#q proctor
luucypevensie · 2 years
Would anyone care if I posted about a new Marvel OC idea (ik a lot of people are tired of the MCU now, and honestly, I don’t blame you as I’m tired of it myself)?
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ircnwrought · 1 year
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[ CLOSE ]: while standing remarkably close to one another, the sender is unable to stop themselves from running their gaze across the receiver’s body, lingering for a moment on their lips, before returning to initiate prolonged, intense eye contact.   //   @unexceptional​  for  matt  !!
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__________≛      THEY      HAVE      JUST      FINISHED      UP      FOR      THE      NIGHT,      cleaning  medical  tools,      checking  on  the  last  of  the  stragglers  who  found  themselves  in  their  livingroom  for  a  quick  stitch  up  before  disappearing  off  the  fire  escape.      all    is    quiet.      in  the  stillness,      they  turn  towards  each  other,      magnets  pulled  together  without  effort.      her  eyes  wander    &&    he  can’t  help  the  lopsided  smile  as  she  does      (      boyish    even    as    his    years    are    beginning    to    catch    up    with    him    along    his    hairline      )      as  her  eyes  reach  his  again,      he’s  lost  in  them  just  as  he  was  the  first  day  he  took  her  out.      flowers    in    hand,      his    best    sweater    vest    that    she’d    tease    him    about    later,      the    same    grin.      he  takes  a  small  step  foward,      closing  the  minimal  distance  between  them    &&    reaches  to  tuck  a  small  strand  of  hair  behind  her  ear.      a    love    that    breaks    time    &&    space.
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todaysdocument · 7 months
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Deposition of George Rheims
“while I was swimming I looked over my shoulder and saw the "Titanic" go down.”
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United StatesSeries: Admiralty Case FilesFile Unit: In the Matter of the Petition of the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, Limited, for Limitation of its Liability as owner of the steamship TITANIC
Received Copy UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK I n T h e M a t t e r of The Petition of the Oceanic Steam Navi- gation Company, Limited, for Limitation of its liability as owner of the S.S. "TITANIC" Original DEPOSITION OF GEORGE RHEIMS. HUNT, HILL & BETTS Proctors for Claimants Frederick K. Seward et al, 165 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Direct Cross Re-Direct Re-Cross GEORGE RHEIMS, 2 17 25, 27 27. Exhibits: Page Claimant's Exhibit A, (drawing of ice berg) 9 Petitioner's " " ( diagram ) 19 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : I n T h e M a t t e r : of : The Petition of the Oceanic Steam Navi- : gation Company, Limited, for Limitation of its liability as owner of the S.S. : "TITANIC". : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : Deposition of GEORGE RHEIMS, taken pursuant to notice before Robinson Leach, Esq., Notary Public, at No. 165 Broadway, New York, on November 14, 1913, at two o'clock P. M. Present: Hunt, Hill & Betts by Mr. Betts and Mr. Kinnicutt, for claimants, Frederick K. Seward, et al; Mr. Houston; Mr. F. R. Smythe; Mr. F. L. Robbins; Mr. Church; Mr. Hency C. Quinby; Mr. Frederick A. Stroh, for other claimants. Mr. Burlingham and Mr. Leach for the petitioner. IT IS STIPULATED that the deposition may be taken by a -2- stenographer, signing, filing and certification waived; steno- grapher's fees taxable in lieu of notary's fees; copy to be served on the petitioner's proctors. GEORGE RHEIMS, being duly sworn, testified as follows: DIRECT EXAMINATION BY MR. KINNICUTT: Q Will you give your full name? A George Lucia Rheims. Q And your residence? A Paris, France. Q Were you a passenger on board the "Titanic"? A Yes. Q Where did you embark? A Cherbourg. Q Where did you buy your ticket? A At Martin's in Paris. Q Was anything said to you by the person who sold you your ticket with regard to anything on the back of the ticket? MR. BURLINGHAM: Object to. A Nothing. Q On the night of the 14th of April, 1912, where were you at about 11:40 o'clock? A I was coming out of the bath- room. Q On what part of the ship? A On the forward part of the ship. Q What deck? A Deck A. Q Did anything peculiar happen about that time? A Just the time of the accident, the shock. Q Just state what your felt? A Why I was coming out of the bathroom and I felt a slight shock, and I turned to see what had happened and in looking to the right I saw through [full document and transcription at link]
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danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
Here's another awkward one, with 3 different letters this time! But turns out, there's not an overabundance of named characters starting with these particular letters in-game 😅
Anyway, same as before, choose a favorite character whose name starts with either "Q," "U," or "X"!
