#proto! ford
duskiefloof · 5 months
Uh I made this? Idk what to call him proto! Ford? Eh anyways he's a fox protogen!
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opelman · 28 days
Spa Summer Classic 2024
Spa Summer Classic 2024 by Ste Tit
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grrrlschool · 11 days
i thought i had moved on from my hyperfixation on the runaways but i’m listening to little lost girls rn & the way they had started their discography by announcing their presence as wild girls to the world with cherry bomb & ending it by saying they wanna run away is very telling
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nugothrhythms · 1 year
Are there any goth covers of "Sixteen Tons?" I don't care what subgenre (darkwave, gothic rock, trad post-punk, etc); I just want one. If it doesn't exist yet, I give all the musicians following me full permission to rip off this idea.
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ithinktheygotthealias · 10 months
so… do we ever talk about the fact that Gary Seven is a Magical Girl?
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blackbeardsrock · 8 months
Gentleoctopus: Ford Theatre / Trilogy for the Masses (1968)
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ckret2 · 3 months
i dont think this is how that was meant to be interpreted but if i was bill, told ford his reality's a hologram, and saw him react like that i would be catching feelings. i choose to believe bill has had a subconscious crush on that man since 1981
No yeah it's meant to be interpreted that way.
There's something about Ford that made Bill go "no wait I changed my mind about kicking him to the curb after the portal's done, I want him in my gang"—an offer he extended to Ford at least three times that we know about, and one of them IMMEDIATELY after an assassination attempt when Bill didn't think Ford had anything useful to offer him. Why?
I think it was moments like that. When he wasn't just the smart guy suckered into doing Bill's manual labor, when he wasn't just a reverent easily-awed human; but when Bill saw him discover something new that most people would find horrifying, and Ford enthusiastically, joyously embraced it. It's his brilliance and curiosity combined with a wholehearted love of the strange and novel, the more bizarre the better. Who could be a better fit for the Henchmaniacs? Who else would fully understand and appreciate Bill's vision for Weirdmageddon?
He still doesn't understand what went wrong.
Anyway, I don't think it was a subconscious crush yet. But it was, like, a proto-crush. The seeds were planted. It didn't sprout into a proper subconscious crush until Bill saw Ford as not just an obedient worker with a few charming quirks, but as an entire person with a personality separate from Bill's will and a fully-developed spine. Which didn't happen until Ford stood up and told Bill he'd stop his plans.
Mainly because I think it's extremely tragic funny as hell if Bill didn't go "no wait WAIT HE'S COOL I WANT TO KEEP HIM—" until five seconds after he nuked their entire relationship.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
The Morrigan Deity Guide
This is a re-do in the "deity deep dive" format of my original Morrigan post!
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Who is The Morrigan?
The Morrigan is the ancient Irish Triple, or tripartite, of war and death, but she is also goddess of sovereignty, the land, and prophecy.
The name Morrigan, or Morrigu, is the anglicized version of the Gaelic name Mór-Ríoghain, which means "Great Queen" in modern Irish.
The old name has been linked to the proto-indo-european word Mór (terror) and Ríoghain could relate to the Latin word Regina (queen). (Wiktionary)
It’s debated whether she is one deity with three aspects or if these three aspects are sisters that create a triple goddess.
If they are sisters, their names are likely Macha, Nemain, and The Morrigan, their collective title being The Morrigu or The Morrigna. (The spelling of these will differ throughout your research if you choose to do your own after this post)
Their names could also be Macha, Nemain, and Badb, though the name “Badb” may have been a title for spirits/gods who wrought havoc on the battlefields and incited terror in the opposing side. (See “The Ancient Irish Goddess of War” in references for more info).
Other names involved with these sisters are Anand and Fea.
It’s not unlikely that The Morrigan’s identity would change between the many different groups in Ireland throughout time.
Parents and Siblings
Her mother is Ernmas, father is unknown.
Siblings have included Ériu, Banba, and Fódla, who make up the triple goddess of spirit and sovereignty of Ireland.
As well as Gnim, Coscar, Fiacha, and Ollom, as her brothers.
Lovers or Partners
The Dagda, with whom her relationship is of great importance for the Irish holiday Samhain.
In some iterations of her lore the Morrigan falls for Irish Hero Cú Chulainn but her feelings are not returned.
Mechi, who has three hearts that each contain a serpent.
The Goddess of Death
The Morrighan
The Great Queen
Phantom Queen
Nightmare Queen
The Washer at the Ford
Due to the many myths and legends surrounding The Morrigan and she is also associated with the Fae and the Banshee—a creature that generally takes on the form of an old woman who wails in mourning to announce the coming death of someone in the family.
