#papyrus gets inspired by asks
hey wait papyrus shouldn't be in area 51-
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Wait, what??
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slfcare · 2 years
 ﹟random get-to-know-me ask game  !! 
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
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feralbutfluffy · 7 months
Interstitial: The Library of Alexandria
Instead of a chapter, today there's a one-shot inspired by chapter 59.
Crowley watched Aziraphale as he ran his finger lightly over the scrolls, looking for something in particular. He didn’t ask what it was he was searching for. 
He didn’t really care. 
He sat on the floor, ignoring whatever was digging into his shoulder. Something old and terrifyingly valuable, no doubt. 
He sighed and took a swig from the jar of wine in his hand. “You going to be much longer?”
Aziraphale frowned at him. “You don’t have to be here, you know.”
Crowley grumbled something indecipherable and took another swig.
“It wouldn’t kill you to help, you know,” Aziraphale said, irritation clipping his words. “We’d be finished quicker if you would just-”
“You’d be finished quicker,” said Crowley.
Aziraphale glared at him from underneath his eyelashes. “Well, yes, but it hardly signifies. It comes down to the same thing, surely? The sooner I find the scroll the sooner we can break for lunch.”
“I fail to see the incentive. I’ll remind you that you’re the one who’s been banging on about that fish thing since we ran into each other this morning.”
“Be that as it may-”
“Anyway, helping you would be against my job description, wouldn’t you say?” Crowley crinkled his nose. “Bit unprincipled from a demonic perspective, to be helping your lot with… whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I assure you this is entirely personal,” sniffed Aziraphale.
“Be that as it may…” imitated Crowley, his tone entirely mocking.
Aziraphale shot him an annoyed look and crouched to examine the shelves at Crowley’s feet. 
Crowley took another swig and let out a deeply contented sigh. There was nothing like needling the angel to brighten his day. He let his shoulders fall back against the scrolls, enjoying the satisfyingly soft crunch of crumpling papyrus and the equally satisfying look of horror on the angel’s face at the sound.
“Crawley!” He hissed, sounding appalled. If they hadn’t been in a library Crowley imagined it would probably have been an indignant shout.
“It’s Crowley now,” he reminded him blandly.
Aziraphale hurried to his side, placing a hand against the dip at the base of his spine and sliding it up to his shoulders, neatly pulling him forward and away from the damaged scrolls behind him.
“You can’t do that! These scrolls are invaluable!”
Crowley ignored the strange prickling heat he felt at the angel’s touch.
“How do you know? You haven’t even looked at them yet, they could be…” he scrambled, “... a painstaking account of someone’s dreams! Or the ramblings of a madman! Honestly, look at this place, it’s packed to the gills with scrolls. They can’t all be important.”
“This is the finest collection of written material in the world, Craw- Crowley. Of course they’re all important!” Aziraphale was still supporting Crowley’s back with one arm as the fingers of the other smoothed out the creases in the scrolls behind him. 
Crowley gave no sign of intending to support his own body weight.
“Move,” Aziraphale said commandingly, shoving him upright. Crowley bounced forward, head falling against his chest, looking like a puppet with cut strings. He sat like that for a moment, listing forward, as he listened to the soothing sound of the angel putting everything to right. He wondered if Aziraphale might touch him again if he lay back and crumpled more scrolls.
He might.
Or he might discorporate him for crimes against papyrus.
He put the jar to his lips and drank deeply. Wine. What a marvellous discovery. It was the only good thing to come out of that whole mess with Noah. The rainbow- 
Well, the rainbow was fine, he supposed. But the wine …!
Truthfully, he’d needed it to get over that atrocity. He couldn’t understand how Aziraphale had managed to take it so in stride. The cries, the bloated bodies, the smell… He shuddered and swallowed down a large gulp of wine.
“I know I’ve already told you-” started Aziraphale at the sound of the wine sloshing against the side of the jar. 
“Yes, yes, shouldn’t drink in the library-” mumbled Crowley, waving the jug in front of him at the same time as Aziraphale continued, “You really shouldn’t drink in the library. What if you spill it?”
Crowley tried to look offended. “As if I would! Nectar of the Gods, lest you forget,” he said pointing at the jar.
“There is only one God as you very well know,” said Aziraphale primly, kneeling to face Crowley. “I’d thank you to refrain from such blasphemy when you find yourself in my company.” He looked extremely disapproving, hands folded in his lap, a frown etched on his face as he eyed the jar in Crowley’s hand.
He could be so sanctimonious sometimes. It really was unbearable.
Continue reading....
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trashisstillhere · 28 days
Some Ninja Randy related art I just wanted to post right now. But it’s not just the og, but some different versions of him that I had made long time ago and decided to try drawing again today!
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Oh boy, I haven’t thought of these guys in a very long time until now. Some of you who has seen some art from both my old account and the old ones in this account may know of them (expect for Bad Ending!Randy, I never really showed him, I think). And yes, I will kinda explain each one of them since the rest of you probably don’t know about them at all so here we go.
