lying if you had said you didn't like it, but you weren't exactly happy how that would have given his ego a boost.
Leaving it as it was, you let sleep come over you, your mind was able to focus and drift away into a much needed slumber.
AN: From here on out things start getting spicier, so you've been warned! This is a half completed story, you can find the most recent chapters on AO3, they see it first! More comments, likes, and shares will help me remember to post on here a little more as well - I love feedback and hearing from readers! Until next time!
Find me elsewhere, https://linktr.ee/DesolatedSith
I hope you enjoyed!
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cherrykindness · 3 years
let's make babies |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: you and harry are doing a live on instagram, you've drunk a lot of wine and now the world knows that the future Mrs. Styles is ready to make babies.
warnings: mostly cute, but the title tells you what you need to know 🤪
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"What is your favorite song from the Fine Line album?" Y/N read aloud, twirling in her right hand the second glass of wine of the evening, the one already halfway through. "Adore You and Watermelon Sugar, of course."
Harry giggled, rolling his eyes upon hearing his fiancée's statement.
"Y/N will always choose Adore You because it was obviously written for her." He accused. "She wouldn't give that answer under different circumstances."
The comments climbed up the screen continuously, most fans gushing about how cute Harry Styles and YN/LN could be while the other part was concerned with wringing even more information out of the slightly inebriated couple who had decided to do a surprise live one early Sunday morning.
As expected after being away for some time to begin filming Don't Worry, Darling in Southern California, Harry enjoyed a lazy weekend in the house he shared with his fiancée and her pets. The days were filled with late naps and relentless Netflix marathons, sublime and ethereal evenings, marked mostly by unexpected declarations and rounds of sex that used to last until the beams of light were shyly coming through the linen curtains. They were not a monotonous couple, so this order could easily be changed.
"Watermelon Sugar is nothing more than about my love for watermelons, don't get too creative." Harry replied to a fan while sporting a corner smile, the message standing out among the rest for its dozens of emojis and large print, questioning the singer about erotic content behind the lyrics of his latest hit. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head before leaning it against her fiancé's chest, propped up on the soft white pillows that were spread practically all over the bed. The air conditioner was on at a minimal temperature and a light rain whipped on the panes of glass camouflaged by the cream-colored curtain, that being the projection of Y/N's favorite nights.
"You can tell them, I'm not shy." She joked, nudging her fiancé's waist.
"You know what it was written about and who it was written for." Harry replied, raising one of his eyebrows. "That's what matters."
It went without saying that much of Harry's newest album, as well as some of his earlier work, had been done in exclusive dedication to his future wife. Y/N had been the muse for a vast repertoire of romantic songs, and even though the singer preferred to keep the story behind his more explicit compositions a "secret", the relationship the two had shared for more than three years was already solid and known enough for the media and fans to distinguish hidden messages in small details.
"It's a song about what usually comes before the act of making babies." Y/N laughed as he pointed at the display. "Honestly, you guys are impossible."
"No, we make babies every day." Harry joked, making a funny motion with his eyebrows. "I would spend my entire career writing just about that."
"Harry!" The actress exclaimed incredulously, slapping her fiancé weakly on the chest. "Children might be watching this."
"You don't want to have babies with me?" He asked falsely offended, accepting the cup that Y/N offered him. "Because I want some babies with you."
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes as she watched the internet freak out at the dialogue that had suddenly emerged. Since the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of inevitable that the couple of artists would not become the darlings of all social media; they were fervently active with photos, videos, and lives that depicted step by step daily life in isolation, gaining more and more followers and making the media more and more fascinated by the relationship they both shared.
The wedding was scheduled for the summer of next year and it was perhaps the most anticipated event in the tabloids. Bets about what the model of Y/N's dress would be and lists presuming who would be selected for the short list of guests stood out among countless news stories about the famous people influencing pop culture today.
The possible arrival of a Styles baby was an inevitable topic in interviews. Harry and Niall were the only members of the ex-boyband that had not become fathers yet, and because they had maintained a solid relationship and were seen as one of the most enviable couples during the last four years, Y/N and Harry had gotten used to all this openly asked questions. They didn't mind, they even had fun with the montages and all the anxiety that dominated the whole internet, often mentioning the fandoms' efforts to represent them as such "cool" parents in perfectly edited pictures.
"No, guys, I'm not pregnant." Y/N amusingly clarified the doubt of dozens of new comments. "Please don't believe so many controversial news stories that appear out there. I was on twitter last week and saw several people theorizing about a possible pregnancy, most of the arguments based on a website that used photos from the set of How to Get Away with Murder in the season where I was actually playing a pregnant woman as Laurel." She laughed. "It's so funny! I know you guys love to guess these things, but we won't hide something so special when it actually happen, I promise."
"Especially because Y/N can hide absolutely nothing from anyone." Harry accused, leaving his drink on the corner table before settling into a comfortable position for the two of them. "Anyone who's a Marvel fan knows that. That's one of her most characteristic quirks."
"They gave me a fake script for the last two movies." Y/N agreed, shaking his head. "For me and Tom."
"We agreed to keep the engagement a secret for a while. The plan was to travel to Holmes Chapel to break the news to my family in person, but guess who got a call at ten o'clock at night from an angry Anne because she learned of her son's engagement from an interview Y/N gave the next day?"
Y/N gave a guilty smile, winking gracefully at the camera. "It was all James' fault! I'm sure he already suspected something, those questions were very suspicious."
"Of course the questions were suspicious, babe. You literally said you had a secret that involved both of us but that you couldn't tell because it was important that our families knew first."
"I thought he would think about a pregnancy or something!" The actress defended herself, feeling very convincing in her intonation bordering on obviousness. "That's a mania I can't get rid of, it's in my genes."
"Did you all hear that? Further proof that you guys don't have to worry about guessing when Y/N's pregnancy will be, I'm sure our baby will make sure to tell you everything while still in the womb, mom's genes will make sure of that."
"You are so funny, Harry Styles." Y/N sarcastically stated, holding back a giggle as countless messages with laughing emojis were frantically up. "Yeah, I know I talk a lot and all, but you have annoying quirks too."
It was obvious that live would be news the next day. Although they were completely open about matters concerning their relationship, nothing seemed better than receiving so much exclusive information from a Harry and S/N drunk on expensive wine.
"You wake up in a bad mood and you're dangerously sexy, that should be illegal."
Harry laughed, holding his fiancée's waist a little tighter as he felt her tumble a little further to the side, getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Y/N was dangerously weak for drinks, and the singer knew that the actress' body was already near its limit.
"You're the only sexy person here, love." He declared with a corner smile, evidently finding the whole situation funny. "Do you want to go to sleep now?"
"No." Y/N shook her head. "Can we watch some movie? Can we watch Sweet Home?"
"Of course, love." He murmured, giving the woman a quick kiss on the forehead.
Even though Harry knew that his fiancée was unlikely to make it past the five-minute mark of the episode, he made sure to restart the korean series at exactly the scene where she had stopped, the first chapter still halfway through after Y/N realized that it would be impossible to watch such a macabre work without a drop of alcohol in her blood.
She had been so excited by the taste of Argentinian wine and the idea of updating her fans after a few weeks away, that she had forgotten the main purpose of the live. Harry and Y/N had been apart for a few days due to the new movie the Brit was shooting in North America, all happening in an unrestrictedly careful manner due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.
He was slowly migrating towards acting and the future Mrs. Styles couldn't be prouder. Y/N had felt on cloud nine when Harry had given her the news of his upcoming job, but her only pronouncement on the subject had been a succinct post on instagram. Just a photo of the couple on a trip to Germany with a simple heart emoji didn't seem enough for the actress' exhibitionist soul, and coming to that conclusion was the main reason she decided to invite him, already relatively changed, for a live appearance. Y/N wanted to go on and on about how much she loved that man and work on that whole honeyed speech that would bring her (once again) the title of "cutest bride of all time," but of course Harry had to come home from his trip with his favorite red wine and poison her with those sweet caresses that took her out of orbit, turning the degree of alcohol content into the least of her problems.
"You're going to kiss Florence." Y/N exclaimed suddenly, as if only now realizing that her fiancé would share the screen with Florence Pugh, one of her closest friends in that industry. "Kiss on the mouth."
The MacBook was still open and hundreds of new comments were going up every second, but Harry didn't bother one bit to warn her about the possibility of her becoming a meme the next day. He was having too much fun with the situation to worry.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes." She stated with a pout. "I am jealous, I just don't know if I'm more jealous of her or of you."
"But you kiss me every day, babe." Harry laughed. "And you've been kissing other people's men for almost ten years." He joked.
"But I only think about you, I already told you that."
Harry shook his head negatively at the camera, knowing he was sharing with the fans the funniest side of his fiancée.
"I know that, honey." He assured, lightly stroking the actress' back. "I think we'd better turn off the TV and go to sleep now, I'm sure you'll have a terrible headache tomorrow."
The brit planned to bid his audience goodbye and put an end to that recording, but Y/N was drunk and her sense of right and wrong had already gone to space. Harry should have been quicker, however, because his fiancée's speech would be cause for new tags and the only subject for the interviewers for at least the next few months.
"I don't want to sleep, how about we make babies?"
