#perry como song it’s a good day
chaotic-mystery · 8 months
Traitor | J.M.
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Pairing: no outbreak!Joel Miller x reader!
Summary: This was a request I had received by @livingdeadmaria awhile ago and I finally got out of my funk to write! It’s based on the song Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo.
Word count: 1.3K || Warnings: angst. Angst and drinking and more angst. || notif blog for updates ||
You cleared your voice and took a deep breath, preparing for whatever was about to fall out of your mouth while the phone rang on the other end. Two rings and it went to voicemail but that didn’t surprise you. “Hey…I um… I know it’s late but I had to get some stuff off my chest. You always said I could call..if I needed you.” You sat in silence for a few seconds before you fiddled with your finger against your leg, questioning if you should even say anything. “D-do you remember how you used to read me sections of your book so I’d fall asleep faster because you said something about how sleep is important and I need it for my brain to stay sharp? Not sleeping so great these days to be honest with you..I remember you’d call me sweet pea and tell me to get comfy, it’s a long chapter. So I’d tuck myself next to you and you’d read for hours, even after I was asleep.” Your voice faded on the last bit of the sentence, your hand that was tucked into your coat pocket twirling a loose thread.
“I tried one of those audio books of some story to help me sleep but it didn’t work, she didn’t give the story enough of a monotone like you did. So then I tried music to help me fall asleep. I found out I love piano covers of songs. There’s one song though that could never be covered and that would be the one you showed me-” your voice cracked a little, the sting hitting your throat. “And I Love You So by Perry Como. That’s a good one to sleep to…has a lot of memories tied to it.”
The wind nipped at the tip of your nose and you sighed lightly, the puff of air disappearing in front of you. He showed you that song on the old radio he had tucked away in a shelf in his living room after you looked over his music collection he built over the years. He grabbed your hands and begged you to dance with him just until the song was over. As the short memory faded back into your mind and you were in the present, you stood up from the bench and finally walked inside your home. Taking off your coat and boots while your phone still squished against your cheek, you sniffled slightly.
“I heard that song today for the first time in a few weeks and it made me think of you. Took it as a sign to reach out. But then…I uh-” Hesitation overcame your voice before you continued.
“I saw you downtown earlier. Finally went to that winter festival thing they put on every year, the one I used to beg you to go with me to. Man, that was like pulling teeth with you, Joel.” It was. He said the lights and all the cheerful faces and overpriced hot chocolate wasn’t his thing. Of course you wanted to go anyway and you did go, alone.
“I was going to come up and tell you hi, see how you were…but then I noticed you with someone. Funny enough she looked like the one person you said you’d never date.” Your breath hitched and you made your way to the fridge to grab that bottle of wine you bought earlier to pour yourself a glass. You chugged down the first one and poured a second one before continuing the one sided conversation. The anger started to build up inside of you once more, completely taking over the good memories you had with him.
“I begged for you to tell me you had feelings for her, Joel. You always swore to me you didn’t, that I was paranoid for caring so much. Were you lying to me all those times I asked you anything about her? You didn’t even want to hold my hand in front of her towards the end of our relationship…why is that? I never said a word about what I actually thought was going on, just so you’d stay. I thought maybe, just maybe, if I played stupid you'd be happy with that and still stick with me. I loved you through everything, including your worst. Remember when you were terrified of me seeing you at your worst and you thought I’d leave? Never once did I do that, Joel. I stayed through all the bullshit you put me through, tried to help you be the best version of yourself that you could be. I showed you what love was again. You were the one who told me you couldn’t fall for someone after Sarah’s mom left and yet I stuck around. For you and for Sarah. You left me during my worst. Was I that shitty of a person to you that you didn't care about my feelings at all and thought the best thing to do would be to leave in the middle of the night after a fight?"
“Baby cmon I told you nothin’ is going on. She’s just a friend from years ago, I never had those feelings for her.” Joel followed you into your bedroom as you started to pack your stuff in a duffle bag, cleaning out the drawer he gave you in his dresser. “Baby, stop…just listen to me.” His hands grabbed your wrists and shook the clothes from your clutch, pulling you into his chest. Warm tears fell against his shirt and you broke down finally. All the pent up anger and sadness you had spilled onto the fabric against your cheek while Joel’s hand smoothed over your hair. “You’re my girl, okay? What can I do to make you trust me that she’s just a friend?” “Tell me you’ll never date her if we ever break up. I need to hear you say it.” The idea flopped out of your mouth before thinking it over but it was already out and in his ears. Joel just nodded and gave you a soft smile. “You have my word, I won’t date her if we break up. Which we won’t.” He kissed the top of your head and hugged you once more, his words still feeling a little empty.
That was a month before he broke up with you.
You downed the rest of the glass of wine and sighed, wiping the tears away from your cheeks. “I wish you would’ve thought this through before letting me fall in love with you, Joel. I really do. You betrayed me. You told me-” You choked out a sob and swallowed hard, “you told me you wouldn’t date her and you lied to me. How could you do this to me? Joel..we were together for two years and you left me when the going got tough…you ran right to her. Did anything we did matter to you?” With the tears clouding your vision, you squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head. “I hope you feel good about yourself, I really do. While she’s sleeping in the bed we made, I hope you replay this voicemail in your head and remember everything I said. I wish you’d call me after this to try to apologize for hurting me even more but I know you won’t. You’ll never be sorry for hurting me this bad and I think that’s what kills me so much. I know how kind you can be but it seems I’m not lucky enough to get that anymore. Thank you so much for making this heartbreak so much easier to get over. Just know that I always loved you and I would’ve never hurt you like this, you fucking traitor.” — Joel’s POV
He sighed and looked at the phone screen, the voicemail ending and the screen dimming out. His girlfriend woke up behind him in bed, rolled over and hooked her arm into his, “What’re you doing baby?” She asked tiredly but didn’t sit up to see his phone. Joel coughed and took a deep sigh before deleting the voicemail from his phone.
“Nothin’ sweet pea. Go back to sleep.”
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jesterlesbian · 5 months
i made a playlist of all the needle drops (in order) in fellow travelers!
list of all songs under the cut
If It's Magic - Stevie Wonder
Pretend - Nat King Cole
Rags to Riches - Tony Bennett
You Turned the Tables On Me - Anita O'Day
'Tain't Nobody's Business - Billie Holiday
Land of Love - Nat King Cole, as performed by Chelsea Russell as Stormé DeLarverie
I Couldn't Say It To Your Face - Arthur Russell
Take the "A" Train - Duke Ellington
The Train Kept-a-Rollin' - Tiny Bradshaw
Kiss of Fire - Georgia Gibbs
Four - Miles Davis
Walk The Night - Skatt Bros
Blue And Grey Shirt - American Music Club
Mad About the Boy - song by Noël Coward, as performed by Chelsea Russell as Stormé DeLarverie
Lover, Come Back To Me! - Nat King Cole
Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes - Perry Como
Please Love Me - B.B. King
Ain't This A Wonderful Day? - Anita O'Day
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - Doris Day
The Great Pretender - Freddie Mercury
Dig That Crazy Santa Claus - Oscar McLollie
Good Morning Blues - Count Basie
Heartache - Violent Femmes
Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
The Christmas Blues - Dean Martin
Silent Night - Klaus Nomi
Speak Low - Ella Fitzgerald & Joe Pass
Leap Frog - Charlie Parker
Out - Steven Grossman
Pictures of Matchstick Men - Status Quo
The Letter - The Box Tops
I Thank You - Sam & Dave
Loving Grows Up Slow - Sylvester
Boys Keep Swinging - David Bowie
Relight My Fire - Dan Hartman
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) - Sylvester
Found a Cure (12" Disco Mix) - Ashford & Simpson
MacArthur Park - Donna Summer
Maggot Brain - Funkadelic
They Are Falling All Around Me - Michael Callen
I Look At You - Johnny Mathis
I Can Dream About You - Dan Hartman
Love Is Overtaking Me - Arthur Russell
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d-criss-news · 10 months
Darren Criss celebra con los mejores fans
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El cantante hizo una pausa para presentar a sus tres coristas, quienes colaboraron con él en el EP "Homework" | Foto: Liliana Estrada
*The singer paused to introduce his three backing vocalists, who collaborated with him on the "Homework" EP | Photo: Liliana Estrada
Darren Criss ama al público mexicano, debido a su buena vibra y el amor que le brindan en sus conciertos, y no dudó en demostrar ese cariño durante el concierto que ofreció esta noche en el Frontón México, ante mil 600 personas.
"Saben que México tiene los mejores fans del mundo, ¿verdad? Están locos, es increíble, si este show es increíble esta noche, es por ustedes hijos de perra. Vamos a opacar a los demás países del mundo", expresó el artista, luego de iniciar su repertorio con "I'm so excited" y "Fuckin around".
El cantante hizo una pausa para presentar a sus tres coristas, quienes colaboraron con él en el EP "Homework", y lo acompañaron durante todo el show de esta noche. El público no dejaba de gritar su nombre, aplaudirle cada que se acercaba a la orilla del escenario o les sonreía. Mientras tanto, el concierto continuaba con temas como "Somewhere only we know", "Cough syrup", "Hopelessly devoted to you" y "I can't dance".
Darren también recordó su paso por el teatro musical, al interpretar temas como "Granger danger" (al lado de sus coristas, Lauren y Joey) y "Goin' back to Howarts", los cuales forman parte de la banda sonora de la obra "A very Potter musical". "Hemos tocado un par de canciones que todos conocen, pero todavía tenemos algunas más. Quiero que sigan cantando conmigo", dijo en la recta final de la presentación.
El originario de San Francisco, California, incluyó "Torture me", un cover de los Red Hot Chilli Peppers, el cual aseguró es uno de sus temas favoritos. "Me hubiera gustado escribirla yo. No es un hit en la radio, pero chequenla, es maravillosa", comentó. Recordando su paso por la televisión, interpretó "Teenage dream" de Katy Perry, canción que formó parte del soundtrack de la serie "Glee", donde dio vida al personaje de "Blaine Anderson". "¿La están pasando bien? ¿Están aprendiendo algo? Espero que regresen a casa diciendo estuvo genial, quiero regresar a verlo pronto", expresó con alegría, y prometió visitar el interior de la República en su próxima gira.
El concierto finalizó con los temas "For a night like this" y "Day that the dance is over". Antes de despedirse, Darren reiteró su cariño hacia México, y externó su deseo de que todos los presentes hayan pasado una noche inolvidable. "Gracias por estar aquí está noche, los amamos. Gracias por su energía, vamos a terminar el show con alegría para que vayan a casa a decirles a sus amigos lo bien que la pasaron".
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*Darren Criss loves the Mexican public, due to his good vibes and the love they give him at his concerts, and he did not hesitate to show that affection during the concert he offered tonight at the Frontón México, in front of 1,600 people.
"You know that Mexico has the best fans in the world, right? They're crazy, it's incredible, if this show is incredible tonight, it's because of you sons of bitches. We're going to outshine other countries in the world," said the artist, after starting his repertoire with "I'm so excited" and "Fuckin around".
The singer paused to introduce his three backing vocalists, who collaborated with him on the "Homework" EP, and accompanied him throughout tonight's show. The public did not stop shouting his name, applauding him every time he approached the edge of the stage or smiled at them. Meanwhile, the concert continued with songs like "Somewhere only we know", "Cough syrup", "Hopelessly devoted to you" and "I can't dance".
Darren also recalled his time in musical theater, interpreting songs like "Granger danger" (alongside his backup singers, Lauren and Joey) and "Goin' back to Howarts", which are part of the soundtrack of the play " A very Potter musical". "We have played a couple of songs that everyone knows, but we still have some more. I want you to continue singing with me," he said in the final stretch of the presentation.
The San Francisco, California native included "Torture me," a Red Hot Chilli Peppers cover, which he said is one of his favorite songs. "I would have liked to write it myself. It's not a hit on the radio, but check it out, it's wonderful," he commented. Remembering his time on television, he performed Katy Perry's "Teenage dream", a song that was part of the soundtrack of the series "Glee", where he gave life to the character of "Blaine Anderson". "
Are you having a good time? Are you learning something? I hope you return home saying it was great, I want to return to see you soon," he said happily, and promised to visit the interior of the Republic on his next tour.
The concert ended with the songs "For a night like this" and "Day that the dance is over". Before saying goodbye to him, Darren reiterated his love for Mexico, and expressed his wish that everyone present had an unforgettable night. "Thank you for being here tonight, we love you. Thank you for your energy, we're going to end the show with joy so you can go home and tell your friends what a great time you had."
