#prompt: damage
qara-wen · 2 months
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⸺ I guess I'm a toy that is broken ♪
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this-is-ris · 2 months
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Day 9- Damage "...You know you really ought to be more careful with your blades, brother." "Yea.. yea." "Seriously though! One of these days you're going to lose an ear and I won't be able to sew it back on!"
ft. Ris' brother @bemsbigboom
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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nerdpoe · 11 days
"...Timmy...?" Dick hasn't called him that since before Bruce disappeared, but it's the only thing he can say as he stares at his brother's broken, bleeding body.
Tim, Timmy, his little brother in all but blood, bleeding from his ears and eyes and nose, burned so severely his skin is peeling off, actually turns to look at him.
"Shit. No one's supposed to see this." Tim says, and Dick lurches forward to do...something. He doesn't know what, for all his first-aid training doesn't know how he can help when there's this much damage, but he has to do something.
But Tim disappears, like he was never there.
Or; On a ghosts death day, they gain the appearance they had at death. This includes the injuries. Danny spends his death day very far away from home, since it actually makes his human form look like he got electrocuted to death by untold voltage and mass dosages of radiation, and he really doesn't want his mom and dad to see that, even if they're cool with the half-ghost thing. Problem; apparently he's a dead ringer for someone Nightwing knows, and he just mentally scarred Valerie's favorite hero. Fuck.
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 11 months
Batman: You need a new costume. That one provides no protection.
Danny: oh I cant.
Batman: You won’t owe me for it.
Danny: no I literally cant. Like if i remove it it just returns.
Batman:………. Explain.
Danny: look *takes off glove and explodes it into pieces*
*glove reforms on his hand*
Danny: see? Can’t get rid of it. It’ll just heal itself.
Batfam: …
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joaniejustwokeup · 5 months
DPxDC Prompt:
The next blow sent the human tumbling into the wall. It wheezed and spat up a gob of blood, pulling itself up on trembling arms and legs.
“So this is the mortal who captured our young king’s attention. The so-called warrior who he trusted with the sacred duty of guarding his core.”
A shadowed hand pinned it to the wall and it uselessly pawed at the blade-like claws pressed against its fragile throat.
“How a weakling like you seduced High King Phantom, I’ll never know.”
The human squeezed its eyes shut. I’m sorry Danny, it mouthed with cracked and bleeding lips.
The impudence.
Slammed into the ruined bricks once more, the human let out a breathless cry.
“You dare address him like that. You dare to call upon his living name!” Dagger sharp teeth dripped shadowy ectoplasm inches from the mortal’s flesh.
“I’m doing him a favor, disposing of you.”
There was silence.
The human looked up with glowing green eyes.
A wave of unearthly force erupted from its body.
A dual layered voice echoed out from its miserable throat.
“Oh you just made a BIG mistake.”
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luxaofhesperides · 5 months
Wings AU ; requested by @justwannabecat!
“Are you sure it looks good?” Duke asks for the sixth time in an hour.
Tim sighs and says, yet again, “It looks fine. Just give it to him! If he doesn’t love it, I’ll beat him up for you.”
“You wouldn’t do that.”
“I could! But you’re right, I wouldn’t. I would just psychologically torment him until he broke.”
“Don’t do that, please. I’d like to actually have a chance with him, even if he hates this.”
“He won’t,” Tim says. He actually stops typing to give Duke a severe look. “Go and give it to him. If you don’t go now, he’s going to think you bailed.”
Duke glances at the time, then jumps. “Shit! Thanks for your help, man!” He’s out of the door before Tim can say another word. He doesn’t bother with the front door, or even going down the hallway. Instead, he opens the nearest window and flings himself out of it, unfurling his tawny wings to catch the wind beneath them and ride them into the city proper.
He briefly considers stopping for a moment to change into his Signal outfit so he can fly above civilian jurisdiction, then decides that it’s far easier to just bend the light around him so he’s invisible. He wouldn’t want to be late meeting Danny, after all. Especially not for this.