(Or a character you just want to see me write for 😁)
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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mercuryluna · 4 months
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Primogen Benedict Proctor OC of a good friend of mine love him soso much q-q
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cartograffiti · 1 month
April '24 reading diary
This month, I finished 9 books in a whole bunch of genres, some of which were fab!
I read a lot more nonfiction than usual this month, starting with On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes. Alexandra Horowitz recorded her conversations with a variety of experts as they walked through neighborhoods looking for examples of their interests, from bugs to typography to whatever attracted her toddler son. Like some reviewers I saw, I was disappointed that not all the walks were in the same neighborhood, which had appeared to be the premise. I also strongly recommend listening to the audiobook, as I did, because some of the conversational wording transcribed from her recordings is unnatural or repetitive written out. Anyway, a lot of the chapters are interesting, and the general theme of appreciating different things about your area by choosing to key in on a thought is great. A pleasant book.
Two great nonfiction books about clothes: Cally Blackman's 100 Years of Fashion, and Behind the Seams by Dolly Parton with Holly George-Warren and Rebecca Seaver. Both books are about fashion in the 20th century and a little bit beyond, and both are huge, heavy books full of the most glorious, well-chosen photographs. Blackman's is nicely organized around themes and not strictly by year, showing not only high fashion, but also the clothes of counterculture scenes and working women. This is a great resource. Parton's book, of course, is about her own stage costumes, and some other clothes people have made for her. It's also a memoir of her changing style and the professionals who contributed to it. Lots of fun.
The best nonfiction book I read this month (and possibly in the past year) was Africa Is Not a Country: Notes on a Bright Continent by Dipo Faloyin. His written voice is exceptionally strong, able to explain large amounts of historical context without it ever feeling dry or overwhelming. Faloyin makes powerful breakdowns of historical misconceptions and contemporary stereotypes, includes a hugely funny "how-to" guide on writing an awful movie set in Africa, and draws memorable comparisons between political corruption in Western and African nations. There is a description of young men striving not to allow anyone outside their friend group to hold the highest offices in their country, phrased so that the final punch line is that they were talking about the United Kingdom that I think is one of the most effective freeform arguments I've ever read. I very much hope other people will pick this up.
On the fiction side, Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto has been on my radar since it was new. I understand why it was such a hit, but I was disappointed! The book was advertised to me as a murder mystery and romance, neither of which I'd say is true. It's a family screwball comedy! It does that very well, but I got tired of the number of plot beats that required someone to be very silly indeed, and I was never sold on Meddy's logic in multiple plot threads. I don't think I'll read the next.
The short story collection Filthy Animals by Brandon Taylor is a mixed bag, like every short story collection in the world. I think he's very skilled on a technical level at creating characters with complete lives and histories implied in a short space, and some of them have interesting things to say about how people reach out, lash out, struggle with guilt and illness, and the problem of kitsch (not in the sense of knickknacks, but of the denial of shit). I do find the stories pretty bleak, and I was very unimpressed with the interconnecting elements. The stories that link are about Lionel, a test proctor who recently survived a suicide attempt, and several dancers, two of whom he begins a poly relationship with. Except for the first, these stories neither stand alone well nor build on each other as a sequence. The relationship is written with a dangerous, taboo edge, largely because these people never properly have any conversations about it, which I found irritating. I'm glad to be familiar with Taylor's work now, but I think he gets in his own way trying to shock in all of the weaker stories.
I also read a single Edith Wharton short story that I didn't realize wasn't a novel until I opened the ebook. It's the wonderful "Xingu," in which a ladies' intellectual lunch club finds themselves at a loss trying to talk to their superior and unfriendly guest, until their least popular member pipes up to ask a question about Xingu. They all follow her lead, trying all the while to infer what, exactly, Xingu is. Great little satire of how people want to look current more than they want to enjoy things.
I grabbed Heartstopper vol. 1 because I needed a banned comic for a challenge, and that's almost synonymous with being a popular LGBTQ+ comic for young people. Frustrated hand gestures. Anyway, this is very sweet, would be totally appropriate for middle schoolers as well (it's sold as YA), and I somehow hadn't realized before that Alice Oseman is the same person who did a webcomic about a band I used to read from time to time when I was younger. I would have liked this a lot more when I was a teenager myself, but it's nostalgic and happy, so I may read the rest.
