#q: crafting with Ju
eatsbop · 2 years
You as a Character in HTF
Your role will be..
(First letter of the title of the last song you listened to)
MC/protagonist - C, L, P, H
Antagonist - W, A, G, M
Deuteragonist/secondary main character - K, X, B, N
Love interest - R, F, T, Q
Confidant - J, I, V , U
Supporting/tertiary character - Y, S, E
The foil - O, Z, D
You'll be a Newtuber under..
(Last video you watched on Youtube)
XJ Company - food related, stuying/educational, tech/gadget related, animal video, asmr, news/political, celebrity related, drama/gossip, music/music related
Yoo Hobin Company - comedy, makeup/fashion, lifestyle/vlog, reviews, gaming, crafting/tutorial, self improvement, health/fitness, fancam
Non-streamer - I don't watch Youtube/I can't remember, other
Your fighting style is..
(Last candy you ate)
Taekwondo - bubblegum, cola flavor candy
Kyokushin - milk, custard
Judo - mint
Ju-jitsu - gummy, sour, jelly
Boxing - chocolate
Kickboxing - peanut butter, with nuts, chocolate with nuts
Wrestling - coffee, caramel, toffee, butterscotch
Ssireum - ginseng, ginger, throat medicine, matcha
MMA - berry/fruit flavor, yogurt flavor, with dried berry/fruit
Freestyle, good old bash and smash - just sweet, sugar flavor, honey, unconventional flavor (like squid or cheese), other, I hate candies/can't remember
Character you'll be initially shipped with..
(Something you must wear when going outside, besides the basics = clothes, shoes.. etc, mask is a basic wear, dude.. please wear a mask)
Seong Taehoon - watch
Ji Yeonwoo - earphones/headphones
Lee Dowoon - earring/s
Han Gyeoul - ring/s
Woo Jihyeok - eyewear that is not prescription
Han Wangguk - nose ring, eyebrow ring, lip ring.. bellybutton ring?
Yeo Rumi - necklace
Hwang Mangi - hair accessory, hair extensions, baseball cap, beanies, etc
Gaeul - a lucky charm
Baek Seongjoon - perfume
Lee Jinho - make up
Kim Munseong - bracelet, anklet
Choi Bomi - company/student id i guess??
Yoo Hobin - you just need your wallet, phone, keys, bus card.. anything besides clothes and shoes is an excess
Your "business partner / ride or die"..
(Second letter of the title of the last manga/manhwa/comic you read)
Yoo Hobin - V, X
Seong Taehoon - G, B
Ji Yeonwoo - C, W
Lee Dowoon - A, K
Han Gyeoul - P, Q
Woo Jihyeok - L, I
Han Wangguk - it has only one letter / it's a number or punctuation mark
Yeo Rumi - N, F
Hwang Mangi - D, U
Gaeul - Z, O
Baek Seongjoon - Y, T
Lee Jinho - S, J
Kim Munseong - M, H
Choi Bomi - E, R
Character who will have an unhealthy obsession with you..
(Type of curtain you have in your bedroom)
Yoo Hobin - stripe, polkadot, gingham
Seong Taehoon - blackout curtain
Ji Yeonwoo - insulated
Lee Dowoon - no window in your bedroom
Han Gyeoul - big prints
Woo Jihyeok - blinds
Han Wangguk - small prints
Yeo Rumi - lace, tulle, sheer
Hwang Mangi - maybe like a seashell curtain or bead curtain (i'm so scared of you, you're so fancy and accommodating)
Gaeul - cartoon/anime print
Baek Seongjoon - just white
Lee Jinho - you use a tarp lmao, no curtain, your window type doesn't need one
Kim Munseong - solid dark color
Choi Bomi - solid light color
Character who will have a huge wholesome crush on you..
(The last thing you read that is not a manga/manhwa/comic, or a tumblr post)
Yoo Hobin - bills, receipt, flyers, nice.. you scored some discount coupons, grocery receipt.. you know, it do be that way sometimes
Seong Taehoon - NPC dialouge, in-game chat box, discord chat
Ji Yeonwoo - textbook, assigned reading for a class, maybe the dictionary.. you need a nap
Lee Dowoon - work schedule, class schedule, to do list, emails, texts, alarm notifications/reminders, push notification.. yeah, take it easy man
Han Gyeoul -  twitter thread, youtube comment section, r/
Woo Jihyeok - product manual, product description, product label, reviews, 2 star, 5 star, don't buy this, i was scammed, recommended, critical reviews
Han Wangguk - song lyrics
Yeo Rumi - restaurant/cafe menu
Hwang Mangi - street sign.. a sign, any sign, give me a sign hit me baby one more time
Gaeul - anime/movie/etc subtitle
Baek Seongjoon - some kind of legal document, terms and conditions, a contract
Lee Jinho - a novel, just a book, a magazine
Kim Munseong - poetry
Choi Bomi - malware alert, other
Your archenemy..
(Last letter of the title of the last song you listened to)
Yoo Hobin - Y
Seong Taehoon - U, T
Ji Yeonwoo - G, Z
Lee Dowoon - J, N
Han Gyeoul - A, K
Woo Jihyeok - X, R
Han Wangguk - H, P
Yeo Rumi - O, I
Hwang Mangi - V, S
Gaeul - D, L
Baek Seongjoon - F, C
Lee Jinho - W, B
Kim Munseong - M, E
Choi Bomi - Q
Character you'll end up with..
(The month of your birthday + the date of your birthday = the number of seconds you need to count before taking a screenshot of this gif)
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muthu1010 · 6 months
5 Simple Steps to Create an Interactive Presentation Easily
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Making a presentation engaging can seem tough, but it's not! An interactive presentation keeps folks interested and helps them remember what you say. I'll share five simple steps to create an interactive presentation stress-free. These steps are super helpful for starting your presentation and connecting with your audience.
What Is An Interactive Presentation?
An interactive presentation is a type of presentation where the audience actively participates rather than just passively listening. It involves using various tools, such as polls, quizzes, discussions, or interactive elements like clickable content or Q&A sessions, to engage the audience and encourage their involvement during the presentation. The goal is to create a more dynamic and engaging experience that allows the audience to interact, contribute, and connect with the material being presented.
5 Steps To Create An Interactive Presentations
It's Simple To Begin Your Own Presentation by Following the Five Steps Listed Below
1. Know Your Target Audience
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When you're preparing a presentation that you want people to really engage with, the very first thing to consider is your audience. Take a moment to think about who they are. What makes them tick? What things are they curious about? What information or knowledge do they hope to gain from your presentation? It's like customizing a gift—you want it to match their tastes and preferences.
Imagine your audience as a group of individuals with their own unique interests and backgrounds. Some might be really into technology, others might be more interested in art or business. Understanding these differences helps you craft a presentation that appeals to a wider spectrum of interests.
To make your message stick, it's crucial to use examples, stories, and visuals that they can connect with. Think of relatable experiences or situations that they might have encountered in their lives. This could be as simple as a story about a common problem most of them might face or an analogy that relates to their everyday experiences.
Utilizing visual aids, such as images, graphs, or videos, can help to illustrate your points more effectively. Sometimes, a picture or a chart can explain things much better than words alone.
The goal here is to create a sense of connection between your audience and the content of your presentation. When people feel like what you're saying directly relates to them or their interests, they're more likely to pay attention and engage with the material. This connection often leads to a more fruitful and interactive presentation where your audience feels involved and interested in what you have to share.
2. Choose the Right Tools To Present Your Presentations
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When it comes to creating presentations, picking the right tools can significantly simplify your work. You've got a bunch of free online audience engaging software available . Each tool has its strengths, so it's essential to choose one that matches how you want to present and lets your audience get involved.
You'll want to look out for specific features that can make your presentation more engaging. Things like polls, quizzes, clickable elements, and animations can really grab your audience's attention and make your points more interesting.
Consider your presentation style, the level of interactivity you want, and the features that will help you connect better with your audience before choosing the right tool. It's about finding the one that supports your presentation goals and makes it easier for you to engage your audience effectively.
3. Including Multimedia Elements
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When you create a presentation, think about making it interesting to look at. You can do this by adding different types of things, like pictures, videos, charts, and sound clips. Instead of having lots of slides with only words, mix it up with visuals. Pictures and videos help keep people interested because they're more exciting than just reading words.
Using different kinds of media doesn't just make your presentation look good; it also helps explain difficult things better. For instance, if you're talking about numbers or complicated ideas, a chart or a picture might help people understand it faster.
But remember, don't add visuals just for the sake of it. Make sure they relate to what you're talking about. They should help explain your message, not confuse people. If you're discussing something serious, using funny pictures might not be a good idea because it could distract your audience.
So, in short, mix up your presentation with different visuals and media, but make sure they make sense with what you're saying. This will keep your audience engaged and help them understand your points better.
4. Connect With Your Audience
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When you're giving a presentation, it's important to keep your audience engaged and involved. One way to do this is by encouraging active participation. Instead of just talking to them, try to create opportunities for interaction. This can be done through various activities such as polls, live quizzes, Q&A sessions, or using interactive charts and visuals.
For instance, consider starting your presentation with a question or a poll related to the topic you're discussing. This instantly grabs the audience's attention and gets them involved right from the beginning. Throughout your presentation, integrate moments where the audience can participate actively. You can pause to ask for their thoughts, opinions, or experiences related to the subject matter. This not only breaks the monotony of listening but also makes the presentation more dynamic and relatable to the audience.
Additionally, using interactive tools or charts can be a great way to visually engage your audience. For example, you might use a live poll displayed on a screen where attendees can vote or provide feedback in real-time. Interactive charts or graphs can help illustrate complex information in a more understandable and engaging manner.
Moreover, creating space for questions and discussions during or after your presentation is crucial. Encourage your audience to ask questions or share their views. This fosters a sense of involvement and makes them feel valued, contributing to a more memorable experience.
5. Practice and Get Feedback
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Practice is essential for a great presentation! Take the time to rehearse your presentation several times. This helps you get comfortable with what you're going to say and how you're going to interact with your audience. Pay attention to how everything flows together and the timing of each section. Make sure it fits well and keeps the audience engaged.
Furthermore, it's a great idea to ask for feedback from people you trust. This could be your colleagues, friends, or family members. They can offer different perspectives and valuable suggestions to make your presentation even better. Listen carefully to their insights and use their feedback to improve your content, delivery, or any interactive elements you plan to include.
Crafting an interactive presentation need not feel daunting. By grasping your audience's preferences, selecting suitable tools, integrating multimedia, embracing interactivity, and diligent practice, you can elevate your presentation's appeal and significance. Always keep in mind that the objective is to forge a lasting, memorable impression that stays with your audience well beyond the presentation's conclusion.
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heliarae · 4 years
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Seunghee | Helicopter (200913)
174 notes · View notes
Off Limits | Juyeon
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Juyeon | Off Limits Words | 4,900 Notes | Professional!AU, Female!reader, in which the reader attends a work party with Juyeon whose coworkers can’t help but approach. Notes of relationship issues and jealousy, but only minor. Fluff with a dash of angst. 
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Summer was the busiest part of the year at work for Juyeon. Summer kept him away from home a lot, kept him occupied when he was at home a lot; it was a time when the highest amount of trading and activity took place within the business he worked, so summer was pretty much an all-hands-on-deck for as long as possible three-month-long event. He was lucky to have someone as understanding, and patient, and compassionate as you by his side to come home to every night. The biggest perk of this job, you claimed, were the elaborate and expensive dinner parties that were thrown at the end of summer to celebrate a job well done, to commend everyone who stuck through it for all their hard work and for surviving yet another year—for those who had been there for a while, including Juyeon. Naturally, you were his plus one to these events, and what a happy significant other you were.
A soft touch slithered across Juyeon’s middle as he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, fixing up some final things while his tie hung around his neck, intending on being the last thing finished before heading out. Aside from feeling them, he could see your hands in the mirror slip around his middle while a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips. His large hands, warm and inviting, engulfed yours against his middle with the intent to relish you half pressed against his back for a little while longer before you were tugging your hands out from under his. Finally, he turned around to face you, and you looked him over.