The Morrigan is most notoriously a shape shifter and deity of magic.
In modern day paganism and witchcraft, some choose to worship The Morrigan as one deity with the sisters as aspects, others choose to worship her as a triple goddess consisting of three sisters. Neither of these can be said to be entirely right or wrong and vary from person to person, even from an academic point of view.
Though there are similar beings throughout Celtic mythology, The Morrigan is unique to Irish mythology.
Stories that prominently feature the Morrígan include Táin Bó Cúailgne (The Cattle Raid of Cooley), Cath Maige Tuired (The First and Second Battles of Moytura), and Lebor Gabála Érenn (The Book of the Taking of Ireland). (Mythopedia)
Fulacht na Mór Ríoghna (Cooking Pit of the Morrígan) in County Tipperary, and two hills in County Meath known as Da Cích na Morrígna (Two Breasts of the Morrígan) are both locations in Ireland linked to The Morrigan.
Modern Deity Work
Disclaimer - Many of these are not traditional or historic correspondences nor do they need to be. However, any correspondence that can be considered traditional will be marked with a (T).
Deep green, black and red stones/crystals
Dragon’s Blood
Crow (T)
Eel (T)
Cow (T)
Horse (T)
Wolf (T)
Triple spiral
Blood (be careful with this please!!)
Wine or Mead
The stones and herbs listed above
Imagery of the animals or symbols listed above
Food that you’ve made or a portion of your meal
Art made of her or inspired by her
Dark chocolate
Candles and/or wax melts; incense
Note: If you’d like your offering to be a bit more traditional, try burying it or sending it down a stream, but only if it is safe for the environment if you do so!
Acts of Devotion
Exercise/Work out (especially if it's challenging!)
Read/write poetry for her
Research her
Celebrate Samhain
Take up a competitive sport or activity
Standing up for yourself
Keep in mind that these are only some ideas for offerings and correspondences! Items and activities that connect you to her in a more personal way are just as good, and often better, than those you find on the internet. As with any relationship, feel it out, ask questions, and be attentive and receptive!
References and Further Reading
The Morrigan - World History Encyclopedia
The Ancient Irish Goddess of War by WM Hennessey (via Sacred-Texts)
The Morrigan - Druidry.org
The Book of the Great Queen by Morpheus Ravenna
The Morrigan - Mythopedia (Mythopedia also has a bunch of references and further reading of their own that I suggest you look at if you’d like to do your own research!)
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kdo-three · 3 months
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The Runaways - Cherry Bomb (1976) Joan Jett / Kim Fowley from: “Cherry Bomb” / “Blackmail” (Single) “The Runaways” (LP)
Garage | Proto-Punk
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Cherie Currie: Lead Vocals Lita Ford: Lead Guitar / Backing Vocals Joan Jett: Rhythm Guitar / Backing Vocals Nigel Harrison: Bass Sandy West: Drums / Backing Vocals
Produced by Kim Fowley
Album Recorded: @ Fidelity Recorders in Studio City (Los Angeles), California USA and @ The Criterion Studios Hollywood, California USA 1975
Album Released: on June 1, 1976
Single Released: in June of 1976
Mercury Records
Cherry Red Records (2003 CD Reissue)
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Read your post on "disruptors", loved it, and made me wonder why so many have a cult of personality spring up around them. Were there similar cults of personality for the mega wealthy in the past; like was Rockefeller worshiped the way so many worship Musk? Or is it a more modern trend fuelled by our constant connectivity and consumption of media? Thanks!
You raise an interesting question.
It was certainly true that the robber barons of the 19th century - Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Gould, Frick, etc. - were larger-than-life figures in the media (especially the part of the media that covered high society). It is also true that with a lot of these figures, there was this popular myth of the self-made man that sought to turn them into quintessential rags-to-riches, up-by-your-bootstraps American sucess stories.
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But for the most part, the robber barons of the Gilded Age were hated for their monopolistic behavior and their use of violence to suppress the working class - and these magnates often had to go to great lengths to repair their reputations. Andre Carnegie's library-building campaign, for example, was very much a PR move meant to soften his image after the Homestead Strike. In fact, my great-grandfather Humphrey Attewell helped to organize opposition to the construction of a Carnegie library in Northampton, because he and other working-class people felt that the funds for the library were blood money distributed by a murderer. Likewise, it's not an accident that John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Foundation right around the same time that the Ludlow Massacre turned him into a monster in the eyes of the American public.
