#project julius
seb-reads31 · 1 year
Request - None, I got random inspiration✨
Tw’s - None, unless if you count crying but they’re happy tears <33
Genre - Fluff
Comments - I got random inspiration like, a month ago?? And just no finished it. It is currently 3 minutes past midnight as I type this. So please enjoy my suffering 🥲
Today was like any other day in your college classes, being absolutely bored out of your mind, listening to the teacher ramble on about something… cells you think? Who knows, the only thing you know was that you were on the verge of a well deserved nap…
That was until there was a hand on your shoulder, lightly shaking you. You startled awake and turned to the owner of the hand. And when you did, you came face to face with an equally startled Aster, the shyest boy in the class. How you two became friends was a mystery to the rest of your classmates, and sometimes, even to you. But you don’t regret it for a second.
In the middle of the first semester, a new student, Aster, joined your class. He was incredibly shy, never talking to anyone, choosing the only empty desk in the class in the very very back of the class, alone. If someone did try talking to him, he would stutter out an excuse, pretend to not hear you and speed walk away, and would even sit in the library during lunch to avoid people. You noticed a lot of things about Aster just by watching him, he had piqued your interest after all.
The things you noticed weren’t too surprising. First off, he either didn’t have any friends on campus, or just didn’t have any at all, making you feel sorry for him. Second, he hated being touched by anyone. He would always flinch away from people coming too close to him, and even waited in classes long enough for the halls to empty a bit before going to his next class. And finally, he didn’t socialize, (shocker, huh?). And after watching Aster carefully for a month or so, you decided to try and be his friend!
..Which is easier said than done. He would always walk away from you whenever you tried to talk to him, which made you frustrated, but even more determined to befriend him. It finally happened when you decided to follow him to the library for lunch, and asked if you could sit with him during lunch. And ever since that day, you’ve been friends.
And today, you two were gonna have lunch in the library like normal, but you had a surprise for Aster. Today, you were going to confess your growing feeling for the shy raven haired boy. How you might ask? Well, you had been planing this for about a week, and finally decided to make Aster cookies, put them in a nice bag with a note to give to Aster in the library, knowing how shy he can be around a lot of people.
You snapped out of your thoughts of how you were going to confess to Aster when he stuttered out something. “I.. uh.. s-sorry.. I d-didn’t mean t-to..” He said, looking away, quickly pulling his hand away from you, bringing it to his chest. You shake your head, giving him a soft smile before responding, “No no, you’re fine Aster. All you did was startle me.” You had to say it gently, reassuringly to make sure he didn’t overthink and get stuck in his head.
Aster looks surprised when you reassure him, and gives you a look of wonder. His cheeks start to turn a soft pink color, his eyes wide when he looks at you. You nod, silently hoping that Aster wasn’t doubting himself like he used to do at the beginning of your friendship, and believed you.
You suddenly remembered about your plans to eat lunch in the library, and wanted to double check with him. “Oh yeah! Are we still going to eat lunch in the library?” Aster hesitates to respond, almost in awe of your attitude towards him. Once he finishes his hesitation, he gives a quiet nod, then gives you a soft smile that makes your heart melt without fail. “Y-Yeah, we are..” When he responds, there’s a hint of nervousness in his voice and body language, showing that he’s still worried that he’ll do something that’ll make you angry, or dislike him. But you give him a reassuring smile, so warm and full of kindness.. “Great! I’m excited!” You tell him, both showing how excited you were, but not too much so you don’t spook him. Aster smiles, feeling at ease thanks to your eagerness. It even gives him confidence, despite his normally shy demeanor.
“I’m a little excited too..” He says quietly, but the happiness in his voice still shown.
~At the end of class~
Once the bell rings, signaling the end of class and the beginning of lunch, you pack up your stuff, and wait for Aster to be ready to leave the room. Aster walks up to you once he’s done packing his stuff up. “Ready to go?” You ask, wanting to make sure Aster was ready before just leaving. And he was surprised when you did, instead of just deciding for him. “I’m… Well, I’m ready.” He says, and starts to walk alongside you. “The library, right?” You nod, “Yep, and~ I got a little surprise for you!~” you pull out a small decorative bag and show it to Aster.
