#oval invincibles
athletic-collection · 2 months
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Tom Curran
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ginerva-mollyweasley · 8 months
come on manchester originals !!! 🖤
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famousornotbuthot · 9 months
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daveycharris666 · 2 years
Back-to-back Champions! 😁
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kesbeacon · 6 days
And the items generator update is LIVE! This is a massive update, with new content in virtually every area, and two entirely new types of found everyday items that you can generate: textiles and containers (with their contents).
Stay tuned this week for an art bonanza of characters modelling magic items!
Some example items under the cut:
a magnificent dulcimer made of bone and bright lead. it bestows knowledge upon you, but it can only be used a limited number of times. it is spoken of in dusty academic tomes. it was made by a dying god, in a time of wondrous learning and high dreams.
a printed novel by a grifter with the best of intentions. its subject is magical lifehacks.
an ancient pack of cards. it has been implicated in the highest crimes of state.
an oval bronze coin. it has an ear of corn on it. it is not recognised by any country you have visited.
a patched pair of embroidered gloves made of cotton.
a fragile envelope. when you cut it open, you find sketches by a god.
an elaborate bag. when you part the folds, you find records of taxes owed and unpaid by a vicious warlord.
an elaborate scientific instrument made of rough granite and translucent flesh. it bestows the power to wound the invincible upon you, but it is already partially broken and drained. it was the possession of a legendary wizard. it was made by a wizard's captive.
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mariacallous · 6 months
As a devastating crisis continues to unfold with the horrific bombardment of Gaza, there is little sense of how it will end. As a lifelong student of Israel-Palestine, I found my mind racing through many historical dates to find parallels, meaning, and direction.
Perhaps the date that comes to mind for most people is Oct. 6, 1973, the start of an Arab war effort to regain land taken by Israel in 1967. The 1973 surprise attack, which was 50 years and a day from the Oct. 7 Hamas assault, caught a recalcitrant and hubristic Israel off guard and fundamentally changed the way it thought about its policies toward Egypt in the years that followed, paving the way for a historic peace agreement a few years later.
I thought about the 1968 Battle of Karameh. This battle, little known in Western narratives of the conflict but hugely consequential in Palestinian ones, came after the 1967 war, when Israel enjoyed an aura of invincibility. PLO fighters alongside Jordanian soldiers fought the Israeli military, destroyed some military equipment, and captured more. The battle sent the message that Israeli power was not what it seemed, and it helped swell the ranks of militant factions across the region.
But a more important date stands out: Sept. 6, 1972. The day prior, Palestinian guerrillas had killed an Israeli coach and athlete and taken nine other members of the Israeli team hostage at the Munich Olympic Village, where all the cameras of the world had assembled, and by the time a botched rescue attempt by the German police had concluded, all the hostages and most of the Palestinian guerrillas were dead.
The world watched this all play out on live TV. Before that moment, and perhaps since, no set of events has had a more consequential impact on the emergence of what I call the terrorism framework: a set of policies and practices that defines how such moments should be understood, responded to, and prevented.
At the time, the Nixon White House was scrambling to figure out how to respond. Its foreign policy at the time was focused on detente with Moscow in an effort to manipulate Soviet and Chinese relations as the U.S. war on Vietnam raged. The Middle East, a massive arena of U.S.-Soviet competition, could easily derail all of this. President Richard Nixon’s now infamous tape recorder gives us insight into the thinking at the time.
On Sept. 6, Secretary of State William Rogers had a conversation with Nixon in the Oval Office in the presence of National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and other officials. Rogers’s message to Nixon was straightforward: What happened in Munich was a symptom. “Say Israel retaliates and blows up something in Lebanon, that doesn’t help anyone,” Rogers told Nixon. “What this does indicate to the world is that we’ve got to solve the problem. It’s a hell of a thing to have 11 Israelis killed, and it’s a hell of a thing to have millions of people homeless all these years. So the problem has to be solved.” Nixon was receptive to Rogers’s argument, but Kissinger sat quietly and was alarmed.
Kissinger left the Oval Office and telephoned the Israeli ambassador in Washington, Yitzhak Rabin, to tell him about the meeting. Kissinger had his calls taped and transcribed as well. After hearing about the Oval office meeting, Rabin feared “that those who carried out the action in Munich succeeded beyond their expectations.” Kissinger urged Rabin to go to the U.N. Security Council to try to build a global consensus around fighting terrorism even if the United States and Israel would be isolated there.
