#phillip knives out
irlzsasz · 1 year
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Thank you Rian but also wdym Blanc can’t afford his apartment? He’s a famous detective????
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tieflingpride · 1 year
you know how blanc keeps getting invited to things? I think for the third film I want blanc to be invited as his husband’s plus one to an event because his husband is actually much more famous than he is. so none of these people actually know who blanc is and people are like “oh when we said plus one we meant like your partner” and phillip constantly has to be like “this is my partner” and so forth and the people are just like either super awkward about it or like ignore what he said.
The partygoers constantly get blanc’s name wrong like calling him ‘benny’ or ‘bob’ or just like a horrible attempt at benoit but this is his husband’s event so blanc just bites his tongue and politely corrects them. because these are his husband’s coworkers and investors and so these are important people.
then suddenly someone dies and blanc begins to do his thing and someone is like “why is benjamin playing detective” and blanc is about to politely correct them but this is phillip’s like last straw and he’s like “for the last fucking time his name is benoit and he’s the fucking world’s greatest detective” and one of them is like “whoa phillip why are you going tooth and nail for this guy?” and he’s just like “HES MY FUCKING HUSBAND YOU ABSOLUTE CLOD”
and I want Helen and Marta there because I love them.
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Ethan Hawke’s character in Glass Onion when Benoit didn’t gag when he shot the treatment thing in the back of his throat:
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staypuffy · 1 year
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And now, for your viewing pleasure I present to you the Hugh Grant Gay Characters Cinematic Universe, or as it’s known colloquially: HGGCCMU.
Seriously though this man is collecting fruity roles like Thanos collected infinity stones.
Just in case anyone was curious as to my classification of said roles, Clive Durham is the Power Stone, Jeremy Thorpe is the Reality Stone, Raymond is the Mind Stone, Phoenix Buchanan is the Space Stone, and Phillip is the Soul Stone.
One more gay role and Hugh Grant has the power to end the world as we know it.
Please keep this in mind throughout the new year.
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girlcheater · 1 year
Benoit blanc met Phillip between cases and Phillip was a legal aide of sorts and he ran into Blanc because Blanc ended up in court as a witness for one of his cases and Phillip is watching him like wow he's cool. Eccentric but intelligent. and then later Blanc has to be called back into court for whatever reasons and Philip volunteers because hey the guys chill and hot and Phillip shows up at Blanc's house because his office is closed and Blanc lets him in and Phillip comes to between-cases-mental-breakdown-Blanc, books lying all around, like 7 different jam jars, at least 2 open laptops running, TV that he's pretty sure that Blanc Just turned off, and-
Oh my god, Phillip thinks, Blanc is insane. I need him.
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milscie · 1 year
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Look at him go!!! His gay little outfits in Glass Onion were too much for me to handle, I had to draw him! Hopefully I can finish this up pretty quick, but I’ve been having fun with it.
Everyone go watch Glass Onion if you haven’t it’s so good
Also bonus of his husband:
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I love Hugh Grant so much
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dumbbitchawards · 2 years
ENOUGH about benoit and phillip. When are we going to acknowledge the potential of helen and marta
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isopod-milf · 1 year
So in real life Hugh Grant is 62 and Daniel Craig is 54, so I’m putting that as Blanc and Phillip’s actual ages. Now give me a fic about Phillip being insecure at the thought of turning 60 and Blanc reassuring him like the good husband he is
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somestorythoughts · 1 year
So the style of the Knives Out movies combined with posts on how they met made me think of a story where Benoit meets Philip through Philip’s like, sister or cousin or best friend who is having trouble due to assholes and that eventually leads to dates.
This can, funnily enough, be combined with the Philip is an ex-jewel thief headcanon I’ve seen a couple times
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nico-theniner · 1 year
Uhh guys If you’ve ever thought about giving up on your dream of having absolutely no media literacy, don’t do it! My best friend just told me that her first thought upon seeing Hugh grant as Benoit Blancs husband in glass onion was “oh cool, it’s showing men can be maids too!”
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mimisempai · 1 year
I'm all the way back where I belong
Benoit's last investigation was exhausting, as always, and after a week's absence, he is happy to be home.
Happy birthday @jaylh49 !!
On Ao3
Rating G - 734 words
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It had been a long week. 
Another rocky investigation, and now that everything was resolved, as much as possible, Benoit was exhausted.
All he wanted to do was go home.
As he got out of his car, the mere sight of the lighted windows gave him a sense of relief.
