#pirating sheet music????? yes
scottishoctopus · 8 months
I have a book of sheet music for you, Cap'n! Or... are you going to play that one song over and over again?
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"Well, that is very considerate of yah tah gift it tah me. Thank yeh very much, but Ah'm afraid the book won' last long due tah it bein' made of paper and aboard a ship that can travel the ocean depths." He explains, but smiles gratefully as he takes the book of sheet music in his hand.
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
Happy New Year @shakespearestolemyurl !! I have the other half of your 2023 @d20exchange gift: Songs of the Celestine verses for the Bad Kids!
Group Verses
On occasion, an adventuring party will receive a set of verses that encompasses the group as a whole—these verses are sung together as opposed to individually. Often, these are written by a bard within the group, taking the form to detail the exploits of their own adventuring party.
This set of written verses regards the Solesian adventuring party known as the Bad Kids, who defeated Kalvaxus and the Nightmare King during their first two years at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. The author of these verses is technically unknown, but it is believed that Fabian Seacaster, during his early bardic education, composed these verses for his friends using the form learned from his pirate father, William Seacaster, after he joined the College of Swords during the Bad Kids' quest to retrieve the Crown of the Nightmare King. 1
Adaine Abernant-O’Shaughnessy:
A wizard born
To endless scorn
Who chose the face the fighting storm
Upon her word
That she has sworn
The elven oracle
She’s stolen books
And taken looks
At futures she has now forsook
From tiny nooks
She found the hooks
Now categorical
With arcane hands
She made her stand
A mage come far from foreign lands
And as she scanned
She made her plans
And broke her manacles
For now she is
Second to none
The oracle for everyone
And free at last
She’ll have her fun
Adaine the oracle
Kristen Applebees:
The cleric chosen
For devotion
Her heart in ever-changing motion
Questions Couldn’t
Remain unspoken
The Prophet now come free
So determined she
Can’t be deterred
She tried to fly with a Ribbon dancer
Oh she stands sure
Even though her
Dex is negative three
From Helio
To Yes? Or no
She understands what can’t be known
In philosophy
She seeks to grow
Cassandra’s only priest
A cleric’s light
Within the night
Guides darkened paths with clear sight
She walks alight
And fears no fright
Saint Kristen Applebees
Figueroth Faeth:
The rebel bard
Cannot be charred
Flamboyant in her disregard
With warlock spells
She will safeguard
Fig the InFaethable
She changes face
In every space
And plays with skill electric bass
She’ll catch your soul
And take your place
While playing rock’n’roll
She gave request
For Aguefort’s best
But something she could not have guessed
Was to the west
And in her nest
Writing wizard’s scrolls
She’ll drink some gin
No fear of sin
Her secrets kept behind her grin
But when you’re friends
She’ll let you in
Fig the InFaethable
Gorgug Thistlespring:
Barbarian bound
To hear the sound
Of metal music all around
He oft confounds
And breaks the ground
Gorgug Thistlespring
He looked for meaning
In the gloam
For heritage to call him home
Child of orc
And man and gnome
he is now the crab king
He fuels with fear
an endless rage
He came from deathly forest aged
Who is his dad
He cannot gauge
Insight is not his thing
He wields his axe
And hammer too
He’ll call across the world to you
He fixed his phone
Made sending stones
it’s Gorgug keep going
Riz “The Ball” Gukgak:
The roguish goblin
Killed a dragon
With deepest passion he was gobbling
He’s hidden when
He gets his shots in
Riz Gukgak? Nay, “the Ball”
With arquebus
And sword to choose
The briefcase where he keeps his clues
Or healer’s kit
And clue tattoos
He makes good use of them all
The little shrimp
Of the bad kids
When seeking clues do as he bids
While counting fingers
He shot Biz
He’ll commit assault
Though self-contained
With party in reins
He thinks at night with buzzing brain
He’ll ne’er refrain
And fears no pain
The fury of the small
Fabian Seacaster:
The bardic fighter
Sheet igniter
Hellish motorcycle rider
With dance and fire
He will reach higher
Fabian Seacaster
Born to pirate
Legacy and
Elvish smiths and fighters free
He made his way
From land to sea
And faced disaster
The warlocks slain
‘Twas only him
And erstwhile friend, Chungledown Bim
And on a whim
From battle grim
He fled and fell even faster
And from that moment
He was changed
His skill in elvish dance now trained
With sword and sheet
And crossbow ranged
Fabian Seacaster
1 Given the personal nature of these verses, there are a few deviations from how the song is typically sung for pirate heroes. While titles and epithets commonly feature in the Songs, this rendition features continual references to titles endowed upon the Bad Kids, formal or otherwise, save Seacaster's own verses. These include: the Elven Oracle [Adaine Abernant-O'Shaughnessy], the InFaethable [Figueroth Faeth], the Blessed Saint [Kristen Applebees], the Crab King [Gorgug Thistlespring], and The Ball [Riz Gukgak].
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ilyamatic · 6 months
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Oh How the Days Go By
Days Go By by SBTRKT & Toro y Moi
Art by Ace of Swords
But first a word from our sponsor:
Bonswa tout moun, it is I Abby, back with a pirate au!
"Abby," you are probably thinking. "Didn't you already have a pirate au?"
And the answer is yes, yes I did. A wonderful one too, all about vigilante justice against slavery and empires. The thing is... Researching information about the slave trade as a Black person is incredibly triggering LMAO. And some personal things happened as well that definitely would effect the story at large. So, it got scrapped.
But the idea of my OCs sailing the seas and being menaces to society wouldn't leave me. So here we are, another pirate au. This time sorta set in the Arcanaverse, with magic, mayhem, and a hell of a lot more romance. I hope y'all don't mind.
Time moved far too quickly. It felt like yesterday he was young and sprightly, holding his tiny daughter Alexei in his hands. Now his bones creak when he gets out of bed and his hair is thin. Now his tiny Alexei, the one he could hold in both his hands, is tiny no longer. She stood tall and proud, her face a mirror of his own, a mirror of his mother. A mirror reflected in Alexei’s own daughter, his precious Shoshanna. The light of his life, a joy to him in his old age…
“Zeyde!” Shoshanna said as she pulled him along to the den. “You promised me a story!”
… and a pain in his tuckus. 
“Shoshi,” Ilya complained. “I just walked in the door. Have mercy on an old man!”
“You weren’t old yesterday,” she countered.
“That was yesterday. A lot can happen overnight.”
He heard his daughter snort from her place at her desk, scripts and music sheets strewn about. How little things had changed in 30 years, ink stained fingers a permanent fixture as soon as she learned her letters.
Different, smaller ink stained fingers grasped his own, pulling him towards an overstuffed chair in front of the fire. Auburn coils and curls bouncing as Shoshanna stomped over to the seat. Ilya didn’t have to see it to know her lips were downturned into a determined little mou.
Soon Ilya found himself pushed into a chair with a lap full of an excited seven year old, dark eyes looking up at him expectantly. Oh, how little things have changed.
“Alright you little tyrant,” he said with a sigh. “What story would you like tonight? Shall I tell you about my childhood in my shtetl?” 
“No, Maman said you can’t tell those anymore. Too many bad ideas and too many bears.”
Ilya shot a look over his shoulder to Alexei who shot him an unimpressed look back. 
“Fine. What about my time traveling through the Empire?”
Shoshanna wrinkled her nose. “Maman said that you don’t tell the good ones.”
“How would she know?!”
“Because Zaza told me so,” Alexei replied smugly. 
He felt his eye twitch. Damn it Asra.
“Fine. How about I tell you… about the time I was a pirate.”
Shoshanna first looked intrigued, then skeptical. “You were a pirate? Don’t your ankles swell when you’re on a fishing boat for too long?”
“I was young once!” Ilya said indignantly. “And in my youth I sailed across the Seven Seas with the notorious crew of the Solanase and her captain, the Djab of the Turquoise Waters.”
That seemed to catch his granddaughter’s attention.
“Really? The Djab?” Shoshanna asked excitedly.
“The one and only," Ilya answered with a smile.
“Will there be action?”
“Of course!”
“And adventure?!”
“As sure as the sun rises!”
“And love?”
Ilya cracked a smile. “Yes shefele, there will be love. So much that the seas could not contain it.”
