#paz vizla fic
sprout-fics · 1 year
NSFW New Years thot— Paz with a pregnant riduur. That’s it.
Possessive and protective as hell, absolutely doting and loving, his hands never leave her belly. Is prepared to catch their ik’aad the moment they arrive. Is always ready to put another in his riduur again. Is obsessed with his riduur’s motherly body they’ve formed postpartum. Loves all of his children fiercely and unconditionally. His aliit is everything to him.
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Okay but this one came out really well, I think!
“Gently now, there.”
The dying, ember light of sunset filters though the windows of your room, dyeing you in a soft, golden halo. Warmth seeps through you, a blooming affection that perches alight in the fibers of your soul, tugging there like harp strings.
A tiny hand splays across your stomach, hovering gently, almost hesitantly under your larger one. Your eldest looks up at you through his eyelashes, other hand clutched to his mouth nervously as he waits for the tiny rumble you’d drawn him to. You gaze down at him, at his bright eyes the same color of his father’s, the arch of his brow knotted with uncertainty. The light catches against the planes of his face rounded with a cherub fullness.
A kick.
He gasps, hand darting away as you chuckle. Yet he gazes down at your stomach with child-like wonder, mouth dropped open in shock. He takes a moment to observe before he delicately presses closer, leaning an ear against the rounded swell of your stomach with wide, sparkling eyes. 
“There’s a heartbeat.” He murmurs in astonishment, turning to brace his chin against your abdomen. 
You nod down at him, unable to contain the wide spread of your grin across your lips. 
“Another ad’ika, like yourself.” You tell him, watching as the stars bloom across his gaze. 
You’re interrupted then, as a door chimes, swishes open beyond your room where you’re resting. Instantly your son is away from you, footsteps fading as he races down the hall with a triumphant cry. 
There’s a tell-tale grunt as he impacts against his father’s knees, barely up to his hip now- grown in the bink of an eye.
Paz groans as he hauls his son into his arms, even as he squeals. Their voices are faded now, warm like a lullaby against the back of your thoughts, winding, cloyant like an embrace. Home, with them. 
Soon, however, footsteps echo down the hall as Paz, as your riduur draws near. 
He pauses in the doorway, one massive arm cradling your child against his breastplate and the other balancing his helmet against his hip. Steps stuttering to a halt, he freezes at the sight of you, bathed in gentle, radiant sunlight. Like the gods above have descended to bestow upon you a gentle, divine kiss, he breathes as if you yourself are doused in sanctity- something to be worshiped, held in utter reverence. 
“Mesh’la.” He breathes, and the word itself is a prayer whispered to the heavens.
“Hello, husband.” You murmur, one hand smoothing over your stomach. 
His gaze never breaks from you, not as he places his helmet against your dresser, gently depositing his son and murmuring a hushed instruction to him. As tiny footsteps fade, Paz draws near, one hand reaching out towards you as if, once he touches you, you’ll vanish into stardust. You catch his gloved palm against yours, brace it against your cheek even as he sucks in a breath of wonder. 
“You grow more beautiful with every passing day.” He whispers as you smile up at him, heart swelling at the seams. 
“Even like this?” You ask gently, hand smoothing over your stomach and brow knotting in a touch of concern.
“Especially like this.” He replies, and his voice is lower now, dipping deeper into his chest with a timber you recognize. It sends sparks murmuring through you, glowing like constellations. 
“Really?” You ask, and your voice is quieter now, reserved in hesitancy. 
“Riduur.” He murmurs, and his other hand clasps across your cheek now, turning your face towards him like he’s drinking from a holy spring. You can see his eyes like this, see the birth of galaxies within his gaze, see how he looks down at you as if you’re the first and only magnificent thing he’s ever seen. 
“You are the mother of our children. My cherished wife, my partner, my beloved. How can I not think you are more beautiful than every star in the sky?”
You soften, melt into him then, feeling warmth spool low in your belly, to where an unborn soul dwells in silent slumber. 
“You’re trying to get me pregnant again.” You chide him, and the smile that greets your words has the harp strings of your heart singing an aria. 
“How can I not?” He asks, lifting you to his waiting lips in an irresistible, incandescent kiss. “When you’re glowing brighter than the sun?”
“I’ll blind you.” You murmur against him. 
“Then the last thing I see will be you.”
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aceisferal · 8 months
I haven’t gotten much work done on the flower farm/earth au yet but I have this snippet of Paz and Axe (and Ragnar) in the future so
As he scrubs a pan, focusing on a patch of burnt on pasta, Paz looks out the window. There’s a group of children running through one of the wildflower fields off in the distance, playing a game of hide and go seek tag that’s more running and tagging than seeking and hiding. A little closer, Apollo is pulling a cat out of a tree and handing it to his youngest, Crow, if Paz remembers right. Most importantly, and practically just outside the windows, Axe and Ragnar are pulling weeds from the garden.
Or, they were a minute ago, before Axe started spraying Ragnar with the water hose. Then Ragnar threw a handful of dirt at him, which lead to Axe throwing a handful of dirt back. This all very quickly became a full mud fight. Paz gently slips the pan back into the sink, takes off the dishwashing gloves he was wearing, and opens the window, preparing to scold the both of them.
Instead though, he’s met with the loud and genuine sound of laughter— both the distant giggles of the children in the field, but also the loud laughter of Axe and Ragnar, and he just can’t bring himself to tell them to stop. They’re already muddy and dirty, though, so he’ll have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t try and come inside and trek mud through the place. Shame, it seems like Paz will have to keep the window open.
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Update on the axepaz fic: I'm a procrastination machine, I'm seven months and 3.5 chapters in, and oh boy. It has been a journey and I'm nowhere near done. It will eventually (hopefully) be posted on ao3, and I'll link when the time comes. Meanwhile I need to get my shit together!
Yes I am shamelessly projecting my chronic illness on Axe but so what. Judge me ig :(
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allastoredeer · 24 days
I'm curious if you planning to write NSFW fic(s) yourself? Your gen fics are amazing and it would be interesting to read 18+ in your style 😏
Hehehehe oh contraire mon frère, I have already written several NSFW fics 😎
This is Going to End in Disaster, Babe Wake Up, It's Pumpkin Spice Season, Misfire, Wade Wilson's Guide to Studying Your Spider (Spider-Man/Deadpool)
Lizard Brain (Spider-Man/Lizard)
Shaping Beskar, Gratitude (Mandalorian - Boba Fett/Din Djarin, Paz Vizla/Din Djarin)
And those are just the ones with the smut already written, I have a few that are going to have smut, I just haven't gotten to that part of the story yet. And these are the ones that just involve sex, not the darker themes that also fall under NSFW. (Except for "Shaping Beskar" that one DEFINITELY falls under the dark category)
But as for Hazbin Hotel, yes! I will be writing NSFW, for both "Just Kiss Already" and a few other wips I have in mind. I have quite a few of them planned out, actually. With various ships. It's just a matter of getting to them.
And I am very excited to get to them ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
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moodymisty · 2 years
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Author's Note: Paz Vizla is grade A USDA stamped B E E F and I love him. Accepting new applicants to the 'Paz's wives' club. Here's a small idea I had that I couldn't fit into the larger Paz fic I'm writing and I needed to let it OUT
EDIT 2/4/22: Decided to come back and revise this a bit, since I enjoy the idea a lot but think I've improved a bit since writing it nine months ago. Enjoy.
Relationships: Paz Vizsla/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Fingering, Lap sitting, Teasing, a teeny tiny bit of voyeurism
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The Mandalorian's helmet has always done an excellent job of hiding his emotions; Though even with it on, it was still as clear as the sky of Naboo that he was eating this up.
You had just wanted to sit down, and decided to be silly about it; sitting on his lap after stewing for hours in a cramped gunship watching stars roll past. This had been a longer than usual trip, and that stir-crazy feeling- the desire for fresh air and solid dirt beneath your feet had been starting to eat at you.
He hadn't objected when you asked him to move his arm, just enough so that you could slip between him and the ship's control panel to plop yourself right onto his thighs. It was completely innocent; You'd just wanted to sit closer to him while you both had a rare moment of peace to yourselves. No other bounty hunters, Mandalorians, pirates or other class of disreputable scoundrel.
"Paz seriously, we're going to be landing soon..."
But now instead of enjoying that peaceful quiet your legs are spread wide over his thighs, back pressed flush against his broad chestplate.
His glove is somewhere beneath you on the floor you think, as he’d thrown it off awhile ago. He’d made you do it- pull it off with your teeth. At first his fingers had just been laying on the edge of your inner thigh, but now his large hand is slipped down the waistband of your pants fingers firmly buried inside of you; While his other arm lays against the armrest as if he so casually isn't giving you the throttling of a lifetime. Meanwhile he watches, his helmet tilted down enough that he can see you through the tinted visor.
For a moment his fingers slide out from you and press against your clit, moving in circles and making your hips jerk upward from the overwhelming sensation, before he quickly buries two digits inside your weeping pussy again.
"Then you'd best hurry."
Damn Vizla; Him and his whole legendary clan name.
The Beskar armor covering his arm is stretching the waistband of your pants as he curls his fingers and presses against every sensitive nerve, listening to the way you groan and bite your lip in an attempt to not to let out a full throated moan. Your hands grip his bicep, grasping onto it like it’s a lifeline- the only thing holding you onto this side of sanity.
Other than the soft rumbling of the ship’s engines and it's few other systems vibrating and beeping, it's quiet; Making every single little noise you make that much more obvious. Every little gasp, moan, whine and filthy wet noise goes through the entire ship, as Paz shifts his arm to bury his soaked fingers even deeper into your cunt.
"Feel good, little one? You've soaked my whole hand."
Your hands grasp the Beskar plating of his arm even tighter, thighs squeezing around his hand as your hips shift on his lap. Your stomach feels so tight tied in knots and your thighs want to shake, feet almost numb as they dangle without touching the floor. You're so, so close and Paz has no intentions of slowing down, feeling your pussy tighten around his fingers as-
"Comming unnamed gunship,"
The comm unit suddenly comes alive with loud crackling and slightly distorted voices, startling you nearly out of your wits. Paz can see two ships casually flanking him on the radar in front of him, which he'd been expecting. You hadn't however, and it had given you more than a small startle; Looking out the viewport and hoping to whatever species deity was listening right now that they could not see your current state as Paz's hand doesn't even slow in the slightest. You can still hear the sound of his fingers thrusting into your cunt, as you leak all over his hand and the fabric of your underwear.