Aster’s eyebrows raise curiously, eyes wide as he stares at the mysterious bag. “What is it?” He sounds nervous when he asks, not used to getting presents. But if it’s from you, he’ll appreciate it, whatever it is. “You’ll just have to wait until we get to the library to find out!” You exclaim, there’s a pep in your step now, adoring the curiosity in Aster’s face.
Aster smiles at your joy. Even though he may be anxious about what’s inside of the mysterious decorative bag, it was an enjoyable thought to him.
As you two walk to the library, there’s a silence around you, a comfortable one, leaving Aster with a small smile on his face. “I hope I like it,” Aster spoke again, making an effort to keep the conversation going. Although he’s quiet about it, he’s trying, for you.
“I hope so too, I spent a couple of days thinking about this, and only decided on one idea yesterday..” You admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck with the hand that wasn’t holding your gift to Aster.
Aster was surprised at how long you had planned this little gift for him, but was flattered at the same time. He wasn’t used to it. And he wanted to pay the favor back, but wasn’t sure how to. The best thing Aster could think of at the moment was to try and express how much it meant to him. “Thank you, truly. That means a lot to me, no one has ever spent that much time on a present for me.” You could hear the gratitude in his voice, as clear as day.
You blushed at how sweet Aster was about his gratitude, but look away before he can see it. “Gee… now I’m really anxious for you to open it,” you muttered under your breath, just as you both reach the doors to the library.
“Don’t be.” Aster said quickly, reassuringly. Your comment about being anxious made his heart beat faster, still not used to people caring about him. “I’m sure I’ll love it. The thought alone makes me love it already.” He smiled warmly at you, giving you even more reassurance than before with that smile and his kind words.
You blush again, deeper this time, not once expecting Aster to hear your muttering. But you smile anyways, walking towards your usual table on the corner of the library, and sit down with Aster taking the chair across from you.
Aster is smiling a bit from the light pink color of your cheeks. He feels more at ease seeing you smile, your happiness spreading to him, making him less anxious. “You have no idea, how much you mean to me,” Aster says quietly, his face lightening up with a small smile of his own. He always seems to have a calm and relaxed demeanor when he’s around you. “I’m very lucky to be allowed to call you my friend.”
Your blush grows impossibly deeper. You look away quickly, and slide the mystery bag over to Aster. “H-here… I uh, hope you like them…” Aster opened the bag to reveal chocolate chip cookies. They were cooked long enough to not fall apart in your hands, but not too long for them to still be soft and melt in your mouth deliciously.
When Aster saw what was in the bag, a huge smile lit up his face. “You baked these?” He asked, looking even more excited than before. The cookies were perfect, Aster wasn’t sure if he wanted to eat the cookies or stare at them in awe forever. “They look great!”
You nodded, smiling shyly at the praise, then remember that there was something else in the bag Aster had yet to take notice of. “There’s a, um… a n-note in the bag..” The mentioning of the note surprised Aster, his face lightening up even more. “You wrote a note as well? You’re so sweet!” He seems so genuinely surprised, but also touched that you did all of this for him. Aster reaches into the bag and pulls out the note carefully.
“Can I read it?” He asked softly, wondering what was in the note. You nodded, looking away as he opened the note, reading this:
”Aster, since the moment I laid eyes on you, there was something about you that drew me in. I remember the day I walked up to you and we started talking as if it were yesterday. That moment was the start of an amazing friendship, (in my very humble opinion at least.) But lately, I felt my feelings for you… changing…. not in a bad way though. But I think I.. like you, Aster… But it’s completely fine if you don’t feel the same way! I just.. wanted to tell you how I felt…”
Aster was quiet for a moment as he reads the note, his cheeks turning pink as his eyes widen, seemingly speechless. A few tears escape his eyes as he quickly gets up from his chair and walks over to you, wrapping you into a tight hug. He doesn’t even need to tell you how he feels, his actions being all the answer you need.
