#probably a better answer than whatever feloni comes up with
ooops-i-arted · 8 months
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Ezra's voice actor did a BWW commercial and every time I hear it, I descend into hysterics
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nihilo-sensei · 2 months
The Infamous Chuuya-SSKK Car Ride
Two. Fucking. Hours.
Akutagawa and Atsushi have been arguing for two hours almost non-stop and there's still an hour to go in the trip. If you had asked Chuuya before he climbed into this four-wheeled prison what the most annoying thing on Earth was, he would've said without hesitation that it was dealing with Dazai. That was a more innocent time, a time before life had decided to punish him for his every felony, misdemeanor, and wasted gallon of milk. He wasn't sure if these apparently nuclear-powered bickering machines being confined to the backseat was better or worse for him. Probably better; at least one half of the invective wasn't being spewed directly into his left ear.
As much as he wanted to blame a member of the Armed Detective Agency for all of his misery, he was disappointed to say that it had been his subordinate and fellow mafioso who started this. Granted it hadn't taken much to get the weretiger to dive down to Akutagawa's level, but he was just trying to make conversation, asking if Chuuya listened to much music. Honestly, the gravity manipulator would've been delighted to spend a three-hour car ride talking about music, even with an ADA member. It was kind of nice that the kid had reached for some common ground between them. Akutagawa really hadn't needed to cut Chuuya off before he had a chance to answer by saying, "No one cares, weretiger." That one admittedly rude remark had sealed Chuuya's fate for the rest of the ride out to the countryside. Thanks, Aku.
"You better not get in my way when we get there, weretiger. The Port Mafia doesn't need Least Beneath the Moonlight."
"I guess I'll leave the job to Brash-ōmon, then. Get over yourself."
How are they still coming up with new insults? Chuuya hadn't even had the energy to tell them to shut the fuck up passed the 35-minute mark, about 25 minutes after his throat started to hurt from trying to match their combined volume. It was like they didn't even hear him. They were in their own little world together.
That was what he'd been warned about, though, wasn't it? Akutagawa and the tiger boy had… tension. He had heard about it from Dazai, but hadn't given it much thought. After all, why would he bother listening to anything that mummy's asshole says off the battlefield? He would happily throw Dazai off a building if he wasn't sure it would make that freak even happier than it would make Chuuya. Something about this train of thought makes Chuuya feel like a hypocrite for some reason. Where was he?
"At least I don't dip my bangs in Wite-Out!"
"Your impoverished ass could only afford one bang!"
Oh right, this thick fog of something making itself at home in Chuuya's backseat and inside his pounding skull. He had thought it was just a joke or an exaggeration, but this much passion for each other? Could all of that really just be simple hate? No, this doesn't really feel like hate. But if they don't hate each other why tell themselves that they do? That's so self-destructive. They should just confront their feelings like adults. Even if those feelings aren't romantic they could still find themselves good friends, they have a lot in common. At least they'd stop making their sexual tension or whatever everyone else's problem.
Why does Chuuya feel like a hypocrite again?
Chuuya stares into the rear-view mirror. The new Double Black had practically passed out five minutes into the drive to Yokohama. Not surprising after the mission had turned out to be far more complicated then they had anticipated. He wasn't complaining, he really couldn't deal with another three hours of angry sound waves bouncing around an enclosed space. Truthfully, they'd earned the rest. Even when the situation was going to shit they'd worked well together. Atsushi kept Akutagawa's mind on the civilians while Akutagawa's support kept Atsushi calm and focused. Chuuya sees now why Dazai put them together, not that Chuuya would ever openly tell the man he was right.
So he'd let the pair sleep, only debating whether he should wake them up after the blessedly silent car had crossed the Yokohama city limit. He had glanced into the mirror and caught sight of something that made him suddenly redirect as much attention as he safely could to it. The Sun had set halfway through the drive so he had had to wait for the car to pass the next street light to get a good look at it, and sure enough he saw exactly what he thought he had. At some point in the drive Atsushi and Akutagawa had leaned into each other while they slept. Atsushi's head was now resting on Akutagawa's shoulder while the mafioso's head rested on top of the weretiger's. Chuuya smiled. Definitely not hate.
As the car nears the ADA office, where Atsushi was to be dropped off, Chuuya pulls into a gas station with a new mission in mind. After he puts the car in park he takes out his phone and hopes that fatigue keeps the pair asleep and unaware while he does what needs to be done. He gambles on using the flash and wins a nice, clear picture that's going to absolutely make his fucking day the next time Akutagawa decides to make him sit through another "that goddamn foolish weretiger" rant. But was it really fair to make just Akutagawa suffer when Atsushi was about as responsible for Chuuya's three-hour ordeal earlier? No. And isn't the ADA all about that justice shit?
Chuuya opens his text thread with Dazai, taps his thumbs to the screen a few times, and hands down Atsushi's sentence with the push of 'Send'. He only has to wait a few seconds before the weretiger's irritating superior responds.
Mackerel (21:04): Oh my god, thank you so much for this! How useful my dog is becoming!
You (21:04): I seriously can't do this with you right now, Dazai. Those little bastards almost wiped me out on the way to the mission. They argued the entire time. I'm fucking tired.
Mackerel (21:05): Impressive, isn't it?
"Impressive" was one way of putting it. "Never gonna happen again" was another.
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eiraeths · 5 months
quotes from reaper the tv show but its the 141
Soap: You know what, Ghost, I don't know what to tell you to make you feel better right now, I don't. But I do know how to blow stuff up. So I figured, play to my strengths, right?
Soap: Outside the hospital, when you told me that you loved me, did you say that because you meant it, or because you didn't want me to go to the cops?
Ghost: Both
Gaz: [referring to Ghost after he did something most couldn’t do, probably in a firefight] Soap is the Devil's friend.
Soap: Uh, to be clear, I'm not friends with him. He's just kinda clingy
Soap: [referring to Price and Nik] You guys think it's kind of weird we replaced our parents with a couple of gay dudes?
Gaz: Weird, Soap? No. Genius
Soap: Let me get this straight, you want us to go jogging in the creepy woods where the soul has been killing people?
Gaz: Yeah.
Soap: Okay, let's go.
Ghost: I don't know. There's something about the sea air. You know?
Soap: Yeah.
Ghost: Maybe it's because all of life came from the sea. It's primordial, clean, fresh, and almost entirely covers up the stench of that decomposing corpse down there
Ghost: How did you find me?
Soap: We followed you, Ghost. Gaz drove here with his headlights off the entire time.
Gaz: It was very stressful.
Soap: No, no, nothing is impossible. Illegal, yeah, stupid, most definitely, but not impossible
Gaz: We have until then to commit yet another felony.
Soap: Kinda gets you pumped, right?
Gaz: Yes it does.
Soap: Ghost, we almost got killed.
Ghost: Whatever, we've almost been killed way worse than that.
Gaz: You stole mail?
Soap: Yeah.
Gaz: Soap, that's a felony.
Soap: Well, come on now, there's a fine line between committing a felony and doing something really cool.
Gaz: That's true
Ghost: Isn't Nature magnificent? Beautiful, angry, soothing, merciless. It's perfection, don't you think? Gotta give... whatshisface credit
Gaz: I'm good at stuff, okay. Other stuff. Right?
Soap: Yeah, you do rock the house at Guitar Hero.
Gaz: That's what I'm talking about.
Price: Gaz! Listen. Here's what we're going to do. We need to get our stories straight, okay. People are going to come here, they're going to ask questions. We have to have answers ready.
Gaz: But our friend is dead!
Price: Soap would want us to have a cover-up story for the cops and that is a fact, Gaz.
okay that’s it because reaper doesnt have as many quotes i could make the 141 as i thought it did
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e2019 · 1 year
and god i fucking hated talking to the ems it's probably just because i was partially retarded from being only semi-conscious not remembering or being aware of anything but. well first of all it's like 5 people all standing in my tiny ass room staring at me but only 1 actually talking to me. and it felt like he just kept talking super fast saying a bunch of mostly irrelevant shit trying to confuse me and get me to let my guard down. they felt like police it felt like my drugged up ass was getting swatted. he kept saying "do you have anything you want to (declare... i can't remember the word) right now? because you know with heroin however much you have that's a felony. how about any needles? what if me or a member of my team was to get poked (they all have the cap on them...)? now it's at my discretion whether i want to charge you for it or not. help me make the right choice give it up so you don't die next time. you're so young how old are you. 24? you're 24 and—look at me (lastname... he wouldn't call me by my firstname but i'm used to that bc i have an unusual lastname)—you're 24 and i bet you have a lot going on in your life. you've probably seen a lot in your life have some ptsd some mental illness. i've seen a lot of things too, probably not the same as you but we've both seen some things and we both have to figure out how to deal with it. do you have a history of mental illness? well i know all kinds of people with mental illness who are still successful. police officers, people in the military, doctors... i know you're only using these drugs to cope with your depression or whatever it is. make the right choice and help me help you. because you know, a lot of times i get calls like this and the next day or a week later the person is dead. look at me you know i'm being honest i have a body cam on. i just want to help you, what do you think i like most about my job? look (little red blinking light making me even more nervous now i hate cameras i wonder who if anyone will see this footage), body cam. oh that's so cool i have a gaming mouse and keyboard just like that. well not that exact one but really similar. what game is that you're playing (world of warcraft... come on your ass does not have a gaming pc if you can't even identify world of warcraft)? come with us to the hospital. you need to go to the hospital. you're fine right now but who's to say something won't happen and you won't die in 30minutes? your blood pressure is high. too high for a 24yr old just sitting there playing video games. you need to go to the hospital. do the right thing." i couldn't really follow any of it tbh so i kept asking what exactly was he getting at and saying i didn't understand the point he was trying to make, but he refused to give me a straight answer or respond in anything less than a whole entire speech. like i was trying to figure out what my options were because it seemed to me that he was trying to say in a roundabout way that i could either go to the hospital or get charged with felony drug possession. well i went to the hospital and now i'm gonna have a huge medical bill for nothing. they were doing my chart and they were like "she does have a history of... heroin use..." "a history of what?" "...HEROIN USE..." "oh." and then they just kinda let me sit there for maybe an hour and barely even would look in my direction then got me out of there asap. it all felt like everyone was doing things more because it was protocol or to make themselves feel better than out of any real concern for my wellbeing. i really preferred my previous ems experience where i don't really remember any of it but i assume they just tossed my body around like a ragdoll a little bit then narcanned me and left right away.
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writerofshit · 3 years
(I mentioned briefly a story of how the Stream Team met. This is that story.)
Somewhere in Los Santos, in the late night hours of a Tuesday, a convenience store is robbed. So is one several blocks southeast. And one roughly in the middle of them both. After all, what's more convenient than 24 hour chili dogs on every other street corner?
Cash. Cash is more convenient. So are guns. Hollering, waving one to get the other. Most important, back alleys that twist and turn, snaking away from increasingly distant sirens. Three individuals find themselves running through these alleys, a couple grand each weighing their pockets down.
It's through serendipity and convenience that their paths cross.
The man from the farthest store arrives first. He's done this a few more times than he'd like to admit, so he'd had a plan. Of sorts. Cut through the park, take a few sidewalks like an upstanding citizen, under the bridge and find a fire escape to utilize from there. There aren't any that reach the ground, of course, because he's smart but not quite enough.
And so this is why Trevor is standing in an dark alley, contemplating whether or not the dumpster will give him enough height to reach the ladder, when the man from the middle store appears. He's around Trevor's height, but would probably win in a fight between them, if he were so inclined. He doesn't seem to be, though. He seems shaken, like he's not quite sure how he ended up in this alley. He's holding a gun almost gingerly, as if it might bite him.
Trevor pulls his own gun.
'dont you fuckin' try anything!'
This does not go over well with Matt. He takes a step back, and then seems to remember that he also has a gun so maybe this is even footing. He holds it aloft, finger nowhere near the trigger.
'same, asshole!'
At this moment the robber from the first store arrives, also, of course, with a gun. And a mask. And an entire purple and orange neon fucking suit, actually, topped with a white cowboy hat. It gives them a few extra inches of height they are distinctly lacking, comparatively. Somewhere in the back of his head, Trevor acknowledges that this newcomer could probably kick his and the other gunman's asses. It is not a pleasant thought.
'oh, what the fuck!?'
Jeremy sounds more annoyed and less scared than one would think, considering they've run into an alley only to find two men with guns. Two men who quickly turn those guns on them.
'who the fuck are you?'
The question surprises them all, including Matt, even though he's the one who asked. As it turns out, people have a tendency to say the first thing that comes to mind when in a stressful situation. Such as, having robbed a convenience store for the very first time and immediately finding himself face to face with other apparent robbers. It would get to anyone, probably.
'i don't want any trouble, but i've already robbed someone tonight and i don't give a shit about felony murder!'
Two lies and a truth, is what Trevor has chosen to play, for some reason. In reality, one does not rob a convenience store at gun point if one is intent on staying out of trouble. And he does, in fact, care very deeply about felony murder. Felony murder is the precise reason he'd shot a bag of Doritos and not a clerk. In his defense, the clerk had initially rolled her eyes at him, asked what exactly he thought he'd get out of this. He'd found this question rude.
The truth, of course, is that he did rob a convenience store. That did happen. No take backs.
'so did i!'
Matt and Jeremy speak so in unison it's almost scary. If they didn't know any better, they'd think the two of them had always known each other.
Trevor's gun wavers between them, unsure which is the bigger threat. The guy who clearly has zero experience with guns, or the weirdo who seems to have far too much? It's a toss up, really. So his aim pinballs back and forth, but his finger does not curl around the trigger. He's serious about that felony murder thing.
The air seems to shift, suddenly, and the sound of sirens is now growing closer. This evidently also annoys Jeremy, and they throw a glance over their shoulder to the direction they'd come from. Red and blue lights flicker past.
'shit. ok. we're all robbers, i guess, and we're all fucked if we keep standing here. who's got a plan?'
Jeremy's eyes are staring impatiently at Trevor. Eyes being the only part of their face Trevor can see. And their hands, a plastic bag in one and a gun in the other.
Trigger finger is an apt name.
He glances at Matt, still wild eyed and glancing back and forth. No, Matt probably does not have a plan. He sort of gives the impression that he's never had a plan ever, actually. That perhaps he'd simply woken up here and decided to wing it. So Trevor makes an offer.
'fire escape?'
There's another moment of tense silence. Well, minus the sirens. And oh, helicopters. Even better. Jeremy shrugs.
'good a plan as any.'
And then they're off, brushing past Trevor and hoisting themself up onto the dumpster. He knew it could work. Trevor blinks and Jeremy has caught the ladder, is quickly working their way up. Shit, how does five foot something manage to get that high on a good day, much less in this situation and with a bag and gun in hand?
Matt's gun clatters to the ground, and honestly, that's probably for the best. He's climbing onto the dumpster now, and he mutters something about not signing up for this shit. Trevor reminds him that he apparently robbed someone, so yeah, he kind of did.
Before Trevor climbs up, he shoves his gun into his jacket pocket. Smart? Probably not. Convenient? More so than climbing with a gun in his hand. He follows Matt up the ladder, wondering what happened to his plan. Yeah, the ladder had been involved. Two other people, however, were not.
Above them, glass shatters.
'warning, maybe!?'
'oops. careful, there's glass.'
Jeremy's voice is no longer directly above them. Instead, it comes from one story up and a little to the left. So they've broken into an apartment. Sure, add breaking and entering to the list of charges, that sounds great. But Matt and Trevor follow, because there's not really another option.
Inside the apartment, Jeremy's mask is gone. The suit is quickly disappearing as well, revealing a rather boring outfit of a white tank top and...sweatpants? The true mystery lies in where the cowboy hat has gone to, because that's a hard item to miss.
'do we really have time for this? don't you think someone might, oh, i don't know, wake up and call the cops?'
Trevor doesn't mean to hiss, it's just that he's sure there's more pressing matters to attend to than an outfit change. Continuing to flee, perhaps.
'nobody's gonna wake up.'
They don't even have the wherewithal to lower their voice. It registers to Trevor that Jeremy's bag and gun are missing as well. Had they dropped them on the way up? It was certainly possible. Trevor thinks he would have noticed a gun flying past his head, but there's a lot going on.
'can we maybe not kill anyone? he brought up a good point with that felony murder thing.'
It's the most words Matt has strung together since he'd shown up. It's damn near a whisper, but at least it's progress.
'i'm not- god, can you two shut up? i gotta make a phone call.'
Jeremy yanks the door open, hand carefully wrapped in the fabric of their shirt. For a moment, Trevor thinks they're leaving and steps forward to follow Jeremy. Instead, Jeremy turns and heads toward the kitchen, pulling open a drawer and digging inside it briefly. They come back with a cell phone.
Something dawns on Trevor.
'is this- do you live here? did you break your own window?'
Jeremy doesn't answer. They put the phone to their ear.
'you're gonna wanna hide whatever you've got. and try not to look like you just climbed in through a window.'
And then-
'hello? yes, hi, i'd like to report a break in, i think? i was hearing a bunch of sirens and then i don't know what happened but some guy just broke my window? he ran through and i just- my friends and i are really scared and we didn't know what to do- yes, we're ok, he's gone, but we- you'll send someone? ok, thank you. the address? oh, uh, it's the del perro heights building, apartment 7. should i shut the door? no, don't touch anything. ok- guys, don't touch anything, she said someone's on their way to check on us! thank you so much- no, i think we'll be fine. thank you.'
It's a marvelous performance. Jeremy genuinely sounds like some poor flustered victim of a crime. Trevor would applaud if he thought Jeremy would appreciate it. Almost immediately, their voice is back to normal.
'check things out my ass. they're gonna show up, ask which way he went and never call me again. feel real fuckin safe.'
Jeremy settles themself onto the couch, choosing the spot closest to the door. Matt, who has apparently gotten over his initial terror, wanders into the kitchen. Searching for something to distract himself, if Trevor had to guess. Trevor is still standing in the middle of the living room, dumbfounded. How did a simple robbery become hanging out with other robbers, waiting for cops to show up?
'i'm jeremy, by the way. they won't ask, but y'know. just in case.'
They're flipping channels on the tv, seeming to arbitrarily skip almost a dozen programs. Finally, they settle on one and stand. Trevor recognizes it as an old Disney movie, and desperately wants to ask why the fuck Jeremy has put this on.
'uh, hi. i'm trevor. why are we watching Mulan?'
'matt. oh hell yeah, i love this movie!'
He sounds remarkably cheerful, considering the circumstances. How Trevor had seemingly switched places with Anxious McGee is beyond him. He needs to get it together. He pulls his gun from his pocket and takes it to the kitchen, sticking it in the drawer Jeremy had taken the phone from. There are several other phones of varying price point. He steps back to the living room just in time.
'that's why.'
They don't elaborate. Apparently Trevor is meant to just figure this out on his own, which ordinarily he might be able to do. After the course of events of this particular evening? Not a chance.
But he can't ask, because now there's a cop in the doorway and he's staring at Trevor and that will never be a good thing. Trevor stares back. He has no clue what he's meant to say. Hello? Welcome? He went that way?
'oh thank god! we've been so terrified, we didn't know if he'd come back or what he'd do.'
Naturally, Jeremy has taken lead on this. They're a phenomenal actor, Trevor has to admit.
'did you see which direction he went?'
'toward the stairs, i think. we've all been rooted to the spot, you know, it's so scary-'
Matt freezes in the doorway of the kitchen. He's just out of the view from the front door.
'right, well. you boys did the right thing by calling. can you give me a description of the man?'
The corner of Jeremy's mouth quirks.
'gosh, it all just happened so fast. taller than me, probably, but shorter than you, wouldn't you say, trey?'
Trevor nods, because he's not quite sure what else to do.
'alright, thank you. someone will be in touch with you for an official statement. in the meantime, if you remember anything else don't hesitate to call.'
He's holding a card out to Trevor, of all people. He takes it carefully, like if he does it wrong somehow the guy will know and arrest them all. The card is simply the number for a tip line.
As suddenly as he'd arrived, the cop is gone and they're all breathing sighs of relief. Jeremy closes the door.
'you guys can stay for Mulan, if you want.'
So they do.
Trevor asks about why Mulan again, and Jeremy explains that they assume most people have seen it, could answer any questions about it if they came up. Perhaps, if LSPD officers were less incompetent, they would have. Although if that were the case, they wouldn't be LSPD officers at all.
Matt asks about the window, and Jeremy says yes, they did break their own window. Of course they'd had an actual plan when they'd entered the alley. They were always going to end up exactly here, give or take the extras. Asking for a plan was simply a test, determining the merit in bring them along. They'd passed.
Jeremy asks if they want to stay for Mulan II, which is apparently up next. They do.
Somewhere in Los Santos, in the early morning hours of a Wednesday, three convenience stores are recovering from three separate robberies. Right in the middle of them all, their respective robbers are sitting on a couch together, watching a straight to video children's film.
It is the beginning of something far greater than any of them can imagine.
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phantomphangphucker · 3 years
Phic Phight - I Tried But Not In Time
For: @ave-aria
Lancer just wanted to help, but sometimes being ‘helpful’ just gets people killed. Especially when there are already dead, or half-dead, people involved.
Lancer considered himself a decent man, a good teacher, and an overall respectable member of society. He did his part, paid his taxes, and helped the next generations thrive. In many ways he did more for society and humanity than most did, even if he hardly got the pay or recognition he likely deserved. But he didn’t really care about those things, the children were what he cared about; their future and their happiness. It saddened him when there were some kids he couldn’t help and gutted him when there were others he merely failed to help.
Daniel wasn’t one he couldn’t help and he refused to let the boy be one he failed. Not this one. Not the boy once so filled with life and a positive bright future; even if it was a bit over-ambitious. Not the brother to the most brilliant child he’s ever meet. Not the son of the people that, while strange, helped defend this town. Not someone who could do well and thrive but wasn’t, not through any fault of their own intellect or the school structure or home life, but simply a lack of effort and drive. A bit of missing commitment.
Lancer gave him a bit of a pass -maybe he shouldn’t have- after that accident of his for the first while that school year; it was perfectly reasonable to be a bit lazy while recovering from any sort of accident, good even. But the boy merely got worse, not better. At first he suspected that his parents were going easier on him due to guilt -it was their invention that hurt him after all- and were thus slacking in the discipline department. So he had tried disciplining the boy, not only had that proven entirely ineffective but somehow also practically impossible to do. No amount of locked doors kept him in detention or his office. No amount of grabbing his arm to drag him to classes would stop him from literally slipping through his fingers. Verbal scolding didn’t even seem to do more than make him embarrassed or nervous; he’d sit and take it but nothing would change.
What really caught Lancer was spotting one of the many many times -he’s sure it’s extremely often- Dashiel had pinned Daniel to a locker by the shirt, holding him above the ground by a solid foot. Lancer was going to intervene, knowing full well Dashiel would deny anything was wrong and would act ‘all buddy buddy’ with Daniel, but he’d noticed Daniel’s hand on Dashiel’s wrist, the other hand curled into a fist. Daniel actively wanted to punch the other teen. But... he didn’t. He restrained himself. Practiced good self-control. Self-discipline perhaps. So maybe discipline wasn’t the issue.
So he took a different route. He tried very literally sitting down and watching Daniel closely, giving him one on one help with his work and... it helped! The teen did fairly well immediately! Lancer thought that this little success would be enough to restart Daniel’s drive and willingness to put in the work, the effort; since that seemed to really be all he actually needed to do.
But it wasn’t to be.
That sort of success only ever repeated itself when Lancer sat Daniel down and helped him one on one. If it wasn’t for the teen lacking all other signs he would have suspected some kind of learning disability, caused by the accident perhaps, but he was otherwise normal if a bit paranoid. And Lancer certainly wasn’t revisiting that attempting to send the teen into therapy event again, that had made things actively worse and Lancer doesn’t exactly... trust therapists these days.
Then the frequent growing tardies and skipping entirely made him think that maybe Daniel really truly didn’t care unless he was very literally forced to.
And now... now there were the C.A.T’s coming up and Lancer was out of time to help the teen. This was entirely in Daniel’s hands and maybe Jasmine’s a little as well, he doesn’t doubt she’ll help him with studying. Maybe she’ll even sit him down and make him study? Sadly though, if she hasn’t done that yet he doubts she ever really will. Unfortunate, truly unfortunate.
But then... the answer sheet went missing and Lancer could think of one, and only one, student who could seemingly slip through solid objects and move as if invisible: Daniel. And Lancer is perfectly well aware that Daniel wasn’t the most... law-abiding individual and was absolutely not above cheating, theft, or trickery. Lancer usually let that slide because Dashiel truly deserved it and he’s pretty sure that one time the teen locked him in a closet was a fluke; he thinks the teen's eyes might have been red actually...
But stealing test answers was absolutely unacceptable.