"You will need to transmit your transponder code before landing. Do so or you’ll be acknowledged as hostile."
Right; This wasn't some bounty hunter haven like Nar Shaddaa, you have to play by some semblance of rules.
Intent on landing without fanfare Paz leans forward just enough to transmit his transponder code to the patrol ships with his free hand, which is approval enough to let him pass. Meanwhile you've removed one of your hands from his arm and put it over your mouth to muffle any noises the best you possibly could, but it fails to completely silence the whines you let out as you cum around his fingers. Paz doesn't change in the slightest as he comms the patrol ship back, his hand slowing as your pussy clenches around him.
The comm crackles again as your palm still presses hard against your lips, trying to hide even your harsh breathing. It takes a moment for the patrol ship to comm back, presumably running the code for any hits.
"Received. Have a safe landing." The two ships peel off from flanking, and Paz slowly pulls his fingers from you to slide them gently up and down between your folds. They brush over your clit for a moment and in that post-orgasm sensitivity your muscles tighten and hips twitch, letting out a soft, quiet sigh. You almost sound out of breath as you speak up, looking at the reflection of his helmet in the glass of the viewport. In that reflection you can see how much he towers over you, even when seated like this. You love it even when you lie; Love the way his hand can completely cup your pussy and touch every part of you.
"Vizla, you are horrible." He chuckles at the scolding usage of his clan name, and slowly pulls his hand from your pants. Wiping his fingers on the thigh of his flightsuit he feels your body completely lax against his own, even as he leans forward to mess with the control panel of the ship for a moment. He's getting prepared to land, and you're still not even sure if you can walk.
"You shouldn't tease then, little one." His hand now lays comfortably on your thigh like it had before, firm as he watches the multiple ship systems all blink for his attention.
Damn Paz Vizla.
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tarrenterror25 · 1 year
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Batman Dark!ArkhamKnight!JasonTodd x Reader  by @nocturne-pisces
Marvel Ulysses Klaue      - Bringin’ Home the Rain Chapter 4 by @the-eyes-of-andyserkis
Star Wars Paz Vizla      - Bold by @flightlessangelwings Boba Fett      - Maybe I Just Wanna Be Yours by @saradika​      - Ex Libris by @daimyosprincess​
The Last of Us Joel Miller      - Misbehavior by @stargirlfics​      - On His Time by @toxic-seduction​
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April recs are here as well!
Maybe I Just Wanna Be Yours - This isn’t written like a traditional fic; it’s 4 different snippets or insights. Great one for hurt/comfort! The third part was personally my favorite!
Joel Miller Fics - Both of these are mean!Joel
Ex Libris - Here I have posted the masterlist to the series! It is Professor!Boba x F!Librarian!Reader. The first chapter has great flirty banter!
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fandom-blackhole · 1 year
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motleymoose · 4 years
Homecoming Pt 4: Nevvarro Ch 5
Chapter 5 The Peace Within
Fandom: The Mandalorian, Star Wars Characters: Paz Viszla (Paz Vizla), Gender-Neutral Reader Words: 1.8k+ Warnings: Blood, Fluff!!!
A little calm in the calamity.
See? See?!? I TOLD you there was gonna be some happiness… sorta!!!
Thanks for reading! Look out for Part 5!!!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Homecoming Masterlist
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Sprinting down the lonely hallway, I ignored the blood dripping down my face, allowing my instincts rather than sight to guide me out of the Clan’s maze of tunnels. I didn’t know where I was, or where exactly I was going, but I knew I had to be out of the covert, away from Din Djarin and everything he believed in.
Vaguely aware of the shadowy forms darting out of the way as I passed, I kept my head down and ran. I didn’t need to breathe, didn’t need to think. All I needed to do was run. Run and forget and never feel again.
The whispering shadows thinned. The air grew cooler. But I let it all go, the only sensations I wanted were my heart beating in my chest and the soft soles of my boots slapping the smooth concrete. I didn’t stop to catch my breath, didn’t slow down to find my bearings. I ran as if it were the only thing keeping me alive.
I was so caught up in the thrill of flight that I didn’t notice the floor gradually slanting upwards. The toes of my boots caught on the treads carved into the concrete, a change from the smoothness of the hallways. But I didn’t stop to look. I just kept on running.
Until I reached a dead end. Well, not exactly a dead end, but a door. A door, guarded by two Mandalorians casually lounging against a scattering of crates. Blocking my way to freedom.
I skidded to a stop, blowing like a bellows. Sweat plastered my jumpsuit to my body, blood trickling down the back of my throat. I tried to swallow, but choked instead.
“Udesii! Me’bana? Me’viinii gar teh, vaar’ika?” the same gigantic blue-gray warrior from before asked calmly, a large gloved hand extended to show he didn’t mean any harm. He approached me slowly, a wounded and frightened creature ready to bolt. Wild and feral, my eyes were surely rolling white and my nostrils flaring in distress.
“I need… to-to get out… Now,” I panted, licking at a split in my bottom lip. My tongue came away metallic and salty, bile rising in response. The adrenaline began to ebb, and I doubled over, the pain from my injuries unfurling themselves in thorny red waves. I couldn’t help but groan.
“Easy, vod’ika. Breathe.” The blue-gray warrior angled his helmet towards his partner, speaking a clipped version of Mando’a I couldn’t understand. With a nod, the other Mandalorian took off at a light jog down the tunnel, disappearing around a corner.
The echoing bootsteps faded to nothing. His attention back on me, the large warrior squatted in front of me, tilting his visor until he knew I could see him. “What’s the matter?” he asked, his warm voice a soothing balm to my jangled nerves.
I didn’t know this warrior, and he sure as hell didn’t know me. What gave him the fragging right to ask me this?
“Naas,” I replied dryly. Mandalorians asked to find out things in a literal sense. I didn’t feel like telling him anything.
But he could sense that. “Ibac’jehaat, ad’ika. You don’t have to tell me,” he said. Unfolding himself to his imposing height, he stood straight once more and motioned me over to the crates. “Come, atinad’ika. Let me take a look at that naas on your face.”
Spent from fighting and running and ignoring the confusion of emotions, I dragged myself to the crates and hoisted onto one. I sullenly stared into space as the blue-gray Mando dug through one of the other crates, shifting the contents this way and that in his search. Soon, he held a medkit proudly aloft and plopped it beside me.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” I asked, only half-joking. I turned my attention to his hands, unable to trust anything about him, even after the kindness he’d shown me.
“Not in the least; I never could pass my basic med training,” he deadpanned as he peeled off his gloves. His hands, I was surprised to note, were a deep golden russet bordering on bronze, strong and well-defined and peppered with thin white scars. Long fingers, the pinkie and ring finger on his left hand crooked at the first and second knuckles as if they had been broken and then healed improperly, looked warm and inviting, and I had to stop myself from reaching over to trace my fingers over the backs of his hands. He angled his visor at me. I furrowed my brow and coughed, hoping he hadn’t noticed my staring.
I was rewarded with a glob of phlegm from the depths of my guts. It was unpleasant, and I gagged a little at the taste.
He must have taken it as doubt, for he tried again to assuage my imagined fears. “Really, you don’t have to worry. I can take care of a few scrapes.” The smile in his voice sent a tingle down my spine, building on the off-centering feeling of wanting to be taken care of. By him.
I swallowed the blood and the bile and the need for comfort, choosing instead to tentatively meet his gaze. “You don’t have to…” I stopped, weakly gesturing at my face with a bloodied hand.
The warrior shrugged, busying himself with the medkit latch. “We take care of our own. Now hold still, this is gonna sting.”
“K’uur, atinad’ika. Let me do my work in peace.”
Several quick jabs with a syringe and a liberal application of bacta gel later, and I was physically feeling a little less bruised.
Packing the unused med supplies back into the kit, he pushed the trash aside and joined me on the crate, legs splayed out in front of him, boots windshield-wipering back and forth to a beat only he could hear. The quiet between us settled around our bodies in thick, feathery layers.
I could say it was a relief to sit in companionable silence. After everything I had fought against, after all the fear and the anger and the frustration that had built up over the last week, it should have been nice to just sit and not be asked of anything. But as all things with my mind, I wouldn’t cooperate.
Tense and ready to spring at the slightest provocation, I gripped the square edge of the crate, my knuckles turning white and my nails bending against the hard plastic. The silence was nerve-wracking. It got under my skin, made me itchy and restless. With no distractions and little ambient sound, the words began to fall out of my mouth, fuzzy and coarse and prickly.
“I only wanted to get off that doshing moon,” I began, voice low and grainy. “I thought… I hoped that I could. With… him.” I couldn’t bring myself to utter Din’s name. Even though we may have shared the same adoptive buir, I didn’t have to like the guy, refused to show him much respect. Not after Bosph. Not after all of our fights. “Seeing him, I thought… I thought all Mandalorians were like my buir.”
Humming softly, the blue-gray Mando cocked his helmet in understanding. “Munit tome’tayl, skotah iisa,” he replied.
I laughed feebly. “Yeah. That he is.” Slowly, I unclamped my fingers from the side of the crate and laid them, palms up, in my lap. I stared blankly at them as I continued. “Sometimes I get so… so angry, that I can’t hold it in. The more I shove it back, the sharper it gets, until, well.” I pointed to my face again. “Can’t say what he did was unwarranted. I’ve been a bit of a fragging ass, despite his best efforts at keeping me alive.”
It was the giant’s turn to laugh, the gravelly chuckle buzzing pleasantly through the modulator.
Sighing heavily, I curled my fingers into my palms, briefly digging my nails into the oil-stained flesh. “But he-he had no right. In bringing me here. I didn’t choose to be cared for by a war criminal.” I turned my hands over, rolling the knuckles into the tops of my thighs, palms slicking with sweat as I remembered. “This isn’t my cause, you… you aren’t my people.” Biting my lip, I screwed my eyes shut, the tell-tale pricklings of tears welling behind the lids frightening me more than getting caught in a blaster fight. I was not going to cry. Not now, not in front of this warrior. Not ever.
