#pokey pierce
bishopony · 10 months
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been moving countries the past week so here's a silly comic lol
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horsedivorced · 1 year
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plantsucc · 1 year
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spiky blue pony, an expert on sharp pointy things. it's Pokey Pierce!!
watching MLP seasons I haven't seen yet. season 5 is good?? anyway, here's a human version of a totally canon background pony. or did I just take a background pony and project character onto him?
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kingtankgirl · 1 year
first comes the stretched septum then comes the septril piercing btw.
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
Will wears earrings that glint in the sunlight.
Nico is very aware of them.
He’s never seen anything like them before. Bianca wore earrings, little citrine gems that dotted both earlobes, and Hazel wears little hoops in each ear. Piper has dozens of beaded earrings she made herself. Annabeth wears little owl charms. Percy has a diamond stud, Connor’s ears are pierced all over, and Lou Ellen has gauges she’s slowly stretching out. Most people in camp have a piercing or two, really, some of them done by the Apollo or Aphrodite campers, and really sunny days they glint together like the massive disco ball that spun over the slot machines of the Lotus.
But Will’s earrings are different.
There’s no…pokey part, is the best way Nico can describe it. Each piece is a delicate gold chain, maybe two inches long each, with a thin blue sapphire hanging off one end. He threads them through the tiny holes in his lobes, and they dangle, glittering every time he moves. The sapphires refract the light when he tucks back his hair, shining an array of tiny rainbows on his neck, on his jaw.
He is distracted by them, often.
“You’re staring.”
Nico blinks, twitching back to his body. The blue sapphires he’d been staring at are replaced with blue eyes, twinkling with amusement, and he flushes.
“I was — spaced out.”
“Mhm.” Will turns back to his arts & crafts project, dragging a brushful of lavender paint over stained wood. A jewelry box, by the looks of it. “If by spaced out, you mean staring at me.”
Nico returns resolutely to his own project. His is much less delicate than Will’s — the sheath he has strapped to his calf at all times broke, last week, and he’s felt naked without his dagger — and there’s a warp in the leather, where his attention slipped. He focuses on smoothing it.
“Not on purpose.”
“No?” Coming from anyone else, the teasing tone of voice would have him raising his shoulders, twisting his face. But from Will it’s — tolerable, somehow. Perhaps it’s the hand that rests gently on his wrist. “You space out at me a lot, then. Crazy coincidence.”
Nico stars at the freckly, tanned hand, waiting for it to move. It doesn’t. Will keeps it there, callused fingers brushing gentle circles on the base of his thumb, dipping and swooping along with his quiet humming.
Nico swallows. “You’re — distracting.”
Will’s smile spreads slowly across his face; stilted, almost, like he’d tried to bite it back.
“You’re —” Nico gestures, vaguely, at all of him. Will’s smile grows, and his cheeks slowly grow pink, blonde ringlets falling out of place and curtaining his face.
“I’m?” he presses.
His voice is soft, near silent; searching, prodding. Hoping. Nico’s breath hitches, and his palms sweat, and Will’s gentle tracing pauses, briefly. He bites his lip, worrying the chapped skin, breathing quick; in, out, in, out. In a slow, calculated movement, watching Nico carefully, carefully, out of the corner of his eyes, he slides their palms together, fingers resting loosely in the spaces of Nico’s open, twitching hand.
“…Is this okay?”
Nico feels lightheaded. He’s sure his palms are clammy, although he can’t tell against Will’s. He gnaws at his lip again. Nico’s exhales are quick, short.
He curls his fingers until they rest on Will’s cracked knuckles.
“You’re striking,” he says quietly.
Ducking his head, Will turns back to his painting. He dips his brush in a deep, blooming green, now, tracing it along the edge of the lavender.
He’s smiling.
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grimmanxiety · 5 months
Out of the depths of hell and back, us Lord's of the Black and White..
