#planet scum
radiofreemultiverse · 7 months
Sandwich Night 2023 Post-Show
Fluval and Intern Sandwich bring you a CHAOTIC Sandwich Night post-show with Susie's Time, Tig's Bits, Sandwich Trivia, and more.
Share this video to share the joy of Sandwich Night!
Featuring: Susie: https://www.instagram.com/rugspray/ Clancy Kramer: https://www.instagram.com/tylerdurdenismydaddydom/ Erik Germ: https://instagram.com/ErikGerm Hex: https://www.instagram.com/hexagonz/ Missi Information: https://shows.acast.com/girls-have-fire blogthoven: https://www.instagram.com/blogthoven_/ Henry: https://www.instagram.com/headcheese1henrytoo/ The Mysterious Sando: ?????????
Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeMultiverse/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/radiofreemultiverse Twitch: http://twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse
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wearetrashpeople · 2 years
Working at Butt Recruiter
McKaylee Hrum, Head of Recruiting at Butt Recruiter, shares her experience working there.
Over the course of four episodes, we wrote this sketch with our fellow Trash People. During Erikstravaganza Episode 5, this collaborative writing project was screened.
Credits: BeautifulCity - The Head of HR Lindsey Premmel - Customer Testimonial Singlewalkrun - Customer Testimonial Stephen Premmel - Customer Testimonial PotatoMolasses - Designing the Butt Recruiter Logo The Entire We Are Trash People Chat - Writing with us
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrashPeoplePod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreTrashPeopleShow Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wearetrashpeople Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wearetrashpeople/
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
abusive parents will go 'you need to be ashamed of yourself and remember that we're superior in comparison to you' like where are your sources for this shit. How does spending a decade tormenting a kid for pleasure make someone superior. Get your head out of your ass you're not superior to a pile of garbage.
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cosmicwhoreo · 2 years
He walked away for five minutes...
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secundus-cinaedus · 3 months
while i 1000 percent believe it has been twisted to suit a leftist agenda, the people who believe climate change is completely fake are legitimately fucking braindead
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reaperfromtheabyss · 5 months
whooops, got way too into character creation and just sent my GM 3 rapidfire max-length discord messages detailing the hypotheticals of the culture my character might have come from at midnight
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random-iz-stuff · 1 year
Wait...so remember that episode where Dib is talking to the Tallest on Zim's monitor--do the Tallest understand what he's saying and vise versa? OR did Zim give the Tallest a stack of info on Earth's culture and languages ahead of time and they now of a inkling of a understanding of Earth speak? I know they never had a proper conversation, but that post about irken languages got me thinking about it 🤔
I think it’s funnier if the answer is no. Because despite Dib talking to the Tallest non stop, the Tallest never reply. They just stare at Dib and talk to each other about the size of Dib’s head. So the Tallest are watching this small creature with a massive head excitingly make a bunch of noises at them that they don’t understand in the slightest.
Meanwhile Dib is calling the Tallest alien scum and asking for their planet’s coordinates.
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I clicked on a video essay about Snow White and off the rip, the guy called Snow White a "passive domestic weirdo with no personality" and quickly figured out he is one of THOSE critics. He also got one about Ariel and you bet your ass he is one of these "gave up her voice for a man", "The Little Mermaid is misogynistic" dipshits. I have yet to watch the video, but I know for a fact he is one of those guys. His videos reek of that smartass, sanctimonious, leftist bullshit just by reading the titles and looking at the thumbnails. This guy also has a video defending Twilight. You can't make this damn shit up.
