#periods classes etc
contraspem--spero · 8 months
Listen I'm about anti-natalist as you can possibly get but like if you'd learn pedagogics and it's history and realise how much of it was invented by Men maybe you'd understand a lot about why our education system is the way it is
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rotzaprachim · 3 months
I say this as someone who obviously opposes the Vietnam war, the war in Afghanistan, and the current war in I/p, but I think a lot of Americans including one I was just talking to haven’t got a lot of comprehension that it sure took the uS a lot longer than five months for public opinion to shift strongly away from supporting any of the above, but furthermore - we dont fucking KNOW what the us gov or us public would do or support if they had a hostage crisis with hundreds of us civilians being held by the viet cong or taliban or Sinaloa cartel for months on end, with significant evidence of that group committing sexual assault, within kilometers of where Americans lived. This is not an equivalent thing thing that has ever happened to the us and for the sake of world peace we can be glad it never has, but it’s truly beyond our comprehension what the US (or uk or Canada and such) might do
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stuckinapril · 1 year
within the context of your post from november about people leaving and loyalty, how were you managing your anxious attachment since then for it to get easier? ive been struggling a lot with that and would like to get some advice 💗
A big part of it for me was switching from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. Whenever someone was on the cusp of leaving my life, I really would mourn how cool they are as a person & how I might never find someone like them again. Which is technically true, bc everyone is unique, but it’s also just as true that they’re losing me. You have to constantly remind yourself that this is a two-way street. The moment they walk out of your life, they’re losing access to you too. And that just frees up space for other, more appreciative people to enter your life.
I’ve also gotten a lot better at differentiating a gut response from anxiety messing w my head. Whenever I’d get in my head about somebody’s actions, I ask myself “am I being reasonable to assume this? Is this coming from a trustworthy place, or is it just fear of abandonment wanting me to cling to this person right now?” A lot of the time it was the latter. So I’d just remind myself that I didn’t wrong anyone, and that if they spontaneously decide to leave, they’re not really someone I want in my life to begin with. I don’t villify them—I’m just at a point in my life where I’m far more interested in securely attached people than I am in ambivalent ones, and that’s something anyone deserves.
Another big thing is being okay with discomfort. I don’t think anyone can ever reach a level where they never feel strongly about what someone else does, especially if they’re attached to them. You just kind of have to tell yourself “this is uncomfortable right now, but it will pass” and just trust that it will. Literally just be okay w it. The moment I realized all feelings are ephemeral, negative emotion got so much easier to digest.
Start perceiving the other person’s position just as much as you perceive yours. Instead of only asking yourself “What does this say about me?” also ask “What does this say about them?” There were instances where I was so self-flagellating about someone being ambivalently available, I didn’t even realize what their actions were telling me about their character. Most of the time, it wasn’t anything good, and sticking around that person would’ve done nothing but harm me.
Lastly (and I know this is cliche, but it’s true) you really do need to like yourself to be okay with people falling out of your life just as quickly as they’ve fallen in. Every time you attach too strongly to someone else, you’re literally abandoning yourself. You’re making the decision to ditch the one constant in your life (you) for the most volatile thing out there (another person). By doing this, you’re restricting other people from ebbing and flowing—something all of us do naturally. This isn’t just about our emotions; it’s about the other person’s too. We need to let people move the way they want to. Anxious attachment goes against that in a lot of ways, even if it’s just a byproduct of other issues. Unlearning your anxious attachment is a win-win for everyone involved truly
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victoriartdrawings · 5 months
fanfic rec post tomorrow maybe???👀
me to all my fandom ships knowing perfectly i wont have the time to do even 1 for at least one pairing til next week 🤡
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dreamertrilogys · 1 year
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i’m not even kidding this is how i feel every single day at school 😵‍💫
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casuallyhollering · 11 months
I am never teaching a zoom class ever again omfg it's just not worth it. Either in-person or fully asynchronous, but never ever zoom
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sotogalmo · 8 months
12:12 am
Reading a like. Short fic of Percabeth being reincartions just living normal lives(added Achilles/Patroclus).
While listening to "Say Yes To Heaven" by Lana Del Rey. And fuck.
