#puff answers
bicheetopuff · 22 days
for the ask game, what're your thoughts on togachako
I’m so sorry for taking so long to respond to this @frausted !!
Ship it
1. What made you ship it?
Idk any other way to word it other than, I admire their devotion to each other. I appreciate that even though Togas a villain, Ochako ignored that to see her for who she actually was underneath her unwarranted villain title.

2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
As a queer POC, I relate to Toga a lot (I also share her bday btw which is fun). Although my phase of “I’m misunderstood and I’m tired of people telling me I can’t be who I am” wasn’t as violent or morbid as Togas, I grew up in a very conservative county so people telling me who I need to be happened a lot and I would lose friends for not conforming.
Also I love how Toga kinda set the foundation for what love is in the story and Ochako kind of refuted that with her own version of love.
Ochako was basically told since the beginning of the story that she liked Deku and that she’s supposed to like Deku because she’s a girl and he’s a guy and Toga kind of set that idea in stone for Ochako when she asked her “don’t you wanna be just like the people you love?”
I don’t doubt that she did like Deku at the beginning of the story but she tried so hard to live by Togas ideology to try to mimic Deku, because that’s what’s she’s “supposed” to do, but it never worked for her and she became frustrated with it. She’s “kinda weird” cuz she’s not capable of loving the same way everyone else does and she envies Toga for being able to do it so confidently.
Their characters were truly made for each other. Toga was the person that made Ochako genuinely consider what love actually was and Ochako is the first person to love Toga the way she needed to be loved in the language of giving instead of mimicking and I just find the whole thing pretty poetic.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don’t think they’ll be canon. I view them more as a romantic tragedy. While Ochako admires and loves Toga, I don’t think she’s capable of being in love with her. Plus a big part of her character is learning to be your own person so I feel like being single would be the best ending for her.
I don’t think bnha is a manga that’ll be open to the hero x villain trope so I view it as a kinda “right person, wrong time/met too late” kinda thing cuz at the end of the day, Toga has murdered people and even almost killed Ochako. I feel like if Ochako had met Toga before she resorted to killing people, they would’ve been the perfect match honestly. But, this isn’t Naruto. I don’t think people would take kindly to hori bullshitting the villains out of going to prison or at least correctional facilities for the sake of half baked endgame ships. Their relationship isn’t developed enough to get away with that unfortunately. That probably isn’t as unpopular of an opinion as I think it is though…
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thefloatingstone · 7 days
Tell me more how Chuck Jones made the Dover Boys out of spite, mutual of animation knowledge
There was a popular book series from the 1910s called "The Rover Boys" which was what I would imagine is an early 1900s version of something like "The Famous Five" or "The hardy Boys". and Chuck Jones fucking HATED THEM.
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He found them stuffy and condescending, the characters stiff and the villains frustratingly stupid and the entire thing lacking in any wit or charm.
He particularly found it infuriating that the books would feel the need to always refer to the main 3 boys by each of their individual names... EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Chuck Jones' "Dover Boys" cartoon has a lot of very deliberate things in it that make fun of how he felt about the books. The naming of each individual brother over and over again is one, the stupidity and overly dramatic behaviour of the villain is another, and less obviously, the entire cartoon is done in smear frames. And although smear frames had been used in limited ways before, Dover Boys was the first cartoon to use them in great quantities like this. (which actually pissed off WB when they saw the screening of the short). This was because Chuck Jones wanted to emphasise the stiff posing of the characters, and so didn't want to depict them doing more realistic movement and poses. So instead they zip around from pose to pose. Chuck Jones in the process essentially creating a brand new animation technique.
Because Chuck Jones was just like that.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 3 months
I feel like minotaur Konig is the type to really value gifts from his beloved. Like, she weaves him a beautiful tunic that matches his eyes and now he only wants to wear that every single day. After a while she's like "You're gonna have to wear something else eventually" and he's like "..............No" 😂. She crafts him an amulet for protection during his travels and he doesn't even believe in that kind of stuff but he literally never takes it off, he wears it at sea, at home, in the bath, in bed, everywhere. She made it for him because she loves him and that makes it his most prized possession.