“Let me out… please. I can’t be here. I-I don’t belong.”
The words caught him off guard as much as they did me. Shifting his body to face me, the Mandalorian brought a bare hand up to gingerly cup my chin, tipping my head back until I was forced to open my eyes and look at him. “Don’t belong? Atinad’ika,” he said quietly, dropping the hand to my shoulder with a squeeze. “Gar tal’din naas jaon’yc.”
“Don’t give me that line of kovedee’osik,” I said cooly, shrugging off his comforting hand, twisting away from his warmth. There was that biting anger again, rearing its ugly head at any sign of pity or sympathy. “I don’t want to belong. I’m just fine by myself,” I lied, mostly to myself. “I’m going.”
The blue-gray Mandalorian sat staring at me for a long, uncomfortable moment. Then, slapping his beskared thighs with his beautiful hands, he stood up and strode purposefully to the door. “We can’t hold you against your will, atinad’ika,” he sighed, sliding back bolts with practiced ease. “Even if you don’t believe you are part of this Clan, we will always accept you back. No matter what happens out there.” Finished with the bolts, he turned to the control panel to punch in the code. “But one thing, atinad’ika.” His dark tan fingers hovered over the release button, helmet tilted towards me. “We aren’t the only ones who know about your buir. There are… other forces out there that also search for him. And if they find out that you are his…”
I froze. Frag. I hadn’t even thought about someone else out there to get me. “What would you have me do?” I asked, swallowing the cracks in my voice.
Lowering his hand, the Mandalorian turned to me, tensed as if ready for a struggle. “Are you sure you want to know?” he murmured, his vocoder barely registering the rich depths of his voice.
“Elek,” I replied nervously, knowing all too well what he was going to ask of me.
Udesii! Me’bana? Me’viinii gar teh, vaar’ika? - Take it easy (Calm down!)! What’s happening (what’s happened?)? What are you running from, pipsqueak? [lit. What running you from, runt? - mashed the Mando’a] vod’ika. - little sibling ad’ika - little one, son, daughter, of any age - also used informally to adults much like *lads* or *guys* Naas - Nothing Ibac’jehaat, ad’ika - That is a lie, little one [what even is sentence structure] atinad’ika - [not not a word] little stubborn one (atin - stubborn; ad’ika - little one) K’uur, atinad’ika. - Hush, little stubborn one. Munit tome’tayl, skotah iisa, - long memory, short fuse - said to be the typical Mando mindset Gar tal’din naas jaon’yc.. - Your past is unimportant. (lit. Your bloodline is nothing important) [butchers the Mando’a] kovedee’osik - bullshit (kovedee - cow-like creature the size of a bison; osik - shit {or dung, but insulting-like}) [just gonna keep on making up words until someone corrects me] Elek - Yes
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ronnieiswriting · 3 years
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Just a quick Baker!reader appreciation post- its no wonder why Paz fell for her instantly when she's this beautiful!! The first one is some time into their established relationship where Paz just finds the moment to slip behind her and distract her from work, the second one is set very early on after their meeting and gentle flirting, specifically after Baker got stood up for a date and Paz happened to walking home- being the gent he is, he invites her to his for an innocent dinner where things start to get rolling between them 👀👀 Paz in this universe is just-- he's like a drug, ok, I'm addicted to thinking about him and I blame @djarinsbeskar, @asta-lily, and @heartsofbeskar for encouraging my obsession with these two.
I realised I have so much more Baker!reader x Boxer!Paz art than I've posted so this is me just saying "beans" and posting it anyways- I'm trying to learn an actual art program now and its a bit intimidating but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon xx
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2210289 · 2 years
If they make paz a bad guy/asshole ill cry
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bobafetts-princess · 3 years
The Hunters and the Hunted (Chapter 2)
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Pairings: Din Djarin x Reader x Boba Fett x Paz Vizsla (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: This is dead filth y’all. Creampie, throat fucking, choking, dirty talk, a little aftercare, fingering, oral (fem receiving) I think that’s all??? Idk lemme know if I missed something!
A/N: Yaaaa this is trash bc I am trash! I live by the fancast Winston Duke as Paz! If y’all are interested in a chapter 3, let me know! I hope you like this ❤️
Find Chapter 1 here!
“I thought Mandalorians couldn’t remove their helmets?” You questioned, once Boba punched in the coordinates.
“We can’t,” Paz and Din answered simultaneously.
“I’m not a Mandalorian, the armor belonged to my father,” Boba supplied, spinning in his chair to face you, now that the ship was in space. “Now how about that kiss?” He said, fixing you with a wicked grin and mischievous eyes.
Rolling your own eyes, you unbuckled and stood, crossing the small cockpit and leaned in, capturing his lips with your own in a soft kiss. Boba’s hands came up to cup your face, deepening the kiss just slightly before pulling away and slapping you on the ass lightly.
“Go freshen up. My quarters are down the hall and to the left. There’s a fresher in the back and I’ll grab you some clothes.” He said, nodding down the same hall they walked down when they placed you in the cell.
You nodded, stopping to kiss the helmets of both Paz and Din, with the former gripping you by the hips and the latter grabbing the outsides of your thighs. You whispered a thank you to them both, garnering a small nod before you walked where Boba had pointed you.
You took your time in the fresher, washing down your body with the soap Boba had in there. It smelled masculine and slightly spicy and you took a deep inhale with every pass over your body. You soaked under the warm spray, letting the stressful events of the day wash off of you. You were free, you could do whatever you wanted. You could settle down, explore the galaxy, live a life. Smiling, you turned off the water, finding clothes just outside of the fresher door for you and you pulled them on. They were tighter than your usual clothes, forming to your body in the best way. You turned in the mirror admiring the way the trousers clung to your hips and ass. The tunic was low cut, showing off your collarbones and neck. Making your way back to the cockpit, you noticed there was food and water sitting in the spare seat.
“The clothes fit! Here I was worrying they would be too small.” Boba said, but the glint in his eyes made you think that’s exactly what he was hoping for.
“My partner in crime,” and you felt like he meant that literally, “Fennec is about the same size as yourself, so I snatched some clothes she left here.”
“There’s food and water, you haven’t eaten since this morning so I’m sure you’re hungry.” Din remarked and you sat down, eating and basking in the comfortable silence.
“So where are we going?” You prompted after you finished your food, settling down in the chair.
“Well Tattooine first, make sure there’s no one tailing us, and then you’re free to go wherever you want, Princess.” Boba said, sunk down in his chair.
“Is that where you live?”
“Yes, I have control of the Hutt compound and we’ll be safe there.” You hoped safe for forever, honestly. “Now, the ship is on autopilot and I’m going to lay down. An old man needs his rest. Are you planning on joining me, little one?” He said, standing and leaning against his captains chair, giving you a sly wink. You took a second to appreciate his strong, thick build. Smaller than Paz but thicker than Din, he was definitely a looker. Then you realized what he asked and your mouth dropped.
“Boba.” Came the sharp bark from Din.
“Don’t be a downer, Mandalorian. You should have felt her kiss me, I don’t think she’d opposed to spending the night in my bed.” You flushed because he wasn’t wrong but you also got the distinct impression that they discussed this while you were showering and changing. Din turned to you speaking softly.
“You don’t have to, we don’t expect this from you because we helped you get away.”
Nodding, you turned towards Paz, who had yet to speak, but you weren’t really sure what you planned on saying.
“Don’t look at me, pretty girl. I wouldn’t turn down having you in my bed for the night either. But I would never make you warm my bed or my cock.” His words shot through you and you swallowed thickly.
“How about you, Mando?” You asked, using the nickname Boba had used.
“How about me what?”
“Don’t play stupid, you know what I’m asking.” You snapped, a quick flash of bravado under stress.
He sighed heavily, answering you.
“Of course I wouldn’t be opposed to you spending the night in my bed, but I do not expect it of you.”
“So you all want to sleep with me?” You asked, looking at all three men in turn as they nodded. You sat back, taking this moment in, knowing you would never get the opportunity to do something like this again, so you blurted the words out before you could regret them. “Would you all like to sleep with me tonight?” There was a sharp intake of breath as they considered your words.
“You mean, watch you get stuffed full of cock?” Boba said, voicing your thoughts. “I’ll never turn down a pretty girl wanting to take cock.” Din simply nodded and Paz was already palming himself at the thought.
“I guess that answers my question, so uhh, who wants to start?” To your surprise, Din moved first, picking you up and taking large paces towards Boba’s quarters. You heard the shuffling of feet and thought the other two were following close behind, confirmed when Din dumped you on the bed and three figures loomed over you. Boba moved first, crushing your mouth in a searing kiss as other hands worked off your trousers and underclothes, spreading your thighs.
“Do you have an implant?” Din asked.
“Yes!” You told them and two gloved fingers swiped through your folds before circling your clit in short, rapid strokes. Boba’s tongue tangled with yours, breaking the kiss only to remove your tunic and bindings. His ungloved fingers found your nipples, tweaking them into stiff peaks. One gloved finger found its way into your slicked entrance and you arched at the feeling.
Paz’s helmet appeared near your shoulder, speaking lowly in your ear.
“If that feels good, pretty girl, imagine how good our cocks will feel in you.” A groan rose in your throat at his words and the finger in your pussy started moving slowly. Boba’s lips left yours, moving down your neck as the finger inside you pulled out. You whined, reaching for some sort of friction but the explanation came quick.
“Want to feel you, mesh’la.” Dins modulated voice said, strained from arousal. He shifted to pull of his gloves before sinking a finger back into you.
“What does that mean? Mesh’la? You keep saying it and I don’t know what it means.” You panted, Boba’s lips biting a trail to one nipple as Paz’s fingers tortured the other.
“It means beautiful in our native tongue.” Paz explained, shifting to pull off his gloves as well, pulling a nipple taut between his large fingers. Your breath was coming in pants, between Boba’s teeth, Paz’s fingers, and Din sinking two fingers into your core, you were quickly coming undone.