Kissinger told him going to the Security Council would “not lead to any practical results but it will focus the problem on an issue on which we can talk jointly while the great danger that I see is that in a few days people will say—as was said at the meeting this morning—we must remove the cause of this.” He urged him that they should do it “before people start thinking about the problem.”
Kissinger was concerned that if the global debate about Munich was not immediately redirected toward uniform condemnation of the Palestinian guerrillas, the more people might think about the root causes and Palestinian grievances.
Herein lies the trap of the terrorism framework. It ostensibly aims to counter political violence, but it does so in a way that ensures political violence persists—by exceptionalizing it as a form of violence that comes from a vacuum. Unlike most forms of political violence—such as interstate conflicts and civil wars, insurgencies, rebellions, or political repression—terrorism is not something we are encouraged to understand the causes of; at best, reductionist explanations chalk up motivations to ideology, which, in the Palestinian case, is transparently flawed since Palestinian political violence has always transcended ideological divides.
By adopting this framework, opponents of this violence position themselves as standing with the victims of it and condemning the perpetrators. But in reality, they are merely condemning them all to continued and more horrific rounds of carnage.
It is a framework that allows leaders with the greatest capacity to prevent such violence—in this case, the leaders of the United States and Israel—a way to absolve themselves of responsibility at the expense of the very people whom they have a responsibility to protect. At the end of the day, it is always ordinary people, not states or policymakers or the media outfits that amplify them, who pay the highest price for this commitment to not thinking.
Israel, of course, would go on to blow up many things in Lebanon after 1972, and its invasion of southern Lebanon 10 years later led to a nearly two-decade occupation and the birth and strengthening of Hezbollah into a force that now requires U.S. aircraft carriers to help Israel deter.
It is easy to react to this by claiming that understanding the causes amounts to justification. That is precisely what this dangerous framework encourages us to do: It flattens political violence into a question of good and evil—to which impulse, not thought, is the only fitting response.
The reality is that political violence is part of the human condition and always has been, long before Zionism and long before Palestine. When humans commit to study pathology, it is not out of some desire to justify the diseases that plague us but rather to try to eliminate them; to the extent that there is any evil in this equation, it is in the ideological commitment to refuse to examine the cause of the disease. Without a genuine understanding of why this is happening—one that does not exceptionalize the problem or the perpetrators of violence on any side—it becomes impossible to heal what ails Israelis and Palestinians alike.
The terrorism framework absolves leaders of responsibility to address root causes, but it can also be manipulated in ways that magnify its harm. There is no better example of this than Israel’s policy toward Gaza over the last decade and a half. It was precisely because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knew he could rely on the terrorism framework absolving him of any responsibility for Gaza that he preferred to keep Hamas in power there so he could prevent any diplomatic progress toward ending the occupation.
This logic has been explained by multiple Israeli officials over the years. In 2005, when then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided to remove Israeli ground forces and settlers from Gaza, it was billed by many as a concession toward achieving peace, but, as his advisor Dov Weisglass explained in a 2004 interview, it was a move designed to do the exact opposite.
By keeping Gaza separate from the West Bank and ensuring Palestinian political fragmentation and a failed statelet in Gaza, Israel was creating an excuse to never make peace that it knew would be accepted. This “no-one-to-talk-to certificate,” which Weisglass said would be approved by Washington, says: “(1) There is no one to talk to. (2) As long as there is no one to talk to, the geographic status quo remains intact. (3) The certificate will be revoked only when this-and-this happens—when Palestine becomes Finland. (4) See you then, and shalom.” This approach, Weisglass added, “supplies the amount of formaldehyde that’s necessary so that there will not be a political process with the Palestinians.” Netanyahu, according to the Jerusalem Post, told his associates in 2019 that propping up Hamas in Gaza would keep Palestinians divided and that “whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” it.
The PLO had renounced terrorism and recognized Israel (even though Israel never recognized Palestine’s right to exist), and those shifts in PLO positions brought it out of the terrorism framework and into the peace process. But Hamas didn’t follow the same path, in part because the group saw how that path had failed to produce any results for the PLO. Netanyahu, who was always opposed to Palestinian statehood, understood that Hamas represented a get-out-of-talks-free card, just as Weisglass had envisioned.
