#pearl liason
rawmeknockout · 2 months
Your possessive Dadatron got into my brain with the cyberformed liason. While poor obsessed Rodimus is not being left alone with the Liason he's also one of the handful of bots outside of the medics that consistently remember the Liason was a wholeaft adult human and treat them as such, along with Rung, Swerve, Perceptor and Whirl.
This also leads to Megs and Mags being shocked when the Liason just matter-of-factly tells Rodimus, "I'm not opposed to the idea of a potential date in the future, but right now I don't have enough coordination in this body to try Meteor surfing. Worse the medics said Interfacing is out untill I have some concious control of my transformation sequence preferably after I've scanned an altmode."
Just two old Mechs clutching their pearls stunned In Horror while Rodimus is blithly is going on with the conversation.
"Wait you haven't scanned an alt yet?! I thought you'd checked all the potentials on the Lost Light?"Rodimus looked shocked.
"I did but nothing clicked or activated the sequence." The Liason shrugged helplessly. "It's not like this frame had one preloaded."
"Huh you should have told me. Next time we get off on a planet you should come with me and Drift and Ratchet. See if any of the wildlife triggers-"
"I forbid it! Ultra Magnus choked out. The other three mechs turned to look at him.
"Ultra Magnus," Megatron sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Please don't discourag Rodimus when he makes sensible seguestions."
"I, no." The Duely Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accords gathered his wits. "No Rodimus' seguestion regarding his alt mode acquisition was not the issue. The conversation with regarding Interfacing however-" The Liason cut him off voice flat with uncharacteristic frustration.
"I do not have the spoons to say this gracefully or diplomatically right now so I'm going to be blunt. I am an adult human, note the term adult, in the frame of cybertronian newbuild. I'm currently experiencing frame dysphoria and body dismorphia. And you can add gender disphoria because i have a gender and if this frame I'm in lined up with it I would be a femme!"
"I'm aware of what interfacing is. In the before times," the Liason gestured curtly at their frame, "I had quite a few lively slightly tipsy afterwork discussions at Swerve's compairing and contrasting human and cybertronian sexulity, sensuality, and romanticism. Which Rodimus took part in. Spark play, Plug and Play and feild play arent options for humans but Valve Plug is" Ultra Magnus' engine choked in shock. Megatron took a reflexive back in extreme discomfort.
"I dont think I need to hear about that!" Megatron cut her off hastily. It was a mark of his discomfort and Ultra Magnus's distraction they both missed Rodimus pulling a packet of Cesium Crisps out of his subspace.
"No Mechs, these are exactly some of the sorts of conversations that need to happen with anybot who steps up to Parent me if this is permanent. Be my Mentor," she added to clarify the twin looks of confusion. "I am a middle-aged parent of grown children with an ex-husband who remains a dear friend now that he's out of the closet. I know the two of you are both trying to parent me. God and Primus both forefend my body dies of old age before Brainstorm and Perceptod can fix me because the number of Mecha on this ship who are psychologically capable dealing with the complexities of mentoring a newbuild that is simultaneously a sentient organic who is of analagous to their devlopmental age are profoundly limited."
"How about Rang," Rodimus seguested just a bit too cheerfully around a mouthful of snacks.
"Rung, unfortunately, as my therapist has a professional conflict of interest. And since you guys have, between all your factions, a grand total of two therapists left alive it's not like switching providers-"
"Oh! Liason! There you are!" First Aid called out, cheerfully oblivious conversation he was saving Megatron and Ultra Magnus from. "Ratchet just commed me, he's looking for you. He's freed up his schedule to chaparone err moniter Brainstorm and Perceptor while they run some tests on you. Well mostly Brainstorm needs the monitering. If you could come down to the lab?"
"Oh best not keep them waiting then," Rodimus put in quickly husteling First Aid and the Liason off down the hall. "I'll walk with you, Mags and Megs have to go on shift on the Bridge."
Well this ended up longer than I expected. The characters that live in my brain just started talking and went for it.
How do you reckon Protective UM and Possessive Megatron are taking this conversation? Or this type given that Liason suddenly went from generic insert to proto-OC with a backstory while I was typing. I cant be the only one on here who's had a character grab the plot ball and run away with it for a bit.