“Don’t make her come yet.” Boba barked and you actually whined. “Want her to come on my tongue. Now move, let me taste.” He snapped at them, voice demanding. “Sit in the chairs and watch.” He instructed and the two Mandalorians grudgingly obliged. They plopped into chairs that had been pulled up next to the bed, and pulled their hard cocks out of their trousers.
“Now, Princess, let me give you what they can’t.” He said, kissing and nipping his way down your body, taking time to soothe over your bruises and leaving you panting for more. He finally settled between your thighs, broad shoulders opening you wide. He sunk his teeth into the soft skin of your inner thigh and you arched, hands finding your own breasts. You peaked your nipples and the seated hunters groaned watching you, hands stroking themselves.
Boba tormented you, ghosting over your center, hot breath teasing. Without warning, he dove into your pussy face first, his hot tongue licking and torturing. A low, heady moan ripped from your throat and you threw your head back into the bed and Boba stopped.
“Look at me while I eat your pussy, Princess, I want to watch you come undone.” His words shot straight through your core, and you sat up on your elbows to watch him. He leaned back in as soon as you did, tongue swirling around your clit and two thick fingers thrust into you, starting a slow, toe-curling, deliberate pace. Your moans got louder as you got closer and Boba stroked that spot inside you relentlessly.
“You gonna come, pretty girl?” Paz grunted, hand stroking an impressive length. A whiny yes left your throat and Boba added a third finger at the same time as he sucked on your clit and you snapped. You gushed around him, screaming your release as you watched him lap up everything you gave. He crawled up your body, mouths meeting in a clash of teeth and tongues as his cock brushed against you and you tasted yourself on his lips.
“Ready to take me babygirl?” You nodded, grinding for more friction.
“Why do you get to fuck her first?” Din sneered, hand pumping.
“Because I made her come first.” Boba answered simply, sitting back on his heels and pulling your hips towards him. Din mumbled something about not having the chance but otherwise kept quiet. Boba started pushing in, his thickness stretching you deliciously.
“Been a while baby girl? You’re so fucking tight.” You nodded, focusing as he sank in inch by deliciously thick inch until he was fully seated inside you and you both groaned at the fullness. He wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you to him and shuffling on the bed, gently laying you back down with your head hanging off so you were looking upside down at the two Mandalorians stroking themselves.
“Want to take cock from both ends, Princess?” He asked and you nodded as Din rose from his position and stepped up to you. His cock was longer than Boba’s, but not as thick and you knew it would be a challenge to take him down your throat. Boba began to pull out as Din began to push in, equally as slow.
“Ready Princess? I’m not gonna be gentle.”
Boba warned after pulling out and pushing in a few times, helping your walls stretch. You couldn’t answer though, you had a mouthful of Mandalorian cock so your hand traveled down your body, hitting tight circles on your clit as a response. You heard a low growl and you transcended into another realm of pleasure as Boba let loose. His pace was rough and precise, he knew exactly the way to angle himself to pleasure you most.
Din was much more gentle, your throat not as forgiving as your pussy, but he still pushed your limits. You could just barely see Paz, the brown skin of his hands stroking himself and his visor locked on your face. You started moving against Din, following his strokes and taking him deeper each time. Saliva began to drip from your mouth when Din pulled out, and your face was covered in it. Boba’s strokes, long, rough, and deep, hit a spot inside of you that would have had you screaming if you weren’t otherwise entrenched.
His fingers traveled the length of your body, groping your breasts and pinching your nipples, before laying a sharp slap to them both. You arched, groaning deeply around the cock in your throat.
You heard a low curse from above you and knew it was Din, who was softly rubbing your throat. You could only imagine what he was seeing, stretched out and stuffed from both ends. You wondered what your throat looked like from his angle, bulging around him and your eyes closed in bliss at the idea. Your body relaxed, and you became nothing more than a glorified cock-sleeve, but you felt that slow burn in your belly as another orgasm approached.
Din and Boba took and took from your body, but expert fingers swirled tight, precise, harsh, circles around your clit and you felt your body tighten as you got closer. They both bottomed out at the same time, Boba hitting that spot that made you see stars and the taut chain snapped. You came hard, a scream deep in your throat. You hummed around Din as you came down, deliriously happy. Boba buried himself to the hilt moments later and spilled inside you, soft curses dropping from his mouth.
He gently pulled out at the same time Din did and you knew you were wrecked, face covered in your own saliva. Soft hands gripped the back of your head, helping you up gently and you cracked an eye to see Boba standing there with a wet rag to wipe you off with, but a hand on his arm stopped him.
“Don’t. I like her like this.” Came the sharp command as Din set you onto your knees, facing Paz and Boba. Din lined himself up with your entrance, pushing in slowly until he was seated fully.
“Pussy feels good mesh’la.” He grunted, starting a brutal pace that had you gasping, eyes closed as your own spit dried on your face. His fingers threaded through your hair, pulling your head back as his hips snapped into you. Soft moans dropped from your lips, punctuated by whispers of his name as you came close to the edge again. Suddenly you were hauled up against him, cold bite of beskar on your back as his fingers gripped your chin.
“You should see yourself, mesh’la. All fucked out for us. You like this, don’t you? Being used by us to get off?” His words hit deep inside your core and you whimpered a yes. The hand that wasn’t gripping your chin traveled down your body, circling your clit. You had been close, but those calloused fingers and dirty words pushed you over the edge and you came, hard. Din growled, shoving you back down into the bed as his hips snapped into yours and his modulated voice growled dirty promises. He laid a sharp smack to each cheek and then buried deep inside you, mixing his release with Bobas.
Soft hands rolled you onto your back, cupping your face before wiping it with something warm. Once your eyes were clean, you opened them to see Paz’s visor looking down on you.
“Like to see you ruined like this mesh’la, but I want to watch your eyes roll back into your head when I make you cum.” You sighed at his words while he maneuvered you to a position he liked. He laid one large palm on your inner thigh, pinning it against the bed and hooking the other leg over his shoulder as he began pushing into you. Even after the bed acrobatics that had already been performed, he was so large that he still stretched you. The hand that wasn’t pinning you to the bed wrapped around your rib cage, right underneath your breasts as he started this slow, devastating pace.
He hit all the right spots inside of you, brushing over the spot that made you see stars every time he thrust in. The slow pace burned your body up and you were sitting on the precipice of another orgasm before you knew it. His pace sped only marginally as he felt you fluttering around him and the hand around your ribs moved to your throat. The hand pinning you to the bed moved to circle your clit and your breath was coming in hard gasps.
“Next time we’ll split you on our cocks, stuffing you full from all angles. Would you like that, pretty girl?” A panted yes left your lips as you clenched harder around him.
“You gonna come, mesh’la?” He grunted and you whimpered a yes.
“Then beg.” His words took a moment to sink in and in that moment he tightened the grip around your throat.
“Please.” Came the weak plea from your throat and his hand tightened again. “Please Paz.” You begged, slightly stronger this time, but it wasn’t enough for him as his fingers tightened again. It finally clicked that he wanted you to really beg for it, so you did. Strong whimpered pleas kept his fingers tight, while weak pleas caused him to tighten again.
“Please, Paz. I’ll be so good Paz, please let me come for you. I want to come all over your big cock while you fuck me, please.” Your voice was hoarse and his hand was tight enough that you were starting to see spots behind your eyes. Your fingers scrabbled up his arm, nails digging into the soft skin on the inside of his biceps.
“Cum.” Came the short growl and you did, eyes rolling back in your head. Your vison burst with colors before going momentarily black as your dripping cunt choked his cock with the same force that his hand was choking your throat. You faintly heard a roar and then Paz’s cock touched places inside of you that no one had before as he released into you. His hand released the pressure and you found yourself floating emotionally as you came down from your high. He stroked lightly, helmet near your ear whispering praises about what a good girl you were. Once you were fully back with the living you had one simple remark.
And you heard the rumble of laughs from all three men, two modulated and one clear chuckle. You moved to stand on jelly legs, but Boba’s voice stopped you.
“Where ya going, little one? I said I wanted you to warm my cock and my bed.” You looked up to see him laying in the center of the large bed, dressed in underclothes and a loose tunic.
“C’mere.” He instructed to you and you couldn’t help but obey him.
Crawling up the length of the bed, you snuggled into his waiting arms and stifled a groan at the heat radiating from him. You threw a leg over his hips and he rubbed a comforting hand down your back. He turned and told the Mandalorians to get comfortable, the bed was big enough for everyone. You heard the clanking of armor and then the bed dipped behind you as Din’s hand gripped at your hips and his beskar helmet bit into the skin of your shoulder.
“You did good baby girl.” He cooed and you basked into the praise. You felt a hand curl around the calf thrown lazily over Boba and lifted your head slightly to see Paz laying down, chest still heaving from his efforts. Lips found your hair and a rough timbre reached your ears.
“Get some sleep, Princess, we’ll go for round two in the morning.” Paz promised softly and you nodded, falling into a deep slumber as soon as he finished his sentence.
Tags: @tibbietibbs @keeper-of-the-sarlacc-pit @jedi-and-clones @sammiesweet @auty-ren @ahoeformando
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moodymisty · 2 years
I’ve been in such a Star Wars mood recently and was extremely lucky to find a blog like yours with beautiful writing and fics that make me kick and squeal when no one is looking. I noticed a lack of Mandalorian content so please let me request some sfw and nsfw headcanons of another great space dad. Remember to drink water!
Such high compliments thank you so so much I'm so glad you enjoy my stuff! And as you so politely requested, here is some Din "has a grade 3 concussion" Djarin
(To fellow Mando fans there is some more space dad content on the way, it’s just proving to be a titan to work with)
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➼ No matter what situation you met in, Din is absolutely the type to at first, try and be distant towards you. What is surprising however, is how quickly that attitude ends up disappearing when he gets used to you being around. Like it's maybe, a month or less before he goes fully from 'I don't care what you do' to getting upset you wandered off without him.
➼ If you're good with the kid, he'll be sold faster by that than almost anything else you could possibly do. Once you'd decided to sit in the co-pilot's seat and after doing so, sat the kid on your lap. Din watched the whole time from the edge of his helmet's visor and he had to bite the inside of his cheek from showing any obvious emotion about it.