1. Evil! Randy
an evil version of Randy, with all the chaos pearls in his disposal now that the sorcerer is fully gone. And no, not in the way like in the season 2 finale but like…well.. let’s just say, he’s still trapped.
staying in the now abandoned norrisville high school (what happen to everyone in there? No body knows), Evil! Randy is mostly alone by himself, plotting and thinking about what to do next now that everything with him has changed.
If he ever does get a visitor in the school, he seems quite calm and wise towards them, showing them around and even asking them for favours to help him a little around the place, give him company as he haven’t had some in so long…..but don’t be fooled. Remember, those green orbs corrupts whoever has them and this Randy is no different.
Howard’s and the Nomicons whereabouts in this au? currently unknown.
The only new thing about him right now are those few green glowing cracks on his suit and all, I thought those would look cool on him.
2. Horror! Randy
Now you can easily find this guys story and first drawings of him on my account. Just click on the Rc9gn tag while staying on my account, scroll far down and you’ll find it. Easy peasy. But if you’re too lazy, I’ll give you a short(er) and quick version.
This Randy’s story takes place back in season 1, right after he just became the ninja and a few days passed. He meets some evil spirit who takes a form of a ninja and tricks him into thinking that it’s from the nomicon and that there’s people who are monsters in disguise’s that he has to ‘get rid of’. Because of this along with illusions from the spirit to make it more believable, he ends up killing lots of innocents, even Howard which he immediately feels tons of regret and guilt for.
At the end, Randy becomes a lonely mess, a lost cause, a paranoid psycho ninja who now can’t tell the difference between an actual monster and a human thanks to the manipulation of the fake ninja spirit who is now suddenly gone along with the illusions.
Basically, this is a fucked up Randy who suffers a lot and is very lonely. He does kill though.
3. Disbelief! Randy
This Randy is kinda based on and inspired by the disbelief Papyrus Undertale Au. But instead of Papyrus with Sans jacket on, it’s the poor ninja boy with Howard’s. Most of this one is just Randy wearing the only thing he has left of his dead friend, trying to avenge him. Who or what got Howard killed? From what I remember (I never wrote any of these guys stories down) it was Mcfist and Viceroy, it was an accident with a robot of theirs. They never meant to have it kill the guy but it just…happen.
Damn, I have two au’s where Howard is dead. Good lord-
4. Bad Ending! Randy
One I have never shown here before.
This was first a ‘what if’ thing. Like what if at the season 2 finale, in the battle between the sorcerer and Randy, it ended up terribly wrong? With Julian and Howard coming in too late, The sorcerer successfully stabs Randy deeply in the chest, making him be the one to lose and slowly die. The last things he got to see and hear at the end is a concerned Julian, a devastated crying Howard and the laughter of his enemy in the background.
After dying with one last breath, Randy ends up in a void. A blank, white, empty void with no one else but him, who is now mostly black and white, expect for the bleeding wound on his chest, a painful reminder of his defeat. Well, the nomicon is with him. However, he can’t communicate with it anymore.
Why? Because the book, that is also lost of color like the boy, seems to be corrupted. Not like evil corruption but just some kind of corruption that keeps it shut and quiet, no glowing, no beeps, nothing, having this sort of ink all over the cover that never stops dripping and keeps its pages sticky and shut tight.
Randy doesn’t understand this and the place he is stuck in but all he does know is he can’t get help anymore and he can���t even get to see what is going on in his home right now, though he assumes that it’s now slowly turning into a chaotic wasteland thanks to the sorcerer. All he can do now is cry and cry, mumbling to himself and getting mad at himself for losing so easily like that, probably even developing self hatred in the process.
There is actually some continuation i made for this with a good ending, where Randy somehow is able to fix the Nomicon, get out of the endless white void, get revived, reunite with Howard along with many others and finally defeat the sorcerer once and for all. Though that one never got finished and from what I remember, it’s not really canon and not a true ending to this au so….oops.
But yeah, these are my Randy Au’s. There is kinda a few more but not really.
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zarla-s · 9 months
Man it's been a long time since I've done an ask cluster! Let's see if I can get some down...
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He's an extremely fun character to write for and play with! So in that sense I'm fond of him, haha. He's such a huge disaster of a person, there's always something fun to do with him. Well "fun" in a relative sense.
I don't have anything to forgive him for, he didn't hurt me. |D He hurt the brothers!
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I do have an idea for a cute feature inspired by Six-Eared Macaque! I should really sit down and do that already... and finish the one I half started but never finished...
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I don't think my opinion on any of them changed! I love them all, haha. Which ones I drew comics about just depends on which ones I get ideas for really. Sometimes I get Alphys ideas and sometimes I get Goatparents ideas! Inspiration is fickle!
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I don't have any solid plans or anything. :B Just gonna keep chugging along with silly comics and art! Work on Defrag and such. I'd like to finish a Ladyverse comic I've had lying around forever, and I had vague plans for doing a doujin for them too I could work on... and also seeing if I could format Handplates into a book format... I've always got a bunch of projects, haha.
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It works on that level! It wasn't intentional though. |D
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I do enjoy speculation! I don't really have much of my own though, I didn't predict anything in chapter 2 so now I'm assuming I can't predict anything in the future chapters either, haha.
