#pov ur farmer
itscrazylate · 2 years
Shoutout to the researchers that did extensive research on PIGEON PEAS of all things. You’re making my life so much easier. Also wtf
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cloudyskiiees · 1 month
ok i cant control myself here’s me infodumping about my stardew valley x tdi fic idea:
-first few chapters are all noah’s perspective. he lives in a small run down town called stardew valley, working at the library with their shitty museum attached. he has a couple old books of his on display, but nothing more. rumors of a new farmer coming to town arise, he doesn’t think much of it.
-until he sees the farmer after he’s moved there. he’s pretty, sure, but he’s… weird.
-the farmer waits around like he knows where people are gonna be at a certain time. he’s scarily good at collecting new gems and minerals for the museum, he’s even better at fighting in the mines, where most people don’t dare to go.
-he knows what everyone likes without even asking.
-this all gets annoying because noah hasn’t learned anything about the farmer, other than his name. alejandro.
-he can’t shake the feeling something is wrong with the new farmer.
-so he starts being a bit meaner. refusing gifts he loves, even if it almost seems to pain him to do so. he’s gotten to the point he can outright refuse to let alejandro donate to the museum! it brings him satisfaction to see the looked on the farmers face, but he can’t deny something inside him feels horribly wrong whenever he… acts out.
-eventually we get an alejandro pov. and the entirety of “stardew valley” is a video game. none of the characters we’ve been following or learning about are real, not even the farmer noah knows. he’s simply a made up character.
-alejandro is pissseddd because something is wrong with his newest save! he had made a brand new one to attempt and speed run it, having the summer off from college and finally being miles and miles away from his family breathing down his neck.
-so what is this characters deal all the sudden?
-the new dialogue noah says, he can’t find it anywhere online. he didn’t know characters could refuse gifts they loved, or even in general!
-when the librarian refuses to let him donate his recent finds to the museum, he makes it his mission to figure out how this is happening.
-he gets his local tech “friend” Sierra to take a look and observe the game, hoping she can figure out what’s wrong. he doesn’t exactly like the girl but…. she’s really smart when it comes to certain things. especially her favorite video game.
-noah continues to question the other townsfolk, but starts realizing that… they all kind of act the same. have the same responses. routines.
-he realizes he does too.
-izzy is the only other self aware character inside of the game, noah nearly strangled her when she told him she’s known for a long time.
rest of the story is sierra and alejandro realizing the characters are becoming self aware, and being like WTFFFF especially since they all start having distinct reactions and dialogues once sierra takes over alejandro’s farmer for a bit, seeing as they act very different.
this story would likely not have a super happy ending since ya know, most of the characters aren’t real. but i love fucking around with grey idea things like knowing ur trapped inside a game forever, but also loving the people and life you have in there! as well as ofc the eventual angst involved once feelings become a thing noah has for alejandro, seeing as he knows he’s real, and the farmer he plays as will never actually be him.
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yelow-heart · 7 months
Okay, time to understand why tf this teams are crumbling:
I think that what the other teams desperately need right now is some good bonding time. Some quality time u know?
Lets see
Green (Gay) Ninjas:
Cellbit mentioned to Etoiles himself about how he knows the people in his team doesn't really listen to him. And who is on the team: Bagi, Forever, Antoine, Fit, El Quackity.
Such great great minds, such good assets, but they do lack the team work agenda. They are lone wolves. Etoiles included, he has mentioned that previously.
And these lone wolves need to learn how to become a pack. Communicate. Becoma a Team. And Tungsten Rat herself might be a great answer to that. Mrouse is good on bringing people together. Maybe she could convince them to howl at the moon together for one night, I don't know.
And blue team. Or soulfire, but idk man, everyone just call them blues. Because, honestly? That seems to be their constant state.
They need to find refuge in eachother. Whenever I watch one their povs they always seen.. disheartened. They desperately need to find ways to de-stress. Sing some songs around the campfire, build cute things, idk. They are a bunch of builders and farmers and engineers, bundled together with a frickin lord of the hells amidst them. They are miserable! Lol poor Pac died so many times without a single block to add to his name. And? Oh Tina, driven mad by how many times people have destroyed and raided her beautiful farm. Also, from trying to be Bad's moral compass and not succeeding much hahaha.
