thomasxsides · 1 year
Chatting in my discord server when one of my friends says this. (Blocked identifying stuff in case friend would like to remain anon).
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So being the Remus kinnie that I am… I had to Make It Worse™️
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You’re welcome.
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lifewithoutrainydays · 6 months
three thomas/sides christmas fics about nothing in particular
i'm dreaming of a white christmas - thomas/logan
it's alright; i love you - thomas/patton
and nothing could go wrong (unless that's what you'd like) - thomas/remus
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Have an idea but I can’t seem to focus it. Look at template:
Patton only
Patton x Remus
Patton x Thomas
Patton x Thomas x Remus
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amazon-me-bitches · 2 years
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Cookie Dough Pattmas moodboard,
#thomasxsides weeks 2022
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tsxsides-hotel · 2 years
Ice Cream
- First day of Pattmas Week (Courtesy of ThomasxSides Weeks 2022)
Ship: Pattmas (Patton x C!Thomas)
Summary: It's a hot day in Florida so Thomas seeks relief of the heat with ice cream and his boyfriend.
Warnings: Food
Word Count: 686
Today was a hot day.
Then again, Thomas lives in Florida so he should have gotten used to it. But, he hasn't. The hot climate of Florida has always bugged him, the holiday seasons were especially terrible as he saw the other states getting colder and having snow while they didn't. He thinks he has a right to complain though because today, the weather seems hotter than usual. Thomas was laying on his couch with an air conditioner on which helped but it wasn't enough perhaps if he stopped fidgeting so much, it would.
But again, he can't help it, he's sweating and he's on the couch and ugh, Florida's climate sucks. He finds a way to calm himself down enough to decide that he wants to go hang out with his boyfriend as a way to keep his mind off of the heat. And so, he closes his eyes and suddenly, he's in the mindscape, the place where all his Sides reside when they aren't dealing with existential problems. "Thomas, what are you doing here, sweetheart?" A familiar voice asked him, noticing his presence from the couch. Thomas smiled at that voice, it was the voice from his lovely morality and boyfriend, Patton.
"It's so hot today, I can't stand it. Please, distract me from the heat, honey…" Thomas whined as he threw himself in Patton's arms. "Aw, sweetheart...don't worry, I know just the thing to not only distract you but make you feel cooler!" Patton exclaimed as he softly nudged Thomas off his lap to get up to walk over to the freezer. Patton rummaged through the freezer until he finally got a hold of what he was looking for. As Patton closed the freezer, Thomas noticed what was in his hands and jumped from the couch with excitement, "Ice cream!" "You're right, Thomas! It won't fill your real body up, but I know it'll distract you from all this heat!" Patton replied as he put the tub of ice cream on the counter to get two bowls.
Thomas made his way over to the kitchen counter, trying his best to wait patiently as Patton scooped out ice cream for both himself and him. Before Patton could begin scooping out ice cream for the second bowl, Thomas stopped him, his patience already gone. "Can't we just share?" Thomas asked. "Well, if that's what you want, sweetheart then I don't mind," Patton replied with a smile as he put the second bowl away and grabbed two spoons. Patton joined Thomas at the kitchen counter as he put the bowl of ice cream between them.
Both of them wasted no time grabbing a spoon and shoving ice cream into their mouths which they soon wish they had waited a bit before they did that. Thomas felt a shiver up his spine as the ice cream went down his throat alongside a growing headache. Brain freeze, ugh, the downsides of eating ice cream, Thomas groaned at the pain but was surprised to hear Patton doing the same. "Sides aren't immune to brain freezes either, huh?" Thomas teased, his brain freeze going away quickly as it appeared. "Ah, yeah, I'm surprised by it myself," Patton replied, rubbing his forehead while looking down.
Though once he looked up, he noticed a spoon of ice cream in front of him. Thomas smiled as he moved the spoon toward his boyfriend's lips ever so slowly. Patton let out a little chuckle before accepting this most generous offer by his boyfriend. "I love you so much, honey." Thomas sighed lovingly as he removed the spoon from Patton's lips. Patton blushed a little bit but smiled nonetheless as he leaned over to give Thomas a small kiss. 
"I love you as well, sweetheart," Patton replied, putting his forehead against Thomas' to simply stare into his boyfriend's eyes. "Ah, Patton, your lips are cold!" Thomas exclaimed, teasing Patton a bit more. Patton simply laughed and apologized but played along with his boyfriend's teasing by leaving more kisses on his lips and cheeks.
