#parasitic infection
ruthimages · 8 months
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hopkinrx · 11 months
Schistosomiasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment 1
IntroductionWhat is Schistosomiasis?Types of Schistosomiasis Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma haematobium Schistosoma japonicumTransmission of SchistosomiasisLife Cycle of Schistosoma ParasitesSymptoms and Complications of SchistosomiasisRisk FactorsDiagnosis of SchistosomiasisTreatment of SchistosomiasisGeographic DistributionPrevention and Control MeasuresPublic Health EffortsThe Impact of…
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24x7pharma · 1 year
This medication is one of the most popular and effective drugs for curing various parasitic infections in the human body. It belongs to the group of anthelmintic medicine group, which deals with all sorts of diseases.
Doctors usually prescribe Ivermectin if the parasitic attack is severe, and the prescription guides the patient about the intake quantity. The dose quantity is significant as less dose quantity can be useless.
The medication is effective if the parasitic attack has started affecting the body, mainly if the symptoms of eggs appear. Iverheal Ivermectin 12 mg is not that effective against adult parasitic attacks.
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advrik · 2 years
Books of the Year | 2022 Edition
I read a lot of books this year. Way more than on average. Partially thanks to a sudden overwhelming interest in the body horror genre, which I CAN link back to John Carpenter's 'The Thing' as being my favorite horror movie. I just love the concept of microscopic terrors getting into the living and turning them into horrific monstrosities.
As of the time of the first draft of this post (12.5), I had read a total of 15 books this year, with the 16th less than a hundred pages away from wrapping up. And while I don't think I'll be edging any more in that would make this list, I felt comfortable in compiling my thoughts of my Top Five for the year 2022.
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I had the Kingkiller books recommended to me multiple times throughout the years, but I just never got around to it until a co-worker gave me a few books that she didn't want anymore, one of which was the sequel and the novella. This had finally sparked the fire beneath me and I went out and bought The Name of the Wind shortly after.
And you know what? It is absolutely a must-read for fantasy fans. Heck, the school and emphasis on social links should put it on Persona fans' radars as well.
Rothfuss is a word wizard. The way that he writes is, to be frank, beautiful. Many times did I find myself re-reading whole pages just to fully absorb what he had written.
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I ended up picking up several books that were recommended to me based on my interest in parasitic-induced body horror. Most were good at best, while the rest were absolute filth (Scott Sigler and his Infected trilogy), it was Nick Cutter's 'The Troop' that stood out amongst the gross-out horror selection this year.
What Cutter delivered here was something very much akin to a Stephen King production, only it came at you much quicker than some of the long-winded tomes that King puts out. The violence was intense, the gore plentiful and the story fast-paced.
Without spoiling it, the interlude chapter that gave some background on the whole mess, the infected chimp and the following documentation of its horrific death from the second it was infected to the second it breathed its last breath was the type of horror that I had been looking for and will continue to look for.
Needless to say, however, if you are squeamish and/or are sensitive to violence against animals, steer clear of this one.
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If you're a creature-feature fanatic like myself, you've likely read one of Hunter Shea's books and you either loved it or you hated it.
I personally love his work as it's fast-paced, violent, and filled with cryptids.
But if you're of the latter and have not found much enjoyment in Shea's bread and butter, I suggest picking up 'Creature'. Now I'm not going to lie and say that it doesn't have any of the quality and monstrous charm that Shea is known for, but it IS a different beast from his normal output and one that DEFINITELY is not for the squeamish as the main character deals with a very real auto-immune disease that results in some horrific descriptions that had me clenching up on numerous occasions.
You really do end up feeling for the protag in this, you sympathize with her husband and can't help but commend his dedication to her. That's pure love, man, which was EXTREMELY refreshing to see in a book like this.
But again going back to the torture porn aspect of the book, the actual monster is hardly the most gruesome aspect of the book, and that is absolutely saying something when it's a Hunter Shea book.
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For years I've dreamed of a piece of zombie fiction that not only detailed the very chaotic beginnings of a zombie apocalypse in a realistic manner but also followed through to the very end while showing the collapse of the planet in between.
And The Living Dead delivered on that in more ways than I had imagined.
Now why The Living Dead is so high up on the list (It was originally #1) is because it's the Romero brand of zombie story; It has all his usual criticism of society at play, from consumerism to political and racial strife. It's all here and presented in a way that any fan of the Romero zombie flicks could immediately pick out. And for the real eagle-eyed reader and film connoisseur, there are references to particular places and events from the movies, though they are by no means pivotal to the stories being told within the book.
By the time the final pages flash by my eyes, I felt complete. That the story that George Romero started in Night of the Living Dead had finally seen a conclusion, even though it occurred years after his death. I was very much satisfied with how the ending came about, and just about every eventual happening along the way.
Honorable Mention:
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The Shadow Glass from Josh Winning was a SUBSTANTIAL surprise to me when I stumbled across it while browsing the shelves at Barnes & Noble. It was accompanied by one of their hand-written placards that said "For fans of 80s dark fantasy like The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth", and since The Dark Crystal is one of my favorite movies, period, I snatched the book up and began reading it before I even got out of the store.
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Oh boy. I was not prepared for this in the slightest.
I had this book recommended to me based on a request for Final Fantasy-like novels, and man did it deliver in spades on that front.