And another thing, they are leaning way too much on specific people. That is not great. Once they realize they are all pretty capable, with all having really good skills to give, they will be huge (I'm looking at you Tinza). And they have been expending a lot of their energy following q!BBH or trying to hold him back, but like.. that man is gone. He's a force of nature now. They need to stop leaning on him so much so the team, and him, can focus on their purpose. Let the devil unleash hell, take care of him as ur team yes, but don't rely on him as much because for now? He is definitely not as reliable anymore. And he is going to get worse (and oh I want to watch it).
They just won a kitty, so that might boost their moral up tho And I'm not just talking about Missa. He's so wholesome, I love that guy.
In conclusion: the power of friendship is real
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runraerun · 6 months
helloooo :3 i have this lil idea that i’m kinda (absolutely) too lazy to write myself but i saw ur interested in adding to jack/harper and so i wanted to give this to you :)
concepts: chuck won, jackharper, jack-centric with harper pov, samwena on the side optional but envisioned in my mind
plot: harper tracks jack down post 15x19/15x20 (your choice, i’ve gone back and forth) OR to the bunker and meets sam (and dean if you’re going with post 15x19) and thinks Something Is Wrong when jack isn’t there. so she starts doing some magic and investigating. of course she originally wanted to kill and zombify him but… when she finds him she realizes he is Not the man she was obsessed with. which makes her quite pissed and curious because how could he change so fast?
rough aspects: a redemption arc that doesn’t start out with that intent, witchcraft and bonding with / life lessons from rowena, more on her past, hunting down jack, her wanting a family and companionship but going about it in the wrong way, harper using her innocent looking face to her advantage
side note: in my head she’s covered in blood or using bones in her craft in the opening scene to mirror rowena’s entry.
just an idea in case u ever get bored and want her to be a lil feral for bad -> good reasons. I hope this was at least fun to think about!
— hw
Oh boy! My first ask on this blog and it's about my new obsession that I'm currently spiralling over! Hurray! I'm so very into the Chuck won theory. I know some people get personally offended by it, but I think it really changes the whole vibe of finale for the better, because it effectively turns it into a horror show, especially for Jack.
I would LOVE to see Harper team up with Rowena (I may or may not have something in the words regarding this), and try and rescue their boys.
Also, the whole Harper using her innocent/beauty to her advantage while also being a total agent of chaos, carrying around scrying bones, graveyard dirt, virgin blood, and possibly a skull from someone who may or may not have been her ex-boyfriend. Feral, scary, unhinged, all while being pretty, feminine and flashing her thousand kilowatt smile like, "who me?;)" I LIVE FOR IT. I also really dig the idea of her not accepting that Jack became God, like "ummmm so he said he's *everywhere* now? in every drop of dust or whatever? Lame. he's supposed to come with me to the farmers market tomorrow, not be *everywhere*. I gotta talk to him."
And then immediately recognizes that this Jack is not her Jack. Galaxy brain or no, this is someone pretending to be Jack.
Ahhhh I love it. How ironic that it would be Harper potentially saving everyone just because she's like "hmmmmm no, no one tries to kill my boyfriend except me, got it?:)"
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here's a revamped version of my rec post - each fic will link to it's corresponding ao3 page, a summary in my words, small notes/review, and a disclaimer for more mature ratings if needed.
(* = new entry, last updated: Dec 3rd, 2023, still going through recent bookmarks)
(ps. let me know if you want your mention to be removed!)
and a stain on my shirt - venom crossover, vv good, also a fix-it, venom finds another eddie to latch onto, a lot of humor, reddie get together, venom saves eddie
awake my soul - pretty angsty, keep an eye on those trigger warnings, this was pretty good, i rlly couldn’t take any breaks with this one, richie and eddie get jumped but in the process of putting away the ones responsible for the hate crime richie finds that he’ll have to come out sooner than he’s ready for, added bonus of art!!, happy ending, has fan reactions and news coverage as things are slowly revealed
come over here and overwhelm me - nsfw, a VERY GOOD rec, SO tender, the fluff is so well written, richie is having a bad day nd eddie comes to the rescue being so hfwjaklhj!!!, this fic said bottom richie rights nd it opened my eyes
don’t break character - HE/THEY RICHIE RIGHTS, richie finds that maybe his journey of identity isn’t over when he hears the word “nonbinary”, very!!!!, fjkdkslahfkl, just him having he/they pronouns is so exciting and flappy hands-worthy
I killed a clown. ama! - it chapter 2 except it’s through the lens of social media from posts by richie eddie myra and background fans, very very entertaining, canon compliant until eddie’s death it’s actually a fix-it, fair amount of angst??
