#post wild card kunigami
aecta28 · 5 months
Wild card thoughts
So, I don't know if Kunigami was the only person in the wild card room or not, but if he was then that means he was basically in solitary confinement for about a month and a week. Spoilers, Kunigami went to the wild card room in chapter 94, when the 3 week tryouts for the blue lock eleven started. After the U-20 match there is a 2 week break. After that the Neo egoist league arc and then he is back in chapter 155. So in total that is 5 weeks in the wild card room if I did it right. And a month has 4 weeks. So Kunigami spent a little over a month in in solitary confinement, went through very VERY harsh training(Wild card tried to make a copy of Noel Noa), and if he did talk to anyone, it was probably a weird guy (Ego)through a screen. To add to that Shido said some rather impactful words that already messed with Kunigamis mental state. So yep that is all, and solitary confinement has not good effects, especially if it is for over a MONTH straight. Ok, goodbye! (Wait, is this not illegal? Could Ego get arrested? who knows) ( I checked its illegal, Egos going to jail)
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boinin · 5 months
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Last minute speculation about the next chapter, which will hopefully leak today. 247 will carry the title "Originality" according to PO2 Scans.
In this chapter, Noa rounds up the Japanese players for a strategy meeting. He finds Igaguri and Kiyora training (calling it now: they're rehearsing malicia foul 💀), while the other seven are in the monitor room checking out the new rankings.
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...but there's ten players in BM.
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...Kunigami, I'm trying to give your emo ass plot relevance, bear with me.
More likely than not, "Originality" will be Noa glazing Isagi and his MV powered plays, during the strategy meeting. Maybe it'll be the coach throwing Igaguri, Kiyora and Neru a bone at last, with an order to showcase their originality. Because they're unseen talents, that might give BM an edge over PXG.
Go figure. But what the title made my mind jump to was the inverse of originality: imitation.
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Kunigami is Noel Noa's mimic, the Wild Card copycat. Although it's hard to get a read on the frigid bastard, it's unlikely he's pleased by this hulking teenager trying to ape his playstyle. He's an egoist himself, after all, if not one in Ego Jinpachi's mould. Besides, the experiment has arguably failed.
Being Noel Noa hasn't worked in Kunigami's favour.
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Wild Card improved his physical stats, robbed him of his ability to co-operate on the pitch, and has rendered him next to invisible in Bastard Munchen. Yukimiya and Hiori had more impact in round 3 against Ubers, and the latter barely played five minutes of that match.
I could go on and on, but I already have: here I talk at length about Kunigami's character arc. But in short, in my view, this is the key thematic question of the Neo Egoist League, for both him and Isagi:
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"Originality" is one of the qualities needed to adapt and survive. Isagi shows it in spades, and has all but conquered the team for himself. It's about time Kunigami took that advice on board and changed tactic.
But.... let's see. Watch the next chapter be an Isagi-glaze fest—I'll head to Tumblr Live on its deathbed to wipe the egg off my face.
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unluckystreak · 1 year
with all the information we have about kunigami you cannot tell me he didn’t have even a LITTLE bit of a crush on chigiri. like you just cant
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dels-bluevoid · 7 months
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I wonder which one is the odd one out...
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anatolienne · 1 year
I keep seeing kunigami slander on my tl saying he's "all bark no bite" & me personally idc how strong or good he is he was the nicest and most genuine character since the beginning and those traits made me like him so much I will break down if i see one more kunigami slander leave him alone
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intp-t-bestanalyst · 1 year
What happened to kunigami in wild card pt.2
So we know that kunigami was out through the wild card but what about the other players that weren’t chosen? What happened to them? One of them would be Naruhaya as Barou was chosen instead of him so would he have also been at the wild card? Did that contribute in creating emogami?
Just imagine, a now broken kunigami chooses to take the last chance he is granted from ego and walks through the door. Only to find one of his old team mates. He fights against him and the training tires him out so much. The last thing he needs is another emotional challenge. And then - as if on cue - Naruhaya trips. His body no longer being able to keep up with ego’s training. When addressing the problem to ego he dismisses Naruhaya. Eliminating him from blue lock for good. That break kunigami. Making him seethe with anger.
He then realises that he’s the only one that’s barely keeping up with egos regime and that the rest of the people there will - sooner or later - be eliminated. I imagine it to be a sort of survival of the fittest meaning it would possibly go against a lot of kunigamis beliefs about fairness and helping others.
After seeing so many of his acquaintances and friends either leave or turn their backs on him kunigami decides that if they want him to act that way oh so badly - he’ll show them exactly how bad things would be if he really was a bad person. He keeps up this facade through a lot of it but after a while his sense of justice just - fades. And now he’s no longer acting. The ‘facade’ he put on for survival now becomes his default state.
Now he truly is a bad person. On the outside and inside. He keeps up this attitude all throughout the two week break as well and when he goes to Bastard München and sees how everyone else has been doing just fine without him he sours a little more.
To summarise — he is traumatised from the experience of losing his friends and being portrayed in a bad manner in someone’s eyes as he is used to being seen as a hero and even strives to be looked at like one so he just decides to become indifferent and distant as a way to survive and it just sticks.
Again, if you have anything to add onto this theory it is greatly appreciated and you can do so by reblogging or commenting. Please correct me if I got anything wrong.