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Emesis Blue is great! Some really beautiful visuals in there, very striking! Love the mood of it too and a lot of the surreal imagery. I think it helped spur me back into TF2 again, haha. Medic and Scout's relationship was so cute.
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I have thought about this! It has its share of challenges though... I outlined them more in this post. A pdf would be more doable though... could even include some extra stuff as well! Hmm...
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I can see that! He'd probably spend as much time out in the rain as he could just doing whatever to stay outside.
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It was pretty much always going to end like that. I always wanted it to end on a hopeful note! Which might seem weird with how dark it is at the beginning. I DID for a brief period at the very beginning of Handplates think about stopping with the Pacifist run, but that was only because I thought going where I wanted to go would take too long and already the project seemed so dauntingly huge at the time, haha. But it was always going to end in a positive way!
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Gaster talks about what he originally intended to create here, and he explains a bit about the physical experiments he runs on the brothers here. They aren't really a solution in and of themselves so much as tools to try and find a way to break the barrier. Really though, Gaster got stuck in the sunk-cost fallacy lol.
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I don't really have opinions about what canon Gaster would be like. |D Handplates Gaster is his own thing really. Canon Gaster, who knows! Deltarune Gaster, who knows! I will say I hope Gaster stays a mystery in Deltarune and never actually shows up but I think the odds of that are really low at this point.
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I thought about doing a script along those lines! I did a few rough drafts of one, but it never really went anywhere... it'd end up dead-ending or kind of meandering off. I might see if I can get an actual script down for a side-comic or something in the future... it might be better suited for a fic.
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I was just thinking about this lately! I was picturing Gaster totally forgetting about that until he sees Papyrus squinting and is like OH GOD YOUR EYES THAT'S RIGHT D: and goes to get him looked at lol.
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I couldn't come up with a good idea for Flowey which is a shame, I do like him, haha. If one comes to me though I might make a little side comic about it!
Gaster's LV is complicated... his stats in-game are ludicrous if I recall correctly. Did he carry the damage from his murders into the void, even if those murders weren't his in the new timeline? Deep thoughts.
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He fed them anything he could find, haha. Which is why sometimes they just ended up with chocolate bars (which he intended as dinner for himself). He probably fed them more often than he fed himself lol. He did feed them fairly regularly though.
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Not about skeletons, probably. |D
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Man I know I had an explanation for this but it was so long ago... it's hard for me to remember. It could be that the Riverperson is just weird and has weird insight into elements of things, had a prophetic dream... I don't know! It bugs me now that I can't remember this, haha.
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smokbeast · 5 months
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before I start posting more merlot or answering asks I wanna show the reason that sassy bitch exists, this is Fraktur point, or frak. He’s his own undertale oc with my friend’s and that crazzee bastard made me cave to the swap fell and more JDMDMDM
He’s from an au called BETATALE, essentially the joke of it being. The beta version of undertale. Everything is relatively the same but with beta adjacents of undertale characters. In frak’s case, he is the “papyrus” variant, but also more. He is not a papyrus but inspired by one, he does not have a brother however.
he is a royal guardsman and was once an ex royal scientist with Dr.gaster, however you ask him about this he will not recall a word.
he loves jokes and making tamales! He’s a bit of a klutz and forgets things frequently. However tell him a pun joke or call a pig in a blanket a tamale and u will die.
he’s a bit of a nerd and kinda socially awkward as no one really tries to be friends with him. So when you talk to him he gets really loud and excited and then freaks out and becomes self conscious and walts away.
he had a wife, she died, he never once mentioned this to anyone. And pretends everything is fine…CONStantly
he is always smiling, but once you make him upset, that smile is gone
he is 5’8’
he doesnt like the stars on his head to be visible, only those close to him can see it.
frak has fire powers thanks to an experiment he got into. They can make him a lil nuts sometimes
frak has the power of SAVE and RELOAD, he can jump the multiverse and cause save points in case of emergencies or to travel. But he is cautious of this power as he knows it’s wildly abused in the multiverse.
merlot is his wife, that’s the girl boss, and Roman is his hubband, that’s his manlet
dark, dark and darker.
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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The full artwork from To The Bone Zine! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)☆
Underswap by popcornpr1nce
To be honest, I had this idea before the zine—even before I started drawing! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
I used to write a lot, and although those works didn't find public recognition, they're still dear to me ♡
Allow me to share the one this artwork was inspired by...
Getting on the moored boat, Papyrus looks up at the river person.
“Tra la la,” he finally says. “I hope you're not wasting my time.”
The skeleton clicks his tongue and looks away. Sure he knows a shortcut, but Papyrus has other intentions for this trip.
“Can't I have some family time?” he asks with a touch of irony.
The river man is silent, but this silence is, actually, enough.
“Tra la la,” he suddenly breaks it, and Papyrus hears a familiar note in his voice. “Your family stayed overboard.”
The skeleton smirkes. Sans doesn't have to know about his brother's sentimental impulses.
Papyrus hesitates before getting in the boat that is approaching the shore. He just can't find the strength to look up.