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tsaritza-mika · 1 year
Random Main 6 HCs #12
Modern AU Julian
Has a pair of black pirate bunny slippers. Yes, they have floppy ears, they have eyepatches, and he will never get rid of them because they are perfect
There is always something playing in his apartment. Music of any and all genres, leaving the tv on one of his favorite streaming providers/tv channels, there just has to be sound so he can focus. At first it was because the stress of his job/studying left him with mild tinnitus, but after so long it’s just become habit
Has absolutely done the model/glamor shot photos thing. He keeps them in a special album in his room, waiting to be with the right person before sharing them. His favorite was the shot of him draped over a velvet fainting couch, dark scarlet rose petals everywhere, and a black silk sheet strategically flowing down from his shoulders to his feet.
He can totally pick up stuff with his toes. Loves to do it when you least expect it
He’s not huge on sweets, but he loves Creme Brulee. It’s just sweet enough, but with a smooth, warm flavor
Total fan of graffiti art. There’s just something about it that’s so much more free than traditionally practiced art. He’s still a fan of those too, of course, but it’s that feeling of rebellion that goes along with graffiti art that makes it just so much more indulgent
He may not be the complete handyman package around the house, but he’s a decent occasional carpenter. He can follow directions, and know what tools are good for the job, he just can’t conceptualize projects very well. But that’s okay, because that’s something Portia can do really well.
Never misses a Carnival/State Fair/County Fair! The lights, the food, the games, the rides! Also wandering the little shops for cool stuff, fireworks, performers and shows... And he’ll go with just about anyone, too! Maybe twice with Portia and Mazelinka to make sure they see and do everything, spend the afternoon hanging out with Nadia and Asra, and oh does he love a carnival date! Please split a funnel cake with this man on the Ferris wheel, he would love it, and he deserves it after working so hard all week at the hospital <3
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Lucid Nightmare- FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S 4  story
The hazy evening sun setted with an orange glow over Fredbear's family diner as William Afton, Henry Emily, and Edwin Murray,  Set up some raggedy kid’s birthday party. “Party’s at 7:00 sharp.''remarked Edwin, as they checked the  schedule board. William gathered up party hats. “Got all the materials?” The boys replied with a busy-sounding “Yes.” Edwin replied to William saying “but my son David Murray never does. He always leaves his stuff at home whenever he goes to school. Hell, once he left his backpack at home!” William let out a laugh. “You think that’s bad? Elizabeth “forgets” to go to school sometimes. She convinces me that they don’t have to go to school on fridays. It never works though.”   “Speaking of kids, my son has been acting weird lately. Whenever I wake him up for school he sometimes just freezes. Tells me about “they’re here. They’re alive. 2 days from now’s his birthday. Don’t want him to be acting like that then.” remarked William. “He might be losing his marbles even more since you left him at home with mike,” said Edwin. “Oh shut up you-” 
Tape stops recording
Tape cuts to michael and evan home alone
6:23 PM
“What? Too scared you little prick?” Michael said. “Please, leave me alone…” said Evan as his nose bled from Michael's punch. Michael grabbed Evan and shoved him against his door. “You’ll probably be dead or homeschooled by the end of the year. And I'm taking the first option!” He throws Evan against the ground. “Mike… please…” Evan pleaded, blood gushing from his nose. Michael drags Evan by his legs into Evan’s room. “Looks like this little baby needs a nap.” he exclaimed before slamming the door. Evan, curled up on his bed,reality fading from his eyes as he cried himself to sleep, blood from his nose soaking the sheets. 
Tape stops recording
Tape cuts back on
Evan “wakes up” , in his room, like normally, but something is different. All of his “Fredbear and Friends” plush toys are all lined up before a Circus Baby plush.  “Weird. Elizabeth’s the only one who has a Baby plush here.” he says. He also notices that there is nothing else in the room except the homage to Circus Baby.  He takes his Faz-light off of his floor (yes those existed in 1983) and heads out of his room. He glances at the familiar, yet empty hallways.  “Hello? Anybody there? Elizabeth? Dad? Mike?” he hears a distant voice calling; “Daddy, why won’t you let me play with her?” He looks in Michael's room. Nothing except his cracked Foxy the Pirate Fox mask.  Evan goes into his father’s room. In the room stood blood stained Springbonnie, hanging from a noose. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” He screams, dropping his faz-light. “The hell is this.” he says , he feels in his shirt to check his heartbeat. His chest begins to itch and sweat from the scare.  Yet he still continued on. Evan reached his mother’s room, nothing was in there except for the faint sound of a music box.
Tape stops
Tape cuts back on
Evan finally reaches Elizabeth's room, and when he opens the door, he almost faints.  He sees her. Circus Baby, her porcelain glow covered by dirt and rust. Her eyes spin vertically back into place, Evan steps back. Circus Baby steps closer to him, then his faz–light flickers off. When it turns back on… (insert circus baby jumpscare here.)
Tape turns off
Tape cuts out of the dream
7:45 AM
 Evan wakes up in a jolt  from his eerily lucid dream, looks around, and clutches his Fredbear plush. Everything looked normal, everyone was fine. He went out of his room, smelled the familiar smell of pancakes, and Michael walking out of his room,  swearing that evan was gonna have a “Good Birthday” and flipping off Evan as he strode. “Everything is ok.” he thought to himself. He said hi to Elizabeth, who yawned and replied by saying a groggy “Hey.”  Evan walks downstairs to the kitchen, and sees his father William making breakfast. “Good morning Evan. Ready for breakfast? Everything’s ready for your party tomorrow.” 
(tape cuts to muffled audio [no video] of cassidy and evan chatting at school and other school- esque noises)
(tape cuts to evan returning home)
3:45 PM
“Dad isn’t home. Again.” Evan remarks. He throws his bag against the door. 
(tape cuts to evan going upstairs)  
(evan works on his homework until he is exhausted.)
Evan (drowsy) I think I'm gonna.. Gonna take a break.. *falls asleep*
Evan “Wakes up” again, leaping up rapidly before smacking his head on the overhead cover of his desk “AGH- damn!”  he looked around. His room was empty. “No, no no no no. This can’t be happening.” He frantically picked up hs Faz-light. He shook it on, left his room and said “I have to get out of here.” “I have to get out of here.”  Remarked a robotic voice from the other side of the house. Evan froze. He knew that voice. It was that thing at David’s house. Evan broke into a run and nearly got hit by Circus Baby as he dashed past Elizabeth’s room. He ran downstairs, and that voice grew louder. This time it said something that Evan said himself one time.  “They’re here. They’re alive.” Evan realized that the voice was coming from the basement.  He froze in fear. The thing in the basement stepped up the stairs until it emerged. The “Voice” was actually a large robot in a torn-up jester suit, the robot’s teeth could be seen through the mouth of the suit.  “HOLY SHIT!” Evan said as he ran into the kitchen.  “Come back. Everything is ok.”  The thing stepped into the kitchen as Evan hid in the pantry. “Oh? Are we playing hide and seek?”  As the thing searched, Evan tried to escape, running from hiding place to hiding place, but as he’s about to reach the front door, he gets intercepted by Circus Baby…
(tape turns off)
(tape cuts out of the dream)
11:34 AM
*Elizabeth touches Evan*  “YAAAH-... Elizabeth?” said Evan.  “Bro, you kept your light on all night. Go to sleep for God’s sake. And happy birthday.” remarked Elizabeth.  She rubs his hair before going back to her room. “Maybe i might actually have a good birthday tomorrow.” Evan goes back to sleep, unaware of what will happen on his special day.
8:56 AM
(tape turns on)
“Wake up Evan! Happy Birthday!” Evan woke up in a relaxed state, Realizing that it was his mother, Clara Afton. “I have everything set up for your party this afternoon! I can’t believe that you’re turning 13! I can’t wait to see how you’ll grow!” Yelled Clara. “Chill out, Mom *chuckles*” Said Evan.  He got up, did his morning routine and arrived downstairs. “Good morning, birthday boy.” said William.  “HIII EVAN!!” Said Elizabeth.  “Hey.” Said Michael. *Camera zooms in on michael* 
(*The tape saturation increases until it cuts off)
(tape cuts to Evan’s birthday-)
(the camera is in michael’s hands now)
“Alright, Everybody know the plan?” said Michael. 
The group responded with a whispering “Yes.” 