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septembersghost · 1 year
When people try to argue Elvis’s entire career was built on appropriation, I don’t think it’s fair. I know most of his movies aren’t good but I oddly feel like they best represent the fact he had his own unique flair and charisma?
none of his career is built on appropriation. it's not just unfair to say that, it's not factual. i'm sick of seeing this when it's one of the easiest things to debunk and to properly understand. he grew up influenced by that music and sharing in that culture due to his background, it wasn't appropriated, it's who he was. (BB King: "Elvis didn’t steal any music from anyone. He just had his own interpretation of the music he’d grown up on, same is true for everyone. I think Elvis had integrity." Jackie Wilson: "A lot of people have accused Elvis of stealing the black man’s music, when in fact, almost every black solo entertainer copied his stage mannerisms from Elvis." Little Richard: "I love him. That's my buddy, my baby. Elvis is one of the greatest performers who ever lived in this world." you've already seen the quotes list that breaks all of this down, i'm sure).
does everyone conveniently forget that the norm then was for singers to record songs written by professional songwriters? the artistry came from the performance of the music. bing, frank, ella, billie holiday, dean martin, peggy lee, nat king cole, tony bennett, perry como, doris day, the andrews sisters, i could go on and on, all sang songs written by other people, that's how it worked. the only difference is they sang standards and elvis came in at the advent of rock and roll. additionally, many of those songbook writers were white (and jewish, there are significant cultural reasons for this too). black musicians and black songwriters faced awful unfairness and difficulties, segregation and continual prejudice, and weren't played like they deserved to be, sun records was associated with making r&b/soul music, but elvis never walked in and stole anything. did he have advantages making the music he did because he was a white, handsome man? yes, and he and everyone were aware of that, but he also broke barriers through that while facing harsh judgment and criticism for it. he gave credit to the black artists he considered the definitive musicians repeatedly throughout his life.
all of his unique flair and charisma is in his music because it's in his *voice*. music columnist Michael R. Burch gave one of the best descriptions of this, "I cannot think of another male singer who can go from nearly infinite sweetness, to ferocity, to spirituality, to tremendous power the way Elvis does. With the right song in hand he was untouchable."
the movies...are what they are, and sometimes they're really fun despite that, and sometimes his frustration/listlessness is more apparent and it's clear he's not reaching the potential he wanted nor displaying the full range of his talent, but he still gives himself to the music. even when some of the songs weren't great either (i read an article yesterday that called the soundtracks "loathsome," which is also terrible and unfair and i don't agree with that as a whole), he never falters there, because it's as if he couldn't not give himself and the whole of his voice to making that music as perfect as possible for the audience he knew would listen to it. he learned new ways to express the subtleties and nuances of his voice and cadence and emotional performance in a lot of those soundtracks too, which served him when he did his later recordings and kept expanding that color and richness of tone.
Robert Matthew-Walker: “Presley’s vocal range was exceptional – amazingly so for an untrained singer. It ranged from Low F in the bass register to top B Flat and B in the tenor range. This is over two octaves: most people can only managed just over one octave. Quite apart from the range of Presley’s voice (and this range remained with him throughout his life, a fact proved by his recordings) the equally surprising thing was that its quality and distinctive timbre remained constant throughout this range. This is also exceptional and quite the most conclusive proof – if any were needed – that Elvis Presley possessed a natural gift for singing which was completely and utterly rare. For if it were not – where are all the other Elvis Presleys?"
Alan Wiess: "The transformation was incredible. We knew instantly that we were in the presence of a phenomenon, electricity bounced off the walls of the sound stage. One felt it as an awesome thing - like an earthquake in progress, only without the implicit threat. Watching this insecure country boy, who apologized when he asked for a rehearsal as though he had done something wrong, turn into absolute dynamite when he stepped in the bright lights…he believed in it, and he made you believe it, no matter how ‘sophisticated’ your musical tastes were. I had not been a fan until that point, but to deny his talent would have been as foolish as it was impossible. He was a force, and to fail to recognize it would be the same as sticking a finger into a live socket and denying the existence of electricity."
i'm sorry anon, any sadness/frustration i have here is not directed at you, i appreciate what you're saying about the movies!, they can be silly and dated, they can be questionable or enjoyable, regardless he and his signature dazzling charisma is often apparent and charming there, but i just cannot abide us now taking his tremendous and beautiful gifts in his music away from him, or pretending like that wasn't where his passion and true artistry shined brightest, and still resonates most. the music is everlasting.
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andimthedad · 1 year
[Scene: I'm playing music loudly while prepping dinner when Beth, age 14, returns to the room to finish making her homemade gnocchi...] Beth: "What is this music?" Me: "Thus Spake Zarathustra. It's by a German composer named Strauss." Beth: "It's very dramatic for cooking." Me: "Well, the dawn of man, the dinner of man — almost the same thing." Beth: ... Me: "From 2001?" Beth: "I wasn't alive then." Me: "No, 2001, the movie. Oh, never mind. The beginning has a sequence involving the evolution of human consciousness and uses the opening of this song. It's famous now. It basically became a meme before modern memes." Beth: "Is German orchestra music really the right background for making Italian food?" Me: "Good point. Let's try something else." [searches in Spotify app, begins playing a song] "OK, this is more appropriate." Beth: "Who is this?" Me: "Luciano Pavarotti. One of your great grandmother's favorite opera singers." Beth: "She had more than one favorite opera singer?" Me: "Oh, she had lots. Here's another." [updates Spotify] "Placido Domingo. He's Spanish, not Italian, but an amazing opera singer." Beth: ... Me: "What?" Beth: "I do not understand opera." Me: "It's not in English." Beth: "No, I mean: I do not understand the appeal of opera." Me: "OK, if you don't like that..." [updates Spotify] "...maybe this is better." Beth: "Who is this?" Me: "Frank Sinatra." Beth: "I think I've heard this before." Me: "Probably. Or maybe..." [updates Spotify] "...Bobby Darin." Beth: "I've definitely heard this before." Me: [cycles through a few more — Perry Como, Tony Bennett, and...] Beth: "Dean Martin? His parents gave him two first names?" Me: "That's just his stage name. He was born Dino Crovetti or Crosetti or something, I can't remember." Beth: "Wait, he chose that name on purpose?" Me: "Yeah, because having a really Italian name would just hold him back in the U.S., at least back in his day. All of these guys had really Italian names that they changed." Beth: "Jeez. Nowadays a cool name like that would definitely help." Me: "Suddenly all of this is beginning to feel like the soundtrack to Buca di Beppo." Beth: "But the food here is way better." Me: [turns up the music]
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loserdiaz · 10 months
And I love you so - perry como
everybody love somebody- dean martin
soldier- james tw
fall into me- forrest blakk
dog days- florence and the machine
cosmic love- florence an the machine
call me what you like- lovejoy
too late- the happy fits
icarus- crane wives
freaks- surf curse
snow waltz- lindsey stirling
midnight city- m83
tu falta de querer- mon laferte
mi buen amor- mon laferte
i have a lot more, most of these arent from the 50s, a lot are just recommended songs
and i love you so — perry como
this song was so sweet??? the whole time i imagined buck and eddie years from now, a little bit older and starting to show gray hairs and wrinkles in their skin and just slow dancing in the kitchen to this song. buck would probably try to sing it out of tune just to make eddie laugh and just 🥺🥺
everybody love somebody — dean martin
this song sounded so familiar?? but i can't remember where from. maybe from an old rom-com i watched??? (anyway, it's not really a song i would listen repeatedly or i wouldn't add it to my playlist but it was a good song!!)
fall into me — forrest blakk
this song made me so soft 🥺🥺 aaaaa i'm in love. and i also loved the guy's voice. this legit made me cry and thank u so much for recommending me this song!!!
dog days and cosmic love — florence and the machine
aaa I honestly never paid attention to florence and the machine (i've only listened to one or two songs) but i really loved these!!! i might check out more of them.
call me what you like — lovejoy
i loved the part where the singer starts talking??? KDHDJD IDK WHY but it tickled my brain in the best way possible and i also the lyrics!!! "i'm not paranoid i'm a realist" KSJSJD MOOD
too late — the happy fits
gave me such happy summer-y vibes that i just started dancing like a maniac around my room thank you!!! sksjjs
also "i'm a little scared of my soul" idk why that lyric hit me but damnn, that line doesn't have any business being there in such a happy tempo song
(you don't have to read all my thoughts on the songs, but i'm gonna keep going under the cut <33)
icarus – crane wives
i loved the art cover and also this song gave me vibes of dancing in the forrest idk why. it was a nice song!! very folk-y and also loved the lyrics 🥺
freaks – surf curse
OMG I ALREADY HAD THIS SONG IN MY PLAYLIST !!!! jshsjdhdjs i love it
snow waltz – lindsay stirling
i also had this song in my liked songs!!! so good
midnight city – m83
i liked the song but not a lot??? it might take some time to grow on me i think.
mon laferte!!!
my friend is a big fan and also appreciate some spanish song recs in here. loveeeed them 🥺💗
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angelholme · 1 year
V, V, V — Day 18 : Smile
Let a smile be your umbrella………
What an utterly ridiculous sentiment.
I mean — if you think about it for a moment, you will realise just how idiotic a phrase it actually is.
Have you thought about it?
Now picture someone smiling. The end of their lips are turned up, and their mouth is formed into a bowl type shape — a “U” shape for the most part, even if it is a shallow “U” as opposed to quite a steep one.
So now that you have that image in your head, try picturing that on the end of a stick — as if you are using that as an umbrella.
Stood out in the rain, water pouring down, swirling all around, and all you have is an inverted “U” shape on a stick.
I mean — what use is that? How is that a good umbrella? Will it protect you from the rain? No. Will it stop you getting wet? No. Will it do anything other than make you look a total prat? No.
So when someone (Bing Crosby, Perry Como, a few others) tells you to “Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella” you should tell them not to be so bloody stupid.
(Actually if you try to tell Bing Crosby or Perry Como that you’ll have problems, but you take my point).
I know what you’re going to say — that sometimes song lyrics are not supposed to be taken literally.
That if it were “raining men” then it would probably be a very bad thing — I don’t know if you’ve actually thought about it, but being hit by a full grown man, falling at terminal velocity would probably kill you, and even if it didn’t it would cause multiple injuries that would cripple you for life.
That if you were “a baby on the tree top” then your parents would probably get arrested for child endangerment, and “when the wind blows” you would almost certainly fall and die.
That if you baked twenty four blackbirds in a pie……… lets not even go there, because the mind boggles.
However all of these pale in comparison to a song called “You Can’t Get To Heaven” because I have always found this to be not only misleading but also a sort of ideological indoctrination. Which, as you can imagine, is not something I am a fan of.
“You can’t get to heaven in a limousine, because The Lord don’t sell no gasoline”
Setting aside the double negative (which suggests that The Lord does, in fact, sell gasoline) why would you need The Lord to sell petrol to get to heaven?
If you are going to drive somewhere — Manchester, London, Glasgow, Aberdeen, the local shops — you need to put petrol in your car before you set off.
If your car has no petrol in it, then you aren’t going to get anywhere. And — conversely — you only need the place you are going to sell petrol if you are coming back.
So you would only need The Lord to “sell gasoline” if you were planning on coming back from heaven. And while I admit my theological knowledge is not as complete as it might be, I am generally under the impression that most people don’t want to return from heaven.
Which means that you can get to heaven in a limousine providing you can find a petrol station before you set off.
“You can’t get to heaven on roller skates, you’ll roll right by the pearly gates”
I’ll set aside the fact you might not be able to roller skate on clouds — the song kind of implies that that is possible. Plus it is heaven, so all things are possible. And if you can drive a car there, you can probably roller skate there.
But I am pretty sure almost everyone who has been on roller skates at least once in their life has fallen over at least once in their life. I cannot believe that there is a person in the world who has strapped on their first pair of skates and skated off into the sunset and never fallen over.
So if you can fall over by accident, then I am pretty sure you can fall over on purpose. You can glide by The Pearly Gates and fall on your arse, coming to a sudden and abrupt halt.
Then — like the baby you once were, you can crawl over, and look up at St Peter and go “Dude! Waaaaaaaaaassssssssssssup?”
“You can’t get to heaven in a rocking chair, a rocking chair won’t get you there”
It will if you have a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or a full grown man falls out of the sky and lands on you because “it’s raining men”. Or if someone sets fire to the rocking chair while you are sat in it.
Okay — I admit that’s a bit of a stretch.
Now you are probably wondering what all this was in aid of. Because I appear to have gone on off on quite a tangent and a bit of a rant about something that is more than a little ridiculous.
Well — people sometimes take things literally when they are only supposed to be metaphors, or symbolism, or sarcasm. They don’t recognise that something is supposed to be an analogy, or a metaphor, or a joke.
Which is unfortunate for people like me, because I tend to use metaphor, analogy, simile and especially sarcasm quite a lot — and it gets me in to trouble more than you can imagine.
But also unfortunate for the people in question, because they miss so much in life.
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modernmonkeymind · 1 year
Do you have a LastFM account? I am interested to know what music you listen to! ^^
I don't have LastFM, I do use Spotify though. My musical tastes are pretty wide ranging: I grew up listening to the Beatles, Elton John, and similar singer/songwriters, as well as kids musicians when I was little. These days pretty much the only thing I actively don't listen to is gangsta rap and death metal, but I've found at least one artist in most genres I like. And amusingly enough, I still listen to kids' music, mostly Mister Rogers'. And I can't believe I just admitted that online, lol!
