#page in process/to be updated
lilybug-02 · 3 months
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heymacy · 8 months
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magicratfingers · 5 months
work stole all my silly girl doodle energy
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tokyomiracle · 2 months
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Page 19 just released! New pages every Thursday. ^_^
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szampers · 1 month
Casual life update! I have made a whole list of topics related to my szpd in my notes which I hope to write about. There's at least 15 whole different things, good amount of them being personal experiences. I'm not gonna run out of content for this blog anytime soon and in fact they'll probably keep on coming. These are some weirdly cathartic times.
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reginrokkr · 2 months
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I'm debating whether to remove the carrd and add in its stead a small navigation post with tags of interest for an easier navigation through the blog without the need to be off the dash version. From my own experience, I've had to omit a lot of information only to link it to somewhere else all because carrds are more aesthetic-base and it's hard to keep verbose when needed and remain in tune with the visuals at the same time. Moreover, I'm not as sure how much people access to carrds and not to the dash links that are easier and more direct to navigate through.
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shewithoutrain-yugioh · 5 months
So this is how it’s going today:
He stared at the light —
*backspace backspace backspace*
The light floated in front of him, coaxing him forward —
*backspace backspace backspace*
The light —
*backspace backspace*
There was light —
*angry backspace*
The light died a violent death because it was being a little shit —
*backspace backspace backspace*
He stared at the light…
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taviokapudding · 6 months
It's going to be super funny on all EN social media when a whole bunch of people get excommunicated & banned by the Catholic church for being Zionist sympathizers
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izzyspussy · 7 months
what’s the status on tatg?
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I have an about page where you can check my progress with WIPs!
The final chapter of tatg, titled "make it up as you go along" as shown above, is about 10% done! It's currently my secondmost fic priority. I'm trying to finish my Whumptober ideas before I work on it again, because I'm going to have to watch at least some of TL again to get back into it and I don't want to get my character voices too mixed up lol. And I'm giving myself the deadline of year end to continuing doing the Whumptobers.
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Hey peeps-!
I've got some hand pain that likes to kick in every few months or so, and looks like this is going to be that month T-T
So, there's going to be no update this week, and even possibly next week.
Thank you for your understanding! ✨
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dkettchen · 1 year
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arthur-r · 1 year
heads up it turns out a lot of the new jukebox the ghost is actually really great!!!! i was out here thinking their music had just gotten worse but it turns out just a couple songs happen to be terrible and the rest is good
#like i hate wasted. but i got a girl and brass band are both so rad#i had made my judgements on their new stuff based on getting older. for the record. but that was just a random low point in the middle of#good stuff. and it wasn’t even that bad of a song i just decided it meant i should keep only listening to the older album i like#anyway i’m seeing them in concert. tomorrow. as a christmas present from my sister she gave me aldi-brand oreos and concert tickets for us#and it’s tomorrow so i’m listening to their new stuff cause loving let live and let ghosts won’t carry me through blending in at a concert#anyway some of their new stuff is annoyingly overproduced and sanitized like it sounds like radio music. but that is not all the new music#and it’s really exciting to have made that revelation!!!! and in other news i have a doctor appointment a week from tomorrow#where i try to get a medical diagnosis to go along with my problems so that i have standing to apply for an elevator pass and stuff#and speaking of which i’m a little nervous about going to a standing room concert when i’ve been extra unwell lately?? but i should be okay#but yeah anyway i’m doing the closest thing to seeing tally hall that i can in this day and age. so wish me luck shdhdf#i’m scared but also excited. and i’m really enjoying the piano stuff on their newest EP#now starting their album from slightly earlier and not sure i feel about it yet but generally optimistic!!!!#in final news i have a socratic seminar next hour for a book that i hardly managed to read 20 pages of. so hopefully i can fake it/make it#i would read it right now but something about the font literally won’t translate into actual words in my brain. and the content is weird too#(the kingdom of this world by alejo carpentier i know it would be cool if i could process and pay attention but instead i’m just confused)#but so in conclusion. the new jukebox the ghost is actually pretty rad and i recommend at least giving it a chance#if you happen to be like me and had not gave it a chance shdhdf. anyway i should probably look at a spark notes#but yeah. life updates of: doctor appointment and concert and jukebox listening. i keep drafting and not posting#so here’s some words from me. hope everyone is well. maybe a call again sometime would be good#i guess in a few weeks when everybody is in the places where they live. anyway hi the rest of tumblr i’m secretly talking to wext shdhdf#hope the rest of tumblr is doing okay as well. okay i gotta go study now and stuff#but i got a girl and brass band are highlights of their new stuff so far#again hope everybody is doing okay!!!!#also ask to tag for whatever#me. my post. mine.#delete later
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shvdowstep · 2 years
Friend in Need, please help
(Oct. 18) tw: animal death
My good friend’s emotional support dog, Layla, tragically passed away last night.