➼ Kiss the helmet. He'll of course complain, but only about the obvious lip-shaped smudge you left, not about the fact that you did it. Wipe it off after and you won't hear him utter a single complaint provided you're not in public.
➼ You are not allowed within the same planetary orbit of Paz Vizla.
➼ Mandalorians prove worth to others by shows of strength and ability, and sometimes it's almost a little bit suffocating when Din tries to do things for you. It's almost like some secret Mandalorian mating dance that he starts doing once he first realized he was interested in you. And if you ask him to do something, it is done.
➼ He won't really outright ask for affections, but it's a quickly learned thing you notice that when he's feeling particularly loving, he'll sit extremely close, but wait until you move first. It's cute honestly, so you lean against his side or put a hand on his arm, him secretly watching from the edge of his helmet's visor.
NSFW below cut
Warnings: Scratches, Breeding kink, Creampies, Rough sex, Very light mentions of a threesome
➼ As much as Din might enjoy those times when you decide to wear something nice, what he loves about it most by far was tearing it off you like it was nothing; Ruining it and you until you were a complete mess. He honestly likes doing it to many different types of fancy, delicate clothes, and you very quickly learned that panties, dresses and pieces of lingerie(let alone nice ones) don’t have a long lifespan when he’s allowed any sort of free reign.
➼ Mandalorians in general are all just a little bit of teasing away from going feral, so if you're in the mood for some rough lovin’, it's surprisingly easy to get him riled up. Show a little bit of skin, compliment him(or more so compliment his abilities), pull a particular tone of voice, and it's almost too easy to get yourself a horny Mandalorian stuffed up in beskar. It has backfired however, as you'd wrongly assumed the first time you'd done it he'd just quickly haul you back to the ship, but instead you'd ended up in some dark alleyway somewhere.
➼ Something he secretly loves is the way your nails leave scratches on his shoulders. And not just one or two, you could make his back look like he'd been downright mauled, and Din will still love it. He loves that teetering between pleasure and pain feeling, along with knowing that he’s doing something very right.
➼ I don't think there will be a single person that would disagree that all Mandalorians have a breeding kink. It stems from a combination of multiple factors, but either way, it's a solid bet that Din absolutely has one too. When he's not thinking with his brain anymore, there's really not a sight he loves more than after what seems like hours, seeing you fucked out of your mind and completely creampied. It often makes him want to go again and again until his body is just screaming for him to stop, and you’ve gone from full to overstuffed. And if you bait him to do so, it only makes him even more riled up. He does however get very cuddly afterwards, so it’s a perfect ending to a wild time.
➼ Din doesn’t share. He doesn’t do well with people flirting with you or even looking at you the wrong way, let alone with any sort of lustful intention. However, he does have one exception. And if anything, the exception is more of something he might actually want.
➼ Din has had more than one thought about if you’d ever fuck Boba Fett, either with or in front of him. It makes sense in a way, in the times you’d interacted with Fett and when he called you things like ‘little one’ or smirked at you, Din didn’t have nearly the same hostile reaction he normally would’ve if someone else had done it. But he’ll never admit this unless you purposely probe for it, so it’s his dirty little secret for the time being.
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twp’s Author & Fic Rec List
As someone who’s been bumming around in fannish spaces for a long time but just recently discovered the Pedro Pascal character fandoms, I am amazed by the sheer number of friendly, funny, shockingly talented and prolific creators that I’ve found here, and I wanted to give a shout out to some of my new favorites!!
Here's a (definitely not exhaustive) list of amazing authors in and adjacent to this fandom and a few of my favorite fics by each.  This list is very much still in progress, and I will update when/as I can.
Navigation Notes:
Authors are listed alphabetically, as are each author’s fics
Ratings:  I’m using ao3 content ratings (General audiences, Teen, Mature, Explicit) unless the author used a different rating system
Links: Sometimes the links get messed up when I update--please let me know if you notice anything wonky!  If you’re on desktop and none of the links are working, try opening in dashboard mode (click the eye-shaped button in the top right of my blog page) 
Updated sporadically. Last Update: 7/26/21  New stuff marked with **
@absurdthirst [ mlist ]  An extremely prolific and talented author who writes so much burning hot smut for basically every Pedro character
Bred [Mandalorian: alpha!Din x omega!reader, E, 6.1k]
Coming Early HCs [PP boys x reader, E, 0.8k]
Home [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader x Santi, E, 16k]
Switch [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, E, 3.7k]
@aerynwrites [ mlist | ao3 ]  Aeryn writes soft, sometimes angsty romance fics for various fandoms
Missing Piece [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, T, 1.6k]
Promises [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, G, 1.2k]
@agentpike [ mlist ]  bri writes sweet and soft oneshots and short stories
and then i’d kiss you [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, M, 3.6k]
won [SW: Poe x reader, G, 1.2k]
@alwaysbethewest [ mlist | ao3 ]  Mary writes lovely, emotional, yearning, sometimes sexy fics that always make my heart hurt in the very best way
Two to Tango [Narcos: Javi x Steve x Connie, T, 0.6k]
With Love Waiting Outside the Door [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, T, 1k]
You Leave a Mark [Triple Frontier: Frankie x Benny, M, 0.4k]
@astroboots [ mlist | ao3 ]  Cici writes gorgeously complex long oneshots that are beautiful explorations of the complexities of love interspersed with sex scenes that are hot like burning ; )
**Every You Every Me [Spiderverse: Miguel O’Hara x f reader, M, in progess, 32k as of 7/9/23 ]
Homecoming [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader x Santi, E, 16k]
Red Flags [Moon Knight: Steven x f reader x Marc (x Jake), E, 100k+ ongoing series]
Telltale Heart [Triple Frontier: Frankie x wife!reader, E, 14.9k] 
@concussed-to-pieces [ mlist | ao3 ]  Atlas writes long, amazing, sexy, moving romance stories in a bunch of fandoms
Her Dove, His Falcon, Their Shield [GoT: Oberyn x Ellaria x reader, M, 25k]
Of Gorgons & Gardens [Mandalorian: Mando/Din x reader x Ezra, E, 25k]
Stay Safe [Mandalorian: Mando/Din x reader, M, 71k]
To Tell You the Truth [Prospect: Ezra x f reader, M, 46k]
@cptnbvcks [ mlist ]  michelle writes amazing sexy, smutty oneshots for Din and a few others
Cold Showers [Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, oneshot series, sex pollen]
Dripping [Narcos: Javi x reader, E, 5.5k]
@darksideofclarke [ mlist ]  Writer of burning hot fic for Poe Dameron & other Oscar Isaac characters (plus a couple for Din Djarin)
Dish Duty [Star Wars: Poe x reader, E, 0.9k]
Dress [Star Wars: Poe x reader, E, 0.9k]
@di-kut [ mlist ]  Writer of amazing series and stories that are well written, plotful, romantic, painful, and/or hot like fire!
Baar Bal Runi [Mandalorian: Din x reader, M, looooong]
Fairy Dust [Prospect: Exra x reader, E, 16k, sex pollen]
Honeysuckle [Great Wall: Tovar x reader, T, 1.5k]
@din-damn-djarin [ mlist ]  Writer of lovely, sweet, emotional fics for several of the Pedro Characters
Find My Way Back to You [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, T, 4.7k]
The side effect of liquid courage [Mandalorian: Din x reader, G, 1k]
@etchedbox​ [ ao3 ]  Writer of a sexy dom!Mando fic that is full of yearning and sexual tension and smut that’s hot like FIRE
Dust [ Mandalorian: dom!Din x reader, E, 9 parts as of 1/15]
@ezrasarm [ mlist ]  “Moose” writes cute, sweet, and/or yearning stories for several Pedro characters
Electrostatic Attraction [Prospect: Ezra x reader, T, 2.5k]
Funeral Suit [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, T, 2.4k]
@f0rever15elf [ mlist | ao3 ]  Autumn writes interesting, sweet, and/or sexy stories and oneshots for pretty much all of the Pedro characters
They Were Roommates [Great Wall modern!AU: Tovar x reader, E, in progress, 37k as of 10/24]
Twin Souls [PP boys x reader, T, 9.6k]
@filthybookworm​ (prev @corellians-only) [ mlist | ao3 ]  cris writes lovely, romantic, sexy (like whoa) stories for Star Wars and Narcos (Javi!!), plus a few short things for other Pedro characters
el mismo aire [Narcos: Javi x reader, E, 3.1k]
What It Is You Do to Me [Narcos: Javi x reader, E, 5k]
@fleetwoodmactshirt [ mlist ]  Writer of some fun and/or sexy (like burning!) stories and a so many amazing headcanons
A Walk on the Wild Side [Prospect AU: Ezra x reader, E, 1.7k]
Casual Intimacy w Frankie HC [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, M, 0.8k]
I Fold You Into My Life [Mandalorian: Din x reader, G, 0.5k]
@frannyzooey [ mlist | ao3 ]  Kelli writes a fun, sexy Frankie-watching-movies-verse, a wild-west Mandalorian AU and a bajillion headcanons and comment fics about David York (and others) that are hot like FIRE
Frankie Morales Box Set [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, in progress, oneshot series]
Sometimes [Equalizer 2: Dave x reader, E, 0.6k]
Take Me to Church [Mandalorian wild west!AU: Din x reader, E, in progress, 25k on 10/24]
@goldafterglow [ mlist ]  Iris writes lovely, lyrical fics that are soft and sweet and yearning, and always hurt in the very best way
hold me in the meadows [Prospect: Ezra x reader, T, 4.6k]
honeycomb [Mandalorian: Din x reader, T, 3k]
scent HCs [PP+ boys, T, 0.8k]
@hdlynnslibrary​ [ mlist | ao3 | art ]  heather writes interesting and well-researched (recent) historical AU’s as well as many cute, romantic, and/or sexy one & two-shots
Shirtsleeves [Mandalorian old west AU: Din x reader, M, 1.1k]
Spit It Out [Mandalorian: Din x reader, T, 0.7k]
The Woodmere Estate Series [Prospect 1930′s AU: Ezra x reader, E, 14k]
@heatherbel [ mlist ]  Writer of lovely, detailed romances that are always so achingly full of feels (and sexy)!