it’s not real - WATCH THE TRIGGER WARNINGS, a lot of angst, very intense, eddie has an amazing richie impression, almost like they share the same braincell, eddie is also vv caring and will drag any faceless internet account down with him, could def make it in celebrity PR according to richie’s manager steve, richie comes out but he gets a horrible reaction and then finds himself in the middle of a clusterfuck of things that unfortunately couldn’t stay in the past, bill apparently also gets cancelled a lot and he cannot cook, he’s also the only other loser in here, a black mirror au, AGAIN WATCH THE TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR THIS ONE
oh, wouldn’t it be nice? - nsfw, some angst, eddie finds richie’s obituary that he got from adrien (the park scene in chap 2; at least i think it was adrien), SUPER SWEET OMG, i had to stop a few times from the sheer amount of emotion this gave me
parental interference - in 1989 some parents are coming to their senses when it comes to a certain clown, i love went he’s an awesome dad, T rating, i suggest a peek at the trigger warnings/tags just in case, canon-typical triggers, again i really love wentworth tozier in this fic he’s a 10/10 dad
predicament bondage - nsfw, richie is 100% a sweetheart, eddie is fjdsljfkslf i love this version of him, richie is cast as a dom in a movie so he decides to get information from a professional which is eddie but he finds that working with eddie might bring his heart into the mix, a lot of internalized homophobia so watch out, ur honor i love eddie here
puppets and plants - the way this was written? *muah* my number two rec, some angst, the intimacy of u nd the guy set up across from u at the farmer’s market, amazing stanpat dynamic, trans eddie and ben!, pride parade!!
the king is gone - absolutely AMAZING time travel fix-it, fairly long, some angst, some fluff, not at all a boring read
the lockbox - pushing an M rating? maybe a T?, asexual eddie finding out that he’s ace and everything that comes with realizing u aren’t straight, honestly made my ace heart so happy, bit of angst
work friends and emergency contacts - outsider pov, eddie makes a work friend, fix-it w both eddie and stan living, eddie gets a divorce pre-itch2, damon just wants the best for richie and eddie, reddie getting together, richie visits eddie at work
bottle it up until it overflows - ohhhh boy, i absolutely love the vecna possessing mike trope and this fic definitely lives up to high standards, rated mature, bad parent ted wheeler and internalized homophobia, basically mike gets vecna'd is the entire plot - @ghoulsanderson
i feel like i know you (but we never met) - post season 4 of stranger things, ambiguous / open ending, teen rating, oh boy this made me emotional!, without spoilers i have to say this is such an angsty fic and i love it, this fic is written beautifully, the party all forget will because of vecna suppressing their memories, spoilers: mike puts everything together to figure out who the "missing person" is - @andiwriteordie
something's made your eyes go cold - TW SUICIDE ATTEMPTS, rated mature, mike is chronically suicidal, very very angsty but relatable (sadly), oneshot - @defendingtammythompson
when everything was fiction, future and prediction - two words: time travel, mike is confronted by his younger self and figures out a few things, very much hurt/comfort, rated teen
9-1-1 TV
*all the time in the world - i literally know nothing about the dsmp but the way this was written is so beautiful, i love angst and buddie but also buck angst gets me the most, evan buckley used to be someone called karl jacobs but eddie doesn't know that and thinks buck is a war veteran, he's not entirely wrong but also don't make me fact check that beyond reading this, this fic makes me feel super autistic in a way i can't explain, time travel and secret identities are just so my jam dude, bonus chris moment that made me squeal bc chris eddie and buck are so family material - @official-impravidus
*my palms and fingers still reek of gasoline - such a good crossover, the characterization is very very good, i definitely need to read it again, a pjo au that has a twist, demigod buck and eddie are special to me now, having buck be on that side is an interesting choice and i like it, buck's mom being aphrodite makes so much sense - @trashyinfernomusic
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bloomeng · 2 years
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POV ur brother’s childhood friend, turned boyfriend is watching the sing along version of the sound of music for the fourth time this week and u have to ask the people you’re FaceTiming to excuse the racket
And with the edition of Izuna the set is complete! Considering he really only has like 2 minutes of screen time I figured I was allowed to take some liberties.