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kaiijo · 20 days
ok. bllk and jealousy rate. how jealous can they get over their gf and what do they do to cope lmao
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characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, oliver aiku content: gn! reader (request says gf but reader is gender neutral) notes: some of these are lowkey toxic, minor spoilers for kunigami’s character arc, nagi is taller than reader
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most jealous: bachira, rin, reo 
bachira meguru ✶
bachira has many, many insecurities. growing up isolated and without many friends, he is more possessive of those he’s close to, which obviously includes you. he just doesn’t want to lose you, which manifests itself in jealousy over anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
bachira gets really clingy when he’s jealous. he thinks that inserting himself into the situation, sometimes literally wedging himself between you and the other person. he usually chooses to drape himself over you, nuzzling into your neck and speaking low enough that only you hear, trying his best to divert your attention. third-wheeling is pretty uncomfortable for the other person, especially with the smiling sneer bachira’s shooting at them, so they make a quick irish exit 
itoshi rin ✶
an egoist to his very core, rin can get very jealous. while he’s very sure of himself in nearly every other part of his life, he knows that he is not an ideal partner a lot of the time, though he’ll never admit it. he’s not the most expressive or the most patient, and he’s sure that there are better partners for you out there. 
when rin’s jealous, it’s a silent but deadly thing. like when he’s locked in on the ball in a game, his focus you and his ‘competitor’ is unwavering. he stalks over to stand behind you, his chest bumping right up against your back, and he snarls, “what the hell do you want, you mediocrity?” usually the other person backs off after seeing rin’s bone-chilling glare but if they’re bold enough to answer back, rin bares his teeth and is poised to strike. it’s probably best if you diffuse the situation quickly before it gets uglier  
mikage reo ✶
we already know how jealous reo was over nagi so it’s safe to say that he’s definitely very jealous. having been bored with the world and other people for so long, he’s thrilled when you two get together. it makes his very protective of you and he wants to be one of the most, if not the most, special person in your life. 
reo can go a couple of ways when he feels jealous over someone else but it think his primary response is to tear down the person methodically. he tilts his head a little, looks the person up and down, and notes everything about their appearance — hair, skin, clothes (including brand and cost) and criticizes every little thing. it’s a strategic move in his opinion, using observational skills and knowledge he had given his upbringing to pick apart the other person. he also might make some underhanded comment that includes that he has a black card 
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less jealous: isagi, kunigami, sae 
isagi yoichi ✶
he definitely gets jealous from time to time but he doesn’t feel the need to act on it a lot. he’s pretty mature and for the most part level-headed (plus his ability to piece together future events helps him keep his cool a lot). this doesn’t mean that he isn’t jealous 
when isagi is jealous, he’s sulky. he won’t take immediate action and watch from afar, arms crossed and a little pouty. he tries to look as dejected and as ‘wet-cat pathetic’ as possible to make you feel bad and come over to comfort him. when you inevitably do, looping your arm through his and kissing his cheek, he can’t help but smirk at the other person like a cat who go the cream 
kunigami rensuke ✶
i debated where to put kunigami since there are ‘two sides’ to him — pre- and post-wildcard. pre-wild card kunigami is definitely a lot less bothered; he trusts you 100% and is 100% confident and secure in your relationship and himself. post-wild card kunigami is less chill and more forceful. he’s not a hero anymore but even as he plays a more ‘villainous’ role in soccer, he won’t cross that line in your relationship. he’s still very secure in you and himself, but he’s more protective of your relationship. definitely a ‘i trust you/us but it’s other people i’m worried about’ kind of guy
when pre-wild card kunigami got jealous, he won’t act in the moment and will talk to you about it afterwards, in a private setting. open lines of communication were important to him and working out problems like this. post-wildcard kunigami is all stormy looks and intimidation. like rin, he also stands behind you but in less actively aggressive way and more just to be threatening. it’s 95% effective and the 5% of times it doesn’t work, kunigami is not above muscling the other person away 
itoshi sae ✶
i thought about putting sae in the ‘most jealous’ section but i just think that he is someone whose jealousy simmer just beneath his apathetic surface. he sees most other people as beneath him and believes that they are not worthy of speaking to you, let alone hitting on you, but because he’s sees them as so beneath him, he can’t be bothered half the time to do anything since they’re simply not worth it. he gets the most jealous when it’s people who he can potentially view as equals, like other professional athletes 
when he’s jealous, sae literally just pretends they don’t exist, only talking to you. if the other person tries to interject, he sends them a sideways glare — the only acknowledgment of their existence — and then turns away to continue whatever conversation, suggesting that you both get away from the other person as quickly as possible. if ignoring the person doesn’t work, sae doesn’t shy away from spewing vitriol at the other person
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least jealous: nagi, oliver, michael
nagi seishiro ✶
simply put, being jealous is a hassle to nagi. it makes him too hot and too annoyed for him to want to feel it so he suppresses the feeling a lot. nagi’s height is already intimidating enough for most people so they don’t approach you when they see you two together but that isn’t a deterrent to everyone
when nagi gets jealous, he does one of two things: just gives a thousand-yard stare that freaks people out or he gets whiny and clingy. his stare is eerie and silent, and the lightness of his eyes doesn’t help it. he towers over you like some cryptid companion. when he gets whiny and clingy, nagi tugs at your sleeve and asks drily, “can we go yet? why are you still talking to them?”
oliver aiku ✶
sigh… oliver is undoubtedly someone who thinks and knows he’s the shit. with so many women and men alike fawning over everything about him, his ego is through the roof. he has very little worry about you leaving him for someone else. honestly, he finds it amusing most of the time when someone attempt to draw you away from him, and let’s it play out a lot for his own entertainment. of course, he’ll intervene if it’s making you uncomfortable but he also believes you can handle yourself 
when oliver gets jealous, he acts as casual as possible. he’s friendly towards the other person and but it’s not hard to uncover that it’s all fake, whether it’s from the glint in his eye or the way his smile is stiff and forced. common tells when he gets jealous is that he pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek or he clenches his teeth and inhales softly but sharply.  he employs the good old tactic of calling the other person the wrong name and making all kind of underhanded comments that slowly chip at their nerves. (“haruya? haruki? oh! you’re haruto! right, right, you know, they’ve never mentioned you before! crazy, huh?”) 
michael kaiser ✶
kaiser in german literally means ‘emperor,’ and it’s no secret that kaiser views himself as one. similar to sae, he see himself as so above others that he’s not even bothered by other people hitting on you. it displeases him greatly, sure, but these cockroaches will never be able to steal you from him so why should an emperor deal with the plebians? the only time that ever happens is when a peasant is particularly forceful and then, kaiser intervenes
when he gets jealous, kaiser puts on a show. if there’s one thing about him, he’s a bit of a drama queen. he will absolutely posture and puff out his chest at the offending person, looking down his nose arrogantly and smirking. he makes a big display of wrapping himself around you, gripping firmly at your hips and saying, “liebling, you’re very charitable to entertain this insect, but it’s time to end this ruse.”