“But Mr. Lancer, you still have no proof Danny took the test answers“.
Judging by the way she cringed, Lancer’s fairly certain he’s right. Regardless, he technically doesn’t have real physical on-camera proof, “fair enough. He has up until the test to return the answers. But if he cheats, I won't just fail him. I'll destroy his future”. Lancer nods to himself, that was probably overdramatic but he was a drama kid and the cheer squad was for life. Jasmine, as expected, takes him seriously and gulps before nodding curtly while walking off likely to go find her unusual brother.
Lancer is perfectly fine letting Daniel retake the test -a makeup one with different answers of course and far enough away he has time to study, without feeling the need to commit a felony just to pass; which seemed incredibly extreme to Lancer- if Daniel simply gives him back the answer sheet. Frankenstein’s Bride! The boy could give them back halfway through the test and that would be good enough; Lancer would be far less impressed with that though. Will he be proud if Daniel gives over the answers beforehand? Yes, of course. Even Lancer knows how much harder it can be to own up to our mistakes and make things right than it is to make the mistakes in the first place. He’d still be in trouble for stealing them of course, with a punishment of lots and lots of one on one intensive study sessions.
But what Lancer hadn’t expected, upon walking back into his classroom, is for there to be a well-dress but old-fashion-looking man leaning against his desk; seemingly polishing some kind of staff. Lancer quirks an eyebrow as he speaks, “hello?”.
The man doesn’t so much as look up from the staff, turning a nob at the top with some clicking noises, “William Edward Lancer, you are a man of simple paradoxes and ironies”.
Lancer stays exactly where he is, hand on the doorknob, oddly he doesn’t feel safe. In fact, he feels like he is explicitly in danger and being actively judged for his worth. “Pardon?”.
The man still doesn’t look to him, but at least he stops tinkering with the staff, placing the base on the ground and standing straight, “you seek to educate the youth, yet cripple them with stress from excessive testing. You turn a blind eye to encourage strength of self, yet that only makes the weak meeker. You try to inspire, yet are so out of touch you discourage instead. Your goal is to make for a bright thriving future for every child you can, and yet... you’ve become a gear cog in the educational machine that is the catalyst for most of their premature deaths”.
Lancer decidedly does not like where this is going and takes a step back, only for the man to seemingly disappear into thin air and for Lancer to bump up against something or someone behind him. Spinning around and staggering backwards into the classroom at seeing that the man is now behind him and staring at him with apathetic judgmental crimson eyes. This man... was a ghost. But nothing like what Lancer’s seen before, he’s sure. Gulping, Lancer grabs the first thing he can -a stapler- and holds it up like a weapon, “what do you want”. He always impressed himself with how not terrified he can make himself sound when faced with a ghostly threat.
The ghost frowns slightly, “from you? Nothing. From Daniel? Plenty. And as much as you are a cog in the educational system, you are also a cog in Daniel’s existence; and so far, not a very good one”.
Lancer’s not sure what to make of that except... “you, ghost, whatever you want with my student, you leave him alone”, swallowing, “and I help him were I can, where’s the fault in that”; he’s not sure why he feels the need to defend himself but he does.
“Explanations? Very well. The fault is in that you push him towards that which is no longer in the universes cards for him. Adding stress and crisis unnecessarily. When all is said and done, some people would be better helped left alone. Would be better to seemingly fail in the eyes of larger mortal society”.
Lancer has to cut in, “I don’t believe that. Every student and child can be great if given help, guidance, and education”; that was the philosophy of any teacher worth their salt.
The ghost actually almost seems to chuckle and smirks faintly, “make no mistake, Daniel has every possibility to be quite great. Or more so, it is something in the potential of the future; a future that, due to your intended future actions, will not come to pass”. Lancer gets that explicitly ominous ‘I’m in danger’ feeling again and tightens his grip on the stapler while the ghost continues though sounding far more malicious, “so as such, the best option is for the problem, for you, to be eliminated”, and brandishes a very large scythe.
Now Lancer knows he is absolutely in danger; he had never imagined he’d be the specific target of any ghost or ghost attack in general. But the best option currently is to RUN! Which, with his weight, is not an option he’s all to confident in. That, and the ghost’s blocking the doors. Said ghost shakes his head in mild disappointment before swinging with the scythe, Lancer barely manages to move to side and lands on the floor with a thud while the scythe slices a desk clean in half. Lancer scrambles on the floor wide-eyed, this ghost really meant to kill him!
Doing what he always does Lancer tries to think quick and grab for anything that might help him -a stapler was doing nothing against a scythe and that’s a fact- lunging for the ghosts staff thinking that maybe the ghost would value that enough to avoid damaging it. He’s not going to claim to know why the ghost left it to the side. Glancing back, Lancer has just a slight feeling that the ghost is smiling? as he grabs the staff. Lancer realises far too late, as the staff makes a clicking noise and a portal begins to swirl open around the top, that maybe this was the ghosts plan all along.
The portal swallows him whole in an instant. The ghost hums to themselves, thins their lips, and nods slightly; disappearing from sight with the swirl of clock-hands.
Lancer lands in the dirt practically face first, scrambling to get up and away from the staff. Craning his head around and wincing before cracking out his back, one too many hours spent bent over a desk; the things he gives for those kids. At least the ghost is nowhere in sight but something’s not right, the wall of the alleyway he’s apparently in looks far more weathered and beaten down than the city would allow; had to keep things looking good to avoid the wrath of the rich citizens. Putting his hand to the wall and bits of it crumble off, Lancer gets the distinct feeling the entire wall would crumble to dust with one solid push. He doesn’t like this, it feels too much like he’s in the middle of a serious ghost battle; the lemon/lime stench of ectoplasm in the air doesn’t help.
He’s unsure what to do at this time, stay put and wait for the first responders to start yelling that it’s safe and to come out? or risk going out himself? Both options left him at risk of a violent ghost, like the one just previously after him.
But what he doesn’t get about that is what in the name of Shakespeare did that ghost mean?!? When Lancer threatened Jasmine with ruining Daniel’s entire future that was not meant literally! So why had that ghost seemingly acted as if it was literal? And better yet, what did that ghost seem to want with Daniel?
Yes Lancer was well aware of the Fenton family business, who wasn’t?, and that his parents very likely had plans for him to take over the business one day, but as far as Lancer knew Daniel had little to no interest in that. Maybe Daniel was more involved with ghosts than he knew? Or maybe the Fenton parents' intentions to have him inherit the business was exactly why a ghost was interested in Daniel. Sabotaging or influencing a future important hunter would be something that ghosts would consider doing, even if said future hunter had zero interest in being a hunter. Shaking his head, all this think is getting him nowhere, he needs to decide his actions now.
Swallowing, well he was a man of risks, both calculated and sudden. And it has been a bit.. Gulping Lancer lifts a foot to move to step out before pausing and glancing back to the staff, it sitting innocently on the ground. What would happen if someone else stumbled upon that? Nothing good he imagines. Nodding to himself before gathering it up gingerly and returning to taking a cautious step out of the alley way; at the very least he can use the staff as a beating implement or a spear even.
But stepping out is like exiting an empty silent movie theatre into a crowded mall, like time itself had been stopped until he made up his mind to step forward. The scene that greets him is like an active war zone, people are running around without paying attention to where they’re going, there’s screaming, something is cackling with a heavy echo in the distance, an entire building starts collapsing; Lancer doesn’t know where to look or what to do so he just... stands there, frozen in spot.
At least until he sees what brought down the building, or more so who, a crumbled body flopping and skidding across the ground surrounded by rubble. At first all he can make out is the red suit, The Red Huntress, that’s enough to get him running; running off towards the downed Huntress. but when he gets close... he sees the dark skin, the shaved military hair cut, and the determined expression even with blood rapidly pooling around her head.
“Valerie!”. Lancer immediately kneels next to her, putting fingers to neck and grimaces over the lack of a pulse.
No ones ever died before. But... Lancer was trained to deal with death, in the case of a parent or Shakespeare forgive a student dying. So maybe he’s a little more calm than he should be but, no, never from a ghost attack. People might get hurt sure, but they don’t die! And this barely makes sense! Valerie looked to be in her late twenties. He scoops her up anyways, he is not just leaving her; gripping the staff tightly as he runs, panting heavily.
He sets her off near a more sturdy-looking building, there really was nothing he could do. Him slumping against the wall and crouching, “Chicken Soup For The Soul, what is going on here”, glancing at Valerie, “is this what the ghost meant by ‘cause of their death’?”, shaking his head and glancing to the staff, staring at the top, at the clock, the thing the ghost had been fiddling with. Was... was this a time-travelling device??? One way to find out... Lancer pokes at the nob on top, finding that won’t budge, then prodding the clock hands which move. Gulping, he pushes the hour hand backwards slowly and watches as the world around him reverses. Valerie seemingly glides along the ground and back through the building, the building puts itself back together, people run backwards; it’s a lot to take in.
Lancer pulls his hand away from the staff clock face, backs away from the people, slipping back into the alleyway and breathing out heavily. Glancing to the staff, “it is a time travel device”, he’s not sure whether to be in awe or completely horrified. Because that meant this was the future, he doesn’t want this to be that. Not by a mile. He flinches from the sound of a building collapsing, now knowing exactly what was happening out there.
Sliding down the wall and running a hand over his balding hair, he wants to go back, but what was the point of going back? His job was to prepare people for the future, prepare children for the future; but no one could be prepared for whatever this was. It was like something out of an apocalypse drama! The sound of another building going down sounds like definite emphasis. A sudden voice startles him, “that is indeed what it is”. Lancer snapping his head to the side and jolting upright, knees protesting; it’s the scythe-wielding ghost again... minus the scythe. And he looks like a proper ghost now, blue-skinned, cloaked, and sporting a ghostly tail.
Lancer narrows his eyes, more certain now that this ghost let him take the staff intentionally, “why?”.
The ghost almost seems to chuckle, “why not? A lesson taught in shock value sticks far better than any lesson plan, but I shouldn’t have to tell a human that. Now of course that isn’t the real question, now is it. No, the real one is why you”, the ghost floats a little closer, “why now”, and closer, “why here”, the ghost gets slightly closer and gestures with an arm, small screens appearing from thin air showing destruction taking place all around the globe, “and yet it’s not just here”; Lancer lets the ghost pretty well get up into his face, his back pressed up against the wall and shaking slightly. But where else is he going to go? Into the streets filled with suffering? He’ll take his chances here... and maybe this ghost had a point, not all ghosts were evil after all. Phantom proved that.
But as if on cue, a larger sneering ghost lands on the wall across the alleyway, cackling loudly and looking a lot like an older Phantom. But while Phantom felt safe, childish and goofy even, this ghost feels like death has arrived and is knocking down his front door with a battering ram. This ghost feels like terror and suffering without even looking at him; and looking felt like his god had come and he wanted nothing but his absolute obliteration. When Lancer jerked his head to take that unpleasant look to the side at the Phantom-like ghost, the strange ghost reaches out and taps the staff before yanking it away. Lancer snapping his head back to that ghost just as a purple portal opens up under his feet and he falls down. He’s almost glad purely because it’ll get him away from the Phantom-like ghost, away from death and torture come knocking.
If he stayed in this time, that time, nothing but brutal pain would await him.
Lancer staggers but manages to stay on his feet when he lands on the ground this time, putting a hand against what feels like wall to steady himself further; shivering still and glancing around cautiously. It looks as if he’s back in normal Amity but his gut’s doing flip-flops and, in the name of Dracula, he is trusting his gut. Especially after just having had run-ins with two of the only ghosts he’s ever felt truly and genuinely deeply afraid of. The only times he’s felt like something dead, something that was death itself, had set its eyes on him. His paranoia right now is cranked up to eleven.
Even so he still doesn’t expect the sudden explosion seeming to come from the building he’s directly behind that shakes the ground violently and blows out his eardrums, clapping his hands over his ears and wincing. He still walks cautiously to make his way around the building, coughing on the smoke as he goes; only to come face to face with bits and pieces of flesh and clothing.
Including clothing that looked disturbingly familiar to what was in his own closet. The breath he sucks in nearly makes him choke; from smoke and shock alike.
But looking up, there on the road, there’s Daniel kneeling on the ground with an outstretched hand looking stunned and red-eyed. And looking back down, Lancer understands, he gets it.
The bits of red hair.
The chunks of blue and orange spandex.
Half a dark-coloured beret.
The pair of almost jarringly intact faux leather combat boots.
The clothes that look so much like his own.
And the piece of the Nasty Burger sign impeded into the ground.
If Daniel never returned the test... this place, the Nasty Burger, was were he intended to take him and his parents; his sister of course would have came.... his friends too. They were there for him through thick and thin, even if that thick was cheating or expulsion or jail time or just a slap on the wrist. To Kill A Mocking Bird, they’d come faster and more determined than the boy’s own parents would.
There was something deeply wrong with that. Wasn’t there.
The sound of sirens overtaking the ringing in his ears gets him to look back up, back to Daniel who hasn’t so much as moved yet, his face is wet with tears. Lancer can’t do anything but watch the paramedics get to him, shake him and check him, try to ask him questions. He can’t do anything because... because he’s realised that this was what that ghost really meant. This was his own doing.
He brought Daniel and them all here in his vain self-indulgent desire to help the teen with what he thought were normal issues that just needed correction.
He brought them here and they all died because of it.
All of them but one.
And Lancer doesn’t have that staff to turn back the tides of time this time. He wishes he did because he doesn’t want, almost can’t bare, to watch Daniel be checked again and again. Watch the boy push them off when he remembers himself enough and refuses to let them take him away with surprising strength. Watches as Vladimir Masters, one of the richest men in the world, arrived seemingly out of nowhere and places a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
The amount of pure hatred filling Daniel’s eyes makes Lancer unable to doubt for even a second that Vladimir has something to do with this. But the green that flares up in those eyes is what finally makes Lancer move, jerk a step backwards. Yet still watching as Vladimir subtly jabs Daniel with something and the teen goes limp; the man telling the paramedics that he’ll handle this, that he can look after the boy himself, that he’s family. At first they protest but, with red flashing in their eyes, they agree.
And then... everything stops as if it’s a photo rather than real life. Even the puffs of smoke and steam are still.
“For a mortal to be faced with their own death, it is a grounding thing, is it not”.
Lancer doesn’t bother turning around, watching Daniel’s limp frozen form instead, “that’s not it”.
“Ah then perhaps it is Daniel, the one left behind, the forgotten child to fall between the cracks. The one the system, your system, failed”.
Lancer swallows and shakes his head weakly, but he doesn’t deny it because it’s not a lie. Lancer knows in his gut that wherever Vladimir is taking Daniel he won’t come back from.
Daniel was going to die.
And Lancer helped ensure that.
Because he did what he was supposed to do. He tried to help and he did, in some ways. But he missed something, missed a malicious presence, so entirely, so completely, that it didn’t matter; that it did the opposite of help.
Lancer glances to the side as the ghost, now appearing to look like a small buck-toothed child, floats near his shoulder, “there are times that you, as a mortal, must realise when you are at your limit. When something is simply outside of your reach. When someone is. And you must let go. If you do not...”, they tilt the staff just slightly and Lancer is transported with them to a place that looks like a lab. Lancer’s stomach drops.
Daniel is strapped down and thrashing against the restraints on a table.
Vladimir forcing a gas mask onto his face and slowly... that struggling dies.
Clawed gauntlets are wielded and Lancer can only watch as Daniel gets impaled by them and thrashes even though he’s unconscious.
Phantom is torn from him like something out of a nightmare and he lunges at Vladimir full of rage and wrath. Lancer’s never seen anything like this from the ghost, rage and hatred. The desire to hurt. He sees now how Phantom could have grown to become the other version he saw. This was how he was tainted.
Phantom, in his rage, tears a ghost out of Vladimir and devours him piece by ectoplasm splattered piece. The teen ghost has completely lost it.
Daniel has slipped off the table and woken up, has tried crawling off to the corner. It does him no good as Phantom sets his sights on Daniel.
Lancer collapses down to his knees and nearly vomits when Phantom violently tears out Daniel’s stomach, tossing intestines and organs across the room before tearing Daniel’s throat out with his teeth. He’d never imagined even ghosts to be capable of such cruelty. A bout of insanity, surely, that the hero wouldn’t come back from.
This wasn’t just Daniel’s death, but the fall of a hero too. Where they one and the same? Lancer isn’t going to claim to know, not after today.
The strange ghost speaks up again as Lancer stares down at the blood pooling on the ground and slowly creeping towards his knees. “Someday I will teach that boy, and I will teach him well. So, I want to make a deal”, the ghost leans over his shoulder near his face, all Lancer can do is side-eye them as the ghost continues, “he will live, mostly. He will thrive, in a way. But he will amount to absolutely nothing in your mortal society. In fact, he will amount to less than that, another failed statistic. And you, you will let him. He will misbehave, and you will wave it off. He will skip and miss classes, and you will let it go. He will do everything worthy of expulsion, and you will act as if no wrong has been done. You are but a bump in the road of his existence and you will act like it, and you may become his favourite adult because of that fact alone. People often appreciate the simple things in life, do they not. So be a simple thing. Deal?”.
Lancer swallows, “and everyone will be alright”. He doesn’t really have a choice here, does he?
“But of course”. The ghost sounds sickly sweet.
Lancer doesn’t know what he’s agreeing to or what he may be condemning Daniel to, but he nods weakly anyway; anything would be better than this after all.
“Much appreciated. Truly. He’ll make for a very satisfying-”.
Lancer jerks, spinning around, suddenly back in his classroom, an open empty briefcase sitting on his desk. He does hear the end of the ghosts statement though...
Lancer stares forwards for a bit before shaking his head violently and slumping down into his desk chair. Eyeing the briefcase warily, moving his hand and closing the lid with a soft click. Closing the lid on this day. Closing the lid on a teenager's future. Closing the lid on Daniel.
There’s something’s he’s better off not knowing. And some people better off left unhelped. The book of Daniel Fenton’s life is staying firmly unread. ‘God’ that ghost had said...
Glancing to the wall clock, it’s about that time that he talked to Jasmine, before whatever exactly that ghost was that messed with everything. But this time... Lancer’s staying right here. He’s not moving from this chair, he’s not reopening that briefcase, and he’s not talking to anyone.
He’s... not going to ignore Daniel but he is not even going to consider interfering with him and whatever The Great Gatsby was going on with the teen. He’s also going to run away if he ever even glimpses that cloaked staff-wielding ghost again. Very far away.
Daniel looks shocky and shaky the next day, but at least he and everyone else is alive. And Lancer’s going to have to live with his decisions and actions, or lack thereof.  
Prompt: Lancer + Time Travel
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro to Caitlyn 101 (Mirror’s Edge)
Summary:  Caitlyn is a thief looking for the next big score. Used to taking wristwatches and wallets from rich folk, she's aiming to take down bigger game as she discovers the hidden magical world within her hometown. Her first mark is an unassuming shopkeeper and his collect of ancient relics. All set with a plan, Caitlyn makes her move. Though plans rarely go off without a hitch.
Hello everyone! E here, hoping you are all well and staying safe. So the next chapter of my little side project is here! Honestly wasn't planning on getting back to this so soon but I was having fun worldbuilding and character creating and here we are. You can blame my friend @hains-mae for enabling me.
Right so the next thing I write will probably be the part two to this then the next chapter of the Underground. Umm that's really it for me so have a great week, be safe, wear your mask, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Please feel free to reblog, share, leave kudos or leave comments with things you liked or feedback if you read it on a03. I promised I'd try to promote myself more and it feels weird haha.
E is out, have a great one everyone! and here’s the link to the doobly do 
---> https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/76014323
There was an arrogance that seemed deeply etched into every aspect of the magical world. She stood among valuable, ancient relics from throughout human history: Vases from Greece lined the shelf above her. A row of Roman gladius blades in various states of decay with only a flimsy glass case between them and Caitlyn’s pocket. Tarnished Victorian era slivered lockets left about like loose change.
Millions dollars worth of the past and she, a stranger, was left unattended with it all.
Technically she wasn’t supposed to be in here with the locked door and close sign but the fact in the 5 minutes it took her to pick the lock and scout the first floor without a single soul attempting to stop her really was a testimony to the haughtiness of the ‘shopkeeper’.
It had been only few months since she saw past the false reality that was superimposed onto hers and she was still readjusting: Magic was real. Elves, dwarves, little halfing folk? Real. People shooting bolts of lightning and flames while riding storm clouds? Real. The guy who kept awkwardly hitting on her every time she tried to get a hotdog from the cart at the corner? Just a regular creep BUT could’ve been magical.
Even their currency was a show of their excessive wealth: Sliver, gold, platinum coins Actual platinum traded away like it was nothing! People starving and helpless on the streets and these bastards just walked with some of the rarest metal on the planet in their pockets like chump change.
Anger bubbled within her stomach along with self righteousness and a bit of her breakfast but she took a deep calming breath, closing her bluish gray eyes. ‘Calm down Cait’ she scolded herself ‘This isn’t the first time you’ve seen excessive wealth squandered and wasted. You’re here for a job so do it and never come back.’
She glanced around the waiting room she found herself in. It was off to the side of the shopping front andthere were very few things of interest in the tiny room: Some old, tattered chairs that had seen better days. A very, very tacky abstract painting hung over a bricked up fireplace. There was a scattering of magazines older than her with loose stables and free roaming pages everywhere.
A place of show and very little use.
“Hello my angel.”
Caitlyn seized up. She had been so caught up in her rage she hadn’t been paying attention to anyone coming down the stairs. Three stories with a handful of people about and nary a sound could heard. Must be some sort of magic.
She shook herself out of her stupor, slowly exhaling to calm her nerves. She forced her lips to curve into the cutest, lost smile she could muster. She opened her purple jacket a bit further so the guy could get a clearer view of her tight white tank top and running shorts.
“Helpless. Remember you’re helpless.” She whispered to herself before whirling about, her long black hair with dyed purple coloring flowed behind her gracefully as if she was an actress in those stupid hair product commercials.
“Oh!” she spoke with mock surprise, scrunching her face cutely as possible “I’m so, so, so sorry! I’m lost and the door was open and sorry!”
She leaned forward, sheepishly scratching the back of her neck as she gave whoever it was a better view of her outfit.
Hook, line and sinker.
“No problem sweetie. No need to lie to me.”
Hook, line and sunk apparently.
She blinked, unsure if she heard what she thought she heard. She glanced up to find a strangely dressed man with the goofiest grin.
He was cute in a ‘I dress as an obscure, indie character for cosplay’kind of way: His messy, unkempt black hair sat under a black fedora. He wore a long black trench coat that had seen better days. At least he preferred more colors than black on black. His collared shirt was a nice baby blue with an equally nice light brown vest. Black dress pants because men’s fashion is incredibly boring and shiny loafers to completed the look. Whatever the look was.
She expected him to be taking a good look at her attire.
What she found was him staring at her.
His warm dark brown eyes were soft, gentle and he refused to break his gaze from her bluish grays even though there were more tempting sights on offer.
She was on the back foot. No wandering glances, no self pleasured smiles. Not even a creepy chuckle. Just a strangely dressed, inch shorter guy looking like he just found the love of his life in this moment.
“I…” she cleared her throat “Umm….did you hear me?”
He gave a quick nod “Yeah. You broke in and you were trying to cover your tracks.”
It wasn’t that he guessed correctly what was she up to that threw her off. It was how casually he said it. More discussing the weather than committing a felony.
She raised an eyebrow, not sure how to proceed from whatever this was. There were always some people who caught on about her intentions fairly quickly but no one had ever been so….indifferent about it.
“I don’t work here.” the man offered, slowly closing the distance between them but leaving the doorframe wide open “I really don’t care that you’re here to rob the place.”
This has to be a trap. This had to be. No one was ever this….laidback. Were the other goons on the side waiting to jump her when she bolted? Was she on camera and he was letting her go knowing full well he had all the evidence he needed to track her down?
Or maybe he really didn’t care. He seemed more interested in talking than stopping her and there was this strange presence about him. A calm she’d never felt before even when her parents were alive. It was odd and foreign to her but she felt safe. Protected.
She shook her head, slowly inching closer to the doorway. The man made no attempt stop her. He just stood there, smiling, hands in his pocket.
The rational part of her brain said to run. This whole thing was botched and it was better to cut her losses than find out first hand what magical creatures could do to her. The less rational side of her head told her to wait, to talk this guy. Lying was obviously pointless but she had a feeling he would answer any questions she’d had and she had plenty.
“So…” she rose a suspicious eyebrow “Not gonna stop me?”
He shook his head “I wish you’d stay but I understand if you don’t want to be found in Andor’s shop. He’s one of those new elves. Less honor more power.”
She blinked. He said elves right? Just threw it out there like it was an everyday matter of fact and not a deeply held secret of her hometown.
“Elves aren’t real.’ Caitlyn said matter of fact.