(tape cuts to evan standing alone)
“Unnerving…” Evan said as he was sitting with Cassidy at one of the tables, thinking to himself as he stared at Springbonnie and Fredbear singing Stevie Wonder’s “Happy Birthday”.    Suddenly, Michael and his 3 other friends sprung from behind the arcade machines and grabbed Evan. “Come here you little bastard.” Michael’s girlfriend, Bethany, said to Evan. Mike’s friend Eduardo also kicked him in the… (I'd rather not say.) “What the hell is wrong with you, Michael?” Evan pleaded as the group dragged him toward Fredbear. “What’s that? Looks like the bitch said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!” Michael said affrontingly. Two employees rushed over and told Michael and his gang to leave, but Michael shoved one of them into a table.  “Get your fucking hands off of me!” Evan pleaded as Michael shoved him into fredbear’s mouth. “ (muffled) get me out of this-” Evan said before… The jaw snapped back into place, Fracturing Evan's skull, and leaving him bleeding on the floor. Michael’s friends gasped as Michael ran over to Evan's dying body. Cassidy pushed past Michael and ran up to evan. She had no words. William rushed over and started crying. 
(tape cuts to evan’s dream)
Evan’s vision faded, and the next thing he knew, everything faded to black. Evan “wakes up” in a hospital bed on the stage at Fredbear’s, seeing an Iv stick and bag beside him. The entire restaurant was dark. He grabbed his broken, cracked faz-light and shined it at a stage on the right side of the room. Circus baby and Fredbear were on the stage. Circus Baby looked menacing as ever, like normal, but Fredbear looked different. He was faded yellow, Evan could not believe it. Was this hell? Was he already dead? Did Michael and the rest of his family forget about him? “Hi cutie! I missed you!” Said Circus Baby. “Go the fuck to Hell.” Said Evan.  “Don’t say that foul language to me. Because you know what I'm capable of.” She snapped her fingers, and… Fredbear walked off the stage, Evan’s light flickered, and when it turned on again, he nearly dropped it. Fredbear was covered in a black, mold, his hat a gleaming yellow, and his mouth was full of nightmarish, sharp teeth. Then,  The Thing, Now known as Mimic, appeared crawling on the ceiling, contorting his limbs in a disturbing manner. After that, A large, moldy yellow rabbit with multiple tears  walked in from the side door. It was Springtrap. Fredbear ran over, disturbingly similar to how a bear would run at its prey, and grabbed evan. “I control you, just as in a game. And don’t try to fight me back.” Said Circus Baby. “Try it, and i’ll rip out that excuse of a brain in your head.” Said Circus Baby. Fredbear kicked Evan forward, Evan ran off, barely dodging Springtrap’s bear hug before dashing into a vent. “I’m safe, oh my gosh I'm safe.” Evan remarked. “I’m safe, oh my gosh I'm safe.” said Mimic. Evan’s heart started racing as he saw Mimic’s eyes turn from orange to purple. He dashed through the vent as Mimic chased him, scraping his metal claws against the ventilation. Evan reached a fork in the vent, and chose the right hand side.  He came out of the vent only to find out he was in the basement of fredbear’s.  Circus Baby appeared from the darkness. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?"  She then slid a card. His light flickered as he stared at the knife on the ground. Then,  as Evan’s light came back to life, the card was flipped over. on one end, Springbonnie. On the other end, Springtrap. Evan looked at the card, picked it up, and skeptically walked into the room, he looked around, and then he saw Springtrap. Evan tried to run away him, but Springtrap grabbed his hand and threw the card away. Springtrap then grabbed Evan and pinned him to the wall. “Where do you think you’re going to go now you little shit?” Said Springtrap.  Evan tried to move his arms to attack him, but they couldn’t move. Instead, he used his legs and kicked Springtrap in the torso. “COME BACK HERE!”  He ran, and then he saw it. The exit. He made a mad dash until Circus Baby intercepted him, grabbed him by the neck and strangled him…
(tape cuts back to real world)
He woke up, in a hospital, his hearing was muffled. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak  Though he could still see Cassidy, standing at his hospital bed. She placed a hand on his chest. “You’ll be ok. I promise.” “I’m still your friend. Do you believe that?” “I just don’t want you to leave me.” She said, “It’ll be ok.” she said, but all Evan heard was “It’s me.” The heart monitor was an atrial flutter, then a flatline. He was gone, but the soul wasn’t.
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deedala · 10 months
tag game WEDNESDAY ☀️
thanks macy for more Q&A! and thanks for tagging me @celestialmickey @energievie @creepkinginc 💗
name: deanna 🌿
age: Noel👏Aged👏
favorite season: 🍁FALL🍁
movies or tv shows? tv shows 📺
do you carry a bag/purse? what kind? i have a couple different things depending on how much im going to need to hold the stuff. backpack for holding, big mom handbag for when its just gonna sit somewhere, and wallet+carabiner+keys for when i mercifully dont need shit except my keys and a credit card.
what color is your water bottle? green with leaves on it 🌿
what color is your phone case? ...also green with leaves on it 🌿
do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? cannot sleep without brown noise which is white noise but a lower pitch which i just find more soothing!
top sheets: yes or no? absolutely no fuck off 🚫
you’re in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? andes mints!!🍃🍫
preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc?): i yearn for the days of being able to walk or take the train absolutely everywhere.
what’s your phone background right now? lock screen is my kids in front of the big blue waterfall at pirate golf and my home screen is, as always, @kariniarts's portrait of my lavellan.
are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? i used to fancy myself a minimalist until my therapist told me i should put pictures of things and people i loved all over my walls to feel less sad about being at home all the time and heck she was so right. 🖼️🖼️🖼️
it’s time to paint your bedroom! what color are you choosing? mint green!!
and finally, tell me something that brings you joy: morning coffee☕️
hey little nuggets, do you wanna play? @michellemisfit @mmmichyyy @mishervellous @themarchg1rl @metalheadmickey @maizzycakes @milkmaidovich @heymrspatel @harrowhark-a-vagrant @too-schoolforcool @tanktopgallavich @transmickey @grossmickey @scurvgirl @gardenerian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @crossmydna @rereadanon @grumble-fish @juliakayyy @sleepyfacetoughguy @canticle-of-apotheosis @callivich @sirrudo @mickeysgaymom @lingy910y @lizelandre @gallawitchxx @ardent-fox @thepupperino @vintagelacerosette @mikhailoisbaby @sisitrip and anyone else who wants to playyyy 💖
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Edith, #16 for the ask game
16. A childhood headcanon
Okay, this one is very specific.
When the Buffalo crew were children, some bright spark had the idea that they should put on an amateur version of The Pirates of Penzance. Maybe it was Mrs. McMichael, and in any event, Eunice insisted on playing Mabel.
But, in the way of late 19th century sheet music, the version they managed to get hold of didn't have all the smaller solos divided exactly as they were in the original production.
Which is how the final performance ended up with 9-year-old Edith scream-singing, more enthusiastically than skillfully, "...GO, YE HEROES, GO AND DIE!!!"
Eleanor was so proud, watching with Carter from the little chairs arranged on the lawn of some acquaintence's summer house.
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bookish-artist · 5 months
I just found your blog and loving it! Could you maybe answer all those questions since I'm new here? 🙏🏼
Well welcome! And of course I can, thank you for asking so nicely mon ami ❤️
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed, always
2: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotel?
No my hair is picky
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Um well they're tucked in at the end, not on the sides
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No not my vibe of decor
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes way too much tbh
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
No I'm not really a coupon user
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Probably a bear. I feel like a single creature is easier to get away from than a swarm, if escape is plausible
8: Do you have freckles?
I do not
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Cutting me off/talking over me.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No never
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
Occasionally yes
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I chew my pens *sometimes* but not my pencils
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your song of the week?
Loud - The Home Team
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course!
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Oh yeah
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
Talladega Nights, can't stand it
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Probably on my family's land
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Depends on the restaurant I get them from, different places have different favorites lol
25: What is your favorite food?
Mexican, specifically enchiladas
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Oh gods.. Pride and Prejudice, any of the Winnie the Pooh movies, old school Disney, Phantom of the Opera, there's just so so many lol
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My fwb 😆
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Sure why not?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Hmm, probably in elementary school. We did that write a soldier program and that's the last vivid memory I have of writing a letter
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
No, I always have at least a quarter in there
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, jalapenos
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Sunny side up egg on an everything bagel with orange juice, maybe some bacon
36: What is your usual bedtime?
Between 11:30-12
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
My first costume ever was a hershey kiss! Then I was a power ranger, pirate, Belle, witch, cat, dog, wolf, red riding hood, Ghost face, pumpkin king, angel, devil, fairy.. I've done a little bit of everything 😅
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Um sign of the rat I think? '96 baby ✌🏼
40: Are you horny?