I Follow Your Fire [Prospect: Ezra x reader, E, 5.4k]
Just Say Yes [the Mentalist: Marcus x reader, M, 7.5k]
@hopelikethesun [ mlist | ao3 ]  Maggie writes lovely, painful, romantic, moving, sexy epics and assorted short stories for several of the Pedro boys
Maybe Today Maybe Forever [Narcos: Javi x ofc reader, G-E, epic series of varying length]
Yours [Prospect: Ezra x reader, E, oneshot]
@ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa [ mlist | ao3 ]  Katryn writes amazingly creative AUs, (including an Outlander!Tovar that I’m in love with) as well as more traditional oneshots and headcanons
Please Don’t Cry [Great Wall Outlander!AU: Tovar x reader, T, 0.7k]
Plus-sized!Reader HCs [PP boys x reader, E, 1.1k]
With Cherries on Top [Bloodsucking Bastards AU: Max x reader, E, in progress, 50k on 10/24]
@keeper0fthestars [ mlist | ao3 ]  Writer of lovely, yearning, sometimes sexy stories for Din, Frankie, Javi, & Ezra
all i ever longed for [Triple Frontier: Frankie x ofc, M, 2k]
you were my new dream (and you were mine) [Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 10k]
@littleferal [ mlist ]  lissi writes feral and/or soft stories and headcanons for the PP boys
Boys Wake up to You HCs [PP boys x reader, E, short]
Boys Walking in on You HCs [PP boys x reader, E, short]
First Time Sleeping Together HC [The Golden Circle: Whiskey x reader, T, 2.9k]
@loversandantiheroes [ mlist | ao3 ]  Writes screamingly hot and kinky (but also emotionally moving) fic for Whiskey and Frankie, as well as other fandoms
Hotel Hobbies [Kingsman tGC: Whiskey x reader, E, in progress, 23k as of 10/24]
**Needy!Frankie Ask [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 1.5k]
No Candles Necessary [Kingsman tGC: Whiskey x reader, E, 5.4k]
**Risk and Reward [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 4.2k]
**Wet Work [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 3.1k]
@mandoinevarro​ [ mlist | ao3 ] Writer of intensely emotional smut that is hot like burning!!
Rule Maker, Rule Breaker [Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 60.4k]
@mandoplease [ mlist | ao3 ]  becca writes lovely, sexy, emotional fic that often hot like fire and just digs it’s way right into your heart in the best way
Certainty [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 2.7k]
Fight Night [Triple Frontier: Benny x reader, E, 4.5k]
Moving Day [Triple Fontier: Frankie x reader x Santi, E, 7k]
Olive Branches [Narcos: Carillo x reader, E, series]
@mourningbirds1 [ mlist | ao3 ]  Clare writes lovely, ethereal stories that are full of emotion but also often hot like burning
A Walk in the Woods [Narcos: lumberjack!Javi x reader, E, 6k]
He is Home [Prospect: Ezra x reader, E, 3k]
The Crossroads I’m Standing At [Narcos: Javi x Steve, M, 1.3k]
@mylifeliterally [ mlist ]  Writer of sexy, smutty stories for the TF boys and some other Pedro/Oscaar characters.
Team Building [Triple Frontier: boys x reader gangbang, E, in progress, 3/8chs as of 10/24]
Use Me [Triple Frontier: Benny x reader, E, 5.5k]
@no-droids [ mlist | ao3 ]  Writer of amazing, fantastic, smutty Star Wars stories that are hot like burning, but also beautifully sweet and romantic
The Bet [Star Wars: Poe x reader, E, 35k]
The Locked Door [Star Wars: Obi Wan x reader, E, 32.6k]
Rough Day [Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, in progress, 73k as of 10/24]
The Sun on Both Sides [Rogue One: Cassian x reader, E, 11k]
@plexflexico [ mlist | ao3 ]  Writer of fun, sometimes plotful, sexy as fuck Star Wars stories
Asterism [Mandalorian: Paz x reader, E, in progress, 11k on 10/24]
Siren Among the Rocks [Mandalorian: Din x ofc, T, in progress, 12.2k on 10/24]
@qveenbvtch [ mlist ]  Writer of an amazing Javi series, plus oneshots and headcanons that are hot like fire
Frankie NSFW Alphabet [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 4.7k]
Fun Times in Babylon [Narcos: Javi x reader, E, in progress, 9ch as of 10/24]
ring my bell [Narcos AU: Javi x reader, E, 3.6k]
@scribbledghost [ mlist ]  Ghost writes so many amazing oneshots, headcanons, and prompt fills for basically every single Pedro character ever
At the End of the World [The Golden Circle zombie!AU: Whiskey x reader, E, 40k]
Not Done Yet [The Golden Circle: Whiskey x reader, M, 0.8k]
Promised To Be a Good Girl HCs [PP boys x reader, E, 1.1k]
Soaked in the Rain HCs [PP boys x reader, M, 0.7k]
@secretpajamas [ mlist ]  Writer of well written, fun, and filthy fics (warning: may be blazingly hot!)
A Different Kind of Rush [Prospect: Ezra x reader, E, 8.3k]
Only One Bed Ficlet [Narcos: Javi x Steve, G, 0.6k]
Undercover [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, E, 3.7k]
@softpedropascal [ mlist ]  Cassandra writes the most interesting, sexy, complex, emotionally-open Frankie, as well as things for other Pedro characters
A Lesson in Manners [Golden Circle: Whiskey x reader, E, 4.5k]
Neighbor!Frankie AU [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, G-M oneshot collection]
Pragma [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, in progress, long]
@songsformonkeys [ mlist | ao3 ]  Hannah writes lovely stories for several Pedro characters, but her specialty is Dave York--her stories always feel so real
Desperate Means [Narcos: Javi x reader, E, 3.6k]
Seven Years [Equalizer 2: Dave x reader, E, 5.4k]
A Sturdy Home [Equalizer 2: Dave x reader, E, 2k]
@storiesofthefandomlovers [ mlist ]  Charlie writes long, wonderful, painful, romantic multipart stories as well as oneshots, all likely to have nsfw scenes that are hot like FIRE
The Marshal [Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 7.9k, s2e1 spoilers]
The Rose and the Viper [GoT: Oberyn x reader, E, 7.7k]
Teach Me Tonight [Narcos: Javi x reader, E, 17 part epic]
What's Love Got to Do With It? [WW84: Maxwell x reader, E, 17 part epic]
@starlight-starwrites​ [ mlist | ao3 ]  star writes lovely, emotional stories, which sometimes had lovely emotional smut
Everyday [The Mentalist: Marcus x reader, E, 2.7k]
In the Future [Equalizer 2: Dave x reader, 2.3k, T]
@tintinwrites [ mlist ]  caitlin writes silly, soft and/or smutty stories for Poe, Din, and Frankie and/or Santi from Triple Frontier
nothing could be finer [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader x Santi, E, in progress, 5ch as of 10/24]
nothing wrong ask [Star Wars: Poe x reader, T, short oneshot]
@thosewickedlovelies​ [ mlist ]  Rachael’s writing is so lovely and descriptive, and the way she writes sexual tension is off the charts!!  (I am so in love with her amazing Javi x neighbor story)
AND THEY WERE WALLMATES [Narcos: Javi x neighbor!reader, E, in progress, 19k on 5 parts as of 1/15]
When Missions Go Right [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 6.8k]
@velvetmel0n [ mlist ]  Writer of sexy stories & headcanons for Poe Dameron and other assorted characters. Literally drowns us in (usually resolved) sexual tension
Insatiable [Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 4.3k, sex pollen]
First Time for Everything [Star Wars: Poe x reader, E, 3.5k]
Body Shots [Star Wars: Poe x reader, E, 6.1k]
@whenimaunicorn​ [ mando mlist | ao3 ]  Writer of smutty dom!Mando fics that are hot like the surface of the goddamn sun.
The Split & Part 2 [The Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 8.5k/8.8k]
The Spy [The Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 0.5k]
Training Exercise [The Mandalorian: Din x reader, E, 5.5k]
@writefightandflightclub [ mlist ]  Luna writes a ton of amazingly written fics that are sweet, angsty, and/or hot like fire. Mostly Poe Dameron and other Oscar Issac things, but also a few Pedro character stories
First Dates [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 6k]
Killing Me Softly [Triple Frontier: Santi x reader, T, 1k]
Love is a Casualty of War [Star Wars: Poe x Reader, E, 10k]
You Can Leave My Hat On [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 2.5k]
@yespolkadotkitty [ mlist | ao3 ]  Kitty is a published romance author, so it’s no surprise that she writes wonderfully expressive romance (& smut) for a variety of fandoms.
All the Things I Deserve [Brothers & Sisters: Zach x reader, E, 4.7k]
Fighting Blind [Great Wall: Tovar x ofc, E, 37k]
I’ll Do My Best By You [Great Wall: Tovar x reader, M, 7k]
Take What You Need [Triple Frontier: Frankie x reader, E, 2.3k]
@zeldasayer [ mlist ]  Zelda has retired from writing, but she used to write lovely, unabashedly sexy, slutty, and smutty fic and headcanons
Futile Devices [Narcos AU: Javi x reader, E, incomplete, 5ch as of 5/25/2020]
Walking in on You HC [PP boys x reader, E, short]
Whiskey & Gin Series [The Golden Circle AU: Whiskey x ofc reader, E, in progress, series]
Please forgive me if I’ve forgotten to include you!  I’ve already had to add like three people because my memory is a sieve.  Literally, if I’ve ever so much as liked one of your fics then I definitely love you, and if you write for any of these fandoms at all then you belong on this goddamn list!
405 notes · View notes
gondowan · 3 years
Over Your Shoulder
Pairing: Paz Viszla/F!Reader
The Armstech and Paz have a fun night.
Word Count: 3,680 (holy fuck lmao)
Tags/Warnings:  18+ only, Good Communication Is My Kink, daddy/sir kink, and other sexy consensual shenanigans. This one is all smut just fyi. 
Notes: Ch 1 Here! Happy first Monday of 2021 folks.  
Chapter 2: Can I Get A Bird's Eye View?
“Would you care to find out?”
