hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
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@twocorvids i made u a funny
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jessaerys · 2 years
loouis, louies... watch this programme de télévision with me, loeuies. it has revealed to me a most thrilling premise.... you see, the handsome psychoanalysist communes with the troubled young man who is ill at ease with his sublime gift, that which allows him to hear the dark songs in the hearts and minds of men.... and it appears it is the very doctor of his mind, louise, whose heart might sing the darkest song of them all. is that not electrifying, louuie? don't you find it devastatingly fateful? luoiuise?
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evawritesstuff · 5 months
Darth Vader never fully embraced the dark side. He was conflicted. More than anyone, he hated himself. But he was also able to love. Love and hate: two sides of the same coin as some scientists tell us, battling each other within a person who couldn't bring balance to his psyche in his years as Darth Vader.
True evil sith lords relish in the dark side. We call those people psychopaths in real life. They are often empty inside, aspiring only to satisfy their boredom. You would never see them hate themselves. At best, they could get angry with themselves for getting caught. Can you really hate when you've never known what love is? Only raw, empty, primitive anger. Palpatine never hated anything. But being the psychopath he was, he was able to detect the hate in people who could feel ( and love ) and use it for his own benefit.
Darth Vader was neither bored nor empty. He had a burning fire inside him and people, life, feelings, power interested him very much.
He brought balance to the force by destroying both corrupted Jedi and sith alike. In real life, only people who have faced both their light and dark sides can bring balance to society by dealing with pathologies from all sides, even if it takes them long enough to achieve that.
According to the psychoanalysist, Adler, the " regretful" person is often the strongest one. The one who dealt with a great dark in their lives but at later point chose to live in the light, aware of their darkness but now * in control of it*. These people can then guide the rest and help them where other people failed due to their partiality towards good/ evil.
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There's a reason why all slurstappen fans seem to be racist incels or sexless girls who have never felt the touch of another.
Aw, we have a psychoanalysist working for free here.
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nonevahed · 11 months
you ever just like think about the impossibility of evenly thinking about issues?
Been reading the banana discourse and felt like trying to take the (edit: 3rd worldist) commies seriously, and it’s like... i don’t actually have the time to read whatever psychoanalysist apparently definitively proved in the 60s that there is no moral way of producing bananas.  maybe he really did?  i dunno.
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alientitty · 1 year
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this post annoys me because while I don't doubt it's hard to get decent commentary on ancient texts, jung is not psychoanalysis.... his school is called "analytic psychology" for a reason... he split from freud and the other psychoanalysists pretty early on...
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quive · 1 year
plug sold me that slavoj zizek pack now im spewing helgelian psychoanalysist anti capitalist rhetoric 😔
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daigu · 2 years
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Dumbest s I've read
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consolecadet · 6 years
some more pseudo-moral paradoxes I find myself experiencing because Tumblr and college push me closer to pure O with every passing day
photography work focused on students at my school: unoriginal, too limited, contributes to overrepresentation of rich white people, therefore bad
photography work focused on folks in communities surrounding my school: poverty tourism and/or somehow automatically exploitative unless project is pictures of rich white people behaving badly
photography work that requires travel: you’re now a national geographic bro. evil. canceled
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quetzalpapalotl · 3 years
You know, Rung being not only a bad therapist but a very condescending one as well makes sense when you note that in Bullets he's described as a psychoanalysist, and as we all know psychoanalysis is bs and anyone who still practices it is a hack.