74 hours of work, I have been working on this since September 16th 2023. That is the longest I have ever spent on any piece but I was determined to finish it. Each Lord has details of their character
Wiggly: a tentacle ring, wavy/Wiggly hair, his crown and eye makeup hints to his doll's eyes
Nibbly: teeth in his pigtail bobbles, piercings highlighting his mouth, a muzzle, lolipop earring, all sharp teeth
Blinky: shorter fur hoodie, bleached eyes on hood, 1 big eye reflecting on glasses, eyebrow piercings to highlight eyes
Tinky: hair horns to represent goat horns, cubes from his box, long claws to show his hooves, blueish tounge tint, slightly lazy eye + goat eyes, goatee
Pokey: glitzee/shing jacket, goo dripping from eyes + mouth, more intense makeup for the theatre kid
Thank you to everyone supporting me and has supported me :)
I will be offering these as a print option as well, contact if you're interested
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revamped some of my old mlp ocs !! lil bios and whatnot under the cut (o´〰`o)♡*✲゚*。
agender! they/it
their friends call them Vee!
their talent is writing those really cheesy and dumb valentines day cards that come in packs of like 24 at michaels. at least, that’s what they tell anyone who asks
a cutie pie, knows it, and often uses their looks to get what they want
their dad is a changeling and their mom is a pony. their birth was unnatural and 70% magic
bit sketchy ngl. lil bit of a bitch. talks behind people’s backs
loves their gf Cheshire and though they tease her a lot, if anyone else says anything even kind of mean to or about her Vee will literally kill them
Vee’s anxious bat pony girlfriend
lives in the woods
cries when she walks into table corners
her talent is talking to rodents? she can’t talk to any other animal but rats and mice love her
kind of a dumbass but tries her best. just has no braincells
can and will dissolve into tears at any second
usually found with a multitude of scratches from various encounters with unfriendly creatures in the Everfree Forest
nonbinary! she/her
Rag Doll
everyone calls them Doll
their talent is making crochet stuffed animals
an absolute sweetheart and is, like, a suspiciously good person. they probably murdered someone in a past life
has a very gentle kind voice and lovely doe eyes
demi gal! they/she
nonbinary lesbian :)
the kind of person everyone falls at least a little bit in love with
adopted kid of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer
her friends call her Rain, her family calls her Rainstorm
mute, uses pegasus sign language to talk
gf of Sterling and basically the only pony Sterling actually gives a shit about
her talent is aerial dancing
has a twin brother called Typhoon who isn’t around much but Rain still loves him
quiet and thoughtful. very introspective and usually keeps to herself, though she’s not antisocial
is bi! used to go out with a guy from the dance studio she attends
defensive and closed off, doesn’t like being vulnerable
gf of Rain and would literally die for her, since she’s pretty much the only person who genuinely seems to enjoy Sterling’s company
her talent is jewelry making
has had a multitude of admirers but has scared off literally every potential romantic partner (except for Rain, of course)
disaster lesbian
has been in love with Rain since they were foals
volunteers at Cheerilee’s school even though she claims she doesn’t like kids 
Hazelnut Spread
goes by Hazel or Hazelnut
honestly a bit stuck up but really does mean well
more loyal to her family than anything else
claims she doesn’t like Doll because they’re “too nice”. actually secretly has a huge dumb crush on them and hates the fact that they make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside
her talent is making those super fancy crepes that look amazing but are really impractical to eat
her mom is Pinkie Pie, her bio dad is Pokey Pierce
Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness
has like a hundred nicknames cause their name is a fucking mouthful. mainly goes by Marzi but is also called Mads by their family
SO loud like jesus christ bitch please fucking chill
its talent is making rock candy that doubles as hallucinogens
has ADHD and physically cannot sit still
the “rebel child” but in name only. she loves her family and they approve of everything she does (except Hazel but, you know)
pangender! they/she/he/it/xe/fae/whatever else, marzi’s not picky
xer mom is Pinkie Pie, xer bio dad is Cheese Sandwich
does a lot of ecstasy and shrooms
her talent is making really wonderful coffee. like it’s not fancy or anything, it’s just normal coffee, but it’s the best and most comforting you’ll ever taste
very warmhearted and welcoming. has a knack for making others feel safe around her
everyone calls her by her full name, but Jagged Note calls her ‘Chex’ sometimes
constantly stressed out, deals with a lot of anxiety though she manages to hide it well. more or less. sorta
Jagged Note
Chestnut’s loving bf
known to everyone as Jay
his talent is making hyper pop scream-o music
trans-masc! he and chestnut are T4T :)
very chill and laidback, thus is the one to calm chestnut down when she gets overwhelmed 
claims to be punk and badass even though he cries at that one chef boyardee commercial 
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cloudroots · 3 months
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Name: Peach Milkshake aka Peachie
Pronouns: He/him Parents: Pinkie Pie and Pokey Pierce Siblings: Blue Raspberry Ripple and Lavender Cotton Candy Bio: Peachie is a caring lad, who loves to make others laugh and feel safe. Since his mom is Pinkie Pie, he has been a part of many different parties over the years. He has always liked them, but he has found that he loves smaller, more personal and chill gatherings with friends and those you want to get closer with. Peachie also loves being a little goofy and making those he cares about laugh, but he’s less over the top about this compared to his mother. He’s overall calmer than his Pinkie, but he’s still chipper. He also enjoys exploring and doesn’t mind getting dirty while doing so. When the trio of friends were young, they would explore around with Peachie leading the crew, and Starspell proudly behind him. In the Pie household feelings were not held in. So Peachie isn’t afraid to cry, and does end up feeling his negative emotions pretty intensely. He is truthful with his feelings. Peachie also is very concerned for his friends’ well being. He always tells them that he’s there for them whenever they need it, but he’s usually brushed off. He just wants to help those he cares about.