At this very moment?? No lol
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not currently no, eyeballing a couple
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Legos, duh
43: Are you stubborn?
Me? Stubborn? Never 🙄
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Ew neither
45: Ever watch soap operas?
No not really my thing. Unless you count k dramas
46: Are you afraid of heights?
I don't love them, but they're not a fear
47: Do you sing in the car?
Full on karaoke show
48: Do you sing in the shower?
Karaoke show part 2
49: Do you dance in the car?
Way way too often 😂
50: Ever used a gun?
Yes, I'm a good shot too 😏
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Probably my uncle's wedding like 10+ years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Absolutely not, I love them! One of my favorite genres ever
53: Is Christmas stressful?
When you wait until the very last minute like I did yes 😮‍💨
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I have not actually, I'll have to add that to the list
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I'm not a big pie person
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Marine biologist, ballerina, librarian
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Frequently, it's a little unsettling actually
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
Also sometimes lol
62: What do you wear to bed?
Either sweatpants and a tee or just a tee
63: First concert?
Panic at the Disco!
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Well I'm allergic to nuts and I don't eat sunflower seeds, sooo 😂
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
No never
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I don't really care honestly, as long as they can help pay bills and have some ambition in life in gemeral
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Yes 😇
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Of course
74: Own any record albums?
Not yet!
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert? Ghost, Bad Omens, Hozier, BTS
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Panic at the disco back on 2016
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81: Tea or coffee?
Coffee, iced, extra milk extra sugar please thanks
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles are god tier
83: Can you swim well?
Well enough
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Ehh that could use some work
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ for sure
87: Ever won a contest?
Not that I remember
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
Not yet
89: Which are better black or green olives?
Don't make me choose
90: Can you knit or crochet?
No but I want to learn to crochet
91: Best room for a fireplace?
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
Single af
94: Who was your HS crush?
He was one of my best friends senior year and nothing ever happened :/ come to find out he almost kissed me one day bc he liked me so much but he never did 🤦🏼‍♀️
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Hope this gives you some insight! If you wanna know more you're always welcome to ask 😊
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purlturtle · 6 months
URL Songs
Rules: Pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people.
Thank you @lilolilyr for tagging me; I think someone else might have too, a while ago? Thank you to you too, sorry for my bad memory!
I don't partake in a lot of music memes and music ask games because I don't listen to a lot of contemporary music, pop music; I have no idea what's currently hot. But this, with the first letter being such an INSTANT click, I wanted to do. I'm hella interested what y'all think of my music taste - let me know if you like any of the songs here!
Tagging @galactic-pirates @anandabrat (so many A's! Swap them out for other vowels if necessary! 😅) @binariesarebullshit @cookie-sheet-toboggan (I think you might have the longest username of anyone I tagged here 😅) @mjduncan @kloperslegend @kla1991 @edenfenixblogs @elsiebrayisgay @wellsbering - and of course anyone else who wants to but hasn't been tagged! Just say Purlturtle says it's okay; you'll be fine. :D
Okay, let's go! Links go to YouTube unless otherwise stated.
P - Pana Cand Nu Te Iubeam, by Pink Martini. I don't understand Romanian at all, but I love the fervor of this song. And I love Storm Large's voice; I'm sure she'll appear again in this list.
U - Under the Bridges of Paris, by Eartha Kitt. I do like me a waltz every now and then. And Eartha Kitt is fantastic. And bilingual! (probably more languages even!)
R - Razzle Dazzle, from Chicago. One of the best musical movies, and who'da known that Richard Gere can SING?!
L - Les Amants D'Un Jour, by Edith Piaf. This song will NEVER fail at making me cry. Here are the lyrics; read 'em and weep.
T - The Longships, by Enya. One of my absolute favorites, for the driving rhythm and the layering. I do adore Enya, ever since I was a teen with an Ireland phase. Hi-ri-u, ho-ro-oh, ho-ri-u!
U - U Plavu Zoru, by Pink Martini (though not with Storm Large, this is China Forbes! Who is an excellent and very different vocalist!). Part of this is my phone ringtone and has been for over ten years. Like The Longships, there is such a *drive* in this song, but a completely different one! And layering too - so many of Pink Martini's songs are layered and arranged wonderfully complex, and I adore it.
R - Radio Ga Ga, by Queen. I would be remiss to not add a Queen song to a list of music that I like! And this one is a good one!
T - Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray, by k.d. lang (live). The vocal skill and craft on display here is just. STUNNING (the audience clearly thinks so too!) And yes I love k.d. lang, and I do love country music. It's very often melodic as hell, not to mention fucking balls deep political. No country music hate here, no sirree!
L - La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin, by Claude Debussy. I would be SEVERELY remiss, too, not to add anything classical to this list. Seriously, the ratio of classical to modern music is WAY too low. I listen to classical music a lot; another contender for this L spot would have been the Largo from the Symphony from the New World by Dvorak! Another BIG favorite; the whole symphony in fact. Love me some Dvorak. Big on the romantics, I am. Who's surprised! 😅
E - Everybody's Talkin' by the Beautiful South particularly. The Beautiful South makes so wonderfully eclectic music (and videos!); I like them a lot.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
dethklok x ofmd thing done!
v gen, but Pickles/Izzy is v much a thing, Stede/Charles (with poly Ed/Stede noted) is as well, and there is the implication that this is just a giant loose metal band poly thing by the end as in literally.
"They play pirate metal."
"I don't know what that is," Nathan says.
"Right, that's why I'm explaini-"
"No, no, no. No. I don't know, because I don't care."
"Pickles, do I at least have your atten-"
"Ooh, I know them!" Pickles yanks the promo picture from Charles' hand. "You guys know their lead guitar player too! Well, their old lead, now he's actually on supporting, was a whole thi...come on! You guys know Izzy!"
"Oh," Charles peers at the picture again. "Oh! Yes. I've seen far too much of him."
"I mean, the lock on my door is broken."
"But it still closes."
"But we can't close it from the bed!"
"I'm not having this argument again," Charles sighs. "Anyway. They'd like to collaborate on a song, or more, if it proves to be a good working experience."
"Like a wholes albums whats am yo hoing and things?" Skwisgaar scoffs. "Sounds dildoes."
"Weren't Vikings kinda like piratesch though?" Murderface asks.
"I shoulds have yous killed for dats," Skwisgaar glares. "Could it bes Vikings stuff too though?"
"That's literally up to you and the crew of The Reve-"
Pickles snorts. "It never stops being funny! The crew of the...so stupid."
"Does Izzy know you think that?" Charles continues sternly.
"Yeah, he doesn't care."
"Just be dressed, awake, and sober enough for the first meeting tomorrow, okay? Noon sharp."
"We did say noon," Stede smirks and takes in the grand hall of Mordhaus. "Do the clocks run slower here?"
Charles' eyelid twitches violently. "No. They'll be out shortly."
"Let me go get Pickles," Izzy trots off down the hall, strips off his shirt, walks into Pickles' room...
And the door promptly slams behind him.
"At least they closed the door this time," Charles sighs. "We have a buffet; can I offer-"
"It'll have to do for now."
He leaves the band and their utter irritation of a manager in the studio space, with a full table of food and drink.
His true mission lies in their bedrooms, refusing to get off their asses.
"Get up," he whips Skwisgaar's sheet and rolls him off his bed. "Now."
"Who ams this, actings like th-"
"I am not in the mood for smartass comments," Charles leans at his waist, down enough to almost topple himself in order to nearly meet Skwisgaar's face. It's horrifically uncomfortable, but it sends a message. "So shut it. Get up. Get dressed. Go downstairs and make some goddamn music."
Skwisgaar stares. "Could a quicks shower fits in there too?"
"I suppose, wh-oh. Um. Sorry," he blushes and stands upright fast enough to make himself dizzy. "I forgot you enjoy-"
"Ams alright. You ams...good at that. Shoulds maybe keep that on the backs burner, for retirements maybe."
The blush doesn't recede even as he continues on, shoving Murderface out of bed, pulling Toki from his model painting (at least he was awake), and Nathan from the couch he'd been napping on.
But that fits, considering his final stop.
"Sorry to interrupt," Charles peers delicately away as he opens the door to Pickles' room. "Um. They're waiting for you guys in the studio."
