#pending asks
whumpty-dumpty · 2 years
I still have some requests pending for
The White Tiger
Better Call Saul
I Come With The Rain
I did not forget these asks, but was working on the whumptober GIFs (which I only have done up to the first 6 days.)
I promise I will do the gif requests as soon as I am able to, but I'm afraid that will only be after whumptober is over.
Also I have a VERY old ask sitting in my inbox with a suggestion for a comic drawing prompt (that I asked for!🙈) and I am even 3/4th done with the comic. But the thing is, I ✨hate✨ what I created and therefore need to redraw it. Which will probably take SO much more time than the gif requests.😖 I'm so sorry. I should have mentioned this a lot earlier.
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chocosnowflake0 · 4 months
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practicing sum pose to try motivate myself down here, failed terrible equisdé cw suggeeeeestive ig
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rottiens · 3 months
You know what I've been thinking about today? How warm and comforting Kento's chest would be to cry on. Whether you want to cry because of your work, family or your pet or your friends, or just because your hormones are over the roof - he'd have your cheek against his heart, his hand caressing your hair.
he listens to you silently as you sob into his chest, sometimes he calls and coos like a hummingbird when you babble, your words cut off by your constipated throat. other times, he manages to understand what you say by paying all the attention in the world and if he had to admit it, maybe that was his super power. nanami listens to you patiently, stroking your back, the back of your neck without interrupting you.
when you finish, he gently lifts you off his chest with both hands firmly on your cheeks. he smiles at you, as if your mascara (if you're wearing any) hasn't run, as if you're not disheveled, as if your eyes aren't two red balls surrounded by the darkness of your dark circles.
nanami doesn't say anything and you wish he would.
"what happened after that?" he asks so softly as if speaking to someone much smaller than him and you have the urge to hide back into his chest and cry, but his strength stops you. his thumbs rough from the passing years carve the mark of the tears that has run down your face and leave a fleeting kiss on your mouth. "do you want to keep telling me while I order your favorite dessert or do you want to cuddle a little longer? we can make tea if you prefer."
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wolfram-but-art · 1 month
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littol doodle dump before posting a bigger piece
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teecupangel · 4 months
[Desmond Miles has successfully saved a Levantine village during the Third Crusaders after waking up in the past.]
Grateful civilian: Thank you, stranger! You have saved our village from the cruelty of war. May we ask who you are so we may know the name of our savior?
[Desmond Miles believes he cannot say ‘Desmond Miles’ because that might accidentally create a ripple effect in the future.]
[Desmond Miles believes he cannot use any of the names of the ancestors who haven’t been born yet especially the Kenways because of how important they are to his history.]
[Desmond Miles has not yet processed the shock of dying a painful death and waking up in the past and his brain is blanking.]
Desmond: Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
[The people Desmond Miles have saved now believed their savior’s name is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.]
[Desmond Miles has committed identity fraud.]
[… and he will continue to commit identity fraud.]
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sp00pypumpkins · 7 months
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Hello games and shows took over my free time but i am slowly coming back
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 months
So what are Papillon and Firstwatch's first impressions of Bee when they meet him for the first time. And what about in relation to Blitzwings love for him? You drew that whole thing about approval pending and I was just wondering if you could elaborate on that.
In reference to this post!
First impressions go a little like “An AUTOBOT? Really??” (predictable) to “...he is very small. How does he care for you?” (to which Bee is left SPUTTERING–even though it is a question insinuating a lack of ability to protect Blitz…ahemahem How does he cover Blitz’s back if he can’t even reach it?Hello??)
Firstwatch is wondering why this “Bumblebee” chooses to run his mouth so much. So many WORDS from such a small bot. So much noise. How does he make a good fighter if he cannot shut his mouth? (Jokes on you, old man, that motor mouth is a winning card)
Papillon can see the charm, but what does he bring to the table to provide and protect his boy? Certainly not claws, teeth, strength, eons of active battle experience (omg ouch Papillon slow DOWN) incredibly advanced weaponry, nor rank. Charm is great, fun even—but a solid relationship necessitates equal footing. “Is your Beebot ready for what it means to defend a lover in wartime?” (omfg. It’s BUMBLEBEE, Pap)
Any reservations that they may have about Bumblebee are quickly turned to assurances when they see how they make their boy come alive.
Bee can seem to flawlessly brighten up his stoicism, match and energize his enthusiasm, and appreciate and encourage his shamelessly loud passion. And hey, those alter egos all ADORE this small Autobot, so its three against two is this were up for a vote. So HA.
