masslaxer · 7 months
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I do like to keep score of my accomplishments because it brings me a sense of self-pride
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robinpronto · 1 year
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"This is the time to remember that I’m the protagonist in my own story, facing every challenge with grace and wit." Maya Van Wagenen "ai" comic book themed image generated from a photo Sophia captured. 🥋 #karatedo #karate #comicart #aiart #protagonist #portrait #portraitphotography #enfj #personality #personalitytype playgroundai https://www.instagram.com/p/CpEAdJIPOLD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heritze · 2 years
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MBTI part 3/4 A N A L Y S T S • • • #digitalart #digitalmedia #procreate #illustration #art #instaart #artistoninstagram #mbti #personalitytype #analysts #intj #intp #entj #entp #cartoon #thisuseris https://www.instagram.com/p/CgAPVoujGlq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pick-a-funny-name · 9 months
Things about being an INTP that I hate about myself:
(some of these things are which I personally experience and I don't know if it's universal or not lol idk what I'm doing)
• Not believing that I am actually an INTP/ Retaking the quiz like a hundred times [and still getting the same result]
• I also do not have the capability to answer simple yes or no questions because I need to think from both sides and the answer is never yes or no
• Feeling extremely overwhelmed by anger or sadness or happiness
• Feeling no emotion at all to the point where I wish I would
• [I don't know if this applies to other INTPs] Having thoughts like "nobody ever will understand me" because everyone is different and even when facing the same situation, people perceive and react differently.
• Everything in life is blur/ cannot understand what and why am I doing stuff because it won't even be worth it because I don't know the fuck is my goal
• Tired of living my life. Like yes I want to live but not this life. I don't even know my purpose like what the heck am I doing? Give me something to work towards pls
• Ppl give too much attention = extreme annoyance and irritation
•Ppl give less attention = "am I invisible?" "Nobody cares abt me"
~Imma reblog when I get more shit to post here~
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eebie · 10 months
why do peopelt alk about personality types like that
#What if we were all just people!!#cos all that mbti stuff And the extent of a someone's persoanlioty is impossible 2capture#based on a 20 question online test That offers no context/reasoning behind the situations and answers it gives you#it just assumes why you chose those things u did and gives you a generalization that might be wildly inaccurate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!#but just because something is a whole load of baloney doesnt mean it cant be fun ^_^ heehee#it's silly sometimes. 2 see people describing The result i got like.. Ooooh .. they're cold unfeeling Machines... they're Evil genuis..#and all coprrect Btw but not in the right way!!!!!!!!!!!#im an unfeeling machine the way im always on my grind and dont give a shit! And im an evilgenuis because im sexy and awesome basically#also thats all super minor stuff Personalitytypes shouldnt be 4 letters it should be about 4986534262357e^10 Letters#cos theres so much shit n overlap and basically its pointless To try n fit that into something as simple as that#Thtas like trying 2 put every color paint from every gradient from every hue and shade onto a single palette#simply impossible n you'll get paint all over yourself trying!!!! and the colors will all smudge together#and then you'll ahve to burn your clothes#but NOT if you have fun with it ^_^#you don't wear a tuxedo while you're painting You wear that silly shit of which itdoesn't matter if it gets paint on it!! a colorful apron#basically trying to put anything in2 a binary In Sincerity is a waste of TIME but it can be fun !!!#NAYWAYS THIS IS STUFF PPL HAVE ALREADY TALKED ABOU IM SURE i just got carried away#*rubs the back of my head *Well.. heh#fuck how do u#do that thing anime boys do#where they do that. that thing i just tried to roleplay as#i forgot how#anyways this is not me being a hater Do whatever the hell u want ^_^ all tha power to u + i love u
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kousuisetsu · 2 years
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final fantasy type-0 personality types:
№11. Jack (insp.)
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aestheticrooms · 1 year
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A bit of personality types 🌞🍄 #16personalities #personalitytypes #istj #estj #enfj #isfj https://www.instagram.com/p/CpU_n_1ovq7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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life as an INFP with adhd on a saturday
When you have the constant feeling of loneliness or you're either burnt out and exhausted.
I feel like I can barely keep up in this life, but I have all these incredible dreams I want to come to fruition. Dreams like running my own business, having a loving, loyal partner, volunteering, and being part of a community - but considering how much alone time I require to process everyday life, how am I supposed to make all this happen?
Lately, I try to allow myself quite-time while I lay in my bed and listen to calming music with noise-cancelling headphones on. I allow myself to heal with artists like Adele, Coldplay and David Grey.