Yes, Minotaur!König treats darling's gifts like they’re bestowals from gods 🥺 Try parting him with that shirt and he'll say it doesn't even smell that bad yet... Even her cooking (not always that great) is praised to the skies while she just rolls her eyes. Everything she makes, crafts or does is followed by a pair of keen, curious eyes – it’s unnerving sometimes but she doesn’t have the heart to tell him to mind his own business.
And when she trims his beard and locks, he’s learned to stay put like a good bull it’s a holy ceremony for him to get groomed. She creates so much beauty and order around her, she puts all things in the right places: even he becomes more handsome in her hands. She brings his eyes out with simple scissors and a shirt, how can he even begin to repay all this...?
He brings her an assortment of things he finds from abroad, in return for her endless kindness: exotic fruits, different types of wool, dried flowers and cute pottery. He doesn’t know what is considered rare or common quite yet so he may appear at her door with a confused goat tied on a rope and a bolt of finest silk in his paws. She caresses his beard, yet again gone wild: where to put the goat, she doesn’t know, but she appreciates the thought ❤️
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do you have any silly raph? like dumb or extreme facial expressions. thank youu!!
I will let myself look up what others on the internet have captured so far, cause I bet they already got all the best ones:
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snoelledarts · 4 months
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A quick sketch to say Happy Valentine’s Day from my favorite canon gay couple. They’ve been thru so much, they deserve the world (and to spend their Valentine’s Day binge watching Star Wars <3).
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Get Scollie'd >:))
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They're best friends
Gif version (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)👌
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starmagnets · 2 months
So Vic, what do you think of your parents? Are Papa Marx and Paja Magolor the greatest dads in the world? Which one's the cool dad?
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“they’re both really cool i think !!”
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dgiacomo · 13 days
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@ranchdressing3 @sugaryesplease12 @sparkykitsune
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herefortheships · 2 months
The lack of confirmation of Nobara's status leads me to believe Gege has something planned for her as the end of the Everyone vs Sukuna battle Aka the "Decisive Battle" draws to an end. This situation totally reminds me of the "Enchain" plot thread. It felt for a long stretch of the manga like Gege had even forgotten about the Enchain binding vow.
Except he hadn't.
The hush-hush around Nobara might be due to a similar situation. It might mean that she will be a key player to defeat Sukuna. OR she might be part of the conclusion of the story in a different way like bringing a ray of sunshine and hope to the fandom with just the confirmation of her survival, after Gege breaks our hearts one last time before the manga's end lol.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
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I couldn’t not make this
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nightmare-verse · 3 months
Puff: Oh? Whatever do you mean?
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thefloatingstone · 8 months
sorry but you rebloged undertale art, have to unfollow you. I don't make the rules. 10/9 blog, will miss it
So the 8 years of drawing Undertale fanart was fine but reblogging undertale fanart today, after reblogging undertale fanart the previous 8 years, is where you draw the line.
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you must be new.
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navybrat817 · 1 month
I'm so curious/excited about your No Good Dude AU tbh <333
I'm glad you're excited for my No Good Deed AU, nonnie! Bucky is... delusional. 😂
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Curtis is also cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
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And sweet @vonalyn provided an amazing prompt to add to the craziness. Just nailing down which guy that will be. 😏
Love and thanks! ❤️
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Sorry to bother, I've been looking through the tags and I can't find any so I was wondering, do you have any screenshots of Leo during the pizza puffs episode?
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That boy ain't right
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solangelo-cocoapuffs · 11 months
How do the cocoa puffs feel about Nyx?
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Isolation: We prefer not to talk about her and block our time before going with Papà out of our memories, Grief has been kinda struggling though
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puffpastrycrimewatch · 3 months
What’s evil puff been up to?
。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆House arrest⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚
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