Megatron is fine with them having a life before even tho it’s not preferred but they’re a MECH now and he knows better (this is a lie) than anyone what type of mentoring you need he’s completely ignoring this conversation bc that was your life as a human, this is your life now
Magnus is conflicted but ultimately he still keeps other mechs away. you may have some knowledge of Cybertronian sexuality, but it’s not just the interfacing that’s the problem. All the mechs on the lost light are fucked up and aren’t just looking for vanilla sex.
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ask-the-shichibukai · 7 months
Hi there, absolutely love this blog! I just wanted to let you know I just wrote and posted a 25K+ word fanfic for Buggy x Crocodile x Mihawk that I would love to share on here for fellow Cross Guild Throuple lovers!
My story is called Late Night Liasons, Lifetime Commitments by Gothraven89 at Fanfiction (.) net.
Please feel free to give it a read!
Ehilà, Anon! I'm happy you like this blog (it was born as an experiment in a moment of stress but fortunately it seems that people like it). Anyway, I just finished reading your fanfiction and I must say that it's good.
In general, I prefer the ship between just Crocodile and Mihawk, because imagining their interactions is funny. I don't particularly love the polycule between them and Buggy because I can't bring myself to believe that Crocodile or Mihawk would ever fall for Buggy (and, vice versa, Buggy has every reason to wish he were away from them on the other side of the planet instead of wanting to be with them) but there were some scenes in your fanfiction that I liked very much.
Anyway, that's my only problem so I'm publishing your ask here because I think that all the people that are rooting for the ship are going to be happy to read your fanfiction 😊 the writing is good, after all, and long one shots are my favorite. So whoever is bothering to read this post at this hour go read it!
P. S. Just a thing, though, in your next fanfiction please explore this pearl of yours:
"Mihawk pursed his lips to keep his own colorful array of curses from coming out"
I'm not the one asking, for Sir Crocodile himself gave me this order. He wants to see Mihawk swearing.
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I finished some, so I'll for sure be posting them at some point, but now somehow they keep growing...
I mean, considering the fact that unlike the rest of the Ginko Guild, Volo never seems to actually do or sell anything... But yes, I like ox for Ginter, I think that's a good fit. Oh, ha, I just remembered that in OoP you had Ginter be like, "I probably should have given up trying to get Volo to be where he's supposed to be and do what he's supposed to be doing. :/" so I guess in this Ginter would have even more reason to think Volo's just hopelessly flighty lol.
... I have never once given the fact that Gaeric and Sabi have similar shades of hair any mind, so that blew my mind a little bit. They're even both in the Icelands, whereas the only other person I can think of with light blue hair is Cyllene, who definitely isn't related to either of them. Also, I think it would be hilarious if Gaeric was more subtle about his liason with a fellow warden than Palina and Iscan, to the point where he had a whole entire kid no one knew about. Despite them have a region all to themselves while Gaeric would have to hide it from pretty much the entire Pearl Clan. That does leave rather sad connotations about her mom though, since she'd almost certainly have to be dead for Sabi to take it up so young.
The other kids are just like, you're weird, but so is Ingo and he's alright and also a warden too, so I guess you're probably fine." And then she proves she's awesome at playing hide-and-seek, thus winning them over. That's assuming that the Diamond Clan actually knows or if Adaman and/or the other wardens keep it a secret. If they knew then for sure they'd likely kick up a fuss about the Pearl Clan getting their grubby little heathen hands near her, but that just means that he'd have even more reason to not say anything. Although, with this whole idea of him asking the Pearl Clan to help keep her safe, I do have to wonder if Ingo is part of the reason she has three high level pokemon as a child (and also, I know the clans apparently don't like pokeballs but where the hell is she keeping them if not in balls??? Surely she's not just leaving without them while she does her rounds, right?). That is very much not the norm, unlike in the future where it's at least plausible that a 10 year old could have three level 50 pokemon. Maybe sometimes when she gets bored she goes to the highlands to fight him, or he showed her how to battle/train her pokemon and she just has nothing better to do most of the time other than fighting wild pokemon.