I've realized that since Covid my bandwidth for people in general and socializing is absolutely shot. It makes me wonder though, did I really even have the tolerance before those 3 years? How did I do it? I know for a fact that I wasn't as aligned or self-aware of myself before that time.
So after constant research and sitting with these thoughts, some things that i've found that help me so far:
joining online INFP Facebook groups
researching all things INFP (youtube, online articles, etc) to help better understand myself and what I need
Writing this blog so I can feel "seen", journalling does help but not as much as blogging I find because this way I feel like I can at least think or try to help others who may feel the same way
Walks in nature, listening to music, pilates & yoga classes
Online dating apps
hope this helps :)
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Eight steps to finding your NF calling
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Please note: NF = Intuitive Feeler in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or the “Idealists” in Keirsey’s typology system. NF personality types tend to overlap with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs).
Many NFs struggle to find their calling in life – and usually, for NF people they are searching for a calling, a life purpose. Generally NFs don’t just want a job, they want a meaningful career and vocational direction. Of course, for various reasons NFs may have to work at a job they don’t find particularly stimulating or rewarding. Some may work at a fairly mundane job to support their family, or to fund other creative, spiritual or community service pursuits. I have found NF people to be quite adaptable and are found in all kinds of different workplaces – not just the typical “recommended” careers for their type.
Of all the types, NFs have the most difficulty dealing with jobs and career choices, because the things which NFs at excel at are generally not all that profitable. NFs are typically most interested in and most skilled at various forms of creative arts, music, psychology, social justice, advocacy and community service work. Unfortunately these jobs are often less profitable than many other career paths, and the skills of NFs do not immediately lend themselves to make a great deal of money. This can lead to all sorts of problems, like the “starving artist” syndrome.
Nevertheless, many NFs do not aspire to be affluent, and do not find money or conventional forms of status to be terribly motivating. Yet it is a necessity of life, and it can be frustrating when you can’t find a job in the area that you are most passionate about. Personally, I have experienced conflicting feelings about making money from the vocational areas I’m interested in. Sometimes there is a sense of guilt, or a feeling that these things are too important to make them into a business. I get concerned that money may interfere with my motivation, or somehow detract from the real purpose.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that making money can be a positive thing, as long as it is done in an ethical way. Also, making a profit can be a really good thing, as it enables me to be more generous and give to others. As the successful artist and entrepreneur, Stephanie Rose Freeman says, money amplifies who you are. 
But I do think that dealing with the business side of things can make NFs uncomfortable, as many of these areas – for instance the music industry – are very profit-driven, and this conflicts with NF values in many cases. There is also a common frustration that our culture and society does not always value and is not always willing to pay for the things which NFs view as important and essential to life.
It does seem that the perceiving types have more difficulty making a decision about what to study or what career path to follow, compared to the judging types who are a bit more stable in their sense of direction. As an ENFP, I know that I change my mind a lot – and I’ve also noticed many INFPs do the same thing. I heard one middle-aged INFP lady proclaim, “I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up!” If you are wrestling with this and feel like you should know by now, then you are not alone. It’s not just a challenge for teenagers and young adults – people of all ages have trouble finding direction and knowing what they want to do with their life.
So what is the solution? I won’t claim to have any instant or simple answers to “finding your true calling”. Besides, the concept of “calling” will vary from person to person. For some people, it might mean a spiritual purpose or mission. For others it is more about a career or a particular area of study. Still others see their purpose and goals in life to be more about marriage, family and relationships. For most NFs, I think the idea of “calling” embraces all the above areas, but some people emphasise one aspect more than others.
I would like to share some tips, suggestions and ideas that I have found helpful. This is not professional advice, so feel free to take it or leave it! I have a keen interest in psychology and counselling, but I am by no means qualified. The only qualification I have is that I am an NF, and I’ve observed a many other NFs throughout my life.
Here are eight factors to consider:
One: Write down your dreams and goals, and be willing to brainstorm all kinds of ideas – even the ones that seem wild and wacky. Some people find it helpful to do something creative, such as making a collage of their “ideal life” or the things they are passionate about. Others may be inspired by images on Pinterest, which reflect their hopes and dreams for the future. I once made a slideshow of images which music, which reflected my desires for the future and my sense of identity.
Don’t just consider your long-term goals here, but consider what would your ideal day look like. What would you be doing? How would you spend your time? This can help you get more granular and gain clarity about what you would like to be doing on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you may love painting, but if you’re an extrovert then being isolated on your own in a studio may not be an optimal situation long-term.