Cutiemark: Represents his talent of traveling around to share love and friendship through get togethers he makes, of any size. The mark has the Peach, which is Peachie, with an exposed pit with hearts coming out, representing the love and friendship he spreads to whoever needs it. The flags meaning the different destinations he's been to. 
Cutiemark designed by the wonderful @gelidponies
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theladysherlock · 1 month
Last Line Challenge!
Rules: in a new post, show the last lines you wrote (or drew) and tag however many more people you would like
I was tagged by my dear friend @mothmansbigfatass!! I'm currently in the process of filling out a background that will likely get entirely covered up, so let's take a look!
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Hee hee hoo hoo what could it all mean what could it be for
Obviously this is fully optional but I'm going to tag @vryfmi @vitariesocks @wheatbeats and @dickpuncher420 , as well as anyone else who feels so inclined
ID under the cut!
[ID: a screenshot from clip studio paint showing linework of a notice board on a transparent background. There are three empty reward posters, as well as a myriad of other, sillier posters. Highlights include a Missing Cat Poster where the reward is "Exposure", a Muscle For Hire poster with a 20% Biting Upcharge, a flyer for Ol' Pokey's Tattoos and Piercings, and three separate flyers related to a Rat Problem.]
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paradoxgavel · 10 months
hi hello. i saw your tags and, as someone who lives very close to the ocean and has a parasocial relationship with it, i feel it is my moral duty to take you to the sea even if i can't actually take you there physically. so take a deep breath and close your eyes (metaphorically speaking, you do need them open to read this) and let's get you to the beach.
It isn't always this amazing, scenic destination like you see on postcards. Often times it's cold, it's windy, the sky is gray and the water is too loud. Sometimes the sun really beats down on you and the sand is pokey and itchy against your feet and there's too many people. Sometimes the beach just sucks.
But today you're stepping foot on the shore for the very first time, so today, it is perfect.
The sky is a blue so sharp and vibrant. It's dotted with clouds, a gentle scattering of pillowy white that shields you from the piercing sun. There's a breeze that soothes away the day's heat and sweeps handfuls of wildflowers to your nose, tangles of fresh seaweed, and a salt so potent it lands on your tongue.
You kick the shoes away from your heels and let your toes sink into the warm sand, and the soles of your feet are met with thousands of shells worn with time that cushion your weight with each step forward. The feeling is admittedly a little odd. There isn't a sting, but its course texture demands your attention, only easing into a softer hold against your skin as you near the water's edge, and your feet begin to sink, ever slightly, as the water laps with wide arms to call the sand underfoot back home.
It's here where something magical happens. When your toes curl into the muddy texture beneath and foam threatens to embrace you up to the ankles. The water — when you finally allow it to greet you — is cold and sharp like taking a deep breath on the first day of winter. This, unlike the sand, does have a bite. It's a feeling you don't mind — not after the second time the small wave dances against your ankles, or the third time, or the forth. It's a chill that tickles up your skin and reminds you that you are alive.
