sandersstimboards · 2 months
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Romthom Stimboard with lovecore stims
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amazon-me-bitches · 5 months
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In case I was never clear about this I want these two to meet and either fight or fuck (or both) SO BAD
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sandersshiping · 4 months
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thomasxsides · 1 year
Chatting in my discord server when one of my friends says this. (Blocked identifying stuff in case friend would like to remain anon).
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So being the Remus kinnie that I am… I had to Make It Worse™️
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You’re welcome.
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Sanders Sides OTP Names
Glossary Masterpost
A list of the shipnames of Sanders Sides Characters that include two people! Orange is included with temporary shipnames until we know more about him, as has been voted in this poll! Ordered by however it made sense to me.
All names with a (*) came from this post by @treenissanderssidesstuff which I found to be fun alternatives. Edit: All Sides/Nico shipnames were made by me (as were the King/Roman and Remus ones), as I haven't found any elsewhere. If you have your own ideas for them, please message me!
1) Patton / Roman - Royality, Royalty*
2) Patton / Logan - Logicality, Motivate *
3) Patton / Virgil - Moxiety, Moxie*
4) Patton / Janus - Moceit, Patceit, Dogma*
5) Patton / Remus - Intruality, Momus, Moduke, Duality*
6) Patton / Thomas - Patmas, Thomality
7) Patton / Nico - Patco, Nitton
8) Patton / King - Moking
9) Patton / Orange - Pange, Oratton, Morange
10) Roman / Logan - Logince, Procudure*
11) Roman / Virgil - Prinxiety, Proximate*
12) Roman / Janus - Roceit, Princeit, Drama Club*
13) Roman / Remus - Remrom, Romrem
! For platonic/familial relationship, please use Creativitwins!
14) Roman / Thomas - Romthom, Romas
15) Roman / Nico - Roco, Niman
16) Roman / King - Roking, Romking, Kingman
17) Roman /Orange - Rorange, Pringe
18) Logan / Virgil - Analogical, Analog*
19) Logan / Janus - Loceit, Decipher
20) Logan / Remus - Intrulogical, Lomus, Reproductive*
21) Logan / Thomas - Lomas
22) Logan / Nico - Loco, Nigan
23) Logan / King - Loking
24) Logan / Orange - Lorange, Logange, Loge
25) Virgil / Janus - Anxceit, Hissterics*
26) Virgil / Remus - Dukexiety, Vimus, Virus*
27) Virgil / Thomas - Thvi, Thomxiety
28) Virgil / Nico - Vico, Nirgil
29) Virgil / King - Kingxiety, Viking
30) Virgil / Orange - Anxange, Virange, Orgil
31) Janus / Remus - Dukeceit, Demus, Remceit, Receit*, Intruceit, Trashnoodle
32) Janus / Thomas - Thomceit
33) Janus / Nico - Janico, Ninus
34) Janus / King - Kingceit
35) Janus / Orange - Oranceit, Jange
36) Remus / Thomas - Intrumas
37) Remus / Nico - Remco, Nimus
38) Remus / King - Intruking, Kingmus
39) Remus / Orange - Intruorange, Intrange
40) Thomas / Nico - Karrot Kings, Pintroverts
41) Thomas / King - Kingmas
42) Thomas / Orange - Thorange, Thomge
43) Nico / King - Kingco, Nicing, Nicoking
44) Nico / Orange - Nicorange
45) King / Orange - Kingange, Kirange
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tsxsides-hotel · 2 years
Roses and Proposals
- Third (3rd) Day of Romthom Week (Courtesy of ThomasxSides Weeks 2022)
Ship: Romas/Romthom (Roman x C!Thomas)
Summary: Thomas is simply gushing his feelings about being engaged through his thoughts and his fiancé, of course.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 446
Thomas was watching television on his couch after having done all his chores and yet, once again, he couldn't pay attention to it. This time it was not because of an existential issue but rather, it was the ring on his finger. His wedding ring! After believing he would never find the love of his life, a Prince came to him and proclaimed his love for him. Literally.
His Prince, his Creativity, his Roman had just recently proposed to him and Thomas was getting used to being referred to as Roman's fiancé as he couldn't stop a smile from appearing on his face every time he heard that phrase. What did he ever do to deserve this much happiness?
And yes, okay, yeah, how could a Side marry their human? Thomas and Roman don't know and they don't care at the moment.
As soon as they have their wedding, Thomas is going to be a husband…
As well as a Prince alongside Roman becoming the King of his side of the Imagination but Thomas is sure he won't have that many royal duties as it just seems to be a title.
