#penny rolling ml
theerurishipper · 9 months
Hi! I hope I'm not repeating already answered question but if you don't mind, I'd like to ask your opinion about Luka, Jagged and Penny now trained under Su Han. Many people said "It make senses because Luka know lb and CN identity" but I don't think it make senses because Jagged and Penny doesn't??
If people think the reason CN can't be in the last battle because he's too emotional and can be akumatized, then wouldn't it make more senses for him to be the one trained by Su Han?
My opinion is that it makes literally no sense and came out of nowhere, and Su-Han is a tragically wasted character. There was literally no foreshadowing or build-up to Luka learning from Su-Han, and even less so for his deadbeat father and the lady who's somehow in love with him. I'll admit I liked the scene where Fang beats up a bunch of people, but it was just so jarring and out of nowhere. It would have made more sense if Luka had, like, any sort of prior interaction with Su-Han outside of just standing there when he and Ladybug were beefing.
And Su-Han is such a wasted character. We could have learnt more about the lore of the Guardians that the show started to explore and then promptly dropped. We could have had him mentor Ladybug and Chat Noir and help them develop more powers or something, but he just ended up being comic relief and a punching bag for Ladybug so that we could see how awesome and amazing she was as Guardian. I'll never get over how Su-Han ended up apologizing to Ladybug for not helping her after she chewed him out for being angry over something he had every right to be angry about. And this is all after she told him she could handle it herself.
And about Su-Han training Adrien, it would have made perfect sense. If Adrien's "flaw" is that he'll get akumatized, why not let the person who has an anti-akumatization technique mentor him? I'll tell you why, it's because the akumatization excuse is just a way to get Adrien out of the picture so that Marinette doesn't have to share the spotlight. And it's also because Adrien doesn't get to have anything that isn't somehow connected to Marinette, and Su-Han is not Marinette's mentor so he can't be Adrien's either. It's just so bad.
Thank you for your ask!
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kaalki-cinnamon · 1 year
Okay, therapist Luka it's my beloved 💞
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alexseanchai · 11 months
wait so are Luka, Jagged, Penny, Fang, and Su-han in two places at once now? bc it takes time to gain the skills Luka, Jagged, and Penny were displaying, and what a coincidence, they were fetched from—Rio, I hear?—by the superhero of time travel
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flightfoot · 11 months
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Wait, seriously? Su Han's been teaching Penny and Jagged? Well, at least he's been making himself useful.
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fabseg-reader · 1 year
The part two of the minicomic about Opposite Miraclass is here:
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Part one
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Luka (despite he's a delinquent) secretly frequents his biological father Jagged Stone for Violin lessons. But Bob Roth, the stepfather is a horrible and cruel father: He disapproves Luka's behavior. Because of the stepfather, Luka's going make an alliance with Lycène Bleue.
Félix is worried about Adrien who's becoming a bad boy. With his girlfriend Kagami, he remembers the time when Adrien was a kindhearted boy (before the latter's parents' death). Adrien commits a prank crime on Kim with spiders (Opposite of the episode Derision).
Zoé Lee is an actress and André/Anamixandre is her film director/mentor. She has the same personality as Canon Chloé Bourgeois. She sadistically burns a script (of an eventual movie not yet adapted) she judges utterly ridiculous. She destroys it at the sight of the powerless scenarist (the writer, an adult). In the Opposite universe, Zoé is responsible of major part of akumatizations.
Lila Rossi Cerise Lenoir is the opposite of her counterpart: Her actions are reasonable and recquire good intentions. She doesn't ruin reputations of her friends (only Colt Fathom's reputation and especially his financial empire). She's a strongly opponent to the Fathom Company ans she acts like an antiheroin: she infiltrates the Company with the help of Wayhem (who seems unrassured about her plan even if they have the common point to stop Fathom's shenanigans). She sometimes breaks the Law for that. We can ses her and Wayhem in disguise of Iris Verdi (based on Lila's fake identities see: #ml leaks) and William Azzurri.
"Iris" feels like proud of her own clothing meanwhile "William" doesn't like his "moustache" (Tikki and Plagg cameo).
Bonus + Alternate scene: Cerise vs Lycène Bleue
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Left: Cerise kills an Akuma/butterfly with an insecticide
Right (Alternate scene): Lycène Bleue was committing an break-in at Cerise's home when she was busted by the latter girl. At the present, Cerise turns into her Canon counterpart (Lila) and threats the Butterfly villainess with a "gun".
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Too Late: Jagged, Penny & Clara
Latest Chapter in the story for @miner249er 
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Summary: Regret is a funny, ugly little thing and Jagged regretted a lot, but nothing more than not noticing how much Marinette was hurting. He regretted not being there, so he's ready to help in anyway he can, even if Marinette isn't there to see it.  
Random notes swam through the air as Jagged plucked at his guitar string every now and then, his thoughts racing a mile a minute. He wasn’t a man that liked to be weighed down by his troubles, it was what made him a great Rockstar because usually he could put his troubles into notes and make a killer song out of them which in some weird way helped him work through them. But I don’t think all the songs I could write in the world could get me through this…He thought with a grimace. It hurt to move his face much given the amount of tears he had shed since Paris had been “liberated.” What a joke that was. Paris wasn’t liberated. Not really. Sure they no longer had Hawkmoth looming over them like some kind of sadistic twisted talent scout, but they weren’t better. The random bouts of yelling and crying and laughing at inappropriate times were a testament to that. 
No one knew how to feel their emotions healthily anymore so they all came out in these ugly blobs. Jagged felt bad, he really did, especially given he wasn’t in Paris a lot of the time during Hawkmoth’s reign. Sure it seemed like he was but Jagged could only handle so much of Paris before he felt like a balloon filled with too much air and Penny knew that. So they would always go to one of his houses in Daresbury where his mother had lived before she passed. If there was one thing Jagged understood and prioritized with himself, it was his emotions. When he was younger, about mid-teens, his parents fought about his “behavior” and how he was a bad egg. Well that’s what his father said, it was always something along those lines and he always used what he said as an excuse to hit Jagged, to “shape him up.” His father had always said he was ungrateful and lazy and had too much of an attitude, but his mum, God bless his dear mum, she knew something wasn’t okay.