"Cool," Pickles grins, bouncing on Izzy's cock. "We'll be down soon. Hey, I gotta couple notes for new songs down there; Nathan knows where they are. They can start with those if they want."
"You've done all the work for us then," Izzy sits up enough to wrap him in a hug, stopping him for just a moment. "We need not go down at all in that case, hm?"
"You'll still need to learn the song," Charles says. "Practice it, even."
"Look who's got the music industry down to a science. I think I can do that and this at once," Izzy rolls his eyes. "We'll be down in a bit."
Charles leaves, shuts the door, and tries to ignore how hard he is.
He tried to have them all ready on time. He can say that at least.
"I just don't think we want a song that long though," Ed says. "Not right now."
"Plenty of other metal bands have done shorter, aggressive sounding prog stuff," Pickles scoffs. "I can list ten songs, all recent releases, right n-"
"I'm not trying to test you that shorter prog stuff does or doesn't exist; I'm just saying-"
"I'm not learning a riff this boring," Frenchie interjects. "I just won't, sorry."
"It ams borings?" Toki's lip wobbles.
"Be as means as you needs to be," Skwisgaar loudly whispers. "It ams goods for him to hears it!"
"Nah," Frenchie continues. "Not trying to be mean! It could use a little extra though, you know?"
He snags Toki by the arm, and they wind up off to the side, instruments in hand, reworking it.
"If I were writing it," Stede starts, then pauses. "What, Olu?"
"Man, all due respect, you don't write much music yet," Olu winces. "Kinda should...how do I say it?"
"Shush unless we ask for help," Jim pats Stede's back. "Anyway, what if we stop worrying about overdoing it, and lean into the wall of sound thing? We're already in agreement we're layering all of us together, so that's two drummers, four guitarists, two vocalists and our extra bunch of everything else-"
"I brought the fog horn in case we wanted it," Wee John lifts it up.
Nathan's eyes light up. "What happens if you blast that directly into a mic?"
"Let's find out."
Aggressive is one, expected word for it (it is a partially Dethklok production, after all.)
"The seagull shrieks work better than I expected," Charles nods. "Very metal."
"Where are the fish being jammed?" Stede frowns. "I don't have the lyric sheet and I couldn't quite-"
"In your personal sea locker," Nathan replies. "Like Davy Jones, but instead it's-"
"My asshole then, yeah. Cool! Scary, especially depending on the kind of fish!"
Nathan beams.
"This seems to be going well," Charles remarks. "Shall Stede and I head upstairs and get dinner ordered for you all, and maybe we could see about an EP being ready by tomorrow?"
"What, to be sold?" Stede scoffs. "How?"
He gently takes Stede's arm and leads him out of the studio and towards the kitchen. The bands are entertaining themselves (jamming or talking or making out on the one couch big enough for it, though Izzy and Pickles have occupied it the most thus far), and that means he can take the time to make things clear with Stede.
"Dethklok is a machine," he says as he jots down random junk food items as a food order for the bands. "Your band, The Revenge, is...more like a ship, yes?"
"Fits metaphorically with our genre."
Charles hands the order pad to the nearest chef, and pulls Stede onwards away from the kitchen doors, down an empty hall. "Machinery is what pulled us from the Age of Sail into the efficient shipping efforts used worldwide today-"
"Let your machine help speed us along with you?" Stede asks.
He presses him against the wall, a knee between Stede's legs. "Yes. If you'll have us."
"And this?" Stede smirks. "Ed did say you might, and that if I wanted, I could. But I think you should convince me more on why I should have you. Right here, right now."
"Yeah, they're fucking," Ed and Nathan say in one voice after a loud thud.
"Good for them," Lucius nods and jots down a few more notes on their latest song draft. "They were so fucking tense it was unbearable, wasn't it?"
"Enough to make any man horny," Buttons sighs.
"Are you suggesting..." Murderface hesitates, a hand already awkwardly hovering over the front of his shorts.
"Aye. Good for the creative juices-"
"Please not that word."
"Tis. Creates group spirit. Or doesn't, depends on the groups involved, but it's fun either way," Buttons continues. "They'll be busy for a bit as it is, and for those of us interested..."
Skwisgaar's shirt lands on top of his head.
"Left side of the craft table for fucking then, right side if ye want to keep working on the music."
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swarmkeepers · 2 years
happy sleepover saturday sola!! hope u had a good day :) for the dnd asks: 10, 12, 18 and for all your characters 26 & 27 !!
i did have a good day ty leo!! right back atcha i hope u've had a lovely one <3
10 - How do you come up with characters?
usually world (eg. where do i want them to come from, what’s a part of this world i want to explore?) > class/subclass > vibes > backstory > other parts of build
so thi was “i want to play an ashari bc arlowe’s mentioned there’s something up with them in ehas” > ashari are nature-y vibes, let’s go ranger or druid > swarmkeeper sounds cool > warforged full of bees > their dad found and built her, why they’re leaving the wastemarsh, etc.
12 - What’s your favorite part of playing DND?
not to be cliche, but hanging out with my friends and spiralling about stories told for an audience of six people.
18 - Do you prep for sessions?
way before session - for ehas, i usually post my notes from last session (i take notes on paper, then type them up as a gdoc and share to our discord) which helps refresh what’s going on. i also have an ongoing to-do list of miscellaneous things - conversations i want to have, bits of dialogue, things my character is keeping in mind. tâm and ari in wandering isles had a BIG unrequited love confession/rejection moment and i had been planning some of those lines since pre-campaign. these are mostly 3am thoughts that i remember to write down.
right before session - does setup count as prep? open all my tabs (wikidot for class/subclass, character doc, character sheet, sometimes worldbuilding doc if my dm has one). make sure avrae has the current version of my character sheet and spells. if we’re in combat, i have a quick reference post-it that i usually write before session (eg. reminding me to add add 1d4 favored foe and 1d6 swarm damage to thi’s first hit, “you have bardic,” # of attacks). if i have a reaction ability, i liked having a piece of paper that says “no reaction/yes reaction” on either side that i turn over so i remember if i’ve used it. check which dice are rolling hot, get my notes out.
putting the character q’s under the cut bc this got long!
26 - What kind of music would they like? (answering the following for my campaign characters since they're more fleshed out <3)
tâm likes brian david gilbert's castle chase playlist, like upbeat genre-funky fantasy music. kima likes maritime folk/work songs (predictably; they're literally a pirate dockworker). thi likes ethereal-sounding irish trad with lots of improv/variations - if they could breathe they'd probably play the whistle or something. sum likes metal, because i think i'm funny.
27 - What three songs remind you of them?
answered for sum, so:
tâm - free - mother mother. featherstone - the paper kites. love you back - metric.
kima - bones in the ocean - the longest johns. fingers to the bone - brown bird. easy come, easy go - the decemberists.
thi - here i am - the crane wives. temple - thao. is there anyone out there - delta rae
and some single songs for oneshot characters:
miya (artillerist/arcane trickster pirate airship technologist) - the specialist - will savino
canto (rune knight tinkerer gnome) - we all lift together - keith hammer
nesse (arcane archer fantasy megafauna biologist) - misty forest - louie zong
cat (arcane archer trigger happy rabbitfolk) - bang - ajr
antimony (standoffish air genasi inquisitive) - transparent soul - willow
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bananaboisgroup · 1 month
for @nightmaretherabbit
Lucidscape- FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S 4  story
The hazy evening sun setted with an orange glow over Fredbear's family diner as William Afton, Henry Emily, and Edwin Murray,  Set up some raggedy kid’s birthday party. “Party’s at 7:00 sharp.''remarked Edwin, as they checked the  schedule board. William gathered up party hats. “Got all the materials?” The boys replied with a busy-sounding “Yes.” Edwin replied to William saying “but my son David Murray never does. He always leaves his stuff at home whenever he goes to school. Hell, once he left his backpack at home!” William let out a laugh. “You think that’s bad? Elizabeth “forgets” to go to school sometimes. She convinces me that they don’t have to go to school on fridays. It never works though.”   “Speaking of kids, my son has been acting weird lately. Whenever I wake him up for school he sometimes just freezes. Tells me SSSSabout “they’re here. They’re alive. 2 days from now’s his birthday. Don’t want him to be acting like that then.” remarked William. “He might be losing his marbles even more since you left him at home with mike,” said Edwin. “Oh shut up you-” 
Tape stops recording
Tape cuts to michael and evan home alone
6:23 PM
“What? Too scared you little prick?” Michael said. “Please, leave me alone…” said Evan as his nose bled from Michael's punch. Michael grabbed Evan and shoved him against his door. “You’ll probably be dead or homeschooled by the end of the year. And I'm taking the first option!” He throws Evan against the ground. “Mike… please…” Evan pleaded, blood gushing from his nose. Michael drags Evan by his legs into Evan’s room. “Looks like this little baby needs a nap.” he exclaimed before slamming the door. Evan, curled up on his bed,reality fading from his eyes as he cried himself to sleep, blood from his nose soaking the sheets. 