He hadn’t been expecting Danny to be into traditional courting methods. Most people tend to go the more modern way of dating, but Danny had mentioned once or twice that he thought it was romantic. He had blushed, mumbling the words, but Duke heard them and went into researching courting methods to see which ones Danny might like best.
Sure, he could just ask Danny out on a date like he normally would if he liked someone, but if Danny wants to be courted, then Duke is going to court him!
It’s why he’s been planning this out carefully, gathering his primaries after his wings molted a few months ago so he could string them together into a thin wing covering. 
Admittedly, this courting method isn’t super common, but the thought of giving Danny his feathers, making it look like their wings are one and the same, has kept Duke up some nights, wanting it so badly. 
Besides, he thinks Danny will like it. Considering the state of his wings after the Accident…
Duke holds his handmade wing covers closer to his chest, flier lower as he leaves Bristol and enters Diamond District. The streets are busy, full of people. Most tend to stay on the ground, wings tucked close to their bodies, but there are plenty still flying above cars and buses that Duke has to carefully fly around. 
It takes another twenty minutes to get to Robinson Park, where Duke drops down to the ground and takes a moment to make sure all his feathers are straight and neatly displayed. Then he walks into the park, heading towards their usual meeting place.
For once, it’s a nice, sunny day in Gotham. Everyone’s taking advantage of it. The park is full of couples and families, walking around slowly, and kids dart through the air, still unable to go very high with their wings not yet fully grown in. It’s nice to hear the laughter and general chatter of people wandering the park. 
Duke doesn’t spend too long walking the paved paths through the park. He steps off of it near the second water fountain on the path, then heads into the trees, passing two moms on a picnic with their three kids rolling around the grass nearby. 
Tucked away in this corner of the park is a small clearing surrounded by thin trees. The tile is dirty and cracked, no one maintaining it at all with it hidden away. 
He sees Danny’s wings first, with long feathers that trail onto the ground, a black that shines dark blue in the light. He follows the lines of his wings back to his body, where Danny sits on a bench, leaning his weight back against his hands as he lifts his head up into the sunlight, basking in the warmth.
He really is so pretty. He insists that he isn’t, but Duke regularly spends time with the Wayne family, all who have modeled before, so he’s got a better idea than most about what pretty  looks like, and Danny fits the bill. 
“Hey,” Duke calls out softly, watching as Danny slowly blinks his eyes open and turns to give him a warm smile.
“Hey! I’m free for the rest of the day, which means we have so much time to complain about things today.”
“I didn’t keep you waiting, did I?”
“Nope,” Danny says. “I wouldn’t mind waiting, though. I like hanging out with you.”
Heart pounding in his chest, Duke walks forward. He doesn’t know if there’s something specific he has to say when presenting his gift, if there’s a courting tradition involved that he didn’t learn about. He’s terrified Danny’s going to reject it. He’s praying that Danny accepts it.
“Are you okay?” Danny asks, standing to get a better look at him. “You seem tense…” He trails off as he catches sight of what Duke holds in his hands, breath stuttering.
“I’m fine. I, um.” Duke steps into the clearing, entering the sunlight, and holds out his wing covers. “I made them for you. You mentioned before that you thought courting traditions were romantic… I don’t know if you like wing covers, but I thought you’d look good in my feathers… Only if you want it though!”
He’s trying so hard not to cringe away in embarrassment. He’s flirted with Danny before, half jokes and half serious, always playful. Duke was smooth then, delighting in how flustered it made Danny before he hit back with his own flirting. Now he’s a hesitant, stuttering fool, tripping over his words and struggling to find the perfect things to say. Maybe he should have thought up a speech, or something. Memorized a few lines to speak his intentions with this courting gift. Done literally any prep for giving the gift instead of focusing only on making it.
Danny doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t move either. He just stares, wide-eyed at the wing covers in Duke’s hands.