It was when she took him to a doctor to talk about it that his dad really freaked, he never liked to talk about that night but that was the night Bruce Lewis went to prison and Jagged and his mother were admitted to the hospital. That was also the night his mother decided to change Jagged’s last name to her maiden name, so there was no part of him attached to his father in any way. That was the night Jagged became Jareth David Stone and he had cried. Things got better for them and things got a bit worse of course, his mum had to provide for the two of them and on top of that they were doing their best to learn about BPD, specifically Bipolar II Disorder since that was Jagged’s official diagnosis. It wasn’t always perfect but damn it was a happy time for the both of them, of course Jagged still had his ups and downs but his mother was always there to help him or just support him during his episodes. She was a kind soul that always saw the good in people and she was so protective over those she cared about.
Maybe that’s why he liked Marinette so much. She reminded him of his mother in all the best ways and unfortunately all the bad ways too. Both women were too afraid to tell people no or let people know when they themselves needed help. Jagged’s heart hurt at the memories that rushed into his head but it was true. His mum had the weight of the world on her shoulders for so long that when she had the opportunities to ask for help, she never did, and on some levels Jagged understood but then he’d remember that damned phone call that came. That one from a doctor he hadn’t known about told him the words he dreaded to hear most, his mother had died. At first he hadn’t believed the man, he thought it was some cruel joke by some obsessed fan of his that was looking for his attention, or perhaps some tabloid journalist that was looking for a story to make a fool out of him by saying he cried over the phone. Unfortunately it was neither of those things, his mother had well and truly died in the hospital due to a nasty case of pneumonia.
It had torn his world apart. He canceled everything once he was sure, his remaining tour dates, his guest appearances, his CD and record signings, all of it. History repeats itself, he mused. When he heard that Marinette had gone missing he had honest to God felt the World tilt in an attempt to dislodge him. He had been floating in space in this numbness before he had one of his worst episodes, it wasn’t as bad as the one he had when he found out his mother died or when he found out he had been a father of twins and hadn’t been there for them or Anarka but it was up there. The teen had kicked the door to his heart in and basically lived there with all his other loved ones. It wasn’t an exaggeration when he said, even if it was only to himself, that Marinette was like another kid to him. He saw her as a daughter and that made everything so much worse. Jagged knew she had Tom and Sabine but there was no denying that he and Penny saw Marinette as a daughter and they both knew that Tom and Sabine knew. 
He had just gotten back into Paris after going on a small tour for his new album when the world crumbled around him. Penny had gotten them their usual room at Le Grand Paris while they had been trying to close a deal on some property so they could have a more permanent home there as well so they wouldn’t have to stay at the hotel every time they came back to Paris. Jagged had been so excited that he had been back in Paris and that he would be able to spend time with Luka, Juleka and Marinette that he barely slept on the plane ride back so he basically crashed as soon as they checked in and he blamed himself for that everyday now. Maybe if he had been awake, maybe if he had had seen the news he would have been able to call Marinette and maybe just maybe she wouldn’t have been akumatized. No one deserved to be akumatized but if someone had to be he would have taken that possessed butterfly a thousand times over for Marinette. 
Knowing that Luka and Juleka had been akumatized had ripped his heart into messy pieces, knowing he hadn’t been there for them even if at the time he hadn’t known about them but when he knew he made sure both of them knew they could call and that he would be there for them no matter what. They were all learning how to rely on each other, them with their everyday issues and him letting them help and even just see his episodes. It was tough to be so vulnerable in front of his children because he wanted them to rely on him and he had those twisted thoughts that screamed that once his kids saw one of his episodes, that they would turn tail and run. He knew it wasn’t true, they proved time and time again that they didn’t think any less of him, nor were they afraid of his episodes and God…he loved his kids. He loved them so much. Jagged had never understood when parents had said that a parent’s love for their kids was something that could never be described, it was all encompassing, it was … frightening. Jagged had never understood until he did.
Loving his children was as easy as it was heartbreaking. It was easy because there were just so many things about each one that added to his ever growing love of them, and it was heartbreaking because of every hurt they felt and that heartbreak seemed to multiply ten-fold with Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth had managed to akumatize two of his three children and maybe it was awful of him to wish and pray it, but dammit did he wish and pray that Marinette would be spared. Of course he wished Luka and Juleka weren’t victims of Hawkmoth over and over like that pigeon guy, but there was just something about Marinette that made it seem like if she got akumatized, things really were bad. They all found out what that something was he mused as he played the familiar cords of his Ladybug song. It was common for him to make all his songs work on piano and guitar. Piano for his Mum, guitar for him. His Mum adored piano and had come from a pretty well-off family when she was young so she had been classically trained in piano. 
“Have you heard?” The familiar voice of Clara Nightingale crashed through Jagged’s thoughts. 
“Hello Clara.” Penny, ever so polite, greeted.
Jagged sat up on his couch and gently put his guitar down as he gave the younger singer a once-over. It had been a good while since she had ditched her signature microphone so it was no surprise to not see it. What was a surprise was the look of fury on her face. “Heard what?”
“Goodness you haven’t.” Clara sighed out harshly, it almost sounded like a growl as she began to pace. “I…I hate to be the one to give you the latest “miraculous” news but I mean, this might be better than hearing it on the news like I just did. They are planning to make an animated show revolving around Marinette! As Ladybug! The sketches they released look exactly like her! And, and they are basically just making it a biography in cartoon form! With “creative” additions.” 
“I’m scared to ask what those “creative” additions are.” Penny wrinkled her nose, most likely trying to think up what they meant by “creative” and whatever she was thinking was particularly unpleasant. 
Clara continued to pace and Jagged distantly wondered if it was actually possible for someone to wear a floor down so much they just fall through. Then it all caught up to him and his blood froze before boiling. “They must actually be fucking insane. Pen…Pen, get the lawyers. All of them. Mar…Marinette has gone through enough. She doesn’t need this, she doesn’t need people exploiting her life for money. Her likeness for money.”
