#puppy!steve harrington
thornsnvultures · 1 year
thinking about collaring subby puppy steve who's self conscious of the scars on his neck. now instead of seeing those scars, he sees you. every brush of velvety smooth leather against the tight, raised flesh is a reminder that he's yours and he's safe.
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bigskyandthecoldgun · 8 months
steddie fake dating au that starts because robin’s mom keeps pushing for her and steve to get together and robin gets so fed up that she yells, “it’s not gonna happen because some people are gay, mom!”
and upon seeing the utter horror and fear on her face, steve swoops in and says he’s the one who’s gay. cue mr. and mrs. buckley, local hippies, attempting to show how supportive they are, and all the while steve gets eddie to agree to fake date to get the buckleys to prove they’re safe, so that robin will feel comfortable enough to come out to her parents.
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catharusustulatus · 7 months
I just love how Steve Harrington was supposed to be killed off after a couple of episodes but Joe Keery was so charming and so likable they rewrote the whole season and show to keep him alive like he really Darren Criss’d it. He is that bitch. He gave the Duffers the ol razzle dazzle and now he IS the show for most normies. My uncle who has never watched ST and doesn’t even have Netflix loves Steve on vibes alone. The people’s prince.
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djo · 7 months
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STEVE HARRINGTON Stranger Things | 4.08: Papa
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sweetcreaturetm · 1 year
Currently picturing Steve enabling wannabe rockstar Eddie and when they do little shows he helps him with the eyeliner and makeup and maybe a little glitter and tells him how sexy and metal he looks. When they take off he gets his own makeup person and Steve still always tells him how hot he looks before and after the shows.
CC is doing a big reunion tour and they’re doing an interview and the interviewer shows them old ass pics of their old shows and Eddie’s eyes bug out of his head and he’s like ‘y’all let me go out there like this?!’
And they’re like ‘yeah Steve would do your makeup and you were so stupid in love you couldn’t see that he did a terrible job.’
And he gets all doe eyed like he’s remembering when Steve would do his makeup and says ‘well I don’t think it’s that bad… It’s the thought that counts!’
Of course the CC fandom knows Steve so they go feral about him doing Eddie’s early makeup. When Eddie gets home it’s to Steve with his arms crossed. ‘You thought I did a bad job at your makeup 🥺’
And Eddie’s like ‘no baby, I didn’t mean it like that I promise.’ Basically groveling even though he knows Steve is probably joking.
Steve says ‘okay I forgive you…….. if you let me do your makeup for your next show 👹’
And the first show of the tour Steve does Eddie’s makeup like he used to and the fans go crazy when he comes out and they even chant Steve’s name.
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forestmossling · 20 days
you all seem to like steddie marrying and building a family together in their thirties so much, but what about them playing house together in elementary? never thought about that, huh? what about eddie weaving a flower crown for steve during recess and proposing to him with it behind the school in fifth grade? what about steddie marrying each other when they’re twelve with wayne officiating their wedding in the yard in front of their trailer at sunset? what’s with everybody being so keen on letting them fall for each other in high school at earliest? why not make a ten years old eddie profess his undying love and devotion to steve while he’s playing a knight defending his princess? why not let steve make amazing sand pies for his husband, who is hard at work looking for cool rocks for him outside? never thought about writing that, huh? cowards.
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artiststarme · 10 months
One time, Eddie avoided Steve for like three days out of nowhere. Steve freaked out because his boyfriend hated him for no reason and he had to have messed something up somehow but nothing was coming to mind. Robin was freaking out because Steve was and was frantically making lists of what could’ve pissed Eddie off so badly. The kids were stressed because something happened but Eddie was acting cagey and Steve was oblivious.
Steve thought his entire life was falling apart. On the fourth day of stressful avoidance, a fluffy little puppy ran out of the bathroom of their apartment and into Steve’s legs. That’s when he found out. Eddie had been avoiding him for days because he was working out how to convince Steve to let him keep the little furball.
Eddie had to sleep on the couch for awhile but little Bowie had a home for the rest of his life.
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joe keery invented boyfriendism AND babygirlism before turning 30–just remember that
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italiansteebie · 4 months
i really need some casual puppy steve in my life.
like sfw just... imagine like he does a favor for robin and she jokingly says "good boy," and pats him on the head, missing the way steve's eyes glaze over and his head goes quiet for a second.
and then eddie does something very similar but then he notices it, and leans into it. way into it. steve's always had a habit of sitting on the floor, except now eddie will comb his fingers through his hair, mumbling "such a sweet boy, my sweet boy," without realizing what he's saying until steve still under his touch.
and the way steve's eyes soften and droop as he looks up at the other man, "i've never felt like this before," he whispers. "that's okay baby, i'm here." eddie assures, "can i try something?" he asks tentatively, watching as steve nods his head slowly, big brown eyes full of trust. "how does it make you feel, when i call you..." eddie hesitates, "call me what, eds?" steve probes, pushing his head further into eddie's hands. "puppy?" eddie questions, watching as steve's shoulders drop, barely surprised at the way his boy clambers onto his lap, curling into his touch.
