#pink nemesia
welcomingdisaster · 2 months
Fingon can feel the edge of a dream as he wakes, but not its substance. Sleep clings to him, thick and dark as molasses, even when the outside world begins to infringe. It smells of hyacinths, so fragrant he can almost taste the flowers. Light warms his cheek. A nightingale sings. Some bit of grass tickles his neck. Some little sharpness pokes his hand; he opens his eyes and sees that a junebug, iridescent green-pink, drags its round body over his finger, jointed legs pinching slightly at his skin. And just behind that—
An elven face, half-turned from him, eyes shut in sleep. Hair loose, straight and yellow as straw, scattering of freckles over the cheeks, long and very slightly upturned nose. Aegnor. 
Something in Fingon’s neck clicks as he turns to look at his other side, some slight shifting of his body back into place. He yawns, and hears his jaw click, too. 
But there is Angrod, just where he ought to be. Elbow thrown over his face, hands unadorned, golden mane catching the light. He is dressed oddly, all in white. 
Some distant, childish thought strikes Fingon: We must have fallen asleep playing in Father’s gardens. But no, no—no, that is wrong, long gone. Then—we must have been drinking. The midsummer festival of the trees. The hunt. 
Angrod shifts slightly in sleep, lets his arm fall. The ruddy scar that ought to curl over his upper lip is gone. But why should he have scars? 
 A glancing blow from an orc blade, Fingon remembers, if it had gone lower it would have struck his throat. His dream dances again in front of his eyes, a mud stained silver banner buffeted by the wind. Behind Aegnor’s features there is suddenly a blackened land, a scattering of ash. Fingon's eyes flick away, into the garden. 
The bowing, weeping willows. The bright red hyacinths, scattered as rubies on the shore. The shadowed, tucked away places, covered with sunset-orange nemesia and crimson bleeding-heart.  That is where the dead queen had lain, Fingon thinks, and knows what has come of them.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 8 months
a grow with the flow fic for your monday
Now that they have the space for it, Keyleth and Vax have a room dedicated to their podcast. There is a recording space with a comfy couch surrounded by more plants than a botanical garden, and out of view of the cameras, a pair of desks where they edit film and audio, work their socials, and do all of the other things that come with being professional podcasters. The walls are a cheery yellow, and today, the sunlight streaming in through the large window behind the camera is just as bright.
Vax sits beside Keyleth, completely unaware of what today's subscriber-only special is going to be. All she's told him is that it's going to be a game, a puzzle of sorts, and he's always down to make a fool of himself on camera.
Keyleth runs through their standard intro before asking him, "Are you ready?"
There's a mischievous twinkle in her eye that he so rarely sees there. "I have no idea."
"Perfect. Your challenge for the day is identification." She gestures to the large, covered wicker basket sitting on her lap. "We mostly deal with green plants here on the podcast and in our home, but you know that I also love flowers."
"I do know that." Vax rarely comes home from the grocery store without a small bouquet to refresh the vase in the living room.
"I'm going to test your knowledge of some common flowers. Starting with..." Ignoring his quiet, "Oh no...," she pulls out a single stem of a purple flower, its thin, curling petals stained with yellow toward the center. She hands it to him. "What is this?"
Oh, he is definitely going to look like a fool. He searches every memory he's ever had of flowers. "Is this...an iris?"
"Ding ding ding!" Vax sighs in relief. "Good job! Next one."
She pulls out a long-stemmed puff of gold, and Vax knows this one. He takes it from her with an easy, "This is a marigold."
"And you thought you'd be bad at this!"
Next up is a poppy, and followed by a rose. He's feeling confident until the flower after that, with sparse, narrow pink petals and a large center. After a good thirty seconds, he frowns. "I got nothing."
She clucks her tongue. "That is an echinacea flower. But four for five ain't bad!" She kisses his cheek, which is worth the fuck-up.
He surprises himself by recognizing the gardenia, but he's never even heard of a nemesia before, much less seen one. As the game goes on, Vax finds himself distracted by Keyleth's hands, which seem to vibrate with some kind of frenetic energy. There's something else going on here, something besides a game of identifying flowers, but he has no idea what it could be.
She tells him there are only three flowers left, and he gets aster right, but not narcissus, and when he finally correctly identifies the tulip, he has a rather large bouquet in his hands, a riot of colors and aromas. Keyleth congratulates him on a job well done—his performance was middling at best, but he did do better than he would have predicted—but she's still buzzing, and Vax knows there's more to come.
"So...there's a round two, so to speak."
"A round two?"
"Those flowers are...a code of sorts. A puzzle for you to figure out." She pulls her feet up onto the couch, settling in to watch him struggle.
A code? They're flowers. Vax knows that there's some kind of meaning system behind flowers, like lilies are for peace or something, but he's far from well-versed in it, and he's pretty sure Keyleth doesn't know much more than he does. Both of them like flowers that are pretty and smell nice; they're simple folk.
"I don't think you want me to know what these mean," he says, thinking out loud, "because I don't think you know what these mean."
"Fair enough."
"But you picked these flowers for a reason."
She nods. "I did."