Still again, Thomas couldn't help but giggle and smile and look through social media for any wedding ideas to suggest to the rest of his Sides who excitedly agreed to plan the wedding. While scrolling through his phone, he felt someone grab his hand that had his wedding ring on it. Then he felt a kiss against his knuckles, Thomas giggled at that knowing full well who it was.
"Roman, how come you're here? I thought you would be busy slaying enemies or something like that." Thomas teased. "Well, I was but I saw these, and I couldn't resist picking them up for you, mi amor," Roman replied, revealing from behind his back a bouquet of roses. "Honey, these are beautiful!" Thomas gasped as he grabbed the bouquet and gently touched the roses' petals. "They are but they pale in comparison to your beauty." The Prince spoke as he placed yet another kiss against Thomas' knuckles. "Honey! You're too sweet! What did I ever do to deserve you?" Thomas exclaimed.
"I wonder the same thing, my love," Roman replied with a smile that made him look like a lovesick fool. Which was accurate considering the amount of love he felt for his human. "I love you so much, Roman. I can't wait for our wedding." Thomas spoke as he hugged his Creativity tightly and softly kissed him. "Te amo también, mi amor," Roman replied as he hugged Thomas back and settled into the couch with him for the night.
As well as for some cuddles.
Tagging: @thomasxsides
Would have done something for Valentine's Day but I didn't have any ideas.
I just want the Sides and Thomas gushing about how much they love each other.
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Roman x c!Thomas: Roses/Proposal/Valentine’s Day || Aesthetic board + Fic || Ts x Sides Prompt #7
#thomasxsides weeks 2022 || Prompt #7
Tags: @thomasxsides
Policy No Gifts
Ship: RomThom
Characters: Roman Sanders, c!Thomas Sanders
Summary: Roman invites Thomas out for Valentine’s plans to his family cabin.
Tags: Valentine’s Day, fluff, Human AU
Words: 348
A/N: For clarification I set this up as a prequel. Will I write the second part? Idk, I do not keep promises here sorry. This is happening on Valentine’s Day and the upcoming weekend would be after Valentine’s Day. Hopefully that makes sense. Idk listen, look at a calendar of 2022. Maybe that will help.
I’m telling you rn, sometimes tumblr deletes the first line under the cute so hopefully if it does it’s this line and not my fic. Please check out ao3 if you’re worried though. This message is before and after the cut on purpose.
If you see this congrats, if you don’t F in chat. This message is before and after the cut on purpose.
“We promised each other no gifts this year.” Thomas said, looking expectantly at his boyfriend, Roman.
“Am I to assume you grew these strawberries yourself?” He said smugly gesturing toward the Bouquet of assorted chocolate dipped strawberries on the counter.
“Food doesn’t count under the no gifts part,” Thomas protests with a faint smile.
“Hm, well if it makes you feel any better I didn’t pay for this gift.” The envelope still hung in the air, Roman still waiting for Thomas to accept it.
‘My Love’ is what was written neatly in black ink against the off white paper Thomas held in front of him. The envelope felt a little heavier than what any letter should have possibly felt like. Thomas looks up at Roman in slight confusion.
“Just open it,” he said, his voice soothing and smooth with a hint of excitement lingering. Thomas did love Roman’s voice and he enjoyed it when his partner was excited.
The pads of his finger pulled apart the paper lifting it to get into the inside. Red hearts fell out dancing through the air as they twirled and swayed their way to the floor beneath him. Thomas couldn’t help but chuckle (giggled if you ask Roman) as the small gesture. Of course Roman would fill an envelope with tiny glittery hearts. But the envelope was still weighted, the hearts obviously were not what was holding gravity. Opening the package wider Thomas reached his fingers in and pulled out … a key.
“A key?” He asks. What could possibly be this key? Reasonable it would be to open something but to open what?
“I got access to my parents' cabin next weekend.” He said. Thomas looks between the key and Roman.
“Picture you, me, alone. In the privacy of a cabin surrounded by mountains and trees. With no one to bother us for the whole weekend. Should I continue?”
“No, I think I’ve got the picture,” Thomas giggles (this time an actual giggle) and presses his lips softly onto Roman’s check. He was looking forward to the weekend.
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peach4cherryplease · 4 years
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I know you wanna FaceTime, baby, I have Samsung
When I met your mom, she told me I was handsome
You told me I'm sexy, do you still think that?
You told me you loved me, do you still think that?
Have some RomThom bros.
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amazon-me-bitches · 6 months
As cute as I think a thrupple of VirgilxThomasxRoman would be, I don't think they would share him very well. At their core they are both possessive af and I feel like the outcome would be Thomas having to choose to avoid fights breaking out.