He donned a suit that was somewhere between baby blue and light gray, it could be mistaken as both in any change of light, and a printed shirt that definitely pushed some values of blue, which made his suit appear far more blue than it was. You eyed the tie hanging around his neck while you could feel his eyes look you over—noting every detail of your patchwork lace topped dress, elegant yet simple, knee length flare at the bottom and the baby blue ribbon that hung untied around your waist.  
You ignored the way he moistened his lips for a moment, tapping your index finger against your chin as you thought about what to put in place of his tie while he begged to kiss you. His mouth was in view, so it was hard to miss the way his jaw shifted, the way his lips puckered trying to bring your eyes a little bit higher. You tugged the tie from around his neck, completely dismissing his otiose attempts and disappeared back into the bedroom to return with a small gold chain that would fit nicely in the button holes of his button-down shirt, but not without listening to the way he pouted from the bathroom awaiting your return.  After affixing the chain around his neck, you placed both your hands against his chest and leaned up as far as you could to place a chaste kiss against his pleading lips before turning him around so he could see your work.
“It’s a work party, but it can’t be all business,” you muttered from behind him while you watched him reach up to touch his new accessory that went with his suit a lot better than any tie he would be able to find in the closet.
“How is it you always know just what’s needed to bring everything together?” he asked, slowly turning himself around again to lean up against the countertop, but not without taking the two long strands of cloth ribbon that dangled playfully around your hips up into his hands to tie the most immaculate bow you’d never be able to do on yourself—that was good enough replacement for not getting to tie some complex knot he’d seen on the internet days prior.  “And you always have just the right amount of subtlety to make us match,” he added with a smile, taking both of your unsuspecting cheeks with both of his hands to place another kiss against your mouth, unsatisfied with the first one, before kissing your forehead.
“We’d better go so we’re not too late; and while I don’t like the idea, we’re supposed to mingle, but if any one of my coworkers so much as looks at you sideways—”
“Darling,” you cut him off, “it will be fine; I can take care of myself.”
“Sometimes, I don’t want you to have to take care of yourself, especially at my work function,” he almost growled, pinpointing the exact guys who would most likely cause problems in his mind so he could be prepared.
You cupped a hand around the back of his neck, albeit he was quite a bit taller than you, and gently tugged him down enough to press a soft and lingering kiss against his forehead. “You worry too much; let’s get going,” you muttered into his skin before turning to leave him in the bathroom to follow you out.
Juyeon had never mentioned anything to his coworkers about a long-term significant other, so arriving with you was a bit interesting. You put on your best jovial smile, trying to leave a good first impression to anyone you met coming through the door to the ballroom the function was taking place in. There were decorations littered about, big congratulations signs with balloons—the works for a half-decent celebration.  In the back on a buffet table was an assortment of hors d’oeuvres, appetizers, finger-foods, charcuterie, and anything alike that a handful of people were picking over.  While Juyeon had already gotten caught up with a coworker as they exchanged sighs of relief about the most intense quarter of the year finally being over for the most part, you made your way to the punch table to help yourself to half a can of grapefruit sparkling water.
“When I said mingle, I didn’t mean ditch me right away,” he muttered from your side, able to escape his coworker long enough to relocate you as he stood to your side, fixing a cup of his own which was much the same since neither of you were drinkers.
“You were busy, and I was thirsty,” you said, clinking your cheap plastic cup against his with a smile.
“You haven’t even let me introduce you to anyone,” he almost complained and reached out to lace his hand with yours. He liked that you were so independent, so willing to make your way through this function without being attached to his side at all costs, but just to reiterate his point about you not having to take care of yourself at his work function, he wanted to let you know that you were allowed to be at his side if you wanted to be.
“You’re right, I should have waited for you,” you replied, earning a chaste turn into your temple for a quick kiss before he was ushering you over to a very important looking man who you assumed, correctly, to be Juyeon’s boss.
Your nerves set in a little bit as you stood in front of him, letting Juyeon introduce you before you exchanged pleasantries and told him a little bit about yourself including how long you had been with Juyeon and what you did for a living and a handful of your accomplishments and commendations, resulting in Juyeon’s boss looking over at him with what you assumed to be an approving look.
“Seems like you’re the one who keeps this ball of fire a little grounded,” he said to you with a teasing wink. Juyeon couldn’t stave off the blush that pricked his cheeks like a thousand needles and you could feel his hand tighten on yours for a moment.
“Sometimes he gets a little lost in the clouds, but I think he always knows when it’s time to come back down to earth,” you replied sweetly, looking over at your man with the most affectionate gaze. “Besides, we both keep each other in check.”
Juyeon excused himself to the appetizer table when it felt it was appropriate, offering to get you something while you mingled a little bit. You didn’t wander too far, striking up conversation with other girls who were there as plus ones, talking about your significant others who were all coworkers, but some split off in divisions. A couple of them, including some men whose significant others were a part of the company, spoke of how difficult it was sometimes dealing with the long hours and spontaneous business trips and how rocky it had made some relationships. It made you reflect on yours, about how even-keeled you and Juyeon were, that you knew it was the two of you as a team and that you could talk about anything and everything. Granted, the two of you had your problems, and there was no counting that out, but when you were put on the spot, being asked how you dealt with it, you froze for a second.
“We often forget that just because they’re the one who is away doesn’t mean that they aren’t feeling the separation too,” you started after your tongue reconfigured how to function in your mouth. “Sharp words are often exchanged because we think of how we’re feeling, but seldom think about how they’re feeling.”
“This is the first function I’ve seen you at,” one of the wives mentioned, a significant other of one of the higher-ups.
“We both work,” you replied with a smile, although it was a bit forced, “which makes the distance even harder. I typically work evening or night shifts which offsets our schedule and makes it more difficult. I’m typically not able to make it to these functions, so I’m glad I could make it this time.”
A wide palm touched against your low back—a touch you would never mistake for anyone else as he alerted you of his presence to your side, joining the circle as it went quiet. A paper plate littered with all kinds of things was held out in front of you for you to pick off of to fill the new silence.
“And you, Juyeon? How do you deal with it? The distance and demands of the job?”
You could feel Juyeon’s nerves in the air, and he looked at you as if he was being quizzed just to meet your encouraging nod.
“Sometimes, it’s not easy. I won’t lie and say we don’t fight. It’s frustrating; sometimes all the time we get with each other is three hours of sleep before someone’s getting up to go to work, or after just getting home from work. As long as you can look into their eyes and know for certain there’s a place for you, I think everything’s okay, everything’s right. It’s both of you versus the problem, not you versus each other.”
The way his eyes glittered as he looked at you while speaking sent a shiver through your spine, a shiver he could feel in his fingertips still soothingly pressed into your back. Fingertips that soon rose to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear that was hanging in front of one of your eyes.
“Funny the things we can learn from people half our age or less,” an unfamiliar voice mentioned as it entered from the side to take the waist of one of the women you were speaking with to press a chaste kiss against her temple. “The air felt too serious, this is supposed to be a celebration!”
Juyeon’s lips broke into a smile, and so, subsequently, did yours as you finally broke the somewhat intense gaze between the two of you to lean into him for a comforting armless embrace before picking at a couple of things on his appetizer plate as the conversation lightened significantly.  
You got to know a few people quite well, and were introduced to their significant others too and you all spoke easily about mindless and trivial things, about your thoughts and opinions on certain things and playful banter about why this was better than that; it didn’t matter as long as the air was light and there was a smile on everyone’s faces. But soon the group broke so you could mingle with others, and you reassured Juyeon you would be fine on your own if there were people he wanted to talk with.
You followed one of the wives from the previous group to a new group, being introduced to her and her significant other; you were quickly finding yourself on the ins with the girls in the company whether they were spouses or employees. It was only natural at a company party with a group full of younger plus one ladies that there would be some interested looming going on. A couple of boys you’d only seen in passing since arriving to the party joined the circle to join in on the conversation—ladies laughing with each other was like vultures circling prey to the wrong types of guys.
One of the boys was a handsome and well-built man; he looked a little bit older than Juyeon but you couldn’t be for certain. You offered your name and shook his hand as he offered his: Sangyeon. He didn’t do much talking in the beginning, just trying to pick up on the conversation where it had left off for a moment to invite more people in.  While you typically weren’t the type to be mistaken for naïve, the way you let Sangyeon settle in close and close to you may have had people second guessing. He brought you away from the conversation for only moment.
“That’s a very lovely bracelet,” he commented, noting your sterling silver set opal bracelet.  
You glanced at him for a second before looking down at your wrist, and brought it up to shift the cool metal against your wrist. “Thank you,” you replied.
“Let me guess, it was your mother’s?” he asked suavely.  You had to chuckle, too. It was a very mother-esque bracelet for you to be wearing, but you shook your head.
“Juyeon got it for me for my birthday,” you replied with a sweet smile, and he seemed to be taken aback by that reply.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear; Juyeon emerged from behind you, giving a startling touch against your hip and you jolted against his chest.
“Speaking of my doting man,” you said, and looked up at him. He looked down at you tenderly, noting your empty hands that were occupied with the bracelet around your wrist. “We were just talking about this pretty bracelet you got me for my birthday.”
He smiled a bit, eyes closing gently. “It looks very lovely on you,” he replied before acknowledging Sangyeon, someone he knew well, and greeted him appropriately. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“I’m okay for now, thank you, darling,” you answered, feeling his warm plam against yours as he took your hand for a fleeting moment, giving it a squeeze before heading over to the refreshments. You turned back to Sangyeon to continue your conversation but the look on his face was different for obvious reasons.
“You and Juyeon seem very close,” he commented, giving one more gauging observation.
“We’ve been together for a long time. Since before he started working here.” You could see the math going on in the glazed over expression he was giving you. It had been quite a while indeed, if he could remember exactly when Juyeon started working with them. He gave you an affirmative nod, being reabsorbed into the general conversation since his purpose with you was through, especially as Juyeon took his place at your side again.
“Your bow is coming loose,” he mentioned and handed you his drink for a moment so he could fix it up. “What did Sangyeon want?” he asked you, even though he already knew the answer. You looked for Sangyeon who had already made his way away from the circle again before choosing your words.
“He wanted to pick me up; asked if my bracelet was my mom’s. It didn’t get far before you showed up, with the usual impeccable timing,” you chuckled back and handed his drink back as he fixed your bow properly.
“I knew these guys wouldn’t leave you alone; this is why I never want to take you to work functions in the first place, some people here have one goal and sometimes won’t stop even if you ask,” he replied.  
You rolled your eyes playfully at him and turned into his side to place your hand against his chest and your head against his shoulder as you casually listened to surrounding conversation. For the time being, the contact soothed Juyeon’s nerves. He was less concerned about you—he knew you weren’t the problem, but he knew sometimes you liked to play naïve a little bit more than you should which he sometimes considered opening a door you didn’t want to open.
For a bit, you followed Juyeon from circle to circle as he found someone knew he wanted to speak with, or who wanted to speak with him. You held on to his arm as an intellectual addition with actual knowledge about the company and what they did, so it was easy for you to keep up with conversation where other plus-ones would just daze off into the abyss and disengage with the conversation.  Juyeon appreciated the way you contributed to conversation; it really illuminated just how much communication the two of you shared, almost as a warning sign to not step in between you because it would never work anyway. He couldn’t take enough precautions after the antics already started with Sangyeon.  
Once a few circles were dried up for conversation with him, Juyeon excused himself to the restroom to leave you to your own devices for a moment.  You made your way to the punch table again to refresh your beverage, meeting the presence of a man about Juyeon’s age you hadn’t paid much mind to, although you’d seen him looming around.
His smile was somewhat greasy, but dashing for the right person all at the same time. His eyes were charming as he looked over at you, watching what you were pouring into your cup. His voice was melodious as it exited his lips and fell into your ears, giving you a soft greeting and offering some small talk about your grapefruit sparkling water until your gaze was finally meeting his.  His eyes were swirling pools of amber that attempted to captivate you almost immediately, but he could tell you weren’t the type to be so smitten by that alone as you took half a step away from him and crossed an arm against your body. He offered his name, which made the conversation a little more comforting—at least you knew who he was.