“I’ll add my lawyers to the pile too if it’ll help.” Clara offered as she plopped herself down on the couch opposite of Jagged. The poor girl looked like she hadn’t slept in days. She hid it well, unlike her heartbreak which Jagged related to all too well. When everything hit the fan, Jagged became quieter and louder, it was exhausting, and Clara…Clara lost her spark. She stopped rhyming. She stopped dancing. She still wrote music, he knew she did because she would come over to either work on said music, collaborate, or just work through the emotions with music. Jagged also knew it was as out of worry for a friend as it was guilt. Clara had confided in him and Penny that she had recently commissioned Marinette for a new jacket and matching skirt for a new music video she was going to shoot just before the teen had gone missing. 
Clara had weeped, wailed, thrown whatever was in reach because she blamed herself for adding stress on Marinette’s plate. Everyone in the room knew the teen had a problem with saying no to others but they had thought they had made sure she knew that she could always tell them no, no matter the circumstances. They should have known that no matter what they said the teen never would have taken it easy if it meant she could help them, Marinette loved helping others even if it meant the decline of herself. Whether that be in time, mental or physical health or even personal care. It reminded him of himself or Clara when they were in a creative rut and felt like they needed to produce something. 
Whatever they pushed themselves to do always could have come out better if they had made themselves relax and take a moment to just breath and exist. That was just the curse of creative people though, or that’s how Jagged felt anyway, and Marinette was a very creative person. She didn’t stop at one medium of art, she excelled in fashion, she loved to do digital art, any crafts she could make with her hands were mastered in no time. It was like she was made from pure creativity. It was insane and it was like if you were near her, you just felt so inspired to create. It was one of the many things that Jagged loved about the girl. She knew how to help bounce ideas around and when too much was too much, sure it would take her a while to find her voice but when she did you couldn’t help but listen. 
Marinette was an inspiration without even being Ladybug. Being Ladybug just added to it all. So it was no surprise that people wanted to tell others about her, it was the way they were doing it that was pissing Jagged off. “I want to talk to the show’s creator, the writers, the works! Pen, we also need to call Tom and Sabine, if they don’t already know we need to tell them, and if they do know then we need to tell them we are calling the lawyers up and what we are planning to do to make sure this show doesn’t do Marinette wrong.” 
“I’ll give them a call now.” Penny confirmed with a soft smile directed at Jagged, one he hoped he reflected but honestly he felt so drained. “Clara, how about you get comfortable? We were about to order lunch and we would love to have you.”
Clara slumped further into the couch and gave Penny a fond smile as she shook her head. They both knew it wasn’t a question to stay and have lunch, Penny was telling Clara she was having lunch with them. “Whatever you say Pen.”
While Penny did that Jagged turned to Clara to really look at her and sighed, “How are you doing kid?” 
“As well as I can be. I’ve been seeing that therapist you suggested. The one in London? She’s been helping.”
“Good. I’m glad. Maggie is always a joy to see when I visit her sister Anna for a session. Anna was the one who suggested Maggie, and maybe it’s a bit of a little sister bias but she did say sometimes it’s easier to speak to people that are closer in age to us. Well for some people.” Jagged shared.
Clara nodded. “Yeah, I think her being closer to my age does help. It feels like I’m just venting to a friend or something which is nice.”
“See? Therapy ain’t so big and scary.” 
“Not if you have the right therapist you mean.” Clara snarked. 
“Okay, fair.” Jagged conceded. 
Penny walked back over to them, plopped herself next to Jagged, and laid her head on his shoulder before she let out a long sigh. He rubbed her back slowly, “Tough call, Love?”
“I just can’t handle hearing Sabine cry anymore Jareth. It breaks my heart.” Penny practically whispered.  
“I know, Love. Me too. But we’re gonna do something to hopefully help her days get a little more bearable.”
“If only we could sue The Followers. They’re doing more damage than anyone.” Clara huffed, her eyes wet with tears. The Followers…they had all been hurt in some way by the group. Jagged’s heart still hurt at the thought of his Eiffel Tower glasses that had been stolen from the very hotel they were staying in. They even got their grubby little hands on a pocket square, the very first thing Marinette had made for Penny. At first, Jagged hadn’t even wanted to stay at the stupid hotel after the pain it had caused due to its lax security, but after watching the footage of the overwhelming rush/attack of the hotel, he really couldn’t blame them. There were just so many of them, and they acted all at once. It was terrifying. 
“Dad!” That one word broke their little bubble and immediately set Jagged on edge. He didn’t even realize he had gotten to his feet until he was already halfway towards the door meeting Luka and his friend Kagami. 
“Luka. What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Is Juleka hurt? Your mom?”
“Dad. Dad, no. We’re fine. None of us are hurt.” Luka said as he put his hands on Jagged’s shoulders that sank when he realized his son, daughter and their mother were not in danger or hurt. 
“Well I wouldn’t say we are fine but we are not in immediate danger.” Kagami said from her place beside Luka. 
“Come sit down. Lunch will be here and you guys can tell us what is going on.” Penny said calmly, Jagged was once again thanking his lucky star that he met her and fell in love with her. She always knew how to keep a level head. 
“Lunch sounds swell, thank you.” Kagami, also someone who knew how to keep a level head nodded before she took a seat next to Clara. Luka was still standing looking more than a bit harried though. 
“You okay kiddo? You look like five different genres of music are blasting at full volume in your ears.” Jagged put a hand on Luka’s shoulder and gently guided him to the couch so he could sit down. Now that he got a closer look, it seemed as though both teens had been running at some point. Maybe even to the hotel and that worried Jagged. 
Luka sighed but gave Jagged a relieved smile, “That’s exactly how I feel. Everything is just…it just feels so…if I had my guitar I’d be able to show it but…everything is just so overwhelming is the best I can put it.” 
“Well, lay it on your old man, what’s going on?”