For context about the au: https://bloomeng.tumblr.com/post/692963436527845376/jin-guangyaos-hidden-heels
Izuna has always been a bit quirky, from his interests to the way he dresses. Madara has never tried to understand it, but he’s done his best to be supportive. Including, trying to put him through art school. (Something Izuna appreciates immensely ofc) I imagine he’s the ambitious type, going so far as to develop an indie game with a small team of friends, while juggling his schoolwork. All of it is over his older brothers head, but he’s glad Izuna’s flourishing.
On the flip side, Izuna really doesn’t get what his brother sees in Hashirama at all…. He’s nice, but they have nothing in common, and if Izuna is being honest he’s not exactly charmed by Hashi either. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t hate the man, Hashi is just….. a taste he hasn’t acquired. But hey, he seems to make his brother happy, so who is he to judge? (It also makes him feel a lot better to know that his brother isn’t alone while he’s at college)
Izuna has always been alternatively cool, which is not something Obito really appreciates. However, he did appreciate how Izuna allowed him to get away with things Madara never would, earning Izuna the official title of the “cool uncle.” Sure Obito thought he dressed a little weird, but he isn’t going to argue with the guy giving him weed. Beyond that they surprisingly have something in common: gaming. Many an evening has been spent on Madara’s couch playing Smash against one another. Once again, all of it is over Madara’s head.
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astarionsilverbough · 6 months
Hello darling
You think ur soooo clever w ur dawnstar/duskstar astarion/Raphael stuff don’t you. I have seen ur symbolisms. Can’t slip past me!!! Or star’s comments abt gale and sunlight, no 8-pointed star for HIM! Sun only!!!
“I could have been a farmer—“ no you could not. Star baby you have a STR of fuckin. Negatives. You would die.
Lae’zel, tenderly placing a hand on gales shoulder: I need you to know… that … love is real. And… also… mystra… is fucking CRINGE, dude.
Shoutout to Raphael killing Ophelia tho like hell yea I killed ur daughter. Cry abt it lmao ✌🏻 🏳️‍⚧️
Excellent as always can’t wait to see all of them kiss etc
-LAA 💜
Ps do not become the joker!!!!!
Cannot wait to kill those four truly I’m so serious cannot wait
I’m not clever I’m so serious I didn’t plan this when I started the fic they just did this. Raphael one day - after I started writing his pov, mind - went “I’m descended of Selûne u know” and I went ????? Oh???????? Devil Jesus????? Oh????
I’m so serious
I cannot stress how I am just winging this fic I plotted so loosely and it’s diverted from almost everything I originally planned out 😭 originally Astarion was of Selûne! Imagine that!
Anyway sorry
I love u and this and thank u thank u thank u thank u
The mere thot of Astarion as a farmer makes me CACKLE
Also Lae’zel is Bae’zel I’m so serious this woman is so important to me I cannot stress that enough
But DID Raphael kill Ophelia???? Did he? Hmmm. Much to think about!
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gh0st--friend · 1 year
k im insane over several things but these are the ones im most insane over. (as of right now ive watched skizz, tango, cleo, scar, etho, scott and bigb's episodes)
the clockers. just in general. theyre committing arson. they are laughing when people respawn on their mountain. i love them so much
boat boys divorce!!! (listen i love them lots but YEEEESSSSSSS LOVE LOSES)
potential team rancher divorce (another win for the divorce community)
skizz my poor little guy. leave him be. hes trying his best
the IMMEDIATE alliance between skizz impulse and tango. they are best friends ur honour!!!