That's what Watermelon Sugar was all about, after all.
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : basically everyone at this point from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of explosions + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 29 march
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 2.2k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : kyoto sister school exchange event - group battle 1
↳ next episode : kyoto sister school exchange event - group battle 3
↳ barista’s notes : it’s been a while huh? ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ BUT! my exams and easter hoilday is nearly here, so i will be able to update more than i have been this month, so thank you all so much for being so patient with me ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ my heart can’t take all the kindness ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ other than that, i hope you all enjoy today’s episode since fushiugro doesn’t pop up until like episode eighteen...so hope you love all the made up scenarios that i have constructed ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’ - but none is mentioned in this chapter.
2.5. for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique : hopefully this video is slightly better...
no cursed spells used this episode..
but the little sword swing is inspired by this : here
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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“What’s with the smiley look on your face?” you asked as you lifted your eyebrow in curiosity since the man in front of you had a somewhat goofy grin plastered on him while adding a ridiculous amount of sugar cubes into his coffee cup causing you to shiver since you couldn’t imagine how sweet the caffeinated drink would be now if you tried it right now.
“Oh, nothing~ I’m just glad that I got to spend time with my daughter since we both have been so busy lately,” Gojo answered you brightly before grabbing the small metal spoon that was placed on the white saucer below his cup to stir the dark drink to quicken the process of the sugar dissolving.
Right now in the afternoon, you and Gojo were at a random luxury dessert place in the middle of Tokyo, where he had unexpectedly dragged you out of training that you had with the first and second years - much to their complete dismay - to have some ‘father and daughter’ bonding time together, leaving them to prepare today’s training by themselves since their plans were ruined with you now gone out of the scenario.
“Please don’t call me that,” you muttered as you processed to swirl your iced orange and mango juice with your straw before taking a quick sip of the cold beverage causing the tropical flavour to enlighten a light feeling of happiness within your stomach.
“So~ how is training for the exchange event going on?” Gojo asked as he took a sip of his cup causing you to look up at him before moving your lips away from the plastic straw. “It’s going well, Fushiguro and Kugisaki are improving bit by bit as well as the second years, it’s progress,” you replied back as your head began to nod slowly as you began to process everything in your head.
“Ah~ I knew I could count on you,” Gojo mentioned with a proud smile present on his face before looking over to the side to find the waiter coming to your table with the desserts that you both had ordered.
‘Well...isn’t it really your job as a teacher to train them?’
“Thank you so much,” you said to the waiter as they placed down your plates before giving you a nod as they processed to look after the other customers that were also in the cafe right now, leading Gojo to look at the treats in such delight before handing you one of the plates since he was the one that ordered everything - which was a complete surprise since you didn’t think he would remember you liking orange juice at all.
“Here you are! Tiramisu with fresh strawberries on top,” Gojo expressed with an excited tone causing you to look at him with a perplexed expression before slowly peering down at the small white plate that was placed in front of you to only find the mentioned dessert with a small fork right beside it.
“Did...you know I like tiramisu?” you asked bewilderedly since you had never mentioned anything about your favourite treats to Gojo since he was so keen on ordering as quickly as possible the second you both got here, to get the beautiful desserts as early as possible leaving you no room to add what you wanted.
“You were looking at it on the display when we got here, so I thought you wanted to give it a try,” Gojo informed you, leading you to look at him once again in surprise before steadily taking the fork in hand to dig into the treat you were gifted with.
“Thank you,” you mentioned with gratitude before you slowly began to tuck into the meal leaving Gojo to look at you with a smile before changing his gaze towards the sweet treats that were displayed at you both right now before gleefully taking the strawberry shortcake as his first choice.
“Y/N...when the exchange event comes...don’t use your curse technique at all,” Gojo said in a serious tone leading you to look up at your teacher in confusion due to the unexpected change in atmosphere, before sighing since you thought it was common knowledge by now and there was no need for him to remind you.
“You don’t need to tell me that, I can tell that the Kyoto Principal is coming to be watching, right?” you rhetorically asked as you slightly tilted your head to the side, “you don’t have to worry about anything, I ain’t that stupid, besides...the Kyoto students from what I’ve seen are real drags,”
‘I swear I feel like using a curse spell right now’
At this current moment in time, you were in a somewhat difficult situation as you were rapidly zooming past the forest trees that were surrounding you while continuously avoided the arrows that were coming towards your way as some flew right past you while others struck the tree trucks that were somewhat protecting you from them, leaving you with the job to find an escape route since you were still trying to find clues of the mole that Gojo mentioned to you before the Exchange Event started as well as the second-grade curse that was needed to be exorcised to end the first day of the two-day event.
Shifting your eyes to the side, you noticed Fushiguro running in the same direction as you as he needed to keep up with you to make sure that you were safe and there was a way to help you avoid attacking your opponent right now since that was a new rule implemented to keep the game fair. However, with the abandonment of the use of your curse technique, Fushiguro needed to make sure he could defend you and have your back right now.
Quickly, you turned your head back to face forwards to ensure that you didn’t bump into anything or tripped up anywhere since you still had no idea where you were heading right now. From what you could recall, the area that was mapped out to the event’s arena was quite vast and it was getting somewhat difficult for you to sense everyone’s cursed energy since they were all now scattered in different directions with different distances leading your sense on them to become disorganised around you causing some difficulty to sense the curse you needed to locate for.
During this train of thought, Fushiguro couldn’t help but notice a few odd but small objects flowing through the air in front of both of you and him, causing the erratic-haired sorcerer to slightly tense up since he wasn’t sure what they were but also knew he couldn’t act too careless right now since it could be a trap that was set by the Kyoto side. However, as you both continued to sprint forward, those same small objects gilded right past between both of you and Fushiguro causing him to able to identify what they were.
‘Flower petals?’ Fushiguro thought before noticing how a few more pink petals would flow between you and him causing the shikigami user to look at you in confusion (since it was summer meaning there was no way they were just in bloom) as a few more of them gracefully fluttered past you which lead Fushiguro to slowly remember something, yet it was blurry in his mind right now. However, before his mind could even process anything to clear up the blurry image, you swiftly raised your arm to unexpectedly grab a few of the pink petals causing him to snap out of his daze before you left him more perplexed about what you were planning.
“Gojo, what are you going to do?” Fushiguro questioned, as he slyly noticed how your grip on the petals began to tighten before a small smile graced itself upon your face.
“Right now, let’s just say I ain’t planning to follow the rules if he keeps attacking me!” you answered back in a loud tone causing the grade-two sorcerer to glance at you with widened eyes as he wanted to halt you from what you were organising to do. Although, it seemed like it was too late since your hand opened slowly to release the pink flower petals back into the air before you took hold of his sleeve to pull him further so you both can take a long distance away from the same petals right now.
Suddenly, another arrow appeared from the trees as it was making its way towards you both leading you to smirk slightly as you let out of your classmate’s sleeve to take a hold of your katana that was still within its wooden sheathe as you needed to prepare for what was about to commence. 
As the arrow drew closer and closer to you and Fushiguro, it couldn’t help but slightly grazed its sharp metal tip on one of the rosy coloured petals causing a sudden large explosion to commence right above you and Fushiguro while the other petals began to follow due to the first explosion’s residue hitting them as well leading to a row of large explosions to employ to which caused Fushiguro to look at the scene in complete shock before noticing how you were beginning to casually unsheathe your katana from its metal hold.
“You see, if I follow the rules, there is no way of telling them to stay the hell away from me,” you muttered, as you spun around to face the opposite direction before fully swinging your sword sideways leading to a crescent wave of cursed energy to speedily manifest as it flew across the whole woods while somewhat clearing the fiery explosion that was already enough to keep Kamo in place for some time leading Fushiguro to inspect the destructive site in complete surprise since he had no idea that you were able to carry out such an attack. However, it seemed like there was no more time to admire your work as you gripped onto his school jacket’s sleeve, once again, as you had already turned back around to continue running to god knows where.
‘Maybe I went a little overboard…’
“What was that?” Nishimiya asked in slight fear, as she peered in the direction on where the unexpected explosions had occurred while noticing how some of the trees were suddenly on fire while others just seemed to be missing leading Kugisaki, Panda and Mechamaru (who were down below on the ground) to look towards the direction where they hear the destruction.
“Woah,” Kugisaki muttered in awe since she had a slight feeling that it was you, who caused the mass destruction just seconds ago.
“Well, it seems like we don’t have to worry about Gojo,” Panda mentioned to his lower classmate before he swiftly got back up on his feet to attack Mechamaru by launching a punch into the robot’s face causing Kugisaki to turn to him in shock since she thought he was still unconscious.
‘Yeah, I don’t have to ever worry about her’ Kugisaki thought confidently before turning towards her opponent with an annoyed look on her face.
“She can do that with flower petals?!” Utahime screamed in shock as she peered at the screen that was now just a pure full screen of static leading her to nearly drop her cup of tea, while Gojo looked at the same screen in slight surprise before he began to giggle while processing to remove his hands that were resting behind his head in amusement of what he had just witnessed from you.
“Awhhh so pretty~” Gojo commented as he clapped his hands like he was applauding you, leading Utahime to turn her gaze towards him in an irritated manner.