Luka bit his lip before he took a deep breath in, locked eyes with Kagami and then with Jagged. “Kagami and I had been noticing weird things while we were out…and like at first we didn’t think anything of it, I mean everything has been weird since…since Mar-...well you know.”
Jagged nodded, he did know. Marinette’s disappearance was like Paris’s own Pandora’s box. “Yeah I getcha.”
“It was actually a couple days ago that things progressed but we never thought they would act so quickly or in such a way. Basically, we noticed people watching us at first, which was strange but given everything that has happened we thought we just had to get used to it.” Kagami picked up after Luka. 
“Watching you?” Clara echoed, worry clear in her voice. “How many people?”
“We never got a good enough look at first.” Luka mumbled like he was ashamed they hadn’t been more observant. Dammit they were kids! They shouldn’t feel bad about not being on guard twenty-four seven, and they certainly shouldn’t feel the need to note everything going on around them. “But then it uh, upgraded.”
“Upgraded?” Penny’s voice and grip on the back of the couch was tight.
“A group of people started to follow us. It was small. We thought we could handle it.” Kagami informed them stiffly.
“Kid…” Jagged breathed out.
“We…They weren’t saying anything or chasing us. We thought it-that they would go away. Like a rumor or something.” Luka tried to explain.
“But from there we noticed the groups getting bigger, they were following us longer…” Kagami trailed off as she started down at her lap. “Then we noticed them following us online as well.”
“We thought if we blocked the random people it would help. It didn’t. Eventually we went private, if you noticed that’s uh, that’s why. We didn’t know why they were doing all of this until today…” Luka sounded so small and Jagged wanted nothing more than to pull his kid into his arms but they were still mapping out physical affection and he didn’t want to make things worse in case that was a no-go for Luka. 
“Today they group approached us…” Kagami said, her voice shook. Jagged’s heart broke all over again, this was a spunky girl who usually was never bothered by anything. At the end of the day though, she was just a kid, a kid trying to deal with too much by herself. “I should have brought my sword. I always take my sword but today I didn’t and…The group approached us and started shouting questions. They even tried to get us to sign things.” 
“Sign things?” Clara asked, alarmed.
“Nothing bad, just autographs.” Luka jumped in to comfort Clara.
“Autographs.” Penny deadpanned.
“To be frank,” Kagami began, “They believe that Luka and Myself were Viperion and Ryuuko respectively. Apparently we have…fans. Though some of the questions asked were why we failed Ladybug, or something similar.” 
“They asked us to confirm our “identities.” Other questions were just really creepy. They kept trying to shake our hands.” Luka shuddered.
“Apparently some even run blogs about us. One even knew my favorite drink.” Now it was Kagami who sounded small.
Jagged was burning mad. He was trying his best not to lose it, but FUCK he was scared for his kid! Mad for his kid! Luka and Kagami did not deserve this, any of this. They deserved to mourn their friend, hope for her return, binge eat ice cream and cry. They did not deserve to be stalked. No one deserved to be stalked, and if there was anything that Jagged hated, it was stalkers. “Penny. Clara. I need you both to call up any good bodyguards you know. No Luka, no arguing. These people are stalking you. Stalking you. Stalkers escalate, Son. I don’t want to see you hurt, either of you. So until we can figure out what we can do legal wise, I need to know you two are safe and that means bodyguards.”
Luka and Kagami just looked at Jagged like he hung the moon and he did his best not to cry from feeling overwhelmed himself. He was doing the bare minimum of being a parent he thought. But he would earn those looks, he promised himself at that moment that he would.
Next Chapter
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miraculousfanworks · 10 months
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Happy birthday to Mela Mercer! She voices several characters for Miraculous Ladybug, including Tikki and Stormy Weather! Thank you for all the hard work you do, you’re very appreciated!
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celestialtitania · 1 month
since luka, jagged, and penny are all back from learning that miraculous kung fu, i wonder if jagged at least will go back into fame.
and since he clearly isn't shying away from using this new martial art style, i can see him using it in a new music video or something, leading to his fans trying to copy him until the style becomes commonplace.
next thing you know, other than the heroes, akumas can use the style now too, since i imagine anything a person knows pre-alumatization is fair game for them to use during akumatization. this sort of thing goes on and on till facts about the miraculous become common knowledge. i can see su han furious about that esp since he never imagined the long term effects with the internet being a thing. and with all this coming out, i don't remember how much lila/cerise knows but i think she's clever enough to figure out other secrets. like gabe never used the power ups but imo lila deserves to. she'd make a much scarier villain that way too if she's figuring out guardian secrets faster than marinette can learn the rules.
tldr i want fights to be much harder for lb and cn (and the rest of the gang) since they no longer have that countdown to worry about while using their powers. let them end up in the toughest corners each time struggling to make it for another day. let them be stressed out and reach that breaking point
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saemi-the-writer · 1 year
If Adrien somehow wasn't chosen, who would you like to see as a black cat holder?
Oh dear, that is a very tricky question! Honestly, I don't think there is a character I want to see as the Black Cat holder specifically, but there are some that I think would be nice options and interesting to follow!
I guess you mean the canon setting and not my AU? Because I would be tempted to pick an adult - for the unlimited use of Cataclysm and because, come on, a teen would need the presence of an adult while she's constantly fighting villains!! - buuuuut... seeing how adults are in the show, I have some doubts! xD
So I willingly choose to take asides the tropes "Adults are useless". And here is the list of characters I think would be nice for the Black Cat if Adrien couldn't become Chat Noir:
Canon characters:
Tom Dupain-Cheng, I know it might surprise some, but it could suit him. If you take how protective he is towards his daughter, he would be a suitable BC holder and accept to go in the front line while Ladybug figures out her lucky charm or just keep her from harm.
Penny Rolling, she's very reliable and takes her job(s) seriously. She would rock her role and outfit (haha, sorry). Also, she's very well-organised, seems to adapt quickly, and is good at following someone else's directions whilst being strategic.
