#please don't shame me
elainewellspoetry · 4 months
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Rut | 2.10.24
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homkamiro · 6 months
Speeding bullet but Your Name au pwetty pls. I’ll even beg you in Spanish and German.
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That would be such a cool concept omg??? Just how challenging it would be for them to live the other's life, considering how different both of them are-- that's actually a thought!! I like how you think anon
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"orym's vision is going to be him getting romantically rejected by dorian" no i think orym is going to see himself gutting imogen like a fish with no remorse. like there's mild anxiety (a hot guy not liking you) and then there's deepest darkest fears (harming your loved ones and failing your own morals).
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I love you smile lines and worry lines and grey and white hair and wrinkles and purple spiderweb veins and the process of aging and living in a body that is standing the test of times. I love you experiences that make you wiser and stories that make you laugh, and every little process that happens to get to the point where you have so many memories because you have the fortune to be here and be so radiant
#positivity#pro aging#also i hate you 'anti aging' scams that capitalize on fear of aging. death by 1000000 papercuts for ye#saw a hair video where they restored the salt-and-pepper colour in an older clients hair and it looked SO GOOD at the end#i love when people throw in the towel and embrace their aging however that looks#it isn't productive to shame people who are ashamed of aging and i just want to. celebrate aging#in a world that simultaneously venerates youth and adulthood and hates BOTH you need to find some sense of freedom#as a Young Adult(tm) please please PLEASE older folks seeing this/following me know that i look up to you#older folks i need you to know that your worth NEVER diminished when you added a new number on your birthday cake#and your body and mind and soul NEVER lost worth because it started to creak a little at the joints#and i might be wrong about this because i'm still young but it can be SO tempted to miss your youth when you feel like...#...you've somehow LOST part of yourself by growing older. and so much of aging is about change and some things don't stay the same...#...and that IS scary and i will never once fault somebody for that. but please don't fall into the trap that because you've aged that...#...you somehow have forever lost fundamental pieces of Who You Are and you could never come back from that...#...for your own sake and sanity you deserve to find comfort and solice and understanding in who you still are...#...because you are still - at the core - the same. you can never take this away from yourself#and i know this might ring hollow because i just don't get what it's like to be older#but i have looked at my elders and felt awe at their age and their experiences#and i know what that is like and it's awesome. i just wish more older people knew that so many of us look at you with awe...#...and - if you can believe it - some of us ENVY your age or experiences or even body#i'm watching an 'older' content creator (older by internet standards 🙄) and i envy him for how eventful his life was#i envy that he experienced a different world - one that i have only heard about from my dad because i was too young to remember it#and i admire this person for their wisdom and thoughts because they've come from his experiences living in a Different World#it's that type of stuff that makes me unafraid to keep on living#inspired by following somebody like. twice my age posting about their excitement abiut growing older and !!!!!!! YEAHHHHHH#didn't realize they were closer to my dad's age but that's so cool???????????
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svnflowermoon · 16 days
y'all go from being feminists to tearing these women down within seconds oh my god it's 2024 can we please stop viciously tearing one woman down to bring another up i don't care what side you take but saying vile shit about either woman and their music is disgusting, please grow up
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kaiabolical · 6 months
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happy monday
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thepoisonroom · 2 months
'I flirted with the idea that instead of being trans that I was just a cross-dresser (a quirk, I thought, that could be quietly folded into an otherwise average life) and that my dysphoria was sexual in nature, and sexual only. And if my feelings were only sexual, then, I wondered, perhaps I wasn’t actually trans.
I had read about a book called The Man Who Would Be Queen, by a Northwestern University professor who believed that transwomen who were attracted to women were really confused fetishists, they wanted to be women to satisfy an autogynephilia. And though I first read about this book in the context of its debunkment and disparagement, I thought about the electricity of slipping on those tights, zipping up those boots, and a stream of guilt followed. Maybe this professor was right, and maybe I was only a fetishist. Not trans, just a misguided boy.
