fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 5 months
Ciliary Pathlines
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For tiny creatures, swimming through water requires techniques very different than ours. Many, like this sea urchin larva, use hair-like cilia that they beat to push fluid near their bodies. The flows generated this way are beautiful and complex. (Image credit: B. Shrestha et al.) Read the full article
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elsjobproject · 1 year
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Second Dejection
1/3 - Clear 'Moonlight Hill (Day) (Uphill)' [0/1]
Noah wishes to know exactly how everything changes in his second life, so he decides to follow Titania on the way to find the ingredients for the cure. While battling monsters, Noah feels a strange sense of deja vu as he watches Titania fight, but shakes it off.
Though he feared it was a repeat of the past, this time, he managed to save Yuria and the camp.
Noah felt a small potential from the small change. Though it's scary and he's still apprehensive, perhaps he can change something this time.
2/3 - Read the Old Journal ('Someone's Lab')
Perhaps it was the uncertainty he felt watching Titania, but Noah's power becomes unstable and he has a harder time controlling his power. Clamor gives him tips about magic that can materialize his unstable power and Noah hopes this too, becomes a new possibility.
But… How should he move forward?
From endless apprehension and dejection, the fact that Noah was able to save Yuria and the camp served as a sliver of hope, but still, Noah was unable to completely shake off his negative feelings.
A relationship that that was formed for the first time, magic he's learning for the first time, and his power that's still unstable. Too many things changed to be happy about what's better than before, and all those things caused Noah to still suffer apprehension.
3/3 - Clear 'Moonlight Hill (Day) (Uphill)' [0/1]
Clamor reassured Noah that his power should stabilize once he becomes more familiar with magic, but is that true? Perhaps he's going the wrong direction. No, did he even want to move forward?
He knows he must, but his feet are glued to the ground.Z
If it's possible, he wishes to push back on revenge and hope this moment lasts forever.
Noah hides his desire to settle now and avoid his goals and began to slowly move on.
(recorded; 03/31/2023)
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somnium files is going great we absolutely landed on one of the bad timelines [<- said with incredibly audible emotional strain]
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nixnjix · 1 year
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fuckenvampirism · 2 years
do we have a word for people who have both ASPD and BPD.? i know narcopath is used for NPD/ASPD but i want a silly word for this. suggestions ? borderpath or psycholine just dont sound great.
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atlasbeetles · 2 years
okay so we didnt get. any of this explicit exposition abt Canaan from teacher
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shadovan · 3 months
@never-surrender continued from here.
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He expected her to just sit back and take it then? To accept his inevitable decline in sanity the longer he lived as a lich? Oh no. No no no. "You really expect me to do nothing about this?" she held up the scroll she had snagged on liches, her curious nature having certainly come around to bite her in the ass in this instance.
"There are things we can do, things that I can do to save you from insanity... if you think that I'm not going to do them, you're wrong." it was quite the sight to see her standing up for herself, to see her standing up against him when he spoke to her as plainly as he did.
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Tareque looked at her as if she were spouting a foreign language to him. After the research he had done throughout his years, if certainly felt like she was.
"Do you think it is not something I have read into?" He asked the question, almost wryly. "It is inevitable," he accepted with a slight shrug. "This is a curse, not a gift, by technicality. Eventually it drives away the desire for all bodily necessity and we become a demilich." ... Or a hunter would find and destroy his phylactery. That was more likely, given the impulsive and hungering tendencies that eventually fueled a lich's actions.
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He waved a hand somewhat dismissively. "That is further in the future than I can imagine, though. Love, I am practically a youth on that pathline. I hardly see it as something to worry about, yet."
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jadequarze · 2 years
i feel like the only reason people consider C3 to be slow, is because for C2 they started in a small village, kept moving and running from town to city, as well as collectively avoiding a handful of plot points for so long, on top of dealing with multiple cast members constantly ducking out for the first 30ish episodes (ashley filming, the pregnancy, lots of conventions, etc), compared to C3 which started out in a larger city, with an overwhelming amount of options, which sort of kept them focused on one task at a time--- and by sticking to that linear pathline of objectives before setting out into the **now** slow build up that is BH's connecting the dots to several backstories at once and the discovery of a massive mystery to the world. Honestly, if people looked back, way more has happened in C3 compared to what the M9 accomplished in the same amount of episodes.
Just in case someone misinterpreted this being a diss on C2, it's not. Far from it.