‘You love to keep surprising me, don’t you Y/N?’
“And that’s one bird down! Mei-san, is it possible to get another?” Gojo questioned as he peered back to his colleague causing her to giggle slightly as she opened her eyes again.
“Just who did you take in Gojo? You have a good eye if you decided to take her as your daughter, how much did you pay for her?” Mei replied, only for Gojo to look at her with a cheeky smile.
“Nothing, absolutely zero yen! I got her by pure chance, don’t tell me you’re planning to take her away from me, Mei-san?” Gojo jokingly commented back, before turning his sights on the Kyoto Principal, who seemed to be somewhat shocked at the current events that were transpiring on, but managed to maintain his composure leading to the strongest sorcerer to turn back to the other multitude of screens that were in front of him right now, like he was at the cinema watching an action movie.
‘The Kyoto student from what I’ve seen are real drags’
“That’s a bit harsh and violent from those said ‘drags’, don’t you think Y/N?” Gojo muttered under his breath as he waited for another crow to replace the one you had destroyed earlier.
‘At this rate, she won’t be able to track down the mole if Kamo is going to keep attacking her...oh well~ she’s a smart person, she’ll figure it out without even facing them’
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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Claire...may I request a lil' writing? I'm thinking of Javi maybe post Columbia and he builds up a routine. He goes to the same coffee shop every morning on his way to work and of course picks up the same order. You're a barista at the coffee shop and eventually, you can pin down his arrival to the minute so one day, you make his drink for the exact moment when he gets there, with your number written on the cup cause screw it, he's damn hot. What would happen? <3
Oh Maia, this was FUN to write for you!!! I hope you enjoy it! :D
Exciting update!!! GIF and media genius @nicolethered made an amazing video for me to go with this fic!! Go give her big love!!
Second exciting update! I was challenged by @quica-quica-quica to play the POV game for this piece (where someone Asks you to rewrite a piece from a different character's POV). So now there is a companion piece to this from Javier's POV, called: "Coffee Shop Girl". Enjoy!
For Now
Word count: 3900+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Javier Peña x “You” (Austin coffee shop barista; cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: slow-burn; oral sex/F receiving; vaginal fingering; protected P/V sex; cigarette smoking
Ten days. It took ten days between the first arrival of the handsome stranger and you ending up in his bed. A new personal record for you, given how reserved you normally were. But it was nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you were careful. It was the 90s now after all, there was zero reason to have to keep your knees closed until marriage, as long as you used condoms and got tested regularly.
You liked the coffee shop well enough, situated on the southern end of downtown near the warehouses and a few clubs. It drew a full spectrum of Austinites: college kids closing out their club nights with breakfast tacos and pastries before going home to crash; early morning construction workers, employees from the big post office around the corner; and the usual boring lawyers and office staff who started streaming in around 7:30 every weekday morning. You could do the job well enough, even considering the odd hours: waking up early enough to open the doors at 5:30, serve the slow trickle of early morning customers with patience and ease until a co-worker joined at 7:00 for the morning rush. And the barista and food service parts of the job were physically but not mentally demanding. It was a job, and certainly less hassle than your bartending gig some weekends. At least here you only had to throw drunks out once a month.
And then one Tuesday in early June, at 7:47 a.m., he appeared. Tall, neatly groomed mustache, dark eyes, a sheaf of bangs swept to the side over his forehead. His navy blue blazer and tie said ‘accountant’ or maybe ‘state employee’ and his sideburns were just a little out of date. You pegged him at about 40, probably one of those men who visited the same barber their whole lives, not bothering to keep up with fashion trends as long as they looked neat and clean. When he reached to take his to-go cup of black coffee from you, you noticed that his ring finger was bare, and you liked that his fingernails were clean and trimmed. He offered you a nod in thanks, and you smiled at him a little more warmly than you had with your other customers so far. He held the door on his way out, pausing just a moment to let two women enter… and then he was gone, out into the bright sunlight and foot traffic and morning rush. You hoped you would see him again.
On Wednesday he came back again, a repeat of Tuesday except with a different tie, deep red today instead of navy. Black coffee to go, leather portfolio tucked under one arm, clean hands, eyes as dark as the coffee you handed him. This time rewarding you with a gruff and gravelly, “Thanks,” instead of just a nod. You relished the accidental brush of his fingers on yours as you handed the cup over, another flash of him imprinted on you, along with yesterday’s vision of him going golden as he stepped out into the morning sun. This time you watched him through the big glass window until he was out of sight, admiring his strong nose in profile, the curve of it perched over that mustache. Two extra seconds of handsomeness poured into your morning before you had to turn back to rinsing mugs and making change. You hoped that he’d come again on Thursday, making it three visits, a genuine pattern instead of a fluke.
On Thursday he reappeared, same time as the previous two days, waiting patiently in line behind two wake-and-bake potheads who were taking their sweet time staring up at the food menu. Today he was dark gray instead of navy, wearing a charcoal blazer and a sharp black tie. You waved him over with a smile, letting it melt all the way up to your eyes instead of flashing the tight, brief, closed-mouth thing you used on most customers.
“Black coffee, right?” You watched his face, taking in the dark eyes, the hair, the brief smile that made a surprise dimple appear in his cheek.
He nodded, “That’s right. Thank you.” He slid a rumpled bill across the counter. “Keep the change.”
You bit your lip as you turned away, preening at his thanks and seven whole words as if they were genuine praise. His voice was deep and rich, landing with a rumble in your own chest, like the remnants of thudding bass from a passing car. You poured the coffee and secured the lid, brain scrambling desperately for something clever to say. To make him come back, to talk to you more.
You turned and handed him the cup, and as he reached for it you again let your hand be in just the right spot to feel the brush of his fingers. Your eyes locked on one another, and for the briefest moment you forgot to let go of the cup. You wanted to swim in those brown eyes forever, get lost and let him drown you whole. He paused, and you thought you saw the briefest twitch of his mustache, a pinprick in his calm exterior before you drew your hand back. He inclined his head, a single nod, and then he turned to leave and your attention was swept back to the register and the next customers.
Friday he arrived “on time” and you met his eyes as soon as he opened the door. Today he was warm earth tones, a dark red shirt under a brown tweed blazer and no tie, a nod to casual Friday. You turned and prepared his coffee, tightening the lid and then holding it up to him across the room, smiling and tossing your chin up in a friendly greeting. He walked up and slid a few bills over the counter to you.
“Thanks.” He winked at you and something in your pelvis fluttered. “See you next week.”
You watched him go, stepping out again into a halo of golden sun, pulling a pair of aviator sunglasses from his pocket and putting them on before striding away. You suddenly felt lost, facing the many hours between now and Monday.
Your weekend passed in a blur of extra bartending shifts and catching up on sleep. You were forever napping at odd hours, trying to reconcile the slightly staggered rhythms of early morning coffee shop hours and late-night bartending. It wasn’t the hardest you’d ever worked or the worst schedule, but it wasn’t fun. At least, it hadn’t been fun until now. Now you had something to look forward to.
Monday morning you opened the shop and kept an eye on the clock. At 7:46 you poured black coffee into a to-go cup. Thirty seconds later, he appeared on the other side of the plate glass window, the navy suit and tie again, blowing out a long stream of cigarette smoke before dropping the butt and giving it a quick twist under his foot. He took off his amber-lensed aviators and tucked them into the pocket of his blazer, then pulled out his wallet. At 7:47 on the dot, he opened the door, met your eyes, and saw you holding up his coffee. And there went that smile again, the dimple, the wink.
You smiled as he approached the counter. “You psychic or something? Or am I just that predictable?”
“Both, maybe.” You grinned and wiggled your eyebrows.
He opened his wallet and passed a bill across the counter, larger than what was strictly necessary for a to-go coffee and a reasonable tip. “Great service, keep the change.”
You thanked him, giving him the full-watt smile and wishing him a good day as you opened and closed the register, putting the change into the tip jar. Thankfully there was no one else in line right now, so you could give his handsome figure your full attention as he left, watching how the navy blazer hugged his shoulders.
He went out the door, turned right like he always did, and then he turned his head and his eyes met yours through the glass. You should have felt embarrassed that he caught you staring, but you didn’t. Mostly because you realized that he had stopped to look back, too, which meant you weren’t the only one hoping for more. He nodded and lifted his cup in a gesture of thanks. Then he was gone.
Tuesday was the same, only with the charcoal blazer and the dark red tie this time. The wink, the flutter in your gut, the over-tipping. The glance across the counter as his fingers brushed yours around the cup. The aviators slung on as soon as he stepped out the door.
Wednesday, again, the navy suit and tie, another brush of the fingers, a smaller tip but a bigger smile, gracing you with that dimple again. Another gravelly, “Thank you,” that sounded warmer than he had to date. The handsome profile and a quick meeting of the eyes through the glass as he left again.
Thursday was the same, only better. You used a permanent marker to write something on his paper cup before you poured it precisely at 7:46 a.m., watching, waiting. He did not disappoint. At 7:47, precisely on time, you caught a glimpse of his profile as he came into view through the plate glass window. Charcoal again. He turned and saw you inside, then opened the door, holding it again for a woman exiting. You pointed at his to-go cup on the counter and smiled.