"you like that stevie? are you a good boy? hmm? my good little puppy?" eddie coos, steve melting even further. "makes my head go quiet," steve says, nuzzling his face further into eddie's chest. "that's good, right?" eddie asks, unsure, smiling as steve nods. "you're my little puppy, isn't that right?" he asks gently, "mhm, all yours," steve whispers, fully pliant in eddie's arms, soaking up all the soft attention and the way eddie is lightly scratching his back.
oops sorry (not really)
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solarmorrigan · 3 months
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling
Hi there! I'm sorry this took a bit to get out, but thank you for the prompt!
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling
Prompt from this post
Eddie doesn’t have the energy or brain capacity to give enough fucks to do much more than toe his shoes off at the door and jam his jacket onto their overburdened coat rack before stumping into the living room and flopping down to sprawl in the armchair with a groan.
“Long day?”
Lifting his head, Eddie looks over to find Steve stretched out on the couch, covered by the throw that Wayne had given them when they’d moved into this dinky little apartment, his glasses shoved up on top of his head, a book that Eddie had recommended to him still held open in one hand.
While Eddie had had to work, it had been Steve’s day off, and it looks like he’s made the most of it. He’s unfairly inviting, warm and soft and laid out like that – unfair, because he’s all the way across the living room.
“Long, long day,” Eddie agrees, letting his head drop back with a groan. “Why are you so far away?”
“I’m, like, five feet from you, Eddie,” Steve snorts.
“Too faaaar,” Eddie whines, raising one hand to grope at the air in Steve’s direction, grinning a little when he hears Steve laugh.
“It’s not my fault you picked the chair over the couch when you came in,” Steve says, and Eddie groans again.
He’s just considering gathering his strength to make one last stand and stumble over to the couch when he hears the flap of paper and the rustle of fabric against fabric and the shuffle of feet, and then–
“Move your legs, or I’m going to crush them.”
Eddie opens his eyes to see Steve standing over him, one knee poised on the edge of the chair and eyebrows raised expectantly. Slowly, Eddie drops one leg off the side of the cushion, making a space for Steve, who shakes his head but somehow manages to crunch himself up into the vacancy created in a way Eddie swears that someone as big as Steve shouldn’t be able to do.
He’s brought he blanket with him, and as soon as he’s got his ass and both feet planted on the chair, he unfurls it and drapes it over the both of them, trying to cover as many of Eddie’s starfished limbs as possible. Then he snuggles a little further into Eddie’s space, leaning up against his chest and resting his cheek against Eddie’s shoulder.
“Better?” he asks, and Eddie can feel his breath tickle the side of his neck.
It’s a stupid way to sit when the sofa really is just a few feet away. Eddie could get off his ass and they could both stretch out on the couch, and then the arm of Steve’s glasses wouldn’t be digging into Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie won’t end up sore from sitting all splayed out for so long, and Steve’s back won’t cramp up from being scrunched into such an awkward position.
Instead, Eddie brings a hand up and fits it under Steve’s chin, lifting his head so he can duck down and press his lips to Steve’s in a slow, soft kiss. He drops his other arm from the back of the chair and wraps it around Steve’s shoulders, cuddling him closer as he settles back into his sprawl.
“Better,” Eddie says.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie post a Tiktok of himself out of breath, almost wheezing, “My friends tried to warn me about dating a high school jock. They said - they said, Eddie, man, jocks are fucking weird. They slap each other on the asses and they go running. For fun.”
Eddie leans back against a tree and pushes his hair out of his face, “Why the fuck are running in the woods. How is this fun?”
“Look at this psychopath,” Eddie flips the camera over to show Steve running ahead of him. You can still hear Eddie wheezing about being a smoker and too old for this as you watch Steve trip over a root and go into a bush.
Eddie can’t even be overly concerned about it because he’s fighting for his life just to breathe. He calls out Steve’s name and gets an all good so he just slides down the tree and says, “Thank god.”
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medium-rare-bimbo · 10 months
pls pls pls go into wolf!steve and puppy!reader, I know sex would be incredible, especially when you go into heat 🥵 he just wants to pump you full of his pups 🤤
Wolf! Steve is so smart, so big, so strong, so hairy all warm and sweet to his favourite dumb creature. He absolutely adores you despite your lack of brain cells and common sense, he loves the way you cant get enough of him and how you always scent him whenever you get the chance. He loves giving and receiving marks anything to show others that you're together. His sweet dumb arm candy. You're the cutest couple, this brooding beast of a man next to your ditzy frame whose tail is wagging a mile a minute
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
He gets so needy before his rut always needing to be next to you, doing things for you, keeping you safe in his nest. During his rut hes an absolute monster completely destroys your insides, his hands gripping your hips and his teeth dug into whatever flesh is closest. He pumps you full until your stomach is bulging keeping you plugged full with his knot, giving small thrusts to prolong the pleasure.