The costs of the failure to think about the problem have never been higher. More Israelis were killed on Oct. 7 than at any time in the country’s history. More Palestinians have been killed in Gaza in three weeks than in all of Israel’s previous military operations in Gaza combined. Save the Children has said that the “number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across the world’s conflict zones since 2019.” The horrific and ever growing bloodshed underscores the failure of military solutions.
How many Israelis and Palestinians would still be with us had we committed to thinking about the problem—rather than avoiding it—in 1972?
Breaking from this continued pattern of violence requires an understanding of the difference between justice and vengeance. The lesson that the Greek playwright Aeschylus taught so many years ago is as easily forgotten as vital to remember: The difference between the two concepts is law, which exists only to the extent that there is faith in the equal application of it.
When illegal violence, including war crimes, committed by one side is routinely condemned and the perpetrators held accountable and illegal violence by the other side, including war crimes, is never condemned and the perpetrators are instead excused and enabled to continue perpetrating such violence to ever greater extents, law exists not as an instrument of justice but an instrument of oppression; vengeance reigns; and we lock countless more innocents into lives of horror.
This is precisely where the terrorism framework has led us.
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classicmarvelera · 1 month
Captain America: Making of a War Hero into a Symbol of Hope
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We all know that Captain America debuted in a title named after him by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1941. He was seen punching Hitler right in the face but many may not know that this was done well before the US had decided to enter World War 2. In fact, at the time, the US was more concerned about its Pacific theater than the Atlantic. Nevertheless, Timely publishes the issue and Captain America gets established as a war hero from the start, who alongside his sidekick Bucky, is fighting fascism in continental Europe which is falling to the Reich like a house of cards
Cap at the time is the symbol of Freedom, anti-fascism, or as he would later be called the Sentinel of Liberty but there was one thing missing at Marvel. The House of Ideas lacked an inspiring figure like Superman among its flagship characters. The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, The Invincible Iron Man, and even the Avengers had issues with themselves as well as with each other but a figure whom readers can look up to was something not present. Cap remained a 'man out of time' when he gets discovered by the Avengers but it takes a decade for writers to get him accustomed to the realities of America that were haunting the country from the streets to the Oval Office (Thank You, Jack Kirby and Steve Englehart)
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Well into the bronze age era of comics, and under Jim Shooter's reign of the bullpen, a young J.M. DeMatteis shows his potential for storytelling with his first assignment of Captain America no. 261 which would introduce Nomad to the readers for the first time. This issue was supposed to be a collaboration with the real-life Captain America TV movie starring Reb Brown but Jim had other ideas. Issues 261-263 would find Steve Rogers going to California to meet Galactic Films for the upcoming movie about him (in Earth-616) but his real mission was to investigate Nomad's activities on the streets of LA which would turn out to be a deep conspiracy by one of his oldest arch nemesis
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After becoming a regular writer on the Captain America series, DeMatteis, Mick Zeck, and John Beatty wrote a story that was way ahead of its time. Today's resurgence of the far left in the world and in the US and the reactionary rise of the far right was being seen by comic book writers like DeMatteis way before many had thought of it. Surprisingly it was a feeble populist villain by the name of Everyman doing the talk, not the Red Skull
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In the story, the disenfranchised youth who looked up to Everyman realize their mistake of choosing 'despair over hope' but what causes them to see this is the humility Cap showed despite being spit at multiple times (literally). His eagerness to listen to the young, to the future of the country and their grievances with America, the American Dream leads to a change of heart
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This single-issue story would showcase Cap in a different light. Steve Englehart had given Cap a rude awakening that patriotism can't come at the expense of truth and justice in Secret Empire. He showed Cap's disillusionment with the powers that be in America. DeMatteis took the opposite route to show Cap what's corrupting the country's future, and giving rise to the 'enemy within' who can cause anarchy. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Christopher Nolan's Bane (Dark Knight Rises) reminds us of Everyman but what's important to remember is that it was J.M. DeMatteis who warned us before anyone else did
This story is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire run by DeMatteis is one of the most underrated as it gets overshadowed by the works of Jack Kirby, Steve Englehart, and Mark Gruenwald. Like his works for Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, his work for Cap remains one of the best runs ever
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red1sg0n3 · 2 months
Deeper Depths Brings Deeper Feelings
Red's Sculk AU
Takes place in-between 1.18.2 and 1.19 with mentions of 1.16
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It was dark, wet, and cramped.