Now to answer this ask. It's interesting, because like you said, they have to juggle a lot for eg. Ashley having to go filming. And here in C3, she is full time playing the game and they're having more fun now. Even Matt is ecstatic having her full time. C2 starts at a small town and they dont trust anyone outside their tiny circle. As for C3, they're in a big city, met an old man who offered them a job, who then gets assassinated. Which in turn leads to a plot string.
Moreover, we can also consider that C1, C2 and EXU threads are all intertwining in C3. If I'm not mistaken, at one point, Matt did mention that C3 is going to be their biggest campaign yet. Of course he's taking his time building the story. It's slow and I'm appreciating every minute of it. Also, it helps with them pre-recording and taking a one week break from their game to rejuvenate.
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self-study-journal · 2 years
Reject the pitiful interpretation of academics. Disobey and rebel against the notion that academics are burnt out gifted children.
Fuck that. From now on, you are partaking in the identity of someone who values academic and formal education, what type they may be, whether or not private or public school, scholarship or tuition paid courses, formal or self-education,
The identity of an academic STEMS (pun intended) lies from the natural inclination towards learning everything about the world-- to the point of the consumption of yearning with love and curiosity expressed in controlled and managed softness while your heart tightens as it expands through more, chest tightening as it constantly carries a chest full of love and heavy breathign at the burden of your expansive love for academia, one of which you are excited to carry.
Being a burnt out gifted child is to admit your people pleasing tendencies, progressing you on a pathline that allows you to walk, trip, stumble, and get back up on your journey in self-love, as you discover your love for books and learning and yearning about the world and its hidden knowledge more- feeling the new skin you've just revealed and entered and embodied for yourself. One- not born in pleasing those who appraciated the existence of education as a means of their lack- but through they eyes of someone falling in love with it more the second time.
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Arccon 2022 Exhibition ( GICEA) Visited By Pathline India Channel on Y...
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 4 months
Corralling Corals
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So much of fluid dynamics is seeking patterns. Shown here are two sets of patterns, each created by a different species of coral larvae.  (Image credit: G. Juarez and D. Gysbers) Read the full article
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dragynkeep · 2 years
TW: non con, child sa and incest
Oh boy, I think what's being referenced is the MIsts of Avalon. It was a 'feminist' retelling of King Arthur that's been criticised for not being very feminist, being against Christian supremacism while at the same time degrading it in favor of presenting paganism as superior, and, most importantly whitewashing incest and paedophilia. Now, that last point gets especially bad when it came out years after the author's death that she sexually abused her daughter and knew her then-husband had raped multiple children (he was also a part of a group that seeks to legalise paedophilia). She was also apparently had a female partner (who her daughter refers to as a stepmom) who didn't interfere with the above. I'm not saying the daughter doing down the tradfam/homophobia pathline is good in anyway but like...
what the fuck.
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elsjobproject · 1 year
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5/5 - Clear El Tower Defense 5 times [0/5]
Don't you wish to achieve your ideal future?
His future... He once wished to become a small star that shines next to the moon.
It was when he told himself there was a bigger cause, that what he truly wanted did not matter as much.
But it's different now. Now, someone sees 'Noah', not just Harque's little brother or the second Ebalon child. Though he lost everything, conversely, it's the reason why he is not free. 'Now,' he has a friend that stands by his side.
The fact that he traveled back in time despite avenging his brother shows his brother also wished for him to live his own life.
Now, he must do what his heart tells him.
'You told me that stars shine even in the darkest night.'
Because he is no longer alone, he can go beyond the moon and reach where no one has ever been before.
Noah headed towards the sanctum. 'He' was waiting for their answer at the heart of the sanctum.