“Tra la la,” the river person hums dryly under his breath. “Now you're the elder.”
The skeleton clenches his fist with the blue scarf in it.
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under-lore · 8 months
It was strange to me that in-universe monsters who saw humans can't recognize frisk by apparence in the genocide route
Is there any explanation of that?
I get that probably is a reference about chara being soulless (since they definitely are with you in that route) and that the player is becoming a like Flowey but in-universe that's weird
Indeed, it is about Chara.
In all parts of the genocide route, there is a certain recurring theme regarding the way some monsters happen to describe Frisk. Even mentioning it as inhuman-like or failing to easily recognise them as such.
However, those instances are not so much tied to Frisk themself, but rather to the way their body is handled and behaves, which contrasts with what those monsters expect of a normal human behavior.
To be exact, the thing that makes monsters react that way is seeing Chara in control of Frisk's body in opposition to just Frisk themself (and the player, of course.) as Chara does not get so assertive in controlling Frisk in other routes.
For instance, Sans sees Chara controlling Frisk near the lamp. Papyrus sees it when Chara walks Frisk straight through the puzzles, Chara is in control when approaching Asgore, etc...
Papyrus is the one monster that actually elaborates just a little bit more in what seems to feel so wrong with the way Frisk's body is moving when Chara controls it :
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He describes it as "shambling about".
As Chara was only just very recently brought back to life by Frisk's side, it actually seems quite reasonable that Chara would not be very used to controlling Frisk's body yet. As such, their movements would appear to be somewhat sluggish, likely dragging their feet or with larger heavier steps. A way to walk that, although easier to control for Chara, simply looks really odd for say, the monsters.
The game only gives vague details on what the differences are depending on who controls the body, but those are at least noticeable enough to truly stand out.
They certainly look human, but the way they act does not feel very human or very, say, very "organic". To an outside observer, it just doesn't look right compared to how Frisk trods around when in full control of their own body.
In short, they just look a little bit weird and not all that human-like in a maybe even somewhat creepy manner. This sentence sums it up pretty well.
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As Sans put it, this description the game has implicitely made of it looks almost like something that's pretending to be human. Which seems to explain the strange lines in which monsters hesitate regarding Frisk's nature.
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If the concept is still difficult to grasp, you could potentially compare it to the way Kris moves at the end of the Deltarune chapters. While the situation is not quite the same between the two games, the way Kris moves in those cutscenes also kinda feels wrong, shambling about in a description not so different from the one Papyrus made.
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There is also another really clever side to this, the plural community, who reports experiences of bodysharing in real life, also claims that the other identities usually struggle to move the body on their own at first.
As the number of similarities between NarraChara and a plural system is already large enough by itself to suspect an intentional inspiration on Toby's part, It wouldn't be surprising for Papyrus' words here to have been a specific reference to that detail. In that case, Toby would have done his homework quite well.
Of course, there are plenty of other reasons to make those comments about Frisk's inhuman vibe be as specific as they are in the game, such as foreshadowing or potential hints at Chara's situation like you brought up. But those are out of the scope of the ask. From an in-world perspective, the main thing that causes this change appears to be tied to the times where Chara has control of the body.
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analexthatexists · 2 months
Jotting down my UTMV AU Ideas because of this guy
@idkhowtoread-ink you’ve inspired me now pay the price
No clue if ANY OF THESE can make canon sense but does it look like I care? Lemme have my fun.
The idea is simple. At least, I hoped it was. Rather than the artistic AUs, fanart, and creative writing side of the community, there was an Ink made for the musical side of the community, like the AMVs, themes, vocaloid covers and what not. I’m sure Ink probably looks over ALL of that junk already but let’s be honest when was the last time you saw him doing it? Yeah I didn’t think so. Ink could be an unfinished animation meme or a vocaloid AMV like that Spring Storm one and eventually find a way to leave it and probably protect YouTube or inspire creators or something, gaining access to all the other things and people on the platform. Error could even tag along as some sort of flawed copyrighting system using Error’s body as a means of moving around rather that being confined to STRINGS of text. (Don’t ask me how he does that I don’t know) He would recognize everything as copyrighted or plagiarism or something and try to destroy it without seeing the creativity and originality in the work. Their designs could be based off the AMVs or covers they came from with Ink being from whatever the hell and Error being from…idk, probably ECHO. I wonder if Inks outfit would depend on which videos and content he delves into almost like Hatsune Miku or other Vocaloid.
This one is just sad. A Dreamtale AU where, during a fight between Dream and Nightmare, Dream reaches out and gets a hold of Nightmare’s SOUL trying to uncorrupt it, sacrificing himself to be able to restore a part of the original Nightmare. Dream dies and the world is cast into absolute darkness, leaving Nightmare stranded in the cold world with nobody to seek comfort from, nobody to help him. Not anymore.