And the world continues to move. The wind blows petals from the trees and sweeps an umbrella from its place a few paces away, the birds overhead are circling with conversation, the ocean reaches for you with hands of cool seaspray. A child to your left is giggling and showing their mother the shell they just found. A dog barks from the walkway bench in the distance as its owner greets an old friend. The ocean stretches on before you, a blue more brilliant than even the sky, for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see and even past that.
You remember things that you thought you lost. Memories of being warm, of being cherished, of being alive and a part of life and you think that here, at what feels like the very edge of the world, that everything will be alright. You will be alright.
But maybe that's just the ocean talking.
Aww, Muzz, this was absolutely lovely! :'0
You have such a beautiful way with words, I swear. I really really loved this. Thank you so much!! ;v; 💕
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
I hold Carlos' mouth open, forcing him to expose his fangs. I take Coco up with a pair of tweezers and, very carefully, spear it with one of the sharpened teeth. (I was inspired by the other recent asks.)
Content: Tiny whumpee, immortal whumpee, vampire whumpee, multiple whumpees, impalement, reluctant whumper (kind of?).
Coco squeals as the tweezers poke it. It tickles and the thing can't help but giggle and squirm in between the pokey grip.
But then those happy little noises turn into pained screams as you pierce it with the vampire's sharp fangs. Carlos, too, starts to cry, but he scolds himself for doing so nearly immediately. He is not the one in pain. He does not deserve to cry.
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horsedivorced · 1 year
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the piercings of my favourite slytherins
a silver septum piercing
has her ears pierced and usually wears little silver hoops
got her ears pierced when she was thirteen, but took them out really quickly because they felt weird and sleeping on a scratchy hard ear pokey thing wasn’t fun
used to have a gold nose piercing on the right side, but took it out because he just stopped liking it after a while
many ear piercings
belly button
all of them are black
a black bridge
a black septum
a couple different ear piercings
usually has wonky earrings in his lobes (sometimes luna makes them for him, for defense against nargles or wrackspurts, or any other factually real creatures you must worry about)
doesn’t have any piercings
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thesadboy · 6 months
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Lil Cheese and her girlfriend Dinky<3
While the two were both born and grew up in Ponyville, they didn’t meet until later in life. Dinky attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns when she was a teenager and had been staying with her father (Pokey Pierce) in Canterlot while she was doing so. Even after she had graduated, she still stayed in Canterlot to look for work, which was where she met Lil Cheese (who was now a young adult by this time) who was there to open a party catering business.
The two hit it off and would regularly go on dates whenever they could and went from acquiantances, to friends, to lovers. Lil Cheese absolutely adores his girlfriend and calls her their “Snugglemuffin”, while Dinky is always appreciative of her partner and how they can bring a smile to her face and see the best in her.
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galaxyandromedae · 8 months
finally feeling well enough to do stuff again, so i wanted to work on my fae ear project (aka piercing the silicone ears and decorating them to my heart's content) so i sit at my desk to do the fiddly things and use the sharp pokey thing and even some Very Hotness to make it even easier
but oop no im not allowed because his royal highness, sir teddy, demands to get cuddles and will just squish himself against me, on top of what im working on
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If these are next-gen characters, who is who's parents? (like who is Stellar's parents, who is Kunzite's parents, etc etc)
I'mma answer this one in text this time, this is a next gen AU. Not all of the characters are next gens. Stellar is just an OC (Who's parents will be revealed in time but if I say who now it will be very spoilery) Then some of the next gens ended up in this universe from another universe because they were either adopted or I just wanted to create them.