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sandersshiping · 4 months
Tags if you're looking for something in particular
Fanfiction Prompts
Incorrect Quotes
For Ships with characters from
Sanders Sides
Cartoon Therapy
Thomas's Shorts
List of ships sorted by character (will be updated as more gets added to this blog)
Ships involving Character Thomas
Thomas/Nico - Karrot Kings
Thomas/Janus -Thomceit
Thomas/Patton -Patmas
Thomas/Virgil -Thomxiety
Thomas/Remus -Intrumas
Thomas/Roman -Romthom
Thomas/Logan -Lomas
Thomas/Remy -Thomsleep
Thomas/Emile -Thomile
Thomas/Roman/Janus -Roceitmas
Thomas/Roman/Patton -Royalimas
Thomas/Roman/Logan -Logincemas
Thomas/Roman/Remus -Roceitmas
Thomas/Roman/Virgil -Prinxiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Patton -Moxiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Logan -Analomas
Thomas/Virgil/Remus -Dukexiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Janus -Anxceitmas
Thomas/Janus/Patton -Moceitmas
Thomas/Janus/Remus -Thomceitmus
Thomas/Janus/Logan -Loceitmas
Thomas/Remus/Logan -Intrulomas
Thomas/Remus/Patton -intruthomality
Thomas/Logan/Patton -Logicalimas
Thomas/Remy/Virgil -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Remus
Remus/Thomas -Intrumas
Remus/Virgil -Dukexiety
Remus/Janus -Dukeceit
Remus/Roman -Remrom
Remus/Patton -Intruality
Remus/Logan -Intrulogical
Remus/Remy - intrusleep
Remus/Janus/Thomas -Thomceitmus
Remus/Janus/Roman -Remroceit
Remus/Janus/Logan -Intruloceit
Remus/Janus/Patton -Intrumoceit
Remus/Janus/Virgil -Anxceitmus
Remus/Virgil/Roman -Intruprinxiety
Remus/Virgil/Thomas -Dukexiemas
Remus/Virgil/Patton -Intrumoxiety
Remus/Virgil/Logan -Intruloxiety
Remus/Thomas/Roman -Remromas
Remus/Thomas/Patton -intruthomality
Remus/Thomas/Logan -Intrulomas
Remus/Logan/Pattton -Intrugicality
Remus/Logan/Roman -Intrulogince
Remus/Patton/Roman -Intruroyality
Ships involving Roman
Roman/Logan -Logince
Roman/Virgil -Prinxiety
Roman/Thomas -Romthom
Roman/Janus -Roceit
Roman/Patton -Royality
Roman/Remus -Remrom
Roman/Thomas/Janus -Roceitmas
Roman/Thomas/Remus -Royalimas
Roman/Thomas/Logan -Logincemas
Roman/Thomas/Patton -Royalimas
Roman/Thomas/Virgil -Prinxiemas
Roman/Virgil/Patton -Anaroyality
Roman/Virgil/Logan -Analogince
Roman/Virgil/Remus -Intruprinxiety
Roman/Virgil/Janus -Anaroceit
Roman/Logan/Patton -Royalogicality
Roman/Logan/Janus -Roloceit
Roman/Logan/Remus -Intrulogince
Roman/Remus/Janus -Remroceit
Roman/Patton/Janus -Royaliceit
Roman/Patton/Remus -Intruroyality
Roman/Patton/Thomas -Royalimas
Ships involving Patton
Patton/Logan -Logicality
Patton/Roman -Royality
Patton/Virgil -Moxiety
Patton/Thomas -Patmas
Patton/Remus- Intruality
Patton/Janus -Moceit
Patton/Logan/Roman -Royalogicality
Patton/Logan/Janus -Lomoceit
Patton/Logan/Virgil -Analogicality
Patton/Logan/Thomas -Logicalimas
Patton/Logan/Remus -Intrugicality
Patton/Logan/Janus -Lomoceit
Patton/Virgil/Roman -Anaroyality
Patton/Virgil/Thomas -Moxiemas
Patton/Virgil/Janus -Anamoceit
Patton/Virgil/Remus -Intrumoxiety
Patton/Janus/Roman -Royaliceit
Patton/Janus/Remus -Intrumoceit
Patton/Janus/Thomas -Moceitmas
Patton/Remus/Roman -Intruroyality
Patton/Remus/Thomas -intruthomality
Patton/Roman/Thomas -Royalimas
Ships involving Logan
Logan/Virgil -Analogical
Logan/Remus -Intrulogical
Logan/Janus -Loceit
Logan/Roman -Logince
Logan/Patton -Logicality
Logan/Thomas -Lomas
Logan/Patton/Janus -Lomoceit
Logan/Patton/Thomas -Logicalimas
Logan/Patton/Roman -Royalogicality
Logan/Patton/Virgil -Analogicality
Logan/Patton/Remus -Intrugicality
Logan/Thomas/Janus -Loceitmas
Logan/Thomas/Remus -Intrulomas
Logan/Thomas/Virgil -Analomas
Logan/Thomas/Roman -Logincemas
Logan/Roman/Janus -Roloceit
Logan/Roman/Remus -Intrulogince
Logan/Roman/Virgil -Analogince
Logan/Janus/Remus -Intruloceit
Logan/Janus/Virgil -Analoceit