"Thomas, Patton, we get it, you two love each other."
Tagging: @thomasxsides
Yeah, hi, again, it's me, your fellow Manager of this hotel.
Been wanting to participate in this TSxSides weeks thing since the Thomceit week started but I don't write as much, had no ideas, and was busy, I'm sorry. :(
The coming weeks look promising though so I'll probably write more.
Anyway, thank you for reading!
- 🌌
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"Wait, you like me?"
Ts x Sides Day 4:
@tsxsides @thomasxsides
Pairings: Romantic Thomality, platonic LAMPT
Characters: Character Thomas, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders. Background Roman, Remus, Janus and Logan.
Other tags: Fluff, crushes, Patton in cute makeup, confessions and all that comes with it
Warnings: I don't think any warnings apply but let me know
Thomas drummed his fingers against his thigh, barely paying attention to whatever video he was watching on his phone. Patton had come up to him in the morning, asking if they could have another movie night, practically pleading with those cartoonishly large eyes. And who was Thomas to deny his heart? It would be a good idea,he had thought at the time. They hadn’t spent time together in weeks, except when the Sides came together to help him with his dilemmas. It was a good way to make the others feel accepted and part of the group after years of rejection. It also offered him a chance to finally say he something he had been planning on months. There was never a right time, except now there was.
It had not been a good idea. Thomas was alone in the living room, waiting for everyone to show up and sure enough, Virgil appeared next to him and took a seat. Having Virgil with him actually did more to calm his nerves than Thomas would have imagined. After all, all Virgil was the only one who knew what Thomas planned to do tonight. He put a firm hand on Thomas’s knee, causing him to stop bouncing his leg.
“You okay?” asked Virgil.
“Yup,” lied Thomas.
“Yes, I can feel how okay you are,” he remarked wryly and removed his hand. “Thomas, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” And Thomas knew that, of course he did. It wasn’t life or death. It wasn’t an obligation. But again, wasn’t it though?
“No, I want to tell him. I just don’t know what I will do if he doesn’t…reciprocate.”
“A, you won’t know that unless you ask. B, what’s the worst that could happen? That he might like you the way you want to? You know Patton is never going to stop loving you.” Virgil shifted. “You know the last thing I want to do is pressure you ,Thomas, but it has been painful watching your pining. I believe you should get it over with.”
Thomas snorted. “Rip it off like a bandage?”
“Would you rather use Princey or Logan’s methods?” challenged Virgil. Thomas’s mind filled with dozens of images, of all the ways he could he could ask out Patton. He thought back to the day and decided he was not going to kill a dragon as a part of some grand gesture. How would he even find a dragon. Or worse, ask Patton to copulate with him, dear God. He shuddered.
“Thought so,” said Virgil. “Now relax, Patton’s coming.”
“How do you know?”
He didn’t answer, walking up to the door. As if on cue, Patton rose up there, along with Roman and Logan. They were holding each of his hands and Thomas frowned. Virgil was quick to steal him away, muttering “I’ll take it from here”. Patton laughed but followed him. Thomas thought he was going to find them the furthermost corner but instead he brought Patton to Thomas, saying they should sit together tonight, not so subtly giving him a Look. The same look the other two sides were giving him. He blushed. Thomas did not appreciate being treated like a doll in a little girl’s Barbie game but he didn’t have the energy or heart to say so. And after all, wasn’t this what he wanted.
He blushed even more when he got a real look at Patton. He was wearing his usual cat onesie but his face was littered with fake stars and clouds and the prettiest blush. He had light pink lip-gloss on and small fruit earrings dangling on each side. They should have looked ridiculous with everything else but Patton had a way of making silly look enticing. Thomas looked away, afraid if he kept staring he would never be able to stop.
“Pat,” said Thomas. “You look…nice.”
Patton lit up at his compliment, smiling brightly. “Thanks! Roman and Logan offered to do my make-up,” he gushed. “Isn’t it lovely?” Thomas almost expected him to a twirl.
“Really?” He raised his eyebrows at Logan.
“I merely suggested the stars,” clarified Logan.
“And they ended up completing the look,” said Roman. “Don’t sell yourself short, Specs.”