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gisele0127 · 1 year
Being Kunigami’s girlfriend after the wildcard :(
Warnings: Spoilers!, angst to fluff, grammar mistakes, not proof read, kind of rushed.
2 posts in one day😉☺️
You miss your boy. You miss how rensuke would look at you. You miss all the nicknames he’d call you. You miss how affectionate he used to be. You miss all the the dates he would take you on. You just miss your old boy.
Rensuke misses you too. He hates himself for what he has become. He’s afraid.
Rensuke has gotten buffer, his hair longer and messier. But most importantly his face. He looks so sad, so defeated. His eyes starting to have bags his whole demeanor has changed.
Rensuke remembers when he lost and got kicked out of blue lock. He hates himself. He hates how he let you down, how he let his sisters down, and how he let himself down. He doesn’t know how to face you when he goes back home. He knows you’ll be sad, he knows that he will cry in your arms when he finally sees you. But then the wild card happened. He thought he didn’t have to face you just yet. Maybe he can redeem himself one last time.
You don’t know what happened exactly during the wildcard. But when blue lock got their 2 weeks off so did Rensuke. You didn’t even know he was back until his little sister texted you. “Hey y/n, can you come over please Rensuke is acting super weird” your heart dropped. Why didn’t he text you the second he got out? You got so anxious thinking about it, you were nervous the whole walk to his house. You knocked on the door and Mrs. Kunigami opened it. “Oh y/n I missed you so much. Ren has been acting super weird and looks so…different. Do you know what’s going on?” Your heart drops again. “Uh no I’m sorry. I didn’t even know he was back until you guys texted me”
The walk to his room was nerve wracking. Why were you so nervous? You’re finally seeing your boyfriend after months. You walk in and you’re surprised to see your boyfriend who takes care of his appearance look like total shit. He didn’t notice you come in until you whispered “Ren baby, are you okay?” He looks startled to see you in his room. “What are you doing here I didn’t tell you to come over? What do you want?” You’re surprised by his reaction, because you expected your boyfriend to spring on to you and kiss you. You’ve been waiting for this moment for weeks and this is how it turns out? You turn visibly upset.
“What the fuck Ren? This is how you greet me? What’s wrong with you? I came because my own boyfriend is back and I haven’t seen him In months. I thought you’d be happy to see me. I missed you so much.” Your eyes start to turn glossy, you’re frustrated. He looks at you then scoffs. “Get out. I don’t want to see you right now” Now you’re extra pissed, why does he have an attitude? Ren never has an attitude he’s always so patient. Your anger gets to you and now you’re the one yelling “are you seriously kicking me out?! I want to spend time with you before you have to go back why are you acting so different. Why do you look so different?! You look like total shit and you’re acting like a total fucking douche!” Okay maybe you’re acting a little over dramatic but this better knock some sense into him.
“Get the fuck out. I don’t wanna see you right now, not tomorrow, not ever again. Don’t talk to me again. We’re over.”
Woah. Did he just break up with you? This is the last thing you expected. You turn pale your heart is beating fast. “Wait Ren! No you can’t mean that. Hey just talk to me babe! I’m your girlfriend that’s what you’re supposed to do!” He looks at you and with such disgust he says “ex girlfriend”. That’s when you walk out, into the living room where his family is sitting on the couch. Yup they definitely heard your argument. You can’t see the looks on their faces because you’re tearing up but you walk out.
You get back home, mascara ruined and your dad asks you, “where’ve you been?” You don’t answer him. You don’t want to because what are you supposed to say? You just got broken up with? Hell no it’s embarrassing enough that his family heard yalls argument. You go into your room and scream and cry. The last thing you expected just happened to you.
3 days pass by. Not a single text from Kunigami. To be quite honest, now you’re the one looking like shit. You haven’t gone to school, you can’t show your face anywhere. Your dad is worried but he’s on a work trip right now so he can’t comfort you. “Ask Kunigami to come over, he can always cheer you up.” Right. You still haven’t told your dad.
You hear a knock on the door. You don’t bother getting it, it’s probably just a package arriving. Another knock, harder and faster. By this time you’re annoyed. You go to the door yelling “coming!!” You swing the door open ready to tell someone off but right in front of the entrance to you house is your newly ex boyfriend. Kunigami Rensuke.
You’re flustered, not expecting him. Even more flustered because of what you’re wearing. Spandex and Kunigami’s old shirt. “Uh hey, is there something I can help you with?” You ask awkwardly. “I need to get all my stuff back” he says with no emotion. “Oh sure come in, uh lemme go grab some of your stuff from my room” Kunigami waits patiently on the couch, truth be told you had none of his stuff packed. You wanted to keep all of it.
After about 10 minutes you’re about to finish getting all of his stuff ( he had a lot, it was practically his second home ). Just as you stand up you feel big muscular arms wrap around your waist. You’re startled and mad. Who does he think he is? “Kunigami let me fucking go” you say with so much venom. “What happened to Ren?” He asks. “I’m not going to call you that anymore, we’re not dating remember?” At that he perks up, and lets you go. This time y’all are both facing eachother you get a good look at him and see his puffy eyes. Has he been crying?
You send him off his way and after 5 minutes since he’s been gone you hear another knock on the door. Ugh what does he want? You open the door and before you could say something he comes running in hugging you. “I miss you so much I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry. Please just let me explain myself please.” You know you should’ve said no, but you can’t this is the man you love. The man you want to spend the rest of your life with.
