#palace of sectrets
marubien · 1 month
How would you rewrite Mulan 2?
I'd just begin from scratch really. I tried to come up what would I keep from the existing sequel and I think that's maybe just the yin-yang necklaces. Which were a deleted idea from the first movie anyway.
Easy and lazy answer would be to go with whatever idea they had in Mulan 2's deleted scene, battle sequence, (check it out, it's super cool). It's like spy-ninja-duo of Mulan and Shang working like a badass couple. Mulan 2 concept arts (part 1, part 2) are not too bad either, and although they definitely have some usual Disney sequel cliches(eg. having the girl Mushu dragon), I'd still think I could enjoy it a bit more than what they ended up with.
Then there's Barry Cook's draft, aka the co-director of the original movie wrote synopsis for the potential sequel when he heard that Disney was considering of doing sequel to Mulan. In fact there was going to be Mulan 3 as well, apparently Mulan 2 ruined it as it was too badly received. There's hardly anything known of Barry Cook's draft details, just that soon-to-be-married Mulan and Shang are sent to north since things are happening there, and at the end there would have been an epic battle between Mulan's ancestors and Shan Yu's deceased army.
Actually I lied earlier what would be easiest and laziest. That would be just doing the visual novel The Palace of Secrets. Seriously I wouldn't change a thing.
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There's many directions where one could go with the sequel really, some fanfics have done pretty amazing job exploring different options. I have made a post where I put up some fanfic recommendations, but some are like one-shots so they could hardly be sequels.
Personally, rather than a sequel movie I really really would like to see Mulan tv-series. Something like Tangled: the Series. It could have the sillier filler episodes but the main plot could be epic. Series could also make possible to explore side characters' character arc in more detail. I have played with this idea before too, with my friend @mulanxiaojie.
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I'm quite satisfield how the first movie ended, but I'll list some pointers that I and I think most would like to see in a continuation story:
Mulan getting a career
Mulan and Shang getting together
Chi Fu x Matchmaker :P
And then some that are not really necessary but would be really interesting to see, just to list some of the potential sequel tv series could have:
Fa Zhou's past
Mulan's and Granma Fa's relationship
seeing the other guardians besides Mushu (and the Great Stone Dragon)
developing Gang of Three as invidual characters
exploring historical China
an actual villain (should be basic but the sequel didn't have that)
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In Your Care
Vetinari singed off on the palace supplies bill, then handed it back to Drumknott.
"Satisfied, sir?"
Drumknott smiled shyly.
Vetinari got up to stretch his legs and clear his mind. He froze, staring unseen through the desk.
Vetinari grabbed the desk, turning the fall into a kneel. Drumknott dropped the file and kneeled next to him.
"Are you all rigth, sir?"
Vetinari's eyes were closed. He was shaking. Drumknott grabbed his shoulder. He swallowed his nerves and brought the back of his hand to Vetinari's forehead.
"Sir, you're burning."
"I think I’ve come down with a cold. I've been feeling faint since this morning."
"This is not a cold, sir. You need to rest."
"I do not have time. Lord Rust will be here in an hour."
"I will move all your appointments for three days. He will think you are making him stew."
"In three days there will be a backlog too great to ever catch up with."
"Then let me help."
"... How?"
"To start with, you don't have to read through every report to find the important parts - I can filter them for you."
Verinari looked at him, eyes hard. "Dangerous phrasing, Drumknott. You could keep things from me and I would never know."
"I could, sir. And you could be defrauding the city."
But we wouldn't.
Vetinari sighed. "Start with the reports then."
Drumknott smiled faintly. "I'll tell the kitchen to make you chicken soup."
"That will start rumors of the unwanted kind."
"Then I'll say it's for me."
"But you will be seen eating your usual lunch."
"Then we can eat togeather."
"Very forward of you, mr Drumknott." Vetinari was sly.
Drumknott shrugged.
"Help me to my room."
"Of course."