Well, I thought it'd be Irida asking first because I was going on the assumption that Ingo was made warden first. But if she was made warden before he was, then yes, I could definitely see Adaman asking anyway. They're both serious about making the peace work and he's worried about his decision to make a small child not just a warden, but a warden in a frozen wasteland filled with high level pokemon that'd love to eat her. It'd be a risk, since for all he knew asking could offend Irida into fighting again, but you miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take and all that.
Well now I just am imagining an au where he's actually totally fine, but because he's naturally so thin and weird looking some of them go up to Irida after seeing him in the highlands, and are very concerned because is she sure he's eating enough and he must be so cold up there without any fat or insulating fur, does she know if he has enough blankets and tunics in case his rips or needs to double layer? He's alarming to look at and they can't remember if that's what he looked like before or if maybe he had more meat on his bones and lost it. No, but you're right, if nothing else they'd definitely be able to notice concerning behaviors and could from there ask if he was alright. You mentioned before that it's probably something of a faux pas to purposefully scare a prey animal to make them Run, so they must have at least a basic idea of "prey animals really, really don't do well with being this stressed out," and realize he was like that the entire time they were walking with him. Ingo wonders why all the Pearl Clan members he meets ask him if he's okay but figures they're just asking to be polite, although that might just be the part of him that remembers, "hi, how are you doing today?" to be a very common greeting, to which the socially acceptable answer is always, "I'm fine, thank you." Not that he's not fine, of course, because he is. Just like he always is.
:0 looking forward to it!!
qhqqhkjh yeah. ginter's like why do we even still have that guy on the payroll, all he does is wander off without telling anyone, dodge work to look at old shit, and give away merchandise for free. which is literally ALL he does in canon up until the red sky and even then i'm pretty sure the "selling you items by the temple" is a thinly veiled excuse to get front row seats to the action. and yet they keep him around so he must be doing SOMETHING hsgkjsh. i feel like volo can sweet talk someone into a sale really well if he actually puts his mind to it, he just... doesn't bother 99% of the time
YEAH now that i think more about it it's like... idk if i think it's a theory necessarily but it's a really interesting hc. iscan, melli and coin all have blue hair but it's not quite as vibrant in any of their cases as it is with gaeric and sabi. i feel like if it was actually like, true, the other wardens would probably know about it and maybe say something that implied it, but that can also be easily explained by like. it's a thing everyone knows and they all pretend they don't because it would cause Problems and sabi doesn't need that she's five. it IS funny to imagine that gaeric was able to keep a whole relationship with the other icelands warden secret enough that she had a whole child and nobody figured it out whereas irida talked to palina and iscan for like 2 conversations and immediately clocked that there was Something Going On ghskjshjks. i do think the fact that wardens tend to have deeper relationships with each other than their clans would strictly approve of is something of an open secret, but having a child with your counterpart would probably still be sort of crossing a line.
that's true the diamond clan probably doesn't actually have any idea. and ingo being why she has three monster partners... alternately, if gaeric is her dad, i could see him helping her get them as a way to protect herself. (that said i'm also not convinced her pokemon are uh. fully canon. because if they are that is an extremely weird pick just considering how tiny the magmar line's range is if nothing else. when did she have the time to go all the way to firespit to get one of those?? and i would expect her to have some psychic-types, or mons you can actually find in the mirelands or icelands, rather than... those three. like it's also possible that she borrowed them from someone/somewhere just to test you, maybe)
yeah, i could see it going in either order tbh. i mean, i think ingo was definitely made warden before sabi was, but i also don't know how long it would have taken irida to speak to adaman about him. it's possible she waited long enough that sabi was instated and adaman came to her first. if adaman was concerned about irida taking offense, though, i feel like he'd be more likely to go to one of the pearl wardens, as sort of a go-between who's less likely to anger her just by their presence. like gaeric... or ingo... gaeric's closer, obviously, and has been warden longer and thus has more authority to talk to irida with, but he probably would assume ingo is less likely to flat-out refuse him. (which, gaeric wouldn't either if he is her father, but adaman might not know that—or might think gaeric resents sabi since she's diamond)
skjhskjhs irida having to field concerned questions like "no he's fine i promise, yes he just looks like that, yes i know it looks concerning but no he was like that when he got here." yeah though, i don't know how well they'd be acquainted with hare behaviors specifically, but they probably get enough arctic/snowshoe hares that there's a good general sense of how they Should act. one that ingo increasingly does not fit, like, at all... unless you imagine that he is constantly on the verge of a break-and-bolt panic. he keeps denying it, though...