But then in Mtmte he's described as a psychiatrist even though.... he never does anything a psychiatrist would do???? All he does is talk therapy, which I guess he could have specialized in clinical psychology on top like some psychiatrists do. But if he's a poorly prepared psychiatrist doing long term talk therapy that also explains why he sucks at it
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southposting · 2 years
More than anything as a certified but unfortunate south park psychoanalysist I'm frustrated that a special revolving on the kids as adults predictably follows up on the current trend of the show lately having minuscule character drive so the prompt of them in the future is kind of wasted with that in mind. the gags don't quite add to our understanding of the characters, and the fallout between the protagonists/the fixing of the relationship is not explored with their specific dynamics in mind outside rehashings/callbacks of previous interactions. They could've done much the same plot line with all the other sp adults in escence and kept the boys outside the picture/relegated to background interactions to much the same effect. Kenny is a plot device and Cartman’s character is a gag. Even the relationship between Stan and Kyle, the real focus of the episode is underwhelming compared with what we’ve seen of them in the past in episodes like you’re getting old or guitar queer-o so on so on that go satisfyingly indepth about their clashes in personality in far, far less runtime. The special is predicated on a singular relationship premise with them ‘losing sight of what matters and being dicks’, but more in function of ‘pandemic sucked’ than the egg boys as fictional people. which has been a point for the show to push into its plotlines lately (every per episode speech about ‘we aren’t what we used to be guys lets team up!’ basically lol that gets repetitive after a while)
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wisdomrays · 2 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: The Spirit and Its Identity: Part 2
The spirit has deep relations with the past and the future. Animals have no conception of time, for their God-given primordial nature causes them to live only for the present, without feeling any pain for the past or anxiety for the future. On the other hand, we are deeply influenced by such pain and anxiety, for our spirit is a conscious, sentient entity. The spirit is never satisfied with this mortal, fleeting world, and our accomplishments or possessions (e.g., money, high position, satisfied desires) cannot make it happy. Rather, especially when considered for their own sakes or for that of the carnal self alone, such things only increase its dissatisfaction and unhappiness, for it finds rest only through belief, worship, and remembrance of God.
Every person feels a strong desire for eternity. This desire cannot come from the physical dimension of our existence, for our mortality precludes any feeling of and desire for eternity. Rather, it originates in the eternal dimension of our existence, which is inhabited by our spirit. Our spirit causes us to lament: "I am mortal but do not desire what is mortal. I am impotent but do not desire what is impotent. What I desire is an eternal beloved (who will never desert me), and I yearn for an eternal world."
The spirit needs our body. The spirit, a non-compound entity issuing from the world of Divine Commands, must use material means to be manifested and function in this world. As the body cannot contact the world of symbols or immaterial forms, the spirit cannot contact this world if there is no human heart, brain, or other bodily organs and limbs to mediate. The spirit functions through the body's nerves, cells, and other elements. Therefore, if one or more bodily systems or organs goes awry, the spirit's relation with them is disconnected and no longer commanded by it. If the failure or "illness" causing this disconnection severs the spirit's relation with the entire body, what we call death occurs.
Although some coarse, meaningless hand or finger movements can be produced by stimulating certain areas of the brain, such movements are like confused, meaningless sounds produced by pressing piano keys at random. They are automatic bodily responses to stimulation, and are produced by the body's automatic functioning. Therefore, the body needs the spirit, which is conscious and has free will, to produce meaningful movements.
Although such psychoanalysists as Freud offered various explanations for dreams, dreams cannot be said to consist of the subconscious mind's jumbled activities. Almost everyone has had dreams that have come true. Many scientific or technological discoveries have been made because of true dreams. So, as will be discussed later, dreams point to the existence of something within us that can see in a different way while we are sleeping. This something is the spirit.
Although the spirit sees with our eyes, smells with our nose, hears with our ears and so on, there are many examples of people who somehow manage to see with their fingers or the tips of their noses, and smell with their heels.
The spirit manifests itself mostly on a person's face. Truly, our face is a window opened on our inner world, for its features disclose our character. Psychologists assert that almost all of our movements, even coughing, reveal our character. The face's ability to reveal one's character, abilities, and personality resulted in physiognomy, the art of judging character from facial features. The spirit determines these features.
Our body's cells are renewed continuously. Every day, millions of cells die and are replaced. Biologists say that all bodily cells are renewed every 6 months. Despite this continuous renewal, the face's main features remain unchanged. We recognize individuals through their unchanging facial features and fingerprints. The cells of a finger change, due to such renewal or injury and bruise, but their prints never change. Each individual's unique spirit makes these distinguishing features stable.