“We both know better than that.” The man gave a bright smile.
“What do you want?”
The words spilled out of her mouth despite her best attempts but this guy was throwing her off so badly she forgot how to function.
“Talk to you of course.”
The worst kind of people were the sincere ones. They were sappy and gooey. They just so happy it was sickening. They had to be up to something. They had to some scheme or scam or something they were waiting to drop on you. No one was that happy, that purely honest. They were the liars who were so good they convinced themselves they were good people. No one was good and everyone had a dark corner in their soul they hid from the world.
Caitlyn knew she had plenty in whatever was left of her ratty soul.
“And if we talk? Will you let me go?”
The man nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Caitlyn licked her lips anxiously “Promise?”
Promise? What was she 12? No one kept their promises. Not even her.
He placed his hand over his heart “Cross my heart.”
“Let’s talk,”
He jerked his head towards the door “Outside. Don’t want you to ruin your heist.”
Today was not going how she was expecting. She was thought she was going to break into an elf ran front, scout the area and come back in the middle of the night. She hadn’t been expecting to have coffee and bread with a random stranger on the street.
Well she had coffee, mystery man opted for hot chocolate.
They stood in a strangely comfortable silence a block from Andor’s. The man offered to pay for whatever she wanted and she took him up on it. Couple of baked goods, a sandwich for lunch, some water and of course her cup of wake up juice. If he was mad at her for her splurging at his expense, he hid it well. He just took his coco and some fancy elvish bread. Looked good but Caitlyn wasn’t up for trying other beings food. She didn’t know how it would sit with her stomach.
The elf who ran the cart, a few months ago human to her, waved goodbye to the pair as he counted the human cash the man gave him.
The trench coat cosplay stood patiently, sipping his drink and waited for her to break the silence.
She refused to break the silence first. Not wanting to sound too eager. Eagerness was a weakness and this guy was already throwing her off her rhythm.
“I’m Finnrick by the way.”
She turned to him, unsure if he was messing with her or not.
He gave her the same goofy smile “Finnrick Drift, private investigator.”
“Ah huh.” She nodded slowly “So you’re a magical P.I.? Like elves cheating on their wives, dwarves dodging their taxes P.I.?”
“Sometimes.” He shrugged his shoulders “Ironically elves like dodging on their taxes more than dwarves.”
“You’re new to the whole other side of Newton Haven huh?”
She glanced at her coffee “Lived here my whole life. Really makes me wonder if I lost my mind.”
“Don’t worry, we’re all mad here Alice.”
Why was she talking to him? Why was she being honest? This was weirder and getting weirder every passing second.
Finnrick changed subject “So, robbing Andor? Any particular loot you are after?”
Caitlyn narrowed her eyes “Trying to fish something out of me Finny?”
“Guilty as charged” He beamed with pure happiness “Don’t want you wasting your time on shiny trinkets he cares nothing about.”
Caitlyn remained silent. She wasn’t used to such transparency. Normally this would be the point where the guy would lie or pretend to not have heard or awkwardly switch the subject but Finnrick answered openly and honestly. So far.
“So” Caitlyn straightened up, pulling her jacket wide open “What do you think? Great outfit right?”
Finnrick turned to her with a grin, his cheeks turning a pinkish hue as his eyes locked onto hers “Your body is absolutely lovely but your eyes even more so.”
Caitlyn could feel the flush coming. She coughed loudly, focusing on her drink as she willed the embarrassment away.
Finnrick chuckled lightly but returned to his drink. The silence returned, still comfortable as before.
This is was bad whatever this was. She needed to regain some level of control and stop acting like a teenage girl on her first garbage fire of a date.
“So” she cleared her throat “Mister P.I. what would you recommend taking if not all those millions of dollars of historical items he leaves about?”
Finnrick crushed the foam cup effortlessly as he gestured to the third floor of the shop “His office has a pretty simple safe. He keeps loads of paperwork. His various contracts, accounts, treasure hoards”
Caitlyn scoffed in disbelief even though her eyes shone with excitement “Treasure hoards? Elves? I thought dragons were the hoarders. Weren’t elves supposed to be above all that lovely corruption?”
“No one is above corruption.’ Finnrick answered “Elves are just like everyone else.”
Caitlyn crossed her arms and leaned back with a cocky swagger “And why, pray tell, would I care about boring paperwork?”
“Because it really hurt him in the pride.”
Damn Finnrick was good. Not only she was eager to learn more, she could already feel the smug satisfaction of bringing a powerful prick down a peg fill her cause.
Finnrick seemed to notice this because he went on “Andor is a young elf. 100 years give or take.”
“A hundred years is young?”
“When you live a thousand years every other race is a child to you. Andor’s old man is a swell guy. He’s one of those good elves you see in Tolkien.”
“Tolkien?” Caitlyn furrowed her brow “He wrote the books that those Lord of the Rings films are based on right?”
“Yeah actually.”
“Oh and the Hob…”
“We don’t talk about that.” Finnrick quickly added “But see the problem is Andor’s old man doesn’t know his son has become the small time crime lord. Thinks he’s running an antique business selling off old junk that was gathering dust in the family’s attic.”
Something clicked into place for Caitlyn “Wait. Junk from the attic? You mean all those relics on the shop floor?! THAT’S OLD JUNK!?”
Finnrick gave a casual shrug “Elves are weird. Andor don’t know shit about selling, all his money comes from his illegal business practices. That’s how he keeps the shop afloat.”
“I see” Caitlyn spoke, her bluish grays sparkling with mischievous intent “If those records disappeared, his shop sinks and he has to run back home to daddy.”
“And out of the city” Finnrick finished with a smile “And those records are pretty valuable to loads of people. Easier to fence and less messy to explain than a long lost Greek vase showing up in someone’s private collection. You’d get good prices for those hoard locations alone. Better than trying to carry tons of stolen and lost treasure back to your house.”
Caitlyn eyed Finnrick carefully “And you’re doing this out of the kindness of your heart? Trying to do your ‘civic’ duty to our fair city?”
“Among other things” Finnrick admitted “But mostly for the greater good.”
“Pfft, greater good? Yeah sure buddy. Like you know what’s the greater good.”
“Will you do it?”
Caitlyn paused, allowing all this information sink in. It was much better than she had planned and while she wasn’t sure of Finnrick’s angle, he seemed honest enough. Of course everyone seems honest enough the first time you meet them.
“Let’s say I do” she spoke, placing her hands on her hips to play the part “What’s in it for you?”
“A favor” He replied simply.
She rose a curious eyebrow “A favor? It’s not date with me, is it?”
“No, I plan to earn that one myself.” Finnrick answered cheerfully.
Caitlyn coughed “Fine, good. Not a date. Least you’re not a creep. But a favor is pretty vague.”
“It’ll be simple I promise.”
Caitlyn narrowed her gaze suspiciously “You promise?”
Finnrick put his hand over his heart again “Cross my heart.”
Caitlyn took a moment, weighing the pros and cons of the situation.
Caitlyn offered her hand towards the trench coat cosplayer “You got yourself a deal.”
He gently took her hand in his own and gave it a firm shake. She was surprised when, as he pulled back, she felt a strange metallic item left behind.
She looked at the crystal butterfly hair clip he placed in her hand: It was a beautiful with sliver hues and multi-colored shards of glass across its wings.
“What’s this?”
“A gift.”
Caitlyn felt uneasy with the ornament in her palm: It felt cold and distant like it was feeling her out and wasn’t liking what it found.
“It’s attuning to you.” Finnrick explained “It’s syncing up to your whole aura.”
“Aura?” Caitlyn shot him a glare of disbelief “This isn’t one of those new age hippie things is it?”
Finnrick shook his head “It’s a magical item. Yours specifically. Everything alive has a deep and very convoluted to explain connection to this plane. The hairclip is trying to match yours so you and only you can use it.”
“It feels wrong.”
“Because it doesn’t know you yet. It will.”
Caitlyn felt unease about whatever this was. Part of her wanted to toss it as far as she could. The worst part was she felt the item probing at her, changing temperatures as if trying find a comfortable setting for both of them. Burning one moment and too cold the next. This was magic and it made her felt like she knew nothing.
But part of her felt it slowly and subtly trying to match her, focusing on her and on her place in the universe. It felt more natural each passing moment and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t curious what mister detective over here was letting her borrow.
Caitlyn blew a strand of hair out of her face “How long does this usually take?”
“An hour.” Finnrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone “Oh shoot I have a meeting to get to.”
He turned to leave and suddenly Caitlyn felt alone. Awkward just standing in the street without someone to talk to.
“Wait!” She reached for him but quickly pulled back when he faced her “….any advice?”
Finnrick scratched his chin for a moment “Red tiles. Avoid them or they’ll blast you off the roof.”
“G-gotcha.” Caitlyn didn’t want to know what blast off the roof was code for “A-and the hairclip? What’s it do?”
Finnrick gave a cheeky grin and Caitlyn could feel her face flush “I guess you’ll have to find out angel. Bye for now. May we meet again soon.”
And like that, he was off. Strolling down the straight with a bounce in his step and humming a tune.
Caitlyn glanced at the ornate hairclip in her hand.
Turns out there was a lot more to this magical world than she thought.
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elle-writes-things · 2 years
Prompt List
1. “You have to tell me why we’re committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
2. “It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
3. “I may have mildly panicked.”
4. “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or push you off a bridge.” “Can I pick?”
5. “This way is more efficient.” “This way is going to get us killed.”
6. “We’ve got this under control.” “Please. If you’re here, it’s certainly not under control.”
7. “We’ll make a criminal out of you yet.”
8. “Honestly, this is all beneath me, creatively.” “We’re making prom decorations. It’s beneath all of us.”
9. “Are you sober?” “I’m moderately functional.” “I’ll take that as a no.”
10. “You need to calm the hell down. You’re at a fifteen, and I need you at like, a seven.”
11. “If it wasn’t totally unethical, I would definitely blackmail you with this.” “Because you’re a shining beacon of ethics, right?”
12. “I assume I deserve this, but can you tell me why you want to kill me this time?”
13. “You’re not my favorite person today.” “I’m not your favorite person any day.”
14. “What’s our exit strategy?” “Our what?” “Oh my god, we’re all going to die.”
15. “How are you feeling?” “Well my eyebrows don’t hurt.”
16. “I have to take credit for this.” “I think you mean blame.”
17. “Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often.”
18. “Can we skip ahead to the part where you save the day and I get to, I don’t know, swoon?”
19. “I have a solution.” “Thank goodness.” “It involves fire.” “Absolutely not.”
20. “On a scale of one to ten, how badly do you want to kill me right now?” “I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties.”
21. “It makes me seem whimsical.” “Your definition of whimsical is stunningly different from mine.”
22. “Any shorter and you’d probably fade out of existence.” 
23. “You’re gonna have to limp faster than that.”
24. “Did you see that?” “Um...” “The correct answer is no, no you didn’t. Now walk faster.”
25. “We’re going to get our assess kicked.” “No, you’re going to get your ass kicked. I can hold my own.”
26. “For once, this isn’t actually my fault.” 
27. “In my defense, he was already dead when I got here.”
28. “Wow, fantastic. Now we can add ___________ on top of our other numerous problems.”
29. “I’m not letting karma deal with this. I can’t trust it’ll be enough of a punishment, nor can I say it’d be fast enough.”
30. “If the duct tape doesn’t work, then I have no idea what else to do. You’re on your own after that.”
31. “I’ve been the family disappointment for years. You can’t just suddenly show up at dinner and steal my rightful title.”
32. “I’m not saying this is all my fault, but I would be open to taking a tiny bit of responsibility.”
33. “Okay. I think we do need to call an ambulance.”
34. “How have you survived this long by yourself?”
35. “We are literally fugitives of the state.” “So... no pizza?”
36. “Let’s never speak about this.” “Agreed.”
37. “Where are we?” “What makes you think I’m any less lost than you are?”
38. “You have ten seconds to explain yourself.” “...I honestly don’t think I could even if I wanted to.”
39. “It’s three in the morning.” 
40. “Don’t worry. I’m used to it.” “Just because you’re used to something doesn’t make it any less unhealthy for you.” 
41. “Looking at you makes me want to strive for better things.”
42. “This may shock you, but not everyone here likes you.”
43. “Oh there are definitely feelings involved. Just not necessarily the good kind.”
44. “When you see logic coming your way, do you usually run away screaming?”
45. “What you’re feeling right now is regret.”
46. “You wouldn’t be in this bad of shape if you knew when to quit.”
47. “Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?”
48. “Go back to bed before you hurt yourself.”
49. “How are you dealing with this?” “Very poorly.”
50. “Go ahead. Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.”
51. “I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m a good person, but if you want to keep it, leave. Now.”
52. “I might never get another chance to say this.”
53. “I want you. All of you, and not just half-heartedly, wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
54. “You can’t because this is wrong, or because this feels right?”
55. “So that’s it? It’s over?”
56. “Why does this feel like goodbye.”
57. “What the hell did you just call me?” “You clearly heard me.” “And you clearly don’t want to take the risk of saying it again.”
58. “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
59. “Sometimes you break my heart a little bit.” “Sometimes I almost believe you have one.”
60. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
61. “You’re not awful company when you’re not trying to be obnoxious and ruin my day.”
62. “Why are you really here? To mock me? To... make me hate you more?” “No. None of that. I came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.”
63. “I can’t stand you.” “Last night would suggest otherwise.”
64. “I think you’re doing that wrong.” “I think I didn’t ask.”
65. “Can you just listen to me?” “I’d listen if you’d actually make a point for once.”
66. “Can we talk?” “I can’t even express how much I would rather do literally anything else.”
67. “Radical suggestion for you: shut up.”
68. “Contrary to popular belief, I know what I’m doing.”
69. “God give me patience.” “Don’t you mean strength?” “If he gave me strength you’d be dead already.”
70. “It was always you.”
71. “I didn’t tell you I love you because I wanted to hear it back. I told you because you needed to know.”
72. “You’re upset.” “I am not.” “I know that face. That’s your I’m-upset-with-you face. And your eyebrows—they get really expressive when you’re mad.”
73. “I’m not sure what peace is supposed to feel like, but I think it may feel a lot like you.”
74. “Promise?” “Promise.”
75. “And what do you know about love?” “Absolutely nothing at all.”
76. “Is that the best you can do?”
77. “Quit going easy on me.”
78. “You said you needed a distraction.” “So... where is it?” “You’re looking at it.”
79. “Wanna bet?”
80. “Is that my shirt?”
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backalley-requests · 3 years
The Proposal | Chapter Two
The Proposal Masterlist
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Summary: The Proposal™ au, where Ivar gets swept away in a lie about a fake engagement to stay in the country and needs to convince everyone (including his family) that he’s genuinely engaged to a woman he works with
Warnings: Mild swearing, dickish behavior
Word Count: 2,085
That’s how you found yourself sitting down for a meeting next to your boss, pretending the two of you were in love and set to get married. You were more outwardly nervous than him and your leg was bouncing. It made a quiet but consistant tap on the floor.
“Will you cut that out,” Ivar snapped.
You stopped bouncing your foot and glared at him. “I’m nervous.” It wasn’t a voluntary action but it helped with the nerves. Your head tilted up to the ceiling. The office was small and the two of you sat in chairs next to each other. Across from you was an empty desk. The case worker wasn’t here yet. Was this normal? It was 10 am but felt much earlier, and the silence was so loud. The two of you never had normal conversations.
“Don’t be, it’s annoying.”
Did he expect you to remain a calm worker under these conditions? It wasn’t like he could fire you. Both of you risked losing if you didn’t stick around. It felt like a sick game of chicken. “How can I not be? We’re here because you—“
The conversation was cut short by the metal door opening. It felt like a prison, as if the two of you were being detained and Ivar didn’t even want to discuss a game plan. He had actually rolled his eyes when you asked for one.
The man was dressed in a black suit and tie, his hair was short and his face shaven. “Shall we begin?” He lacked pleasantries and it only added to your growing paranoia. There was no handshake or introduction. The man jumped into it. Immediately you felt yourself zoning in and out. Half the time you were thinking too much to listen and the other half was spent committing it to memory.
Ivar nodded confidently, evening out to a neutral. How were you supposed to project that same level of confidence? He appeared so unbothered and you stuck out like a sore thumb. The interviewer took notice. “Step one will be a scheduled interview and I’ll ask you every little question a real couple would know about each other.”
That was easy. You already knew way too much about the man. He shoved off too much personal responsibilities onto you that he didn’t want to do. You even wrote his Christmas cards at this point.
“Step two, I dig deeper, I look at your phone records, I talk to your neighbors, interview your coworker.”
The two of you didn’t have a story. The two of you communicated often for work but they weren’t out to anyone. Well— technically the two of you didn’t have a relationship to be out about. You glance over at Ivar who didn’t bother to look back at you. He seemed so eerily calm while all you could do was panic.
You were pretty sure you missed something important by the time you glanced back to the interviewer. Did you miss his name? Did he even offer one? Your leg began to bounce again.
“If your answers don’t match up at every point. You will be deported indefinitely,” he looked at Ivar, “and you will have committed a felony. Punishable by a fine of 250,000 dollars and a stay of 5 years in federal prison.” His gaze turned to you and you froze.
The sound of your heart beating drowned out whatever the man said next. It didn’t take long for both men to notice. You were in too deep. You couldn’t do this! Why did you even bother agreeing?
“Y/N?” The interviewer asked.
You couldn’t handle prison. You never even got into a fight before in your life. You’ve seen prison shows, they’re always fighting. They’d eat you alive.
“Y/N, do you want to talk to me?”
Ivar elbowed you harsh but discreetly. His blue eyes were intense and it brought you back to your reality. You had already spent three years working for him. Another two at the company. Being fired wasn’t an option and you’ve been dying to get promoted since you came there. If you could pull it off... what’s three years on paper? You blinked and nodded your head.
“You do?”
“Wait no— I mean I don’t.” You took a deep breath and held it. This man had to see right through it from the moment he walked in.
“The truth is…” you glanced at Ivar, “we’re just two people who weren’t meant to fall in love. But we did. Six months ago. We weren’t going to come out to our coworkers, not until we didn’t think they’d judge us,” your face was red and you found yourself staring down into your lap as you played with your fingers. “Especially with my promotion coming up.”
You paused, trying to see if what you said convinced him at all. “So, have either of you told your parents about your… secret love?” The interviewer wrote down notes onto a notepad.
“Oh, um, impossible. My parents are dead,” you admitted casually with an awkward laugh. “No brothers or sisters either. You can check if you want—“
“I will.”
The silence was deafening.
“What about you, Ivar? Are yours dead?”
Ivar scoffed at the mention of his family. It was clear to you that on some level he truly thought he was above being here. How could he be so casual?
You decided to cut in, “no. We were going to tell them this weekend. It’s his father’s birthday. The whole family is coming together. We thought it’d be a nice surprise.”
Once the lies began it was hard to stop them. But the event was true but Ivar’s attendance wasn’t. He had you tell them he wasn’t going. But as you spoke you got more confident.
“And where exactly is this going to take place?” The man was quizzing you.
“Aalborg, Denmark. It’s located along Kattegat Bay,” you replied. Ivar’s face twitched in surprise that you knew it at all. Your face never quite calmed down and kept a pinkish hue.
The interviewer stared intently at you, searching for signs.
“That’s right,” Ivar cut in, trying to save you.
“Isn’t Denmark a little far?”
“Well it’s not like I have a visa to lose at this point,” Ivar rolled his eyes.
The interviewer shrugged. “Next Friday at 10am, I expect you both to be here for the scheduled interviews.”
“What was your fucking problem? You may as well have worn a sign that we’re trying to commit a felony?”
You were floored. Did he actually want to start things off like this. “Like you were much better? You looked pissed off and detached! If you wanted better results maybe you should’ve interjected more.”
“It was fun to watch you flounder until I realized your actions have consequences,” he shrugged casually. What was wrong with him? “And now Mr. Harold Millington is going to be lurking through my family.” Oh that’s what the man’s name was. Had it shared that? Did you actually miss it?
“Just tell your family then. Have them lie.” If they were anything like Ivar then being manipulative should be in their nature.
Ivar rubbed the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. “They wouldn’t agree to it.” It meant they had to go. That created the new fact that you had sentenced the both of them on a trip to Denmark. It was that or he gets sent home forever and you’re in federal prison. “How did you even know that?”
“Know what?”
“About my father’s birthday.”
“You had me send them condolences,” you crossed your arms over your chest and rolled your eyes. “I actually know a ton of things about you. It’s you who has a week to learn everything about me.”
He stood before you in his bitterness. He didn’t deny your statement. It was one thing to have marriage papers and never speak of it again for three years and another to pretend to his family that he was in an actual relationship. His mor had wanted it forever now. ��Book the flights, since you’re so used to doing everything for me.”
You had a laundry list of people to contact and he expected you to book flights? Your gut instinct was to tell everyone the truth and convince them to lie to the authorities, but that seemed a little much to ask. “It’s your home, why don’t you book them?”
The two of you continued to bicker when the interviewer from earlier stepped out of the building. The two of you immediately silenced as Millington walked by, “remember. Deportation and federal prison. It’s not too late to come clean.”
The smug look on his face pissed you off. You watched the man walk further away and down the block. “I may not like you, Ivar, but I like you more than that guy,” you said bitterly as your eyes remained trained on the agent in the distance.
“At least we agree on that.”
“I want him to feel like a moron.”
“So then let’s do that,” Ivar’s words caught your attention as you glanced back to him. “He knows the truth but if we make it rock solid he’ll have no choice. It’ll drive him insane.”
You laughed, “I probably should’ve guessed your favorite pass time was belittling people and making them regret their life choices.”
“I liked you better when you just delivered coffee,” Ivar responded. The same anger from earlier was gone but that didn’t stop Ivar from starting to walk away from you. You were left standing, irrationally angry at that decision. Civilities were out the window. He had nothing over you anymore. Neither could pull the plug. And he’s been on your nerves for a while. How did you ever find that man attractive?
“Goodbye to you too, asshole!”
“I’m coming back for the week,” Ivar held the phone to his ear, waiting for his mother’s response. If he was being honest he was actually a little nervous about it. He actually loved his mother. The rest of them were hit or miss. But he hadn’t been back home in a long time.
The excitement in her voice got to him, not that he’d confess it. “I was going to introduce my girlfriend to you guys.” He hated lying.
“You have a girlfriend?” He hadn’t even mentioned the idea of one to her in forever. Not since he left Denmark for the last time. She’d been pestering forever. “Since when did you get a girlfriend?”
“Mor—“ he took a deep breath and sighed, “she works for me.”
“Oh— so it’s one of those situations.”
Was she judging him already? “Just be prepared for her.” He noticed the dip in her voice and he bit hard on his bottom lip.
“Your father is going to be so happy to have you home.” Aslaug started to talk more about it. He was surprised she wasn’t fuming at the mention of his old man. It occurred to him then that maybe his family missed him more than he realized. She was already making plans, doting on him for finding someone and talking about how relieved she is that her son found someone. “Hey Ivar— is she beautiful?” He was brought out of his thoughts by the question.
Were you? He already knew the answer. You were. It wasn’t a crazy thought. Ivar always thought you were beautiful. From the moment you walked into his office the first day holding a cup of his favorite coffee— how you ever found out before meeting him he’ll never know. It’s what told him you were beyond him. There was a hint of too much perfection that he had immediately felt anger. That anger eventually settled to annoyance.
But if he actually hated you he probably would’ve fired you by now. The issue is that you’d never genuinely go for him. He had his own love life of sorts, money speaks for itself, he could get laid. What he couldn’t get was more, who would genuinely date him? It was easier to resent than pine.
Aslaug laughed on the other end, “you took a little long there to respond, Ivar.”
“Sorry— she is, mor, I’m just busy with some work. I’ll call you before the plane leaves.”
“Please do. Oh, and Ivar, dear. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Taglist** @youbloodymadgenius
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years
masterlist | series masterlist
prompt: you’re drunk and walked into the wrong apartment and fell asleep on my couch. oh god, you’re going to be so confused in the morning
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Hailey wasn’t one to drink more than a beer or two when she was out at a bar, but tonight she was alone, kind of sad, and ready to forget the events of the last few days. She had just broken it off with her boyfriend who of course refused to leave the apartment that they had been splitting the rent on for the last two years, leaving her somewhat stranded. Working out where she was going to sleep tonight sounded like a problem for future Hailey as she made her way into the bar and planted herself on a barstool, calling for a glass of whiskey as she took a swig from it and the liquid burned on the way down. One whiskey turned into six and eventually, Hailey was wandering the streets trying to work out exactly where her best friend Vanessa’s apartment was. Was it smart? No. But what other choice did she have?