“T-Thank you so much.. I like you too..” He says softly between sniffles. You gasped at the sudden hug, not quite expecting it since how Aster avoided being touched by absolutely everyone at all costs. But after you got over your shock, you slowly, but hesitantly, wrap your arms around him as well, feeling a few tears roll down your cheeks as well from all of the emotions you’re feeling.
Despite Aster’s usual avoidance of touch, he hugged you for a good while as you both shed tears of joy in each other’s embraces. He holds you tight, putting every ounce of love and affection into the hug he possibly can, letting you know silently how much he cares about you and your growing relationship, but he slowly pulls away from the hug and holds your hands in his gently. When you look at his face, his cheeks are pink with tear streaks running down them with a gentle smile to bring it all together.
Notes - It is now 12:15 🥲 crying. Please make sure to point out any mistakes you see, and I'll be sure to correct them ^^
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narcisseledecadent · 1 year
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the-casbah-way · 11 months
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been having brutus thoughts recently
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theromaboo · 3 months
Did you know that when I was in eighth grade, I made a short film about Julius Caesar with my friends?
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We had a short film competition in English class and my group was ready to win this thing.
I was Caesar and it was amazing! Unfortunately, my group only had four people in it, which was hell (you try making a short film about Julius Caesar when only three people can be on screen at a time), but we made it work. I was also the video editor and you can sleep happy knowing I overused the shit out of the sound effects (the best part was the explosion noises when Caesar got stabbed. BOOOM BOOOM KABOOM). We truly went all out (we were the only group with costumes!)
But then...
My group got last place because the winners were chosen by student vote and only the videos by the popular kids got any votes :( I hate democracy
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beaniebea · 5 months
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Starting to sketch out a simple height chart for the musketeer characters (something I prob should have done a while ago 😓 better late than never ig) and idkw but I was giggling so hard while drawing the boys next to pete, they're just so smol, le scrunklies
Actually, should I make Pete taller? He's already towering over them quite a bit, but I know in the og movie he was like, nine feet and could hold mickey in one fist so... I might change that just a bit.
also I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but I swear the next chapter is coming soon, I've been working every chance I get on it 👍
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cassiusfan20 · 8 days
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Limbus Company OC Gaius Cassius Longinus
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splendidcyan · 9 months
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A collection of OT3 memes for Romy and Julius Dress Up Time Princess since I enjoyed this book way more than I expected to
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oppieandeverything · 6 months
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Artwork belongs to vinegarclown on X (Twitter).
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daydreamertrait · 1 year
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shoutout to gay people fr
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shakespearenews · 9 months
In 1938, the FTP experienced a funding cut — and once again eight thousand people were out of work in an instant. Its stunning theatrical legacy wasn’t just relief service, but artistic achievement of the greatest heights. Especially memorable is the so-called Voodoo Macbeth of 1936, an all-black production in Harlem that moved the action from Scotland to the Caribbean. An electrically revivified classic in terms both political and artistic, the director was none other than Orson Wells, who would later call the production the “great success in my life.”
...Wells paid for his daring [re: "Cradle Will Rock"] with his job, he and Houseman were fired from the FTP the next day and went on to found the Mercury Theatre. Their first production there was a little-remembered “blackshirt” Julius Caesar, a full blown anti-fascist staging featuring Wells as Brutus and Blitzstein providing the music. Caesar, it will be remembered was the first Roman to declare himself  “dictator for life,” (Dictator perpetuo) triggering his assassination by Brutus and co. This staging coincided with Italy cosplaying a new Roman Empire, where all in that same year of 1937 this fascist state perpetrated: the “Yekatit 12” massacre of thousands of Ethiopians and the bombing of Guernica in Spain along with Nazi Germany.