"Okay." If he felt foolish before, he feels doubly so now. Keyleth and their entire audience are watching him struggle to put together pieces he can make neither heads nor tails of. "I'm going to assume you gave them to me in a specific order."
"Excellent assumption." She's sitting back comfortably in the corner of the couch, but her casual posture belies that same high-key energy he's dying to understand. Her smile isn't nearly as blasé as he knows she'd like him to think it is. This puzzle is something big.
"Okay, let's work this out." He takes the iris and lays it on top of the basket, which now sits between them. "Iris. Then...marigold." He lays it just beside the first flower. "Is it...the names?" His eyes flash to hers, and instead of an answer, the corners of her smile curl up further. He's got it. "Okay. Iris, marigold. I-M." The poppy was next, then the rose. With each letter, he lays the corresponding flower onto the basket. "I-M-P-R...oh fuck, what was next?" He fumbles through the remainder of the bouquet in his hands before finally announcing, "Echinacea, right! Then it was the gardenia...I-M-P-R-E-G—"
He cuts himself off, eyes going wide. His head snaps to face Keyleth's, who has completely lost any pretense of nonchalance. She's grinning bright, already half-laughing as the realization sinks into Vax's bones like sunlight in the winter. "No fucking way." She nods enthusiastically. "No fucking way!"
And then the flowers are everywhere, basket tosses aside as he throws himself on her, babbling incoherently as the tears come fast and hot. She catches him easily, wrapping her arms around his neck as he sobs into hers. "Breathe," she laughs, running a hand up and down his back. "You're going to pass out."
Shaking, he straightens up, wipes at his eyes. "I can't believe...how long have you known?"
"Three days. It took this long to put this together." She tucks his hair behind one ear. "I couldn't keep it from you any longer."
"Another baby." He feels like he's going crazy, like at any moment, one of the twins is going to shake him awake from this dream he's in. "We weren't even trying!"
She laughs again. "I know!"
"We're just really good at it!"
With a roll of her eyes, she warns him, "Vax'ildan, we are on camera."
Fuck, he'd forgotten. He turns to grin stupidly at the camera. "Hi everyone! We're having a baby!"
Keyleth tucks herself into his side. "Obviously, you all will be watching this many months down the line, when we're ready to announce, but..." She interlaces her fingers with his. "I wanted to have something we could share, if we wanted to."
Vax understands that the responsible thing to do is to wait to announce such incredible news, but he feels like he's physically going to burst if he doesn't climb onto their roof and shout it for all of the neighbors to hear. "This is...fuck, Kiki. This is unbelievable."
Normally she's shy about showing physical affection while on camera, but today, she takes his face and pulls it to her own, kissing him with a ferocity she so rarely displays in front of others. He smiles against her lips—what a dream, this woman, this family, this life. He hopes he never, ever wakes up.
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fourthage · 1 year
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07 May 2023
The whole reason I was in at my parents today was to pick out irises while they were blooming for my mom to dig up for me at the end of summer. She also gave me a couple of pots and I planted those and the rest I still had and stuck them in the back. Helps to use the space in the new beds until I can actually plant stuff.
Above: One of the gifted pots with a hosta I will replant in the ground this fall. Full shade pot. Behind it you can see the gravel weed guard we put in yesterday along the fence.
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Partial sun pot. Starting from the dark red plant in the back and going clockwise: celosia, nemesia, dusty miller, and cuphea. (And just look at the flower stalks on the foxglove on the left!)
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Full sun pot. In the back are two angelonias, a pink and a white & purple. In the front of the pot is a coleus.
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The other pot Mom gifted me. Full sun pot. Mix of marigolds in various orange and red shades.
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Full sun pot. A mixed color six pack of portulaca.
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er-cryptid · 6 months
-- Nemesia
-- perennial
-- grown as an annual
-- mound-forming
-- twiggy
-- flowers -> trumpet-shaped -> 2-tone pink color -> 1.5 inches across -> yellow lips
-- highly fragrant
-- flowers in summer
-- leaves -> lance-shaped -> neatly-toothed -> dark green
-- good for a container
-- height is 5 inches
-- spread is 6 inches
-- prefers sun
-- prefers moist soil
-- also called Amelie
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jooniyah · 6 years
Pink Nemesia: Prologue
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader ; Idol x Fan!au
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Warnings: Heavy angst, character death,mild instances of alcoholism, mild description of mental illness.
Word count: 1.2k
Prologue | Chapter 01
Tomorrow was the BIG day. You wanted to push back and relax. But no, your mind was racing at a hundred miles per second. You couldn’t calm your nerves down. Taking deep breaths, you peered out the window. You had overcome your acrophobia. You no longer felt panic when you looked down from great altitudes. You observed the wide expanse of land beneath you. You could see all the beautifully lit skyscrapers gleaming in the gathering dusk. Taylah was snoozing beside you, unmindful of all your racing thoughts. There were still 5 hours to go. You were tired. Closing your eyes, you replayed the scenes that happened a few hours ago.
It was another glorious morning, with the Sun shining on the gables of the neighboring houses, causing the snow to glint. You were looking out the window, admiring the icicles shimmering on the houses. Snow never failed to make you cheerful and happy. It brought back images of snow angels you had made with Taylah at the skiing camp years ago. It filled you with happiness, making you wonder at how beautiful Nature was.