Eventually, she made her way to what she was sure was Vanessa’s apartment, pulling a bobby pin from her hair to pick the woman’s lock. Somehow, even in her inebriated state, she still managed to successfully work out how to get inside, having enough sense to re-lock the door before collapsing on the couch. She was tired and she knew Vanessa wouldn’t mind once she learned about what her asshole ex had done; he wouldn’t even let her go back to get her things. Hailey was just trying to forget about him and go to sleep for the night as she collapsed onto the couch.
Jay had been asleep in his bed when he heard the squeaking of his front door and light footsteps on the floorboards of his second level apartment. At first he thought that it was his imagination, though his paranoia still got the best of him as he searched for an object he would be able to use to defend himself with. Slowly but surely, he tiptoed his way to his bedroom door and allowed it to swing open just wide enough for him to see the rest of his apartment in full view, his brows falling into a puzzled v shape.
On his couch was a blonde haired woman, her beauty still preserved in her semi-comatose state as she slept softly.
Jay couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. So, he wasn’t imagining things, but it was suddenly very, very clear to him that he was under no threat — despite the fact that she had totally committed a felony by breaking into his apartment. Sighing lightly in relief, he scurried back to shove the baseball bad he had been holding in his hands back underneath his bed and pulled one of the blankets from his bed, draping it over his arm as he headed out to his living room where the woman was sleeping. Her eyes — though they were closed — looked slightly puffy as though she had been crying, leaving Jay to frown sadly; he had always been deeply empathetic — the sight of anybody else being sad tugged at his heartstrings every time.
Ensuring he was as quiet and gentle as he possibly could be, he threw the blanket hanging from his arm over the woman and lifted her head up ever so slightly to slide a pillow beneath it, the smell of alcohol helping him put the pieces together as he frowned yet again — he was sure she was going to be so confused and probably even a bit frightened when she eventually woke up in the morning. Racking his brain for an idea as to how he could soften the blow for the woman when she awoke from her peaceful slumber, he went over to where his makeshift office was and pulled a piece of paper and a pen from his drawer, jotting down a quick note and leaving it on the coffee table before retiring back to his bed for the night.
As Hailey blinked her eyes open the next morning, three things happened one after another another like a chain reaction.
First was the realisation of everything that happened in the last twenty four hours. The breakup with her boyfriend, the whole 'drinking her body weight in whiskey’ situation, and the whole 'having to crash at Vanessa’s apartment’ thing. She groaned as (most) of her memories flooded back to her.
Next was the realisation that she actually wasn’t in Vanessa’s apartment at all. The walls weren’t the same shade of white as Vanessa’s were, the couch was a black leather rather than the bright red one that her best friend had, and she was sure that Vanessa hadn’t suddenly changed the entire layout of her apartment. Sitting up, she took in her surroundings with a sense of panic washing over her as she spotted the piece of paper sitting on the coffee table, addressed in a way that inadvertently bought a smile to her lips.
To the really pretty girl asleep on my couch,
I know you’re probably really freaked out right now, but let me explain.
My name is Jay, and when you read this I’m probably hiding in my bedroom so that I don’t scare you. But anyway, you picked my lock last night and crashed on my couch. I don’t know who you are but you looked kind of sad and I could tell you probably had a few drinks, so I just put a blanket over you to keep you warm and figured it was lucky you picked the lock of the guy who finds this kind of hilarious rather than the guy next door who either would have shot first and asked questions later or the guy downstairs who calls the cops every time someone knocks at his door.
If you want to come and say hi or whatever, just come knock on my door. I’ll be awake. Unless you’re up before 8am, which I figure is pretty unlikely.
If you want to come say hi, come to my bedroom door. If you want to escape and pretend this never happened, that’s cool too. Completely up to you.
I hope this isn’t creepy or anything. I just thought that you were probably safer here in my apartment than wandering the street during the night which is why I let you be.
Sincerely, Guy-who-is-trying-to-do-the-right-thing-here (also known as Jay).
Finally, the third thing happened. The regret and embarrassment came washing over Hailey like a wave as she fell back onto the pillow behind her head, gluing her eyes closed as she let out a huff. This could not be happening. It had to be a dream, right? How could so many unpleasant things happen in such a short amount of time?
Hailey was just about ready to get up and scurry out of the apartment with her tail between her legs when she glanced back down to the note that the owner of the apartment — Jay — had left her. He seemed like a nice guy, and it wouldn’t be fair to him if she didn’t at least offer up a thank you. The silence in the apartment echoed through her head, the tension on her side of the door evident as she carefully peeled the blanket off of her legs and folded it up neatly, placing it down on the end of the couch. Every move she made was methodically planned out and meticulously executed — for what, she didn’t know.
She had always been the brave one. The first one to step up to a challenge no matter how big or small, the first one to speak up and be completely unapologetic about it, too. It wasn’t at all like Hailey to be standing there the way she was, pacing back and forth slightly as her fingers drummed against her thigh, yet here she was. In a stranger’s apartment. After literally committing a crime while blind drunk and now having one of the worst hangovers she’s ever experienced (which, by the way, she was sure was only being worsened by the the previous facts).
Forcing herself to muster up the courage, Hailey marched herself over to the bedroom door and knocked twice, immediately feeling her heart drop as every inch of her body wanted to bolt. Still, she kept her feet planted on the spot as she and the man behind the door suddenly came face to face. Hailey felt the wind being knocked out of her, their eyes meeting at the same time that she attempted to force out a million words.
“I am so, so sorry,” she said quickly, not giving the man a chance to respond as he instead stared at her with a lopsided smirk. Hailey was so in her own head that she hadn’t even gotten the chance to appreciate how remarkably attractive the man was, instead jumping to her own explanation. “I was drunk and I thought this was my best friends apartment. I didn’t have anywhere else to go because my asshole ex-boyfriend has decided to claim the apartment that I pay rent on and I just collapsed on the couch and I am —“
“Okay, breathe,” Jay smirked lightly, finding amusement in the woman’s rambling. “You don’t need to apologise — it’s cool. How about we start with a name, huh? I’m Jay, but. . . you already know that.”
“Hailey,” the woman answered. “My name is Hailey. Although you can refer to me as idiot, felon, dumbass, or all of the above if you so wish.”
Jay chuckled lightly — she was funny. He hadn’t expected that, though he wasn’t sure why. “Thanks for the offer, but I’ll stick with Hailey.”
Hailey gave a halfhearted smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Anyway — I just wanted to say thank you. I’ll get out of your apartment now, and I swear you’ll never see me again or —“
“Wait, you don’t have to rush out if you don’t want to,” Jay’s words came off cooler than what they felt like for him. Internally he was screaming for her to stay, partly because she was even more beautiful now that she was awake and he just wanted to stare at her forever even though he knew absolutely nothing about her. She was intriguing — that lured the man in as if he was a sailor being called to an echoing siren, soft and smooth yet piercing too, all at the same time. “Do you want something to eat? What about some Advil, or I could drive you to your friend’s place — better yet I’ll go and kick your asshole ex out of the apartment.”
The blonde-haired woman chuckled lightly. “No, no, it’s okay. Would I. . . uh. . . would I be able to wash my face in your bathroom really quick, please? I won’t be long, I just — I normally take a shower in the mornings and —"
“Oh, you can totally take a shower!” Jay said incredulously, opening up his door wide enough for the girl to come into his bedroom as he pointed towards the ensuite bathroom a few steps away.
“I don’t have any clothes.”
“I can pull something out of the closet!”
Hailey smiled gratefully up at the man as she thanked him, heading to the bathroom as Jay laid out an oversized hoodie and a pair of track pants on the bed. Heading out to the kitchen, Jay figured starting on something resembling breakfast was a good idea, even if the very pretty girl in his apartment wasn’t going to have anything. The sound of the shower running in the background mixed in with the sizzling of eggs on the frypan that Jay had probably only used enough times for him to count on one hand as he stirred them around, grabbing out two plates before splitting what he had made in half.
With her perfect timing, just as Jay placed down the plate on a small table by one of the only windows in his apartment, Hailey reemerged from the bedroom. The hoodie he had left for her hung down to her knees and the sweatpants she had on were at least two sizes too big, but even with her dripping wet locks and bare face, she was just as beautiful as ever.
“I — uh — I made eggs.” Jay stumbled across his words as he gestured towards the plate. “I hope I’m not overstepping or anything. I just thought that since I was making some already for myself. . .”
“You’re not overstepping,” Hailey smiled gently, his hesitation bringing a chuckle to escape her lips. “I was just naked in your apartment — I feel like this is probably acceptable, regardless of how I got here. I learned how to pick locks when I was like, fourteen and let’s just say I’ve used it way more times than I care to admit.”
Jay let out a laugh as Hailey sat down, the two deciding to become acquainted with one another. She learned that he was a doctor for Veteran’s Affairs while she was a social worker working out of children’s services — she hadn’t exactly pegged him for the doctor type, what with his unbelievably good looks (that she was now able to appreciate) and all. Hailey listened intently as he told stories of his time overseas from when he himself had served, and although she could see the slight pain on his features as he recalled some of those memories, there was something about Hailey that allowed him to speak his mind to her without any inhibitions. He had never experienced anything like it.
Before they knew it, hours had passed. Hours of them spilling their guts about the most insignificant things that made up who each of them who they were. Hours spilling their guts about the tiniest details that neither of them would ever forget.
“Thank you again, Jay.” Hailey stood at the door, her clothes from the night before sitting in a plastic bag that Jay had offered the woman as they said their goodbyes. “You’re a really good guy. I’m glad I broke into your apartment.”
Jay couldn’t help but laugh, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants as his eyes cast downwards, nervous in anticipation. “I was thinking. . . “
“Uhm — Listen, Hailey . . .  I really had a good time talking to you over breakfast. Would you maybe — uh — you don’t have to say yes but — maybe you’d want to do it again? I know this pizza shop — Bartoli’s — they have the best deep dish in town.”
Hailey’s lips curled upwards — she thought he’d never ask.
“You know what, Jay? I think I’d like that. I think I’d like that a lot."
@lissethsrojas​ | @justanotheronechicagofan​ | @juu-series​ | @agnesgranberg97​ | @anna-justice​ | @puckluck28​ | @thetwit​ | @detective-buttercup​ 
thank you to @ruzek-halstead​ for editing and proofreading! 🥰
(i just used the tags from one of my other oneshots bc it’s usually the same people who wanna be tagged 🥰)
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oscars-wifeyyy · 3 years
The Innocent 17
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The group sat at a table during lunch, discussing how they were going to wash the money, but they weren't able to come up with a solution until Jasmine came into the picture. Monse looked at Jasmien in alert, "what are you doing?"
"Chopping it up and chowing it down with my crew!" Jasmine said, "is it my pits? I just switched to natural deodorant," Jasmine smelled her pits as she sat down, "I knew that shit didn't work,"
"We need a rain check," Ruby said.
"Nothing personal, but it's personal," Monse said.
"What's on the agenda? Cleaning some green?" Jasmine looked at Monse, knowingly.
"How do you know?" Jamal asked as Jasmine lifted up his notebook with the exact words of what they were doing as the crew looked at Jamal with a face, "what? I'm a visual thinker,"
"Don't get your chonies in a twist. Ain't nobody worried about a few dollars," Jasmine said, but saw everybody look away, "it's not a few dollars? Are you guys involved with the Freeridge Savings Heist? Don't tell me, I don't wanna know. What you should know is you don't wanna get involved in that shit. It's marked money,"
"Thanks for the useless info dump, but we need to get back to our crisis," Monse turned to Jamal, Ruby, and Elizabeth, "how are we going to clean the money?"
"Money Bunny, Money Bunny," Jasmine sang as Jamal did the beat on the table, "gotta hop to it fast and get your money,"
"Money Bunny is a shitty company that takes advantage of people who have no other way to get money from one place to another. It's a racket and-" Monse stopped in realization, "a great idea!"
"Yes! Outgoing dinero, incoming clean clams! Minus the three percent fee, scrub-a-dub, bitches!" Jasmine yelled out.
"Ok, I'm not following," Ruby said.
"Ok, say Jamal want to help a certain fashion challenged friend new fits," Jasmine coughed out Monse's name, "Money Bunny takes his hundie and they give Jamal a code. Then Jamal gives the code to monoboob Monse, takes it to the store and, bam! She's got 100 bucks to ditch the sports bra and buy some lace. Underwires your friend, girl," Jasmine booped Monse's nose.
"But wire fraud. That's a felony that carries at least five years," Ruby said
"I'm in," Monse said.
"Me too," Jamal nodded.
"Me three," Elizabeth shrugged, "I just want Cesar to be safe,"
"Do you want this nightmare to stop?" Monse asked Ruby as he nodded, "then we go big or Cesar never goes home,"
Ruby nodded, "I'm in,"
"Damn! You guys are ride or die! But you still gotta be 18 to send and receive the dough, so you guys got some fake IDs? No, no, no. Don't tell me. I'm law enforcement," Jasmine shook her head.
"But you just taught us how to commit wire fraud," Jamal said, confused.
"Because, sometimes, I like to get dirty and straddle things, like the line. I'm a complicated woman, Jamal," Jasmine sat up.
"Which means you probably know how to get a fake ID," Elizabeth smirked.
"No!" Jasmine scoffed, "no way, I don't. But Mona Mardukas has a guy," Jasmine held out her fake ID as everyone smirked.
It was after school and they went to a house that Jasmine guided them to. They knocked on the door and a Hispanic man answered the door as Jamal screamed no as if it was the end of the world.
"You want three IDs?" the man asked.
"I texted you. We need four," Jasmine said.
"I only see three people,"
"Oh, don't act like you don't see me standing here, Chivo!" Jamal scoffed.
"I'm ghosting you," Chivo sang
"Chivo? As in Chivo Chivo?" Elizabeth asked, causing Jamal to hum.
"No. Chivo as in Chivo Ramirez,"
After everyone got their IDs and got home, Elizabeth did all her homework during her electives and was able to get a week off so she had some time to hang out with her friends and Oscar. She unlocked her door to see Oscar inside sitting on the couch so she smiled and sat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder, "how was your day?" "It was good, mamita," Oscar grinned, "better now that you're here with me. How was hanging out with your friends?"
"It was good. Didn't really do much except talk and stuff," Elizabeth stood up with her hand out, "c'mon, let's go bake some stuff since I got a week off from both Dwayne's and the taco joint,"
"You did? Good. You need a break," Oscar stood up, kissing her head.
The two were in the kitchen trying to make cookies, but it ended up with a flour fight and music playing as they danced around the kitchen. They didn't hear the door unlock as her mother walked in, pushing her father inside. The parents watched as the two danced with flour all over their hair, face, and clothes, Leticia with tears in her eyes as she saw the pure love between the two and Armando with a look of approval once he saw the look in Oscar's eyes.
The couple saw the parents and jumped away from each other as if they were caught doing something bad. Elizabeth saw the tears coming down her mother's face, "ma? What's wrong?"
Leticia laughed, "nothing, mija, nothing at all,"
Elizabeth looked in concern, but looked around her as well, "oh... we will clean this up right now. Oscar! Start cleaning,"
Oscar looked at Elizabeth weirdly, "you start cleaning too then!"
It was after school the next day and the crew went to get the money in so they could get clean money. Jasmine and Monse went inside a Money Bunny to get the money as Ruby, Jamal, and Elizabeth waited outside. The two girls came out and motioned for the boys and girl to follow so they followed and Monse pulled out the cash. It worked. So now they were on their way back when Prophets rolled up.
"Hey, Monse!" A voice called out, "where is that bitch ass boyfriend of yours at?"
"We already know he ain't at your pops spot no more, so where he at, then?" The Prophet asked then the group chuckled, "yeah, and we already know what's up with you, Ruby and Elizabeth...bang!" The four flinched, "santo killer, though."
Everyone was at home except for Elizabeth and Ruby. Elizabeth went to Oscar's place while Ruby went to Chivo's place. When Elizabeth arrived at Oscar's place, she ran inside and started hyperventilating. Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca were there while Oscar was out doing some things for the Santos so they quickly grabbed her and put her on the couch. Elizabeth wouldn't stop until Sad Eyes went up to her and held her cheeks.
"Hermanita, you need to slow your breathing. Follow me," Elizabeth nodded and tried to follow Sad Eyes breathes until she finally calmed down, "now, tell us what happened."
"I-i-i was with my friends and-and-and the P-Prophets rolled up on us and they knew m-my name! They knew me and h-how I got shot and when is this going to end! Guys, I just want all of us out of here and in a place where we don't have to worry about this!" Elizabeth ranted as the door opened and Oscar walked in to see Elizabeth crying.
He dropped everything and kneeled in front of Elizabeth, "hey, hey, babe. What happened? Who did this?"
"I just want everything to stop," Elizabeth let the tears roll down her cheek, "all this violence and everything. I want us out of here. You, Cesar, my friends, Sad Eyes, Rico, Lorca. I just want us out,"
"Ok, ok, ok," Oscar cooed at his lover, "one day we are going to have a house and you're going to be an athletic trainer and I'm going to be doing whatever job that will hire me. We can get one big house with everybody inside, including your ma and pops. One day, we are going to have it all,"
It was the next two weeks and Elizabeth stayed with Oscar those weeks as the two just held each other at night, not knowing what was going to happen the next day. Ruby and Jamal texted her asking where she was at so she just replied that she was with Oscar, but they told her that Monse didn't go to school. Elizabeth went to Monse's house with snacks and things as the two cried after Ruby and Jamal left.
Night fell and she went back to Oscar's place to see him working on his car so she went behind him and wrapped her arms around him. He continued doing what he was doing, but stopped as he heard footsteps so he quickly pulled Elizabeth between him and the car while pointing his gun to see Cesar panting. Elizabeth sighed out a breath of relief and ran to hug the boy that was like a brother to her.
Oscar grimaced while tucking the gun away, "get outta here,"
"I need protection," Cesar said.
"You came to the wrong place," Oscar said, wiping his hands.
"I found Latrelle," Cesar said as Oscar stopped and turned back to his little brother, "I went to go finish the job,"
"And?" Oscar waited.
Cesar looked away, "the gun jammed,"
Oscar turned back to the car, "you're oh for two. Ain't gonna be number three. Go," Oscar said with finality.
"Where?! I have nowhere to go!" Cesar yelled.
"Not my problem," Oscar said.
"Not your problem?" Cesar had tears in his eyes.
"There's nothing I can do for you. It's not just about you anymore. Everyone you care about is in jeopardy if you stay, so leave, and don't come back" Cesar started walking out.
"You know what, Oscar?" Cesar said walking back, "you should've handled this for me. You're not just my big brother. You're my big homie,"
"Shut the hell up," Oscar walked up to Cesar.
"You could've taken out Latrelle, but instead you sent me! You sent me to do it!" Cesar pushed Oscar away.
"Hey! Do you know what the hell you did? How badly you messed up? Hey." Oscar shook Cesar, "you put me in an impossible situation with Cuchillos,"
"Oscar, please," Cesar hugged Oscar tightly, "I don't know what to do,"
Oscar quickly whispered a plan into his ear before pretending like he was going to leave Cesar out to dry, "hey, hey. I love you, mano. But you're done," Oscar fixed Cesar's clothes, "happy birthday," Cesar started leaving, but Oscar started speaking, "you need to do something bigger than the mess you made,"
Cesar walked back, "what?"
"To undo this, you gotta do something bigger to prove yourself,"
"What if I got you fifty grand?" Cesar asked.
Oscar looked confused, "where are you gonna get cash like that?"
"What if he already had it?" Elizabeth asked.
"I'm listening," Oscar looked at Cesar.
"Our friends found the RollerWorld money. They washed it, including Elizabeth," Cesar said, "it's clean,"
"RollerWorld? Don't shit me!" Oscar spat, but Cesar and Elizabeth shook their heads, "for real? RollerWorld? Is that why your boy kept asking about Lil Ricky?" Cesar nodded, "damn. Damn! How far are you willing to go?" "I'll do anything," Cesar said.
"Then this is what we're going to do. I'll run the plan through Cuchillos. Without a blessing, there is no point in taking the risk. You gotta be incredibly careful. Your friends have to think that you're going away forever. This protects them and if anything happens to you, they won't know you're dead. Make it look like you're leaving. When it's clear, I'll be there. You make contact with the Prophets and I'll exchange your clean money with the marked bills from the Freeridge Savings Heist,"
It was the next day and the plan was in full motion and Elizabeth was away for most of it because she had a shift at the taco joint until four pm. After her shift, she took her penny board and skated to Oscar's house since Ruby and Jamal were there with Oscar and Cesar. She just walked inside and set her stuff down on the couch, walking to the dining room table and putting a hand on Oscar's shoulder.
"You gave out RollerWorld money to the Prophets!" Jamal yelled.
"No, I gave them the marked bills, from the Freeridge Savings robbery," Oscar put down the lime.
"Oh, thank God," Jamal sighed, "for a second, I thought you gave our money away,"
"Nah, nah. I didn't give your money away. You gave your money away. And now it's mine," Oscar held Elizabeth's hand, giving it a kiss, "hola, bebe. How was work?"
"It was good," Elizabeth kissed his bald head, "nothing exciting,"
"Ruby! Turn me to Jamal," Monse's voice sounded through the phone, "am I hearing this correctly? You used all of our money for nothing? Even my 50k?"
"It wasn't for nothing," Jamal argued, "it was for Cesar, and yes, even your 50k," Jamal mocked Monse.
"Turn me to Spooky," Jamal turned the camera to Cesar, "more, I still can see him," Jamal turned it more to face Elizabeth and Spooky, "Hey, Elizabeth. Anyway, Spooky. I did not sign off on my 50 grand of that gift to you. Can you be decent and give it back?"
"No," Spooky smirked.
"This is bullshit," Monse seethed.
"Look on the bright side. Cesar's alive," Oscar smirked at Cesar.
"Hurray! Turn me to him," Monse said sarcastically.
"No, no," Cesar started, but Oscar already turned the phone to him.
"You might be alive, but you're dead to me," Monse said.
"Monse, I am so-" Monse ended the call, "dead,"
"Spooky, do you really think that giving the Prophets a bunch of marked bills was wise? Once one of their guys gets arrested then they'll know it was you. And by extension, us," Ruby said.
Oscar looked at Ruby, weirdly, "they would never connect it to you," Oscar smirked.
"I still don't understand why you needed to cheat us," Jamal said
"I didn't. I did exactly what you wanted. I saved Cesar," Oscar nodded.
"But you knew you were gonna do that before you took our cash," Jamal said.
"And your point is?"
"Taking our money is unscrupulous," Jamal said.
"How many times do I gotta spell this out for you?" Spooky said, annoyed now, "your money is actually my money. It belongs to the Santos,"
"Oh! You really want to play that game? Well, if we get into logistics, it's really Prophets money that you stole from us!" Jamal yelled.
"Well, actually, it's a bunch of random people's money who paid way too much for a bad concert," Ruby reasoned.
"Shalamar's the shit! These people probably didn't pay enough," Jamal said.
"Relax," Oscar said, "we're not gonna forget you helped us,"
"I don't care about your goodwill! I want my money!" Jamal yelled
"But I cooked for you,"
Elizabeth looked at the table and only saw ceviche, "baby, you only did ceviche," she started laughing, "the juices do all the cooking,"
Once Ruby and Jamal left, Elizabeth walked to the refrigerator and pulled out two beers and an iced tea to bring it out to the dining room. She set the drinks down as she sat on Oscar's lap. Everyone cracked their drinks open and cheersed.
"Hey, thank you," Cesar said.
"It was no problem," Oscar had a small smile.
"I'm not talking about the food," Cesar paused, "I don't say this very often, but I, uh,"
Oscar cut him off, "I know,"
"I'm not made for this life, Oscar," Cesar shook his head, "listen to me, please. When that gun jammed, God gave me a second chance. And I can't ignore it,"
"And?" Oscar said.
"And I never want to be a liability to you ever again," there was a brief silence, "I love you, mano, but I am not a killer,"
The three continued on in silence, eating until Cesar excused himself to sleep. After that day, the next couple days have been spent doing multiple homework assignments, work, and sleeping. It was stressful, but Elizabeth felt fine as she was back into her place once she felt safer to go back and not put her mother in danger.
Monse had told Elizabeth about her going into an all girls boarding school after the year was over and she couldn't be more happier for Monse. Elizabeth wanted to ask her what was going on with her and Cesar, but she knew it wasn't her place to ask so she let it go and decided to let them handle it for themselves. It was night time and Elizabeth was hanging out with Cesar, Oscar, and some Santos as Oscar was telling a story. She stood in front of Oscar with his arm around her shoulder, going across her chest as he smoked a cigarette and drank a beer.
"So she pissed the bed," everybody laughed, "you know what my boy, Angel, does? He piss on the bed too," Elizabeth laughed as she scrunched her nose at the details.