Alya Césaire, she was pretty good with the Ladybug Miraculous, but I think she'd be better with the Black Cat. But it's mostly a gut feeling and taking her stubbornness and brashness into account.
Alix Kubdel, while I have mixed feelings about Bunnix's role and powers, it does show that Alix can be reliable and wise: you don't want to give Time powers to just anyone! So she could be trusted with the power of Destruction. Also, she'd definitely be a sassy Black Cat and would know how to annoy the villains, it would be fun to watch/read!
Canon but "blank slate" characters
Okay, I admit that this is more a wish list of "I want this background character to get more screen time and development"!
Gisèle (Caline's wife for those who don't know/remember), I just love her design and have a feeling she'd be a good holder for this Miraculous.
Alim Kubdel, not sure why, I mostly like his relationship with his daughter. It would be quite ironic because his job is museum curator XD , but it would also mean he would be careful with this power and not abuse it.
Mireille Caquet, I guess Aurore has her fanbase, so why Mireille wouldn't have one?
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Villainy AU: Kidnap the Principal!
Why, what a surprise! Weeby’s doing a villain short! Here’s the lowdown: In a trademark move of ignorance, the staff of the DuPont Reform Academy has decided to allow the students from the villainous classes to make…home visits for the holiday season! And some people aren’t too happy about that, particularly Ms. Vivica “Viv” Skellington, the DuPont music teacher. Who knows what’s going to happen with Ivan Oogie back in Halloween Town? That’s where we begin our tale:
(As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!)
“Has that fool Damocles lost his everloving mind, Penny?!”, ranted Vivica Skellington as she stormed back and forth in the main square of her beloved Halloween Town, her girlfriend nodding as she mended a few torn stitches in her left leg, “Letting these kids out on HOLIDAY BREAK! Does he not remember how dangerous each and every one of them is?!”
“It does seem a bit reckless…”, Penny agreed in a worried tone, twisting a lock of her brilliant violet locks. Who knew what could happen with the Boogie Man back in his hometown!
“It’s completely and utterly irresponsible, is what it is! Why I oughtta scare….the wits out of him…”, the snazzily-dressed skeleton trailed off as she was suddenly hit with an idea, “Why, that’s IT!”
“…What’s it?”, Penny asked cautiously, knowing that look in her girlfriend’s eye sockets! It meant Viv was getting one of her ideas…
“Why, what better way to convince ol’ Damocles not to make this boneheaded mistake again, than to SCARE HIM STRAIGHT?! We’ll bring ‘im to Halloween Town, and give the old boy a good talking to with a little Fright Night Flair to it! Ha HA!”, Vivica explained excitedly, gesturing wildly with her bony hands.
“…If you say so, Viv…”, Penny sighed reluctantly. She wasn’t too sure about this idea, but she knew there was little chance of talking the Pumpkin Queen down when she got on a kick like this!
“And as for getting Damocles here…I know JUST the ones for the job!”, Vivica said with a sly smile.
A short while later…
The dual-faced mayor of Halloween Town cringed as he saw a certain three ghoulish children make their way into the main square, cackling and shoving each other along the way. ‘What are those little imps doing here?’
“Viv!”, he called with a nervous edge to his voice, “It’s Boogie’s Brats!”
“Oh, it’s quite alright, mayor! I asked ‘em here!”, Vivica assured, before she turned to the troublesome trio, “Ah, just the trick-or-treaters I needed to see! I’ve got a real special job for you three!”, she grinned, peaking the children’s interest.
“A special job? Just for us?”, the miscreants that were Chris, Manon and Prince Kiran smiled gleefully, skittering over to the Pumpkin Queen.
“Indeed. This task requires craft, cunning, mischief! I couldn’t think of three better people for the job!”, Vivica enthused, kneeling down before the gang of costumed youngsters. The three cackled with wicked delight.
“And we thought you didn’t like us, Viv!”, Manon giggled madly, throwing her arms around the shoulders of her two cohorts.
Vivica’s demeanor suddenly turned deadly serious.
“Now before I tell you kids, you best understand. No One outside of this square is to know about your mission! Not a single word of it to that gamblin’, buggy-brained Ivan Oogie, y’hear? Not. A. Word.”, the skeletal lass said firmly, looking deeply at each child in turn.
“Oh, yesss.”, Manon gushed, putting in her best innocent face.
“Of course, Viv!”, Chris grinned, his sharpened canines, so much like his older brother’s, gleaming bright.
“We promise!”, Kiran giggled, a hint of poison gleaming in his eyes.
Unseen behind their backs, three sets of fingers were crossed as Vivica leaned down to explain their assignment.
Another short while later…
The trio of Trick-or-Treaters piled through the gates of Halloween Town, trekking out over the hills to their clubhouse, situated in a large dead tree in the midst of a barren forest.
“Kidnap Mr. Damocles?”, the three chorused in wicked glee as they exchanged mischievous looks.
“I wanna do it!”, Manon insisted.
“No, let me!”, Kiran crowed.
“Viv said we should work together!”, Chris reminded his two companions with a roll of his eyes, bonking them both on the head.
“Three of a kind!”, Kiran agreed.
“Birds of a feather!”, Manon cheered.
“Now and forever, wheeeee!”, the three squealed as they rode the rickety old lift up to their treehouse.
(La, la, la)
(La, la, la)
(La, la, la, la, la, la)
The three exited the lift into a dark and shabby room filled with various weapons and hunting traps, all varieties of nasty bugs crawling every which where.
Kidnap the Principal, lock him up real tight
Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights!
Darting over to their wall of cage traps, Chris plucked one out and set it, giggling madly as he did so, Kiran and Manon watching with interest.
“First, we're goin' to set some bait, inside a nasty trap and wait!”, Chris explained as he placed an old lollipop inside the rusted cage, setting it on the ground.
“When he comes a-sniffing we will, snap the trap and close the gate!”, Chris continued, the three children shrieking with laughter as a large, hapless beetle scuttled to the dirty piece of candy and was snared in the trap!
“Wait, I've got a better plan, to catch this silly, stupid man!”, Manon suddenly interjected, sporting a positively batty grin as she scooped up the cage and moved to their small, dilapidated kitchen.