“Y/N!” you heard a familiar voice calling you. Turning with a smile from the window, you braced yourself to encounter an obviously high-spirited Taylah bounding up the stairs to your room. “Y/N!” she cried, waving what seemed like tickets in her hand. “You need to start packing now,our plane leaves in two hours” she breathed. “What? Woah! slow down, Tay. Where are we going?” you queried. “Oh I forgot!” she clapped her hands. She ran back down and came upstairs with something stuffed in her pocket.  
“Dude, It’s your birthday in two days!It’s a small gift from my side” she puffed out as she handed over the tickets to you. Round trip tickets from Los Angeles to Seoul. You were so surprised and shrieked “Thank you Tay! Wow we’re finally going on that vacation, aren’t we?” Taylah shook her head with a sly smile.”It gets better, my girl” she said, pulling a cream colored envelope from her back, all the while grinning wide like a Cheshire cat. You grabbed at the envelope, hurriedly opened it and screamed. BTS VIP Concert Tickets, for the concert at the Seoul Olympic Stadium.
Squealing and crying at the same time, you leaped onto Taylah to wrap her in a bear hug. You couldn’t find the right words to express your happiness at the wonderful gift Taylah had given you. You sobbed your thanks into her shoulder, hugging her tight. She patted your back and said “Come on babe. You need pack your clothes. I’ve taken care of everything else”. She nudged your back, while you still couldn’t stop squealing in delight. In the end, it was Taylah who had to pick clothes and pack for you, as you couldn’t stand still for a second. “We’ll buy clothes for the concert at Seoul” she explained as she finished packing. “Come on, Y/N” she pulled you towards her. “We shouldn’t miss the plane!”
With the tires of her Buick screeching, she raced to the airport with you in a trance. Clearing customs and obtaining boarding passes happened in the blink of an eye. The plane was delayed by 20 minutes, so you had plenty of time to mumble incoherent mumbo jumbo to Taylah in rapid bursts. She was so amused by your mutterings that she giggled in frequent intervals. Finally you boarded the plane with shining eyes, squeezing Taylah’s hand as you found your way to your seats. You squirmed in your seat in excitement, unable to stop. You earned a hard pinch from Taylah and an amused “Stop squirming, Y/N. I’m excited too, but for God’s sake just calm down, girl!” You turned to her and grinned. “Thank you so much Tay. This means a lot to me. You just made this my best birthday gift ever!” She smiled at your moist eyes, brushing your cheek. “You’ve already thanked me enough sweetie. We are going to slay it at Seoul, aren’t we?” You giggled at her and said “You bet.”
When you arrived at the Incheon International Airport, you were crazy with happiness. Your mind was racing with all the BTS videos you had seen.‘What if I spot an idol here?’ ‘Would one of BTS be here?’ ‘Where should I go to see the BT21 store?’ You felt like shouting at the top of your lungs that you were the luckiest girl in the world. “Y/N, honey” said Taylah, “I’m so happy too but you really should stop grinning at every person with a mask on”. You giggled at her and said “What if one of BTS is here today?” Taylah rolled her eyes and huffed “Almost half the people here wear masks. And that was the stupidest thing I’ve heard from you till now, apart from the one time you told me you had cancer because you were bleeding every month”. You poked her hard in the ribs, annoyed that she still remembered how childlike you were, to believe that you had a disease because you were menstruating.
You finally reached the hotel room Taylah had booked for the both of you and unpacked. Because of the time difference, it was still day in South Korea. Taylah wanted to simply lie down and relax. But you couldn’t stop fidgeting. You simply had to drag Taylah to the Lotte Mall. She was a rebel, and just wouldn’t get up. She argued that she was tired and jetlagged and wouldn’t even budge. You knew full well how Taylah would react if you pushed her too much. Remembering that fateful day, you sat down on the bed near her, clenching and unclenching your fists dolefully. Taylah lifted her head up and looked at you. “Fine. Don’t pull that face. We’ll go”.
At the Lotte Mall, you were awed beyond comprehension. Pointing excitedly to every little kiosk you talked rapidly to Taylah, forcing her to decipher your torrent of rushing words. You pulled Taylah through every salon and boutique in the mall, determined to look your best the next day at the concert. You tried on so many clothes, slipped on numerous pairs of stilettos and tried various shades of lipstick. When you had finished shopping, you realized that your taxi was filled with dozens of clothes and heels. When you finally returned to your room, you had colored your blonde hair a beautiful chocolate brown. Taylah had cut her locks short, now sporting pixie styled hair. You fished out the new Chanel perfume you had bought and tried it on, inhaling the sweet flowery scent. It reminded you of Mom. You wondered how mom would have reacted if you had told her that you were finally attending a BTS concert. Shaking your hair and mind, you twirled your newly colored locks in your fingers. You really were here. You really were attending a concert. This was too big to comprehend. Too good to be true. That night, when you closed your eyes, you felt like you would never feel happier than how you felt that day. Little did you know that the happiness you were so soaked in could ebb and drain so easily.