A couple of my fav songs in no particular order:
The Shadow Knows by Grand Magus (pretty sure these dudes are MASSIVE dorks but would never openly admit it. This is a song about the Shadow, a radio play superhero that probably inspired the Batman but would kick Bruce Wayne's ass ten ways to Sunday.)
When Buddha Smiled by the Blue Cliff Monastery Choir (a recounting of a miracle performed by the Buddha when he encountered an elephant raging out of control because of mistreatment and abuse. I defy you to listen to this song and not break down in tears. I sobbed the first time I listened to it and I haven't cried since I saw Pay it Forward in theaters.)
the Farthest Field by the Blue Cliff Ensemble (a really beautiful song about spirituality and mindfulness practice...that I didn't notice until a friend pointed it out to me is also very obviously about death and is originally a Christian hymn.)
Lady of the Dark by Sabaton/Miss Pavlichenko by Woody Guthrie (Okay, kinda cheating here. But to be fair, both songs are about the same badass woman, a Russian sniper named Lyudmila Pavlichenko who made a name for herself making Nazi heads explode during WWII. Oh, and Miss Pavlichenko might be a weird listen if you only know Guthrie from his more "kid friendly" songs, since the chorus is basically "You killed more than three hundred Nazis. You're such a goddamn badass girl!")
Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter Paul and Mary (Yeah, remember what I said about kids' music? If you listened to this song as a kid, go back and listen to it again, if you're not an utter garbage troll you're going to cry since its actually about growing up and the loss of innocence.)
Its You I like/It's Such a Good Feeling/Won't You be my Neighbor by Mister Rogers (Yeah, here's that kids music again and my ego wondering why I'm admitting to listening to it as a thirty seven year old. Maybe its my nostalgia, maybe its my deep and abiding respect for the man as one of my first heroes and role models, but whether I'm having a shit day or things are going well, I can always count on one of these to put a smile on my face.)
Its a Lovely Day Today by Perry Como (The first time I heard this, I assumed it was Mister Rogers using a voice modulator or something. Though to be fair, Como was kinda Mister Rogers for adults. A beautiful song, beautifully sung.)
You are my Sunshine by Johnny Cash (I like the song, but honestly I like this for a similar reason I get a kick out of the John Wick movies: Keanu Reeves has developed a rep as a sort of Perry Como/Bob Ross/Mister Rogers kind, compassionate, empathetic person IRL, and plays a character who spends the movies murdering people in cold blood. Cash has a rep as "the Man in Black" a hard living, world weary man, and yet here he is singing this song of deep emotion and positivity to the point that its commonly taught to kids as being a nonthreatening positive message.)
Bully in the Alley by Kimber's Men (Admittedly I don't know what the hell being "bully in the alley" means other than being so piss drunk you get yourself tossed out of the pub into the back alley.)
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell (Nothing against the Counting Crows cover, I just prefer the original.)
On Tin Soldier by "the Sugar Chasers" (This is a kids song with a great message about the stupidity and destructive pointlessness of violence as a problem solving method. The comedy comes in when you look into the bad and realize that before they recorded this they'd made a name for themselves for performative Satanism at their concerts long before a certain musician bit heads off bats on stage.)
Scott Pilgrim by Plumtree (nothing to do with the comic book series or movie by that name.)
the Sound of Silence by Disturbed (IMHO one of the few times the cover surpasses the original.)
Indestructible by Disturbed (How has this not been used in a video game or action movie? To on the nose I guess, lol!)
Land of Confusion by Disturbed (As far as I know this band has no connection to Buddhism, but this is very much the Buddhist conception of Samsara and the Bodhisattva Vow in song form.)
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bamboomusiclist · 2 years
10/26 Patti Austin / Patti Austin 1-23974 等更新しました。おはようございます。
Joe Alexander / Blue Jubilee jlp23 Paul Desmond / Take Ten lpm2569 Wes Montgomery / Movin' Wes v8610 David Newman / House of David 1489 Lambert Hendricks & Ross / Sing a Song of Basie as83 Jane Morgan / The Day The Rains Came kl1105 Sarah Vaughan / Feelin' Good mrl379 Perry Como / Lightly Latin lsp3552 Margie Rayburn / Margie LST7126 Jack DeJohnette / the DeJohnette Complex msp9022 Ramsey Lewis / Three Piece Suite fc37153 Ramsey Lewis / Routes jc36423 Michael McDonald / If That's What It Takes 1-23703 The Percussions Of Strasbourg / Signals ls86064 Dave And Ansell Collins / Double Barrel bts2005 Dorze / Ethiopie Polyphonies Des Dorze LDX74646 Elgins / Darling Baby V.I.P. 400 Honey Cone / Love Peace & Soul ha713 Pattie Brooks / In My World 90054-1 Patti Austin / Patti Austin 1-23974
~bamboo music~ https://bamboo-music.net  [email protected]   530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号 06-6363-2700
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hits1000 · 2 years
Greatest Hits of 1951 | Top Music Hits 1951 | Songs of 1951 [1950s Hits]
Greatest Hits of 1951 | Top Music Hits 1951 | Songs of 1951 [1950s Hits] 00:00 Introduction 00:12 English 06:14 French 07:05 German 07:57 Italian 08:49 Portuguese 09:44 Spanish Greatest Hits of 1951 including: B.B. King - Three O'Clock Blues, Big Joe Turner - Shake, Rattle and Roll, Billy Eckstine - I Apologize, Debbie Reynolds & Carleton Carpenter - Aba Daba Honeymoon, Dinah Shore - Sweet Violets, Doris Day - Lullaby Of Broadway, Eddy Howard - Sin (It’s No Sin), Elmore James - Dust My Broom, Frankie Laine - Rose, Rose I Love You, Guy Mitchell - My Heart Cries for You and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1951, Best Jukebox 1951 Playlist, Late 1951 Non Stop , Top 1951 Non Stop, Mix 1951 Compilation, Best 1951 List, Late 1951 UK, Best 1951 Playlist, Best 1951 Non Stop, Best 1951 Video, Greatest 1951 Non Stop, Mix 1951 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1951 List, List of 1951 Mix, Top 1951 USA, Best Songs of 1951, Top Music 1951, Hits of 1951, Hits 1950s, Songs 1950s Related Channels: K-Music, Ultra Lists, Younger days, Music Hits, DJ Crayfish, Redlist, Music Express, Some Random Guy, Francis Pelletier, MarioMex International Mixes, Top Culture, Related Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDMrVrtSB4o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rye3_vWt8zM 1. B.B. King - Three O'Clock Blues 2. Big Joe Turner - Shake, Rattle and Roll 3. Billy Eckstine - I Apologize 4. Debbie Reynolds & Carleton Carpenter - Aba Daba Honeymoon 5. Dinah Shore - Sweet Violets 6. Doris Day - Lullaby Of Broadway 7. Eddie Fisher - Turn Back The Hands Of Time 8. Eddy Howard - Sin (It’s No Sin) 9. Elmore James - Dust My Broom 10. Frankie Laine - Jezebel 11. Frankie Laine - Rose, Rose I Love You 12. Guy Mitchell - My Heart Cries for You 13. Guy Mitchell - My Truly, Truly Fair 14. Guy Mitchell - The Roving Kind 15. Hank Williams - Hey Good Lookin' 16. Hoagy Carmichael - My Resistance Is Low 17. Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats - Rocket 88 18. Jimmy Young - Too Young 19. Jo Stafford - Shrimp Boats 20. John Lee Hooker - I'm In The Mood 21. Johnny Ray & The Four Lads - Cry 22. Leroy Anderson - The Syncopated Clock 23. Les Paul & Mary Ford - How High The Moon 24. Les Paul & Mary Ford - Mockin' Bird Hill 25. Les Paul & Mary Ford - The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise 26. Louis Armstrong - I Get Ideas 27. Mario Lanza - Be My Love 28. Mario Lanza - The Loveliest Night of the Year 29. Nat King Cole - Too Young 30. Nat King Cole - Unforgettable 31. Patti Page - Mister and Mississippi 32. Perry Como - If 33. Perry Como & The Fontane Sisters - You're Just In Love 34. Rosemary Clooney - Come On-A My House 35. Teresa Brewer - Longing For You 36. The Ames Brothers & Les Brown - Undecided 37. The Dominoes - Sixty Minute Man 38. The Weavers - On Top of Old Smoky 39. The Weavers & Gordon Jenkins - So Long (It's Been Good To Know Yuh) 40. Tony Bennett - Because Of You 41. Tony Bennett - Blue Velvet 42. Tony Bennett - Cold, Cold Heart 43. Tony Martin - I Get Ideas 44. Vaughn Monroe - Old Soldiers Never Die 45. Vaughn Monroe - Sound Off 46. Vaughn Monroe - They Call The Wind Mariah 47. Wynonie Harris - Lovin' Machine 48. Anny Flore - Deux sous de violettes 49. Edith Piaf - Padam Padam 50. Edith Piaf - Plus bleu que tes yeux 51. Juliette Gréco - Sous le ciel de Paris 52. Mick Micheyl - Un gamin de Paris 53. Yves Montand - Les Feuilles Mortes 54. Cornelia Froboess - Pack die Badehose ein 55. Friedel Hensch & die Cyprys - Tango Max 56. Lonny Kellner, Maria Mucke, Lucie Schulz, Klaus Gross - Der Südwind, der weht 57. Marika Rökk - Lass doch mal den kleinen Otto ran 58. Peter Alexander - Das machen nur die Beine von Dolores 59. Rudi Schuricke - Lass uns Träumen am Lago Maggiore 60. Achille Togliani & Duo Fasano - Al mercato di Pizzighettone 61. Claudio Villa - Luna rossa 62. Luciano Tajoli - Arrotino 63. Nilla Pizzi - Grazie Dei Fiori 64. Roberto Murolo - Malafemmena 65. Silvana Pampanini - Bellezze in bicicletta 66. Amália Rodrigues - Ai Mouraria 67. Ataulfo Alves - Deixa essa Mulher pra lá 68. Carmélia Alves - Cabeça Inchada 69. Eliana & Adelaide Chiozzo - Beijinho Doce 70. Linda Batista - Vingança 71. Quatro Ases e um Coringa - Marcha do caracol 72. Antonio Machín - Tengo una Debilidad 73. Concha Piquer - A la lima y al limón 74. José de Aguilar - Maria Cristina Me Quiere Gobernar 75. Juanita Reina - Capote de grana y oro 76. Pérez Prado - Mambo Nº 8 77. Tomás de Antequera - Romance de la Reina Mercedes Relate Hashtags: #listof1951mix #hits1951 #bestsongs1951 #hits1950s #songs1950s #classic1951playlist #greatest1951nonstop #best1951list #best1951video #top1951mix #greatest1951video #mix1951playlist #top1951nonstop #mix1951compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHJFCZn-JDs
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onp4012 · 3 years
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Pick a Card: Your Future Spouse’s Way Of Loving You
Pick one of the albums from above to see how your future spouse will express their love to you. I will ask you to not chose any more than 2 piles.
feel free to suggest PAC ideas in the inbox!
Please like and reblog 〽️
Pile 1
9W, Sun, 4P, 3P, POW, 10C, 8C, KNOC
Your FS is someone who will gladly express their love to you. They are very obvious with their love. They will want to baby you around and take care of you. Their way of loving is extremely healthy. They will love to go places with you. Just the two of you. I see that they are also pretty romantic and they will buy you flowers, kiss you all day, buy you different things. They will be very open with you and also very touchy. They might love to play with your hair all day, brush your hair, cook for you, showing a lot of appreciation. They are very happy that you came into their life. I see a beautiful garden. Your person will want to have a family with you. I really get that they might want to be the one bringing the money in the house.
I get a very warm energy from your person. You might go to the beach often with you. You’ll be working together on different stuff and they will help you with whatever you need help at or might not handle well. I smell perfume, so they might buy you perfume by your birthday. They tend to be a bit possessive though. They don’t seem to want to give you up, like, never. You are their spouse and only theirs. They will surely not accept other people catcalling you on the streets or people being rude to you. My right cheek is warm, yeah, they will really love kissing your cheeks. I really cannot explain how good your life will be with this person.
They might be an Aries Venus or have their mars in a fire sign. It will be so easy for you to understand how much they love you. You got the jackpot, mate.
Pile 2
2W, 8P, 5W, AOS, Temperance, POP, Hierophant, 3P
Your future spouse might not be as emotionally expressive as the one in the previous pile, but you will know they will stay true to you. Your spouse will spend time with you, singing to you, playing an instrument with you perhaps, listen to music with you etc. They will talk to you ‘till morning about very interesting things. They’re very compatible intellectually with you and you guys will share the same values.
They will help you relax. They will really help you relax. They will want you to fall asleep on their chest or rest your head on their shoulder. They will allow you to be vulnerable. They have a very soft smile, I really love it. There’s this calmness around their aura. I feel like you guys might be soulmates because you complete each other and they seem very empathetic towards your feelings. They don’t seem to talk a lot otherwise. They will be what you need. Comforting you might be their favorite thing to do because you also allow them to be vulnerable. If they’re a man they might have a voice similar to Perry Como’s. I really get that they might play an instrument, especially a piano. I see you two sitting and they’re playing the piano while you’re watching them. You could play piano too. Acts of service could be their way of showing their love to you. You also have a very calming effect on them.