Drumknott let Vetinari lean on him. He made to move to the door, but Vetinari did not budge.
"This way, mr Drumknott." He nodded at a random bit of wall. "Remember what I do excatly."
Drumknott understood, torn between pride and fear. "Yes, sir."
Vetinari showed him how to open a sectret door and navigate the hidden pasages safely, Drumknott soaking up every minute detail.
Suddenly, they were in a spartan bathroom. Drumknott realized he was in the patrician's private chambers. He took over, helping Vetinari through the only door, to a room barely larger than his own.
Vetinari sat on the bed and instructed him to his nightshirt. Drumknott went to make tea while he changed. When he returned, Vetinari was curled up under the covers, sweaty and shivering. His eyes were shut tight and brow creased. Drumknott left the tea on the side table, then covered him with all the blankets in the room. The shivering stopped.
Vetinari relaxed. He had a strange look on his face.
Drumknott waitied.
"The last time someone took care of me like this, I was fourteen." Vetinari, no, Havelock, began. "Madam was fussing around me and I told her not to babybe me. But secretly I was glad that she did." His voice had gone hoarse. He shut his eyes, swallowing thickly.
Drumknott sat beside him and took his shoulder through the covers. Havelock calmed down.
"I need to cancel the meetings and order soup. Do you need anything?"
Havelock shook his head.
"Get some sleep."
He nodded.
Drumknott gave a little reassuring squeeze and left. He sent Brian to inform the lords, then feigned a cough in the kitchen, asking for chicken soup and mouldy bread. The maid Jenny looked at him like he was Duck Man, but directed him to the leftorvers destined for the bin, no waste to her. Soup wouldn't be ready by dinner, on account of asking for it so late. Drumnkto thanked her profusely. With a tablecloth bag and a ream of reports, he faced the unassuming wall. A deep breath later, he walked the gauntlett alone, his heart thudding.
At the last step, he stopped to compse hismelf. It felt odd coming in through the bathroom. He half expected to catch the patricain in the tub, butt naked and glaring. Of course, he found Vetinari asleep, doused in sweat but not in pain. Leaving bread by the tea, he pulled a chair over and started to read.
Half way through, Vetinari stirred, blinking at him.
"You're here." Vetinari was surprised.
Drumknott looked up. "I didn't want you to be alone."
Vetinrai gave him a tired smile.
Drumknott bit his lip in hesitation.
"Sir, the rumors that you live on bread and water and don't sleep, is there any truth to them?"
Vetinari took a deep breath. "I eat plainly, compared to other lords, and I sleep with a candle burning to confuse would-be assasins."
"I regularly get engrosed in my work and forget to eat or sleep. Or rather, I ignore hunger and drowsyness."
Dumknott's heart sank. "You can't do that, sir."
"Can’t I?"
"Unless you want this to happen again. Or worse. " He klutched the papers.
"Indeed I do not."
"I can help." He offered, again.
"How very kind of you." Vetinari replied, but something was off.
Drumknott couldn't tell what, but the idea of Vetinari not being patrician made him feel like the ground had dropped form under him and he was in free fall.
"If something were to happen to you-"
"Ah. You are offering out of self interest." Havelock rolled over, turning his back to him.
It felt like a gut punch. On reflex, Drumknott opened his mouth to deny, but stopped himself. He fiddled with the corner of a paper.
"I am." He admitted.
Vetinari watched him over his shoulder.
Drumknott met his gaze. "I also hate to see you like this. A man can have more than one motive."
"... Indeed." Vetinari turned on his back, but stared at the ceiling.
Drumknott glanced at the reports, thinking. "Can you sit up?"
Vetinari did.
Drumknott left the papers on the chair and checked the tea. It had gone teppid so he mixed a litle honey in it. When he offered the mug, Vetinari met his gaze. The patirican took it in both hands and sipped. Curious, he opened the cloth.
"Mouldy bread?" He eyed Drumknott.
"A family remedy, sir."
"And you believe it works?"