“You trying to get rid of me? In and out so quickly?” He smiled and twitched an eyebrow at you.
You smiled back, “Depends on how long you were planning to stay. We close at 1:00 a.m. after open mic tonight. After that you gotta go somewhere else.”
The handsome man chuckled and pursed his lips. “And what time do you get off, after the morning shift?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” You winked and immediately regretted it, it felt too bold, it wasn’t your normal mode.
He met your eyes and said simply, “I am.”
You felt your face split into a wide smile. “I finish at 1:00, after the lunch rush.”
He nodded. “Good to know. I’m Javier, by the way.” He stuck his hand out and shook yours. You gave him your name and a warm shake of the hand.
He fished a few bills out of his wallet. “Can I maybe stop by after your shift, take you to lunch sometime?”
“You can do me one better than that.” You rotated the paper cup so that the writing was facing him. “My phone number’s on the cup.”
His eyebrows popped up, and then he gave you an appraising glance, like he was impressed. You saw his tongue shift up under his lip to suck a tooth and you suddenly wanted nothing more than to see how that tongue felt on you. You flushed hot, tingling with desire.
He arched an eyebrow at you. “You do that for all your customers?”
“Just the best tippers.” You winked at him and laughed.
He stuck his hand out once more and you gave him yours. He lifted it and kissed the back of your hand, mustache sweeping ever so briefly over your knuckles before he gently released it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” his voice was low and something in it went straight to your groin, making your pelvic muscles clench. You watched him pick up the cup and go, smiling at you with that dimple through the glass as he left. You stood for just a moment, hoping, hoping, hoping. Maybe he would call you after work?
At 1:00 you finished your shift and handed the register off to Mike. You were just untying your apron and hanging it up when you saw a familiar profile sweep into view outside the window. Javier. Your stomach flipped over and a million little butterflies flew out.
He ducked inside the door and searched the shop for a moment, smiling when he saw you coming out from behind the counter with your bag slung over your shoulder.
“Hey,” you stood for a moment and hesitated, suddenly shy.
Javier slipped his sunglasses off and tucked them into his pocket. “Hey, I’m glad I caught you. Are you busy, or can I take you to lunch today?”
“No, I’m not busy. I’d love to go.” You smiled. “There’s a sandwich place around the corner, and a park we can go sit in.”
He smiled, wider than you’d seen him do so far. “That’s perfect.”
He let you lead, walking him across the street and around the corner to the sub shop. You made small-talk on the way there, finding out that he was from Laredo but new to Austin, a former DEA agent consulting for the state. You picked up your food and walked a block over to the small city park, where you told him about your roommates, your cat, your wish to go back to school and finish your degree. By the end of lunch you were both smiling, feeling that spark, the little magnetic pull that had started over his coffee orders. At 2:00 Javier said he had to get back to his office.
“... but I’d really like to see you again. Can I take you to dinner? Tonight if that’s okay, since you’re working tomorrow night.” He stood close to you, looking warmly into your eyes.
“Yeah, that would be great.” You felt that flutter again, that twitch of interest from looking into his warm brown eyes, seeing the way they crinkled when he smiled. You were so busy looking at his eyes that you didn’t see him reach his hand out, sweeping it around to circle your shoulders and pull you in for a kiss. You kissed him back, as urgently as was proper for the time of day and the public setting. When he pulled away to walk back up the few blocks to his office, you stood there dazed. Wow.
You went home and napped, then showered and changed into datewear. Javier picked you up at 7:30, and you were relieved that the little spark was still there. You had half-worried that it would wear off in the few hours between your lunch date and now, or that it was a localized feeling limited to a small radius around the coffee shop. But dinner was fun and warm, and by the end of dessert and coffee you didn’t want to leave him yet. You decided that you would be bolder than you normally were.
“Listen, my roommates are home, but do you want to go back to your place?”
Javier looked surprised for only a moment and then smiled, “Yes, let’s go.”
You kissed all the way back to the car, ran your hands lightly over the back of Javier’s neck as he drove, kissed all the way from the car to his apartment door, and tumbled inside together, feeling for buttons and zippers and helping each other out of your clothes. His erection felt warm and solid against your hip, and when he finally got naked you were nearly moaning at the expanse of his broad shoulders and golden skin. He was beautiful.
Javier walked you backwards to the bedroom and paused only to pull a wrapped condom out of a drawer and turn on the bedside lamp to chase away the dark. You lay back and watched him as he tossed the foil packet onto the quilt next to you and then knelt beside your legs. He looked at you as he ran his hands up and down your naked thighs. Then he butterflied your legs slowly apart and ran one warm hand up to your pussy, teasing you with his fingers, dipping them in and out between your labia and running them up to tickle your clit.
“Can I eat you out?” He asked almost shyly.
You nodded, a breathy “Yeah,” issuing from your lips. Javier dove down and licked into you with a rush. You gasped and threw your head back, clawing your fingers down into the blankets. Javier worked you open on three fingers and used the tip of his stiffened tongue to flick your clit rapidly from side to side while his fingers slipped slowly in and out. You moaned and fought the urge to close your legs while he curled and stroked inside of you, finding the spots you could never quite reach yourself. Within a few minutes you were cresting the wave of release.
“Oh God, I’m gonna come! Keep- keep going,” you gasped, “Just like that!” Javier kept his pace steady, working you along as you huffed and breathed faster. He curled his fingers just right and you sped off the edge into oblivion, gulping and grunting and making noises that were almost embarrassing, that didn’t sound like you, but you felt too good to even care. Javier stopped licking and slowed his fingers as you clenched around him, using the broad flat of his tongue to swipe a long, comforting stripe up the outside of your labia. When you were finished coming, he pulled his fingers out slowly and sat up on his haunches, smiling like a prizewinner.
He wiped one broad, flat hand down his mouth and chin, and then crawled up the bed to lay next to you, stroking you from hip to breast with his thick fingers. “Was that okay, cariño?”
You groaned out a chuckle, “Oh yeah, that was good.” You rolled onto your side to face him, and drew him in for a deep kiss. You loved the mix of how he smelled and tasted, your own salty musk blending with his spicy cologne and the smoky phantoms of cigarettes past and his after-dinner coffee. As you kissed, his hand came up to stroke a trail of goosebumps on your shoulder, and you reached yours down to stroke his cock to attention. The heft of him was thick and warm in your hand, and within seconds he was hard and throbbing. You ran the pad of your thumb up the bottom of his head and over his slit gently, and you giggled as he shuddered and reached down to pull your hand away.
“You keep going like that and I’m not going to last long.” His thick fingers wrapped around yours, and he pulled your hand up to place a long kiss to the inside of your wrist, blowing warm air out through his nose, the feel of it on your skin sending a thrill up your spine. He reached for the condom and opened it, rolling it down his proud length. He put his hand down and stroked your thigh before hooking one hand behind your knee to pull your leg up and over his hip. He held himself so that his tip was buried just at your entrance, then he thrust up and into you in one swift motion. You inhaled sharply and hooked your leg tighter around him, letting him set the pace. He nudged your jaw, nosing up into the crook of your neck and kissing you from ear to chin and back again.
His hot words sent chills down your neck and your nipples stiffened into sensitive buds. “Baby, you feel so fucking good, so hot and wet. Fuck, you’re amazing.”
You kissed him and shushed him, then you pressed an open palm to his chest, “Wait. Roll over. I wanna get on top.”
Javier grinned in the dim light of his bedroom, then he wrapped his big hand around your lower back and pulled you over with him. You shifted and settled into place, and the feeling of being speared on him, of his cock hitting deep inside, of his coarse curls rubbing against your clit was almost to the point of overstimulation. You whined and fell face down into the crook of his neck, smelling his warm spiced fragrance and going limp at the ‘too much’ of it all. He planted his feet flat on the bed and kept his arms wrapped around you, thrusting up, up, up into you over and over. He made the most delicious noises, sounds that might have been words or not, but which conveyed all of his pleasure in little grunts and groans.
You decided you wanted to watch his face, so you sat back up and braced yourself on your knees, rolling your hips in rhythm with his and helping him chase his high.
“God, you look so fucking good on my cock, cariño. So beautiful.” He started to turn glossy with sweat, tiny golden beads reflecting the single lamp beside the bed and making him look surreal. You followed a drip of sweat as it appeared on his neck and then ran down to pool in the hollow at the base of his throat. You tipped forward once more to lick at it, to taste the salt and the smoke of him and nip one tiny bite into his neck before moving up to lick and nibble at his earlobe.
Javier suddenly tensed his legs, giving one big thrust and then hissing out a “Fffff-” between his lips as he came. He thrust again and then stilled, relaxing back into the bed, but keeping you close against him. You let him hold you, your breaths slowing together until you were back, calm again, heartbeats back to center. He released you and held the base of the condom as you lifted off and rolled onto your back. He went to the bathroom, and you heard him run water before he returned with a wrung-out washcloth. He offered it to you, and you declined with a weak wave. He turned and tossed it into the bathroom sink and then motioned for you to scoot off the bed so he could turn the covers down.
He picked up a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, gesturing at you with a raised eyebrow. You put a hand up, “Not a whole one, but I’ll take a drag off yours if that’s ok.”