About a year later, on the Internet, I come across a transwoman who added a unique message to the crowd refuting this professor. Oh, I wish I remember who this woman was, and I wish even more that I could do better than paraphrase her, but I remember her saying something like this: “Well, of course I feel sexy putting on women’s clothing and having a woman’s body. If you feel comfortable in your body for the first time, won’t that probably mean it’ll be the first time you feel comfortable, too, with delighting in your body as a sexual thing?”'
-Casey Plett, Consciousness
#this quote always moves me almost to tears when i remember it#i'm not a trans woman and i don't share the author's specific experiences with transition#but it really moves me that she frame transition as joyfully giving yourself permission to approach your body#not as something that has to be disciplined and deprived and made small in all these various ways#but as a means for experiencing pleasure and joy and delight and for insisting that our feelings and desires are worth#valuing and exploring and treasuring#i always used to think of prioritizing those things for myself as selfish and irresponsible#but who does it harm to want to experience pleasure in your own body?#it's such a beautifully simple and powerful switch to have flip in your head#and equally why are we forced to deny our own pleasure in transition and anything else related to our bodies in the name of moral rectitude#this is why i get so confused and pissed off when other trans people are fatphobic for example#like why are you so invested in politics of shame and disgust that never had any purpose other than#violently disciplining people as if they've violated moral codes by existing in a body#to say nothing of white people being racist in gay and trans communities#like again this system of violence is foundational to homophobia and transphobia#so why are you acting like it has nothing to do with you#even if you are unmoved by the urgency of other people's suffering which btw you should be moved by#what do you hope to gain by acting a collaborator and handmaiden to those systems#Casey Plett#she really is one of my favorite authors i wish more non-canadians read her#this quote is from a series of columns she did ont transition and every single one is a banger#i love when she talks about the people-pleasing elements of dysphoria and transition denial#she's so sharp about noting how many of us deny our own dysphoria on the grounds that others like and validate our bodies#that's how i always felt during my cis conventionally feminine era#it pleased other people so much and also that reception felt so hollow and joyless to me because i hated it#i get less of that positive feedback but that feels so unimportant next to the joy and pleasure i get to experience#said with the understanding that i'm very privileged in being able to prioritize those things without fear. but it was a switch flip#personal nonsense
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eliashirsch · 2 months
i have something to admit that i'm not proud of...
i genuinely can't write hangster😭😭 like i've tried so many times. SO MANY TIMES!! i always get the a few thousand words in and then all my motivation just falls of. i'm seriously trying to finish a story about them, even a one shot! but i just can't do it!!
and i know i shouldn't force myself but it'd be nice to write LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN ICEMAV
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
Hello sorry (sorry my bad english) hypotetically what if if the Smilings Critters found a group children that now are adolescents in 2005 and was raised by Kissi Missy or Mommy Long Lens after they was part of experiments and still being humans and was abandoned in the "Day of the Joy" and they are like the"Lost Children"that can found found food easily and are sanes and good how react the Smilings Critters if meet these children?Sorry my english,your art IS super cool you are cool❤️😭😻
Heavens allmight, this again uhm
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I explained this i think 2 years ago? When i was making my FnaF Daycare Au, but i guess i need to explain it again: I'm not here to illustrate your Aus guys, 'm here to have a nice time making silly drawings of my own Au.
I know i must sound mean, but hear me out: Imagine that you came to a restaurant and eat a fish there, right? Some nice Smoked Salmon that you really liked, but then you came and tell the chef ''I liked your food, but could you make me a sushi? You're are already really good cooking fish and you already have fish to work with, so you can make this one for me 'cause is one of my favorite food, doesn't matter that this place doesn't sell sushi at all.'', don't you think that kinda rude? It the same here, you're asking for something REALLY specific, something that, more that a question for my Au, look suspicious like you own AU that you're trying to make me work on it.