I'm still reading Lymond and in early April I finished the 3rd of 6 books, The Disorderly Knights. I had a very messy response to this one! I did in fact enjoy it tremendously, and it's technically excellent, full of things that grabbed me and kept me excited to read more every night. I love my problematic bestie Francis and many of the people around him. It also most sharply of the series so far shows upsetting attitudes of Dunnett's by participating in '60s rape culture and Islamophobia that I went beyond being critical of to angry about. It simply wouldn't have been published like this now. I still gave it four stars and I may even go up to five when I have a better sense of how it fits in the long arc of the series. In a thinner or less tailored to me series, these feelings couldn't coexist, but they do, and that's very much shared by everyone else I've been talking to the books about. I'm really glad I have people to talk to them about! It's a long-standing but not very Online^tm fandom. I'm already halfway through the next book.
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 7 months
was going to make a funny "which dumb thing are you out of the weird stuff i think about before bed" poll but then i realized that recently the options are like. john proctor in a bunny suit. or q who except with gay kissing. or sometimes existential horror before i think about one of those two things to distract me
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chuchiotaku · 1 year
[PREVIEW] TBA Chapter 19: To Set and to Spring
Ron’s picked up a new friend(?) in the middle of finalizing his plans with Quirrell. But what is the plan exactly? Will it really stop Harry from going through the trials and meeting Voldie?
Guess who's back? Back again? 🎶
Target Release Date: December 2022
Currently undergoing beta reading thanks to the wonderful @acnelli!
"P—Professor Quirrell, sir?”
The Professor was in the middle of arranging some books and parchment on his table when Ron approached him, causing the jumpy wizard to accidentally shove all said items to the floor after a shocked cry. “M—Mr. W—Weasley!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Professor!” Ron made a flustered expression as he hurried to help the man pick up the fallen books. “I didn’t mean to surprise you. I—I just thought, since, err, the exams were over, it was about time I talked to you. Been meaning to for a while now, really.”
The last of the term’s Finals had already come to a close, after what felt like an eternity (for most) of last minute notes reviews, essays revisions and late night study sessions. Even the first years—who had, arguably, the lightest workload out of everyone else—felt the exhaustion to their bones, and even Hermione admitted that the reprieve was appreciated.
(Although that reprieve did include going over exam questions and debating over the answers, which was not exactly Ron’s idea of relaxing.)
But while Harry, Hermione and Neville had left their classroom as soon as the exams had ended—in part, due to Harry’s persistently throbbing headache—Ron excused himself to go see Professor Quirrell, who the redhead knew was proctoring for a Third Year exam at a room a floor above theirs.
Quirrell’s brows furrowed in apparent confusion. “I—Is this a—about your e—exams, Mr. Weasley? I—If you’re w—worried about your p—performance, r—rest a—assured, you’ve done v—very well, as is e—expected of a s—student of your c—caliber.”
“Oh, that’s really nice to know, but I wanted to talk about something else.”
“S—Something else? R—Right now?”
Ron's gaze went to the floor. “I’m so sorry, Professor. I really don’t mean to be a bother, but this—I probably won’t have any more time and, and I really need to—”
The older wizard’s frown deepened. “Is—is it it th—that p—pressing a m—matter, M—Mr. Weasley?”
“I—It’s something a bit more personal, sir.” Ron paused. “Is there some place more private? I promise, won’t take too much of your time.”
The boy looked especially nervous, wringing his hands and glancing around the empty classroom occasionally, filling the forefront of his mind with so much anxiety and nervousness that Quirrell eventually acquiesced, leading the way to the vacated Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 
The classroom was located at the middle of a usually occupied hallway, but given the time of day (and schoolyear), the place and its surroundings were empty of students, staff and even ghosts. Although the trip took longer than Ron remembered, and there was a nagging sensation at the back of his head that something wasn’t quite right. Still, Ron made no mention of it to his professor, who had also taken the time to prepare some tea.
“I—I apologize for my p—poor manners, M—Mr. Weasley.” Quirrell said with a slight smile after setting a steaming cup of Earl Grey in front of Ron. “W—Was not expecting a—any g—guests any t—time soon, y—you see.”