The noise stopped when the group caught sight of Monse so Elizabeth smiled at Monse and mouthed good luck as she nudged Oscar to take everyone inside. "Hey," Oscar said to the boys and all of them except for Cesar walked inside.
After a few moments, Cesar came inside and into his room so Elizabeth stood up from the couch, giving Oscar a kiss on the cheek, before whispering in his ear, "I'm gonna check on him,"
Oscar nodded, continuing with his conversation, as Elizabeth walked to Cesar's room to see him with tears going down his cheeks so she sat down and rubbed his back, "What did she say?"
"She said that she forgave me," Cesar sniffled, "but if I did it even when I loved her then what else would I do,"
Elizabeth nodded, "she makes a good point. Look, Cesar, all I can really say is move on and I know it's easier said than done, but one day you're going to be super happy with a girl that you're going to marry. It can be Monse or it won't be, we don't know, but you can't not live your life," that was when Elizabeth softly smiled at the young boy before leaving the room and continuing with the conversation in the living room with her boyfriend and the Santos.
It was the next day and Cesar and Elizabeth were walking out of school when they met up with Jasmine, Monse, Ruby, and Jamal in the front. "The cash, the drugs, the guns, and illegal ferrets. The place was a scene. It was sick!"
"But why are all the Prophets getting arrested?" Ruby asked.
"Remember the robbery at Freeridge Savings? The guys in the monster masks? Well, that money was marked and we've been tracking any money spent. First, we caught Mr. Gutierrez in his liquor store with the dough. Turns out that money was from a customer. And when those marked bills started popping up all around the town right before the Prophets hood day, we were able to trace it right back to them. So now the Prophets are no mas," Jasmine smiled.
"All of them?" Ruby asked.
"Hell, yeah! We took them all down. The Prophets are Donezel Washington,"
"Holy, shit!"
"Actually, check out this link. It's got the best footages," Jasmine showed the phone to them, showing the Prophets sitting on the curb with Latrelle in handcuffs going to the back of the car.
"Yeah. He's going away for a long time," Jasmine put a hand on Ruby as well as look at Elizabeth, "hey, yo, Esteban! Why no call back? I don't send pictures of my chonies to no phonies!"
Everybody turned to the two people that were shot in the group, "how are you guys feeling?"
"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels surreal. I don't understand the violence and all that because we're not worrying about Cesar's life or anything big," Elizabeth sighed.
"We lost sight of the bigger picture. We should be grateful that we have our friends and family with us," Ruby continued, "it's time to move on,"
"Agreed," Monse said, "I'm leaving Freeridge," the guys turned back, "I'm starting boarding school at the end of summer,"
"Wait! Are you serious?" Cesar asked
"Not talking to you," Monse sighed.
"But you forgave me," Cesar said.
"I changed my mind. Anyway, I finally realized that it doesn't matter if any of you are on Team Monse because I'm on team Monse. And that's all I need so...I'm out," Monse shrugged.
There was a silence until Jamal broke it, "ok,"
"Good luck," Ruby said.
"Hope you have a fun time," Elizabeth grinned.
"Ok? Good luck?" Monse said Elizabeth didn't matter to her since she already knew and has been supportive.
"Yeah, you've left before," Ruby said.
"Writing camp, Brentwood," Jamal listed, "this is schmuck bait, you always come back,"
"Not this time," Monse said, "I'm gone for good. Things just aren't the same around here and I think we've outgrown each other,"
"Ruby, what kind of snacks you got at home?" Jamal asked Ruby, "did your mom get that good spinach dip from Costco?"
"No, better. She got the jalapeno artichoke," Ruby grinned.
"Oh! The extra creamy one that you gotta use the thick chips for?" Elizabeth asked, excited.
"She picked those up too!"
"I'm serious!" Monse said aloud.
"So are we! That dip's bomb," Jamal said.
"Are you even listening to me? I'm really out of here, I'm done with the gangs and bullshit and the nonstop drama that you always get me into," Monse accused.
Ruby stuttered, looking around as if she wasn't talking to them, "we get you into?"
Monse mocked him, "yeah."
"Goodbye," Ruby said.
"Uh, no, no, no," Jamal stopped Ruby, "you shouldn't say goodbye. 'Cause I want to. Buh-bye!" Jamal waved.
Elizabeth laughed at their antics, "boys, stop teasing and let's go,"
"Assholes," Monse muttered.
"Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we all take a breath," Cesar tried to defuse the situation.
"Shut up! No one is talking to you!" Monse said.
"Ok," Cesar backed up, "we'll see you when you get back,"
"Yeah, good luck trying to survive on your own. Without me, you guys are done. There'll be no one to save you," Monse motioned to Cesar.
At that moment, Elizabeth zoned out since she already knew what was going to happen with the whole argument, but when Monse finally started walking away, there was a bag thrown over her head as well as the boys and she was thrown into a van. They were screaming Monse's name until they heard Monse's yell too.The group sat at a table during lunch, discussing how they were going to wash the money, but they weren't able to come up with a solution until Jasmine came into the picture. Monse looked at Jasmien in alert, "what are you doing?"
"Chopping it up and chowing it down with my crew!" Jasmine said, "is it my pits? I just switched to natural deodorant," Jasmine smelled her pits as she sat down, "I knew that shit didn't work,"
"We need a rain check," Ruby said.
"Nothing personal, but it's personal," Monse said.
"What's on the agenda? Cleaning some green?" Jasmine looked at Monse, knowingly.
"How do you know?" Jamal asked as Jasmine lifted up his notebook with the exact words of what they were doing as the crew looked at Jamal with a face, "what? I'm a visual thinker,"
"Don't get your chonies in a twist. Ain't nobody worried about a few dollars," Jasmine said, but saw everybody look away, "it's not a few dollars? Are you guys involved with the Freeridge Savings Heist? Don't tell me, I don't wanna know. What you should know is you don't wanna get involved in that shit. It's marked money,"
"Thanks for the useless info dump, but we need to get back to our crisis," Monse turned to Jamal, Ruby, and Elizabeth, "how are we going to clean the money?"
"Money Bunny, Money Bunny," Jasmine sang as Jamal did the beat on the table, "gotta hop to it fast and get your money,"
"Money Bunny is a shitty company that takes advantage of people who have no other way to get money from one place to another. It's a racket and-" Monse stopped in realization, "a great idea!"
"Yes! Outgoing dinero, incoming clean clams! Minus the three percent fee, scrub-a-dub, bitches!" Jasmine yelled out.
"Ok, I'm not following," Ruby said.
"Ok, say Jamal want to help a certain fashion challenged friend new fits," Jasmine coughed out Monse's name, "Money Bunny takes his hundie and they give Jamal a code. Then Jamal gives the code to monoboob Monse, takes it to the store and, bam! She's got 100 bucks to ditch the sports bra and buy some lace. Underwires your friend, girl," Jasmine booped Monse's nose.
"But wire fraud. That's a felony that carries at least five years," Ruby said
"I'm in," Monse said.
"Me too," Jamal nodded.
"Me three," Elizabeth shrugged, "I just want Cesar to be safe,"
"Do you want this nightmare to stop?" Monse asked Ruby as he nodded, "then we go big or Cesar never goes home,"
Ruby nodded, "I'm in,"
"Damn! You guys are ride or die! But you still gotta be 18 to send and receive the dough, so you guys got some fake IDs? No, no, no. Don't tell me. I'm law enforcement," Jasmine shook her head.
"But you just taught us how to commit wire fraud," Jamal said, confused.
"Because, sometimes, I like to get dirty and straddle things, like the line. I'm a complicated woman, Jamal," Jasmine sat up.
"Which means you probably know how to get a fake ID," Elizabeth smirked.
"No!" Jasmine scoffed, "no way, I don't. But Mona Mardukas has a guy," Jasmine held out her fake ID as everyone smirked.
It was after school and they went to a house that Jasmine guided them to. They knocked on the door and a Hispanic man answered the door as Jamal screamed no as if it was the end of the world.
"You want three IDs?" the man asked.
"I texted you. We need four," Jasmine said.
"I only see three people,"
"Oh, don't act like you don't see me standing here, Chivo!" Jamal scoffed.
"I'm ghosting you," Chivo sang
"Chivo? As in Chivo Chivo?" Elizabeth asked, causing Jamal to hum.
"No. Chivo as in Chivo Ramirez,"
After everyone got their IDs and got home, Elizabeth did all her homework during her electives and was able to get a week off so she had some time to hang out with her friends and Oscar. She unlocked her door to see Oscar inside sitting on the couch so she smiled and sat down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder, "how was your day?" "It was good, mamita," Oscar grinned, "better now that you're here with me. How was hanging out with your friends?"
"It was good. Didn't really do much except talk and stuff," Elizabeth stood up with her hand out, "c'mon, let's go bake some stuff since I got a week off from both Dwayne's and the taco joint,"
"You did? Good. You need a break," Oscar stood up, kissing her head.
The two were in the kitchen trying to make cookies, but it ended up with a flour fight and music playing as they danced around the kitchen. They didn't hear the door unlock as her mother walked in, pushing her father inside. The parents watched as the two danced with flour all over their hair, face, and clothes, Leticia with tears in her eyes as she saw the pure love between the two and Armando with a look of approval once he saw the look in Oscar's eyes.
The couple saw the parents and jumped away from each other as if they were caught doing something bad. Elizabeth saw the tears coming down her mother's face, "ma? What's wrong?"
Leticia laughed, "nothing, mija, nothing at all,"
Elizabeth looked in concern, but looked around her as well, "oh... we will clean this up right now. Oscar! Start cleaning,"
Oscar looked at Elizabeth weirdly, "you start cleaning too then!"
It was after school the next day and the crew went to get the money in so they could get clean money. Jasmine and Monse went inside a Money Bunny to get the money as Ruby, Jamal, and Elizabeth waited outside. The two girls came out and motioned for the boys and girl to follow so they followed and Monse pulled out the cash. It worked. So now they were on their way back when Prophets rolled up.
"Hey, Monse!" A voice called out, "where is that bitch ass boyfriend of yours at?"
"We already know he ain't at your pops spot no more, so where he at, then?" The Prophet asked then the group chuckled, "yeah, and we already know what's up with you, Ruby and Elizabeth...bang!" The four flinched, "santo killer, though."
Everyone was at home except for Elizabeth and Ruby. Elizabeth went to Oscar's place while Ruby went to Chivo's place. When Elizabeth arrived at Oscar's place, she ran inside and started hyperventilating. Sad Eyes, Rico, and Lorca were there while Oscar was out doing some things for the Santos so they quickly grabbed her and put her on the couch. Elizabeth wouldn't stop until Sad Eyes went up to her and held her cheeks.
"Hermanita, you need to slow your breathing. Follow me," Elizabeth nodded and tried to follow Sad Eyes breathes until she finally calmed down, "now, tell us what happened."
"I-i-i was with my friends and-and-and the P-Prophets rolled up on us and they knew m-my name! They knew me and h-how I got shot and when is this going to end! Guys, I just want all of us out of here and in a place where we don't have to worry about this!" Elizabeth ranted as the door opened and Oscar walked in to see Elizabeth crying.
He dropped everything and kneeled in front of Elizabeth, "hey, hey, babe. What happened? Who did this?"
"I just want everything to stop," Elizabeth let the tears roll down her cheek, "all this violence and everything. I want us out of here. You, Cesar, my friends, Sad Eyes, Rico, Lorca. I just want us out,"
"Ok, ok, ok," Oscar cooed at his lover, "one day we are going to have a house and you're going to be an athletic trainer and I'm going to be doing whatever job that will hire me. We can get one big house with everybody inside, including your ma and pops. One day, we are going to have it all,"
It was the next two weeks and Elizabeth stayed with Oscar those weeks as the two just held each other at night, not knowing what was going to happen the next day. Ruby and Jamal texted her asking where she was at so she just replied that she was with Oscar, but they told her that Monse didn't go to school. Elizabeth went to Monse's house with snacks and things as the two cried after Ruby and Jamal left.
Night fell and she went back to Oscar's place to see him working on his car so she went behind him and wrapped her arms around him. He continued doing what he was doing, but stopped as he heard footsteps so he quickly pulled Elizabeth between him and the car while pointing his gun to see Cesar panting. Elizabeth sighed out a breath of relief and ran to hug the boy that was like a brother to her.
Oscar grimaced while tucking the gun away, "get outta here,"
"I need protection," Cesar said.
"You came to the wrong place," Oscar said, wiping his hands.
"I found Latrelle," Cesar said as Oscar stopped and turned back to his little brother, "I went to go finish the job,"
"And?" Oscar waited.
Cesar looked away, "the gun jammed,"
Oscar turned back to the car, "you're oh for two. Ain't gonna be number three. Go," Oscar said with finality.
"Where?! I have nowhere to go!" Cesar yelled.
"Not my problem," Oscar said.
"Not your problem?" Cesar had tears in his eyes.
"There's nothing I can do for you. It's not just about you anymore. Everyone you care about is in jeopardy if you stay, so leave, and don't come back" Cesar started walking out.
"You know what, Oscar?" Cesar said walking back, "you should've handled this for me. You're not just my big brother. You're my big homie,"
"Shut the hell up," Oscar walked up to Cesar.
"You could've taken out Latrelle, but instead you sent me! You sent me to do it!" Cesar pushed Oscar away.
"Hey! Do you know what the hell you did? How badly you messed up? Hey." Oscar shook Cesar, "you put me in an impossible situation with Cuchillos,"
"Oscar, please," Cesar hugged Oscar tightly, "I don't know what to do,"
Oscar quickly whispered a plan into his ear before pretending like he was going to leave Cesar out to dry, "hey, hey. I love you, mano. But you're done," Oscar fixed Cesar's clothes, "happy birthday," Cesar started leaving, but Oscar started speaking, "you need to do something bigger than the mess you made,"
Cesar walked back, "what?"
"To undo this, you gotta do something bigger to prove yourself,"
"What if I got you fifty grand?" Cesar asked.
Oscar looked confused, "where are you gonna get cash like that?"
"What if he already had it?" Elizabeth asked.
"I'm listening," Oscar looked at Cesar.
"Our friends found the RollerWorld money. They washed it, including Elizabeth," Cesar said, "it's clean,"
"RollerWorld? Don't shit me!" Oscar spat, but Cesar and Elizabeth shook their heads, "for real? RollerWorld? Is that why your boy kept asking about Lil Ricky?" Cesar nodded, "damn. Damn! How far are you willing to go?" "I'll do anything," Cesar said.
"Then this is what we're going to do. I'll run the plan through Cuchillos. Without a blessing, there is no point in taking the risk. You gotta be incredibly careful. Your friends have to think that you're going away forever. This protects them and if anything happens to you, they won't know you're dead. Make it look like you're leaving. When it's clear, I'll be there. You make contact with the Prophets and I'll exchange your clean money with the marked bills from the Freeridge Savings Heist,"
It was the next day and the plan was in full motion and Elizabeth was away for most of it because she had a shift at the taco joint until four pm. After her shift, she took her penny board and skated to Oscar's house since Ruby and Jamal were there with Oscar and Cesar. She just walked inside and set her stuff down on the couch, walking to the dining room table and putting a hand on Oscar's shoulder.
"You gave out RollerWorld money to the Prophets!" Jamal yelled.
"No, I gave them the marked bills, from the Freeridge Savings robbery," Oscar put down the lime.
"Oh, thank God," Jamal sighed, "for a second, I thought you gave our money away,"
"Nah, nah. I didn't give your money away. You gave your money away. And now it's mine," Oscar held Elizabeth's hand, giving it a kiss, "hola, bebe. How was work?"
"It was good," Elizabeth kissed his bald head, "nothing exciting,"
"Ruby! Turn me to Jamal," Monse's voice sounded through the phone, "am I hearing this correctly? You used all of our money for nothing? Even my 50k?"
"It wasn't for nothing," Jamal argued, "it was for Cesar, and yes, even your 50k," Jamal mocked Monse.
"Turn me to Spooky," Jamal turned the camera to Cesar, "more, I still can see him," Jamal turned it more to face Elizabeth and Spooky, "Hey, Elizabeth. Anyway, Spooky. I did not sign off on my 50 grand of that gift to you. Can you be decent and give it back?"
"No," Spooky smirked.
"This is bullshit," Monse seethed.
"Look on the bright side. Cesar's alive," Oscar smirked at Cesar.
"Hurray! Turn me to him," Monse said sarcastically.
"No, no," Cesar started, but Oscar already turned the phone to him.
"You might be alive, but you're dead to me," Monse said.
"Monse, I am so-" Monse ended the call, "dead,"
"Spooky, do you really think that giving the Prophets a bunch of marked bills was wise? Once one of their guys gets arrested then they'll know it was you. And by extension, us," Ruby said.
Oscar looked at Ruby, weirdly, "they would never connect it to you," Oscar smirked.
"I still don't understand why you needed to cheat us," Jamal said
"I didn't. I did exactly what you wanted. I saved Cesar," Oscar nodded.
"But you knew you were gonna do that before you took our cash," Jamal said.
"And your point is?"
"Taking our money is unscrupulous," Jamal said.
"How many times do I gotta spell this out for you?" Spooky said, annoyed now, "your money is actually my money. It belongs to the Santos,"
"Oh! You really want to play that game? Well, if we get into logistics, it's really Prophets money that you stole from us!" Jamal yelled.
"Well, actually, it's a bunch of random people's money who paid way too much for a bad concert," Ruby reasoned.
"Shalamar's the shit! These people probably didn't pay enough," Jamal said.
"Relax," Oscar said, "we're not gonna forget you helped us,"
"I don't care about your goodwill! I want my money!" Jamal yelled
"But I cooked for you,"
Elizabeth looked at the table and only saw ceviche, "baby, you only did ceviche," she started laughing, "the juices do all the cooking,"
Once Ruby and Jamal left, Elizabeth walked to the refrigerator and pulled out two beers and an iced tea to bring it out to the dining room. She set the drinks down as she sat on Oscar's lap. Everyone cracked their drinks open and cheersed.
"Hey, thank you," Cesar said.
"It was no problem," Oscar had a small smile.
"I'm not talking about the food," Cesar paused, "I don't say this very often, but I, uh,"
Oscar cut him off, "I know,"
"I'm not made for this life, Oscar," Cesar shook his head, "listen to me, please. When that gun jammed, God gave me a second chance. And I can't ignore it,"
"And?" Oscar said.
"And I never want to be a liability to you ever again," there was a brief silence, "I love you, mano, but I am not a killer,"
The three continued on in silence, eating until Cesar excused himself to sleep. After that day, the next couple days have been spent doing multiple homework assignments, work, and sleeping. It was stressful, but Elizabeth felt fine as she was back into her place once she felt safer to go back and not put her mother in danger.
Monse had told Elizabeth about her going into an all girls boarding school after the year was over and she couldn't be more happier for Monse. Elizabeth wanted to ask her what was going on with her and Cesar, but she knew it wasn't her place to ask so she let it go and decided to let them handle it for themselves. It was night time and Elizabeth was hanging out with Cesar, Oscar, and some Santos as Oscar was telling a story. She stood in front of Oscar with his arm around her shoulder, going across her chest as he smoked a cigarette and drank a beer.
"So she pissed the bed," everybody laughed, "you know what my boy, Angel, does? He piss on the bed too," Elizabeth laughed as she scrunched her nose at the details.
The noise stopped when the group caught sight of Monse so Elizabeth smiled at Monse and mouthed good luck as she nudged Oscar to take everyone inside. "Hey," Oscar said to the boys and all of them except for Cesar walked inside.
After a few moments, Cesar came inside and into his room so Elizabeth stood up from the couch, giving Oscar a kiss on the cheek, before whispering in his ear, "I'm gonna check on him,"
Oscar nodded, continuing with his conversation, as Elizabeth walked to Cesar's room to see him with tears going down his cheeks so she sat down and rubbed his back, "What did she say?"
"She said that she forgave me," Cesar sniffled, "but if I did it even when I loved her then what else would I do,"
Elizabeth nodded, "she makes a good point. Look, Cesar, all I can really say is move on and I know it's easier said than done, but one day you're going to be super happy with a girl that you're going to marry. It can be Monse or it won't be, we don't know, but you can't not live your life," that was when Elizabeth softly smiled at the young boy before leaving the room and continuing with the conversation in the living room with her boyfriend and the Santos.
It was the next day and Cesar and Elizabeth were walking out of school when they met up with Jasmine, Monse, Ruby, and Jamal in the front. "The cash, the drugs, the guns, and illegal ferrets. The place was a scene. It was sick!"
"But why are all the Prophets getting arrested?" Ruby asked.
"Remember the robbery at Freeridge Savings? The guys in the monster masks? Well, that money was marked and we've been tracking any money spent. First, we caught Mr. Gutierrez in his liquor store with the dough. Turns out that money was from a customer. And when those marked bills started popping up all around the town right before the Prophets hood day, we were able to trace it right back to them. So now the Prophets are no mas," Jasmine smiled.
"All of them?" Ruby asked.
"Hell, yeah! We took them all down. The Prophets are Donezel Washington,"
"Holy, shit!"
"Actually, check out this link. It's got the best footages," Jasmine showed the phone to them, showing the Prophets sitting on the curb with Latrelle in handcuffs going to the back of the car.
"Yeah. He's going away for a long time," Jasmine put a hand on Ruby as well as look at Elizabeth, "hey, yo, Esteban! Why no call back? I don't send pictures of my chonies to no phonies!"
Everybody turned to the two people that were shot in the group, "how are you guys feeling?"
"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels surreal. I don't understand the violence and all that because we're not worrying about Cesar's life or anything big," Elizabeth sighed.
"We lost sight of the bigger picture. We should be grateful that we have our friends and family with us," Ruby continued, "it's time to move on,"
"Agreed," Monse said, "I'm leaving Freeridge," the guys turned back, "I'm starting boarding school at the end of summer,"
"Wait! Are you serious?" Cesar asked
"Not talking to you," Monse sighed.
"But you forgave me," Cesar said.
"I changed my mind. Anyway, I finally realized that it doesn't matter if any of you are on Team Monse because I'm on team Monse. And that's all I need so...I'm out," Monse shrugged.
There was a silence until Jamal broke it, "ok,"
"Good luck," Ruby said.
"Hope you have a fun time," Elizabeth grinned.
"Ok? Good luck?" Monse said Elizabeth didn't matter to her since she already knew and has been supportive.
"Yeah, you've left before," Ruby said.
"Writing camp, Brentwood," Jamal listed, "this is schmuck bait, you always come back,"
"Not this time," Monse said, "I'm gone for good. Things just aren't the same around here and I think we've outgrown each other,"
"Ruby, what kind of snacks you got at home?" Jamal asked Ruby, "did your mom get that good spinach dip from Costco?"
"No, better. She got the jalapeno artichoke," Ruby grinned.
"Oh! The extra creamy one that you gotta use the thick chips for?" Elizabeth asked, excited.
"She picked those up too!"
"I'm serious!" Monse said aloud.
"So are we! That dip's bomb," Jamal said.
"Are you even listening to me? I'm really out of here, I'm done with the gangs and bullshit and the nonstop drama that you always get me into," Monse accused.
Ruby stuttered, looking around as if she wasn't talking to them, "we get you into?"
Monse mocked him, "yeah."
"Goodbye," Ruby said.
"Uh, no, no, no," Jamal stopped Ruby, "you shouldn't say goodbye. 'Cause I want to. Buh-bye!" Jamal waved.
Elizabeth laughed at their antics, "boys, stop teasing and let's go,"
"Assholes," Monse muttered.
"Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we all take a breath," Cesar tried to defuse the situation.
"Shut up! No one is talking to you!" Monse said.
"Ok," Cesar backed up, "we'll see you when you get back,"
"Yeah, good luck trying to survive on your own. Without me, you guys are done. There'll be no one to save you," Monse motioned to Cesar.
At that moment, Elizabeth zoned out since she already knew what was going to happen with the whole argument, but when Monse finally started walking away, there was a bag thrown over her head as well as the boys and she was thrown into a van. They were screaming Monse's name until they heard Monse's yell too.
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A Fitting Finale: Bringing Ian Full-Circle
Is everyone sick of my essays yet? Excellent. Here’s another anyway!
I’ve been trying to put my finger on what it is about Ian’s story in s11 that I love so much. It’s clear that he’s struggling on a number of levels, and he’s certainly spent the first third of the season under so much stress that it’s impacted his moods and marriage. In 11x04, we began to see hints of the tension breaking, and it made me realize that there’s a common trend in Ian’s behavior throughout the series coming to a head in his final act. It’s part of what has him so passionately advocating for Mickey to get a legal job, communicating their need to hammer out the specifics of what their marriage means, and upset at his own employment status.
From start to finish, Ian has been driven by two important motivators: love and fear.