Her wings were tightly pressed against her back to avoid the possibility of the Elytram's wings scrapping against the top of the cave.
Red had been down here for a few hours; The lantern previously attached to her hip now held tightly in hand, lighting the area in front of her.
["So you're just going down there alone!? Are you insane?"]
Her wings twitch with barely concealed ire.
["We don't know what's down there-" "Exactly, we don't know, which Is why I'm not risking others getting hurt." The mothling's fingers curl in agitation.]
With lips twitching downwards, Red's hooves dig into the gravel and dirt as she marches forward through the cave. She doesn't have the time to be distracted by unnecessary events; it was only going to be a quick trip anyhow.
Her job, as a scientist and an Admin, was one she took seriously.
According to the report, there was a sighting of strange fungi growing out of the cracks in the deeper part of the caves. Red's immediate thought was this was caused by the strange new generation that's been occurring across worlds; information gained of course from the Hub.
While she hadn't heard of a fungus, it wasn't completely off the table with how special mushroom biomes seemed to now be present within the nether; as if the nether wasn't dangerous enough with the new generation there.
As much as Red wished to just send one of her eyes down here, she wasn't particularly in the mood of having to take the time and energy creating another one if anything happened. Better her than a feeble extension of her, she supposed.
["You aren't invincible, you can get hurt just like the rest of us!"]
She breathes. She needs to focus.
Her talons scratch against the base of her horns, relaxing only for a minute before stopping.
Because she feels it before she sees it.
Souls. Souls upon Souls packed in a small space, almost familiar to a mob farm if it weren't for the sheer agony that resonated from the dark, starry block. (Like the spider lily's now wilting in her garden.)
Her wings, tight against her shoulders, visibly convulse before settling. She blinks, watching the dark block blink back at her.
(It reminds her of the void in a way, of the eyes of her species' counterpart)
Red shakes her head, forcing her feet to move forward, her hooves creating that familiar click-
"Aa-" The teeth of her wings crack against the roof of the cave as wide, blood-red eyes stare at the fading cyan ovals from the block in front of her. Frozen; she waits, glancing down at her own keratin covered feet and glancing back up towards the very loud noisemaker.
Carefully, she puts her other hoof in front of the other after meticulously dislodging the points of her wings from the cave roof, making sure they didn't click against the cold stone. Nothing.
'Alright. Noise sensitive.'
Creeping up towards it, she stops only a meter away from the block. Peering at the top of it, her face contorts into a grimace, her suspicions (Not really suspicions, her mind supplies. She could practically sense it.) were confirmed. Two visible souls could be seen swirling in the dark, glistening pool, surrounded by what looked like bone.
Mentally sending the poor things a wish of safe returning to the beyond, she summons her netherite pick as silently as she could before quickly dismantling the block, only jumping slightly at the sound of clicking.
A small, half block of dark cyan…whatever, had four appendages at the top of it that swayed back and forth. The dark cyan fungi beneath it was far more spotted than the rest of the odd blocks she's seen.
Red squints, and chirps, watching the spires of fungus respond in kind with more clicks and movement. Quickly, she summons the book and quill she had brought with her. She wasn't sure what to call the odd blocks, so she simply settled for "The Cyan Cave Fungi". It'd do for now.
["You could get seriously hurt, would it kill you to just put your work aside for a second!"]
Carefully, she continues down the cave, finding more of the Fungus across the walls in concentrated amounts; The Elytram resisted the urge to run her talons against the walls, only fully pulling away as she spots an opening at her right.
She could only sputter as her eyes settle on the sprawling ruins before her.
"What in the void-"
Red flinches, her head snapping towards the noisemaker only a few blocks below her. Her wings droop behind her, crimson tipped feathers brushing against the deepslate floor.
Slowly, she made her way down the small slope towards the odd city; Her hooves had almost got caught on the small cracks of the stone, if not for a quick, careful opening of her wings.
It would've been fine If not for the very loud block, once again, yelling at her. A sharp 'Crack' had been her only cue that she'd fell before the searing pain begun to eat at the Elytram's wing. "⎓⚍ᓵꖌ! ↸ᔑᒲリ ╎ℸ !"
Then begun the cacophony of sheer noise, dozens of noisemakers going off all at once, and she feels it.
Rising quickly from the ground, taller than both her and the pillar beside her, emerges what she can call nothing but a beast.