You let him in. You both are sitting on the couch awkwardly. “Uh what did you have to say” Kunigami stands up and sits closer to you, looking into your eyes. “I’m sorry about how I’ve been acting. I’m so sorry. You know I love you right? I’ve loved you ever since I laid eyes on you. I love everything about you. I messed up. I should’ve told you what’s been going on, I should’ve told you everything from the start. Baby, I lost. I got kicked out of blue lock. I’m sorry. I let you down. But they gave me another chance, I could redeem myself. I took it obviously, my dream couldn’t just end there. But baby it was so hard. So fucking hard. I had to train till my body gave out. They wouldn’t let me talk to anyone. I was so lonely and isolated. I struggled for others people entertainment. I’m sorry. There’s so much more I wish I could tell you but that’s not the point. I can’t use that as an excuse for how I treated you. I was a shitty boyfriend. I’m sorry. I regret everything that I said. Every single thing. I was just ashamed of myself. Embarrassed. Baby I should’ve never broken up with you. I’m so scared right now. I just broke up with the girl I want to marry, the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with, the girl who I love most. I’m sorry. Please just take me back.”
He looks back at you because you haven’t said anything. You’re crying. Shit did he say the wrong thing? “Babe?” “Fuck you ren” you stand up and go to your room. So this is it? Kunigami will never forgive himself. Just as he’s about to open the front door, you come running and you jump on his back.
“HEY where are you going??!!” Kunigami looks back, and sees you carrying tissues. Oh. You left to get tissues. He didn’t notice he was crying until you force his face down kissing his tears away. You lean your forehead into his. “We will talk about this in the morning okay? I’m too tired to think” Kunigami is speechless. What? “You’re not mad?” “Im absolutely pissed right now, but I know you’ve been through a lot so I’m letting you go easy just this one time”
He smiles just as he’s about to say something you kiss him. The kiss is passionate and hungry leaving both of you off of breath. “What was that for?” “Just missed my beautiful boy. Come give me cuddles we haven’t cuddled in months”
He smiles thinking about how lucky he got.
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azulock · 4 months
Hellooo I saw that your requests are open and I wanted to request wild card Kunigami having a (massive) crush on Gn!Reader ~-~ (Like imagine he's been crushing on reader since before wild card and now everytime they interact his old personality shines through)
Sorry nonnie, but I only write them as pro players, so we going with post-wild card Kunigami babe, but I mean, that whole thing is sure to leave some mental scars, I mean...
Kunigami with a crush
Kunigami who leaves the who leaves the whole Blue Lock experience to start his professional life still filled with angst born from his time in Wild Card
He's not the same person, he knows it all too well, and no matter what he does, his situation doesn't seem to be getting any better, so he pretty much just accepts this as his new normal
That is, until he finds you again, you'd been friends since before he entered the Blue Lock program, and Kunigami always had a crush on you
He feels stupid when you meet by chance and you strike a conversation with him, he can barely respond properly now, and he knows you aren't dumb, you can see the changes
He feels really bad about it, because the person you were friends with isn't who he is right now, and it seems like that person is so far away that he can't even remember what he was like before
Still, against all logic - at least to him - you make a point of exchanging contacts, of seeing each other again, you make the effort to rekindle the friendship despite his edgy demeanor
He doesn't know if he should be accepting it, he doesn't feel worthy, and truth is, the crush he had on you was always very intense, and he could already feel it blossoming again
Tho, Kunigami doesn't resist you, and he just lets you do as you wish, trying to enjoy your presence and pretend there's nothing else going on
Overtime he starts becoming more comfortable with your presence, slowly opening up, and glimpses of his old self coming back
Being around you makes him feel good with himself, it makes he feel like his old self again, it's something of a healing experience
Tho, his feelings still eat away at his heart, each day they grow more, and he catches himself staring, watching every little movement of your face, committing to memory the shape of your smile and so on
It takes a while but one day it boils over, he stumbles on his words as he confesses his feelings, and he still doesn't feel quite feel deserving of you, doesn't quite feel fully like himself yet, but he can't hide his feelings anymore
And, oh boy, isn't him shocked when you still accept him anyway
tag me in: @tinnaagine @loser-vxbez @kiurona @bentolover @bevernats @weirdbutpr3tty @ada7201 @vollereix @rinitosh @kum1ko-chan @romanticizemai @oneandonlykuronacuddler @borisbq
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luvingshidou · 2 months
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....its not like you every cared...
wild card!! kunigami rensuke x fem!! reader
probably ooc
not proofread
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Today was the day that you were finally going to meet Kunigami after not seeing him in what felt like decades. You were a small local café sitting down waiting for him, you already had a cup of tea but he would be here soon, right???. You were excited about meeting him. All you wanted to do was go up a hug him to death and give him millions of kisses all over his face. But even with all that excitement, you knew that kunigami would be different, he's text messages have been so dry, like there was a drone texting you and when you'd watch his newer matches he looked so tired, so drained, like he was more of a soccer drone the an actual human being. When he saw you, would he want to break up with you??? Would he even show up???
You can fondly remember the last day before he went to blue lock he took you out on beach date, and you can remember him kissing you at sunset, promising you that he would text you everyday, call you everyday and when he'd would come back to smother you in kisses and hug you to death, but now your not sure he'd even come to the café at all!!!
You continued to overthink when you suddenly felt a strong hand on your shoulder. "Y/N." Kunigami says he voice sounding emotionless and cold. Without another word, he sat down across from you. god, he looked so tired, so dead looking.
"Oh, Rensuke, ah— how are you???" You say, smiling at him, trying to mask your nervousness. Fuck, you couldn't lie but you felt a bit intimated by him, he was so closed off, you just which you knew what happened so you could help him!!!
"Fine." He responds, he sounds like he couldn't care less about this conversation or this 'date' if you could even call it that at this point. He was not making it easy to keep the conversation going.
"And how's your sisters???" You ask, hoping he would make it more akward than it already was. Thinking about it, know he didn't even hug you, fuck now you were overthinking even more.
"There good." He answers, not any hint of interest in his voice. "That's good!!" You respond, trying to be as nice as possible. You started to pour yourself some tea, trying your best not to worry, its gonna be fineeee.
"Y/N. I'm here cause I want to be clear with you." Kunigami starts speaking, his eyes boring into yours. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you wanted disappear, run away, you wanted to be anywhere but here. "I've thought about it, and we should break up. You're distracting me from my football, and I can't let that happen. I hope you understand." He says blanked face, still staring at you. You could feel yourself frowning, your eyes darting around the place, you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes, you let out a measly "What??" You looked down at the table, staring at the cup of tea, trying not to start sob. You began wiping your tears, feeling like your heart has been trampled on. What a piece of shit.