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pepprs · 9 months
ok i survived yom kippur. but it took every single scrap of strength in my body and i’m not completely better yet
#purrs#food#ask to tag#got my period thursday… bad cramps friday and saturday to the point where i had to go home early saturday (we were working lol 🤪)…. woke up#sunday with a. headache that got worse and worse throughout the day… 5-6 hours into the fast was in agony and felt like i was going to ****#so i… broke the fast and ate something at like 1am. then woke up in agony at 5am and then again at 9am and had a breakdown / fight with my#mom and then spend the whole rest of the fast deathly nauseous and my head hurting worse than ever. broke the fast an hour before everyone#else did (only ate a tiny bit) and then during the fast breaking dinner i started freaking out bc eating wasn’t making my head hurt less so#my grandpa told me to go lie down with a heating pad on my head and i did and slept for like 2 hours and it helped. finally feel better but#my head still hurts faintly and im scared it’ll come back. also i didn’t do my homework and missed class today to fast so im fucked#ive had headaches like this before but this is the worst one in a LONG time. it wasn’t a migraine bc those are in one specific spot iirc but#this was like… my ENTIRE face and the source of the pain migrated from my jaw to my temple to the bridge of my nose to the back of my head#etc etc and it kept moving around and was so sharp i didn’t even have the strength to open my eyes or walk around. and i think it was making#me interpret hunger as nausea. also i took my temperature bc i was flashing hot and cold and was like 2 degrees under normal body temp and#felt so weak and shaky and had body aches too. lol 😍 hpefully the worst of it is over but my head still hurts a little and im so scared itll#happen again. that was by far my worst fasting experience ever#delete later
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inkmaze · 1 year
really funny rewatching criminal minds (and/or other cop shows) and seeing how much of the 'deductions' or 'evidence' are just kind of bull
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darabeatha · 4 months
One more thing is that in game, M.octezuma takes on a new and different name which is 'i.zcalli' and I think that in the context of a Grail war, he could go by that instead of being called 'avenger' to conceal his true identity
#;ooc#ooc#its been some time since i finished l.b7 so i have to re-read it to confirm whether this was the case or im going delusional but#since in the story he's brought back to have a second chance in life; he takes on a new name#i think that in his case; having a new name isnt only to conceal his identity but its like a barrier to him#we see how the first time he sees the protagonist and company; he mentions how the scar in hia forehead hurts#so not going by his true name of m.octezuma it helps him repress the memories of his past#we also see how he imposes on himself the title of t.ezcatlipoca (or well the future t.ezcatlipoca) and tries to follow it to a T#so in a way he's running from himself in a lot of ways#its the regret; the guilt; the despair;#he's willing to discard his own identity in order to change the course of history; to change how things ended; for this last second chance#its why the class of avenger does quite fit him in this context#its a man who's haunted by his past; by how things went; its that kind of servant#like how j.eanne alter cant forgive; like how d.antes is stuck in a period of his life; how s.alieri is cursed by the narrative created-#around his figure; etc etc#i think m.octe is interesting bc of this; he truly goes through extremes; he takes any and every step he can without an ounce of hesitation#its blind and its desperate and even when he faces the other t.ezcatlipoca; he ends up betraying himself; and even the god he is supposed-#to become and follow#he s.hoots him; he k.ills him; its the first time there is hesitation in him; just for a moment#anyways i say he coukd go by i.zcalli in a grail war but#considering its the context of the l.b what gives him that name; it would probably be something else on a different reality
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inutaffy · 8 months
imma post my one and only bylerween fic in a sec but lets fucking talk about today guys
#i went to school cuz i was feeling better and i needed that fresh air yk ( iwish i stayed home)#i sweated my fever off last night i woke up surrounded in sweat i was mad confused#the fever reducer worked fr tho#amen#anyway went to school. first period was fine i was coughing a bit. then i started having baddd cough attacks in 2nd and everyone was like#bro dont pass out#dont throw up#LIKE IM NOT#SHUT UP#now 3rd mf period........................#my teacher is presenting information and statstics of all the people in the junior class who have chronic absences or tardies who are missi#a credit etc etc#and shes like ok so i wanna ask what teachers can do to help#and bro this damn girl in my class is so fucking annoying#YAP YAP YAP#shut the hell up#she started saying all these things about the history teacher but fr shes capping#like shes lying#ik she is#jayme believe the victims........ babe must be doing sum wrong to have a D in the class#she saying all this stuff like if you have a bad grade in other classes he looks down on you NO HE DOESNT#he wants us to try like he wants us to do our best fr#like for serious#sure hes kinda mean but what he asks isnt absurd#and itrs alllwayyys popular kids who got sum to say. people who always late. people who dont pay attention or participate.#she talkin bout 'he gives us like 2 projects a week' wtf are u talkin about#he barely gives us one project a unit#he hates grading so he literally gives us a an assignment at the beinning og the unit an assignment for the middle of the unit/end. a revie#sheet and extra credit if we win the game and a test#like thats it
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rotzaprachim · 10 months
Much observed but also highly entertaining the extent that fundies are worse at every discernible “home making” skill than many a group that they claim to be part of the Them group keeping women from their true roll as home makers
#I think there are many and highly complicated reasons behind this#A huge portion being the idealization of a past that never existed etc etc#Like the nine kids stay at home mom (with little Inter community help) who homeschools is just not a time equation that leaves time open fo#Cooking/cleaning/taking care of every child in an individual manner#The other unspoken elephant in the room is the extent that in the rare-r occasions there WAS the#Ye olden days Ma with her pristine white dress and nine pristine kids rather than an extended network of relatives/women etc etc#That social arrangement was only possible due to the working class women who did the cooking/cleaning/child care#In the South in particular the work of Black women. And for many of the periods fundies glorify? Enslaved women#Tw slavery#The cult of domesticity inseparable from classist and racist oppression etc etc#There’s just a lot going on with how outright bad fundies are at cooking and cleaning and that sort of thing#We won’t even touch on the parenting because that’s it’s own thing of a cultural structure that just creates intergenerational trauma from#The get go#But I think one of the big things to take away from the soc 101 kind of thing is like#Religious conservatism is deep in us cultural waters#But the whole fundie school of quiverfull related movements is NEW#It’s NEW#It’s a modern self-created culture from the 1970’s/80’s that can be classed in a group of similar religious revival movements#That shook politics around the world from that era as a reaction to “modernity” and which can be found in many cultures and religions#Inside and outside of the us#But as a fairly modern cultural construct there’s parents who assimilated into this culture and kind of formed it based on that idea of an#A past
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boycritter · 1 year
soso gratefuly my chem teacher does not make us memorize the periodic table bc my mom just told me she had to memorize the entire table. as in for every element she had to know its name, symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, charge, and the name of the group it was in
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xiaojuun · 2 years
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grimark · 2 years
emerging from my uni's course enrolments portal covered in blood and snot and dried tears and visibly trembling
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dreamertrilogys · 9 months
first period econ filled with soooo many annoying ass business major core guys. Which like yeah that’s my fault for taking a business class and expecting anything less but still
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