“I should be the one who is sorry, Professor.” Ron said after lifting the offered teacup to his lips. “For causing you this trouble.”
“I—It’s q—quite all right, Mr. W—Weasley.” Quirrell answered, taking his seat behind his own desk. “Us P—Professors need to h—help our students t—the best we c—can, after all.”
Ron placed the cup back on the saucer, his eyes gloomy. “No, really, I should apologize, sir. I—err, I’m sure you’re aware, of the rumors going on about you?”
At that, Quirrell’s smile fell but kept the rest of his expression neutral. “I—I don’t think there’s a—anyone in the c—castle who has n—not heard.”
“Must have been really hard for you, sir.”
“It m—made things more, err, ch—challenging, shall we s—say? A f—feat in itself, r—really, g—given that I’m n—not one of the m—most p—popular Professors.” Quirrell looked thoughtful. “B—But wh—why mention this, M—Mr. Weasley? D—Do you p—perhaps kn—know m—more about how the r—rumors came about?”
“Th—that’s—” Ron’s hands balled into fists over his knees, his head bowed. “Professor, I’m sorry, but it was me.”
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markadoo · 2 years
Riddles to tell your friends!
Q. What do you get when you combine 14 protons and 14 neutrons? A. A silicon nucleus.
Q. If the Earth were a sphere, where would you find the most recent fossils? A. The outermost stratum.
Q. What sound do heaven's bells make? A. An angelic clang.
Q. Indiana Jones and the A. Crystal Clitoris
Q. Who do you bribe when you're taking a test? A. The corrupt proctor
Q. Wherein dwelleth the Monk Boss? A. The monastic sanctum.
Q. I need to have sex with a boy RIGHT NOW or I'll DIE! A. A desperate pederast
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187days · 8 months
Day Thirty-Seven
The culinary class has opened their cafe for lunch, which is THE BEST because I can get a delicious meal without having to make it myself. Today it was fish tacos, a side salad, and a piece of pumpkin cheesecake. Amazing.
Mr. Q, who has the same lunch period I do, said it's probably the best perk of working at our school.
I said he wasn't wrong, heh.
He also said I'm a cool department head, so yay me.
We had our morning PLC meeting today, and spent most of it talking about how our students are doing on the Citizenship Test (passing is a new state graduation requirement, for those who haven't been following along at home). We agreed to continue to give it once a month to students who haven't passed, and discussed ways we could proctor sessions outside of our classes, too. Unfortunately, there will be students who will need that. One thing I need to work on: using assertive language when I talk. I say "probably" and "maybe" too much when I'm proposing something I know should be definite. I know the guys I work with wouldn't think I'm being pushy or anything- they're not like that- but it's still a bit of a challenge.
What's not a challenge: making my voice big to get the attention of my ninth graders so I can give instructions. They did a research and citation practice assignment today about Jewish holidays; I assigned a holiday to each individual or pair (their choice whether or not to pair up), and had them research why and how it's celebrated. Everyone will share out what they learned tomorrow. It's a good lesson to balance out the fact that the last two were a lot of direct instruction; I shouldn't always be the one doing most of the talking.
I did about half the talking in APGOV because I was teaching about the presidential election process, so I was lecturing and fielding questions. We were going to watch the House speaker vote after lunch, but since that got called off, I resumed my regularly scheduled lesson: we read about the electoral college, past efforts to amend it, current views about it. I'd say it was a pretty solid class.
I stayed after school to help one of my GOV students with an essay, and supervise a ninth grader making up a quiz. I also ended up getting a bunch of planning done, and wrote the last letter of recommendation I had left to write, so that was good.