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sialiasnest · 5 years
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Also, springtime.
Hang in there, those of you in colder climes. It's coming.
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bloomsandfoliage · 7 years
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Nemesia strumosa
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iplantsman · 4 years
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I cannot recall which Nemesia this is as it was bought as a tender bedding variety, but it has come through the winter with aplomb and is significantly more impressive this year than last. . I like it as it is an ‘off’ colour, not very intense or vibrant. A pretty, but dull-ish red-pink. Not quite what I call a ‘muddy colour’ but not far away. I like a number of these muddy/antique coloured flowers. . Great little flowerer too . #nemesia #beddingplants #garden #tenderperennials #gardens #iplantsman #gardening #containergardening #mygarden #gardenista #easytogrow #pink #yellow #purple (at Crowborough, East Sussex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvbQRsgasl/?igshid=1qnpejx9zar9a
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cecils-dragons · 2 years
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What's up I'm behind on selling hatchling again as always! They are each 15g and the pink ones are all named after pink flowers in alphabetical order, for funzies.
Kai ~ Saffron Fade/Teal Bee/Jade Capsule
Caspian ~ Gold Fade/Teal Constellation/Cerulean Capsule
Nemesia~ Rose Fade/Rose Constellation/Pearl Ghost
Oleander~ Rose Fade/Rose Butterfly/Rose Ghost
Peony~ Rose Piebald/Rose Butterfly/Rose Ghost
Reblogs are appreciated due to links. Thank you all so very much and I hope that you all are happy and safe out there!
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myfoodsflowers · 2 years
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Nemesia, Pink Diascia
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sunbadgerplants · 4 years
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Another experimental combo in a big 20” pot. The dichondra has to fill in a little still, but otherwise I think it turned out pretty nice!
‘Angel Wing’ senecio, ‘Bordeaux’ and ‘Heavenly Blue’ petunias, nemesia ‘Aromance Pink’, ‘Diamond Snow’ euphorbia, and ‘Silver Falls’ dichondra. 
Edit: added a couple different angles.
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Call to Arms
Have just returned from a wonderful 5 days in the Valle d’Aosta but prior to the trip (more on that in a mo) the weather suddenly improved after continual wet and there was the urge to get out and do something!  I managed to get a big bonfire away which helped free up a little space in the glory hole. One or two more roses were pruned and quite a bit of work in and around the veg patch. Had a bit of a sort out in the greenhouse - finally harvested the last of the chillies which are now almost dried enough to blitz to go in a jar, and joy of joys managed to clean nearly all of the outside glass and paintwork - just the back to do.  Also managed to tie up the rather broken blind to let in maximum sunshine.
Unfortunately the marriage for Mavis didnt happen so we are rescheduled for the late spring - not ideal but just one of those things - possibly we could have done with being two days later - she was almost willing but not quite!
My annual quick flit to the mountains for a bit of r and r was absolutely perfect. After all the New Year festivities, it is a quiet week and skiing was a joy with virtually no-one on the pistes, blue sky the entire time and excellent snow conditions.  Had a great time catching up with my Italian friends, having to speak Italian a lot which was very good for me, and the chance to read two books in four days - taking the book in a backpack is brilliant when I had to ski alone, as the coffee break and lunch are excellent opportunities for a few chapters.  So I returned home feeling very refreshed and immediately changed my skiing attire for picking up attire for a long and hard day yesterday.  The girls were thrilled to see me but have been well looked after and had lots of lovely walks with Mr and Miss Horta.
Beautiful day today, contra all forecasts, so I managed a quick hour of starting to cut back and organise the traditionally driest of the borders.  A mole has as usual been causing turmoil but once I start working a bit more, and adding compost etc I think it will push off - it seems to be an annual event!  Pruned the Sweet Juliet and Prosperity rose and cut back to half, the Salvia involucrata - this used to be a pretty tender perennial and if you were lucky to get it through the winter, you definitely did not cut it down until March.  Now with much warmer winters it can take being reduced at least which helps in getting the preparations for spring under way.  I do wonder if we shall have a sting in the tail of February and March as at the moment it is somewhat ridiculous.  The aconites have been in full flower since New Years Eve, the Alliums are poking through in the main border and the great tits and pigeons were singing today as though it were the end of February.
The joy of the winter scents are all around - Sarcococca, Mahonia, Chimonanthus and Viburnums are brilliant and the winter flowering cherry I think is the best I have ever seen it.  Soon to come will be the Daphnes.
Sadly the warmer weather has caused a lot of my bedding plant cuttings to damp off and I have lost all the Verbenas that were doing so well till the end of December.  Luckily the vanilla scented Nemesias seem ok.
Am about to order all my seeds today as I realise I need to start thinking about getting shallots in - the garlic are all through, but as soon as seeds arrive I must sow the broad beans and sweet peas.  It seems to come round very fast!  The rhubarb is showing pink points so I had better put some buckets over the top to force it a little.
Off picking up again tomorrow, forecast is good and a good wind, midweek looks dodgy but still warm.  Grass is growing which is not helpful.  Help comes on Thursday with the last hedge to finish and then we can start on the sad removal of the badly affected box hedging.
