#parenting in the digital age
kidsinnowadays · 7 months
How to Decode Your Teen's Texts: 5 Must-Know Slang Phrases Every Parent Should Understand
Decode your teen's texts with these 5 must-know slang phrases every parent should understand. #ParentingTips #TeenSlang #DigitalCommunication #UnderstandingTeens
Communication has evolved rapidly in the digital age, and texting has become the primary mode of communication for many teenagers. With this shift comes a unique language of abbreviations and slang that can often leave parents feeling perplexed. In this guide, we’ll help you decode your teen’s texts by highlighting five must-know slang phrases every parent should understand. By familiarizing…
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mygym123stuff · 1 year
All of us strive to become the kind of parents we’ve always wanted to be: Confident, Optimistic, and even Joyful. But we find ourselves confused and often frustrated by the seemingly endless challenges we experience when it comes to connecting, interacting and building deeper relationships with our children.
Why is it so? Why do we feel so inadequate? And feel so frustrated?
During early years, children feel a range of emotions, but often cannot express, interpret or process them. To help children make sense of this, and have the best effect, children need to be approached with empathy, supporting and guiding them to identify and deal with their emotions effectively.
Research shows that experiences and adult responses are the primary influencers of how children self-regulate and deal with their emotions. Meeting children’s emotional needs is critical, even when some of these are harder to understand or when they evoke strong feelings in us.
Being present in the moment
Every child is special and deserves to be treated as a full-fledged individual. And the only way this can happen is when parents realize the importance of being present for their children, despite the overwhelming pressures of modern-day living and the demands it makes on their time.
Right from the time a baby is born, she is already dealing with her own emotional reactions in response to what is impacting her. A baby expresses her frustration, hunger or pain by crying. As she continues to grow and learn, a child is further exposed to even more complex experiences that trigger unpredictable emotional reactions that are difficult to process and impossible to manage with them at first.
This is where you as a parent can be of great help. Being present with your child means you are not only physically present, but you are also acting as an emotional sounding board for your child.
Bonding in the present
This is what emotional maturity is all about, helping you to connect effectively with your child. While it is a skill a child will also develop as she grows, the ability to understand, express and cope with these emotions need to be nurtured throughout early childhood by parents.
The first step in this direction involves getting your child to accept her emotions and to start learning how to label them. For instance, you could say, “You look really thrilled”, after coming back from a visit to the zoo. Or when your child is upset, you could enquire, “You look sad, is something bothering you?”. Once your child learns to label her emotions, she will have the right words to describe how feels about them.
The advantages of teaching labelling skills and being present for your child are many. Suffice it to say, with free exchange and flow of emotions and information, communication becomes easier. The chances of misunderstanding are minimised. And the reasons for a child to act out her emotions to tell you how she is feeling disappear. Simple?
Other ways to be present for your child
Thoughts, feelings, actions. When you are with your child, never miss an opportunity to help replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This is also the best way to share with your child how thoughts, feelings and actions actually influence each other and show her how to help break the chain. Especially, after a traumatic event.
Sit down with her, make it a point to face her squarely and maintain eye contact. Tell her to take a deep breath, and repeat this exercise a couple of times. Once your child feels relaxed and comfortable, ask her about the event that made her feel so anxious or afraid.
Thoughts make feelings
Exploring her thoughts and feelings together is important. For instance, an event that was upsetting. This may have been a test your child prepared for and didn’t get the results she wanted. This made your child to conclude, “I am not good at anything. I’ll never get a star”.  She begins doubting her own abilities and begins to feel scared about future tests.
Feelings affect actions
When you ask your child what she did as a result of such thoughts, she might say that the next test is making her more anxious and is finding it more difficult to prepare for it. Thoughts about how bad she felt the last time keep coming back, making her put off studying altogether!
Actions influence thoughts
Ask your child: What if she thought about this event in a different way instead? Example: What if she decides to focus and prepare for the test? This way, instead of giving in to a situation, you are helping your child tackle the situation head-on. Get her to start thinking “I will keep trying until I do well. Earn my star!” This automatically sets in motion a chain of hope and positive thinking.
Remember, feeling let down or bad is completely normal. But, it’s important to remind your child that not every thought or feeling is necessarily true, even if it feels that way in the moment. It is always helpful to try and change the way we think about or react to events we encounter.
Go beyond just listening to your child
Express interest in what your child is saying. Whether it seems trivial or big should have any bearing. Listen with full attention, and observe her body language, actions, sounds and words carefully. By being present emotionally for your child, you are validating your child’s true feelings and your own responses.