Logan/Virgil/Remus -Intruloxiety
Ships involving Virgil
Virgil/Roman -Prinxiety
Virgil/Logan -Analogical
Virgil/Remus -Dukexiety
Virgil/Janus -Anxceit
Virgil/Patton -Moxiety
Virgil/Thomas -Thomxiety
Virgil/Remus/Janus -Anxceitmus
Virgil/Remus/Roman -Intruprinxiety
Virgil/Remus/Logan -Intruloxiety
Virgil/Remus/Patton -Intrumoxiety
Virgil/Remus/Thomas -Dukexiemas
Virgil/Patton/Janus -Anamoceit
Virgil/Patton/Roman -Anaroyality
Virgil/Patton/Logan -Analogicality
Virgil/Patton/Thomas -Moxiemas
Virgil/Patton/Logan -Analogicality
Virgil/Janus/Roman -Anaroceit
Virgil/Janus/Thomas -Anxceitmas
Virgil/Janus/Logan -Analoceit
Virgil/Thomas/Roman -Prinxiemas
Virgil/Thomas/Logan -Analomas
Virgil/Logan/Roman -Analogince
Virgil/Remy/Thomas -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Janus
Janus/Roman -Roceit
Janus/Remus -Dukeceit
Janus/Logan -Loceit
Janus/Virgil -Anxceit
Janus/Patton -Moceit
Janus/Thomas -Thomceit
Janus/Patton/Logan -Lomoceit
Janus/Patton/Remus -Intrumoceit
Janus/Patton/Thomas -Moceitmas
Janus/Patton/Roman -Royaliceit
Janus/Patton/Virgil -Anamoceit
Janus/Logan/Thomas -Loceitmas
Janus/Logan/Roman -Roloceit
Janus/Logan/Virgil -Analoceit
Janus/Logan/Remus -Intruloceit
Janus/Remus/Thomas -Thomceitmus
Janus/Remus/Virgil -Anxceitmus
Jannus/Logan/Roman -Roloceit
Janus/Thomas/Virgil -Anxceitmas
Janus/Thomas/Roman -Roceitmas
Janus/Virgil/Roman -Anaroceit
Janus/Roman/Remus -Remroceit
Ship involving Orange
Ships involving Remy
Remy/Thomas -Thomsleep
Remy/Otto -Remo
Remy/Remus - intrusleep
Remy/Virgil/Thomas -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Emile
Emile/Thomas -Thomlie
Ships involving Otto
Otto/Remy -Remo
also huge thanks to @thomas-sanders-shipname-glossary this would have taken so much more time without their blog!
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thomasxsides · 1 year
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Thomas/Sides shipnames are:
Roman: RomThom or Romas
Virgil: ThVi or Thomxiety
Patton: Patmas
Logan: Lomas
Janus: Thomceit
Remus: Intrumas
bonus: Thomsleep is the obvious semi-canon one
Thank you, anon! They've been added to my spreadsheet ^^
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softestpatton · 4 years
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Fuck It, More RomThom.
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we-all-horny-here · 4 years
Roman was ready to sacrifice hopes and dreams again just because of the whole anti-Deceit thing, and if that happened I'd have fucking lost it Istg.
But also, happy Roman oh my god I'm crying.
Also also, I was thinking Logince thoughts recently, as you do, and I was like, "Hmmm, since Roman is Thomas' romantic side, what if Thomas' type starts shifting more towards glassed nerds." And, y'kno, not to be Logince on main, but.
Also also also, Roman said himbo rights. "Join me, no thinking."
Also also also also, the stimming.
Also also also also also, all those Thomas x Roman moments, I lomv.
And the last also, that I can think of rn, Roman angst. I mean, we remember what happened last time bruised ego was mentioned, right.
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RomThom + Drama for Shadowhunters AU
despite being a mundane, Thomas refuses to be helpless and useless. After all, he met Roman when the warlock saved him from a demon attack. He feels like he has to be stronger. He wants to learn all he can about the shadow world so he can defend himself and help his new friends defend other people who are as oblivious to the dangers of hell as he was.
He has no idea what he's getting himself into, and frankly, neither does anyone else. No one could possibly expect what happens next...
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If you ship Thomas with a side is it a....
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