A shrug. "No Drumknott in living memory died of illness."
"Curious." Vetinari picked up a slice. "The scholars should look into that." He was turning it over. "Perhaps there is something to it."
"Wouldn't know, sir."
Vetinari snifed at it. "Smells vaguely of blue cheese." He gave an experimental nibble. "Not very appealing but then medicine harldy ever is."
"As you say, sir."
Vetinari washed it dwon with a sip, alternating between bread and tea.
Drumknott sat back down.
"Anything of importance in there?" Vetinari nodded at the reports.
"Lord Rust is visiting the guild masters."
"Is he having any luck?"
"Not with the seamstresses."
"Ha. And has he tired the thieves yet?"
"No sir."
"Then he has more ambition than brains."
Drumknott chortled.
Vetinari smiled. "We need not worry then."
Drumknott turned to him, daring not hope. "We?"
"You lied for me, Drumknott. I am eting spoiled food on your assurance. We."
Drumknott blushed and looked away, his eyes falling on the papers. Rust's plotting watched back, sudden like the silence of Old Tom. He sobered.
"People like me are not figthters, sir." He didn't know why he was admiting weakness. Cowardice even. "We endure."
"I know." Vetinari was sympathetic.
Without looking, Drumknott knew his eyes were gentle. "I didn't hide the clerks just to protect them, sir."
"I didn't want Wonse to be able to call on them."
"You wanted to punish him."
Drumknott shook his head. "No. I just didn't want him to get away with what he's done."
A nod in the corner of his vision. "Perfectly understandable."
He took a deep breath. "People like me, the worst we can do is not give our help."
Vetinari considered him. He picked up another slice. "That can be just as debilitating."
Face averted, Drumknott mumbled "I know."
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butindeed · 6 years
South wind (Riley x Drake)
Hi guys! Just in case you didn’t know, this is part of a nameless Riley x Drake series. You can read the previous parts HERE.
Tags: @decisso @lazychic28 @drakelover78 @captainkingliam @boneandfur @chantelle-x0x @walkerismychoice
Summary:  Riley wakes up the morning of the Homecoming Ball with a bad feeling.
A bad dream - Keane
Riley woke up tangled in her sheets, covered in cold sweat, feverish. She sat up trying to remeber the dream... the nightmare. She squeezed her brain as hard as she could until her head started aching.
All she could remember was darkness and people shouting. She shut her eyes closed, making a last effort. A loud BANG, a shooting maybe? She had to stop watching those action films before going to bed.
Riley tried to shake that dreadful feeling out of her system, but it wouldn’t go away.
When Maxwell and Bertrand knocked on her door she seriously thought about not opening it, but she knew they wouldn’t leave, so she dragged her feet and unwilingly answer with a fake smile.
After discussing the upcoming night, she left towards the boutique. They’d specifically requested her to wear a new ball gown, something that’d blown the court’s mind. But there was someone else’s mind she was planning on blowing that night.
When she arrived, Hana and Olivia were already there, discussing their dresses. Riley thumbed through the racks, but all the simple dresses were gone, leaving her with only meringue-looking ones.
Olivia and Hana told her they’d picked some gowns for Riley, and even though they weren’t exactly something she would have picked, she felt thankful for her friend’s gesture.
Riley tried both dresses and decided Olivia’s choice, a golden sparkly puffy dress with floral details on the top and a pronounced cleavage that made both her tan and breasts stand out was the best option.
After picking some matching jewelry and thanking Olivia, she and Hana left for a short walk towards a nearby lake Hana wanted to show Riley, where they shared some wine and delicious food, but the feeling she had that moring hadn’t disappeared, clouding her mood.
-Are you excited about tonight? -Hana chirped, clearly tipsy.
-Yes, actually I am, though...-should I say it outloud, or will it make me look as a fool? - I...
-You know you can tell me anything right? I’ll tell you what, if you tell me, I’ll tell you a sectret of mine! 