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acvdemias · 1 year
quick q to everyone who has taken the toefl online ─ if i forgot to check in with my proctor before closing the program but i did get my unofficial results is it okay or am i allowed to freak out
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gnfountains · 1 year
lowkey I know I've gone on about how much I hate lsf and the drama core culture of mainstream twitch but like at least they don't take themselves too seriously. like want I want rn is a xqc proctored train x hasan type debate stream between q and dream. like 60k people and just pure craziness. but no. it's way more real than that and it sucks:(
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Ted Chiang’s debut: Short-story collection of the decade if not the century https://memex.craphound.com/2002/06/24/short-story-collection-of-the-decade-if-not-the-century/
#20yrsago More Songs About Buildings and Food https://www.salon.com/2002/06/24/buildings_and_food/
#20yrsago VerisignOff: Let’s put Verisign to death https://web.archive.org/web/20020802142751/http://www.verisignoff.org/
#20yrsago Broadband *doesn’t* need content! https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2002/06/23/the-broadband-difference-how-online-behavior-changes-with-high-speed-internet-connections/
#20yrsago Warchalking Runes 1.0 https://web.archive.org/web/20020627102610/http://www.blackbeltjones.com/warchalking/
#15yrsago MySpace, Facebook mirror class divisions in US society http://www.danah.org/papers/essays/ClassDivisions.html
#10yrsago Q&A with a former member of the Westboro Baptist family https://web.archive.org/web/20120624210938/https://www.topiama.com/r/4/iaman-exmember-of-the-westboro-baptist-church
#10yrsago Jimmy Wales to UK Home Secretary: don’t render Richard O’Dwyer to the USA https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jun/24/richard-o-dwyer-my-petition
#10yrsago Entertainment industry to Japanese ISPs: we’ll hand you a secret list of copyrighted works, and you have to block them https://torrentfreak.com/jail-for-file-sharing-not-enough-labels-want-isp-level-spying-regime-120624/
#10yrsago Rohinton Mistry’s fairy-tale about Canadian neocons https://web.archive.org/web/20120624125340/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/gravy-trains-for-the-masses-and-rohinton-mistrys-other-visions-for-the-class-of-2012/article4366146/
#5yrsago Remembering Prisoners of Gravity, the greatest science fiction TV show of all timehttps://www.wired.com/2017/06/geeks-guide-prisoners-of-gravity/
#1yrago The pandemic showed remote proctoring to be worse than useless https://pluralistic.net/2021/06/24/proctor-ology/#miseducation
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naturecoaster · 3 months
10th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser for Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation!
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Let's gather to celebrate 10 years of NatureCoaster.com and enjoy a beautiful day on the Upicktopia Farm from 2-9 pm on April 6, 2024. Proceeds will benefit the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation while we enjoy art, food, wine, and music in a rural, relaxing setting. Get your VIP All-Inclusive tickets and join all the fun and food - or go a la carte to meet your schedule!   Let's Make Art Together Join us for a painting party under the pavilion as the first part of our NatureCoaster.com 10th Anniversary Celebration from 2-4 pm where we will be led in creating our own Nature Coast painting to support the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation by Autum Proctor of Traveling Art Parties. Autum has created a one-of-a-kind painting to support the Corridor's work and celebrate 10 years of NatureCoaster.com connecting people to the best of Florida's Nature Coast. A donation of $25 and an RSVP is requested to join the paint party. This is recommended to be an adult activity and has limited availability. An original painting, in the style of the Highwaymen, created by Autum Proctor of Traveling Art Parties will be part of the fundraising fun! Image by Autum Proctor.     We will have outdoor games, like cornhole and Giant Jenga, hula hoops, and more for attendees of the NatureCoaster.com 10th Anniversary Celebration while the painting is going on. Do you prefer to pick fresh berries and vegetables on the farm? Get out there and pick strawberries and veggies to your heart's content. All you have to pay for is what you pick. Live Blues and Dancing with Sarasota Slim Band At 4 or so during the NatureCoaster.com 10th Anniversary Celebration, we will enjoy the amazing blues music of the Sarasota Slim Band until 6 pm, with an open dance floor under the pavilion roof, or maybe you prefer boogying out in the fields. Sarasota Slim began playing the blues in the 1970s, with international fame in the 1990s when he made several records (CDs) for the Appaloosa Label in Italy and toured throughout Europe and the southeastern U.S. Sarasota Slim band will be entertaining guests with their incredible musicianship and engaging showmanship. He is a Florida native with a love for people, the blues, and the beauty of natural Florida. His musical influences vary wildly from current Latin pop to the old-school blues greats.  