That’s a bad sign, isn’t it.
His hands lower just a touch, and he quietly prompts, “Danny?”
Just as he’s about to pull back, step away and try to fix things, messily attempt to salvage their friendship because clearly Danny doesn’t want to be courted by Duke, Danny’s hands snap out whip-fast and latch onto his wrists.
“This is… for me?” he whispers, awed.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s for you.”
“And you’re courting me? Like, for real?”
“Yeah, definitely courting you for real. Do you accept?”
Danny throws himself into Duke’s arms, careful not to crush the wing covers between them. “In what world would I say no?” he laughs, bright with joy. He pulls back a second later, not giving Duke time to hug him back, and turns around, carefully stretching his wings out. “Put them on for me?”
“Of course.”
He starts by smoothing out some of Danny’s feathers. He doesn’t get to do this often; Danny hates having his wings on display for anyone, with how they spasm occasionally, and have empty patches where feathers will never grow in again. The Accident, all that electricity coursing through him, it permanently damaged his wings. There is no healing to be done. 
His wings are lacking too many flight feathers and primaries for him to fly. He’s stuck on the ground now, unable to use his wings for more than a minute. Old burns are still visible closer to his spine. 
Danny prefers hiding his wings away. He hates thinking about the Accident, hates how it’s taken his wings from him, how it’s changed him completely. 
But Duke loves his wings. He loves the softness of Danny’s lower feathers, how they shine in the light, how they always puff up when it gets windy. He’s only gotten to preen them twice before, and he treasures those memories more dearly than anything else.
This easily outshines both those moments.
He gently combs his fingers through Danny’s feathers, straightening them out, then lays the first wing cover over his right wing. His own brown feathers drape over the top of Danny’s wings, hiding the featherless patches from view. He does the same to the other wing, then adjust both until they lay perfectly on Danny’s wings.
As soon as he lifts his hands away from Danny’s wings, Danny is spinning around with a grin, flaring his wings out.
“How do I look?”
“Perfect,” Duke answers. He was right; Danny looks good in his feathers.
He watches, fond and amused, as Danny spins, keeping his wings flared, admiring his new look. “I’m never taking these off,” he says. “I love them so much. I can’t really make one for you, though…”
“You don’t need to.”
“I can’t just accept this and not give you something in return!”
“Well… There is one thing you could give me. Something I’ve been wanting for a long time.”
“What is it?” Danny asks, leaning towards Duke. He’s eager, ready to please, so delighted to be courted. 
Duke smiles. “A kiss.”
He doesn’t have time to react before Danny is pouncing on him, hands fisting the collar of his shirt as he tilts his head up and kisses Duke. He pulls back before Duke can kiss back, blushing and unbearably cute.
And all Duke manages to say is, “Cool.”
He’s so good at this.
Danny rightfully laughs at him, then grabs his hand and pulls him down to the bench. “Come on, I promised to complain about my teachers today and I intend to deliver. And maybe later, I could take you out on a date? If you want.”
“Danny, of course I want to go on a date with you. I’m courting you! I thought I made my feelings clear!”
“I’m just making sure!” Danny shouts over him, and Duke can’t resist the urge to pull him closer and pepper kisses along his cheek. “Okay, okay, I got it. You’ve made your feelings clear. I’m going to date you so hard.”
“You better. It’s about time you put some work into our relationship.”
“Excuse you?!” Danny gasps in mock outrage, and they start bickering lightheartedly as they always do.
Even with their feelings come to light, even with a courtship started and a date promised, it doesn’t feel like anything between them has changed. 
It’s just them. Just as it always has been.
Duke couldn’t be happier.
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tanglepelt · 7 months
Dp x dc 148
Reveal gone wrong ends with Vlad realizing how toxic his obsession was. He cuts out contact with jack and Maddie. Because if they denied there own flesh and blood so much. There is no way maddie would except him.
She couldn’t even accept Danny as a halfa.