Ian’s deep sense of love and compassion for others is well documented. We know that he will do anything for his family. I’ve mentioned before that Ian is at his best when he’s with them and his worst when he’s not. They’re his support system, and he’s a key part of theirs. They look after each other and rely on one another when the chips are down. They’re all grown up now, Liam being the exception, but those bonds are strong. They’ve matured and branched out to include Mickey, Tami, Franny, and Freddie. Ian’s heart belongs to his family, and he’s given as much of himself as he can to the people he’s been with over the years in whatever capacity they’ve needed him to.
Ian has also always been a fearful character, though not in the manner we typically visualize. He’s strong and motivated, ambitious and sensible, clever and insightful. When he decides that he wants something, he goes for it, from a South Side thug hovering in his orbit to pursuing the highest military accolades despite his small beginnings. Over and over again, we’ve seen him leap into serious and often strange situations in order to achieve his ends or something for the people he cares about. This man stole a water heater from a dead person’s house with his brother and tried to help his best friend hide a body. Certainly, he doesn’t fit the traditional stereotype. He’s not a coward.
But Ian is terrified—of everything:
·        Not amounting to anything
·        Not being worthy of love
·        Being the center of attention
·        Fading into the background and being forgotten
·        Not being able to help other people or those he loves
·        Not having a path
·        Not being in control of himself
·        Not being enough
He’s never said it. He’s never discussed these issues, except perhaps not having control. That isn’t who he is. That’s never been his way. Maybe we should add fear of communicating too, or fear of being seen as weak.
In s1, Ian makes a lot of brave choices. He comes out to three people, two of them family members, knowing how that is viewed in their neighborhood. When Mickey is after him, Ian takes the battle to his doorstep. He turns his back on an arguably easier life in a nice, middle-class neighborhood and a home with a father who would provide for him to live in the constant struggle to which he has grown accustomed. On the surface, he’s one put together kid. But then there’s Kash. There’s this man who preys on him, a middle child so responsible (and so male) that no one thinks he’d fall into any sort of trap—and Ian is desperate to keep him. He fights Lip over it and so painfully tries to make him understand his perspective, that he’s spending money he should probably be using for things he needs to buy Kash music and baseball tickets, to make him like what Ian does so that they can build their so-called relationship. That Kash is married with kids is unimportant to him; that he’s exploiting Ian’s fear of loneliness and not finding love outside his siblings, unthinkable. We know it. Lip sees it, powerless as he feels to do anything about it. Ian can’t. To date, he never will. He’s blinded by a culture that doesn’t believe such things can happen to males, and until Mickey comes along as a viable outlet for his affections and source of the ones he needs, he’s too afraid to be cautious.
Throughout s2 and s3, Ian makes difficult decisions. They’re not always smart, but it takes great strength to commit to the choices he makes: allowing Monica into his life, voicing even an ounce of his feelings to Mickey, pursuing West Point, and running away. All of them, however, are driven by love and fear alike. He’s vulnerable and needs his mother, the one who slaps Frank for shoving him and listens when he feels alone. She assuages his fears by telling him what he needs to hear: that he can do and be anything. We know there’s a danger in that, especially when she takes him to enlist when he’s nowhere near old enough, but it’s still validating for him. It feeds that need for attention but not too much attention, for understanding but not coddling, for love that originates from someone who isn’t his siblings. We see similar trends emerge: fear of losing Mickey on multiple occasions, fear that he’ll forever be in Lip’s shadow when he receives a letter of recommendation instead of Ian, and fear of never having Mickey’s full affections spiraling into fear of facing his own emotions in the aftermath of the wedding. We’ve seen that Ian runs from what he can’t process. He runs from what he can’t handle. He runs when he’s scared, especially of himself.
It continues repeatedly throughout the series. In s4, Ian is afraid of going backwards and once again losing his position in Mickey’s life. In s5, he’s afraid of being a burden on everyone around him, changing them, and losing control of his own mind. In s6, he’s afraid that this is it: his path and his goals have come to nothing, and he’s doomed to fall into the shadows where no one will ever see or love him. In s7, that fear of himself re-emerges when a patient is hurt on his watch and he has to come to terms with the fact that being better doesn’t mean he’s “cured.” In s8, he’s afraid of the void where Monica and Mickey used to be, and it sends him spiraling into a deeper one he doesn’t fear until it’s too late. In s9, he fears a lack of guidance, an indecisiveness born of having been able to rely on his hallucinations to tell him what to do. His path is gone, and he has no options. And that’s terrifying. Then Mickey is there, and he can put some of his fears to rest until they resurge with the idea of marriage in s10. All of a sudden, he’s back where he was in s5, fearing himself but also what he’ll do to someone he loves.
In s11, we’re seeing an Ian far more like he was in earlier seasons: rigidly devoted to having a plan, knowing what’s coming next, and ticking off certain boxes on the list of things you’re “supposed to do” as a married adult male. He’s spent a lot of this season seeking value in his employment and position in their marriage, and the stress has been dragging him down—quickly.
And it’s no wonder: he has every reason to be scared right now.
The thing about prison is that it is what’s known as a total institution. It is removed from society and, as such, operates under its own social beliefs, values, and norms. Like the military, another total institution, prison involves an initial period of sloughing off roles and identities from the greater society and subsequently being resocialized into a new role set. Upon release, a person undergoes the same process in reverse, and there’s an adjustment period to reintegrate into normal society. We can see that process begin when Ian gets in the car with Lip and shudders a bit, unsettled at the prospect of being outside these walls for the first time in months—going home far earlier than anticipated. For many people, it’s a difficult transformation, especially once they realize the full extent of how your life changes as an ex-convict in the U.S.
Ian doesn’t really get to adjust. From s8 to the start of s11, he undergoes a whirlwind of emotion and change. He literally loses touch with reality, starts a cult, commits a felony, is on the run from law enforcement, allows himself to be captured with one final display, goes to jail, remains unmedicated until he’s bailed out, panics at what his movement became, feels alone in the house as everyone deals with their own business and leaves him to his own devices, seeks guidance from above only to realize it wasn’t what he thought it was, can’t find answers, has warring factions telling him how to plead in court, ostensibly takes a plea deal that requires some amount of time behind bars, goes to prison, finds the love of his life there waiting for him, has to let his sister go, is released without Mickey, gets repeatedly screwed over by a corrupt PO, gets engaged, breaks up (sort of), gets engaged again, sees his wedding venue burned down, gets married, and hurtles straight into a pandemic. That’s… That’s a lot. Being a newlywed in a pandemic is a lot without all the rest of it, but this is what Ian is dealing with going into s11, and he hasn’t had the benefit of a stable readjustment and reintegration period.
He’s drowning.
He’s scared.
He has every reason to be. Marriage is scary, especially if you are so young and so in love with the person you’re marrying. Employment is scary, especially for them, because it could mean the difference between paying the utilities and running out of water. Change in general is scary, especially when it hasn’t done you any favors before.
Add all that to what Ian’s behavior has indicated that he’s been afraid of since the start, and you have a recipe for disaster.
To a great extent, that’s what I think his arc is all about this season: learning how to live again. It’s about not being so afraid of himself that he desperately grasps for any stereotypical structure for married life that he can. It’s about regaining the confidence that has always left him clawing his way to the top instead of letting life beat him down. It’s about finding the happy medium where he and Mickey aren’t doing anything illegal but aren’t stuck in a valueless spiral, scrambling and struggling to pay the bills like when they were kids.
It’s about learning not to be so afraid anymore, and I think that’s a beautiful goodbye for a beautiful character.
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sweets-r-cool · 4 years
(Bakugo x reader)
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 In which you find yourself rendered unable to sleep because a certain explosive blonde seems a little too close to Ochaco for your liking...
...crackhead hours bring crackhead thoughts 💀
You let out a grunt of frustration, aggressively turning over as your leg kicked off the remaining part of blanket that stayed on your body. 
You grumbled, finally sitting up in bed with a hand gripping your hair. Your head hurt. No, it pounded with a migraine. Most likely caused by overuse of your quirk.
Well, that was what you wanted to think. In reality, it was probably because of that stupid hoe, Bakugo Katsuki. You hadn’t been able to sleep lately for the past couple of nights because of him.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t a hoe some could beg to differ, and Ochaco was definitely a catch. It was just- you didn’t like how it sounded to you. Sure, it might’ve been because you’ve liked Bakugo since- forever, but it was also at least because they didn’t seem right for each other! 
You stood up from bed with a deep scowl, surely not too far of from Bakugo’s. Maybe a glass of water would help your aching mind, and maybe the cold air of the common room and hallway would help you feel a little more calm.
A glass and a half of water and (15) fifteen minutes later, you were still frustrated. You knew everyone else would probably be asleep, so there was no one to rant to. You decided there were other ways of getting your pent up anger out.
Committing a felony, breaking shit, yelling, but all of those were too loud and would wake up the others. Going to the gym room and punching one of the punching bags until you felt better would have to suffice. 
You glanced at the clock.3:57 AM. 
Whatever, you’d sleep when you were dead, tomorrow was already today. Did it even matter if you slept at this point? If the gym door was locked, was there a way to break it down without waking anyone up?
You shrugged, it was crackhead hours. Anything goes at this point. 
Surprisingly, you weren’t the only crackhead one awake at this time on a school night. You could tell, seeing as the lights in the gym were as blinding as always. The gym wasn’t big, since it was only for the class 1-A dorm building, so it didn’t take long for you to lock on to the muscular figure angrily punching the same punching bag you were planning to murder.
It seemed it would already be murdered by the time the person punching it (currently) was done. 
You paused, realizing there was only one person who’d beat up a punching bag that way. You also had eyes, noticing the spiky ash blonde locks in motion.
Sweat rolled off Bakugo’s brow and he repositioned himself, continuing in his assault towards the punching bag. You leaned against the door frame, not thinking to speak but instead simply watch. You weren’t sure it’d be a good idea to converse with the angry gremlin, not only when you were both frustrated but also tired as shit yet unable to sleep. 
You crossed your arms, watching Bakugo’s back muscles flexing underneath his black tank top. 
You didn’t know how long had passed, but either way, you flinched in surprise when Bakugo paused to reach for his towel and spoke, “The hell are you doing awake, dumbass?” 
You didn’t even see his eyes glance at you, yet you knew he knew it was you, considering ‘dumbass’ seemed to be your designated insult nickname from him.
You inhaled, thinking of an answer but instead settled for; “I could ask you the same thing.”
Bakugo scoffed, wiping sweat from his neck onto the towel, “What does it look like?”  
“Uhh...” you trailed off, “Teaching the punching bag what happens when it looks at you wrong.”
Bakugo deadpanned. “Why does your mind work in such an idiotic way?”  He said, taking a gulp of water from his bottle. You took note of the fact he came down to the gym prepared, just because it was something you randomly noticed and your brain liked to remember dumb things like this instead of formulas or seemingly endless number of hero laws.
“Hmm...” you thought, looking up to the ceiling as if your answer would be written there, “Can I get back to you on that one? I think I could come up with an answer eventually.” 
Bakugo scoffed again with a roll of his eyes.
“Anyways,” you began, “What’s up? You seem angry- well, more than usual.” you corrected yourself.
“Why don’t you tell me why you’re down here, and maybe I’ll consider telling a dumbass like you the answer,” Bakugo stated rather than asked.
“Well, believe it or not, I was here to blow off some stream, much like yourself... I think.” You pushed off the door frame, walking towards him, and smirked leaning forward, “Thought this was better than tattooing ‘Lysol’ on Kaminari’s forehead while he slept.”
Bakugo turned slightly, trying and failing to conceal a chuckle, which only made your face redden and also make you laugh. “I think he’d be Lysol Face instead of Dunce Face after that,” you added, which only made you want to laugh harder when Bakugo couldn’t hold it back this time and let out a genuine laugh.
You weren’t sure if you stared, but you definitely did keep your blinking to a minimum watching the usually angry scowling blonde laugh his ass off at a joke you made. Some part of you felt your pride swell, Ochaco never made him laugh like that. 
Bakugo finally was able to catch his breath, some how, it was harder to be angry around you for him. He didn’t know why, but whenever you weren’t around and he thought about it, it only rnade him more angry. Ironic, he knew. Thinking about it, you were the reason he was in the gym punching the bag until his fists hurt. 
“Why the fuck would you put Lysol? How the hell would you even tattoo it onto him?” Bakugo wondered aloud.
You winked, bringing a finger to your mouth implicating to keep the secret you weren’t going to tell, “I have my ways.” With that, you moved away from him, opting to sit on some of the nearby equipment as you continued talking about whatever.  
“So,” you began again, “Why’re you more angry than usual?”
Technically, Bakugo didn’t have to say anything. You never answered his question about why you were angry, just why you were here with him. He didn’t entirely mind your presence, only another thing Bakugo would never tell you. 
Bakugo hesitated,”There’s just this person.” He turned after putting his stuff down, deciding he’d do some push ups now.
You crossed your legs, watching as he moved, “What did this person do to make you mad?”
He hesitated again, pausing with his arms straightened beneath him. He might end up regretting this... “I’m not jealous, because I’m not a shithead,” he began as you nodded along, waiting for the rest of his explanation. “I guess I sort of care about this person, and lately, she’s been hanging around other guys.” 
You jaw clenched as despair seemed to form a pit at the bottom of your stomach.You wanted to groan, was he talking about Ochaco? You’d never heard him admit he cared about anyone, so whoever he was talking about must be the girl he likes. Was it Ochaco?
God, you kind of really hoped it wasn’t. Ochaco was a friend, but one you wouldn’t want to date Bakugo. Probably because you also didn’t want anyone else but you to date him.
At the same time, something in you felt a little glad. Bakugo was more honest about how he felt around you. Of course, had anyone else been in the room he’d probably go back to his little edgy self and stay silent at your questions. 
“...So, you’re jealous?” you said, maintaining your usual composure. Ochaco mainly hung around Deku, Todoroki, and Iida. It made sense if he was angry about her hanging around Deku, if he liked Ochaco... 
You shook the thoughts out of your head before the feelings would begin to seep through. 
“No!” Bakugo shouted angrily as he stood up, deciding to just pack up at this point, “She hangs around Shitty Hair really often and I just feel like-” Bakugo groaned angrily, turning away from you, not bothering to finish his sentence. 
So much for him showing how he felt around you.
But, did Ochaco ever hang around Kirishima? You sighed, “Well, personally, I think she might be missing a few or more brain cells if she’d rather hang out with someone else than you.” 
You thought some more. The words you said were kind of mean, and Bakugo had remained silent so he probably didn’t like what you said. Aside from that, Ochaco barely ever talked to Kirishima! Only out of necessity, you were confused. That was something you knew for a fact, because you hung around Kirishima all the time! 
He was playing wingman and also your designated person to vent to so-
Bakugo grabbed his water bottle and towel, heading for the door, a smirk evident on his face. “By your logic, if a dumbass is missing a few or more brain cells, then yeah. She must be.”
Part 2
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strikearose · 3 years
Uncovering Passione's Underside (1/1) GIOMIS
What one can learn by listening to what the secretive Passione's staff have to say about their Don... One-shot, GioMis, Post-canon, Humor, G+ You can also read it on ao3 here!
For as long as many Passione members could recall, Agnese Bianchi had always been there, grumbling as she would mop the hall floor and nagging at fellow cleaning employees and ruthless gang members all alike. It didn't matter how long their felonious resumes were, she simply couldn't stand slackers. Years of working within that specific industry had forged her strong character - she was honest, hardworking, and probably a tad too outspoken too about her aversion for mobsters, but she still knew better than to ask silly questions like some other people did.
The housekeeper glared at the man who'd been chatting up the new cleaner (and therefore, preventing her from mopping up the floor as she had explicitly urged her to) for the last half hour. His name was Trado, Trattore, or something that sounded way too much like Tradittore anyway: he was one of the Don's many henchmen. Ever since he had started working there, he had taken that annoying habit of snooping everywhere, making idle chitchat with the household staff during rush hour.
The old maid cleared her throat, grabbed her cleaning cart handles, and pushed it unceremoniously between the pair. "Is that what you call cleaning the reception room? Signore Giovanna wants it sparkling clean: go fix it now or apply for another job already!"
Her harsh tone worked just fine: the young employee, caught red-handed slacking work, gasped in surprise and mumbled a brief apology before leaving in a hurry. The man, however, didn't seem the least concerned about her admonition. He simply smiled and raised his hands in self-defense - and lord if there was a way he could possibly piss her off even more.
Agnese chose to simply disregard his presence and rummaged through her pockets to find the key she needed.
As it opened, she began to push her cleaning cart over the door sill with some difficulty.
"Need some help?"
Agnese sighed when she realized he was still there. Who the hell was he taking her for?
"I don't. As always, I'm doing just fine on my own."
To her dismay, it seemed that her sharp answer didn't manage to get rid of the gangster. For God's sake, couldn't he just go bother someone else, literally anyone but her? There was nothing Agnese hated more than to have someone watch her every move.
Or perhaps slackers.
Slackers who intended on watching her every move.
"So, for how long have you been working there? They say you'll bury us all..."
Agnese rolled her eyes as she finally managed to get her cart through the doorway.
"Long enough to have seen my fair share of slackers come and go..." The cleaning lady truly wished he'd get the memo this time. She had seen it all: louts in suits with fake good manners and scarred faces, but also men that seemed to be way too nice and curious for their own good. To her, that last species was the worst: they were wolves in sheep's clothing.
But of course, Trado (or Trattore or whatever was his name) didn't appreciate the subtlety of her response, and he continued his questioning: "You've been there long enough to have known the former boss, right? The one before Don Giovanna, a real freak apparently... "
Agnese tensed at that: she didn't like where the conversation was heading. She was unfortunately all too familiar with those office gossips. A little over five years ago now, Passione had gone from having no official face, to Giorno Giovanna's gracing every streets' corners. Rumors had it that the young, brilliant, man had brutally murdered the Original Don in the span of a week. Others thought that Giovanna's was his son and that the boss had simply granted himself a well-deserved retirement.
She couldn't care less about what had truly happened: Don Giovanna gave her a monthly salary as well as direct, concrete instructions. And those were the two things that mattered to her. He was good at that, giving clear orders to the people to his service. And it was nicer to serve him than to obey blindly the weird requests she'd receive by mail like before.
"Don't you really have anywhere else to go?", the cleaning lady suddenly turned to the man she had heard approaching but was relieved to see that he had not dared to enter the Don's office. He was looking at her, peering at what she was doing, from the door's threshold. "If you want a piece of advice, stop being so damn noisy."
The gangster laughed and at that, Agnese wished she could just sweep him out of the room.
"Relax! I'm new here, I'm just curious. Don Giovanna's pretty nice, he won't murder us over some harmless chitchat."
The Boss of a criminal organization, a nice man?
It was Agnese's turn to snort.
Yeah, she guessed it was the kind of public image he was adamantly working on And some people seemed to believe it: newspapers were reporting less traffic, a decline in thugs harming citizens' and tourists' safety. The astounding sums of money he was giving to local shelters, hospitals, and public schools were also common knowledge: rumors had it that the city council was even thinking of naming the brand-new biological museum, founded thanks to his many donations, after him.
As a boss, Agnese considered him to be pretty decent  - well, as decent as being the Don of a criminal organization could possibly allow him to be considered. After all, he was well-educated enough not to leave clothes and magazines scattered everywhere like the previous boss and some of his most favored underlings did.
But as a man, there was no way she could possibly tell if he was nice. Agnese was just an old, tired cleaning lady: she never pried into the Don's private life even though she guessed there were things that couldn't escape her lack of malicious curiosity. Details such as notes and silly doodles scribbled on his desk, scraps of paper (of extremely dubious content) discarded in the garbage can she needed to empty or sweaters which were at least two sizes too big for him lying on the normally spotless ground of his room...
Sighing, the old maid was about to close the door behind her when she noticed it: the stupid smirk on the gangster's face. The stupid knowing smirk they always had whenever they would bring up the one topic she had no desire to discuss.
How she wished she could just spray him with a window cleaner to wipe it out of his face.
"You know people say 'bout them, right? I'm sure it's complete bullshit but..."
The answer Agnese gave him was the same she would lecture her own underlings with: "One thing I know for sure is that the Underboss always carries his gun on him... And the Don sure doesn't need one to silence people. So just drop it and mind your own business."
With a last sigh, she finally shut the door closed and started her heavy work. However, even though the noisy snoop had left, Agnese felt her mind drift to her first encounter with the Don as she was dusting the ancient bookcase.
It had happened about four years ago, on a late December afternoon - was it because she had arrived too early or because he had stayed in his office later than usual, but the door had been left open so she had loudly pushed her cart inside. The old cleaning lady had instantly understood her mistake - after all, there was little mystery about whom that man was... Who else would dare to enter the big boss's office in his absence?
Golden locks, emerald eyes looking right at her with mild surprise: he obviously had not been expecting her.
"Oh, it's already that time of the day," his chin tilted high and proud, the mafia boss had flatly made that statement.
Not knowing what to say, Agnese had simply nodded and taken a discreet look at the massive clock behind him. 8:17 pm. He was definitely the one behind schedule, not her: she was just on time.
Not that she could say it aloud anyway.
"I didn't know you were still in there, Signore Giovanna," while her head was slightly bowed as a sign of respect, she had not apologized for her intrusion. She had nothing to apologize for: boss or not, he was the one messing with the established schedule. "I'll come back to clean your office later."
Don Giovanna had however soon dismissed her concern with a motion of his hand.
"It's fine, you can start working now. I was about to leave anyway."
The old housemaid nodded and was about to approach the bookcase when she had stopped right on her track, seeing the state of the ancient Victorian carpet. The boss had a rather keen hearing as he almost instantly turned his attention away from his papers to peer at Agnese, understanding what the problem was right away.
The blood hadn't just spattered on the carpet - there were traces of it on the sofa. And on the cushions. As well as on the desk's marble border.
And of course, the Don had to insist on furnishing his office with pristine white furnitures  - even the smallest stain could be spotted from miles away.
Well, at least to look at the bright sight, Agnese realized that she wasn't the one who had to take care of the body, to each, his own mess: scrubbing out the carpet was already going to be a real nightmare.
"I apologize for that," the voice of her employer was surprisingly gentle, and it had taken her off guard. "I'll make sure the floor is covered properly next time."
As unbelievable as it might sound, the Don had kept true to his word: she hadn't been able to find a single drop of blood in his office ever since.
And she had even gotten a raise in the following week.
Rumors had it that Don Giovanna was capable of prodigious deeds that a rational mind could not possibly explain: that dazzling smile of his could enchant things and bend them to his will. Some prominent figures from all parts of the world, whose identities shall remain hidden, had apparently come out of his office miraculously cured. But rumors also had it that the reason why his public appearances were becoming more and more scarce was because of a growing sensitivity to daylight.
So Agnese paid very little to no regard to them. Most of the time, like Tradutti had stated, it was indeed complete bullshit.
However, later that night, as she undid her bandages to observe the state of the burn on a forearm (a stupid domestic accident involving a boiling teapot), Agnese was amazed to find her epidermis completely smooth. There was no more blistering or dead skin: her forearm was of a softness that contrasted with the rest of her body:the astronomical amount of tiger balm and aloe vera used could not possibly explain that. So as much of a skeptic as she was, the cleaning lady was forced to admit that it had to be somehow related to her earlier encounter with the Don.
As soon as she had stepped outside his office after tidying it, she had spotted the mafia boss in the hallway. He was accompanied by five or six men dressed in equally expensive suits. Among them was a face quite familiar to her: the city mayor who was making it to the news because of yet another corruption scandal.
The last thing she needed was to get involved in this ugly mess, so the cleaning lady kept her head high and bravely pushed her cart forwards. What she wasn't expecting however was for the Don to stop her.
"Did you injure yourself?"
She had had no choice but to peer down too at her bandage and lie through her teeth: "It's nothing, Signore."
His face showed no emotion, but he took a step towards her and delicately grabbed the injured arm before she could protest. His grip was somehow gentle but tight: there was no way she could escape from it. It was a literal iron fist in a velvet glove.
Agnese could still recall feeling the gazes of the Mayor and his bodyguards on her, they had also stopped walking to stare at her. Her heart rate had momentarily quickened when the Don's hands had brushed over her wound, his emerald eyes never leaving her confused expression. A sharp pain had set her wrist on fire... And then nothing.
She no longer felt a thing - it was as if it had never happened: Don Giovanna had taken a step back and addressed his subordinates, and they all had resumed their walk, any concern about the poor old maid definitely forgotten. The only one who had graced her with something (a strangely amused smile) before leaving was Guido Mista.
The Underboss truly was something. He often reminded Agnese of her own son: way too careless and untidy. His room was a literal nightmare to clean: most of his cashmere sweaters (which he had no problem leaving on the floor for all that mattered) needed to be hand-washed, and he also had the specificity of returning several times a month completely riddled with bullets.
The fact that he was somehow still alive despite his many injuries was as much a real blessing to him that it was a curse for her.