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macabremoons · 11 months
Project Rivalry Library
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♡ "Thus lies the question: who are we?” ♡
General info
Standalone or Series: Standalone
Progress: drafting 
Tropes/Ao3-esque Tags: morally grey character, family of choice, rivals, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, humor
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Working title: Rivalry Library 
Main character names: Julius and Arsione
The history books lied to you, and the lies aren’t what you think. They’ve been rewritten to appear as if mere consequence, the causers of most events were two people: Julius Caesar and Arsione. Two vampires locked in the eternal battle of creation and destruction.
After millennia of fighting, Arsione decides to offer an olive branch to Julius and allow him to run a dungeons and dragons campaign and the library she works out. After growing close to the children in the DND group, the two are thrusted into the new life of parenthood. Even worse: co-parenthood. 
Now coupled with responsibility, Julius and Arsione must navigate through life as enemies, family, and familiar strangers. Will they be able to work together for their children, or will centuries of bloodshed drown them all?
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Author Notes
Why such an odd premise?
I am but a simple woman. Sometimes I write things for fun.
Will you publish it?
No. At most I might upload it to the public when I’m done, but I might just share snippets. This is, again, a for fun project.
Julius Ceaser?? Arsione???
Yes, the real life people. Why? Because I thought Arsione’s character destroying Rome would be funny, so I knew Julius would be Julius Cesar. Something then suggested Arsione, which worked in my favor so much.
Where can I see what you've posted so far?
I try to put all my writing snippets (and finished works but they have a separate tag) under #my writing, though rambles and writings can be found under the #project rivalry library tag.
All the character tags are #p. rl: (character name.)
Can I be on your taglist?
This question is highly presumptuous, but yes hypothetical stranger, you can! Just ask in the replies or tags.
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seb-reads31 · 1 year
Why hello Seb!
Why not try out some headcanons about Aster finding love again after escaping? It'll probably take him a while, but I'd love to see him happy again :D
(PS: I suggest linking the actual videos that these characters come from, hehe!)
😰Aster, your darling😰
Type - Fluff, Angst
Tw's - Spoilers, hair pulling as punishment, nightmares, someone being unalived, stalking(?), mention(s) of obsession, mention of kidnapping, someone breaking into a house
Comments - You right- I've probably already fixed it by the time this is posted, if not let me know so I can actually fix it- But absolutely adorable suggestion!! I already have thoughts flowing through my noodle
Aster finding love again:
😰 100% goes to therapy afterwards
😰 How you two met is tricky
😰 I would like to say that you two met at school, but that is tricky, cause of the yandere that took him
😰 But we're gonna skip that and leave things to the imagination
😰 He would more than likely make sure he's okay mentally and be careful of who he hangs out with
😰 You would have to be super gentle with showing your affection, and be patient with him, and go slower than a snail
😰 He did go through a lot, but I think small gestures like remembering his order down to the T in places you both frequent
😰 I like to think he's really good at like sewing or crochet
😰 So if you wanted to learn how to sew stuff or how to crochet, and you wanted to learn from him, then he'd be so touched
😰 ESPECIALLY, if you made something from the things you learned from him
😰 He would treasure it forever
😰 He doesn't really care for material things, and likes hand made gifts, so using his skills, he makes something for you in return
😰 If both of you continuously do this, then I feel like he'll become more comfortable around you, not too much, just a little
😰 He does need reassurance though
😰 So you need to make sure you can give him the reassurance he needs, without touching him
😰 Does not like being touched whatsoever at the beginning of your friendship, so you knew before the relationship, if you become friends after the incident, and would be a little more comfortable around you if you were friends before it, but still kinda antsy about it
😰 You have to let him initiate stuff though
😰 If you two were good friends before the incident, then he would initiate holding hands with you around the... 6 - 8 month mark perhaps
😰 But if you become friends after the incident, then he would initiate it on the 1 year mark, or the 1 year and 3 months mark
😰 He needs time to realize that you genuinely love him, and don't have this weird obsession over him like that person
😰 Whether you were good friends before the incident, or met after it, he would be incredibly hesitant about opening up to you what exactly he went through