"I have to go Y/N." Kunigami says, getting up. You had a gut feeling it was going to happen, but God did it hurt. "Rensuke— please, please don't leave me— I love you, —i need you, please." You plead, sobbing quietly, your breathing becoming slightly erratic. You knew it sounded pathetic and needy, but you'd do anything to keep this relationship going.
"Sorry." Kunigami murmurs and turns around quickly. "And don't keep chasing for me, I won't take up back." He stopped for a second and then began to walk away, not saying another word. He didn't even turn around and face you, didn't have to balls to make eye contact why you were pleading with him, your mascara running down your face. This Kunigami was a complete stranger to you, who even was he???
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(sorry, I haven't posted for like 4 days. i have such a bad toothache that I've been crying 🤕🤕🤕)
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maochira · 11 months
may i request for a scenario where kunigami notices you admiring his big stronk arms? can be pre or post wildcard idm :)
have a nice day <3
Kunigami big strong boi (he's still babygirl)
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, pre-wild card, actually it's pre-Blue Lock, reader and Kunigami are classmates
-you and Kunigami never talked much, but you're always somewhere in the background looking at him and admiring how strong he is
-you may have a little tiny small (actually big) crush on him that your friends love to tease you about
-every time he takes off the jacket of his school uniform and you get to see more of his arms, you just imagine how he'd hug and protect you which ends up with you getting extremely flustered all the time
-Kunigami never noticed that. Well, until now because he took his jacket off while talking to you, so he immediately saw the blush forming on your face
-he's a bit confused and asks if everything's okay, then you just blurt out that you really like his strong arms (which ends up with you feeling embarrassed for saying that)
-Kunigami already can't deal with compliments, but he struggles even to process the fact that he got a compliment from someone cute like you
-he's just standing there not even moving a little bit while he gets even more flustered than you
-all your friends see it so you can expect a lot of more teasing from them about this
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emmie-writes-stuff · 2 months
Part two of Emmie rambles about Blue Lock chapters
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I think that Kunigami is definitely different after Wild Card, but that his original personality is there, hiding below the exterior that he currently has
I might to a whole ramble post on Kunigami himself and how I feel about the WC cyborg persona, but I like this small slip in the front that we got to see this chapter
Just the smallest itty bitty sliver of a break in the armour to the Kunigami that we all knew from the first and second selection
I have way too many thought about Kunigami and WC that I need to organize before I can have a coherent ramble about it, but this is what I was thinkin while reading the chapter
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I may like Shidou, but I’m still so pissed off that because of him, Kunigami had to go through Wild Card and lose himself in the process
And for Shidou to have the nerve to not even remember Kunigami at first?
Smh, he deserves all the shit that’s been talked to him these past few chapters
I wanna kick him in the face lmao
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I’m with Kunigami here, what do you want?
To be relevant this chapter?
When you were just continually fouling Rin for the past two?
Smh go find somewhere else to be relevant, this is Kunigami’s revenge time
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Ugh, I can’t wait for the next chapter, I need to see these three pop off against their respective rivals of the game
Except, I don’t want Isagi to win
He beat Rin the last time, in the U-20 game, and took away the chance he had to earn Sae’s respect (even though I doubt Sae would’ve given it to Rin, Rin still thinks that he would’ve gotten the respect)
So yeah, Rin deserves to beat Isagi this match, he deserves his petty revenge too
What I want in the next coming chapters is for Hiori to figure out how Charles operates, Kunigami to score against Shidou, and for Rin to absolutely destroy Isagi
We’ll see how many of my desires are met, but this has been Emmie rambling about stuff
Go check out the previous post for my other rambles about this chapter
Hopefully all this was coherent-
I had too many thoughts for this one
Part one of this ramble
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boinin · 10 months
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Broken Hero: Kunigami's journey in the Neo Egoist League
Overanalysing one edgy orange
0. Background and references
This weekend, I read an excellent analysis on Kunigami on Reddit (it spawns things other than fraud allegations and thirst posts sometimes)... and I was not OK as a result.
I'd been building up to writing an analysis of Kunigami's character for some time, and when the hyperfocus kicked in, it kicked in hard.
Come with me to explore how Kunigami's character arc and journey may pan out within the Neo Egoist League. Manga spoilers throughout, including up to the latest chapters (226 at time of writing).
I'd highly recommend reading StarBurstero's analysis (and their other work!) as this piece heavily draws on the points they raise.
All manga panels are sourced from the official translations, due to the possibility of nuance and foreshadowing that may not arise in scanlations.
Like this? Want to reference these points in your own analysis, on Reddit, YouTube, wherever? Go ahead! A shout out to this post is appreciated. (Straight up plagiarism isn't.)
Pre-Wildcard Kunigami: a wannabe hero
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Kunigami has his grumpier moments in the first selection (see: him yeeting Bachira, or breaking up fights), but all in all he's a stand up guy. That's clear from his interaction with Isagi in the cafeteria, where they both share his goal-point steak.
Another character defining moment for him takes place after Team Z's victory against Team V. Kunigami doesn't support Kuon's actions, but he is willing to forgive him now that all has been settled. Raichi is decidedly less forgiving. But Kunigami lingers, and helps a bloodied Kuon to his feet. The choice of dialogue is interesting.
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We'll advance together. We know this won't be the case. Both Kuon and Kunigami fail in the second selection, and Kunigami is the sole participant that leaves Wild Card.
But nevertheless, this exchange showcases Kunigami's core attitude. He sees the best in people. He values teamwork and unity, even if he shows egotism in relation to his own goals. He's someone that helps others.
2. What canon information do we have on Wild Card?
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...just crumbs. Information on Wild Card has been intentionally vague, with only Ego, Kunigami, and possibly Noa knowing what happened.
Ego simply calls it a secondary route for the losers, and doesn't specify whether there were any entry requirements. The pile of bodies and the attention given to hands suggests two things.