Anytime now dont forget to remove the old leaves on the hellebores - the buds are forming up well and as soon as the flower shoots get a little taller it is best to remove these old leaves which get affected by virus so easily - also shows the flowers off to their best.  While it is still mild get the roses finished - the rugosas are shooting in places so they need doing. Prune apples and pears if not done, wisterias also - to 3 buds from main stem on the new growth, and vines before the sap starts to run too much.
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ellenhenryart · 5 years
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New pretty pink and green dress "Pink and Yellow Nemesia in a Garden" A-Line Dress by #ellenhenry on #Redbubble⠀ https://www.redbubble.com/people/ellenhenry/works/39818505-pink-and-yellow-nemesia-in-a-garden?asc=u&p=a-line-dress⠀ ⠀ #newwork #newdesign #ellenhenry #redbubble #ellenhenryart #floralphotography #flowers #homedecor #homesweethome⠀ #nature #sundress #dresses #fashion #summer #summerdress (at Wimbledon, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbYKwZlDIS/?igshid=145ubt47pjhp4
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tezsaltblogsrhpc · 6 years
An Insufficient Amount of Cardamom Chai: A descent back into Nemesia Nonsense Hell (Part 1)
*makes pot of tea, hides "royalty are spooky demons" AU character/worldbuilding notes behind back* Shall we get on with this nonsense?
The quest in question is "Will of the People": "Somebody has taken over Granorg and seems to be abusing that power." You know, totally unlike Granorg at any other time in the last, like, fifteen years.
"Your next stop is another possible Granorg," she says, like we've been there more than twice, ever.
"Apparently, someone seized power there and is already abusing it." Totally unlike normal Granorg, then.
"Granorg's been taken over?" Stocke says, like this hasn't happened like four times that he knows of. This is the endgame; he knows that but for the grace of Evil Uncle, he could be on that throne, trying to find a way to avoid killing his teenage sister.
"Call it a hunch, but I've got a feeling an Artifact is involved." So much for her being able to get ~readings~ on the ~artifacts~, I guess. -_-
"What's wrong, Stocke? We need to hurry to the tavern." "Heiss said there'd be people from the Resistance who would help us out."
*grimly taking notes for later*
"Let's see... I think the pass phrase was, 'I don't want a drink, I want steak.'" ...I guess you get kudos for having a bare minimum of opsec, unlike canon? I mean, not that Heiss's agents probably actually need it, since Stocke has never heard of dressing inconspicuously and half of Specint's employees are probably Shadows anyway, but...
"Right, then from there, we infiltrate the castle and assassinate the king." Sure is convenient how they're explaining all the mission directives they just got to Stocke, who was also right there when they got them, isn't it?
"(So in this world, Heiss' mission has us assassinating the king instead of Eruca…)" Yeah, I'm going to have quite a lot to say about that soon.
"(No matter. So long as I can eventually reach the Artifact.)" Because it's not like there being a king at all raises a ton of questions about Eruca's well-being! It's not like his sister, the crown princess, the person without whom the world will end, the person he murdered his best friend to protect, one of the only other survivors of the bloodline necessary to the survival of the world, might maybe be in danger from a coup! Nope, plot coupon is the most important thing. This is definitely where Stocke's priorities would lie without any mind-control whatsoever.
Nyarlamesia: 59
Nothing obvious at all about having a heavily-armed dude stationed outside your bar accosting random strangers who get near to tell them the bar is "rented out for the day." This is definitely how you keep a rebel meeting secret.
...urrrrrrgh, they have the effrontery to use Eruca's white-and-pink cloak sprite for this. I'm not even through my first cup of tea, and I'm already feeling like I'm going to need more.
"Judging from that red getup, I take it you're the agent?" ...I guess in this fragment, the Resistance were not Ernst's close friends, or something.
"We can finally take back Granorg from King Dias and Count Selvan!" I'm not going to respond to the obvious point here, because I'm saving it.
"Dias wears the crown, but Selvan may as well sit on the throne." *opens mouth* *array of Dias/Selvan jokes of varying levels of raunchiness pass through head* *can't pick one* *closes mouth*
Anyway, this exposition also falls under the "Gee, it sure is convenient..." thing; Stocke and co. have allegedly been sent here to work with the Resistance to kill Dias, so alt!Stocke really ought to already know this crap.
"Seriously. They're driving this country into the ground, even as they gear up for war. In fact, they're planning to invade Alistel as we speak." So, uh... actually better than normal Granorg, then, because in the main timeline, Granorg had been trying to invade Alistel for quite some time even before the game started.
"Thank you, that gives me a good idea of what's going on here."
"...Stocke, Heiss told us all of that a month ago."
"By the way, we were told you three are the only assassins…" Don't worry, dude, there are another four people who will magically be able to teleport in out of nowhere if we're at risk of getting in a fight.
Including the princess of Granorg. Who no one has bothered to mention so far.
And of course, this plan involves LITERALLY THE ENTIRE CASTLE GUARD abandoning their posts because the Resistance is making a fuss at the front gate, while we walk straight into the throne room to assassinate the king, who will be totally unguarded. This makes total sense and is definitely not stupid.