Tape stops recording
Tape cuts back on
Evan “wakes up” , in his room, like normally, but something is different. All of his “Fredbear and Friends” plush toys are all lined up before a Circus Baby plush.  “Weird. Elizabeth’s the only one who has a Baby plush here.” he says. He also notices that there is nothing else in the room except the homage to Circus Baby.  He takes his Faz-light off of his floor (yes those existed in 1983) and heads out of his room. He glances at the familiar, yet empty hallways.  “Hello? Anybody there? Elizabeth? Dad? Mike?” he hears a distant voice calling; “Daddy, why won’t you let me play with her?” He looks in Michael's room. Nothing except his cracked Foxy the Pirate Fox mask.  Evan goes into his father’s room. In the room stood blood stained Springbonnie, hanging from a noose. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” He screams, dropping his faz-light. “The hell is this.” he says , he feels in his shirt to check his heartbeat. His chest begins to itch and sweat from the scare.  Yet he still continued on. Evan reached his mother’s room, nothing was in there except for the faint sound of a music box.
Tape stops
Tape cuts back on
Evan finally reaches Elizabeth's room, and when he opens the door, he almost faints.  He sees her. Circus Baby, her porcelain glow covered by dirt and rust. Her eyes spin vertically back into place, Evan steps back. Circus Baby steps closer to him, then his faz–light flickers off. When it turns back on… (insert circus baby jumpscare here.)
Tape turns off
Tape cuts out of the dream
7:45 AM
 Evan wakes up in a jolt  from his eerily lucid dream, looks around, and clutches his Fredbear plush. Everything looked normal, everyone was fine. He went out of his room, smelled the familiar smell of pancakes, and Michael walking out of his room,  swearing that evan was gonna have a “Good Birthday” and flipping off Evan as he strode. “Everything is ok.” he thought to himself. He said hi to Elizabeth, who yawned and replied by saying a groggy “Hey.”  Evan walks downstairs to the kitchen, and sees his father William making breakfast. “Good morning Evan. Ready for breakfast? Everything’s ready for your party tomorrow.” 
(tape cuts to muffled audio [no video] of cassidy and evan chatting at school and other school- esque noises)
(tape cuts to evan returning home)
3:45 PM
“Dad isn’t home. Again.” Evan remarks. He throws his bag against the door. 
(tape cuts to evan going upstairs)  
(evan works on his homework until he is exhausted.)
Evan (drowsy) I think I'm gonna.. Gonna take a break.. *falls asleep*
Evan “Wakes up” again, leaping up rapidly before smacking his head on the overhead cover of his desk “AGH- damn!”  he looked around. His room was empty. “No, no no no no. This can’t be happening.” He frantically picked up hs Faz-light. He shook it on, left his room and said “I have to get out of here.” “I have to get out of here.”  Remarked a robotic voice from the other side of the house. Evan froze. He knew that voice. It was that thing at David’s house. Evan broke into a run and nearly got hit by Circus Baby as he dashed past Elizabeth’s room. He ran downstairs, and that voice grew louder. This time it said something that Evan said himself one time.  “They’re here. They’re alive.” Evan realized that the voice was coming from the basement.  He froze in fear. The thing in the basement stepped up the stairs until it emerged. The “Voice” was actually a large robot in a torn-up jester suit, The robot’s teeth could be seen through the mouth of the suit.  “HOLY SHIT!” Evan said as he ran into the kitchen.  “Come back. Everything is ok.”  The thing stepped into the kitchen as Evan hid in the pantry. “Oh? Are we playing hide and seek?”  As the thing searched, Evan tried to escape, running from hiding place to hiding place, but as he’s about to reach the front door, he gets intercepted by Circus Baby…
(tape turns off)
(tape cuts out of the dream)
11:34 AM
*Elizabeth touches Evan*  “YAAAH-... Elizabeth?” said Evan.  “Bro, you kept your light on all night. Go to sleep for God’s sake. And happy birthday.” remarked Elizabeth.  She rubs his hair before going back to her room. “Maybe i might actually have a good birthday tomorrow.” Evan goes back to sleep, unaware of what will happen on his special day.
8:56 AM
(tape turns on)
“Wake up Evan! Happy Birthday!” Evan woke up in a relaxed state, Realizing that it was his mother, Clara Afton. “I have everything set up for your party this afternoon! I can’t believe that you’re turning 13! I can’t wait to see how you’ll grow!” Yelled Clara. “Chill out, Mom *chuckles*” Said Evan.  He got up, did his morning routine and arrived downstairs. “Good morning, birthday boy.” said William.  “HIII EVAN!!” Said Elizabeth.  “Hey.” Said Michael. *Camera zooms in on michael* 
(*The tape saturation increases until it cuts off)
(tape cuts to Evan’s birthday-)
(the camera is in michael’s hands now)
“Alright, Everybody know the plan?” said Michael. 
The group responded with a whispering “Yes.” 
(tape cuts to evan standing alone)
“Unnerving…” Evan said as he was sitting with Cassidy at one of the tables, thinking to himself as he stared at Springbonnie and Fredbear singing Stevie Wonder’s “Happy Birthday”.    Suddenly, Michael and his 3 other friends sprung from behind the arcade machines and grabbed Evan. “Come here you little bastard.” Michael’s girlfriend, Bethany, said to Evan. Mike’s friend Eduardo also kicked him in the… (I'd rather not say.) “What the hell is wrong with you, Michael?” Evan pleaded as the group dragged him toward Fredbear. “What’s that? Looks like the bitch said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss!” Michael said affrontingly. Two employees rushed over and told Michael and his gang to leave, but Michael shoved one of them into a table.  “Get your fucking hands off of me!” Evan pleaded as Michael shoved him into fredbear’s mouth. “ (muffled) get me out of this-” Evan said before… The jaw snapped back into place, Fracturing Evan's skull, and leaving him bleeding on the floor. Michael’s friends gasped as Michael ran over to Evan's dying body. Cassidy pushed past Michael and ran up to evan. She had no words. William rushed over and started crying. 
(tape cuts to evan’s dream)
Evan’s vision faded, and the next thing he knew, everything faded to black. Evan “wakes up” in a hospital bed on the stage at Fredbear’s, seeing an Iv stick and bag beside him. The entire restaurant was dark. He grabbed his broken, cracked faz-light and shined it at a stage on the right side of the room. Circus baby and Fredbear were on the stage. Circus Baby looked menacing as ever, like normal, but Fredbear looked different. He was faded yellow, Evan could not believe it. Was this hell? Was he already dead? Did Michael and the rest of his family forget about him? “Hi cutie! I missed you!” Said Circus Baby. “Go the fuck to Hell.” Said Evan.  “Don’t say that foul language to me. Because you know what I'm capable of.” She snapped her fingers, and… Fredbear walked off the stage, Evan’s light flickered, and when it turned on again, he nearly dropped it. Fredbear was covered in a black, mold, his hat a gleaming yellow, and his mouth was full of nightmarish, sharp teeth. Then,  The Thing, Now known as Mimic, appeared crawling on the ceiling, contorting his limbs in a disturbing manner. After that, A large, moldy yellow rabbit with multiple tears  walked in from the side door. It was Springtrap. Fredbear ran over, disturbingly similar to how a bear would run at its prey, and grabbed evan. “I control you, just as in a game. And don’t try to fight me back.” Said Circus Baby. “Try it, and i’ll rip out that excuse of a brain in your head.” Said Circus Baby. Fredbear kicked Evan forward, Evan ran off, barely dodging Springtrap’s bear hug before dashing into a vent. “I’m safe, oh my gosh I'm safe.” Evan remarked. “I’m safe, oh my gosh I'm safe.” said Mimic. Evan’s heart started racing as he saw Mimic’s eyes turn from orange to purple. He dashed through the vent as Mimic chased him, scraping his metal claws against the ventilation. Evan reached a fork in the vent, and chose the right hand side.  He came out of the vent only to find out he was in the basement of fredbear’s.  Circus Baby appeared from the darkness. “♬ It is like a magic show, a darker flow, I won’t let you go.♬” She sang.  She then slid a knife to Evan on the floor.  His light flickered as he stared at the knife on the ground. Then,  as Evan’s light came back to life, Fredbear appeared on the wall, his head staring at Evan, as he crawled onto the ceiling and into the room Circus Baby was in. Evan looked at the knife, picked it up, and skeptically walked into the room, he looked around, and then he saw Springtrap. Evan tried to stab him, but Springtrap grabbed his hand and threw the knife away. Springtrap then grabbed Evan and pinned him to the wall. “Where do you think you’re going to go now you little shit?” Said Springtrap.  Evan tried to move his arms to attack him, but they couldn’t move. Instead, he used his legs and kicked Springtrap in the torso. “COME BACK HERE!”  He ran, and then he saw it. The exit. He made a mad dash until Circus Baby intercepted him, grabbed him by the neck and strangled him…
(tape cuts back to real world)
He woke up, in a hospital, his hearing was muffled. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak  Though he could still see Cassidy, standing at his hospital bed. She placed a hand on his chest. “You’ll be ok. I promise.” “I’m still your friend. Do you believe that?” “I just don’t want you to leave me.” She said, “It’ll be ok.” she said, but all Evan heard was “It’s me.” The heart monitor was an atrial flutter, then a flatline. He was gone, but the soul wasn’t.