Random idea that I came up with after jokingly writing Nightmare getting drunk off of Ink’s vials. Would that actually work?What if the two got into such a dangerous fight that eventually Ink tried to teleport away but Nightmare lunges at him and two get their “goop” mixed together because Ink teleports via INK. And nightmare is made of a INK like substance. If Ink doesn’t instantly die from lead poisoning or something this mixing could mess up his brain while Nightmare just kind of shrugs it off and steals Ink’s vials. Ink would no longer need the vials and rely off Nightmare’s “blood” to feel real negative emotions, slowly craving the stuff more and more than his vials while Nightmare probably gets drunk off the vials or something and takes on Ink’s role. Error and Dream may have to team up to get them back to normal or at least try to.
So looking at this post made me consider something. What if Dream tried to eat the apples and yknow do what he did in the original AU, but due to the overwhelming and clashing natures of his apple and the dark ones he just…MELTED AND DIED IN FRONT OF NIGHTMARE. He doesn’t even corrupt or anything (well sort of) he just DISSOLVES ALIVE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Imagine trying to prove a point and failing THIS BADLY. Anyways, rather than Nightmare being haunted by his now corrupted brother, he’s just ACTUALLY HAUNTED. I was thinking this could be like Phantom Papyrus and Dust Sans and that this new “Dream” (going by Shattered) is just a horrible manifestation of this traumatic event. It’s design and personality wouldn’t be the EXACT same especially not the design (would look so much scarier) but it constantly make Nighty feel like garbage and all that. People like Swap and Ink would have to find and help Nightmare get past this trauma, where only then can he and his “brother” finally move on.
I know, we literally JUST went over an Evil Ink AU but hear me out. Wouldn’t he WANT a soul again? Idk if it’s possible for him to reabsorb and claim a soul, he probably can’t, but what if he COULD? He’d probably go nuts over Error’s or something. Just ANYTHING to fill that void other than his vials.
wow most of these ideas involve characters getting traumatized or turning evil. I ain’t sorry though!
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people doubted him but look at him go! ignore any anatomy and composition issues in this 15 min sketch and vote donatello instead, not just in this round but in future rounds!
we can’t let our guard down just because he’s doing well, and from what i hear of our next combatant? fear.
also, abed fans (your epic propaganda posts got me to vote for him despite being a papyrus fan and having not watched community, congrats lol) someone reminded me of a tweet from one of the writers saying donnie partially takes inspiration from abed!
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idk whether that's worth anything, but if you aren’t invested in any other characters if abed gets out (the polls are still going, good luck to everyone!) PLEASE help us vote donnie! that would be very cool :D (papyrus voters also actually please, yes i’m asking both sides here. and everyone else.)
if he gets to finals that would be so swag. also donnie fans have the most propaganda because we are being so autistic about this, that’s gotta count for something in the autism polls, right? (loving everyone's art so much btw!) okay bye!!!
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Hi... I'm like really evil so... I apologize in advance
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
LMAO love that you decided to ask me this as soon as I reblogged it. so very kind of you lol
orchid ⇢ Hozier's Unknown/Nth. He had no right writing the most soul-crushing lyrics to ever exist in this life and then just SHALALA his way into my heart. like.. "DO YOU KNOW I COULD BREAK BENEATH THE WEIGHT OF THE GOODNESS, LOVE, I STILL CARRY FOR YOU???" WHAT WAS THAT?? how do you even begin to EXIST after hearing that??
cactus ⇢ the way that feminist theory has impacted other realms of life--and also the way literature has tied into different cultural movements. I've also been researching the various circles of Dante's Inferno (just for the giggles, ya know :P)
bamboo ⇢ sometimes. it depends. sometimes i get home and all i want to do is just collapse on my bed and not have to deal with anything else, but others I want to feel like a pretentious character from some novel so I'll keep my "fancy" clothes on lol
abelia ⇢ i have this one ring that I wear a lot--my grandma gave it to me. I also have a few pairs of earrings that I treasure a lot.
daffodil ⇢nope :) only child over here
mahonia ⇢ I love the mountains and the ocean--I think they both inspire me to be more than my usual self in various ways: to be kinder, to be more poetic, to see beauty in a wider variety of things and people.
chia ⇢ oh gosh, so many. does challenging my friends to duels count?? lol
sage ⇢ I really cannot decide on this one. I think the beauty of enjoying and being inspired by a variety of artistic mediums is that they each bring something unique into your world view: poetry can bring a sense of rhythm and orderliness or, in other cases, chaos. Music I see as another way of enjoying poetry--what else are lyrics, after all? Fiction is somewhere I can get lost and experience things I've never gotten the chance to see or meet people I'll never meet. Paintings, like photographs, capture a singular moment, but also infuse their meaning with a more personal flavor from the artist's own life. Statues are this concrete, physical expression of being that capture movement and emotion and strength and weakness and just the general essence of existence in a very solid, real way. plzzzz don't make me choose :)
edelweiss ⇢ the secret history. idk what else to add lol
camellia ⇢ I think i conformed a lot more to other's expectations (I know...such a cliche thing to say.. :(( lol). In other respects, I don't think i've changed all that much. I still love art and reading and running through fields and dancing in the rain and curling up with a story next to my dog just as much as I used to :)
jasmine ⇢ This is really tough. I definitely feel that way about some books that just destroyed me emotionally--same goes for films--but I also feel like, given enough time, I'd want to return to them to get a fresh perspective. Idk, I've definitely thought about this a lot, but a lot of types of media store cherished memories for me, so in returning to the media, I'm also reopening that treasure trove of my own life.