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robotshq · 6 months
jordan fisher, dove cameron, corbin bleu, lucas grabeel, ashley tisdale, megan fox, nina dobrev, courtney act, adore delano, violet chachki, pearl liason, bianca del rio, ariana grande, ruby rose, ross lynch, laura marano, winona ryder. Any of those names spark your interest? We'd love to have you! Come check us out.
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odomeason04 · 1 year
Shoes Each Woman Should Own
Planning to get a new source of income? The current job driving you up the wall or boring of which you bits? Well you never know when you'd get insight on suggested a eleventh hour interview. So make positive you have a set of clothing and shoes to be able to make yourself presentable when you are for the job interview. You wouldn't want to your future employer giving the impression of something dispersed further dragged in. Make sure you look your best for the job that you're applying as. Ladie High Heels If get two different sized feet (and many people do), shoe stretchers may be used to stretch the toe box if one foot is just a little greater than the other Ladies High Heels . If you have significantly different sized feet, some stores and websites will sell both of you different sized shoes.
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One of the things that you have to first before buying a gift for the women in your health is to look into the past and think of this gifts that already procured. Women do not like receiving the same gift twice in a row except of course if may possibly really expensive things like pearls, jewelry or acts.
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Quality extramarital liasons. Wherever possible, pick a reputed brand which is backed by quality research on running shoes. Dansko women shoes (Review of Women's shoes by Dansko) absolutely are a comfortable option to choose from, and are worth the buying. Avoid wearing slippers or sandals which ankle tie. This will only give the main reason legs a shorter peek. You can always find sandals with straps that enable your legs appear smaller and at the same time, provide enough support and stability to your own foot. Kothorni, modern cork or platform shoes were first introduced into the style world by male Roman actors in 200 Bc. Kothorni is also sometimes spelled cothurni and defined to be a knee-high heels shoes thick soled boot or buskin made of leather or cloth that laces and was worn in Greek or Roman tragedies by actors.Men still wore heels in the 1600s, much less a fashion statement, but for practical purposes. It helped in order to keep their feet inside the stirrups when riding their horses. Shoes on your own little black dress: health supplement probably probably the most essential set of Ladie High Heels shoes because every woman has undoubtedly one black dress whether that dress is a celebration dress or possibly dress for office. To one's little black dress you are someone a low heeled black pump lovers. These pumps are comfortable and absolutely a should have for every woman's shoe collection. This shoe could save your day when a glamorous sandal is not the right thing for your situation or that the event. Should wear your black pumps to an unplanned dinner, a funeral or also a professional talking.
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malibu-barb · 2 years
📷: Haran
katya talking about trixie is so 🥺
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isnotamermaid · 5 years
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my favorite Big Lesbian Energy™ photos part deus. (part one here) bonus Laila because Myspace was truly an awakening for me. 
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laszlove · 5 years
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oh, so you’re an educated bitch.
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minkxjonsoon · 5 years
Tbh season 7 was Pearl Liason’s Drag Race and you can’t change my mind
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llllvi · 5 years
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katyasrat-blog · 5 years
liven up my dash !
i need more people to follow so like this if u post:
- trixie
- katya
- adore
- yvie
- monet
- bob
- miz cracker
- sasha
- violet
and more i cant think of / i have to tag a lot so cant be bothered writing more now
free follows roll up babies
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the-rest-is-drag95 · 5 years
Just Kids- Chapter 24: Oreo
Read it Here on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13576653/chapters/41618060
I'm as shocked as you are that this is coming out after only a week. It's a bit shorter but that mostly because it didn't really fit with either larger chapter that comes before or after so I made it its own little thing. Hopefully you like it, I think its fun. I was so scared to post again after such a long break but I'm glad you understand and are still here.
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sadboyneedmeds · 6 years
were all violet in this lip-sync 
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baby-henny · 6 years
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She never fails to wow me every single time.
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alaskaquaria · 6 years
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a biological fishstick 
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tee-in-the-shade · 6 years
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Pearl is me 😂 eye roll!!
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