The psychic connection between you two is hard to explain. I feel like they might be a Cancer Venus with some earth around.
Pile 3
Strength, Magician, QOC, Lovers, Fool, KOP, 3S, 7C
Your person seems to be very possessive when they love. They remind me of a child with its toy, wanting to keep it safe and not wanting to share it with anyone, maybe not even its parents. Your spouse is extremely easy when they are in love, they tend to leave everything behind and just enjoy the feelings they have.
I sense that they might’ve went through some heartbreak and that they might want you to help them heal those wounds from the previous relationships. They will act very childish around you. That’s how you’ll know they love you. They’ll be goofy and naive and maybe even baby talk you lmao. I feel like they will know they will stick to you. They also tend to hug you a lot, they love to hold you, may it be your hand, may it be your whole body. They need to touch and feel physically in order to reassure themselves you’re real. I heard “I gotta grab” 😭, this is so cute. Their love is extremely sincere and they will be shocked about how you make them feel. “You’re just too good to be true” like Frankie Valli says.
They don’t seem to buy you anything. I feel like they will seek to hold your hand a lot also. They might like to “pet” your head, Istg, your person would do anything to know you’re real. The only thing which seems weird is the fact that they don’t seem to have a single +18 thought when they touch you. I get huge Pisces vibes from your person.
Pile 4
10C, 6P, WOF, AOP, Chariot, High Priestess, 9P, Temperance
Your future spouse will want to spend time with you and frequently mention to you how happy you made them by coming into their life. This is the first pile where I get the old type of love. I see two people sitting next to each other and I also see 2 children, so you might have kids and you’ll spend some time in family.
Your person will be very gentle with you in life and won’t force you to do things you don’t wanna do. They will frequently buy you things because they cannot express their emotions completely. They don’t seem too vocal either, I feel like they will give you flowers/perfume and be like “this is for you” and when you’ll ask them “why did you buy this for me”, they’ll be like “idk” and blush. They will share their knowledge with you and will want to go and help the world with you. They might mention a lot that you are their soulmate even though they might not believe in soulmates or be spiritual. I can really feel a spiritual connection between you two guys. You remind me of Pile 2. They will also ask for your opinion on different stuff and they don’t seem to normally do that. You’ll be their main confidant haha. You guys are really blessed with such a good partner, I’m really happy for you.
They also seem to spend a lot of time with your children. They are a loving parent. You might look for someone who will enjoy being a parent. This is adorable. They might have Taurus or Virgo placements.
Pile 5
8W, Chariot, KOC, 4P, Empress, Hierophant, POP, 10W
Your spouse will tell you a lot they love you. They don’t really seem physically expressive, perhaps physical contact isn’t their favorite thing to do so they will hesitate touching you. They love you I swear, they are just uncomfortable. They will frequently compliment you and tell you how pretty you are.
Your person has their way with words Istg. They will also ask you how was your day and how you’re feeling. They will also need to know you love them so from time to time they will ask you “do you love me?” just to be sure. They fear abandonment and they will be very unsure about your feelings for them. They don’t seem too confident even though we got the Chariot and the King of Cups here. They will use communication to show you they love you. I hear “you look lovely!” and “have an awesome day!”. So yeah, your person might be a bit insecure and will constantly need affirmation that you love them. This is probably caused by some sort of childhood trauma they need to work on.
I see someone standing confused and asking themselves if their girlfriend is cheating. They seem to want marry you soon because they feel like this is the only way you will get to love them as much as they love you. I see some Gemini energy with some Saturn around.
Pile 6
Hierophant, 8S, Devil, 10S, POC, AOW, 9S, 8P
Your future spouse seems to be the least emotional out of all of the spouses in this PAC. Some of you might marry someone a bit toxic or maybe even bad for your mental health. The following things aren’t meant to make you question life, they are meant to show your persons’ way of loving.
Your person seems to show their love for you through sex and manipulation. They are extremely insecure and they fear abandonment so much they are capable of cutting all of your connections to your friends and family just to keep you next to them. They might always have a blank, emotionless face and could suffer from a psychological condition. Fr, they will need sex to reassure themselves you’re theirs and only theirs. I see someone trembling on the corner of their bed while someone else is still asleep. I heard “I need to do something, I need to do something”.
Take care with this person because they don’t seem to be in their right minds. Some of y’all’s future spouses might have BPD. I see Pluto-Mars aspects and Sun-Saturn in 4th house. Y’all stay safe and leave them if they act like this.
Pile 7
2P, Strength, QOS, High Priestess, 2W, Temperance, 10P, 2C
This reminds me of Pile 2 for some reason. Your person might be actually pretty interested in soulmates or something like this. They will literally mirror you once they are inlove with you. They will help you get a clearer image about certain situations you might be stuck in. They are a good anti fog spray lol. They might be a bit clumsy when handling things and you’re around. I believe you guys will go to their parents and do a couple of chores together and their parents will really love you for that.
They will be very proud of themselves that they found such a good partner. “Put your head on my shoulder” is really a song which matches you guys. You guys’ person is more emotional than the one in Pile 2. Your spouse is easy go lucky and they will show you how grateful they are for you and will most likely hug you from behind many times a day. You could also travel together and grow together as two people. They will let you sleep on their lap and they will sleep on your lap without doubting you love them.
They will instinctively know you will never leave them and they will be very calm about it. As I said, they could be easy go lucky. I sense a lot of Taurus and Leo energy around them haha, this is so sweet, Istg!
I hope you liked this PAC! Have a nice day❤️
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
A Very Frankenmuth Christmas
On the twelfth day of Tropemas, hyperfixated-gvf gave to me:
A cheesy Hallmark AU with Danny.
Christmas Song Pairing: “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” by Perry Como
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Reader
Warnings: Light language
Words: 7k
When you met for lunch with your best friend, you hadn’t known it would come served with a side of guilt-trip.
But here you were, trapped at a table with your sandwich and a very desperate, very determined best friend.
“You know how busy I am right now, though,” you whined, preparing to take a large bite out of your sandwich to stall. “Granny left The Sleeping Bear in—”
“Bad condition, I know,” Del said, barely refraining from rolling their eyes. “But you have been here for, what, almost a year and a half now? And you never take a break from that damn bed and breakfast. Please. I just need a second in command.”
And bite.
You motioned to your mouth in the universal sign for ‘sorry, my mouth’s full’ and Del pointed a finger at you accusingly.
“Don’t pull that crap on me,” they warned, “I know your tricks.”
A long-suffering sigh (that thankfully did not conclude in the inhalation of various sandwich bits) passed through you, and you reluctantly chewed a little faster. A stare-down commenced as you swallowed, Del giving you their best puppy-dog eyes and you suspiciously searching their face for signs of scheming.
“And what exactly would this ‘second-in-command’ position entail? Because Christmas is one of the busiest tourism seasons for…well, everyone, but hospitality especially. And I really do have a long ways to go restoring Granny’s place.” Not to mention, you were still recovering from your family’s Thanksgiving visit.
Despite your attempts at making it very clear that this was not your assent, Del’s eyes lit up at the prospect of you even considering. “I know – I know you’re busy, I do, and I promise that it wouldn’t be anything big.”
“Specifics, Del.”
They hesitated before continuing, and immediately, the ruse was up. “Okay, this is going to sound like a lot, but it’s not.”
You sighed. “That’s not very comforting, Del,” but they ignored you.
“Uh-huh,” you intoned doubtfully.
“—you would be helping organize just two events.”
You motioned for them to elaborate. “Which are…”
“…The Christmas Parade.” You slapped a hand to your forehead. “And the charity toy drive and auction.”
You groaned. “So, the two largest events of the year.”
Del flicked you in the hand with a frown. “Stop acting like you aren’t the most qualified person in this town to take on these types of projects, Miss Big City Planner.”
The mention of your former job made you scoff. “Yeah, and I came here to get away from those kinds of projects. Being in charge of everything burns you out; I’ll stick to my little B&B, thank you very much.”
Del sighed, and you felt something brewing – a turning point. “I really didn’t want to have to do this, but…Conner’s health has taken a downwards turn. I thought you might know some tricks to get more participation in the charity event so that we’d have enough money to meet the hospital’s goals. It’s the only way they’ll be able to afford the Wish fund.”
Your expression deadened as you took in the new information. Of course they brought their sick child into the picture. And of course they knew you weren’t going no to anything involving that little boy.
“That’s the most blatant manipulation tactic I’ve ever experienced,” you grumbled. Del leaned in closer, waiting for you to break.
And you did.
“Fine,” you sighed, defeated. “I’ll do it.”
Del grinned, shaking your hand excitedly. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you—”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” you laughed, shaking your head at them. “So do you have any plans, yet?”
Your coffee maker had seen better days – it was one of those things you’d been saying since the day you got here that were going to replace, but just never got around to. And besides, it still made good coffee, even if it made horrible sounds as it happened. You were just glad you’d had the sense to make sound-proofing the kitchen one of the first upgrades to the little B&B when you’d inherited it.
The extra noise actually did wonders in distracting you from your thoughts, too.
You had guests coming over. Running a B&B, this wasn’t something you got worked up about. Normally. But this was not normal. And not only was this not normal, but everyone around you insisted on treating it like it was not normal.
“Oh, we just have those handsome young rockstars,” your granny had said (many-a times – that woman was nothing if not proud of her hometown), bless her soul.
“He’s famous and he’s rich, surely you can persuade him into giving more than just instruments,” Del had told you (politely, of course, they were an incredibly kind person, if not just…intensely passionate about what they did).
“If at all possible, can I share a room with him when he comes around?” some random woman had asked you (how in the world she’d found out you were meeting him at your bed and breakfast, you had no clue).
You hadn’t been nervous at first – he was just a guy, after all. You’d worked with men of all stages of life with varying levels of fame at you previous, higher-profile job, so why was this particular dude riling you up so effectively?
You chalked it up to the talk around town and the fact that a lot rode on this man’s shoulders regarding the success of the auction and left it there.
(It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you found yourself listening to their music a lot. Or that Granny had been right…they were quite handsome.)
The knock on the door came at a crisp 9:45 am, 15 minutes before you were set to meet with Danny and Del about the charity event. In a fit of nervous energy, you’d started a deep clean of your personal living room, updating your list of ‘Things That Need Fixed’ as you went. The early doorbell jarred you out of your sudden burst of motivation, and you answered the door with dust streaked across your shirt, expecting Del with their tabbed binders and laptop filled with hyper-specific folders.
It was not Del.
“Hello! You must be Danny,” you said, voice taking on an overly-bubbly, customer service quality. You knew it was Danny, but courtesy was your business.
Danny smiled pleasantly, reaching out a hand for you to shake. “That’s me, are you Y/N?”
You took his hand, shaking it firmly as you nodded. “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you. Come on in! You must be freezing.”
The door was shut behind you two and Danny glanced around the room, hanging his coat up on the standing hook tree by the door and chuckling. “Aw, it’s not bad. I’ve been a lot of places, but I’d never forget the feeling of home. Particularly home during the winter.”
He reminded you of your Granny. Not in a bad way. Especially not in a bad way. But he wore sweaters and had a kind voice and talked about Frankenmuth like an old friend.
“Come on into the kitchen, we’ll use the table in there to talk.” He followed you through the door, and your hostess persona was itching at the idea of a guest. “Would you like some coffee? I also have tea, hot chocolate, and I believe I still have some apple cider I can warm up.”
Danny’s eyes lit up at that option. “Ooo, some apple cider would be nice.”
You were relieved that it gave you something to do that kept you occupied instead of having to make face to face conversation. You were much better at finding words when an extraordinarily handsome man wasn’t staring intently at you. Well, you assumed he’d be the kind of guy to pay rapt attention.
“I haven’t lived here long, but this winter hasn’t been nearly as bad as the last,” you said, emptying the rest of the gallon of apple cider into a pot to put on the stove, covering it when you put the heat on. Del was a fan of the drink, too, so you made more just in assumption that she’d want some.
“I do remember them being worse when I was a kid. Now, it’s just…global warming and all that, I guess.”
You turned to him, crossing your arms and meeting his gaze. His intimidating features were hidden underneath all the softness about him – his smile, the twinkle in his eye, the floofy, cloud-like quality of his hair, the way he dressed – so when you really focused in on him, you appreciated the sharp angles of his face and the way each element was so starkly dark against his skin.
“It’s a problem, for sure. I try to be as environmentally friendly as I can here, but I’ve seen my fair share of big-name hospitality corporations, and, well, let’s just say it isn’t pretty.”
Danny nodded. “Some of the venues we’ve played at are like that.”
In all honesty, you were surprised he noticed at all – nothing on him, of course, you were just used to dealing with celebrities who weren’t particularly geared towards environmental awareness.
Good on him, you supposed.
“It is what it is,” you said simply. With the heat on medium high, the cider would heat quickly, and you needed to make sure it didn’t come to a full boil.