He also loves using your tail to pull you back onto him, he loves the whines and mewls that come out of you. Not to mention you both drool so much every kiss is feral and based on our instincts. He once bought you a collar and a leash as a joke but soon realized he liked the thought of his name on you a little too much.
The whole room is filled with his snarls and growls as he desperately tries to get closer to you although hat doesnt mean whimpering is out of the question, he begs to fill you up
"Come on baby come on- fuck- oh god- please let me cum inside- please let me- god want you to have my babies- want- want you all round an' full f'me be my good puppy and give me puppies- need it so bad-"
He does everything during his rut/your heat never let's you lift a finger, he wants you ready to breed at any moment, you need to save energy for when hes balls deep inside. He feeds you, gives you drinks and as much snuggles as you like.
Hes an overall sweety and produces the best, strongest babies around, hes such a good mate.
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sideblogofthcentury · 11 months
The very next day after Steve and Eddie get their own place, Eddie brings home a dog.
Eddie says she’s 7 and she only had three days left and she’s so gentle and he’d always wanted a dog but Wayne was allergic and look at her little grey snoot and-
And so they had a dog.
They agreed on Zeppelin after a week and a half.
And one day, the dog was nibbling at Steve’s plants again, and he rolled up the newspaper in his hand and started shooing Zeppelin away, and from behind him he hears a very dramatic gasp.
“Steven? Did you just hit my daughter????”
“No, Eds, I just waved it towards her to-“
“STEVEN. are you a PUPPY HITTER???”
“Wh- No, Eddie, Absolutely not! She was eating my Pothos and I shooed her away, I didn’t even touch her!”
Eddie turns to where Zeppelin is watching the altercation.
“My Zippy baby,, come here, come here child.”
Eddie cradles Zeppelin on the floor, wrapping his arms around her gently, like she’s wounded.
“My dear Zippiest of the Epplins, Queen of these lands. Did your papá strike thee with the scroll of this day?”
Steve still swears to this day that his eyes have never rolled so far back in his life.
“Ah yes my poor child I see. His cruelty has wounded your precious soul. He shall be burnt at the stake on the morrow.”
“Eds, c’mon. I’m no puppy hitter.”
Eddie looked deep into Zeppelin’s eyes, nodding his head.
“Mmhm. Mmm, mhm. Okay. Steve, she’s willing to settle without trial.”
Steve sighed, but played along, getting down to eye level with little Zeppelin.
“Zeppelina, princess of the sky, light of my heart. I am terribly sorry for my horrible crime of waving the newspaper within a foot and a half of your body. Will you forgive me?”
Zeppelin kissed Steve’s nose.
Eddie cheered.
Also consider:
-Steve cross-stitches a pillow that says “no puppy hitters allowed”
-Eddie brings home a cat a few months later, who swatted at Zeppelin once and got put in air jail for her crimes. They had to teach her the house rule, and her and Zeppelin have been pals ever since.
-One of Eddie’s sound guy friends pops Zeppelin on the nose during a party and they ask him to leave.
-Robin is Zeppelin and Luci (the cat)’s godparent. She has been sworn to uphold the “no puppy hitter” commandment. She has added a clause granting her the legal right to strike anyone who striketh the puppy (or kitty) using the same amount of force, or greater. Steve said it would not hold up in court. Robin doesn’t care.
-Dustin pulls the “she’s not a puppy she’s technically a senior dog” bullshit and everyone in the room boos and throws paper balls at him
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findafight · 2 years
Can't believe the duffers wanted a Steve x Eddie rivalry but couldn't fit it in so it just looks like Steve's got some post concussion syndrome stuff happening so his emotional regulation is off and is worried about losing the party to someone who shares their interests more than him. Like they tried for rivals and ended up at "incredibly insecure about his place in the lives of his loved ones" which I don't think they were going for but I appreciate nonetheless.
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ghostlyfleur · 7 months
imagine you’ve been apart for a day, maybe even less, and as you arrive to wherever the group has agreed to meet, you just run to your stevie. your stevie who grins real big as soon as he sees his angel and opens his arms for you to jump in, catching you with your hands around his waist. he peppers your face in soft kisses, whispers a “missed you so much, honey” and as he places you down, you cup his cheek and “how’s my sweet boy been?”
his brain short-circuits.
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
“Who’s a good girl? Who’s a goo’ girllll,” Eddie drawls in a ridiculous baby voice, and Steve glances over to see him hoisting their 5-month-old puppy up over his head, her back pressed to the roof of the car while he rubs his nose all over her soft furry belly.
Steve snorts, turns his eyes back to the road. “You’re gonna break your neck, baby; she’s getting way too big for that.”
“Slander!” Eddie gasps, depositing her back into his lap and clapping his hands over her floppy ears. “Don’t listen to him, Cocoa Butter, he doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
“Her name is Coco.”
“Coca-Cola,” Eddie says seriously to the panting puppy in his lap, “your father’s had a lot of head trauma. But we love him anyway, even when he gets your name wrong, don’t we?”
Coco clambers over the console and gives Steve’s elbow an enthusiastic lick.
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