After all, Agnese was the one who had to clean up after him: and there was nothing easier than to track him because with Underboss Mista came blood everywhere.
From the pavement outside to the sheets of a certain person whose name shall remain unknown.
The kitchen timer rang and Agnese was brought back to reality.
She couldn't say for sure if the Don was responsible for this miracle, but she still wished he could have also helped with her rheumatism too.
━━━━━ ༻🌱༺ ━━━━━
Unlike Agnese, Rolfo Giardino was still fairly new at that whole managing-not-to-get-mixed-up-in-mafia-mess-while-working-for-them dilemma. This gardener may have had twenty years of experience, nothing could have possibly prepared him for what was about to come.
The headquarters' gardens themselves were very pleasant - they were spacious and ideally located. Starting from scratch, that is to say from an austere backyard where some pathetic trees were beginning to wither to this authentic example of Giardino all'italiana, adorned with classical sculptures, flowering shrubs, fountains and ornamental parterres, had not been easy at first but Signore Giovanna had agreed to pay the price without thinking twice and the result was worth it.
Now that it was done, now that Rolfo and his team only had to maintain the garden (meaning watering the flowers and cutting the hedges one or two times a week), he guessed the job would be pretty nice if it weren't for all those mobsters who, for some reason he still couldn't gather, enjoyed watching him work. That, as well as those dreadful echoes of gunfire and screams which would shatter from time to time the peaceful atmosphere of the garden.
The rustling of water, the birds' chirping, a loud explosion from within the building... A nice sunny day overall.
Some of his employees were still refusing to work there despite his best attempts to reassure them: for as long as they would stay away from the actual building, it was not like something could happen to them, right? Still, they were places where even Rolfo himself did not like to approach, near the window overlooking what he thought was the Big Boss's office for instance. He had been forced to come close (way too close) to it because of his client's special request to have ivy and white roses gambling along this wall.
He had started working on it on a day when the weather was so mild that the window had apparently been cracked open for once - and the uncanny noises and groans that had escaped through it had scared the gardener to death. He hadn't dared to peer inside to find out what was really happening: the last thing he needed to know was what the Don of Passione's private torture sessions consisted of. Ever since that unfortunate incident, Rolfo had not ventured any closer to the damn white rosebushes. The branches were becoming too long, they were clearly starting to block the path of light, but as long as the Don didn't make any complaint, Rolfo would leave them be.
But on that day, however, the poor gardener saw red as his eyes fell on the figure loitering near that damn window: who was that son of a bitch was stepping on his flower beds!
"Hey you fucking moron: Move! Can't you see you're ruinin' my work?" Rolfo's shout managed to hit the bull's eye. The criminal was startled by it and half a dozen of armed men (probably criminals too) suddenly burst out the building to see what the hell was happening. He sprinted in the direction of the jerk and threw his pair of pruning shears at him. The gardening tool narrowly missed him - it crashed against the window instead (which, thank lord, did not shatter after the impact), but still made him leave. The stern face of Giorno Giovanna soon appeared, his head comically peaking out the building.
The Big Boss frowned when he realized that five of his men were gathered outside, frantically looking for someone, and took a deep breath: "Did one of you just threw a rock at my window?" He sounded confused, and to his credit, that was quite understandable.
Rolfo felt all adrenaline leave him abruptly - he could feel on him the murderous glares of literal murderers, who would have probably murdered him on the spot were it not for the presence of their Big Boss. He had no choice but to come clean: "Uhh, I do believe it was my pruners, Signore. I apologize, I swear they weren't aimed at you. It was for that damn...- uhh, I mean, that employee of yours!"
The Don didn't seem the slightest taken aback by the choice of weapon. He ran a hand through his braided locked and motioned for the others to go.
"You're saying that someone was eavesdropping on me just now?"
Rolfo looked down for a moment before answering: "Uhh, probably? I mean, he was stomping on my rosebushes near your window, that's for sure. They're Blanche Moreau's you know? They took weeks to arrive from France, weeks to finally blossom in Italy's sunlight!"
The mafia boss frowned at that, and Rolfo just knew he understood how valuable these roses were. After all, the Don seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about plants and lots of stuff: rumors had it that they were going to name that new museum after him so...
Signore Giovanna looked behind him and seemed to be addressing someone in the room: "Make sure to find him."
Curiosity overcame his initial reserve: standing on tiptoe, the gardener finally peered at the window to see what was happening inside. The office seemed incredibly spacious and clean: a dark-haired man, behind the desk, was adjusting the position of his cap on his head.
"Kay, I'll climb down the window to catch him faster! The fucker must be hiding somewhere close!," as soon as the man finished speaking, Rolfo couldn't help but react straight away.
"No, you can't do that! You'll ruin the other bushes!"
Both mafiosi looked at him for a moment and the old gardener realized he might have spoken out of turn, but the Don settled the matter for them anyway:
"He's right, I do like these Blanche Moreau's: go around my office Mista. And please, your zipper." That last part had been uttered quietly, but Rolfo had still managed to pick up on it. His devout Catholic mind would probably have been offended by it were it not for the sudden realization which left him quivering.
How on earth was he able to peak so clearly at the window now...?
"That fucking son of a bitch!", at that the mafia boss frowned and looked at him quizzically, but Rolfo couldn't halt the stream of profanities coming out of his mouth. It was too late. "He chopped it off! The whole branch!! It's all gone!"
Rolfo had promised his wife he would never get too close to the mafia, even though those paychecks sure were quite weighty. And yet as he was now, comfortably sitting in a well-made leather seat, a cup of coffee in his hand, he thought that for a first time within the shady building he had tried to avoid entering for so long, things were actually looking pretty normal. A week had passed since the unfortunate roses incident, and he had been surprised to receive after a subsequent sick leave a call from the Don's office. He didn't really have much choice, so he had shown up on time and was now patiently waiting in the lobby.
"Don Giovanna will now receive you."
Rolfo followed without a word the pretty secretary - she too looked way too customarily pretty to be involved in that kind of business. It was only when he passed under the massive arch of the door that he became fully aware of what was happening: the head of the Italian mafia had summoned him here.
As expected, it was the Don's spacious office, the one he had managed to catch a glimpse of through the window free of rose branches. The room appeared to be spotlessly clean - hell, it even smelled like a mixture of disinfectant and fresh lemon. Definitely not what he was expecting it to look like. Oddly enough, the very first thing he noticed was the tarp on the floor: that gaudy blue plastic was seriously clashing with the rest of the pristine white furnishings.
"Good afternoon, Signore Giardino. Is that the man you spotted by my window the other day?," Rolfo met the gaze of the mafia boss who was calmly standing to what soon turned out to be a man in bad shape, feet and fists bound onto the chair.
On the other side of the suspect, nonchalantly propped against the desk, was the gangster who had wanted to hop out the window.
All three of them were looking at the gardener expectantly, and he heard behind him the sound of the door closing. Of course, the pretty secretary couldn't stay.
"I can't say for sure Signore. See, I was so focused on the combat boots trampling my bushes that I didn't pay too much attention to his face..."
He hated the bastard who had wrecked his work, sure, but to rush him to such a tragic fate...
"Cool, then check it out!," the underboss had spoken with a casualness contrasting with the cruelty of the angle in which he twisted the poor man's leg. Rolfo had no choice but to look at the sole of his boot.
The fucking bastard.
There were still manure and rose petals stuck to it. And those were no common rose petals - they were large, fluffy and creamy white. They had been violently snatched away from a Blanche Moreau's sepal.
The gardener hardly needed to speak up to convince the mafia boss - the lethal look he was giving the tied-up man was already enough evidence.
Umberto Tradduto's fate had just been sealed.
Rolfo couldn't say what prompted him to look outside, but after that he only overheard bits of the conversation whispered in front of him: what was he was seeing right now was far more chocking anyway:
"I leave it to you for now Mista. I'll dispose of him later."
"Another donation to the museum?"
"Not this time. I think he'll make a fine aphid instead, that way our gardener will be able to settle his score with him."
Rolfo wasn't even pretending to be listening to what was being said anymore. He couldn't believe his eyes. He took a step towards the window and the two mafiosi, deep in their discussion, didn't notice it immediately.
"Keep your evening free, we'll be paying a visit to the mayor tonight. I'm getting tired of the spies he keeps sending here."
"Tonight? Hey, do you know how much it cost me to book the entire restaurant?"
The Don cleared his throat as if suddenly reminded of the other two's presence: "The sooner the better. I'm sure she won't mind. You'll reschedule your date later."
Mista was about to protest, but he fell silent as he realized where the gardener was standing: "Hey man, what the...-"
But Rolfo overstepped his role again to cut him off. His eyes shining with emotion, he turned towards the mighty Giorno Giovanna and addressed him as if he was a true deity.
"How...- How did you...? This is prodigious Signore!"
Behind him, blocking the light from the window, were proudly standing three beautiful unscathed roses branches.
━━━━━ ༻ 🚗 ༺ ━━━━━
Alfredo waked up completely startled as he heard someone bang on his window: dozing off at the wheel was a rookie mistake, he was well aware of that - but still.
"Hey open up!"
The underboss' voice was agitated - something very rare for such an easy-going man, so Alfredo immediately unlocked the doors and got out of the vehicle to assist him. Mista was backing up the big boss, a hand wrapped under his shoulders to help him stand.
The driver shot a panicked look at the small cottage they had just come from: what the hell had just happened in there?
Alfredo glanced at the Don's patent leather shoes - he was dressed as reverently as usual - and then at the underboss' worn-out leather jacket: even though they were clothed as if they were going to very different events, they had asked him to drop them at the same address: the mayor's private country hous. He had followed the itinerary scribbled on the paper an informer had given him a few hours before. It was the driver's special talent: being resourceful. Even without a precise address, he always knew how to bring his customers to the desired place.
His clients never asked him how it worked, and in return, he never made any remark on the state they would return to the car in. Or to question why they seemed so keen to surprise the mayor at such a late hour of the evening.
Alfredo was even willing to give an extra hand if needed, occasionally overstepping his role of a simple driver if the client was likely to be a good tipper.
He opened the passenger door for the mafia boss, but to his great surprise the latter stopped him right there:
"I'm fine. Just open the trunk instead."
Alfredo tensed up but said nothing as he went back to his seat to retrieve his leather gloves.
It was another kind of extra service: helping them to get rid of incriminating clues. Well, it wouldn't be the first body dumped in the back of his precious vehicle, and certainly not the last. As long as they would pay for the subsequential cleanup, he didn't mind.
"How many bottles have you stolen?," The underboss had ushered that question to the boss not discreetly enough, and the driver allowed himself a relieved sigh.
No bodies on the horizon, then?
No scandal of the mayor's disappearance making the headlines on the next day?
Great, he'd be able to go back to bed sooner.
As he passed next to the two mafiosi to open the trunk, Alfredo noticed the two bottles of prestigious champagne that the Don was clutching tightly against his. chest. Oh wow. The underboss, on the other hand, was eyeing Giorno with a bewildered look, as if it had just occurred to him that the mysterious gigantic box he had been forced to carry from the cottage contained more bottles.
"Guido please, go fetch me a last one," the Don was less assertive than usual - you could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
Alfredo awkwardly stood next to them in silence as he waited for his next instructions. Charcoal and emerald eyes were engaged in a long, fierce battle of dominance, neither of them breaking contact. Hell, it even seemed to Alfredo at some point that the Don fluttered his lashes - but that could also be exhaustion talking.
Years of working within that specific industry had taught Alfredo how they would inevitably settle that growing tension between them.
Once again, for as long as they would pay for the subsequential seats cleaning, he didn't care. It wouldn't be the first indecent make-out session to happen at the back of his precious vehicle, and probably not the last.
A partition wall was always between Alfredo and his clients. Until now, he had never managed to catch them red-handed, but he had heard of those rumors. And he, better than anyone else certainly, knew for a fact that the Don had never sought to have good company brought to him. He'd always travel to his secondary residence alone while the underboss was the kind of man who preferred to drive there by himself.
Apart from the occasional names slips, he had never witnessed any tender gesture, he had never overheard anything remotely ambiguous. The details that had tipped him off were more subtle, or well usually at least they were. They would simply sit a little too close to one another, with no free seat between them - the pair was never five feet apart so that to speak. But right now, unless he would turn off the parking lights, there was no way Alfredo could pretend he wasn't seeing the Don's right hand slowly lowering far too low along the other's back. It was clearly no longer a question of keeping his balance.
"Fine," the Don let out a dramatic sigh and the driver nearly said hallelujah - now that he had admitted defeat, they would be able to leave at last! "If you won't do it, then fine I'll ask our driver instead."
Holy shit, what the hell was going on that night?
Alfredo quietly took a step back to exit the scene but it was too late - both mafiosi were already looking at him. If they were seriously intending on making him break into the mayor's house, he sure hoped they were ready to give a real good tip.
Fortunately, the underboss shook his head and rolled his eyes (had they just swapped personalities?), before reluctantly talking: "'kay you win I'll go. But then, we're outta here." Mista put the box inside the trunk and headed back to the cottage, leaving the driver in the company of the big boss who didn't seem quite inclined to enter the car yet. So Alfredo had no choice but to stay with him outside, on the chilly night and very awkward silence.
It was only after the third hiccup of the Don that the realization came down to him: he wasn't injured by any means, he was just completely drunk.
"Umm," Alfredo knew he wasn't supposed to question his boss, but the silence between them was becoming seriously uncomfortable. "So were you celebrating something Signore?"
The mafia boss looked at him for a long moment - god, the poor driver sure hoped he hadn't made a mistake, before shrugging: "Not really. I simply like Champagne, especially when I'm not the one paying for it."
Who could have thought that someone who spent so much on luxury clothes could be stingy?
Alfredo decided to politely answer. "Yes, I've heard you own several vineyards in Europe Signore. It's clever, I'm sure you never run out it..."
At that, the mighty Giorno Giovanna ungraciously hiccuped again, and the driver had the decency to pretend not to notice it.
"Mhhh.. You don't get it," had the mafia boss just snorted in contempt? "It's not so much about the Champagne itself as it is about the pure satisfaction of having taken possession of it... The mere contentment in knowing that the stupid mayor will never be able to savor it now that it's mine, you know?"
No, of course, not. There was no way Alfredo could possibly relate to that: it must be one of those crazy rich people whims.
Not that he could say it out loud, of course. The night was getting colder and colder, so he hoped the underboss wouldn't take long to be back.
"Would you like a bottle?," the Don's question took him by surprise so the driver, out of reflex, shook his head.
"Good, or you would have had to convince Mista to go back."
The stingy rich bastard.
Alfredo couldn't believe he was thinking that of him, in any other situation he would never have allowed himself to think that of Giorno Giovanna, but there were at least eight bottles in the trunk, he had seen them. And the Don knew that.
Fortunately, the underboss chose that exact moment to reappear and slam the trunk door shut after charging it with two other bottles.
Discreet much?
But whatever, the Don seemed rather pleased with that and finally agreed to go inside the car - his customers' satisfaction was what mattered the most to Alfredo.
After all, with good service came good tippers.
And that night, in exchange for the obvious promise to keep his mouth shut about what he had witnessed, the underboss sure went overboard with the tip.
━━━━━ ༻ 🧹 ༺ ━━━━━
It was now 8:20 a.m.: even though the day had started way earlier for Agnese, she had had to wait for the mobsters living upstairs to rise and shine, so she could proceed to clean their rooms. It was by far the task she hated the most: grabbing her heavy cleaning cart, she pushed it towards what had to be the cleanest place of them all. The Don's private quarters, starting with his excessively large bathroom: since the fancy tiles there took the longest to dry, she would then continue with his connected bedroom.
However, as soon as she stepped foot inside, Agnese almost fainted at the horrible sight that met her eyes.
Clothes, confetti and popped balloons were scattered everywhere, pieces of glass were covering the soaked floor, and an astronomical amount of what furiously smelled like Champagne had been dumped into the bathtub, splattering the walls and the carpet- hell, it even seemed like some of it was still fizzing inside.
Up until now, she had thought that she had seen it all, that nothing that the most wicked mind was capable of, could possibly surprise her. But that was a whole new level of a mess.
Thankfully, the inscription on a balloon (the survivor, the only one that had not exploded yet) was what prompted her not to hand the culprit her immediate resignation letter.
The Don's birthday would only happen once a year.
And with some sheer luck, she'd be able to negotiate her well-deserved retirement before the next one.
That morning, Guido woke up because of a cuss word that reminded him very much of his native Italian countryside. He had no idea what time it was:  Giorno's expensive alarm clock having been inadvertently smashed the night before. He yawned gleefully and stretched out his arms before turning to face the lumpy shape beside him.
The mighty Giorno Giovanna, drool on his chin, was muffled in his blanket, and it didn't seem from the look of it that he'd be getting up any time soon.
He was probably dealing with a hell of a hangover right now - served him right for the astronomical quantity of Champagne in which he had literally bathed and drowned. Giorno would decidedly never learn from his past mistakes. Well, he was very much looking forward to taunting his lover for years about that unfortunate late birthday episode.
There was no way the mafia boss would be able to conduct his meetings of the day - changing the planning wasn't something to worry about even though it would piss the hell out of Fugo for sure. Feeling compassionate about what was awaiting Giorno, he gently patted what he thought was his head (?) and smiled as he heard him grumble in return. How cute.
Guido finally stood up to start his day, he would smuggle him some Ibuproben later but first thing first, his much-awaited morning tinkle. And a long hot shower. Yeah, that way he would perhaps find a ploy to avoid dealing with Giorno's responsibilities instead of him. While he was not hungover, the late night's events had completely drained him of his energy.
Giorno's bathroom truly was something: it was way more spacious and tidier than his own. To him, it was a literal spa: cool extra-powerful water jets, a gigantic glass shower cabin AND a massive marble bathtub, a myriad of bottles of heavenly-smelling shampoo, conditioners, shower gels and body lotions everywhere - hell, there was even a housekeeper politely handing him a towel.
Holy shit.
Trying his best to cover his naked glory, Guido Mista could only stutter pitifully:
"Uhh.. Yeah, so about that new raise of yours we were discussin' the other day..."
This would only be the fourth time of the year, so at this point...
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poisxnyouth · 4 years
bad influence dave part 4 (d.d)
A/N: hey whores!! surprise. it’s done early. enjoy. talk to me as you read and let me know what you think, as always!!! love you so much babies. -hailey
WC: 6.25k
“Then I guess I am,” you say confidently, kissing him delicately and moving back to rest in his neck. You feel his heart beating, speeding up with your every slight movement before David responds, tutting and affectionately rubbing at your hair:
 “No, sweetheart. Not yet,” he promises, unapologetic but hating the fact he has to tell you no on this one, “You don't know everything I do yet. Once you know, then we can have this conversation again.” 
 “You probably shouldn't be dating a drug dealer anyway,” David says matter of factly, shrugging, “You’re too good for me, babygirl. It’s the truth. Don’t get mad at me for it.” 
 “I get to decide that, not you,” you reply, eyebrows scrunching together, “That’s up to me, and I want you. Tell me everything so I can just say yes and be with you.” 
 David stares blankly at you, clearing his throat and sighing, “There's five guns under this bed, four in my chest of drawers, two in my bathroom, and two in my car. They’re all over the house and they’re all loaded. I don't deal only weed; that’s just what you’ve seen me deal. I didn't want to scare you away. Me, Dima, and Ilya have all had guns pointed at us, or been the person pointing it at someone else. It’s just how this shit goes.” 
 “What do you-” you clear your throat, too, trying to process his words, “What do you deal?”
 “It’s not all at the same time. I really don't have that much on me at a time, either, but-”
 “David. Answer the question.”
 “The most at a time that I would have of each drug is six ounces of coke, two ounces of ecstasy, about four hundred Xannies, a pound of weed – you know that, fourteen sheets of LSD, a pound of shrooms, and, like, small amounts of ketamine or DMT,” David sighs, eyes flickering across your face, “Please don't look at me differently for it. Honestly, sweetheart, it’s not that much. It’s not like Scarface kingpin shit.”
 “I’m sorry, but – How much money do you even make?” You're half surprised and half not; half confused and half not; half horny and half not. 
 “I could quit my job if I wanted to,” he says, fingers in your hair, “But then it looks suspicious on paper. Obviously, I make all of my money under the table in cash. You have to understand, baby – Look at me.” 
 David turns your head by your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes, “If you’re my girl, and I get caught – you’re an assumed accomplice. They’d go after you too. I’m not a huge dealer, but I’m not small either; I’m mid-sized and I make good profits, but with the amounts that I said I have? Any of that will get me at least twenty years, easy.” 
 “Why is that hot?” you ask dumbly, clearing your throat as David sits up, tugging you to face him in his lap. 
 “Think with your brain and not your pussy, sweet girl,” he says, the most serious you’ve seen him, “I could give you anything you want – I have fifteen thousand in cash in one of my drawers, not even counting what I have saved. We could go somewhere. But you need to know what the fuck you’re in for before you commit to me. I know it’s baggage.” 
 “Um,” you stutter, still overwhelmed at his admissions, “Do you think you could be caught?” 
 “I cover my tracks well,” David ensures, “But that's not ever one hundred percent. One person could get caught and all of a sudden, they have a list of names of everyone else. People snitch for less time.”
 “You didn't answer me.”
 “If I stop before I get too big,” he pauses, pushing your hair out of your face, “No. I don’t think so. I have another six months before I should cut the shit for a while.” 
 “But you like the money,” you say simply, realizing what he’s saying, “How much money do you have right now?” 
 “With savings? Fuck, three hundred thousand? I move two ounces of coke a week and make an easy two grand, maybe five G’s if I play my cards right, and then the weed and other shit. I’ve been doing this since I was nineteen while still working, so I’ve been making pretty good.” 
 You cough, choking in disbelief, “Holy shit. That’s…better than pretty good. Do you...do you do them?”
 “The drugs? Not really,” he shrugs, eyes on yours, “I mean, you know that I smoke. I’ve done them, sure, but I don’t do them...They’re party drugs, for the most part. I don't sell to end users, by the way. Only with weed.” 
 “I don't even know what that means-”
 “It means that I only deal to other smaller dealers that buy from me in bulk,” he explains, kissing your forehead, “Except for weed – those are end users because they buy from me and go home and smoke it.”
 David sighs, looking at you, “I’m not going to let you blindly walk into a commitment like this. This isn't just, ‘Please don’t break my heart!’...You know that, right? This is, ‘I am sharing this with you, and you could go down with me.’ And if we do become something more than whatever we are, we cannot step on your family’s toes. If they find out anything, we’re fucking done, babygirl. You know they would turn us in.” 
 “Why me?”
 He sighs again, taking both of your hands into his, “Do we ever pick who we want to be with?” 
 “That being said,” David continues, “This is entirely your choice. It's not as simple as, ‘I want you, you want me, so let's be together.’ Yes, I want you to be my girl, and yes, I want to blow all of my money on you – every last dime – but you have to know that this is your decision to make. I won't make this one for you. You need to know what you're getting yourself into, honey.”
 You kiss him deeply as a response and you feel him deflate into it as he exhales, hands moving to your waist as he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. David breathes heavily, eyes closed, “I’m not letting you answer today just so you can make a stupid, hasty decision.” 
 “It’s a yes.”
 “Stop,” he shakes his head, pulling away, “No. Stop it. You don't mean that. Use your fucking brain, baby.” 
 “I want you, David-”
 “You might want me but I am not worth risking getting a few first degree felonies on your record and serving time,” his tone is harsher now as his hands grip your waist, fingertips digging in, “Fucking think about it, Y/N, I’m serious. You went to a good college you’re probably still paying for, you have a good job, you’re smart, you’re on your way to doing what you’ve always wanted to...”
 “Do not,” David continues, repeating himself, “Do not risk all of that good shit you’ve worked so hard on for me.”
 “It sounds like you don't want me to say yes,” you comment, confused.
 He sighs and brings both hands to the tops of your arms at your shoulders, rubbing affectionately, “Of course I want you to say yes, baby. I just want you to be sure.”
 “I’m sure.”
 “Fucking stop it,” David says harshly, “I’m not taking an answer until tomorrow.” 
 “David, it’s going to be the same fucking answer whether I give it to you right now or tomorrow when I come see you after church,” you’re frustrated with him, now, as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him, “It’s a yes.”
 “Then I just won’t believe it until tomorrow,” he replies, too obstinate and hard-headed to take an immediate answer as he tugs you closer to him, asking, “Why? I don’t want you to go down with me.”
 “You said it, David,” breathing him in and repeating his phrase back to him, “Do we ever pick who we want to be with?”
 “Look at me,” you tell him, pulling away and taking his face into your hands, “I will do anything you need me to. Just say the word.” 
 “No,” he shakes his head, eyes wide, “Absolutely not. Fuck no. You’re going to be involved with this as little as possible.”