“Charmed, Hyunjae. Have you been with the company long?” you asked him, attempting to divert the conversation to something a little more relevant, especially since it was a one-on-one conversation with a man you’d never interacted with before.
He spoke loosely about his affiliation with the company, not offering up any information of some real substance, but you could tell he was trying to perpetuate the conversation even as you left the punch table with him in tow. He asked about you, about what you did, but never bothered to ask who you were here with.
As Juyeon made his way back into the ballroom from the hallway, his eyes scanned the vicinity for you, and when they fell on you, he caught a displeased noise in his throat. He could tell you were holding your own with the way you were standing, disinterested, but if he knew anything about Hyunjae it was that he was persistent and didn’t typically take no for an answer the first few times.
“Pretty girls like you typically aren’t interested in guys like us or the job we bring home with us, you must have come as a favor to someone with a lot of persuading,” he mentioned, “and to look so dazzling. They must have really wanted to look good arriving with you. Baby blue is really your color—”
You unceremoniously slapped his hand away when it touched at the playful ribbon tied around your waist with care. Your chin tilted up to look at him over your cheekbones with a quirk of your brow, as if to question what exactly he thought he was doing.
“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to touch things that aren’t yours,” you jeered, “to not beg so pitifully for things you can’t have.”
Hyunjae scoffed with a sneer on his face and spent a few seconds licking his wounds but he was bound and determined not to give up. “Perhaps I overstepped,” he offered to try and smooth over the situation. “But can I just say your personality is positively fiery. A man would be lucky to have you.”  
You were about to reply, something else sharp queued in your throat when a familiar aura washed up against your side. His grip was a little tighter this time, tugging your far hip into him, into a body a little tenser than it usually was. Your hand almost fumbled your drink.
“I’ve been looking for you, my love,” he said calmly, as if he hadn’t just witnessed Hyunjae attempt to put his hands in places they particularly did not belong, which was anywhere near you, and pressed a searing kiss behind your ear that made your eyes flutter. It was unusual for Juyeon to use terms of endearment with you, so you knew he had seen what happened. “I think we’re getting ready to settle down for dinner if you want to find our table?” he asked, pressing another kiss against your temple, and took your hand to press another kiss against the back of it to really drive the point home that you were off limits.  
You took the hint, and left Juyeon to deal with Hyunjae as you made your way out of that particular ballroom to the one across the hall where dinner would be had. But not without giving him a particular look, sliding your hands down his forearm to lock hands with his for only a moment before you were giving him the space he was requesting. Juyeon watched you go to make sure you were out of ear-shot before he turned to Hyunjae.
“I like you as a person and coworker, Hyunjae,” he began, “don’t jeopardize that.” It was the most patronizing, threatening, and offensive three words he’d ever said to Hyunjae, followed by a couple of pats on the shoulder before turning on his heel. “In case that’s not clear, don’t ever touch her again,” he paused to say over his shoulder before following after you.
He made it into the ballroom across the hall and glanced over the tables until he found you. There were a few other couples among the room who had enough of the mingling much the same as himself and were just looking to escape for some quiet time. His legs glided him over to you in an instant and he took a seat. He could see the look in your eyes, like you’d disappointed him.  
You waited for him to speak first, but he didn’t seem interested in talking. Instead, he occupied himself with your hands, noticing the redness on the back of your right hand which swatted Hyunjae’s hand away from you and soothingly rubbed over it with his thumbs. He looked down at it, few thoughts running through his mind, just that he wished he was there to prevent the whole thing—albeit, also pleased it wasn’t worse.  You watched the way he gnawed at his lip, the gears turning in his head.
It boiled Juyeon’s blood when he thought he wasn’t there for you the way he should be. He leaned forward against his legs, resting his elbows against them as he brought your hand up to kiss the back of it, against the knuckles that were reddened. You knew he was micro-focused on that, on the fact that you displayed signs of having to defend yourself, so you pulled your hands from his and gingerly cupped his jaw, sliding soft hands against his cheeks, against his neck, through the hair on the back of his head—anything to soothe him with your presence even if it was just a little bit.
Little needed to be said between the two of you as a majority of it was understood, but nothing was said as he relished your touch, finding comfort and the ability to center enough to get through dinner, at least for a moment.
“I’m sorry for leaving you,” he muttered into the pad of your palm as he turned his face into it.
“Hush,” you soothed with a gentle shake of your head, the worry knitting your brow together—he didn’t need to apologize for that, none of it was his fault; Hyunjae overstepped a boundary knowing that you were uninterested and that had nothing to do with Juyeon.  
“That’s the trade off, I guess, for having someone as smart and beautiful and dazzling and charming as you by my side,” he whispered, looking up at you with those gorgeous glimmering eyes to flash you a subtle wink.  “Let’s just go home and have takeaway and a warm bath and a movie in bed?”
It didn’t take any more convincing, and the both of you left Juyeon’s work party without saying so much as goodbye to anyone to meet your takeaway at home—it was far better than any over-the-top expensive food you could get in the ballroom of any hotel served by the tens, anyway. And a warm bath with your love, having hot water run across your achy muscles as you rested against him was far beyond any conversation you could be having with anyone you had met in your time there. It was the right call, to be spending time one on one with the little time you did have together.
Juyeon’s chest expanded and contracted behind you, his even breath against your shoulder as his head tilted to rest against yours, a few of your flyaway hairs tickling his nose now and again. His hand was threaded with yours beneath the water’s surface—all was serene, all was right. The relaxing rose essence that wafted through the water was making the both of you even more sleepy.  
“This is so much better than some stupid work party,” Juyeon’s deep voice reverberated in your ear before he kissed behind it. “I can’t even remember the last time we took a bath together.” His lips grazed across the top of your shoulder, from your neck over to the curve, leaving little kisses in his path.
“My birthday,” you replied.
“Too long ago,” he answered. Whatever your answer was, he would have said that anyway.  You couldn’t help the soft chuckle that fell from your lips, especially with the way your head leaned back to rest against his shoulder. The smile on your face would have melted him into a puddle, if he could see it, but he was too busy peppering every inch of skin he could reach with gentle kisses until he popped the plug on the bath as the water was getting a bit too cold.
He put your robe around you first after stepping out of the tub, fluffy bathmat under both your feet. Not even slightly taken aback, he leaned into your kiss when you took the lapel of his robe, embroidered with his initials, and tugged him down to meet you.  You danced around each other’s feet after he turned to maneuver you back to the bedroom, kissing all over your face until you were giggling mess and lying beneath him, against the cool duvet of your shared bed.
“Next time I ask you to go to a work function, tell me no,” he purred against your forehead before giving it a sweet kiss.
“How about I ask if you’d rather stay home,” you reasoned with him, watching the way his eyes glittered in the pale yellow light of the bedside lamp, the only light illuminating the room, and the way his eyes sparkled was like all of the stars in the night sky compacted into his beautiful irises.
“Where did I find you?” he asked rhetorically.
“At the laboratories in the south district,” you replied anyway, referring to your work place.
He wanted to be disappointed in your answer, but the more he looked at you, the more a smile broke on his face even though he tried to bite it back.
“Let’s put pajamas on and pick a movie,” you suggested quickly, watching the gears turn behind is eyes as he thought of something snarky to say to your previous comment, and immediately his expression softened as he gave a gentle nod and lifted you back up from the bed.
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begitalarcos · 5 years
100+ Years of Horror
This is not a definitive list. These are just the films I believe every Horror fan should see at least once. I’ve excluded any sequels that I didn’t feel needed including. I hope you enjoy.
For @mechamag​
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1922 – Nosferatu
1925 – The Phantom of the Opera
1927 – The Cat and the Canary
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1931 – Dracula, Frankenstein
1932 – Freaks
1933 – The Invisible Man
1934 – The Black Cat
1935 – The Bride of Frankenstein
1939 – The Cat and the Canary
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1941 – The Black Cat, The Wolfman
1942 – Cat People
1945 - Dead of Night
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1953 – House of Wax
1954 – Creature from the Black Lagoon
1955 – Night of the Hunter, Les Diaboliques
1956 – Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Bad Seed
1958 – The Blob, Macabre, The Fly
1959 – House on Haunted Hill, The Tingler, The Killer Shrews
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1960 – 13 Ghosts , Black Sunday, Eyes without a face, Peeping Tom, Psycho, Village of the Damned
1961 – The Pit and the Pendulum
1962 – What ever happened To Baby Jane?
1963 – The Birds, Black Sabbath, The Haunting
1965 – Repulsion
1966 – Island of Terror
1967 – Wait until Dark
1968 – Night of the Living Dead, Rosemary’s Baby, Spider Baby
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1970 – Mark of the Devil, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
1971 – The Cat O’ Nine Tails, Let’s scare Jessica to Death, What’s the matter with Helen? A Bay of Blood, Play Misty for Me
1972 – Ben, Children shouldn’t play with dead things, Deathdream, Don’t torture a Duckling, The last house on the left, Night of the Lepus, What have you done to Solange?