I can show a list of the current next gens though, fair warning, the list is long: Pixel Note: Button Mash x Sweetie Belle Apple Slice: Caramel Chance-A-Lot x Applejack Appleseed: Caramel Chance-A-Lot x Applejack Sharp Gleam: Diamond Tiara x Snips Gem Shine: Discord x Rarity (another universe transfer) Sunrise Illusion: Discord x Celestia Muffin: Doctor Whooves x Derpy Hooves Time Bubble: Doctor Whooves x Derpy Hooves Rose Seed: Feather Weight x Babs Seed Blue Ribbon: Flam x Cherry Jubilee Constellation Sparkle: Flash Sentry x Twilight Sparkle Apple Cider: Flim x Apple Fritter Apple Crisp: Big Macintosh x Fluttershy Crass: Grogar x Everest(OC) Star Tricks: Luna x Trixie Lulamoon (another universe transfer) Dream Walker: Sombra x Luna Mint Swirl: Lyra x Bonbon Pop Rocks: Lyra x Bonbon Shooting Star: Mordecai x Twilight Sparkle (another universe transfer) Midnight Aurora: Nightmare Moon x Everlight Everlasting (another universe transfer) Record Label: Octavia Melody x Vinyl Scratch Play Wright: Pink Tom x Trailblazer (another universe transfer, parents are from the @projectfimily universe) Honeycrisp Apple: Pip Squeak x Apple Bloom Surprise Pop: Pokey Pierce x Pinkie Pie Quick Dash: Rumble x Scootaloo Luminia: Sassy Saddles x Thorax (another universe transfer) Gem Glow: Snails X Silver Spoon Cumulus: Sky Stinger x Vapor Trail Spectra: Soarin x Rainbow Dash Thunder Cloud: Soarin x Rainbow Dash Molto Vivace: Songbird Serenade x Rainbow Dash (another universe transfer) Crystal Fire: Spike x Rarity Kunzite: Spike x Rarity Opal: Spike x Rarity Bright Idea: Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer Sunset Sparkle: Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer Luster Dawn (Yes, I know she's from the show but I wanted to incorporate her in the next gens): Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer Dawn Delight: Sunset Shimmer x Trixie Lulamoon Royal Blue: Blue Blood x Twilight Sparkle (another universe transfer) Spring Breeze: Vapor Trail x Tree Hugger Evermore: Zecora x Gizmo Lightning Strike: Master x Marble Pie (He is not sure where/when he came from anymore)
Non next gens: Spell Caster - Currently a statue Alicorn Poupée - Living Doll Stellar Cables - Alicorn Flicker - Changeling Mimic - Reformed Changeling Chambers - Currently a ghost Draconequus Everest - Draconequus Berry Blue - Earth Pony Film Reel - Earth Pony Flora Fauna - Earth Pony Harvest - Dead Earth Pony (Can appear as a ghost) Herbal Remedy - Earth Pony Light Heart - Earth Pony Melody Fever (DJ Fever Beats) - Earth Pony Music Rush - Earth Pony Paint Point - Earth Pony Phantom Ink - Possessed Earth Pony Quill Pen - Assumed Earth Pony Rapid Gear - Earth Pony Sun Dial - Currently a ghost Earth Pony Swift Apple - Earth Pony Wave Breaker - Earth Pony Bursting Flame - Pegasus/Color Drinker (Subset of Vamponies) Cross Stitch - Unicorn Fast Catch - Pegasus Fire Forge - Earth Pony Kiwi Tart - Unicorn Sweet Note - Earth Pony Twirling Ribbon - Earth Pony Gray Claw - Griffon Crescent - Hippogriff Fallon - Hippogriff Amphy - Fenec Fox Earth Pony Hybrid Draco - ??? Pony Hybrid Forest Jewel - Deer Unicorn Hybrid Mizu - Ray Pony Hybrid Night Shade - Deer Changeling Hybrid Willow - Deer Pegasus Hybrid King Variant - Dead Kirin King (Can appear as a ghost) Spring Leaf - Kirin Charlie and Dave - Two headed lamb Granite - Diamond Dog Maple Tree - Dikdik Oak Tree - Dikdik Droplet - Pegasus Dusk Light - Pegasus/Color Drinker (Subset of Vamponies) Gale Force - Currently a ghost Pegasus Vampony Happy Sales - Pegasus Popcorn - Pegasus Shady Deal - Pegasus Starlight Flight - Pegasus/Color Drinker (Subset of Vamponies) Sweet Smile - Pegasus Sweet Treat - Pegasus Violet - Pegasus (another universe transfer) Tango - Siren (Looks younger than actually is) Autumn Leaf - Unicorn Chai Tea - Unicorn Cuddle Bug - Unicorn Ink Blot - Unicorn Lily Pad - Unicorn Peppercorn - Unicorn Professor Spark - Unicorn Red Shine - Unicorn Silver Star - Unicorn Song Note - Unicorn Stardew Valley - Unicorn Symphony - Currently a ghost Unicorn Winter Breeze - Unicorn Moon Mist - Vampony If you want to ask any of the characters a random question, just be sure to put who you want to ask. Hope this helps!
~ GPG Mod
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