I would argue that we start to see more of a cult of personality around the mega-wealthy a bit later - say, 1900s-1930s - and the major turning point was the career of Thomas Edison. While Edison was every bit as ruthless and grasping as the robber barons before him - hence the war of the currents, his penchant for patent theft and/or stealing credit for inventions, the very existence of Hollywood - the fact that he was an inventor with so many world-changing patents to his name made Edison into a very different kind of media figure. Thomas Edison became a star of pulp fiction and dime novels, a sort of proto-superhero Science Hero - in addition to Edison's Conquest of Mars (an unauthorized sequel to the War of the Worlds in which Thomas Edison gets revenge for the Martian invasion of Earth by launching a counter-invasion of the red planet with his superior technology), there was a whole genre of Edisonades all about young inventor geniuses who use their inventions to save the day and/or explore the "savage frontier."
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I think you can draw a line from the cult of personality around Edison to the cult of personality that formed around Henry Ford in the 20s and 30s as not just a car manufacturer but a visionary who had created a new age of modernity, and from there to the legend of the Packard garage, and from there to contemporary Silicon Valley.
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st-just · 11 months
Listening to a podcast about Rob Ford and, like, of course they frame him as this proto-Trumpian populist-avatar-of-petit-bourgiouse-resentment outside politician.
And I'm kind of just imagining how incredible the headlines would be if a video of Trump doing crack on camera got leaked.
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slaygentford · 1 year
thoughts on William Graham as the Original Slaygent Ford Archetype, given Red Dragon's publication in 1981 grants it the status as likely the first work in the JDCU (including non-cinematic entries (although Manhunter released 1986 still preceded both the book and film of Silence of the Lambs)) introduced BOTH Jack Crawford and William Graham, both the true jd and the twisted horny mirror version? Both ends of the scale springing fully formed from the same source at the same time, entwined from the moment of their conception? I mean Thomas Harris did speak to the real jd at Quantico in the 70s. It may have taken until NBC Hannibal for Will Graham to achieve the peak of his Slay but the seeds were there.
this is an extremely, extremely salient and well-researched question and statement and I want to applaud you for you contribution to the conversation and attention to detail first and foremost. it is an incredible point to note that slaygent and real jd came into being at the exact same moment in an act of unholy mitosis. I think that in light of this I WOULD be persuaded to actually add and then place red dragon graham toward the far slaygent end, because though he is not necessarily a "slaygent" to our modern eye, he was contemporaneously absolutely a proto-slaygent, a homo slaygus erectus. it also now strikes me that we have actually located a subfield in the scholarship -- will graham in particular, and his evolution as a slaygent, along with overlaps into clarice starling and so on. fantastic question thank you
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opelman · 8 days
Spa Summer Classic 2024
Spa Summer Classic 2024 by Ste Tit
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srepgames · 9 months
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Todas las novedades que dejó la TennoCon 2023 sobre el futuro de Warframe.
Publicado por SrepGames
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Durante la TennoCon 2023, la desarrolladora Digital Extremes reveló las nuevas actualizaciones planificadas para el exitoso Warframe, incluida la introducción de una función de guardado multiplataforma para este año, cronogramas para el debut del juego en dispositivos móviles y las próximas grandes expansiones del modo historia.
“2023 es un año histórico para Warframe. No solo hemos celebrado nuestro décimo aniversario rodeados de nuestra increíble comunidad, sino que también preparamos el escenario para muchos años más de historias que contar”, dijo Rebecca Ford, directora creativa de Warframe. “La comunidad siempre ha sido lo primero para Warframe y continuaremos creando el juego que queremos jugar. Contar el próximo capítulo de la historia de Warframe sigue siendo un honor, y estamos en camino de ofrecer guardado multiplataforma, una característica solicitada desde hace mucho tiempo”.
● Colección Heirloom (Ya disponible): Para celebrar los 10 años de Warframe, se ha lanzado la colección Heirloom por tiempo limitado. Incluye skins únicos y distintivos para Frost y Mag diseñados por el director artístico original de Warframe, Michael Brennan (Mynki), junto con un apartado de personalización completamente nuevo, Signa. ● Próximo Prime Access (Muy pronto): Grendel Prime llegará rodando muy pronto a Prime Access. Aprovecha su apetito por la destrucción y aplasta todo lo que se oponga a ti. ● Whispers in the Walls (Finales 2023): El comienzo de un nuevo y épico arco narrativo para Warframe que trae una nueva historia cinematográfica, respondiendo a las preguntas que los jugadores han tenido desde el origen del juego. ● Abyss of Dagath (Octubre 2023): Dagath, la jinete sin rostro y la Warframe número 54, llegará como parte de la actualización Abyss of Dagath. Te esperará una nueva arma, contenido de temporada y un conjunto de mejoras de calidad de vida para el juego. ● Guardado cruzado (2023): Los jugadores podrán continuar su juego en cualquier plataforma, cuando quieran y como quieran con esta característica. ● 1999 (2024): Una importante actualización que llegará en 2024 y llevará a los jugadores al principio, con acción clásica hack and slash y una banda sonora licenciada de Nine Inch Nails, descubre quién es Arthur con el traje de Proto Excalibur y más en la TennoCon del próximo año. ● Versión para móviles (2024): La misma experiencia de alta calidad que experimentan los jugadores de PC y consolas llegará a dispositivos móviles en 2024. Los pedidos anticipados de iOS ya se encuentran disponibles.