😰 He's more than likely going to therapy while you're going out, and you might go with him as moral support, but never in the room with him and his therapist
😰 He does eventually open up about it a little, but not much
😰 He definitely gets nightmares about it, and reliving through it again through those are enough
😰 The first time you actually hug him would probably be after a sleepover at his place at the 2 1/2 year mark, or 3 year mark, when he's been a tad bit more open to physical affection, but nothing more than hand holding and standing/sitting closer to each other
😰 The reason you two hug is cause he's having a nightmare about the incident, and you're not quite sure what to do
😰 You're both sleeping in a living room, either at his place or your place, he would prefer his place though, and you're on your own little pallets
😰 Once he wakes up, either by himself or you waking him up, he either A. Latches onto you and you go from there, or B. You kinda panic but try to be his rock and calm him down without you touching him cause he screams don't touch me when he wakes up, but you do offer for him to hug you, if he wants it
😰If he does take you up on your offer, then he nuzzles into your neck or chest
😰 Don't touch his hair though, he doesn't like that WHATSOEVER cause whoever took him would pull his hair if he was "misbehaving" to punish him
😰 He opens up a bit about what the nightmare is, but in quick and unsteady mumbles cause he was just full blown panicking, but he reveals that the nightmare was about the person escaping wherever they were sent to to keep them contained
😰 Or if they escaped then they hunted him down
😰 Once they found him though, they stalked him and figured out you two were dating
😰 The second they found out they wanted you dead
😰 So they broke in while you two were watching a movie, and they ended up hurting you to the point that you needed to be hospitalized and on the verge of dying
😰 Or they ended up actually unaliving you and taking him back to wherever they please
😰 It scared him half to death, and it scared you due to the shiver inducing yell he gave out
😰 Once he calms down though, he asks if you two can sleep in the same bed, no touching still, but in the same bed so he knows you're there and safe
😰 In the morning after, he probably woke up a lot later than you cause he was so mentally exhausted after the nightmare
😰 I feel like he likes pancakes, or the classic breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and a nice glass of orange juice
😰 So if you made him his favorite breakfast in bed, he will hug you (again if he accepted your offer), and squeeze the day lights out of you
😰 He'd probably be crying but with good tears
😰 Your first kiss would be 4 - 5 years in
😰 By then, he's opened up to you quite a bit
😰 He's been feeling much better mentally, he's still struggling with nightmares but they've gotten better
😰 Several times a year, but he's not waking up yelling and kicking
😰 Mostly just waking up in a cold sweat, making sure all his doors and windows are locked, and he calls you to make sure you're okay and everything is locked over at your place
😰 Such a worry wart but he has good intentions
😰 He might ask if he can come over or if you can come over if the nightmare was bad enough
😰 If he does, depending on how you've been together, you might cuddle during the night
Notes - This ended up being super long but I'm happy about it- hopefully you enjoy this Nyan-
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ameliapodcast · 1 year
*intercom beeps*
Alvina, Happy Ides of March! Remember to take a knife if you don't have one, and remember that if there are 23 stab wounds, nobody can actually tell whose is whose! Text Brutus for appropriate clothing. Thank you!
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fbfh · 2 years
thinking about how good steve is at taking care of you... he's so quick to figure out just what you need to feel better, and he loves babying you, pampering you, wrapping you up in his strong arms and caring for you and kissing you until you feel better. he loves the way you need him, looking to him to make descisions when you're just too tired, leaning into his touch when exhaustion sets in. after he drags you into a shower and washes and conditions your hair and rubs some nice smelling lotion into your skin, he pulls out your skin care products, knowing the exact ordrer of the steps and the right amounts to use, you don't even have to remind him. he carries you to bed, bundling you into his chest while soft music or a tv show plays in the background. laying on his soft hairy chest feels like being put on a wireless charger at 5% battery, the warmth from his skin slowly bringing you back to life. your stevie takes such good care of you, and no matter how you're doing, you always feel better when you're around him.
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What is light, what is darkness
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