phonemantra-blog · 18 days
Ryan Sutter, a beloved figure in Bachelor Nation thanks to his role on "The Bachelorette" and his enduring marriage to Trista Sutter (née Rehn), recently found himself amid an online frenzy. A heartfelt yet cryptic message dedicated to Trista on social media sparked fan speculation about the couple's relationship, prompting Sutter to clarify his intentions. Let's delve deeper into the events that unfolded, the misinterpretations that arose, and Sutter's ultimate message to fans. Ryan Sutter Clears the Air A Message of Love, Misunderstood: The Cryptic Post and Fan Reactions On Ryan Sutter's Instagram feed, a black and white photo of him and Trista appeared with a caption expressing his longing for his wife. The message, while undeniably loving, lacked context, leading fans to jump to conclusions. Here's a breakdown of the post and the resulting speculation: The Post: Sutter's message conveyed his desire to talk to Trista, hear about her day, and simply be present for her. However, he acknowledged that she needed "time to discover herself again," indicating a period of separation. Fan Speculation: The lack of context led fans to believe the worst. Some speculated about a marital separation, while others feared for Trista's well-being, with some even fearing her death. Clarification and Relief: Sutter Sets the Record Straight Sensing the confusion and concern his post had caused, Ryan Sutter took to Instagram once again to provide clarification. Here are the key points from his follow-up message: Intention Behind the Post: Sutter intended the message as a personal expression of love for Trista, hoping she would eventually see it. He intended it for a private moment between them, not public consumption. Misunderstanding and Media Frenzy: Sutter acknowledged his departure from his usual content and the unintended consequences. The post, meant for Trista, was misinterpreted and picked up by media outlets, leading to a public outcry. Assurance and Return to Normalcy: Sutter reassured fans that both he and Trista are doing well. He closed the message with a humorous note, suggesting a return to his usual dog-centric posts. Second Round of Reassurance: Sutter Clarifies Trista's Absence This wasn't Sutter's first attempt at clarifying the situation. Shortly after the initial cryptic post, he addressed fan concerns directly: Trista's Well-Being: Sutter assured fans that Trista is "fine" and that they are "great." Temporary Separation: He explained that Trista was pursuing a personal opportunity that required her to be temporarily inaccessible. Missing Trista: Despite the temporary separation, Sutter expressed his love and longing for his wife. The Enduring Love Story: Ryan and Trista Sutter Ryan Sutter and Trista Rehn's love story captured the hearts of Bachelor Nation in 2003. Trista, the first Bachelorette, chose Ryan as her final rose, and their televised wedding solidified their status as a reality TV power couple. This recent episode, though unsettling for fans, ultimately serves as a testament to the enduring love and commitment between Ryan and Trista.
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blaqsbi · 1 month
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Post: Part personal quest, part testimony, part historical correction, The Other Madisons is the saga of... https://www.blaqsbi.com/56MH
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softnostalgias · 3 months
Why am I here if I don't feel anywhere like I should be?
I've been wondering about the meaning of my existence since the dawn of time. Nothing seems real to me and yet everything remains inscribed in me. I've nowhere to go, but I believe that you can't lose yourself when you've already lost everything, when you've never had anything.
A meaning to my existence so that I can be reborn, because I died when I was born.
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ecopportunityx · 5 months
Has Brian noticed any lingering weirdness during post-jar life related to them getting used to having a body again? Something like moments where they speak without thinking before realizing that they even can, or a like a reverse phantom limb kind of feeling?
Very personalquestion sorry brian, if it softens the blow please know that i love you immensely and am obsessed with you
Oh, absolutely. They definitely say too much without thinking, having no filter after god knows how long stuck with Bass and their only way of fighting back being insulting him, the words just come out of their mouth before they realize it. They used to pride themself on having a really controlled image and being really good at picking and choosing what to say to get what they want, so this is immensely frustrating.
More physically, they still find their stamina has been kinda tanked, despite the AI's efforts. It's hard for them to walk long distances I think. There's also a lot of awkwardness and bumping into things, sort of like how teenagers move after getting a growth spurt. Lots of bumping into walls and corners and hitting their shins. Again, after being so used to a controlled image this is really frustrating.
The big thing is after being trapped in a single room for so long they REALLY want to go out and do stuff but it's become so scary. They're not used to their body, they're not used to speaking, they're not used to being around all these people, but at some point they WERE used to it and the sense of having lost that is agonizing. There's likely a point when they become a total shut-in because of this, and may develop agoraphobia? No matter what Ashley, Chantal, and Kid will help them, though.
They really value their personal freedom/autonomy and their body's really the ultimate representation of that. So having that taken and then only returned after it had been long enough for them to have to relearn having it is the most grave possible insult to their person.