-Well... it’s really dumb actually, it’s that I... I have a bad feeling about tonight.
-A bad feeling? Like what?
-I don’t know... like something bad it’s going to happen, someone’s getting hurt... I don’t know, it sound crazy when I say it outloud.
- Well, most of the time I get bad feelings it’s just because I’m nervous about something else...
-Yeah, it’s probably that- Riley smiled thinking about Drake, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes - Anyways, tell me about your secret!
Hana suddenly blushed violently as she suddenly seemed extremely interested on his fingernails.
-Well, there’s someone I’ve been wanting to talk to tonight. It’s... it’s someone most people don’t like, because of their personality and the things they’ve said... but we’ve spent quite a long time toghether and I’m starting to like it...
-You don’t have to tell me who it is if you don’t want to - Riley smiled squeezing Hana’s hand. She knew exactly what it felt to fall for someone you’re not supposed to.
-Thanks Riley, you are a true friend to me.
They hugged for a while before heading back to the palace to get ready for the Homecoming Ball.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend
The Homecoming Ball was everything she was expecting and more. 
Bertrand had asked her to check in with some acquaintances like Francesco and Adelaide. Mingling with people wasn’t her favourite thing in the world, especially when that people involved Madeleine, but when they’d all left, Liam quickly took their place.
Eventhough Riley had rejected his proposal, she still cared for him deeply, and chatting with him, knowing that everything was fine between them, made her feel less nervous about the whole thing.
All of the sudden, Liam placed his hand on her waist, whispering an invitation, and she could feel a stare burning her skin. Her gaze flickered for just a moment to one side and, through the crowds, Riley was surprised to find Drake sitting at the bar, staring over at them, his jaw set tightly.
So there he was, she smiled, and Drake’s jaw tightened even more.
When Liam left her with a gentle kiss on her knuckles after she had politely said she should stay at the ball a while longer, Drake slid right behind her.
-Care for a drink Hopkins? - He whispered on her ear, making her tremble as she felt his warm sweet breath. He extended one arm brushing her side over her waist, offering a mojito.
She smiled accepting it as she turned around, and after questioning him about why would he chose such a drink for her, he offered her the chance to sneak out, and she took it without any hesitation.
James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go
Sneaking out from the party with her was definitely the best part of his night.
As soon as they were on the clear, he turned her to him, grabbing her ass and pulling her closer, and without needing any more coaxing, she bussed him, biting his lip, caressing his tongue with hers, parting as quickly as they’d embraced. They couldn’t walk more than two or three steps without melting again in eachother’s arms. 
They were snogging right outside his door, and he could feel the anxiety building up on him. That night was definitely the night.
He could barely wait to make her his, but as her hand grabbed the door handle, he remembered his room was a hot mess.
-Wait here - he whispered, he wanted to make things right, this night had to be special, nothing could ruin this for them.
He closed shut the door behind himself, a nervous wreck. He felt butterflies in his stomach, as if it was his very first time.
It is our first time he thought smiling, brushing his lips with his fingertips.
He quickly tidied up the scattered clothes in his floor, messily hiding it on the wardrobe, changed his bedsheets and stood still studying the scene. Something was missing, but what?
He rambled through his stuff, if only I’d bought roses or some shit like that... something that make this look nicer, a place worthy of her... Wait! I have some candles from my last camping trip, and some scented ones Maxwell gave me for my birthday, who gives scented candles as a birthday present? Well, I’ll have to thank him for them afterwards.
He scanned the room, feeling confident about the result; he just hoped she liked it as well. He shook his arms to get rid off the anxiety and inhaling deeply he opened the door, and kissed Riley tenderly before inviting her in.
Before he could say anything to ruin the moment, she closed the space between them and erased all those unsaid doubts with a kiss. It wasn’t a soft tender kiss as the ones they’d just shared in the hallway. It was hot, desperate, slopy… Their tongues caressing as if their lives depended on it
(Yeah guys, it’s finally happening!!!)
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