If you had asked Paz Viszla what he would be doing that day, making a move on the (charming) armstech would not be on the list. He had originally come back to Nevarro on a tip and to see what was left of the Covert, and what could be moved to the new location. He hadn’t planned to stay for too long, but the Bothan’s annoying non-description of who had the datapad stretched Paz’s stay from three days to two weeks. He wasn’t exactly a tracker, that was always a task better suited for someone such as Djarin. 
After gently persuading the local dockmaster for a list of new arrivals to Nevarro, he had worked down the list to arrive at the new Guild armstech. She had just arrived a week ago from Bothanui, and set up shop next to the cantina at Greef Karga’s request. Unfortunately, Paz didn’t quite have the luxury of just walking into her workshop. For one, it was constantly busy; day in and day out the woman saw a steady stream of clients, all heavily armed and odds were at least two of them would not be happy to see a Mandalorian. Secondly, he had managed to stay out of the New Republic and the Guild’s radar long enough, and he vastly preferred keeping it that way. Blue beskar and gattling gun(s) were not exactly conducive to blending in with crowds. So, the next logical step of course was to break in quietly, hope he didn’t cause a scene, and leave Nevarro. 
Except it didn’t quite pan out that way. Paz had managed to disable the apartment’s security system (not an easy task, this woman was clearly no amateur, he was quite impressed) but she had come back a bit earlier than he expected. 
The first thing he saw was her blaster, safety off and pointed directly at him. “What do you want?” she asked. For someone coming face to face with an intruder, she didn’t appear nervous at all-- that probably had to do with her skill not just in weapons repair but weapons writ large. He also saw her giving him a twice-over, gaze lingering on his body, how curious. 
Paz cut straight to the chase, hoping to avoid making a scene “The datapad,”.
The woman relaxed and rummaged through her toolkit before walking right up to his face. That was new. Most people, even ones who might call Paz a friend, chose to keep their distance. Either this armstech had nerves of steel or he was losing his touch. “You might want to get this blaster checked,” she motioned at his thighs, “Those scorch marks are usually a bad sign,”. Her gaze lingered briefly and Paz was grateful for his helmet and armor for concealing his expression.
 Paz took the datapad, verified its contents, and turned to leave. “Thank you for this,”. 
“Ah, so you do have manners,” she teased, voice bright before she shut the door. 
What a strange being.
Against his better judgement, Paz showed up the next night. And subsequent nights after that. It was for his own good, he justified to himself, with the Armorer out of reach for the time being, his arsenal did need a good onceover. The other part of him just really wanted to get to know this woman better. She was definitely good at her craft, and carried herself with a general air of confidence, standing up to idiots who wanted to underpay or worse, tried to flirt with her for discounts. She was a by the books type of person, and was polite with clients, but kept to herself despite invitations for a drink from cocky guild members. 
She had also taken to calling him Blue, which amused Paz greatly.  
“Uh...would you like to stay for dinner?” she asked, eyes flickering briefly at him before returning to the gattling gun on his table. He could tell that she was trying to keep her voice casual, but her shoulders were tense.
Paz really wanted to, but blast, the Creed. “I can’t..but not for the reason you think. I can’t remove my helmet in the presence of others...it’s part of being a Mandalorian”. 
He could see the disappointment manifest in your body, and the knowledge that he was the one to do that to you disturbed him greatly. 
“Don’t you ever get lonely?” 
That was not the follow up question Paz was expecting. Truth be told, he was. The Covert had scattered, and the people he loved were either dead in the ground, missing, or far away. Maybe that was part of what drew him to this particular woman. Something consistent to look forward to, even if it was only for the past week or so. There was also the matter of the bantha in the room-- the rising tension demarcated as of late by light touches on her wrist or at the shell of her ear followed by cheeks flushing red. Paz wondered if she flushed red elsewhere as well. 
“Would you care to find out?”
It felt like the air was sucked out of your tiny apartment. You could hear the blood pounding in your heart, ears ringing as you came to grips with the situation. Was he asking what you thought he was asking? 
As if he could see the gears turning in your mind, the Mandalorian chuckled, thumb running across your bottom lip “A simple yes or no will suffice. I won’t take what isn’t freely given,”. 
You wondered what it would be like to bite his glove off.  What his hands would feel like. Yours were callused from years of mechanical work
“Yes.” you whispered, leaving a gentle kiss on his finger. 
He leaned closer, helmet grazing the side of your cheek as the vocoder crackled, “That was the response I was hoping for,”. He turned you around with a gentle push of his arm, “Let me take you to bed.” 
This was actually happening. You took his hand, looking for an anchor as you led him to your room. As soon as you were there, the brief bravado you had summoned earlier started to dissipate. You settled for helping him take off his bulky armor, pauldrons, greaves, and cuirass forming a neat pile by your bed, until he was left in his helmet and sinfully tight undershirt and pants. It was then that you realized that while the armor added a lot to his frame, he was just big to begin with, easily dwarfing you. 
Maker, you didn’t even know his name. You had barely met. Was this really happening? Yes, you had wanted him but was this too soon? Were you being too forward? 
“Stop thinking,” he growled, breaking you out of your reverie. He took your hands in his, laying gentle kisses over your knuckles, a kind gesture probably to try to assuage your fears. A thoughtful gesture from someone who lived and breathed war. He helps you out of your top, carefully peeling it off of you, making appreciative noises as you become more and more exposed. Your pants come off next, and inwardly you wish you had the foresight to wear something nicer than what you had on, but that feeling washes away when his fingers dip just inside the waistband of your underwear, teasing.   
“Do you trust me?” he whispered, right hand coming up to cup your face in a reassuring gesture. “I’m safe just so you know, I got my implant checked recently,”. You echo his statement, inwardly thanking yourself for keeping up to date with your health. 
He held your discarded scarf in the other, “If I cover your eyes I can--” 
You closed your eyes, already anticipating his ask. No turning back now, you were all in. You heard him take a sharp intake of breath before carefully wrapping the scarf around your eyes. It was...nice. Without the gift of sight you couldn’t worry about how you looked or what to do. Paradoxically, you felt a little freer than you ever had. You heard of the clunk of the helmet being placed on the ground, and then, his lips were pressing on yours. 
Softly at first, an almost chaste movement, as if he were gauging your response, trying to make sure he wasn’t overstepping. It was sweet, but you didn’t come this far for that. You wrapped your arms around him, deepening the kiss, mouth opening to try to convey your desires. It had been a while, you were going to make the most out of this, however fleeting it may be. 
You could feel him smiling a little against your mouth and empowered by your kiss, he moved his hands down, thumbs caressing your throat, enjoying the way your breath hitched. He slowly mapped your body, making you giggle when his stubble cheek grazed your collarbones. Down and back up your arms, laying kisses down your sternum and your stomach, and the back up your legs. Carefully and methodically. 
You could feel yourself getting wetter, and tried to squeeze your thighs for some friction, anything to help with the pressure. He laughed as he held your thighs apart, “No, not yet,”. 
“Blue I…,” you squirmed, fidgeting against his hold. 
His voice piped up from between your legs, “It’s Paz.”
You blinked under the blindfold. “What?”.
“My name is Paz Viszla,” he murmured, tongue licking a strip up your inner thigh. You shivered. 
Ohhh. “Paz…” you murmured, trying out his name on your tongue, “Paz.”
Paz’s mouth trailed upwards towards your center. “Careful sweetheart, gonna give me ideas with the way you call my name,”. His hands slid back up your torso tracing a line right along the underside of your breasts while his lips continued to ghost around your inner thighs. You could almost feel his breath on your clit, and your attempts to grind onto something are met with empty air. 
You whined, desperate for more sensation, “Hurry up, I haven’t got all night” you huffed. This was supposed to be a quick fuck. You were used to quick one night stands with random fly guys, all rushed and without much pomp and circumstance. This pace was killing you, albeit in a good way. 
You were rewarded with a slight pinch to your nipples, and your body arched, chasing the crumb of sensation. Paz continued to work your nipples, alternating between rubbing them with the soft pads of your fingers and pinching them. Hazily, you thought about asking him to pull. 
“So sensitive,” he murmured as if he was describing the weather and not as if he was torturing you by sucking a bruise right at the valley where your torso meets your leg.
You pout, the thought of saying please at ready on your tongue. Anything for more.  
“Impatient aren’t you? Too used to having it your way? That’ll be something to work on next time,”
As much as you were loath to admit it, the admission of “next time” filled you with a funny sensation. Maybe, just maybe, this wouldn’t be just a one time thing. But now was not the time to interrogate that. You jerk your head down at his general direction, “Paz, I swear to whoever if you don’t touch me---”
“I am touching you sweetheart. This is called foreplay,”
“I should’ve shot you that night you broke in.” you retort, pretending to be exasperated. You had fantasized about what it would be like to fuck the man underneath the blue beskar, but slow and teasing were not in your assumptions. If he wasn’t doing such sublime things to your nipples, you might actually kill him, you think. You can feel Paz finally lifting his head from your thighs, hands continuing their torture of your chest. He presses kisses on the underside of your jaw and on your neck, clearly enjoying the way you fuss around to look for more.  
You want something, anything more than what he’s giving you. “It’s not my first time you know, I don’t need---”. 
“Oh I know, but this is your first time with me,” and with that he finally palms your crotch, finally giving you some sweet pressure at your center. He slips a finger in between your folds, drawing circles around your clit with the back of his knuckle. Fuck, that’s nice. 
“Remember to breathe,” Paz says, a smug tone evident against the crook of your neck. Two can play at this game, you decide, moving your arm up, aiming blindly for his crotch. Paz quickly side steps you with a swiftness that belies his frame and he swats at your thigh, causing you to yelp. 
“Nice try but...let me take care of you. Will you let me hmm? I can make it so good for you,” he murmurs, one hand continuing to rub your clit, the other massaging the spot he had hit on your leg, his tone making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
That exact sequence of words tickles something in the back of your mind. A desire to be soft, pliant, and obedient for this beautiful and dangerous man. To hand over the reigns of your pleasure to him. You sigh, and let down your guard. 