“Let's pop him in a boiling pot, and when he's done we'll butter him up!”, she crowed, throwing the captured bug in a pot of boiling water and then fishing it out when it was cooked just right.
Kidnap the Principal, throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years, then see if he talks
The three kids pranced over to a chute with sharp metal teeth, beaming maniacally as the dropped the caged bug down it.
“Then Mr. Ivan, the Boogie man!”, Manon cackled, fidgeting as she heard the sounds of skittering bugs and rustling fabric down the rusted steel passage.
“Can take the whole thing over then!”, the trio chorused, excited to see what their boss would do with the pudgy, prissy principal!
He'll be so pleased, I do declare!
That he will cook him rare, whee!
The rickety cage rattled down an old pipe, eventually coming to land in a room lit by blinking casino lights. The terrified creature within trembled as a large and ominous shadow loomed over it…
“I say that we take a cannon, aim it at his door and then-“, Manon suggested eagerly, picking up Kiran and placing him in their cobbled-together catapult, the Poison Prince giggling all the way.
“Knock three times and when he answers…Damocles will be no more!”, the raven-haired boy finished, his silver eyes gleaming with excitement as Manon nodded giddily.
“You're both so stupid, think now! If we blow him up to smithereens, we may lose some pieces!”, Chris snapped, smacking his coworkers upside the heads once more before placing his hands on his hips.
“And then Viv will beat us black and green!”, the other two miscreants agreed, shuddering at the thought of the Pumpkin Queen’s anger. When Kiran attempted to get down, he fell headfirst into an old ash pot, making Manon and Chris smack their foreheads in exasperation.
Kidnap the Principal, tie him in a bag
Throw him in the ocean, then, see if he is sad!
Chris and Manon fished their companion out of the pot, holding upside down by his feet. Kiran’s face was covered in ash as he coughed to clear his lungs. The other two children carried him over and tossed him into the large, haunted bathtub they used as transportation.
“Because Mr. Ivan Oogie is the meanest guy around!”, Chris reminded his pals in a jittery tone, shivering as he thought of the ways of the young Boogie.
“If I were on his boogie list…”, Manon squeaked, shuddering and rubbing her arms at the thought as the old cage came back up the chute, now empty.
“I'd get out of town~!”, Kiran completed the thought as he popped his head over the rim of the bathtub, his silky hair now soaked.
“He'll be so pleased by our success!”, the Poison Prince went on to say, gripping the edges of the tub as he shook with glee.
“That he'll reward us too, I bet!”, Chris enthused, bouncing with anticipation as he hit the button that caused the tubs legs to sprout, bringing it with them as they went to gather supplies.
“Perhaps he'll make his special brew!”, Manon suggested, wringing her hands in an antsy stupor, as they looked around their inventory room.
“Of snake and spider stew (mmm)!”, the three finished together. Say what you would about the boogieman, he knew how to cook!
“We're his little henchkids and we take our job with pride! We do our best to please him and stay on his good side!”, the three kids mused to themselves, looking back on all the fine work they had done for the spookster, until Kiran splashed Manon, which led to another bout of bickering and an eye roll from Chris.
“I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb…”, Chris bemoaned, resting his head on their worktable with a heavy sigh.
“I'm not the dumb one!”, Kiran cried, his pale face turning red with anger.
“You're no fun!”, Manon pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.
“SHUT UP!”, Chris shouted, glaring at the two for interrupting his complaints.
“MAKE ME!”, Manon shrieked, tossing a broken toy at Chris’ forehead.
“I've got something, listen now! This one is real good, you'll see!”, Chris announced to his cohorts, catching their interest as he began to gather supplies.
“We'll send a present to his door! Upon there'll be a note to read!”, Chris continued, bringing a large box over to the other two children, opening it and freeing the scorpions inside.
“Now, in the box we'll wait and hide, until his curiosity, entices him to look inside!”, Chris said giddily as he shut the box and tossed it, along with some other supplies into the tub with Kiran.
“And then we'll have him, one, two, three!”, the three cheered, as Chris and Manon jumped into the walking bathtub, the trio riding it back down the lift and out into the woods!
Kidnap the Principal, beat him with a stick
Lock him up for ninety years, see what makes him tick!
They could hardly wait to see what torment they could wreak on the pompous principal before delivering him as promised.
Kidnap the Principal, chop him into bits
Mr. Ivan Oogie is sure to get his kicks
Their master would surely be proud of them! Just wait until he saw the gift they would bring him this time!
Kidnap the Principal, see what we will see
Lock him in a cage, and then throw away the key!
Ah, ha, ha (he, he, he)
The three cackled maniacally as they rode off into the distance, away from Halloween Town.
Down below the mischievous trio’s treehouse, a certain force of nightmares was grinning with malevolent glee.
“So Mr. D’s gonna be droppin’ in to see our fine little town, huh?”, Mr. Ivan Oogie cackled as he rolled his favorite set of dice. Snake Eyes, of course, which always meant some fantastic trouble would be brewing!
“What are you going to do, buggyboo?”, asked a honeylike voice, prompting the young boogieman to give a start and turn and see his beloved scallop grinning at him through the viewing portal she had likely summoned at some point without his noticing. He gave a great laugh at how she’d yet again managed to spook him. Hell’s Bells, did he love that girl!
“I’m gon’ do the best I can, Pun’kin!”, he answered her with a positively evil smile, which she returned as the two wicked sweethearts descended into a fit of terrifyingly villainous laughter.
Their dear ol’ principal was in for a restless night…
And there it was folks! Keep an eye out for the little sequel we’ve got planned! Love and hugs!
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snowembrace · 2 years
me @ miraculous’ team: uhm so yeah is penny still alive or
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plumsaffron · 1 year
Bruh I was only joking talking about how Penny Rolling is Luka's new mom now.
Apparently wiki says that's it's his father's love interest or new girlfriend. Inconceivable Migration moment I guess.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
You can't say "happiness" without saying "penis".