“Sure thing.” He lit one and passed it to you, and you took a deep drag before handing it back.
“Thanks.” You blew the smoke out in a blue stream.
He crawled into bed and patted the mattress next to him. “Stay,” he looked at you with a smile. “If you want to.” He parked the cigarette back between his plush lips.
You smiled warmly and crawled in next to him. “Okay, just for a little while.” You checked the digital clock beside the bed. “I gotta go home and change, and then get to the coffee shop at 5:00. Can you set the alarm for 4:00?”
He nodded and picked up the clock, pressed a few buttons and slid a switch into place. Then he raised his arm and settled it around your shoulders, and turned off the lamp. You watched the cherry of his cigarette glow and then turn faint, bobbing in the dark as he moved to flick ash into the ashtray on the nightstand.
He murmured low, into the quiet room, “You know, I’m only here for the summer. The consulting job ends in August.” He paused to take the final pull of his cigarette, then stubbed it out in the ashtray. “After that, I gotta go back to D.C.”
You yawned and nodded. “No problem. We can have fun this summer. I’ll take you to Barton Springs and Mount Bonnell, give you the real Austin tour. We can just have fun for now.”
He kissed your forehead, moving down your nose to land soft kisses on your lips. “Okay, summer girl. I’m all yours… for now.”
Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
The only tag list I have: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme
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Heya. I know that requests are closed and I totally respect if you ignore this because of that. Two hours ago my dog had a seizure and my mom and I are currently in the parking lot of the emergency vet waiting for an update. I’m normally “the rock” for my family (if that makes sense) when shit hits the fan, so I feel like I need to hide my panic so my mom doesn’t worry more. I claimed to need to use the restroom (there’s those portable bathrooms outside) but I’m actually just having a panic attack on a stairway nearby. Most of my friends are asleep or offline right now so I don’t have anyone to help ground me. I know my mom would, but she’s already dealing with enough. Your writing has never failed to calm me down or cheer me up, so I was wondering if you could maybe make headcannons or something about how texts or a quick phone call with the SBI would go and how they would help a teen friend who’s going through this situation.
I don’t want you to feel pressured to do this because of guilt or anything of the sort. I understand that requests are closed, but I thought it was worth shooting my shot. So it’s completely okay if you ignore this.
(A/N): I wrote this as fast as I could, so there might be a few mistakes here and there. I really hope your dog gets better soon and nothing major is wrong with them, I’ll keep you guys in my thoughts. If you wanna talk about it, my DMs are always open love <3
Warnings: mentions of dog seizures, vets, panic attacks
Your pleasant day had gone so wrong so fast 
You had a blast hanging out with your neighbor and childhood friend Techno and his brothers
You spent most of the day at the park hanging out and generally goofing around
That was until you received a phone call from your mother 
She was in a panic telling you to come home, telling you that there was something wrong with your dog
You quickly excused yourself by telling them that your mom wanted you home as soon as possible suddenly and ran home in tears when you were out of their line of sight
When you were running you could feel yourself being filled with dread
Your chest felt tight as you fought off a panic attack, you needed to be strong for your mom
You were her rock
It was only natural to comfort her, she helped you so much with your anxiety and panic attacks even when facing her own troubles and stress
So you did your best to stifle your panic
When you got home, you could hear the loud sobbing of your mother, the faint sound of heavy breathing, and rustling 
The sight in the living room broke your heart
Your beloved pet was on the floor having a violent seizure while your mother was looking on in horror
You quickly took action, moving the stuff around the dog away from it
The only thing you could do was wait it out, so you made quick work of comforting your mother
After the seizure, your dog was looking around confusedly and whining slightly 
He seemed very tired 
Doing some research, you found out that it was best to let the dog rest after such a seizure because it takes a lot of energy out of it
The nearest emergency vet was about ten minutes away so you picked up your dog and escorted your mom to the car
You drove to the vet, your mom was too distraught to drive
The vet immediately took him in and got to work, leaving you and your mom in the car waiting for an update on the pooch
She had calmed down for the most part, but you could still feel the panic brewing in your chest threatening you with a full blown panic attack
You held it off so you could be strong for your mother, but you were spiraling and fast
When it got to the point where you couldn’t hold it back anymore, you quickly excused yourself to the portable bathrooms
You ducked into an abandoned staircase and the panic attack quickly reared its ugly head
Your breaths came out in short hyperventilations, your chest feeling like an elephant was sat on it
You couldn’t breathe
When it got to the point where you were dry heaving, you knew that this one wasn’t one that you could calm yourself down from
You had to call someone
Your mom was immediately out of question, even if she would gladly help you
In your point of view, she had enough to worry about
Your best bet would be to call Techno
You had extreme difficulty finding his contact because your vision was tunneled and blurred and your hands were shaking, but you eventually found it
He and his brothers should still be at the park
You felt guilty for calling, but you knew you needed help and Techno and his brothers were your best bet
“Hey (y/n), uh is everything alright with your mom? You left in a hurry.” Techno saw his twin and Tommy look at him in question. He wove them off.
He was only met with heavy breathing and sobbing from your end, which worried him to no end. He knew damn well about your anxiety and panic attacks, in fact he was the one that encouraged you to open up to your mom about it and ask her for therapy sessions. He’s calmed you down from enough panic attacks to know exactly what to do to help you.
“Hey you’re alright,” he cooed to you in a soft voice, “take deep breaths. Where are you?” His brothers looked at him in alarm. They also knew about your panic attacks as you were basically like another sibling to them. Wilbur grabbed the car keys and the three made a dash towards the family car. 
“Techno…” Your breathless and strained whimper on the other end made his heart break for you. “Where are you?”
When you told him that you were at the nearby emergency vet, he could feel his heart sink. Your dog was growing older and older and his health was declining. That dog was with you two through thick and thin when your family got him in middle school. You were seniors in high school now, so that dog was old for his breed. 
“We’re on our way, just hang on tight buddy. What’re five things you can see?”
After you got through the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, you still were in the midst of an intense panic attack and it worried Techno to no end. Usually you would be calmed down by now. Luckily, they arrived at the vet and quickly found a parking space. 
You could hear running coming towards you and looked up to see the brothers running towards you. Techno kneeled next to you and attempted to give you a smile, “we’re here. Is it okay for me to touch you?” At your nod, he grabbed your hand and put it on his chest. “Breathe with me, okay? Do you think you can do that for me?” You didn’t respond to him. Your hazy eyes darted to his face when he gently called your name and asked you again. You nodded making him smile at you, “good, we’re gonna do the 4-7-8 breathing technique,” he told you softly, “do you remember that? You breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold it for seven, and exhale slowly through your mouth for eight. I’ll do it with you,” he took in a deep breath through his nose and you tried to follow suit but failed. Your breathing was just too erratic. 
“Tech, I-I can’t. I…”
“Hey you can do this, I know you can. Let’s try again, it takes time to even out breathing.” He said something to his brothers you couldn’t hear and they ran off. “Deep breath in,” he breathed in and you tried to follow him, “hold,” you held in the breath for about two seconds, “and out,” the breath ripped itself from your lungs. “You’re doing so good, I’m proud of you (y/n).”
The breathing continued for a bit with you getting nowhere before you heard the boys return. They had a couple of ice cold water bottles in their hands. Techno let go of your hand and grabbed one of them. He turned to you with an encouraging smile, “okay, we’re gonna try something new. I’m gonna have you touch this, is that alright?”
You reached out with a shaky hand to touch the plastic and jolted slightly at the temperature, a gasp ripping itself from your lungs and your eyes focusing slightly better than before. “I’m gonna run this up and down your arms, focus on the feeling of the temperature and the feeling.” As he ran the bottle down your arms, you could feel your heart rate drop at the temperature and your heated skin cooling down. Your breathing eventually evens itself out leaving you panting and shakily reaching up to wipe at your tears. 
“Are you good now?” You nodded and leaned against the brick wall tiredly. An open water bottle was put into your hands. You drank it and relished in the feeling of the ice cold drink slithering down your throat. It even heightened your senses. 
Wilbur sat on your other side and slung an arm over your shoulders, giving you a side hug. Tommy sat across from you while Techno sat on your other side holding your hand, lazily rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. 
“Do you wanna talk about what caused this?” You nodded and told the three everything that happened today and why you were at an emergency vet. 
After you finished telling them, Wilbur turned to give you a full hug. Your face was against his chest, faintly you noted that he smelled like grass with hints of earth. “He’s gonna be alright. He’s a fighter, do you remember when he ate that bee?” You nodded, remembering that even if he was swollen, his tail was still wagging and he was as happy as he could be. He recovered quickly from that, never once losing his excited and loving personality. You thought about how even in the car he was licking away your mother’s tears and nuzzling into your hand even though he was exhausted. 
“That dog has lived through so much health shit,” Tommy chimed in, “a seizure isn’t gonna take him out anytime soon.” 
They stayed there for a while with you giving you reassurances and reminiscing on stories of him until you felt better 
Eventually you had to go back to the car to wait with your mother, so they left to go to their house
Your dog was returned to you and your mom with the instruction to give him some medicine and come back for further examination
They didn’t find the cause for the seizure, which bothered you but relieved you that he was alright
When you got home, it was late at night and you honestly felt so drained 
The next day, your dog was still slightly tired but he was slowly returning to his playful nature as the day progressed
When you were laying in the grass in the backyard with him reading a book, you saw Techno poke his head over the fence and smile at you. “Hey, how’s (dog name)?”