While playing with local bluesmen James and Lucky Peterson, Slim had the door opened to many opening act opportunities – including Bobby Blue Bland, Little Milton, Gatemouth Brown, Etta James, Koko Taylor, Johnny Winter and Gregg Allman. Diane Bedard, Florida's Original NatureCoaster, is proud to call Gene Hardage a friend and is grateful to have his band celebrate her business's 10th anniversary. Food and Drink are Available Onsite during the NatureCoaster.com 10th Anniversary Celebration Stop into Suzy's Kitchen or the Masaryk Winery onsite for great food and wine. Masaryk Winery offers free wine tastings to guests and Suzy’s Kitchen creates food crafted from fresh-grown produce from the farm (don't skip dessert). Both are available any time during the event! See the Florida Wildlife Corridor's Latest Documentary Film and Find out More with a Panel Q & A At 6:30, we will learn more about the Florida Wildlife Corridor and see the latest short documentary film, O2O: Path to Connection, followed by a panel Q&A. The 2023 expedition featured three veterans from three branches of the military who undertook a 57-mile exploration of the Florida Wildlife Corridor from the Ocala to the Osceola National Forests. The core of the Expedition involved a 4-day journey which included paddling a section of the Ocklawaha River as well as biking/hiking segments through the Florida National Scenic Trail. The Expedition highlights the health and wellness opportunities of the Corridor as well as the importance of working lands, state lands, and military installations to statewide connectivity. ⁠ Then we will learn more about how we can help establish and protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor and wrap things up with a song and a prayer. VIP Tickets Support the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation and include the Paint Party, Food, Drink, and More There will be a Silent Auction to benefit the Corridor Foundation at the NatureCoaster.com 10th Anniversary Celebration and VIP All Inclusive Tickets are available for $75 and include the paint party, music and dancing, a bbq dinner box with dessert and water, iced tea, The Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation film, O2O: Path to Connection, Q & A Panel discussion, a festival t-shirt, and a raffle ticket to win a pontoon day or sunset cruise for up to six from the Freedom Boat Club (a $450 value). VIP All-Inclusive Tickets include a Festival T-shirt, as well as a donation to the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation. Image by Diane Bedard. $10 General Admission Donations include outdoor games, live music by the Sarasota Slim Band, and a donation to the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation. Food and drink are available for purchase at the event.   $5 raffle tickets will be sold onsite for the Pontoon Cruise donated by the Freedom Boat Club. You do not have to be present to win.   Read the full article
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mbbsabroad21 · 4 months
Unlocking Success with GLA University Online: A Comprehensive Guide to Affinity Online
Embark on a transformative academic journey with GLA University Online. As a beacon of excellence in higher education, GLA University offers a myriad of opportunities for students seeking quality education, seamless examination systems, and promising MBA placements. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate details of GLA University Online, covering everything from its online examination system to the coveted MBA placement opportunities.
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GLA University Online: Empowering Futures
At the heart of academic excellence lies GLA University Online, a dynamic platform dedicated to empowering students with quality education and innovative learning experiences.
Affinity Online: Redefining Learning
With GLA University Online, learning transcends physical boundaries. Affinity Online revolutionizes education by providing a flexible and accessible learning environment tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern learners.
Exploring the Examination System
The examination system at GLA University Online is meticulously designed to ensure fairness, transparency, and efficiency. From registration to result declaration, every aspect is streamlined to provide students with a seamless examination experience.
Navigating Online Exams
Online exams offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility for students at GLA University. With a user-friendly interface and robust proctoring mechanisms, online exams uphold academic integrity while accommodating the evolving needs of students.
Unlocking MBA Placement Opportunities
For aspiring business leaders, GLA University's MBA placement program opens doors to a world of opportunities. Through strategic partnerships and career-focused initiatives, GLA University ensures that every MBA graduate is equipped to thrive in today's competitive job market.
Insights into GLA University Online, Affinity Online, and MBA Placement
Gain valuable insights into the key aspects of GLA University Online, Affinity Online, and MBA placement, enriching your understanding of these critical components.
The Evolution of Online Education
Witness the evolution of online education at GLA University, where tradition meets innovation to create a transformative learning experience for students worldwide.
Navigating the Virtual Classroom
Step into the virtual classroom and discover a dynamic learning environment where collaboration, engagement, and interaction are the cornerstones of academic success.
Mastering the Art of Online Assessment
Unlock the secrets to mastering online assessments, from effective time management to strategic exam preparation techniques that guarantee success.
Strategies for Securing MBA Placements
Navigate the competitive landscape of MBA placements with confidence, leveraging industry insights, networking opportunities, and career development resources offered by GLA University.
In conclusion, GLA University Online epitomizes excellence in higher education, offering students a transformative learning experience, robust examination systems, and unparalleled MBA placement opportunities. With its commitment to innovation, quality, and student success, GLA University continues to shape the future of education and empower the leaders of tomorrow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does GLA University Online facilitate distance learning?