Then takes in Danny and Jazz. He does it all legally makes it in the news. Danny and jazz aren’t exactly pleased at first. Vlad has a lot to me up for
Ellie eventually joins at the he pays her pack pay in child supports and fully realizes he was a fruitloop.
When vlad gets an invite to a Wayne gala. All three of his new wards attend. Needless to say it’s an gala no one will ever forget.
Fist fights. Chandeliers breaking. Jazz causing breakdowns. Who let Tim and Danny discuss inventions?!? Vlad will never recover.
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emacrow · 19 days
When Danny hides his corpses along with Elle and Dan.. those fucking Archaeologists are persistent little shits then shenanigans happens..
He hide them in the Antarctica, where barely any humans goes beside a couple groups of persistent scientists living there and the hidden society of cannibalistic humaniod yetis....
There was no way anyone could find their bodies under 60 feet of snow and frozen millennium ice...
Ancients be damned 4 months later, danny felt a disturbance in his hidden grave only to see History News found 3 preserved corpses perfectly intact in a solid crystallized looking coffin the God damn Antarctica.
Took him a solid 5 days to find the right God forsaken headquarters of those Archaeologists who already send their bodies to gotham...
He about to flip his lid, especially as it was getting to him very badly... by how sleep deprived his ghost side was being to the point that the disturbed.. eldritch part of his very being was slipping a bit..
Then the truck driving with their corpses got stolen by some low grade wanna be villain by the name of 'the penguin'.
Who has his goons trying to break the crystal coffin into pieces with how priceless it beholding.
Danny brought Elle and Dan into this because he doesn't know gotham and three heads work better then one with the search out.
By the time, they actually found the Right fucking Hideout; because how many fucking hideout does a fucking penguin needs.
They were too late by a fucking hour, because of course something had to take their coffin.
Penguins already look arrested and it seem Batman got their coffin, whom had sent it to the Watchtower to get analyzed after they found a heart beating after 40 minutes to the batcave..
Danny wanted to ghost screamed by then...
(Wayyy later in the plot that I'll never finish)
Constantine whom is about to drinking scotch whiskey before it slapped by the ghostly eldritch child who shoving an glowing green smoothie in his hands for the 3rd time.
He look at them with a begrudgingly look who glares back at him with the similar mom glare looks before he sighed and drink the smoothie.
He ain't admitting it taste so much fucking better then his usual whiskey for shit.
Meanwhile Elle is enjoying having a younger halfa to bother even if his core is all types of fucked up and looking worse then a apple that fell off the ugly tree, got shredded by a wood chipper, mashed back together and then peeled off by a potato peeler before stomped on.
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braxiatel · 30 days
I am so sorry I am not here to yuck anyone’s yum but if there’s one thing that never fails to absolutely shatter my suspension of disbelief and make me click right out of a mcyt fanfiction it’s referring to the characters by the content creators’ nationalities in a canon setting. Please they’re not from anywhere in the real world they’re from minecraft their nationality is blocks their passport says ꖎ╎ᓭℸ ̣ ᒷリ ⊣∷╎ᔑリ リ𝙹ʖ𝙹↸|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹⚍ᓵ⍑ᒷᓭ ᒲ|| ʖ⚍ᓭ⍑ ||𝙹⚍∷ᒷ ↸𝙹リᒷ ╎ℸ ̣ ᔑꖎꖎ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ∷ℸ ̣ ᒷ↸ ∴⍑ᒷリ ⊣∷╎ᔑリ ℸ ̣ 𝙹⚍ᓵ⍑ᒷ↸ ᒲ|| ∷ᒷ↸ᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹リᒷ ⍑ᒷ !¡ꖎᔑ||ᒷ↸ ⍑╎ᒲᓭᒷꖎ⎓ ꖎ╎ꖌᒷ ᔑ ̇/||ꖎ𝙹!¡⍑𝙹リᒷ ᓭᒷℸ ̣ 𝙹リ ᔑ⚍ℸ ̣ 𝙹ᒲᔑℸ ̣ ╎ᓵ ↸𝙹ᓵ ᒲ𝙹リᓭℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ╎ᓭ ᔑ ᓭᔑ
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the-witchhunter · 3 months