*puts Eruca in my party out of spite*
...woooooow, those are sure some palette-swapped thaumachines right there.
How Do I Art: 83
Dias: "Who the devil are you!?"
"The color scheme police. We're here to execute you for crimes against graphic design."
"I commend you Resistance worms for coming so far. As a reward, your deaths shall be swift." ...I guess add Dias to the list of characters PC cannot write to save its life. Or blame it on alternate timeline and ~artifact~ mind control. But also, like. There were no guards. "Coming so far" means "walking in." And main-timeline Dias and Selvan, at least, know about the sewer passage.
"If you're giving out rewards, we'd much prefer your heads instead." Speaking of OOC, this is Stocke talking. That's something Garland would say, or the Resistance dudes. Stocke would just tell him that his guards are gone and to surrender the throne or die.
"Yes... We'll treat them to a taste of our newfound power."
"Servants, wheel out the hot-pink-and-green thaumachine we have in the back! We will blind them with our powers of terrible color palettes!"
"I've never seen thaumachines like that!"
"They're so... ugly!"
oh good lord they put a terrible "talking through a speaker" filter on Dias's voice and it hurts my ears
Annoying Sound Effects: 45
"Leave it to me. I won't let them land a single scratch on you." I feel like instead of assassinating them, it would be a lot easier to just give them a shipment of really good champagne, and then take over the kingdom while they're busy drunkenly making out.
"Here we go. There's no losing this one, no matter what!" Why is it acting like this is some dramatic long-awaited confrontation. Stocke has effortlessly kicked Dias's ass in cutscenes twice now, and Selvan took one look at him and went "NOPE NOPE NOPE" and left.
*sees thaumachine names*
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So yeah anyway at this point I started cackling so hard that my sibling came into my room to make sure I wasn't having an asthma attack.
Dias's ugly mech is called Blue Rose, because of course it is, his beauty is unattainable and his love for Selvan is immortal.
But Selvan's ugly mech.
Selvan's mech.
I think it was probably supposed to be called "Tour de Force," with the katakana leaving off the R in "tour" because it's barely pronounced.
The PC translator did not think so.
And... look, man I really want to keep beating around the bush here, but I don't think I can keep from sharing this:
They called it "Tudeforce."
In their defense, if there is one character I think could power a thaumachine through sheer force of 'tude, it'd be Selvan.
My throat hurts from laughing.
*drinks rest of cup of tea so she doesn't die of giggles*
...Seriously? The best battle trash talk you could come up with for Selvan is "You are nothing!"? The plot coupon's mind control has really put him off his A game, huh. Or maybe he’s used up too much of his ‘tude reserves powering the mech to have any for good insults. (The filter still sounds awful, too; I think this must be part of how they processed the ear-splitting goblin noises.)
Dias uses "Falling Flower" with a ridiculous squawking noise, hitting 4 times for approximately as much damage as a falling flower. By which I mean 1 each.
Stocke may be slightly overleveled.
Selvan uses "Promotion," creating a field effect that increases all stats in a three-square area; Rosch, not to be outdone, shows up and uses Great Command on Aht, raising all her stats. YOU PROMOTE DIAS, HE'S GOING TO PROMOTE A NINE-YEAR-OLD JUST TO SPITE YOU.
(Naturally, a Volt Star Trap completely vaporizes Selvan, and the field with him.)
aaand then I stole Dias to death and determined that Selvan's steal sucked and his is probably going to too and swore a lot.
"CAN you withstand THIS!" Dias yells this time after I kill Selvan before he can even get a turn, while dealing pretty minor damage. Yes, Dias. Yes I can.
...Dude, it doesn't get any more impressive if you yell it eight times in a row while applying a debuff I can take off my whole party for 2 MP. Especially when, as far as I can tell, you can't even use any status effect skills to make your status resistance down effect mean anything.
aaaaaand yeah, all Dias had, which he was hanging onto with a death grip, was a Might Herb+.
how did they even land that far from their ugly thaumachines
"Inconceivable... How could they have overpowered us?" Because Stocke is level 83 and I have Volt Star Trap and judging from the damage numbers the second time, the 'Tudemobile had less than 1500 HP, so I'm pretty sure you clowns would have been pushovers even if I wasn't hideously overpowered?
...And then the entire Resistance team comes in the front door, because of course they do.
We didn't even kill them. We marched into a palace and took the rulers hostage, with a group of eight people (3 foreign assassins, 3 Resistance dudes, a preteen boy, and cloaked person who I am very sorry to inform you is not going to turn out to be Eruca), when they have an army and we don't, and half the group are apparently continuing to casually chat in the throne room while the other half marches Dias and Selvan off who knows where and the guards were only at the gates. I hate PC.
"Hey, Marc... why don't we go with them? It'd be pretty bad if they got away." IT'D BE PRETTY BAD IF YOU GOT CAUGHT BY THE GUARDS WHO ARE ON THEIR WAY IN, RIGHT NOW, TO KILL YOU. Also, you have already screwed this mission right the hell up if they're still alive when your orders were, explicitly, to kill them.