You ran your fingers through his fur as he slept peacefully, “he’s doing better. The vet still doesn’t know what’s going on with him, but he’s still himself.”
“We’re having some cookies and lemonade over here, do you wanna come over? (Dog name) can come too.”
“You’re more than welcome, (y/n)!” You could hear Philza’s voice chime out from their backyard. You got up and (dog name) followed you into their backyard slowly. They were sitting at the picnic table that was there since you and Techno were kids. The paint had long since chipped and faded with each year that passed. Tommy loudly cheered while Wilbur and Philza gave you gentle smiles as you walked next to Technoblade. 
You sat next to Techno and a glass of lemonade was placed in front of you. (Dog name) laid at your feet and resumed his nap. You grabbed a cookie and took a bite, humming at the taste of your favorite flavor dancing across your tongue. 
Being with the family was something that always made your worries fade away into nothingness and get replaced by lighthearted and refreshing happiness. You spent most of the day laughing with the family and petting your sleeping dog. Everything was going to be okay with them.
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
Criminal. khj
TW: Violence kinda, weapons kinda, illegal stuff obviously, exhibitionism, marking, posesiveness, gang? au? possibly, I honestly dont know what this is.
WC: 6k
I normally dont do summaries but I got a funny one:
You and your boyfriend escape a bank robbery.
The toe of your shoe clicks against the marble floor as you tap your foot. Across the room, high up on the wall there is an analog clock ticking down the seconds. It’s getting late, and the bank teller couldn’t be going any slower. Only two people ahead of you now.
You check your phone for the fifth time in the past 10 minutes, no update. Must not be running as late as you thought. You shift your weight to your other foot only to start taping once again. Ok sure, you weren’t late, it doesn’t mean you like how long this damn lady is taking.
The line moves up as the teller begins helping the next person. You attempt to swallow your impatience as best you can, pulling out your phone again to quickly slide between apps, but the longer you stand there the louder the ticking of the clock seems to echo around the room.
Looking away from your device, you take another look around the room. Nothing has changed since you came in. In between the doors and the lines, there was a seating area filled with two uncomfortable-looking couches facing each other and a coffee table between them. There were still 3 tellers sitting at their desks, 10 customers in line counting you. Two in the first line, three in the second, yourself, and two others in the last. About as busy as you would expect at this time of day. But the waiting still sucked.
Finally, you hear the teller ask “is there anything else I can help you with?” And you know that soon it will be your turn at the window. Pulling out your phone again you shoot a quick text.
[ it’s my turn next, hopefully, I’ll be out of here soon ]
Just as the woman in front of you steps away a notification dings on your phone.
[ See you soon ;) ]
You sighed at your boyfriend's message, thinking the winky face was a bit on the nose for your taste. But Hongjoong liked to tease.
Dropping your phone back into your pocket, you look up just as the teller motions you forward. The click of your shoe against the tile seems almost deafening in the quiet room as you step forward, trying to mask the small smile Hongjoong’s message had given you.
“what can I help you with today?” The lady at the counter-question with subdued chirpiness. Clearly, she has had a long day, already ready for it to be over. The thought made you wince.
“Hi, there seems to be a problem with the direct deposit on my account. My last paycheck didn’t go in.” You start, placing both hands on the counter.
The teller nods, with mock understanding, clearly just an impulse for years of customer service. Somewhere outside several car doors slam, but no one inside seems to notice the sound.
“Could I have the number of the account?” The teller asks, placing both hands on the keyboard and frowning at the screen, prepared to type whatever comes out of your mouth. You don’t have time to say it.
All the lights on the monitor suddenly shut off. The woman helping you looks taken aback for a second, looking over to her coworkers only to see them doing the same. The hairs on the back of your neck shoot up as nerves build in your stomach.
The next thing happens so quickly you barely register it. The glass door slides open and a metal canister flies into the room. Acting on instinct your hands fly to your ears, your eyes screwed shut, and you drop to your knees. Even with your ears covered it does little to silence the ear-splitting bang that rips through the room. It sends the rest of the room's inhabitants to the floor seconds after you, either from shock or from the disorienting mix of light and sound that came from the small device.
Your heart jumps up to your throat. You open your eyes but did not let your hands drop just yet. The ring was still sounding in the room, but the blinding light had gone. Just as the last of the ringing fizzled out the doors slid open again.
A group of masked figures took confident strides into the room. Your eyes searched the street behind them, looking for anyone who might notice what’s going on. There was no one. Your stomach dropped again. The others in the room finally seemed to be regaining their hearing and sight, only to shriek when the men came into view. Swallowing your nerves you do a headcount of the patrons. Three tellers, ten customers including yourself. All adults, no children. That was good, children would cause problems.
After assessing the situation and taking a few deep breaths, you look over to the group of men who were starting to spread out around the room. The more you looked at them the more frightening they appeared. Each of the men were were dressed head to toe in black with a mask covering the bottom half of their faces, but even as you sized them up you avoided looking at their eyes, drawing attention to yourself now would be stupid.
Every one of them carried a gun. But as they fanned out across the room only one had it pointed. The same one that spoke.
“Anyone not on the ground better get that way. We don’t have all day.” The voice that spoke was calm but had a clear edge. The tones meaning ran clear in your ears as much as everyone else’s, calm does not mean forgiving. You kept your head down, trying your best to sink into the shadows trying to avoid drawing attention to yourself, that’s what people always said to do right?
You heard a few thuds as the few people in the room who remained standing dropped to the floor. None of the other patrons or staff said a word. Thank god, fighting would make this much more difficult.
“Great, now I want everyone’s hands on the ground in front of them. Try to call anyone and one of us will put a new hole in your head, so why don’t we make this easy and nobody make a sound.” The voice continued in that same tone. Your eyes shot up to make sure everyone was following orders as you placed your own hands on the cold tile next to your bare knees, they were already getting stiff and you hoped this would be over quickly.
A few of the men began walking through the people on the floor, hands on their guns but not drawn, checking just as you did that everyone was behaving. As one of the taller ones drifted toward your spot you stared at the same tile a few feet ahead of you, matching the other patrons around you.
You heard the heavy thuds of footsteps as they paused in front of you, just for a moment. You felt the gaze burn into the top of your skull as you stared forward, holding your breath.
“You don’t look nearly scared enough.” The new voice spoke, completely nonchalant. The next moment, a heavy leather boot pressed down onto your hand, crushing it against the tile. You winced and let out a small cry as pain shot up your arm. It stung as he dug his foot harder onto your hand. Both hands started to shake as the pain built, the knot that had formed in your chest from the moment the flash-bang fell through the air tightened till your breath became choked and shaky. Suddenly the pressure was gone.
“Much better,” the voice all but giggled before moving on.
You took a heaving breath as soon as the boots left your field of vision. You felt sweat start to form on your brow bone. You looked up again. A few terrified faces of other patrons looked at you with fear, clearly expecting that the man was going to blow your head off.
The man who spoke first stepped forward and motioned to the middle teller who was watching petrified from behind his desk, head barely peeking over the edge.
“You,” he started again, taking long strides across the room, walking within a few feet from you on your right side to the opening that led behind the counter, “Why don’t you show me to the safe?” He asked, voice still disconcertingly cordial. The teller gapped for a moment, and the man tilted his head expectantly. The teller stumbled to his feet, eyes not moving from the shiny gun trained on him. He did little more than gesture vaguely for the man to follow him before they both disappeared behind the doors that lead to the back of the bank, 2 of the other men followed behind him.
The room was stiff with tension. For the patrons at least. All of you seemed to be holding your breath, but the men could not seem calmer. Their postures were relaxed, many of them had their arms crossed over their chest or were leaning against furniture. None of them even had their weapons drawn, but they were still visible. Enough to keep everyone shaking with fear with their heads down. It was bizarre but effective for the time being.
Your head was absolutely swimming. Trying to keep notice of the positions of everyone in the room, taking shooting glances around for a few seconds at a time, checking the faces of your fellow hostages. Everyone knows in situations like this it’s best to just comply, you sure fucking hoped the others knew that as well. You tried to lead by example anyway. And then there were the men. You didn’t dare look any one of them in the eye, knowing what kind of consequences that would bring. But you tried to keep tabs on them. They weren’t moving much in the few minutes since the three men disappeared with the teller, but any slight movement they gave was noteworthy into your mind. You had to keep things under control.
The minutes ticked on in almost complete silence, save for the one man who was humming of all things. How could they possibly be relaxed right now you did not know. The sound was harsh against your ears for how gentle it was, it kept distracting you from your thoughts.
The thought in question was a dangerous one. Your back was beginning to ache from being hunched over and your palms were sweating uncomfortably against the marble. From where you sat against the furthest teller window you were blocked from the direct view of every robber by either furniture or walls. What you wanted to do was risky, any slight movement on their behaves would land you in their line of sight. That was an opportunity for anyone who could take it.
