stellaralpha · 2 months
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My heart beats so fast I didn't think it was for her so I had to check that I wasn't hallucinating and bring my hand to my chest feeling that fast palpitation.
With my hands over my face thinking about it I think She makes me laugh every now and then, I even gave her a new nickname, a more affectionate one than the last one.
I look like this and I can't even imagine it. Me like this? the person who shows the least affection except for hugs or drawings.
lately my mind and heart wander a lot about what they feel.
But every message I sent and received was a laugh and a big smile on my face I have to be wrong right?
But if I think about it and it's true?
I want an answer
My heart beats so fast every time I get your message and I die laughing at your replies.
I don't even know what we've created out of something more than friendship it's like it's a relationship without being one.
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chaoscollectivegals · 2 months
Threads Of Fate
I never imagined I'd find such different yet similar souls, fate intertwining our paths with diversity and unity.
From contrasting backgrounds, we've formed an inexplicable harmony, a resonance beyond comprehension.
And who would've thought tragedy would bind us, turning grief into shared laughter and whispered confessions?
Amidst chaos, our bond emerged, resilient like a phoenix from despair's ashes. Together, we're a tapestry of experiences, threads of resilience weaving laughter with tears.
In life's mosaic, we're fleeting moments, held together by the hands of destiny.
Though paths may diverge, your presence remains etched in my heart's tapestry.
So here we stand, united by fate's threads, different yet connected, bonded by tragedy's unexpected gift.
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confusedcosmicsoul · 7 months
I love friends who I can message and be like “I’m bored. You wanna go grab some food, drive around and talk for awhile?!?” ❤️❤️❤️
Caroline was like “Make sure you got a full tank of gas love because the updates I’m gonna give you tonight!” 😂
In all honesty though, it really is nice to have peeps I can vibe with; whether it be on like a full blown adventure level, an eat and talk hang out or just be in each other’s presence chilling and doing our own things type of hangouts, they all mean so much to me. It heals and nurtures my soul anytime I get to be with the people I cherish in life 🥹👉🏻👈🏻❤️
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datewithgianni · 3 years
Praying is a conversation with myself and the deities. I have always believed in nature and higher energy than us mere mortals. To pray in a good or bad situation is to deliver part of our longing to the universe, it is an intimate act as this is between me and it. Praying has become a habit, especially at night when I can't sleep, partly to thank for what I have in life and express what I want for the future. Praying is an act of faith, not only in moments of desperation, eviction, or lack of waiting for a miracle but also in moments of peace or tranquility when we need to talk and express our feelings and emotions to the universe. Each person should seek and learn which is his or her way of praying, this is very important for the soul
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