Thomas smiled at that. It pleased him to know his Sides still hung out even after their job was done. He only wished he was part of their world. Janus and Remus came in not long after and the rest of the night was a blur. He wasn’t really watching the movie to be honest, head filled with the anticipation of what he planned to do tonight. It could go wrong in so many ways. Or it could go so, so right and then what? It didn’t help that Patton was sitting SO close to him, slowly moving even closer.
One moment he was watching Pagemaster and the next he was waking up Patton shaking up. He blinked.
“Hey, Thomathy,” said Patton, in his “good morning” tone. It wasn’t morning, was it? He looked around and no one else was there. “Uh, yeah. They all left,” Patton explained. “You fell asleep pretty early, Tommy. Were you that tired?”
“I guess,” shrugged Thomas. He wouldn’t be surprised if he was.
‘Welp, I gotta go now,” Patton said. “It’s late and I think you should go to bed too.” He started to sink down. I guess this is my chance.
“Patton, wait!”
The moral side popped back up. “Yeah?”
Thomas hesitated. “I..uh…I was wondering if I could come with you tonight.”
“With me?’
“Yes. To your room.”
“My room?” Patton stepped closer to him. “Thomas, do you not remember the last time you were there? I don’t want you to get lost in the nostalgia again.”
“That’s not going to happen this time,” said Thomas, with certainty. “I’m not going to get lost because I am not looking to escape anything.” In a moment of boldness, he took Patton’s hand. “I just…want to spend more time with you Patton. I feel like we haven’t been doing that since the wedding debacle.” But he started to let go. “If you don’t want to...”
“No!” Patton was quick to take his hand back. “Of course I want to spend time with you.” And that was that.
Patton’s room was different than he remembered. Well, for one, it actually looked a bedroom instead of a Kidz Bop version of his living room. It felt different, too. Still very happy, nostalgic, but less intense. Less overwhelming.
Patton had changed into more comfortable, sleepy-time clothes with a snap. Thomas was relieved to know that they had different clothes and not just different versions of the same outfit like a cartoon character. He had then then proceeded to give Thomas a little “tour”, excitedly telling him all the things that had changed and the new memories that were added to his room. Even though Thomas was surrounded by Patton, quite literally, every single in this room belonged to Thomas. Because Patton was his heart and he was incapable on letting go anything Thomas cherished. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“I love you!” Thomas blurted out. Then quickly covered his mouth. He hadn’t meant to say it so soon, without easing Patton into this.
Patton blinked at him. “I love you too, silly.”
Thomas sighed. “No, Pat, I love you. As in, I want to hold you and kiss your face for hours.” And there it was.
“Oh,” said Patton, voice conveying very little emotions. Everything in him was telling Thomas to get out of here and forget this ever happened. Pray that Patton would forget it too. “Wait, you like me!”
Thomas frowned. “Uh, yes, that’s what I said. Look, I am sorry. We can pretend I never said that.” Please don’t let this change things I have only just got you back I can’t lose you again.
“That’s why the others were so…weird,” continued Patton, like Thomas hadn’t said anything. “The looks they were giving us. Why roman insisted he should do my make-up, like he was getting me ready for a date. All the times Virgil insisted that I wasn’t wrong for feeling this way. You like me!”
“I love you,” corrected Thomas. Patton threw away whatever stuffed toy he was holding and attacked Thomas with a hug.
“I love you too!” He exclaimed. “You need to know that I will love in whatever you want me too, Thomas. Oh, I’m so happy can I kiss you?”
Thomas went red. “Yes, please.”
Patton took his face in his hands, giving him a quick, gentle, unbearably soft kiss. It was over too soon, and Thomas a little disappointed but it was overshadaowed by all the joy he was feeling now. It was everything Thomas had imagined it would be.
“So,” started Thomas. “What now?”
“Let’s just go to sleep for now,” Patton smiled. “We have all the time in the world to discuss what this means."
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thetsxshibiscusanon · 3 years
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Made you something. Thomas/Emile/Patton thrupple. Movie nights are their favorite. snuggles and snacks and cartoons! 
The sheer amount of JOY this brought me oml I love this so much!! You made ME something??? Wow- they’re so cuteeee- thank you!! 🥺🥺💗💖💙
@thomasxsides​ Take a look at this cool moodboard!! :D!!!