It will be helpful to allow your child to talk freely about her feelings, like anger or wanting something so badly that she snatched it from her sibling’s hand. Ask what made her angry? Why didn’t she wait for her turn to come? Her answers will help you respond in a clear and positive way and allows you to set limits without sounding harsh.
Reflecting statements back to your child acknowledges and provides words to describe her feelings more accurately. Validating your child’s feelings is also extremely important because it tells your child that you care about how she feels deep inside.
Be an empathetic parent
To best meet and support your child’s emotions, be sympathetic, warm, accepting and curious. The more you lead with empathy, the more inspiring you become to your children.
As you are someone they trust, make it a point to overcome the barriers you may have of your own — busy schedules and daily office pressures. Commit to working tirelessly to help your children be happier, more resilient and more confident.
Be present to get your children through their daily adventures. Support self-expression throughout the day, through stories, painting and drawing, crafts, roleplay and general play. Encourage active physical movement and lots of opportunities for conversations.
As part of helping children to self-regulate and deal with emotions, it’s important to set expectations and boundaries for them. They need to understand the importance of following rules as it makes them more friendly, open and easy to play and talk to.
Finally, have fun. Help your children stay away from electronic devices. If that is not possible, minimize screentime, and remind your child about it on a daily basis. Get her to read books or paint or just doodle. If your child is very young, reading to her will expose her to a new world and stimulate her imagination.
Get her to be adventurous. Visit parks, galleries, and museums. Take her to concerts. Try out new ways to enjoy and turn these into unforgettable experiences. More importantly, be present while spending more time together. Remember, your time is hers to drive, and not the other way around!
This post originally published on MyGym Blogs
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sun-marie · 10 months
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Been replaying ME1 and I got slammed hard with Anderson/Shepard father/daughter feels 🥺
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catsauceeartofficial · 7 months
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Continuation of my AVA!Human designs!
Ever since I saw @navy-leader's Victim design, I literally cannot imagine Victim any other way 🧎
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I think its criminal I haven't seen any art of Blue with the Piglin kid. He'd babysit sometimes
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imthursdaysyme · 9 months
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Jonathan Byers,, its hard being a father brother parent at 17 ok
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lezzyart · 16 days
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it's getting hot here where I live jfc help i'm dying
bc of that I drew my OCs Celestine and Mendeleev in their summer getup (and they're on a date)!
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pinkcadavart · 2 months
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Y'know when people talk about characters they had crushes on growing up? Yeah.
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
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I feel like there should be a day of the year dedicated to remembering the animal buddies you’ve had and lost through the years
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evenceflux18 · 6 months
Imagine Sergei and Gardenia found their dad's old magazines picture
@artwritebeast their kids are gonna be like *dread* until they noticed that it was their Dad if it wasn't for the signature and name plastered on the magazine😂
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And I get the feeling that Coraline would the one to hide all those magazines in which Wybie didn't even know that she did😂😂
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shadowmaat · 11 months
What "I don't know" means
I don't know the answer to your question.
You've reframed the question, but I still don't know the answer.
I could probably figure out the answer but I don't consider it important enough to try.
I know the answer, but I can't explain it in a way you'd understand.
I know the answer and could probably explain it but I'm too tired.
I've told you the answer multiple times, but you keep reframing the question to try and get the answer you want.
I've told you the answer multiple times in the past, but you keep forgetting so it isn't worth the energy.
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gootube · 7 months
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dumb horses
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sillycoloredcereal · 9 months
seems to affect me differently each year.
the last month of summer,
the last month of constant warmth,
the month i grow one year older.
this time, i’ll be an adult.
i’m my parents last baby.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the latest Lonely Children post got quite long, so I'm tagging you both in a new post <3
This could be the point where William tries getting Evan fully on his side, but I like to think that even though he'd trusted the creepy rabbit man over the Fragment, Evan wasn't oblivious to the red flags.... And since Glitchtrap has William's arrogance, he severely underestimates both Evan's intelligence and his willpower. This could lead to Evan learning the truth of who was behind the endless nightmare.
@dire-kumori Evan noticing the red flags!! YESS GOOD FOR HIM! He's been through so much at this point and he SO needs that win (though, i can't help but wonder what Evan thinks of the Fragment after learning the truth about Glitchtrap. Does he realize the Fragment is, at heart, a force of good that Glitchtrap wants to get rid of? Does he assume the Fragment is another one of Glitchtrap's creations put here to trick and manipulate him? Does Evan's fear of it, plus witnessing the Fragment manipulating Vanessa, lead Evan to think of it as more of an "enemy of my enemy is my ally" thing?)