Before it can fully lift itself up from beneath the surface, she picks herself up from the floor and books it, her wing seizing in pain as it jostles and drags against the floor; Black feathers tipped with Red getting torn from their proper places as the beast slams its fist against the wall beside her, sending her falling once more down a slope.
"∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣… Are you…?" She heard its heart beat, against her own false one. The hybrid could only barely dodge the soundwave it released, her now far broken wing getting pinned between her and the wall behind her.
Faintly, she could feel something crawl against her hand and face as her sight begun to fade; Hearing the beast, all she could do was laugh.
Oh. Oh, how Red loathed being wrong.
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1,040 words
5,804 characters
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ironwoman359 · 6 months
trick or treat!
Have a sneak peek at the second chapter of The Secret History of the Invincible II, my ISWM post-canon fic!
Invincible crew interviews, session 1 - Recorded by Dr. Mariette Bennett. [Dr. Bennett sits in a meeting room at an oval conference table. Six officers of the Invincible’s crew sit around the table, each with a lav microphone clipped to their uniform.]  Dr. Bennett: Let’s start at the very beginning, shall we? Describe for me the process of getting the Invincible ready for her voyage across the stars!  [The crew members look around at each other, and Mark shifts his weight in his chair.] Mark: Well…if you want to start at the very beginning, it’d make more sense to start with the construction of the Invincible herself. Dr. Bennet: Ah, of course! You were the lead engineer and designer for the project, can you tell us a little bit about how the Invincible came to be? Mark: Well, her design is something I’d tinkered with on and off for most of my career. The idea of a human colony on another planet…that was always a dream of mine. But it was a dream that logistically was made very difficult by the sheer vastness of space.  Celci: Even with the advancements made in cryo technology that made journeying into deep space viable for humans, the closest habitable planet was still much too far for any ship to travel before running out of fuel.  Burt: The world is large, when its weary leagues two loving hearts divide.  Mark: For a long time, my designs for the Invincible were purely theoretical. Without faster than light travel, colonizing the stars was nothing more than a dream. But that all changed when…when we… Captain: When we discovered the warp core. 
trick or treat
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athletic-collection · 2 months
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Tom Curran
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Ibeirthebell Asked: Possibly some more Calm in the Storm shorts. Or maybe Jay-Rae with Constantine as Raven’s dad. Or even damirae with some Connor Kent
He watched as the slavers presented their bounty before the auction, dispassionate about the events he was overseeing. It was important that only the best be brought to the Palace. His eyes scanned over the women, not seeing anyone of interest. But he paused as he saw her.
Long black hair, it spilled around her as if cloaking her with it were Nut’s own hair. Her large, dark eyes seemed to be coal black, an all-consuming feature as she turned her gaze upon him. The alabaster complexion was tinted red from the sun. Her face was classically beautiful for her people. It had been a lifetime since he had seen an Tinayu. He paused before her auction block, staring up at the curvaceous woman, strong legs, wide hips, narrow waist, thin shoulders and thin arms. She looked a strange mixture of delicate and strong.
“Ah… you have fine tastes!”
“Where did you get her from?” he asked.
“Merchant sold her to me, mute girl,” he sneered.
He saw the slight frown on the woman’s lips.
“That one is for me, not the palace,” he decided. He pulled out his own shillings before paying, holding out his hand he helped the girl down and continued, holding her chain. He bought four other slaves by the end of the day. Returning them to the palace of Kon-El. Once that was finished he guided his new slave to his home. The estate was empty; he had never hired servants, nor had he ever owned slaves.
“You speak Egyptian,” he stated, turning to the girl as he undid her shackles.
“I do.” She rasped; her voice sounded like the smoke of a wild fire, a warm rasp in her gentle timbre.
“I will have your name,” he stated.
“What do you want it to be?” she smiled seductively.
“Do not attempt to seduce me with your charms, Tinayu,” he stated crisply. “I will have a name with which to call you.”
“I have had many names…” she murmured thoughtfully. “Nyx, Hecate, Circe, but… as you are the first to ask since my mother’s death, my name is Coronis.”
“I am Damian al-Ghul,” he stated.
“And how may I serve you?”
“You do not seek freedom?”
“I have been a slave since I could remember,” she replied calmly. “This will be no different than all the masters before me.”
“And how did you come to Thebes, for auction?”