Layla was attacked by another dog with a horrifically irresponsible owner. The owner could not be held legally accountable bc it's considered a "civil matter," according to local law enforcement. This has left my friend, Danae, saddled with a $2000 vet bill, as well as physical and deep emotional wounds. Danae is completely devastated by this immense loss. Any donation, no matter how small, could help tremendously.
Please consider donating 💜
more details in the link:
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lizasweetling · 1 year
Between leaving to get drinks and coming back! That's some fast masonry!
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and to be fair to Brother Headlamp, I think the progression here should be pretty clear and they'd much rather supervise the jailbreak of the firebreath wand or whatever than have the next monk of conflicted devotion actually hand it off to her no strings attached. I think we can take it as read that he's in cooperation with whoever is in charge of where this book was preserved, and I think that's very responsible of them.
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inked-out-trees · 1 year
Tell me about fixed point my friend. In return I offer a monologue from one if my stage scripts, Matthew's Marvelous and Mystifying Magic Act (ironically preceding my knowledge of magic goes wrong)
Matt Thank you, to those of you who have stuck around to see the latter half of the production. We’ve had a few minor hiccups, but the show must go on, as I have to fulfil a contractual obligation to our sponsor: Wowzafresh cleaning products; scrub away your past with the all new ultra deluxe exfoliator, not safe for human use. Anyways, it seems my parents have still not arrived, though upon checking my email I’ve found that in response to the tickets I sent my mother she has sent back a link to a two year course in Accounting. Perhaps she is hoping I will one day take after my younger sister, a rather successful paralegal, in having a career she can tell her book club about and not receive condolences in return. Still, as a brief note the rabbit has been captured and safely returned to its cage and Sasha and I will be arranging a carpool after the performance to get rabies shots. I would highly encourage any of you who may have come into contact with it to do the same. Now, back to the magic!
(He is visibly startled by the smoke bomb this time, not managing to exit before it dissipates. Instead he just waits for Sasha to open the curtain.)
man i'm starting to think that you didn't find the goes wrong franchise... the goes wrong franchise found you
as a (fictional) scientific concept, the fixed point theory is a maxim of time travel that suggests that the progression of events is relatively immutable - summed up in the phrase anything that has happened will happen, and anything that will happen has happened. mainly, if a person goes back in time to do anything, whatever they do will ultimately contribute to the version of the "future" they know. vanessa speaks to this rather confusingly in the first chapter: "if she went back and time and killed her grandfather, she wouldn't cease to exist because her grandfather wasn't actually her grandfather, and this was how time was and he would always die like that. or something."
specific events are known as Fixed Points - moments in time that everything surrounds, like nails in a string, things that Cannot Be Changed, even as little bits and pieces shift and twist. most of what we know as history consists of fixed events. the shattering of the cornely drama society is also a fixed point.
this reminds us, as time travelers, that despite the freedom and adventure that comes with it, all our choices still have lasting effects - you can't go back and change it once it's happened. as a bonus, it means that the cpds didn't fuck anything up when they went to the seventies 😁
(also, it's just very important to the plot.)
thanks for the ask you're the best!!!
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collectionoftulips · 2 years
Can report that the next chapter is being written. I may have reached 100 pages in my word processor and there may have even been googling in the name of research to check stuff...
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