And I also love the thought of Evan trying his hardest to save this kid and just failing at every turn because Michael refuses to leave this awful place [Circus Baby's]. He's certain that something much, much worse will happen if he tries running away from his 'punishment' (even if he doesn't exactly remember what he's being punished for) but he's nonetheless willing to help guide them through the level towards the exit. He's been around long enough that he knows every nook and cranny of this place ("don't go left; that way's the scooping room") and is able to get them out quickly enough. - Dire
Gregory: what's so bad about the scooping room? I could go for some ice cream...
I think another layer that makes Michael refusing to be saved even more heartwrenching is that, once the two of them get their memories back, Mike remembers just how crushing and soul-destroying it was to try saving Evan over and over only to fail and watch his little brother be torn apart so many times. Foxybro obviously doesn't (consciously) remember this, but once he gets his memories back, maybe he's left with the horrible realization that by refusing to be saved, he left Evan subject to the same torment he lived through for so long (not being able to save your brother). He's horrified that, even after everything, he still managed to find yet another way to hurt his little brother (me too, Mike; I have NO idea how you two manage to find new ways to hurt each other with every post and au I see from others or make myself. You'd think you'd run of ways eventually.)
Even when Gregory forcibly drags them both out of Circus Baby's and even before fully getting his memories back, all that self-hatred and self-doubt and the "emotional imprints" left inside him from not being able to save his little bro no matter what he does, just leads him straight back to Glitchtrap. So horribly ironic that he's the one to get completely suckered in; I have no idea what horrors Glitchtrap would have in store for him, but hopefully Gregory and Evan would manage to pull off a rescue mission (and yell at Mike for doing something so stupid.... and let their "little brother" know that they don't care whether he makes the right decisions all the time. They just want him THERE).
This whole time, I’ve been imagining [Mike/Fragment] as the age when his first little sibling was born (be that either Evan or Elizabeth, take your pick) the age where he became a big brother. He’s still so, so little, but has this new, sudden responsibility that he doesn’t quite understand.
@honey-bunnysaurus I am feeling so Reasonable and Normal about the Fragment manifesting as the same age he was when he became a big sibling for the first time. I don't have words for how beautifully painful that is; he is way too young for this really big responsibility that he doesn't understand, AND he's being given a chance to try being a good big brother (well... little brother) again on so many different levels, especially when you incorporate Dire's idea that he constantly flips between ages depending on his mental state. Mike's the one who "faded" inside the Endless Nightmare, too unsure of his place or purpose or ability to save Evan to hold himself together, so it makes sense that he'd be so fragile and unstable in this digital world. Maybe as Mike gets more and more sure of himself and his place with his new brothers, his form becomes gradually more and more stable; or, maybe it's a comfort in and of itself to Foxybro that he can flip between ages and just be himself without the fear of responsibility or judgement or messing up that made him feel the need to hide and be someone something/else even before the Bite.
Gregory still calls him tiny even when Fragment Mike reaches his teenage stage, just because it annoys Mike.  - Honey
Oh for sure. Gregory has an unending supply of nicknames that are some variation of "little bro" and "little guy." Does the use of these nicknames lead to noogie-ing when Mike is in his teenage, or maybe even young adult, form? Absolutely. But Gregory has Goldie on his side, too; they outnumber Foxybro, and Gregory is more than willing to play dirty. Just imagine Foxybro giving Gregory a noogie, Goldie tickling Foxybro to try making him let go, and finally Gregory slams his foot into the back of Foxybro's knee and the three of them collapse into a giggling pile of sibling antics on the ground as they bicker with each other.
Maybe they’d cycle through a bunch of names like the fandom does for him; Chris, Norman, Cassidy, Jeremy, so on and so forth. - Dire
i LOVE that. Maybe Gregory throws out a couple names for Ev soon after they first meet, but Evan quietly says he doesn't know if he likes any of them. So, Gregory decides not to ask Evan if he likes the names but to randomly call Evan whatever names he thinks of and sees how his new friend reacts (I imagine a lot of these new names Gregory thinks of are actually popular memes from 2035, or whenever you think SB takes place). Despite Gregory being able to call him 15 different names in the span of five minutes, his new friend still doesn't seem to latch onto any of the ideas, though (some ideas are so bad that his new friend can't help but wrinkle his nose or stick his tongue out at them). Maybe after an exasperatingly long time of trying to find a name, they finally decide Gregory will call Evan Him (capitalization included) and Evan will call himself Me (as reference to Golden Freddy's IT'S ME IT'S ME IT'S ME). It still doesn't quite suit Evan, no, but it's better than nothing... until Evan finds the golden Fredbear plush. It's a major relief to both of them when Gregory looks between the plush and his new friend and the nickname "Goldie" slips from Gregory's smiling lips.