t.i.e.s being the literal worst cow farmers on the planet. one of you was literally a rancher and also the guy to get like a million cows in 3rd life. they lose braincells when theyre together i swear
PEARL AND BIGB. i hope they get a chance to go crazy go stupid. they are the duo i never knew i needed!!!
the Skizz Protection Squad
the imp and skizz death was so funny from tangos pov. the joint screaming was amazing
i really REALLY want a martyn and scott team up. please let coral kids be real. think of the potential plsplspls
impulse gave bdubs a clock....thinks about that one clip of impulse saying hes gonna give him a clock then murder him. go impulse go!!! kill that man!!!! go crazy for once!!! i support him <3
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itscrazylate · 2 years
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This website is smarter than me and that’s just something I have to live with :/
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ranvwoop · 3 years
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me, for like three different characters - omg what if when we first meet them they are small and squishy and then they reappear as they are
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sawneythelazy · 2 years
Brown Boots month by month snippets!
I've decided to try and post a snippet from my Levi Squad/Rivetra fic Brown Boots each month this year (memory permitting)! The fic itself is sort of largely broken down into months, so I thought it'd be fun to post some of my fav lil moments from it as the year goes along 😇
It's largely OG levi squad based, with some rivetra moments in there as well if thats ur vibe ✨
A wee note! When a dash appears like so:
This denotes a change of POV 🌚 🌝
Read January's snippet (in which the squad end up at a farm) below the line break!
How embarrassing. Didn’t farms have trained dogs to do this?
It had been a solid twenty minutes and Petra was completely red in the face. She, along with the veterans and the farmer were desperately trying to herd the escaped sheep into an outdoor pen, but their attempts were proving fruitless: the sheep were darting between them and splitting up at every given opportunity.
Ah, the distant sound of Oruo’s bitten tongue. She sighed.
A sheep bleated at Nifa, who shouted back at it almost hysterically; “They’re laughing at us!”
Petra was certain that the scouts could never come back here again, this little mishap surely meant a lifetime ban.
“Where’s the ass?” Eld shouted over.
Petra pointed in Oruo’s direction and Eld howled with laugher, “My bad - I meant, where’s the donkey?”
She shook her head. Only the goddesses knew where that donkey had gotten to at this point.
A sheep darted passed her, chased by an alarmed Moblit, who gave up running and stopped next to her, breathless;
“It’s funny,” He muttered, “We humans think we’re so smart, but all us trained soldiers in peak physical condition can’t even herd twenty sheep.”
Petra laughed awkwardly, wiping her brow, “Yeah. It feels wrong to say this but, killing titans might be easier.”
“AHHH!” Gunther bellowed a war cry and tackled a sheep as it tried to run past him, but ended up clutching onto its wool, panicked, as it dragged him along the grass.
“Let go!” She cried out, “Gunther - let go!”
Surely it’d been long enough now. The intermittent shrieking had significantly died down, which was a good sign. Levi took a slow breath, then traipsed outside, hands in pockets.
He was just in time to catch Eld (who was now somehow wearing the ‘birthday boy’ sash) ride in on a horse and catch the rogue, roaming donkey with a lasso, to ecstatic cheers and claps from the surrounding veterans. Levi almost rolled his eyes at the bombastic display and briefly considered insulting the man’s shitty beard to take him down a peg or two.
The sheep were huddled in a pen behind two small barking dogs, Lina was shouting expletives at Oruo, and Mike and Nanaba were trying to placate the irate farmer off to one side.
He exhaled wearily. He knew he shouldn’t have come, but the excursion had piqued his interest…
That was an ‘acceptable’ way of putting it.
It wasn’t that he’d simply noticed Petra’s ankle length moss-green skirt under her long military jacket of the same colour, and realised that (bar the heavy duty farm-appropriate walking boots) the squad were all going to town in their Sunday best. It couldn’t simply have been that he’d never seen her in a dress before, and a curious part of him wanted to know what she looked like in one - enough to drag him all the way out to a damn farm - even though he knew it was a selfish want, and would ultimately be detrimental to his attempts to suppress his inappropriate feelings towards her.
Anyway, this was unquestionably a more interesting day out than what he’d had planned, which was…surveying the perimeter of the grounds…again.