Not to keep talking about music but this idea of "revenge after having the object embodying your personal freedom stolen from you" is why Death of a Bike Thief is on the EOX playlist, though in the song it's a bike and not a body. It lines up really well.
Okay this was sad and heavy so have Brian after having their ego fueled by the last part of the ask:
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A Parrot of Privilege - Slice Of Life Stories 🎧
🎧Slice Of Life Stories “A Parrot of Privilege” #Podcast - The value of a relationship is not merely in its longevity but in its sincerity.
#AParrotOfPrivilege #OldHaveli #Restoration #PetParrot #FrenchChiffon #PushBoundaries #PersonalQuestion #StringOfPearls #RoyalFamily #StainedGlass #VillageLife #SpecialOccasions #LastYearOfSchool #AlwaysWelcome #PricelessJewels #SilverTray #ParrotOnShoulder #Embarrassed #Traumatic #FeelGuilty #Forgiveness #FirstYoungLady #MatchMaker #MyMarriage #WiseBird #LifeChanging #JoyfullyReunited #AncientMemories #SoftNostalgia
Music :  @MarisVijay 
Studio Recording :  @trinitywaves2487   
@SliceOfLifeStories  - Written and Narrated by Tehnaz Bahadurji
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mymetric360 · 6 months
How to politely respond to intrusive questions about being unmarried/childless? #PoliteResponses #PersonalQuestions #RespectfulBoundaries #MindYourOwnBusiness Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you why you’re still unmarried or without children? It can be an awkward and intrusive question, particularly if it comes from someone you don’t know very well. While it’s important to maintain politeness, it’s also important to set boundaries and let people know wh... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/how-to-politely-respond-to-intrusive-questions-about-being-unmarried-childless/?feed_id=30254
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lil-tumbles · 4 years
Okay... Serious question time
Hello, peeps. As you know, I recently came out on tumblr as abrosexual, and have been questioning my pronouns as well. I know I feel like a girl (I’m cis, btw), and I am okay with she/her pronouns, but I want to explore other pronouns too. I wanted to ask... What’s it called if I identify as a girl, but use other pronouns? Or if I use more than one set of pronouns, but am cis? Not sure yet, just thinking about it. What do you think? Is this a thing™? I want people’s opinions.
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gendrypolo · 4 years
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amythystraine · 4 years
Interview with a Tarot Reader
New blog post @ Every Cat Has a Tale...
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icantchangeme · 4 years
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naveenbommakanti · 3 years
Elie Wiesel an American author and Nobel Laureate once observed: “People are united by questions. It is the answers that divide them.”
Many “answers”—in fact they are just opinions pretended to be “truths”—seem to be dividing us more than ever these days. And yet, we still have a deep need and a powerful need to connect with others.
No wonder! If you are here means, by instincts you feel exactly what this author has been observed and concluded. We all need to ask questions to oneself or to others in order to learn or to connect with others deeply. Continue reading.....
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thecpdiary · 3 years
Personal Quest
As a child, I never thought of it or saw my disability as a personal quest. And although I was angry and needed to know what was wrong with me, I became aware from a young age, finding out would totally be out of reach.
Growing up, my non-understanding of my disability and getting to know my disability, and my symptoms would be fated, to take myself down a road that gave me understanding of my disability and my symptoms and that would become my purpose.
It was my right to know, to understand what my disability and struggles were. No matter the obstacles, I had to endure those to get through and it is what I have done. It is the biggest driving force that led to my potential in this world.
The change would bring about the only understanding I needed. It wasn’t something premeditated, it wasn’t vengeance, it was my needing to understand myself, my disability, and my mental and emotional struggles growing up and failing in school.
I wanted and needed to understand and my life needed to change. I didn’t plan my journey, it wasn’t premeditated, but it was fated, my life simply falling into place.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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blaqsbi · 1 year
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Post: Part personal quest, part testimony, part... https://www.blaqsbi.com/56MH
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soaring-winds · 2 years
How do you know yourself
Sometimes I want to know who I am first. I don’t want to wait for when I get older. I don’t want to wait until I get a job, get money, have time. No. I want to know now. I want to know whats my favorite color. That little tibit changes everyonce in a while. Maybe ask myself why I like silence, I like my own company. I don’t want to explore the world when I have time. I want to do that NOW. Before its too late. I don’t even know when is too late. I guess I want to do it all before I die. All those things I haven’t been able to explore. I want to do it now.
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mymetric360 · 6 months
How to politely respond to intrusive questions about being unmarried/childless?
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lil-tumbles · 5 years
Question Time
Bill: Can I ask you a personal question?
Doctor: no
Bill: Can I anyway?
Doctor: Yes.
Bill: Are you from space?
Doctor: No, of course not. No-one's from space; I'm from a planet, like everybody else.
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