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spacedustandpirates · 10 months
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“Error. Location unknown.” A robotic voice drifted out of a crooked speaker box that reminded her of a drive-in movie theater box that people in that century used to hang on their windows to hear the movie projected onto a white sheet thing. As soon as she had seen it at the recycler she knew she had to have it and so hid it with the scrap that the captain was taking home.
“The fuck it is…” She used her free hand to pet the speaker. “It isn’t your fault.. It is esra’s fault. ES-RA.” She sassed. “Asmojdi - location Chala Gamma.”
“Error. Location unknown.” The voice repeated.
“Uhhgg..” Aylin’s head lulled backward with the groan, her face tipped toward the transporter room’s ceiling. The box of seedlings shifted from one hip to the other as she moved her hand from the relic and settled it on the railing.
“Yes Aylin?” The ship’s computer responded with limitless patience.
“Why can’t I port to the farm on Asmojdi?” Her chin dipped toward her chest and she fixed her stare right on the innocent speaker box.
“Aylin, you renamed the location to: hell hole with a view. Would you like to teleport to hell hole with a view?”
She sputtered. Her stare left the speaker box and drifted unseeing to the wall of the transporter room. Oh, when had she done that? She crinkled her nose, her hips rocking from side to side while she racked her brain for the — ohhhhhh yeahhhhh. It was when the farm’s glass didn’t hold and all of her crops suffocated and died.
“Esra, port me to hell hole with a view.”
“Did they give me daughters when I asked for ro - bots..” Aylin stepped off the teleporter pad, her head bobbing to some metal cover of a classic earth lullaby that played through her headset. The transporter room was a separate building away from the homestead, the main house, purposely done in case one or the other failed - which may have happened once or maybe twice.
She checked the forcefield on the box of seedlings before resting it on the cargo pile just inside the door. ‘Hell hole with a view’ was what the crew called the place but really it was what people called a dead planet. No air, no life, and no growth. Just metal carcasses in the shape of houses, farms, and shuttles to remind anyone stupid enough to touch down that this rock had once hosted life. Now? Not even Pirates and Zirax would touch it - and that was why they settled here.
As always, she peered out the window of the teleporter room before exiting the building, eyeing first the flight deck before searching for movement alarms on the main building - homestead. This had been their recovery home for five straight months, with a beat-up ship to get them here that she was sure the captain just about traded his whole ass for. She paused as she considered the doorway and the shimmering forcefield. That salvage yard alien had it baddd for him, whatever happened to that female? She shook her head, anyway! She fixed the helm of her suit and listed for the rush of air before checking the gauge. The dead planet had no air and random clouds of radiation to make life miserable but there was water and water was life.
The doors sighed open and she collected the seed box before she bounced down the stairs, her jetpack humming against her back. The place was a junk heap, really. With sleeping ships, piles of unused scrap, hastily placed storage pods, and a beach lined with ugly water extractors, the homestead wasn’t the prettiest of places but it was their home. Now it was used more to grow their food since they managed to tape together a space station.
“Mister.. I’ll make a man outta youuuuu.. - Esra broadcast to homestead.”
“Broadcasting music.” A robotic answered in her ear.
“Ah yeah..” She bounced up the ramp that would take her to the first floor of the building. Once the ramp shut behind her she pulled her helm free, listening to make sure the music could be heard before shimming out of the armor suit. “You can bet… before we’re through…” She hummed, snatching her box of seeds and making her way to the lift. “I’ll make a man… out of youuuu.” The lift was a box tunnel creation that used energy and air to cart a person between floors, as she floated to the second floor, her bare toes wiggled impatiently. Some lullaby… she mused, waiting for the lime green doors to open before she stepped into the second floor or what she’d like the call the garden.
The garden was made up of over a hundred plots of dirt, nestled within the floor, and situated under grow lights and mist spouts. Esra took care of making sure the plants had just what they needed to grow but since Esra wasn’t an organic, someone had to actually harvest the stuff. That somebody was her! Not that she minded, the smell was nice and Corso brought home a few butterflies that he captured the last time he stopped at Haven. The Captain brought her a leafcutter that had been partially crushed by his ship, well, he didn’t bring it. It sorta got stuck in his landing gear and she found it tucked inside the ship spitting mad. Since it couldn’t be set free in space or on the dead planet - she stuck it in the garden and fed it protein from the constructor.
“Aylin, you at the homestead?” A voice sounded, though it seemed to come from everywhere instead of in the room with her.
“Thatsa yes from me, Captain. Just getting some veggies..”
“Put your bug away, I am going to come collect some seats.”
“Ah, it won’t hurtya… will you buddy?” She chirped. Eyeing the leaf-like creature weaving through the pumpkins. “He is a sweet lil’guy.” She cooed.
“Corso’s visit to the med ward says different. Put it away - what are you listening to?”
“Yes Captain, I’ll close up the garden doors then. And I dunno, some ancient civvy stuff I got from the last time we visited the trader.”
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The Best of Hans Zimmer (sheet music available)
The Best of Hans Zimmer (with sheet music DOWNLOAD HERE)
Hans Florian Zimmer (born 12 September 1957) is a German film score composer and record producer. Zimmer's works are notable for integrating electronic music sounds with traditional orchestral arrangements. Since the 1980s, he has composed music for over 150 films. His works include The Lion King, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Original Score in 1995, the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Interstellar, Gladiator, Crimson Tide, Inception, Dunkirk, and The Dark Knight Trilogy. He has received four Grammy Awards, three Classical BRIT Awards, two Golden Globes, and an Academy Award. He was also named on the list of Top 100 Living Geniuses, published by The Daily Telegraph. Zimmer spent the early part of his career in the United Kingdom before moving to the United States. He is the head of the film music division at DreamWorks studios and works with other composers through the company that he founded, Remote Control Productions, formerly known as Media Ventures. His studio in Santa Monica, California has an extensive range of computer equipment and keyboards, allowing demo versions of film scores to be created quickly. Zimmer has collaborated on multiple projects with directors including Ridley Scott, Ron Howard, Gore Verbinski, Michael Bay, and Christopher Nolan.
Hans Zimmer | Soundtrack Compilation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqiTJK_uzUY Find Franz Zimmer's complete sheet music books in our Library.
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Track list: Interstellar 00:00 - 01:05 - Organ Variation 00:00 - 03:54 - Tick Tock 03:54 - 05:10 - Cornfield Chase 05:10 - 08:08 - Where We're Going 07:55 - 08:56 - No Time For Caution Inception 08:57 - 13:17 - Time Pirates of the Caribbean 13:15 - 14:18 - Davy Jones 14:19 - 16:15 - The Kraken 16:15 - 18:17 - At Wits End 18:17 - 20:13 - What Shall We Die For 20:13 - 24:02 - One Day 24:03 - 26:37 - Up Is Down 26:38 - 30:05 - Drink Up Me Hearties Batman Trilogy 30:06 - 30:34 - Bank Robbery 30:34 - 31:45 - Antrozous 31:45 - 32:18 - Barbastella 32:19 - 33:06 - Vespertilio 33:05 - 36:07 - A Dark Knight 36:07 - 36:33 - Aggressive Expansion 36:33 - 36:41 - Im Not A Hero 36:42 - 39:51 - Like A Dog Chasing Cars 39:51 - 42:08 - Despair Man of Steel, The Da Vinci Code, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Blue Planet II, Planet Earth II 42:09 - 44:19 - Flight 44:15 - 47:57 - Chevaliers de Sangreal 47:57 - 50:34 - Now We Are Free 50:35 - 51:42 - Spectres In The Fog 51:42 - 54:25 - Safe Passage 54:26 - 56:48 - The Blue Planet 56:48 - 58:11 - Planet Earth II Suite
Hans Zimmer, a short biography.