“My master passed, and his son had great debts, I was sold to a merchant to cover the debts.”
“You must be a valued slave to cover debts.”
“I am the most powerful slave,” she answered softly.
“And you are now mine, without resistance?”
“I sense no malice in you, so why resist? Do you intend to harm me?”
“Harm and resistance are not of an appeal to me,” he replied crisply. “I seek a free companion.”
“I am a slave.”
“I free you,” he replied. “This abode is yours, and you are welcomed, I just seek companionship, and someone to run my estate. Can you do that, honestly?”
“I…” she sputtered; stunned and bewildered.
He smiled as he rose. He recognized her now, the oval face, the big eyes; she would never remember him as the fool she had saved ten years prior when he had unwittingly offended her master. His grandfather had warned him, as had his mother, but he had been an arrogant fool. And in the presence of Kon-El, he had thought himself invincible; if not for this woman he would’ve been dead at the hands of her master.
“You are free Coronis, but I seek companionship, and a fair employee I can entrust my estate to when I am working for my Pharoah,” he explained.
“I… I am not worthy.”
“I am a good judge of character,” he countered.
Coronis had held many names in her short life, but as she stared at her newest master she was overwhelmed. She did not know if this was a blessing in disguise or a trap to send her to her death. As a slave her life was rather simple, if she did as she was told then there were rarely repercussions; the only except was for an incident which was a blurred haze in her memories. That blurred, painful haze was her warning to never go against her master. Now she stared at her newest master, stunned, and bewildered.
He was a handsome, lean, sharp, long features, straight nose, black hair, tanned skin, but his eyes… she had never seen eyes those colors before. The green of his eyes reminded her of spring, when everything was new and growing beautifully, it was life. Green, the color she associated with life, beauty, and prosperity; it was beautiful, but more piercing than she expected as she stared into those eyes. Those eyes seemed all consuming.
“I… I am honored… I will… not bring shame to you…” she sputtered.
“You are free,” he said softly. “I will pay a stipen, you may have the mistress quarters of the estate, and you may hire servants at your discretion. We will purchase a proper wardrobe for your status, as free woman and mistress of my estate,” he explained.
“I… thank you,” she bowed lowly to him.
“Never do that to me again, we are now equal,” he stated. “And perhaps, Coronis, we will be able to forge a friendship.”
“I will endeavor not to fail you,” she said softly. What did freewomen say to men? She did not know, she did not know what to make of this day, nor of her… of Damian al-Ghul. She did not know anything at all; she had expected to die as a slave, never knowing the taste of freedom.
“I will have the proper documentation drawn up, and we will discuss your employment. I will take you to your quarters, we will discus this more in the morning,” he said softly.
“Thank you,” she sputtered.
He said nothing.
She didn’t understand.
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famousornotbuthot · 9 months
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I usually don't care about sports but there's a cricket team called the Oval Invincibles and THEY LOOK LIKE RIDDLER
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violentemperor · 1 year
Name: Kefla Age: 61 Height: 213.36 centimeters Birthdate: 05/01
Gender: cis-male | cis-female | trans-male | trans-female | non-binary | agender |
Sexuality: homosexual | heterosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual |
Hairstyle: crew cut | pixie cut | bob | shoulder-length | elbow length | hip length or longer | ponytail
Hair Texture:  straight | straight-wavy | wavy | wavy-curled | curled | extra curled | ultimate curls | thick-straight
Hair Color: black | dark brown | brown | light brown | auburn | red | ginger | strawberry blonde | dirty blonde | blonde | platinum | gray | silver | white |
Eye Color: brown | hazel | amber | blue | green | gray |
Body Type: muscular | athletic | average | scrawny | curvy | fat | chubby |
Skin Tone: pale | fair | golden | beige | bronze | ebony | tan
Markings: scar(s) | tattoo(s) | piercing(s) | beauty mark(s) |
Posture: upright | neutral | slumped
Face Shape: round | oval | heart | square | long
Physical Needs: glasses or contacts | hearing aid(s) | braces or similar | wheelchair
Physical Conditions: lesion | partial or total paralysis | blindness | deafness | muteness | missing limb | terminal illness
Mental Conditions: depression | anxiety | autism | PTSD or ASD | psychopathy | sociopathy | personality disorder | panic disorder | OCD
Physical Health: dying | could be better | can’t complain | pretty good | immortal |
Mental Health: kill me | ugh | can’t complain | aww yeah | I AM INVINCIBLE |
IQ: 60 or less | 61-80 | 81-100 | 101-120 | over 120
Gestures: never | rarely | sometimes | often | wildly | animated like a toon |