Physical prowess and battle expertise are not the sole defining traits of a defender or provider. Bee may not have fit even remotely what they thought would be their Boy’s pick, but he makes him happy–hell, he loves every single bit of him to pieces and brings out the sides of Blitz his parents have never seen so animated until now. Bee brings out the best in Blitzwing and that is what matters.
And also, just you wait, In-Laws. Bee is the strongest fucking buzz ball of untouchable energy on the battleground. He can and will whip you whether it be with anything like his weaponized smart mouth, stingers, or signature Kneecap Karate Chop. Kapeesh?
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echoes-in-echoclan · 2 months
What are the names of the little scrunklies Auburn was protecting in moon 39?
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here they are! The little scrunklies <3
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 months
this is not exactly a request for anything in particular BUT i just saw monkey man and read your nsfw alphabet and. i’m. ready. for. MORE!!!!!!!
I am SO GLAD You enjoyed Monkey Man!! I see the girlies in my activity tab, and it makes me so happy to see my writing entertaining people. Stay tuned, I've got a lot planned 😈😈
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Your thoughts were cut off by him, slowly, steady as ever, he took your shaky palm in his hand, bringing it up to the mask, as if to kiss it. Of course your hair stands on end, even the lightest touch from him left you shaking. 
For a moment, you think of other men, the ones who paid to fuck you, and how they’d die to see you like this - obedient, soft, trained. And here you were, falling to your knees before him, like he was that western God you’d heard too much about.
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zombvibes · 1 month
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OH I FORGOT TO POST THIS HERE (I actually didn’t I was a little anxious to)
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ataleofcrowns · 9 months
no X route spoilers just references, but i just wanna take a min to gush about it this chapter (i haven't read the other ones yet but i am absolutely going to) -
CAN I ROMANCE THE CROWN BC????? X is charming and smooth as hell obviously but the CROWN'S LINES DURING THE HIGH ROUTE ARE SO..... ma'am i am twirling my hair and giggling like a school girl omfg. im so used to the LIs being the suave ones... finally the MC is just as suave... like YEAH NO WONDER X FALLS IN LOVE WITH THEM WHEN THEY SAY SHIT LIKE "Then ** ****" GOOD FUCKING GOD CHERRY!!!
The surnames you can select for your Crown are all taken from historical Kurdish poets and it really shows because if given the chance the Crown is an insanely good smooth talker truly.
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
*gently places angsty Twig comic in your hands*
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There comes a point in healing, sometimes, where you must grieve the child you never got to be, and bury her along with the desperate hope of one day somehow becoming her.
It isn’t fair. And it never will be.
But you grieve the child, still.
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alienssstufff · 8 months
given your food theme for qsmp designs, do you think etoiles being a sentient cucumber would help the design processes or make it more difficult? or is he just a silly little guy like gegg? if you do ever end up coming up with a proper design for him im super excited to see what it ends up being !! your designs are so super inspirational 2 me <3
hmmm food-wise... on the fence -w-
TBH when I first saw the cubito my mind went to 'watermelon' - it's a toss up between watermelon and/or a starfruit (smth smth cure parfait)
but YES absolutely to he is just a silly lil guy. Really dig Link's idea of him looking like the dude from 'Le concombre masque' so something similar to that :]
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1111-sunset-circle · 5 months
f/o who can tell when you have low spoons or when you’re crashing and does everything they can to help you preserve them and rest
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wolfram-but-art · 1 month
Sorry for spamming your notifs but i see alot of engi content from you and so i am legally obligated to chase any engi media i see like a carrot on a stick RAHHRHARAHRAHRAHRAHHHHH
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PFF it's alright mate, go ahead and spam i don't mind. i literally do the same thing.
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my last like 30 posts have largely been about him, he occupies my every waking thought. I am actually obsessed, please, i can't be alone in my blorbo obsession
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landoffreaksandfrogs · 8 months
ur blood swap is literally the coolest. so clearly well thought out. i am kind of literally in love with bloodswap tavroses i love to see one if available
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to be real i have NOT thought much about tavros but hes an indigo!
he has the classic FREAK STRENGTH of the zahhak gene and he does NOT DO WELL WITH IT. he tries so hard to be delicate and careful but hes incredibly clumsy and bad at controlling his strength. hes a. hes like. a.
like a bull in a china sh
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