And this was one of the think that really bother me when working both in my FnaF Aus and LMK Au, the lot of questions that weren't like
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and more like
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And no, it not the same with the questions that evol into a event, 'cause those question KEEP the Au on mind, DON'T TRY to introduce really specific thing in it, and are simple enough for me to go crazy and evol the idea ON MY OWN WAY.
You want me to work in your Au/idea/fanart/crossover/ect? Pay for it, i have commission open and even have a comic commission just for this kind of thing.
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But don't treat me like 'm a machine that can give you the soda you want if you shake it enough, 'cause that actittude only help me to go away from the fandom and stop making the shit i like, and old followers know that can happen, it had already did two times.
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morallygreykoifsh · 1 year
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Reasons I believe that Rhaenyra Targaryen is the father
Viserys has a weaker jawline and softer bone structure while Aemond does not (now you could say but what about Alicent) Alicent also has a softer facial structure while Aemonds are sharp looking suspiciously like Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra and Aemond's noses are curved while neither Viserys nor Alicent have pronounced bridges and their cheekbones are higher than Viserys' (and one could speculate the higher cheekbones come from Aemma) so why does Aemond have a far more similar facial structure to Aemma rather than Viserys despite not being related to her(while she is Viserys 2nd? cousin it is unlikely she is close enough to share such features with Aemond because of Alicents genes)
While you could argue that Alicent also has high cheekbones that doesn't completely explain his features such as his personality and wit(somewhat similar to that of a young Rhaenyra)
Rhaenyra and her brother *cough* son *cough* have straighter hair while Viserys has none
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lost-in-fandoms · 4 days
Logan and Max have a talk. Sort of. (I have never written Logan before, so I don't know if this even makes sense. Almost nothing happens, but there could be a second part in the future, who knows (not me)).
Logan wishes he was better at telling Alex no. He doesn't want to be at this party, for a race he barely even took part of, his car giving up on lap 15. He doesn't want to be standing here, near the wall, as he watches the other drivers drink and dance, ignoring him completely. He doesn't want the drink Alex placed in his hand before disappearing, without even telling him what was in it. He wants to go to bed. He wants to call his mom.
One hour, that's how much time he has promised himself. He'll stay one hour, long enough to say he was there, not long enough to make him want to get completely smashed and sob into some girl's chest (that had been one time, but it had been a low point he does never want to repeat), and then he'll go back to the hotel. He doesn't remember the time difference well enough to know if he'll be able to talk to his mom before going to sleep, barely remembers in which country they're in.
He's contemplating his glass again, trying to decipher what kind of alcoholic concoction is in there and to ignore the thumping bass, when a pair of sneakers and blue jeans appear in his line of vision.
He looks up and finds himself face to face with three-soon-to-be-four times world Champion Max Verstappen. He doesn't think he's ever been in a one to one conversation with Max before, so he can't think about a single reason why he should be standing in front of him, looking straight at him. Unless he's here to kick him out? Would Max kick him out of the party for being too pathetic?
Now he's being self-pitying, he needs to stop. No drinking and sobbing incidents tonight.
"You okay, mate?" Max asks, voice barely loud enough over the music, eyes intense. The glass in Logan's hand feels slippery, he's afraid he'll drop it.
"Yeah, fine!" he replies, cringing at his own basic response, even if he doesn't know what else he could have said. It's not like Max is asking because he really cares, and it's not like he could give him the truthful answer either.
Instead of moving on and going back to the party like Logan is expecting after the somewhat failed social interaction, Max keeps looking at him, tilting his head slightly, eyes narrowed, before he steps closer and plucks the glass from Logan's hand, placing it on a nearby table.
"Follow me," he orders. He doesn't wait before turning around and walking away. For some reason, Logan doesn't even question it, just unsticks himself from his wall and follows him to the bar, where Max orders a beer and another g&t, and then up a flight of stairs, onto a balcony.