Our spirit makes us unique. Our body experiences uninterrupted change throughout its existence. This change is directed toward physical growth and development until a certain period, gradually becoming stronger and more perfect. When this growth stops at a certain point, decay begins. Unlike our body, we can grow continuously in learning and development, decay spiritually and intellectually, or stop and change direction while developing or decaying. Our moral, spiritual, and intellectual education does not depend on our bodily changes.
Furthermore, our moral, spiritual, and intellectual differences have nothing to do with our physical structure. Although we are composed of the same substantial, physical or material elements, we are morally and intellectually unique. Which part of us receives this moral and intellectual education, and which part is trained physically? Does physical training have any relation to learning or moral and intellectual education? Are physically well-developed people smarter and more moral than others?
If not, and if physical training or development do not affect our scientific, moral, and intellectual level, why should we not accept the spirit's existence? How can we attribute learning and moral and intellectual education to some biochemical processes in the brain? Are those processes quicker in some than in others? Are some smarter because they have quicker processes, or are the processes quicker because some study and are thus become smarter? What relation do these processes have with our spiritual and moral education and development? How can we explain the differences regular worship makes to one's face? Why are believers' faces more radiant than those of nonbelievers?
Our physical changes engender no parallel changes in our character, morality, or thinking. How can we explain this, other than by admitting that the spirit exists and is the center of thinking and feeling, choosing and deciding, learning and forming opinions and preferences, and causing differences in characters?
Our spirit feels and believes or denies. All people have innumerable, complex feelings: love and hate, happiness and sadness, hope and despair, ambition and the ability to imagine, relief and boredom, and so on. We like and dislike, appreciate and disregard, experience fear and timidity as well as encouragement and enthusiasm. We repent, become excited, and long for various things. If we look through a dictionary, we find hundreds of words that express human feelings. Moreover, we do not all "feel" the same way. We may reflect on what is going on around us, the beauty of creation, develop ourselves through learning, compare and reason, and thus believe in the Creator of all things. Worshipping and following His Commandments causes us to develop morally and spiritually, until finally we are perfected. How can we explain such phenomena other than by admitting that each human being has a conscious spirit? Can we attribute them to chemical processes in the brain?
Are we only physical bodies? If we are only a physical entity of blood and bones, flesh and tissues, and attribute all our movements to biochemical processes in the brain, why should we obey any laws? We have established that our physical body is renewed every 6 months. If we were tried for a murder we committed a year ago, would not the following conversation be entirely logical, given the above understanding?
Judge: When did you commit the crime?
Defendant: One year ago.
The judge announces the verdict: Since the murder was committed a year ago and the defendant's cells, including those of his trigger finger, have been completely replaced, and since it is therefore impossible to punish the actual murderer, the jury has voted for acquittal.
How can anyone be no more than a physical entity, just their movements, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and decisions the results of the brain's biochemical processes? Such assertions are untenable. The main part of our being is our living and conscious spirit. This part of our body feels, thinks, believes, wills, decides, and uses the body to enact its decisions.
The spirit is the basis of human life. God acts in this world through causes. However, there are many other worlds or realms: the world of ideas, symbols or immaterial forms, the inner dimensions of things, and spirits, where God acts directly and where matter and causes do not exist. The spirit is breathed into the embryo directly, making it a direct manifestation of the Divine Name the All-Living, and therefore the basis of human life. Like natural laws, which issue from the same realm as the spirit, the spirit is invisible and known through its manifestations.
In this world, matter is refined in favor of life. A lifeless body, regardless of size, such as a mountain, is lonely, passive, and static. But life enables a bee to interact with almost the entire world so that it can say: "This world is my garden, and flowers are my business partners." The smaller a living body is, the more active, astonishing, and powerful life is. Compare a bee, a fly, or even a micro-organism with an elephant. The more refined matter is, the more active and powerful a body. For example, wood produces flame and carbon when it burns, and water vaporizes when heated. We come across electrical energy in the atomic and subatomic worlds. We cannot see it, but we are aware of its presence and power though its manifestations. This means that existence is not limited only to this world; rather, this world is only the apparent, mutable, and unstable dimension of existence. Behind it lies the pure, invisible dimension that uses matter to be seen and known. As the spirit belongs to that dimension, it is therefore pure and invisible.