“But it could be better,” he answered, and you laughed softly.
“As everything could. If only every celebrity thought the way you do,” you mused, stirring the cider, “Hell, even just the ones I’ve worked with.”
Danny leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and regarding you with a peculiar gaze. “I’m curious,” he began, and you hummed in response. “I lived here until…well, I’m not sure I could really put a time stamp on it, but, a long time. And I know the woman who owns this place, but I don’t know you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Of all people, Danny, I would have thought that you knew the world isn’t that small.”
He grinned back. “Maybe, but Frankenmuth is.”
There was a brief moment while you processed his words that you shot him your own peculiar glance. “So, did you really know my Granny?”
Understanding bloomed on his beautiful face at your mention of the familial relation and he shook his head. “No, not personally. More by reputation than anything.”
And that caught your interest. “Reputation?” Danny grinned and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the door opening – a stomp of shoes and then a call from the entry way.
“Have you heard from Danny yet, Y/N?” Del called from the other room. “I’ve been trying to get ahold of him for the last half hour and he has not been respon—” Del walked into the kitchen, catching the small smile on your face and the sheepish one on Danny’s. “Oh. Hello. Have you been here long?”
Danny took out his phone and winced at the screen. “I am so sorry, I had my phone on silent. But no, not too long.”
“About fifteen minutes,” you said, ladling the now-warm cider into mugs and offering them to Danny and Del. “Cider?”
Danny took his gratefully, Del following suite. But the look in her eye – you didn’t trust it.
The meeting went well – all the details that needed ironed out were dealt with and the list of ‘Things to Do’ kept growing, which, better now than later. All in all, you were ahead of schedule, according to Del. True to their word, you hadn’t been swamped with event planning after taking on the ‘second-in-command’ position; you were just a facilitator, and you didn’t have to work any big problems out on your own.
“Oh!” Danny said, near the end of things, “I forgot, I brought those instruments to keep here – that’s was we said, right?”
You and Del both nodded. “Yeah, since I’ll be conducting the auction, I thought it would be good to have all the material objects in one place,” you said, finishing off the last of your apple cider. “I’ll help you bring them in, if you want,” you offered.
Danny tried to wave you off. “I’m used to dragging my kit around everywhere, a guitar and a ukulele will be nothing, and I’ll just put the drumsticks in my pocket.”
Del would not hear of it, though. “Hey,” they said, pointing a warning finger in Danny’s direction, “those are likely gonna bring in more funds than everything else combined, please let her help you.”
You tilted your head in Del’s direction and raised your eyebrow infinitesimally, but they just put on an innocent face shooed you along.
Danny chuckled a little. “Alright, then, they’re just in my trunk,” he said, catching your eye before turning to make his way out.
The auction was local – you’d considered opening it up online with the addition of those signed Greta instruments (you didn’t want to say you were capitalizing on their success, but...think of the children), but ultimately decided to stay in the favor of the townspeople. That didn’t mean that you hadn’t heard along the grapevine of all the hotels, including your B&B, filling up once the information had leaked.
“We would donate more often if it didn’t cheapen the value and all,” Danny said out of the blue as he unlocked his car. “I just don’t want you to think, you know, with the whole hubbub around us and all, that we don’t do our best to provide for others.”
You furrowed your brow as he spoke – you didn’t think that at all. And that made you think back to all your previous conversations to examine if there was something you’d said to make it seem like you were under that impression.
“I don’t – I mean, I don’t know you at all, but no, I’m not going to – to crucify you for not giving away all your money. That’s not really fair.”
When he turned around to hand you the drumsticks and the ukulele with a slight blush on his face. “I mean, I didn’t think you would, but sometimes people think we’re doing it for the money. And that, like, when our stuff goes for a lot of money we’re being selfish or something.”
You stood directly in front of Danny and met his eyes. “Danny, I don’t think you’re selfish. You donating at all is generous as is.” You were still baffled at why he felt the need to defend himself and his band to you. “Trust me, I know how selfish celebrities can be, and you aren’t one of them.”
Danny got the door for you, the guitar secured in one big hand. “So what did you do before this?”
The whiplash of this man’s conversation topic was dizzying.
Knowing you’d be back in the room with Del soon, you tried to make the explanation short. “I was the executive assistant to a high-profile even planner in New York. I had planned on going that route myself, but I figured if I hated it as an assistant, I’d hate it as an actual event planner.”
“Well,” Danny said, following you down the hall to where your bedroom was, “I can see why you’d be the first choice for this job, then.”
“Oh,” you said bashfully, “Del’s the real planner. They’re better at it, and I was just—”
“Their first choice?”
You laughed, accepting the compliment. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess I was.”
Danny said goodbye not long after reconvening in the kitchen, taking a couple of the papers he’d been delegated as he’d be speaking at the auction, too.
The door had barely shut behind him when you raised an eyebrow sky high at Del.
“Okay,” they started off, placating you with their hands, “I know what you’re thinking and you can’t tell me that is doesn’t make sense.”
You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth and released it, shaking your head. “Actually, it doesn’t make sense.”
Del groaned and started packing her things up. “Why?” they whined. “He’s handsome and kind and you guys seemed like you were hitting it off!”
Just for the sake of doing something, you began to transfer the extra cider back to the container. “Well, let’s see. He doesn’t live here. He’s famous. I have a bed and breakfast to fix and run practically by myself. Uh…he doesn’t live here. I rest my case.”
Radio silence from Del.
But you could see the unimpressed, deadpan glare they’d be sending your way, and sighed. “Del—”
“You know damn well that you don’t have to do this alone.” You winced, feeling the beginnings of a good ol’ fashioned verbal lashing coming on. “But you insist on your little stubborn streak. That man was into you, famous or not, and you just don’t want to acknowledge that because it scares you.”
And ouch.
The truth of the statement had you on the defensive. “I don’t want to acknowledge it because he wasn’t and even if he was, I’m – I’m too busy for love and romance and all that jazz. Never done me any good before, and I can’t see Mr. Rockstar being any different at the end of the day – you know, like when he leaves.”
Del crossed her arms. “At the end of the day, this is still his home. And the end of the day, all I’m hearing is that you’re not willing to prioritize love and romance and all that jazz because you’ve been burned before.”
And you shrugged. “Sure. And are you gonna tell me that that’s a problem? That love is gonna solve all my problems and keep this place up and running, clear my skin and get rid of my bills?”
“When love is potentially a six foot tall, scrumptious glass of water famous dude with money…yeah. I could tell you that.”
And you had to laugh at that. “Del,” you chuckled, putting the cider pot on the drying rack, “I’m no gold digger. And I’m doing just fine on my own. So while I appreciate your faith my ability to bag a ‘six foot tall, scrumptious glass of water famous dude with money,’ the last thing I need right now is a love life.”
With the kitchen table cleared of all planning materials, there wasn’t a whole lot to do other than walk Del to the door. They stopped short of opening it though in a last ditch attempt. “If you don’t find a date, then Connor’s gonna have to fill in again this year. He’s getting old enough where he’ll start calling you out for being a bitter old hag who hates love. He’s a romantic, and he won’t stand for it,” she teased, only semi-joking.
A dramatic sigh left your lips, and you leaned against the wall. “Ah, to be berated on the subject of love by a seven year old. What have I become?”
Del winked. “I told you – a bitter old hag destined to be alone forever.”
She got a backhand across the arm in response.
“It was the most we’ve ever brought in! And all the shops have been swamped with tourists – Mrs. Lee was saying that she’s run out of half her shop –”
You kept listening to her recap, a break from conversation with your actual B&B guests, despite having been there as well, with a smile. Del’s excitement was contagious, and her son was practically vibrating on the floor next to you, helping you pin a piece of material on the miniature design mannequin. It was actually a relic leftover from the days when design had been a hobby of yours – you’d fallen out of practice with it, but it was fun to play with, and Conner loved it too.
The auction really had gone incredibly well. A larger crowd had bids skyrocketing not only on the donated Greta-signed instruments, but all the other auction items, too. You’d given a short introductory speech, and then Danny had taken the mic to rouse generosity and hometown pride with Conner finishing off the trio with a heartbreakingly adorable pre-written speech about what the auction meant to him as a hospital resident, his little bald head covered with a Greta Van Fleet hat that had Danny beaming when he saw it.
Danny. Danny, Danny, Danny.
It really did pain you to admit, but in the week you’d been in contact with the man, your inclination towards his presence and willingness to believe that maybe, perhaps, there could be a small chance that Danny felt some kind of inclination to you as well had grown exponentially.
But Del had been right.
It scared the ever living crap out of you.
Del had tried to convince you that he’d tried to ask you out at one point, but you were still denying it to this moment. He wouldn’t be that stupid.
He was a rockstar. You had your B&B. If he wanted to be tied down, he’d have done it where he had an apartment, where he was settled now. Not with you. Not back here.
And you were both busy busy busy.
It wasn’t about feelings or inclinations. It was about reality. It was about preservation.
The knock on the door was unexpected. You glanced at Del, but they shrugged, looking towards the entryway with you. Putting a pin in your design, you pushed yourself up, peeking through the peephole and pulling back abruptly, face heating.
Del caught on to your reaction immediately. “What?” they pressed, getting up from the couch. “Who is it?”
Del froze, then backed up, out of sight with a grin on their face. “Answer the door, then, Y/N.”
You stuck your tongue out at her and then turned the doorknob. “Hey, Danny, what’s up?”
Danny raised his eyebrows and smiled that sweet smile of his. “Hey, Y/N. I was actually just coming around to get a few details. About tomorrow, I mean.”
The auction had gone spectacularly, but you still had the Christmas Parade to consider. Floats and hot drinks and speeches and the tree. It was all a little bit more chaotic because it was such an in-the-moment thing. No amount of planning was going to account for all the things that would inevitably go wrong. A live event of that size was always going to be challenging, and you were simultaneously looking forward to it and dreading it immensely.
“Oh, of course! Del’s actually in here,” you said, just as a fully bundled up Del and Conner came waltzing into the entryway.
“Actually, Del’s just leaving,” they said. “Conner has an appointment today, so I can’t stick around, but Y/N knows all the details. Have fun, and I’ll see you both tomorrow!”
You had barely gotten a goodbye out when they rushed past you, Conner grinning in tow when Danny held out a hand to high-five him.
“Come on in, then,” you said, smiling at him. In a mirror image of the first time he’d been there, he stepped across the threshold and gazed about the room, shucking his coat as he did so. “So, what did you need?”
Danny returned his gaze to you and nodded. “Right. So I was wondering – Del had mentioned something about having to bring a date,” he said, seemingly gauging your reaction. “Does that – is something that actually happens or was she just trying to…uh, hint at something?”
You laughed and shook your head, face heating once again. “Let’s go to the couch, and I’ll tell you a little bit about Del and her scheming.”
“You know, I had a feeling there was something going on,” he observed, following you into the living room.
“Well, it’s not by my design,” you said, but quickly backtracked because having this man’s interest was simultaneously something you wanted and something you didn’t, and you didn’t want to ruin it with a poorly-worded phrase. “I mean, the whole ‘date for the Christmas Parade’ thing. She’s been trying to set me up since I moved here.”
Danny nodded knowingly, a smile quirking his lips up. “That does seem like something Del would do.”
“You have no idea,” you breathed out. “Anyways, last year was my first Christmas here, and they were with their partner and a couple other friends of theirs were coming with dates, and I think she felt bad for me,” you chuckled, offering him a piece of chocolate from a bowl on the coffee table before unwrapping your own. “But she made the joke that Conner could be my date, and it’s been that way ever since. Hence the whole ‘bring a date’ thing.
“He’s a good kid,” Danny said at the mention of Conner. “Funny, too.”
You sighed, the little boy having quickly wormed his way into your heart once you’d met him and his parents the day you moved into the B&B. “Yeah. He is. His cancer relapse came so suddenly last year, I know we’re just grateful that the hospitals here are able to care for him – it wouldn’t be nearly as good for him if he had to stay away somewhere else. He loves you, by the way. Couldn’t stop talking about you after the auction.”
Danny grinned at the validation. “He told me he wanted to be a drummer,” he chuckled, and you laughed along with him.
“Del might have a conniption about the noise, but they’d sign him up for lessons in a heartbeat.”
The conversation petered out and you took another piece of chocolate.
“So, uh, the date thing is…”
“A joke,” you assured. “You won’t be out of place if you don’t show up with a date.”
Danny shrugged. “I mean, if I’d be okay with Conner, I was thinking…maybe I could be your date this year?”
You froze. A deeper, hidden part of your psyche had been prepared for this – had anticipated and hoped for this. But the larger part of you was screaming and running amuck at the warning alarms flashing and blaring and causing a general chaos in your head.
“Did Del put you up to this?” It was the first thing that popped into your head, and at his confused frown, you cursed.
“No. No, this is – this is just me,” he said simply. “I’ve been trying to—”
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” you interrupted, and Danny faltered.
“Oh. Oh, ok – I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…overstep,” he apologized, and it made you feel like the lowest lowlife in existence. “I thought that – well, it doesn’t really matter what I think,” he said, embarrassment creeping into his tone. He got up and you kicked yourself – fear or not, he was still a professional relationship that you needed to keep. “I’m gonna go.”