#disney#video essay#txt#i'm sorry but i'm so sick of people ripping the princess movies apart#like holy fucking shit i have never seen a children's entertainment property be so fucking bashed and disrespected the way disney princesse#have been disrespected and so grossly misunderstood#all because fucking cunts on the internet didn't like certain aspects about the original movies#yet fucking bratz has never gotten NOWHERE NEAR the same amount of fucking hatred they have been and they are WAY WORSE role models#these are sexualized ass dolls and materialistic directly marketed at little girls#but no the princesses got married and saved only once so that means THEY ARE THE FUCKING SCUM OF THE EARTH AND DESERVE ALL THE DAMN SCORN#i hate you fucking cunts who made it popular to shit on them#i fucking loathe you with all my heart i can't stand you#there are faaaar worse “role models” for children including little girls than them yet are blamed for every fucking evil on the planet#“these are just characters” ok but it isn't them precisely that get me mad it's people not getting the messages of the movies#it's indicative of an on-going of shitting on everything that's feminine in a positive light. that's what's pissing me off about the#bashlack. y'all notice how the characters who are more tomboyish or less traditionally feminine are seen as superior#i will defend them with every fiber of my body. i do not give a fuck if people think i'm utterly insane for that#i'm so sick of all of you#like i said i have yet to see his analysis of tlm but i just know he is gonna say some bullshit about ariel#i find it funny how disney princesses and barbie have been blamed for years and years for every bad thing on the planet and repeatedly#bashed for all the supposed “bad” messages and themes they teach to little girls because of miserable grown ass women who projected their#anger onto these fictional women that are supposed to represent the best of not just women but humanity as a whole even if they have flaws#and all yet bratz gets nowhere near the same amount of bad press despite them being clearly sexualized and materialistic as hell. they are#more damaging to little girls than barbie and disney princesses ever were. barbie and dp's have taught good things but these bitches? they#were pretty bad role models yet don't get the same amount of flack#don't get me wrong i grew up loving bratz but now i clearly see the ugliness of those characters being promoted to children as “role models#they are everything dp's and barbie have been accused of for years but no hatred for them
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esora247 · 7 months
guys I just fucking dreamt about an entire new svsss donghua with the same mediocre (affectionate) animation but really cute new 3d models that finally adapted the whole story
I think my brain is getting desperate I was so upset when I woke up </3
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circus-complex · 2 months
Ethereal Night Sky
Rating: General
Relationships: Shen Jiu/Liu Qingge/Yue Qingyuan
Characters: Shen Jiu, Liu Qingge, Yue Qingyuan
Tags: Poetry, Space Symbolism
Poem about Shen Jiu being outcasted with the peak lords, but Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge still accept him. Uses Planet/Moon/Stars symbolism.
Also on AO3
thanks to @i-like-damei-ig for beta reading!
The sun Burning bright Holding eight planets And a ninth Smaller  Than the rest Not A planet Yet regarded As one By some
Moons  Revolving But even they Cannot make Pluto  A planet Still stick With him
They have been there Since the start
They won’t ever  Leave Again No matter how far From the sun He will Stay
The stars Far away Gaze upon The small, Ninth, Planet.
Even if they are far away From us Stars seem much closer When you’re lonely Darkness illuminated By another
This planet A poser Is not a poser In the night sky’s  eyes
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wearetrashpeople · 2 years
Gardening Scumposium with Bootleg Bart and Potatoes Molasses
This week on We Are Trash People, we hosted a GARDENING SCUMPOSIUM! We were joined by BootlegBart and PotatoesMolasses. Will Emily succeed in repotting plants inside a Barbie doll?
We Are Trash People celebrates online comedy and the Planet Scum community. Originally created as a podcast, it is now a livestream which happens every Wednesday at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET at https://www.twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse.
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nando161mando · 1 month
Casa encantada: A Portrait of the Fight for Housing in Belo Horizonte (e-book)
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I just read your mando episode 1 thoughts and I’m really glad you also didn’t like the Nevarro changes like I love Nevarro and I watched the episode and was like hm… Nevarro is… boring now…
Hello there, Anon! Finally getting around to this ask but it's been on my mind. It just really, really bothers me how flat and boring Nevarro is now. I liked the appeal of a grimy, hardscrabble planet that scraped by with work by the Bounty Hunters Guild, trade, and shadier, more illicit activities. It was a fun and fascinating look into the Outer Rim away from the likes of Tatooine, and now that's gone. Now Nevarro looks and sounds like a freaking Renn Faire trying to eat its cake as some cleaned up and respectacle independent trade center, and I feel like a joke watching it.
The entire season premiere was a mixed bag of decisions and the choices made with Nevarro really damped my already low expectations. Really hope the only way now is up.
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coyote-fawn · 7 months
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fiovske · 2 years
(gamers from my Space Heist One Shot DO NOT interact)
ppl who have run Blades In the Dark/Scum and Villiany... what is the planning process relative to d&d?
(please feel free to respond even if you DONT know either of these games!)
one starting point of character intros
as of currently, these are the beats I have:
Session 1
one heist mission that brings the team together
the location they'll have to travel to to get that
segues into planning how to approach location 2 which leads to infiltration and further discoveries. (starts w session 2 downtime as they travel to new location)
what they find has them travelling to a secondary location
Session 2
complications from the epic highs and lows of rolls
they have the full picture of the mission now and gotta plan for it.
finally getting the last bit of the puzzle which connects the half puzzle they found at the og site and they now have the full picture (end of session 2)
Session 3
multiple clocks in motion
the result as the mission/heist concludes (one of my players have asked to give their character a death at the end of the one-shot. the rest of the party is ok w that so we gotta give him a worthy send-off which.. will depend on the choices made in game)
lastly, I just want to have a good closing scene which encapsulates the journey had and causes one irreversible change thereafter. is it ok to plan out that irreversible change, so something about the world changes fundamentally due to their actions?
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grin-unsettling · 2 years
i know ‘how can you increase our turnover’ is the same as ‘why should we hire you’ but the way they put it made me suddenly feel so sick to my stomach i bungled up the interview
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