DP x DC: Loser Baby
So the thing is, tonally John Constantine is probably not a great match for Danny in lighter funnier fics
Don’t get me wrong, John can have his lighter moments, especially in crossovers, and he’s got a sense of humor
Hellblazer lore is dense and weird, but more importantly it’s DARK
Like, extremely
John is a deeply traumatized man, people around him get hurt, he spent three years inpatient at a psychiatric facility. There’s a story line where he’s a homeless alcoholic who makes friends with a rent-boy and shows a grim reality of life on the street, substance abuse, addiction, and sex work. It also ends with John’s demon blood eating the face off of the King of Vampires who happens to look like James Dean
That’s not even getting into the serial killer plot or the multiple trips to hell
Sins of the Father involves John being forced to confront the soul of his father in hell, a man who was terribly abusive and blamed John for the death of his mother who died while giving birth to him, which given information revealed during this comic turns out to be very misplaced.
However, makes him a good fit for a “Jack and Maddie are Bad Parents” fic, and/or a dissection fic
And it would basically play out like “Loser Baby” from Hazbin Hotel
Because it is a shitty situation. Coming to terms with neglect, the trauma of them rejecting him for an aspect of himself he can’t change Phantom Planet does not exist and the emotional and physical trauma of a dissection, and then being homeless and having to find a way to survive on his own
But John can empathize and understand
His own trauma may be different but he gets it, can relate to it, and can say “mate, situation is fucked to all hell but you don’t need to be alone because of that”
And that’s not even getting into the trauma of dealing with supernatural weirdness, which frankly they would both understand pretty well
Just two traumatized people bonding and saying “yes, we may be damaged goods, but we’re not broken and we aren’t alone”
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dipperscavern · 2 months
was having some robb stark thoughts last night trying to fall asleep… sigh
you and robb usually rise in the mornings at the same time. queen & king in the north, you have duties to attend to that force you both out of bed earlier than you’d like. but sometimes, robb has to be up before you.
his weight dips down on the bed as he sits beside your sleeping form, fully clothed & ready to leave. he wants to let you sleep, knows you need your rest—but you’d kill him if he left without waking you up to say goodbye.
his hand comes to tuck your hair behind your ears, soft murmurs of your name rousing you from sleeps hold. he pulls his hand back as you open your eyes, both of you smiling at the sight of the other. you reach out, still half asleep, hand finding robb’s. he brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it as you look up at him—love etched in your pupils. you pull him closer, & robb chuckles at your neediness, voice warm & dripping like honey. he leans in, pressing chaste kisses to anywhere he can reach. he starts at your cheek, trailing down to your jaw and eventually your neck. each kiss grounds you firmer and firmer to the present, pulling you out from the hazy state sleep puts you in.
he eventually stops, resting his head in the crook of your shoulder. he closes his eyes, soaking up your presence before he has to become king in the north. right now he’s just robb, the man you grew up with at winterfell. your hand comes to run through his curls, as your other thumb massages lightly at his temple. he relaxes further into your touch, a groan rising from deep in his chest. robb’s body had been wound up tight during his time at war, as to be expected. the weight of his burdens sit heavy on his shoulders, long days of fighting not only lannister armies, but sometimes his own men—clouding his mind with headaches that only you seem to be able to relieve in the slightest.