“You’ll still call me if you need anything, right?” And Danny laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you later, Y/N.” Even with a wounded ego, he still gave you a stilted smile as he left, not giving you time to get up and walk him to the door.
The house was silent after that.
As per usual, the parade was cold.
There wasn’t much else to expect from a Christmas Parade in Michigan, but Del was giving you a new kind of cold, one you weren’t used to from them.
You knew it was because Danny. You’d called her right after the awkward confrontation with humiliation and guilt dripping from every word. And while they tried their best to be a supportive friend, you could also practically see the disappointment through the phone. And then, fast-forward three days later at the parade, their attention was elsewhere as you both tried to get everything set and ready to go – but you couldn’t help but to feel as though they’d turned a bit of a cold shoulder your way.
You didn’t blame them.
But there was time for introspection and explanations later – at the moment, you had a parade to put on.
Danny appeared about a half hour before the start of the parade, right on schedule, giving you a perfunctory nod and a small smile before turning to talk to one of the float operators. Your stomach turned over, but you got back to work.
At 10 minutes till, you took a deep breath and approached the man, awkward rejections behind you.
“Hey Danny, are you all ready? I know two speeches is a lot, but…they’ll eat up anything you say, I feel like,” you joked with a smile. He chuckled back, scratching at the back of his head.
“Yeah, I’m not usually the one who has to speak to the crowd,” he admitted good-naturedly. “But I know so many people out there, it is a little more nerve-wracking than speaking to a crowd of strangers, if you can believe it.”
“Oh, I do, trust me.”
It was the only conversation you were able to get out before Del came bustling over to you guys, shooting you a look. “Okay. Danny, ready for stage. Y/N, did you double check the tree?”
You nodded. “It looked great. We don’t have any precipitation within 100 miles of us, we’ve got two extra power cords, and all it needs is to be plugged in.”
With darkness falling earlier this time of year, it made for a better turnout for families with young children – all lining the streets to see the floats and get cups of free hot chocolate and cider provided by the Ladies Guilds of a few churches and finally, once the parade had passed, see the tree lit at the end of the main street.
“Ok, then. Let’s get this show on the road,” Del said, nodding at Danny. With one last half-smile, he took the stairs to the small riser and addressed the crowd.
In all honesty, you couldn’t say that you knew what Danny said, per se, but you did know that he was sweet and sincere and you really kinda wanted to kiss him.
But that ship had sailed, and you had a tree to light.
As soon as Danny’s speech ended, you took the detour necessary to avoid the crowd and get to the tree, waiting with the volunteer stationed at the end of the road for the floats to start rolling through.
And they did. With each float, the crowd pressed closer, spectators at the beginning of the parade making their way closer to the tree for the grand finale.
What you hadn’t expected was to see Danny at the front of the crowd, nor had you expected to have been able to pick him out of the crowd. And as you stared at him, as if he felt your eyes on you from across the crowd, he turned to look at you, smiling and waving half-heartedly.
The volunteer handed you a mic once the last float had gone past, and you nervously stood on the riser off to the side of the tree. You couldn’t help but look back to Danny, and he gave an encouraging thumbs-up despite the air between you.
“Good evening folks,” you started out, “I hope you’re all having a great time tonight – drinking hot chocolate and catching up with loved ones and admiring all the hard work our businesses and our very own Del Johnson put into their floats and this parade.” A cheer went up at that, and you were glad you didn’t have to say all too much. “And I know that your little ones might have to go to bed soon, but we’re all here for the same thing – the annual lighting of the tree! So, without further ado, let’s light it up boys!”
You looked behind you to where a volunteer attached an extension cord to the main plug of the tree.
But nothing happened.
A murmur went up among the people closest to you, and you chuckled nervously. “Ah, sorry folks, it looks like we have some technical difficulties. Give us just one second!”
You hurried off the stage and approached the volunteer. “What’s happening?”
“I – I don’t know! It worked when we tested it earlier, but now it’s shorted out, and I—” Her phone rang and you motioned for her to get it, a couple seconds passing with words of acknowledgment. When she put the phone down again, she looked at you. “They said a circuit’s been blown. They could try to get someone out here, but it’ll take a few hours.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples. You really weren’t cut out for this job – you were too easily stressed by factors outside your control.
“Is everything alright?”
Del and Danny approached you at the same time, Conner in tow, and you shook your head.
“Some sort of circuit thing affecting the power going to the tree. It won’t light,” you explained. Danny didn’t say word before he pulled out his phone abruptly and walked a short distance away, and you glanced over at him but quite frankly, had bigger fish to fry. “I’m sorry, Del. We tested it and it worked find earlier, so this must have developed within the space of the parade.”
“It’s fine,” Del said, trying to comfort you. “These things happen. They’ll understand.”
“But it was my job,” you insisted. “And I just wanted it to be…good. For you and Conner and Danny and everyone else. It was supposed to be my job,” you reiterated, a part of you despairing not only at the tree but your indecision, your perceived failure in life, your shoving away of Danny and his attempts to get to know you – all of it.
It was then that Danny reappeared at your side, concerned at the sight of your disappointment manifesting in frustrated almost-tears. “Um. So I just called buddy of mine – he said he lives nearby, and he said that he might be able to fix it. He’ll be in in five.”
Danny’s words stopped both you and Del in your tracks, both of you turning to look at him with two varying degrees of admiration, disbelief, and adoration. Well, the adoration was definitely coming more from you, but that was something to examine a different day.
Del then got a look on their face, and addressed the volunteer. “The problem – does it affect the rest of the businesses on Main?”
The volunteer frowned in contemplation. “I mean, it would depend on if they’re connected to the same circuit board, which, considering the tree is attached to City Hall, they might not be.”
Del thanked her and then took the stage without revealing their thoughts to you, but you were rather occupied with the missed opportunity standing in front of you.
“How do you do that?” you asked, awe seeping into the corners of your tone.
Danny just seemed confused, though. “Do what?”
“Be perfect.”
And that garnered a reaction. Danny blushed and burst out in laughter simultaneously. “That’s definitely not true,” he stated. “Why do you say that?”
“You just – I don’t know. You seem perfect. And then you go and you do these things which make you seem even more perfect. And I feel like…” You trailed off, humiliation showing its face once again.
Before Danny could prompt you to finish the thought, Del’s voice came on the loudspeaker.
“Hi folks! How are we doing tonight?” And in true crowd fashion, a small bout of cheers and clapping arose. “As our lovely Y/N has told you, we are having some technical difficulties with the tree. I know, sad, right? But I do happen to have a sound system still works, and we can make out own fun while the problem is fixed, right? Let’s get some Christmas cheer up in here, shall we?” After Del’s words, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” came on, and she said, “Now grab that someone special – or just someone around you – and give ‘em a twirl – share the Christmas spirit!”
Danny met your eyes bashfully, but didn’t offer his hand, looking away.
“Danny?” you asked, and he raised his brow. “Would you like to dance?”
A grin lit up his face. Of course he was waiting for a second chance. But that was the thing – it was that he was waiting instead of pushing.
As you were saying – perfect.
As Danny took your hand, a shop’s Christmas lights lit up – and after that, another, then another until most of the street was lit up in lights and decorations and general cheery holiday joy that was missing with the lack of the tree.
You weren’t a great dancer – the best you could do most of the time was a rock side-to-side or a jump up-and-down. But luckily, Danny was proving to be much lighter on his feet than you, leading you in a slow, swaying, movement-oriented dance.
“You’re really good at this,” you observed, and Danny’s eyes softened. “Is there anything that you aren’t good at?”
And Danny chuckled. “I’ve been trained, actually.” You hummed in contentment and inched closer to Danny on a turn, close enough to feel his breath. He probably was good at everything. Everything. “What were you saying earlier?”
His question thankfully stopped your line of thought before it became less than savory. “About what?” you sighed, falling quickly into his presence as if it were a sedative. You might have had two left feet, but Danny more than made up for it.
“You were telling me that you felt like…well, I don’t know. You got cut off.”
Trying to think back to the conversation in question, you let him twirl you, unaware of the other couples and families doing their own little dances nearby. “I think I might have been about to say that I made a mistake.”
Danny tsked once. “The tree wasn’t your fault,” he said adamantly. “Unless, of course, you screwed up the circuit in City Hall on purpose. Then, well…”
And you laughed, your breath creating a visible ball of vapor in the cold. “No, no. Not about the tree.” Almost unconsciously, you gripped his hand tighter, as if afraid he’d let go and run away. “I meant…about you. I feel like I made a mistake with you.”
Danny licked his lips, almost nervously, but he never stopped moving and he didn’t try to leave. “A mistake,” he repeated softly, “as in, this, here is a mistake? You and I?”
You almost physically recoiled. “No! No, Danny, no. Not right now. Earlier. When you came over and asked me to be your date and I freaked. That was the mistake.”
“Oh,” he breathed out, visibly relieved. “Okay.”
“Yeah, no. I like this. I – well, I’m not sure what I want. You don’t live here, and I – I’m not—”
The rest of the sentence never made it out of your mouth, your lips instead occupied with Danny’s, who had leaned in, slow and gentle and perfect, to kiss you.
“That’s ok,” he murmured, still swaying to the tune of the song, lips still brushing yours. “It’s okay to not know what you want. That’s life. That’s real. We can take it step by step,” he assured, and you swallowed, nodding as you pulled back, only to grin at the newly-fallen snowflakes settling on his eyelashes.
“It’s snowing,” you said softly, and Danny looked up, too.
“It sure is,” he agreed. “The only thing we need now is—" And suddenly, a bright flash lit up his profile and you both turned to see the tree in all its fully-lit glory, a cheer arising from the crowd that you joined in on.
Del said a few words in the mic, and the song switched from the slower tune to the more upbeat sounds of “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays.”
Danny grinned, turning to take your hand again when his attention was caught behind you.
A woman approached the two of you, and Danny beamed. “Hey, Mom.”
“Hi, baby. I’m gonna steal him for this one, if that’s okay with you,” his mother said with a grin and a wink, and you laughed.
“Steal away, I’m not going anywhere.” You waved him off and watched as he danced a jog with his mom, a smile stuck on your face.
You felt a presence next to you and looked over to see Del, an amused smile on their face. “You know, Conner was rooting for you guys,” they said. “And I won’t lie – so was I.”
“Baba!” Conner yelled from behind you and Del, and you both turned around to see a flushed-face little boy brimming with excitement. “I got a – I got a—”
He was a little out of breath, and Del made him slow down. “Whoa, Bubs. Catch your breath and then you can tell us.”
He took a few deep breaths and then looked up again with shining eyes. “Santa brought me a gift early!”
“Oh?” Del said, and the look on their face revealed that Del was not aware of this. “What did Santa bring you?”
“A drum set!” he nearly screamed, and you had to cover your mouth to keep from laughing. “And Danny signed it and everything!”
You finally sputtered out a laugh, and Del turned an accusing (but good-natured) eye on you. “Did you know about this?”
“No! I swear! I only mentioned how much Conner loved him, and he said Conner had told him he wanted to be a drummer,” you laughed, turning to try ad catch sight of Danny in the crowd. He was still near the edge, now looking over at you, and you gave him a thumbs up, to which he grinned at. “Maybe I can finagle a few lessons, too. Might be more bearable that way,” you joked.
Del sighed, but as soon as Conner hugged them around the waist, they smiled warmly.
“Best Christmas Parade in the books, in my opinion.”
Note: AND WE ARE DONE. Note to self: If you’re gonna attempt to write a series of 12 fics to release everyday, 1) don’t or 2) have more than a week of prep time.
It has been a ride, folks, that’s for sure. I really loved doing this, don’t let me convince you otherwise, but I should have known myself better than to set that ambitious a set of deadlines. Either way, I had fun and I hope you have too!
Now that we’re back to regular programming, I will say requests and ships will still be closed as I recuperate and take a break and not pressure myself into publishing the fics and projects I’ll be working on, but they’ll open up again eventually as soon as I catch up on the ones that are already sitting in my inbox and get some of my other projects on paper!
I appreciate all the support and love this series has gotten - I’ll likely make a post with this series and link it on my Masterlist so they’ll stay together for those who want it that way, but I’ll also be moving the individual works to their respective ships, too.
Hope you guys are living and thriving and listening to all the good music and eating all the good food and getting all the good love the world has to offer!