1973 – The Crazies, The Exorcist, The Legend of Hell House, Sisters, The Wicker Man, Don’t look now
1974 – Black Christmas, Deranged, It’s Alive, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Vampyres
1975 – Shivers, Trilogy of Terror, Jaws, Deep Red, The Stepford Wives
1976 – Alice Sweet Alice, Burnt Offerings, Carrie, Eaten Alive, The Omen, Squirm, To the devil a daughter, The town that dreaded sundown, The Tenant
1977 – Audrey Rose, Day of the Animals, Demon Seed, Eraserhead, Exorcist 2: The Heretic, The Hills have Eyes, Rabid, The Sentinel, Shock, Suspiria
1978 – Damien: Omen 2, Dawn of the Dead, Halloween, I Spit on your Grave, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jaws 2, The Legacy, Magic, Martin, Piranha
1979 – Alien, The Amityville Horror, The Brood, Phantasm, Prophecy, Tourist Trap, When a Stranger Calls, Zombi2, Nosferatu the Vampyre, Salem’s Lot
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1980 – Alligator, Altered States, The Changeling, City of the Living Dead, Fade to Black, The Fog, Friday the 13th, Hell of the Living Dead, The House on the Edge of the Park, Humanoids form the Deep, Inferno, Maniac, Motel Hell, Prom Night, The Shining
1981 – An American Werewolf in London, The Beyond, The Black Cat, The Burning, Dead and Buried, The Entity, The Evil Dead, Friday the 13th Part 2, The Funhouse, Galaxy of Terror, Halloween 2, Happy Birthday to Me, Hell Night, The House by the Cemetery, The Howling, My Bloody Valentine, Omen 3: The Final Conflict, The Pit, Possession, The Prowler, Wolfen, Scanners, Blow Out, Ghost Story
1982 – Alone in the Dark, Basket Case, The Beast Within, Cat People, Creepshow, Friday the 13th Part 3, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, Madman, Pieces, Poltergeist, Q: The Winged Serpent, Tenebrae, The Thing, Visiting Hours
1983 – A Blade in the Dark, Christine, Cujo, Curtains, The Deadly Spawn, Eyes of Fire, The House on Sorority Row, The Hunger, Mortuary, Nightmares, Sleepaway Camp, Videodrome, The Dead Zone, Twilight Zone: The Movie
1984 – C.H.U.D., Children of the Corn, The Company of Wolves, Gremlins, Night of the Comet, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Razorback, Silent Night Deadly Night, Firestarter, Starman, Ghostbusters
1985 – Cat’s Eye, Day of the Dead, Demons, Fright Night, Ghoulies, LifeForce, Phenomena, Re-Animator, The Return of the Living Dead, Silver Bullet, The Stuff, Cut and Run, The New Kids
1986 – Aliens, April Fools Day, Chopping Mall, Critters, Deadly Friend, The Fly, From Beyond, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, The Hitcher, House, Invaders from Mars, Little Shop of Horrors, Maximum Overdrive, Monster Dog, Night of the Creeps, Poltergeist 2: The Other Side, Rawhead Rex, Terrorvision, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Trick or Treat, Troll, Vamp, The Wraith
1987 – Angel Heart, Bad Taste, Creepshow 2, Dolls, Evil Dead 2, The Gate, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2, Hellraiser, The Hidden, House 2: The Second Story, The Outing, The Lost Boys, The Monster Squad, Near Dark, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, Opera, Prince of Darkness, Predator, Stage Fright, The Stepfather, Street Trash, The Witches of Eastwick, Lady Beware, Fatal Attraction
1988 – Bad Dreams, The Blob, Child's Play, Dead Heat, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Fright Night Part 2, Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, The Lair of the White Worm, Maniac Cop, Night of the Demons, Phantasm 2, Pin, Prison, Pumpkinhead, Return of the Living Dead Part 2, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Uninvited, Watchers, Waxwork, They Live
1989 – 976-Evil, The Church, Grim Prairie Tales, The Horror Show, Intruder, Leviathan, Night Life, Pet Sematary, Shocker, Society, Warlock, Dead Calm, The Forgotten One, DeepStar Six
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1990 – Braindead, Bride of Re-Animator, Child’s Play 2, The Exorcist 3, Frankenhooker, Graveyard Shift, The Guardian, Hardware, IT, Jacob’s Ladder, Misery, Night of the Living Dead, Nightbreed, Predator 2, The Reflecting Skin, Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat, Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, Tremors, Two Evil Eyes, Arachnophobia
1991 – Body Parts, Cape Fear, The People under the Stairs, The Pit and the Pendulum, Popcorn, Scanners 2: The New Order, The Silence of the Lambs, Sometimes they Come Back
1992 – Army of Darkness, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Candyman, Demonic Toys, Dolly Dearest, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Innocent Blood, Sleepwalkers, Spilt Second, Man Bites Dog
1993 – Body Bags, Carnosaur, Cronos, The Dark Half, Leprechaun, Return of the Living Dead 3, Trauma, Kalifornia, Man’s Best Friend
1994 – Brainscan, Cemetery Man, The Crow, Death Machine, Hellbound, In The Mouth of Madness, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, The Stand, Wes Cravens New Nightmare, Wolf, Interview with the Vampire
1995 – Castle Freak, Demon Knight, Lord of Illusions, The Mangler, Mosquito, The Prophecy, Species, Village of the Damned, Screamers, Dolores Claiborne
1996 – Bad Moon, The Craft, The Frighteners, From Dusk till Dawn, Jack Frost, Scream, Tremors 2: Aftershocks, Mary Reilly
1997 – An American Werewolf in Paris, Anaconda, Campfire Tales, Cube, The Devils’ Advocate, Event Horizon, I know what you did last Summer, Mimic, The Night Flier, Nightwatch, The Relic, Quicksilver Highway, The Ugly, Wishmaster, Kiss the Girls, Se7en, Perfect Blue
1998 – Blade, Deep Rising, The Faculty, Ringu, Strangeland, Urban Legend, Vampires, Sphere
1999 – Audition, The Blair Witch Project, Deep Blue Sea, The Haunting, House on Haunted Hill, Lake Placid, The Mummy, Ravenous, Sleepy Hollow, Stigmata, Virus, The Sixth Sense, Idle Hands
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2000 – American Psycho, Bless the Child, Blood: The Last Vampire, Cherry Falls, Final Destination, Ginger Snaps, Hollow Man, Ju-On, Pitch Black, Python, Versus, What Lies Beneath, The Gift, The Cell, Shadow of the Vampire
2001 – The Attic Expeditions, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Dagon, Jeepers Creepers, Mulholland Drive, The Others, Session 9, Thir13en Ghosts, The Devil’s Backbone, Frailty, From Hell, Hannibal
2002 – 28 Days Later, Blade 2, Bubba Ho-Tep, Cabin Fever, Dog Soldiers, Eight Legged Freaks, Ghost Ship, May, Queen of the Damned, Resident Evil, The Ring, They, The Mothman Prophecies, Red Dragon
2003 – Darkness Falls, Dream Catcher, Final Destination 2, Freddy Vs. Jason, Haute Tension, House of 1000 Corpses, A Tale of Two Sisters, Undead, Underwold, Willard, Wrong Turn
2004 – Alien Vs Predator, Club Dread, Dawn of the Dead, Dead & Breakfast, Exorcist: The Beginning, Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed, Godsend, Saw, Shaun of the Dead, The Village, Taking Lives, The Forgotten, Enduring Love
2005 – 2001 Maniacs, The Amityville Horror, Constantine, Dark Water, The Descent, The Devils’ Rejects, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Land of the Dead, Wolf Creek, Hard Candy
2006 – Abominable, All the boys love Many Lane, Black Sheep, Fido, Final Destination 3, Hatchet, The Hills have Eyes, Slither, The Woods, The Host, Silent Hill, The Tripper, Wild Country
2007 – 28 Weeks Later, 30 Days of Night, 1408, Grindhouse, I am Legend, The Mist, My Name is Bruce, Nature of the Beast, Paranormal Activity, Primeval, REC, Skinwalkers, Teeth, Trick r’ Treat, An American Crime, Rogue, Funny Games
2008 – Book of Blood, Cloverfield, Deadgirl, Diary of the Dead, Let the right one in, The Midnight Meat Train, Mirrors, Quarantine, The Ruins, Splinter, The Strangers, Eden Lake, Outlander
2009 – Case 39, Grace, The Haunting in Connecticut, Heartless, The House of the Devil, Jennifer’s Body, The Loved Ones, Orphan, Pandorum, Splice, Triangle, Zombieland, Carriers, Dread
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2010 – Black Swan, The Crazies, Exorcismus, Frozen, Insidious, The Last Exorcism, Let me in, Primal, Tucker & Dale Vs Evil, The Wolfman, Troll Hunter, Devil
2011 – The Awakening, Don’t be afraid of the Dark, The Innkeepers, Livid, The Thing, The Woman, The Rite
2012 – American Mary, Bait, The Cabin in the Woods, The Devil Inside, The Possession, Prometheus, Sinister, Byzantium, Compliance
2013 – The Conjuring, Evil Dead, Jug Face, Mama, Under the Skin, Only Lovers Left Alive, Warm Bodies, Horns, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, Contracted, Stoker
2014 – Annabelle, As Above So Below, The Babadook, Deliver us from Evil, A Girl walk home alone at Night, Life after Beth, Starry Eyes, Tusk, It Follows, Goodnight Mommy, The Voices, Digging up the Marrow, When Animals Dream, Gone Girl ,The Remaining, Late Phases, Cub
2015 – Crimson Peak, Krampus, The Lazarus Effect, Maggie, The Visit, The Witch, Bone Tomahawk, Green Room, Regression, The Devil’s Candy, The Lure
2016 – The Autopsy of Jane Doe, The Belko Experiment, The Boy, The Conjuring 2, Don’t Breathe, The Eyes of my Mother, Split, The Forest, The Love Witch, The Neon Demon, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Raw, Train to Busan, The Void, What We Become, 10 Cloverfield Lane, A Cure for Wellness, The Shallows, Pet, Hounds of Love
2017 – IT, Get Out, Mother!, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Ritual, Thelma, Veronica, It comes at Night, Life, Gerald’s Game, Revenge, 1922
2018 – Annihilation, Halloween, Hereditary, Mandy, Mom and Dad, The Nun, Overlord, Possum, A Quiet Place, Suspiria, The House that Jack Built, Bird Box, Apostle, The Meg
2019 – Brightburn, IT Chapter 2, Midsommar, Ready or Not, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Us, I am Mother, Crawl, The Dead Don’t Die, Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile, Glass
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bedlamgames · 5 years
Q&A #100
Yes, been a hundred of this things. Totally a meaningless milestone which is one of my oldest tags on here (assuming any are left after the purge...) still I thought I’d do something for it. 
Specifically I’ve gone back over the old Q&A’s and found some favourite questions and answers which I’ll be including in this after the usual round of outstanding ones. Possibly also with some extra commentary where appropriate. 
Anonymous said: Hey. Any pair of characters connected by an Owned relationship/reputation seems to crash the game if you use either one of them on an assignment. Any chance of this being fixed?
- That should be sorted in yesterday’s update. 
Anonymous said: Got a Forest Goblin with both Dancer and Clumsy. This seems like a very strange combination, but imagining it kind of makes me want to laugh my head off.
- Agreed I think that just works due to being amusing. Less poetry in motion and more of a limerick. 
Anonymous said: In No Haven 0.871 the trait " Elementalist: Air " does not appear when using the estimate value function.
- Cheers for pointing out that oversight. Will sort.
Anonymous said: Hi sory english isn't my native langage, In No Have 0.871 TF Edition I have aquired a slaver But with a bug first i don't know how i acquire her and two she had noting , no name no perk jus a little description i will copy the full examine optin on it : - - - - ExamineName: Race: - Sex: - Status: - Reputation: Traits: Condition: 0 Will: 0 Estimated Value: 0 has a flat chest, a regular pussy, and has an unremarkable ass. She is the same size as most goblins, and .She is . 
- That looks like an empty character in all respects. I believe there was an issue with Ritual Casting where that could happen and is now sorted. If you see it happen again please let me know what you were doing when they appeared. 
Anonymous said: Hey Bedlam, watched stream where you discussed not selling slaves debuff, thing is i always imagined slavers being in this business for fun and pleasure first, and gold second. I mean why else would they agree to live in some Skyrim style, long abandoned really, hard to get to fort in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by hills and marshes(at least that how i imagine it)? So maybe you could make something like,"no new slaves, or slave training for X days, getting bored" or something like that?
- It wouldn’t be too harsh at all. Just a bit of a poke to encourage that you’re business model is based around being a slaver over the leader disappearing to the coast for a week and returning with suspiciously large amounts of gold. In that case you’ve got to think that your slavers might feel that they’re surplus to requirements :D
Anonymous said: I hope you're happy for taking so many hours of my life away from me lol. But playing this again; got a question about NH. Any plans on making some rival groups that we can interact with? Diplomacy, getting tribute, ect. It would be kinda cool to have rivals that push you along 
Glad you’re enjoying it! 
Likely yes. There’s ways currently now to set up a few ways to get tribute every so often. More groups though who are more hostile than the not-witches in the marshlands or the mistress of the Ensnared Rose are sure to be a thing sooner or later. 
doof-ex-machina said: Have you read the Gorean saga by John Nornan? If yes, did it influence your vision of the No Haven world? Gor explores a legal female-oriented slave system, yheah, but there are pretty close similarities with NH in regards to the numbers of ‘fodder’ and the ways of training. Anyway, me personally thinks your world is even better because magic and draenei/succubi boobs, duh.
I haven’t but I am aware of them in general. 
NH is a lot more equal opportunities than Gor where males doing it to females, females doing it to males, and all possible variations of that including others like futanari and sissies are likely to happen. Still high praise indeed, thanks!
And now onto some old questions starting with one from before where I realised beginning to combine these might be a good idea. 
onedrift from 2015:  Trying this again...what's your coder fuel of choice? Red bull, Monster, coffee? None of the above? Soon to be bimbofied slavemakers want to know!
- Heh, totally giving my nationality away (if it wasn’t blatantly obvious already) but the fuel of choice is copious amounts of Earl Grey tea.
Anonymous from 2015: Hiya, been a fan of your work for a long time, captions and games thanks for making them, but a question regarding whorelocks revenge, is it possible to get the tangle infection and bonds of insanity? in all my time playing them I never had either I dont think.
- Not in the current version. Basically I wasn’t happy with the implementation in terms of how they were removed so I disabled them for a bit till I can sort it out… which unfortunately has lasted quite some time.
Soon as I got this No Haven update done they’re top of my list of things to sort in Whorelocks.
(Oh zogging hell. Still not done that yet... Extenuating circumstance for sure with NH taking off and WR was still in RAGS at that point, but even so)
Anonymous from 2015: This is probably a poor place to respond to your open-ended poll question, but have you looked into Twine?
- I’ve looked at Twine and when I one day get round to Rough Landing 3 it’s definitely going to be done using it, but to me it looks like an incredibly poor fit for working on No Haven.