Firstly, contrary to my own assumptions, Wild Card was likely open to all participants eliminated during the second selection. Ego threw the losers a bone, despite having a very specific outcome in mind. The vast majority wouldn't have had a hope of meeting the criteria.
Is that cruel? Maybe. But it's consistent with Ego's attitude towards "lumps of talent". He admitted both Chigiri and Isagi into Blue Lock despite their lacklustre performances in high school, on the basis that the programme might bring forth their sealed egos. He was proven correct.
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The focus on hands, other than being creepy, hints at ambidexterity being a key deciding factor in the Wild Card programme. Kunigami confirms this above, in a panel from chapter 213.
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Kunigami himself refers to Wild Card as a survival battle, where participants had to match Noa's physical specs number for number. He implicitly confirms that he himself got the closest to Noel Noa's physical abilities, thus winning Wild Card.
3. Kunigami's mindset
We're all Isagi in the bottom corner of that last panel, wanting to know more. But Kunigami has yet to elaborate.
In the Reddit post I linked, StarBurstero theorises what's going through Kunigami's angsty little head: becoming the best striker. Not a midfielder, not a false nine - a striker, and only that. The author proposes that, having had to crush and eliminate everyone in Wild Card, Kunigami has limited empathy for those such as Isagi and Kurona, who are remoulding themselves into other roles to fit into Bastard Munchen.
This tallies with how Noa sees himself, in explaining the distinction between him (the world's best striker), and Snuffy (the world's best player) in chapter 223.
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As a player Isagi is closer to Snuffy, in terms of his ability and willingness to adapt, than he is to Noa. Isagi is willing to do whatever it takes to participate in the Neo Egoist League, even if this means providing assists or playing in midfield. But he still maintains his dream of playing as a striker.
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As different as Kunigami and Isagi are on the surface, they share a dream. Both want to be the best strikers in the world. In that, they're a lot more similar than the fandom give them credit for.
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But the conditions of the Neo-Egoist League pose a stumbling block.
There are limited forward positions, not only in Bastard Munchen, but on the national team itself. To nab a starting position for the U20 World Cup, the characters have only two choices: outshine everyone else playing as a forward, or forsake their dream by assuming a different position. They must choose wisely.
4. Resolve versus adaptability: the Bastard Munchen test
Thematically, Isagi and Kunigami are reflections of one another. They are each others "what ifs?" in a sense.
Heroes in the first selection, both Isagi and Kunigami faced elimination in the 2v2 stage of the second selection; Isagi survived, while Kunigami lost. Isagi emerged as the hero of Blue Lock, following the U20 Japan match. At the same time, Kunigami battled to become the "hero" of Wild Card.
Eventually Kunigami joined Bastard Munchen, alongside Isagi. But they're not co-operative teammates as they were before. They're rivals, battling against one another for the role of striker on this team.
Theirs is a quiet competition, secondary to Isagi and Kaiser's more hostile conflict. But I believe there's thematic significance to their rivalry. For this reason, it's interesting to trace their dynamic over time.
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Isagi considered himself outclassed by Kunigami in the first selection. Back then, Kunigami didn't the same "goal sense" that Isagi had. He wasn't particularly technical as a player. He relied on passes and his physicality to get the ball and score goals, using his strength to reliably score from a distance. He's still extremely impressive, in Isagi's eyes.
As Isagi sees it, Kunigami's key attribute is his resolve. He trains hard to maintain his physique. He has a clear vision of who he is, and what kind of footballer he wants to be. At the same point in the story, Isagi lacks this. Even at the start of the Neo-Egoist League, Isagi struggles to articulate what his ideal form is as a player, which Noa calls him out on.
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It's understandable that Isagi struggles to formulate what his ideal is, because Isagi's genius lies in his adaptability. Throughout the manga, Isagi has been placed into situations that are chaotic, novel and difficult. His approach to football and his abilities have been challenged in every match, and he's been forced to rebuild himself over and over again.
This is what makes Isagi exceptional, in addition to his incredible eyesight and football sense. He's constantly evolving, constantly coming up with ways to beat his competition. No wonder he can't settle on an ideal, when he's been forced to change constantly. All he's certain of is his desire to play as a striker.
5. Chasing strikers: Isagi's journey
Isagi's problem is that he's never been the best striker in Blue Lock. It's his dream to play as one, but purely in terms of his ability to convert opportunities into goals, Isagi is outclassed by a number of players. Rin. Nagi. Shidou. Arguably Barou.
When these players receive the ball near the goal, their ability to put it through the goalposts is simply better than Isagi's. They have the physique, the strength, or the technical skill to outmanoeuvre whatever obstacles are in the way. This is also true of Kaiser: both have metavision, but Kaiser is far better at scoring, as Isagi himself admits. Kaiser is another prodigy, like Nagi or Sae.
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Kunigami is also better at securing goals than Isagi is. However, he's not a prodigy, and he lacks Isagi's insane playmaking ability. Nor does he have Ness, Kurona or Yukimiya on his side. Nobody on the team has a reason to support Kunigami or his goal-scoring competence. Least of all, Isagi: his rival for the position of striker in Bastard Munchen, and his antithesis in a sense.
While Isagi assisted Kunigami in the Barcha match, he does so to stay relevant, after Noa threatens to bench them both.
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In the Manshine match, Kunigami poaches Isagi's goal attempt. As furious as Isagi is in this moment, it's not obvious that Isagi's shot would have gone in by itself. He targeted the corner of the goal, but the trajectory appears to veer up and left, beyond the goal.
Kaiser alludes to the shot's inaccuracy, and Isagi acknowledges his shortcomings after the match ends. While his eyesight is his "god given gift", he realises that he lacks the physical ability to make his foresight a reality, per this conversation with Hiori.
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Who else does he approach?
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While he has the wrong idea (seeking Kunigami's advice on becoming ambidextrous), Isagi's dialogue is on the nose.
Kunigami has what Isagi lacks: the physique and ability needed to consistently score goals. Halfway through the Neo-Egoist League, Isagi realises that to secure a position as a forward, he needs to emulate Kunigami in some way. His hard training pays off: his ranking jumps six points between the Manshine and Ubers matches.