There's only one company that makes Monopoly.
The world’s most common disease is tooth decay.
13 Americans have died as a result of laxative overdose.
The most searched-for tutorial video on YouTube is ‘How To Kiss’.
The acnestis is the part of the back that is impossible to scratch.
A boar produces 200 ml of semen each time it ejaculates, compared to a human’s 3 ml.
Quantophrenia is an obsessive reliance on statistics. Only 14% of people know this.
At least one person a week in the UK changes their middle name to ‘Danger’.
Baby elephants will suck on their trunks for comfort just like human babies suck on their thumbs.
Homosexual behaviour has been found in over 1,500 species. Homophobia is found in only one.
People who read regularly are two and a half times less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
The word ambisinistrous is the opposite of ambidextrous; it means ‘no good with either hand’. (That’s not me!)
If you come across a person who believes there are no English words with more syllables than vowels, they might not accept criticism.
The Maruyama Zoo in Japan spent four years trying to get two hyenas to mate before realising they were both male.
Older sexually active women are more likely to be sexually satisfied than their younger counterparts.
Only 31% of men and 65% of women wash their hands after using the toilet.
A ‘riot’ in England and Wales must legally involve a minimum of 12 people. Under US federal law, it’s only three people and, in Nevada, only two!
Mozart once composed a song entitled, ‘Leck Mir Den Arsch Fein Recht Schon Sauber’. Which means, "Lick my arse right, well and clean".
Karen alert! In 2015, an Ohio woman unhappy with her Chinese food order called 911 to complain. Instead of getting her money back, she got arrested.
In 1987, a Chicago man placed an advert in a local newspaper asking 2.8 million people to send him a penny each to pay for his college education. It worked.
In the novel that the film Pinocchio was based on, Jiminy Cricket was brutally murdered and Pinocchio had his feet burned off and was hanged by villagers.
There are two rhymes in English for purple: curple, a strap passing under a horse’s tail, and hirple, to walk along dragging one leg behind the other. (Do you feel a song coming on?)
According to a study conducted in 2012, people who complain actually live longer by about two years. This is because by complaining they release their tension which increases their immunity and boosts their health.
A 2013 study determined that Viagra is an extremely effective treatment for painful menstruation. However, the review panel determined that cramps were not a public health priority and refused further funding.
In 2016, Live Nation acknowledged for the first time that two-thirds of tickets for the Tragically Hip's final tour were purchased and resold by bots and brokers, leaving less than one-third available for fans to buy at face value.
The new mayor of Cockington in Devon has been banned from his local pub where he was a regular, known for drinking Guinness. The new mayor of Cockington is also a four-year-old Shetland pony called Patrick.
In the US, Google searches for: "Why is my poop green?" peak between 5.00 a.m. and 6.00 a.m., "How to roll a joint" peak between 1.00 a.m. and 2.00 a.m., searches for adult videos peak at 1.30 a.m. and searches for "lonely" peak at 2.30 a.m.
There were over 600 attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro by the U.S. government. Plots included: poisoned cigars, infected scuba equipment and pens rigged with poison. Castro once joked, "If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I'd win Gold."
Madonna once leaked a fake version of her album to music pirates where each song was a loop of her saying, "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?" In response, a hacker leaked the real album to her own site with the message, "This is what the f*ck I think I'm doing."
BTS can officially be crowned the most popular group in the world after smashing the record for most streamed male group on Spotify for a second time. Their music has been streamed a massive 31,960,000,000 times as of March 3rd, 2023, a number that is nearly double the 16.3 billion streams when they last set the record in April 2021.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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Saw your tags on your ask, where is the episode of ML where Anarka sues Jagged for having to raise two kids on her own? Luka works part time making instruments (which granted makes a pretty penny I’m sure) but his dad is a rock star that still maintains popularity despite being a Mick Jagger clone. His kids should not be living on a boat is all I’m saying. That’s what Crocoduel should have been. Marinettes idols are a deadbeat dad and terrorist abuser dad. Girl just look up to your actual dad please.
You're absolutely right, anon.
As much as I...dislike the whole Couffaine Twins Are Jaggeds Secret Twins Plot, this is a huge missed opportunity!
Like, the dude fucked off to go be a rockstar and never looked back, not once checking in on Anarka even though she was like his rock n roll partner or something? Idk, whatever, point is they were close. Close enough that it would justify checking in beyond Jagged following Marinette around for free shit and just bumping into his ex.
And like, the Couffaines seem to live...comfortably. like, they're not scraping the bottom of the barrel but they're doing well enough that they could splurge on something sometimes, like taking the boat down to wherever for a holiday for a spell. Like, they wouldn't have the money coming in as thick and fast as the Dupain Chengs, but they're not at risk of starving, yknow?
But it also still makes total sense for Luka to work a minimum wage job, and for Juleka to not be able to waltz into a job modelling.
Anyway, point is it would have been great to see Anarka beat the crap out of the guy and for some of the characters to become more disillusioned with Jagged. But yknow, this shows writers are better suited to Bananas in Pyjamas level conflict, so it'll never happen.
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
Love Language
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Wayhem
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Kagami Tsurugi, Tikki, Tom Dupain, Tomoe Tsurugi, Sabine Cheng, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Kitty Section, Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Alec Cataldi, Nadja Chamack, Fang, XY, Lila Rossi, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard
Additional Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Language of Flowers, Gifts, Traditions, Holidays, Cultural Differences, Kimono, Qipao, Family, Love, Romance, Celebrations, Symbolism, Aged-Up Character(s), Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Christmas Fluff, Identity Reveal, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Family Dinners, Airports, feeding each other, sharing ceremony, Anxiety, Engagement, Kissing, It was supposed to be a one-shot, Admiration, Pet Names, Cuddling & Snuggling, yin and yang, Communication, Smut, Food Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Bathing/Washing, Podfic Welcome, Kagami is a boob woman, Nudity, Instagram, Social Media, Sleeping Together, Wedding Planning, Wedding Rings, Lila salt, Alec Cataldi salt, Food Porn, Paparazzi, Panic Attacks, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Lila Rossi Lies, Date Night, Adrien Sugar, Relationship Goals, Uncle Jagged Stone, Protective Kagami Tsurugi
Summary: Marinette gets a package from Japan shortly before Christmas, with a special hinted message. Kagaminette. I guess this is my Secret Santa fic to the ML fandom. Smut in chapter 3.