Since the return from the winter break Petra was bright, warm and gentle as she had ever been; she continued to check up on him, making sure that he was properly eating and resting - but - she’d stopped assisting him in the evenings with his paperwork. That was an interesting development that had, as with many other things, gone unspoken between them. Now she bothered him as minimally as she could whilst still remaining attentive, and she was strictly professional in their every interaction. The casual sparkle he'd often caught in her eyes was gone, replaced with the sharp focus of the battlefield, or the politeness of an arms-distance.
He should have been thrilled, it was, after all, what he wanted. Broadly speaking he was thrilled with it. Her misguided affection for him had appeared to vanish, and he found he could believe that her diligence sprouted from her trustworthy, hard-working temperament, and not because she wanted to impress him for any unprofessional reason. She was smart, and so it hadn’t taken her long to realise the folly of her ways - to leave her childish fantasy behind her like some shattered snow-globe.
As for him…
It was only natural that the tiny, insane part of him that felt for her would protest the change. Having no prior experience with ‘matters of the heart’ as Erwin might say, it was to be expected that on occasion, he might slip-up and indulge his insanity…which was how he’d ended up at a petting zoo on his one day off this week.
He bit back a sigh, and chose to instead fill his lungs with the clean, fresh winter air.
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godlesslandfarm · 3 years
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POV: ur Sebastian and ur being chased down by a farmer who wants to join ur band
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gratine-diamaki · 2 years
dialover boys at the masquerade ball
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POV: You n ur bestie enter a masquerade ball. As members of important families you are led to the heads of the Sakamaki and, rumoured favoured family of Karlheinz, Mukami, heads: Shuu and Ruki. Reiji scours down from his position as DJ. All the while, you scrutinise the crowd for hints of your crush, never minding the dance partner before you. Tufts of theu red ranger ed sheeran hair...Green eyes... Ayato has to be here somewhere. Your bestie beside you, following the dancing steps of Shuu, you know is secretly aching the same for their beloved farmer boy - Yuma. You frown. Behind the plumes of feathers and sequence, deciphering whose who is impossible. In despair, you set beside Subaru and Kou, who have removed their masks and already drunkenly swaying beside the bar. The new goal is to get absolutely shit faced. So much so, that with liquor on your breath, you finally push your lips upon Ayato. You’d found him, at last, as a blur of colour within a spinning, drunken smudge. Only...the boy shrinks back. Kanato’s muscles are taut, one eye twitching with disgust towards the person kissing them in mistake of their brother. He storms off and your bestie rushes after them for damage control, also stumbling. Laito being the stanky bitch he is takes advantage of the situation and leaps to the suggestion to take you home, informing you later that Kanato ended up driving your bestie home too. 
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alfredsshotgun · 3 years
i am a sakura haruno defender before anything else so jot that down
am charlie ! im from so called ‘canada’
i smoke weed i fuck bitches and i love moms
charlies emporium: my favourite posts
on envy: I want to Look Like This
Girls night!: posts i personally feel relate to gender/expression/attraction/sexuality
posts to mainline: posts that make me go fuckin bonkers
boy theory: jesus, angels, universe, cosmos, mich religious imagery
chatter: posts where im saying shit in the tags
secret of life: capybaras
the creatures that get it: the creatures that get it
basket theory: anything related to humanity/creation/love
tech support: posts related to pc’s/coding/etc
jerma: 985
places that are montana to me: u wouldnt get it
what does it mean what does it all mean: lit/media analysis
i am lost and so so afraid in the mines: minecraft
spencer pov: posts that make me go thats kinda like me
the most powerful hyperfixation: mlp:fim
prozac posting: posts that make me feel better
weeop womp weeoop womp weeeoop womp: doctor who
dnd blorbo files:
worlds best farmer: technoblade
also art, fashion, cats, bunnies, naruto, and mob psycho
i tag tooth and fingernail damage as well as gore and mentions of sa
standard crit no terfs, racists, or ableists pls
if ur pro cop
dream shooters
minors (sorry ur all annoying)
furries, mcyt stannies, weed addicts, burnouts, drop outs, gay people, morning ‘people’, people who never finished voltron, seth rogen enthusiasts all welcome i kiss u
thats pretty much it
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mullothekwami · 2 years
my q activities as anime characters
kaminari: i just spilled my lemonade I'm so sorry for it
toga: i have a beautiful collection of kn/ves uwu
jirou: not me listening to the same song over and over again
junko: darn theres school tmrw
everyone will d/e in my school
monoca: just ~~monika~~ monoca
nagito: wow 6 ppl said happy birthday to me irl
mukuro: theres this girl who has the same birthday as me and she got more respect and a fvcking tiara
ochaco: people who say they are very kind and nice: *exist*
you are not deku, fvck off
soda: plot twist: the duolingo bird is a monokuma
mina: deku wearing emo clothes sounds like a good idea
L: walking with dino arms in the halls is so hot
sero: 1 2 7 3 todoroki fell on the street
genocide jack: being my friend or accepted by me is such an honor how dare you not celebrate
todoroki: baahhaha imagine having a happy childhood
dazai: mental health goes brrr
asahina: i love how the german translation of toko's ultimate is super bookworm-
toko: shut up swimmer girl
kyoko: shouldnt teachers know that the term 'family issues' exists? like wtf
hajime: ugh, dont you hate when your a blue face in someone elses story?