(Oh past me why would say such a thing even if it did make a lot of sense at the time. Let’s hope that guy was wrong)
Anonymous from Q&A #1: Title image is hype, cant wait for next update. recall you mentioned that you had enchantments planed for the update after next (or something there abouts) how far ahead have you planned ahead and any spoilers for the update after this one? :D
- Why thank you! I have several pages bullet pointed of what I have planned along with what I have in my head. For stuff not in the next update I’d say not counting more slave training assignments and options and more assignments in the other areas the big bits of content outstanding are;
Way more potions. (Still do do)
Enchantment/cursing of items system.  (Also still do do)
Crafting Devices. (Also, also still do do)
Ways to manage encampments when they get to large by sending slavers/slaves to new areas to provide ongoing gold/supplies along with the occasional assignment. (Oh dear, also, also still do do)
More stuff for you like going on every assignment, bad ends for some of them, more interactions, being enslaved and so on. Basically lots more sub and also some dom content for when you’re not managing the encampment. (Woo progress made! Bad ends for some assignments going on are indeed a thing. Still work to do as I do want to give Crossbones and Into the Depths the QAYL treatment sometime)
Special events that will occur every so often that will affect things be it for good and bad. This will include a way to get a lost slaver back though perhaps forever altered by their experiences. (Woo again this is done. Definitely could do with more done with)
Encampment reputation to reflect a slaver’s standing with how the other slaver’s see them. This will includes slavers becoming slaves and visa versa. (On a roll now as a great deal of this implemented)
More biomancy options and improving thanks to a multi-part assignment. There will also be other multi-part story based assignments. (Partially done and the biomancy multi-part assignment has been started)
And a bunch more basically but those are the priorities after this next update. Probably not all in the same update though.
Anonymous from Q&A #6: I would play the hell out of Paranoia set in No Haven.  
- Temptation to give slavers and you conflicting secret societies and agendas rising.
Y’know like…
Dire Panthers: A mottley band of young savage orcs, amazons and trolls out to raise hell by breaking stuff, setting stuff on fire and generally being a nuisance to everyone.
The Cooperative: A dedicated group of Frozen Queen cultists out to oppose the Human Empire by working together to make things better for the common people… till you know the Queen awakens and buries all the land in eternal ice.
Mage Smashers: Magic iz like wrong an’ stuff! We smash dem in dere stupid face till dey not so smart.
Fellowship-Fel: The denizens that lurk beyond our reality and infect our dreams with tainted nightmares are our friends! We must expose ourselves to as much corruption as possible to make ourselves like them. We see no flaws in this plan whatsoever, you see the chorus of whispers in our minds entirely agrees with us.
Psion: No changes need to be made whatsoever from the original version.
Trekksters: …and I think that’s enough of that, or further evidence of why I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near RAGS or indeed tumblr when I have my old sourcebooks nearby :D
(Also apologies to most of you who have no idea what that was about!) (This is still far too much of a good idea)
Anonymous from Q&A #17: 2/2 and another hilarious one: Your succubus slave Jaeil was not looking so hot right now so Virholen just held her close and told Jaeil that everything would be alright. Jaeil was oddly quiet everytime you looked in on them and you wonder if they have resigned themselves to their fate. Condition: 45 (Change: 20) - Will: 47 (Change: 15)
After their mistreatment Jaeil sees no reason not to only care for them self as clearly no one else will leaving them hardened and even outright cruel. usc++
- You win best bug report in ages, that is beautiful :D
Anonymous from Q&A #37: Will there be other spirit races in the game besides wisps, such as undynes, gnomes, and dryads? And finally Im new to patreon. I decided to pay for the your character teir but ask for a unique because I dont really understand it. Is the “play your character” a scenario or what? And where do I go to talk with you on what I would like for it?
- True story, I had to google undyines and for ages I couldn’t work out what you were referring too as so many of the results were of that character from Undertale :D
Undines themselves would be no, but I do have a water spirit of a kind planned. (Still do!) Gnomes no, as I’m happy with Hakh Dwarven and the various Goblins as my short races. Dryads absolutely yes, and will be one of the advanced races. See the last Q&A for more details of those.
Thank you for your support! Those options are for those that want to play a specific character that isn’t available in the standard options or design a specific slaver that you can have in your encampment. If you want to see some examples of ones others have asked for before on the playable character front then Orc Wright Raptor, Lago’Mae Scholar or Goblin Underground Potioneer would be a good ones to look at to start off with.
As for the unique slavers then pretty much any of the slavers available under Strong Right Arm/Recruiter.
How much detail you want to go into is up to you. If you want to say oh I just want a Kitsune lady who likes to pole-dance then I’d put something together for your approval, or you can go full on detailing everything about them from their art, description, traits etc. and I’ll work with you to the point I’m happy having it as an option in the game. (Note: If you want an entirely new race like the Golems you need to go for the lore tier given the significantly larger amount of work involved)
For discussing please send me a message on patreon and we can take it further from there.
One thing to bare in mind is that patreon only charges at the end of the month, and so while I’m more than willing to talk it out, if you want to me to do a lot of work on your request I’m going to need to see a pledge go through first. It sucks I know, but this is the unfortunate reality of the internet that alas trust can only go so for.
I’m always happy to discuss things though, I really am, and some people have asked to pay some of their pledge upfront via paypal to get round this which is not a problem if that’s what you want to do.
valhallaimmortan from Q&A #47: I managed to get a elven smith who makes fancy armor that is usually masterwork quality, and equipped my ‘Basher’ Squad with it, the Basher’s are all Ogre’s who I recruited and I have a alchemist who seriously creeps me out with how many petrification potions he has been pumping out. I also like the Lago'mae Scholar how now the Lizard man is using her as his new project… poor Scholar… and I got to ask is it actually possible to recruit a keldan from the keldan mission in the city?
- I love this question, absolutely adore it, and you made the patron who requested the lizardman unique really happy when I mentioned it to them. If people want to send in their favourite/amusing/interesting slavers/slaves that have resulted from generation and gameplay I might do a tumblr post series on them called ‘Tell me about your Character’.
As to the question yes she should be on the critical result.
Anonymous from Q&A #61: Silly question. For clothing and armor, what in your mind is the major difference between micro, and impractical? I can’t really visualize a difference between the two when reading armor/clothing descriptions. Scandalously short is divergent enough that it creates its own image for me. The other two seem as if they would be interchangeable, but they aren’t since there is a distinction so what is it?
- Yay silly questions are always the best questions. Okay micro is where you have outfits that are recognizable bits of clothing but it’s incredibly brief so a skirt that’s more a belt than actually trying to cover anything whatsoever and/or a bikini top so teeny-weeny that it doesn’t even cover all of the nipples. Completely impractical though is the kind of clothing beloved by a certain kind of fantasy art which just doesn’t make any kind of sense whatsoever where looking good trumps any pretension of realism, and the only way it could stay on is either with copious amounts of glue or magic being involved.
Anonymous from Q&A #66: Hello again! I’m the guy who asked about the post-slave [slaver] titles. I’m going to very respectfully push the idea that ex-slaves should get unique titles. First, I honestly think having the unique titles is cooler. It’s more interesting to send a Chosen, an Acolyte, and a Hedge-Witch on an assignment than it is to send three Slavers. It’s a rarity thing, sort of? If you get a character who qualifies for one of those things, it’s a BIG DEAL. Secondly, it already changes with jobs, so…
- Alright, alright, you’ve twisted my arm :)
That should now be included for the most recent update along with a couple of new titles so that all of the more rare traits (not counting crafting ones) should have one. Let me know if there’s any issues as while it was a fairly straightforward change I didn’t get a chance to test that particular bit.
Thanks for reading and here’s to another hundred of these. 
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mortongillot-blog · 5 years
De trut bro
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
Hay, brothers out of this turf situation, we are heading to the Jury on the tittle deed where me as the beneficiary of the Land is letting the court to know am not interested so am opting my name to be omitted out the ownership list so its remain the property of the two. This is done by confirming my fingerprints with huduma services and my pulse rate is 68 period and i will append my signature to officiate it. We will present ourselves to the court for this occurrence to set my life in peace and  harmony. Am sick & tired of women and gay character of wanting good things and moreover brothers am going to do 3-4 tattoos on my hands to as well bar me  from any political seat period or from getting a visa unless otherwise which is spelt vividly in the constitution bro. Dont change that you can do a tattoo and still vie which am sick and tired of dude. Like with the battery which is close to $ 300 as well as welding machine and electric motor yet they are saying i save my close to $ 100 i make daily out of the scrap metal to craft what i have spelt to them i saw on youtube but they dont comprehend bursting into threats and wanting to put up a fight asking them they say i ought to be saving to make the same and its from above as mr President. Dude stop and leave my booty alone.
You can buy a cheap welding machine and a grinder 4 ya business or house where you put a socket outside just  to power them in the evening and morning as even-though you still use a padlock to close the door but one to 2 lock opening is welded with a thick iron wire ringlike and in the morning you cut it to know if one broke in2 ya house as the new padlocks are bristle so you better teller the owner of FLY CIRCLE to make the new type of keys which are hard to copy to craft to make and are not bristle, very hard to break them period then burglary will be reduced or the fellow will be hard cutting the door or a thing of the past bro. So they want population to grow to facilitate this. Grown ups are just involved in begging foods daily at the vendor, in war, hooliganism, strikes and demonstrations as the have somewhere at night to chip their hands to.
click the link below
Buy the padlock below abroad not from the shop but you can do that from places like the shelter, you can google the shelter per city as shelters in Minneapolis or Wichita but from the homeless people directly which makes it hard to be known. Click the link below
At the end you see the horse with 2 riders fallen with the front legs broken, the riders as well who dont comprehend you exhausted and fallen as well and an intruder next to them as a bandit carrying a knife, panga or a gun/rungu wanting not to hit the folks who have dismounted but the horse. This signals defeat when you mention the fact of the key forgery. With me i dint live a good life and even now, so you cant want good life from me dude, lest i became a step down transformer like stepping down 240 volts to 1 volts, am able to go to square one to the drawing board of my life. To resort to simplicity though i got enough staff to live large bro. This kind of character makes me furious dude.
Smoking as well many people in the dark next to the dug deep pool makes any gadgets as long as you are evenly surrounding the pool walking- king of the jew to cement the truth but such gadget if you know they were made this way may take you to hell coz the other side its hazardous to the smoker. Worker parable to cement the truth bro.
                                                      Nyimi mit mochanda kwani e-wiro mooh mane to magdalin othiego mooh mane, ndukle yawa, wajamani. When the pussy of a certain women of a nation is sweet it means they are poor or in a worry and thats how its known and vice versa. Planes should be equipped with bearing machines even on phones and small solar/battery powered motor boat stored on the cargo center and that center once the pilot have alerted a fall opened to let loose all cargo as an entrance from the passenger side to the cargo side to pick the small boat is made like in this song guys- click the link dude below. This is done to know where you are going once a fall happens and parachutes as well.
Future song means to the Africans that we have already known what we wanted to know so lets deviate bro, where they are in a place like the moon or desert bro. Who is able to see where a car/gadget is from by directly looking at it in revelation 5 whether from uk, mexico or China. The root of David after putting a bob coin on the palm of his hand and holding it a little while then meditate shortly. Cyber in Africa can build a city after a camera is put to monitor the flow of people where we can count how my minute they have spent as well as printing and photocopying and many in Nairobi have capitalized on this bro to build the city alongside selling of banana, apple, maize choma, sausages and melons.
Tea as well can grow in Homa bay nyanza and that sweet one more than kericho one so why pride yourself dude only two kenya former provinces cant grow tea and that is North Eastern and Coast provinces. They have learnt that they cant get out the comments on youtube once the owner of the post is dead and the email is di-enable so they resort to looking up in that they want to blow off the server of either FB, tumblr or youtube via a plane like the september ny attack for the posts to vanish not knowing some have printed the same so the opt for direct flight then in the final analysis say it was all accident. To avert that trains can be controlled from below once the reach the city of departure, can be made that way to stop silly misconduct bro.
nelsonunderwood or upholsterynelson or vice versa check guys. Nairobi and many cities of Africa or SEA south East Asia are built as well using the money paypal send to your bank or M-pesa one week after you open it. They recruit young men who again after withdrawing that cash send to one recruited collector per group of people then send it to one number to build cities like Nairobi. With M-pesa line they own the company or the bank they will provide you with as long as you remit your weekly/daily target and its a oath and other tribes like luo, youruba, kisii followed suit as well as coasterians or masai and many more. PayPal should be noted not to send people money period.
