arisenreborn · 5 days
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Soooo cute that he was not 'unruly' and he didn't refuse to obey her at all the whole time. I actually saw lines I'd never seen him say before? ('I'll be your shadow' and one other, I got them recorded.) I don't think those are plague-only lines (correct me if I'm wrong), in which case I'm just amused I heard them for the first time during plague time. You're simping so baaaaaad.
Also thank you to @edgier-than-a-diamond for all of your research!! The bench strat worked like a charm! 💖
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seldnei · 2 years
Aaaaaand Mr Seldnei got a positive test.
He’s on his way to the doctor now. Send good vibes for a Paxlovid script when he gets home!
I’m still negative; we will see how long that lasts.
Sleeping in my office for the next week, I guess. Whee?
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3gremlins · 1 year
me: sends my family a carefully thought out ideas gift list for my partner with sizes, options, etc *2 months* before december since he can be difficult to gift and they all get stressed about it b/c they procrastinate. Also stated in the email that gifting is optional and not to stress about it
october, november, first half of december: crickets my mom, literally a week and a half before gift-giving event: i wish to get a thoughtful gift for your partner and have waited till now. pls halp, i am very stressed. me, internally: *eldritch screech into the endless void*
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trickster-whim · 2 years
I ordered two Doll in Mind heads a few months back when Denny was offering another casting, and they were delivered today...... while I was making soup. So I didn't get to the door in time before the mail carrier left. And this is the only time in the history of living in this house that they actually really required a signature, so they didn't just leave my package. I rescheduled delivery for tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get them tomorrow!
DiM was the company that really got me into bjds, and I'm still upset that they closed up shop (mostly thanks to recasters ugh), and I was very excited that there was even just one more casting. Of course, I do not have bodies, and these two will join the Benetia who's been sitting on my shelf for years, but um. I'll get them bodies eventually, I swear. Also my soup was very good.
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 years
finding out mcr did desert song live is literally killing me. this is ending me. my god desert song
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weenkun · 2 years
How do I nicely tell a girl I went to high school with to stop posting pictures of her grandma’s corpse on Snapchat
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omarandjohnny · 8 months
hi! I hope this is ok to ask and please of course feel free to not answer if it's too personal. I look up to your perpetual halloween lifestyle, and i'm also immunocompromised now because of covid. I was wondering if you had any tips or plans for how to celebrate spooky season safely at home, since.. well... it just doesn't seem like going out to a halloween show or something is worth dying, you know? :\ I thought if anyone would know how to halloween party it up at home it would be you.
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First off, ALL THE HUGS <33333333333333333333333333
The Plaguetimes have certainly thrown a wrench in the spoopy season for us, that's for sure.
2020 was obviously the most difficult, but my brother and I celebrated by resurrecting an old favorite October activity: Every Saturday is Halloween! We dressed up in themed costumes every Saturday of the month, got together (safely), took pics, and then watched that week's film.
2021 we only dressed up on the day, but still kept the celebration here at home- made a big dinner so it felt like A Real Holiday, and then watched a movie.
2022 we ventured out on a day trip on the 30th, but kept it safe by visiting outdoor locations (we hit up Delavan, WI to take some pics with circus themed statues, we walked through a quiet park to get some autumnal vibes, we did our usual slow drive through a graveyard, and then ate dinner in the car outside a building that looks like a castle)
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2023 is going to be more of the same- if it's not raining on the 31st, we're going to get our costumes on and go take some pics outside our local courthouse (they've got decorated pumpkins on the front lawn from a recent fall festival) and then we're gonna try to hit up an location about an hour away to take a few more outdoor shots. If there's too many folks around we'll stay in the car, but if there's little to no foot traffic then I'm gonna try to get my pic taken next to one of these fellas:
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As for celebrations entirely at home, having a themed movie night really does make it feel like An Event- we dressed up as aliens for Spaced Invaders night, as Adam and Delia for Beetlejuice night, as Tangina and Kane for Poltergeist night, Fester and Pugsley for Addams Family night.
Even when I've celebrated solo (back when Joelie was younger and more out and about) I've done a themed night. Costume, snacks, some cheap decorations that all fit with the movie- it's simple but it really does bring out the Forever Halloween Kid in me 🎃🖤
If you do end up having a Themed Halloween, I wanna hear all about it! <333333333333
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coffinyawns · 6 months
Also available On Youtube! youtube version is just missing a track
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ladyalisette · 1 year
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Posting a few more Shells, I think. All of these are older, from before the Plaguetimes, iirc from 2019 or so? Back when I first got into the game.
The Rimed was one of the first where i tried for a ‘special effect’ of sorts, trying to mimic the ice crystals on the shell with some chunkier fake fur. Turned out really well for that!