PC doesn't understand what "assassination" means, does it.
"Hmm... You've got a point. We'll escort them, Stocke."
"You can stay here and... uh... distract... the guards. (Quick, Raynie, let's run while the thing pretending to be Stocke isn't paying attention.)"
Stocke: "You'll have the opportunity now. Shape this kingdom into the one you want it to become."
Me, knowing who he's talking to, while the game tries to hide it by not displaying a portrait but he's looking right at her:
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Mystery woman: "Please, accept this token of my gratitude." Stocke: "What's this?" Mystery woman: "A reminder of my vow to improve this country."
"I won't be needing it anymore, since my new plan is to make it SO MUCH WORSE! :D"
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"You should hold onto it, then. To make sure those dreams stay at the forefront of your mind." ...Apparently neither does Stocke, even with the mind control.
"Thanks to everyone here, my dreams have already come true."
"I've always dreamed of watching a small child electrocute a man in a mech powered by sarcasm before being arrested."
"Henceforth, I have a new goal: to make this kingdom a better place for all of its people." Sooo... her old ~vow~ was to improve the country, and her ~new goal~ is to... improve the country.
Story checks out.
"Besides, I have a funny feeling that someday you'll need it." "All right. In that case, I'll gladly accept."
...They're trying to do a parallel to Eruca giving him Etherion, aren't they.
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"Now then, if you'll excuse me, there are matters I must attend to." "Hold on a moment. I never had the honor of learning your name."
Also. STOCKE. Saying, "I never had the honor of learning your name."
If there was ever a new line that nevertheless deserved an increment to a count about changes, that was it right there.
Let Stocke Say Ass: 13
Anyway yeah, if you hadn't guessed yet, the ~big twist~ is that Mystery Woman is Protea.
Eruca was not mentioned the entire quest, except for Stocke thinking that they were sent to assassinate her in the original timeline.
I will also point out that Protea's entire contribution in this quest's story was, in its entirety, to ask Alistel to send assassins. Just in case you were under the impression this was a rare case of PC letting a female character significantly contribute.
"Welcome aboard. From the look on your face, I'd say it went well." Yeah, we left alt!Stocke in the middle of the throne room with no idea how he got there and an army of guards bearing down on him, I'm sure that's a happy ending.
(Also, I would expect his expression would be "shocked and conflicted," but since that's me basing my guesses on knowledge of the story, his character, and how actual human beings emotionally react to things, clearly that can't be the case here.)
...Or maybe Nyarlamesia can't actually read human facial expressions and is just pretending. That would explain a few things.
Nyarlamesia: 60
"Say... What's that in your hand?"
"A charm against evil influences that is absolutely not working."
"I wonder what the Protea in my own history would do if she felt the emotions held within it."
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"Perhaps it could break through her cold exterior to reveal the warmth hidden beneath..."
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So. If you ever wanted to know what a misogynist trying to write a redemption for a female villain looks like: This. This is what is looks like.
She's a woman, so there has to be ~warmth~. She can't really be uncaring and selfish, because she's a woman. What exactly does she care about? Uhhh... things! Who cares, women don’t have unique and individual desires and goals! They’re just Warm! And Caring!
And that's the only way they can conceive of her having redeeming features: by ~secretly caring~ under her ~cold exterior~, and if she can just be reminded of how she ~really feels~ ~deep down~, which is Womanly and therefore Caring, all those things that made her a villain will magically evaporate and she'll become a Good Woman again.
And I will note: she CANONICALLY MADE IT OUT ALIVE in vanilla. She fled. A couple of the NPCs in Granorg if you turn around at the start of the final dungeon talk about how she's been exiled from the city. This isn't even a resurrection, except possibly for her unnamed guards who never speak or appear in any other scene; this is just absolute desperation to scrub out anything resembling negative consequences for anyone with a face from the story.
"*chuckle* You put on a stoic front, but you really do care about people, don't you." Yes, PC writers, we're all very impressed by your ability to parrot the one-sentence summary of Stocke's personality you were handed along with the story outline.
...Geez, this is already ten pages, and I've barely even scraped the surface of everything wrong with just this part of this garbage quest. More tomorrow.
Why was this changed? 492
Changes I Don’t Hate: 227
Poor choice of expressions/voice clips/sound effects: 132
Oops: 106
How Do I Art: 83
Nyarlamesia: 60
Annoying Sound Effects: 45
Handy-dandy gameplay changes: 31
Great budget priorities: 22
The monkey's paw is flipping me off: 16
Let Stocke Say Ass: 13
Save Me From Fanservice: 9
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Prune, Plan, Peruse
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”
~ George Moore
Like most of us who have been sheltering at home for the past eleven months, traveling to foreign lands has not been part of my normal activities. At first, I was immensely disappointed to cancel my 2020 exotic trips, especially the one that would have reunited me with my European pen pal with whom I’ve been corresponding regularly since I was nine years old. That’s a long time to have maintained a close relationship across thousands of miles.
But, like so many, this past year has found me digging even deeper into communion with nature. I have been inspired by its majesty and motivated to respect our alliance with a stronger devotion by spending many hours outdoors in contemplation as well as work-mode.