Kunigami is a mirror that Isagi looks into and learns from. And like a morphing reflection, their positions are starting to reverse. While Kunigami performed better initially in the Neo-Egoist League, both in training and in the Barcha match, now Isagi is coming to the fore as the strongest Blue Lock player in Bastard Munchen. His performance in Manshine was incredible. His playmaking in the Ubers match so far surpasses it.
If they are intended to be mirrors, then what can Kunigami learn from his reflection: Isagi?
6. Inert hero: Kunigami's arc
Analysing Isagi is straightforward. We have access to his thoughts and development, all the way through Blue Lock. The same can't be said for Kunigami, whose POV was shown rarely during the first and second selection, but not once since his return in Chapter 155.
There's still conclusions we can draw, despite leaning into extrapolation territory.
Kunigami has always trained hard. The Volume 3 omake (Team Z's schedule) alludes to the guy spending every hour he can in the gym.
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While Kunigami entered Blue Lock at a higher level than arguably anyone in Team Z, he stagnated as his teammates rapidly developed. He doesn't have a documented awakening, unlike the other Egoist Four characters. The single moment of progression shown was his first goal against Team V, but this was more Kunigami challenging his limits than truly evolving.
My theory is that this goes back to his key attribute: resolve. His formula of working hard and playing consistently has worked so far. Why change?
Other characters like Isagi experienced failures and setbacks prior to and during Blue Lock, but we don't see Kunigami experience anything similar until the second selection.
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It's unfortunate that he only experiences a first setback in losing to Team White. Had a moment of failure taken place earlier, the second selection may have played out differently for Kunigami. As it was, this segment of Blue Lock was not forgiving of mistakes. Only players who could adapt and evolve, devour and be devoured, made it to the third selection.
Kunigami just didn't have that adaptability. It's contrary to his nature of working hard, consistently and fairly.
Shidou remarks on Kunigami's resolute nature explicitly after their 2v2 match. It's why he chooses Reo over Kunigami.
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Analysis often focuses on Shidou's criticism of Kunigami's heroic idealism, given that Kunigami goes on to reject this himself. But the second point Shidou makes is more important. He's really critiquing Kunigami's inability to adapt and react, not his strength or his motivation. But Kunigami seemingly only internalises the first part.
Failure in the second selection made Kunigami discard heroism as his motivation, in addition to the conditioning forced on him in Wild Card. But Kunigami continues to struggle, even after leaving his so-called naivety in hell.
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He came out of Wild Card stronger, faster, and more competent at scoring. It's still not enough to out-do Kaiser and impress Noa in the Barcha match.
If Kunigami took Shidou's words to heart, he might consider his success in Wild Card proof that he can break himself down and be rebuilt. At a minimum, we can speculate that Wild Card consisted of the participants being deconstructed piece by piece, egos eroded and replaced with a drive to become Noel Noa's "vessel".
But in truth, Kunigami already had a lot of the traits needed to become Noa's copycat. Other than developing ambidexterity and packing on even more muscle, the "breaking down" that took place was really the overwriting of his idealism with that of Noa's.
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When Ego considers the ways participants may succeed in the Neo-Egoist League, both Isagi and Kunigami are pictured. At the present stage in the manga, Isagi seems to be the fish adapting to his environment and thriving - slowly dyeing the fabric of Bastard Munchen to suit his playstyle.
Kunigami is the one suffocating, unable to breath in this claustrophobic environment.
His core issue - his lack of adaptability - persists. He is unwilling to consider being anything else than a pure striker. In the Neo-Egoist League to date, he has failed to make chemical reactions with anyone.
If Isagi is a universal catalyst, Kunigami is inert. For now.
7. Hero rebuilt: Kunigami, secondary protagonist
Kunigami is an important part of the Neo-Egoist League arc. Not only is he a returning character, but a significant parallel to Isagi. It's no coincidence that they are presented together in many of the panels relating to the arc as a whole.
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There's a lot of symbolism in Blue Lock. The panel announcing the Neo-Egoist League establishes Isagi and Kunigami as dual protagonists, with Kaiser as the primary antagonist. The end of the Barcha match really reinforces the idea that these characters are the main heroes within Bastard Munchen.
Isagi has been on a learning journey from the beginning of this arc, starting with his underdog struggle against Kaiser. If Kunigami's journey is a mirror of Isagi's, then we can expect him to encounter his most difficult hurdle later in the arc, leading to an epiphany about his playstyle. At this point, it's fair to conclude this will happen in Bastard Munchen's match against Paris X Gen.
These are my outstanding questions about Kunigami's journey, which I believe the manga must eventually address:
What will be Kunigami's darkest hour: the low point where he realises he must change or die (metaphorically)?
When he overcomes this moment and emerges stronger, like a phoenix - what will Kunigami's true ego be? Will he return to his original heroism, or strike a balance between his past and present selves? Hero and Wild Card, accepting both?
I'm not going to delve much into Question 2. Hero, Wild Card, Dark Horse, Phoenix - all of these could work as a manifestation of Kunigami's ego. The only thing I can say with confidence is that his ego will manifest. This has been the case for each of the other Egoist Four characters (although Isagi's true ego remains in flux). Personally, I'd like to see an ego manifestation that reconciles the personas of pre- and post-Wild Card Kunigami. I trust the writer and mangaka will serve on that front when the time comes.
On question 1, the fandom (and myself) are hyped for a particular reunion. It's hard to imagine a better catalyst for Kunigami's change than the person that sent him to Wild Card in the first place: a literal demon, the manifestation of Kunigami's internal woes.
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Shidou is the opposite of Kunigami in many ways, when they encounter each other in the second selection. Although both are strong with imposing physical abilities, Shidou is chaotic while Kunigami is lawful; Shidou abhors dull players, the ones that cannot spark "explosions", while Kunigami sees Shidou as a violent psychopath. Shidou has no qualms in crushing weaker players. Kunigami defends them, regardless of their nature.
But Kunigami has changed greatly since their last encounter. He and Shidou have more in common than before. In Wild Card, Kunigami had to learn how to crush the weak, despite his inclination to advance together. He's had to become more aloof, more violent even, to survive in Wild Card and in the Neo Egoist League. He's more resolute in becoming the world's best striker than ever.