Hans Florian Zimmer (born September 12, 1957, in Frankfurt am Main) is a German film composer, arranger and music producer. He works in Hollywood. He has been nominated eleven times for an Oscar, fourteen times for a Golden Globe Award and eleven times for a Grammy Award. Hans Zimmer received his first Oscar nomination in 1989 for the film Rain Man. In 1995, he was awarded an Oscar for the film music for The Lion King. In 2010, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A star followed in 2011 on the Boulevard der Stars in Berlin. Zimmer was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class in 2018. Hans Zimmer's soundtrack albums have sold more than 25.4 million copies worldwide. Hans Zimmer was born in Frankfurt am Main, the son of chemical entrepreneur Hans J. Zimmer. As a child, he learned to play the piano in his parents' house, in the Villa Gans in Kronberg, although he only had a piano teacher for a short time because he didn't want to submit to his discipline regarding the basic rules for a pianist. On the Harald Schmidt Show on February 15, 2002, when asked if he had music lessons, he replied: 'Yes, I had them for a week. It was like that, either I would have killed the teacher or he would have killed me.” He was a graduate of Hurtwood House boarding school in Dorking, Surrey, England, and played synthesizers in groups such as Krisma and Helden (with Ultravox drummer Warren Cann). He did not go through an academic musical education. Hans Zimmer is married and has four children. In 1999, at a press conference on the Holocaust documentary The Last Days, he declared that he was Jewish. In 1939 his mother fled from the National Socialists to England.
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Years in England In the late 1970s, Hans Zimmer was a composer of commercial music jingles and worked on the modular synthesizer in the video clip of the Buggles hit video Killed the Radio Star. He composed advertising and radio jingles in the London studio Air Edel. There he met the well-known English film music composer Stanley Myers, whose assistant he became in 1980. Zimmer learned a lot about composing for an orchestra from him. Through this collaboration, he received his first smaller commissions for composing film music. In the late 1980s, he drew attention to himself with the soundtrack for films such as Rain Man. Hollywood Zimmer was best known in the early 1990s for his innovative combination of orchestral and synthesizer sounds. With Ridley Scott's Black Rain and Ron Howard's Backdraft - Men Who Walk Through Fire, he created a new style of setting music to action films. Backdraft in particular is considered a milestone in film music history: Zimmer's decision to set the film to music with a so-called 'wall-to-wall score', i.e. to underlay the majority of the film with music, created the prototype for many action film scores that were later released in Hollywood were produced. The style, roughly based on a powerful main theme, rhythmic action motifs, and gentler passages for the two main characters (portrayed by Kurt Russell and William Baldwin), is found in numerous later film scores. Together with his partner Jay Rifkin, he founded the film music studio Media Ventures in the mid-1980s. In 2003, after a legal battle with Rifkin, Zimmer took over the business with his company Remote Control Productions. Remote Control is a kind of talent factory, in which some other film music composers, such as Examples include Steve Jablonsky, James Dooley, Heitor Pereira, and Geoff Zanelli. Notable former Remote Control composers include Klaus Badelt, John Powell, Nick Glennie-Smith, Mark Mancina, and Harry Gregson-Williams. After completing work on Illuminati, Zimmer planned to give a few concerts, but this has only been possible to a limited extent so far, as he has been accepting new orders. In an interview with the website Amazona.de, he said that most of the directors he works with are his friends, so he finds it difficult to turn down an assignment from them. Finally, in 2016, Zimmer was on a major tour of Europe with an orchestra of 70 musicians. Various of his soundtracks were played live in front of an audience, combined with short stories by Zimmer, e.g. about the death of Heath Ledger in 2008, shortly after filming The Dark Knight. The live tour premiered on April 6, 2016, at Wembley Arena in London. The tour ended on June 5, 2016, with a concert in the ancient theater of Orange. Johnny Marr accompanied Zimmer on the electric guitar at a few selected concerts in London, Berlin, Prague, Manchester, Dublin and Orange. Zimmer received a great deal of attention after his concert on April 22, 2016, in the König-Pilsener-Arena in Oberhausen, when he played Prince's song Purple Rain after his death. In 2017, Zimmer was again on the road on a live tour, for the first time in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea. The concert tour began on April 14, 2017 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles and ended on October 7 at Seoul Olympic Stadium. Zimmer now lives and works in Los Angeles and is one of the most successful and influential film composers in Hollywood history. In 2018, Hans Zimmer was nominated for an Oscar for the eleventh time. In the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008, Hans Zimmer was an ambassador in Germany. The aim of the European Commission's campaign was to inform people in all 27 EU countries about the benefits of diversity and to get them excited about intercultural exchange. In response to the Aurora attack in July 2012, he released the composition Aurora. All proceeds should be donated to the victims and their families. Style The use of ethnic instruments such as B. the duduk in Gladiator (played by the Armenian duduk player Djivan Gasparyan), flutes in Rangoon - In the heart of the storm or taiko in Last Samurai, is one of his trademarks. This also includes compositions with African influences, such as B. Two Worlds, In the Glory of the Sun, The Lion King and Black Hawk Down, but also music for comedies like It Can't Be Better or Tricks or for the action film The Dark Knight Rises. He works regularly with directors Ridley Scott, James L. Brooks, Gore Verbinski, Penny Marshall and Christopher Nolan. Hans Zimmer himself describes Ennio Morricone as his great idol. Zimmer frequently collaborates with the same musicians. In many pieces of music, a guitar is played by Heitor Pereira or a cello by Martin Tillman. Long before filming begins, Zimmer usually composes suites that contain all the essential components of the later film music. Towards the end of the production, the suites serve as the basis for the music, which is written directly to the picture. But the suites themselves are mostly used in the film and on the soundtrack - e.g. For example, tracks 9 through 13 from The Da Vinci Code soundtrack are the suite written by Zimmer. In an interview, Zimmer explains this way of working as follows: 'I've been thinking about how I've been working lately. Writing things before shooting is a better way. Film technology has changed so much in recent years, especially with computer effects, that it is now possible to make last-minute changes to the film. I think the old way of waiting for the film to finish editing and then writing and recording the music for the last six to twelve weeks or whatever doesn't work anymore these days. So it makes sense to write some of the music before those 12 weeks. That gives you and the filmmakers something to work with while you think about the music to go with the picture. That way, you might have more influence on the style of the film. It also solves those annoying temp track issues.” – Hans Zimmer Other composers often help Zimmer with his music, especially towards the end of film production, by orchestrating, arranging or composing parts for him based on his suites and musical ideas. This collaborative way of working is controversial for some film music fans, but not entirely uncommon in Hollywood. Rupert Gregson-Williams says the following in an interview: “Hans is an icon and – in my opinion – most of the criticism against Media Ventures is completely unfounded. The most common misconception is that everyone works on the issues while Hans gets the credit for it. Well, I worked with Hans in Los Angeles for three months on different scenes for The Prince of Egypt - the sandstorm sequence where Moses is woken up by a camel and the scene with the death of the firstborn - and all the themes were written by Hans. My job was to take the thematic content from Hans and work it into my pieces for the scene. There was a lot of discussion and talk about the contextual meaning behind the film and how the music relates to it, but the driving force behind it was Hans. Just to watch him work, to be creative and to be in this atmosphere for once was wonderful. Also, Hans is a phenomenal orchestrator. That's something people don't understand.' – Rupert Gregson-Williams Hans Zimmer not only composes, but also takes on the execution as the responsible music producer for films, such as 2006 with Over the Hedge and 2015 with Terminator: Genisys. Read the full article
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nawtiehope · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SHEET MUSIC 1948 You Can Do No Wrong Judy Garland Gene Kelly.
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merrycri-sis · 4 years
am i
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