ivy ⇢ I smile a lot for no reason when I'm happy. I'm much more sarcastic when I'm down. I also tend to hold my hand up to my face when I'm anxious or annoyed. I feel like this is so much easier to determine about someone else, not yourself :)
chamomile ⇢ BOOKS. chocolate. hugs. cozy sweaters. tea. handmade gifts that are more a demonstration of love that anything else.
aloe vera ⇢ (i am aware this makes me sound a lot more lonely than i actually am lol) I would love to experience the feeling of sitting next to someone I love--platonic or romantic--and just sensing this absolute tranquility. I am always so happy every time I experience that and I'd love to have that feeling more present in my life.
palm tree ⇢ not really?? idk, i mean does Dorian Gray count??
nutmeg ⇢ the walls of my room are a green color that I chose when i was ten, which kinda sets the automatic aesthetic to cottagecore. Lots of plants, poetry and drawings and paintining and quotes pinned on the walls, books everywhere, a quilt i made as my bedcover, my dog (sometimes lol)
papyrus ⇢ just went and did this for the sake of experimentation. the song that came up was "king" by florence and the machine. I love all of florence's songs, but i love "king" for so many reasons. The guttural vocals really bring something out in the lyrics (which are incredible on their own). Also the production of the music video (directed by one of my favorite people of all time, Autumn de Wilde--same person who directed Emma 2020) just makes the aesthetic of the music so much more....GRAND
taro ⇢ I'd tell them about all the beautiful things I saw today, about all the interactions I had. about how much i love being alive, and how much I am looking forward to spending more time getting to know people and reading new books and falling in love with the way the world continues despite it all.
thank you for sending this ask, @kaleb-is-definitely-sane
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Papyrus shouldn't be on the TV again, this time for "fixing" the Pisa tower.
Shout-out to @terrifying-acceptance for being the only one pointing out that the Pisa tower looked straight, although I didn't really understand what they meant when they pointed it out 😅
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Masterpost 29
General asks
S/O rejects someone flirting with them at the restaurant (UF Papyrus, SF Sans, FSG Sans, MT + MF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O calls skeleton baby girl (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O and Skeleton are going to S/O's first pregnancy ultrasound (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Papyrus gets too far and hurts his S/O (UT, UF, HT, SF, FSG Papyrus)
A random human tries to kidnap skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's kid hid in his suitcase and skeleton only realized once he arrived at the hotel (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Meeting with a shapeshifter (DaT, DF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O can't handle Rus not being serious in their relationship anymore (SF Papyrus)
S/O is the Grim Reaper (FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton sees an x-ray of their S/O (UT, US, UF Sans + Ink, Error)
There's a tsunami alert and skeleton is on the beach (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O reveals they're dating Skeleton to his brother by taking back his underwear to him (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O owns several weapons legally (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's child is mad their dad said no for candies so they're packing their things (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O reveals they're dating Skeleton to his brother by taking back his underwear to him (HS, HF, OT, DaT, DF, FT, MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's child tries to jumpscare his dad with a scary video (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton hugs S/O from behind and it scares them so much they punch him (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
It's S/O's birthday (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's brother finds a letter his S/O wrote to his brother (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Thoughts on ASMR (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O can feel danger coming (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's links with the LGBTQIA+ community (UT Sans, UT Papyrus, UF Papyrus, SF Papyrus, FSG Sans, DF Sans, FT Papyrus, Error, D!Papyrus, DuT Sans)
S/O bridal carries skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O's family is against monsters and tries to kill S/O and Skeleton's child (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Short S/O wears super high heels out of spite (UT, US, UF, HT, SF FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O and Skeleton play Mario Kart (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is stubborn when they're sick (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Reaction to learning Sans threatened Frisk during his journey in the Underground (UT Papyrus, Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Grillby)
S/O said no to their child to buy a plushie so they go ask to skeleton father instead (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O organizes a special egg hunt in the yard (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O and skeleton play Just Dance (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O boops skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O knows what they did, but do they know what they did? (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
What if Horrortale Undyne was still alive (HT Sans, Papyrus & Toriel)
Other things
About Mafiaswap
About Underfresh
A reminder for asks inspired from older posts
About other UT characters and their alternate versions
Myfanwi talks
Chinchillas absolutely love cuddles (no)
Cute pictures of sleepy Thor
My thoughts about the QSMP admin situation
Easter chinchilla
The Boop-o-meter
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nkjemisin · 1 year
I’m currently struggling to go to sleep the night before a big solo performance for a school event, so I figured I’d ask one of my favorite authors a couple things I’ve been wondering about. (Does flattery still work on people?)