#i keep thinking how funny it is that ev and mike are trapped in this digital world but gregory is just playing a video game#the three of them are in a really stressful situation when gregory's parents/beta testing supervisors/guardians/whoever#scream at him to get out of the game for a few minutes#gregory has to shoot ev and mike a ''this is so embarrassing. sorry about this'' look before he disappears entirely as he#takes off the headset. ev and mike sit there awkwardly waiting for him to come back#unless ofc glitchtrap is keeping gregory locked inside the game somehow#or even the fragment's fiddling could be keeping gregory locked in on accident#also HAH gregory calling mikey 'crybaby'#crybaby complains and goldie is like well it's better than Him/Me#crybaby just pouts in response#and it's so funny to think about canon vanessa complaining about having to raise chaotic gregory and freddy robo duo#then she gets a glimpse into this vanessa's life#sees this vanessa struggling to raise the absolute messy trio that is gregory and two ghost boys (one of which#keeps flipping his ages) and canon vanessa is like ykw. maybe my life isn't THAT weird.#it'd be especially weird for vanessa if Fox occasionally changes into a young adult form#a form close to her own age#i don't think michael would use that form very much tbh#if his teenage form is a reminder of the guilt he faced over the bite‚ then his young adult form#is a reminder of all that guilt AND the crippling isolation as he lost all his friends and got scooped#and lost his family and failed liz and--#ykw i'll stop talking now#also i tried doing a little bit of research to see where ev might find the golden fredbear plushie in the game#i watched a few minutes of someone playing through the night terrors level and messing around at the prize counter#(the two places i thought we'd be most likely to see a fredbear plush)#but there didn't really appear to be one in either of those locations#so i'm not sure where goldie finds his namesake#i suppose that's something we'll have to take creative liberties with and make up for ourselves#lonely children au#michael afton#evan afton
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citrispace · 11 months
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Continuing my accidental tradition of forgetting about mermay until the last minute 🐟💙🦈
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People out in the wild calling Mycroft a DILF and I’m here approximately the same age as he was pre-timeskip just like...
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love my own like theatrical relationship to shakespeare which is a) being so slow to realize like "oh, i've loved theatre? everyone doesn't just feel this way & go 'of course acting onstage would fucking kick ass' & adore rehearsals and hanging around backstage and in greenrooms and changing and performing & etc?' never really occurred to me" and b) my response to most encounters w/shakespeare being "wha" when it comes to anything granular yet the relevance still in the spirit of things lol
namely one prominent example being i was an on campus college student where said campus has a shakespearean theater literally three blocks away, and we had like a freshmen orientation weekly class there doing shit with actors and checking out the theater, not to mention like punchcards to see four shows free (to write up about afterwards but yeah sure whatever) and this wherein also you always got student discount tickets And there were pwyw performances....kicked ass. i went there for shows so many times. i have never fucking known what tf is going on in any of the like dozen shows i saw there when a) audio processing can be tricky enough for real life modern vernacular parsing and b) sure am not used to ye old very stylized language nor any other qualities of shakespearean material so lots of times when i finally started to kind of acclimate to the language it would be like "oh wait that was the conclusion? ok. hoorayyyyy" like also c) You Have A Great Time Seeing Shakespeare Productions Anyways like again i loved going anytime. it's Theatrical and if people are just putting their damn backs into delivering and performing the material it's An Experience even if you're really not following lmfao. and i suppose one can read the text / familiarize oneself beforehand
also like my first and really one of my only like regular theatre performing experiences was my literature class in fourth grade doing a few scenes from julius caesar. i was so hype for getting cassius like one of the most prominent roles? a guy? an antagonist if you're caesar or dante??? oh Fuck yes. b/c of technical difficulties we got to perform it twice in a row when we did a field trip to some other school to perform our respective [scenes from various shakespeare plays] altogether. even back then i was way into it and cared about stuff like "we have like no Effects to make it that dramatic when we kill caesar. or like, non silent. bit awkward" and "also i like, don't know how to act and am just winging it. and of course, i'm also like 9" like in theory i do like to know How to do something vs trying to make it up myself. somewhat lol. a balance, who can argue w/that