A week ago, the hills were still golden brown but with the recent heavy rains, a lushness and verdancy have finally appeared.  February nights bring increased frost and freezing temperatures. We must cover our tender plants with burlap or cloth as protection.
The most necessary garden chore this month is pruning our fruit trees. It is essential to prune your peaches, pears, prunes, plums, apples, and apricots while the trees are dormant in winter. Sweet cherries are pruned in summer as they are susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases. All other fruiting trees need to be pruned to allow for increased sunlight to penetrate the branches which will in turn yield higher quality fruit. Pruning helps battle diseases while developing a better form for a healthier tree.
The tools you’ll need are a lopper, hand pruner, pruning saw, and long-handled pruning shear. You may need a ladder if your tree is especially tall but be very careful when using any ladder. Make sure to have a second person with you to hold the ladder since the ground may not be level. Sterilize your tools with alcohol or bleach mixed with water to avoid spreading any disease from plant to plant. 
By removing unnecessary limbs, you will be able to shape the tree while providing better access for any necessary spraying.  The increased sunlight promotes a larger size of fruit with a uniform ripening time. Insect infestation and other diseases are reduced through pruning because after a rain shower, the limbs will dry more quickly. Pruning appropriately will provide a more beautiful canopy without topping the tree. The sugar content of the crop is increased with the airflow and sun. Harvesting is easier. Pick up a book on pruning to read about the best methods for your various tress or watch online tutorials. If you feel out of your league, hire a professional arborist. Always gather the trimmings from the ground.  When dry, use as kindling, shred for mulch, or add to your green bin.
Although this month is not the time to plant annuals and perennials, it is the perfect time to plant any bare-root specimens including roses, berries, and fruit trees. Check out the selection at your favorite nursery or garden center. Follow the directions on the packaging for soaking the roots, light pruning, digging the holes, and filling. By late spring most bare-rooted plants are established and flourishing.
Besides pruning and planting bare-root, February is a terrific time to plan for all-season enjoyment and splendor. Recently a delivery was made by someone who hadn’t been to my garden since the summer before the pandemic. His first comment to me was: “Your landscape is so beautiful and colorful… it’s like falling into a chapter of Alice in Wonderland.” I expressed my thanks for his sweet compliment, although in my mind I was thinking “winter is the ugliest time of the year in my garden.” 
I decided to look at my yard through a different lens…fresh eyes, as if returning from a vacation. Sometimes when we rarely leave our cocoon, we fail to recognize the evolution of the cycles of attraction. As I walked around my property, I saw what he saw—a hillside covered in sweet-smelling narcissi, rows of pink Bergenia, waves of purple sage, shimmers of calendulas, bushes of azaleas, rhododendrons, and roses, trees of camellias, groves of ferns, mounds of nemesia, orchards of citrus, crocus, calla lilies, and daffodils popping, and the soaring orange plumes of birds of paradise all in full glorious bloom.  Even in the middle of winter, my garden is teeming with interest and vibrancy. 
Take a walk around your garden and make notes of where you need more wit and whimsy. Know where the sun rises, moves, and sets throughout your landscape. Do you need to add or extend irrigation? Do you have a favorite color palette, or do you prefer a cacophony of color authentically unique to you? 
Once you understand your wants and needs, pour a cup of tea, cover yourself with a cozy throw, and peruse a multitude of garden catalogs that showcase bulbs, annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, grasses, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Research what plants will be best suited to your terrain and micro-climate. Make a wish list noting the months to order, when to plant, and when to expect the show. By creating a calendar of flowering events, your garden will boast attractive appeal all year long. For a dramatic night environment, make sure to add outdoor lighting and lanterns to highlight trees, paths, fences, and walls. 
Here are a few catalog favorites that you can order:
White Flower Farm: www.WhiteFlowerFarm.com
John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds: www.KitchenGardenSeeds.com
Plant Delight Nursery, Inc.: www.PlantDelights.com
Bluestone Perennials: www.BluestonePerennials.com
The Whole Seed Catalog: www.Rareseeds.com
Renee’s Garden Seeds: www.Reneesgarden.com
Proven Winners Shrubs: www.ProvenWinners-shrubs.com
David Austin Roses: www.DavidAustinRoses.com
Your general state of happiness is connected to how much you enjoy your home. With these garden catalog treasures, you can travel the globe without leaving the safety of your house. Prune, plan, peruse, and dream on. 
Happy Gardening! Happy Growing! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Press Pass: https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2021/02/07/prune-plan-peruse/
Photos and More: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1425/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Prune-plan-and-peruse.html
Cynthia Brian, The Goddess Gardener, is available for hire to help you prepare for your spring garden. Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com.
Buy copies of her best-selling books, including, Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul, Growing with the Goddess Gardener, and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers at www.cynthiabrian.com/online-store. Receive a FREE inspirational music DVD.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures.
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paulnadal82-blog · 6 years
#ranuncolo #magia #flowers #beautiful #garden #wauuuu #mothernature #pink #yellow #red #violet #good #goodlife #cameliajaponica #dianthus #nemesia #multicolor #natureremix #remix #nature #look #magical
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