(Submitted by @amazon-me-bitches)
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izzyfandoms · 2 years
Thomality - Night
GENERAL TAGLIST: @quillfics42 @aj-draws @phantomofthesanderssides @phlying-squirrel @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game @because-were-fam-ily @imtryingthisout @a-creepycookie @littlestr @spooky-scary-virgil @fuyel @mimsidoodles @soupgremlin @aroaceagenderfluid @birdsbookshiddeninrealbirdsskin @quirkalurk @gingers-trashy-stuff @iinyxtello @justaqueercactus @melodiread @mrbubbajones @pun-master-logan @gayturtlez @k1ngtok1 @yourneighborhooddisaster @alexxander-the-gay @full-of-roman-angst-trash @selfcarejanus
Thomas stared up at the ceiling, barely able to see it in the darkness of the room.
It was late, very late, late enough that even Thomas wanted to get some sleep. But he couldn't. For some reason - unknown to even Thomas himself - he just couldn't fall asleep.
He yawned, tired, and then let out a frustrated groan.
Why couldn't he fall asleep?
"Ugh," Thomas said to himself.
He had to get up early tomorrow! He had a lot of things to get done, he didn't want to stay up all night.
He sat up. Maybe a hot drink would help.
Thomas slowly climbed out of bed and then walked over to the door. He exited the room and soon made his way down the staircase, careful not to trip in his tired state.
He made his way over to the kitchen, but as soon as he entered it, he heard movement behind him. Thomas jumped, spinning around, but then relaxed again when he saw who it was.
Patton gave him a sympathetic smile.
"Can't sleep, honey?"
Thomas nodded, giving him a slight, tired smile in response. "Yup."
Patton reached over, taking one of Thomas's hand in his own and squeezing it.
"Let's make you a drink. Then maybe you'll be able to get some sleep."
"Hopefully," Thomas said.
Patton squeezed his hand again, and Thomas turned away, beginning to prepare himself a hot drink. It was a little difficult, making a drink whilst holding Patton's hand, but Thomas didn't want to let go of it.
Soon, he had a nice warm drink, and he took a sip of it before letting out a happy sigh, closing his eyes for a single moment.
"Good?" Patton asked, his voice just a little amused.
Thomas opened his eyes again, nodding.
"Yeah," he said. "It's good. I can already feel myself relaxing. This should help me get some sleep."
"I hope so!" Patton agreed.
Thomas gave him a smile, before taking another sip of the tea.
Then, a thoughtful expression appeared on Patton's face. He seemed to think for a moment, and Thomas watched, before squeezing his hand and catching Patton's attention again.
"You thinking about something, Pat?"
Patton hummed, before giving Thomas a smile.
"I was wondering... would it be easier for you to fall asleep if someone snuggled with you?"
Thomas let out a laugh.
"Are you implying that you want to be that someone?"
Patton laughed, too.
"Maybe," he said, elongating the word as he spoke it. "That depends. Do you want me to snuggle with you?"
"Hmm, I wonder... would I like to snuggle with my wonderful boyfriend?" Thomas paused, pretending to think about it, and smiling wider when Patton let out a giggle.
"Is that a yes?"
"Definitely," Thomas decided, squeezing Patton's hand.
Patton smiled, and then leaning in and pressing a quick, soft kiss to Thomas's cheek.
"I'm sure you'll be falling asleep in no time."
"I'm sure I will."
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rarepair-purgatory · 4 years
I find it impossible to ship just one of the sides with C!Thomas because then Thomas is playing favorites when ALL of the sides are important and worthy of love! Which is why I ship all of them at once.
Yes I completely agree, Thomas just has a harem
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janvs-sanders · 5 years
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Patthomas Moodboard | [S~O~F~T]
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min-violet · 4 years
Give me angsty Character!Thomas prompts to write or give me death
Look, Character!Thomas from the Sander Sides is given little love and attention which sucks because he is a baby boy and must be adored. So, please, give me angsty prompts that I can write and try to post here.
(Fluffy, smut, shipped with one of the Sides, Remy, Emile, or Critic headcanons/prompts are allowed as well if you want them)
For the angsty prompts, you are allowed to send Unsympathetic!Sides or anything similar to that. I am quite comfortable with writing that so go right ahead and sends me prompts like that
For smut prompts, I'll just write bottom!Character!Thomas. I am far more comfortable writing him that way
For fluff prompts, it can be platonic or romantic or brotherly or self-love! Anything fluffy for a dorky baby boy like Character!Thomas
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thomasxsides · 1 year
I’ve decided this is a Pattmas song.
Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the [one] you love and hold [‘em] tight
So happy together
If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me, and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby, the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you, and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby, the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you, and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Me and you, and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
So happy together
And how is the weather?
So happy together
We're happy together
So happy together
Happy together
So happy together
So happy together
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nachosforfree · 4 years
ok so idk all of these for certain but i think some of the names are lomoceit/moloceit/logicaliceit, romoceit/moroceit/royaliceit, intrualiceit, moxieceit, royalogical/LMP(?), pattmas/patmas/thomality, and mosleep/sleepality. some polyam ships i can’t think of any names for but if i come up with any i can send another ask if need be. hope this helps 🖤 ~ Remy 🐀
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Patton x c!Thomas: Icecream || Moodboard || Ts x Sides Prompt #4
I’ll have you know that I had a fic planned but then I never wrote it so 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. But it was them having a chill/relaxed day. They’re in college, toward the end of their journey. And Thomas wanted to take his boyfriend Patton out on a cute relaxing date. And it ends in a sticky mess!! (Bc of the melting icecream and other reason 👀😅) anyways, I hope you like it.
#thomasxsides weeks 2022 || Prompt #4
Tags: @thomasxsides
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amazon-me-bitches · 2 years
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🍦🍨🍧 Ice cream and other sweet treats day with Thomas and Patton 
They try to plan one of these at least once ever 3 months or so.
There are plenty of ice cream puns, laughs, and sticky sweet kisses.
Sunshine, a warm breeze, and the smell of honeysuckle in the air set the perfect mood.
Cotton Candy flavor is a favorite for both of them, can you guess why? lol For Thomas x Patton week #thomasxsides weeks 2022 prompt: Ice Cream @thomasxsides
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tsxsides-hotel · 2 years
- Last Day of Pattmas Week (Courtesy of ThomasxSides Weeks 2022)
Ship: Pattmas (Patton x C!Thomas)
Summary: Patton wakes up earlier than Thomas does, he uses that time to just think and cuddle.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 410
It was 6:30 in the morning.
Patton wasn't sure what woke him up. He guesses his mind and body just decided that he should wake up. 30 minutes earlier than his human would wake up. But to be completely honest, Patton didn't mind at all since he got to silently appreciate Thomas, his human and boyfriend. Patton didn't know if this was creepy or not, however, he didn't care, he just liked to be able to be in the silent and calming presence of Thomas.
Thomas was still asleep and in his arms, all snuggled up to his chest.
"You're so cute."
Patton leaned in and kissed Thomas on his forehead causing his human to move a bit in his sleep. Patton chuckled a bit and apologized silently for disturbing his slumber. If Patton could be in these moments forever, he would but he knows that he can't be. Things have been difficult ever since that whole callback-wedding thing. Thomas has been worried about how much this situation has affected both Patton and the others but Patton and Janus had reassured him that things will get settled eventually.
Thomas believed them but Patton is having a tricky time believing himself simply knowing how strained his relationships with everyone, excluding Janus and Thomas, have been. Thomas has been a supporting boyfriend throughout this entire thing which Patton has appreciated. How did he manage to get a human so sweet, kind, and supportive as Thomas?
"Is it okay for me to be this happy?"
Patton doesn't know the answer to that question yet. Patton turned around slightly to check the time.
Ah, almost time to wake Thomas up for that schedule Logan set him up for. Patton really doesn't want this moment to end but he can't argue with Logan, now, can he? Besides, he really wants to make this day work for Logan. Maybe they can talk afterward?
Patton can't help himself. "Sweetheart, wake up, it's almost 7…" Patton whispers as he peppers small kisses on his boyfriend's face. Thomas makes a face at that and shifts a bit in his sleep. "Sweetheart…" Patton whispers again, his heart swelling at the sight of his boyfriend. "If it's almost 7 then that means 5 more minutes, right?" Thomas mumbles, not opening his eyes yet and snuggling a bit more into Patton's chest.
"Guess so…" Patton responds, smiling as he holds Thomas tighter. 
5 more minutes sounds nice.
Tagging: @thomasxsides
This short fic would have come out faster if it wasn't for my procrastination, haha. Not sure how to describe this one...sleepy cuddles?
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