AO3 link
Note: This is currently unfinished, but I hope to get back to it at some point. It’s part of a series, but only this fic has Marigami. I figured I’d post it for Marigami July.
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fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
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Good morning! 🌅
Another 8AM wake-up. Kolby, our puppers, must’ve read my blog post a few weeks back complaining about him waking me up at 6:30AM on the weekend. 😄
Coffee in hand, time for links! Enjoy. ☕️
The Wall Street Journal
It sounded like a dream partnership when Apple Inc. reached out to Joe Kiani, the founder of a company that makes blood-oxygen measurement devices. He figured his technology was a perfect fit for the Apple Watch.
Sherlocking is an Apple tradition. Tim Cook comes across as a nice Southern Gentleman but under that demure exterior is a cold blooded killer. Hey, he’s the CEO of the most successful company in the world, I wouldn’t expect anything less. Other companies innovating on an Apple platform is great for Apple. It gives them a blueprint without having to do it themselves.
Lucky for me there’s no way Apple could Sherlock the advanced algorithm AI ML of Stream! It’s too powerful for anyone but me to understand! 🤣
How’s that for completely shameful self promotion? 👍🏼
Red Shirts Always Die
Season three of Star Trek: Picard has been a hit for Paramount+. Fans love nostalgia, for good or bad, they do.
I’ve been thirsting to watch Picard since the original season but I’ve refused to add yet another streaming service to our mix. I’m hoping we’ll get some kind of licensing deal that allows other streamers access to it. 🤞🏼
Daring Fireball
But what got me thinking about this issue this week is the dumbest adware in iOS I’ve seen.
I hear this from folks from time to time. Apple is advertising in their apps now. I’m certain Steve Jobs has rolled over in his grave.
I’ve seen a couple myself but they’ve been very subtle and easily dismissible. Do I want to see ads in Apple products? Nope. It feels beneath them but they gotta add that shareholder value and squeeze every last penny out of their products.
New York Times
In a move that brings to a close a pioneering era of online journalism, BuzzFeed is shutting down its namesake news division.
Not that I’m a huge BuzzFeed reader but this was very surprising. This media outlet with a funny name eventually became a Pulitzer winning company. That’s something to be proud of. I wish everyone well and hope they land on their feet. Tech has been a been a real mess lately. So many layoffs.
If you’re a transgender resident of Missouri, the next 10 months are set to be horrible. Under an emergency regulation from state Attorney General Andrew Bailey, it will soon become incredibly difficult, if not impossible, for many patients to receive any sort of gender-affirming care.
More GOP cruelty. They love, love, love, guns but hate people. I don’t know how else to say it. They’re control freaks who want a nation of drones who push buttons to churn out widgets to make them rich at the cost of their humanity. It’s really very disgusting. Let people live their lives with dignity and respect.
Los Angeles Times
Andrew Toles hasn’t played for the Dodgers since Sept. 30, 2018. However, he just had his contract renewed for another year last week.
This is a class move by the Dodgers organization. Not many companies would be so thoughtful.
Texas Tribune
Public schools in Texas would have to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom starting next school year under a bill the Texas Senate approved Thursday.
Here we are again. Yet another red state trying to make a ridiculous law infringing on Constitutional rights and freedoms. This will not holdup under judicial review but these assholes love to challenge law in hopes of overturning it. Maybe this is their retaliation for us normals wanting to revoke the [Second Amendment(https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-2/).
The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Emphasis is mine. This should override any state sponsored law. It’s just a GOP game.
Gus Mueller
Twenty years ago today, March 27, 2003, I released VoodooPad 1.0.
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I didn’t see this until this week. Congratulations Gus! Twenty years is a quite an accomplishment. 👍🏼
The Verge
Volkswagen is pulling the cover off the ID.7 flagship electric vehicle that aims to rescue the sedan from the dustbin of vehicle history.
This is a really nice looking ride, not to mention great for consumer choice.
Traditional car companies have caught up with Tesla and are making better cars. The gravy train had to end at some point.🚂
New York Times
A new state-funded project in the San Joaquin Valley hopes to find a new way to build drought resilience. The idea is simple: Cover the state’s canals and aqueducts with solar panels to both limit evaporation and generate renewable energy.
I grew up and spent most of my life in the San Joaquin Valley of California — hello Exeter — and saw canals everyday.
I recall a particular canal at the base of Rocky Hill, in Exeter, that had an underground section. Because it dove underground it provided and excellent hill for speeding and jumping down on our bikes.
This idea is really interesting but makes me wonder if they can pull it off? Canals are already extremely dangerous. What would adding covers to them do? Once you’re in one it’s extremely difficult to get out. In my experience folks are usually pulled out by someone who notices they’ve fallen in.
Roman has slowly but surely become a more competent businessman and human being throughout all four seasons of “Succession.”
Ah, Succession, my favorite 💩show of all time.
Of all the characters I’ve always found Roman the most likeable of all the Roy family — that’s not saying much as they’re all disgusting pigs — and I’m really anxious to see where we land at the season finale.
Some thoughts. Shiv aborts her baby. Tom murders Shiv and commits suicide. Kendal becomes a homeless drug addict. Roman starts an online dating service. Connor goes back to his life a solitude. Cousin Greg dupes them all and ends up in charge of the family fortune.
Sounds about right. How many of these will I get correct? Guess we’ll find out. 🤣
Ed Zitron
I’ll get right to it: Mark Zuckerberg is an ineffective, incompetent, and directionless executive, one bereft of complete or concrete ideas.
I feel like the only reason the Zuck is still CEO is because he has more than a 50% interest in the company with a handpicked board of sycophants.
Mark’s not going anywhere.
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