Two: Remember there are different seasons of life, and in each season there may be a different focus. In one season of life, I may be focusing primarily on my studies. In another season, I may put more effort into my friendships and community involvement. There may be seasons of travel, searching and self-discovery. Many will go through seasons of investing in their marriage and children. Allow yourself to go through these seasons, and recognise that each one is valid – even if other people do not value them or think you are wasting your time.
Three: Some people make the idea of “calling” all about having your dream job or career. This can be wonderful, but don’t be limited if you are stuck in a mundane job right now. Is there some volunteering you can do which would be rewarding? What creative areas can you pursue in the mean time? Do you have a business idea you would like to explore on the side? Is there a course you could study part-time? Try to see your calling and purpose in a more holistic way, and embrace different ways of finding fulfillment.
Four: This one is particularly for the ENFPs and INFPs: cut yourself a bit of slack. Most NFPs take longer than others to really work out their true calling, purpose and mission in life. People may judge you as unstable, flighty or uncommitted – but don’t take it personally! Many people, especially SJ types, will not easily resonate with NF values. They may find it hard to see the connection between all the different jobs and areas of study you have engaged in, but you will see a common thread among them. Don’t internalise the judgements of other people, hard as it may be.
Five: I really like how Mike from NF Geeks describes NF “path finding” and his recommendations. Mike advises NF types to look for careers that embrace the values of ‘transformation’ and ‘transcendence’. (See link at the bottom of the page.) This can be found in many different types of work, but those principles are important to keep in mind when choosing a career direction or path of study. Also, don’t just consider the kind of job you prefer, but the type of lifestyle and relationships you want.
Six: Be open to different types of careers and various ways of gaining an income. Some people have a couple of part-time jobs, or run their own business on the side. Many NFs enjoy being an entrepreneur, as it gives them lots of scope for flexibility and creativity – as well as doing something more meaningful. For instance, I’m sure that many self-employed life coaches are NFs! I’ve been really inspired by Marianne Cantwell’s book ‘How to be a Free Range Human’ which explores various unconventional career paths.
Seven: Consider what gives you energy and what drains your energy. When do you feel excited, energised and inspired? What gets your juices flowing? Introverts may want to be careful of jobs that require too much extroversion, as they will often end up very drained at the end of the day and will not have much energy left for their friends and family. Extroverts may get too lonely and feel isolated working from home all the time. Personally, I’ve found jobs that require a great deal of attention to detail can be draining, as generally these are areas that Sensors excel at.
Eight: See if you can find people living lives that inspire you – preferably someone you know. Get to know them and ask them questions. Find out how they got into their particular vocation or career. You might even be able to find a mentor who can encourage you and give you wise advice. However, be careful of trying to emulate someone else who may have very different skills and talents from you. Remember to appreciate your own unique gifts and calling, rather than copying another person.
Further Resources:
Puttylike: A Home for Multipotentialites
NF Pathfinding Video by Dr Mike Boudria
150+ Art Careers – The Ultimate List
Live Your Legend: Change the World by Doing Work You Love
How to Be a Free Range Human by Marianne Cantwell
Career Shifters Blog
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ramlavengoli · 2 months
There are many types of personality disorders, each with important differences. These disorders are organized into three groups, or clusters, with shared features and symptoms: Group A personality disorders Group A personality disorders have a consistently dysfunctional pattern of thinking and behavior that reflects suspicion or lack of interest in others.They include: Paranoid personality…
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knowledgenook · 3 months
Personality Development Classes in Singapore: Cultivate personal growth and self-awareness with Kiya Learning personality development classes. Through self-reflection, goal-setting, and skill-building exercises, students develop confidence, resilience, and effective communication skills.
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masslaxer · 7 months
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‘Executive’ personality types have a hard exterior, but try their best and have good intentions. They try to make the place they work better
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zelusacademy · 5 months
Dive into the world…
visit us - https://tinyurl.com/yffz2pdd
Flashback to the classroom days! From the doodlers to the daydreamers, learning was a carnival of personalities. Swipe through this hilarious list, picture a friend who perfectly fits each learner type, or laugh along if you recognise yourself. Let’s have some fun.
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tmarshconnors · 9 months
“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”
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Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology.
Born: 26 July 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland. Died: 6 June 1961, Küsnacht, Switzerland.
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kstarvibes · 11 months
Understanding MBTI: A Deep Dive into Personality Types
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely recognized and respected psychological tool that helps people understand their personality types. Developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, MBTI is based on the theories of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It has been used for decades to help people gain insights into their preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, as…
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rickgoodman · 1 year
How to Manage Difficult Personality Types Effectively as a Leader
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