“keep doin’ that and I won’t be able to get back up.”
he’s only teasing (he’s completely serious), making you laugh as you retract your thumb from his temple. his eyes flutter open, sighing at his own stupidity, wondering how he could ever ask you to stop making him feel good. his mind takes over, reminding him of his duties. if he doesn’t get up now, he surely won’t be making it out of this tent by high noon. he can already hear greywind rustling from his guard outside the entrance of the tent, warding off someone’s presence.
he gathers his wits, trailing kisses back up your neck. once he gets to your cheek, he even teases by placing a kiss at the corner of your mouth. he smiles at his own antics, proud of himself, before he presses his lips to yours. his hand comes to cradle your jaw, kissing you long & firm, as he sits up. your lips chase his, and he places a quick peck on your lips once more as he stands up. his hand leaves your jaw, and you could almost whine at the loss of his touch.
you watch him turn & walk away, he doesn’t turn around to look at you again, knowing if he does—he’s going right back into your arms. he grabs his sword, opening the flap of the tent & walking out. you stretch, content with his goodbye. you’ll get up in a few minutes, and you’ll see each other around the camp, but it’s the quiet mornings before the world wakes up that keeps you both sane. you smile, hearing robb & theons voices outside the tent as they walk away.
“what took you so long? greywind almost had me for a snack, you know.”
“would be a small meal.”
is screaming at your own writing something u shouldn’t admit cause AHHHHHHH. put me & him in a room tg & we BOTH walking out pregnant.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 173
Danny might have made a mistake. On one hand, thankfully, his class hasn’t realized he’s Phantom, which is good. On the other hand, he’s somehow become their arms dealer after maybe, just maybe er, being done with Skulker’s shit when he was just trying to do his test and er… maybe beating him to a pulp. As Danny Fenton. 
Well, the good news is apparently everyone now thinks that he doesn’t fight back lest he accidentally snap someone’s spine. Which is honestly kind of nice to not have to deal with the harassment anymore. 
How has he become the fenton technology arms dealer though?! Legitimately, he has no idea how it happened except for sleep deprivation and someone mentioning how one of the places that they might be going to for the field trip was Gotham. 
At least everyone has their weapons and knows how to use them when some sort of clown-masked people decide to break into the mall and attempt to take them hostage. So. He guess he can’t complain, and at least he got food that doesn’t come alive in exchange. 
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nerdpoe · 5 months
After Dick's fight with Bruce but before Jason's death, he was part of a penpal thing that he'd signed up for in high school to mentor a middle schooler and they just never stopped mailing each other.
Then Jason's death happened, and everything else, and the letters fell by the wayside.
After Jason comes back, Dick finds the letters and holy shit that was a bad time to stop responding.
The last letter his penpal had sent said he'd gotten into a lab accident. That he had strange powers he didn't understand and needed help.
Dick packs his shit and rushes to Amity Park, intent on offering an apology, at least. But when he gets there, the newspapers are headlining that their resident supervillain struck again, causing more structural damage and injuries.
Dick does his research and realizes the time frame this villain started appearing matches up with the lab accident.
Now Dick is convinced he failed a young kid so badly they've turned full villain.
Amity Park, however, fully embraces the lie that Phantom is evil to prevent the GIW from cracking down on them. They know he's good, they just aren't allowed to say that.
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friendlesscat · 4 months
A whumpee that's so used to pain they don't realize they're hurt.
They've been so accustomed to the constant wounds and torture that they gradually grew numb to it. Or maybe to them, pain is a constant state of being, there's nothing unusual about it. And so, there's not much of a difference wether it hurts a bit more or a bit less.
Perhaps, when they've been rescued and getting accustomed to ordinary life, they might get hurt. But, since it's just a dull ache, it's fine, right? After it doesn't get better for a while, they might mention it to someone and receive the advice to visit a doctor - only to find out that the injury is major and that a person normally wouldn't be able to function at all, much less brush it off as a "minor inconvenience".
That would probably make their companions wonder about what they could have gone through to become like this. Perhaps they knew it wasn't good, but never to this extent. :D
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alyakthedorklord · 11 months
In Danny Phantom and DC crossovers, Dan “all my family and friends died via burger sauce” Phantom should have the BIGGEST beef with Condiment King this has been a PSA
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