You need to text Hongjoong. He needed to know what was going on. You watched the men carefully for the next few minutes, looking for any sign that they might start looking around, but they all seemed perfectly content in their places. With a shaking hand, you slowly began reaching into your pocket. You managed to pull the device out without anyone noticing, but as you slid it into your lap and under your shirt one of the other patrons saw, and their eyes shot wide open. Shit.
They looked at you with frantic, pleading eyes that screamed call for help. They were looking too obvious. You swallowed and shook your head, trying to get them to look away, but they didn’t.
“Heads down,” a deep voice called. Both you and the other patron snapped your eyes to the floor, but after listening for a few seconds it didn’t sound like anyone was moving toward you. You were still blocked from view. With a shaky breath, you slowly pulled the phone out. Unlocking it silently, you pressed on the messages app.
“Well, what’s this?”
Dread shot through you. The man had reappeared from the back, slinking quietly to your side somehow without you noticing. Your head shot up to look at him as he stood, barely 5 feet away from you staring down at your phone. The entire room's attention was now on you. You felt your blood freeze in your veins as the eyes above the mask narrowed into a glare. You didn’t even move to hide the phone, you didn’t move to do anything. You just sat there, staring dumbly back into his eyes. You heard the distant sounds of fear from the hostages and soft chuckles from the men.
The bag he had slung over his shoulder was tossed to the nearest member of his crew, the two that had followed him into the back of the back reappeared, took one look at the scene, one shaking his head before they both carried on out the door with the three bags.
A hand shot into your hair, grabbing it by the roots and pulling you to your feet. Your scalp burned, the pain was so sharp and sudden your eyes screwed shut and you lost Yoruba balance. Disoriented, you let out a shriek at the pain and if it weren’t for the grip on your head you would have fallen right back down. The phone was ripped from your hand. The man slid his hand from your hair to grasp the back of your neck firmly as he looked over the screen. When your eyes opened he was scrolling through the messages from half a moment before laughing a full and wicked laugh.
“Texting your boyfriend? How cute.” He all but cackled. He observed your face, your eyes hard and pricked with tears, and he giggled again. Shoving your phone into his pocket, he motioned to the others before pulling you towards the door. You stumbled over your legs multiple times, letting out cries and hisses as you went but doing little to resist.
The other hostages, let out distraught sobs but you blocked them out, their sympathy would do nothing for you now.
You were pulled out of the building at the same moment the sound of engines roared to life. In one quick glacé you saw that the street was still deserted.
Your back was slammed against the wall of the bank, just out of view of those inside and the barrel of the man's gun was trained on you. You shut your eyes tight.
You heard a bang. And the wailing cries of the hostages inside.
Then familiar lips crashed onto yours. It wasn’t really a kiss, more of a peck. The man's lips moved against yours for only a few seconds, so little you had no time to react before they were gone.
You opened your eyes. His mask was pulled back up, and he had taken a step back. His gun was already holstered at his side.
You didn’t have to see the bottom half of the man's face to know he was smirking. You pushed yourself off the wall and glared at him. At that moment two cars pulled out of the parking lot, one stopping directly in front of you. With a huff you pushed past the man who you could almost guarantee was still grinning.
Opening the door you slid into the backseat against the far window and crossed your arms over your chest. Seconds later the man got in and closed the door. And you were off.
“Come on your not actually mad are you,” he giggled, pulling down his mask.
“You damn near pulled my hair out Hongjoong! Of course, I’m mad!” You spat. You heard the two in the front seat chuckle.
“Oh don’t think you're off the hook Yunho. What the fuck was that? Since when was breaking my hand apart of the plan?” You hollered, kicking your foot against his seat. This only lead to more giggling. You resiliently stared forward, not looking at to boyfriend. He didn’t seem bothered by this in the slightest. Hongjoong slid across the back seat to wrap an arm over your shoulder that even in your rage you didn’t have the heart to shake off.
“But it’s not like I was lying! You looked way too calm. If any of them had looked at you it would have been obvious something was up.” Yunho defended, gesturing with the hand, not on the steering wheel.
“Come on, darling. You know we have to make it believable. I can’t have my best spy get their cover blown because I’m too gentle with you.” The arm around your shoulder tightened, urging you to look at him. Finally, you turned to him, smiling at you so brightly you’d think you were on a friendly road trip.
“Besides, I thought you liked it when I pulled your hair?” Hongjoong said with a cheeky wink. At that Wooyoung howled with laughter from the front seat. You blushed crimson and promptly reached your foot over to kick his seat as well.
“Oh shut up. You were going overboard and you know it.” You grumbled with much less enthusiasm. Hongjoong smiles softly at your pout before leaning back in his seat, giving you a bit more space. Comfortable silence lasted only a few minutes as you drove on before Hongjoong spoke up again.
“Why did you pull your phone out anyway? That was dumb, even if you are on our side.” He asked, fingers rubbing circles comfortingly against your shoulder. You sighed.
“Because the rest of the boys fucked up.” You replied plainly, but still easing into your boyfriend's touch. Both Yunho and Wooyoung made offended noises from the front seat, but you carried on.
“The way they were positioned was wrong. There were blind spots, several actually. You’re just lucky I was the only person in one. I figured I should let you know in case it became a problem.” You continued.
“Hmm,” Hongjoong muttered. While he heard the sound of your voice, you doubted he was listening, as his hand instead taken to playing with your fingers in your lap.
“Isn’t the whole idea of having someone undercover on the inside, so they can tell us where the blind spots are?” Wooyoung asked from the front seat, still clearly offended at your statement.
“I told Yeosang, it’s not my fault you guys planned to take him in the safe this time instead of keeping him in the lobby like always.”You shot back. But even that was half-hearted. Your body really did ache after being hunched on the hard ground for 10 minutes without moving, and the comforting touch of your boyfriend's hands made you melt into the seat, all the tension and worrying about ways it could go wrong eased off your body in waves.
You all could talk about how it went and what needed to be tweaked next time later, right now you just wanted to rest. Hongjoong pulled you against his chest by your shoulder sensing your quick drop in energy.
Just as you were about to doze off a thought popped into your head.
You could feel the hum he gave in response against your cheek, telling you to continue.
“Are you sure you should have pretended to shoot me? I mean, best case scenario local police add murder onto our rap list. Worst, they find out you have a man on the inside. Either one is bad.” You murmur into his chest. Your group had never killed before as there had never been any need to, and it wasn’t something that any of you really wanted to do.
“That’s only a problem if they catch us.” He replied. Sounding, as always, perfectly certain of himself.
Living like this had its pros and cons, much like anything else. The main con being having to drive long ways away for jobs, just as a way to keep yourself safe. Which sometimes meant pulling over on the side of the road at any ditch or shitty motel for the night before getting back to your homes.
As your vehicles pulled into a run-down motel about a mile off the main highway, Hongjoong and Seonghwa had gone into the lobby parading as drunk college students on a road trip to rent the rooms for the night. Needless to say, it had been a long day, the other boys meandered to their rooms and probably fell asleep the moment their heads hit the pillows. But not you.
You had been patiently waiting on the hood of the car you arrived in, for the moment Hongjoong got back. And when he did reappear and the others disappeared, you couldn’t quite bring yourself to go lay down as quickly as they did.
As the crunch of their footsteps on gravel faded till they were indoors, you turned your head upwards to the sky. It was late at night and in the middle of nowhere like this, you could see millions more stars than in your home. Hongjoong kept his place, leaning on the car hood next to where you sat, looking up as well but not at the infinite sky like you. No, he was watching your face.
You don’t know exactly how long you sat there, looking up at the sky but you know your neck had begun to ache when Hongjoong finally pulled himself onto the hood of the car next to you. You naturally came to rest your head on his shoulder, still looking up at the stars, but now in your peripheral vision, you could still see Hongjoong studying your expression carefully.
“Something on your mind?” You ask in a quiet voice, still looking up. Hongjoong stirred, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. You tear your gaze from the stars to look at him. The moon cast a pearly light on his face that in your eyes made him glow.
“Sometimes I think I ruined you,” though his words were serious the giggle he gave at the end showed he had no real remorse. You still scoffed.
“I was a criminal long before I meet you Kim Hongjoong, don’t go thinking you
drastically changed the course of my life.” You reply in a dry tone, even if he was joking, it was still a point you wanted to drive home. He had no reason to be guilty with how you turned out, you were probably safer with him and the others than where you were before. He laughed at you again.
Hongjoong laughed at everything. And his laugh was one of the best things about him. Looking at him now, it gets harder and harder to imagine what your life would have been like without him.
“Babe, you were a petty thief, I turned you into a serial bank robber. I consider that pretty drastic.” He shot back, reaching up to pretend to fix your hair.
“If it wasn’t you, it would have been somebody else, and between us? I’m glad it was you.” Your words came out slightly more sentimental than you had anticipated and when Hongjoong fell silent next to you, you promptly blushed and turned back to the stars.
You and Hongjoong very rarely spoke about stuff like this. Even if neither of you would ever admit it, the truth of living life like this is that all it takes is one day, one mistake, for the family you created and the life you live to come crashing down around you. The span of a few minutes could be the difference between running off into the sunset and quite literally never seeing each other again. And after the slight hiccup, you had today that only you had noticed at first, that thought was at the forefront of your mind.