Direct Family: mother(s) | father(s) | brother(s) | sister(s) | son(s) | daughter(s)
Relationship Status: single | in a relationship | it's complicated | engaged | married | divorced | widowed
Pets: dog(s) | cat(s) | bird(s) | hamster(s) | turtle(s) | fish | mutant wolf
Social Class: very low | low | middle-low | middle | middle-high | high | very high | space race asshole
Education Level: less than high school | high school | college | masters | doctorate
Residence: dorm room | studio | loft | apartment | city house | suburb house | mansion or manor | penthouse | yacht | trailer |
Housemates: family member(s) | friend(s) | landlord or landlady | none |
Mode of Transportation: public transit | taxi | ride-share | hired driver | motorcycle | scooter | bicycle | car | camper | teleportation | flying | spaceship
Usual Outfit: formal | casual | lazy | sport casual | uniform |
Grooming: lazy | stylishly unkempt | average | prettied up | meticulous
Most Common Smile: sheepish | happy-go-lucky | arrogant | smirk | sadistic | in love | literally doesn’t smile |
Social Life: non-existent | limited | it’s there | active | constant
Preferred Drink: water | alcohol | juice | coffee | tea | carbonated drinks |
Preferred Food: sweets | meats | fruits | vegetables | carbohydrates
Preferred Sports: team sports | water sports | martial arts | athletics | gymnastics | mind sports | extreme sports
Preferred Environment: big city | small town | suburbs | arid desert | woods | rainforest | mountains | open fields | beach |
Strong Point: brute force | agility | stamina | intelligence | wisdom | charm | creativity
Weak Point: brute force | agility | stamina | intelligence | wisdom | charm
Perceptiveness: oblivious | dull | average | sharp | mind-reader
Speech: vulgar | basic | average | polite | educated | pretentious
Creativity: dull | conventional | average | unconventional | prodigy |
Best Intelligence: nature smart | music smart | numbers smart | people smart | self smart | picture smart | language smart | body smart
Inclination: arts | sciences | mathematics | humanities
Criminal Record: underage drinking | drunk driving | assault | arson | manslaughter | murder | attempted murder | sexual crime | protest or activism | false accusations | black mail | nothing that can be proven |
Moral Code: self-interest | utilitarianism | universal law | religious
Luck: witchcraft | stereotypically Irish | average | really? | high | historically Irish
Sense of Humor: constant | sassy | normal | can take a joke but can’t say one | slow but there | stick in the mud
Preferred Comedy: none | slapstick | absurdity | potentially offensive | stand-up | wordplay | cultured
Self-Discipline: what is that | noooooo | when they want to | decent | militant
Easily Embarrassed? shameless | pretty tolerant | average | sensitive | don’t even talk to them
Shows Affection: doesn’t | rarely | sometimes | often | at every chance
Likability: non-existent | when they try | pretty okay | cool person | godlike
Irrational Phobias: bugs | wild animals | darkness | touch | birds | crowds | the ocean
Common Fears: buss | wild animals | darkness | death | untimely death | ridicule | isolation
Type of Drunk: happy | sad | risk-taker | angry | philosophical | doesn’t get drunk | doesn’t drink
Vices: smoking | drinking | self-harm | illicit drugs | prescription drugs | murder | torture |
Deadly Sin: pride | wrath | gluttony | greed | envy | sloth | lust
Heavenly Virtue: humility | patience | temperance | charity | kindness | diligence | chastity
Theme Color(s): black | brown | dark blue | light blue | dark green | light green | yellow | orange | red | pink | purple | white | gold | silver
Favorite Input: novels | textbooks | magazines | newspapers | TV shows | movies | sports channels | documentaries | radio | blogs | music |
Favorite Output: non-fiction | fiction | poetry | songwriting | drawing | painting | sculpture | crafts | photography | film | vlogging | sport | sleep |
Favorite Genre: comedy | romance | thriller | horror | mystery | science fiction | fantasy | contemporary | historical | literary | action or adventure | drama | tragedy
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ramtracking · 1 month
IPL 2024: Phil Salt hails 'clear and committed' Gautam Gambhir ahead of SRH clash [ Sunrisers Hyderabad ]
IPL 2024: Phil Salt hails ‘clear and committed’ Gautam Gambhir ahead of SRH clash [Highlights] IPL 2024: In an exclusive interview with India Today, Kolkata Knight Riders batter Phil Salt opened up on life at his new franchise,… Roy played for the Oval Invincibles and was released following a couple of underwhelming seasons. Last year, he managed just one… England and Kolkata Knight Riders…
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bllsbailey · 2 months
The Morning Briefing: Pro-Hamas Lunatics Are Louder, Dumber, and More Unstable Than Ever
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Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Pandryck preferred a Limoncello shaved ice immediately after a satisfying session of shower polo. 