 “Then what am I supposed to be doing?”
 “Your job is to sit there and look pretty. Let me take you on those stupid dates where we ask each other questions and act like we don't know the answer to every single one, do drug runs with me, let me take you places, let me buy you shit, and be fucking quiet. You have to be discreet and you cannot be doing my dirty work for me. I won’t let you.” You're still sat in his lap, legs wrapped around his torso and arms draped around his shoulders as he explains the vitality of you keeping your mouth shut.
 “This is so much bigger than just us,” he sighs, “You can't freak out when a gun is pulled on me and you can't freak out when I pull a gun on someone, babygirl. It happens, and sometimes you have to remind them which side of the barrel they should be on.”
 “...What if they pull a gun on me?”
 David clears his throat, not meeting your eyes, “About that...you’re going to have to carry and know how to use it, too. It’s not hard. I’ll teach you. They usually don't fuck with, you know, peoples’ girls, but it has happened before.” 
 “But...that’s the worst case, baby,” he attempts to reassure, “Because I’ll have at least one pulled on him, so…If I’m there, and there’s no reason I wouldn't be, I’ll be protecting you. It’s still a good idea for you to carry, though.” 
 You sigh, glancing around the room as David anxiously stares a hole through you, listening to you as you speak, “Okay. So…”
 You clear your throat and chew at your lips, plan already devising in your head, “Here's what we have to do. Use the church as your cover. Meet my parents, make them love you, go to church with me – whatever, I can help you. It’s less suspicious. You don't have to actually believe.”
 “I’m not asking that of you, baby-”
 “Listen to me, David,” you say harshly, eyes now on his as you grab his chin to force him to look at you, “You can make more this way. We can do this. Buy new clothes to blend in. Go along with whatever they say. Wear a cross. Spend time with my family and they’ll stick up for you. I promise.”
 “What about Michael and Abs? They know.”
 “Fuck Michael and Abby. They won't say shit,” you shrug, swearing, “I know they won't. I can handle that. Get along with my brothers and they’ll be up your ass forever. You don't actually have to be devoted; you just have to act like you are so people don't suspect you. They’re never going to think that a clergyman’s daughter and her cute, Godly boyfriend that everyone approves of deals drugs on the side. I’m a good girl. I’m your cover.”
 “Hide the cigarettes and weed and their smell, get some Sunday best clothes and a cross, and buck up, David. We can do this. I’ll help you.” David says nothing, your offer weighing heavy on his chest as you reach for his hands and press a kiss to his cheek.
 You continue, “You like telling me what to do and I like it, too, but I’m telling you what to do with this. It’s better than doing everything on the DL and hoping no one catches on. You know it is.” 
 “Okay,” he nods, repeating himself and wiping at his face, “Okay. Fine. You’re right. It’s solid. God, Dima and Ilya are going to kill me.”
 David kisses you, murmuring, “You’re too fucking good for me. I don't deserve you. Deadass.” 
 You reach around to the nape of your neck and unclasp the chain, holding it up to his neck before he stops your hands.
 “No,” he resists, shaking his head, “Put it back on. I have one. My mom made me take it with me when I moved out.” 
 David gently pushes you off of him and stands, making his way to his chest of drawers and digging through one of them haphazardly. You watch him as you clasp your necklace back together by yourself; he locates it, buried at the bottom of his sock drawer. It's large enough for him to easily slip it over his head, planting his palms against the edge of the chest and leaning over it. He feels the weight of the chain move forward with him, and David looks down at it, sighing softly.
 “Fuck,” he curses, turning back around to face you, “I never thought I’d be wearing this again.” 
 You stand and move over to him, palm covering the cross and affectionately rubbing it into his chest, “You don't have to believe, David. You just have to act like you do.” 
 “I know,” he promises, waving your hand off, “I know. I just haven't been to church since Slovakia.”
 “Jesus,” David rubs at his face, slightly overwhelmed, “Fuck. Do I meet your family before or after going to Mass tomorrow?” 
 “Oh, shit,” you say, “Um...which one would you prefer?” 
 “You pick, Miss Priss,” David picks up an unopened pack of cigs and tears the plastic open, slipping the sleeve off and opening the top. He tears at the excess foil and gets out a Camel, placing it between his lips and reaching for his Zippo, eyes on yours. “Either way, I have to meet them in the next twenty-four hours.” 
 “Um,” you ponder as he lights it and takes a drag. You sigh heavily and reach for your phone, “Fuck, let me ask about tonight.” 
 David shakes his head and makes a noise of disapproval, exhaling smoke from his lungs, “No. Don’t ask. Say that we're coming. Say I insist — and stop cursing, baby. Bad habit.”
 “God, David,” you complain, going through the clothes in his drawers, “Everything you own smells like fucking weed and cigarettes. You need new clothes. Clothes that smell, like...not pot.” 
 “Well, what am I supposed to do, sweetheart? We need to go shopping.” David replies, hands going in the air, “I didn't really count on dating a Catholic girl and having to clean myself up. Stop fucking cursing.” 
 “Oh, so we’re dating now?” you ask, ignoring his demand and smelling a black polo of his, “This smells fine.” 
 “Yes, we’re dating, fucker,” he rolls his eyes, removing his shirt off his back and moving to pull the polo on over his head, “That’s what being my girl means.” 
 “I never said I’m your girl,” you roll your eyes, moving to the drawer with his pants, “I said I wanted to be.”
 “Stop with the attitude,” David bickers, reaching around you for a dab pen on the surface of his chest of drawers, “You’re my girl. Period. End of. You’ve signed up for this shit with me, so you’re my girl.” 
 “What are you doing?” you ask, eyeing the dab pen as he adjusts the power and hits it, eyes on yours, “You cannot be high when you meet my family.” 
 “I won’t be,” he promises, exhaling and tossing it back on to his dresser, “Even if I was – is that a crime? If they meet me high, and I’m high every time I’m around them, they’ll think I’m just acting normal. Like, I’m high in my driver’s license picture so that if I get pulled over, they think I just look like an idiot.” 
 “No, David-”
 “Since when do you feel like you can talk back to me?” David quips, leaning against the dresser as you continue to go through his clothes, smelling them, “What did I do to make you think that’s okay?” 
 You scoff, ignoring him and returning to your work, before he leans down and grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him. 
 “Open,” he orders, fingers going down the length of your throat until you gag. The newly present cross dangles from around his neck as he removes his fingers and spits down your tongue, “Swallow and stop talking back. I’m still in charge here.” 
 You go quiet, passive aggressively still unfolding and refolding pairs of jeans before finding a pair of skinny jeans, asking him, “Can you put these on, please?” 
 David shakes his head, “No. I need to throw those out. My dick looks huge in them and I have a fat ass, anyway – they just make it look bigger. Ilya might have something. Let me go look.” 
 He leaves, and you take his absence as an opportunity to snoop through his drawers. At the bottom of his hoodie drawer, underneath the many items of thick, rolled fabric – lies fifteen bands. You dig around some more and find the four guns he had mentioned scattered throughout the different drawers; all pistols. You don’t touch them, just stare momentarily, before you hear David’s voice.
 “They’re Glock 17s,” he says simply, leaning over you and grabbing one casually. 
 “Four hundred bucks apiece. Hit the magazine release button and the mag slides out,” he presses the square button on the handle, sliding the magazine into his hand and dropping it haphazardly onto the top of his dresser. “Pull the slide back and make sure it stays put with the slide catch.” 
 He drops it, “It’s unloaded. Easy.” 
 “Glock 17s hold seventeen rounds,” David explains, “The magazine is fully loaded right now. Every gun I have is. When you load the bullets, though, wear gloves or something, so your fingerprints aren’t on the bullets. Now, to reload it:
 “Put the magazine back in,” he grabs both the Glock and the magazine, sliding it back in and clearing his throat, “Keep your pointer finger off of the trigger and straight, flat on the frame. Pull the slide back…”
 David pulls it back harshly and lets go, the slide lurching forward loudly, the hottest sound you’ve ever heard, “And now it’s loaded again. You don’t need to put it on safety.” 
 “What? Why not?”
 “Because it’s already on safety, sugar. That’s how Glocks work. You see this little lever – hold on, let me unload it and shit again.” You watch him quickly light a cigarette and hit the magazine release, sliding it deftly into his free hand and placing it on his dresser, taking his cigarette back between his fingers. David slides the top of the gun back and passes you the cig, quietly telling you to hold it. 
 You take a drag and exhale as David hits a button and slides the entire top of the gun off, “I just disassembled it. It’s safe. So, you see this lever?” He points at it, a slightly shorter lever than the actual trigger, “The gun will only fire if both of these little triggers are pulled. There are three safeties on a Glock: one, trigger safety, which I just showed you. Two, firing pin safety, which is both of these guys,” he points at the matching joints in the middle of the two disassembled parts, “And three, the drop safety back here at the butt of the gun.” 
 “I’ll get you one and I can explain it better later,” he shrugs, quickly assembling it and loading it again, placing it gently back where it belongs and shutting the drawer, “Don’t touch it until I do, though.”
 David swipes his cig back from you, laughing as you tell him, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” 
 “Ugh, David, you’re smoking!” you roll your eyes, coming back to reality, “I’m gonna have to spray you down in cologne.” 
 “Whatever,” he takes a drag, “That pile is what I found in Ilya’s room.” 
 “Ilya has better style than you,” you comment, plucking a pair of chino khakis from the stack and passing them to him. “Put them on.” 
 You watch him stub out his cig and slip his shorts off, the outline of his soft dick painstakingly obvious in his underwear as he grabs the pair of pants. “Jesus fuck. Stare much?” 
 You blush involuntarily, David pulling them on, “Whatever. It’s staring straight at me. It’s mine now, anyway – I can stare if I want to.” 
 “Is it now?” he mocks, buttoning the pants and tugging the zipper up and looking in the mirror, “Bro, why is my ass so fucking big?” 
 “Stop bragging,” you say, “Also, I have to drop by my place so I can change.” 
 “Oh!” David exclaims, moving to his closet, “Um...I actually have one of your dresses. You left it here a few weeks ago when you spent the night. I kept meaning to tell you, but I’m an idiot and kept forgetting...It kind of felt good to have your shit mixed in with my shit, no cap.” 
 You stand next to him as he takes your missing dress off of a hanger and passes it to you. You take it from him and wrap your arms around his neck, elbows draped over his shoulders as you lean up to kiss him. 
 “David,” you say, meeting his eyes, tone light as to not press any unknown buttons, “We’ve been talking about fucking for two months – since the first time we met. Why haven't we yet? Do you not want to anymore?” 
 He sighs as you fix his necklace, placing the clasp at the back of his neck and tucking the chain underneath the collar of his polo. “I don't have an answer for you, sweetheart. Of course, I want to.” 
 David’s palms find your waist, “But would it be so bad if we waited a little bit?”
 “What?” you ask, genuinely baffled, “You’re the one who even mentioned it first. You said you wanted to ruin me.”
 “I didn't think-,” he cuts himself off, clearing his throat, “I don't wanna start fucking you and it ruin shit between us. Maybe we should just keep taking it slow...and do something just every once in a while?” 
 David grabs your chin and presses a quick kiss to your lips, exhaling disappointedly, directed entirely towards himself as his fingers run over your lips. You’re looking up at him with the doe eyes he finds so fucking difficult to resist, but he does, speaking, “I’m sorry, sweet girl. I know you want it, I know you want it to be me, and you know I want it – but we should wait. The sex is always better when you’re in love, anyway. Give it some time.” 
 His words are disheartening, but loving, and he continues, pushing your hair out of your face and kissing your forehead, “The day will come where you can't walk because of me and the day will come where I’m fucking you on a mattress made of money in Vegas. Change will come, babygirl. I’ll eat you out and shit whenever you want, but you have to be patient.” 
 You’re visibly disappointed, not wanting to meet his eyes as he holds your face, eyes scanning over your features, “Hey, now, you don't have to do all that. It’s okay. It’s not as big of a deal as you think.” 
 David tugs you into his chest, hugging you and holding you closely, rubbing your back comfortingly, “Baby – I’ve got you. You know this.”
 You say nothing as you're wrapped up in his chest, eye to eye with his crucifix, and for a split second, you agree with him. You talk yourself into not being upset, allowing yourself to breathe deeply, taking in his signature scent – a colossal mixture of cigarettes, weed, spilled alcohol on him from work somehow ingrained into all of his clothes, and his cologne. It’s comforting, now, the more you get to know him.
 David pulls away slightly, arms still tightly wrapped around you, “You okay, my love?”
 Your ears perk up at the new, endearing name, and you nod against him, your dress still in your clutch as he releases his hold on you. He kisses you gently again, “It changes nothing. I was going to take it slow regardless.” 
 You nod, meeting his eyes and murmuring a quiet Okay, before you speak again, louder this time, “You might not be nice, and you might have, like, twenty guns in your possession...but you’re a good man.” 
 For the first time, even if it’s only a tiny amount, you see him flush a pale pink, quietly speaking before he attaches your mouths, “I’m glad you think that of me.” 
 “Sweetheart,” he says, “Just curious. You on birth control?” 
 You nod against him and you watch him roll his eyes back in response, “Fuck. I might take back everything I just said.” 
 You scoff, laughing slightly, “Why?” 
 “Because it would be so satisfying sitting in front of your dad or sitting in church,” David pauses, tugging you closer, “and you’ve got my cum running between your legs? What a fucking dream. And you’re as tight as you are? Ugh, that shit would feel like vacuum.” 
 You shove at his shoulder, giggling and moving away, “You’re disgusting.” 
 “I saw that look on your face,” he shrugs, “You think it’s hot too. Whore.”
 “Shut up.”
 “Stop smoking,” you tell David as he moves to light another cigarette in the car, “Hit your fucking vape or something. You can't smell like cigs right now.” 
 “Ugh, fucking Christ,” he gripes, putting the unlit cigarette back in the package as he drives the unfamiliar route to your parents’ place, “It’s not the same. Why are you cursing so much?” 
 David digs through his center console, stopped at a red light, fingers fumbling for a half-empty Stig before taking a hit, “What am I even allowed to do in front of them? How old are your brothers?” 
 “You know, hand on the waist, on my back, hand holding,” you shrug, “No kisses yet. No pet names yet. We’re just David and Y/N. They’re eighteen and nineteen. They both still live at home.” 
 “Jesus, I’m nervous,” he admits, fingers running through his hair, “Are we almost there? I’m sorry, but I want to get this over with.” 
 “Yeah, we are,” you nod easily, reaching for his free hand, “Turn left here. It’s okay. I’d be nervous too.” 
 David drives silently as you give him sporadic directions before you arrive; he clicks his seatbelt off before sighing deeply, quietly murmuring an Oh, fuck, baby.
 “What?” you find yourself asking before you get out, bewildered, “What’s up?”
 “Um,” he sucks his teeth, looking straight in front of his steering wheel, “How do I say this?...”
 David anxiously taps the top of the wheel, turning to you, “I’ve been here before. A lot, actually. Please tell me I’m not your brothers’ dealer.”
 You choke slightly, coughing, “What? Excuse me?”
 You hear him swallow nervously as he sinks backwards into his seat, car still running, “Are your brothers...oh, fuck, whatarethosekids’names? Mark and Matthew! Are your brothers Mark and Matthew?”
 “Those little shits-”
 “Oh, fuck, that’s them?” David whines pitifully, leaning his head against the top of his steering wheel, “If it makes you feel any better, I really like them. They’re good kids. God damn it, though!” 
 He hits the steering wheel slightly, leaning back up and sighing, “God, I’m not ready for this. Let’s just go.” David quickly turns the key in the ignition and opens his door, hopping out and slipping his keys and Stig into his front pocket. 
 He’s not nervous about being a good boy; he knows how to act, all of the things to say and promise – but now, instead of one pair of eyes watching him act differently and unlike himself, he has three. David’s anxiety is now through the roof, something rare for him to experience. 
 You kiss him quickly and tell him it’ll be okay before you open the front door, quietly saying, “I’m going to introduce you really quickly, but can you fend for yourself for a few minutes? I’m going to chew the fuck out of my brothers.”
 “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” David ensures, hand on the small of your back, “Be nice to them. They’re good customers.” 
 You roll your eyes, moving to open it, before he tugs you back slightly, making you meet his eyes.
 “Tell me you’ve got me,” he asks, “Sorry, I’m so fucking nervous, dude.” 
 “I’ve got you,” you nod, repeating assuringly and kissing his cheek, “I’ve got you, David. It’s okay.” 
 You open the door, him carefully following you in. Everyone is in the kitchen, it seems, so that’s where you head, saying hello as they all pitch in for dinner. 
 “Hey, guys,” you greet nervously as they all acknowledge your presence, “This is David. He’s my – um, boyfriend!” 
 You make eye contact with both of your brothers as their faces go white at his presence, David moving around you to shake your father's hand and hug your mother. 
 “Mom, David,” you introduce, anxious, “Daddy, David. Matt, David. Mark, David.” 
 “Nice to meet you, man,” they both feign loyally, shaking his hand as they flush a deep red. 
 “Can I talk to you guys?” you ask, eyes glued on them and faking a smile, “Alone?” 
 You pull them to the side, another room entirely, still dropping your voice, “You’re fucking buying drugs? What do you buy from him and how much?” 
 “Y/N, you’re dating him!” Matthew exclaims in a whisper, hands going up in the air, “How did you even meet him? Are you having sex?” 
 “Answer me,” you press, arms crossed as you hear your parents laugh loudly at something David said, “Literally, neither of that matters! It’s my business, not yours. And it’s my body – Ew. You sound like Dad.” 
 “It’s our business too!” Mark says, answering your question, “We only buy weed, Y/N. Like, an eighth of an ounce at a time for each of us. Not that much. Wait, does he sell other stuff?”
 “Shut up. I’m not answering that. Fine,” you give in, eyes rolling, “That’s fine. He’s going to be around more, and he’s going to go to Mass with us, so keep your mouth shut. Mom and Dad can't know. You know that they’ll turn him in.” 
 “I mean, obviously,” Matt shrugs, “We want our weed, and he’s the best dealer who stays lowkey in town – Is he even Catholic?”
 You sigh, hearing them laugh again, “No, but he likes me, and I like him – so, like, shut up about it. Weed and weed only, shitheads. Let’s go.” 
 Although David can carry his own weight in polite small talk, it’s difficult to hide his relief once you return to his side and his arm wraps around your waist. You’re impressed with his good boy act as he aids your mother in setting the table. He is still tense, no matter how hard he attempts to get lost in conversation and what he’s doing. 
 You all sit down at your places – your father and mother at each head – and wait patiently for him to say grace, but he pauses, speaking: “David, can you say grace for us?” 
 Oh, God, you think, waiting for the shitshow to begin, but David nods confidently and takes your hand and your mother's hand in his, clearing his throat. 
 You shut your eyes and pray for whatever’s about to occur, and he speaks, “Um...Father, We have gathered to share a meal in Your honor.” 
 David’s trying his hardest to flip through his Rolodex of memories that feel jurassic from Slovakia, quickly translating to English, “Thank You for putting us together as family, welcoming me into this lovely home, and thank You for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord. We thank You for all of the gifts You’ve given to those around this table. Help each member of our family use these gifts to your glory. Guide our mealtime conversations and steer our hearts to Your purpose for our lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 
 He sighs deeply in relief as your father compliments him, and you’re right there with David, hand comfortingly squeezing at his knee under the table. 
 Good job, you say quietly, and David grunts, murmuring under his breath, You’re lucky I like you as much as I do. Your brothers clock it as they load their plates up, eyes on yours, before Matthew says, “So, David, what do you do?” 
 Your eyes zero in on him, kicking him slightly under the table, before David replies, nonchalant, “I bartend in the city. Morning shift. Nine to six on weekdays.” 
 “You don’t go to St. John’s,” your dad comments, changing the subject to his only interest, “Where do you go? How did you guys meet? Not drinking, I hope.” 
 His attempt at a joke falls flat, David’s brain working quickly to fabricate a lie, “I’m from Vernon Hills. I just moved here – I went to St. Vincent de Paul back home. We met through Michael and Abby.” 
 “Oh, okay,” your dad nods understandingly, “What’s your favorite verse? Recite it.” 
 “Daddy, why are you testing him?” you ask him, anxious that David doesn't have an answer for him, attempting to have his back, “Do you doubt him?” 
 “No, it’s okay, Y/N,” David ensures, nodding at you and clearing his throat, “He’s just asking. Philippians 4:8 and 9, sir. ‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me — put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’ It’s how I want others to perceive me...I want to be someone other people can look up to.” 
 Who is this guy? you find yourself asking as you listen to him speak, quietly eating as David lies through his teeth about his faith for forty-five minutes straight. He’s a great liar, and you try to not think about how hot it is as he stands at the end of dinner, plate cleaned, and silverware crossed. He helps clear the table, and by the sweet end, your father likes him a great deal and makes his excitement about David joining their service known. 
 You bid your goodbyes, and you’re about to make your way through the front door, before your brothers say David’s name and follow you outside. David seems to flip the switch immediately, dapping them up and saying, “Wassup? Do you guys need something?” 
 “Will we be seeing you tomorrow?” Matthew asks, fingers running nervously through his hair as he looks between you and David.
 “Yeah, why?”
 “Can we both get an eighth? Tomorrow morning?”
 “Dude,” David rolls his eyes, “I just lied to your parents for, like, an hour and a half, about me being Catholic, and you want me to deal to you at church?” 
 They both shrug, and he looks at you – shocked when you shrug, too – sighing and replying, “Fucking fine. Thirty-five bucks. Cash. Each. You know the deal. You’re going to Hell. Goodnight.” 
 Wordlessly and rudely, David gets in his car and you follow him, bidding goodnight to both of the boys. He groans once you climb in and puts the key in the ignition, turning it and sliding his seatbelt on. 
 “You did so good,” you say, reading the frustration on his face, “He loves you. Where did you know all that?”
 He scoffs, pulling out of the driveway, “Whatever. I was raised Catholic, too, you know? I know what they like to hear. Fuck, I need a fat ass blunt after that shit.” 
 Once further down the road, David rolls the window down and moves to light a cigarette, groaning at the taste, “I missed you so much.” 
 He drives quietly, smoking one cigarette and then smoking another, indulging his addiction. He’s halfway through his second cig before he speaks, laughing slightly, “Daddy, huh?” 
 “Shut up,” you blush, “I know it’s weird.” 
 He shakes his head as he exhales the smoke, smile playing at his lips, “I don't think it’s weird, but you should be calling me that — not him. Just saying. Too sexy when you say it.” 
 You choke, “Excuse me? We’d have to have sex for me to call you that.”
 “Nah,” he tuts, cig between his lips, “Not true. And you’ve got daddy issues like a bitch. I think I deserve that title.” 
 “Whatever,” you roll your eyes, moving to steal a cigarette from him and lighting it.
 “Say it,” he commands, eyes on the road and free hand coming to the inside of your thigh, “Let me hear it, sugar.”
 You pause for a moment, holding your breath, “Daddy.” 
 “Oof,” he actually says, shifting in his seat, “Fuck, yes. My dick twitched.”
 He grabs at his dick, “Ugh. I need to hear that more often.”
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How about the papas and ghouls convincing you to leave a toxic ex?? Kinda need some encouragement
Sorry this didn’t get done sooner! i’m not gonna say that on every ask now because ive been away but: Ghost AND myself and nyx say you can do it and you deserve better than someone who doesn’t treat you like the world. We sincerely hope you’re well.
Papa I, Aether, Rain: they’d spend time with you an comfort you about it. let you talk as much and as long as you want to about it, the good and bad, pros and cons, and constantly reassure you that you deserve nothing but the best and people who don’t treat you like it don’t deserve a single second of your precious time.
Papa II, Papa III, Papa IV: Would offer to have this person disappear under mysterious (not mysterious to you) circumstances if you didn’t want to do the act of actually breaking up with/leaving them. “No one would would have to know. You know I’m a powerful man, I can make things like this happen. What would be the harm?” When you tell them that murder isn’t the answer to everything, they scoff. It’s worked for them every time (some more than others).
Dew and Swiss: Would take you out and do whatever they could think of that’s fun and a new experience just to show you how wonderful life can be without them.They’d do so much with you in one day and be silly and wild just to make you laugh, but probably not talk about it and hope you come to the conclusion that every day spent doing things you exclusively enjoy are better than the turmoil and pain caused by having anyone toxic in your life. If you wanted to talk they’d be there for you, but their main goal is just to make you happy whenever they can however they can instead of even thinking about your problems.
Mountain, Cirrus, Cumulus: Though they’d all also offer to commit a felony in the name of your physical and emotional safety, they’re all about words of encouragement and reassurance. They’d comfort you when you’re down about it, and indulge when you wanna scream about it, and do what it takes to help you end things and move on/recover after it. 
- Kat
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