The Kitbash is still the alltime winner for ‘most seperate parts in a single ghostie’, with silver thin ribbon standing in for the wire on the original shall, and some fabric marker for suitable Griminess
And the Honorable is just a good look at what i consider my ‘base’ Ghostie pattern, aka the Generalist shell. 20 ghosts in and I STILL haven’t figured out how to make the shell bits project like in the game without fucking up the stuffing process or needing cardboard inside (I refuse. Full plush or bust).
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drustvar · 1 year
i cant die until i learn how to edit and do basic animation just so i can do a misery x cpr shitpost w plaguetimes asra and julian
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labrador-beefcake · 2 years
Friend, I am sorry that you are living through the big sad. I use my H.E.A.R.T. to try and combat the big sad.
H- Health. Is some underlying issue draining you? Have you eaten? Hydrated?
E- Empathy. Is someone else's sad contributing to your big sad? Have you made sure you are connected to people?
A- Athletics. Have you been moving enough? Have you been moving in ways that bring you joy recently?
R- Reflect. Is something in the long ago on your mind? Do you need to sit down and breathe for a few minutes? Can you put what you're feeling in words?
T- Transform. Obviously, something needs changing. What is the shape of the big sad? What about the big sad can you change? What can you change about your mindset about the big sad that might help.
I don't know if that will help you, but when I am confronting big sad feelings, it helps me.
I don't know if I'm meant to answer this publicly, but I'm not shy and structuring things might help her so here goes:
H: I put on about 60lbs of covid weight and nothing I do can seem to shake it. It makes my joints hurt, my bones ache, and everything feels sluggish. I'm struggling with internalized fatphobia and trying to unlearn very toxic things I picked up over the last several years, but I also relent what it was like to feel good in my body, too not be in constant pain, and to have energy to do things like okay with my child.
E: I'm working on rebuilding my friend group after losing almost everyone I was close to for nearly a decade. I know it's not impossible, but it's definitely tougher to start from scratch when you're 30, with a child, in the plaguetimes, and without discretionary income to go out and do things where I might meet people. I try to stay connected as best I can, but vi don't think it's enough.
A: Moving enough? Sure. I went from one very physical job to another. Doing things I enjoy, not so much. I love going to the gym. I used to be there 4 days a week for 2+ hours at a time. Cardio, weights, HIIT, you name it, I was game. I sparred with my larp group every week for 3ish hours and burned a ton of calories. Now my group doesn't have practices, I'm lucky if I get to work out once a week, and when I do, I don't have the energy to do much of anything. It's... honestly really depressing.
R: I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I was, for lack of a better description, in a group that showed cult-like behavior for 8 years. I've tried to make amends with the people I know I've hurt as a result, and they've been remarkably forgiving. Still, I can't help but feel like a major piece of shit for the things I can now see for what they are.
T: I've been looking for a new job. The one I just started isn't what I want to do, and doesn't work with my schedule and my priorities as a parent. I'm trying to find something new, hopefully something a little less physically demanding so I can go back to treating fitness as a hobby instead of one of my work duties. I don't know. I'm trying.
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butchysterics · 1 year
i put makeup on and dressed up in the kind of clothes i used to wear to school b4 Plaguetimes. idk if i feel like myself but more like a person lol i need to start going thru the Motions
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seldnei · 2 years
I am banking SO MANY points for the future, here.
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estherneff · 3 years
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HEIDEGGER’S INDIANA: watch the whole thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYCxEtLt1WY
Or watch the 12 “episodes” individually: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKHomiSa1mMys7t9XkrVJ4hG1bwTrf5Kx
For the Exponential Festival, 2021. I also wrote a review in PAJ of this festival “Plaguetime Aesthetics,” issue 1, Vol. 44 (January 2022)
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narahkimberyartist · 4 years
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I was excited to get back to my “reward” today in between making our family masks and even showered first thing so that I felt ready to go. Mostly, I have iron seams open and top stitched. I also removed a board installed at the top of the windows for valances and put more into the closet, making the sewing room even nicer. But, I’m afraid that I am not as ready for work as Barbie is. This could be a long story, I’m afraid. #sewing #barbiesewing #familysewing #pittsburghsewing #madeinpittsburgh #pittsburghhandmade #handmadepittsburgh #plaguetime #pandemicsewing #notfun #sewingmama #sewingmomma #creative #maker #sewess #creativity #makingstuff #practicalsewing #artist #sewingroom https://www.instagram.com/p/B_v0k2uA23f/?igshid=18yyvhtau5qdg
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 year
I want to stop thinking that 2017 was my last good year!!! 2018 was drama with my sister, 2019 was drama with my cousin, 2020 is endless, but I want to feel like 2023 will still be a good year and I will make good things happen in it that I will think of more over 'enduring plaguetimes'!!!!!!! I will make things and do things and hang out in the ways I can with people!!!! It's gonna be good!!
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