Taglist: @fleetsonfire @theweightofstardust @theatrekidjosh @fictional-duchess
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gvfrry · 2 years
Vinyl Collection Masterpost
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inspo from @mamavanheat :) this is such a cool idea thank you kat!! find kat’s collection here my collection on discogs my vinyl collection playlist (incomplete because not everything is available on spotify)
my turntable model
vinyl collecting is one of my biggest passions, my collection is one of my greatest achievements and quite literally my prized possession, so I'd love to share it with you :) I've been collecting for about six years now, and have inherited a lot from my grandparents (hence the random spiritual and children's records.) below is an alphabetical list of my collection. I have also included a list of the LPs I'm currently searching for at the end! I'll update as it grows!! <3
my favorites are in bold
anything in parentheses denotes additional information on special colored pressings or other details
newly added vinyls are in purple
The Gregg Allman Band - Playin' Up A Storm
America - America
America - America
America - America
Arctic Monkeys - AM B
Babe Ruth - First Base
Bad Company - Desolation Angels
John Baldry - It Ain't Easy
Bastille - Bad Blood
Bastille - Doom Days
Bastille - Give Me The Future (Orange, Transparent)
Terry Baxter His Orchestra & Chorus - The Best Of '72
The Beatles - Abbey Road
Tony Bennett - Tony!
Jade Bird - Jade Bird
Boston - Boston
Bread - On The Waters
Savoy Brown - Hellbound Train C
Glen Campbell - Galveston
The Charlie Daniels Band - Fire On The Mountain
The Charlie Daniels Band - Full Moon
Chicago - Chicago
Chubby Checker - For Twisters Only
Eric Clapton - Backless
Commodores - Midnight Magic
Perry Como With Mitchell Ayres And His Orchestra - Rollin' Stone / With All My Heart And Soul (Shellac, 10")
Earl Thomas Conley - Treadin' Water
Alice Cooper - Killer
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Greatest Hits
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Daylight Again
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - So Far D
Mac Demarco - 2
John Denver - John Denver's Greatest Hits
John Denver - Whose Garden Was This
Neil Diamond - Stones
Neil Diamond - The Jazz Singer (Original Songs From The Motion Picture)
The Disneyland Children's Sing-Along Chorus - Disney's Children's Favorites Volume II
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things, Vol. I (Red and Blue Starburst)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Stranger Things, Vol. II (Red and Blue Starburst)
Placido Domingo With John Denver - Perhaps Love
Doris Day and Buddy Clark - I'll String Along With You / Powder Your Face With Sunshine (Shellac, 10") E
Billie Eilish - Happier Than Ever (Pale Blue)
Billie Eilish - When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? (Yellow)
Eurythmics - Revenge F
Fabian - The Fabulous Fabian
Fleetwood Mac - Mirage
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk
Fleetwood Mac - Vintage Years
Dan Fogelberg - Phoenix
Peter Frampton - I'm In You
Peter, Paul And Mary - In The Wind G
Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band - Greatest Hits Vol. II
Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band - Help Yourself
Go-Go's - Beauty And The Beat
Greta Van Fleet - Black Smoke Rising EP
Greta Van Fleet - Anthem Of The Peaceful Army
Greta Van Fleet - The Battle At Garden's Gate
Greta Van Fleet - The Battle At Garden's Gate (White)
Larry Groce And The Disneyland Children's Sing-Along Chorus - Disney's Children's Favorites Vol. I H
Halsey - Hopeless Fountain Kingdom (Clear With Teal Splatter)
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass (50th Anniversary Box Set)
Niall Horan - Flicker I
nothing here yet :) J
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Jay And The Americans - Sands Of Time
Billy Joel - Glass Houses
Elton John - Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only The Piano Player
Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John - Madman Across The Water
Janis Joplin - Pearl
Khalid - American Teen
Kid's Praise! - Kid's Praise 2 A Joy Fuliest Noise
The Knack - Get The Knack L
The Lads - The Lads In Concert
Lake - Lake
Steve Lawrence - Winners!
Le Roux - Louisiana's Le Roux
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Lee Greenwood - Somebody's Gonna Love You
Lee Greenwood - You've Got A Good Love Comin'
The Lettermen - I Have Dreamed
The Liverpool Kids - Beattle Mash
Living Strings - Music From Fiddler On The Roof
Living Voices - Sing Irish Songs
The Longines Symphonette - The Best Songs Of 1969
The Longines Symphonette - The Best Songs Of 1970
The Longines Symphonette - The Best Songs Of 1973
The Lumineers - The Lumineers
The Lumineers - Cleopatra
The Lumineers - III (Gold Translucent Gold Foil)
The Lumineers - Brightside (Sunbleached, Artist Signed) M
Post Malone - Beerbongs & Bentleys (Clear)
Chuck Mangione - Fun And Games
Paul Mauriat And His Orchestra - Blooming Hits
Paul McCartney - Tug Of War
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell
Medical Mission Sisters - Joy Is Like The Rain
Shawn Mendes - Wonder (Silver)
Mickey Mouse Club - Mousekedances And Other Mouseketeer Favorites
Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle
The Mistletoe Disco Band - Christmas Disco
Anne Murray - Anne Murray Sings For The Sesame Street Generation N
Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog
Olivia Newton-John - Physical
Olivia Newton-John / Electric Light Orchestra - Xanadu (From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) O
One Direction - Made In The AM
Orleans - Walking And Dreaming P
Panic At The Disco - Pretty. Odd.
Panic! At The Disco - Vices & Virtues
Panic! At The Disco - Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!
Panic! At The Disco - Death Of A Bachelor
Panic! At The Disco - All My Friends We're Glorious: Death Of A Bachelor Tour Live
Christopher Parkening - Parkening Plays Bach
Poco - Legend
Elvis Presley - A Legendary Performer Vol. 3 (Picture Disc)
Elvis Presley - Elvis In Hollywood
Elvis Presley - Moody Blue Q
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (The Original Soundtrack) R
Olivia Rodrigo - Sour
Linda Ronstadt - A Retrospective S
Carlos Santana & Buddy Miles - Carlos Santana & Buddy Miles! Live!
Bob Segar & The Silver Bullet Band - Live Bullet
Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Shooting Star - Hang On For Your Life
Nancy Sinatra - Boots
Roy Smeck and His Paradise Serenaders - South Seas Serenade
The Smothers Brothers - Curb Your Tongue, Knave!
Southern Pacific - Southern Pacific
Johnny Standley With Horace Heidt And His Musical Knights - It's In The Book Part 1 / It's In The Book Part 2 (Shellac, 10")
James Lee Stanley - Live
Steely Dan - Can't Buy A Thrill
Stephen Stills - Stephen Stills 2
Stephen Stills / Mike Bloomfield / Al Kooper - Super Session
Strawberry Shortcake - The World Of Strawberry Shortcake: Original TV Sound Track
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Harry Styles - Fine Line
Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar Single (Red, 7")
Styx - Cornerstone
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
Taylor Swift - Speak Now
Taylor Swift - Fearless (Taylor’s Version) (Red Opaque)
Taylor Swift - Red
Taylor Swift - Red (Taylor's Version)
Taylor Swift - Folklore (Pink "Clandestine Meetings")
Taylor Swift - Evermore (Green) T
Toots And The Maytals - Reggae Got Soul
The Turtles - Happy Together U
nothing here yet :) V
Jerry Vale - More Jerry Vale's Greatest Hits
Various Artists - Dear Evan Hansen: Original Broadway Cast Recording
Various - Grand Old Country (Box Set)
Various - In The Mood: Greatest Hits Of The Big Band Era
Various - Magnavox Let Us Entertain You
Various - Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (The Movie Soundtrack Featuring The Songs Of ABBA)
Various - Mickey Mouse Disco
Various - Super Hits Of The '70s
Various - Take Me Home Country Roads (Box Set)
Various - The 50's Greatest Love Songs / The 50's Golden Hits To Remember
Various - The Million Dollar Themes
Various - The Music Man - Original Soundtrack
Various - The Original Hit Performances! The Late Fifties
Various - The Sound Of Music (An Original Soundtrack Recording)
Various - Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty
Various - Wonderful World Of Children's Christmas
Various Featuring Peggy Lee - Walt Disney's "Lady And The Tramp" - Including Songs From The Motion Picture
Virtuoso Symphony Of London- On The Night Before Christmas - Nutcracker Suite W
Joe Walsh - "But Seriously, Folks..."
Waylon - Greatest Hits
Wet Willie - The Wetter The Better
The Who - The Kids Are Alright
Roger Williams - Roger Williams
Wings- Back To The Egg X
nothing here yet :) Y
Neil Young - Harvest Z
nothing here yet :)
current vinyl hunting:
Taylor Swift - Lover (it's currently being shipped)
The Velveteers - Nightmare Daydream
Bastille - Wild World
Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher
Phoebe Bridgers - Stranger In The Alps
Greta Van Fleet - From The Fires
Fleetwood Mac- Fleetwood Mac
Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night
Carole King - Tapestry
Joni Mitchell - Blue
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Self Titled
Hozier - Hozier
Hozier - Wasteland Baby
Mother Mother - O My Heart
Dominic Fike - What Could Possibly Go Wrong
Frank Ocean - channel ORANGE
Frank Ocean - Blond
One Direction - Four
Cat Stevens - Tea For The Tillerman
Eagles - Eagles
Euphoria Soundtrack
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vinylanswer · 2 years
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The other day, I found a record that meant a lot to me…that I never knew existed. Back when my daughter was an infant, I always had 2 AM bottle duty and I’d quietly sing to her while she lay in my lap, knockin’ ‘em back. I did all the classics—Row Your Boat, Hickory Dickory Dock, I Want To Hold Your Hand, and so on. Around that time, I heard a song by Cub, a female Canadian indie band from the 90s, called “New York City.” I have no idea where I heard it, as it’s fairly obscure, but it’s a funny, simple, near campfire-singalong song with verses about a budding romance, a middle eight where they list NYC landmarks, and a happy, positive chorus perfect for a baby: “Everyone’s your friend in New York City / And everything is beautiful when you’re young and pretty / The streets are paved with diamonds and there’s just so much to see / but the best thing about New York City is….you and meeee.” So I used to sing the chorus and the landmark list to her, and we both loved it—she’d gurgle the meeeee with me, and as she learned to talk, sometimes she’d say ‘Sing ‘Me’’ to request it. The song became a part of our daily lives. So the other day, I was driving through Connecticut and stopped at Records The Good Kind just off of 84. I get there maybe once every two years but always find something cool. I was digging through a stack of 45s when I suddenly came across this—the album by Cub that had “New York City” on it, released not on LP but as a set of three 45s in the late 1990s. I’d never given Cub much thought nor heard anything else by them or even looked to see if that song was on vinyl. Now here it was in front of me, and all those late nights of singing “New York City” hundreds of times came back in a flash. It was a heady moment; I don’t typically get misty-eyed in a record store that’s blasting Radiohead (It was, er, the dust on that Perry Como record over there). Anyway, I now happily own a Cub record(s).
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✨tag 9 people to learn more about their interest
Thanks @itsjustaboathome @nico-cab for tagging me, ilyyy 💜💜💜
fav genre? i always listen to pop, indie, some pop rock and a little of rap
fav artist? besides my 5 fav boys i love Yungblud, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Arctic Monkeys, The NBHD and a thousand more
fav song? of all time it's Iris - goo goo dolls
most listened song recently? Beggin' - Måneskin, for sure
song currently stuck in your head? fOoL fOr YoU - Zayn
5 fav lyrics?
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming or the moment of truth in your lies. When everything feels like the movies, yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive. - Iris - goo goo dolls
If the truth tell, darling, you'd feel like there ain't enough dying stars in your sky. It's a tall tale, and it's only hello hello, no goodbye. - Only the brave - Louis Tomlinson
For your eyes only, i'll show you my heart for when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only. - If I could fly - One direction
Dear patience, if i pour my heart out, can you keep a promise? 'Cause the situation is like a mountain that's been weighing on my conscious if i'm being honest. Feels like you don't even know me, just me and the stars can get lonely. - Dear patience - Niall Horan
If I'm a pagan of the good times, my lover is the sunlight, to keep the goddess on my side she demands a sacrifice, drain the whole sea, get something shiny. - Take me to church - Hozier
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? I only read novels and fantasy, it's my escape from reality.
fav writer? I don't have any fav
fav book series? Twilight (was the first one i read)
comfort book? any sweet novel
perfect book to read on a rainy day? My favs fics
fav characters? Augustus Waters - The fault in our stars.
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart?
"He's more myself than i am, whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Wuthering heights.
"No fundo todos nós precisamos de um abrigo para fugirmos de nós mesmos ocasionalmente." / "Deep down we all need a shelter to escape from ourselves occasionally." - Fanfic - How to wear a crown.
"Ele faz o quebrado parecer belo e o forte parecer invencionices. Ele anda com o universo sob seus ombros. Fazendo-o parecer como um par de asas." / "He makes the broken look beautiful and the strong look invincible. He walks with the universe on his shoulders. Making him look like a pair of wings." - Fanfic - How to wear a crown
"I fall in love the way you fall asleep slowly and then all at once." - The fault in our stars.
"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more; that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - The notebook.
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? Rom com, drama, fiction, fantasy
fav movie? Pretty woman
comfort movie? Dear John
movie you watch every year? 10 things I hate about you
fav tv show? Grey's anatomy
comfort tv show? The big bang theory
most rewatched tv show? Gossip girl
ultimate otp? Morticia and Gomez - Adams family
5 fav characters?