The arguments for the spirit's existence also point to the Creator's existence. They are as follows:
• Just as our body, which God creates from elements, needs the spirit to command and govern it, the universe (and what it contains) needs God to bring it into existence and to command and govern it.
• Each body has one spirit that makes it alive and governs it. So, there must be a single Lord, without partner, to create and govern the universe. Otherwise, disaster and confusion is inevitable.
• The spirit is not located in any specific place or part of the body. It may even leave the body and, as in the case of dreams, continue its relation with the body by means of a specific cord attached to the body. Likewise, God Almighty is not contained by time or space. He is always present everywhere and nowhere, whereas the spirit is in the body and is contained by time and space.
• There is only one sun, and the world is very far from it. However, the sun is present everywhere through its heat and light, and via reflection can even be in every transparent thing. Therefore, we can say that the sun is nearer to things than things are to themselves. The spirit has the same relation with the body, as well as with all of its separate cells. This analogy may help us to understand God's relation with existence. He controls and directs all things at the same time like a single thing, and although we are infinitely distant from Him, He is nearer to us than we are to ourselves.
• The spirit is invisible, and its nature is unknown. In the same way, we cannot think of or imagine God as He really is, for His Essence cannot be known. Like the spirit, God Almighty is known via the manifestations of His Names, Attributes, and Essence.
Our spirit has its own cover. When the spirit leaves the body at death, it retains this cover, which is like a body's "negative" It is called by many names: the envelope of light, the person's ethereal figure, energetic form, second body, astral body, double (of that person), and phantom.
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princelyjuggalo · 3 years
rose likes to make up saw traps for her friends as apart of her whole psychoanalysist shebang
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andwefaeries · 3 years
I always wonder how asexual vampires feel about the whole "vampires biting people = sex" thing, like imagine you just enjoying a meal and then someone is all like "heheheh that's so sexual" I mean I'd want to kill them but then they'd probably be like "heheheh biting my neck is like penetration heheheh"
If I was a vampire I'd make it a personal mission to destroy all psychoanalysists
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adobe-outdesign · 4 years
Norman the hyper-psychoanalysist decides to quite JDS but before he leaves he just goes around the studio calling everyone out for the lies they tell themselves and secrets they keep, basically humiliating everyone.
Norman: I quit. also Joey, you’re not straight. stop lying to yourself, and stop lying to Henry. I’m out
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constellaj · 4 years
So in your reboot is Vlad gonna be a “villain”? Or straight up insane?
we dont use psychoanalysist terms like insane/sociopathic here to describe villains/tragic characters (ey, and we shouldn’t anywhere else). we use good old fashioned dramatic backstory
 vlad had a super strong emotional bond to jack/maddie, maybe family breakfast, my cohost @crystalfloe agrees with me that he was definitely crushing on jack if we have to pick just one. HERES OUR BACKSTORY EXPLAINED IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY:
the college squad works together, makes a full sized portal (no rinky dink bullshit) and vlad tests it late at night (no “IHM TELLINGK YEW JAHCK IT WOHNT WERK” [dumping diet soda into the machine] “BONZAAAIII”). just a straight up man walkin into a portal, oop, his molecules got all rearranged! now vlad is Excited because HOLY SHIT THIS PROVES GHOSTS ARE REAL??? AND THEY CAN STUDY *HIM* TO LEARN MORE THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGH. so he gets jack+maddie and is like “hey watch this. im goin ghost.” and jack and maddie look at each other. and cock their guns. and go “sorry vlad but ghosts are evil and you are clearly possessed/delusional/turned evil/have been a ghost this whole time trying to manipulate us.” now the fentons’ greatest enemy that danny has heard horror stories of ever since he was a Baby is Plasmius. they wont call him Vlad bc vlad is Dead. they have a shrine/memorial to vlad. this makes infinitely more drama and character parallels for everyone and why it is the superior vlad backstory
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