Warframe se encuentra disponible de forma gratuita para PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series y Nintendo Switch. Todos los usuarios que ingresen al juego en los próximo meses, recibirán el Atuendo Dex para su operador y viajero.
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pourablecat · 1 year
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Thinking of Back to the Future again! I've been dreaming of recreating the skateboard sequence somehow since I was ten. Sounds like a great way to get horribly injured, and then arrested. You see, technically Vimes is the time traveller here and technically saying Ooh Look behind you, punching a bully in the face and running off via skateboard is more of a Vimesian move, and this same scene would've worked out very well with the unmentionables and a proper carriage, but I really just wanted to draw young Vetinari on a skateboard. Or proto-skateboard. Whatever.
I've swapped out Bill's Ford Coupe for a random wagon a younger and slightly less mature Downey nicked from a street corner or something, Marty with a blurry little Vetinari who even now seems to be making an active effort to be invisible, all the 1950s bullies with assassins hell-bent to stab out Dog-Botherer's fingers, and the skateboard with... gods know what.
You know what? Maybe I drew Vetinari skateboarding instead of Vimes because the idea of Madam watching from the crowd, going blushy and saying "He's an absolute dream" felt horribly, horribly cursed. I don't think I could handle being constantly reminded of that as I draw :P
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THIS IS NOT WHOLLY MINE!!!!! I was inspired by a couple posts and a set of tags I found but I can’t find the OP anymore. Credit to them for the original idea(s). My apologies, if someone recognizes it, please tell me so I can give proper credit to them!!!!!! [My additions look like this]
Magical Leverage AU, but in the vein of ‘magic was real long ago and has mostly faded into oblivion… except now it’s waking up here and there.
Eliot would have died years ago but some unkind spirit liked his anger and blessed him and now he’s this sort of proto-god of soldiers whose countries used them up and betrayed their ideals. He just doesn’t know it yet. [Doesn’t know he could wipe away the bad eyesight, the aches, the stiffness, if only he chose. But he doesn’t choose. He thinks he deserves the pain, the scars, the reminder of his darkest days. For now, at least. The Team’s young yet, the foundations stabilizing, but even now, their light calls to his. He’ll be more one day. God of the forgotten, of the abandoned, of the lost. Sanctuary for those used and abused by the world, who get tossed into ditches and alleys and left to die.]
Hardison is something new. There is no word for him. He’s making a new world in which he will rule, and he has no need at this time for a name or title. [He knows. He’s more than a little scared of it, except when it gets him the information he needs or helps him save his teammates just in time. And even sometimes then. He knows he’s something new. Something powerful. ‘Age of the geek,’ he says, but he knows. He’s no geek. He’s more. So, so much more than that.]
Sophie is some sort of Unseelie. She follows her rules, appreciates manners, and dispenses her kindnesses as she sees fit. Do not test yourself against her. You will not win. [She does not know this. The Unseelie blood that is her heritage was kept a secret and carefully continued over the generations, until Sophie’s parents met, and made a daughter. What they don’t know is the Moon saw Sophie and gave her a blessing. Sophie may change faces, change names over and over again, but she’ll always come back to who she is.]
Parker is a changeling, maybe. Or Seelie. Or maybe she’s just Parker, the only one of her kind. She hasn’t decided yet. [Parker is Parker. Something new. Wholly unique, irreplaceable, and nothing like anything that’s ever been. Anything that ever will be. Magic likes Parker, and Parker likes Magic.]
Nate is Human. An almost priest who hates himself and all his flaws and weaknesses while at the same time completely convinced of his own superiority. In the beginning anyway. The others are all used to pain and fear and disappointment. They know how bad the world is and they’re trying to survive in it the best way they can. Nate didn’t grow up knowing that, he had his entire world and reason for existing torn away by greed and selfishness and it broke something in him. The others are cracked and chipped and faded. Nathan Ford was broken into jagged pieces, and he picked them up and fashioned them into weapons, forged from the howling chasm in his heart, and as much as Leverage has helped and is helping to put some of those pieces together again… Some of them were too lost or too sharp to ever go back to who he was. The others you can see are competent and scary at times. Nate is fearsome at his worst. He may not have the skills the others do but he is absolutely the one you should fear.