Christina Yang - Grey's anatomy
Monica - Friends
Iron man
Blair Waldorf
Princess Merida
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
I'm tagging @zouis-exes-to-lovers @chrisltomlinson @ftdtvapor @quickpauseinconversations @thecolorsthaticantchange @hearyouhowling @louisnewera @thelarrielouie @louzier
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birdhaslostit · 4 years
🎁🎄❄️What the Lupin Gang would do for Christmas!❄️🎄🎁
Helloooooooo Lupin fans! You may or may not remember me as that one chick who made that Halloween headcanon post a few months back, as well as the Jigen’s bangs post. I’m back with a Christmas post!!!
Please note: Personally, I really only celebrate Christmas in a non-Jesus-y way. (Which is how I’m also writing this post, because let’s be honest, do you really think Lupin is going to confession and shit? Absolutely not.) It’s purely out of habit because I was raised Catholic, but I practice witchcraft now. My family doesn’t know that though. Because of this, I considered also making posts for other winter holidays, so I could include Lupin fans that don’t celebrate Christmas. But I didn’t want to accidentally mess it up, or write something inaccurate about a holiday that I don’t celebrate. It felt disingenuous to make a Hanukkah post because I’m not Jewish and it doesn’t seem like my place, and I didn’t want to do a Yule one either, because no two people celebrate it the same way. So, I strongly encourage others to add their respective winter festivities to this post if they want to! We’re all about inclusivity here.
Without further ado:
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I don’t feel like it needs saying, but this man goes bonkers for Christmas.
He flip-flops his choice of red or green jacket by the year. But it always comes with an equally garish Christmas-themed tie, just to make explicitly clear that this is The Christmas Jacket for the year, as opposed to the standard red/green jacket.
The hideout(s) are always decorated to the GILLS inside. It’s an odd mix of older classy decorations he’s inherited from his family, and absolutely horrendously tacky ones he’s bought himself. 
Picture real branch garlands, wrapped tastefully around gilded candelabras that have been passed down through several generations. And then one of those singing, dancing stuffed animals from Walmart that plays “Jingle Bell Rock” when you squeeze its paw, right next to it.
Christmas-themed heists? You know it, baby. But he won’t steal anything on Christmas Eve or Christmas. It just isn’t in the spirit of the season, in his opinion. But he’ll leave a little something-something with his calling cards during the rest of December. A candy cane, a sprig of mistletoe, a bough of holly, etc.
Lupin despises eggnog. He loves any other Christmas drink, just not eggnog. He’s too grossed out by the idea of drinking eggs with alcohol- some things just shouldn’t be mixed.
Will not allow anyone to mention the truth about Santa Claus in his presence. Yeah, he knows, but that’s not the point. It just feels like bad luck to say it out loud. The harder Jigen tries to debate with him that Santa isn’t real, the harder he digs in his heels that “of course he is you absolute Scrooge, how dare you! If you don’t believe, you don’t receive.”
Favorite Christmas Songs: Anything peppy! 
Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney
Step Into Christmas by Elton John
Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee
We Need a Little Christmas by Percy Faith and his Orchestra
A Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives
All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
Santa Claus’ Party by Les Baxter
Favorite Christmas Drinks: Literally anything except eggnog.
Favorite Christmas Foods: Anything obscenely sugary. Especially gingerbread men and other decorated pastries.
Favorite Christmas Activities: Loves to ice skate and make gingerbread houses! But his houses usually look fairly pathetic, no matter how hard he tries.
Favorite Christmas Movie(s): 
The Grinch (Jim Carrey version)
Home Alone
Christmas Gifts: The king of gag gifts, but he also gives surprisingly thoughtful presents too. He’s the kind of guy that would get a person something they mentioned once offhandedly that they really liked, and he’d go back and get it for them.
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Lupin always wants to decorate the hideout(s) the second Halloween ends, but it never happens. With Jigen being the only American in the gang, he always puts a stop to it in order to preserve the quickly-disappearing border between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What can I say, dude loves his Thanksgiving excuse to eat like shit and do nothing for a day. Even if it is a fucked-up holiday, historically speaking.
But once the Thanksgiving meal is over, he gives Lupin the okay to go crazy. He’s pretty stoked about Christmas too, but too full of turkey to contribute, so he just watches Lupin hang up Christmas lights everywhere while he lays on the couch and digests.
Jigen likes Christmas a lot, but like, in a normal person kind of way. Nowhere near Lupin’s insane level. He’s surprisingly open about his enthusiasm too. The average person would think he doesn’t really care about Christmas much (or anything else really), but to the gang, Christmastime is the most openly excited they’ve ever seen him.
One year’s Christmas-themed heist involved Jigen dressing up as a mall Santa as a part of the plan. The gang powdered his beard, gave him a pillow for his stomach, and sent him on his way. Everything went surprisingly smoothly, and he actually did pretty well with the kids. At first they were a little intimidated, and Jigen was kind of nervous- but he gave them all candy canes and they changed their minds pretty quickly.
Jigen enjoyed it a lot, actually... to the point that he may have potentially started volunteering to be the local mall Santa. Every year during December, he leaves for a day or two on “business.” Nobody in the gang can prove it though, and trust me, they’ve tried.
Favorite Christmas Songs: The classics and the chill ones, with a few rock ones thrown in for a little kick.
Mele Kalikimaka by Bing Crosby
Sleigh Bells by Gene Autry
(There’s No Place Like) Home For The Holidays by Perry Como
Jingle Bells by Frank Sinatra
Caroling, Caroling by Nat King Cole
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow by Dean Martin
Silver Bells by Dean Martin
Happy Holiday by Bing Crosby
Run Rudolph Run by Chuck Berry
Merry Christmas Baby by Bruce Springsteen (Sang this once after too much eggnog and will never live it down)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by the Barenaked Ladies (He’s not into all the Jesus-y stuff, but it’s pretty catchy.)
Favorite Christmas Drinks: Jigen is ALL. ABOUT. THAT. NOG. He’ll make his cup a little stronger than everyone else’s.
Favorite Christmas Foods: He really likes candy canes, especially the mini ones. He’ll keep a few in his pocket with his cigs, and switch between them depending on his mood. Out of habit, it’ll usually dangle out of his mouth like a cigarette would.
Favorite Christmas Activities: Watching Christmas movies and laughing at Lupin’s shitty gingerbread houses.
Favorite Christmas Movies: 
Anything that’s on at the moment, really. He likes to lounge by the TV, and he’s not picky. 
He has a soft spot for A Charlie Brown Christmas though.
A Christmas Story, solely because of the BB gun.
Scrooged, because Bill Murray’s hilarious.
Christmas Gifts: Something practical and useful that the person never realized they needed until they opened the box.
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Goemon wasn’t originally a huge fan of Christmas. Shocking, I know.
He now enjoys some aspects of it, and tolerates others. He likes the idea of giving heartfelt gifts and spending time with loved ones as a tradition, but dislikes the cheesy commercial aspect of Christmas.
He already enjoys the snow and walking through the forest, so the gang usually commissions him to pick a tree for them and cut it down with Zantetsuken. (If they’re somewhere where that’s an option.)
Unbeknownst to the rest of the gang, he will always replant the tree he cut down, and he will wrap something cozy around the bottom of the sapling to keep it safe. Yes, this was directly inspired by A Charlie Brown Christmas. No, he will not admit to this.
Favorite Christmas Songs: The instrumentals, and a few he’d rather die than admit to liking.
The Nutcracker March from The Nutcracker
Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from The Nutcracker
Christmas Time Is Here (Instrumental) by the Vince Guaraldi Trio
Greensleeves by the Vince Guaraldi Trio
Last Christmas by Wham! (He likes the storyline and the romantic aspect of it.)
Do They Know It’s Christmas? by Band Aid (He likes that it was for a good cause, even if it has its flaws.)
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon and Yoko Ono (Again, flawed, but he enjoys the intended message of peace. Also, represents Japan on the side with Yoko Ono.)
White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes
Favorite Christmas Drinks: Surprisingly fond of hot cocoa. Heavy on the whipped cream and marshmallows. 
Favorite Christmas Foods: Doesn’t really like eating gingerbread men, but enjoys decorating them. They’re always pristine, like something you’d get in a bakery.
Favorite Christmas Activities: See above. Also enjoys going out in the snow, and making ice sculptures with Zantetsuken.
Favorite Christmas Movies: Refuses to admit he likes any of these.
Any of the classic Rankin Bass claymation specials.
Any other animated ones for kids. Has a soft spot for A Charlie Brown Christmas and The Polar Express.
A few of those cheesy Hallmark ones.
Christmas Gifts: Something small and sentimental he saw while walking by a store that reminded him of the person he’s giving it to. Nothing extravagant, but thoughtful nonetheless.
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Fujiko decorates the tree. Period. Lupin cannot be trusted to do this on his own. Goemon picks the tree, Lupin and Jigen put it in the stand, and from there, it’s all Fujiko. The ornaments, lights, and tree skirt are all perfectly color/theme coordinated, and arranged like a pristine store display. 
She also has a few ornaments that she bought for each specific member of the gang. Lupin’s is a monkey (he was not pleased, but he’s whipped for her, so he let her keep it). Jigen’s is a carved wooden pistol. Goemon’s is porcelain, with hand-painted sakura blossoms on it. She bought one for Zenigata too as a joke one year- a tiny bowl of ramen noodles.
Her ornament? The star on top of the tree, because she’s the star of the show, baby. It’s actually a snowflake, made of the finest crystal she could steal.
Favorite Christmas Songs: Pop music and Motown’s finest.
Underneath The Tree by Kelly Clarkson
All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande
This Christmas by Donny Hathaway
What Christmas Means To Me by Stevie Wonder
Sleigh Ride by The Ronettes 
Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) by Darlene Love
A Marshmallow World by Darlene Love
I Like A Sleighride (Jingle Bells) by Peggy Lee
Favorite Christmas Drinks: Hot chocolate and mulled wine.
Favorite Christmas Foods: Loves baking and eating gingerbread men. She lets Goemon decorate them with her. Hers have lots of candy and sprinkles on them, while his are just icing.
Favorite Christmas Activities: Along with baking, ice skating! She’s the best at it out of the whole group. None of the guys are particularly good at it, but she makes them go with her at least once regardless.
Favorite Christmas Movies:
Hallmark ones, solely to make fun of them.
Babes In Toyland, but only the 1986 one, because it has Keanu Reeves in it, and “I don’t care if I’m your girlfriend, Lupin. In this house, we support Keanu Reeves.”
Christmas Gifts: Something expensive/extravagant that will make the person think of her every time they use it.
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Zenigata is the second biggest Christmas enthusiast, just behind Lupin.
He doesn’t get to settle down and decorate anything really, since he’s always running after the gang, but he does lots of other little things to celebrate instead. Like getting hot chocolate instead of coffee, tuning the squad car radio to the Christmas station, getting an air freshener that smells like gingerbread, and wearing a festive scarf and gloves with his trench coat to keep out the cold.
In years past, Zenigata still had to work on Christmas Eve/Christmas, even if Lupin wasn’t out stealing anything. Lupin found out and thought that was a little harsh of ICPO, so he came up with a plan. 
Each year he sends a calling card to the station with the conditions that only Zenigata can come to investigate. Zenigata does some research, shows up to the location on Christmas Eve, and every year, nothing’s there except for a neatly wrapped present from Lupin. 
Zenigata keeps the present as “evidence,” goes back to the station, and they give him Christmas off to go investigate on his own, in case Lupin tries anything else. Lupin never does, but the station doesn’t know that. Bada bing, bada boom, Lupin just got Zenigata a vacation.
Zenigata never catches on, bless his heart.
Favorite Christmas Songs: Ones he can sing/hum along to in the squad car.
The Man With All The Toys by The Beach Boys
Celebrate Me Home by Kenny Loggins
Feliz Navidad by José Feliciano (Does Zenigata understand Spanish? Absolutely not. Does he get the point and think it’s festive? Darn right.)
A Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer by Dean Martin
Winter Wonderland by the Eurythmics
Silver Bells by Dean Martin
Happy Holiday/The Holiday Season by Andy Williams
Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town by Gene Autry
December by Earth, Wind, and Fire (Let him have this okay, it’s a good song and he gets made fun of for liking it by the rest of ICPO)
Skating by the Vince Guaraldi Trio
Favorite Christmas Drinks: Hot cocoa and eggnog, but not strong eggnog like Jigen’s.
Favorite Christmas Foods: Anything, really. It’s something besides cup noodles, so he’s grateful. Lupin’s gift always includes lots of various Christmas goodies because of this.
Favorite Christmas Activities: Zenigata enjoys the snow in theory, but doesn’t handle the cold well. So he likes to watch the snow from his window while he listens to Christmas music in his squad car and sips his hot cocoa.
Favorite Christmas Movies: He doesn’t really have a lot of time to sit down a watch a movie, with how hard he works. But he remembers a few from when he was younger, and he really likes those. His favorite is Frosty the Snowman.
Christmas Gifts: Something inexpensive because ICPO vastly underpays this poor man, and he’s always embarrassed because of that, but it’s always something super sweet and heartfelt.
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MERRY CHRISTMAS! And for those who don’t celebrate it, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! <3
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