Gadgets like missiles, some jets and other machines are made from a lofty high but from a gorge, inclination, dug big pool which is deep by sprinkling of saliva, sperms or sewerage water dude.
How to remove phone no or email address from your a/c as well you can write a yahoo a/c when signing up a Gmail a/c, Gmail cant send a notification to yahoo no-matter-what but when you write it, yahoo mail it takes so in recovery you are left only with password or phone no as recovery which you can remove and go to change password option then on another bar like word write your own thing by just pressing letter/numbers randomly which cant be read then you cut then copy paste on new password twice, if you sign out then turn off the computer when you turn it on, you or another fellow cant log into it again- its permanently dis-enabled dude. Click the links below fellows for full information
Russians are Fulani and most Fulani got kamba blood from mar so most Russians are kamba so they talk like not joking to separate themselves from kamba people. Nebuchadnezzar was Guyana blood, vineyard and worker parable to cement the truth and not enough he was dutch blooded- Netherlands, bro and Argentinian who saw the beauty of Ondingame as babylOnding and migrated to settle there and in Lazarus parable he was the rich-man dude. Get this straight fellows, dont be fooled guys. Most dutch women are guyanians, be warned people who hate progress of others but hidden as Daniel in the den of lion to remind you guys but on the outside like nebu used to visit Daniel they are good to peoples eye.
Second death were one died as a kid then went to hell not fire but brought to the earth via the vent not incarnation. These people disturb, smooth skined and wants big life not wanting progress of others. If they know of this from you they kill you. King of the jew to cement the truth, they are just awaiting the second death described in the book of revelation Bor, aborigins, far, mbali if translated dude. click the link below dudes 4 full data
Even the German father mother Mr Edom as Esau who Jacob the polish father took his bath right had Guyana blood. The war in Germoney brought the polish into USA 4 us to know their character of wanting or taking peoples things by force like they did to Esau, ES End Signs bro, Empire state, most states were built with 2goinvoice money and the technology most nations have know and is worrying the USA. Guyana people love much sex just like Edom did who was hunting for the women as pursuing/seducing them not real hunter and it was figurative when he brought stew back home 4 Jacob to Eat as have sex with dude and Get this clear, I have lived b4 time.
Nyolo kebi neywak marach ma, kang’amo tong gi ojala madik, says eunice, pamela confirming en-hamano. amanda gi mochanda nini imefanya nyimi yako x 3, halafu owacho ang’omuwiche jokanyama kose lit toakia x3, he couldnt stop that all night at bar kalare b4 the drone took him off plainlands hotel in the middle of the night. If you eat plain rice and give it to meditation when you put the minds of people to your mind, rather the picture of people, you see a cusket in the country they were buried to signify second death and thats how its know. Now what do hindu need, they came here to wait 4 kebi and now wants to get into his logging by wanting the password like an infant? Fuck that dude, it needs a Cain bro to cane not like it did to abel bro. King of the jew to cement the truth.
They again make money via many interview with the bus company if those people to be interview board that bus like Easy Coach and the very people sometimes come from the interview surrounding but forge receipt to be payed as if they came from far and they eat with the people who advertised the job, the bus company sometimes and the people who posses the big man syndrome like the dignitaries. They call many people 4 one job to maximize the profits. Susan jomathindo gi blochawa bwana, we used to partake 3 bottles of black&white but now we can only afford one, so what can we do to maintain the respect they ask? Well susan we will give you everyday an extra 100 shillings 4 this awesome deal, just bring to our desk 3 botles but 2 are of water but when dusk fall you return them 4 the next day 4 respect. Miss Susan is the deal sealed asking achayo mochayo G not acher in Genesis 49 or jeremiah chapter tisa/nine.
They need to make a 1 tonne safe or with holes that you can put bolts to cement on the ground that thiefs cant break into and that why its called a safe not just what they put on papers as safe. It should have a key as well or the 3 digit pascode of taking it forward to rest on 1 number then back in the middle the forward again on a certain number to open the safe box, am championing this and this more than to be the president of kenya, padlocks should also be made not of an opening key but the code system like in the USA shelters bro. How many times should i have to say/explain this. Accept you are poor or poverty then we forge a head kenyans, dont be hard and silly, derails us period.
The tall people had utility of cutting fire wood long time and thats why they used to be tolerated but now techmo-ology has gotten them handy, we go wood cutters which are cheap we can buy and use at home or electricity which is cheap has gotten into peoples homestead to heat/cook and thats why partly they are very upset/rude. If you take an inverter and connect to a motor bike wet cell then to the cutter like in the link below you cut you big log even someone below the age of 10 yrs so over tall people above 6 ft in height think twice. Hindus have now be-friended some other fellow nearby, they even come with their kid but alongside carry fake things like medicine or certain foods they have bewitched to replace with and sell to other fellows. Stop this dude. They include mandazi, sweets, soda, salt, yellow diabetic added flour etc.
Click the link above
find my post on mcbethnelson on tumblr and then on tumblr such like mrmonde and then click on the untitled then cut the link and post on fb or youtube comment. When another fellow opens his tumblr and click the link you have posted he come to see not your post but mrmonde posts. what is a link or url br, google dude. click the link below https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+is+a+url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpcnJrGDnZA https://crypto.stanford.edu/cs142/lectures/url.html The ones that starts with http:// are what is url on you computer screen
Uhuru wa kenyatta is sickening gay sending motor bike riders to ambush people take their key and still from their premise/house or just rob you in pretense of a fight- put up a fight song ft sean paul. They want to grab you from behind the big bodied riders and behave like they are raping/fucking you from behind. Very very bad but still mwana wa nyuba with kikuyouths not old.
Click the link below to see how after meditation you come to see the  accomplice and these criminals. If you put one bob/currency coin of any nation you see this but other denominations cheats you. WSU Kansas do me a letter informing me that you cant pay me so the shit stops, obama malia, vales of wsu among many others are eyeing this cash come what may to the point of wanting my own life to impersonate another to withdraw from the bank or find a person who transform. WSU come to an hotel and make it open for the said kevin nelson omondi as per the green card or Kenya ID to come then you negotiate then proceed to a bank like kcb or Equity where mr nelson claims to have an a/c the credit his a/c or not or make arrests. Stop sending money blindly for hooligans dude.
Open ya tumblr account then on search tumblr bar write a person you want to search like mrmonde, if you copy paste or cut the url/link or open on another tab you come to see mrmonde details even if you send it to someone else not yours.
How to dis-enable a facebook or tumblr account is the same with how you dis-enabled your Gmail a/c you open that fb/tumblr a/c with, go to settings then write your old pasward and on the google bar or ward write unreadable script like YTHFGD4578HGBV randomly that you cant read then copy paste on your FB or tumblr a/c or just cut b4 you copy paste into your fb/tumblr a/c, if you do this it means you have dis-enable all the recovery options with gmail as well as you cant remember your pas-code if you remove the ward/google bar tab. Friends but if you open a new a/c you can see your old tumblr/fb postings, google this out dude, vineyard & worker parable and the only thing to do is to greet each other bro. Be real and accept defeat. Click these links bro to guide you….
Click that person on the right-side of your tumblr interface to take you to where i removed the link of reset ya pas-code same with Fb, then click the pen on password to reset it dudes.
UK is poor coz they built the country via 2goinvoice.com 4 over along time so they must except they came from Missouri state and sedgwick county was the one which was there with Wichita as its city but the rest of kansas was a lake b4 the land went up to make it a plane, that water body they shared with Colorado, Oklahoma and Nebraska to solve the whole bible process coz Missouri state with sedgwick county got wheat and rich than uk, its better off and its a blessing in disguise- Isiah i will humble Egypt will be fulfilled bro. Click the link below..
Again they do elegant weddings, pride in sports league and posh cars which are expensive but easy to make. Apart from getting money from all their branches of their banks all-over the world like Barclay and stanchart and remit back home to fund their economies they as well get money from their British air to do the same and gambling as sport betting upon which i will personally sensitize people to stop on such me kevinelson as alias kebi as associates say. An ngamarach nyithindwa, okaber dawe, miya post no the akwelo to egola kaka jakuo with the 1st 2 months of being in office or i do a tattoo bro and tell God on judgement they were disturbing me to infinity bro and still escape hell fire. Mathew 21 End signs Es, estate, Estonia, ester quine bro. America was majorly built with artificial tea AT or synthetic tea st, start, stranded- which they use their large ships to sell to countries in the middle East- the Arab world which is made out of grass which any tribe can make by hurling of sperms from lofty high or sprinkling of sewage water onto the grass just from the same level dude.
Kesho, chakre next week achako bete eyamo kenda gi atleast 100-200 people, am starting to be all alone on the air getting the smell of the air wanting to touch the clouds bro. Dont just belittle me that way fellows. Ketwangi yawho-oyi, get to see, tazama vijana my steps as moves.
My new tumblr a/c is osienelsonmonde
The twitter link is above after you open ya twitter bro
When you see me putting up structure at the rural home come and cut me, never will you find me there me with my wife if chance allow dweling there maybe when the parents are dead or not. I have told ya in advance that never will i set my dweling there, if am seen maybe i have gone out 4 funeral or to pick some medication bro and bet this dude. Please leave me alone guys.
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littleabbie · 2 years
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🌸 Here’s an example of da coloring pages and other features on da website once it officially published! I can’t waits to be dones with it! Jus a few more coloring pages and write some blogs an it’ll be all readys! If you use dis page, feel free to tag me! I’d loves to see how you colors it! 🌸
Q: What is someting you’d like to see on an agere community blog site?
A: Da site I ams working on so fars has coloring pages, activities and homework worksheets, Gamies and crafts, an theres an Informational page for if someones wan learn more about agere! I am workings on da Blog posts which will includes categories not limited tos; Agere Lifestyle, Activities, Regression, Recipes, Gear, Reviews, Screentime, an so muches more in da futures! I look forwards to showing everybodies! 