There is a popular story these days that is told by Democrats, commie academics, and the barking evil that is the American mainstream media. In this story, Donald Trump and his political supporters are the root of all the divisiveness in the United States of America. Tales are told of an angry populism that's a powder keg that is just waiting to explode into an epidemic of rampant domestic terrorism. 
Yeah, not so much. 
The reality is that every dark, dangerous thing that has erupted in recent years in this country has come from the Left.
The Obama years emboldened American leftists; the Biden years have weaponized them. It's understandable. After they succeeded in leg-humping the pandemic and using it to install a senile puppet in the Oval Office, they probably thought they were invincible.
The Biden regime-supported crazy has really been unleashed since the Hamas attacks on Israel last October. The hatred for Israel and anti-Semitism that leftists have been harboring for years have been on full, loud display. 
A couple of stories this week indicate that it's all going to get worse before it gets better. 
The first is the most disturbing, which Grayson Bakich wrote about:
The Israel-Hamas war has proven to be one of the most polarizing issues in the country, as leftists have staged massive protests in support of Palestine and by extension Hamas. But evidently, this member of the Air Force felt so passionate about it that he set himself on fire in protest outside the Israeli embassy in Washington. TMZ reported that the currently unidentified man appeared in front of the embassy in uniform and supposedly said he would "no longer be complicit in genocide" before he impersonated Thich Quang Duc. Task and Purpose added he shouted "Free Palestine" multiple times throughout his little stunt before authorities extinguished him and hauled him off to the hospital, where he is being treated for "critical life-threatening injuries."
That was written before all of the facts were in. The young man's name was Aaron Bushnell and would soon die from his injuries. 
We don't know what else may have been going on in Bushnell's life. He was obviously very troubled, but we have no idea how long that's been the case. Since Bushnell's death has given him leftist folk hero martyr status, we aren't going to know anytime soon. 
Whatever may have been troubling Bushnell, it's clear that it was exacerbated by the ignorant pro-Hamas crowd that doesn't understand what genocide is. His inner demons pushed him over the edge, but it's a safe bet that they were given an assist by a leftist rage mob that never shuts up. 
While disparaging people on the other side may be a big part of my brand, my keyboard isn't merely spewing hyperbole. Most of my caustic comments are descriptive and accurate. When I refer to someone as a "commie," a little digging into that person will find some commie in there. 
It's easy to be dismissive of one's political opponents by calling them crazy, but I'm not off base when referring to the pro-Hamas crowd as mentally unstable, especially after one of them lit himself on fire to make a point. 
Sadly, they have more vocal cords than brains. Michael wrote yesterday about a mini mob of them screaming "Genocide supporter!" at Jerry Seinfeld. 
These toxic weirdos love publicly harassing people they don't agree with. Democratic politicians have been encouraging the behavior for years. While anti-Semitism does course through the Democratic party, a lot of the older Dems are supporters of Israel. Many of them are now getting a taste of the unhinged behavior that they overlooked when it was only being directed at the Right. 
The pro-Hamas crowd has gotten this far by simply being louder than everyone else. They stick to areas and situations where they know they can screech and bother people with impunity, like college campuses or big, blue cities. Places like that have been excusing aberrant and violent behavior for so long that there's no need to start pretending to care now. The pro-Hamas mobs know that. 
It's fair to blame this on Academia, at least somewhat. The first wave of protesters last fall were college kids. Their ignorance had been reinforced by the professors they respect. That excuse has a shelf life though. The mob mentality encourages them to remain ignorant. 
Rage, ignorance, and indifferent law enforcement are going to get more people hurt or killed. 
The worse it gets, the more the terrorists win. And they don't even have to be here. 
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