Paz can feel the exact moment you decide to stop fighting him. He wasn’t expecting all of this so soon, and it was definitely something that they’d have to discuss later to set limits and boundaries, but fuck if it wasn’t sexy to see this beautiful woman allow him to pleasure her in the way that he wanted. He had long nourished a desire to be a caretaker in one way or another, but the life of a Mandalorian was not exactly conducive to relationships built on so many layers of trust and understanding. The possibility of you made his head spin a little.
Paz thinks about what it would be like to ruin you, this beautiful and talented specimen.  He doesn’t even register how hard he is and how uncomfortable his pants are as he drinks in the sight of you laid out on the bed in front of him, nipples hard, pussy wet, mouth open, wanting, wanting him. Paz wasn’t quite sure what possessed him to move immediately to blindfolds and taking his helmet off (he’s done that all of once in his adult life), but he knew he would absolutely regret it if he didn’t get to kiss and taste you before the night was over. He goes back on his knees in front of you. 
You can feel his breath on your clit again and his finger tracing your entrance and you make a noise in anticipation.
“There we go. Just relax, fuck, gonna make this so good for you,” he whispers, slowly inserting his finger into your pussy. You’re so wet that it slips in easily, and Paz moves his finger in and out, exploring you. It’s nice to have something for you to hold on to, but it’s not quite enough. 
As if he can read your mind, you feel a second finger at your entrance and right as Paz slips it in, you also feel his tongue on your clit. You blindly reach over, feeling his short hair under your hand, nails digging into his scalp right as he puts his mouth over you and sucks. 
Paz lets out an appreciative hum as he works your pussy with his fingers and your clit with his mouth. His tongue works broad flat movements up and down your sensitive bundle of nerves while his fingers methodically push and pull at your center. You bite your lip as the sensations intensify, pulling at Paz’s hair as he continues his precise movements. 
“Please Paz— I’m gonna-,”
“Ah, so you do have manners,” he chuckles, his voice muffled by your thighs. Faintly, you register that you had said that to him the first night he broke in, that jerk. You have no idea how he manages to stay so infuriatingly calm while he breaks you down. Your mind scrambles to keep a hold of your dignity. “Unnh--- if you keep this up Viszla, I might--ah fuck- I might have to keep you around”, hips gyrating to meet his tongue.
Paz laughed, “Promises promises. I think we’re going to have a lot of fun together, if you continue to play nice,”. His mouth leaves your clit just as you’re approaching your peak and you cry out in frustration. So close. You press back into his fingers, trying to get a hold of just a little more sensation 
You hear him hastily pull down his pants and truth be told you had forgotten he was still fully dressed the entire time while you were completely naked, which somehow made this all the more obscene. You can feel the head of his cock at your entrance as he withdraws his fingers.  
“Are you ready?”, blunt head of his cock moving up and down your folds.
You whimper and nod, but he doesn’t move.
“I need you to use your words sweetheart. Do you want this?”, soft kisses pressing against your temple. 
You turn towards him, searching for his lips and in a brief moment of lucidity, you whisper “I want you Paz”. You can feel the immediate effect of your acquiesce in his sharp intake of breath. 
   “I’d give you a warning, but I think we’re past that,” he growls. Before you can ask him what he means, Paz thrusts into you with one fluid motion, slick covered fingers intertwined with yours. You gasp at the intrusion, the sensation almost overwhelming. He was much bigger than you anticipated, and the stretch instinctively made you tense up. Paz holds your hand tighter, “It’s ok, just...just relax, let your body adjust to me,”. You can hear the strain in his voice as he fights against the instinct to rut. 
As your body adjusts, he slowly pulls out part way before pushing back in, testing your limits. For a brief moment, there were no words, just your breathing as you focused on the sensation of him filling you, the warmth of his chest on yours, all tying into a wonderful feedback loop.  
“Talk to me,”.
You only have one thing to say to him.
Paz squeezes your hand lightly, acknowledging your request before grabbing your ankles and putting them at his shoulders. 
“Remember, you asked for this,” he whispers, a dangerous edge to his voice and you think about just how easily this man could engulf you and shiver. Before you can make a smart remark, he hoists your hands above your head, holding your wrists down with one hand, and fully thrusts into you, bending you in half and hitting impossibly deeper. You couldn’t push back against him even if you wanted to, and Paz sets a brutal rhythm, the push and pull of his hips fills the air with the sound of your bodies hitting together and all you can do is wrap your legs around him and take it. 
An endless litany of half-formed phrases, come out of your lips, but each thrust knocks the air out of your lungs, so you settle for holding onto him as he threatens to overwhelm you. Above you, Paz groans as he rolls his hips into you, “I knew you’d be perfect---fuck-- knew it as soon as I saw you that night. Dig those nails into me sweetheart,” he says, releasing your hands, cutting through the haze in your mind and you obey, nails digging in to try to get some purchase on his back. “Fuck yeah that’s it, show me how much you like this,”.
You can feel his rhythm start to falter as he gets close, and you squeeze down on his cock as he pulls out. Paz sputters, “No, not yet, shit--” he says, reaching down again towards your clit, lips pressed onto yours again as he works you up higher and higher, over the edge. 
“Please, may I cum please please Paz--” you moan into his mouth. Normally, you would just take what you can get and finish, but something about Paz makes you want to ask, to be granted permission and it’s a dangerous high filling your mind, washing away any sense of shame or guilt because all you can do right now is take what he gives you. 
You can’t hear him say yes but rather feel him mouth the words against your cheek and vaguely you can hear him encouraging you as he continues the unrelenting pressure on your clit and inside your pussy. You gasp and the tension inside your body builds and builds, and you let go, letting your orgasm wash over you, arching your back, thankful for the blindfold to hide your eyes rolling back and all you can think about is how full and how good you feel stuffed with his cock inside and his fingers on your nerves. 
As you come back to reality you can hear Paz curse, “Where do you want it?” he asks roughly. 
You smile, giddy from your release, and in a moment of brilliance, you tell him “ I want it on my face...sir,”. 
Paz chokes and his body seizes up at the sound of your words and he barely pulls out in time before spilling all over you, most of it landing on your chest and neck as he finishes on top of you. You preen under him, glad that your words have their desired effect, and your head falls back to catch your breath.   
He kisses your ankles, broad hands running up and down your thighs in a soothing gesture as he also tries to regain his breath. 
“Caught me off guard there,”
You smile at him, “I can be full of surprises,”.
Paz chuckles as he presses a kiss to your cheek before reaching around for his helmet. Once it’s on, he carefully removes the scarf from your eyes, thumbs brushing over your closed eyelids before pressing your forehead to his. 
“I don’t doubt that at all.”
Taglist: @remmysbounty @starlite41
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Fic-Rec {2}
A/N: So finally a follow-up to my first list of recommendations. I’v read so many things since then and I’m just going to say *clears throat* that post I made a few months ago about starting to sink into the hole of the Star Wars fandom without even having seen one movie, uh well that’s fully accomplished by now. SO you just MAAAY see a bit of a pattern in the fic-recs this time.
The earlier recommendations can be found on my MASTERLIST
Now enjoy this batch of amazing writing under the cut:
The Locked door series
Summary: Just a three-cycle trip from Ilum, the planet s’Ziscari is home to the largest army of Force sensitives known to the galaxy. There, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his newly ordained Jedi Knight are to negotiate an alliance with the s’Ziscari government on behalf of the Order and the Republic. Only they are forced to an ultimatum, either partake in a celebration against all doctrines of the Jedi order, or knowingly dismiss the alliance that could’ve saved the fate of trillions.
Written by: @no-droids
A/N: A two part series of nothing but fucking PERFECTION. The first chapter of this is a masterpiece, then comes the second part and blows your mind away. I screeched, I giggled and I was HOT while reading. Goddamn I cried of euphoria when it was done because it was so good. Probably my absolut favourite thing I’v ever read.
The favour
Summary: When the group finds out that the troopers have been tracking you to get to the child, they decide to split up. Paz takes you on a roadtrip through space which leads you to discover your feelings and desires. And Paz is all to eager to help with those…
Written by: @maybege
A/N: One of our favourite blue tinker-mans, Paz Vizla, being the ever blue giant we love. This series is a rollercoaster of feelings and want. Jesus Christ I’m just going to say my dear May is one of my fucking favourite writers and person out there!
Play Pretend
Summary: The story of how the reader - a glorified secretary in her own words - and an infamous Jedi Master struggle with their feelings for each other in a life that is defined by war.
Written by: @maybege
A/N: Let me just...*inhales deeply* take a moment. Friendship to lovers? Check. Yearning? Check. Heartache? Check. Smut? EXQUISITE. I could go on for years to point out everything good with this series, but I’m going to summarise it like this: THIS SERIES HAS IT ALL!
Summary: Javier Peña is trying to quit smoking. Improbable but not impossible. However, the one thing that he’s not capable of quitting? Running from the idea that someone could possibly love him.
Written by: @say-al0e
A/N: IHHHH yaas ma Spanish speaking man. I’m just gonna say I have a dopey smile on my face and I’m giggling while writing this. This fic is just purely AjduSJSdK, just one of those you endulge in and just sit there pointing at it and says yes.
Summary: After a particularly trying hunt you find yourself trapped in an bearably hot warehouse. Lucifer shows up and he decides to help cool you down.
Written by: @lucifer-in-leather
A/N: hOt,Hot, HOT-t-t, just straight up hot. It so just... you know URGH good but aah.....ITS SIN, that’s the word I’m looking.
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fett-djarin · 3 years
heres a lil preview because i have no self control and this fic is taking me 12 years
Paz Vizsla x f!reader
Paz did not pull his punches, not that you expected him to anyway. This was a game to him. He did manage to surprise you, though. For as big as he was, he could be fast. You had just ducked out of his reach when you felt him grasp your hips, and then you found yourself on your stomach, fall cushioned by the blankets. His weight settled on the back of your thighs. You couldn’t even twist to try and throw him off balance--he had you pinned.
He slowly leaned down, resting his weight on his forearms on either side of your head, caging you in. “Did you even try that time?” His fingers traced down your spine, then the warmth of his hand slid up under your shirt, teasing your skin. “Or did you just want this?” and he rolled his hips for emphasis, grinding himself against your ass and making you gasp.
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