A: GLA University Online utilizes cutting-edge technology and innovative pedagogical approaches to deliver engaging and interactive distance learning experiences for students worldwide.
Q: Are online exams at GLA University secure?
A: Yes, GLA University employs stringent security measures, including advanced proctoring technology, to ensure the integrity and fairness of online exams.
Q: What sets GLA University's MBA placement program apart from others?
A: GLA University's MBA placement program stands out due to its industry-aligned curriculum, extensive network of recruiters, and personalized career guidance services.
Q: Can students access study materials and resources online?
A: Absolutely! GLA University provides students with online access to a vast repository of study materials, e-books, journals, and academic resources to support their learning journey.
Q: How does GLA University support student success beyond graduation?
A: GLA University offers comprehensive alumni support services, including networking events, career counseling, and professional development workshops, to ensure long-term success for its graduates.
Q: What career opportunities are available to GLA University MBA graduates?
A: GLA University MBA graduates have access to a diverse range of career opportunities across various industries, including finance, marketing, consulting, and entrepreneurship.
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kreenaarora18 · 8 months
Online Exam Software India - Web Based Online Exam Conducting Software
Nowadays everyone follows online education system, because of various benefits and factors. Online Exam Software in India becomes very popular day by day. Here in this article explore about web-based online exam conducting software in India. Our education system needs revolution the way students and educational institutions are conduct exams.
Online Exam Software is game changer in the Education Field and best at Web-based exam software for Indian institutions. Online examination management software offers a modern approach to conducting exams. In this article exploring its features, benefits, and how it is transforming the examination landscape.
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Key Feature of Cloud-Based Exam Software
✨You Can Create All Exam in Software
Educators and Organization can easily create customize exams to their subjects and levels. Here this software allows you to create various question types, ensuring a comprehensive assessment.
✨You can make Flexible Scheduling
This software offers flexibility in scheduling exams, allows to institution and organization to set the date and time that suits their requirements. Students can access the exams remotely.
✨Advanced Security System
Online Exam Software believes in exam security. It has features such as remote proctoring, plagiarism detection, and secure login mechanisms to maintain the integrity of assessments.
✨Easy Monitoring during Exam
Now Educators can easily monitor students in during online exams to avoid misconduct and ensuring a fair assessment process.
✨Instant Grading and Result of Exams
Online Exam Software provides instant grading process, providing instant results to both students and instructors.
✨Create Customizable Reports
Generate In-depth reports and analytics which is helps educators to identify areas for improvement so they can change teaching methods accordingly.
✨This is Cost-effective Method of Exam
Online test management platform removes the need for physical exam papers, reducing paper costs and environmental effect.
✨Scalability of Software
Software is useful for individual tutor or a large institution, this software design to meet your needs, making it suitable for various educational setups.
Advantages of Virtual exam software
Online Exam SoftwareIndia offers many advantages:
Access from anywhere: - Student can Access Exam anywhere with an internet connection.
Time Efficacy: - Educators and Students can save time and make exam process more efficient.
Help to Environment: - This is totally digital software; we can reduce paper usage for environmental sustainability.
Secure Exams: - Advanced security feature makes secure exam process.
Complete Analytics: - Detailed reports enable educators to make data-driven decisions for improvement.
Online Exam Software India is Web Based Exam Conducting Software. Nowadays it is in demand because of it’s amazing feature and user-friendly interfaces. Education Institution now accepting digital method of exams and tests. This Software helps to make exam process easy; student can give exam from anywhere and educator can create exam very easily at one place. Take all benefits of wide range key features of Online Exam Software.
Q: Can we handle various question types in Online Exam Software?
A: Yes, This Software supports multiple question formats for all exam and assessment test.
Q: Online Exam software suitable for large institutions?
A: Yes, small and large educational organizations both can conduct exam on this Software.
Q: How does the software prevent misconducting or cheating?
A: This software has remote proctoring and plagiarism detection feature to maintain exam integrity. 
Q: Can students receive instant feedback on their performance?
A: Yes, the software provides immediate grading and feedback.
Q: Is Online Exam Software user-friendly?
A: Yes, this is completely user-friendly system for both educators and students to use.
Q: Does the software require special hardware or software installations?
A: No, it operates via a web-based platform, eliminating the need for additional installations.
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