So, I believe I remember you saying something along the lines of “people ask me why I write about weird sex magic. It’s because I read Greek mythology, and it has a lot of weird sex magic.” And I’m paraphrasing that horribly, but I was wondering, what things *have* you drawn inspiration from? I’m in love with the way magic is portrayed in both the Dreamblood books and the Broken Earth trilogy (I’ve yet to read the inheritance series), and I was wondering what inspiration you had? They feel kind of different to me—dreamseed and it’s counterparts seem really rooted in the four humors and the way some older mythos have a big fuss around the seed of gods and all that fun stuff, but the magic in Broken Earth feels a lot more . . . introspective, I guess? It seems like you’ve written it to be much more focused on the individual’s own perception of it, and that influences what they can do/how they do things. And I don’t really think I’ve seen anything that leans into that angle, as far as mythos goes. (Though I really, really cannot claim to be knowledgeable in that.)
And for the second thing: do you have any tips to becoming a good reader? I can read *fast*, but I really feel like I don’t get more than just the surface and shallow ideas about the message/themes the author might intend. It always seems like people are able to come up with very introspective, in depth dissections of their favorite characters and books, and I can’t help but look at those sometimes, and go, “wow, what was *I* reading?” I guess that it might be a learned skill, but I don’t really know where to start. I guess I also wanted to ask about what themes and such you wanted to incorporate into the Broken Earth trilogy (that was my introduction to you, then Dreamblood, then the Great Cities), but that’s really just a secondary thing to this question.
Well, regardless of whether or not you answer, I just wanted to ask so I could stop thinking about it constantly. I can’t wait to jump into the Inheritance Trilogy next time I buy books.
Flattery doesn't work on me, but I do love to talk shop, so... 😄 Cutting for length:
To your first question, about the different ways I depict magic -- first, it's not just Greek mythology that I use. There are soooo many cosmologies and cosmogonies out there that show gods as rowdy, horny, petty, and basically human, just with weird magic powers on top of that. The Dreamblood books are specifically informed by ancient Egyptian mythology and culture. I did some research into ancient Egyptian medical texts -- in particular the Edwin Smith Papyrus -- so I drew from those to create Gujaareh's four dream humors. I wanted Gujaareh to feel like an ancient Egypt that might have developed if magic actually worked... and if its own version of Imhotep had been a manipulative megalomaniac who decided to start a magic-controlled theocracy. tl,dr; Ancient Egyptians had a thing for humors and surgery and gods that were into sex lettuce, so that's what I claimed for Gujaareh.
With the Inheritance Trilogy I ranged more widely in what I mooched from existing cosmologies, because I wanted to build a belief system that resembled real-world stuff but wasn't just our world's gods in costume. For example, I noticed that lots of systems suggested that existence or human genesis begins with gods banging or fighting (or both), so I came up with a creation myth chock full of gods banging and fighting. Familiar hanger, new clothes on it.
But the Broken Earth books aren't about gods. There's a mythic frame "explaining" the Seasons and past disasters and Father Earth and so on, but that wasn't the focus. I was more interested in the ways we apply myths to people, treating some marginalized groups as simultaneously superhuman and subhuman... but never simply human. Same for the Great Cities books. It's meaningful that other cultures have discovered the existence of city avatars and worked them into their cosmologies, but only as a bit of detail to make the world more complete. Again, the mythology isn't the focus there.
I can't help you on becoming a good reader, sadly, because I am a very bad reader these days. I have a lot of trouble shutting off my "inner editor voice," which is a thing that I've heard a lot of other pro authors (and editors, and reviewers) mention. People in my business spend years developing the ability to spot problems in writing... and the inner editor is what happens when you stop being able to shut that ability off. The typos, the clichés, the patches of language that could've been trimmed out, all of it just starts to glare. The thing is, all books have issues like this, and most of the time they're not even errors, just... pecadilloes. The little things that are part of reading work made by human beings. They mean the writer was tired and didn't proofread as closely as they should, or maybe the writer was waffling on word use and inadvertently ended up using one a little too much, or maybe they were having a fight with their copyeditor about spelling and missed a grammar flub. Just part of reading. But if you, like me, have an inflamed inner editor, then instead of taking in the whole picture of whatever the author is trying to show you, you get nitpicky. You get irrationally angry at typos. You hyperfocus on the author's tendency to use one word too much. (A writer friend told me I use too many "plinths," for example.) You spend time thinking about structural issues and not noticing the language, or vice versa.
But since I'm currently in self-imposed reading rehab, maybe this will help you: For me, it helps to move away from what's familiar. I read a lot of stuff outside the SFF genre, because it's easier to shut off my inner editor when I'm less familiar with the tropes, the styles, the concepts. I've also really gotten into audiobooks, for example, because when I can't see the text I can't critique it, or at least not as instantly. So that's all I can suggest. If you've developed the habit of gulping down books, find a way to throttle the flow, so to speak. Try playing audiobooks on half speed, to train yourself to patience. Read outside your comfort zone, which will force you to slow down and take things in because of the unfamiliarity. Maybe try ebooks with the text blown up a lot, so that you have to turn the page more often; I don't know, just spitballing now. Maybe folks will have better suggestions in the comments. Hope it helps!