⚠️ DNI if Minor, Anti-agere, or NSFW account please!! Thank yous! DNIs in the highlights! ⚠️
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barinacraft · 3 years
Cocktail & Drink Names That Start With ‘C’
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Index of Drinks by starting letter  → A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Alphabetical List of Drinks Beginning with Letter ‘C’
- C -
aguadente de cana (cachaca), brown sugar, lime juice
Calpurnia's Cocktail
vodka, chestnut liqueur, cream or half & half
Candy Cane Martini
vodka, peppermint schnapps, candy cane
Cape Cod Cocktail
vodka, cranberry juice
Cape Cod Cooler
vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, club soda, lime wedge or slice
Cape Codder
vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, slice of lime
creme de cassis black currant liqueur, red wine
Caribbean Bulldog
Kahlúa, Caribbean Cream, half-and-half or milk, Coca-Cola
Carolina Iced Tea Cocktail
peach liqueur, rum, peach schnapps, vodka, southern style sweet iced tea
Casino Cocktail - IBA
Old Tom gin, maraschino liqueur, lemon juice, orange bitters, lemon zest, cherry
Champagne Cocktail
Champagne, sugar cube, aromatic bitters, lemon twist
Champagne Cocktail - IBA
Champagne, Cognac, sugar cube, aromatic bitters, lemon twist
Champs-Élysées Cocktail
Cognac, yellow Chartreuse, lemon juice, simple syrup, aromatic bitters, lemon peel
Charger Drink
dark rum, cherry brandy, lemon juice, superfine sugar
Cheeseburger Cocktail
Flor de Caña rum, roma tomatoes, lettuce water, beef au jus, toasted bread crumbs, dry mustard powder, aged cheddar cheese, dill pickle
vodka, unsweetened tea, orange juice, black tapioca pearls
Chelsea Sidecar
gin, orange liqueur, lemon juice
Cherry Blossom
brandy, cherry brandy, dry curacao, grenadine, lemon juice, cherry
Chicago Cocktail
brandy, orange liqueur, aromatic bitters, Champagne
Chin Chin
Scotch whisky, honey, apple juice, Brut champagne
Christmas Candy Cane Cocktail
peppermint schnapps, white creme de cacao, vanilla ice cream, Christmas candy cane
Christmas Cocktail (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)*
Scotch whisky, chestnut liqueur
Christmas Martini
gin, dry vermouth, peppermint schnapps, peppermint candy
Christopher Walken Drink
rum, melon liqueur, lemon juice, lime juice, sugar, lemon-lime soda, paper cocktail umbrella
Cincinnati Cocktail
robust beer, soda water
Classic Cocktail
brandy, lemon juice, maraschino liqueur, curacao, lemon twist
Club Cocktail
brandy, maraschino liqueur, pineapple juice, Peychaud's bitters
Club Haus
blackberry liqueur, club soda
Club Martini
gin, sweet vermouth
Cointreau Teese
Cointreau orange liqueur, creme de violette violet flower liqueur, lemon juice, apple juice, flower pedals
Cola de Lagarto
dry white wine, vodka, lime juice, superfine sugar or simple syrup, creme de menthe, mint sprig
Colonial Cocktail
dry gin, grapefruit juice, maraschino liqueur
Colorado Bulldog
vodka, coffee liqueur, light cream or milk, cola
creme de cassis black currant liqueur, red wine
Continental Sour
rye whiskey, lime juice, simple syrup, claret red wine, orange peel or twist
Cooperstown Cocktail
gin, dry vermouth, sweet vermouth, sprig of mint leaves
Corpse Reviver
brandy, maraschino liqueur, Boker's bitters
Corpse Reviver No. 1
brandy, apple brandy, sweet vermouth
Corpse Reviver No. 2
gin, orange liqueur, Lillet Blanc, lemon juice, absinthe
citrus vodka, orange liqueur, lime juice, cranberry juice
Country Club Cooler
dry vermouth, grenadine or pomegranate simple syrup; soda, seltzer or sparkling water; lemon peel, orange peel
Cowboy Cocktail
rye or bourbon whiskey, cream
Cranberry Martini
vodka, cranberry juice, orange liqueur, vermouth, cranberries
Creme Brulee
vanilla infused vodka, hazelnut liqueur, egg white, heavy cream or half and half
Crooked Golf Cart
almond liqueur, cranberry juice, rum, lime slices or wedges
Cucumber Gimlet
gin, cucumber, lime juice, simple syrup
Note: This compilation is a continuously updated list of mostly mixed drinks and cocktails that begin with the letter 'c' plus their recipe ingredients. However, this directory, in general, also includes a range of other beverages as well. Caramel is the color of the alphabet used in the capital letter of the illuminated initial ‘C’ for this drinks index subcategory header image shown above.
* - indicates an original drink recipe created by Barina Craft.
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Included: 📞,💲📍
JANUARY 6-12, 2020
2020 MENU
Azulé Taqueria (The Gallery)
1315 Third Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Open Daily
11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Duck Carnitas Taco Combo
Kumquat habanero marmalade, pickled radishes, Fresno chili. Served with rice, beans and a drink.
Bergamot Cafe
2525 Michigan Ave, #A3, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Open Daily
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Avocado, Kumquat and Candied Walnut Salad with Grilled Salmon
Crisp romaine lettuce tossed with fresh kumquats, feta cheese, candied walnuts and topped with a 6 oz. grilled salmon fillet. Tossed with honey white balsamic dressing.
BOA Steakhouse
Hours differ
Chef’s Bite
Crispy chicharrón with kumquat marmalade, wild rice, cured egg and achiote
Koji Fried California Quail
Kumquat and Calabrian chile sweet and sour, cilantro and mint
Chinois On Main
Quail with Pineapple & Kumquat Sauce
Crispy glazed quail with grilled pineapple and kumquat sauce
Colorado Kitchen
2501 Colorado Ave, Suite 120, Santa Monica, CA, 90404
Monday-Friday 7:30AM-10:30AM & 11AM-2:30PM
Rosemary & Kumquat Focaccia Sandwich
Roasted pork, provolone, herb aioli, pickled onions, kumquat Giardiniera. Served with baby lettuce side salad with kumquat vinaigrette.
The Curious Palate
Spicy Broccolini
Sautéed broccolini and water chestnuts topped with house candied kumquats and a Thai chili anchovy sauce
Dolcenero Gelato
(323) 540-6263
Sunday-Thursday 12:00pm-10:30pm
Friday and Saturday 12:00pm-11:30pm
Kumquat Sorbet
Creamy, soft, tender and citrusy sorbet
The Dudes’ Brewing Company
395 Santa Monica Place, #304
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(424) 271 - 2915
Monday-Wednesday 12pm-10pm
Thursday-Friday 12pm-11pm
Saturday 11am-11pm
Sunday 10am-10pm
Goat Cheese Crostini
Herbed goat cheese topped with kumquats on toasted house made bread
El Cholo
1025 Wilshire Blvd Santa Monica CA 90401
Mon-Sat 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Sun 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Fish Tacos with Kumquat Salsa
Pan-seared Mahi Mahi with kumquat salsa on handmade corn tortillas
Élephante (note: restaurant will be closed January 7 & 8)
Kumquat and Fennel Salad
With taggiasca olives, arugula, red onion
(424) 280 - 4196
SATURDAY : 11 AM - 2:30 PM & 5 PM - 12 AM
SUNDAY : 11 AM - 2:30 PM & 5 PM - 9 PM
Roasted Duck, Spiced Turnips and Poached Kumquats
FIG Restaurant at Fairmont Miramar Hotel & Bungalows
Charred Carrot Salad
Weiser’s charred carrots, JJ Lone Daughter’s avocados, kumquat, honey and chipotle
The Independence
BRUNCH: 10:30AM - 3PM, Sat - Sun
LUNCH: 11:30AM - 3PM, Mon - Fri
DINNER: 6PM - close, Everyday
HAPPY HOUR: 3PM - 6PM, Mon - Fri
King Salmon Tartar
Cucumber, avocado, kumquat
Spiced Kumquat Whiskey Smash Cocktail
1518 Montana Ave.,
Santa Monica, CA 90403
(310) 395-5937
Open M - F 10AM - 8PM, S & S 11AM - 7PM
Kumquat Fruity Boba
Kumquats, coconut milk, Harmless Harvest Raw Coconut Water, preservative free boba, Medjool dates and vanilla
(424) 265-7437
217 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90401
monday - thursday 5p–late
friday 5p-2a
saturday 11a–2a*
sunday 11a–late*
Cazadores blanco tequila, Clement liqueur d’orange, citrus, house lime salt, muddled kumquat
Little Prince
2424 Main St
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Dinner Sun - thurs
Dinner Fri + Sat
Brunch Sat + Sun
Pumpkin Toast with Burrata, Kumquats and Pumpkin Seed Crumble
Seasonal farmers market pumpkin and notes of citrus on Clark Street Bread sourdough from the wood oven
Little Ruby
109 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, California
(424)322 8353
Whipped Ricotta Toast with Kumquat Honey
The Lobster
(310) 458-9294
Kumquat Upside Down Cake
With whipped mascarpone and blueberry compote
Longitude Bar + Restaurant at Le Méridien Delfina Santa Monica
Seared Duck with Candied Kumquats + Chef’s Choice Dessert
Pan-seared duck breast, candied kumquat with braised endives, in kumquat sauce and blueberry duck jus. Dessert included.
Lunetta All Day
2420 Pico Boulevard Santa Monica, CA 90405
Mon - Sat 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sun - 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tacos with Kumquat Salsa
Grilled Spanish octopus tacos, pasilla rubbed carnitas tacos, Wagyu steak tacos, marinated Jidori chicken tacos; all are served with a pineapple kumquat salsa & house made tortillas
$12 – $16
Duck Confit
Glazed baby turnips and kumquats, orange vanilla sauce
Kumquat Roasted Chicken Breast
Roasted chicken breast, kumquat jus, green olives, Cipollini onions, roasted root vegetables
Kumquat Margarita
Tequila, kumquat jus, lime juice, Cointreau
Pear & Kumquat Salad
Arugula, avocado, snap pea, quinoa, pomegranate seed
Meat On Ocean
Duck Rillettes
With kumquat preserves and goat cheese
Michael’s Santa Monica
Baja Style Wild Yellowtail
Crudo of diced, wild, inada (baby yellowtail) set in an aguachile sauce made of market chiles and kumquats, garnished with sliced kumquats, radishes and cilantro
Kumquat Mojito
Mint leaves, kumquats, fresh lime juice, simple syrup, white rum, club soda
Red O Taste of Mexico
Spiced Kumquat Hot Toddy
Whiskey, cinnamon, cloves, kumquats
Rosti Tuscan Kitchen
Kumquat Marmalade Flat Bread
Flat bread with gorgonzola cheese, mozzarella cheese, kumquat marmalade spread, heirloom cherry tomatoes, arugula and fresh burrata cheese on top
Scoops Ice Cream & Treats
Kumquat Caramel Date Ice Cream
Hand-crafted ice cream made with fresh organic kumquats, Medjool dates and a lightly salted caramel swirl
$6 single scoop, $8.50 double scoop
Seaside on The Pier
Kumquat Glazed Salmon
With kumquat roasted parmesan potatoes and mixed vegetables
Kumquat Kombucha Margarita
California Kumquat Salad
Mixed greens, kumquat agave vinaigrette, kumquats, feta cheese, pistachios, sun-dried tomatoes, avocado
Salmon Poke
Kumquat ponzu, serrano, cucumber, rice, fennel and sesame seeds
Sonoma Wine Garden
Moulard Duck Breast
Pan-seared with preserved kumquat jus, Meyer lemon infused celeriac puree
Kumquat Lemon Drop
Tito’s Vodka, St. Germain, lemon, Fair Kumquat Liqueur
Stella Barra Pizzeria & Wine Bar
Baby Greens and Shaved Fennel Salad
Tossed with Tropea onions, Sicilian capers, kumquat vinaigrette
Sushi Roku
Fluke Kumquat Sashimi
Thinly sliced sashimi topped with kumquat jam and yuzu vinaigrette
Winter Kumquat Salad
Roasted Brussels sprouts, kale, red cabbage, grapes, red onion, walnuts and ginger kumquat dressing
Upper West
Curry Spiced Butternut Squash
Fennel chow chow, pea tendrils, kumquat marmalade, lime
0 notes
wiremagazine · 5 years
By Rafa Carvajal
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I have always enjoyed the food and cocktails at Toro Toro Restaurant & Bar, so I was happy to attend a special family-style dinner where I had the opportunity to sample several of Executive Chef Jean Delgado's delicious new dishes and specialty cocktail offerings that were a true celebration for all my senses. Toro Toro is the Pan-Latin steakhouse located inside the InterContinental Miami in the heart of Downtown Miami. Its new menu showcases the flavors, techniques and culinary nuances from the cuisines of the Caribbean Islands and the Americas.
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My friend Robert and I started our Toro Toro feast with a couple of specialty cocktails, the Encierro crafted by Michael Lassandro with Woodford Reserve, Carpano Antica, Luxardo Maraschino, and walnut bitters in a smoked glass; and the Me Quemo with Don Q Añejo rum, Disaronno, almond milk, Coco Lopez, strawberry puree, pineapple, lime, Creole bitters, and torched anise. We sampled several delectable dishes from the cold and hot small plates: Grilled Octopus with cilantro sauce, salsa criolla, and fried yuca; Parmesan Crusted Sea Scallops with lemon butter sauce; Chicharron De Camarones with crispy shrimp, aji amarillo, avocado, and rocoto; Miyazaki Tartare with sweet chili, fried egg, and shaved radishes; Seared Ahi Tuna Tiradito Salad with frisée, pea tendrils, avocado cream, and wasabi dressing; Beet Salad with pistachio, orange segments, ricotta cheese, and aji amarillo vinaigrette; and Arroz Chaufa with fried rice, chicken, chorizo, steak, egg, and vegetables.
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We then enjoyed some very enticing entrées from Toro Toro's Pan Latin Specials and Off The Wood-Burning Grill: Creekstone Farms - USDA Prime Beef 14 oz Prime Ribeye; Chipotle Miso Chilean Sea Bass with dashi broth, braised lettuce, asparagus, mushrooms, kabayaki sauce, and crispy lotus root; Family Size Chicken Paella with whole achiote chicken, sofrito, baby artichokes, and piquillo pepper; Charcoal Adobo Chicken with green rice, toasted almonds, cascabel jus, and grilled scallions; and Chuleta Kan Kan with arañitas, cilantro sauce, tomatillo kimchi, bibb lettuce, farrotto con gandules, and chorizo.