As soon as he walked through the door of the apartment, he took off his shoes, put his things in the hallway and started to untie that damn tie.
As he sighed to release the pressure, a pleasant smell reached his nostrils and his empty stomach made itself heard. He walked to the kitchen and stopped in the doorway, smiling at the sight before him.
Phillip, in his ever-present pink apron, was preparing dinner under the watchful eye of Miss Marple, who followed his every move, no doubt hoping for a reward. Seeing Benoit, the cat meowed and jumped off the kitchen counter to come to him.
Benoit leaned over to scratch hers head as she stopped beside him, and Phillip exclaimed as he turned around, "Benoit! You're finally home!"
Benoit stepped forward and rested his forehead on Phillip's shoulder and Phillip wrapped his arms around him, laughing.
"Hey, love...tough week, huh?" he gently kissed the top of Benoit's head.
Benoit breathed out: "You have no idea," then wrapped his arms around Philip's waist.
"I sensed that from your rare texts, which is why I prepared something more elaborate for us when I knew you were coming home tonight and..."
He was interrupted by a growl from Benoit's stomach and continued with a small laugh, "...I see I was right."
Benoit looked up, "It smells great."
They stayed like this for another two minutes, then Phillip tried to pull away, but Benoit held onto him, so his husband said quietly, "My dear, if you want to be able to eat, you're going to have to let go of me so I can continue cooking."
Benoit stepped back and let go of Phillip, showing that he was reluctant to do so.
Phillip turned to the pot on the stove and as he began to stir he felt two arms around his waist and Benoit's chin resting on his shoulder. Phillip laughed softly but made no attempt to shake Benoit off.
Honestly, even though Benoit was not stingy with kisses and touches, there was something endearing about him being so clingy.
So Phillip continued to move around the kitchen, not dislodging the octopus that had taken up residence against him. When he was done, he turned off the fire under the pan, turned around in Benoit's arms, kissed his forehead, and asked quietly, "Do you think you'll be able to let go of me to eat?"
With no other choice, Benoit let go of him and went to the table where Phillip brought two steaming plates. They began to eat in silence, knowing they would have time to talk about their week later. 
After a moment, Benoit's hand slipped across the table and grabbed Phillip's hand that was resting next to his plate.
He brought it to his lips, kissed it and said softly, "Thank you."
Phillip looked puzzled and asked, "Thank you for what?"
"For this." 
Benoit gestured to their plates.
Phillip frowned, "That's normal, isn't it?"
Benoit nodded, "That's right...it's normal. Thank you for giving me this."
Phillip did not lose his puzzled look so Benoit explained, "My life outside here is pretty hectic, even chaotic, and even if it's not for you now, who knows what tomorrow will bring? But when I walk through the doors of our home, I can leave it all behind. Just because you're here, doing this kind of thing...normal, as you say."
Phillip, clearly embarrassed, nodded and grumbled, "Eat, or it will get cold."
Benoit gripped his fork but didn't miss the slight blush on Phillip's upper cheeks.
"Hm?" Philip looked up, and Benoit was leaning toward him, running a light stroke of his tongue over the corner of his mouth.
"What's that for?" 
Benoit took on an innocent look and replied, "You've got a little sauce there."
Phillip, while not having the deductive skills of his husband, knew how to spot a lie and gave Benoit a fake scolding look while pointing his finger, "You cheeky bastard!"
Benoit laughed and watched with delight as Phillip joined in the laughter.
Yes, he was home.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
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lecoindecachou · 11 months
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Alright, which one of you is gonna write the 'Benoit Blanc is a sex god' fic?
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the glass onion fic has been posted!!
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hawkmothdiemotte · 1 year
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Au, where everything is the same but Blanc is a mermaid and phillip calls himself Alexander waverly at work
I Like the cut pic more but I need context for everything
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mortiaddams13 · 1 year
I want a prequel Knives Out movie where Benoit Blanc solved his first case in his same usual enthusiastic country accented exposition filled reveal and no one really believes that he’s solved it-not even the culprit as they’re being hauled away.
And I want at least one Prequel where Phillip is either a witness or is important to the case somehow and Benoit and he get close and just when Benoit is worrying that Phillip might really be the culprit there’s some grand reveal or twist that reveals the entire thing and Phillip is 100% not the culprit.
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girlcheater · 1 year
also, because, im unhinged when i recover from my slept-24-hours-in-8-days-exam-season-binge ill write a 50k benoit blanc pandemic mental breakdown fic. he’s just losing his mind and phillip is like darling have you tried leaving the tub it might help.
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