toga: i said yay to murder and these girls who sit infront of me in L&L asked if i said yay to murder and then they said "oh yea we are on good terms so i dont think u should murder me" i said i wont but-
junko: im teaching these kids the ways of despair hehehe
nagito: i hate it when my phone dies instead of me
nagito: mikan, we are not gonna forgive you
because killing for the sake of despair is a waste of time
you should kill for hope or love or justice
idc if she says she kill for her beloved, her beloved is literally despair so she killed for despair and not true love
kokichi: i eat bees
maki: i woke up today and chose violence
light: their home address please?
mikan: "the big letters ran away they were having an emotional breakdown and i think they needed some space :'(("
- grass
ray: burn the children
ibuki: im built different. i have 3 toes😎🥸
misa: block this user? no, i need to keep stalking them to find things to use against them.
kaminari: its ur birthday yea yea. if u touch my toes i will touch urs too
ray: pov norman is a farmer
norman: i wish
emma: what-
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bloomeng · 2 years
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Pov ur bf is trying to get you to come with him to the farmers market but you refuse to be seen in public with him when he’s in his “work out” gear (he politely reminds you that you have no room to talk given your current state of dress)
(Peep the drip: hashi in his 80’s inspired workout gear, tiny shorts and sweat bands included vs madara in the Batman shirt Izuna have him six yrs ago, that might have seen better days. A wildly sexy match if I do say so myself.)
And so hsmd makes their debut into the convenient store au: https://bloomeng.tumblr.com/post/691650191861891072/pov-ur-obito-the-convenient-store-clerk-and-the
For begining context, I imagine that Madara and Hashirama knew each other as children, then Hashi’s parents moved, and they didn’t see each other for years etc etc. Madara moves on to get a boring office job in order to support his brother, who has aspirations of college. The job itself isn’t altogether bad; the pay is good and the hours are consistent, the only downside is he has to take the subway 40 mins into town to get there.
Hashirama on the other hand is a student studying botany, who ends up transferring schools for the sake of better internships. Moving is never easy, especially considering he was forced to move away from his brother, but it helped that it was to a city he used to live in as a kid. Things have changed a lot since he’s been here last. He doesn’t really expect to recognize anything or anyone, until he runs into a familiar face on the train to school one morning.
And if you’ve ever seen any romantic comedy you know how this goes. They meet, they rekindle, they go through the awkward “just-friends” stage, and it ends with them together. Not long after they start dating, Izuna moves out of Madara’s place and into a college dorm a plane trip away. Madara doesn’t take his absence well, the house is too empty without his brother. He feels like some tragic “empty nester” at the ripe age of 25. So Hashi decides to be bold. He starts a conversation, and moves in that same week. Madara’s place was closer to his university anyway.
Living with your partner is great. Finding out your partner’s nephew works at the convenient store on the same block is also great. Coming home and finding said nephew on your porch waiting for, presumably, his uncle to get home…. less great. Turns out living with someone spontaneously, no matter who they are, isn’t exactly easy.
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