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ask-dcf · 1 year
Adult Frisk and Chara
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So I saw a trend of some of my friends doing adult verions of their frisk and charas. So I thought you know what screw it. Imma show adult versions of Frisk and Chara to. ^^
Frisk age 23: Over the years they became an absolute weeb. They developed a bit of a cat face and took on Muffet's Ahuhuhu laugh. They also got lots of heart shape stuff. They got a heart stitched on their shirt heart shaped pants and silver locket they got from Chara. In their mind the more hearts they have the more the feel connected to the other Frisk's in the multiverse (Sorta like kinning) and if they live a happy life then they feel those Frisks who didn't will live a happy life aswell. And yes they got a Mouse hoodie that they love.
Chara age 25: Chara hasn't changed her looks much, She kept asking for the same clothes in different sizes alot. As for her poncho its still the same as when she was a kid, it has an elastic collar. You might see some acessories she kept as a kid, the bracelet, the earrings, her necklace, the ri-..... >w> A riiiing?~ Heheheh~ shhhh. But yeah She still loves her chocolate. Also she still has her static abilities when she got older. And she likes to call herself "Empress of Monsters" Now. Because of course she would lol.
These two don't exactly live a life of importance when they get older. Frisk was too stressed to a very bad point with the political stuff and left it all to Papyrus, while Chara supported them and decided for them both to live a slow simple easy life. For once having things be NORMAL in their crazy lives.
Fun fact when I showed Chara to my gf she went "My baby girl!~" I SWEAR I LOVE THAT WOMAN SO MUCH HHHH QWQ SHE SO CUTE!
But yeah thought i post this for the day. Dealing with some stress so no asks today. But have this instead. If you wanna send mod asks about them I can answer them without spoilers for whats to come in the story. ^^;
Art by @xjunjox
inspired by @ask-duotale-b2fc @somedancingpineapple @kamikotorayama391 @lilybug-02 @doloshroom @dhundertale @potatogoats1blog @larzzzyyy
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mrgladstonegander · 16 hours
How will the characters be portrayed in DT47 compared to DT87, and DT17?
to be honest i havent really watched enough of dt87 to say 😅im drawing more inspiration from dt17 + the comics
I do have some thought-out differences for some characters though! :)
I'd do more characters but I don't have everything set in stone completely yet .
these links have more up to date information : phantom and the sorceress / specter of the past , phantom blot/rorschach specter
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doodled this a while ago but scrooge / graham are different in terms of ... business practices. DT17!Scrooge is whitewashed (in the traditional sense) from the comics (dt87!scrooge moreso from what i know). but i personally think that scrooge's penny pinching debt collecting personality in the comics can still be fun (+creates conflict) but ALSO . personally. I don't really think it's good to say you can be the Richest Person Ever while still having good ethics. ESPECIALLY when said billionaire collects and takes artifacts from other cultures
Graham (dt47 scrooge) remembers debts extremely well, and always puts himself in situations where people would become indebted to him (even family). he takes contracts and small print very seriously. he also has the same issue of hoarding all his treasures in his house or money bin, and separates them by how useful they are to him (like, say, if there was a magical Papyrus that can be used to make contracts that Bind things... cough cough)
honestly i think that dt17!scrooge's aversion to magic felt slightly contradictory at times? considering how much he collects/uses them
i dont remember if it was ever said in the show, but while Graham likes adventuring, I don't think he does it just for the sake of adventure. He wants treasure, but he also wants to give the kids (dt47 donald/della/hdl/webby etc) an experience and let them travel because he remembers being poor and how many things he wasn't able to do. but with this mindset he doesn't recognize that it's his fault when they start getting bad coping mechanisms or tiring themselves out trying to keep up/impress him
but i think the most major difference between dt17 and dt47 is this; Scrooge built the Spear of Selene, and did everything he could to try and bring Della back. DT17's narrative, even with Last Crash, does not put the blame on him; he didn't really do anything wrong. but for dt47 i REALLY want to emphasize how many people Phoebe (Della)'s disappearance affected - and the lengths that Graham went to hide it. I made a chart a while ago that shows how Phoebe's disappearance affects people and Gyro/Beakley's equivalents (the ones with the red star) have specific gag orders that Do NOT allow them to say anything about it. The cousins (INCLUDING PERCY) only know that she disapearred, Oliver/Gladstone trusts Percy/Donald's judgement that it's Graham's fault, and Frankie tries to understand things from both sides with no avail. Graham forcing Archie to keep quiet about it does not go well at all, especially with how guilty Archie feels about building the rocket
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tldr; tries to make people owe him so that he always has leverage, uses magical artifacts to build his business, has bad coping mechanisms regarding his childhood (that lead to him being adventurous, untrusting, penny pinching etc), and he really sucks for how much he's burying what to phoebe. ALSO i forgot to mention but he doesn't really have a money bin in the traditional sense. I want to give him the world's most complete coin collection to make him seem slightly more insane in a different way.
. ok realizing that this is really long and you're asking how they're portrayed and not just the differences. heres some quicker comparisons
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(please read the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde)/ (the poor thing has anxiety because of valerie (beakley's) teachings)
this post is still consistent with what i have planned for team science + archie
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