"Are we allowed to be here?" Logan asks, looking at the very obvious DO NOT OPEN sign hanging on the balcony door Max is already pushing open.
Max just shrugs, going outside and sitting down on a lawn chair, placing the drinks on the low table in front of him. Of course, Logan reminds himself, he's Max Verstappen, who's going to tell him no? He probably could buy this whole place out himself if he wanted to.
Logan sits down next to him.
"Here," Max says, passing him the beer. Again, Logan doesn't question it before taking a sip. Much better than Alex's weird drink.
For a long moment, they just sit in silence. They can still hear the music from downstairs, but it's different out here, with the sounds of the city and the fresh air. Logan almost forgets about being confused and upset, about wanting to go home. Home home. Then Max speaks again.
"We can talk about why you are sad, or we can sit here until I finish my drink. Both are okay."
Logan doesn't understand. Why is Max, of all people, wanting to talk to him about his shitty season? And why would he want to just sit there with him? Does he look that pathetic?
He tries to feel upset, tries to look for the spark of indignation, but he comes up empty. He can just stare at Max's profile as the other takes a sip of his drink, eyes fixed on the skyline, throat working.
Max doesn't ask again. He must accept that Logan's answer is silence, doesn't even seem put off by it, but Logan's brain can't stop buzzing, questions bouncing around so fast he can barely keep up with them.
They stay quiet. Max finishes his drink. Logan keeps watching him as he stretches slightly, before he stands up and turns to face him.
"If you want to come talk to me, I know how it feels, to be hungry" he says slowly, measured, like he's been thinking about this for the whole time. "But if you want advice right now..."
It takes a second for Logan to realize Max is waiting for a sign, and he rushes to nod. Max's lip curls up slightly, his eyes crinkling, before he turns serious again.
"At some point, you will of course have to decide if you want to lay down and wait for the team to take pity, or if you want to bite and make them work with you."
Logan blinks. Max blinks back.
When it's clear that Logan isn't going to say anything, Max nods, turns around, seems to rethink and turns back, his eyes impossibly bright.
"I can show you how to take what you want, whatever you want." Suddenly, it feels like they're not just talking about racing anymore. Logan's neck feels hot. Max licks his lips, something dangerous in his expression that is usually reserved for the track, for when things aren't as he'd like. Logan has seen it before, but never turned towards him. He's stuck on his chair, feeling like prey despite Max telling him he could, and should, take.
He waits for the blow, he knows it's coming, but is still completely unprepared for the way Max smiles when he speaks.
"I will even call you a good boy, if you do it right."
The sound Logan lets out is undignified enough it will have to go in the lowest points list right next to the drinking&crying episode, but Max laughs, not unkindly, squeezing Logan's shoulder.
"You have my number, and you know where I'll be next week. Drink your beer."
Logan has the bottle pressed against his lips even before Max has made it across the balcony, going back to the party.
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fox-guardian · 19 days
sometimes i am reminded of strange comments i receive on my art and i am still baffled.
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[ID: Tags reading "your alice looks like shes adicted to heroin and I love that" end ID]
like. no, people who are addicted to drugs shouldn't feel shame over their appearances, ofc. but also Why Would You Say This To Me.
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yesloulou · 3 months
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blubun0309 · 2 months
Sapphic Huskerdust iterations will never NOT be funny to me because Husk looks like a typical genderbend with female clothing and big lashes while Angel looks exactly the fucking same it's glorious
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aye-of-newt · 7 months
at least a third of season two is madame kaji and taigen meeting up for bitchy tea sessions that mostly consist of her slowly (and with ever-dwindling patience) talking him through his sexuality crisis
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hydrachea · 4 months
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Canon Stellaron Hunters high school AU fresh from our very own Trailblazer's mind.
(Bonus: Dr. Edward said you can only dream about criminals if there's a little footnote in the bottom right corner of your dream at every moment reminding viewers that crime is bad and criminals are bad also.)
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