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For dessert, we loved the very appropriately named La Bomba, a scrumptious chocolate sphere with fresh berries, dulce de leche and strawberry ice cream, cream cheese mousse, almond cookie crumbs, caramel, vanilla, and berry sauce.
Toro Toro Restaurant & Bar. InterContinental Miami. 100 Chopin Plaza. Miami
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This was originally published in Wire Magazine Issue 13.2019
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heliarae · 4 years
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Donghun | Favorite Boys (200923)
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bethygauw · 7 years
[1/2] Enstars: B’s-Log February 2017
Released in December 2016.
Unit Song CD 2nd Series Vol.7: Valkyrie Cast Interview
Thank you Mike for your help with proofreading!
Song lyrics translations are up on wiki.
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Hiroki Takahashi (VA of Shu Itsuki)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Takahashi: Before the recording, I had the opportunity to listen to other units’ songs. I was so surprised when I found such overwhelming difference in the atmosphere between Valkyrie and other units (laugh). It’s operatic, making you wonder if a musical is starting. It’s also something that would be performed at a concert hall rather than at a live house. I can see how this must be the leader’s, Shu’s so-called “highly dignified heartstrings.”
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Takahashi: While I sing, I think about how Bewitching Theater is a fiction that is created and completed within Shu’s outlook of the world, which is why it’s called a “theater”. I’d take great care of the logic that is present in the lyrics, and did it as if I’m intoxicated in an action movie. Actually, the director gave me a lot of instructions about that sort of thing. “With tenacity! Tenacity!” he said (laugh). Before the recording, I thought I had to sing more loudly, but turns out he meant more towards “being intoxicated.” As for Castle of Sand, Nazuna joined. However, if you ask me whether or not Nazuna is the focus, I’d say he isn’t. I came to the recording thinking it’s a song dedicated to Mademoiselle! (laugh) In Takahashi’s analysis, the part “light is shining” inside the “glass eyes” means “If what resides within a doll isn’t something that lasts virtually forever, but a finite soul instead, then I shall accept that!” I think it’s that kind of song!
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Takahashi: I’ve talked about Castle of Sand, so this time it’s Bewitching Theater (laugh). The lyrics in the chorus of this song follow a very proper logic, and I thought the repetition of keywords can deepen your experience. Although the parts “clockwork staircase”, “ascending and descending”, and “after endless searching” are changed at some point, I try to sing with strong feelings of how they may be going round and round, but as long as they don’t give up in what they pursue, they’ll reach it. The making may be close to Western songs. For example with Michael Jackson’s Bad, or the one from the movie Stand By Me—they keep singing the same lyrics in the chorus. But that’s why it’s memorable. Bewitching Theater is in Japanese, so it has different presentation, but it uses repetition of one phrase to make it more memorable. Which is why I felt there’s a very proper logic behind it.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Takahashi: I think Valkyrie is a unit like The Drifters during the time they did Hachiji dayo! Zenin Shugo [1] (laugh). In that show, they performed a new program at the theater every week and it was broadcast live! The leader, Chosuke Ikariya-san was super strict. So strict with every detail and in just one week they made a script, built it up and remembered it… so I heard the members had it really rough. I think Valkyrie is that kind of unit! Valkyrie’s leader has high ideals and is pursuing them, and there’s Mika-chan who would follow him. The young generation may find that difficult to comprehend, but that’s the impression I got from my point of view. If you ask me, I suppose I’d say Shu is a prodigy. He’s diligent, dexterous, and is very aware of his position as a leader. He’s a serious person, but he’s also haughty yet naïve. This duality reminds you of an artist. He’s a character with an extreme gap moe, I suppose. He can’t talk well to someone he hasn’t met before, but he’s aware that he needs to have communication skills, so he’ll converse through a doll called Mademoiselle.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Takahashi: The CD series is getting released, and I believe you’re looking forward to your favorite unit’s songs. But for all Valkyrie fans out there, thank you for waiting. The first Valkyrie unit songs are here. I think they are becoming something that won’t betray your expectations! I think you’ll probably know everything about this unit called Valkyrie once you listen to both songs, so please wait for the release while holding up high expectations.
1. The Drifters, Japenese comedy group and also a rock and roll band. Their iconic show, “Hachiji da yo! Zenin Shugo” or “It’s 8 o’clock! Everyone Gather ‘Round” is a comedy variety show aired in 1969-1985 and it was very popular with kids.
Jun Oosuka (VA of Mika Kagehira)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Oosuka: Before I listened to the songs, I’d heard the group ALI PROJECT-san was going to compose the song, so my first reaction was surprise, like, what!? (laugh). I think the world pictured in ALI PROJECT-san’s song and Valkyrie’s outlook of the world match each other, but I felt pressured if I’ll be able to sing it. But, the song I received was so awesome… and I didn’t want to lose to that and told myself to rise up to the challenge. As for Castle of Sand, a scene from the event Reminiscence*End of the Marionette’s Strings came into mind. When I listened to it for the first time I cried for real! In my mind, Valkyrie sings Bewitching Theater for everyone, and as for Castle of Sand, Valkyrie members are singing with someone in mind. Whom they’re thinking of may be different, but my interpretation is that there is a common point where there is someone they’re thinking of while singing. With that in mind, I sang the song.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Oosuka: In Bewitching Theater, there are these unique note suspensions. For example, in “kokui no ou” it doesn’t go “o→u→” but “o↓u↓↓” [1], something like that. There are so many parts that made me go, “Aah, so ALI PROJECT-san sings suspended notes like this!” But I also think it’s that way because it’s the original people, so I was also troubled with how I should express it. Oshi-san’s (Shu Itsuki) voice actor, Hiroki-san, sang it first, so as Mika and as myself I sang while thinking, “If Oshi-san interprets it like this, then I’ll follow,” and let Oshi-san take the lead. As for Castle of Sand, those who listen to Nazuna’s singing in Ra*bits may have mixed feelings. But on the other hand, I’m looking forward to the fans’ reaction when they listen to the past Nazuna. I was also the last one to record this song, and when I listened to all three of them singing, I thought I wanted the three of us to sing together a bit more. It has a different flavor from the singing with the two of us only, I and Oshi-san. I also like how the three are different in their own way as well. I think the three in Valkyrie are able to express it so well that it wouldn’t feel out of place to have this song played as background music in the story.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Oosuka: My favorite is in Bewitching Theater, where Mika and Oshi-san are singing in turns: “Turn towards the eyes of the angel / who has cast God aside; / Yes – turn your eyes / towards me alone.” Supposedly, they’re holding a performance as though they’re telling the others, “Look at us and us only!”. It’s very Valkyrie and I like it (laugh). As for Castle of Sand, it would be the final chorus. There are parts where I overlap it with the story in Reminiscence*End of the Marionette’s Strings, and there’s this image in my mind: in a corner of the crafts clubroom, or perhaps in the place where Oshi-san and Mika live, Mado-nee is left there alone, and the days would pass... that kind of image. Also, by far I think this is the first time I gave so much thought into how I should control my breath. If my singing is a bit breathy, I thought it would fit the tone in the lyrics well. I hope those who listen will be able to tell where I’ve put my efforts in (laugh). This also applies to me, but Mika is a boy who wouldn’t make much difference whether or not he’s there. We’re alike in the way we’re extremely lacking in confidence! (laugh) If we’re told to do a thing, we’ll be desperate and do our best to complete that task. To Mika it would be, “Oshi-san says so.” To me it would be, “If Oshi-san says so, Mika will have to sing like so.” While singing, there were a lot of exchanges like that in my mind.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Oosuka: There are all kinds of units in Ensemble Stars!, but Valkyrie would be a unit where the relationship between the characters, Shu Itsuki and Mika Kagehira, and that between the cast, Hiroki Takahashi and Jun Oosuka, are similar. Actually, in the event where I got to work together with Hiroki-san, I was also following Hiroki-san’s flow (laugh). In the future, when there is another event or something, I wonder if the audience will be able to see Oshi-san and Mika-kun in the way I follow Hiroki Takahashi’s flow? Actually, the height differences between the characters and between us are pretty much the same, so it’ll overlap even visually (laugh). Putting it in a good way, Mika-kun is honest. Putting it in a bad way, he’s a foolish boy. But I guess the fans love that kind of fluffy part of his. To me, he feels like a handful younger brother.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Oosuka: It’s been half a year since Valkyrie’s first appearance, and finally we’re able to deliver their songs to you! For many times in the game it has been said that “Mika-kun is good at singing,” so to Oosuka the pressure he felt was really great… But I’ll leave the judgment to all of you listeners (laugh). Please enjoy listening to them! If an opportunity comes by where we’ll be able to sing in front of you all, I intend to sing with all I have, so please support Valkyrie and Mika Kagehira! And Oshi-san! And Hiroki Takahashi!! Please and thank you!
1. The arrows - I kept the original symbols here… I reckon they indicate note bends/intervals. → means straight notes, while ↓ means the notes go lower then lower.
Yuki Yonai (VA of Nazuna Nito)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression when you first listened to Castle of Sand.
Yonai: I was happy when I was told I got to participate, but on the other hand, since I’m aware of the story, I knew I’d have to produce a clear voice that Shu would fall for, not the singing of Nazuna Nito from Ra*bits. When I realized that, I was at loss for what to do…! (laugh) I’m sure the fans are also wondering, but I was also thinking really hard about what kind of role Nazuna is shouldering, and how I should convey it. I think the music is really wonderful. It’s an atmosphere that Ra*bits definitely doesn’t have, and you can tell immediately from the music that it’s Valkyrie. It reminds you of the event Reminiscence*End of the Marionette’s Strings, doesn’t it? Around the final chorus, I sang while thinking “The three are going to go separate ways, huh…”
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Yonai: I was very committed into my singing. I’ve given the song a good listen and sung the higher octave as well, but I don’t know how it’ll be accepted. This may sound abstract, but I gave myself a challenge, “through singing, how well can I express the role of Valkyrie Nazuna?” It was difficult. But the actual story says things like how he sings at a higher register than he does in Ra*bits, and how his voice is clear. When I was thinking based on that, I also thought, “if I sing in my usual tone, it’ll just sound as if Nazuna is singing a bit more smoothly.” When I did that, I think the higher octave came out just fine… that’s how I practiced. Whether it’ll be used or not… please have a listen (laugh). Other than that, I was wondering about how much a child can project a high-pitched singing, so I watched a movie called Boychoir. In my research, I thought about how Nazuna’s voice must be close to this.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of Castle of Sand.
Yonai: The chorus is impactful, after all. For example, “The time falls away, like sand.” Valkyrie’s outlook of the world is squeezed into the chorus. You’ll be able to tell it’s Valkyrie’s song just by listening to the chorus. It’s also where the three of them are singing together, so I think it’s when every member is able to convey their own feeling.
Q: Please tell us about your impression on Valkyrie Nazuna.
Yonai: I had a vague feeling that he still had a story to tell, and after reading Reminiscence*End of the Marionette’s Strings, I didn’t think it would be this deep. For example conflicts he dealt with, or how he acknowledged there is present because people are able to overcome those conflicts… He experienced a lot of things in that story, and I see that’s what he’s carried on to the current Ra*bits. In my own way, I have been working with all my might to act as Ra*bits Nazuna, but when I think about the past Nazuna, I thought about how I have to face Nazuna head-on even more properly. Valkyrie Nazuna worked hard while keeping everything inside, or rather, often he didn’t show how he felt on the surface. So in this song I tried not to sing so emotionally, and I kept in mind about what Shu is asking from Nazuna.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Yonai: Fortunately or not, they chose me to voice the past Nazuna, so I gave it my all (laugh). I hope you’ll give us your support, imagining Valkyrie from that time and Valkyrie from now on along with Ra*bits.
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josefthomsen6-blog · 7 years
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heliarae · 4 years
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Sehyoon | Favorite Boys (200923)
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heliarae · 4 years
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