beyond that there's also lots of things i just didn't quite realize "counted" lmfao like, when you're a theatre gay with a parent req'ing you go to church every week but you have a good time being in the choir....i was sure on those tenor harmonies & singing loud. and going relatively often to various live theatrical events, having an engaging enough time there, but also would've assumed anyone would be into it And that that's not really the same as actually being in them, of course. but that most of my firsthand experience was just sticking w/ballet for like a decade, and kind of live theatrical performance adjacency there. don't say shit, for years was effectively just like, an ensemble for the occasional performances, but even then it's like hoorayyy i Love rehearsing and being onstage and backstage and dealing w/costumes and coordination behind the scenes and shit. and eventually being like, a distinct individual character in shows, so despite again nobody saying shit you're still somewhat interpreting and doing whatever character work while also enjoying the bennies of [it's dance, so also it's choreographed]....even more clear like oh i love backstage and rehearsing and behind the scenes and onstage and putting together stage character makeup, and i don't mind tackling technical difficulties, and etc etc. didn't even necessarily have the reference like, idk, wouldn't / doesn't everyone feel similarly. classic ye old memory of like being idfk 7 or some shit simply getting to walk with classmates behind a backdrop to the opposite wing of a stage, and loving that lmao. combines a love for [backstage] and [secret passages] type deal lol, big fan of these elements
also in 7th grade doing a theatre/drama class for a few months and we couldn't really get like all this in depth extensive stuff b/c you know, intro course for like 8 weeks for rando middle schoolers, but idk it was just illustrative lmao like after julius caesar, us slapping together some kind of script and my getting to be this fun little theatrical(tm) antagonist guy again? feedback was "what was supposed to be happening" but could've stood to have learned that the enthusiasm and affinity i felt for acting onstage was perhaps indicative of enthusiasm and affinity for acting onstage rather than just, idk, the exact kind of baseline experience any & everyone would have lol. not that i would've necessarily had the chance to really do anything with that knowledge, but even now, ofc i don't particularly anticipate getting to use it, but it's great having that knowledge like ohhh i see. the entire time i've been huge into doing theatre with all these kind of adjacent & gently overlapping brushes with it. gotcha
#an issue with Figuring Out What I Like or Trying New Things; a) having to be driven everywhere#b) just not safe to be open with ''this is something i like doing''#c) things being worse for like [i like doing this performance i don't like that parents are in the audience / involved]#didn't try out for anything in middle school b/c a) nervous. no experience; it's middle school. i don't have a great time w/Peers.#b) i'd have to let parents know i was doing that / they would then be involved; & see it....puts a real damper on things#didn't try out for anything in college b/c by then it's like. i Really have no experience lmao even if i could do this myself#kind of only deterred by my same age roommate being A Theatre Person with that prior experience lol....#but then Shakespeare Theater Company Proximity & Everyone Getting Introduced Via That Class / another kind of tangential theatre experience#hell yes....thank you for all that you did. dunno what's going on in there but you truly have a great time#even just Readings are fun but again people Gotta put their back into it or it does become like [zzz]#anyways and in this day and age....would still like to have actual acting instruction. all an abstract idea. but i for sure Like To Know.#the Ideas / Knowledge of oneself & like ''oh that's smthing i super like actually'' or what all i'd even theoretically like to do / have...#value in such things. i love to Know i think it would be cool to have like a buttonsy digital / calculator type wristwatch too. e.g.#and for real besides me talking about myself the advice is yeah go to a fun shakespeare production#''knowing what the hell is actually going on'' is Not a priority / requirement. it'll be an enjoyable experience still#oh and i did have an achievement in having A Fan once lol. when i started getting standalone roles vs [class ensemble in the back] at one#point i got to have a cats (jellicle) inspired like purple sparkly arms/legwarmered elaborate facemakeupped role; fun in & of itself#but whomsoever came to this little like middle/highschoolers community production included some absolute randos i encountered in the hall#after whatever show where this like 8 yr old kid's dad was like ''she's your (the role) biggest fan can we get a pic''#like Of Course....so i pose with said kid. hell yeah babey i'm An Actor with A Role lol....fr it was fun so#even illuminating to piece together my affinity / comfort for concepts & zones like things Behind The Scenes / hidden or secret / Nighttime#being backstage or behind the backdrop to get to another wing or hanging out in an effective greenroom w/amicable parties & our roles....#oh and that naturally the abstract concept of acting has just always seemed fun. and not like that strange or difficult#someone talking abt being autistic & learning like ''oh having friends Isn't supposed to feel like you have to constantly be performing?''#like yeah same up til recent history lmao like. lot of ways to simply already have a bit of organic training in acting lol#would still want some more actual training though lol like how do you do this shit Actually....got the essentials in fourth grade (be loud)#fr we didn't have mics of course so it was all just up to us to say our lines loud enough. couldn't actually hear other scenes [pensive]
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