The Band, Book 1 is what I imagined the offspring would look like if Final Fantasy and Monty Python's Holy Grail had a child that grew up listening to rock & roll music from the 1960s and 1970s.
The characters are all extremely loveable despite being jaded middle-aged men. The fantasy elements more than makeup for the greater lack of it in modern fantasy following A Song of Ice and Fire's rise to popularity. Magic is plentiful, and monsters are everywhere, in every shape and size. There's no skimping on the fantasy elements at all, and I think that even before the hilarious dialogue and actions of the main band, were what kept me reading.
When I read epic fantasy, I want fantasy. Political strife is fine, but if that's ALL I'm going to be offered with the occasional reference to a dragon or some other common fantasy beastie, then you're not writing a book for fantasy readers. At least, that's how I feel about it. Warring kings are no different to me than a book/movie set in the modern day where two countries at going at each other's throats. It's not interesting, particularly BECAUSE it's constantly happening in the real world, and I read fantasy to escape this nonsense, not indulge in it.
And Nicholas Eames understands that.
I really was not expecting to read such a heavy hitter so deep into the year, but I'm glad I did because I can't stop thinking about the world within, nor can I wait to read the second (and eventual third!) book.
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Human Biospecimens for Parasitology Research
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What are parasitic infections? 
Parasites are tiny organisms that survive in the body of other organisms such as animals, birds, and humans. Some parasites can grow, reproduce and invade the host body causing parasitic infections that can even be life-threatening. Nevertheless, not all parasites are infectious. For decades, parasitic infections have been the leading cause of mortality worldwide, particularly in middle-and low-income countries. It affects people of all ages and genders, raising serious public health issues. Therefore, the public health department has to take immediate measures to contain the spread of infections to other people and to eradicate the infection.
How are parasitic infections spread?
The major transmission route of parasitic diseases is eating undercooked or raw meat or fish. Also, some infections can spread to humans through direct or close contact with animals, birds, or their excreta. Furthermore, parasitic infections get transmitted through the bite of insects such as mosquitos, ticks, flies etc.
What are the types of parasitic infections?
Parasitic diseases are predominantly caused by three organisms: protozoa, helminths and ectoparasites.  Following are the primary parasitic diseases in humans.
Protozoal infections: Malaria, cryptosporidiosis, amoebiasis, leishmaniasis, giardiasis, and trympanosomiasis (Chagas disease)
Helminths infection: Ascariasis, enterobiasis, and trichuriasis Ectoparasitic diseases: Scabies, pediculosis, Filariasis, and Lyme disease.
Explore Our Extensive Inventory of Human Parasitic Disease Biospecimens.
In parasitology, a detailed study of the human specimen collected from the patients helps to understand the parasite biology and the pathogenesis of parasite diseases. Bringing biosamples together to lead research, Central BioHub offers thousands of high-quality human biospecimen collected from patients diagnosed with different parasitic infections such as Malaria, Lyme disease, Worm infestation, Filariasis, Toxoplasmosis, Leishmaniasis, Ascariasis, and Chagas disease. The samples are cautiously screened for disease-specific antibodies and are immediately available for purchase through Central BioHub’s online marketplace. Check out their product page here to know more about the samples and ordering process: https://centralbiohub.de/biospecimens/parasitology
Since 2017, Central BioHub has had a track record of supplying high-quality human biospecimens to various research organizations, and pharmaceutical, biotech, and diagnostic companies located in all six continents. By connecting biobanks to the global research community, Central BioHub ensures hassle-free online procurement of research samples. Hurry up! Experience the simplified digital pathway to access millions of human biospecimens.
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stlhandyman · 2 years
nobulart channel
here is my suggested reading for the week: Scotty
The Aug Tellez Collection on nobulart.com
1. The AI Vampire https://nobulart.com/the-ai-vampire/
2. The Parasitic Infection https://nobulart.com/the-parasitic-infection/
3. The Bigger Picture https://nobulart.com/the-bigger-picture/
4. The Soul Trading System https://nobulart.com/the-soul-trading-system/
5. Interdimensional Parasites & Child Abuse https://nobulart.com/interdimensional-parasites-child-abuse/
6. The Hive, Parasitic Soul Stealing & The Supercomputer Demiurge https://nobulart.com/the-hive-parasitic-soul-stealing-the-supercomputer-demiurge/
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sweeetestcurse · 4 months
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David Dastmalchian as Bob Taylor
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 4 months
by Victor Maristane
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maburito · 3 months
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dungeonrabbits · 2 months
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i think bout this panel alot and how chilchuck was the only one not surprised overall, in fact, exasperated. did laios show him his 'super cool original monster do not steal™' before? just how much has laios told chilchuck bout his history and interests and vice verse.
laios never shows any particular surprise bout the information (besides the age thing and even then was tactful) we find out bout chilchuck later on too. and while the half-foot claims the party "keeps personal history private" there must be more going on here if laios of all people is allowed to call chilchuck 'chil', y'know?
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tumbly-s · 4 months
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Trigun body horror week day 3 — LUNGS
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pistachi0art · 4 months
bro I told you that horrors beyond your comprehension pussy was not worth it‼️
bonuses 😘
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silly-stings · 2 months
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urghhh BLOWS UP!!!!!!
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ask-dadpleasant · 26 days
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kiwuro · 16 days
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something is really off..
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doodlefartzz · 3 months
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