(recorded; 12/13/2022)
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Arezzo: I “Sorvóli” sul mondo iperconnesso di Franz Rosati
Arezzo: I “Sorvóli” sul mondo iperconnesso di Franz Rosati. Un tentativo di rappresentazione allegorica dell'osservazione a distanza, presentato sotto forma di concerto: è l'idea di Franz Rosati, realizzata con "Sorvóli", l’installazione di arte digitale che l'artista assembla con immagini satellitari, visualizzazioni elaborate utilizzando modelli di machine learning e spazi virtuali generati dall'analisi delle informazioni recuperate dai veicoli spaziali in orbita intorno alla Terra, e basata sui progetti “Latentscape” e “Distantia”. La mostra “Sorvóli” sarà ospitata nell'atrio d'onore del palazzo della provincia di Arezzo, con inaugurazione martedì 4 aprile (18.30). L'esposizione, a cura di Giuseppe Simone Modeo, si terrà con accesso libero da mercoledì 5 aprile fino a giovedì 4 maggio, con il patrocinio di Regione Toscana, Comune e Provincia di Arezzo. Protagoniste, le forme intricate e affascinanti del nostro pianeta restituite dal satellite, rappresentazioni grazie alle quali possiamo ottenere informazioni complesse, pur rimanendo un osservatorio selettivo, in cui la bellezza della natura e dei suoi insediamenti spesso nascondono le ombre della realtà. Un percorso audiovisivo multimediale tra immagini, ma immerso in un suono generato da algoritmi di machine learning addestrati da set di dati personali, come un coro che emerge e comunica con urgenza tutto ciò che l'osservazione selettiva del satellite non può rappresentare. "Gli esseri umani, nella condizione iperconnessa del nostro mondo globalizzato, sono costantemente esposti a forme disumane di complessità, che si manifestano attraverso la mediazione computazionale di enormi quantità e tipologie di dati”, affermava il compianto artista Salvatore Iaconesi. “Eppure nessuno delle decine di sensi, interni ed esterni, di cui il nostro corpo è dotato, ha alcuna sensibilità a queste quantità e tipi di dati, e men che meno alla computazione. Ci troviamo nella condizione sistematica di non poter fare esperienza del mondo e di non poterne trarre un senso. I cambiamenti climatici, le migrazioni, la salute delle persone, i mercati e altri fenomeni che derivano direttamente dalle caratteristiche del mondo iperconnesso e globalizzato dipendono da miliardi di variabili, dati, parametri e calcoli interdipendenti". Musicista, artista digitale e docente, Franz Rosati trova nelle tecnologie digitali e nei software personalizzati la base per la sua produzione artistica, progettata per incarnare diverse emanazioni di concerti audiovisivi, installazioni su schermo, software art e opere d'arte stampate. Da diversi anni esplora un ampio spettro di risultati estetici, dal minimalismo procedurale e generativo dei wireframe ai rendering 3D in tempo reale, dalla creazione di creature virtuali autonome (come Machine and Structure o Pathline) all'esplorazione di paesaggi distopici immanenti. La produzione comprende opere d'arte digitale come Latentscape, Hyletics, Map of Null, Machine & Structure, esposte in eventi e festival internazionali, sotto forma di arte digitale contemplativa che può essere adattata a schermi di grandi dimensioni e a proiezioni video o ledwall di formato personalizzato, e quotate per gallerie e piattaforme come NIIO, Framed*, ARTPOINT, Dong Gallery, NEAL Digital Gallery, The OUTPUT, Sedition Art, Mana. Progetti come Distantia, Latentscape, Map of Null e Machine & Structure sono stati presentati in importanti festival e contesti internazionali come ACT Asian Culture Center, Sonar Barcelona, Les Bains Numerique, ADAF, Ohm Berlin, RomaEuropa Festival, e sono presenti sulle più importanti piattaforme di arte digitale curata come Sedition, Artpoint, Artscloud, NIIO, ReasonedArt, Framed*. Il suono e la musica sono elementi centrali nel suo lavoro. Silenziosi, densi e morbidi quando le opere sono esposte come installazioni su schermo, impetuosi, rumorosi, sinfonici e ricchi di bassi infrasonici pulsanti e strati di texture granulari durante l'allestimento di un concerto. In tutte le loro manifestazioni, questi suoni sono sempre il risultato di un profondo processo di trasfigurazione di fonti acustiche provenienti dal regno degli archi e degli strumenti a pizzico, con un'attenzione particolare alla musica barocca, classica e popolare. Esperto nell'uso di linguaggi e ambienti di programmazione come C'74 Max e Derivative TouchDesigner, Rosati crea la sua musica e le sue opere d'arte principalmente con software sviluppati personalmente, dove la sperimentazione tecnologica, diventa uno strumento per potenziare le emanazioni percettive delle opere d'arte aggiungendo strati organici. L’artista è inoltre docente di Composizione Multimediale presso il Conservatorio Vivaldi di Alessandria, di Sound and Media Design presso l'Istituto Europeo di Design di Roma e, in passato, presso l'UNIRSM e numerose altre istituzioni, scuole e università.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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pathlinelab · 1 year
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Pathline Lab is providing full body checkup in Delhi at home. We are providing all the tests at your doorstep with the help of our experienced and certified technicians.
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Home Collection Blood Test Delhi | Pathline Lab
Pathline Lab Offers you the best Home Collection Blood Test in Delhi. We offer a wide range of blood tests that can be done in the comfort of your own home. We are committed to providing the highest quality of service and the most convenient experience for our customers.
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