He’s not a good man really, though by some terrifying metrics he is indeed a Good Man, but he has aligned himself with good and he will get there come hell or high water. The thing is, he is the hell, and he is the high water. He is the monster that hunts monsters. The abyss consumed him long ago and that’s just. How it is. He just lives here now because that’s the thing: the abyss consumes you and everything… doesn’t end. You keep living. You keep living even though you are nothing but howling rage in the shell of a man. But then you turn that rage and that abyss upon the monsters that made you and you bring the abyss to them. There are moments when Nate goes completely cold and he is way scarier than any of the others, or all the rest of them combined, like a reminder of what is sitting there under the surface - an incomparably brilliant mind with no heart to anchor it and nothing to believe in. Nate may be Human… but he’s becoming an Archetype.
[Valletta is a seer. Magic, power, potential, she sees it all. She knows Magic is waking because she’s seeing more, stronger, and longer, now. Magic decides Team Leverage needs a little assistance, so it sends Valletta to them. Parker knows the moment she meets Valletta that she’s going to stay. She must stay. They need her to stay.
They do need her. Because the ones who don’t know are starting to figure it out, and the ones that do are getting glimpses of the bigger picture.
Eliot heard a whisper the other day, a voice begging for help, and instinctively reached back, leaping miles and states and half a country to help the kid who fought a war and came home to a different kind of war, before he realized what he was doing and ran himself. Eliot doesn’t think he’s good. Eliot knows he’s done terrible things and is ashamed of them, thinks he doesn’t deserve forgiveness. This… this is not anything he expected. Certainly nothing he deserves.
Sophie, getting into the role for a grift, caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and almost looked past it, because she didn’t have auburn hair. The Moon changes its phase, and so Sophie changes her face, her hair, her body, but will always return to herself.
Nate… well. Nate’s been aware of something wrong for a while now, but he’s also been in denial and just refusing to see it. Until he’s put in a situation where he can’t deny the fact that he, realistically speaking, should not have been able to walk away from that. Where he gives what’s meant to be a metaphorical threat that ends up coming literally true. Nate broke a long time ago, the day Sam died. His metamorphosis started on that day, much longer than the others, giving him more time to see the signs. Granted, he’s ignored the signs so far, but the signs are getting harder and harder to ignore.
Eliot clings to his humanity, clings to the reminders and the good memories Valletta helps him remember; to Valletta herself, as someone who makes him strive to be better than before. The others do, too, but it’s Eliot who clings the hardest.
It leaves marks. They’re all Archetypes, in addition to what they are. Hitter. Hacker. Grifter. Thief. Mastermind. But Nate was supposed to be the honest man who kept them in line and on target, only, Nate can get just as caught up and obsessed as any of the Team. Nate’s their brain. Valletta becomes their center, their Heart of Mercy.
In more ways than one.
Valletta doesn’t tell the Team. It would kill them, to know how deeply, how intrinsically, they’re affecting her. Changing her. Transforming her into one of them.
She’s becoming so much more Other than she was. She had that potential. It’s unlocked to its fullest extent under the affection and friendship of four Archetypes, one Human, one Unseelie, one Parker, and one Hardison, as well as the love of an Archetype and god who adores her.
They know what they’re doing. They must, on some subconscious level, because everyone starts apologizing to her in little ways. Nate dials back on the alcohol and the orders, Parker starts trying to remember to ask before showing up, Sophie asks her about her interests and hobbies and listens to her ramble, Hardison gets her favorite music and movies on hard drives for her, Eliot makes her favorite dishes more often.
It comes to a head, of all times, when Damien Moreau shows up to try and break Eliot, one final revenge for walking away. He kidnaps Valletta, threatens to torture her. The team shows up spitting fire. Eliot shows up, eyes dead, completely willing to become the weapon he once was to end this once and for all.
Valletta breaks through the rage, the darkness, with whispers of Mercy. And transforms. Breaks out of her cocoon like a butterfly. Fitting. The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth and new life. She even has the wings. Agathina Emperor wings. As purple as her eyes are now.
Valletta. Seer, The Heart Archetype. Goddess of Mercy, and Forgiveness. Valletta is merciful. Damien Moreau will wish she hadn’t been, when her family’s done with him, but it isn’t his choice. His life is no longer his own. It belongs to Mercy.]
Again, NOT ORIGINALLY MINE!!! I only added what’s in the italics.
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