So basically you liked to live in the moment.
It was quiet for a few minutes, him watching you and you watching the sky. There was a very slight breeze in the air, but the summer air was made it more of a gentle cool wind than an uncomfortable chill.
“It’s getting late, you should go to sleep,” Hongjoong muttered. Quieter than his usual quip.
“I slept in the car.” You replied easily. Which was true, and while that nap had been anything but restful with the constant bumps in the road, he didn’t need to know that.
“Oh well, here I was trying to get you in bed but I guess you don’t want to.” He sighed, regaining some of the playfulness from earlier while running a teasing hand up your spine. It gave you shivers, but you had no desire to give in to him so easily.
“Who says we need a bed?” You ask matter of factly. Turning to give him the same wink he had laid on you earlier in the day. Jobs like the one you did today always put you on edge, no matter how many times you did it. Unlike the rest of them, it took you hours to fully relax and admit safety enough to let your guard down. You would never call Hongjoong carefree, but he did have a habit of trying to jump you the moment you were a safe distance away. Hongjoong leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“Are you asking me to take you on the hood of this car? Because trust me, darling, I would.” Shivers his your spine once again, but you weren’t quite down bantering yet. You turned your head away from him to look at the beat-up old motel and the deserted parking lot you sat in. Motioning to it all you replied.
“Is this the most romantic place you could find?” You ask, each word oozing with how unimpressed you were by the scenery. At that Hongjoong placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head up to look at the millions of shining stars once again. You could feel his next words before they came.
“I don’t know, I think I did a pretty good job.”
It’s true, looking straight up and nowhere else gave the impression that you were sitting on the top of a mountain, the entire world below you and nothing but heaven above. Cheesy, but effective.
Hongjoong accurately assumed your silence meant he had won. Pushing you by your shoulder till your back hit the cool metal, your eyes stayed trained on the sky above. Your legs hung over the front of the car, pushed up only slightly till you lay with most of your body on the hood. Hongjoong’s moonlight face still hung in your peripheral, hanging over you slightly.
You stared straight into the sky as Hongjoong slung his body over yours, trapping your hips to the metal with his own.
“Please tell me you're not going to be super dramatic about this?” You as with your last dreg of defiance. He smirked at you.
“Babe, this is going to be the most dramatic moment of your life.”
And with that, Hongjoong leaned down over you, connecting your lips with a heated kiss. Your arms automatically slung around his neck, pulling him closer. Your breath hitched almost immediately, feeling all strength leave your body as you melted into the kiss. Hongjoong took time to switch between a long slow-paced drag of his lips across yours, to nipping and sucking gently at your bottom lip as he pleased. The air no longer seemed like a necessity, when staying like this forever got more and more appealing.
Running his lips down to your jaw you almost rolled your eyes when you felt Hongjoong suck a rather impressively sized hickey right onto the underside of your jaw. It would perfectly match the fading ones that dotted your collar bones and the base of your neck, though the placement of this one would be much more visible.
Hongjoong’s hand took hold of your waist, slipping his fingers under the hem of your shirt and pushing it to bunch up over your chest, exposing you to the cool night air. He hadn’t removed it completely, but nonetheless he leaned back to admire. The ghost of a smirk wormed its way onto his lips as he ran his soft fingertips along the marks he gave you.
Staring at the ones lower on your stomach, trailing up your body with feather light touches. Your eyes screwed shut when he brushed over the ones on your breast. The bra you had been wearing today was nothing special, if not a little plain, but you could barely stand the heat of his gaze as it traveled up your body along with his hand.
Eventually, he reached the newest addition to the collection of purple splotches on your body. Cupping your cheek with his hand he urged your eyes open.
“I go through all this work to get you out under the stars and here you are with your eyes closed. That’s rude of you.” He stated with an exaggerated frown.
“It’s rude to tease,” you tried to sound as playful as him, but it came out as more of a whine. He giggled at you and carried on.
“I’m not teasing, I’m admiring. Now let me continue or you’ll get nothing.” He replies sternly. The mood suddenly shifting as the sparkle in his eye shifted to a darker hungrier look. You gulped slightly before letting your head fall back against the metal to stare up at the sky again. You felt Hongjoong’s mouth on your body again. His warm lips giving new life to some of the more faded marks on your chest. The cool air suddenly felt incredibly hot as your boyfriend's hands ran up and down your sides, occasionally stopping to squeeze whatever flesh he could grasp. Each time pulled another sound past your lips, although you did your best to muffle them.
“You look so pretty like this baby,” he remarked, barely pulling away, “I want to hear how pretty you sound too.”
It wasn’t spoken like a command, but you took it as one. Letting your mouth hang open in a moan when Hongjoong took one of your breasts in his palm, kneeling it slightly before pulling your bra down just enough to free it. He wasted no time in dragging his tongue over your nipple, then sweeping back down to suck a mark directly on the underside of your boob.
Your legs clenched together as he worked, the small amount of friction it gave in your shorts only served to drive you to more extremes when you rolled your hips against his. You groaned startlingly loud at that, the sensation of his hard dick pressing against your core even through the denim of both your pants pulled wetness from your core quicker than you would ever care to admit.
Hongjoong pulled away with a laugh, sitting up straight to look down at your already keening expression.
“Calm down baby, we have all night. No need to rush.” He chuckled at you. Despite his words, he took almost immediate action, running his hands up your bare thighs till his fingers hook on the waistband of your shorts. He pulled them down, but only just enough. Slipping his hand between your legs to cup your heat, while palming himself over his jeans. You whined again and clamped your legs around his hand, holding it in place. Despite your body’s subconscious efforts, he slid his finger over your cunt through your damp underwear.
Under any other circumstances, it would have been incredibly embarrassing how wet he made you from just touches to your body, but at the moment all you could think about was how desperately you wanted him to continue.
“Your soaking wet already, it feels like cheating with how quickly your body reacts to me.” He mutters, pressing two fingers against your hole, with nothing but a thin scrap of fabric keeping them from pushing inside you.
“Hongjoong, please fuck me. I’m begging you.” You groan, rolling your hips against his hand repeatedly. He broke out in a wide smile.
“I like the sound of you begging. Do it again for me.” He commands, voice laced with honey. You took a shuddering breath, turning your eyes to meet his with a pleading look.
“Please, I need you to fuck me.” You beg with all the desperation you have.
“Oh course baby, all you had to do was ask.” He lilts, tilting his head to the side with a sickly sweet smile.
Hongjoong pulled his hand from your core, which left an unhappy feeling in your stomach. But he used said hand to assist in pulling his dick free of his pants which spurred your legs even further apart. Your hands had been hanging uselessly at your side since this all began but as he leaned over your body once again, staring straight down into your wanton face, your hands flung themselves behind his shoulder to hang off of him.
Hongjoong pressed the tip of his cock against your entrance, running it through your folds twice, watching as your face shifted from bliss to desperation each time he almost slipped in. And of course, he laughed. But that was the last bit of torture he gave you before sinking into your cunt.
Your synchronized groans sounded throughout the empty parking lot when he finally filled you to the hilt. And with his own patients starting to run as thin as yours he wasted no time in pulling out and thrusting again.
Your back arched more each time he pushed into you, feeling him stretching your walls and brush against the most sensitive spots inside you made your toes curl. And as he began to build pace his deep pants and groans rang in your ears.
He was doing anything but going fast. Long hard and deep thrusts shook your body in a steady rhythm. Your nails dig into his shoulders through his shirt and your mouth hung open as he fucked into you.
“Come on baby, you're not that far gone already are you?” His voice carried a teasing tone, but his own breath had gone shaky. You both stared into each other’s faces, watching each other’s expressions shift with bliss at every thrust. You were moaning and whining freely now. Words have failed you.
You felt the muscles on Hongjoong’s shoulder strain beneath your fingers, and with your orgasm fast approaching your nails practically clawed down his back. Hongjoong hissed above you, but the action did nothing but spur him on.
“Your gonna cum baby? Gonna cum already on my cock? How desperate you must be, to let a criminal have his way with you like this.” He growled the words down at you. His words shot to your core, making you clench around him, with a whine you forced words past your lips.
“I don’t care, just want you.” The words were barely a whisper. But the effect was the same. With a ringing cry, you came undone underneath him. You shook and threw your head back, staring directly into the stars above you. Your body moved of its own accord, but that was all beyond you. The only thing you could think about was the look on Hongjoong’s stunning face as he came hovering above you.
You both basked in the feeling of waves of pleasure rolling over your bodies. Continuing to grind against each other subconsciously as you rode it out.
The cool air returned with a nip. Hongjoong had all but collapsed above you. As you came back to reality the cold metal of the car suddenly felt so comfortable you could fall asleep right there. You felt your eyes being to drift shut.
“Oh no baby, I’m taking you to bed for real this time.” Hongjoong chuckled, pulling himself up to look down at you again. He gave a small smile at your pout.
“Your pretty cute for a dangerous criminal.”
You gathered up the last of your strength to hit him on the shoulder.
and this my friends is why I dont make a habit of writing longer things, they just get away from me.
I meant for this to be a short hot sexy lil thing and it turned into this long ass sappy thing
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