But Kunigami still doesn't know how to explode. He doesn't have chemical reactions with other players. The part of him that valued teamwork died in Wild Card. Compare this to Shidou, who thrives off what he calls explosions. He adores Sae, because their chemistry on the field made Shidou soar. Sae unleashes Shidou's inner dragon.
I believe in facing Shidou, who will form reactions with his supportive teammates, Kunigami will come to realise that he cannot overcome his demons without assistance from outside. He'll realise his heroism was never the issue: it was his lack of adaptability. To overcome Shidou, Kunigami will need a catalyst to create a chemical reaction.
Luckily, Bastard Munchen has the one person capable of reacting with anyone: the embodiment of adaptability. Who better to set the true Kunigami free than his idealogical mirror? The one person who, thematically, has been by his side since the start?
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A link-up between Isagi and Kunigami - dual protagonists, reflections of one another - would be an amazing way to round off both Isagi and Kunigami's journeys in the Neo Egoist League. Even better if the final goal against Paris X Gen is the result of their genuine teamwork - mirroring their resentful co-operation during the Barcha match.
I'm manifesting this and I hope you might too. If for no other reason because... can you imagine the look on Kaiser's face if this happens?
Absolute gold.
If you read to the end, thank you! I'd love to hear my fellow nerds thoughts on this and Kunigami generally.
Further reading: short analysis of Kunigami's effectiveness on the pitch up to chapter 232.
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theholypeanut · 10 months
Headcanons Kuroko no Basket x Blue Lock Crossover (on Crack)
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Content: Totally crackhead headcanon how Kuroko no Basket characters would interact with Blue Lock boys, fluff, vibes, jokes, platonic, also mention of porn(!); English is not my first language, just vibe with me
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○ Kise being better at football than half of the guys and being a Supreme Reo pisses Reo off
○ Kenyu x Kise model gig make it happen cowards
○ Midorima vibing with Tokimitsu and getting him into astrology bc when you have your lucky item you can be more confident (“You are an aries? Here, a stuffed giraffe for u, you should be fine today”
“Oh thank god” )
○ Takao and Otoya vibing on karaoke
○ Akashi being impressed with Nagi’s football abilities
○ Akashi and Reo having “being a rich hier is a big responsibility” talk
○ Kise would tell Chigiri that he can get him a hair care commercial “just say the word”
○ Also Kise gets Aryu hair commercial gigs, dude is made for it - a pretty skyscraper
○ Shidou and Aomine being besties and being shameless together
○ Aomine borrows Shidou his dirty magazines (I’m sure this two would watch porn together if u let them)
○ Momoi would fell for Kurona bc he is so adorable
○ Kuroko will vibe well with Hiori, also what is this with matching hair, are they twins?
○ Zantetsu and Midorima will be best friends totally, Zantetsu would be super extra into Midorima’s horoscopes
○ Tbh Aryu and Murasakibara having giraffe time up there in the sky
○ Kise and Bachira fuse their sunshine vibes together and light up the room
○ Bachira steals Murasakibara’s treats and then have the audacity to ask for a piggyback ride bc he was always curious how people looks from so high up (Murasakibara said no)
○ Kagami and Raichi would match their Agressive Idiot energy and do some weird ass competition who can jump higher or run faster
○ Otoya would try to pick up Momoi (no luck sorry honey)
○ Actually all dudes from Blue Lock barely saw a girl in weeks, so they’d get fluster just by looking at her
○ Kunigami and Kagami would vibe very well together
○ Izuki will tell his weird word jokes and Zantetsu will be so confused I’m living for this
○ Riko will see Kunigami post wild card and pass out from his stats
○ Aomine and Barou would have an ego battle I fuckin swear (it’s even funnier that they have the same voice actor)
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By Slowlyholypeanut please do not change, do not steal, give credit
Pretty sparkles by @benkeibear
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itoshi-s · 1 year
zari. who of the bllk boys do u think like being called the dword….. cuz my immediate thoughts go to aiku, sae and p..post wild card kunigami 🫠 but pls let us know ur thots 🫶
OH nonnie you are absolutely correct!!!!
OLIVER..... he's so straightforward abt this he will tease you and MAKE YOU spit it out :( it's alright though you don't even need to think abt it too much! he fucks the word right out of u! w/ so much ease too !! (jae if you are reading this i'm still going a lil unhinged over this stepdad oli thought u sent in a while ago...WHEWWW)
sae is such dword material i'm not even kidding it's !! NATURAL u just cannot help it..he knows he messes you up until your brains turn all mushy & that's honestly what gets him off the most you know? i feel like he wouldn't expect u to say it at first && is actually a bit surprised himself that he likes it so much - but it's something in the way you stumble over your words and finally settle on the one that brings u to such vulnerable position :(
i'd say it's similar w/ kunigami cause he doesn't necessarily ask you to say it so bluntly like oli does,,, he's just quite literally fucking u so hard you end up saying it. congrats you have now awakened the raging dword kink & best believe it's the best ace up ur sleeve from now on
honorary mention: sugar daddy reo in his mid 30's/early 40's :( self explanatory. yUM
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blonde-batgirl · 1 year
I am having a lot of feelings about post-Wild Card Kunigami. Like, everything that makes him him has been stripped away so that Ego could clone Noa... and Noa honestly seems to view him with contempt. And because Blue Lock’s mindset (which he’s presumably been hardcore indoctrinated in whilst being turned into a Noa-clone) doesn’t fit with the rationality of the German team, it all would have been for nothing if Isagi hadn’t decided to use him as a piece in his plan.
But something really interesting is that I originally thought Isagi had been able to match up with Kunigami’s new style because he’s studied Noel Noa so much and Kunigami is now effectively a Noa on his level... except that’s not it at all. When Isagi passes to Kunigami at the end of the Barcha game, he’s relying on the shooting power of his left leg. Or, to put it another way, he’s not putting his faith in something that Kunigami’s copied from Noa. He’s putting his faith in something that Kunigami’s had all along.
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